RNS Number : 4192K

boohoo group plc

22 April 2020

For immediate release 22 April 2020

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the company to constitute inside information stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014. Upon the publication of this announcement via the Regulatory Information Service, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

boohoo group plc - final results for the year ended 29 February 2020

                                                  2020          2019    Change 
                                           GBP million   GBP million 
----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 
 Revenue                                       1,234.9         856.9     +44% 
 Gross profit                                    666.2         469.0     +42% 
 Gross margin                                    54.0%         54.7%    -70bps 
 Adjusted EBITDA(1)                              126.5          84.5     +50% 
 % of revenue                                    10.2%          9.9%    +30bps 
 Adjusted EBIT(2)                                107.0          75.1     +42% 
 % of revenue                                     8.7%          8.8%    -10bps 
 Adjusted profit before tax(3)                   108.3          76.3     +42% 
 Profit before tax                                92.2          59.9     +54% 
 Adjusted diluted earnings per share(4)          5.88p         4.15p     +42% 
 Diluted earnings per share (2019 
  restated)                                      5.35p         3.71p     +44% 
 Net cash(5) at year end                         240.7         190.7    million 
----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 

COVID-19 - protecting our colleagues, customers and suppliers

At boohoo group plc, our top priority remains the health and wellbeing of our colleagues, our customers, and the many suppliers who work alongside us from around the world. From the outset of the pandemic, we have been closely following the government initiatives that support businesses and the public. We have been following all guidance regarding self-isolation, social distancing and personal hygiene in order to keep everyone in our boohoo family safe and well. The vast majority of our office-based teams are now working remotely. Our fantastic warehouse teams have adapted to completely new ways of working to ensure that they abide by all the social distancing procedures that we have in place. We are in constant contact with them and are working day and night to ensure that everyone is following the new systems, has what they need and, most importantly, that our teams are happy and healthy. Their ongoing safety and wellbeing is our number one priority.

As a group, we are standing alongside our suppliers, continuing to pay them promptly with industry-leading payment terms for all of their orders. We have also set up an emergency fund to help suppliers through this difficult period. Since boohoo was founded, we have invested in our supplier relationships and by continuing to support them through these short-term challenges, we will further secure these relationships for the long-term.

FY20 Financial Highlights


   --    Revenue GBP1.235 billion, up 44% (44% CER(6) ) 

-- Strong revenue growth across all geographies with UK up 39% and international up 51%. International revenue is now 45% of total, up from 43%

   --    Gross margin 54.0%, down 70bps as we have invested in growing our brands 

-- Adjusted EBITDA GBP126.5 million (2019: GBP84.5 million) with Adjusted EBITDA margin improving to 10.2% (2019: 9.9%)

-- Robust balance sheet with net cash of GBP240.7 million (2019: GBP190.7 million). High cash generation with operating cash flow of GBP127.3 million (2019: GBP111.9 million)


   --    Revenue GBP600.7 million, up 38% (39% CER) 
   --    Gross margin 52.6%, down 30bps 


   --    Revenue GBP516.3 million up 38% (37% CER) 
   --    Gross margin 55.6%, down 100bps 

Nasty Gal

   --    Revenue GBP98.8 million up 106% (109% CER) 
   --    Gross margin 54.2%, down 250bps 

FY20 Operational Highlights


-- Acquisition of the MissPap, Karen Millen and Coast brands, complementary additions to the group's scalable, multi-brand platform

   --    Distribution centre automation generating efficiencies and rapid order fulfilment 


   --    8.9 million active customers(2) , up 28% on prior year 

-- Significant investments in customer service, with AI and new apps, improving the customer proposition


   --    6.3 million active customers, up 26% on prior year 

-- High profile celebrity associations and social media driving traffic and international expansion, exceptionally well in the US and Europe

Nasty Gal

   --    1.8 million active customers, up 88% on prior year 
   --    Extensive product range now comprises over 16,000 lines, double that of last year 


The group saw a strong end to the financial year ended 29 February 2020 and in the first two weeks of FY21 this trading momentum was maintained. Since the middle of March, trading has been mixed, as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, initially with a marked decrease in year-on-year growth. Performance has improved in more recent weeks and we are now seeing improved year-on-year growth of group sales during April. We remain cautious regarding our outlook, as a result of the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Given the uncertainty generated by the continually-evolving COVID-19 pandemic, it is not appropriate to provide guidance for the financial year ending 28 February 2021 at this stage. The group has taken steps to understand, as far as possible, the risks and impact that the pandemic may potentially have on its operations, analysing a range of scenarios, factoring in a downturn in demand and the possibility of warehouse closures. Although it is not possible to predict precisely the impact from COVID-19, we have ensured that we have stress-tested our liquidity under these scenarios.

From this, we are comfortable that the group has sufficient financial headroom, benefitting from its largely variable cost base, low cash burn rate and strong balance sheet with GBP241 million of net cash at year end.

John Lyttle, CEO, commented:

"Whilst recent events have understandably overshadowed what has been a great year for boohoo, they have also highlighted its key strengths. Our business is founded on our ability to be agile and flexible and it is at times like this when these abilities are tested, and I am proud of how our colleagues and business partners from around the world have responded to the challenges posed by this pandemic. Although there is near-term uncertainty in the markets that we operate in, the group is underpinned by its incredibly strong balance sheet and is well-placed to leverage its scalable multi-brand platform and to continue to disrupt fashion markets around the world."

Investor and analyst presentation

An audiocast for analysts will be held today commencing 9.30am (UK time). To access please click the link below:


A replay will subsequently be available on the boohooplc.com website from 12 noon via the same link.

 boohoo group plc 
 Neil Catto, Chief Financial Officer        Tel: +44 (0)161 233 2050 
 Alistair Davies, Investor Relations        Tel: +44 (0)161 233 2050 
 Clara Melia, Investor Relations            Tel: +44 (0)20 3289 5520 
 Zeus Capital - Nominated adviser and 
  joint broker 
 Nick Cowles/Andrew Jones (Corporate        Tel: +44 (0)161 831 1512 
 John Goold/Benjamin Robertson (Corporate   Tel: +44 (0)20 3829 5000 
 Jefferies - Joint broker 
 Philip Noblet/Max Jones                    Tel: +44 (0)20 7029 8000 
 Buchanan - Financial PR adviser            boohoo@buchanan.uk.com 
 Richard Oldworth/ Kim Looringh-van         Tel: +44 (0)20 7466 5000 
  Beeck/Toto Berger 


(1) Adjusted EBITDA is calculated as profit before tax, interest, depreciation, amortisation, share-based payment charges and exceptional items.

(2) Adjusted EBIT is calculated as profit before tax, interest, share-based payment charges, amortisation of acquired intangible assets and exceptional items.

(3) Adjusted profit before tax is calculated as profit before tax, excluding share-based payment charges, amortisation of acquired intangible assets and exceptional items.

(4) Adjusted diluted earnings per share is calculated as diluted earnings per share, adding back amortisation of acquired intangible assets, share-based payment charges, exceptional items and adjusting to 34% of the non-controlling interest as in previous years (see note 1 of the accounts).

(5) Net cash is cash less bank borrowings.

(6) CER designates Constant Exchange Rate translation of foreign currency revenue, which gives a truer indication of the performance in international markets by removing year-to-year exchange rate movements when local currency sales are converted to sterling.

(7) Active customers defined as having shopped in the last year.

About boohoo group plc

"Leading the fashion eCommerce market"

Founded in Manchester in 2006, boohoo is an inclusive and innovative brand targeting young, value-orientated customers. For 13 years, boohoo has been pushing boundaries to bring its customers up-to-date and inspirational fashion, 24/7. boohoo has grown rapidly in the UK and internationally, expanding its offering with range extensions into menswear, through boohooMAN .

In early 2017 the group extended its customer offering through the acquisitions of the vibrant fashion brand PrettyLittleThing, and free-thinking brand Nasty Gal. In March 2019 the group acquired the MissPap brand and in August 2019, the Karen Millen and Coast brands, all complementary to the group's scalable multi-brand platform. United by a shared customer value proposition, our brands design, source, market and sell great quality clothes, shoes and accessories at unbeatable prices. These investment propositions have helped us grow from a single brand, into a major multi-brand online retailer, leading the fashion eCommerce market for 16 to 40-year-olds around the world. As at 29 February 2020, the boohoo group had around 14 million active customers across all its brands around the world.

Cautionary Statement

Certain statements included or incorporated by reference within this announcement may constitute "forward-looking statements" in respect of the group's operations, performance, prospects and/or financial condition. Forward-looking statements are sometimes, but not always, identified by their use of a date in the future or such words and words of similar meaning as "anticipates", "aims", "due", "could", "may", "will", "should", "expects", "believes", "intends", "plans", "potential", "targets", "goal" or "estimates". By their nature, forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions and actual results or events may differ materially from those expressed or implied by those statements. Accordingly, no assurance can be given that any particular expectation will be met and reliance should not be placed on any forward-looking statement. Additionally, forward-looking statements regarding past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. No responsibility or obligation is accepted to update or revise any forward-looking statement resulting from new information, future events or otherwise. Nothing in this announcement should be construed as a profit forecast. This announcement does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to sell, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase any shares or other securities in the Company, nor shall it or any part of it or the fact of its distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or commitment or investment decisions relating thereto, nor does it constitute a recommendation regarding the shares or other securities of the Company. Past performance cannot be relied upon as a guide to future performance and persons needing advice should consult an independent financial adviser. Statements in this announcement reflect the knowledge and information available at the time of its preparation. Liability arising from anything in this announcement shall be governed by English law. Nothing in this announcement shall exclude any liability under applicable laws that cannot be excluded in accordance with such laws.

