RNS Number : 2169O

HSBC Holdings PLC

30 September 2019


30 September 2019

Notification of Transactions by Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities ("PDMRs") and a person closely associated with a PDMR

   1.   Dividends 

The following transactions relating to dividends of US$0.50 ordinary shares (the "Shares") in HSBC Holdings plc (the "Company") were made on 26 September 2019:


       Name                                   Shares acquired/allocated                            Price per Share/ADS 
  Kathleen Casey     27 American Depositary Shares (representing 135 ordinary shares of US$0.50       US$36.2385(1) 
                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
 Henri de Castries                                       258                                            US$7.2477 
                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
     Irene Lee                                           159                                            US$7.2477 
                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
   Heidi Miller       12 American Depositary Shares (representing 60 ordinary shares of US$0.50       US$38.2950(1) 
                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
    Marc Moses                                         13,001                                           US$7.2477 
                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
    Noel Quinn                                          1,917                                           US$7.2477 
                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
    Mark Tucker                                         4,129                                           US$7.2477 
                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 

(1) American Depositary Shares ('ADS') are categorised as equity derivatives under Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong. Each ADS represents five HSBC Holdings plc ordinary shares. ADS are traded in New York.

Other PDMRs

      Name        Shares acquired/allocated   Price per Share 
  Samir Assaf               4,504                US$7.2477 
                 --------------------------  ---------------- 
 Patrick Burke              2,309                US$7.2477 
                            6,011                GBP6.2190 
                 --------------------------  ---------------- 
  Andy Maguire              3,030                US$7.2477 
                 --------------------------  ---------------- 
   Paulo Maia               2,207                US$7.2477 
                            4,651                GBP6.2323 
                              7                  GBP6.2311 
                 --------------------------  ---------------- 
  Charlie Nunn               695                 US$7.2477 
                 --------------------------  ---------------- 
 Barry O'Byrne               270                 US$7.2477 
                              6                  GBP6.2323 
                 --------------------------  ---------------- 
 Antonio Simoes             1,971                US$7.2477 
                 --------------------------  ---------------- 
   Ian Stuart                729                 US$7.2477 
                 --------------------------  ---------------- 
 Peter Wong(2)              2,455                US$7.2477 
                            21,153               GBP6.2323 
                             368                 US$7.2477 
                 --------------------------  ---------------- 

(2) Peter Wong's acquisition includes via a person closely associated - details below.

The Company has been informed that one Share of Paulo Maia's dividend of Shares acquired on 21 November 2018 had not been reported. The amount reported on 23 November 2018 was 5 Shares at GBP6.5380 per Share and should have been 6 Shares at GBP6.5380 per Share.

   2.   UK Share Incentive Plan 

On 27 September 2019, Barry O'Byrne acquired 24 Shares in the Company at GBP6.2641 per Share under the Company's UK Share Incentive Plan.

The following disclosures are made in accordance with Article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014.

