RNS Number : 5734T

Hummingbird Resources PLC

25 November 2021

Hummingbird Resources plc / Ticker: HUM / Index: AIM / Sector: Mining

25 November 2021

Hummingbird Resources plc

("Hummingbird" or the "Company")

2021 Company Reserve Update

1.12 million ounces of Company reserves

Hummingbird Resources plc (AIM: HUM) is pleased to provide an updated JORC-compliant Company Reserve statement ("reserve statement"), which includes a maiden reserve for the Kouroussa mine in Guinea.

Hummingbird's updated reserves total 1.12 million ounces ("oz") of gold ("Au"), a 438,600 oz increase to the previous Company reserve statement in October 2019 of 672,000 oz.

2021 Company reserve highlights:

Company reserve update

-- Updated Company reserves as of 30 June 2021 total 1.12 million oz at 3.03 grams per tonne ("g/t"), comprising:

-- Yanfolila mine in Mali: 705,800 oz at 2.57 g/t, being a net increase of 29,700 oz, including depleted reserves from mining since the previous Company reserve statement in October 2019

o The Yanfolila mine reserves include both open pit reserves on six deposits totalling 503,600 oz at 2.30 g/t (including stockpiles) and a maiden underground reserve at Komana east ("KEUG") of 202,200 oz at 3.64 g/t

-- Kouroussa mine in Guinea: 408,900 oz at 4.38 g/t establishing a maiden reserve at that asset

-- These reported reserves for both Yanfolila and Kouroussa have upside potential as they do not include the 2021 drilling campaign of 68,000 metres ("m") (44,000 m at Yanfolila and 24,000 m at Kouroussa). The results of this year's drilling campaign will be included in the 2022 updated Company Resource and Reserve statements, scheduled to be released in Q2 2022

Yanfolila Mine, Mali

-- The majority of the JORC compliant Yanfolila reserves increase has come from two key future mining deposits, including the new underground reserves at KEUG and the maiden open pit reserves at the Sanioumale East deposit ("SE")

-- Identification of reserves at both deposits are a result of the Company's investment and focus on exploration in 2020 with a total of 21,000 m being drilled, with potential for further increases in reserves with a total of 41,000 m being drilled in 2021 at Yanfolila, but which is not included in this reserve statement, as noted above. The new reserves at Yanfolila from these deposits are split as follows:

o KEUG: 202,200 oz at 3.64 g/t (as highlighted above)

o SE: 100,300 oz at 2.64 g/t

Kouroussa Mine, Guinea

-- Kouroussa's maiden open pit reserve of 408,900 oz at 4.38 g/t, was from the main and largest deposit called Koekoe ("KK"). The reserve is supported by the JORC compliant resource statement as completed by independent mining consultancy company, Mining Plus, in May 2020

-- As stated above, there is upside potential to the Kouroussa maiden reserve number in the 2022 Company Resource and Reserve statements with the inclusion of the 2021 infill drilling campaign of 24,000 m. Further, the Company expects the largest of the three other key deposits at Kouroussa, called Kinkine, to have a maiden reserve in the 2022 Company Resource and Reserve statements

Dugbe Mine, Liberia

-- We note the Company's Dugbe mine in Liberia is not included in this year's Company Reserves statement. As per the release on 22 November 2021, the Company's earn-in partners on Dugbe, Pasofino Gold Ltd ("Pasofino") released an updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") of 4.0 Moz, including 3.4 Moz is in the Measured and Indicated category. The Company will provide a more detailed update on Dugbe reserves once Pasofino completes the definitive feasibility study ("DFS") scheduled for completion by Q2 2022, providing further significant upside potential for the Company's resource and reserves profile

Dan Betts, CEO of Hummingbird Resources, commented:

"Our exploration strategy in 2020 has delivered JORC compliant reserves, extending Yanfolila's LOM and delivering a maiden reserve at Kouroussa, our low cost/high margin operation which will more than double Hummingbird's future gold production scheduled for first gold pour the end of Q2 2023. This year's exploration campaigns were three times larger in terms of metres drilled than those in 2020, with the focus to further increase our Company reserve and resource base in order to achieve the Company's ambition of having LOMs in excess of 10 years from our assets.

