Washington, D.C. 20549

Form 6K


For February 23, 2021

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited

Randfontein Office Park
Corner Main Reef Road and Ward Avenue Randfontein, 1759
South Africa
(Address of principal executive offices)
(Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20 F or Form 40F.)

Form 20F ☒ Form 40F ☐

(Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this form is also thereby furnishing
the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g32(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.)

Yes ☐ No ☒

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 1950/038232/06
JSE share code: HAR
NYSE share code: HMY
ISIN: ZAE000015228
(“Harmony” or “company”)
for the six-month period ended 31 December 2020
HIGHLIGHTS for the six-month period ended 31 December 2020 (H1FY21) vs
the six-month period ended 31 December 2019 (H1FY20)**
• In Phase 2 of embedding a proactive safety
culture focused on leadership and behaviour
• Our health initiatives combined with the
COVID-19 standard operating plans embed our
commitment to the "S" in ESG#
• Ranked first in ESG disclosure among
South African mining companies
• FTSE4Good constituent
• Included in the Bloomberg Gender Equality
Index 2021
• Runner-up in the Sunday Times Top 100
Companies Awards 2020
• 65% increase in production profit
to R6.8bn (US$417m) from R4.1bn (US$280m)
• 5% increase in underground recovered grade
to 5.58g/t from 5.29g/t
• 8% increase in gold production
to 23 183kg (745 314oz) from
21 411kg (688 379oz)
• 42% increase in total mineral resources
• 20% increase in total mineral reserves

• 69% increase in operating free
cash flow margin to 22% from 13%
• 336% increase in net profit
to R5.8bn (US$356m) from R1.3bn (US$91m)
• 58% reduction in net debt
to R580m (US$40m) from R1.4bn (US$79m)
• 31% increase in Rand gold price received
to R896 587/kg (US$1 716/oz)
from R683 158/kg (US$1 447/oz)
• R902m (US$56m) net gain on derivatives
• HEPS increased by 211% to 775 SA cents
(48 US cents) from 249 SA cents (17 US cents)
• Net debt to EBITDA at 0.1x
• Successful integration of Mponeng
and Mine Waste Solutions – 3 months of
production resulting in a significant increase
in our overall grade, production and cash flow
• Strong pipeline of organic projects to drive
production profile and margin expansion
• Interim dividend^ of 110 SA cents (7.5 US) cents
per share declared

*    These interim results have been reviewed by our external auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated
**     For the US$ comparative % increase please see our results presentation
#     ESG = Environmental, social and governance
†    The mineral reserves are included in the business valuation of the operations acquired from AngloGold Ashanti Limited, while the resources are per their mineral resources statement as at December 2019
^    See dividend notice on page 7 for the details
‡    Illustrative equivalent based on the exchange rate of R14.64 as at 19 February 2021

Six months
December 2020
Six months
December 2019
Six months
June 2020*
% change relates to the six months ended June 2020 vs December 2020
Gold produced kg 23 183  21 411  16 452  41 
oz 745 347  688 379  528 944  41 
Underground grade g/t 5.58  5.29  5.69  (2)
Gold price received R/kg 896 587  683 158  31  805 300  11 
US$/oz 1 716  1 447  19  1 504  14 
Cash operating costs R/kg 596 047  499 139  (19) 624 276 
US$/oz 1 141  1 057  (8) 1 166 
Total costs and capital R/kg 697 026  603 302  (16) 704 708 
US$/oz 1 334  1 278  (4) 1 316  (1)
All-in sustaining costs R/kg 715 837  605 911  (18) 711 818  (1)
US$/oz 1 370  1 283  (7) 1 329  (3)
Production profit R million 6 780  4 110  65  3 086  120 
US$ million 417  280  49  185  125 
Exchange rate R:US$ 16.25  14.69  11  16.65  (2)
* Six-month period ended June 2020 included to illustrate the impact of COVID-19 on operations during the first half of the calendar year
Six months
December 2020
Six months
December 2019
Basic earnings per share SA cents 966  249  288 
US cents 59  17  247 
Headline earnings R million 4 644  1 331  249 
US$ million 286  91  214 
Headline earnings per share SA cents 775  249  211 
US cents 48  17  181 
Please refer to our website for the full results presentation: https://www.harmony.co.za/invest/financials/fy21
This presentation contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbour provided by Section 21E of the Exchange Act and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), with respect to our financial condition, results of operations, business strategies, operating efficiencies, competitive positions, growth opportunities for existing services, plans and objectives of management, markets for stock and other matters. These forward-looking statements, including, among others, those relating to our future business prospects, revenues, and the potential benefit of acquisitions (including statements regarding growth and cost savings) wherever they may occur in this presentation and the exhibits to this presentation, are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of our senior management and involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those suggested by the forward-looking statements. As a consequence, these forward-looking statements should be considered in light of various important factors, including those set forth in our integrated annual report. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from estimates or projections contained in the forward-looking statements include, without limitation: overall economic and business conditions in South Africa, Papua New Guinea, Australia and elsewhere; impact of COVID-19 on our operational and financial estimates and results; estimates of future earnings, and the sensitivity of earnings to the prices of gold and other metals prices; estimates of future production and sales for gold and other metals; estimates of future cash costs; estimates of future cash flows, and the sensitivity of cash flows to the prices of gold and other metals; estimates of provision for silicosis settlement; estimates of future tax liabilities under the Carbon Tax Act; statements regarding future debt repayments; estimates of future capital expenditures; the success of our business strategy, exploration and development activities and other initiatives; future financial position, plans, strategies, objectives, capital expenditures, projected costs and anticipated cost savings and financing plans; estimates of reserves statements regarding future exploration results and the replacement of reserves; the ability to achieve anticipated efficiencies and other cost savings in connection with past and future acquisitions, as well as at existing operations; fluctuations in the market price of gold; the occurrence of hazards
associated with underground and surface gold mining; the occurrence of labour disruptions related to industrial action or health and safety incidents; power cost increases as well as power stoppages, fluctuations and usage constraints; supply chain shortages and increases in the prices of production imports and the availability, terms and deployment of capital; our ability to hire and retain senior management, sufficiently technically-skilled employees, as well as our ability to achieve sufficient representation of historically disadvantaged persons in management positions; our ability to comply with requirements that we operate in a sustainable manner and provide benefits to affected communities; potential liabilities related to occupational health diseases; changes in government regulation and the political environment, particularly tax and royalties, mining rights, health, safety, environmental regulation and business ownership including any interpretation thereof; court decisions affecting the mining industry, including, without limitation, regarding the interpretation of mining rights; our ability to protect our information technology and communication systems and the personal data we retain; risks related to the failure of internal controls; the outcome of pending or future litigation or regulatory proceedings; fluctuations in exchange rates and currency devaluations and other macroeconomic monetary policies; the adequacy of the Group’s insurance coverage; any further downgrade of South Africa’s credit rating and socio-economic or political instability in South Africa, Papua New Guinea and other countries in which we operate.
The foregoing factors and others described under “Risk Factors” in our Integrated Annual Report (www.har.co.za) and our Form 20F should not be construed as exhaustive. We undertake no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this annual report or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law. All subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to Harmony or any person acting on its behalf are qualified by the cautionary statements herein.

