RNS Number : 9304G

Lloyds Bank PLC

29 July 2021

Lloyds Bank plc

2021 Half-Year Results

29 July 2021

Member of the Lloyds Banking Group


Review of performance                                        1 
Risk management 
P r incipal risks and uncertainties                          4 
Credit risk portfolio                                        7 
Funding and liquidity management                            21 
Capital management                                          25 
Statutory information 
Condensed consolidated interim financial statements         33 
Consolidated income statement                               34 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income              35 
Consolidated balance sheet                                  36 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity                 38 
Consolidated cash flow statement                            41 
Notes to the condensed consolidated half-year financial 
 statements                                                 42 
Statement of directors' responsibilities                    84 
Independent review report to Lloyds Bank plc                85 
Forward looking statements                                  87 
Contacts                                                    89 


Principal activities

Lloyds Bank plc (the Bank) and its subsidiary undertakings (the Group) provide a wide range of banking and financial services through branches and offices in the UK and in certain locations overseas. The Group's revenue is earned through interest and fees on a broad range of financial services products including current accounts, savings, mortgages, credit cards, motor finance and unsecured loans to personal and business banking customers; and lending, transactional banking, working capital management, risk management and debt capital markets services to commercial customers.

Income statement

In the half-year to 30 June 2021, the Group recorded a profit before tax of GBP3,420 million compared to a loss of GBP290 million in the same period in 2020, representing an increase of GBP3,710 million largely reflecting the improved economic outlook for the UK in the first six months of 2021 compared to the deterioration assumed in 2020. Profit after tax was GBP3,708 million.

Total income decreased by GBP459 million, or 6 per cent, to GBP7,307 million in the half-year to 30 June 2021 compared to GBP7,766 million in the first six months of 2020; there was a decrease of GBP238 million in net interest income and GBP221 million in other income.

Net interest income was down GBP238 million, or 4 per cent, to GBP5,376 million compared to GBP5,614 million in the first six months of 2020. The net interest margin reduced reflecting the lower rate environment and change in asset mix. Average interest-earning assets increased driven by growth in the open mortgage book and the impact of government supported loan schemes, partially offset by lower balances in unsecured personal loans, credit cards and motor finance, as well as the effects of the continued optimisation of the Corporate and Institutional book within Commercial Banking.

Other income was GBP221 million lower at GBP1,931 million in the six months to 30 June 2021 compared to GBP2,152 million in the same period last year. Net fee and commission income was GBP57 million higher, with increases in card and other transaction-based income streams, reflecting improved levels of customer activity following the easing of restrictions relating to the pandemic, and increased commercial banking fees. However, other operating income decreased by GBP213 million due to lower levels of operating lease rental income as a result of the reduced Lex Autolease vehicle fleet size and lower gains on the disposal of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income.

Total operating expenses increased by GBP133 million to GBP4,564 million compared to GBP4,431 million in the first six months of 2020, mainly due to an increase in regulatory provision charges. There was a decrease of GBP19 million in operating costs reflecting a reduction in depreciation of tangible fixed assets due to the reduced Lex Autolease vehicle fleet size as well as gains on disposal of operating lease assets partially offset by higher restructuring costs, primarily technology research and development costs and severance, as well as slightly higher property transformation costs. Staff costs were 5 per cent higher at GBP1,868 million compared to GBP1,773 million in the first six months of 2020, in part reflecting higher charges for variable remuneration and the increase in severance costs.

The charge in respect of regulatory provisions was GBP152 million higher at GBP310 million and related to pre-existing programmes. With respect to HBOS Reading, GBP150 million was incurred in the first half of 2021, including operational costs to provide for the likelihood of activities spanning across 2022 as well as the outcome to date of decisions from the independent panel re-review on direct and consequential losses. Further significant charges over 2021/2022 could be required as more panel decisions are published, but it is not possible to reliably estimate the potential impact or timings at this stage.

There was a net release of expected credit loss allowances (ECLs) in the first six months of 2021 of GBP677 million, compared to a charge of GBP3,625 million in the first six months of 2020, largely reflecting the improved UK economic outlook. Credit performance remains strong, with low levels of new to arrears.


The ECL allowance in respect of loans and advances to customers remains high by historical standards at GBP4,646 million, a coverage ratio of 1.0 per cent. This is consistent with the Group's updated macroeconomic projections and assumes that a large proportion of these additional expected losses will crystallise over the next 12 months. This is expected to emerge as support measures subside and unemployment increases, with the base case predicting a peak of 6.6 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2021. The ECL allowance continues to reflect a probability-weighted view of future economic scenarios with a 30 per cent weighting of base case, upside and downside and a 10 per cent weighting of the severe downside. The improvement in unemployment and asset price outlook in 2021 within the base case is reflected in all scenarios, which have improved significantly since the year end.

The Group has retained the judgemental overlays applied at year end and has continued to offset modelled releases not deemed reflective of underlying risk. The Group's GBP400 million central overlay has been maintained. It was added at the year end in recognition of the significant uncertainty with regard to the efficacy of coronavirus vaccines, the vaccination rollout, potential virus mutations and economic performance post lockdown restrictions and Government support. Although the base case outlook has improved throughout the first half of the year, the Group still considers that these risks remain and that the conditioning assumptions for the improved base case and associated scenarios do not capture these unprecedented risks.

The Group recognised a tax credit of GBP288 million in the period compared to a credit of GBP594 million in the first six months of 2020. In March 2021, the UK Government announced its intention to increase the rate of corporation tax from 19 per cent to 25 per cent with effect from 1 April 2023 and this was substantively enacted on 24 May 2021. As a result of this change in tax rate, the Group has recognised a GBP1,189 million deferred tax credit in the income statement and a GBP184 million debit within other comprehensive income, increasing the Group's net deferred tax asset by GBP1,005 million.

Balance sheet

Total assets were GBP9,683 million higher at GBP609,622 million at 30 June 2021 compared to GBP599,939 million at 31 December 2020. There was an increase in cash and balances at central banks which were GBP8,805 million higher at GBP58,693 million reflecting increased liquidity holdings. Financial assets at amortised cost increased by GBP2,208 million, to GBP494,174 million at 30 June 2021 compared to GBP491,966 million at 31 December 2020. Excluding reverse repurchase agreements, loans and advances to customers, net of impairment allowances, were GBP6,766 million higher as increases in the open mortgage book and other retail balances were only partially offset by reductions in the closed mortgage book, motor finance and larger corporate lending; however bank and customer reverse repurchase agreement balances decreased by GBP4,327 million compared to 31 December 2020. Derivative assets were GBP1,905 million lower at GBP6,436 million compared to GBP8,341 million at 31 December 2020, reflecting reduced volumes and movements in interest and exchange rates over the first six months of 2021.

Total liabilities were GBP8,071 million higher at GBP566,892 million compared to GBP558,821 million at 31 December 2020. Customer deposits increased by GBP22,896 million, or 5 per cent, to GBP457,465 million compared to GBP434,569 million at 31 December 2020, as a result of growth in retail current and savings accounts and commercial deposits. This increase was partly offset by a reduction in deposits from banks which were GBP8,968 million lower at GBP16,029 million, reflecting the reduced need for wholesale funding following the further growth in customer deposits, and in derivative liabilities which were GBP2,887 million lower.

Shareholders' equity increased GBP1,890 million to GBP36,995 million; profit for the period was partly offset by movements in the cash flow hedging reserve and dividends paid of GBP1,000 million.



The Group's Common equity tier 1 capital ratio has increased from 15.5 per cent at 31 December 2020 to 16.1 per cent at 30 June 2021, primarily as a result of profit for the period and a reduction in risk-weighted assets, partially offset by the foreseeable dividend accrual and pension contributions. The tier 1 capital ratio reduced from 19.8 per cent at 31 December 2020 to 19.1 per cent at 30 June 2021 and the total capital ratio reduced from 23.5 per cent at 31 December 2020 to 22.9 per cent at 30 June 2021, largely reflecting the annual reduction in transitional limits applied to legacy tier 1 and tier 2 capital instruments in addition to the derecognition of called AT1 instruments, offset in part by the issuance of new AT1 and tier 2 instruments, the increase in common equity tier 1 capital and the reduction in risk-weighted assets.

Risk-weighted assets reduced by GBP3.7 billion to GBP167.2 billion at 30 June 2021 compared to GBP170.9 billion at 31 December 2020, primarily driven by continued optimisation activity undertaken in Commercial Banking, partially offset by limited impacts from credit deterioration, the latter in part due to the mitigating impact of house price increases.

The Group's UK leverage ratio of 5.3 per cent at 30 June 2021 has reduced from 5.5 per cent at 31 December 2020.



The significant risks faced by the Group are detailed below. There has been no change to the definition of these risks from those disclosed in the Group's 2020 Annual Report and Accounts.

The external risks faced by the Group may also impact the success of delivering against the Group's long-term strategic objectives. They include, but are not limited to the coronavirus pandemic, global macro-economic conditions and regulatory developments.

The coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on all risk types and continues to be a major area of focus. The Group responded quickly to the challenges faced, putting in place risk mitigation strategies and refining investment and strategic plans. Transition planning remains a key focus in ensuring that the Group continues to protect colleagues and services to customers as the situation continues to evolve and in ensuring that the lessons learned from the pandemic are embedded into future working practices.

Lloyds Banking Group is participating in the 2021 Bank of England Biennial Exploratory Scenario on Climate (CBES) for submission in October. The scope is to consider credit losses under three different temperature scenarios over a thirty year horizon, and the strategic actions Lloyds Banking Group could take to mitigate Climate Risk. The CBES may be used to inform FPC and PRA supervision and will not be used to set capital requirements.

The Group's principal risks and uncertainties are reviewed and reported regularly to the Board in alignment with Lloyds Banking Group's Enterprise Risk Management Framework.

Climate - The risk that the Group experiences losses and/or reputational damage as a result of climate change, either directly or through its customers. These losses may be realised from physical events, the required adaptation in transitioning to a low carbon economy, or as a consequence of the responses to managing these changes.

Market - The risk that the Group's capital or earnings profile is affected by adverse market rates or prices, in particular interest rates and credit spreads in the Banking business and credit spreads in the Group's defined benefit pension schemes.

Credit - The risk that parties with whom the Group has contracted fail to meet their financial obligations (both on and off- balance sheet).

Funding and liquidity - Funding risk is defined as the risk that the Group does not have sufficiently stable and diverse sources of funding or the funding structure is inefficient. Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the Group has insufficient financial resources to meet its commitments as they fall due, or can only secure them at excessive cost.

Capital - The risk that the Group has a sub-optimal quantity or quality of capital or that capital is inefficiently deployed across the Group.

Change/execution - The risk that, in delivering its change agenda, the Group fails to ensure compliance with laws and regulation, maintain effective customer service and availability and/or operation within the Group's risk appetite.

Conduct - The risk of customer detriment across the customer lifecycle including: failures in product management, distribution and servicing activities; from other risks materialising, or other activities which could undermine the integrity of the market or distort competition, leading to unfair customer outcomes, regulatory censure, reputational damage or financial loss.

Data - The risk of the Group failing to effectively govern, manage and control its data (including data processed by third party suppliers), leading to unethical decisions, poor customer outcomes, loss of value to the Group and mistrust.

Governance - The risk that the Group's organisational infrastructure fails to provide robust oversight of decision-making and the control mechanisms to ensure strategies and management instructions are implemented effectively.


People - The risk that the Group fails to provide an appropriate colleague and customer-centric culture, supported by robust reward and wellbeing policies and processes, effective leadership to manage colleague resources, effective talent and succession management and robust control to ensure all colleague-related requirements are met.

Operational resilience - The risk that the Group fails to design resilience into business operations, underlying infrastructure and controls (people, process, technology) so that it is able to withstand external or internal events which could impact the continuation of operations and fails to respond in a way which meets customer and stakeholder expectations and needs when the continuity of operations is compromised.

Operational - The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events.

Model - The risk of financial loss, regulatory censure, reputational damage or customer detriment, as a result of deficiencies in the development, application or ongoing operation of models and rating systems.

Regulatory and legal - The risk of financial penalties, regulatory censure, criminal or civil enforcement action or customer detriment as a result of failure to identify, assess, correctly interpret, comply with, or manage regulatory and/or legal requirements.

Strategic - The risk which results from:

   --     Incorrect assumptions about internal or external operating environments 

-- Failure to respond or the inappropriate strategic response to material changes in the external or internal operating environments

-- Failure to understand the potential impact of strategic responses and business plans on existing risk types



The Group has continued to actively support its customers throughout the pandemic with a range of flexible options and payment holidays across major products, as well as lending through the various UK Government support schemes.

The macroeconomic outlook has improved and as the UK shows signs of exiting the crisis, the Group's focus is now on supporting its customers to recover.

The Group's lending portfolios were well positioned entering the crisis and we retain a prudent approach to credit risk appetite and risk management, with robust LTVs in our secured portfolios. Considering the external environment, flows of assets into arrears, defaults and write-off have remained at low levels.

It is recognised that Government support measures mean that the true underlying risk may not be reflected in asset performance and there is an expectation of increased arrears and defaults as these various arrangements, designed to alleviate short-term financial pressure, come to an end.

The Group has participated fully in UK Government lending schemes, including the Bounce Back Loan Scheme and the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, where UK Government guarantees are in place at 100 per cent and 80 per cent, respectively. Repayments under these schemes have started to become due, which will be coupled with the withdrawal of Government support schemes in the second half of 2021. The level of arrears is therefore being carefully monitored, and the Group will continue to review customer trends and indicators for early signs of distress.

The net impairment credit in the first half of 2021 was GBP677 million, compared to a charge of GBP3,625 million in the first half of 2020. The first half credit resulted from the release of expected credit loss (ECL) allowances driven by improvements to the macroeconomic outlook in the UK, combined with robust credit performance, with a low run-rate impairment charge given the continued benign credit environment.

As a result, the Group's ECL allowance on loans and advances to customers reduced in the period from GBP6,127 million to GBP4,994 million, largely resulting from improvements to the economic outlook, including the impact of the extension of the Government's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme in the first quarter of 2021. Reductions in Commercial Banking ECL allowances also reflect improved customer outcomes on restructuring cases, reduction in Stage 2 exposures and lower flows to default.

Stage 2 loans and advances to customers reduced from GBP51,280 million to GBP45,938 million, and as a percentage of total lending reduced by 1.1 percentage points to 9.5 per cent (31 December 2020: 10.6 per cent), predominantly reflecting the improvement in the Group's forward looking macroeconomic assumptions. Of these, 91.5 per cent are up to date (31 December 2020: 91.6 per cent). Stage 2 coverage reduced to 3.9 per cent (31 December 2020: 4.6 per cent).

Stage 3 loans and advances reduced in the period to GBP6,142 million (31 December 2020: GBP6,443 million), and as a percentage of total lending remained flat at 1.3 per cent (31 December 2020: 1.3 per cent). Stage 3 coverage reduced by 3.3 percentage points to 29.1 per cent (31 December 2020: 32.4 per cent) largely driven by a small number of single name releases in Commercial Banking, including on coronavirus impacted restructuring cases and favourable asset price inflation benefiting the UK Mortgages and UK Motor Finance portfolios in the Retail division.

Prudent risk appetite and risk management

-- The Group continues to take a prudent approach to credit risk and a through-the-cycle credit risk appetite, whilst working closely with customers to help them through and recover from the crisis

-- Sector and asset class concentrations within the portfolios are closely monitored and controlled, with mitigating actions taken where appropriate. Sector and product caps limit exposure to certain higher risk and vulnerable sectors and asset classes

-- The Group's effective risk management seeks to ensure early identification and management of customers and counterparties who may be showing signs of distress

-- As the UK starts to exit the crisis, the Group will continue to work closely with its customers to ensure they receive the appropriate level of support, including where repayments under the UK Government scheme lending fall due


Impairment charge by division

                                        Half-year          Half-year 
                             Half-year      to 30              to 31 
                                 to 30       June                Dec 
                             June 2021       2020  Change       2020    Change 
                                  GBPm       GBPm       %       GBPm         % 
  UK Mortgages                   (175)        603              (125)    (40) 
  Credit cards                      67        656      90        144      53 
  Loans and overdrafts              58        462      87        277      79 
  UK Motor Finance                (40)        241               (15) 
  Other                              1        133                  8      88 
                            ----------  ---------          --------- 
Retail                            (89)      2,095                289 
Commercial Banking               (585)      1,328               (48) 
Central Items                      (3)        202                194 
                            ----------  ---------          --------- 
Total impairment (credit) 
 charge                          (677)      3,625                435 
                            ----------  ---------          --------- 

Group total expected credit loss allowance

                                 At 30      At 31 
                             June 2021   Dec 2020 
                                  GBPm       GBPm 
Customer related balances 
                            ----------  --------- 
  Drawn                          4,646      5,701 
  Undrawn                          348        426 
                            ----------  --------- 
                                 4,994      6,127 
Other assets                         3          5 
                            ----------  --------- 
Total ECL allowance              4,997      6,132 
                            ----------  --------- 

Movements in Group total expected credit loss allowance

                             ECL at                          statement     ECL at 
                                 30    Net ECL  Write-offs      charge         31 
                          June 2021   increase   and other    (credit)   Dec 2020 
                               GBPm       GBPm        GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
  UK Mortgages                  905      (122)          53       (175)      1,027 
  Credit cards                  802      (121)       (188)          67        923 
  Loans and overdrafts          606      (109)       (167)          58        715 
  UK Motor Finance              434       (67)        (27)        (40)        501 
  Other                         211       (18)        (19)           1        229 
                         ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
Retail                        2,958      (437)       (348)        (89)      3,395 
Commercial Banking            1,618      (697)       (112)       (585)      2,315 
Central Items                   421        (1)           2         (3)        422 
                         ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
Total(1)                      4,997    (1,135)       (458)       (677)      6,132 
                         ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

(1) Total ECL includes GBP3 million relating to other non customer-related assets (31 December 2020: GBP5 million).


Group loans and advances to customers and expected credit loss allowances

                                    Stage    Stage    Stage 
                                        1        2        3    POCI    Total 
                                                                               Stage     Stage 
                                                                                   2         3 
                                                                                as %      as % 
                                                                                  of        of 
At 30 June 2021                      GBPm     GBPm     GBPm    GBPm     GBPm   total     total 
Loans and advances to customers 
  UK Mortgages                    262,541   29,770    1,924  11,886  306,121     9.7     0.6 
  Credit cards                     10,956    2,936      323       -   14,215    20.7     2.3 
  Loans and overdrafts              7,782    1,413      312       -    9,507    14.9     3.3 
  UK Motor Finance                 12,347    2,272      233       -   14,852    15.3     1.6 
  Other                            18,074    1,203      244       -   19,521     6.2     1.2 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Retail                            311,700   37,594    3,036  11,886  364,216    10.3     0.8 
  SME                              27,952    3,139      863       -   31,954     9.8     2.7 
  Other                            31,615    5,169    2,181       -   38,965    13.3     5.6 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Commercial Banking                 59,567    8,308    3,044       -   70,919    11.7     4.3 
Central items(1)                   50,755       36       62       -   50,853     0.1     0.1 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Total gross lending               422,022   45,938    6,142  11,886  485,988     9.5     1.3 
ECL allowance on drawn balances   (1,173)  (1,616)  (1,667)   (190)  (4,646) 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Net balance sheet carrying 
 value                            420,849   44,322    4,475  11,696  481,342 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Group ECL allowance (drawn and 
  UK Mortgages                        129      411      175     190      905    45.4    19.3 
  Credit cards                        200      462      140       -      802    57.6    17.5 
  Loans and overdrafts                178      277      151       -      606    45.7    24.9 
  UK Motor Finance(2)                 154      129      151       -      434    29.7    34.8 
  Other                                51      105       55       -      211    49.8    26.1 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Retail                                712    1,384      672     190    2,958    46.8    22.7 
  SME                                 106      129      112       -      347    37.2    32.3 
  Other                               108      280      881       -    1,269    22.1    69.4 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Commercial Banking                    214      409      993       -    1,616    25.3    61.4 
Central items                         409        1       10       -      420     0.2     2.4 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Total ECL allowance (drawn 
 and undrawn)                       1,335    1,794    1,675     190    4,994    35.9    33.5 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Group ECL allowances (drawn and 
 undrawn) as a % of loans and 
 advances to customers(3) 
  UK Mortgages                          -      1.4      9.1     1.6      0.3 
  Credit cards                        1.8     15.7     55.3       -      5.7 
  Loans and overdrafts                2.3     19.6     62.4       -      6.4 
  UK Motor Finance                    1.2      5.7     64.8       -      2.9 
  Other                               0.3      8.7     41.4       -      1.1 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Retail                                0.2      3.7     24.1     1.6      0.8 
  SME                                 0.4      4.1     15.2       -      1.1 
  Other                               0.3      5.4     40.5       -      3.3 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Commercial Banking                    0.4      4.9     34.1       -      2.3 
Central items                         0.8      2.8     16.1       -      0.8 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Total ECL allowances (drawn 
 undrawn) as a % of loans 
 and advances 
 to customers                         0.3      3.9     29.1     1.6      1.0 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 

(1) Includes reverse repos of GBP48.9 billion.

(2) UK Motor Finance for Stages 1 and 2 include GBP136 million relating to provisions against residual values of vehicles subject to finance leasing agreements. These provisions are included within the calculation of coverage ratios.

(3) Total and Stage 3 ECL allowances as a percentage of drawn balances exclude loans in recoveries in Credit cards of GBP70 million, Loans and overdrafts of GBP70 million, Retail other of GBP111 million, SME of GBP124 million and Commercial Banking other of GBP5 million.