"The results of these programmes will form the basis of the 2022 Company Resources and Reserve updates, which are scheduled to be released in Q2 2022 where we see further upside potential from the current Company reserves of 1.12 million ounces. Further, reserves upside is expected from our Dugbe mine in Liberia once the DFS is completed by earn-in partners Pasofino given the material 4.0 Moz resource base, of which 3.4 Moz is in the Measured and Indicated category."

Anthony Kocken, COO of Hummingbird Resources, commented:

"Significant Company resources have been focused on adding to the mineral inventory as we work towards our goal of a 10 year LOM at our assets. The geological, exploration, and technical teams within Hummingbird and our business partners have worked efficiently and effectively to produce positive results and we look forward to the significant drilling investment in 2021 (circa 68,000 m) to further progress the Hummingbird reserves base as the foundation to future growth and value creation."

2021 Company reserve summary

  Deposit      Insitu Resource @ Variable Au cut-off as at     Ore Reserves @ Variable Au cut-off, incl.     Waste   Strip   Au Oz   Change in 
                              30 June 2021                   mine recovery and mine dilution as at 30 June           Ratio  insitu     Au Oz 
                                                                                 2021                                                 insitu 
                                                                                                                                     from 2019 
              ---------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
               Location   Classification     kt    Au (g/t)  Location   Classification     kt     Au (g/t)    kt      t:t    k-oz      k-oz 
                                           ------  --------                             -------- 
 1. Komana      In Pit       Measured        -        -       In Pit        Proved         -         -                         - 
 West (KW) 
              ----------  ---------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                 Indicated                 1,537     2.75                  Probable     1,649.6     2.46                     130.7 
  ---------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                  TOTAL:                   1,537     2.75             TOTAL:            1,649.6     2.46    17,172   10.4    130.7    -108.3 
 ---------------------------               ------  --------  -------------------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  -------  --------- 
 2. Komana      In Pit       Measured        -        -       In Pit        Proved         -         -                         - 
 East (KE) 
              ----------  ---------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                 Indicated                 1,122     2.90                  Probable     1,204.5     2.56                     99.2 
  ---------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                  TOTAL:                   1,122     2.90             TOTAL:            1,204.5     2.56    12,434   10.3    99.2     -176.0 
                                                                                                                            -------  --------- 
     3.         In Pit       Measured        -        -       In Pit        Proved         -         -                         - 
 West (SW) 
              ----------  ---------------          --------  ---------                            --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                 Indicated                  859      1.92                  Probable      922.6      1.70                     50.4 
  ---------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                  TOTAL:                    859      1.92             TOTAL:             922.6      1.70     7,682    8.3    50.4      -12.6 
 ---------------------------               ------  --------  -------------------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  -------  --------- 
     4.         In Pit       Measured        -        -       In Pit        Proved         -         -                         - 
 East (SE) 
              ----------  ---------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                 Indicated                 1,100     2.99                  Probable     1,180.7     2.64                     100.3 
  ---------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                  TOTAL:                   1,100     2.99             TOTAL:            1,180.7     2.64    21,218   18.0    100.3     100.3 
 ---------------------------               ------  --------  -------------------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  -------  --------- 
  5. Gonka      In Pit       Measured        -        -       In Pit        Proved         -         -                         - 
              ----------  ---------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                 Indicated                  877      3.24                  Probable      941.1      2.86                     86.6 
  ---------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                  TOTAL:                    877      3.24             TOTAL:             941.1      2.86    22,124   23.5    86.6       8.4 
 ---------------------------               ------  --------  -------------------------  --------  --------           -----  ------- 
 6. Komana       U/G         Measured        -        -         U/G         Proved         -         -                         - 
  (KE U/G) 
              ----------  ---------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------           -----  ------- 
                 Indicated                 2,722     4.01                  Probable     1,725.6     3.64                     202.2 
  ---------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------           -----  ------- 
                  TOTAL:                   2,722     4.01             TOTAL:            1,725.6     3.64    22,124   12.8    202.2     202.2 
                                                   --------                             --------                     -----           --------- 
 7. Koekoe      In Pit       Measured        -        -       In Pit        Proved         -         -                         - 
   (KK) - 
              ----------  ---------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                 Indicated                 2,332     5.74                  Probable     2,901.9     4.38                     408.9 
  ---------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------           -----  ------- 
                  TOTAL:                   2,332     5.74             TOTAL:            2,901.9     4.38    77,246   26.6    408.9     408.9 
 ---------------------------               ------            -------------------------                               -----           --------- 
All Deposits    In Pit       Measured        -       2.14     In Pit        Proved         -         -                         - 
------------              ---------------  ------  --------  ---------  --------------  --------  --------  -------  -----  ------- 
                 Indicated                 7,827     5.05                  Probable     8,800.4     3.81               -     876.2     220.7 
                                                             ---------                            --------                           --------- 
                 U/G         Measured                           U/G         Proved         -         -         -               - 
                                           ------  --------             --------------  --------  --------                  ------- 
                 Indicated                 2,722     4.01                  Probable     1,725.6     3.64     202.2           202.2     202.2 
                                           ------                                                                    -----           --------- 
 Stockpile             Measured            917.4     1.23    Stockpile      Proved       917.4      1.23                     36.3      15.7 
             ----------------------------          --------             --------------  --------  --------                  ------- 
                             Indicated                                     Probable        -         -                         - 
                          ---------------  ------                                                 --------  -------  -----  -------  --------- 
   TOTAL:              Measured             917      1.23     TOTAL:        Proved       917.4      1.23                     36.3      15.7 
             ----------------------------          --------  ---------  --------------  --------                            ------- 
                 Indicated                 10,549    3.75                  Probable     10,526.0    3.19                    1,078.4    422.9 
                                                             ---------                  --------                                     --------- 
                  TOTAL:                   11,466    3.55             TOTAL:            11,443.4    3.03    180,000  15.7   1,114.6    438.6 
                                           ------            -------------------------  --------                                     --------- 