2 Forward-looking statements
3 Shareholder information
4 Message from the chief executive officer
7 Notice of cash dividend
8 Operating results – year-on-year (Rand/metric)
10 Operating results – year-on-year (US$/imperial)
12 Review report from external auditor
13 Condensed consolidated income statement (Rand)
14 Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income (Rand)
14 Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (Rand)
15 Condensed consolidated balance sheet (Rand)
16 Condensed consolidated cash flow statement (Rand)
17 Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
35 Segment report (Rand/metric)
36 Condensed consolidated income statement (US$)
37 Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income (US$)
37 Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (US$)
38 Condensed consolidated balance sheet (US$)
39 Condensed consolidated cash flow statement (US$)
40 Segment report (US$/imperial)
41 Development results – metric and imperial
42 Competent person's declaration
43 Directorate and administration

Issued ordinary share capital 31 December 2020 616 052 197
Issued ordinary share capital 30 June 2020 603 142 706
As at 31 December 2020 (ZARm) 44 109
As at 31 December 2020 (US$m) 3 003
As at 30 June 2020 (ZARm) 43 342
As at 30 June 2020 (US$m) 2 494
12-month high (1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020) for ordinary shares (ZAR) 124.95
12-month low (1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020) for ordinary shares (ZAR) 33.62
12-month high (1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020) for ADRs (US$) 7.10
12-month low (1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020) for ADRs (US$) 1.93
American Depositary Receipt ("ADR") RATIO 1:1
Average daily volume for the year
(1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020)
4 320 919
Average daily volume for the previous year
(1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019)
2 313 153
Average daily volume for the year
(1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020)
7 601 064
Average daily volume for the previous year
(1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019)
6 152 535
FY21 results presentation 31 August 2021

Harmony delivered an outstanding set of numbers for the first half of the financial year ("H1FY21"), in line with our strategy of producing safe, profitable ounces and increasing margins. These results are a true reflection of how Harmony has transformed and de-risked its business since January 2016. While the majority of our gold still comes from underground mining, we have increased the contribution from higher margin and lower risk surface sources to approximately 30% of our total production (from 15% in January 2016).
Our people and their safety have never been more important as we continue to face and manage the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Net profit increased by 336% to R5 812 million (US$356 million) for H1FY21 compared to R1 332 million (US$91 million) in the six months ended 31 December 2020 ("H1FY20") as a result of an increase in the average recovered underground grade and higher production from our underground operations, supported by a higher average R/kg gold price received. We have successfully integrated Mponeng and Mine Waste Solutions into our portfolio and have already seen an increase in grade, production and cash flow since we took ownership of these assets on 1 October 2020.
Operating free cash flow of R4 702 million (US$289 million) for the period allowed us to repay a significant portion of our debt, resulting in a robust balance sheet.
As a result of our investment in growth assets, a stronger operational performance from our mines in H1FY21 and a strategy aimed at delivering positive shareholder returns, we are pleased to announce an interim dividend of 110 SA cents (7.5 US cents).
Safety and health
Safety is a foundational value at Harmony and it is of utmost importance that we ensure safe production at all our operations. The development of safety leadership capability, embedded safety practices, embracing a safety culture and improved employee engagement will entrench safe behaviour across all our employees at all times.
Risk management is an essential step in ensuring that our employees and working areas are safe at all times. Harmony remains committed to the elimination of work-related injuries and fatalities. We continue to address specific causes of work-related events resulting in injury and loss of life, focusing on improving our safety in general and embedding a proactive safety culture. It remains a continuous journey of engagement, training, creating awareness, learning from each other and caring for each other.
It is therefore with great sadness that we report six of our colleagues lost their lives in mine-related incidents in the six-month period ended 31 December 2020. It is simply not acceptable and will never be acceptable. We pay our respects to Zamokuhle Shabane (team leader, Bambanani), Zakhele Lubisi, (artisan, Kusasalethu), Alexis Lesiamang Ntjantso (driller, Doornkop), Tsoaela Botsane (supervisor, Tshepong), Tisetso Pati (winch operator, Tshepong) and Rakitsi Seseli (driller, Kusasalethu) and extend our deepest condolences to their families, friends and colleagues.
A number of our mines have recorded some significant safety milestones and we are seeing progress as we work on embedding a proactive safety culture. Our total injury and accident frequency rate has improved over the past decade and is now at 7.69 per million hours worked as we strive towards our goal of zero loss of life. Despite this progress, the group fatality injury frequency rate regressed in H1FY21, increasing to 0.13 per million hours (FY20: 0.08).
COVID-19 remains a major focus with continued co-ordination from all stakeholders, management and employees towards fighting the pandemic. The focus remains on limiting or eliminating the spread of COVID-19 at all our operations and keeping our employees safe.
A multi-disciplinary response team was established at the start of the pandemic to ensure compliance and alignment of all COVID-19 related processes. Harmony also developed and implemented a Standard Operating Procedure to assist in the prevention and transmission of COVID-19 at its operations in South Africa and Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Employees who were scheduled to go home for the festive season were required to sign a registration form and full screening was conducted. A return to work process was designed and implemented to ensure a safe return of all employees to the workplace. About 7 000 of our employees travelled outside South Africa's borders over the December 2020 period, all of whom were allowed to return through the borders provided they were able to produce a negative COVID-19 test result.
As at 19 February 2021, Harmony had 94 active COVID-19 cases, representing only 0.2% of our workforce. We mourn 40 employees lost to the pandemic and continue to urge all our employees, their families and communities to remain vigilant as we battle the second wave of the pandemic.
Harmony is committed to playing an active role, with our social partners, to help with the vaccine roll-out. While the South African government is primarily responsible for funding the vaccine roll-out and is the single buyer, Harmony will play an important role by accelerating the vaccination programme on our mines and in host communities. As guided by the Department of Health, our healthcare workers and other frontline workers will receive vaccines first, followed by our remaining employees as per our internal COVID-19 vaccine roll-out plan.
We will continue to prioritise our other healthcare initiatives, particularly those relating to occupational and lifestyle diseases despite the current challenges presented by COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic combined with our existing health and wellness initiatives have given added impetus and reinforced our commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters and to sustainable development. Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic clearly demonstrated that the “S” in ESG is part of Harmony’s DNA. Caring for those who contribute to, support and benefit from our company has been key to our success.
ESG reporting
Harmony ranked first in ESG disclosures for mining companies in South Africa based on a recent study conducted by Risk Insights and Instinctif Partners. The research was based on ESG metrics using Risk Insight’s own ESG rating tool which analyses publicly available disclosures, integrated reports and media coverage. Harmony was also runner-up in the Sunday Times Top 100 Companies in 2020. This award acknowledged Harmony as a JSE-listed company for creating wealth and value for shareholders over a five-year period.
It is evident from these external recognitions that a successful ESG strategy delivers positive shareholder returns.
Operational results for the six-month period ended 31 December 2020
Total gold production for H1FY21 was 8% higher at 23 183kg (745 347oz) compared to 21 411kg (688 379oz) in H1FY20. Higher gold production was due to the inclusion of Mponeng and related assets into our portfolio and achieving our operational plans at the majority of our mines.
The newly acquired assets added 3 220kg (103 525oz) for the December 2020 quarter comprising; 1 874kg or 60 250oz from Mponeng underground,