Group loans and advances to customers and expected credit loss allowances (continued)

                                    Stage    Stage    Stage 
                                        1        2        3    POCI    Total 
                                                                               Stage     Stage 
                                                                                   2         3 
                                                                                as %      as % 
                                                                                  of        of 
At 31 December 2020                  GBPm     GBPm     GBPm    GBPm     GBPm   total     total 
Loans and advances to customers 
  UK Mortgages                    251,418   29,018    1,859  12,511  294,806     9.8     0.6 
  Credit cards                     11,496    3,273      340       -   15,109    21.7     2.3 
  Loans and overdrafts              7,710    1,519      307       -    9,536    15.9     3.2 
  UK Motor Finance                 12,786    2,216      199       -   15,201    14.6     1.3 
  Other                            17,879    1,304      184       -   19,367     6.7     1.0 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Retail                            301,289   37,330    2,889  12,511  354,019    10.5     0.8 
  SME                              27,015    4,500      791       -   32,306    13.9     2.4 
  Other                            29,882    9,438    2,694       -   42,014    22.5     6.4 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Commercial Banking                 56,897   13,938    3,485       -   74,320    18.8     4.7 
Central items(1)                   57,422       12       69       -   57,503       -     0.1 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Total gross lending               415,608   51,280    6,443  12,511  485,842    10.6     1.3 
ECL allowance on drawn balances   (1,347)  (2,125)  (1,968)   (261)  (5,701) 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Net balance sheet carrying 
 value                            414,261   49,155    4,475  12,250  480,141 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Group ECL allowance (drawn and 
  UK Mortgages                        107      468      191     261    1,027    45.6    18.6 
  Credit cards                        240      530      153       -      923    57.4    16.6 
  Loans and overdrafts                224      344      147       -      715    48.1    20.6 
  UK Motor Finance(2)                 197      171      133       -      501    34.1    26.5 
  Other                                46      124       59       -      229    54.1    25.8 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Retail                                814    1,637      683     261    3,395    48.2    20.1 
  SME                                 142      234      126       -      502    46.6    25.1 
  Other                               172      475    1,161       -    1,808    26.3    64.2 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Commercial Banking                    314      709    1,287       -    2,310    30.7    55.7 
Central items                         410        -       12       -      422       -     2.8 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Total ECL allowance (drawn 
 and undrawn)                       1,538    2,346    1,982     261    6,127    38.3    32.3 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------ 
Group ECL allowances (drawn and 
 undrawn) as a 
 % of loans and advances to customers(3) 
  UK Mortgages                          -      1.6     10.3     2.1      0.3 
  Credit cards                        2.1     16.2     56.0       -      6.1 
  Loans and overdrafts                2.9     22.6     64.2       -      7.6 
  UK Motor Finance                    1.5      7.7     66.8       -      3.3 
  Other                               0.3      9.5     39.3       -      1.2 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Retail                                0.3      4.4     25.2     2.1      1.0 
  SME                                 0.5      5.2     19.1       -      1.6 
  Other                               0.6      5.0     43.2       -      4.3 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Commercial Banking                    0.6      5.1     38.5       -      3.1 
Central items                         0.7        -     17.4       -      0.7 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 
Total ECL allowances (drawn 
 and undrawn) as a percentage 
 of loans and advances to 
 customers                            0.4      4.6     32.4     2.1      1.3 
                                  -------  -------  -------  ------  ------- 

(1) Includes reverse repos of GBP54.4 billion.

(2) UK Motor Finance for Stages 1 and 2 include GBP192 million relating to provisions against residual values of vehicles subject to finance leasing agreements. These provisions are included within the calculation of coverage ratios.

(3) Total and Stage 3 ECL allowances as a percentage of drawn balances exclude loans in recoveries in Credit cards of GBP67 million, Loans and overdrafts of GBP78 million, Retail other of GBP34 million, SME of GBP132 million and Commercial Banking other of GBP6 million.


Group Stage 2 loans and advances to customers

                          Up to date 
                                                    1-30 days      Over 30 days 
                PD movements       Other(1)        past due(2)        past due           Total 
                 Gross            Gross            Gross            Gross            Gross 
               lending  ECL(3)  lending  ECL(3)  lending  ECL(3)  lending  ECL(3)  lending    ECL(3) 
At 30 June 
 2021             GBPm    GBPm     GBPm    GBPm     GBPm    GBPm     GBPm    GBPm     GBPm      GBPm 
   Mortgages    23,034     191    3,630     122    1,491      32    1,615      66   29,770     411 
   cards         2,640     356      189      68       77      22       30      16    2,936     462 
  Loans and 
   overdrafts      854     162      396      54      127      43       36      18    1,413     277 
  UK Motor 
   Finance         966      47    1,148      39      122      29       36      14    2,272     129 
  Other            494      58      586      33       64       9       59       5    1,203     105 
               -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------ 
Retail          27,988     814    5,949     316    1,881     135    1,776     119   37,594   1,384 
  SME            2,866     118      178       6       24       2       71       3    3,139     129 
  Other          4,953     275       72       2       49       2       95       1    5,169     280 
               -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------ 
 Banking         7,819     393      250       8       73       4      166       4    8,308     409 
Central items       17       -       18       1        -       -        1       -       36       1 
               -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------ 
Total           35,824   1,207    6,217     325    1,954     139    1,943     123   45,938   1,794 
               -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------ 
At 31 December 2020 
   Mortgages    22,569     215    3,078     131    1,648      43    1,723      79   29,018     468 
   cards         2,924     408      220      76       93      27       36      19    3,273     530 
  Loans and 
   overdrafts      959     209      388      68      126      45       46      22    1,519     344 
  UK Motor 
   Finance         724      62    1,321      55      132      37       39      17    2,216     171 
  Other            512      56      651      44       69      14       72      10    1,304     124 
               -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------ 
Retail          27,688     950    5,658     374    2,068     166    1,916     147   37,330   1,637 
  SME            4,229     219      150       6       40       5       81       4    4,500     234 
  Other          9,151     469       83       3       28       2      176       1    9,438     475 
               -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------ 
 Banking        13,380     688      233       9       68       7      257       5   13,938     709 
Central items        1       -       11       -        -       -        -       -       12       - 
               -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------ 
Total           41,069   1,638    5,902     383    2,136     173    2,173     152   51,280   2,346 
               -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------ 

(1) Includes forbearance, client and product-specific indicators not reflected within quantitative PD assessments.

(2) Includes assets that have triggered PD movements, or other rules, given that being 1-29 days in arrears in and of itself is not a Stage 2 trigger.

(3) Expected credit loss allowances on loans and advances to customers (drawn and undrawn).


ECL sensitivity to economic assumptions

The measurement of ECL reflects an unbiased probability-weighted range of possible future economic outcomes. The Group achieves this by generating four economic scenarios to reflect the range of outcomes; the central scenario reflects the Group's base case assumptions used for medium-term planning purposes, an upside and a downside scenario are also selected together with a severe downside scenario. The base case, upside and downside scenarios carry a 30 per cent weighting; the severe downside is weighted at 10 per cent. These assumptions can be found in note 2 on page 39 onwards.

The table below shows the Group's ECL for the upside, base case, downside and severe downside scenarios. The stage allocation for an asset is based on the overall scenario probability-weighted PD and hence the Stage 2 allocation is constant across all the scenarios. ECL applied through individual assessments and post-model adjustments is reported flat against each economic scenario, reflecting the basis on which they are evaluated.

               Probability-                                  Severe 
                   weighted  Upside  Base case  Downside   downside 
                       GBPm    GBPm       GBPm      GBPm       GBPm 
UK Mortgages            905     544        684     1,100      2,064 
Other Retail          2,053   1,896      2,009     2,152      2,355 
Commercial Banking    1,618   1,369      1,497     1,763      2,296 
Other                   421     419        421       421        425 
                      -----  ------  ---------  --------  --------- 
At 30 June 2021       4,997   4,228      4,611     5,436      7,140 
                      -----  ------  ---------  --------  --------- 
UK Mortgages          1,027     614        803     1,237      2,306 
Other Retail          2,368   2,181      2,310     2,487      2,745 
Commercial Banking    2,315   1,853      2,102     2,575      3,554 
Other                   422     420        422       422        428 
                      -----  ------  ---------  --------  --------- 
At 31 December 2020   6,132   5,068      5,637     6,721      9,033 
                      -----  ------  ---------  --------  --------- 



(--) The Retail portfolio has remained robust and well positioned throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Risk management has been enhanced since the last financial crisis, with strong affordability and indebtedness controls for both new and existing lending and a prudent risk appetite approach. This is evident in the significant improvement in credit quality and low arrears rates

(--) The Group has actively supported its Retail customers during the pandemic, through a range of propositions, such as payment holidays, while personal current account customers have had access to up to GBP500 interest free arranged overdrafts

(--) Nearly 1.3 million payment holidays, on GBP65.1 billion of lending, have been granted on Retail products during the pandemic, with c.7,000 remaining live. Over 93 per cent of expired payment holidays have now resumed payments, while 6 per cent are either in arrears or have been charged off

(--) The Group has taken targeted steps across the Retail product offering to implement tighter credit quality controls on key risk indicators such as indebtedness and credit scores to ensure that customers and the bank are protected

(--) Arrears rates across the portfolios remain low despite expiry of almost all payment holidays

(--) Although the macroeconomic outlook has improved, customers have been significantly impacted by the pandemic and credit performance is expected to worsen in coming months, consistent with the Group's economic assumptions, as the Government support measures come to an end and unemployment rises

(--) The Retail impairment credit in the first half of 2021 was GBP89 million, compared to a charge of GBP2,095 million in the first half of 2020. This significant decrease resulted from a release of expected credit loss (ECL) allowances driven by the UK's improved macroeconomic outlook combined with a robust observed credit performance, with charges relating to flows to arrears and default remaining low despite expiry of almost all payment holidays. This impact compares favourably to the substantial impairment charge to account for the deterioration in the macroeconomic outlook over the first half of 2020

(--) Existing IFRS 9 staging rules and triggers have been maintained across Retail from year end 2020 with the exception of minor changes to the Loans and Overdrafts portfolio to tighten criteria and align to the Credit cards portfolio. Transfers between stages have been primarily driven by credit risk rating movements and the estimated impact of the economic factors on a customer's forward looking default risk

(--) Total Retail ECL allowance as a percentage of drawn loans and advances (coverage) has reduced slightly to 0.8 per cent (31 December 2020: 1.0 per cent) following the updates in the Group's economic forecast. As at 30 June 2021, 46.8 per cent of total Retail ECL is reflected within Stage 2 under IFRS 9, representing cases which have observed a Significant Increase in Credit Risk since origination (SICR)

(--) Stage 2 loans and advances now comprise 10.3 per cent of the Retail portfolio (31 December 2020: 10.5 per cent), of which 90.3 per cent are up to date performing loans. Stage 2 ECL coverage has also decreased to 3.7 per cent (31 December 2020: 4.4 per cent) reflecting the improved macroeconomic outlook

(--) Stage 3 loans and advances have remained flat at 0.8 per cent of total loans and advances (31 December 2020: 0.8 per cent), Stage 3 ECL coverage decreased to 24.1 per cent (31 December 2020: 25.2 per cent) due to favourable asset price inflation (both observed and forecast), benefiting the UK Mortgages and UK Motor Finance portfolios in particular



UK Mortgages

(--) The UK Mortgages portfolio is well positioned with low arrears and a low loan-to-value (LTV) profile. The Group has actively improved the quality of the portfolio over recent years using robust affordability and credit controls, whilst the balances of higher risk portfolios originated prior to 2008 have continued to reduce

(--) Whilst the housing market has remained resilient through the pandemic with continued strong customer demand, the Group has taken action to protect credit quality and participates in the Government guarantee scheme for greater than 90 per cent LTVs, which provides risk mitigation at the highest exposures

(--) Total loans and advances increased to GBP306.1 billion (31 December 2020: GBP294.8 billion), with a small reduction in average LTV to 43.1 per cent (31 December 2020: 43.5 per cent). The proportion of balances with an LTV greater than 90 per cent decreased to 0.4 per cent (31 December 2020: 0.6 per cent). The average LTV of new business decreased to 63.1 per cent (31 December 2020: 63.9 per cent)

(--) There was a net impairment credit of GBP175 million for the first half of 2021 compared to a charge of GBP603 million for the first half of 2020, reflecting improvements to the UK's macroeconomic outlook and in particular resilient house prices. Total ECL coverage remains flat at 0.3 per cent (31 December 2020: 0.3 per cent)

(--) Stage 2 loans and advances decreased to 9.7 per cent of the portfolio (31 December 2020: 9.8 per cent), and Stage 2 ECL coverage has reduced to 1.4 per cent (31 December 2020: 1.6 per cent). These impacts also reflect improvements in the UK's macroeconomic outlook, with a reduction in balances transferred into Stage 2 based on the forward looking view of their credit performance, in addition to favourable experience and house price assumptions

(--) Stage 3 ECL coverage decreased to 9.1 per cent (31 December 2020: 10.3 per cent) again due to favourable house price assumptions (both observed and forecast)

Credit cards

(--) Credit card balances decreased to GBP14.2 billion (31 December 2020: GBP15.1 billion) due to reduced levels of customer spending

(--) The credit card portfolio is a prime book which has performed well in recent years, with lower arrears rates compared to the High Street Bank peer group

(--) The impairment charge was GBP67 million for the first half of 2021 compared to a charge of GBP656 million for the first half of 2020, with overall ECL coverage decreasing to 5.7 per cent (31 December 2020: 6.1 per cent). These decreases are due to lower than anticipated arrears emergence, in conjunction with the improved outlook within the Group's economic forecast

(--) Stage 2 loans and advances have reduced to 20.7 per cent of the portfolio (31 December 2020: 21.7 per cent) and Stage 2 ECL coverage has reduced to 15.7 per cent (31 December 2020: 16.2 per cent). These impacts reflect improvements in the UK's macroeconomic outlook, most notably the more favourable unemployment forecast

(--) Stage 3 ECL coverage decreased to 55.3 per cent (31 December 2020: 56.0 per cent) due to a slight improvement in the mix of customers within Stage 3

Loans and overdrafts

(--) Loans and advances for personal current account and the personal loans portfolios held flat at GBP9.5 billion (31 December 2020: GBP9.5 billion) with some early signs of recovery in customer spend and demand for credit

(--) The impairment charge was GBP58 million for the first half of 2021, compared to GBP462 million for the first half of 2020. This decrease is again partly due to the improved outlook within the Group's macroeconomic forecasts in addition to lower than anticipated arrears emergence, reducing both Stage 2 ECL coverage to 19.6 per cent (31 December 2020: 22.6 per cent) and overall ECL coverage to 6.4 per cent (31 December 2020: 7.6 per cent)


UK Motor Finance

(--) The UK Motor Finance portfolio decreased to GBP14.9 billion (31 December 2020: GBP15.2 billion) due to reduced market activity and new car supply issues as a result of the pandemic

(--) There was a net impairment credit of GBP40 million for the first half of 2021 compared to a charge of GBP241 million for the first half of 2020, reflecting improvements to the UK's macroeconomic outlook and in particular higher than expected used car prices. Overall ECL coverage has decreased to 2.9 per cent (31 December 2020: 3.3 per cent)

(--) Updates to Residual Value (RV) and Voluntary Termination (VT) risk held against Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) and Hire Purchase (HP) lending are included within the impairment charge. The improved macroeconomic outlook, supported by better than expected disposal experience, resulted in a net impairment credit of GBP41 million for RV and VT risk in the first half of 2021

(--) Stage 2 ECL coverage decreased to 5.7 per cent (31 December 2020: 7.7 per cent) and Stage 3 ECL coverage decreased to 64.8 per cent (31 December 2020: 66.8 per cent) due to the impact from updates to the Group's outlook on used car prices


(--) Other loans and advances increased to GBP19.5 billion (31 December 2020: GBP19.4 billion)

(--) The impairment charge was GBP1 million for 2021 compared to GBP133 million for the first half of 2020, primarily due to the improved outlook within the Group's economic forecasts

Retail UK Mortgages loans and advances to customers

                     At 30           At 31 
              June 2021(1)     Dec 2020(1) 
                      GBPm            GBPm 
Mainstream         245,147       234,273 
Buy-to-let          50,907        49,634 
Specialist          10,067        10,899 
             -------------  ------------ 
Total              306,121       294,806 
             -------------  ------------ 

(1) Balances include the impact of HBOS related acquisition adjustments.


Commercial Banking

(--) Commercial Banking has actively supported its customers throughout the crisis, through a range of propositions, including capital repayment holidays, working capital line increases and financial covenant waivers, as well as supporting small businesses and corporates through full use of UK Government schemes

(--) Although the macroeconomic outlook has improved, the pandemic has resulted in widespread industry disruption, with some sectors such as travel, transportation, non-essential retail, leisure and hospitality particularly impacted. However, as a proportion of the Group's overall lending, exposure to these sectors remains limited

(--) The Group still expects recovery to be slower in a few of the impacted sectors and anticipates longer term structural changes in these, and a number of other sectors. Sector and credit risk appetite continue to be proactively managed to ensure the Group is protected and clients are supported in the right way

(--) Observed credit quality has been broadly stable in the first half of 2021, noting that this is likely to be influenced by the significant temporary support provided by the UK Government in light of the pandemic, which has had the potential to distort the underlying credit risk profile, particularly in the predominantly secured SME portfolio

(--) Commercial Banking has continued to support its more vulnerable clients early through focused risk management via the Group's Watchlist and Business Support framework

(--) The Group does anticipate a negative impact from the withdrawal of UK Government support measures in the second half of 2021. This may also be seen as repayments under UK Government support schemes start to become due, with an increase in arrears and defaults expected, consistent with macroeconomic expectations. It is anticipated that these will be protracted over a number of years, given the flexible payment deferral options available under the various UK Government lending schemes. The level of arrears is therefore being carefully monitored with early risk mitigation activities taken as appropriate

(--) Although significant uncertainties remain, the Group will continue to balance prudent risk appetite with ensuring support for financially viable clients on their road to recovery


(--) There was a net impairment credit of GBP585 million in the first half of 2021, compared to a charge of GBP1,328 million in the first half of 2020. The credit was driven by the release of expected credit loss (ECL) allowances resulting from improvements to the UK's macroeconomic outlook; improved restructuring outcomes on cases managed within the Business Support Unit (BSU) and other Stage 3 releases; lower balance sheet and credit quality improvement, including in Stage 2 exposures; and low levels of gross charges from cases flowing into default. As a result, ECL allowances reduced by GBP694 million to GBP1,616 million at 30 June 2021 (31 December 2020: GBP2,310 million)

(--) The Group recognises that credit quality has been partly supported by the temporary measures provided by the UK Government schemes and the ECL provision at 30 June 2021 assumes additional losses will emerge as the support subsides and structural change emerges in some sectors

(--) Stage 2 loans and advances reduced by GBP5,630 million to GBP8,308 million (31 December 2020: GBP13,938 million), largely driven by the improvement in the Group's forward looking economic assumptions, with 97.1 per cent of Stage 2 balances being current and up to date. As a result, Stage 2 loans as a proportion of total loans and advances to customers reduced to 11.7 per cent (31 December 2020: 18.8 per cent). Stage 2 ECL coverage was lower at 4.9 per cent (31 December 2020: 5.1 per cent) with the reduction in coverage a direct result of the forward look multiple economic scenarios

(--) Stage 3 loans and advances reduced to GBP3,044 million (31 December 2020: GBP3,485 million) and as a proportion of total loans and advances to customers, reduced to 4.3 per cent (31 December 2020: 4.7 per cent). SME flows to Stage 3 remain suppressed and non-SME flows were offset by repayments and write-offs. Stage 3 ECL coverage reduced to 34.1 per cent (31 December 2020: 38.5 per cent) predominantly driven by the release of provisions on a small number of cases in Business Support, including coronavirus impacted restructuring cases


Commercial Banking UK Direct Real Estate

(--) Commercial Banking UK Direct Real Estate gross lending stood at GBP11.6 billion at 30 June 2021 (net of exposures subject to protection through Significant Risk Transfer (SRT) securitisations). The Group has a further GBP0.8 billion of UK Direct Real Estate exposure in Business Banking within the Retail division

(--) The Group classifies Direct Real Estate as exposure which is directly supported by cash flows from property activities (as opposed to trading activities, such as hotels, care homes and housebuilders). Exposures of GBP5.2 billion to social housing providers are also excluded

(--) Recognising this is a cyclical sector, caps are in place to control origination and exposure, including a number of asset type categories. Focus remains on the UK market and business propositions have been written in line with a prudent, through-the-cycle risk appetite with conservative LTVs, strong quality of income and proven management teams

(--) Overall performance has remained resilient. Watchlist numbers increased through Q1 but have now stabilised. Transfers to BSU have been limited and the BSU CRE portfolio is largely concentrated in the retail/shopping centres sub sector, although this is reducing and remains modest in the context of the overall BSU portfolio. Overall rent collection has been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, particularly in the retail and leisure space given the impact of lockdowns, though the office sub sector has been resilient. Despite these challenges the portfolio is well positioned and proactively managed with appropriate risk mitigants in place

(-) Exposures over GBP1 million continue to be heavily weighted towards investment real estate (c.90 per cent) over development. Of these investment exposures, over 76 per cent have an LTV of less than 60 per cent, with an average LTV of 49 per cent

(-) c.90 per cent of exposures greater than GBP5 million have an interest cover ratio of greater than 2.0 times and in SME, LTV at origination has been typically limited to c.55 per cent, given prudent repayment cover criteria (including a notional base rate stress)

(-) Approximately 60 per cent of exposures over GBP1 million relate to commercial real estate (with no speculative development lending) with the remainder related to residential real estate. The underlying sub-sector split is diversified with c.13.5 per cent of exposures secured by Retail assets and appetite tightened since 2018

(-) The Office portfolio is focused on prime locations with strong sponsors and low LTVs, as well as no speculative commercial development. Commercial risk appetite continues to be proactively managed with appropriate risk mitigation tightening seen in the first half of 2021

(-) Use of SRT securitisations also acts as a risk mitigant in this portfolio, with run off of these carefully managed and tracked

(-) Both investment and development lending is subject to specific credit risk appetite criteria. Development lending criteria include maximum loan to gross development value and maximum loan to cost, with funding typically only released against completed work, as confirmed by the Group's monitoring quantity surveyor


Commercial Banking lending in key coronavirus-impacted sectors(1)

                             At 30 June 2021                       At 31 December 2020 
                 ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                                    as a                                   Drawn 
                                                    % of                                    as a 
                                                   loans                     Drawn          % of 
                                       Drawn         and                       and         loans 
                 Drawn  Undrawn  and undrawn    advances  Drawn  Undrawn   undrawn  and advances 
                 GBPbn    GBPbn        GBPbn           %  GBPbn    GBPbn     GBPbn             % 
Retail non-food    2.1      1.4          3.5         0.4    2.1      1.5       3.6         0.4 
 dealerships(2)    1.3      2.1          3.4         0.3    1.7      2.0       3.7         0.4 
Construction       0.8      1.5          2.3         0.2    0.8      1.6       2.4         0.2 
 transport         1.4      0.7          2.1         0.3    1.1      1.0       2.1         0.2 
Hotels             1.5      0.3          1.8         0.3    1.8      0.3       2.1         0.4 
Leisure            0.6      0.6          1.2         0.1    0.6      0.7       1.3         0.1 
 and bars          0.5      0.3          0.8         0.1    0.6      0.3       0.9         0.1 
                 -----  -------  -----------              -----  -------  -------- 
Total              8.2      6.9         15.1         1.7    8.7      7.4      16.1         1.8 
                 -----  -------  -----------              -----  -------  -------- 

(1) Lending classified using ONS Standard Industrial Classification codes at legal entity level; drawn balances exclude c.GBP1 billion lending under the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme and the Bounce Back Loan Scheme. Oil and Gas has been removed as a key coronavirus-impacted sector.

