Polarean Imaging PLC

14 May 2021

Polarean Imaging plc

("Polarean" or the "Company")

Scientific presentations on hyperpolarised Xenon-129 at upcoming medical conferences

Polarean's investigational drug/device combination product to be prominently featured in presentations across a wide range of lung diseases

Polarean Imaging plc (AIM: POLX), the medical - imaging technology company, with an investigational drug - device combination product to enhance magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in pulmonary medicine, announces a number of abstracts and oral presentations highlighting the use of hyperpolarised Xenon-129 ("(129) Xe") will be made by leading academic researchers at the upcoming American Thoracic Society ("ATS 2021") virtual conference from 14-19 May 2021 and the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ("ISMRM 2021") virtual conference from 15-20 May 2021.

23 abstracts related to the use of hyperpolarised (129) Xe were accepted for presentation at ATS 2021, consisting of 8 oral presentations and 15 e-poster presentations. Polarean is also supporting ATS 2021 by hosting a virtual exhibit booth.

Additionally, 34 abstracts related to the use of hyperpolarised (129) Xe were accepted for presentation at ISMRM 2021, consisting of 7 oral presentations and 27 e-poster presentations. Hyperpolarised (129) Xe will also be discussed in a symposium on 17 May and in a sunrise session on 18 May. Furthermore, Polarean is supporting ISMRM 2021 by hosting a virtual exhibit booth.

Richard Hullihen, Chief Executive Officer of Polarean commented: "We are pleased at the important work being done by leading investigators in the field of functional lung imaging. The data being presented at these key scientific meetings will further add to the body of evidence on hyperpolarised (129) Xenon, highlighting several areas of unmet needs in current diagnostic modalities. Research of (129) Xe MRI in interstitial lung disease, long-COVID-19, asthma, COPD and interventional pulmonology procedures are among the presentations that will be showcased."

A subset of the abstracts that will be presented during the ATS 2021 and ISMRM conferences are listed below.