318kg or 10 224oz from Mponeng surface, 216kg or 6 944oz from Kopanang surface and 812 kg or 26 106oz from Mine Waste Solutions.
The average underground recovered grade increased by 5% to 5.58g/t from 5.29g/t as a result of higher grades at Kusasalethu, Mponeng and Joel operations. Moab Khotsong was our most profitable operation for the reporting period followed by Mponeng, delivering R1 143 million (US$70 million) and R547 million (US$34 million) in free cash respectively.
Production from our surface sources increased by 86% from 2 009kg in H1FY20 to 3 741kg in H1FY21 due to higher throughput from Mine Waste Solutions and waste rock dumps. However, average surface grade decreased by 12% to 0.23g/t (H1FY20: 0.26g/t). The acquisition of Mine Waste Solutions, a high-volume, low-grade operation, was primarily responsible for this decline. We are however, confident that we are able to lower the overall cost base at Mine Waste Solutions and achieve synergies.
Hidden Valley’s recovered grade decreased by 5% to 1.20g/t at H1FY21 from 1.26g/t in H1FY20 as planned, whilst the open pit was transitioning between stages 5 and 6. Grade is expected to increase in the second half of FY21 as more stage 6 ore becomes available. Gold production was 17% lower for the period as a result of lower mill throughput due to a major shutdown and additional maintenance work being carried out in the first half of FY21 compared to the comparable period.
Total production costs increased by 30% to R14 808 million (US$911 million) compared to R11 366 million (US$774 million) in H1FY20. The increase of R3 442 million (US$212 million) was driven mainly by the inclusion of the acquired operations which contributed R1 751 million (US$108 million) in new costs. The other major contributors to the production cost increase were labour which increased by R585 million (US$36 million), royalties which increased by R267 million (US$16 million) as a result of higher revenues, and COVID-19 related expenses which amounted to R215 million (US$13 million). Hidden Valley's production costs were R363 million (US$22 million) higher for the period due to additional COVID-19 related expenses, run of mine stockpiles being maintained and a decrease in the deferred stripping credit.
Group all-in sustaining costs was therefore 18% higher for H1FY21 at R715 827/kg compared to H1FY20 at R605 911kg.
Group capital expenditure for H1FY21 increased by 5% to R2 341 million (US$144 million) from R2 230 million (US$151 million) in H1FY20 due to the inclusion of Mponeng mine and related assets. The impact of COVID-19 resulted in lower than planned capital expenditure but this is expected to normalise.
The capitalisation project at Target 1 to bring infrastructure closer to the mining areas is continuing but unfortunately pillar failures and backfill dilution in two of our massive stopes impacted grade and volume. We have adopted a revised plan which will take into account the delay caused by these events. We expect this to be resolved by Q4FY21.
For the June 2020 to December 2020 period, total gold production increased by 41% to 23 183kg (745 347oz) from 16 452kg (528 944oz) as production normalised post COVID-19 lockdowns in South Africa and due to the inclusion of the newly acquired assets.
Financial results for the six-month period ended 31 December 2020
Revenue increased by 39% from R15 477 million (US$1 054 million) to R21 588 million (US$1 328 million), mainly due to a stellar performance from our underground South African operations, supported by a higher R/kg gold price received and the inclusion of our newly acquired assets. The average R/kg gold price received increased by 31% in H1FY21 to R896 587/kg from R683 158/kg in H1FY20. In US dollar terms, revenue increased by US$274 million or 26% to US$1 328 million and the average gold price received increased by 19% to US$1 716/oz from US$1 447/oz in H1FY20.
Gains and expenses included in operating profit
Corporate, administrative and other expenditure includes a 58% increase relating to higher management incentive payments and the integration costs in respect of the acquisition of the Mponeng operations and related assets.
The foreign exchange translation gain is predominantly due to the impact of the strengthening of the Rand from R17.32/US$ at 30 June 2020 to R14.69/US$ at 31 December 2020 on the US dollar borrowings, resulting in a translation gain of R652 million (US$40 million) compared to R36 million (US$2 million) in the comparative period.
Gain on bargain purchase
Harmony reported a R1 153 million (US$69 million) gain on bargain purchase from the acquisition of the Mponeng operations and related assets in terms of IFRS 3. This gain was reported after taking into account fair value adjustments and provisions between the consideration paid and the net asset value of the acquired assets and liabilities assumed. The fair value exercise has been provisionally concluded and will be finalised in the 12 months permitted by IFRS. Refer to note 13 in the financial statements for further detail.
The taxation expense for the group increased to R772 million (US$48 million) for H1FY21 from R157 million (US$11 million) for H1FY20. The current taxation expense for the reporting period is higher mainly due to gains on derivatives and foreign exchange gains on the US dollar loans. The deferred taxation expense for H1FY21 is higher mainly as a result of the utilisation of assessed losses and unredeemed capital expenditure due to increased profitability.
Net profit
Harmony’s net profit increased to R5 812 million (US$356 million) in H1FY21, compared to a profit of R1 332 million (US$91 million) in H1FY20. Headline earnings increased to 775 SA cents per share (48 US cents) compared with headline earnings of 249 SA cents (17 US cents) per share for H1FY20.
Net debt
As at the end of December 2020, Harmony's net debt decreased by R781 million (US$40 million) to R580 million (US$39 million). The cash generated by operations was more than sufficient to pay for the new assets and significantly reduce our debt.
Derivatives and hedging
Harmony continues to enjoy favourable commodity and foreign exchange pricing on the unhedged portion of its exposure, while locking in higher prices as part of its derivative programme when available. For the current period we recorded a net gain of R902 million (US$56 million) compared to a R157 million (US$11 million) gain for the six months period to December 2019 mainly due to a stronger Rand:US$ exchange rate.
Since the inception of the derivative programmes in FY16, these programmes have realised net gains of R159 million (US$10 million). Going forward we will be more selective before entering into hedges only hedging when a margin of 25% above cost and inflation can be locked in.