(2) Automotive dealerships includes Black Horse Motor Wholesale lending (within the Retail Division).


The Group has maintained its strong funding and liquidity position with a loan to deposit ratio of 96 per cent as at 30 June 2021. Customer deposits continued to increase over the period as customer spending remained subdued. This increased the Group's cash reserves held at the Bank of England and allowed the Group to repay GBP5 billion of the Term Funding Scheme with additional incentives for SMEs (TFSME) taking the total outstanding amount to GBP8.7 billion as at 30 June 2021.

The Group's liquid assets continue to exceed the regulatory minimum and internal risk appetite, with a liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) of 122 per cent (based on a monthly rolling average over the previous 12 months) as at 30 June 2021.

The Group continues to expect limited term funding needs over the course of the second half of the year given the on-going availability of customer deposits and TFSME, both of which are more cost effective sources of funding for the Group. Overall, wholesale funding totalled GBP74.8 billion as at 30 June 2021.

Lloyds Bank credit ratings continue to reflect the resilience of the bank's business model and the strength of the balance sheet. During July, Moody's finalised and updated their ratings methodology and used it to drive a number of ratings changes for UK banks, including a one notch upgrade to the Subordinated issuances of Lloyds Bank. All Rating Agencies also now recognise a Stable Outlook on Lloyds Bank ratings, with S&P and Fitch returning Lloyds Bank to Stable during June and July to reflect better underlying UK economic expectations and their belief that Lloyds Bank is well positioned to benefit from the macroeconomic recovery underway.


Lloyds Bank Group funding requirements and sources

                                                At 30   At 31 
                                                 June     Dec 
                                                 2021    2020    Change 
                                                GBPbn   GBPbn         % 
Lloyds Bank Group Funding position 
Loans and advances to customers(1)              432.5   425.6       2 
Loans and advances to banks(2)                    4.6     4.3       7 
Debt securities at amortised cost                 4.8     5.1     (6) 
Reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading      51.7    56.1     (8) 
Financial assets at fair value through other 
 comprehensive income                            25.8    27.3     (5) 
Cash and balances at central banks               58.7    49.9      18 
Other assets(3)                                  31.5    31.6       - 
                                               ------  ------ 
Total Lloyds Bank Group assets                  609.6   599.9       2 
Less other liabilities (3)                     (18.4)  (21.4)    (14) 
                                               ------  ------ 
Funding requirements                            591.2   578.5       2 
                                               ------  ------ 
Customer deposits(4)                            449.6   425.2       6 
Wholesale funding(5)                             74.8    79.6     (6) 
Repurchase agreements - non-trading               9.3    14.5    (36) 
Term funding scheme(6)                            8.7    13.7    (36) 
Deposits from fellow Lloyds Banking Group 
 undertakings                                     6.1     4.4      39 
                                               ------  ------ 
                                                548.5   537.4       2 
Total equity                                     42.7    41.1       4 
                                               ------  ------ 
Funding sources                                 591.2   578.5       2 
                                               ------  ------ 

(1) Excludes reverse repos of GBP48.9 billion (31 December 2020: GBP54.4 billion).

(2) Excludes GBP2.8 billion (31 December 2020: GBP1.6 billion) of reverse repurchase agreements.

(3) Other assets and other liabilities include the fair value of derivative assets and liabilities.

(4) Excludes repos of GBP7.9 billion (31 December 2020: GBP9.4 billion).

(5) Lloyds Bank Group's definition of wholesale funding aligns with that used by other international market participants; including bank deposits, debt securities in issue and subordinated liabilities. Excludes balances relating to margins of GBP1.6 billion (31 December 2020: GBP1.8 billion).

(6) 31 December 2020 balance includes the Bank of England's Term Funding Scheme (TFS). 30 June 2021 and 31 December 2020 include the Term Funding Scheme with additional incentives for SMEs (TFSME).


                                                         Items due 
                                                            Lloyds   Fair value 
                              Included        Repos        Banking    and other 
                            in funding     and cash          Group   accounting    Balance 
                              analysis   collateral   undertakings      methods      sheet 
At 30 June 2021                  GBPbn        GBPbn          GBPbn        GBPbn      GBPbn 
Deposits from banks                4.2         11.8              -            -     16.0 
Debt securities in 
 issue                            60.8            -         (15.7)         10.0     55.1 
Subordinated liabilities           9.8            -              -        (0.2)      9.6 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------- 
Total wholesale funding           74.8         11.8         (15.7) 
Customer deposits                449.6          7.9              -            -    457.5 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------- 
Total                            524.4         19.7         (15.7) 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------- 
At 31 December 2020 
Deposits from banks                3.9         18.8              -          2.3     25.0 
Debt securities in 
 issue                            66.4            -         (16.1)          9.0     59.3 
Subordinated liabilities           9.3            -              -        (0.1)      9.2 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------- 
Total wholesale funding           79.6         18.8         (16.1) 
Customer deposits                425.2          9.4              -            -    434.6 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------- 
Total                            504.8         28.2         (16.1) 
                           -----------  -----------  ------------- 

Analysis of total wholesale funding by residual maturity

                                                                             Total    Total 
                  Less     One             Six    Nine    One    Two   More     at       at 
                  than      to   Three      to  months     to     to   than     30       31 
                   one   three  to six    nine  to one    two   five   five   June      Dec 
                 month  months  months  months    year  years  years  years   2021     2020 
                 GBPbn   GBPbn   GBPbn   GBPbn   GBPbn  GBPbn  GBPbn  GBPbn  GBPbn    GBPbn 
Deposit from 
 banks             3.2     1.0       -       -       -      -      -      -    4.2    3.9 
Debt securities 
 in issue: 
                        ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------- 
 of deposit          -     0.3     0.1     0.1       -      -      -      -    0.5    3.6 
 paper             4.0     4.9     0.9       -       -      -      -      -    9.8    5.6 
 notes             1.7     0.8     1.0     1.2     0.9    5.5   11.0    6.3   28.4   31.2 
Covered bonds      1.3     0.7     0.4     1.0     1.1    5.5    5.7    3.9   19.6   23.1 
Securitisation     0.4     0.2     0.5       -     0.2    1.2      -      -    2.5    2.9 
                 -----  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
                   7.4     6.9     2.9     2.3     2.2   12.2   16.7   10.2   60.8   66.4 
 liabilities         -     1.1     1.6       -       -    0.2    3.3    3.6    9.8    9.3 
                 -----  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Total wholesale 
 funding(1)       10.6     9.0     4.5     2.3     2.2   12.4   20.0   13.8   74.8   79.6 
                 -----  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 

(1) Excludes balances relating to margins of GBP1.6 billion (31 December 2020: GBP1.8 billion).


Analysis of 2021 term issuance

                              Sterling  US Dollar   Euro   currencies    Total 
                                 GBPbn      GBPbn  GBPbn        GBPbn    GBPbn 
Medium-term notes                    -        1.5      -            -    1.5 
Covered bonds                        -          -      -            -      - 
Private placements                   -          -      -            -      - 
Subordinated liabilities(1)        1.5        1.1      -            -    2.6 
                              --------  ---------  -----  -----------  ----- 
Total issuance                     1.5        2.6      -            -    4.1 
                              --------  ---------  -----  -----------  ----- 

(1) Subordinated liabilities include AT1s.

Liquidity Portfolio

At 30 June 2021, the Group had GBP111.7 billion of highly liquid unencumbered LCR eligible assets, based on a monthly rolling average over the previous 12 months post any liquidity haircuts (31 December 2020: GBP113.4 billion). These assets are available to meet cash and collateral outflows and regulatory requirements.

The Group also has a significant amount of non-LCR eligible liquid assets which are eligible for use in a range of central bank or similar facilities, including the TFSME. Future use of such facilities will be based on prudent liquidity management and economic considerations, having regard for external market conditions.

LCR eligible assets

                                              Average  Average 
                                              2021(1)  2020(2)    Change 
                                                GBPbn    GBPbn         % 
Level 1 
Cash and central bank reserves                   49.3     46.5       6 
High quality government/MDB/agency bonds(3)      58.4     62.6     (7) 
High quality covered bonds                        2.7      2.9     (7) 
                                              -------  ------- 
Total                                           110.4    112.0     (1) 
Level 2(4)                                        1.3      1.4     (7) 
                                              -------  ------- 
Total LCR eligible assets                       111.7    113.4     (1) 
                                              -------  ------- 

(1) Based on 12 months rolling average to 30 June 2021. Eligible assets are calculated as an average of month-end observations over the previous 12 months post any liquidity haircuts.

(2) Based on 12 months rolling average to 31 December 2020. Eligible assets are calculated as an average of month-end observations over the previous 12 months post any liquidity haircuts.

(3) Designated multilateral development bank (MDB).

(4) Includes Level 2A and Level 2B.


Analysis of capital position

The Group's CET1 capital ratio increased from 15.5 per cent at 31 December 2020 to 16.1 per cent, primarily as a result of profits for the period (net of the impact of the impairment credit and partial release of IFRS 9 transitional relief) and a reduction in underlying risk-weighted assets, partially offset by the foreseeable dividend accrual and pension contributions.

The PRA have confirmed their intention to remove the beneficial treatment currently applied to intangible software assets and reinstate the original requirement to deduct in full. This change will be implemented on 1 January 2022 and will be expected to reduce the Group's reported CET 1 ratio by c.50bps.

The Group continues to apply the revised IFRS 9 transitional arrangements for capital which provide for temporary capital relief for the increase in accounting impairment provisions following the initial implementation of IFRS 9 ('static' relief) and subsequent relief for any increases in Stage 1 and Stage 2 expected credit losses since 1 January 2020 ('dynamic' relief). The transitional arrangements do not cover Stage 3 expected credit losses.

Excluding the IFRS 9 transitional relief and removing the current beneficial treatment applied to intangible software assets would reduce the Group's CET1 capital ratio from 16.1 per cent to 14.8 per cent, on the basis of the position at 30 June 2021.

The transitional total capital ratio reduced to 22.9 per cent (31 December 2020: 23.5 per cent) largely reflecting the annual reduction in transitional limits applied to legacy tier 1 and tier 2 instruments in addition to the derecognition of called AT1 instruments, offset in part by the issuance of new AT1 and tier 2 instruments, the increase in common equity tier 1 capital and the reduction in risk-weighted assets.

The UK leverage ratio reduced to 5.3 per cent (31 December 2020: 5.5 per cent) as a result of the reduction in fully loaded total tier 1 capital, which was partly offset by the reduction in the leverage exposure measure.

Total capital requirement

The Group's total capital requirement (TCR) as at 30 June 2021, being the aggregate of the Group's Pillar 1 and current Pillar 2A capital requirements, was GBP20,273 million (31 December 2020: GBP20,567 million).

Capital resources

An analysis of the Group's capital position as at 30 June 2021 is presented in the following section on both a transitional arrangements basis and a fully loaded basis in respect of legacy capital securities subject to current grandfathering provisions. In addition, the Group's capital position under both bases reflects the application of the separate transitional arrangements for IFRS 9.

The following table summarises the consolidated capital position of the Group.


                                            Transitional           Fully loaded 
                                        ---------------------  --------------------- 
                                        At 30 June  At 31 Dec  At 30 June  At 31 Dec 
                                              2021       2020        2021       2020 
                                              GBPm       GBPm        GBPm       GBPm 
Common equity tier 1 
Shareholders' equity per balance 
 sheet                                      36,995     35,105      36,995     35,105 
Adjustment to retained earnings 
 for foreseeable dividends                   (700)    (1,000)       (700)    (1,000) 
Adjustment to retained earnings 
 for IFRS 9 transitional arrangements        1,260      1,869       1,260      1,869 
Cash flow hedging reserve and other 
 adjustments                                 (375)    (1,401)       (375)    (1,401) 
                                        ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
                                            37,180     34,573      37,180     34,573 
less: deductions from common equity 
 tier 1 
Goodwill and other intangible assets       (3,180)    (2,986)     (3,180)    (2,986) 
Prudent valuation adjustment                 (179)      (173)       (179)      (173) 
Removal of defined benefit pension 
 surplus                                   (2,209)    (1,322)     (2,209)    (1,322) 
Deferred tax assets                        (4,652)    (3,525)     (4,652)    (3,525) 
                                        ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
Common equity tier 1 capital(1)             26,960     26,567      26,960     26,567 
Additional tier 1 
Additional tier 1 instruments                4,949      7,295       4,268      5,935 
                                        ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
Total tier 1 capital(1)                     31,909     33,862      31,228     32,502 
                                        ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
Tier 2 
Tier 2 instruments                           6,996      6,825       6,298      5,454 
Other adjustments                            (543)      (524)       (543)      (524) 
                                        ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
Total tier 2 capital                         6,453      6,301       5,755      4,930 
                                        ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
Total capital resources(1)                  38,362     40,163      36,983     37,432 
                                        ----------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
Risk-weighted assets                       167,190    170,862     167,190    170,862 
Common equity tier 1 capital ratio           16.1%      15.5%       16.1%      15.5% 
Tier 1 capital ratio                         19.1%      19.8%       18.7%      19.0% 
Total capital ratio                          22.9%      23.5%       22.1%      21.9% 

(1) Position at 31 December 2020 audited.


Movements in capital resources

The key difference between the transitional capital calculation as at 30 June 2021 and the fully loaded equivalent is primarily related to capital securities that previously qualified as tier 1 or tier 2 capital, but that do not fully qualify under the regulation, which can be included in additional tier 1 (AT1) or tier 2 capital (as applicable) up to specified limits which reduce by 10 per cent per annum until 2022. In addition, following revisions to eligibility criteria for capital instruments under CRR II, certain instruments of the Group will cease to qualify as regulatory capital in June 2025.

The key movements on a transitional capital basis are set out in the table below.

                                           equity  Additional               Total 
                                           tier 1      tier 1  Tier 2     capital 
                                             GBPm        GBPm    GBPm        GBPm 
At 31 December 2020                        26,567       7,295   6,301    40,163 
Profit for the period                       3,708           -       -     3,708 
Foreseeable dividend accrual 
 for the period(1)                          (700)           -       -     (700) 
IFRS 9 transitional adjustment 
 to retained earnings                       (610)           -       -     (610) 
Pension contributions                       (668)           -       -     (668) 
Prudent valuation adjustment                  (6)           -       -       (6) 
Deferred tax asset                        (1,127)           -       -   (1,127) 
Goodwill and other intangible 
 assets                                     (194)           -       -     (194) 
Movements in other equity, subordinated 
 liabilities, other tier 2 items 
 and related adjustments                        -     (2,346)     152   (2,194) 
Distributions on other equity 
 instruments                                (203)           -       -     (203) 
Other movements(2)                            193           -       -       193 
                                          -------  ----------  ------  -------- 
At 30 June 2021                            26,960       4,949   6,453    38,362 
                                          -------  ----------  ------  -------- 

(1) Reflects the accrual for foreseeable 2021 ordinary dividends. Excludes the reversal of the brought forward accrual for the 2020 full year ordinary dividend which has now been paid out.

(2) Includes other pension movements.

CET1 capital resources have increased by GBP393 million during the period, primarily reflecting:

(--) underlying banking profits, with the impairment credit offset by the partial unwind of IFRS 9 transitional relief

(--) offset in part by pension contributions made during the period, the accrual of the foreseeable ordinary dividend and other items including the increase in deferred tax assets deducted from capital which primarily reflects the remeasurement of deferred tax assets following the announced increase in the UK corporation tax rate from 1 April 2023. The remeasurement has a limited overall capital benefit as the tax credit through profits is largely offset by the increase in the deferred tax asset deduction.

AT1 capital resources have reduced by GBP2,346 million during the period, primarily reflecting the annual reduction in the transitional limit applied to grandfathered tier 1 capital instruments and the net impact of the derecognition of called AT1 capital instruments and subsequent issuance of new AT1 capital instruments.

Tier 2 capital resources have increased by GBP152 million during the period, largely reflecting the issuance of a new tier 2 capital instrument, partially offset by the application of the reduced transitional limit applied to grandfathered tier 2 capital instruments, regulatory amortisation and the impact of movements in rates.


Risk-weighted assets

                                                                 At 31 
                                                        At 30      Dec 
                                                    June 2021     2020 
                                                         GBPm     GBPm 
Foundation Internal Ratings Based (IRB) Approach       41,359   43,781 
Retail IRB Approach                                    66,584   65,207 
Other IRB Approach                                     11,317   11,916 
                                                   ----------  ------- 
IRB Approach                                          119,260  120,904 
Standardised (STA) Approach                            19,918   21,673 
                                                   ----------  ------- 
Credit risk                                           139,178  142,577 
Counterparty credit risk                                1,727    2,133 
Credit valuation adjustment risk                          206      355 
Operational risk                                       23,449   23,307 
Market risk                                               186      210 
                                                   ----------  ------- 
Risk-weighted assets                                  164,746  165,582 
Threshold risk-weighted assets(1)                       2,444    2,280 
                                                   ----------  ------- 
Total risk-weighted assets                            167,190  170,862 
                                                   ----------  ------- 

(1) Threshold risk-weighted assets reflect the element of deferred tax assets that are permitted to be risk-weighted instead of being deducted from CET1 capital.

Risk-weighted asset movements by driver

                      Credit   Credit     Credit  Counterparty 
                        risk     risk       risk        credit  Market  Operational 
                         IRB      STA   total(1)       risk(2)    risk         risk      Total 
                        GBPm     GBPm       GBPm          GBPm    GBPm         GBPm       GBPm 
Total risk-weighted 
 assets at 31 
 2020                                                                                170,862 
Less threshold 
 assets(3)                                                                           (2,280) 
 at 31 December 
 2020                120,904   21,673    142,577         2,488     210       23,307  168,582 
Asset size           (2,901)    (305)    (3,206)         (347)       -            -  (3,553) 
Asset quality          1,465    (142)      1,323         (196)       -            -    1,127 
Model updates              -        -          -             -      18            -       18 
Methodology and 
 policy                 (40)  (1,231)    (1,271)             -       1            -  (1,270) 
Acquisitions and 
disposals                  -        -          -             -       -            -        - 
Movements in risk 
 (market risk only)        -        -          -             -    (43)            -     (43) 
Foreign exchange 
 movements             (168)     (77)      (245)          (12)       -            -    (257) 
Other                      -        -          -             -       -          142      142 
                     -------  -------  ---------  ------------  ------  -----------  ------- 
 at 30 June 2021     119,260   19,918    139,178         1,933     186       23,449  164,746 
                     -------  -------  ---------  ------------  ------  ----------- 
 assets(3)                                                                             2,444 
Total risk-weighted assets 
 at 30 June 2021                                                                     167,190 

(1) Credit risk includes securitisation risk-weighted assets.

(2) Counterparty credit risk includes movements in contributions to the default fund of central counterparties and movements in credit valuation adjustment risk.

(3) Threshold risk-weighted assets reflect the element of deferred tax assets that are permitted to be risk-weighted instead of being deducted from CET1 capital.


The risk-weighted assets movement table provides analysis of the movement in risk-weighted assets in the period by risk type and an insight into the key drivers of the movements.

Credit risk, risk-weighted assets:

(--) Asset size reduction of GBP3.2 billion predominantly reflects continued optimisation in Commercial Banking and lower unsecured balances partially offset by increased mortgage lending.

(--) Asset quality increase of GBP1.3 billion reflects the limited impact of credit migration and retail model calibrations offset by the benefit of House Price Index increases

(--) Methodology and policy changes reduced risk-weighted assets by GBP1.3 billion through securitisation activity and other optimisation activity.

Counterparty credit risk, risk-weighted assets: decreased by GBP0.6 billion due to movements in market rates during the period

Analysis of leverage movements

The Group's fully loaded UK leverage ratio has reduced to 5.3 per cent, driven by the impact of the reduction in the fully loaded total tier 1 capital position. This was offset in part by the reduction in the leverage exposure measure which reduced by GBP6.3 billion during the period, largely reflecting movements in securities financing transactions and off-balance sheet items, net of an increase in retail lending.

Following a direction received from the PRA during 2020 the Group is permitted to exclude lending under the UK Government's Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) from the leverage exposure measure.

The average UK leverage ratio was 5.5 per cent over the second quarter, reducing to 5.3 per cent towards the end of the quarter which largely reflected the reduction in fully loaded total tier 1 capital.


Leverage ratio

The table below summarises the component parts of the Lloyds Bank plc leverage ratio.