     Lead Author and ATS Abstract        Presentation   Abstract          ATS Notes 
                 Title                       Date        Number 
 Mummy D et al.                             16-May        1052     ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Regional Changes in Ventilation                                   Session A12: Sunday, 
  Following Bronchodilation                                         May 16, 2021 (3:30-5pm) 
  in COPD Are Not Associated 
  with Improved Gas Exchange 
  on Xenon-129 MRI 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Mcintosh M et al.                          18-May        1111     ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Response to Benralizumab                                          Session C4: Tuesday, 
  in Severe Asthma: Oscillometry                                    May 18, 2021 (8-9:30am) 
  and MRI Ventilation Defect 
  Improvements in Participants 
  with Abnormal FeNO 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Eddy RL et al.                             18-May        1112     ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Structure-Function Imaging                                        Session C4: Tuesday, 
  Phenotypes of Asthma Using                                        May 18, 2021 (8-9:30am) 
  CT and 129Xe MRI 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 HE M et al.                                18-May        1113     ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Probing Early-Stage Pulmonary                                     Session C4: Tuesday, 
  Pathophysiology in Young                                          May 18, 2021 (8-9:30am) 
  Healthy E-cigarettes Users 
  Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Bdaiwi, AS et al.                          18-May        1114     ORAL PRESENTATION 
  In Vivo Lung Morphometry                                          Session C4: Tuesday, 
  of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis                                       May 18, 2021 (8-9:30am) 
  Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe 
  Diffusion MRI 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Bier E et al.                              18-May        1115     ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Hyperpolarized 129Xe Magnetic                                     Session C4: Tuesday, 
  Resonance Oscillation Imaging                                     May 18, 2021 (8-9:30am) 
  in Pulmonary Hypertension 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Mummy D et al.                             18-May        1116     ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI                                          Session C4: Tuesday, 
  Features Identify Functional                                      May 18, 2021 (8-9:30am) 
  Differences That Do Not 
  Correlate with Chest CT 
  in Patients with Idiopathic 
  Pulmonary Fibrosis 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Plummer JW et al.                          18-May        1166     ORAL PRESENTATION 
  129Xe gas-exchange MRI                                            Session C15: Tuesday, 
  to detect diffusion abnormalities                                 May 18, 2021 (3:30-5pm) 
  in children following bone-marrow 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Ruppert K et al.                         May 14-19       1998 
  First Experience with Hyperpolarized 
  129Xe Imaging in a Recovered                                     E-poster 
  COVID-19 Patient                                                  Session TP031 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Ranota TK et al.                         May 14-19       3835     E-poster 
  The Use of Hyper-polarized                                        Session TP92 
  129Xe Pulmonary MRI for 
  Study of the Lung Damage 
  in COVID-19 Survivors, Preliminary 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Matheson AM et al.                       May 14-19       4453     E-poster 
  This Is What COVID-19 Survival                                    Session TP117 
  Looks Like: 129Xe MRI, Oscillometry 
  and Pulmonary Function Measurements 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Kooner HK et al.                         May 14-19       4531     E-poster 
  CT Mucus Score Predicts                                           Session TP120 
  Benralizumab Response in 
  Severe Asthma 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Woodward E et al.                        May 14-19       4574     E-poster 
  Four Years Observation                                            Session TP121 
  of the Emphysema Progression 
  in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency 
  Using 3He/129Xe MRI 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Hamedani H et al.                        May 14-19       4578     E-poster 
  Monitoring Patients with                                          Session TP121 
  Endobronchial Valve Interventions 
  Using a Multifaceted Hyperpolarized 
  (HP) Xenon Lung Function 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Bier E et al.                            May 14-19       4589     E-poster 
  Within-session Repeatability                                      Session TP122 
  of Pulmonary 129Xe Static 
  and Dynamic Spectroscopy 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
 Amzajerdian F et al.                     May 14-19       4590     E-poster 
  Exploring the Use of Continuous                                   Session TP122 
  RF Irradiation for Xenon 
  Polarization Transfer Contrast 
                                        -------------  ---------  ------------------------- 
    Lead Author and ISMRM Abstract      Presentation   Abstract            ISMRM Notes 
                 Title                      Date        Number 
 Leewiwatwong S et al.                     18-May        391      ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Deep learning-based thoracic                                     (Session: Machine 
  cavity segmentation for                                          Learning for Image 
  hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI                                         Analysis) 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Mummy D et al.                            19-May        589      ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Regional Changes in Ventilation                                  (Session: Lung) 
  Following Bronchodilation 
  in COPD Are Not Associated 
  With Improved Gas Exchange 
  on Xenon-129 MRI 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Hahn A et al.                             19-May        591      ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Response of Hyperpolarized                                       (Session: Lung) 
  129Xe MRI measures of ventilation 
  and gas-exchange to anti-fibrotic 
  treatment in Idiopathic 
  Pulmonary Fibrosis 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Hamedani H et al.                         19-May        592      ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Monitoring Patients with                                         (Session: Lung) 
  Endobronchial Valve Interventions 
  Using a Multifaceted Hyperpolarized 
  Xenon Lung Function Assessment 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Marshall H et al.                         20-May        680      ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Hyperpolarised xenon ventilation                                 (Session: Latest 
  MRI in difficult asthma;                                         Advances in Hyperpolarized 
  initial experience in a                                          MRI) 
  clinical setting 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Bier E et al.                             20-May        681      ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Extension of a Diagnostic                                        (Session: Latest 
  Model for Pulmonary Hypertension                                 Advances in Hyperpolarized 
  with Hyperpolarized 129Xe                                        MRI) 
  Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
  and Spectroscopy 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Albert B J et al.                         20-May        684      ORAL PRESENTATION 
  Preclinical Hyperpolarized                                       (Session: Latest 
  129Xe Ventilation Imaging                                        Advances in Hyperpolarized 
  Using 3D Spiral (FLORET)                                         MRI) 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Rao M.                                    17-May                 MEMBER-INITIATED 
  Imaging Beyond Perfusion                                         SYMPOSIUM 
  Using 129Xe MRI                                                  (Imaging Beyond 
                                                                   Perfusion Using 
                                                                   129Xe MRI) 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Woodward E et al.                         17-May        1269     E-poster 
  The Use of the 3He/129Xe                                         (Session: Novel 
  MRI Lung Morphometry for                                         Contrast Mechanisms) 
  a Longitudinal Observation 
  of the Emphysema Progression 
  in AATD Patients 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Grist J et al.                            17-May        1736     E-poster 
  Utilizing hyperpolarised                                         (Session: MRI in 
  xenon MRI to detect gas                                          COVID-19) 
  transport deficiencies in 