Growing our ounces
The strong performance in H1FY21 provided Harmony with an opportunity to accelerate some of our key strategic financial objectives which include cash certainty, debt reduction and balance sheet flexibility.
Harmony has successfully integrated Mponeng and related assets as from 1 October 2020. The integration of these assets into our portfolio is expected to increase group resources by 43% to 169.8 million ounces from 118.6 million ounces and group mineral reserves by 20% to 43.8 million ounces from 36.5 million ounces (as per AngloGold Ashanti Limited mineral resources declaration as at December 2019). We also expect these assets potentially to enhance our near-term production by approximately 275 000oz to 282 000oz for FY21 based on 9-month production figures as well as potential other surface and service synergies (subject to further feasibility studies).
Harmony is now one of the largest processors of tailings and waste rock dumps globally after our acquisition of Mine Waste Solutions. This is a compelling opportunity for Harmony due to surface source assets being safe, low-risk, long-life assets, with increased margins and ensuring diversification of our asset portfolio.
There are a number of exploration projects underway which include extending the life of some of our mines both in South Africa and PNG. All projects are carefully assessed to establish if the returns will meet our criteria for capital deployment.
Our strong balance sheet affords us flexibility to pursue our strategic growth objectives through mergers and acquisitions, alongside our pipeline of organic projects, while at the same sharing returns with investors.
Wafi-Golpu Project
In December 2020, following a rigorous environmental impact assessment, the Environmental Permit for the Wafi-Golpu Project was approved by the Papua New Guinean Conservation and Environment Protection Authority and issued by the Director of Environment.
The Environmental Permit is required under the Papua New Guinean Environment Act and is a prerequisite for the grant of a Special Mining Lease under the Mining Act. Harmony, together with its Wafi-Golpu Joint Venture partner, Newcrest Mining Limited, look forward to re-engaging with the State of Papua New Guinea and progressing discussions on the Special Mining Lease.
Interim dividend
Harmony has reviewed its existing dividend policy and is pleased to confirm a more definitive policy aimed at paying a return of 20% of net free cash generated to shareholders. The new dividend policy is aimed at being more predictable, meaningful and sustainable. While the dividend policy is reviewed every two years, the payment of a dividend will be at the discretion of the board and will be decided on every six months.
When declaring a dividend, the board of directors will take the following into account: future major capital expenditure, net debt to EBITDA not being greater than 1.0x, solvency and liquidity requirements in line with the SA Companies Act and current banking covenants.
As a result of a significant reduction in net debt, it was deemed appropriate to return cash to shareholders. As such, we are pleased to announce that Harmony has declared an interim dividend of 110 SA cents (7.5 US cents) per share on the back of our strong free cash flow. This translates to a dividend yield of approximately 2% based on our recent share price. The decision to pay a dividend was made on the basis that it will be sustainable and will not inhibit future expansion opportunities. See page 7 for details.

Following the integration of the newly acquired Mponeng mine and related assets, and taking into account the amended plan at Target, production guidance for FY21 is expected to be between 1.56Moz and 1.6Moz at an all-in sustaining cost of between R700 000/kg and R720 000/kg (previously 1.26Moz to 1.3Moz at an all-in sustaining cost of between R690 000/kg to R710 000/kg). Underground recovered grade is expected to increase from between 5.47g/t and 5.64g/t (previously 5.47g/t to 5.5g/t).
Harmony remains committed to safely operating our mines and expanding our reserves and margins while delivering on our ESG objectives.
The optimisation of existing and new operations, combined with a deployable war chest and a robust balance sheet ensures we remain well-positioned to take advantage of a higher gold price while delivering positive shareholder returns throughout the cycle.
As we move into the next phase of our growth plans, we will continue to service our communities, stakeholders and employees by doing what we know best – mining gold.

Peter Steenkamp
Chief executive officer

Our dividend declaration for the six months ended 31 December 2020 is as follows:
Declaration of interim gross cash ordinary dividend no. 89
The Board has approved, and notice is hereby given, that an interim gross cash dividend of 110 SA cents (7.5 US cents*) per ordinary share in respect of the six months ended 31 December 2020, has been declared payable to the registered shareholders of Harmony on Monday, 19 April 2021.
In accordance with paragraphs 11.17(a)(i) to (x) and 11.17(c) of the JSE Listings Requirements the following additional information is disclosed:
The dividend has been declared out of income reserves;
The local Dividend Withholding Tax rate is 20% (twenty percent);
The gross local dividend amount is 110 SA cents (7.5 US cents*) per ordinary share for shareholders exempt from the Dividend Withholding Tax;
The net local dividend amount is 88 SA cents per ordinary share for shareholders liable to pay the Dividend Withholding Tax;
Harmony currently has 616 052 197 ordinary shares in issue (which includes 6 154 630 treasury shares); and
Harmony’s income tax reference number is 9240/012/60/0.
A dividend No. 89 of 110 SA cents (7.5 US cents*) per ordinary share, being the dividend for the six months ended 31 December 2020, has been declared payable on Monday 19 April 2021 to those shareholders recorded in the books of the company at the close of business on Friday, 16 April 2021. The dividend is declared in the currency of the Republic of South Africa. Any change in address or dividend instruction to apply to this dividend must be received by the company’s transfer secretaries or registrar not later than Friday, 9 April 2021.
In compliance with the requirements of Strate Proprietary Limited (Strate) and the JSE Listings
Requirements, the salient dates for payment of the dividend are as follows:
Last date to trade ordinary shares cum-dividend is Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Ordinary shares trade ex-dividend Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Record date Friday, 16 April 2021
Payment date Monday, 19 April 2021
No dematerialisation or rematerialisation of share certificates may occur between Wednesday, 14 April 2021 and Friday, 16 April 2021, both dates inclusive, nor may any transfers between registers take place during this period.
On payment date, dividends due to holders of certificated securities on the SA share register will either be electronically transferred to such shareholders' bank accounts or, in the absence of suitable mandates, dividends will be held in escrow by Harmony until suitable mandates are received to electronically transfer dividends to such shareholders.
Dividends in respect of dematerialised shareholdings will be credited to such shareholders' accounts with the relevant Central Securities Depository Participant (CSDP) or broker.
The holders of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) should confirm dividend details with the depository bank. Assuming an exchange rate of R14.64/US$1* the dividend payable on an ADR is equivalent to US7.5 cents for ADR holders before dividend tax. However, the actual rate of payment will depend on the exchange rate on the date for currency conversion.
*Based on an exchange rate of R14.64/US$1 at 19 February 2021. However, the actual rate of payment will depend on the exchange rate on the date for currency conversion.