                                                      Fully loaded 
                                                                At 31 
                                                      At 30       Dec 
                                                  June 2021      2020 
                                                       GBPm      GBPm 
Total tier 1 capital for leverage ratio 
Common equity tier 1 capital                         26,960    26,567 
Additional tier 1 capital                             4,268     5,935 
                                                 ----------  -------- 
Total tier 1 capital                                 31,228    32,502 
                                                 ----------  -------- 
Exposure measure 
Statutory balance sheet assets 
Derivative financial instruments                      6,436     8,341 
Securities financing transactions                    51,746    56,073 
Loans and advances and other assets                 551,440   535,525 
                                                 ----------  -------- 
Total assets                                        609,622   599,939 
                                                 ----------  -------- 
Qualifying central bank claims                     (53,073)  (43,973) 
Deconsolidation adjustments 
Derivative financial instruments                          -        16 
Securities financing transactions                         -         - 
Loans and advances and other assets                   (113)     (139) 
                                                 ----------  -------- 
Total deconsolidation adjustments(1)                  (113)     (123) 
                                                 ----------  -------- 
Derivatives adjustments 
Adjustments for regulatory netting                  (1,995)   (2,225) 
Adjustments for cash collateral                     (3,810)   (5,601) 
Net written credit protection                            22       145 
Regulatory potential future exposure                  5,269     5,744 
                                                 ----------  -------- 
Total derivatives adjustments                         (514)   (1,937) 
                                                 ----------  -------- 
Securities financing transactions adjustments           833     1,060 
Off-balance sheet items                              48,220    53,350 
Regulatory deductions and other adjustments(2)     (17,727)  (14,770) 
Total exposure measure                              587,248   593,546 
                                                 ----------  -------- 
Average exposure measure(3)                         588,616 
UK leverage ratio                                      5.3%      5.5% 
Average UK leverage ratio(3)                           5.5% 

(1) Deconsolidation adjustments relate to the deconsolidation of certain Lloyds Bank Group entities that fall outside the scope of Lloyds Bank Group's regulatory capital consolidation.

(2) Includes adjustments to exclude lending under the UK Government's Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) and the accelerated implementation for the netting of regular-way purchases and sales awaiting settlement in accordance with CRR Article 500d.

(3) The average UK leverage ratio is based on the average of the month end tier 1 capital position and average exposure measure over the quarter (1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021). The average of 5.5 per cent compares to 5.6 per cent at the start and 5.3 per cent at the end of the quarter.


Application of IFRS 9 on a full impact basis for capital and leverage

                                               IFRS 9 full impact 
                                                  At 30        At 31 
                                              June 2021     Dec 2020 
Common equity tier 1 (GBPm)                      25,628     24,591 
Transitional tier 1 (GBPm)                       30,577     31,886 
Transitional total capital (GBPm)                38,273     39,422 
Total risk-weighted assets (GBPm)               167,332    171,015 
Common equity tier 1 ratio (%)                    15.3%        14.4% 
Transitional tier 1 ratio (%)                     18.3%        18.6% 
Transitional total capital ratio (%)              22.9%        23.1% 
UK leverage ratio exposure measure (GBPm)       585,916    591,570 
UK leverage ratio (%)                              5.1%         5.2% 

Lloyds Bank Group applies the full extent of the IFRS 9 transitional arrangements for capital as set out under CRR Article 473a (as amended via the CRR 'Quick Fix' revisions published in June 2020). Specifically, the Group has opted to apply both paragraphs 2 and 4 of CRR Article 473a (static and dynamic relief) and in addition to apply a 100 per cent risk weight to the consequential Standardised credit risk exposure add-back as permitted under paragraph 7a of the revisions.

As at 30 June 2021, static relief under the transitional arrangements amounted to GBP262 million (31 December 2020: GBP370 million) and dynamic relief amounted to GBP1,070 million (31 December 2020: GBP1,606 million) through CET1 capital.

Regulatory capital developments

A number of significant regulatory capital changes will implement on 1 January 2022, including the remaining UK implementation of CRR 2 (which includes the revised standardised measure of counterparty credit risk - SA-CCR) and required changes to the Group's IRB models which will predominantly impact the mortgage models as a result of changes to the definition of default, revised loss given default (LGD) parameters and a new 'hybrid' probability of default (PD) approach. In addition UK regulators are currently consulting on revisions to the UK leverage ratio framework which are also expected to apply from 1 January 2022.

A consultation on the UK implementation of the remaining final Basel III reforms (also referred to as Basel 3.1), which include significant revisions to the credit risk, CVA and operational risk frameworks and will lead to the phased introduction of a risk-weighted assets output floor, is expected to be published by UK regulators in Q4 2021. The final rules are currently expected to apply from 1 January 2023, with the output floor expected to be phased in over several years.

Half-year Pillar 3 disclosures

The Group will publish a condensed set of half-year Pillar 3 disclosures in mid-August. A copy of the disclosures will be available to view at: https://www.lloydsbankinggroup.com/investors/financial-downloads.html


Condensed consolidated half-year financial statements 
Consolidated income statement                              34 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income             35 
Consolidated balance sheet                                 36 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity                38 
Consolidated cash flow statement                           41 
1    Accounting policies                                   42 
2    Critical accounting judgements and estimates          43 
3    Segmental analysis                                    53 
4    Net fee and commission income                         55 
5    Operating expenses                                    55 
6    Impairment                                            56 
7    Tax expense                                           58 
     Financial assets at fair value through profit 
8     or loss                                              58 
9    Financial assets at amortised cost                    59 
10   Debt securities in issue                              65 
11   Retirement benefit obligations                        66 
12   Other provisions                                      67 
13   Related party transactions                            69 
14   Contingent liabilities, commitments and guarantees    70 
15   Fair values of financial assets and liabilities       73 
     Credit quality of loans and advances to banks 
16    and customers                                        79 
17   Dividends on ordinary shares                          82 
18   Ultimate parent undertaking                           82 
19   Other information                                     83 


                                                           Half-year    Half-year 
                                                          to 30 June   to 30 June 
                                                                2021         2020 
                                                   Note         GBPm         GBPm 
Interest income                                                6,397        7,295 
Interest expense                                             (1,021)      (1,681) 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Net interest income                                            5,376        5,614 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Fee and commission income                                      1,070          954 
Fee and commission expense                                     (480)        (421) 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Net fee and commission income                       4            590          533 
Net trading income                                               303          368 
Other operating income                                         1,038        1,251 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Other income                                                   1,931        2,152 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Total income                                                   7,307        7,766 
Operating expenses                                  5        (4,564)      (4,431) 
Impairment                                          6            677      (3,625) 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Profit (loss) before tax                                       3,420        (290) 
Tax credit                                          7            288          594 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Profit for the period                                          3,708          304 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                   3,489           86 
Profit attributable to other equity holders                      203          204 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Profit attributable to equity holders                          3,692          290 
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests                  16           14 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 
Profit for the period                                          3,708          304 
                                                         -----------  ----------- 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements.


                                                               Half-year    Half-year 
                                                              to 30 June   to 30 June 
                                                                    2021         2020 
                                                                    GBPm         GBPm 
Profit for the period                                              3,708          304 
Other comprehensive income 
Items that will not subsequently be reclassified 
 to profit or loss: 
Post-retirement defined benefit scheme remeasurements: 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
  Remeasurements before tax                                          604          668 
  Tax                                                              (323)        (154) 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
                                                                     281          514 
Movements in revaluation reserve in respect of 
 equity shares held at fair value through other 
 comprehensive income: 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
  Change in fair value                                                 -            - 
  Tax                                                                  1            - 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
                                                                       1            - 
Gains and losses attributable to own credit risk: 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
  Losses before tax                                                 (48)          (3) 
  Tax                                                                 22            1 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
                                                                    (26)          (2) 
Items that may subsequently be reclassified to 
 profit or loss: 
Movements in revaluation reserve in respect of 
 debt securities held at fair value through other 
 comprehensive income: 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
  Change in fair value                                                41         (16) 
  Income statement transfers in respect of disposals                  59        (137) 
  Income statement transfers in respect of impairment                (2)            6 
  Tax                                                               (12)           41 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
                                                                      86        (106) 
Movements in cash flow hedging reserve: 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
  Effective portion of changes in fair value taken 
   to other comprehensive income                                 (1,074)          682 
  Net income statement transfers                                   (275)        (480) 
  Tax                                                                349         (91) 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
                                                                 (1,000)          111 
Movements in foreign currency translation reserve: 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
  Currency translation differences (tax: GBPnil)                     (7)            - 
  Transfers to income statement (tax: GBPnil)                          -            - 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
                                                                     (7)            - 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
Other comprehensive income for the period, net 
 of tax                                                            (665)          517 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
Total comprehensive income for the period                          3,043          821 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
Total comprehensive income attributable to ordinary 
 shareholders                                                      2,824          603 
Total comprehensive income attributable to other 
 equity holders                                                      203          204 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
Total comprehensive income attributable to equity 
 holders                                                           3,027          807 
Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling 
 interests                                                            16           14 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 
Total comprehensive income for the period                          3,043          821 
                                                             -----------  ----------- 


                                                                     At         At 
                                                                30 June     31 Dec 
                                                                   2021       2020 
                                                            (unaudited)  (audited) 
                                                      Note         GBPm       GBPm 
Cash and balances at central banks                               58,693     49,888 
Items in the course of collection from banks                        163        300 
Financial assets at fair value through profit 
 or loss                                               8          1,292      1,674 
Derivative financial instruments                                  6,436      8,341 
                                                            -----------  --------- 
  Loans and advances to banks                                     7,353      5,950 
  Loans and advances to customers                               481,342    480,141 
  Debt securities                                                 4,787      5,137 
  Due from fellow Lloyds Banking Group undertakings                 692        738 
                                                            -----------  --------- 
Financial assets at amortised cost                     9        494,174    491,966 
Financial assets at fair value through other 
 comprehensive income                                            25,840     27,260 
Goodwill                                                            470        470 
Other intangible assets                                           4,252      4,112 
Property, plant and equipment                                     8,065      8,317 
Current tax recoverable                                             763        537 
Deferred tax assets                                               4,257      3,468 
Retirement benefit assets                              11         3,134      1,714 
Other assets                                                      2,083      1,892 
                                                            -----------  --------- 
Total assets                                                    609,622    599,939 
                                                            -----------  --------- 


                                                                  At         At 
                                                             30 June     31 Dec 
                                                                2021       2020 
                                                         (unaudited)  (audited) 
Equity and liabilities                             Note         GBPm       GBPm 
Deposits from banks                                           16,029     24,997 
Customer deposits                                            457,465    434,569 
Due to fellow Lloyds Banking Group undertakings                7,169      6,875 
Items in course of transmission to banks                         319        302 
Financial liabilities at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                                6,857      6,831 
Derivative financial instruments                               5,341      8,228 
Notes in circulation                                           1,368      1,305 
Debt securities in issue                            10        55,120     59,293 
Other liabilities                                              5,891      5,181 
Retirement benefit obligations                      11           234        245 
Current tax liabilities                                            -         31 
Other provisions                                    12         1,499      1,722 
Subordinated liabilities                                       9,600      9,242 
                                                         -----------  --------- 
Total liabilities                                            566,892    558,821 
                                                         -----------  --------- 
                                                         -----------  --------- 
Share capital                                                  1,574      1,574 
Share premium account                                            600        600 
Other reserves                                                 6,260      7,181 
Retained profits                                              28,561     25,750 
                                                         -----------  --------- 
Ordinary shareholders' equity                                 36,995     35,105 
Other equity instruments                                       5,644      5,935 
                                                         -----------  --------- 
Total equity excluding non-controlling interests              42,639     41,040 
Non-controlling interests                                         91         78 
                                                         -----------  --------- 
Total equity                                                  42,730     41,118 
                                                         -----------  --------- 
Total equity and liabilities                                 609,622    599,939 
                                                         -----------  --------- 


                        Attributable to ordinary 
                  capital                                     Other         Non- 
                      and     Other  Retained                equity  controlling 
                  premium  reserves   profits    Total  instruments    interests    Total 
                     GBPm      GBPm      GBPm     GBPm         GBPm         GBPm     GBPm 
At 1 January 
 2021               2,174     7,181    25,750   35,105        5,935           78   41,118 
Profit for the 
 period                 -         -     3,489    3,489          203           16    3,708 
                  -------  --------  --------  -------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
 benefit scheme 
 net of tax             -         -       281      281            -            -      281 
Movements in 
reserve in 
of financial 
held at fair 
through other 
income, net of 
   securities           -        86         -       86            -            -       86 
  Equity shares         -         1         -        1            -            -        1 
Gains and losses 
 attributable to 
 credit risk, 
 of tax                 -         -      (26)     (26)            -            -     (26) 
Movements in 
 flow hedging 
 net of tax             -   (1,000)         -  (1,000)            -            -  (1,000) 
Movements in 
 reserve, net of 
 tax                    -       (7)         -      (7)            -            -      (7) 
                  -------  --------  --------  -------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
Total other 
 income                 -     (920)       255    (665)            -            -    (665) 
                  -------  --------  --------  -------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
 income(1)              -     (920)     3,744    2,824          203           16    3,043 
                  -------  --------  --------  -------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
                  -------  --------  --------  -------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
Dividends               -         -   (1,000)  (1,000)            -          (3)  (1,003) 
Distributions on 
 other equity 
 instruments            -         -         -        -        (203)            -    (203) 
Issue of other 
 instruments            -         -       (1)      (1)        1,550            -    1,549 
Redemptions of 
 instruments            -         -       (9)      (9)      (1,841)            -  (1,850) 
 received               -         -        78       78            -            -       78 
Return of 
 contributions          -         -       (2)      (2)            -            -      (2) 
Changes in 
interests               -         -         -        -            -            -        - 
                  -------  --------  --------  -------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
 with owners            -         -     (934)    (934)        (494)          (3)  (1,431) 
                  -------  --------  --------  -------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
Realised gains 
 losses on 
 shares held at 
 value through 
 income                 -       (1)         1        -            -            -        - 
                  -------  --------  --------  -------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
At 30 June 
 2021(2)            2,174     6,260    28,561   36,995        5,644           91   42,730 
                  -------  --------  --------  -------  -----------  -----------  ------- 

(1) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent was GBP3,027 million.

(2) Total equity attributable to owners of the parent was GBP42,639 million.


                       Attributable to ordinary 
                  capital                                    Other         Non- 
                      and     Other  Retained               equity  controlling 
                  premium  reserves   profits   Total  instruments    interests   Total 
                     GBPm      GBPm      GBPm    GBPm         GBPm         GBPm    GBPm 
At 1 January 
 2020               2,174     7,250    24,549  33,973        4,865           61  38,899 
Profit for the 
 period                 -         -        86      86          204           14     304 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
 benefit scheme 
 net of tax             -         -       514     514            -            -     514 
Movements in 
reserve in 
of financial 
held at fair 
through other 
income, net of 
   securities           -     (106)         -   (106)            -            -   (106) 
  Equity shares         -         -         -       -            -            -       - 
Gains and losses 
 attributable to 
 credit risk, 
 of tax                 -         -       (2)     (2)            -            -     (2) 
Movements in 
 flow hedging 
 net of tax             -       111         -     111            -            -     111 
Movements in 
reserve, net of 
tax                     -         -         -       -            -            -       - 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
Total other 
 income                 -         5       512     517            -            -     517 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
 income(1)              -         5       598     603          204           14     821 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
Dividends               -         -         -       -            -            -       - 
Distributions on 
 other equity 
 instruments            -         -         -       -        (204)            -   (204) 
Issue of other 
 instruments            -         -         -       -        1,070            -   1,070 
 received               -         -        61      61            -            -      61 
Return of 
 contributions          -         -       (2)     (2)            -            -     (2) 
Changes in 
interests               -         -         -       -            -            -       - 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
 with owners            -         -        59      59          866            -     925 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
Realised gains 
losses on equity 
shares held at 
value through 
income                  -         -         -       -            -            -       - 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
At 30 June 
 2020(2)            2,174     7,255    25,206  34,635        5,935           75  40,645 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 

(1) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent was GBP807 million.

(2) Total equity attributable to owners of the parent was GBP40,570 million.


                       Attributable to ordinary 
                  capital                                    Other         Non- 
                      and     Other  Retained               equity  controlling 
                  premium  reserves   profits   Total  instruments    interests   Total 
                     GBPm      GBPm      GBPm    GBPm         GBPm         GBPm    GBPm 
At 1 July 2020      2,174     7,255    25,206  34,635        5,935           75  40,645 
Profit for the 
 period                 -         -       937     937          213           12   1,162 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
 benefit scheme 
 net of tax             -         -     (401)   (401)            -            -   (401) 
Movements in 
reserve in 
of financial 
held at fair 
through other 
income, net of 
   securities           -        86         -      86            -            -      86 
  Equity shares         -      (16)         -    (16)            -            -    (16) 
Gains and losses 
 attributable to 
 credit risk, 
 of tax                 -         -      (53)    (53)            -            -    (53) 
Movements in 
 flow hedging 
 net of tax             -     (160)         -   (160)            -            -   (160) 
Movements in 
reserve, net of 
tax                     -         -         -       -            -            -       - 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
Total other 
 income                 -      (90)     (454)   (544)            -            -   (544) 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
 income(1)              -      (90)       483     393          213           12     618 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
Dividends               -         -         -       -            -          (7)     (7) 
Distributions on 
 other equity 
 instruments            -         -         -       -        (213)            -   (213) 
Issue of other 
instruments             -         -         -       -            -            -       - 
 received               -         -        79      79            -            -      79 
Return of 
 contributions          -         -       (2)     (2)            -            -     (2) 
Changes in 
 interests              -         -         -       -            -          (2)     (2) 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
 with owners            -         -        77      77        (213)          (9)   (145) 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
Realised gains 
 losses on 
 shares held at 
 value through 
 income                 -        16      (16)       -            -            -       - 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
At 31 December 
 2020(2)            2,174     7,181    25,750  35,105        5,935           78  41,118 
                  -------  --------  --------  ------  -----------  -----------  ------ 

(1) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent was GBP606 million.

(2) Total equity attributable to owners of the parent was GBP41,040 million.



                                                        Half-year    Half-year 
                                                       to 30 June   to 30 June 
                                                             2021         2020 
                                                             GBPm         GBPm 
Profit (loss) before tax                                    3,420        (290) 
Adjustments for: 
  Change in operating assets                                1,360     (11,743) 
  Change in operating liabilities                           6,422       23,967 
  Non-cash and other items                                (1,068)        3,221 
  Tax paid                                                  (646)        (648) 
                                                      -----------  ----------- 
Net cash provided by operating activities                   9,488       14,507 
                                                      -----------  ----------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of financial assets                              (5,411)      (7,029) 
Proceeds from sale and maturity of financial assets         6,335        5,132 
Purchase of fixed assets                                  (1,509)      (1,301) 
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets                            542          413 
Net cash used in investing activities                        (43)      (2,785) 
                                                      -----------  ----------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Dividends paid to ordinary shareholders                   (1,000)            - 
Distributions on other equity instruments                   (203)        (204) 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                   (3)            - 
Return of capital contributions                               (2)          (2) 
Interest paid on subordinated liabilities                   (310)        (514) 
Proceeds from issue of subordinated liabilities             1,086          281 
Proceeds from issue of other equity instruments             1,549        1,070 
Repayment of subordinated liabilities                       (471)      (1,769) 
Redemptions of other equity instruments                   (1,850)            - 
Borrowings from parent company                              2,459        2,270 
Repayments to parent company                                (850)        (136) 
Interest paid on borrowing from parent company              (127)        (103) 
                                                      -----------  ----------- 
Net cash provided by financing activities                     278          893 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash 
 equivalents                                                    -            2 
                                                      -----------  ----------- 
Change in cash and cash equivalents                         9,723       12,617 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period           48,966       38,614 
                                                      -----------  ----------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                 58,689       51,231 
                                                      -----------  ----------- 

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and non-mandatory balances with central banks and amounts due from banks with a maturity of less than three months.


Note 1: Accounting policies

These condensed consolidated half-year financial statements as at and for the period to 30 June 2021 have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and with International Accounting Standard 34 (IAS 34), Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the United Kingdom and comprise the results of Lloyds Bank plc (the Bank) together with its subsidiaries (the Group). They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2020 which complied with international accounting standards in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006, were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and were compliant with IFRS adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it applies in the European Union. Copies of the 2020 Annual Report and Accounts are available on the Group's website and are available upon request from Investor Relations, Lloyds Banking Group plc, 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN.

The directors consider that it is appropriate to continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements. In reaching this assessment, the directors have taken into account the continuing uncertainties affecting the UK economy post-pandemic and their potential effects upon the Group's performance and projected funding and capital position; the impact of further stress scenarios has also been considered. On this basis, the directors are satisfied that the Group will maintain adequate levels of funding and capital for the foreseeable future.

Changes in accounting policy

The Group adopted the Interest Rate Benchmark Reform Phase 2 amendments from 1 January 2021. These amendments require that changes to expected future cash flows that both arise as a direct result of IBOR Reform and are economically equivalent to the previous cash flows are accounted for as a change to the effective interest rate with no adjustment to the asset or liability's carrying amount; no immediate gain or loss is recognised. The new requirements also provide relief from the requirement to discontinue hedge accounting as a result of amending hedge documentation if the changes are required solely as a result of the IBOR Reform. The amendments do not have a material impact on the Group's comparatives, which have not been restated.

Except for the change above, the Group's accounting policies are consistent with those applied by the Group in its 2020 Annual Report and Accounts and there have been no changes in the Group's methods of computation.

Future accounting developments

The IASB has issued a number of minor amendments to IFRSs effective 1 January 2022 and in later years (including IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets). These amendments are not expected to have a significant impact on the Group.


Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and estimates

The preparation of the Group's financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that impact the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Due to the inherent uncertainty in making estimates, actual results reported in future periods may include amounts which differ from those estimates. Estimates, judgements and assumptions are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The Group's significant judgements, estimates and assumptions are unchanged compared to those applied at 31 December 2020, except as detailed below.

Allowance for expected credit losses

The Group recognises an allowance for expected credit losses (ECLs) for loans and advances to customers and banks, other financial assets held at amortised cost, financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income and certain loan commitment and financial guarantee contracts. At 30 June 2021 the Group's expected credit loss allowance was GBP4,997 million (31 December 2020: GBP6,132 million), of which GBP4,649 million (31 December 2020: GBP5,706 million) was in respect of drawn balances.