  post-COVID lungs 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Ranota T et al.                           17-May        1739     E-poster 
  Feasibility of Single Breath-hold                                (Session: Role 
  Isotropic Voxel 129Xe MRI                                        of Advanced Imaging 
  in COVID-19 Survivors using                                      in COVID-19) 
  a Key-Hole Method 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Collier G et al.                          17-May        1746     E-poster 
  Imaging lung structure                                           (Session: Role 
  and function in acute COVID-19                                   of Advanced Imaging 
  patients with 129Xe and                                          in COVID-19) 
  1H MRI 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Wild J.                                   18-May                 SUNRISE SESSION 
  Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI                                         (Lung MRI: You 
  of the Lung                                                      Can Do It!) 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Lu T et al.                               18-May        1968     E-poster 
  Convolutional Neural Networks                                    (Session: Machine 
  for Super-resolution of                                          Learning to Reconstruct 
  Hyperpolarized 129Xe MR                                          Accelerated Scans) 
  Images of the Lung 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Gandhi D B et al.                         18-May        2273     E-poster 
  Comparison of Respiratory-Gating                                 (Session: Pediatrics: 
  Weighting Algorithms in                                          Body Topics) 
  Neonatal Pulmonary UTE-MRI 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Chan H-F et al.                           19-May        3214     E-poster 
  Comparison of UTE 1H lung                                        (Session: Lung: 
  MRI with quantitative CT                                         Disease Assessment) 
  and hyperpolarized 129Xe 
  diffusion-weighted MRI in 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Eaden J et al.                            19-May        3216     E-poster 
  Correlation of global and                                        (Session: Lung 
  regional hyperpolarised                                          Disease Assessment) 
  129-Xenon MRI with quantitative 
  CT in patients with idiopathic 
  pulmonary fibrosis 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Bdaiwi A S et al.                         20-May        3558     E-poster 
  Optimizing Acquisition                                           (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  and Analysis for Diffusion                                       Gas) 
  Weighted Hyperpolarized 
  129Xe MRI of Pediatric and 
  Adult Lungs 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Astley J et al.                           20-May        3560     E-poster 
  Comparison of 3D convolutional                                   (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  neural networks and loss                                         Gas) 
  functions for ventilated 
  lung segmentation using 
  multi-nuclear hyperpolarized 
  gas MRI 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Schulte R et al.                          20-May        3562     E-poster 
  Imaging Gas-Exchange Lung                                        (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  Function using Density-Weighted                                  Gas) 
  MRSI and Hyperpolarised 
  129Xe Gas 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Pratt R et al.                            20-May        3563     E-poster 
  A 129Xe/1H Switched Frequency                                    (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  High Pass Birdcage Coil                                          Gas) 
  for Hyperpolarized 129Xe 
  Gas Lung Imaging in Neonates 
  at 1.5 T 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Norquay G et al.                          20-May        3564     E-poster 
  Temporal correlation of                                          (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  alveolar-capillary 129Xe                                         Gas) 
  signal dynamics with the 
  cardiac cycle 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Amzajerdian F et al.                      20-May        3565     E-poster 
  Feasibility of Xenon Polarization                                (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  Transfer Contrast Imaging                                        Gas) 
  using Continuous RF Irradiation 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Hamedani H et al.                         20-May        3566     E-poster 
  Reproducibility Study Measuring                                  (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  Ventilation, Gas Exchange                                        Gas) 
  and Surface-to-Volume Using 
  Hyperpolarized Xenon in 
  Free-breathing Human Subjects 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Rao M et al.                              20-May        3567     E-poster 
  3D isotropic spectroscopic                                       (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  imaging of hyperpolarized                                        Gas) 
  129Xe in the human brain 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Chan H-F et al.                           20-May        3568     E-poster 
  Background field inhomogeneity                                   (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  effects on hyperpolarized                                        Gas) 
  129Xe diffusion-weighted 
  MRI at 1.5T and 3T 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Ruppert K et al.                          20-May        3569     E-poster 
  Detection of pulmonary                                           (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  abnormalities in a rabbit                                        Gas) 
  thoracic insufficiency syndrome 
  model using hyperpolarized 
  xenon-129 MRI 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Ball G et al.                             20-May        3570     E-poster 
  Modelling realistic Rb                                           (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  density and temperature                                          Gas) 
  distributions in a high 
  throughput xenon-129 polariser 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Lu J et al.                               20-May        3571     E-poster 
  Template-based bias field                                        (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  correction of Hyperpolarized                                     Gas) 
  129Xe Gas Ventilation MRI 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Bdaiwi A S et al.                         20-May        3575     E-poster 
  2D and 3D Spiral for Diffusion                                   (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  Weighted MRI with Hyperpolarized                                 Gas) 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Driehuys B et al.                         20-May        3791     E-poster 
  Establishing the Structurally                                    (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  Limited Healthy RBC to Barrier                                   Gas & Non-Gas) 
  Ratio for 129Xe Gas Exchange 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Bier E et al.                             20-May        3792     E-poster 
  Within-session Repeatability                                     (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  of Pulmonary 129Xe Static                                        Gas & Non-Gas) 
  and Dynamic Spectroscopy 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Doganay O et al.                          20-May        3793     E-poster 
  Assessment of Gas Exchange                                       (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  Parameters in Healthy and                                        Gas & Non-Gas) 
  COPD Subjects using Hyperpolarized 
  Xenon-129 MRI and Alveolar 
  Gas-exchange Model 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Loza L et al.                             20-May        3794     E-poster 
  A Comparison of Multi-breath                                     (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  Wash-in/Wash-out and RF-Contrast                                 Gas & Non-Gas) 
  Hyperpolarized 129Xe Imaging 
  Schemes for Quantifying 
  Fractional Ventilation 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Costa M L et al.                          20-May        3795     E-poster 
  Optimized Magnetization                                          (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  Decay Correction of Hyperpolarized                               Gas & Non-Gas) 
  Xe Ventilation Images Using 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 
 Qian Y et al.                             20-May        3796     E-poster 
  Simulating the impact of                                         (Session: Hyperpolarization: 
  asymmetric geometries on                                         Gas & Non-Gas) 
  apparent alveolar septal 
  wall thickness measurements 
  with hyperpolarized xenon-129 
                                       -------------  ---------  ------------------------------ 