Performance during the year

Review of the business


                                          2020      2019    Change 
                                        GBP000    GBP000 
----------------------------------  ----------  --------  ---------- 
 Revenue                             1,234,876   856,920     +44% 
 Gross profit                          666,236   468,994     +42% 
 Gross margin                            54.0%     54.7%    -70bps 
 EBITDA                                115,546    72,601     +59% 
 % of revenue                             9.4%      8.5%    +90bps 
 Profit before tax                      92,222    59,856     +54% 
 Diluted earnings per share (2019 
  restated)                              5.35p     3.71p     +44% 
 Net cash(1) at year end               240,684   190,726   +GBP50.0m 
   Adjusted EBITDA(2)                  126,503    84,546     +50% 
   % of revenue                          10.2%      9.9%    +30bps 
   Adjusted EBIT(3)                    106,973    75,074     +42% 
   % of revenue                           8.7%      8.8%    -10bps 
   Adjusted profit before tax(4)       108,299    76,250     +42% 
   Adjusted diluted earnings per 
    share(5)                             5.88p     4.15p     +42% 
----------------------------------  ----------  --------  ---------- 

(1) Net cash is cash less borrowings.

(2) Adjusted EBITDA is calculated as profit before tax, interest, depreciation, amortisation, share-based payment charges and exceptional items.

(3) Adjusted EBIT is calculated as profit before tax, interest, share-based payment charges, amortisation of acquired intangible assets and exceptional items.

(4) Adjusted profit before tax is calculated as profit before tax, excluding share-based payment charges and amortisation of acquired intangible assets and exceptional items.

(5) Adjusted diluted earnings per share is calculated as diluted earnings per share, adding back amortisation of

acquired intangibles, share-based payment charges, exceptional items   and adjusting to 34% of the non-controlling interest as in previous years (see note 1 of the accounts). 

Group revenue for the year increased by 44% (44% CER) to GBP1.235 billion (2019: GBP856.9 million). Revenue growth across all territories and brands was strong.

Adjusted EBITDA was GBP126.5 million (2019: GBP84.5 million), an increase of 50% on the previous year, with efficiency improvements and effective marketing across the group leading to an adjusted EBITDA margin of 10.2% (2019: 9.9%). Profit before tax was GBP92.2 million (2019: GBP59.9 million), an increase of 54%. Adjusted diluted earnings per share was 5.88p, up 42% on the prior year (restated). Diluted earnings per share rose to 5.35p, an increase of 44% (2019 restated: 3.71p).

The group has continued to gain market share in key focus territories, with impressive revenue growth across our brands, driven by a combination of a great customer proposition, effective marketing strategies and strong social media presence. Through our scalable, multi-brand platform, we have taken on three additional brands - MissPap, Karen Millen and Coast - which have increased the group's market coverage and potential. Investments in technology and continuous systems improvements have delivered an enhanced customer experience and cost efficiencies.

Cash generation was strong, with operating cash flow of GBP127.3 million (2019: GBP111.9 million) and free cash flow up 26% to GBP81.7 million . Capital expenditure was GBP45.6 million including GBP19.4 million spent on the acquisition of the three new brands. Our net cash balance (cash less bank borrowings) at the period end increased to GBP240.7 million (2019: GBP190.7 million).

Distribution centres

The group operates through two distribution centres: the Burnley facility services all the group brands except PrettyLittleThing; and the Sheffield facility, which is managed by a third-party, services PrettyLittleThing. Automation at the Burnley warehouse went live in April 2019 and has been instrumental in improving and increasing efficiency throughout, enabling the facility to handle the rapid growth of the group and maintain high customer service levels. Phase 2 of the automation at Burnley is planned to commence in the first half of the 2021 financial year, further boosting the peak load capacity to ensure we continue our great customer service. Both facilities give us the scale and capacity required in the medium term as the group develops.


As we recently invested in a team focussed on expanding our in-house app development capabilities, we have been able to introduce improved app functionality and user experience at a faster pace, including adding apps for the three new brands acquired during the year. A greater percentage of our customers now use the apps for the entire browsing and purchasing journey, enabling us to provide them with more relevant and targeted marketing and an optimised user experience.

boohoo (including boohooMAN)


Revenue for the year increased to GBP600.7 million, up 38% on the previous year, with continued growth in all our key focus markets.

Growth in both the UK and international markets has been strong, driving market share gains across key geographies. Gross margin decreased slightly by 30bps to 52.6%, as we optimised the customer proposition in each territory.


Our womenswear product range has continued to be highly successful with growth in core product lines and in our comprehensive size offerings. In addition, new product introductions are delivering growth and satisfying consumer demand. In June we introduced our first dedicated recycled women's clothing range, which is part of our drive for a more sustainable future in fashion.


Our marketing strategy is constantly reviewed and re-aligned in response to data analytics that monitor its effectiveness. We continue to focus on a balanced mix of social media influencers, celebrity endorsements, digital acquisition and retention, PR and above-the-line brand campaigns. International marketing is supported by in-country experts to ensure we speak to customers with effective, localised campaigns and content.

Our worldwide social media audience now includes over seven million Instagram and three million Facebook followers. Throughout the year, we have worked with a host of local brand ambassadors as well as Jordyn Woods and four Victoria's Secret models as global ambassadors. All collections have featured an inspiring range of day-to-evening looks, emphasising the glamour of the boohoo brand.

Customer interaction

boohoo and boohooMAN have a number of country-specific websites, several of which are translated into local languages and further site launches and translated foreign language sites are planned. We have invested in visual AI, popular payment methods and virtual assistants to offer a more satisfying customer experience. Our focus on excellent customer service is supported by an "excellent", 4.5 star, rating on the Trustpilot consumer review site.



PrettyLittleThing ("PLT") achieved strong revenue growth of 38% over the previous year, reaching GBP516.3 million. Growth across all territories was strong, with the overseas markets performing exceptionally well. Gross margin has decreased to 55.6% (2019: 56.6%), as we optimise growth and refine the customer proposition.


PLT brings the latest and most relevant celebrity looks at affordable prices to our customers, with a choice of over 26,500 styles and new items available daily. Our product range continued to expand during the year with further strong growth in the "shape" ranges including Petite, Curve and Plus. We have also further expanded our range, helping us to become established as a lifestyle brand for our customers. We are also growing our range of accessories and beauty offering. During the year, we brought the latest celebrity looks to customers through collaborations with Little Mix, Ashley Graham, Ashanti and through PLT's debut at New York Fashion Week, including a collection with US rap star Saweetie.


We have extended our social media reach by increasing the number of social media influencers, combined with celebrity campaigns and collaborations. Using customer-created content and working in collaboration with our influencer partners, we have continued to be one of the fastest growing fashion brands on the channel. We have 12.3 million Instagram followers and 2.2 million followers on Facebook. We also continue to develop our exposure to new and emerging social media platforms.

Customer interaction

We support a number of country-specific websites. For the UK market, we offer a wide range of free return options and in international markets, we continue to offer a range of services to ensure a seamless customer experience.

Nasty Gal


Revenue growth across all territories has been exceptionally strong, with an overall 106% increase to GBP98.8 million. USA revenue continues to grow strongly and remains the brand's largest territory. In the UK and internationally, growth has continued at an exceptional pace, with the brand gaining recognition and attracting a far-reaching customer base. Gross margin reduced to 54.2% (2019: 56.7%), which is in line with the re-alignment of the customer proposition.


Nasty Gal's exciting product range now encompasses over 16,000 styles, doubling in size over the year. Other key areas of growth include recycled ranges and further expansions of Nasty Gal Vintage, a great collection of sustainably-sourced, true reworked vintage product, drawing on the brand's heritage, unique DNA and a commitment by the group in terms of sustainability. Comprehensive size ranges have also helped support the inclusiveness of the brand and extend its appeal to women globally.


The marketing strategy has focussed on building brand awareness, working with an increasing number of influencers to engage customer interest and promote brand loyalty. This summer we launched an iconic collection edited by Emily Ratajkowski (EmRata) and throughout the year have worked with high profile fashion collaborators Claire Rose Cliteur, Emma Louise Connelly and Josefine HJ. The autumn saw the biggest collaboration the brand has ever worked on, partnering with supermodel Cara Delavigne on our holiday collection.

On social media Nasty Gal has 4.4 million followers on Instagram and 1.3 million Facebook likes.

MissPap, Karen Millen and Coast


We are very encouraged by the progress of our newly-acquired brands this year, all of which are resurging under new ownership and direction as online-only brands, with their great heritage intact. Revenue from the brands amounted to GBP19 million for the year, with MissPap revenue commencing in April 2019 and Karen Millen and Coast in October 2019. Gross margin was 51.1%.

Our investment in the new brands has incurred some set-up and initial running costs in the first year, which is consistent with our philosophy to invest in our brands in order to unlock their long-term growth potential. The new brands are operated through our multi-brand platform, which provides immediate efficiency in the key operational business functions, such as logistics, IT, e-commerce and administration. The new brands provide the group with a wider coverage in demographic, price points and age segments and are highly complementary to our existing portfolio.