The calculation of the Group's expected credit loss allowances and provisions against loan commitments and guarantees under IFRS 9 requires the Group to make a number of judgements, assumptions and estimates. These are set out in detail in the Group's 2020 Annual Report and Accounts. The principal changes made in the period ended 30 June 2021 are as follows:

Base Case and Economic Assumptions

The Group's base case economic scenario has been revised in light of the continuing impact of the coronavirus pandemic in the UK and globally. The scenario reflects judgements of the net effect of government-mandated restrictions on economic activity, large-scale government interventions and behavioural changes by households and businesses that may persist beyond the rollout of coronavirus vaccination programmes.

As large-scale vaccination efforts compete with the emergence of new viral strains in the UK and globally, there remains considerable uncertainty about the pace and eventual extent of the post-pandemic recovery. The Group's updated base case scenario builds in three key conditioning assumptions. First, that rising infections in the UK's third COVID-19 wave do not lead to a re-imposition of restrictions. Second, that the rollout of vaccination programmes among the UK's trading partners will reinforce an improving global backdrop. Third, that domestic policy measures remain accommodative, with monetary policy looking through a transient rise in inflation.

Conditioned on these assumptions and taking note of improvements in economic indicators in the second quarter, the Group's base case outlook continues to assume a rise in the unemployment rate as furlough support ends alongside a deceleration in residential and commercial property price growth. Risks around this base case economic view lie in both directions and are partly captured by the alternative economic scenarios generated. But uncertainties relating to the key conditioning assumptions, including epidemiological developments, the efficacy of vaccine rollouts against emergent strains and the response of the economy in those circumstances are not specifically captured by these scenarios. These specific risks have been recognised outside the modelled scenarios with a central adjustment.

The Group has incorporated the latest available information at the reporting date in defining its base case scenario and generating alternative economic scenarios. The scenarios include forecasts for key variables in the second quarter of 2021, for which actuals may have since emerged prior to publication.


Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and estimates (continued)

Base case scenario by quarter(1)

                           First    Second     Third    Fourth     First    Second     Third      Fourth 
                         quarter   quarter   quarter   quarter   quarter   quarter   quarter     quarter 
                            2021      2021      2021      2021      2022      2022      2022        2022 
At 30 June 2021                %         %         %         %         %         %         %           % 
Gross domestic product     (1.5)       4.3     (0.3)       3.2       1.5       0.5       0.4       0.4 
UK Bank Rate                0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10 
Unemployment rate            4.8       5.0       5.4       6.6       6.4       6.2       6.1       5.9 
House price growth           6.5      10.5       6.8       5.6       5.0       1.7       0.3       0.1 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth              (2.9)       1.3       1.5       0.4     (0.3)     (0.5)       0.4       1.0 
                           First    Second     Third    Fourth     First    Second     Third      Fourth 
                         quarter   quarter   quarter   quarter   quarter   quarter   quarter     quarter 
                            2020      2020      2020      2020      2021      2021      2021        2021 
At 31 December 2020            %         %         %         %         %         %         %           % 
Gross domestic product     (3.0)    (18.8)      16.0     (1.9)     (3.8)       5.6       3.6       1.5 
UK Bank Rate                0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10      0.10 
Unemployment rate            4.0       4.1       4.8       5.0       5.2       6.5       8.0       7.5 
House price growth           2.8       2.6       7.2       5.9       5.5       4.7     (1.6)     (3.8) 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth              (5.0)     (7.8)     (7.8)     (7.0)     (6.1)     (2.9)     (2.2)     (1.7) 

(1) Gross domestic product presented quarter on quarter, house price growth and commercial real estate growth presented year on year - i.e. from the equivalent quarter the previous year. UK Bank Rate is presented end quarter.


Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and estimates (continued)

Scenarios by year

Key annual assumptions made by the Group are shown below. Gross domestic product is presented as an annual change, house price growth and commercial real estate price growth are presented as the growth in the respective indices within the period. UK Bank Rate and unemployment rate are averages for the period. The upside, base case and downside scenarios are weighted at 30 per cent each, with the severe downside scenario weighted at 10 per cent.

                           2021    2022    2023   2024   2025      average 
At 30 June 2021               %       %       %      %      %            % 
Gross domestic product      6.1     5.5     1.4    1.4    1.2        3.1 
UK Bank Rate               0.52    1.27    1.09   1.32   1.58       1.16 
Unemployment rate           4.7     4.9     4.4    4.2    4.1        4.5 
House price growth          6.8     3.4     4.6    3.9    3.4        4.4 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth               9.2     5.7     2.4    0.3  (0.3)        3.4 
Base case 
Gross domestic product      5.5     5.5     1.6    1.4    1.2        3.0 
UK Bank Rate               0.10    0.10    0.25   0.50   0.75       0.34 
Unemployment rate           5.4     6.1     5.4    5.0    4.8        5.4 
House price growth          5.6     0.1     0.1    0.6    1.1        1.5 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth               0.4     1.0     0.6    0.3    0.5        0.6 
Gross domestic product      4.8     4.2     1.3    1.4    1.4        2.6 
UK Bank Rate               0.09    0.05    0.06   0.11   0.20       0.10 
Unemployment rate           6.0     7.8     7.1    6.5    6.0        6.7 
House price growth          3.5   (6.2)   (7.5)  (4.9)  (1.8)      (3.5) 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth             (5.3)   (5.3)   (2.8)  (1.5)    0.2      (3.0) 
Severe downside 
Gross domestic product      4.1     3.5     1.1    1.4    1.4        2.3 
UK Bank Rate               0.06    0.00    0.01   0.02   0.03       0.02 
Unemployment rate           7.0     9.9     9.1    8.3    7.6        8.4 
House price growth          2.4  (11.0)  (13.2)  (9.6)  (5.1)      (7.5) 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth            (13.5)  (13.5)   (6.9)  (2.3)    0.5      (7.3) 


Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and estimates (continued)

                           2020    2021    2022    2023   2024      average 
At 31 December 2020           %       %       %       %      %            % 
Gross domestic product   (10.5)     3.7     5.7     1.7    1.5        0.3 
UK Bank Rate               0.10    1.14    1.27    1.20   1.21       0.98 
Unemployment rate           4.3     5.4     5.4     5.0    4.5        5.0 
House price growth          6.3   (1.4)     5.2     6.0    5.0        4.2 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth             (4.6)     9.3     3.9     2.1    0.3        2.1 
Base case 
Gross domestic product   (10.5)     3.0     6.0     1.7    1.4        0.1 
UK Bank Rate               0.10    0.10    0.10    0.21   0.25       0.15 
Unemployment rate           4.5     6.8     6.8     6.1    5.5        5.9 
House price growth          5.9   (3.8)     0.5     1.5    1.5        1.1 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth             (7.0)   (1.7)     1.6     1.1    0.6      (1.1) 
Gross domestic product   (10.6)     1.7     5.1     1.4    1.4      (0.4) 
UK Bank Rate               0.10    0.06    0.02    0.02   0.03       0.05 
Unemployment rate           4.6     7.9     8.4     7.8    7.0        7.1 
House price growth          5.6   (8.4)   (6.5)   (4.7)  (3.0)      (3.5) 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth             (8.7)  (10.6)   (3.2)   (0.8)  (0.8)      (4.9) 
Severe downside 
Gross domestic product   (10.8)     0.3     4.8     1.3    1.2      (0.8) 
UK Bank Rate               0.10    0.00    0.00    0.01   0.01       0.02 
Unemployment rate           4.8     9.9    10.7     9.8    8.7        8.8 
House price growth          5.3  (11.1)  (12.5)  (10.7)  (7.6)      (7.5) 
Commercial real estate 
 price growth            (11.0)  (21.4)   (9.8)   (3.9)  (0.8)      (9.7) 


Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and estimates (continued)

The table below shows the Group's ECL for the upside, base case, downside and severe downside scenarios. The stage allocation for an asset is based on the overall scenario probability-weighted PD and, hence, the Stage 2 allocation is constant across all the scenarios. ECL applied through individual assessments and post-model adjustments is reported flat against each economic scenario, reflecting the basis on which they are evaluated. Judgements applied through changes to inputs are reflected in the scenario sensitivities. It therefore shows the extent to which a higher ECL allowance has been recognised to take account of multiple economic scenarios from the probability-weighted view relative to the base case. The uplift being GBP386 million compared to GBP495 million at 31 December 2020.

                     Probability-                                    Severe 
                         weighted  Upside  Base case  Downside     downside 
At 30 June 2021              GBPm    GBPm       GBPm      GBPm         GBPm 
UK Mortgages                  905     544        684     1,100      2,064 
Other Retail                2,053   1,896      2,009     2,152      2,355 
Commercial Banking          1,618   1,369      1,497     1,763      2,296 
Other                         421     419        421       421        425 
                     ------------  ------  ---------  --------  --------- 
ECL allowance               4,997   4,228      4,611     5,436      7,140 
                     ------------  ------  ---------  --------  --------- 
                      Probability-                                    Severe 
                          weighted  Upside  Base case  Downside     downside 
At 31 December 2020           GBPm    GBPm       GBPm      GBPm         GBPm 
UK Mortgages                 1,027     614        803     1,237      2,306 
Other Retail                 2,368   2,181      2,310     2,487      2,745 
Commercial Banking           2,315   1,853      2,102     2,575      3,554 
Other                          422     420        422       422        428 
                      ------------  ------  ---------  --------  --------- 
ECL allowance                6,132   5,068      5,637     6,721      9,033 
                      ------------  ------  ---------  --------  --------- 

The impact of changes in the UK unemployment rate and House Price Index (HPI) have also been assessed. Although such changes would not be observed in isolation, as economic indicators tend to be correlated in a coherent scenario, this gives insight into the sensitivity of the Group's ECL to gradual changes in these two critical economic factors. The assessment has been made against the base case with the reported staging unchanged.

The table below shows the estimated impact on the Group's ECL in respect of UK Mortgages resulting from a decrease/increase in loss given default for a 10 percentage point (pp) increase or decrease in the UK House Price Index (HPI). The increase/decrease is presented based on the adjustment phased evenly over the first ten quarters of the base case scenario.

                         At 30 June 2021                At 31 December 2020 
                   ----------------------------  --------------------------------- 
                   10pp increase  10pp decrease     10pp increase    10pp decrease 
                          in HPI         in HPI            in HPI           in HPI 
ECL impact, GBPm           (175)            254             (206)            284 
                   -------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 


Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and estimates (continued)

The table below shows the estimated impact on the Group's ECL resulting from a 1 percentage point (pp) increase or decrease in the UK unemployment rate. The increase or decrease is presented based on the adjustment phased evenly over the first ten quarters of the base case scenario. An immediate increase or decrease would drive a more material ECL impact as it would be fully reflected in both 12 month and lifetime PDs.

                           At 30 June 2021               At 31 December 2020 
                     ----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                      1pp increase   1pp decrease    1pp increase     1pp decrease 
                                in             in              in               in 
                      unemployment   unemployment    unemployment     unemployment 
                              GBPm           GBPm            GBPm             GBPm 
UK Mortgages                    33           (28)              25           (23) 
Other Retail                    45           (45)              54           (54) 
Commercial Banking              85           (73)             123          (110) 
Other                            1            (1)               1            (1) 
                     -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 
ECL impact                     164          (147)             203          (188) 
                     -------------  -------------  --------------  ------------- 

Application of judgement in adjustments to modelled ECL

Impairment models fall within the Lloyds Banking Group's Model Risk framework with model monitoring, periodic validation and back testing performed on model components (i.e. probability of default, exposure at default and loss given default). Limitations in the Group's impairment models or data inputs may be identified through the ongoing assessment and validation of the output of the models. In these circumstances, management make appropriate adjustments to the Group's allowance for impairment losses to ensure that the overall provision adequately reflects all material risks. These adjustments are determined by considering the particular attributes of exposures which have not been adequately captured by the impairment models and range from changes to model inputs and parameters, at account level, through to more qualitative post-model overlays.

Judgements are not typically assessed under each distinct economic scenario used to generate ECL, but instead are applied on the basis of final modelled ECL which reflects the probability-weighted view of all scenarios. All adjustments are reviewed quarterly and are subject to internal review and challenge, including by the Audit Committee, to ensure that amounts are appropriately calculated and that there are specific release criteria within a reasonable timeframe.


Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and estimates (continued)

At 30 June 2021 the coronavirus pandemic and the various support measures that have been put in place have resulted in an economic environment which differs significantly from the historical economic conditions upon which the impairment models have been built. As a result there is a greater need for management judgements to be applied, as seen in the elevated levels present since year end. At 30 June 2021 management judgement resulted in additional ECL allowances totalling GBP1,659 million (31 December 2020: GBP1,333 million). This comprises judgements added due to COVID-19 and other judgements not directly linked to COVID-19 but which have increased in size under the current outlook. The table below analyses total ECL allowance at 30 June 2021 by portfolio, separately identifying the amounts that have been modelled, those that have been individually assessed and those arising through the application of management judgement.

                      Modelled  Individually        due to        Other 
                           ECL      assessed   COVID-19(1)   judgements    Total ECL 
                          GBPm          GBPm          GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
At 30 June 2021 
UK Mortgages               345             -            73          487        905 
Other Retail             1,610             -           405           38      2,053 
Commercial Banking         410           952           257          (1)      1,618 
Other                       21             -           400            -        421 
                      --------  ------------  ------------  -----------  --------- 
Total                    2,386           952         1,135          524      4,997 
                      --------  ------------  ------------  -----------  --------- 
At 31 December 2020 
UK Mortgages               481             -            36          510      1,027 
Other Retail             2,060             -           321         (13)      2,368 
Commercial Banking       1,021         1,215            81          (2)      2,315 
Other                       22             -           400            -        422 
                      --------  ------------  ------------  -----------  --------- 
Total                    3,584         1,215           838          495      6,132 
                      --------  ------------  ------------  -----------  --------- 

(1) Judgements due to the impact that COVID-19 and resulting interventions have had on the Group's economic outlook and observed loss experience, which have required additional model limitations to be addressed.

Central overlay in respect of economic uncertainty

Central overlay in respect of economic uncertainty: GBP400 million (31 December 2020: GBP400 million)

The Group's GBP400 million central overlay was added at year end in recognition of the risks to the conditioning assumptions around the base case scenario being markedly to the downside given the potential for a material delay in the vaccination programme or reduction in its effectiveness from further virus mutation and the corresponding delayed withdrawal of restrictions on social interaction or introduction of further lockdowns.

Although the outlook has improved in the first half, the Group still considers that the conditioning assumptions within the base case and associated scenarios do not necessarily capture the unprecedented risks that remain. The vaccine roll out has progressed well and has supported the planned easing of restrictions to date, however the increasing infection rate and hospitalisations from the Delta variant highlight the potential risk from further virus mutation and the resulting response which could be needed, potentially impacting on social and economic activity. The scale of the uncertainty is expected to diminish once the UK is fully vaccinated and infection levels have been sustained at low levels, with restrictions reduced and associated Government support wound down.


Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and estimates (continued)

Except as noted below, the nature of the judgements are consistent with those applied by the Group in its 2020 Annual Report and Accounts. The 30 June 2021 allowance has been re-assessed based on latest economic outlook, data points and modelled result.

Judgements due to COVID-19

                                                             At         At 
                                                        30 June     31 Dec 
                                                           2021       2020 
                                                           GBPm       GBPm 
UK Mortgages                                                 73       36 
Other Retail 
  Recognition of impact of support measures                 318      218 
  Incorporation of forward-looking LGDs                      80       86 
  Other                                                       7       17 
                                                       --------  ------- 
                                                            405      321 
Commercial Banking 
  Adjustment to economic variables used as inputs to 
   models                                                   166       91 
  Key coronavirus-impacted sectors                          100        - 
  Other                                                     (9)     (10) 
                                                       --------  ------- 
                                                            257       81 
Other                                                       400      400 
                                                       --------  ------- 
Total                                                     1,135      838 
                                                       --------  ------- 

Notable movements from 31 December 2020 include:

UK Mortgages: GBP73 million (31 December 2020: GBP36 million)

Judgement has increased in the period due to an extension of the temporary suspension of the repossession of properties to support customers during the pandemic. The amount at 30 June 2021 also incorporates an adjustment to ensure ECL is at calibrated levels when applied to the latest balance sheet date.

Other Retail

Recognition of impact of support measures: GBP318 million (31 December 2020: GBP218 million)

Government support and subdued levels of consumer spending are judged to have temporarily reduced the flow of accounts into arrears and default and to have improved average credit scores across portfolios. The adjustment made at year end to reverse these impacts has continued to grow through 2021 with the passage of time and as average credit scores improved further.

Commercial Banking

Adjustment to economic variables used as inputs to models: GBP166 million (31 December 2020: GBP91 million)

Further observed reductions in the rate of corporate insolvencies, used as an input to Commercial default models, continue to be substituted with an increase proportionate to that seen in unemployment to generate a level of predicted defaults. The increase in the adjustment reflects the larger release which would therefore result should the metric, still believed unrepresentative of underlying conditions, be used within the model.

Key coronavirus-impacted sectors: GBP100 million (31 December 2020: GBPnil)

At year end the modelled ECL incorporated an economic outlook containing a material reduction in corporate profits. This is no longer assumed, which generates a reduction in modelled ECL and therefore leaves potential risk on specific underperforming sectors. Judgement has therefore been raised in place of this to ensure a more targeted stress on likelihood and severity of loss in these sectors.


Note 2: Critical accounting judgements and estimates (continued)

Other judgements

                                                     At         At 
                                                30 June     31 Dec 
                                                   2021       2020 
                                                   GBPm       GBPm 
UK Mortgages 
  Adjustment to modelled forecast parameters        140      193 
  End-of-term interest only                         168      179 
  Long-term defaults                                 74       87 
  Other                                             105       51 
                                               --------  ------- 
                                                    487      510 
Other Retail 
  Lifetime extension on revolving products           71       81 
  Unsecured non-scored accounts                    (21)     (72) 
  Credit card LGD alignment                        (55)     (55) 
  Other                                              43       33 
                                               --------  ------- 
                                                     38     (13) 
Commercial Banking                                  (1)      (2) 
                                               --------  ------- 
Total                                               524      495 
                                               --------  ------- 

Notable movements from 31 December 2020 include:

UK Mortgages

Adjustment to modelled forecast parameters: GBP140 million (31 December 2020: GBP193 million)

Adjustments to the estimated defaults used within the ECL calculation were introduced at year end following the adoption of new default forecast models. Work has progressed through the period with initial model changes identified which reduce the scale of adjustment required. The scale of the adjustment has also reduced as the impact of under-sensitivity lessens when applied to the improved economic outlook.

Other: GBP105 million (31 December 2020: GBP51 million)

The increase in the scale of the judgement reflects additional adjustment to capture risks relating to fire safety and cladding uncertainty within assessment of affordability and asset valuations, not captured by underlying models. The risk is now deemed sufficiently material to address through judgement, given that more cases have been assessed as having defective cladding, or other fire safety issues, together with emerging evidence of higher arrears and weaker sales values relative to the wider portfolio.

Other Retail

Unsecured non-scored accounts: GBP(21) million (31 December 2020: GBP(72) million)

Due to a shortcoming in the models, it is not possible to retrieve relevant credit data for a number of accounts and therefore no probability of default (PD) is available and no assessment of whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk (SICR) can be carried out. Work has progressed during 2021 to resolve this issue. The reduction therefore reflects that an adjustment is required on fewer accounts.


Note 3: Segmental analysis

The Group provides a wide range of banking and financial services in the UK and in certain locations overseas. The Group Executive Committee (GEC) of Lloyds Bank plc remains the chief operating decision maker for the Group.

The Group's activities are organised into two financial reporting segments: Retail and Commercial Banking. There has been no change to the descriptions of these segments as provided in note 4 to the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020, neither has there been any change to the Group's segmental accounting for internal segment services or derivatives entered into by units for risk management purposes since 31 December 2020.

                                  Retail     Banking  Other      Total 
Half-year to 30 June 2021           GBPm        GBPm   GBPm       GBPm 
Net interest income                4,187       1,112     77    5,376 
Other income                         829         379    723    1,931 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
Total income                       5,016       1,491    800    7,307 
Costs                            (2,819)       (886)  (859)  (4,564) 
Impairment credit                     89         585      3      677 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
Profit (loss) before tax           2,286       1,190   (56)    3,420 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
External income                    5,710       1,293    304    7,307 
Inter-segment income (expense)     (694)         198    496        - 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
Segment income                     5,016       1,491    800    7,307 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
                                  Retail     Banking  Other      Total 
Half-year to 30 June 2020           GBPm        GBPm   GBPm       GBPm 
Net interest income                4,202       1,180    232    5,614 
Other income                         927         300    925    2,152 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
Total income                       5,129       1,480  1,157    7,766 
Costs                            (2,879)       (827)  (725)  (4,431) 
Impairment charge                (2,095)     (1,328)  (202)  (3,625) 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
Profit (loss) before tax             155       (675)    230    (290) 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
External income                    5,951       1,223    592    7,766 
Inter-segment income (expense)     (822)         257    565        - 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
Segment income                     5,129       1,480  1,157    7,766 
                                 -------  ----------  -----  ------- 
                      Segment external     Segment external 
                           assets             liabilities 
                            At       At         At         At 
                       30 June   31 Dec    30 June     31 Dec 
                          2021     2020       2021       2020 
                          GBPm     GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
Retail                 369,679  359,171    314,808  295,216 
Commercial Banking      79,909   83,155    130,508  126,008 
Other                  160,034  157,613    121,576  137,597 
                     ---------  -------  ---------  ------- 
Total                  609,622  599,939    566,892  558,821 
                     ---------  -------  ---------  ------- 


Note 4: Net fee and commission income

                                         Half-year    Half-year 
                                             to 30        to 30 
                                              June         June 
                                              2021         2020 
                                              GBPm         GBPm 
Fee and commission income: 
  Current accounts                             310        305 
  Credit and debit card fees                   381        344 
  Commercial banking and treasury fees         167         72 
  Factoring                                     38         42 
  Other fees and commissions                   174        191 
                                         ---------  --------- 
Total fee and commission income              1,070        954 
Fee and commission expense                   (480)      (421) 
                                         ---------  --------- 
Net fee and commission income                  590        533 
                                         ---------  --------- 

Current account and credit and debit card fees principally arise in Retail; commercial banking, treasury and factoring fees arise in Commercial Banking.