 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                            Kathleen Casey 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                   Non-executive Director 
 Initial notification/amendment                    Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                           HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                      MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial       Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument      Code 
   2019-09-26     American        GB0005405286     Outside a trading        USD - United 
                   Depositary                       venue                    States Dollar 
                   Each ADS 
                   five HSBC 
                   plc Ordinary 
                   of US$0.50 
  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                          Price          Volume    Total 
                                                  -------------  --------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                     US$36.24       27        US$978.44 
                                 ---------------  -------------  --------  --------------- 
                                  Aggregated       US$36.238      27        US$978.44 
  -----------------------------  ---------------  -------------  --------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Henri de Castries 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Non-executive Director 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock Exchange,     USD - United 
                   shares                         Main Market (XLON)         States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price          Volume      Total 
                                                -------------  ----------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25        258         US$1,869.91 
                               ---------------  -------------  ----------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248       258         US$1,869.91 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ----------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Irene Lee 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Non-executive Director 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       159        US$1,152.38 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      159        US$1,152.38 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                            Heidi Miller 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                   Non-executive Director 
 Initial notification/amendment                    Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                           HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                      MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial       Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument      Code 
   2019-09-26     American        GB0005405286     Outside a trading        USD - United 
                   Depositary                       venue                    States Dollar 
                   Each ADS 
                   five HSBC 
                   plc Ordinary 
                   of US$0.50 
  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                          Price          Volume    Total 
                                                  -------------  --------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                     US$38.30       12        US$459.54 
                                 ---------------  -------------  --------  --------------- 
                                  Aggregated       US$38.295      12        US$459.54 
  -----------------------------  ---------------  -------------  --------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Marc Moses 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Group Chief Risk Officer 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       13,001     US$94,227.35 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      13,001     US$94,227.35 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Noel Quinn 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Interim Group Chief Executive 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       1,917      US$13,893.84 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      1,917      US$13,893.84 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Mark Tucker 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Group Chairman 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       4,129      US$29,925.75 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      4,129      US$29,925.75 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Samir Assaf 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Chief Executive, Global Banking 
                                                  and Markets 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       4,504      US$32,643.64 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      4,504      US$32,643.64 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Patrick Burke 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 President and Chief Executive 
                                                  of HSBC US 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       2,309      US$16,734.94 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      2,309      US$16,734.94 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
  -------------                ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             GBP - British 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           Pound 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   GBP6.22       6,011      GBP37,382.41 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP6.219      6,011      GBP37,382.41 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Andy Maguire 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Group Chief Operating Officer 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       3,030      US$21,960.53 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      3,030      US$21,960.53 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Paulo Maia 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Chief Executive, Latin America 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       2,207      US$15,995.67 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      2,207      US$15,995.67 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
  -------------                ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             GBP - British 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           Pound 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   GBP6.23       4,651      GBP28,986.29 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP6.232      4,651      GBP28,986.29 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             GBP - British 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           Pound 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   GBP6.23       7          GBP43.62 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP6.231      7          GBP43.62 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Paulo Maia 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Chief Executive, Latin America 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Amendment to previous notification 
  In case of amendment, please                    PDMR Notification reference 00052287 
  enter the previous notification                 The Acquisition of shares at 
  reference number and explain                    GBP6.5380 has changed from 5 
  the error that this notification                to 6 shares. 
  is amending. 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2018-11-21     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock               USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main             States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price          Volume      Total 
                                                -------------  ----------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$8.24        2,672       US$22,025.30 
                               ---------------  -------------  ----------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$8.24        2,672       US$22,025.30 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ----------  --------------- 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
  -------------                ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
   2018-11-21     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock               GBP - British 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main             Pound 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price          Volume      Total 
                                                -------------  ----------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   GBP6.54        6           GBP39.23 
                               ---------------  -------------  ----------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP6.538       6           GBP39.23 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ----------  --------------- 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2018-11-21     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock               GBP - British 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main             Pound 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price          Volume      Total 
                                                -------------  ----------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   GBP6.55        3,231       GBP21,162.08 
                               ---------------  -------------  ----------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP6.55        3,231       GBP21,162.08 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ----------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Charlie Nunn 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Chief Executive, Retail Banking 
                                                  and Wealth Management 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       695        US$5,037.15 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      695        US$5,037.15 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                           Barry O'Byrne 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                  Interim Chief Executive, Global 
                                                   Commercial Banking 
 Initial notification/amendment                   Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                          HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                     MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
    Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
     Transaction    Instrument    Code 
    2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock               USD - United 
                    shares                         Exchange, Main             States Dollar 
                    of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
   -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
    Nature of Transaction:                        Price            Volume    Total 
                                                 ---------------  --------  --------------- 
    Acquisition                                   US$7.25          270       US$1,956.88 
                                ---------------  ---------------  --------  --------------- 
                                 Aggregated       US$7.248         270       US$1,956.88 
   ---------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------  --------------- 
    Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
     Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   -------------                ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
    2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock               GBP - British 
                    shares                         Exchange, Main             Pound 
                    of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
   -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
    Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume       Total 
   ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  -----------  --------------- 
    Acquisition                                   GBP6.23       6            GBP37.39 
   ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  -----------  --------------- 
                                 Aggregated       GBP6.232      6            GBP37.39 
   -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------  -----------  --------------- 
    Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
     Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
    2019-09-27     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock               GBP - British 
                    shares                         Exchange, Main             Pound 
                    of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
   -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  --------------- 
    Nature of Transaction:                        Price            Volume    Total 
                                                 ---------------  --------  --------------- 
    Acquisition under                             GBP6.26          24        GBP150.34 
     the UK Share Incentive 
                                ---------------  ---------------  --------  --------------- 
                                 Aggregated       GBP6.264         24        GBP150.34 
   ---------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Antonio Simoes 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Chief Executive, Global Private 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       1,971      US$14,285.22 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      1,971      US$14,285.22 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Ian Stuart 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Chief Executive, HSBC UK Bank 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       729        US$5,283.57 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      729        US$5,283.57 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Peter Wong 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive, 
                                                  The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking 
                                                  Corporation Limited 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction      Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock              USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main            States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price          Volume     Total 
                                                -------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25        2,455      US$17,793.10 
                               ---------------  -------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248       2,455      US$17,793.10 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction      Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock              GBP - British 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main            Pound 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price          Volume     Total 
                                                -------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   GBP6.23        21,153     GBP131,831.23 
                               ---------------  -------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP6.232       21,153     GBP131,831.23 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Camay Wong 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Closely associated person of 
                                                  Peter Wong, Deputy Chairman and 
                                                  Chief Executive, The Hongkong 
                                                  and Shanghai Banking Corporation 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2019-09-26     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
                                                ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Acquisition                                   US$7.25       368        US$2,667.15 
                               ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.248      368        US$2,667.15 
  ---------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 

For any queries related to this notification, please contact:

JJ Williams

Shareholder Services

020 3268 3568

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 30, 2019 11:50 ET (15:50 GMT)

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