From strength to strength

Financial review

"The group has achieved a strong performance with revenues and profits increasing in all territories."

Group revenue by brand

                           2020      2019   Change   Change 
                         GBP000    GBP000               CER 
-------------------  ----------  --------  -------  ------- 
 boohoo                 600,733   434,565     +38%     +39% 
 PrettyLittleThing      516,334   374,445     +38%     +37% 
 Nasty Gal               98,833    47,910    +106%    +109% 
 Other                   18,976         -    +100%    +100% 
                      1,234,876   856,920     +44%     +44% 
===================  ==========  ========  =======  ======= 

Group revenue by geographical market

                        2020      2019   Change   Change 
                      GBP000    GBP000               CER 
----------------  ----------  --------  -------  ------- 
 UK                  679,275   488,199     +39%     +39% 
 Rest of Europe      188,424   115,124     +64%     +62% 
 USA                 263,622   166,262     +59%     +61% 
 Rest of world       103,555    87,335     +19%     +19% 
----------------  ----------  --------  -------  ------- 
                   1,234,876   856,920     +44%     +44% 
================  ==========  ========  =======  ======= 



                                        2020           2019   Change 
 Active customers(1)            13.9 million   10.6 million     +31% 
 Number of orders               42.2 million   30.6 million     +38% 
 Order frequency(2)                     3.04           2.88      +5% 
 Conversion rate to sale (3)           4.26%          4.25%    +1bps 
 Average order value(4)             GBP43.50       GBP41.20       6% 
 Number of items per basket             3.06           2.89       6% 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------- 

(1) Defined as having shopped in the last 12 months on the website

(2) Defined as number of website orders in last 12 months divided by number of active customers

(3) Defined as the percentage of website orders taken to internet sessions

(4) Calculated as gross sales including sales tax divided by the number of orders

Consolidated income statement

                                                                                    2020        2019   Change 
                                                                                  GBP000      GBP000 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Revenue                                                                       1,234,876     856,920     +44% 
 Cost of sales                                                                 (568,640)   (387,926)     +47% 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Gross profit                                                                    666,236     468,994     +42% 
 Gross margin                                                                      54.0%       54.7%   -70bps 
 Operating costs                                                               (539,971)   (384,687) 
 Other income                                                                        238         239 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                                                 126,503      84,546     +50% 
 Adjusted EBITDA margin %                                                          10.2%        9.9%   +30bps 
 Depreciation                                                                   (16,582)     (6,972) 
 Amortisation of other intangible assets                                         (2,948)     (2,500) 
 Adjusted EBIT                                                                   106,973      75,074     +42% 
 Adjusted EBIT margin %                                                             8.7%        8.8%   -10bps 
 Adjusting items: 
 Amortisation of acquired intangible assets                                      (5,120)     (4,449) 
 Equity-settled share-based payment charges                                     (10,957)     (5,278) 
 Exceptional items - warehouse relocation                                              -     (6,667) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Operating profit                                                                 90,896      58,680     +55% 
 Finance income                                                                    1,716       1,320 
 Finance expense                                                                   (390)       (144) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Profit before tax                                                                92,222      59,856     +54% 
 Tax                                                                            (19,339)    (12,397) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Profit after tax for the year                                                    72,883      47,459     +54% 
============================================================================  ==========  ==========  ======= 
 Diluted earnings per share (2019 restated)                                        5.35p       3.71p     +44% 
 Adjusted profit after tax for the year                                           85,987      60,803     +41% 
 Amortisation of acquired intangible assets                                      (5,120)     (4,449) 
 Share-based payment charges                                                    (10,957)     (5,278) 
 Exceptional items - warehouse relocation                                              -     (6,667) 
 Adjustment for tax                                                                2,973       3,050 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Profit after tax for the year                                                    72,883      47,459 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------- 
 Adjusted profit for the period attributable to shareholders of the company       69,939      48,781     +43% 
 Adjusted diluted earnings per share                                               5.88p       4.15p     +42% 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------- 

Operating costs comprise distribution costs and administrative expenses excluding depreciation and amortisation and have decreased by 120 bps to 43.7% of revenue, with efficiency improvements in distribution costs more than offsetting increases in infrastructure costs for future business expansion, including those for the three brands acquired during the year.

Adjusted EBITDA, which is not a statutory measure, represents earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation, non-cash share-based payments charges and exceptional items. It provides a useful measure of the underlying profitability of the business. Adjusted EBITDA increased by 50% from GBP84.5 million to GBP126.5 million and, as a percentage of revenue, increased from 9.9% to 10.2%.

Adjusted profit after tax, as with Adjusted EBITDA, provides another more consistent measure of the underlying profitability of the business by removing non-cash amortisation of intangible assets relating to the acquisition of new brands (being their trademarks and customer lists), share-based payment charges and exceptional items.


The effective rate of tax for the year was 21.0% (2019: 20.7%), which is higher (2019: higher) than the blended UK statutory rate of tax for the year of 19.0% (2019: 19.0%), due to expenditure not deductible for tax purposes, being principally depreciation on buildings and fit-out.

Consolidated statement of financial position

                                               2020       2019 
                                             GBP000     GBP000 
---------------------------------------   ---------  --------- 
 Intangible assets                           42,255     27,165 
 Property, plant and equipment              119,216    108,498 
 Right-of-use assets                         14,591          - 
 Financial assets                             4,467      3,756 
 Deferred tax asset                           5,980      4,034 
----------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Non-current assets                         186,509    143,453 
 Working capital                           (63,875)   (64,969) 
 Lease liabilities                         (16,153)          - 
 Net financial (liabilities)/assets         (9,001)      4,047 
 Cash and cash equivalents                  245,448    197,872 
 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings      (4,764)    (7,146) 
 Deferred tax liability                     (3,593)    (2,102) 
 Net current tax liability                  (6,636)      (753) 
 Net assets                                 327,935    270,402 
========================================  =========  ========= 

The increase in intangible assets is due to the purchase of the new brands. The right-of-use-assets are the capitalised value of property leases in accordance with the new accounting standard, IFRS 16. The lease liability is the discounted value of future lease payments. Working capital has increased marginally as we are paying inventory suppliers to industry-leading 14-day terms.

Intangible and fixed asset additions

                                                         2020     2019 
                                                       GBP000   GBP000 
---------------------------------------------------   -------  ------- 
 Purchased intangible and fixed assets 
 Intangible assets 
 Trademarks and customer lists                         19,370        - 
  Patents and licences                                      -      307 
  Software                                              3,788    2,930 
----------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
                                                       23,158    3,237 
 Tangible fixed assets 
  Distribution centres                                 15,391   36,678 
  Offices, office equipment, fixtures and fit-outs      6,576    6,837 
  Motor vehicles                                          437      115 
----------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
                                                       22,404   43,630 
 Total intangible and fixed asset additions            45,562   46,867 
====================================================  =======  ======= 

Liquidity and financial resources

Operating cash flow was GBP127.3 million compared to GBP111.9 million in the previous year and free cash flow was GBP81.7 million compared to GBP65.1 million in the previous financial year. We have adopted industry-leading 14-day payment terms with our key UK product suppliers. Capital expenditure and intangible asset purchases was GBP45.6 million, which includes a GBP14.9 million investment in our distribution centres to support projected growth in the business. The closing cash balance for the group was GBP245.4 million and the net cash balance (cash less bank borrowings), GBP240.7 million.

 Consolidated cash flow statement 
                                                           2020       2019 
                                                         GBP000     GBP000 
----------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit for the year                                     72,883     47,459 
 Depreciation charges and amortisation                   24,650     13,921 
 Share-based payments charge                             10,957      5,278 
 Loss on sale of fixed assets                               294         24 
 Tax expense                                             19,339     12,397 
 Finance income                                         (1,716)    (1,320) 
 Finance expense                                            390        144 
 Increase in inventories                               (32,301)   (18,558) 
 Increase in trade and other receivables                (9,434)    (4,935) 
 Increase in trade and other payables                    42,219     57,513 
----------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Operating cash flow                                    127,281    111,923 
 Capital expenditure and intangible asset purchases    (45,562)   (46,867) 
 Free cash flow                                          81,719     65,056 
 Net proceeds from the issue of ordinary shares           2,665      3,653 
 Purchase of own shares by EBT                         (14,906)    (1,833) 
 Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets                       -         59 
 Finance income received                                  1,807      1,249 
 Finance expense paid                                     (286)      (144) 
 Dividend paid to non-controlling interests             (3,400)          - 
 Lease payments                                         (6,031)          - 
 Tax paid                                              (11,610)   (10,361) 
 Repayment of borrowings                                (2,382)    (2,382) 
 Net cash flow                                           47,576     55,297 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year         197,872    142,575 
----------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year               245,448    197,872 
====================================================  =========  ========= 

Trends and factors likely to affect future performance

The market for online fashion is forecast to continue to grow and, along with the increasing use of the internet globally, provides a favourable backdrop for the group with much opportunity for further growth. Customers throughout the world are seeking a wide choice of quality products at value prices lower than those available on the high street with the convenience of home delivery. The group's target market has a high propensity to spend on fashion and, apart from times of pandemic, the market is resilient to external macroeconomic factors.