Y anfolila

   1.         Yanfolila Open Pits and KEUG reserves are based on US$1,500 per oz. 

2. Cut-off grades are variable based on material type which are Oxide, Transitional and Fresh ore types.

   3.         Metallurgical recovery at the process plant is 92%. 

4. Processing costs are based upon material types at each deposit and by distance from the process plant.


   1.         Cut-off grade is 1.76 g/t Au contained all in the Fresh ore type. 
   2.         Metallurgical recovery at the process plant is 92%. 

Kouroussa Open Pits (KK)

   1.         Kouroussa reserves are based on US$1,500 per oz. 

2. Cut-off grades are; 1.19 g/t Au for Oxide, 1.30 g/t Au for Transitional and 1.54 g/t Au in Fresh ore types.

3. Metallurgical recovery at the process plant is 95% in Oxide and Transitional, 96% in Fresh ore types.

4. Processing costs are based upon material types at each deposit and by distance from the process plant.

Yanfolila, Mali Reserves

The Yanfolila gold mine is located within the Yanfolila exploitation permit area. The permit area contains the following six deposits that are being included within the 2021 Company Reserve Statement:

   --      Komana East ("KE") 
   --      Komana East Underground ("KEUG") 
   --      Komana West ("KW") 
   --      Gonka ("GK") 
   --      Sanioumale West ("SW") 
   --      Sanioumale East ("SE") 


The KE deposit, with a current reserve of 99,200 oz as detailed in the table above, is currently being mined as an open pit and has been the principal source of ore to the process plant since the operation commenced in December 2017. Delineation of the gold mineralisation at KE has been limited previously by the lack of drilling, with limited drilling piercing the ore body below 0 mRL or 400m below surface.

However, in the last two years of exploration drilling by the Company, testing for extensions below the base of the KE open pit has been conducted in order to develop underground mining potential. Per this year's Company Reserve Statement, the KEUG deposit has a reserve of 202,200 oz at 3.64 g/t. Specific timing in terms of when the KEUG will come into the future mine plans and the economics are being analysed but are not yet fully decided on. However, given the reserves as highlighted in this release and grade profile, the KEUG is expected to provide a key future base load production profile for the Company in future years.

With the success of the previous two years exploration drilling proving up the KEUG, further work is being planned in 2022 that will target the down plunge extensions of the high grade zones to further give confidence to the long life and robust economics of an underground operation.


The KW deposit is made up of predominantly four open pit phases, of which three are nearing completion with the remaining fourth phase scheduled for mining in 2022, with a current reserve of 130,700 oz at a grade of 2.46 g/t. The deposit remains open at depth and along strike to the south, with planning in place to be tested in 2022.


