
Lithium Nevada Project Location
Lithium Nevada - Thacker Pass Cross-Section
Index Maps to Holes Listed in Table 2
View of Northwest Expansion Area Looking East

Lithium Americas Corp. (TSX:LAC) (NYSE:LAC) ("Lithium Americas" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an updated mineral resource estimate (the “Resource Estimate”) on the Thacker Pass deposit (previously Zone 1) (“Thacker Pass”) of the Lithium Nevada Project (the “Lithium Nevada Project” or the “Project”) located in the McDermitt Caldera, Nevada, USA. The Resource Estimate was prepared pursuant to National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”). At a cut-off of 2,000 parts per million lithium (“ppm Li”), the updated Resource Estimate consists of a Measured and Indicated Resource of 385 million tonnes grading 2,917 ppm Li for 6.0 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent (“LCE”) and an Inferred Resource of 147 million tonnes grading 2,932 ppm Li for 2.3 million tonnes of LCE (Table 1).

The updated Resource Estimate will be incorporated into a Preliminary Feasibility Study (the “PFS”) on the Lithium Nevada Project with results on track to be released by the end of Q2 2018. For more information on the Lithium Nevada Project and team, please refer to the press release dated October 23, 2017.    

“Exploration work in 2017 has successfully expanded the lithium resource at the Lithium Nevada Project. More specifically, the results reveal additional high-grade and near surface lithium mineralization northwest of the original pit area that was proposed in 2012,” commented Alexi Zawadzki, Lithium Americas’ President of North American Operations. “We are pleased that the 2017 Exploration Program has achieved the goal of demonstrating scalability of the Project in an area we believe minimizes permitting and schedule risks.”

Table 1: Mineral Resource Statement for Lithium Nevada - Thacker Pass Deposit(1)(2)(3)

    June 2016 April 2018
Category   Tonnage   Avg. Li(ppm)   LCE Tonnage   Avg. Li(ppm)   LCE
  (000 t)     (000 t) (000 t)     (000 t)
Measured   50,753   3,120   843 242,150   2,948   3,800
Indicated   164,046   2,850   2,489 143,110   2,864   2,182
Measured and Indicated   214,799   2,914   3,332 385,260   2,917   5,982
Inferred   124,890   2,940   1,954 147,440   2,932   2,301


1. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that all or any part of the mineral resource will be converted into mineral reserves.2. Resources presented at a 2,000 ppm Li cut-off grade.3. The conversion factor for lithium metal (100%) to LCE is 5.323.

A new geologic and grade block model was created using the historical and 2017 drilling information.  Calculation of the updated Resource Estimate was performed using a cut-off of 2,000 ppm Li, the same cut-off used in the June 2016 Independent Technical Report for the Lithium Nevada Property, Nevada, USA.

2017 Exploration Program

The intent of the 2017 Exploration Program was to identify a resource of scale in the Thacker Pass area (formerly Zone 1) of the Lithium Nevada Project, where habitat quality is substantially lower than in the Montana Mountains to the north (Figure 1a).  In Thacker Pass, 77 exploration holes totaling 6,653 meters were drilled, a seismic survey was conducted and the surface geology of the project was remapped.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at http://resource.globenewswire.com/Resource/Download/dcdb3373-6484-43ce-b0a0-24165e6061ef  

The drilling data is presented in Table 2 and the locations of the exploration holes are presented in Figures 3a and 3b. 13 holes were drilled in the newly defined northwest expansion area (Figure 1b and Figure 4). This area is located northwest of the mine pit that was proposed in a 2012 mine plan. The assay data from all these holes averages 3,998 ppm Li, higher than the assay data from the infill drilling. The ore zone averages 46 m thick in this area (Figure 2).

The 2017 Exploration Program also resulted in the discovery of an area identified as the Southwest Basin (Figure 1b) with high concentrations of Li and minimal overburden. Seven of the exploration holes intersected lithium mineralization.

The 2017 Exploration Program did not intersect the western boundary limit of lithium mineralization in the northwest expansion area. Additional drilling is planned in this area as part of the proposed 2018 Exploration Program (Figure 2). New drilling in 2018 will further explore the lateral extent, thickness and depth of lithium mineralization in unexplored areas east of Thacker Pass.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at http://resource.globenewswire.com/Resource/Download/2b6d978a-55d0-4267-bc13-61ff0910b0f6

Preliminary Feasibility Study Update

Lithium Nevada is advancing a PFS, which is being prepared pursuant to NI 43-101, in order to demonstrate the economic potential of producing high-value lithium products from claystone.  The Company has successfully completed process test work to validate a conceptual process flowsheet. The process employs low-risk commercially-proven acid leaching, purification and crystallization technologies to efficiently produce lithium products for the battery industry. Lithium Nevada is advancing the engineering design and costing work and is on track to provide the results of the PFS on schedule by the end Q2 2018.