Note 5: Operating expenses

                                  Half-year    Half-year 
                                      to 30        to 30 
                                       June         June 
                                       2021         2020 
                                       GBPm         GBPm 
Administrative expenses: 
  Staff costs                         1,868      1,773 
  Premises and equipment                112        225 
  Other expenses                      1,054        901 
                                  ---------  --------- 
                                      3,034      2,899 
Depreciation and amortisation         1,220      1,374 
Regulatory provisions (note 12)         310        158 
                                  ---------  --------- 
Total operating expenses              4,564      4,431 
                                  ---------  --------- 


Note 6: Impairment

                                                             Half-year    Half-year 
                                                                 to 30        to 30 
                                                                  June         June 
                                                                  2021         2020 
                                                                  GBPm         GBPm 
Impact of transfers between stages                                 152      1,236 
                                                             ---------  --------- 
Other changes in credit quality                                  (473)      1,952 
Additions (repayments)                                           (359)        181 
Methodology and model changes                                        3         56 
Other items                                                          -        200 
                                                             ---------  --------- 
                                                                 (829)      2,389 
                                                             ---------  --------- 
Total impairment (credit) charge                                 (677)      3,625 
                                                             ---------  --------- 
In respect of: 
                                                             ---------  ----------- 
  Loans and advances to banks                                      (3)         14 
  Loans and advances to customers                                (594)      3,314 
  Debt securities                                                    -          1 
  Due from fellow Lloyds Banking Group undertakings                  -          1 
                                                             ---------  --------- 
Financial assets held at amortised cost                          (597)      3,330 
Other assets                                                         -          - 
                                                             ---------  --------- 
Impairment (credit) charge on drawn balances                     (597)      3,330 
Loan commitments and financial guarantees                         (78)        289 
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive 
 income                                                            (2)          6 
                                                             ---------  --------- 
Total impairment (credit) charge                                 (677)      3,625 
                                                             ---------  --------- 

Total impairment includes a release of GBP41 million (half-year to 30 June 2020: charge of GBP21 million) in respect of residual value impairment and voluntary terminations within the Group's UK Motor Finance business.

The Group's impairment charge comprises the following:

Impact of transfers between stages

The net impact on the impairment charge of transfers between stages.

Other changes in credit quality

Changes in loss allowance as a result of movements in risk parameters that reflect changes in customer credit quality, but which have not resulted in a transfer to a different stage. This also contains the impact on the impairment charge of write-offs and recoveries, where the related loss allowances are reassessed to reflect the view of credit quality at the balance sheet date and therefore the ultimate realisable or recoverable value.

Additions (repayments)

Expected loss allowances are recognised on origination of new loans or further drawdowns of existing facilities. Repayments relate to the reduction of loss allowances resulting from the repayment of outstanding balances that have been provided against.

Methodology and model changes

Increase or decrease in impairment charge as a result of adjustments to the models used for expected credit loss calculations; either as changes to the model inputs or to the underlying assumptions, as well as the impact of changing the models used.

Other items

For the half-year to 30 June 2020 a central adjustment of GBP200 million was included to reflect the adjusted severe downside economic scenario.


Note 7: Tax expense

In accordance with IAS 34, the Group's income tax credit for the half-year to 30 June 2021 is based on the best estimate of the weighted-average annual income tax rate expected for the full financial year. The tax effects of one-off items are not included in the weighted-average annual income tax rate, but are recognised in the relevant period.

An explanation of the relationship between tax credit and accounting profit is set out below:

                                                    Half-year    Half-year 
                                                        to 30        to 30 
                                                         June         June 
                                                         2021         2020 
                                                         GBPm         GBPm 
Profit (loss) before tax                                3,420      (290) 
                                                    ---------  --------- 
UK corporation tax thereon at 19 per cent (2020: 
 19 per cent)                                           (650)         55 
Impact of surcharge on banking profits                  (212)         17 
Non-deductible costs: conduct charges                     (7)       (11) 
Other non-deductible costs                               (40)       (38) 
Non-taxable income                                         12         53 
Tax relief on coupons on other equity instruments          39         39 
Tax-exempt gains on disposals                               2          - 
Tax losses where no deferred tax recognised               (5)        (5) 
Remeasurement of deferred tax due to rate changes       1,189        440 
Differences in overseas tax rates                        (19)         10 
Adjustments in respect of prior years                    (21)         34 
                                                    ---------  --------- 
Tax credit                                                288        594 
                                                    ---------  --------- 

The Finance Act 2021, which was substantively enacted on 24 May 2021, increases the rate of corporation tax from 19 per cent to 25 per cent with effect from 1 April 2023. The impact of this rate change is an increase in the Group's net deferred tax asset as at 30 June 2021 of GBP1,005 million, comprising a GBP1,189 million credit included in the income statement and a GBP184 million charge included in equity. The tax credit in the half-year to 30 June 2020 included an uplift in deferred tax assets following the announcement by the UK Government that it would maintain the corporation tax rate at 19 per cent.

Note 8: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

                                                            At         At 
                                                       30 June     31 Dec 
                                                          2021       2020 
                                                          GBPm       GBPm 
Financial assets mandatorily at fair value through 
 profit or loss: 
                                                      --------  --------- 
  Loans and advances to customers                        1,087    1,511 
  Equity shares                                            205      163 
                                                      --------  ------- 
                                                         1,292    1,674 
                                                      --------  ------- 
Total financial assets at fair value through profit 
 or loss                                                 1,292    1,674 
                                                      --------  ------- 


Note 9: Financial assets at amortised cost

Half-year to 30 June 2021

                                                                  Allowance for expected credit 
                            Gross carrying amount                             losses 
                 --------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
                    Stage     Stage    Stage                   Stage  Stage  Stage 
                        1         2        3    POCI    Total      1      2      3   POCI    Total 
                     GBPm      GBPm     GBPm    GBPm     GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm     GBPm 
Loans and advances 
 to banks 
 At 1 January 
  2021              5,954         -        -       -    5,954      4      -      -      -      4 
Exchange and 
 adjustments         (67)         -        -       -     (67)      1      -      -      -      1 
                                                               -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
 (repayments)       1,468         -        -       -    1,468      -      -      -      -      - 
Other changes 
 in credit 
 quality                                                         (3)      -      -      -    (3) 
                                                               -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Credit to the 
 statement                                                       (3)      -      -      -    (3) 
At 30 June 2021     7,355         -        -       -    7,355      2      -      -      -      2 
                 --------  --------  -------  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Allowance for 
 losses               (2)         -        -       -      (2) 
                 --------  --------  -------  ------  ------- 
Net carrying 
 amount             7,353         -        -       -    7,353 
                 --------  --------  -------  ------  ------- 
Loans and advances 
 to customers 
 At 1 January 
  2021            415,608    51,280    6,443  12,511  485,842  1,347  2,125  1,968    261  5,701 
Exchange and 
 adjustments(1)   (1,555)      (21)     (80)      51  (1,605)      -    (1)    102     67    168 
Transfers to 
 Stage 1           11,106  (11,098)      (8)                -    361  (359)    (2)             - 
Transfers to 
 Stage 2         (10,905)    11,354    (449)                -   (66)    158   (92)             - 
Transfers to 
 Stage 3            (333)   (1,227)    1,560                -    (9)  (175)    184             - 
                 --------  --------  -------  ------  ------- 
Impact of 
 between stages     (132)     (971)    1,103                -  (261)    257    165           161 
                                                               -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
                                                                  25  (119)    255           161 
Other changes 
 in credit 
 quality                                                       (133)  (223)     31   (89)  (414) 
 (repayments)       8,101   (4,350)    (793)   (663)    2,295   (61)  (174)   (73)   (36)  (344) 
Methodology and 
 model changes                                                   (5)      8      -      -      3 
                                                               -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
(Credit) charge 
 to the income 
 statement                                                     (174)  (508)    213  (125)  (594) 
 off                                   (602)    (13)    (615)                (602)   (13)  (615) 
Recoveries of 
 off in 
 years                                    71       -       71                   71      -     71 
Discount unwind                                                               (85)      -   (85) 
                 --------  --------  -------  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
At 30 June 2021   422,022    45,938    6,142  11,886  485,988  1,173  1,616  1,667    190  4,646 
                 --------  --------  -------  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Allowance for 
 losses           (1,173)   (1,616)  (1,667)   (190)  (4,646) 
                 --------  --------  -------  ------  ------- 
Net carrying 
 amount           420,849    44,322    4,475  11,696  481,342 
                 --------  --------  -------  ------  ------- 

(1) Exchange and other adjustments includes the impact of movements in exchange rates, derecognising assets as a result of modifications and adjustments in respect of purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets (POCI).


Note 9: Financial assets at amortised cost (continued)

                                                          Allowance for expected credit 
                        Gross carrying amount                         losses 
               ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
                 Stage   Stage  Stage                   Stage  Stage  Stage 
                     1       2      3    POCI    Total      1      2      3  POCI    Total 
                  GBPm    GBPm   GBPm    GBPm     GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm  GBPm     GBPm 
At 1 January 
 2021            5,137       -      1       -    5,138      -      -      1     -      1 
Exchange and 
 adjustments      (45)       -      -       -     (45)      -      -      -     -      - 
                                                        -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
 (repayments)    (305)       -      -       -    (305)      -      -      -     -      - 
                                                        -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
Charge to the 
statement                                                   -      -      -     -      - 
At 30 June 
 2021            4,787       -      1       -    4,788      -      -      1     -      1 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
Allowance for 
 losses              -       -    (1)       -      (1) 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
Net carrying 
 amount          4,787       -      -       -    4,787 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
Due from 
 undertakings      692       -      -       -      692 
Allowance for 
losses               -       -      -       -        - 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
Net carrying 
 amount            692       -      -       -      692 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
 assets at 
 cost          433,681  44,322  4,475  11,696  494,174 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 

The total allowance for impairment losses includes GBP136 million (31 December 2020: GBP192 million) in respect of residual value impairment and voluntary terminations within the Group's UK Motor Finance business.

Movements in allowance for expected credit losses in respect of undrawn balances were as follows:

                                              Allowance for expected credit 
                                            Stage    Stage   Stage 
                                                1        2       3  POCI     Total 
                                             GBPm     GBPm    GBPm  GBPm      GBPm 
Undrawn balances 
At 1 January 
 2021                                         191      221      14     -     426 
Exchange and other adjustments                  -        -       -     -       - 
                                        ---------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
Transfers to 
 Stage 1                                       54     (54)       -             - 
Transfers to 
 Stage 2                                     (10)       10       -             - 
Transfers to 
 Stage 3                                        -      (4)       4             - 
Impact of transfers between 
 stages                                      (44)       35       -           (9) 
                                        ---------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
                                                -     (13)       4           (9) 
Other items credited to 
 the income statement                        (29)     (30)    (10)     -    (69) 
                                        ---------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
Credit to the income statement               (29)     (43)     (6)     -    (78) 
                                        ---------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
At 30 June 2021                               162      178       8     -     348 
                                        ---------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 


Note 9: Financial assets at amortised cost (continued)

The Group's total impairment allowances were as follows:

                                               Allowance for expected credit 
                                            Stage    Stage   Stage 
                                                1        2       3  POCI     Total 
                                             GBPm     GBPm    GBPm  GBPm      GBPm 
In respect of: 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  -------- 
Loans and advances to 
 banks                                          2        -       -     -       2 
Loans and advances to 
 customers                                  1,173    1,616   1,667   190   4,646 
Debt securities                                 -        -       1     -       1 
Due from fellow Lloyds Banking Group 
 undertakings                                   -        -       -     -       - 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
Financial assets at amortised 
 cost                                       1,175    1,616   1,668   190   4,649 
Provisions in relation to loan 
 and financial guarantees                     162      178       8     -     348 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
Total                                       1,337    1,794   1,676   190   4,997 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
Expected credit loss in respect of 
 financial assets at fair value 
 other comprehensive income 
 item)                                          3        -       -     -       3 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 

Year ended 31 December 2020

                                                   Allowance for expected credit 
                    Gross carrying amount                      losses 
               --------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
               Stage  Stage  Stage               Stage  Stage  Stage 
                   1      2      3  POCI  Total      1      2      3  POCI    Total 
                GBPm   GBPm   GBPm  GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm  GBPm     GBPm 
Loans and advances 
 to banks 
At 1 January 
 2020          4,852      -      -     -  4,852      -      -      -     -      - 
Exchange and 
 adjustments    (25)      -      -     -   (25)      -      -      -     -      - 
 (repayments)  1,127      -      -     -  1,127      -      -      -     -      - 
Charge to the 
 statement                                           4      -      -     -      4 
At 31 
 2020          5,954      -      -     -  5,954      4      -      -     -      4 
               -----  -----  -----  ----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
Allowance for 
 losses          (4)      -      -     -    (4) 
               -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
Net carrying 
 amount        5,950      -      -     -  5,950 
               -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 


Note 9: Financial assets at amortised cost (continued)

                                                                   Allowance for expected credit 
                            Gross carrying amount                              losses 
                 --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                    Stage    Stage    Stage                    Stage  Stage    Stage 
                        1        2        3     POCI    Total      1      2        3  POCI      Total 
                     GBPm     GBPm     GBPm     GBPm     GBPm   GBPm   GBPm     GBPm  GBPm       GBPm 
Loans and advances 
 to customers 
At 1 January 
 2020             429,767   28,505    5,647   13,714  477,633    669    993    1,359   142    3,163 
Exchange and 
 adjustments(1)     1,013       24    (198)      (8)      831      -      2       43    21       66 
Transfers to 
 Stage 1            4,970  (4,954)     (16)                 -    144  (141)      (3)              - 
Transfers to 
 Stage 2         (28,516)   29,128    (612)                 -  (217)    267     (50)              - 
Transfers to 
 Stage 3          (1,615)  (2,001)    3,616                 -    (9)  (156)      165              - 
                 --------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
Impact of 
 between stages  (25,161)   22,173    2,988                 -   (84)    880      570          1,366 
                                                               -----  -----  -------  ----  ------- 
                                                               (166)    850      682          1,366 
Other changes 
 in credit 
 quality                                                         838   (33)    1,183   167    2,155 
 (repayments)       9,989      578    (754)  (1,156)    8,657     37    143     (38)  (30)      112 
 and model 
 changes                                                        (31)    170       26     -      165 
                                                               -----  -----  -------  ----  ------- 
Charge to the 
 statement                                                       678  1,130    1,853   137    3,798 
 off                                (1,490)     (39)  (1,529)                (1,490)  (39)  (1,529) 
Recoveries of 
 off in 
 years                                  250        -      250                    250     -      250 
Discount unwind                                                                 (47)     -     (47) 
                 --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -----  -----  -------  ----  ------- 
At 31 December 
 2020             415,608   51,280    6,443   12,511  485,842  1,347  2,125    1,968   261    5,701 
                 --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -----  -----  -------  ----  ------- 
Allowance for 
 losses           (1,347)  (2,125)  (1,968)    (261)  (5,701) 
                 --------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
Net carrying 
 amount           414,261   49,155    4,475   12,250  480,141 
                 --------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 

(1) Exchange and other adjustments includes the impact of movements in exchange rates, derecognising assets as a result of modifications and adjustments in respect of purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets.

                                                          Allowance for expected credit 
                        Gross carrying amount                         losses 
               ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
                 Stage   Stage  Stage                   Stage  Stage  Stage 
                     1       2      3    POCI    Total      1      2      3  POCI    Total 
                  GBPm    GBPm   GBPm    GBPm     GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm  GBPm     GBPm 
At 1 January 
 2020            5,325       -      1       -    5,326      -      -      1     -      1 
Exchange and 
 adjustments      (17)       -      -       -     (17)      -      -      -     -      - 
 (repayments)    (171)       -      -       -    (171)      -      -      -     -      - 
At 31 
 2020            5,137       -      1       -    5,138      -      -      1     -      1 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
Allowance for 
 losses              -       -    (1)       -      (1) 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
Net carrying 
 amount          5,137       -      -       -    5,137 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
Due from 
 undertakings      738       -      -       -      738 
Allowance for 
losses               -       -      -       -        - 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
Net carrying 
 amount            738       -      -       -      738 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
 assets at 
 cost          426,086  49,155  4,475  12,250  491,966 
               -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 


Note 9: Financial assets at amortised cost (continued)

Movements in allowance for expected credit losses in respect of undrawn balances were as follows:

                                              Allowance for expected credit 
                                             Stage     Stage  Stage 
                                                 1         2      3  POCI    Total 
                                              GBPm      GBPm   GBPm  GBPm     GBPm 
Undrawn balances 
At 1 January 
 2020                                           91        77      5     -    173 
Exchange and other adjustments                   -         -      -     -      - 
                                        ----------  --------  -----  ----  ----- 
Transfers to 
 Stage 1                                        19      (19)      -            - 
Transfers to 
 Stage 2                                      (10)        10      -            - 
Transfers to 
 Stage 3                                       (1)       (6)      7            - 
Impact of transfers between 
 stages                                       (10)        90     10           90 
                                        ----------  --------  -----  ----  ----- 
                                               (2)        75     17           90 
Other items charged to 
 the income statement                          102        69    (8)     -    163 
                                        ----------  --------  -----  ----  ----- 
Charge to the income statement                 100       144      9     -    253 
                                        ----------  --------  -----  ----  ----- 
At 31 December 
 2020                                          191       221     14     -    426 
                                        ----------  --------  -----  ----  ----- 

The Group's total impairment allowances were as follows:

                                               Allowance for expected credit 
                                            Stage    Stage   Stage 
                                                1        2       3  POCI     Total 
                                             GBPm     GBPm    GBPm  GBPm      GBPm 
In respect of: 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  -------- 
Loans and advances to 
 banks                                          4        -       -     -       4 
Loans and advances to 
 customers                                  1,347    2,125   1,968   261   5,701 
Debt securities                                 -        -       1     -       1 
Due from fellow Lloyds Banking Group 
 undertakings                                   -        -       -     -       - 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
Financial assets at amortised 
 cost                                       1,351    2,125   1,969   261   5,706 
Provisions in relation to loan 
 and financial guarantees                     191      221      14     -     426 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
Total                                       1,542    2,346   1,983   261   6,132 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 
Expected credit loss in respect 
 of financial assets at fair value 
 through other comprehensive income 
 (memorandum item)                              5        -       -     -       5 
                                          -------  -------  ------  ----  ------ 

The movement tables are compiled by comparing the position at the reporting date to that at the beginning of the year.

Transfers between stages are deemed to have taken place at the start of the reporting period, with all other movements shown in the stage in which the asset is held at the period end, with the exception of those held within purchased or originated credit-impaired, which are not transferrable.

Additions (repayments) comprise new loans originated and repayments of outstanding balances throughout the reporting period. Loans which are written off in the period are first transferred to Stage 3 before acquiring a full allowance and subsequent write-off.

Loans and advances to customers include advances securitised under the Group's securitisation and covered bond programmes (see note 10).


Note 10: Debt securities in issue

                                 At 30 June 2021               At 31 December 2020 
                           ----------------------------  -------------------------------- 
                            At fair                       At fair 
                              value                         value 
                            through          At           through 
                             profit   amortised            profit  At amortised 
                            or loss        cost   Total   or loss          cost     Total 
                               GBPm        GBPm    GBPm      GBPm          GBPm      GBPm 
Medium-term notes issued      6,818      20,588  27,406     6,783        21,501  28,284 
Covered bonds                     -      20,117  20,117         -        23,977  23,977 
Certificates of deposit           -         464     464         -         3,597   3,597 
Securitisation notes             38       4,093   4,131        45         4,436   4,481 
Commercial paper                  -       9,858   9,858         -         5,782   5,782 
                           --------  ----------  ------  --------  ------------  ------ 
                              6,856      55,120  61,976     6,828        59,293  66,121 
                           --------  ----------  ------  --------  ------------  ------ 

The notes issued by the Group's securitisation and covered bond programmes are held by external parties and by subsidiaries of the Group.

Securitisation programmes

At 30 June 2021, external parties held GBP4,131 million (31 December 2020: GBP4,481 million) and the Group's subsidiaries held GBP27,038 million (31 December 2020: GBP27,418 million) of total securitisation notes in issue of GBP31,169 million (31 December 2020: GBP31,899 million). The notes are secured on loans and advances to customers and debt securities held at amortised cost amounting to GBP33,752 million (31 December 2020: GBP34,584 million), the majority of which have been sold by subsidiary companies to bankruptcy remote structured entities. The structured entities are consolidated fully and all of these loans are retained on the Group's balance sheet.

Covered bond programmes

At 30 June 2021, external parties held GBP20,117 million (31 December 2020: GBP23,977 million) and the Group's subsidiaries held none (31 December 2020: GBP100 million) of total covered bonds in issue of GBP20,117 million (31 December 2020: GBP24,077 million). The bonds are secured on certain loans and advances to customers amounting to GBP31,698 million (31 December 2020: GBP34,960 million) that have been assigned to bankruptcy remote limited liability partnerships. These loans are retained on the Group's balance sheet.

Cash deposits of GBP4,674 million (31 December 2020: GBP3,930 million) which support the debt securities issued by the structured entities, the term advances related to covered bonds and other legal obligations are held by the Group.