Six months ended SOUTH AFRICA Hidden
Mponeng Kusasalethu Doornkop Bambanani Masimong Target 1 Joel Unisel³ TOTAL
Mine waste solution Dumps Phoenix Central
Kalgold TOTAL
Ore milled - t'000 Dec-20 440 733 228 375 445 117 258 280 169 57 3 102 5 904 4 249 3 091 1 970 758 15 972 19 074 1 789 20 863
Dec-19 456 889 349 381 123 311 305 233 136 3 183 1 831 3 208 2 010 813 7 862 11 045 2 039 13 084
Yield - g/tonne Dec-20 8.47 4.71 8.22 6.15 4.36 8.97 3.85 3.65 4.05 4.33 5.58 0.138 0.392 0.132 0.144 0.75 0.23 1.10 1.20 1.11
Dec-19 8.74 5.04 4.72 4.28 10.54 3.88 3.72 3.67 4.31 5.29 0.348 0.132 0.158 0.78 0.26 1.71 1.26 1.64
Gold produced - kg Dec-20 3 725 3 453 1 874 2 305 1 940 1 050 994 1 021 685 247 17 294 812 1 665 408 284 572 3 741 21 035 2 148 23 183
Dec-19 3 987 4 479 1 648 1 632 1 297 1 208 1 136 855 586 16 828 637 424 318 630 2 009 18 837 2 574 21 411
Gold sold - kg Dec-20 3 781 3 461 1 844 2 358 1 952 1 050 997 1 040 686 242 17 411 783 1 634 413 286 575 3 691 21 102 2 207 23 309
Dec-19 4 135 4 577 1 738 1 693 1 325 1 235 1 135 874 598 17 310 655 420 321 619 2 015 19 325 2 644 21 969
Gold price received - R/kg Dec-20 900 063 895 441 946 900 892 801 899 556 901 210 840 110 908 572 899 453 925 979 900 545 778 243 911 155 827 370 899 189 909 548 872 407 895 623 905 797 896 587
Dec-19 690 255 686 268 684 306 688 947 686 535 662 309 653 573 685 330 664 405 682 650 685 690 662 221 682 255 689 197 681 329 682 512 687 879 683 158
Gold revenue¹ (R'000) Dec-20 3 403 140 3 099 123 1 746 084 2 105 225 1 755 933 946 270 837 590 944 915 617 025 224 087 15 679 392 728 168 1 488 827 341 704 257 168 522 990 3 338 857 19 018 249 1 999 093 21 017 342
Dec-19 2 854 206 3 141 050 1 189 323 1 166 388 909 659 817 951 741 805 598 978 397 314 11 816 674 449 127 278 133 219 004 426 613 1 372 877 13 189 551 1 818 752 15 008 303
Cash operating cost (net of by-product credits) (R'000) Dec-20 1 966 107 2 494 857 981 069 1 553 978 1 093 137 593 921 717 265 840 041 572 059 178 154 10 990 588 379 369 894 883 198 590 140 120 394 666 2 007 628 12 998 216 819 943 13 818 159
Dec-19 1 740 731 2 260 572 1 352 242 881 277 549 204 667 373 762 800 534 254 313 661 9 062 114 337 437 185 567 115 329 363 288 1 001 621 10 063 735 623 324 10 687 059
Inventory movement (R'000) Dec-20 62 139 535 111 367 47 160 5 208 (197) (2 091) 10 087 (178) 3 679 237 709 95 812 33 269 1 855 (62) 899 131 773 369 482 50 232 419 714
Dec-19 54 377 49 859 40 645 41 924 15 434 16 607 (2 292) 11 404 6 837 234 795 5 097 (1 397) 968 (7 529) (2 861) 231 934 (21 131) 210 803
Operating costs (R'000) Dec-20 2 028 246 2 495 392 1 092 436 1 601 138 1 098 345 593 724 715 174 850 128 571 881 181 833 11 228 297 475 181 928 152 200 445 140 058 395 565 2 139 401 13 367 698 870 175 14 237 873
Dec-19 1 795 108 2 310 431 1 392 887 923 201 564 638 683 980 760 508 545 658 320 498 9 296 909 342 534 184 170 116 297 355 759 998 760 10 295 669 602 193 10 897 862
Production profit (R'000) Dec-20 1 374 894 603 731 653 648 504 087 657 588 352 546 122 416 94 787 45 144 42 254 4 451 095 252 987 560 675 141 259 117 110 127 425 1 199 456 5 650 551 1 128 918 6 779 469
Dec-19 1 059 098 830 619 (203 564) 243 187 345 021 133 971 (18 703) 53 320 76 816 2 519 765 106 593 93 963 102 707 70 854 374 117 2 893 882 1 216 559 4 110 441
Capital expenditure (R'000) Dec-20 294 292 463 848 218 016 90 723 225 131 33 187 11 182 182 818 87 538 1 606 735 33 791 24 205 1 163 6 380 83 976 149 515 1 756 250 584 751 2 341 001
Dec-19 297 502 571 512 118 423 167 432 31 004 16 863 191 557 91 449 4 714 1 490 456 2 951 4 099 27 229 34 279 1 524 735 705 513 2 230 248
Cash operating costs - R/kg Dec-20 527 814 722 519 523 516 674 177 563 473 565 639 721 595 822 763 835 123 721 271 635 515 467 203 537 467 486 740 493 380 689 976 536 655 617 933 381 724 596 047
Dec-19 436 602 504 705 820 535 539 998 423 442 552 461 671 479 624 858 535 258 538 514 529 728 437 658 362 670 576 648 498 567 534 254 242 162 499 139
Cash operating costs - R/tonne Dec-20 4 468 3 404 4 303 4 144 2 456 5 076 2 780 3 000 3 385 3 126 3 543 64 211 64 71 521 126 681 458 662
Dec-19 3 817 2 543 3 875 2 313 4 465 2 146 2 501 2 293 2 306 2 847 184 58 57 447 127 911 306 817
Cash operating cost
and Capital
- R/kg Dec-20 606 819 856 851 639 853 713 536 679 520 597 246 732 844 1 001 821 962 915 721 271 728 422 508 818 552 005 489 591 515 845 836 787 576 622 701 425 653 954 697 026
Dec-19 511 220 632 303 892 394 642 591 447 346 566 421 840 103 731 816 543 302 627 084 529 728 444 618 375 560 619 868 515 630 615 197 516 254 603 302
All-in sustaining cost - R/kg Dec-20 607 898 856 918 724 776 730 735 635 501 611 982 753 167 971 069 974 546 782 126 736 634 659 840 582 838 489 149 512 021 849 856 624 799 716 892 705 748 715 837
Dec-19 506 622 634 687 893 959 637 401 466 079 586 439 818 370 725 952 561 704 628 175 522 953 445 526 369 935 638 831 518 035 616 635 527 531 605 911
Operating free cash flow margin² % Dec-20 34  % 5  % 31  % 22  % 25  % 34  % 13  % (8) % (7) % 20  % 20  % 32  % 38  % 42  % 43  % 7  % 33  % 22  % 28  % 22  %
Dec-19 29  % 10  % —  % (24) % 10  % 36  % 16  % (29) % (4) % 20  % 11  % —  % 25  % 32  % 45  % % 24  % 12  % 17  % 13  %
¹Includes a non-cash consideration related to the streaming arrangement (refer to note 12) (Dec-20:R118.804m) under Mine Waste Solutions, excluded from the gold price calculation.
²Excludes run of mine costs for Kalgold (Dec-20:-R5.862m, Dec-19:-R3.499m) and Hidden Valley (Dec-20:-R31.984m, Dec-19:-R182.313m).
³The Unisel operation closed in October 2020.
8 9