GK deposit, contains 86,600 oz reserves at a grade of 2.86 g/t which are contained within the $1,500 per oz pit design. The deposit has recently started to be mined and the Company is currently evaluating GK as a potential underground mining operation. The Company is also considering adding new reserves in 2022 by converting the large Indicated high-grade resource beneath the pit design to underground reserves.


SE deposit, located approximately 20 kilometres ("km") from the process plant, reported a maiden open pit reserve of 100,300 oz at a grade of 2.64 g/t. SE has undergone a large resource infill and extension campaign of approximately circa 15,000 m in 2021, designed to increase the current deposit's reported reserves number. The Sankarani Shear Zone, with mineralisation over 1.2 km of the 3 km long structure that also hosts the KE and GK deposits, is one of the geological structures in Mali the Company sees potential for more future upside in both resources and reserves.


SW deposit, located some 25 km from the process plant, is a source of oxide ore for the current LOM at Yanfolila. Drilling in 2020 and 2021 continues to show that mineralisation is open at depth and to the North. We note that due to reclassification of resources for SW, the reserve was 12,600 oz lower than reported in 2019. Additional resource drilling completed in 2021 is expected to increase reserves to its original 2019 reserve number, or potentially greater.

The Company has a focused plan on where the future reserves growth will come from to achieve its stated goal of a minimum 10-year LOM in reserves at Yanfolila. This updated Company reserves statement highlights Hummingbird has a variety of sources to achieve this goal, including open pit, underground and under evaluation heap leach options.

Hummingbird commissioned CSA Global Pty Ltd ("CSA Global"), an ERM Group Company, to prepare a JORC-compliant Ore Reserve estimate for the Yanfolila gold mine open pit deposits, and Mining Plus to prepare a JORC-compliant Ore Reserve estimate for the Yanfolila KEUG deposit.

An Ore Reserve estimate of 6.8 Mt at 2.30 g/t has been declared and classified as Proved Ore Reserves of 0.9 Mt at 1.23 g/t and Probable Ore Reserves of 5.9 Mt at 2.46 g/t Ore Reserve for the Yanfolila Gold Mine, reported following the JORC Code (2012 Edition) and as shown below.