As always, our focus is to maintain an outstanding customer proposition, with the latest fashion at great prices, combined with excellent customer service. To this end, we have a plan of continuous investment in our systems, infrastructure and technology to ensure we offer an optimal online shopping experience. International expansion will continue as we add more country-specific websites, refine our customer proposition and raise brand awareness through marketing and social media. Our scalable, multi-brand platform provides the basis for expansion of the group through strategic acquisitions. We are also committed to continuing to drive improvements across our environmental responsibilities and are constantly exploring ways to accelerate our sustainability journey.

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the year ended 29 February 2020

                                          Note       2020        2019 
                                                   GBP000      GBP000 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Revenue                                    2    1,234,876     856,920 
Cost of sales                                   (568,640)   (387,926) 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Gross profit                                      666,236     468,994 
Distribution costs                              (278,252)   (207,083) 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Exceptional distribution costs                          -     (6,162) 
Other distribution costs                        (278,252)   (200,921) 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Administrative expenses                         (297,326)   (203,470) 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Exceptional administrative expenses                     -       (505) 
Amortisation of acquired intangibles              (5,120)     (4,449) 
Other administrative expenses                   (292,206)   (198,516) 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Other income                               3          238         239 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Operating profit                                   90,896      58,680 
Finance income                             4        1,716       1,320 
Finance expense                                     (390)       (144) 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Profit before tax                          6       92,222      59,856 
Taxation                                   10    (19,339)    (12,397) 
Profit for the year                                72,883      47,459 
========================================  ====  =========  ========== 
Profit for the year attributable to: 
Owners of the parent company                       63,669      43,584 
Non-controlling interests                           9,214       3,875 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                   72,883      47,459 
========================================  ====  =========  ========== 
Total other comprehensive income/(expense) for the year 
Impact of adoption of IFRS 16                       (532)           - 
Loss/(gain) reclassified to profit 
 and loss during the year                           1,280     (2,337) 
Fair value (loss)/gain on cash flow 
 hedges during the year                          (13,617)       2,229 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 year                                              60,014      47,351 
========================================  ====  =========  ========== 
Total comprehensive income attributable 
Owners of the parent company                       50,800      43,476 
Non-controlling interests                           9,214       3,875 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                   60,014      47,351 
========================================  ====  =========  ========== 
Earnings per share                         7 
Basic                                               5.48p       3.78p 
Diluted                                             5.35p       3.71p 
----------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 

The 2019 figures have been restated to adjust the non-controlling Interest in PrettyLittleThing.com Limited from GBP9,687,000 to GBP3,875,000 and restate the basic earnings per share from 3.27p to 3.78p and diluted earnings per share from 3.22p to 3.71p (see note 1).

Consolidated statement of financial position

at 29 February 2020

                                        Note       2020        2019 
                                                 GBP000      GBP000 
--------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                        11      42,255      27,165 
Property, plant and equipment            12     119,216     108,498 
Right-of-use assets                      13      14,591           - 
Financial assets                                  4,467       3,756 
Deferred tax                             15       5,980       4,034 
--------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
                                                186,509     143,453 
Current assets 
Inventories                              16      99,107      66,806 
Trade and other receivables              17      31,828      22,576 
Financial assets                                  6,599       5,883 
Current tax receivable                                -       3,186 
Cash and cash equivalents                18     245,448     197,872 
Total current assets                            382,982     296,323 
Total assets                                    569,491     439,776 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                 19   (194,810)   (154,351) 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings    20     (2,382)     (2,382) 
Lease liabilities                        21     (5,400)           - 
Financial liabilities                           (8,678)     (1,421) 
Current tax liability                           (6,636)     (3,939) 
Total current liabilities                     (217,906)   (162,093) 
Non-current liabilities 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings    20     (2,382)     (4,764) 
Lease liabilities                        21    (10,753)           - 
Financial liabilities                           (6,922)       (415) 
Deferred tax                             15     (3,593)     (2,102) 
Total liabilities                             (241,556)   (169,374) 
Net assets                                      327,935     270,402 
======================================  ====  =========  ========== 
Share capital                            22      11,680      11,631 
Share premium                                   608,447     606,086 
Capital redemption reserve                          100         100 
Hedging reserve                                 (4,534)       7,803 
EBT reserve                                    (17,075)     (2,174) 
Translation reserve                                  11           - 
Reconstruction reserve                        (515,282)   (515,282) 
Non-controlling interest                         17,262       8,381 
Retained earnings                               227,326     153,857 
--------------------------------------  ----  ---------  ---------- 
Total equity                                    327,935     270,402 
======================================  ====  =========  ========== 

The 2019 figures have been restated to adjust the non-controlling interest in PrettyLittleThing.com Limited from GBP19,064,000 to GBP8,381,000 and increase retained earnings by the same (see note 1).

Consolidated statement of changes in equity (restated)

                      Share    Share     Capital   Hedging       EBT  Translation  Reconstruction  Non-controlling  Retained     Total 
                    capital  premium  redemption   reserve   reserve      reserve         reserve         interest  earnings    equity 
                     GBP000   GBP000      GBP000    GBP000    GBP000       GBP000          GBP000           GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
Balance at 28 
 February 2018       11,496  602,578         100     7,911     (351)          168       (515,282)            4,018   102,141   212,779 
Profit for the 
 year                     -        -           -         -         -            -               -            3,875    43,584    47,459 
Gain reclassified 
 to profit and 
 loss in revenue          -        -           -   (2,337)         -            -               -                -         -   (2,337) 
Fair value gain on 
 cash flow hedges 
 during the year          -        -           -     2,229         -            -               -                -         -     2,229 
------------------  -------  -------  ----------  --------  --------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  --------  -------- 
 income for the 
 year                     -        -           -     (108)         -            -               -            3,875    43,584    47,351 
Issue of shares         135    3,508           -         -   (1,823)            -               -                -         -     1,820 
 payments credit          -        -           -         -         -            -               -              246     5,032     5,278 
Excess deferred 
 tax on 
 payments                 -        -           -         -         -            -               -                -     3,342     3,342 
 increase in share 
 of net assets                                                                                                 242     (242)         - 
Translation of 
 operations               -        -           -         -         -        (168)               -                -         -     (168) 
Balance at 28 
 February 2019       11,631  606,086         100     7,803   (2,174)            -       (515,282)            8,381   153,857   270,402 
Impact of adoption 
 of IFRS 16               -        -           -         -         -            -               -             (18)     (514)     (532) 
Profit for the 
 year                     -        -           -         -         -            -               -            9,214    63,669    72,883 
Loss reclassified 
 to profit and 
 loss in revenue          -        -           -     1,280         -            -               -                -         -     1,280 
Fair value loss on 
 cash flow hedges 
 during the year          -        -           -  (13,617)         -            -               -                -         -  (13,617) 
------------------  -------  -------  ----------  --------  --------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  --------  -------- 
 income for the 
 year                     -        -           -  (12,337)         -            -               -            9,196    63,155    60,014 
Issue of shares          49    2,361           -         -  (14,901)            -               -              250         -  (12,241) 
 payments credit          -        -           -         -         -            -               -              512    10,445    10,957 
Excess deferred 
 tax on 
 payments                 -        -           -         -         -            -               -               20     2,172     2,192 
Translation of 
 operations               -        -           -         -         -           11               -                -         -        11 
 increase in share 
 of net assets                                                                                               2,303   (2,303)         - 
Dividend paid to 
 interests                -        -           -         -         -            -               -          (3,400)         -   (3,400) 
Balance at 29 
 February 2020       11,680  608,447         100   (4,534)  (17,075)           11       (515,282)           17,262   227,326   327,935 
------------------  -------  -------  ----------  --------  --------  -----------  --------------  ---------------  --------  -------- 

The 2019 figures have been restated to adjust the non-controlling interest in PrettyLittleThing.com Limited of GBP8,761,000 as at 28 February 2018 to GBP4,018,000 and the NCI share of the profit for the year to 28 February 2019 from GBP9,687,000 to GBP3,875,000. In addition, there is an adjustment for the share of net assets attributable to the non-controlling interest increasing each year (see note 1).

Consolidated cash flow statement

for the year ended 29 February 2020

                                               Note      2020      2019 
                                                       GBP000    GBP000 
---------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit for the year                                    72,883    47,459 
Adjustments for: 
Share-based payments charge                            10,957     5,278 
Depreciation charges and amortisation                  24,650    13,921 
Loss on sale of fixed assets                              294        24 
Finance income                                        (1,716)   (1,320) 
Finance expense                                           390       144 
Tax expense                                            19,339    12,397 
---------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
                                                      126,797    77,903 
Increase in inventories                         16   (32,301)  (18,558) 
Increase in trade and other receivables         17    (9,434)   (4,935) 
Increase in trade and other payables            19     42,219    57,513 
Cash generated from operations                        127,281   111,923 
Tax paid                                             (11,610)  (10,361) 
Net cash generated from operating activities          115,671   101,562 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Acquisition of intangible assets                11   (23,158)   (3,237) 
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment    12   (22,404)  (43,630) 
Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets                      -        59 
Finance income received                                 1,807     1,249 
Net cash used in investing activities                (43,755)  (45,559) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Proceeds from the issue of ordinary shares              2,665     3,653 
Purchase of own shares by EBT                        (14,906)   (1,833) 
Finance expense paid                                    (286)     (144) 
Dividend paid to non-controlling interests            (3,400)         - 
Lease payments                                        (6,031)         - 
Repayment of borrowings                               (2,382)   (2,382) 
Net cash used in financing activities                (24,340)     (706) 
Increase in cash and cash equivalents                  47,576    55,297 
=============================================  ====  ========  ======== 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of year                                              197,872   142,575 
---------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year              245,448   197,872 
=============================================  ====  ========  ======== 

Notes to the financial statements

(forming part of the financial statements)

   1              Accounting policies 

General information

boohoo group plc is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in Jersey and listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange. Its registered office address is: 12 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RT. The company was incorporated on 19 November 2013.