Lithium Nevada Project Timeline

  • Q2 2018 – advance additional baseline environmental survey
  • Q2 2018 – release results of PFS
  • H2 2018 – initiate major mine plan permitting
  • H2 2018 – commence detailed engineering

Table 2: Lithium Nevada - Thacker Pass 2017 Drilling Data

Hole (LNC-) TD (m) Overburden Length (m)>2000 ppm Li Li ppm Avg Li ppm Max
001 186.54 20.48 60.32 3311 6100
002 60.96 - - 178 273
003 97.44 - - 271 2480
004 46.36 - - 351 1450
005 60.96 - - 212 990
006 60.96 - - 179 379
007 83.06 - - 129 411
008 76.20 - - 310 1470
009 154.72 218 25.62 2950 4050
010 212.48 - - 481 2550
011 71.84 6.10 25.12 2692 3950
012 54.13 - - 102 690
013 121.92 39.41 29.60 2910 6170
014 76.29 - - 183 1340
015 122.41 3.17 50.44 3221 6340
016 95.28 17.68 35.14 3226 5350
017 45.81 6.58 11.31 3321 5800
018 122.71 3.63 49.40 3005 5820
019 82.75 3.05 58.30 3553 6420
020 78.46 10.52 47.58 3706 6920
021 80.10 6.04 53.59 4083 7660
022 46.51 - - 399 1790
023 46.57 - - 487 2750
024 54.86 17.13 19.38 2926 4980
025 76.99 - - 402 1350
026 95.10 20.63 56.75 3369 5550
027 106.68 6.28 61.14 3555 5870
028 89.18 14.51 58.28 3613 7230
029 107.47 15.85 59.44 3454 5480
030 76.20 8.41 55.87 3310 6880
031 90.74 13.23 59.25 3663 7540
032 80.04 11.06 54.89 3749 7210
033 89.18 9.33 57.76 3729 7620
034 61.75 6.25 46.88 4031 8040
035 40.42 3.54 30.42 4136 7720
036 92.29 3.84 70.71 3377 7440
037 92.23 15.73 56.14 3486 6990
038 95.28 13.81 57.64 3586 6940
039 89.18 12.89 60.29 3545 7500
040 87.69 13.93 61.08 3874 7950
041 45.72 2.53 34.84 3805 7040
042 95.28 15.25 69.24 3453 6990
043 91.01 16.28 61.08 3505 7180
044 89.25 11.46 62.27 3789 6960
045 84.61 16.00 54.53 3841 6910
046 66.54 17.37 39.96 3655 7320
047 88.67 14.54 54.41 3860 7390
048 92.29 16.70 60.44 3587 6900
057 92.29 14.20 61.33 3658 7370
058 95.10 16.00 57.09 3445 7950
059 113.69 6.10 68.67 3352 6170
060 95.34 0 63.67 3363 6620
061 112.07 37.25 56.97 3429 5670
062 96.99 14.87 61.36 3487 6700
063 90.77 22.19 54.86 3655 6450
064 54.19 6.95 33.65 3965 6780
065 95.34 23.44 56.88 3663 6460
066 87.72 13.05 60.81 3741 6640
067 58.77 17.41 22.80 4797 6770
068 92.29 13.26 59.22 3721 6740
069 54.19 11.77 26.46 4445 8440
070 84.67 14.57 57.33 3531 7160
071 101.44 16.18 59.13 3886 7530
072 101.44 21.00 44.99 3741 7920
073 77.05 10.24 29.96 4309 7770
074 90.77 21.37 46.39 3819 6840
075 69.43 8.81 40.36 4199 7690
076 98.33 16.76 55.26 3892 8100
077 74.01 11.58 47.55 3947 7220
078 87.97 13.41 54.25 3869 6770
079 63.61 4.02 40.25 4950 6970
080 94.34 20.03 58.52 3829 7130
081 98.69 - - 30 60
082 90.74 18.41 56.66 3843 7430
083 37.43 0 19.02 3963 5180
084 67.76 6.77 43.83 3777 7540
085 113.63 31.33 63.12 3474 6220


  1. Holes 049 through 056 which were drilled to target shallow industrial clay resources for Lithium Americas’ subsidiary, RheoMinerals Inc, were not tested for lithium, and therefore are not presented in this table.
  2. All holes are vertical (90o) except for hole LNC-083 (Az: 180o Dip -60o).

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at http://resource.globenewswire.com/Resource/Download/655b66d3-41b8-4802-b661-7bb9918195c0

Figure Notes: Figure 3a has the same approximate location of the inset box in Figure 1a. The location of Figure 3b is shown by the inset box in Figure 3a.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at http://resource.globenewswire.com/Resource/Download/9303f71b-58d8-40c8-a447-cf8c8ed7822d

Quality Assurance and Quality ControlThe data collection and analysis procedures employed to develop the information presented in this disclosure use industry-standard quality techniques and procedures.Sampling procedure and assaying methods were as follows:

  • Drilled core was brought from the field to the Company’s core shed located in Orovada, Nevada.  The boxes of core were logged, photographed, cut and sampled by Company employees and consultants. The geologist determined the length of the assay samples by lithology and averaged 1.73 m. The core was cut in half with diamond blade saws, using fresh water, and half bagged for sampling. For duplicate samples, one half of the core is cut in half again and the two halves are bagged and sampled separately to test sampling and assay precision. Each sample was assigned a unique identification number to ensure security and anonymity. Randomly inserted in the sample stream were QA/QC samples, which represent 10.1% of the total assays. The QA/QC samples include blanks to test for contamination, high and low-grade lithium standards to test for accuracy and duplicates to test for precision.
  • Drilled core samples were collected from the core shed by ALS Minerals (“ALS”) and transported to their lab in Sparks, Nevada. At ALS, the samples were dried at a maximum temperature of 60 degrees Celsius and the entire sample was then crushed with a jaw crusher to 90% passing a ten-mesh screen. Nominal 250 gram splits were taken for each sample using a rifle splitter. This split is pulverized using a ring mill to 90% passing a 150-mesh screen.
  • ALS’ analysis included four-acid digestion and inductively coupled atomic emission plasma spectroscopy to ensure that elevated metal concentrations were not present, which would interfere with inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy analyses.

QA/QC protocols included:

  • High, low and blank standards were inserted in random sampling intervals. These samples were also assigned a blinded sample identification number.
  • Duplicate samples were taken every 30.48 meters. Each was assigned a blinded identification number.

QA/QC statistical evaluations and results:

  • Three low grade samples out of 63 assays fell outside the certified two standard deviation. All three were within 20ppm of falling within the two standard deviation criteria. All high-grade samples were within the certified two standard deviations.
  • All blank standards reported less than 65ppm Lithium.
  • All assay standards showed minimal bias drift with time.
  • 178 duplicate ¼ core samples, 356 assays, returned a R2 correlation value of 0.9915.

The scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release relating to the Resource Estimate has been prepared and approved by Louis Fourie, P. Geo., Pri. Sci. Nat., of WorleyParsons Canada Inc., a “Qualified Person" under NI 43-101, and an independent consultant to the Company. Mr. Fourie reviewed or developed the following types of information for the resource calculation:

  • Geological maps and cross sections;
  • Block model methods, parameters, tabulations, and model results;
  • Estimated mining and process costs; and
  • Resource determination procedures and results to assure reasonable expectation of economic extraction.

Readers are cautioned that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

All other scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Randal Burns, Senior Project Geologist at Lithium Nevada, and a "Qualified Person" as defined in NI 43-101.

Mr. Burns has verified the data disclosed in this news release and no limitations were imposed on the verification process. In the course of data verification, and for purposes of QA/QC, Mr. Burns, among other things, reviewed or developed the following types of information for the deposit:

  • Geologic maps and cross sections
  • Block model methods, parameters, tabulations, and model results
  • Estimated mining and process costs
  • Resource determination procedures and results to assure reasonable expectation of economic extraction
  • Sampling procedure and assaying methods
  • QA/QC protocols and results, including: • Analysis of inserted standards• Analysis of inserted blanks• Confirmation of assays from a check lab• Reverse Circulation versus Diamond Drilling• ¼ core sampling and assay versus ½ core sampling and assay• Spot checks of the data base against original certificates of assay• Statistical evaluations and studies
  • Checked reliability of historic information and established protocol for acceptance or rejection of legacy data

Other than as described in the Company's annual filings (which are available at www.sedar.com), there are no known legal, political, environmental or other risks that could materially affect the potential development of the mineral resources at this point of time.

About Lithium Americas

Lithium Americas, together with SQM, is developing the Cauchari-Olaroz lithium project, located in Jujuy, Argentina, through its 50% interest in Minera Exar. In addition, Lithium Americas owns 100% of the Lithium Nevada project, and RheoMinerals Inc., a supplier of rheology modifiers for oil-based drilling fluids, coatings, and specialty chemicals. The Company trades on both the Toronto Stock Exchange and on the New York Stock Exchange, under the ticker symbol “LAC”.

Forward-looking statements

Statements in this release that are forward-looking information are subject to various risks and uncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed here and elsewhere in the Company's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the timing and completion of PFS, baseline environmental surveys, the 2018 drill program, major mine plan permitting and detailed engineering work.  When used in this document, the words such as “intent”, “target”, “expect”, “estimated” and “scheduled” and similar expressions represent forward-looking information. Information provided in this document is necessarily summarized and may not contain all available material information.

All such forward-looking information and statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by Lithium Americas management in light of their experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. These statements, however, are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information or statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from these forward-looking statements include those described under the heading "Risks Factors" in the Lithium Americas’ most recently filed Annual Information Form and other continuous disclosure filings.  The Company does not intend, and expressly disclaims any obligation to, update or revise the forward-looking information contained in this news release, except as required by law.  Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements.

For further information contact:
Lithium Americas Corp.
Investor Relations
Suite 1150 – 355 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC, V6C 2G8
Telephone: 778-656-5820
Email:  ir@lithiumamericas.com
Website: www.lithiumamericas.com
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