2021 Company reserve summary table for Yanfolila, Mali

  Deposit    Insitu Resource @ Variable Au cut-off as at    Ore Reserves @ Variable Au cut-off, incl.    Waste   Strip  Au Oz   Change in 
                             30 June 2021                    mine recovery and mine dilution as at 30            Ratio  insitu    Au Oz 
                                                                            June 2021                                            insitu 
                                                                                                                                from 2019 
              Location   Classification    kt    Au (g/t)  Location   Classification    kt     Au (g/t)    kt     t:t    k-oz     k-oz 
 1. Komana     In Pit       Measured        -       -       In Pit        Proved         -        -                       - 
 West (KW) 
-----------  ----------                          --------  ---------                           --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                Indicated                 1,537    2.76                  Probable     1,649.6    2.46                   130.7 
  --------------------------------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                 TOTAL:                   1,537    2.76             TOTAL:            1,649.6    2.46    17,172  10.4   130.7    -108.3 
 ---------------------------              -----  --------  -------------------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------  --------- 
 2. Komana     In Pit       Measured        -       -       In Pit        Proved         -        -                       - 
 East (KE) 
             ----------  ---------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                Indicated                 1,122    2.90                  Probable     1,204.5    2.56                    99.2 
  --------------------------------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                 TOTAL:                   1,122    2.90             TOTAL:            1,204.5    2.56    12,434  10.3    99.2    -176.0 
 ---------------------------                                                                                                    --------- 
    3.         In Pit       Measured        -       -       In Pit        Proved         -        -                       - 
 West (SW) 
             ----------                          --------  ---------                           --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                Indicated                  859     1.92                  Probable      922.6     1.70                    50.4 
  --------------------------------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                 TOTAL:                    859     1.92             TOTAL:             922.6     1.70    7,682    8.3    50.4     -12.6 
 ---------------------------              -----  --------  -------------------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------  --------- 
    4.         In Pit       Measured        -       -       In Pit        Proved         -        -                       - 
 East (SE) 
-----------  ----------  ---------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                Indicated                 1,100    2.99                  Probable     1,180.7    2.64                   100.3 
  --------------------------------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                 TOTAL:                   1,100    2.99             TOTAL:            1,180.7    2.64    21,218  18.0   100.3     100.3 
 ---------------------------              -----  --------  -------------------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------  --------- 
 5. Gonka      In Pit       Measured        -       -       In Pit        Proved         -        -                       - 
-----------  ----------  ---------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                Indicated                  877     3.24                  Probable      941.1     2.86                    86.6 
  --------------------------------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------ 
                 TOTAL:                    877     3.24             TOTAL:             941.1     2.86    22,124  23.5    86.6      8.4 
 6. Komana      U/G         Measured        -       -         U/G         Proved         -        -        -              - 
  East UG 
-----------              ---------------         --------                                      --------                 ------ 
                Indicated                 2,722    4.01                  Probable     1,725.6    3.64      -            202.2 
  --------------------------------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------ 
           TOTAL:                         2,722    4.01     TOTAL:                    1,725.6    3.64      -       -    202.2     202.2 
 ---------------------------  ----------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------  --------- 
    All        In Pit       Measured        -       -       In Pit        Proved         -        -                -      - 
-----------              ---------------  -----  --------             --------------  -------  --------          -----  ------ 
                Indicated                 5,495    2.78                  Probable     5,898.6    2.46              -    467.3    -188.2 
                                                                                                         ------  -----  ------ 
                U/G         Measured        -       -         U/G         Proved         -        -                       - 
                         ---------------  -----  --------             --------------  -------  -------- 
                Indicated                 2,722    4.01                  Probable     1,725.6    3.64                   202.2     202.2 
                                                                                               --------  ------  ----- 
 Stockpile            Measured             917     1.23    Stockpile      Proved       917.4     1.23                    36.3     15.7 
 ----------  ---------------------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  -------- 
                            Indicated                                    Probable        -        -                       - 
             ----------                                    ---------                                                    ------  --------- 
   TOTAL:             Measured             917     1.23     TOTAL:        Proved       917.4     1.23                    36.3     15.7 
 ----------  ---------------------------  -----  --------  ---------  --------------  -------  --------                 ------  --------- 
                Indicated                 8,217    3.19                  Probable     7,624.2    2.73                   669.5     14.0 
                 TOTAL:                   9,134    2.99             TOTAL:            8,541.5    2.57    80,630   9.4   705.8     29.7 
 ---------------------------              -----            -------------------------  -------                                   --------- 

Footnotes: Refer to those above in the 2021 Company reserve summary table

Kouroussa, Guinea reserves summary

The Company acquired the Kouroussa Gold Mine in September 2020 and is in the construction stage, scheduled for first gold pour the end of Q2 2023. The mining licenses are in the prolific, gold rich Siguiri Basin located within the West African nation of Guinea. Kouroussa currently hosts a MRE of 1.177 Moz comprising 7.4 Mt at 3.54 g/t (Indicated of 3.8 Mt at 3.96 g/t and Inferred of 3.6 Mt at 3.09 g/t).

The Kouroussa mine is made up of four key known deposits where resources have been defined and reported in the May 2020 MRE. In this Company reserve statement, the key deposit, Koekoe has a maiden reserve of 408,900 oz at 4.38 g/t. Only limited drilling at depth has been carried out however, in 2022, the Company's geology team is planning for further drill testing at depth to extend the known resources and reserves for this deposit.

The other three key deposits at Kouroussa, Kinkine, X-Vein and BagFarm-Junction, are all relatively smaller deposits to the main deposit Koekoe and are currently limited by the shallow nature of the drilling depths conducted so far. Collectively the three deposits comprise an additional +200,000 oz in resources (reported within a USD$1,750/oz pit shell as used for resources), however with further geological study and analysis, future resource growth is scheduled to be tested in 2022 and beyond.

The Company has been carrying out an infill drill programme in 2021 at Kouroussa of circa +24,000 m focusing on converting the in-pit (contained within the $1,500 per oz pit design) inferred to indicated resource base, of which there is approximately 200,000 oz. This 2021 drilling campaign will be included in the 2022 Company resource and reserve statements scheduled for release in Q2 2022.

