RNS Number : 4393W

Kingfisher PLC

23 April 2021


Notification of Transactions of Directors/Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility ('PDMRs')

Kingfisher plc (the 'Company') today announces that, on 22 April 2021, the following PDMRs were granted awards to acquire Kingfisher ordinary shares of 15 5/7 pence each (Shares) under the Kingfisher Alignment Shares and Transformation Incentive Plan (the KASTIP):

Thierry Garnier, Chief Executive Officer

Bernard Bot, Chief Financial Officer,

Graham Bell, CEO B&Q UK and Ireland

Sebastien Krysiak, CEO Poland

Martin Lee, Chief Supply Chain Officer

John Mewett, CEO Screwfix

Alain Rabec, CEO France

Kate Seljeflot, Chief People Officer

Adela Smeu, CEO Romania

Henri Solère, Chief Offer and Sourcing Officer

Jean-Jacques Van Oosten, Chief Customer and Digital Officer

John Wartig, Chief Transformation and Development Officer

The price per share used to calculate the number of Shares over which the awards have been granted is 359.9 pence (being the average of the closing price of the Shares on the main market of the London Stock Exchange between 19 April 2021 and 21 April 2021), in accordance with the rules of the KASTIP.

These awards were made in accordance with the Directors' Remuneration Policy approved by shareholders at our Annual General Meeting on 9 July 2019. Following the grant, the executive directors' holdings in the Company are set out below.

 Name               Position              Total number of   Total number 
                                        Shares over which      of Shares 
                                         nil-cost options 
                    Chief Executive 
 Thierry Garnier     Officer                    3,834,870         60,000 
                   -----------------  -------------------  ------------- 
                    Chief Financial 
 Bernard Bot         Officer                    2,111,044         50,000 
                   -----------------  -------------------  ------------- 

The notifications for each PDMR below, which were made in accordance with the requirements of the EU Market Abuse Regulation, provide further detail of the awards granted to each PDMR.


Paul Moore

Group Company Secretary

Tel: +44(0) 7887 456498

Email: secretariat@kingfisher.com

 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                    Thierry Garnier 
  b)    Legal person 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                   Chief Executive Officer 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment     Initial notification 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                               Kingfisher plc 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:           213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the                 Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,              pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)              (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction          Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                           shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                           Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)             Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      ---------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                          Nil              181,366 (Alignment 
                                                         Shares Award, underpin 
      ---------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                       *    181,366 
        - Price 
                                                  *    Nil 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction            2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction           Outside a trading venue 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                    Bernard Bot 
  b)    Legal person 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                   Chief Financial Officer 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment     Initial notification 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                               Kingfisher plc 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:           213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the                 Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,              pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)              (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction          Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                           shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                           Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)             Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      ---------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                          Nil              128,090 (Alignment 
                                                         Shares Award, underpin 
      ---------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                       *    128,090 
        - Price 
                                                  *    Nil 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction            2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction           Outside a trading venue 
      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  Graham Bell 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 CEO B&Q UK and Ireland 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                         shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                         Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           22,259 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           66,779 (Alignment Shares 
                                                     Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    89,038 
        - Price 
                                                *    Nil 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  Sebastien Krysiak 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 CEO Poland 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                         shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                         Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           18,232 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           54,697 (Alignment Shares 
                                                     Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    72,929 
        - Price 
                                                *    Nil 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  Martin Lee 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 Chief Supply Chain Officer 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                         shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                         Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           17,853 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           53,559 (Alignment Shares 
                                                     Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    71,412 
        - Price 
                                                *    Nil 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  John Mewett 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 CEO Screwfix 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                         shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                         Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           19,837 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           59,511 (Alignment Shares 
                                                     Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    79,348 
        - Price 
                                                *    Nil 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  Alain Rabec 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 CEO France 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Conditional share award to acquire shares 
                                         under the Kingfisher Alignment Shares 
                                         and Transformation Incentive Plan (French 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                     Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  -----------  -------------------------------- 
                                        N/A             20,847 (Alignment Shares 
                                                          Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  -----------  -------------------------------- 
                                        N/A             62,542 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  -----------  -------------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    83,389 
        - Price 
                                                *    N/A 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  Kate Seljeflot 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 Chief People Officer 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                         shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                         Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           18,964 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           56,893 (Alignment Shares 
                                                     Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    75,857 
        - Price 
                                                *    Nil 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  Adela Smeu 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 CEO Romania 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                         shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                         Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           10,333 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           31,000 (Alignment Shares 
                                                     Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    41,333 
        - Price 
                                                *    Nil 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  Henri Solère 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 Chief Offer and Sourcing Officer 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                         shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                         Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           18,792 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           56,377 (Alignment Shares 
                                                     Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    75,169 
        - Price 
                                                *    Nil 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  Jean-Jacques Van Oosten 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 Chief Customer and Digital Officer 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                         shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                         Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           29,472 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           88,416 (Alignment Shares 
                                                     Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    117,888 
        - Price 
                                                *    Nil 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person 
        closely associated 
 a)    Natural person:                  John Wartig 
  b)    Legal person 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 2     Reason for the notification 
 a)    Position/status:                 Chief Transformation and Development 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Initial notification/amendment   Initial notification 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 3     Details of the Issuer 
 a)    Name                             Kingfisher plc 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Legal Entity Identifier:         213800KBMEV7I92FY281 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 4     Details of the transaction(s): Parts a-d of this section 
        are to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) 
        each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each 
        place where transactions have been conducted. 
 a)    Description of the               Kingfisher Ordinary Shares of 15 5/7 
        financial instrument,            pence each 
        type of instrument 
        (Identification code)            (ISIN: GB0033195214) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 b)    Nature of the transaction        Award of nil-cost options to acquire 
                                         shares under the Kingfisher Alignment 
                                         Shares and Transformation Incentive 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 c)    Price(s) and volume(s)           Price(s)                    Volume(s) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           28,338 (Alignment Shares 
                                                       Award, immediate vest) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
                                        Nil           85,015 (Alignment Shares 
                                                     Award, underpin conditions) 
      -------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------- 
 d)    Aggregated information 
        - Aggregated volume                     *    113,353 
        - Price 
                                                *    Nil 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 e)    Date of the transaction          2021-04-22 
        (YYYY - MM - DD) 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 f)    Place of the transaction         Outside a trading venue 
      -------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 23, 2021 05:12 ET (09:12 GMT)

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