RNS Number : 1627Q

Barclays PLC

24 June 2022

        FORM 8.3 
                                                1% OR 
                             Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 
 1.                                                            KEY INFORMATION 
 (a)               Full name of discloser:                                Barclays PLC. 
 (b)               Owner or controller of interest 
                    and short 
                   positions disclosed, if different 
                    from 1(a): 
----------------  -----------------------------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 (c)               Name of offeror/offeree in relation                    NORTONLIFELOCK INC 
                    to whose 
                   relevant securities this form relates: 
----------------  -----------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------- 
 (d)               If an exempt fund manager connected 
                    with an 
                   offeror/offeree, state this and 
                    specify identity of 
----------------  -----------------------------  -----------  ---------  -------------------------- 
 (e)               Date position held/dealing undertaken:                 23 June 2022 
----------------  -----------------------------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 (f)               In addition to the company in 1(c)                              YES: 
                    above, is the discloser making 
                   disclosures in respect of any other                    AVAST PLC 
                    party to the offer? 
----------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
 2.                                                            POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING 
                                                                THE DISCLOSURE 
 (a)               Interests and short positions in the relevant securities 
                    of the offeror or offeree 
                   to which the disclosure relates following the 
                    dealing (if any) 
 Class of relevant security:                      USD 0.01 common 
                                                 ----------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                        Interests             Short Positions 
                                                 ----------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                    Number       (%)         Number         (%) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------  ---------  --------------  -------- 
 (1)               Relevant securities 
  and/or controlled:                              1,319,921     0.23%        850,409       0.15% 
 (2)               Cash-settled derivatives: 
                                                  1,141,309     0.20%       2,524,152      0.44% 
 (3)               Stock-settled derivatives 
                    (including options) 
  and agreements 
   to purchase/sell:                                  0         0.00%           0          0.00% 
  TOTAL:                                          2,461,230     0.43%       3,374,561      0.59% 
 (b)               Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors 
                    and other executive 
 Class of relevant security in relation 
 which subscription right 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------------- 
 Details, including nature of the 
 concerned and relevant percentages: 
------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 3.                                      DEALINGS (IF ANY) BY THE PERSON 
                                          MAKING THE DISCLOSURE 
 (a)                 Purchases and 
------------------  ------------------    --------------  ------------------ 
 Class of relevant     Purchase/sale     Number             Price per unit 
     security                            securities 
------------------    --------------    ----------------  ------------------ 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              1                  21.8600 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              1                  22.0850 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              1                  21.9900 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              2                  22.1200 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              2                  22.0975 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              3                  21.9766 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              4                  21.9000 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              4                  21.9312 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              5                  21.9240 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase              8                  22.0712 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             10                  22.0405 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             11                  21.9313 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             12                  22.0066 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             13                  21.9946 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             18                  22.0197 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             19                  22.0084 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             19                  22.0736 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             21                  22.0121 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             48                  22.0858 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             71                  22.0013 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             79                  21.9050 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             102                 22.0900 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             106                 21.9950 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             200                 22.0400 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             280                 22.0050 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             400                 21.9850 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             600                 21.9666 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             700                 21.9992 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             803                 21.9975 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase             958                 21.9994 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            1,014                22.1857 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            1,061                21.9978 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            1,126                22.0009 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            1,900                21.8978 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            1,997                22.3400 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            2,020                22.0907 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            2,100                21.9376 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            2,192                21.8989 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            2,301                21.9006 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            2,506                21.9375 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            2,778                22.0207 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            3,500                21.9999 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            3,509                21.9420 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            4,499                22.0081 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            5,221                21.9696 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            5,938                21.9628 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            7,377                21.9942 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            8,314                22.0282 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            8,735                21.9979 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase            9,459                21.9706 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase           15,134                22.0115 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase           25,248                22.0002 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase           26,989                22.0203 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase           52,402                22.0000 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase           56,304                22.0710 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase           92,010                22.0800 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase           209,528               21.9921 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase           234,284               21.9995 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common        Purchase           350,000               22.0290 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               25                  22.0700 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               43                  22.0500 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               50                  22.0750 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               50                  22.0850 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               52                  22.1000 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               54                  22.0566 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               54                  22.0787 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               