Hummingbird requested CSA Global to provide an independent maiden Ore Reserve statement prepared by a competent person according to the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves ("JORC Code, 2012 Edition").

An Ore Reserve estimate of 2.9 Mt at 4.38 g/t has been declared as a Probable Ore Reserve for the Kouroussa Gold Project, reported in accordance with the JORC Code (2012 Edition) and as shown below.

2021 Company reserve summary table for Kouroussa, Guinea

  Deposit     Insitu Resource @ Variable Au cut-off as at 30     Ore Reserves @ Variable Au cut-off, incl. mine    Au Oz    Change in 
                                 June 2021                        recovery and mine dilution as at 30 June 2021    insitu     Au Oz 
                                                                                                                            from 2019 
            --------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
              Location    Classification      kt      Au (g/t)   Location    Classification     kt      Au (g/t)    k-oz      k-oz 
                                                                                                                  -------  ---------- 
 1. Koekoe     In Pit        Measured          -         -        In Pit         Proved          -         -         - 
            -----------                              ---------  ----------                             ---------  ------- 
                 Indicated                  2,331.8     5.74                    Probable      2,901.9     4.38     408.9 
  ---------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
                  TOTAL:                    2,331.8     5.74               TOTAL:             2,901.9     4.38     408.9      408.9 
 -----------------------------             --------  ---------  ---------------------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
    All        In Pit        Measured          -         -        In Pit         Proved          -         -         - 
----------  -----------  ----------------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
                 Indicated                  2,331.8     5.74                    Probable      2,901.9     4.38     408.9      408.9 
                                           --------  ---------  ----------  ---------------  --------  ---------  ------- 
             Stockpile       Measured                            Stockpile       Proved          -         -         - 
            -----------                                         ----------  ---------------                       ------- 
                             Indicated                                          Probable         -         -         - 
            -----------  ----------------                       ----------  ---------------                       ------- 
               TOTAL:        Measured          -         -        TOTAL:         Proved          -         -         - 
                         ----------------                                   ---------------                       ------- 
                 Indicated                  2,331.8     5.74                    Probable      2,901.9     4.38     408.9      408.9 
                  TOTAL:                    2,331.8     5.74               TOTAL:             2,901.9     4.38     408.9      408.9 
 -----------------------------             --------             ---------------------------  --------             ------- 

Footnotes: Refer to those above in the 2021 Company reserve summary table

Competent Persons Review:

The information in this section that relates to Ore Reserves for the open pits at Yanfolila and Kouroussa is based on information compiled and reviewed by Mr Paul O'Callaghan, a full-time employee of CSA Global. Mr O'Callaghan takes overall responsibility for the report as Competent Person. Mr O'Callaghan is a Fellow of the AusIMM (FAusIMM) and has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity he is undertaking, to qualify as a Competent Person in terms of the JORC Code (2012 Edition). The Competent Person, Mr O'Callaghan has reviewed the Ore Reserve statement and given permission for the publication of this information in the form and context within which it appears.

The information in this section that relates to Ore Reserves for the Underground deposit at Komana East at Yanfolila is based on information compiled and reviewed by Mr Nigel Bennett, a full-time employee of Mining Plus. Mr Bennett takes overall responsibility for the report as Competent Person. Mr Bennett is a member of the AusIMM (FAusIMM) and has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity he is undertaking, to qualify as a Competent Person in terms of the JORC Code (2012 Edition). The Competent Person, Mr Bennett has reviewed the Ore Reserve statement and given permission for the publication of this information in the form and context within which it appears.

Qualified Person Review:

Noris Del Bel Belluz, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained within this announcement in his capacity as a Qualified Person, as required under the AIM Rules for Companies. Noris is the Group Technical Services Manager for the Hummingbird, and is a qualified person, according to the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves ("JORC Code, 2012 Edition") and "Qualified Person" as defined by Part 1 of NI 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (30 June, 2011 Edition) .