Basis of preparation

This condensed consolidated financial information for the year ended 29 February 2020 has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union ("Adopted IFRSs"), IFRS IC Interpretations and the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991.

The financial statements have been approved on the assumption that the group and company remain a going concern. The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the future prospects of the group is not quantifiable at the date of this report, as the length of restrictions and impact on consumers globally is outside of what any business is able to predict. However, we have modelled a scenario with a substantial reduction in revenue from April 2020 until June 2020, with some recovery from July 2020 to September 2020. We have also modelled a shut-down of the business until February 2021, as an unlikely, but worst possible, case. Both scenarios show the group and company has sufficient funds to continue trading solvently, even before obtaining any potential government loans.

The financial information contained in this preliminary announcement for the years ended 29 February 2020 and 28 February 2019 does not comprise the group's statutory financial statements within the meaning of Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. Statutory accounts for the year ended 29 February 2020 will be filed with the Jersey Companies Registry in due course. The auditors' report on the statutory accounts for each of the years ended 29 February 2020 and 28 February 2019 is unqualified, does not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and does not contain any statement under any matters that are required to be reported by exception under Companies (Jersey) Law 1991.

Change of accounting policy, non-controlling interest - restatement of 2019 financial statements

Following a review of the accounting treatment of the non-controlling interest of shareholders in PrettyLittleThing.com Limited [PLT], it has been determined that the restrictions imposed by the Shareholders' Agreement require the proportion of the non-controlling interests' share of the profits of PLT to accrue in accordance with certain terms of the agreement and not as 34% as previously stated. The accumulated profit attributable to non-controlling interests of GBP8,761,000 as at 28 February 2018 has been adjusted to GBP4,018,000 and the share of profits for the year to 28 February 2019 from GBP9,687,000 to GBP3,875,000 and the difference added to retained earnings. The share of profits recognised by the non-controlling interest increases each year by 20% of 34% of the earnings of PLT from 20% of 34% to 100% of 34% over the five-year period of the agreement, as does the non-controlling interests' share of the net assets.

Basic earnings per share of boohoo group plc in 2019 has changed from 3.27p to 3.78p and diluted earnings per share from 3.22p to 3.71p. The adjusted diluted earnings per share is calculated on the same basis as in previous years at 34% of the net assets and profits, reflecting the fact that the reported non-controlling interest will accumulate to 34% at the end of the five-year period of the Shareholders' Agreement in February 2022.

New and amended standards adopted by the group

The following new standards, and amendments to standards, have been adopted by the group for the first time for the financial year beginning on 1 March 2019:

-- IFRS 16, 'Leases';

-- IFRIC 23, Uncertainty over income tax treatment;

-- Annual improvements IFRS 3 'Business Combinations', IAS 12 'Income taxes', IAS 23 'Borrowing costs';

-- Amendments to IFRS 9 'Financial Instruments' - Prepayment features and negative compensation; and

-- Amendments to IAS 39 and IFRS 7 interest rate benchmark reform.

Other than IFRS16, 'Leases', the adoption of these standards did not have a material impact on the Group Consolidated Financial Statements.

The group has adopted IFRS 16, "Leases", effective for accounting periods commencing 1 January 2019 and applied the modified retrospective approach and the exemption for low value or short leases. Comparatives have not been restated and the cumulative impact of adoption has been recognised as a decrease in net assets and a corresponding decrease in retained earnings as at 1 March 2019. The right-of-use asset has been measured at the carrying amount as if the standard had been applied since the commencement of the lease, discounted using the incremental borrowing rate of 1.8% at transition. The present value of the lease liabilities is discounted at the group's incremental borrowing cost.

The lease liability brought on to the balance sheet at transition is GBP18.5 million and the right of use asset GBP16.1 million. The overall decrease in retained earnings is GBP0.5 million. The impact on the income statement had no material effect on profit before tax for the year to 29 February 2020, with adjusted EBITDA increasing by GBP4.9 million, depreciation increasing by GBP4.7 million and finance costs increasing by GBP0.2 million. Within the cash flow statement, there are changes in the classification of cash flows, with GBP2.6 million of lease payments classified as financing cash flows and GBP0.1 million as interest payments.

The impact on the opening balance sheet is as follows:                                           1 March 2019 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    ------------ 
Non-current assets 
Right-of-use assets - property, plant & equipment                                                      16,116 
Deferred income tax asset                                                                                 109 
Current liabilities 
Financial liabilities - lease liabilities                                                             (4,933) 
Accruals                                                                                                1,791 
Non-current liabilities 
Financial liabilities - lease liabilities                                                            (13,615) 
Total decrease in retained earnings at 1 March 2019                                                     (532) 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
  Reconciliation of the lease liabilities at 1 March 2019 to the operating lease commitments 
  at 28 February 2019: 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    ------------ 
Operating lease commitments disclosed at 28 February 2019                                               6,259 
Third-party warehouse services contract - revised treatment as operating lease                         12,800 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
Restated operating lease commitments at 28 February 2019                                               19,059 
Discounted using the lessee's incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial application             (511) 
Additional lease liability recognised as at 1 March 2019                                               18,548 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
Analysed as: 
Current lease liabilities                                                                               4,933 
Non-current lease liabilities                                                                          13,615 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 

From 1 March 2019 the group's lease policy is summarised as follows:

A right-of-use asset and lease liability is recognised at the lease commencement date. The right-of-use asset is initially recognised at cost, comprising the initial amount of the lease liability plus any initial direct costs incurred, less any lease incentives received. The right-of-use asset is subsequently depreciated using the straight-line method from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the asset or the end of the lease term. The lease liability is initially measured as the present value of the lease payments at the commencement date, discounted using the incremental borrowing rate. The lease liability is measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. It is re-measured when there is a change in future lease payments arising from a change in an index or a rate or a change in the group's assessment of whether it will exercise an extension or termination option. When the lease liability is re-measured, a corresponding adjustment is made to the right-of-use asset.

Standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards that are not yet effective and have not been early adopted by the group and/or company.

The following standards have been published and are mandatory for accounting periods beginning after 1 March 2020 but have not been early adopted by the group or company and could have an impact on the group and company financial statements:

-- Amendments to IFRS 3, 'Business combinations', definition of a business;

-- Amendments to IAS 1, 'Presentation of financial statements', and IAS 8, 'Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors' definition of material

Going concern

The directors have reviewed the group's forecast and projections, including assumptions concerning capital expenditure and expenditure commitments and their impact on cash flows, and have a reasonable expectation that the group has adequate financial resources to continue its operations for the foreseeable future. For this reason they have continued to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

In preparing the preliminary announcement, the directors have also made reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates and prepared the preliminary announcement on the going concern basis. The preliminary announcement and management report contained herein give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss of the group.

   2              Segmental analysis 

IFRS 8, "Operating Segments", requires operating segments to be determined based on the group's internal reporting to the chief operating decision maker. The chief operating decision maker is considered to be the executive board, which has determined that the primary segmental reporting format of the group for 2020 is by business unit. This is based on the group's management and internal reporting structure, i.e. boohoo including boohooMAN, PrettyLittleThing ("PLT"), Nasty Gal and other brands.

The executive board assesses the performance of each segment based on revenue and gross profit after distribution expenses and before administrative expenses.

                                                    Year ended 29 February 2020 
                                 boohoo  PrettyLittleThing  Nasty Gal    Other        Total 
                                 GBP000             GBP000     GBP000   GBP000       GBP000 
---------------------------   ---------  -----------------  ---------  -------  ----------- 
Revenue                         600,733            516,334     98,833   18,976    1,234,876 
Cost of sales                 (284,937)          (229,122)   (45,301)  (9,280)    (568,640) 
----------------------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------  -------  ----------- 
Gross profit                    315,796            287,212     53,532    9,696      666,236 
Distribution costs            (127,322)          (127,752)   (20,532)  (2,646)    (278,252) 
Segment result                  188,474            159,460     33,000    7,050      387,984 
Administrative expenses 
 - other                              -                  -          -        -    (292,206) 
Amortisation of acquired 
 intangibles                          -                  -          -        -      (5,120) 
Other income                          -                  -          -        -          238 
----------------------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------  -------  ----------- 
Operating profit                      -                  -          -        -       90,896 
Finance income                        -                  -          -        -        1,716 
Finance expense                       -                  -          -        -        (390) 
----------------------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------  -------  ----------- 
Profit before tax                     -                  -          -        -       92,222 
============================  =========  =================  =========  =======  =========== 
                                                    Year ended 28 February 2019 
                                 boohoo  PrettyLittleThing  Nasty Gal    Other      Total 
                                 GBP000             GBP000     GBP000   GBP000     GBP000 
---------------------------   ---------  -----------------  ---------  -------  --------- 
Revenue                         434,565            374,445     47,910        -    856,920 
Cost of sales                 (204,474)          (162,687)   (20,765)        -  (387,926) 
----------------------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------  -------  --------- 
Gross profit                    230,091            211,758     27,145        -    468,994 
Distribution costs             (98,901)           (90,000)   (12,020)        -  (200,921) 
Exceptional distribution 
 costs                                -            (6,162)          -        -    (6,162) 
Segment result                  131,190            115,596     15,125        -    261,911 
Administrative expenses 
 - other                              -                  -          -        -  (198,516) 
Exceptional administrative 
 expenses                             -                  -          -        -      (505) 
Amortisation of acquired 
 intangibles                          -                  -          -        -    (4,449) 
Other income                          -                  -          -        -        239 
----------------------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------  -------  --------- 
Operating profit                      -                  -          -        -     58,680 
Finance income                        -                  -          -        -      1,320 
Finance expense                       -                  -          -        -      (144) 
----------------------------  ---------  -----------------  ---------  -------  --------- 
Profit before tax                     -                  -          -        -     59,856 
============================  =========  =================  =========  =======  ========= 