Mponeng Kusasalethu Doornkop Bambanani Masimong Target 1 Joel Unisel³ TOTAL
Mine waste solutions Dumps Phoenix Central
Kalgold TOTAL
Ore milled - t'000 Dec-20 485 808 251 413 491 129 285 308 187 63 3 420 6 510 4 686 3 409 2 173 836 17 614 21 034 1 973 23 007
Dec-19 503 980 385 420 136 343 336 257 150 3 510 2 019 3 537 2 217 897 8 670 12 180 2 248 14 428
Yield - oz/ton Dec-20 0.247 0.137 0.240 0.179 0.127 0.262 0.112 0.107 0.118 0.126 0.163 0.004 0.011 0.004 0.004 0.022 0.007 0.032 0.035 0.032
Dec-19 0.255 0.147 0.138 0.125 0.307 0.113 0.109 0.107 0.126 0.154 0.010 0.004 0.005 0.023 0.007 0.050 0.037 0.048
Gold produced - oz Dec-20 119 761 111 016 60 250 74 107 62 372 33 758 31 958 32 825 22 023 7 941 556 011 26 106 53 531 13 118 9 131 18 390 120 276 676 287 69 060 745 347
Dec-19 128 185 144 003 52 984 52 470 41 699 38 838 36 523 27 489 18 841 541 032 20 480 13 632 10 224 20 255 64 591 605 623 82 756 688 379
Gold sold - oz Dec-20 121 562 111 274 59 286 75 811 62 758 33 758 32 054 33 437 22 055 7 780 559 775 25 174 52 534 13 279 9 195 18 487 118 669 678 444 70 956 749 400
Dec-19 132 943 147 153 55 878 54 431 42 600 39 706 36 491 28 100 19 226 556 528 21 059 13 503 10 320 19 902 64 784 621 312 85 006 706 318
Gold price received - $/oz Dec-20 1 723 1 714 1 813 1 709 1 722 1 725 1 608 1 739 1 722 1 773 1 724 1 490 1 744 1 584 1 721 1 741 1 670 1 715 1 734 1 716
Dec-19 1 462 1 453 1 449 1 459 1 454 1 403 1 384 1 451 1 407 1 446 1 452 1 402 1 445 1 459 1 443 1 445 1 457 1 447
Gold revenue¹ ($'000) Dec-20 209 464 190 752 107 472 129 577 108 078 58 243 51 554 58 160 37 978 13 793 965 071 44 818 91 638 21 032 15 829 32 190 205 507 1 170 578 123 045 1 293 623
Dec-19 194 330 213 860 80 976 79 414 61 935 55 691 50 506 40 782 27 051 804 545 30 579 18 937 14 911 29 046 93 473 898 018 123 831 1 021 849
Cash operating cost (net of by-product credits) ($'000) Dec-20 121 014 153 559 60 385 95 648 67 283 36 556 44 148 51 705 35 210 10 965 676 473 23 350 55 080 12 223 8 624 24 291 123 568 800 041 50 467 850 508
Dec-19 118 518 153 912 92 068 60 002 37 393 45 438 51 935 36 375 21 355 616 996 22 975 12 634 7 852 24 735 68 196 685 192 42 439 727 631
Inventory movement ($'000) Dec-20 3 825 33 6 855 2 903 321 (12) (129) 621 (11) 226 14 632 5 897 2 048 114 (4) 55 8 110 22 742 3 092 25 834
Dec-19 3 702 3 395 2 767 2 854 1 051 1 131 (156) 776 466 15 986 347 (95) 66 (513) (195) 15 791 (1 439) 14 352
Operating costs ($'000) Dec-20 124 839 153 592 67 240 98 551 67 604 36 544 44 019 52 326 35 199 11 191 691 105 29 247 57 128 12 337 8 620 24 346 131 678 822 783 53 559 876 342
Dec-19 122 220 157 307 94 835 62 856 38 444 46 569 51 779 37 151 21 821 632 982 23 322 12 539 7 918 24 222 68 001 700 983 41 000 741 983
Production profit ($'000) Dec-20 84 625 37 160 40 232 31 026 40 474 21 699 7 535 5 834 2 779 2 602 273 966 15 571 34 510 8 695 7 209 7 844 73 829 347 795 69 486 417 281
Dec-19 72 110 56 553 (13 859) 16 558 23 491 9 122 (1 273) 3 631 5 230 171 563 7 257 6 398 6 993 4 824 25 472 197 035 82 831 279 866
Capital expenditure ($'000) Dec-20 18 114 28 551 13 418 5 584 13 856 2 043 688 11 252 5 388 98 894 2 080 1 490 72 393 5 169 9 204 108 098 35 991 144 089
Dec-19 20 255 38 911 8 062 11 399 2 110 1 148 13 042 6 226 321 101 474 201 279 1 853 2 333 103 807 48 035 151 842
Cash operating cost - $/oz Dec-20 1 010 1 383 1 002 1 291 1 079 1 083 1 381 1 575 1 599 1 381 1 217 894 1 029 932 944 1 321 1 027 1 183 731 1 141
Dec-19 925 1 069 1 738 1 144 897 1 170 1 422 1 323 1 133 1 140 1 122 927 768 1 221 1 056 1 131 513 1 057
Cash operating costs - $/t Dec-20 250 190 241 232 137 283 155 168 188 174 198 4 12 4 4 29 7 38 26 37
Dec-19 236 157 239 143 275 132 155 142 142 176 11 4 4 28 8 56 19 50
Cash operating cost
and Capital
- $/oz Dec-20 1 162 1 640 1 225 1 366 1 301 1 143 1 403 1 918 1 843 1 381 1 395 974 1 057 937 988 1 602 1 104 1 343 1 252 1 334
Dec-19 1 083 1 339 1 890 1 361 947 1 199 1 779 1 550 1 150 1 328 1 122 942 795 1 313 1 092 1 303 1 093 1 278
All-in sustaining cost - $/oz Dec-20 1 164 1 641 1 388 1 399 1 217 1 172 1 442 1 859 1 866 1 497 1 410 1 263 1 116 936 980 1 627 1 196 1 372 1 361 1 370
Dec-19 1 073 1 344 1 893 1 350 987 1 242 1 733 1 537 1 190 1 330 1 107 943 783 1 353 1 097 1 306 1 113 1 283
Operating free cash flow margin² % Dec-20 34  % 5  % 31  % 22  % 25  % 34  % 13  % (8) % (7) % 20  % 20  % 32  % 38  % 42  % 43  % 7  % 33  % 22  % 28  % 22  %
Dec-19 29  % 10  % —  % (24) % 10  % 36  % 16  % (29) % (4) % 20  % 11  % —  % 25  % 32  % 45  % % 24  % 12  % 17  % 13  %
¹Includes a non-cash consideration related to the streaming arrangement (refer to note 12) (Dec-20:US$7.312m) under Mine Waste Solutions, excluded from the gold price calculation.
²Excludes run of mine costs for Kalgold (Dec-20:-US$0.361m, Dec-19:-US$0.238m) and Hidden Valley (Dec-20:-US$1.969m, Dec-19:-US$12.413m).
³The Unisel operation closed in October 2020.
10 11


Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million Notes 31 December
31 December
30 June
Revenue 4 21 588  15 477  29 245 
Cost of sales 5 (16 922) (13 498) (25 908)
Production costs (14 808) (11 366) (22 048)
Amortisation and depreciation (1 816) (1 926) (3 508)
Other items (298) (206) (352)
Gross profit 4 666  1 979  3 337 
Corporate, administration and other expenditure 6 (535) (339) (611)
Exploration expenditure (76) (127) (205)
Gains/(losses) on derivatives 10 902  157  (1 678)
Foreign exchange translation gain/(loss)
652  36  (892)
Other operating expenses 1 (45) (72) (309)
Operating profit/(loss) 5 564  1 634  (358)
Gain on bargain purchase 13 1 153  —  — 
Acquisition costs 13 (111) —  (45)
Share of profits from associates 65  51  94 
Investment income 240  144  375 
Finance costs (327) (340) (661)
Profit/(loss) before taxation 6 584  1 489  (595)
Taxation 7 (772) (157) (255)
Current taxation (325) (60) (58)
Deferred taxation (447) (97) (197)
Net profit/(loss) for the period 5 812  1 332  (850)
Attributable to:
Non-controlling interest 27  —  28 
Owners of the parent 5 785  1 332  (878)
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share (cents) 8
Basic earnings/(loss) 966  249  (164)
Diluted earnings/(loss) 943  240  (166)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.

The condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 31 December 2020 have been prepared by Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited’s corporate reporting team headed by Michelle Kriel CA(SA). This process was supervised by the financial director, Boipelo Lekubo CA(SA) and approved by the board of Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited on 23 February 2021. These condensed consolidated financial statements have been reviewed by the group's external auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated.


Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million Notes 31 December
31 December
30 June
Net profit/(loss) for the period 5 812  1 332  (850)
Other comprehensive income for the period, net of income tax 1 740  (244) (1 958)
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: 1 729  (263) (1 998)
Foreign exchange translation gain/(loss) (1 123) (85) 1 199 
Remeasurement of gold hedging contracts 10 2 852  (178) (3 197)
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss: 11  19  40 
Gain on assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 11  19  25 
Remeasurement of retirement benefit obligation
Actuarial gain/(loss) recognised during the period   —  17 
Deferred taxation thereon   —  (2)
Total comprehensive income for the period 7 552  1 088  (2 808)
Attributable to:
Non-controlling interest 42  —  12 
Owners of the parent 7 510  1 088  (2 820)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.
*Refer to note 2 for detail. The restated amounts are unaudited.

Figures in million Share capital Accumulated loss Other
Non-controlling interest Total
Balance – 1 July 2020 32 937  (12 583) 3 017  4  23 375 
Share issue costs (2)       (2)
Share-based payments     90    90 
Partial purchase of non-controlling interest     (4) (1) (5)
Net profit for the period   5 785    27  5 812 
Other comprehensive income for the period     1 725  15  1 740 
Dividends paid       (1) (1)
Balance – 31 December 2020 32 935  (6 798) 4 828  44  31 009 
Balance – 1 July 2019 29 551  (11 710) 4 773  —  22 614 
Share-based payments —  —  90  —  90 
Recognition of non-controlling interest —  —  (5) — 
Net profit for the period —  1 332  —  —  1 332 
Other comprehensive income for the period —  —  (244) —  (244)
Balance – 31 December 2019 29 551  (10 373) 4 619  (5) 23 792 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.