Note 11: Retirement benefit obligations

The Group's post-retirement defined benefit scheme obligations are comprised as follows:

                                              At          At 
                                         30 June      31 Dec 
                                            2021        2020 
                                            GBPm        GBPm 
Defined benefit pension schemes: 
  Fair value of scheme assets             49,299    51,127 
  Present value of funded obligations   (46,297)  (49,549) 
                                        --------  -------- 
Net pension scheme asset                   3,002     1,578 
Other post-retirement schemes              (102)     (109) 
                                        --------  -------- 
Net retirement benefit asset               2,900     1,469 
                                        --------  -------- 
Recognised on the balance sheet as: 
  Retirement benefit assets                3,134     1,714 
  Retirement benefit obligations           (234)     (245) 
                                        --------  -------- 
Net retirement benefit asset               2,900     1,469 
                                        --------  -------- 

Movements in the Group's net post-retirement defined benefit scheme asset during the period were as follows:

Asset at 1 January 2021   1,469 
Income statement charge   (122) 
Employer contributions      949 
Remeasurement               604 
Asset at 30 June 2021     2,900 

The principal assumptions used in the valuations of the defined benefit pension schemes were as follows:

                                                          At         At 
                                                     30 June     31 Dec 
                                                        2021       2020 
                                                           %          % 
Discount rate                                           1.93     1.44 
Rate of inflation: 
  Retail Price Index                                    3.10     2.80 
  Consumer Price Index                                  2.70     2.41 
Rate of salary increases                                0.00     0.00 
Weighted-average rate of increase for pensions in 
 payment                                                2.81     2.61 


Note 12: Other provisions

                        for financial 
                          commitments   Regulatory 
                       and guarantees   provisions  Other    Total 
                                 GBPm         GBPm   GBPm     GBPm 
At 1 January 2021                 426          520    776  1,722 
Exchange and other adjustments      -            -   (10)   (10) 
Provisions applied                  -        (361)  (146)  (507) 
Charge for the period            (78)          310     62    294 
                                 ----  -----------  -----  ----- 
At 30 June 2021                   348          469    682  1,499 
                                 ----  -----------  -----  ----- 

Regulatory provisions

In the course of its business, the Group is engaged in discussions with the PRA, FCA and other UK and overseas regulators and other governmental authorities on a range of matters. The Group also receives complaints in connection with its past conduct and claims brought by or on behalf of current and former employees, customers, investors and other third parties and is subject to legal proceedings and other legal actions. Where significant, provisions are held against the costs expected to be incurred in relation to these matters and matters arising from related internal reviews. During the half-year to 30 June 2021 the Group charged a further GBP310 million in respect of legal actions and other regulatory matters.

The unutilised balance at 30 June 2021 was GBP469 million (31 December 2020: GBP520 million). The most significant items are as follows.

Payment protection insurance (excluding MBNA)

The Group has made provisions for PPI costs over a number of years totalling GBP21,906 million. Good progress continues to be made towards ensuring operational completeness, with the final validation of information requests and complaints with third parties at an advanced stage, ahead of an orderly programme close. At 30 June 2021, a provision of GBP55 million remained outstanding (excluding amounts related to MBNA), with total cash payments of GBP143 million during the six months to 30 June 2021.

In addition to the above provision, the Group continues to challenge PPI litigation cases, with mainly administration costs and some potential redress recognised within the first half regulatory provisions.

Payment protection insurance (MBNA)

As announced in December 2016, the Group's exposure continues to remain capped at GBP240 million under the terms of the MBNA sale and purchase agreement. No additional charge has been made by MBNA to its PPI provision in the half-year to 30 June 2021.


Note 12: Other provisions (continued)

HBOS Reading - review

The Group completed its compensation assessment for those within the Customer Review in 2019 with more than GBP109 million of compensation paid, in addition to GBP15 million for ex-gratia payments and GBP6 million for the reimbursement of legal fees. The Group is applying the recommendations from Sir Ross Cranston's review, issued in December 2019, including a reassessment of direct and consequential losses by an independent panel, an extension of debt relief and a wider definition of de facto directors. Further details of the panel were announced on 3 April 2020 and the panel's full scope and methodology was published on 7 July 2020. The panel's stated objective is to consider cases via a non-legalistic and fair process and to make their decisions in a generous, fair and common-sense manner. Details of an appeal process for the further assessments of debt relief and de facto director status have also been announced.

In 2020 a charge of GBP159 million was recorded, bringing the lifetime cost to GBP435 million, covering both compensation payments and operational costs.

In the half-year to 30 June 2021 the Group has continued to make progress assessing further debt relief and de facto director status claims and has now completed 99 per cent of preliminary assessments. The independent panel has also started to issue its first outcomes.

The Group has charged GBP150 million in the half-year to 30 June 2021 for the independent panel and Dame Linda Dobbs review of the Group's handling of HBOS Reading between January 2009 and January 2017. A significant part of this charge relates to the actual and foreseeable future operational costs of these activities which are both now expected to extend into 2022, in addition to awards from the independent panel to date. The first half charge increases the lifetime cost to GBP585 million. The panel is continuing its assessment of awards which could result in further significant charges over 2021 and 2022 but it is not possible to reliably estimate the potential impact or timings at this stage. The Group is committed to implementing Sir Ross's recommendations in full.

Arrears handling related activities

To date the Group has provided a total of GBP1,017 million for arrears handling activities; the unutilised balance at 30 June 2021 was GBP38 million.


Note 13: Related party transactions

Balances and transactions with fellow Lloyds Banking Group undertakings

The Bank and its subsidiaries have balances due to and from the Bank's parent company, Lloyds Banking Group plc, and fellow Group undertakings. These are included on the balance sheet as follows:

                                                            At         At 
                                                       30 June     31 Dec 
                                                          2021       2020 
                                                          GBPm       GBPm 
Assets, included within: 
Financial assets at amortised cost: due from fellow 
 Lloyds Banking Group undertakings                         692      738 
Derivative financial instruments                           680      690 
                                                      --------  ------- 
                                                         1,372    1,428 
                                                      --------  ------- 
Liabilities, included within: 
Due to fellow Lloyds Banking Group undertakings          7,169    6,875 
Derivative financial instruments                           797    1,424 
Debt securities in issue                                13,757   12,686 
Subordinated liabilities                                 5,627    4,599 
                                                      --------  ------- 
                                                        27,350   25,584 
                                                      --------  ------- 

During the half-year to 30 June 2021 the Group earned GBP9 million (half-year to 30 June 2020: GBP3 million) of interest income and incurred GBP253 million (half-year to 30 June 2020: GBP242 million) of interest expense on balances and transactions with Lloyds Banking Group plc and fellow Group undertakings.

During the half-year to 30 June 2021 the Bank issued GBP1,550 million of Additional Tier 1 securities to its parent company, Lloyds Banking Group plc and redeemed GBP1,841 million, which had also been issued to Lloyds Banking Group plc.

Other related party transactions

Other related party transactions for the half-year to 30 June 2021 are similar in nature to those for the year ended 31 December 2020.


Note 14: Contingent liabilities, commitments and guarantees

Interchange fees

With respect to multi-lateral interchange fees (MIFs), the Group is not involved in the ongoing litigation which involves the card schemes Visa and Mastercard (as described below). However, the Group is a member/licensee of Visa and Mastercard and other card schemes. The litigation in question is as follows:

-- litigation brought by retailers against both Visa and Mastercard continues in the English Courts in which retailers are seeking damages on grounds that Visa and Mastercard's MIFs breached competition law (this includes a judgment of the Supreme Court in June 2020 upholding the Court of Appeal's finding in 2018 that historic interchange arrangements of Mastercard and Visa infringed competition law); and

-- litigation brought on behalf of UK consumers in the English Courts against Mastercard, which the Supreme Court has now confirmed can proceed in the lower courts.

Any impact on the Group of the litigation against Visa and Mastercard remains uncertain at this time, such that it is not practicable for the Group to provide an estimate of any potential financial effect. Insofar as Visa is required to pay damages to retailers for interchange fees set prior to June 2016, contractual arrangements to allocate liability have been agreed between various UK banks (including the Group) and Visa Inc, as part of Visa Inc's acquisition of Visa Europe in 2016. These arrangements cap the maximum amount of liability to which the Group may be subject and this cap is set at the cash consideration received by the Group for the sale of its stake in Visa Europe to Visa Inc in 2016. In 2016, the Group received Visa preference stock as part of the consideration for the sale of its shares in Visa Europe. In 2020, some of these Visa preference shares were converted into Visa Inc Class A common stock (in accordance with the provisions of the Visa Europe sale documentation) and they were subsequently sold by the Group. The sale had no impact on this contingent liability.

LIBOR and other trading rates

Certain Group companies, together with other panel banks, have been named as defendants in private lawsuits, including purported class action suits, in the US in connection with their roles as panel banks contributing to the setting of US Dollar, Japanese Yen and Sterling London Interbank Offered Rate and the Australian BBSW reference rate. Certain of the plaintiffs' claims have been dismissed by the US Federal Court for the Southern District of New York (subject to appeals).

Certain Group companies are also named as defendants in (i) UK based claims and; (ii) two Dutch class actions, raising LIBOR manipulation allegations. A number of the claims against the Group in the UK relating to the alleged mis-sale of interest rate hedging products also include allegations of LIBOR manipulation.

The Swiss Competition Commission concluded its investigation against Lloyds Bank plc in June 2019.

It is currently not possible to predict the scope and ultimate outcome on the Group of any private lawsuits or any related challenges to the interpretation or validity of any of the Group's contractual arrangements, including their timing and scale. As such, it is not practicable to provide an estimate of any potential financial effect.


Note 14: Contingent liabilities, commitments and guarantees (continued)

Tax authorities

The Group has an open matter in relation to a claim for group relief of losses incurred in its former Irish banking subsidiary, which ceased trading on 31 December 2010. In 2013, HMRC informed the Group that its interpretation of the UK rules means that the group relief is not available. In 2020, HMRC concluded their enquiry into the matter and issued a closure notice. The Group's interpretation of the UK rules has not changed and hence it has appealed to the First Tier Tax Tribunal, with a hearing expected in early 2022. If the final determination of the matter by the judicial process is that HMRC's position is correct, management estimate that this would result in an increase in current tax liabilities of approximately GBP720 million (including interest) and a reduction in the Group's deferred tax asset of approximately GBP330 million. The Group, having taken appropriate advice, does not consider that this is a case where additional tax will ultimately fall due.

There are a number of other open matters on which the Group is in discussions with HMRC (including the tax treatment of certain costs arising from the divestment of TSB Banking Group plc), none of which is expected to have a material impact on the financial position of the Group.

Other legal actions and regulatory matters

In addition, during the ordinary course of business the Group is subject to other complaints and threatened or actual legal proceedings (including class or group action claims) brought by or on behalf of current or former employees, customers, investors or other third parties, as well as legal and regulatory reviews, challenges, investigations and enforcement actions, both in the UK and overseas. Where material, such matters are periodically reassessed, with the assistance of external professional advisers where appropriate, to determine the likelihood of the Group incurring a liability. In those instances where it is concluded that it is more likely than not that a payment will be made, a provision is established to management's best estimate of the amount required at the relevant balance sheet date. In some cases it will not be possible to form a view, for example because the facts are unclear or because further time is needed to properly assess the merits of the case, and no provisions are held in relation to such matters. In these circumstances, specific disclosure in relation to a contingent liability will be made where material. However the Group does not currently expect the final outcome of any such case to have a material adverse effect on its financial position, operations or cash flows. Where there is a contingent liability related to an existing provision the relevant disclosures are included within note 12.


Note 14: Contingent liabilities, commitments and guarantees (continued)

Contingent liabilities, commitments and guarantees arising from the banking business

                                                               At         At 
                                                          30 June     31 Dec 
                                                             2021       2020 
                                                             GBPm       GBPm 
Contingent liabilities 
Acceptances and endorsements                                   60       73 
                                                         --------  --------- 
  Other items serving as direct credit substitutes            455      221 
  Performance bonds, including letters of credit, and 
   other transaction-related contingencies                  1,971    2,070 
                                                         --------  ------- 
                                                            2,426    2,291 
                                                         --------  ------- 
Total contingent liabilities                                2,486    2,364 
                                                         --------  ------- 
Commitments and guarantees 
Documentary credits and other short-term trade-related 
 transactions                                                   1        1 
Forward asset purchases and forward deposits placed            74      124 
Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and 
 other commitments to lend: 
Less than 1 year original maturity: 
                                                         --------  --------- 
  Mortgage offers made                                     16,701   20,128 
  Other commitments and guarantees                         82,206   82,151 
                                                         --------  ------- 
                                                           98,907  102,279 
1 year or over original maturity                           28,319   31,194 
                                                         --------  ------- 
Total commitments and guarantees                          127,301  133,598 
                                                         --------  ------- 

Of the amounts shown above in respect of undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend, GBP53,163 million (31 December 2020: GBP59,240 million) was irrevocable.


Note 15: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities

The valuations of financial instruments have been classified into three levels according to the quality and reliability of information used to determine those fair values. Note 42 to the Group's 2020 financial statements details the definitions of the three levels in the fair value hierarchy.

Valuation control framework

Key elements of the valuation control framework, which covers processes for all levels in the fair value hierarchy including level 3 portfolios, include model validation (incorporating pre-trade and post-trade testing), product implementation review and independent price verification. Formal committees meet quarterly to discuss and approve valuations in more judgemental areas.

Transfers into and out of level 3 portfolios

Transfers out of level 3 portfolios arise when inputs that could have a significant impact on the instrument's valuation become market observable; conversely, transfers into the portfolios arise when sources of data cease to be observable.

Valuation methodology

For level 2 and level 3 portfolios, there is no significant change to the valuation methodology (techniques and inputs) disclosed in the Group's 2020 Annual Report and Accounts applied to these portfolios.

The table below summarises the carrying values of financial assets and liabilities presented on the Group's balance sheet. The fair values presented in the table are at a specific date and may be significantly different from the amounts which will actually be paid or received on the maturity or settlement date.

                                                            At 31 December 
                                        At 30 June 2021           2020 
                                       -----------------  ------------------- 
                                       Carrying     Fair  Carrying       Fair 
                                          value    value     value      value 
                                           GBPm     GBPm      GBPm       GBPm 
Financial assets 
                                       --------  =======  --------  --------- 
Loans and advances to banks               7,353    7,353     5,950    5,949 
Loans and advances to customers         481,342  482,578   480,141  479,518 
Debt securities                           4,787    4,780     5,137    5,129 
Due from fellow Lloyds Banking Group 
 undertakings                               692      692       738      738 
                                       --------  -------  --------  ------- 
Financial assets at amortised cost      494,174  495,403   491,966  491,334 
Financial liabilities 
Deposits from banks                      16,029   16,031    24,997   24,998 
Customer deposits                       457,465  457,543   434,569  434,740 
Due to fellow Lloyds Banking Group 
 undertakings                             7,169    7,169     6,875    6,875 
Debt securities in issue                 55,120   57,596    59,293   62,931 
Subordinated liabilities                  9,600   10,470     9,242   10,275 

Financial instruments classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, derivative financial instruments, financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are recognised at fair value.

The carrying amount of the following financial instruments is a reasonable approximation of fair value: cash and balances at central banks, items in the course of collection from banks, items in course of transmission to banks and notes in circulation.


Note 15: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)

The Group manages valuation adjustments for its derivative exposures on a net basis; the Group determines their fair values on the basis of their net exposures. In all other cases, fair values of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value are determined on the basis of their gross exposures.

The following tables provide an analysis of the financial assets and liabilities of the Group that are carried at fair value in the Group's consolidated balance sheet, grouped into levels 1 to 3 based on the degree to which the fair value is observable. There were no significant transfers between level 1 and level 2 during the period.

                                          Level   Level  Level 
                                              1       2      3     Total 
Financial assets                           GBPm    GBPm   GBPm      GBPm 
At 30 June 2021 
Financial assets at fair value through 
 profit or loss: 
  Loans and advances to customers             -     649    438   1,087 
  Equity shares                             201       -      4     205 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss                     201     649    442   1,292 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Financial assets at fair value through 
 other comprehensive income: 
  Debt securities                        12,577  13,207     56  25,840 
  Treasury and other bills                    -       -      -       - 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial assets at fair value 
 through other comprehensive income      12,577  13,207     56  25,840 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Derivative financial instruments              -   6,424     12   6,436 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial assets carried at fair 
 value                                   12,778  20,280    510  33,568 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
At 31 December 2020 
Financial assets at fair value through 
 profit or loss 
  Loans and advances to customers             -       -  1,511   1,511 
  Equity shares                             159       4      -     163 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss                     159       4  1,511   1,674 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Financial assets at fair value through 
 other comprehensive income: 
  Debt securities                        14,758  12,437     65  27,260 
  Treasury and other bills                    -       -      -       - 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial assets at fair value 
 through other comprehensive income      14,758  12,437     65  27,260 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Derivative financial instruments              -   8,327     14   8,341 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial assets carried at fair 
 value                                   14,917  20,768  1,590  37,275 
                                         ------  ------  -----  ------ 


Note 15: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)

                                         Level   Level  Level 
                                             1       2      3     Total 
Financial liabilities                     GBPm    GBPm   GBPm      GBPm 
At 30 June 2021 
Financial liabilities at fair value 
 through profit or loss: 
  Liabilities designated at fair value 
   through profit or loss                    -   6,818     38   6,856 
  Trading liabilities                        1       -      -       1 
                                         -----  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial liabilities at fair 
 value through profit or loss                1   6,818     38   6,857 
                                         -----  ------  -----  ------ 
Derivative financial instruments             -   5,096    245   5,341 
                                         -----  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial liabilities carried 
 at fair value                               1  11,914    283  12,198 
                                         -----  ------  -----  ------ 
At 31 December 2020 
Financial liabilities at fair value 
 through profit or loss: 
  Liabilities designated at fair value 
   through profit or loss                    -   6,783     45   6,828 
  Trading liabilities                        1       2      -       3 
                                         -----  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial liabilities at fair 
 value through profit or loss                1   6,785     45   6,831 
                                         -----  ------  -----  ------ 
Derivative financial instruments             -   7,909    319   8,228 
                                         -----  ------  -----  ------ 
Total financial liabilities carried 
 at fair value                               1  14,694    364  15,059 
                                         -----  ------  -----  ------ 

Movements in level 3 portfolio

The tables below analyse movements in the level 3 financial assets portfolio.

                                   Financial       Financial 
                                   assets at       assets at 
                                  fair value      fair value                Total financial 
                                     through   through other                 assets carried 
                                   profit or   comprehensive  Derivative            at fair 
                                        loss          income      assets              value 
                                        GBPm            GBPm        GBPm               GBPm 
At 1 January 2021                      1,511              65          14            1,590 
Exchange and other adjustments          (15)             (3)           -             (18) 
Losses recognised in the 
 income statement within 
 other income                           (49)               -         (2)             (51) 
Losses recognised in other 
 comprehensive income within 
 the revaluation reserve 
 in respect of financial 
 assets at fair value through 
 other comprehensive income                -             (4)           -              (4) 
Purchases/increases to 
 customer loans                           18               -           -               18 
Sales/repayments of customer 
 loans                                 (374)             (2)           -            (376) 
Transfers into the level 
 3 portfolio                               4               -           -                4 
Transfers out of the level 
 3 portfolio                           (653)               -           -            (653) 
                                 -----------  --------------  ----------  --------------- 
At 30 June 2021                          442              56          12              510 
                                 -----------  --------------  ----------  --------------- 
Losses recognised in the 
 income statement, within 
 other income, relating 
 to the change in fair value 
 of those assets held at 
 30 June 2021                           (60)               -         (2)             (62) 


Note 15: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)

                                   Financial       Financial 
                                   assets at       assets at 
                                  fair value      fair value                Total financial 
                                     through   through other                 assets carried 
                                   profit or   comprehensive  Derivative            at fair 
                                        loss          income      assets              value 
                                        GBPm            GBPm        GBPm               GBPm 
At 1 January 2020                      1,829              60           -            1,889 
Exchange and other adjustments            79               4           -               83 
Gains recognised in the 
 income statement within 
 other income                             20               -           1               21 
Purchases/increases to 
 customer loans                          368               -           -              368 
Sales/repayments of customer 
 loans                                 (312)               -           -            (312) 
Transfers into the level 
 3 portfolio                               -               -          14               14 
Transfers out of the level 
 3 portfolio                            (50)               -           -             (50) 
                                 -----------  --------------  ----------  --------------- 
At 30 June 2020                        1,934              64          15            2,013 
                                 -----------  --------------  ----------  --------------- 
Gains recognised in the 
 income statement, within 
 other income, relating 
 to the change in fair value 
 of those assets held at 
 30 June 2020                            105               -           -              105 

The tables below analyse movements in the level 3 financial liabilities portfolio.

                                                 Financial                         Total 
                                               liabilities                     financial 
                                                   at fair                   liabilities 
                                             value through                       carried 
                                                 profit or    Derivative              at 
                                                      loss   liabilities      fair value 
                                                      GBPm          GBPm            GBPm 
At 1 January 2021                                       45           319           364 
Gains recognised in the income statement 
 within other income                                   (2)          (55)          (57) 
Redemptions                                            (5)          (19)          (24) 
At 30 June 2021                                         38           245           283 
                                            --------------  ------------  ------------ 
Gains recognised in the income statement, 
 within other income, relating to 
 the change in fair value of those 
 liabilities held at 30 June 2021                      (2)          (42)          (44) 
At 1 January 2020                                       47           297           344 
Losses recognised in the income statement 
 within other income                                     1            12            13 
Redemptions                                            (1)           (8)           (9) 
Transfers into the level 3 portfolio                     -            46            46 
At 30 June 2020                                         47           347           394 
                                            --------------  ------------  ------------ 
Gains recognised in the income statement, 
 within other income, relating to 
 the change in fair value of those 
 liabilities held at 30 June 2020                        -             -             - 


Note 15: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)

The tables below set out the effects of reasonably possible alternative assumptions for categories of level 3 financial assets and financial liabilities which have an aggregated carrying value greater than GBP500 million.