Revenue by geographic region

                       2020     2019 
                     GBP000   GBP000 
---------------   ---------  ------- 
UK                  679,275  488,199 
Rest of Europe      188,424  115,124 
USA                 263,622  166,262 
Rest of world       103,555   87,335 
----------------  ---------  ------- 
                  1,234,876  856,920 
 ===============  =========  ======= 
   3             Other income 
                            2020    2019 
                          GBP000  GBP000 
-----------------------   ------  ------ 
Property rental income       238     239 
------------------------  ------  ------ 
   4             Finance income and expense 
                                             2020    2019 
                                           GBP000  GBP000 
----------------------------------------   ------  ------ 
Finance income: Bank interest received      1,716   1,320 
Finance expense: Loan interest paid         (128)   (144) 
Finance expense: IFRS 16 lease interest     (262)       - 
-----------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
   5             Auditors' remuneration 
                                                                                 2020    2019 
                                                                               GBP000  GBP000 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Audit of these financial statements                                                10      10 
Disclosure below based on amounts receivable in respect of services to the group 
Amounts receivable by auditors and their associates in respect of: 
       Audit of financial statements of subsidiaries pursuant to legislation      225     138 
       Other services relating to taxation                                        141      96 
       Other advisory services                                                     13      81 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
                                                                                  389     325 
=============================================================================  ======  ====== 
   6              Profit before tax 
Profit before tax is stated after charging:          2020    2019 
                                                   GBP000  GBP000 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Short-term operating lease rentals for buildings      176   2,235 
Equity-settled share-based payment charges         10,957   5,278 
Acquisition and restructuring costs                 1,261       - 
Exceptional items - warehouse relocation                -   6,667 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment      11,483   6,972 
Depreciation of right of use assets                 5,099       - 
Amortisation of intangible assets                   2,948   2,500 
Amortisation of acquired intangible assets          5,120   4,449 
-------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

The exceptional items relate to the additional costs of relocation of all the inventory held by PrettyLittleThing to a third-party managed warehouse in July 2018.

   7              Earnings per share 

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing profit after tax attributable to members of the holding company by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. Own shares held by the Employee Benefit Trust are eliminated from the weighted average number of shares. Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit after tax attributable to members of the holding company by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year, adjusted for potentially dilutive share options.

                                                            2020            2019 
-----------------------------------------------   --------------  -------------- 
 Weighted average shares in issue for basic 
  earnings per share                               1,161,374,887   1,154,130,568 
 Dilutive share options                               27,741,137      20,304,294 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Weighted average shares in issue for diluted 
  earnings per share                               1,189,116,024   1,174,434,862 
================================================  ==============  ============== 
 Earnings (GBP000)                                        63,669          43,584 
 Basic earnings per share                                  5.48p           3.78p 
 Diluted earnings per share                                5.35p           3.71p 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Earnings (GBP000)                                        63,669          43,584 
 Adjusting items: 
 Amortisation of intangible assets arising 
  on acquisitions                                          5,120           4,449 
 Share-based payment charges                              10,957           5,278 
 Exceptional items - warehouse relocation                      -           6,667 
 Adjustment for tax                                      (2,973)         (3,050) 
 Pro-forma non-controlling interest adjustment 
  to 34%                                                 (6,143)         (5,812) 
 Adjustment for non-controlling interest                   (691)         (2,335) 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Adjusted earnings                                        69,939          48,781 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Adjusted basic earnings per share                         6.02p           4.23p 
 Adjusted diluted earnings per share                       5.88p           4.15p 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 

Basic earnings per share in 2019 has been restated from 3.27p to 3.78p and diluted earnings per share from 3.22p to 3.71p, following the revised non-controlling interest accounting.

Adjusted earnings and adjusted earnings per share gives a more consistent measure of the underlying performance of the business excluding non-cash accounting charges relating to the amortisation of intangible assets valued upon acquisitions, non-cash share-based payment charges, other exceptional items and increasing the non-controlling interest in PrettyLittleThing.com Limited to 34% of net profit for the year, as in previous years (see note 1).

   8              Staff numbers and costs 

The average monthly number of persons employed by the group (including directors) during the year, analysed by category, was as follows:

                   Number of employees 
                       2020       2019 
---------------  ----------  --------- 
Administration        1,599      1,303 
Distribution          1,020        885 
---------------  ----------  --------- 
                      2,619      2,188 
===============  ==========  ========= 

The aggregate payroll costs of these persons were as follows:

                                                2020    2019 
                                              GBP000  GBP000 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
Wages and salaries                            84,892  62,505 
Social security costs                          8,721   6,419 
Post-employment benefits                       1,715   1,123 
Equity-settled share-based payment charges    10,957   5,278 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------ 
                                             106,285  75,325 
===========================================  =======  ====== 
   9              Directors' and key management compensation 
                                               2020    2019 
                                             GBP000  GBP000 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Short-term employee benefits                 15,087  10,616 
Post-employment benefits                        180     217 
Equity-settled share-based payment charges    2,204     907 
                                             17,471  11,740 
===========================================  ======  ====== 
   10           Taxation 
                                                                                                   2020    2019 
                                                                                                 GBP000  GBP000 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Analysis of charge in year 
Current tax on income for the year                                                               18,766  12,409 
Adjustments in respect of prior year taxes                                                          628    (54) 
Deferred taxation                                                                                  (55)      42 
Tax on profit                                                                                    19,339  12,397 
===============================================================================================  ======  ====== 
Income tax expense computations are based on the jurisdictions in which taxable profits were 
 earned at prevailing rates in those jurisdictions. The Company is subject to Jersey income 
 tax at the standard rate of 0%. The reconciliation below relates to tax incurred in the UK 
 where the group is tax resident. The total tax charge differs from the amount computed by 
 applying the UK rate of 19.0% for the year (2019: 19.0%) to profit before tax as a result 
 of the following: 
Profit before tax                                                                                92,222  59,856 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Profit before tax multiplied by the standard rate of corporation tax of the UK of 19.0% (2019: 
 19.0%)                                                                                          17,522  11,373 
Effects of: 
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                                            419     454 
Change in deferred tax rate                                                                          49       - 
Adjustments in respect of prior year taxes                                                          628    (54) 
Overseas tax differentials                                                                           12       5 
Depreciation on ineligible assets                                                                   709     619 
Tax on profit                                                                                    19,339  12,397 
===============================================================================================  ======  ====== 
Tax recognised in the statement of changes in equity 
Deferred tax credit on movement in tax base of share options   2,192  3,342 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 

No current tax was recognised in other comprehensive income (2019: GBPnil).

   11           Intangible assets 
                                Patents and licences   Trademarks   Customer lists   Computer software     Total 
                                              GBP000       GBP000       GBP000                  GBP000    GBP000 
 Balance at 28 February 2018                     319       25,070            5,826              11,044    42,259 
 Additions                                       307            -                -               2,930     3,237 
 Disposals                                         -            -                -             (2,096)   (2,096) 
 Balance at 28 February 2019                     626       25,070            5,826              11,878    43,400 
 Additions                                         -       19,070              300               3,788    23,158 
 Disposals                                      (12)            -                -             (1,118)   (1,130) 
 Balance at 29 February 2020                     614       44,140            6,126              14,548    65,428 
=============================  =====================  ===========  ===============  ==================  ======== 
 Accumulated amortisation 
 Balance at 28 February 2018                     211        2,674            2,209               6,288    11,382 
 Amortisation for year                            74        2,507            1,942               2,426     6,949 
 Disposals                                         -            -                -             (2,096)   (2,096) 
 Balance at 28 February 2019                     285        5,181            4,151               6,618    16,235 
 Amortisation for year                           133        3,355            1,765               2,815     8,068 
 Disposals                                      (12)            -                -             (1,118)   (1,130) 
 Balance at 29 February 2020                     406        8,536            5,916               8,315    23,173 
=============================  =====================  ===========  ===============  ==================  ======== 
 Net book value 
 At 29 February 2018                             108       22,396            3,617               4,756    30,877 
 At 28 February 2019                             341       19,889            1,675               5,260    27,165 
                               ---------------------  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  -------- 
 At 29 February 2020                             208       35,604              210               6,233    42,255 
=============================  =====================  ===========  ===============  ==================  ======== 

Within the statement of comprehensive income, amortisation of acquired intangible assets (trademarks and customer lists) of GBP5,120,000 (2019: GBP4,449,000) is shown separately. The amount of amortisation included in distribution costs is GBP393,000 (2019: GBP648,000) and in administrative expenses is GBP2,555,000 (2019: GBP1,852,000).