Glossary of Technical Terms

 "g"     gram; 
 "g/t"   grams per tonne, equivalent to parts per million; 
 "k"     thousand; 
 "km"    kilometres; 
 "m"     metres; 
 "M"     million; 
 "mt"    million tonnes; 
 "oz"    troy ounce (31.103477 grams); 
 "t"     tonnes; 
 "Au"                   the chemical symbol on the periodic table for the precious metal, gold; 
 "Cut-off grade"        the lowest or highest assay value that is included in a resource estimate; 
 "Deposit"              mineralisation which has been outlined on surface and via underground work or drilling 
                        for a Mineral Resource Estimate to be calculated with tonnage and grade but where there has 
                        been no ore production; 
 "Indicated resource"   that part of a Mineral Resource for which tonnage, densities, shape, physical characteristics, 
                        grade, and mineral content can be estimated with a reasonable level of confidence. It is based 
                        on exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from 
                        locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings, and drill holes. The locations are too 
                        widely or inappropriately spaced to confirm geological and/or grade continuity but are spaced 
                        closely enough for continuity to be assumed; 
 "Inferred Resource"    that part of a Mineral Resource for which tonnage, grade and mineral content can be estimated 
                        from geological evidence and assumed but not verified geological and/or grade continuity. 
                        It is based on information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as 
                        outcrops, trenches, pits, workings, and drill holes which is of uncertain quality and 
 "JORC"                 the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 
                        Institute of Geoscientists and Mineral Council of Australia; 
 "JORC 2012"            the 2012 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral 
                        and Ore Reserves; 
 "Measured Resource"    that part of a Mineral Resource for which tonnage, densities, shape, physical characteristics, 
                        grade, and mineral content can be estimated with a high level of confidence. It is based on 
                        detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through 
                        techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings, and drill holes. The 
                        locations are spaced closely enough to confirm geological and grade continuity; 
 "Mineral Resource"     mineral of potential value but not necessarily proven as a reserve; 
 "Ore"                  mineral of proven economic value; 
 "Ore Reserve"          the economically mineable part of a Measured and/or Indicated Mineral Resource. It includes 
                        diluting materials and allowances for losses, which may occur when the material is mined. 
                        Appropriate assessments and studies have been carried out and include consideration of and 
                        modification by realistically assumed mining, metallurgical, economic, marketing, legal, 
                        social, and governmental factors. These assessments demonstrate at the time of reporting that 
                        extraction could reasonably be justified. Ore Reserves are sub-divided in order of increasing 
                        confidence into Probable Ore Reserves and Proved Ore Reserves. A Probable Ore Reserve has 
                        a lower level of confidence than a Proved Ore Reserve but is of sufficient quality to serve 
                        as the basis for a decision on the development of the deposit. 
 "Probable Reserve"     The economically mineable part of an Indicated, and in some circumstances, a Measured Mineral 


Notes to Editors:

Hummingbird Resources (AIM: HUM) is a leading multi-asset, multi-jurisdiction gold production, development and exploration Company, member of the World Gold Council and founding member of Single Mine Origin (www.singlemineorigin.com). The Company currently has two core gold projects, the operational Yanfolila Gold Mine in Mali, and the Kouroussa Gold Mine in Guinea, which will more than double current gold production when production, scheduled for first gold pour end of Q2 2023. Further, the Company has a controlling interest in the Dugbe Gold Project in Liberia that is being developed by Pasofino Gold Limited through an earn-in agreement. Our vision is to continue to grow our asset base, producing profitable ounces, while central to all we do being our Environmental, Social & Governance ('ESG') policies and practices.

   For further information please visit   www.hummingbird.com   or contact: 
 Daniel Betts, CEO               Hummingbird Resources plc   Tel: +44 (0) 20 7409 6660 
  Thomas Hill, FD 
  Anthony Kocken, COO 
  Edward Montgomery, CSO & ESG 
 James Spinney                   Strand Hanson Limited       Tel: +44 (0) 20 7409 3494 
  Ritchie Balmer                  Nominated Adviser 
                                --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 James Asensio                   Canaccord Genuity Limited   Tel: +44 (0) 20 7523 8000 
  Thomas Diehl                    Broker 
                                --------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Bobby Morse                     Buchanan                    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7466 5000 
  Ariadna Peretz                  Financial PR/IR             Email: HUM@buchanan.uk.com 
  James Husband 
                                --------------------------  ---------------------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 25, 2021 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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Hummingbird Resources (LSE:HUM)
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