 Polarean Imaging plc                                       www.polarean.com / www.polarean-ir.com 
 Richard Hullihen, Chief Executive                                                 Via Walbrook PR 
 Jonathan Allis, Chairman 
 Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited (NOMAD and 
  Sole Corporate Broker)                                                       +44 (0)20 7710 7600 
 Nicholas Moore / Ben Maddison / Samira Essebiyea (Healthcare 
  Investment Banking) 
 Nick Adams / Fred Walsh (Corporate 
 Walbrook PR                                   Tel: +44 (0)20 7933 8780 or polarean@walbrookpr.com 
 Paul McManus / Anna Dunphy                                         Mob: +44 (0)7980 541 893 / +44 
                                                                                   (0)7879 741 001 

About Polarean ( www.polarean.com )

The Company and its wholly owned subsidiary, Polarean, Inc. (together the "Group") are revenue-generating, investigational drug-device combination companies operating in the high-resolution medical imaging research space.

The Group develops equipment that enables existing MRI systems to achieve an improved level of pulmonary function imaging and specialises in the use of hyperpolarised Xenon gas ((129) Xe) as an imaging agent to visualise ventilation. (129) Xe gas is currently being studied for visualisation of gas exchange regionally in the smallest airways of the lungs, across the alveolar tissue barrier, and into the pulmonary bloodstream.

In October 2020, the Group submitted a New Drug Application ("NDA") to the FDA for hyperpolarised (129) Xe used to evaluate pulmonary function and to visualise the lung using MRI. In December 2020, the Group received confirmation of acceptance of its NDA by the FDA, with a target PDUFA action date of 5 October 2021.

The Group operates in an area of significant unmet medical need and the Group's technology provides a novel investigational diagnostic approach, offering a non-invasive and radiation-free functional imaging platform. The annual burden of pulmonary disease in the US is estimated to be over US$150 billion.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 14, 2021 04:30 ET (08:30 GMT)

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