   12           Property, plant and equipment 
                                  Short        Fixtures     Computer       Motor       Land &     Total 
                              leasehold    and fittings    equipment    vehicles    buildings 
                                 GBP000          GBP000       GBP000      GBP000       GBP000    GBP000 
--------------------------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  -------- 
 Balance at 28 February 
  2018                            2,223          35,444        3,537         439       38,980    80,623 
 Additions                        3,896          36,775        1,575         115        1,269    43,630 
 Exchange differences                 -               -            -           -         (73)      (73) 
 Disposals                         (94)           (375)        (592)       (123)            -   (1,184) 
 Balance at 28 February 
  2019                            6,025          71,844        4,520         431       40,176   122,996 
 Additions                        3,639          15,663        2,123         437          542    22,404 
 Exchange differences                 -               -            -           -           94        94 
 Disposals                        (509)           (618)        (330)           -            -   (1,457) 
 Balance at 29 February 
  2020                            9,155          86,889        6,313         868       40,812   144,037 
 Accumulated depreciation 
 Balance at 28 February 
  2018                              711           5,093        1,734         133          958     8,629 
 Depreciation charge 
  for the year                      566           4,646        1,144         127          489     6,972 
 Exchange differences                 -               -            -           -          (2)       (2) 
 Disposals                         (94)           (364)        (592)        (51)            -   (1,101) 
--------------------------  -----------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  -------- 
 Balance at 28 February 
  2019                            1,183           9,375        2,286         209        1,445    14,498 
 Depreciation charge 
  for the year                    1,788           7,176        1,573         170          776    11,483 
 Exchange differences                 -               -            -           -            3         3 
 Disposals                        (270)           (563)        (330)           -            -   (1,163) 
 Balance at 29 February 
  2020                            2,701          15,988        3,529         379        2,224    24,821 
==========================  ===========  ==============  ===========  ==========  ===========  ======== 
 Net book value 
 At 28 February 2018              1,512          30,351        1,803         306       38,022    71,994 
 At 28 February 2019              4,842          62,469        2,234         222       38,731   108,498 
                            -----------  --------------  -----------  ----------  -----------  -------- 
 At 29 February 2020              6,454          70,901        2,784         489       38,588   119,216 
==========================  ===========  ==============  ===========  ==========  ===========  ======== 

The amounts of depreciation included in the statement of comprehensive income in distribution costs is GBP7,065,000 (2019: GBP4,003,000) and in administrative expenses is GBP4,418,000 (2019: GBP2,969,000).

   13           Right-of-use assets 
                                                          Short leasehold 
 Transition on adoption of IFRS 16 on 1 March 2019                 23,524 
 Additions                                                          3,554 
 Balance at 29 February 2020                                       27,078 
=======================================================  ================ 
 Accumulated depreciation                                           7,388 
 Depreciation for year                                              5,099 
 Balance at 29 February 2020                                       12,487 
=======================================================  ================ 
 Net book value 
 At 1 March 2019                                                   16,136 
 At 29 February 2020                                               14,591 
=======================================================  ================ 
   14           Investments 

The subsidiaries held and consolidated in these financial statements are set out below:

 Name of company          Principal activity    Country of               Address                  Percentage ownership 
-----------------------  --------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------------------- 
 Direct investment 
 Boohoo Holdings                                                         49-51 Dale St, 
  Limited                 Holdings              UK                        Manchester                      100% 
 Indirect investments 
                                                                         12 Castle St, St 
 ABK Limited              Dormant               Jersey                    Helier, Jersey                  100% 
                                                                         49-51 Dale St, 
 boohoo.com UK Limited    Trading               UK                        Manchester                      100% 
                                                                         49-51 Dale St, 
 Boo Who Limited          Dormant               UK                        Manchester                      100% 
                                                                         49-51 Dale St, 
 boohoo.com USA Limited   Dormant               UK                        Manchester                      100% 
                                                                         8431 Melrose Pl, Los 
 boohoo.com USA Inc       Marketing office      USA                       Angeles                         100% 
 boohoo.com Australia                                                    468 St Kilda Road, 
  Pty Ltd                 Marketing office      Australia                 Melbourne                       100% 
                                                                         15, rue Bachaumont, 
 boohoo France SAS        Marketing office      France                    Paris                           100% 
                                                                         Tucholskystrasse 13, 
 boohoo Germany GmbH      Marketing office      Germany                   Berlin                          100% 
                                                                         Wellington Mill, 
 PrettyLittleThing.com                                                    Pollard Street East, 
  Limited                 Trading               UK                        Manchester                      66% 
                                                                         Wellington Mill, 
 21Three Clothing                                                         Pollard Street East, 
  Company Limited         Dormant               UK                        Manchester                      66% 
 PrettyLittleThing.com                                                   1209 Orange Street, 
  USA Inc                 Marketing office      USA                       Wilmington                      66% 
                                                                         49-51 Dale St, 
 Nasty Gal.com Limited    Trading               UK                        Manchester                      100% 
                                                                         2135 Bay Street, Los 
 Nasty Gal.com USA Inc    Marketing office      USA                       Angeles                         100% 
                                                                         49-51 Dale St, 
 MissPap UK Limited       Trading               UK                        Manchester                      100% 
 Karenmillen.com                                                         49-51 Dale St, 
  Limited                 Trading               UK                        Manchester                      100% 
 CoastLondon.com                                                         49-51 Dale St, 
  Limited                 Trading               UK                        Manchester                      100% 
-----------------------  --------------------  -----------------------  -----------------------  --------------------- 
   15           Deferred tax 


                                                    Depreciation in excess of capital   Share-based payments     Total 
                                                                               GBP000                 GBP000    GBP000 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------  -------- 
 Asset at 28 February 2018                                                        160                  6,319     6,479 
 Recognised in statement of comprehensive 
  income                                                                         (73)                     32      (41) 
 Debit in equity                                                                    -                (2,404)   (2,404) 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------  -------- 
 Asset at 28 February 2019                                                         87                  3,947     4,034 
 Recognised in statement of comprehensive 
  income                                                                          158                  1,388     1,546 
 Credit in equity                                                                   -                    400       400 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------  -------- 
 Asset at 29 February 2020                                                        245                  5,735     5,980 
==========================================  =========================================  =====================  ======== 


                                                     Capital allowances in excess of   Business combinations     Total 
                                                                              GBP000                  GBP000    GBP000 
-----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
 Liability at 28 February 2018                                                     -                 (2,101)   (2,101) 
 Recognised in statement of comprehensive 
  income                                                                       (495)                     494       (1) 
-----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
 Liability at 28 February 2019                                                 (495)                 (1,607)   (2,102) 
 Recognised in statement of comprehensive 
  income                                                                     (1,935)                     444   (1,491) 
 Liability at 29 February 2020                                               (2,430)                 (1,163)   (3,593) 
-----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------  -------- 

Recognition of the deferred tax assets is based upon the expected generation of future taxable profits. The deferred tax asset is expected to be recovered in more than one year's time and the deferred tax liability will reverse in more than one year's time as the intangible assets are amortised.

   16           Inventories 
                             2020    2019 
                           GBP000  GBP000 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 
Finished goods             89,826  59,005 
Finished goods - returns    9,281   7,801 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 
                           99,107  66,806 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 

The value of inventories included within cost of sales for the year was GBP566,514,000 (2019: GBP386,895,000). An impairment provision of GBP7,411,000 (2019: GBP5,181,000) was charged to the statement of comprehensive income. There were no write-backs of prior period provisions during the year.

   17           Trade and other receivables 
                                         2020    2019 
                                       GBP000  GBP000 
-------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Trade receivables                      20,603  14,201 
Prepayments                             7,309   5,126 
Accrued income                            295     386 
Taxes and social security receivable    3,621   2,863 
-------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
                                       31,828  22,576 
=====================================  ======  ====== 

Trade receivables represent amounts due from wholesale customers and advance payments to suppliers.

The fair value of trade and other receivables is not materially different from the carrying value.

Where specific trade receivables are not considered to be at risk and requiring a provision, otherwise the trade receivables impairment provision, is calculated using the simplified approach to the expected credit loss model, based on the following percentages:

                           2020  2019 
Age of trade receivable       %     % 
------------------------   ----  ---- 
60 - 90 days past due         1     1 
91 - 120 days past due        5     5 
Over 121 days past due       90    90 
-------------------------  ----  ---- 

The provision for impairment of receivables is charged to administrative expenses in the statement of comprehensive income. The maturing profile of unsecured trade receivables and the provisions for impairment are as follows:

                                    2020     2019 
                                  GBP000   GBP000 
-------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Due within 30 days                13,157    7,943 
Provision for impairment         (2,392)        - 
Due in 31 to 90 days               9,971    7,972 
Provision for impairment         (1,010)  (1,714) 
Past due                             877      295 
Provision for impairment               -    (295) 
Total amounts due and past due    24,005   16,210 
Total provision for impairment   (3,402)  (2,009) 
-------------------------------  -------  ------- 
                                  20,603   14,201 
===============================  =======  ======= 
   18           Cash and cash equivalents 
                              2020     2019 
                            GBP000   GBP000 
-------------------------  -------  ------- 
At start of year           197,872  142,575 
Net movement during year    46,889   55,350 
Effect of exchange rates       687     (53) 
-------------------------  -------  ------- 
At end of year             245,448  197,872 
=========================  =======  ======= 
   19           Trade and other payables 
                                                2020     2019 
                                              GBP000   GBP000 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
Trade payables                                33,915   33,930 
Amounts owed to related party undertakings         2        - 
Other creditors                                2,735    1,730 
Accruals                                      99,300   81,930 
Provision for liabilities                     29,291   18,912 
Deferred income                               10,702    8,453 
Taxes and social security payable             18,865    9,396 
-------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
                                             194,810  154,351 
===========================================  =======  ======= 

The fair value of trade payables is not materially different from the carrying value.