                                                                                  At 30 June 2021 
                                                                                     Effect of reasonably 
                                                                                      possible alternative 
                            Valuation         unobservable            Carrying       Favourable    Unfavourable 
                             techniques       inputs(1)                  value          changes         changes 
                                                                          GBPm             GBPm            GBPm 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss 
Loans and advances          Discounted       Interest rate 
 to customers                cash flows       spreads (+/-6%)              438               39          (36) 
Other                                                                        4 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through other comprehensive 
 income                                                                     56 
Derivative financial 
                            Option pricing   Interest rate 
Interest rate derivatives    model            volatility (8%/124%)          12 
Level 3 financial assets carried 
 at fair value                                                             510 
Financial liabilities at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                                             38 
Derivative financial 
                            Option pricing   Interest rate 
Interest rate derivatives    model            volatility (8%/124%)          39 
                            Market values 
Shared appreciation          - property 
 right                       valuation       HPI (+/-1%)                   206 
Level 3 financial liabilities 
 carried at fair value                                                     283 

(1) Ranges are shown where appropriate and represent the highest and lowest inputs used in the level 3 valuations.

(2) Where the exposure to an unobservable input is managed on a net basis, only the net impact is shown in the table.


Note 15: Fair values of financial assets and liabilities (continued)

                                                                                   At 31 December 2020 
                                                                                         Effect of reasonably 
                                                                                         possible alternative 
                           Valuation         unobservable                 Carrying      Favourable    Unfavourable 
                            techniques       inputs(1)                       value         changes         changes 
                                                                              GBPm            GBPm            GBPm 
Financial assets at fair value through profit 
 or loss 
Loans and advances         Discounted       Interest rate 
 to customers               cash flows       spreads (-50bps/+106bps)        1,511              47          (45) 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through other comprehensive 
 income                                                                         65 
Derivative financial 
                                            Interest rate 
                           Option pricing    volatility 
Interest rate derivatives   model            (13%/128%)                         14 
Level 3 financial assets carried 
 at fair value                                                               1,590 
Financial liabilities at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                                                 45 
Derivative financial 
                                            Interest rate 
                           Option pricing    volatility 
Interest rate derivatives   model            (33%/60%)                          48 
                           Market values 
Shared appreciation         - property 
 right                      valuation       HPI (+/-1%)                        271 
Level 3 financial liabilities 
 carried at fair value                                                         364 

(1) Ranges are shown where appropriate and represent the highest and lowest inputs used in the level 3 valuations.

(2) Where the exposure to an unobservable input is managed on a net basis, only the net impact is shown in the table.

Unobservable inputs

Significant unobservable inputs affecting the valuation of debt securities, unlisted equity investments and derivatives are unchanged from those described in the Group's 2020 financial statements.

Reasonably possible alternative assumptions

Valuation techniques applied to many of the Group's level 3 instruments often involve the use of two or more inputs whose relationship is interdependent. The calculation of the effect of reasonably possible alternative assumptions included in the table above reflects such relationships and are unchanged from those described in note 42 to the Group's 2020 financial statements.


Note 16: Credit quality of loans and advances to banks and customers

                         Drawn exposures                Expected credit loss allowance 
               Stage   Stage  Stage                   Stage  Stage  Stage 
                   1       2      3    POCI    Total      1      2      3  POCI    Total 
Gross drawn 
credit loss 
allowances      GBPm    GBPm   GBPm    GBPm     GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm  GBPm     GBPm 
At 30 June 
Loans and advances 
 to banks: 
CMS 1-10       7,355       -      -       -    7,355      2      -      -     -      2 
CMS 11-14          -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 15-18          -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 19             -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 20-23          -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
               7,355       -      -       -    7,355      2      -      -     -      2 
Loans and advances to 
Retail - UK 
RMS 1-6      262,472  22,374      -       -  284,846    123    234      -     -    357 
RMS 7-9           69   4,022      -       -    4,091      1     59      -     -     60 
RMS 10             -     918      -       -      918      -     23      -     -     23 
RMS 11-13          -   2,456      -       -    2,456      -     95      -     -     95 
RMS 14             -       -  1,924  11,886   13,810      -      -    175   190    365 
             262,541  29,770  1,924  11,886  306,121    124    411    175   190    900 
Retail - 
RMS 1-6        9,032   1,124      -       -   10,156     61     46      -     -    107 
RMS 7-9        1,720   1,028      -       -    2,748     60    115      -     -    175 
RMS 10           150     317      -       -      467      6     60      -     -     66 
RMS 11-13         54     467      -       -      521      -    169      -     -    169 
RMS 14             -       -    323       -      323      -      -    140     -    140 
              10,956   2,936    323       -   14,215    127    390    140     -    657 
Retail - 
RMS 1-6        5,991     398      -       -    6,389     73     19      -     -     92 
RMS 7-9        1,707     519      -       -    2,226     74     60      -     -    134 
RMS 10            63     143      -       -      206      6     29      -     -     35 
RMS 11-13         21     353      -       -      374      3    134      -     -    137 
RMS 14             -       -    312       -      312      -      -    151     -    151 
               7,782   1,413    312       -    9,507    156    242    151     -    549 
Retail - UK 
RMS 1-6       11,638   1,464      -       -   13,102    142     36      -     -    178 
RMS 7-9          687     490      -       -    1,177      7     29      -     -     36 
RMS 10             -     134      -       -      134      -     19      -     -     19 
RMS 11-13         22     184      -       -      206      -     45      -     -     45 
RMS 14             -       -    233       -      233      -      -    152     -    152 
              12,347   2,272    233       -   14,852    149    129    152     -    430 
Retail - 
RMS 1-6       15,661     485      -       -   16,146     25     15      -     -     40 
RMS 7-9        1,982     357      -       -    2,339      6     43      -     -     49 
RMS 10             -       5      -       -        5      -      -      -     -      - 
RMS 11-13        431     356      -       -      787      -     29      -     -     29 
RMS 14             -       -    244       -      244      -      -     54     -     54 
              18,074   1,203    244       -   19,521     31     87     54     -    172 
 Retail      311,700  37,594  3,036  11,886  364,216    587  1,259    672   190  2,708 


Note 16: Credit quality of loans and advances to banks and customers (continued)

                          Drawn exposures                Expected credit loss allowance 
                Stage   Stage  Stage                   Stage  Stage  Stage 
                    1       2      3    POCI    Total      1      2      3  POCI    Total 
Gross drawn 
and expected 
credit loss 
(continued)      GBPm    GBPm   GBPm    GBPm     GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm  GBPm     GBPm 
At 30 June 
CMS 1-10       24,607     128      -       -   24,735     20      2      -     -     22 
CMS 11-14      31,949   3,419      -       -   35,368    113     49      -     -    162 
CMS 15-18       3,011   4,155      -       -    7,166     44    234      -     -    278 
CMS 19              -     606      -       -      606      -     71      -     -     71 
CMS 20-23           -       -  3,044       -    3,044      -      -    985     -    985 
               59,567   8,308  3,044       -   70,919    177    356    985     -  1,518 
RMS 1-6           877      36      -       -      913      9      1      -     -     10 
RMS 7-9             -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
RMS 10              -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
RMS 11-13           -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
RMS 14              -       -     62       -       62      -      -     10     -     10 
                  877      36     62       -      975      9      1     10     -     20 
CMS 1-10       49,873       -      -       -   49,873      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 11-14           3       -      -       -        3      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 15-18           -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 19              2       -      -       -        2      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 20-23           -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
               49,878       -      -       -   49,878      -      -      -     -      - 
 overlay            -       -      -       -        -    400      -      -     -    400 
Total loans 
 advances to 
 customers    422,022  45,938  6,142  11,886  485,988  1,173  1,616  1,667   190  4,646 
In respect 
Retail        311,700  37,594  3,036  11,886  364,216    587  1,259    672   190  2,708 
 Banking       59,567   8,308  3,044       -   70,919    177    356    985     -  1,518 
Other(1)       50,755      36     62       -   50,853    409      1     10     -    420 
Total loans 
 advances to 
 customers    422,022  45,938  6,142  11,886  485,988  1,173  1,616  1,667   190  4,646 

(1) Principally comprises reverse repurchase agreement balances.


Note 16: Credit quality of loans and advances to banks and customers (continued)

                         Drawn exposures                Expected credit loss allowance 
               Stage   Stage  Stage                   Stage  Stage  Stage 
                   1       2      3    POCI    Total      1      2      3  POCI    Total 
Gross drawn 
allowances      GBPm    GBPm   GBPm    GBPm     GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm  GBPm     GBPm 
At 31 
Loans and advances 
 to banks: 
CMS 1-10       5,951       -      -       -    5,951      4      -      -     -      4 
CMS 11-14          3       -      -       -        3      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 15-18          -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 19             -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 20-23          -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
             -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
               5,954       -      -       -    5,954      4      -      -     -      4 
             -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
Loans and advances to 
Retail - UK 
RMS 1-6      251,372  21,010      -       -  272,382    103    247      -     -    350 
RMS 7-9           46   4,030      -       -    4,076      1     66      -     -     67 
RMS 10             -     907      -       -      907      -     25      -     -     25 
RMS 11-13          -   3,071      -       -    3,071      -    130      -     -    130 
RMS 14             -       -  1,859  12,511   14,370      -      -    191   261    452 
             -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
             251,418  29,018  1,859  12,511  294,806    104    468    191   261  1,024 
Retail - 
RMS 1-6        9,619   1,284      -       -   10,903     75     57      -     -    132 
RMS 7-9        1,603   1,137      -       -    2,740     66    138      -     -    204 
RMS 10           274     343      -       -      617     14     70      -     -     84 
RMS 11-13          -     509      -       -      509      -    193      -     -    193 
RMS 14             -       -    340       -      340      -      -    153     -    153 
             -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
              11,496   3,273    340       -   15,109    155    458    153     -    766 
Retail - loans and 
RMS 1-6        5,559     291      -       -    5,850     80     15      -     -     95 
RMS 7-9        1,990     580      -       -    2,570     99     66      -     -    165 
RMS 10           116     181      -       -      297     13     36      -     -     49 
RMS 11-13         45     467      -       -      512      9    178      -     -    187 
RMS 14             -       -    307       -      307      -      -    147     -    147 
             -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
               7,710   1,519    307       -    9,536    201    295    147     -    643 
Retail - UK 
RMS 1-6       12,035   1,396      -       -   13,431    187     46      -     -    233 
RMS 7-9          738     456      -       -    1,194      7     33      -     -     40 
RMS 10             -     171      -       -      171      -     30      -     -     30 
RMS 11-13         13     193      -       -      206      -     62      -     -     62 
RMS 14             -       -    199       -      199      -      -    133     -    133 
             -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
              12,786   2,216    199       -   15,201    194    171    133     -    498 
Retail - 
RMS 1-6       14,952     482      -       -   15,434     19     19      -     -     38 
RMS 7-9        2,418     334      -       -    2,752     11     39      -     -     50 
RMS 10             -      21      -       -       21      -      1      -     -      1 
RMS 11-13        509     467      -       -      976      -     40      -     -     40 
RMS 14             -       -    184       -      184      -      -     59     -     59 
             -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
              17,879   1,304    184       -   19,367     30     99     59     -    188 
             -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
 Retail      301,289  37,330  2,889  12,511  354,019    684  1,491    683   261  3,119 
             -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 


Note 16: Credit quality of loans and advances to banks and customers (continued)

                          Drawn exposures                Expected credit loss allowance 
                Stage   Stage  Stage                   Stage  Stage  Stage 
                    1       2      3    POCI    Total      1      2      3  POCI    Total 
Gross drawn 
(continued)      GBPm    GBPm   GBPm    GBPm     GBPm   GBPm   GBPm   GBPm  GBPm     GBPm 
At 31 
CMS 1-10       22,218     177      -       -   22,395     23      2      -     -     25 
CMS 11-14      30,023   6,662      -       -   36,685    135    106      -     -    241 
CMS 15-18       4,656   6,430      -       -   11,086     96    397      -     -    493 
CMS 19              -     669      -       -      669      -    129      -     -    129 
CMS 20-23           -       -  3,485       -    3,485      -      -  1,273     -  1,273 
              -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
               56,897  13,938  3,485       -   74,320    254    634  1,273     -  2,161 
RMS 1-6           822      12      -       -      834      9      -      -     -      9 
RMS 7-9             -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
RMS 10              -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
RMS 11-13           -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
RMS 14              -       -     59       -       59      -      -     12     -     12 
              -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
                  822      12     59       -      893      9      -     12     -     21 
              -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
CMS 1-10       56,362       -      -       -   56,362      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 11-14         236       -      -       -      236      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 15-18           -       -      -       -        -      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 19              2       -      -       -        2      -      -      -     -      - 
CMS 20-23           -       -     10       -       10      -      -      -     -      - 
              -------  ------  -----  ------  ------- 
               56,600       -     10       -   56,610      -      -      -     -      - 
 overlay            -       -      -       -        -    400      -      -     -    400 
              -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
Total loans 
 customers    415,608  51,280  6,443  12,511  485,842  1,347  2,125  1,968   261  5,701 
              -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 
In respect 
Retail        301,289  37,330  2,889  12,511  354,019    684  1,491    683   261  3,119 
 Banking       56,897  13,938  3,485       -   74,320    254    634  1,273     -  2,161 
Other(1)       57,422      12     69       -   57,503    409      -     12     -    421 
                       ------  -----  ------  ------- 
Total loans 
 customers    415,608  51,280  6,443  12,511  485,842  1,347  2,125  1,968   261  5,701 
              -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  -----  -----  -----  ----  ----- 

(1) Principally comprises reverse repurchase agreement balances.

Note 17: Dividends on ordinary shares

The Bank paid a dividend of GBP1,000 million on 19 May 2021.

Note 18: Ultimate parent undertaking

The Bank's ultimate parent undertaking and controlling party is Lloyds Banking Group plc which is incorporated in Scotland. Lloyds Banking Group plc has published consolidated accounts for the year to 31 December 2020 and copies may be obtained from Investor Relations, Lloyds Banking Group, 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN and available for download from www.lloydsbankinggroup.com.


Note 19: Other information

The financial information contained in this document does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 (the Act). The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020 were approved by the directors on 11 March 2021 and were delivered to the Registrar of Companies on 28 April 2021. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not include a statement under sections 498(2) (accounting records or returns inadequate or accounts not agreeing with records and returns) or 498(3) (failure to obtain necessary information and explanations) of the Act.


The directors listed below (being all the directors of Lloyds Bank plc) confirm that to the best of their knowledge these condensed consolidated half-year financial statements have been prepared in accordance with UK adopted International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, and that the half-year management report herein includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R, namely:

-- an indication of important events that have occurred during the six months ended 30 June 2021 and their impact on the condensed consolidated half-year financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and

-- material related party transactions in the six months ended 30 June 2021 and any material changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report.

Signed on behalf of the Board by

William Chalmers

Interim Group Chief Executive

28 July 2021

Lloyds Bank plc Board of directors:

Executive director:

William Chalmers (Interim Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer)

Non-executive directors:

Robin Budenberg CBE (Chair)

Alan Dickinson (Deputy Chair)

Sarah Bentley

Brendan Gilligan

Nigel Hinshelwood

Sarah Legg

Lord Lupton CBE

Amanda Mackenzie OBE

Nicholas Prettejohn

Stuart Sinclair

Catherine Woods


We have been engaged by the Bank to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2021 which comprises the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated statement of changes in equity, the consolidated cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 19. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

The annual financial statements of the Group will be prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the United Kingdom. Accordingly, the condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with UK adopted International Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting".

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Bank a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Financial Reporting Council for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2021 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with UK adopted International Accounting Standard 34 and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

Use of our report

This report is made solely to the Bank in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Financial Reporting Council. Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Bank those matters we are required to state to it in an independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Bank, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.

Deloitte LLP

Statutory Auditor

London, England

28 July 2021


This document contains certain forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, with respect to the business, strategy, plans and/or results of Lloyds Bank plc together with its subsidiaries (the Lloyds Bank Group) and its current goals and expectations relating to its future financial condition and performance. Statements that are not historical or current facts, including statements about the Lloyds Bank Group's or its directors' and/or management's beliefs and expectations, are forward looking statements. Words such as 'believes', 'achieves', 'anticipates', 'estimates', 'expects', 'targets', 'should', 'intends', 'aims', 'projects', 'plans', 'potential', 'will', 'would', 'could', 'considered', 'likely', 'may', 'seek', 'estimate', 'probability', 'goal', 'objective', 'endeavour', 'prospects', 'optimistic' and variations of these words and similar future or conditional expressions are intended to identify forward looking statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. Examples of such forward looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements or guidance relating to: projections or expectations of the Lloyds Bank Group's future financial position including profit attributable to shareholders, provisions, economic profit, dividends, capital structure, portfolios, net interest margin, capital ratios, liquidity, risk-weighted assets (RWAs), expenditures or any other financial items or ratios; litigation, regulatory and governmental investigations; the Lloyds Bank Group's future financial performance; the level and extent of future impairments and write-downs; the Lloyds Bank Group's ESG targets and / or commitments; statements of plans, objectives or goals of the Lloyds Bank Group or its management including in respect of statements about the future business and economic environments in the UK and elsewhere including, but not limited to, future trends in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, credit and equity market levels and demographic developments; statements about competition, regulation, disposals and consolidation or technological developments in the financial services industry; and statements of assumptions underlying such statements. By their nature, forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon circumstances that will or may occur in the future. Factors that could cause actual business, strategy, plans and/or results (including but not limited to the payment of dividends) to differ materially from forward looking statements made by the Lloyds Bank Group or on its behalf include, but are not limited to: general economic and business conditions in the UK and internationally; market related trends and developments; fluctuations in interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, stock markets and currencies; any impact of the transition from IBORs to alternative reference rates; the ability to access sufficient sources of capital, liquidity and funding when required; changes to the Lloyds Bank Group's or Lloyds Banking Group plc's credit ratings; the ability to derive cost savings and other benefits including, but without limitation, as a result of any acquisitions, disposals and other strategic transactions; potential changes in dividend policy; the ability to achieve strategic objectives; changing customer behaviour including consumer spending, saving and borrowing habits; changes to borrower or counterparty credit quality impacting the recoverability and value of balance sheet assets; concentration of financial exposure; management and monitoring of conduct risk; exposure to counterparty risk (including but not limited to third parties conducting illegal activities without the Lloyds Bank Group's knowledge); instability in the global financial markets, including Eurozone instability, instability as a result of uncertainty surrounding the exit by the UK from the European Union (EU) and the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, instability as a result of the potential for other countries to exit the EU or the Eurozone, and the impact of any sovereign credit rating downgrade or other sovereign financial issues; political instability including as a result of any UK general election and any further possible referendum on Scottish independence; technological changes and risks to the security of IT and operational infrastructure, systems, data and information resulting from increased threat of cyber and other attacks; natural, pandemic (including but not limited to the COVID-19 pandemic) and other disasters, adverse weather and similar contingencies outside the Lloyds Bank Group's or Lloyds Banking Group plc's control; inadequate or failed internal or external processes or systems; acts of war, other acts of hostility, terrorist acts and responses to those acts, or other such events; geopolitical unpredictability; risks relating to sustainability and climate change, including the Lloyds Bank Group's or Lloyds Banking Group plc's ability along with the government and other stakeholders to manage and mitigate the impacts of climate change effectively; changes in laws, regulations, practices and accounting standards or taxation, including as a result of the UK's exit from the EU; changes to regulatory capital or liquidity requirements (including regulatory measures to restrict distributions to address potential capital and liquidity stress) and similar contingencies outside the Lloyds Bank Group's or Lloyds Banking Group plc's control; the policies, decisions and actions of governmental or regulatory authorities or courts in the UK, the EU, the US or elsewhere including the implementation and interpretation of key laws, legislation and regulation together with any resulting impact on the future structure of the Lloyds Bank Group; the ability to attract and retain senior management and other employees and meet its diversity objectives; actions or omissions by the Lloyds Bank Group's directors, management or employees including industrial action; changes in Lloyds Bank Group's ability to develop sustainable finance products and Lloyds Bank Group's capacity to measure the ESG impact from its financing activity, which may affect Lloyds Bank Group's ability to achieve its climate ambition; changes to the Lloyds Bank Group's post-retirement defined benefit scheme obligations; the extent of any future impairment charges or write-downs caused by, but not limited to, depressed asset valuations, market disruptions and illiquid markets; the value and effectiveness of any credit protection purchased by the Lloyds Bank Group; the inability to hedge certain risks economically; the adequacy of loss reserves; the actions of competitors, including non-bank financial services, lending companies and digital innovators and disruptive technologies; and exposure to regulatory or competition scrutiny, legal, regulatory or competition proceedings, investigations or complaints. Please refer to the latest Annual Report on Form 20-F filed by Lloyds Bank plc with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC), which is available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov, for a discussion of certain factors and risks. Lloyds Bank plc may also make or disclose written and/or oral forward looking statements in reports filed with or furnished to the SEC, Lloyds Bank plc annual reviews, half-year announcements, proxy statements, offering circulars, prospectuses, press releases and other written materials and in oral statements made by the directors, officers or employees of Lloyds Bank plc to third parties, including financial analysts. Except as required by any applicable law or regulation, the forward looking statements contained in this document are made as of today's date, and the Lloyds Bank Group expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward looking statements contained in this document to reflect any change in the Lloyds Bank Group's expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. The information, statements and opinions contained in this document do not constitute a public offer under any applicable law or an offer to sell any securities or financial instruments or any advice or recommendation with respect to such securities or financial instruments.


For further information please contact:


Douglas Radcliffe

Group Investor Relations Director

020 7356 1571


Edward Sands

Director of Investor Relations

020 7356 1585


Eileen Khoo

Director of Investor Relations

07385 376435


Nora Thoden

Director of Investor Relations - ESG

020 7356 2334



Grant Ringshaw

External Relations Director

020 7356 2362


Matt Smith

Head of Media Relations

020 7356 3522


Copies of this News Release may be obtained from:

Investor Relations, Lloyds Banking Group plc, 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN

The statement can also be found on the Group's website - www.lloydsbankinggroup.com

Registered office: Lloyds Bank plc, 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN

Registered in England No. 2065

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 29, 2021 07:00 ET (11:00 GMT)

Lloyds Banking (LSE:LLOY)
Historical Stock Chart
From Aug 2024 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Lloyds Banking Charts.
Lloyds Banking (LSE:LLOY)
Historical Stock Chart
From Sep 2023 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Lloyds Banking Charts.