75                  22.0816 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               75                  22.0833 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               79                  21.9050 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               94                  22.0917 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               100                 21.9000 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               100                 22.0450 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               106                 22.0804 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               169                 21.9915 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               176                 22.0820 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               200                 21.9500 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               200                 22.0550 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               200                 22.0400 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               202                 21.9701 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               249                 22.1060 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               255                 22.0793 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               300                 22.1100 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               300                 22.0933 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               314                 22.1667 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               315                 22.0268 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               326                 22.0900 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               346                 22.0901 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               356                 22.0050 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               400                 22.1150 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               710                 22.0823 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               714                 22.2007 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale               858                 22.1515 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              1,126                22.0010 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              1,126                22.0009 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              1,200                21.9997 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              2,150                22.0429 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              2,292                22.0453 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              2,300                22.0000 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              2,325                22.0398 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              2,352                22.0448 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              3,411                22.1898 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              3,413                22.2001 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              4,103                22.0425 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              4,565                22.0024 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              4,611                22.0491 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              5,312                21.9677 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              5,509                21.9693 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              6,825                22.0325 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              7,591                21.9525 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              8,296                22.0284 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale              9,918                22.0368 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             10,566                22.0204 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             10,799                21.9925 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             12,154                22.0288 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             12,323                22.0428 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             12,456                22.0506 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             12,803                22.0369 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             13,134                22.0105 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             14,847                22.0194 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             15,059                22.2003 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             15,485                22.0157 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             17,158                22.0137 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             18,597                22.0303 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             19,762                22.0132 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             23,427                22.0031 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             33,865                22.1500 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             47,582                22.2000 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             52,333                22.0800 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             123,024               21.9971 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             132,184               22.0056 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             151,993               22.0456 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
   USD 0.01 common          Sale             297,392               21.9957 USD 
                      ----------------  ----------------  -------------------- 
 (b)          Cash-settled derivative transactions 
 Class of                       Product                       Nature              Number          Price 
  relevant                                                   of dealing            of            per unit 
  security                    description                                         reference 
-----------  -------------  --------------  ------------  --------------  -----  ------------  ----------- 
 (c)          Stock-settled derivative transactions (including 
 (i)          Writing, selling, purchasing or varying 
   Class        Product        Writing,        Number        Exercise      Type     Expiry        Option 
     of       description     purchasing,        of            price                 date         money 
 relevant                      selling,      securities      per unit                             paid/ 
 security                       varying          to                                              received 
                                  etc           which 
                                               option                                            per unit 
             -------------  --------------  ------------  --------------  -----  ------------  ----------- 
 (ii)         Exercising 
 Class of                    Product description               Exercising/        Number        Exercise 
  relevant                                                   exercised against     of            price per 
  security                                                                        securities       unit 
-----------  -------------  --------------  ------------                         ------------  ----------- 
 (d)          Other dealings (including subscribing for new 
 Class of                       Nature                           Details             Price 
  relevant                    of Dealings                                           per unit 
  security                                                                        applicable) 
-----------  -------------  --------------  ------------                         ------------  ----------- 
 4.                                                        OTHER INFORMATION 
 (a)          Indemnity and other dealings arrangements 
 Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement 
  or understanding, 
 formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be 
  an inducement to deal 
 or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure 
  and any party 
 to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party 
  to the offer: 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------- 
 (b)          Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to 
               options or derivatives 
 Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or 
  informal, between 
 the person making the disclosure and any other person relating 
 (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any 
  option; or 
 (ii) the voting rights of future acquisition or disposal of any relevant 
  securities to which 
 any derivative is referenced: 
------------------------------------------  ------------  --------------  -----  ------------  ----------- 
 (c)          Attachments 
 Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions)                                       NO 
 Date of disclosure:                                       24 Jun 
                                                          --------------  -----  ------------  ----------- 
 Contact name:                                             Large Holdings Regulatory Operations 
                                                           020 3134 
 Telephone number:                                          7213 
                                                          --------------  -----  ------------  ----------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 24, 2022 08:26 ET (12:26 GMT)

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