The provision for liabilities comprises:

                                                                   Dilapidations    Returns      Total 
                                                                          GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
----------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ---------  --------- 
 Provision at 1 March 2019                                                 1,550     17,362     18,912 
 Movements in provision charged/(credited) to income statement: 
 Prior year provision utilised                                                 -   (17,362)   (17,362) 
 Increase in provision in current year                                     2,650     25,091     27,741 
----------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ---------  --------- 
 Provision at 29 February 2020                                             4,200     25,091     29,291 
================================================================  ==============  =========  ========= 
   20           Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 

This note provides information about the contractual terms of the group's interest-bearing loans and borrowings, which are measured at amortised cost.

                                          2020    2019 
                                        GBP000  GBP000 
--------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Non-current liabilities 
Secured bank loans                       2,382   4,764 
======================================  ======  ====== 
Current liabilities 
--------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Current portion of secured bank loans    2,382   2,382 
======================================  ======  ====== 

Terms and debt repayment schedule

                                       interest    Year of    2020    2019 
                       Currency            rate   maturity  GBP000  GBP000 
------------------    ---------  --------------  ---------  ------  ------ 
Secured bank loan           GBGBP   LIBOR + 0.95%     2022   4,764   7,146 

The loan is repayable in instalments over the five years to 2022. The loan is secured by a debenture comprising fixed and floating charges over all the assets and undertakings of boohoo.com UK Limited of GBP164.6 million (2019: GBP131.7 million), including all present and future freehold property, book and other debts, chattels and goodwill, both present and future.

Movement in financial liabilities

                      2020     2019 
                    GBP000   GBP000 
-----------------  -------  ------- 
Opening balance      7,146    9,528 
Interest accrued       128      144 
Interest paid        (128)    (144) 
Capital paid       (2,382)  (2,382) 
Closing balance      4,764    7,146 
=================  =======  ======= 
   21           Lease liabilities 
 Minimum lease payments     Within   1-2 years   2-5 years   5-10 years   More than    Total 
  due                       1 year                                         10 years 
                            GBP000      GBP000      GBP000       GBP000      GBP000   GBP000 
------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------- 
 29 February 2020 
 Lease payments              5,597       4,599       6,353            -           -   16,549 
 Finance charges             (197)       (125)        (74)            -           -    (396) 
------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------- 
 Net present value           5,400       4,474       6,279            -           -   16,153 
------------------------  --------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------- 
                                2020    2019 
                              GBP000  GBP000 
----------------------------  ------  ------ 
Current lease liability        5,400       - 
Non-current lease liability   10,753       - 
----------------------------  ------  ------ 
Total                         16,153       - 
----------------------------  ------  ------ 
   22           Share capital and reserves 
                                                                       2020    2019 
                                                                     GBP000  GBP000 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
1,168,033,762 authorised and fully paid ordinary shares of 1p each 
 (2019: 1,163,143,830)                                               11,680  11,631 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

During the year, a total of 5,109,478 shares were issued under the share incentive plans (2019: 13,574,314). On 27 February 2020, 16,925 (2019: 31,223) new ordinary shares were issued to non-executive directors as part of their annual remuneration.

The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend so that cash is retained in the group for capital expenditure projects that are required for the rapid growth and efficiency improvements of the business and for suitable business acquisitions (2019: GBPnil).

   23           Capital commitments 

Capital expenditure contracted for at the end of the reporting year but not yet incurred is as follows:

                                  2020    2019 
                                GBP000  GBP000 
------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Property, plant and equipment    9,797       - 
   24           Operating Leases 

The group has lease agreements in respect of property, plant and equipment, for which the payments extend over a number of years. The totals of future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases due in each period are:

                             2020    2019 
                           GBP000  GBP000 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 
Within one year                 4   1,966 
Within two to five years        -   4,032 
In more than five years         -     261 
-------------------------  ------  ------ 
                                4   6,259 
=========================  ======  ====== 
   25           Contingent liabilities 

From time to time, the group can be subject to various legal proceedings and claims that arise in the ordinary course of business, which may include cases relating to the group's brand and trading name. All such cases brought against the group are robustly defended and a liability is recorded only when it is probable that the case will result in a future economic outflow and that the outflow can be reliably measured.

As at 29 February 2020, there are no pending claims or proceedings against the group, which are expected to have a material adverse effect on its liquidity or operations.

Appendix - prior period revenues by region

Revenue by period for the year to 29 February 2020 (FY20)

 GBPm          4m to 31 December            2m to 28/29 February         12m to 28/29 February 
          FY20    FY19    yoy    yoy     FY20    FY19    yoy   yoy     FY20     FY19    yoy   yoy 
                           %     % CER                    %      %                       %      % 
                                                                CER                            CER 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  --------  ------  ----  ----- 
 Total    473.7   328.2   44%    44%     196.3   133.4   47%   48%    1,234.9   856.9   44%   44% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  --------  ------  ----  ----- 
  UK      255.8   180.0   42%    42%     108.5    74.2   46%   46%      679.3   488.2   39%   39% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  --------                ----- 
  ROE      69.6    44.4   57%    54%      31.4    19.4   61%   58%      188.4   115.1   64%   62% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  --------  ------  ----  ----- 
  USA     110.6    70.4   57%    57%      42.3    27.7   53%   62%      263.6   166.3   59%   61% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  --------  ------  ----  ----- 
  ROW      37.7    33.4   13%    13%      14.1    12.1   17%   14%      103.6    87.3   19%   19% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  --------  ------  ----  ----- 
 GBPm             3m to 31 May                3m to 31 August              6m to 31 August 
          FY20    FY19    yoy    yoy     FY20    FY19    yoy   yoy    FY20    FY19    yoy   yoy 
                           %     % CER                    %      %                     %      % 
                                                                CER                          CER 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
 Total    254.3   183.6   39%    39%     310.5   211.7   47%   47%    564.9   395.3   43%   43% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
 Revenue by region 
                                        ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------        ----- 
  UK      140.6   110.7   27%    27%     174.4   123.3   41%   41%    315.0   234.1   35%   35% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------        ----- 
  ROE      38.2    22.3   72%    71%      49.2    29.0   70%   68%     87.5    51.2   71%   69% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
  USA      51.3    31.4   64%    66%      59.4    36.8   61%   64%    110.7    68.2   62%   65% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
  ROW      24.2    19.2   26%    28%      27.5    22.6   22%   23%     51.7    41.8   24%   25% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 

Revenue by period for the year to 28 February 2019 (FY19)

 GBPm          4m to 31 December             2m to 28 February            12m to 28 February 
          FY19    FY18    yoy    yoy     FY19    FY18   yoy    yoy    FY19    FY18    yoy   yoy 
                           %     % CER                    %      %                     %      % 
                                                                CER                          CER 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  -----  -----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
 Total    328.2   228.2   44%    43%     133.4   88.7   50%    50%    856.9   579.8   48%   47% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  -----  -----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
 Revenue by region 
                                        ------  -----  -----  -----  ------                ----- 
  UK      180.0   135.6   33%    33%      74.2   56.6   31%    31%    488.2   355.6   37%   37% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  -----  -----  -----  ------                ----- 
  ROE      44.4    28.2   57%    54%      19.4   10.2   90%    86%    115.1    66.3   74%   67% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  -----  -----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
  USA      70.4    39.6   78%    80%      27.7   13.5   105%   101%   166.3    92.7   79%   81% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  -----  -----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
  ROW      33.4    24.7   35%    32%      12.1    8.4   44%    44%     87.3    65.2   34%   30% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  -----  -----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
 GBPm             3m to 31 May                3m to 31 August              6m to 31 August 
          FY19    FY18    yoy    yoy     FY19    FY18    yoy   yoy    FY19    FY18    yoy   yoy 
                           %     % CER                    %      %                     %      % 
                                                                CER                          CER 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
 Total    183.6   120.1   53%    52%     211.7   142.8   48%   47%    395.3   262.9   50%   49% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
 Revenue by region 
                                        ------  ------  ----  -----  ------                ----- 
  UK      110.7    74.5   49%    49%     123.3    88.8   39%   39%    234.1   163.4   43%   43% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------                ----- 
  ROE      22.3    12.2   82%    71%      29.0    15.6   86%   73%     51.2    27.8   84%   72% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
  USA      31.4    17.9   75%    78%      36.8    21.7   70%   71%     68.2    39.6   72%   74% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 
  ROW      19.2    15.4   24%    22%      22.6    16.7   36%   31%     41.8    32.1   30%   27% 
         ------  ------  ----  -------  ------  ------  ----  -----  ------  ------  ----  ----- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 22, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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