2 days ago
Seems Trump's words and actions might be unjust and upsetting a majority of Republicans.
Other stories about the energy transition to take note of this week:
Trump’s Funding Freeze Gets Rejected in Court, Again: A federal judge in Rhode Island found on Monday that the Trump administration was not following a previous court order to unfreeze funding for many federal grant programs, as Lindsay Whitehurst reports for the Associated Press. This continues a back-and-forth between the administration, which has paused funding almost across the board, and the courts, which have said the administration is exceeding its authority. The actions affect many programs that deal with renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental justice and are stuck in a state of limbo while they seek assurance about funding that is in existing law.
Red States Have the Most to Lose From Trump’s Funding Freeze: The Trump administration’s freeze of federal money is hitting Republican-voting states especially hard, calling into question funding for new factories and other initiatives, as Lisa Friedman, Brad Plumer and Harry Stevens report for The New York Times. About 80 percent of manufacturing investments from the Inflation Reduction Act are going to Congressional districts represented by Republicans. Those lawmakers now will need to answer questions about potential layoffs and cancellations of factory investments.
Solar and Energy Storage Led Texas Capacity Additions by a Lot: It’s not surprising that solar and battery energy storage were the resources that grew the most last year in Texas, but the scale of that growth was impressive, as my colleague Arcelia Martin reports. The state also added a lot of natural gas power plants, but the total in megawatts trailed solar and storage. Solar and storage are relatively inexpensive and they work well in Texas’ local electricity market, in which power plants compete on price, as opposed to fully regulated markets that don’t have this level of competition.
Mayors Defend Renewable Energy Tax Credits Against Potential Repeal: A letter signed by mayors from across the country urges Congress to resist attempts to repeal tax credits that help state and local governments pay for renewable energy projects and programs, as my colleague Wyatt Myskow reports. The Biden administration legislation that provides the funding is under scrutiny as Congress looks to pay for other priorities.
Flexibility Can Go a Long Way to Help the Grid Handle Data Centers: A new report from Duke University calculates how existing resources in regional grids can handle much of the demand from proposed data centers if those data centers have the ability to ramp down at times of highest demand, as I wrote for ICN. The underlying concept is “demand response,” a system that works with power users to reduce demand at certain times. The use of demand response could help to avoid the need to build many new power plants to serve data centers.
3 days ago
Bears have nothing, absolutely zero fact to support the share price or market cap, except losing money, which is obviously a good one. But, the old statements no longer apply and are FACTUALLY INACCURATE! Projects are no longer delayed and are being completed in estimated time frames. All old fees for such delays are no longer, beginning to result in improved margins and earnings, to be proven moving forward.
No contracts, we have 5 signed in the last year, for over $350M, which exceeds the last 3 years revenue.
Cash, They have more than enough cash for operations for over 2 years, and the proven, undisputable means by which to get more cash as needed for operations or growth. Whether that be through there many lending partners or shares at the market. Absolutely no fear of bankruptcy in the foreseeable future.
I expect Q1 and Q2 earnings March and June, to show progress towards reaching EBIDTA positive, At least narrowing loss is significantly through Q2.
3 days ago
FCEL was $1.50-$2.50 the majority of 2020 with 310,000-340,000 shares, roughly ranging from $450M-$850M Market Cap resulting in being rated a small Cap. This afternoon narrowly escaping bankruptcy before hiring a restructuring company and Jason Few in 2019. Run Nov 2020-Feb 2021 of 1,400+% resulted in $10B market cap @ $29.44 with about 345M shares, hence a Large Cap. Shorting & manipulation ensued for 4 years while the company made progress in every aspect of business and fundamentals except increasing shares then doing a reverse split to combat manipulation. We currently sit at $7 basically, with about 21M shares and a Market Cap of about $147M-$150M, classified as a Micro Cap! After escaping the jaws of Bankruptcy, ranging steady for 6-9 months, an unparalleled run of over 1,400% and making remarkable progress in many arenas and with questionably 3 of the most powerful partners in the world. Exxonmobil, Toyota and the US Dept of Defense have all entrusted FCEL for their reliable sustainable, secure tech for the foreseeable future. DOD has made several statements regarding plans to install microgrids (similar to Groton Nuclear Sub Base) at "Every Base"! That was from the US Army while the Navy made a similar statement. Carbon Capture is stated by many authorities as a necessity! Exxonmobil has referenced our MCFC Carbon Capture as "Game Changing" on more than 1 occasion. Trump & his new Energy Czar support "Clean Coal" and Fossil fuels with Carbon Capture. Exxonmobil and Fuelcell Energy are ahead of schedule on the PORTHOS project and Exxonmobil announced in December, potential plans to build a 1,500MW total power output. That project has progressed from considering to planned, with land secured and Data Centers committed to purchasing the power and will include Carbon Capture capturing 90% of the CO2 which is the exact # quoted from Exxonmobil regarding our Novel MCFC technology. That tech is "The only Carbon Capture which is NOT parasitic and actually creates more power"! Note, Exxonmobil Never states they are building a 1,500MW Natural gas power plant, it's stated as Natural Gas with Carbon Capture having a total output of 1,500MW!
Toyota Mark Yamauchi stared in an interview with Paul Fukamoto from FCE nearing the end of construction at the Port of Long Beach, the 2 companies are already in discussions for future projects, even specifying CHP or combined Heat and Power which wasn't needed in California.
SK we implanted an in country executive to build the business, resulting in $160M contract in 2024 and certain to lead to more.
Connecticut, our home state, we recently secured another $160M contract, on top of already having several other functional projects from 1 year to 15 years old.
California is our best customer and has their own policies supporting our tech. We have 2-3 repeat customers already and a recent contract nearing completion right now. California also stream lined the process specifically for FCE, related to our multiple California certifications but have also implemented more policies to continue making the process smoother and quicker.
We have a great number of MOUs expected to lead to some big business over the next few years. We have awards with Canada and the Navajo Nation as well as the Department of Energy. We are working with the Translational Energy Research Center and Drax testing our MCFC with Biomass. Much of this stuff, including Nuclear CHP and hydrogen production testing with INL, TERC & Drax, Exxonmobil have already been tested and improved for years and are undergoing final stages to commercialization, much like phase 3 drug trials but actually better.
Tick tock!!!!!!
4 days ago
This is very big, potentially! And there's no potential baked into the current share price, even at $20! Just like there's no potential baked in for the JDA with Exxonmobil, our numerous MOUs, Long standing and repeat business in California or S. Korea, Toyota or US Navy (US DOD)! Trump supports "Clean Coal"! You think that means washed, rinsed, filtered, etc. Lol! Exxonmobil project at PORTHOS ahead of schedule, And moving forward with Nat Gas/CCUS project in the US expeditiously! $300+M cash, $1.2B in backlog, $140M Market Cap! UNREAL!
4 days ago
There's an announcement coming soon. It's being anticipated in the market. Could be a secondary issuance of shares. Otherwise , why the continuous downdraft day after day.
Despite baiting investors by announcing a new contract here and there, little enthusiasm is given to the stock. New contracts does not mean instant money in the pocket and expenses eat into any chance for a profit . Furthermore many of these are not expected to start or be completed near term.
Projections are the company will continue to show losses quarter after quarter, year after year.
Due to the small float, 16.8 million shares, dollar losses convert into huge losses/share making the picture quite ugly.
In all, both fundamentals and technicals are poor. So there's no logical reasons to hold or buy shares in this company now.
This despite what some might say.