At At At
Figures in million Notes 31 December
30 June
31 December
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 9 35 180  29 186  28 209 
Intangible assets 9 542  536  534 
Restricted cash 137  107  100 
Restricted investments 13 4 933  3 535  3 386 
Investments in associates 149  146  102 
Inventories 47  47  43 
Deferred tax assets 7 312  531  — 
Other non-current assets 382  388  372 
Derivative financial assets 10 613  50  203 
Total non-current assets 42 295  34 526  32 949 
Current assets
Inventories 2 199  2 421  1 953 
Restricted cash 72  62  55 
Trade and other receivables 1 485  1 308  1 311 
Derivative financial assets 10 718  18  536 
Cash and cash equivalents 4 217  6 357  1 250 
Total current assets 8 691  10 166  5 105 
Total assets 50 986  44 692  38 054 
Share capital and reserves
Attributable to equity holders of the parent company 30 965  23 371  23 797 
Share capital 32 935  32 937  29 551 
Other reserves 4 828  3 017  4 619 
Accumulated loss (6 798) (12 583) (10 373)
Non-controlling interest 44  (5)
Total equity 31 009  23 375  23 792 
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities 7 1 810  996  750 
Provision for environmental rehabilitation 13 4 752  3 408  3 151 
Provision for silicosis settlement 663  717  737 
Retirement benefit obligation 226  193  205 
Borrowings 11 4 407  7 463  5 454 
Contingent consideration liability 13 237  —  — 
Other non-current liabilities 127  101  86 
Derivative financial liabilities 10 115  879  162 
Streaming contract liability 12 933  —  — 
Total non-current liabilities 13 270  13 757  10 545 
Current liabilities
Provision for silicosis settlement 175  175  175 
Borrowings 11 390  255  86 
Trade and other payables 13 4 125  3 006  2 925 
Derivative financial liabilities 10 1 627  4 124  531 
Streaming contract liability 12 390  —  — 
Total current liabilities 6 707  7 560  3 717 
Total equity and liabilities 50 986  44 692  38 054 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed financial statements

Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million Notes 31 December
31 December
30 June
Cash generated by operations 6 070  2 928  5 031 
Dividends received 45  —  — 
Interest received 33  37  86 
Interest paid (171) (164) (370)
Income and mining taxes paid 7 (198) (68) (24)
Cash generated from operating activities 5 779  2 733  4 723 
Increase in restricted cash (23) (15) (21)
Amounts refunded from restricted investments 34 
Redemption of preference shares from associates 36  59  59 
Acquisition of the Mponeng operations and related assets 13 (3 363) —  — 
Capital distributions from investments 8  — 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 4 
Additions to property, plant and equipment 15 (2 366) (2 270) (3 610)
Cash utilised by investing activities (5 670) (2 223) (3 558)
Borrowings raised 11   4 741  6 541 
Borrowings repaid 11 (2 126) (5 009) (5 661)
Proceeds from the issue of shares   —  3 466 
Share issue costs (2) —  — 
Lease payments (30) (17) (38)
Partial repurchase of non-controlling interest (5) —  — 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (1) —  (3)
Cash generated from/(utilised by) financing activities (2 164) (285) 4 305 
Foreign currency translation adjustments (85) 32  (106)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (2 140) 257  5 364 
Cash and cash equivalents – beginning of period 6 357  993  993 
Cash and cash equivalents – end of period 4 217  1 250  6 357 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.

Basis of accounting
The condensed consolidated financial statements for the interim reporting period ended 31 December 2020 has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, the recognition and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, the SAICA Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the Accounting practices Committee, Financial Reporting Pronouncements as issued by the Financial Reporting Standards Council, JSE Listings Requirements and in the manner required by the Companies Act no. 71 of 2008 of South Africa. The interim report does not include all the notes of the type normally included in an annual financial report. Accordingly, this report is to be read in conjunction with the annual report for the year ended 30 June 2020 and any public announcements made by Harmony during the interim reporting period. The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year and corresponding interim reporting period. There were no new standards, amendments to standards or interpretations that became effective that had a material impact on the group's results or financial position.
Foreign exchange translation gain/(loss) has been presented separately in the income statement. The amounts were previously included as part of other operating income/(expenses). Other operating income/(expenses) has been represented in all periods presented.
The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.
Subsequent to the release of the financial results for the six months ended 31 December 2019 management identified a classification error on the 'Foreign exchange translation gain/(loss)', the 'Unrealised gain/(loss) on gold contracts' and the 'Gain on asset measured at fair value through other comprehensive income' line items in the statement of other comprehensive income. The impact of the correction of the error on the December 2019 statement of comprehensive income is disclosed below:
Statement of comprehensive income
For the six months ended 31 December 2019
Figures in million Previously
Correction Restated
Other comprehensive income for the period, net of income tax (244) —  (244)
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: (244) (19) (263)
Foreign exchange translation gain/(loss) (402) 317  (85)
Gain on assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 19  (19) — 
Remeasurement of gold hedging contracts
   Unrealised gain/(loss) on gold contracts (227) (317) (544)
   Released to revenue 317  —  317 
Deferred taxation thereon 49  —  49 
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss: —  19  19 
Gain on assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income —  19  19 
The error, and subsequent correction, net each other off within other comprehensive income and are limited to the line items mentioned. The net profit, other comprehensive income and total comprehensive income line items for the period were not impacted, nor were any earnings amounts, the cash flow statement or any other statement or other disclosure within the financial statements.

South Africa
The national lockdown that began on 27 March 2020 to curb the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and allow the country time in which to prepare for the demands the pandemic would have on its health care system is still in place. Harmony continues with the risk assessment-based COVID-19 prevention strategy which was rolled out across all of its operations before the lockdown was announced. This approach has allowed management to identify, evaluate and rank the hazards associated with any exposures to COVID-19 and potential infections. It has allowed the company to reduce or eliminate the probability of an employee contracting COVID-19 and to limit the severity should an employee be infected.
Harmony’s COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been adopted and rolled out, ensuring a safe return to work and work environment for each of its employees. The SOP was informed by guidelines provided by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, the National Council for Infectious Diseases and the World Health Organisation.
All requisite staffing, facilities and equipment are in place to ensure continuous rigorous screening of employees at work, as well as isolate or quarantine employees infected by or exposed to COVID-19, with subsequent testing and treatment. Management adapt the approach continuously as more information becomes available and new best practices evolve.
Papua New Guinea
Harmony’s Hidden Valley mine in Papua New Guinea has continued to operate during the COVID-19 State of Emergency declared in that country, however restrictions on international travel and the implementation of strict COVID-19 control protocols, required longer employee rosters, which includes rostered days off on site to manage fatigue, which has negatively impacted productivity. Work is being done to mitigate this impact. The delivery of essential supplies to the mine has continued, with strict isolation control measures in place. All non-essential staff have been removed from site and certain activities and expenditures have been curtailed to focus on safe, profitable operations during the pandemic. Protocols were adopted to allow the safe movement of personnel to and from site during this period.
During November and December 2020, several pharmaceutical companies announced the successful development of vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus. At the time, this was considered a crucial tipping point in protecting people and preventing infections in future. However, the subsequent discovery of several mutations, or variants, worldwide is very concerning, given how quickly these occurred and whether the vaccines would still be effective against these variants.
Governments around the world are rolling out vaccine programmes, including South Africa. The initial draft of the roll-out approach includes essential workers in the second tier. South African miners have been classified as essential workers and would therefore be eligible for vaccination, along with other people in this category, following the vaccination of healthcare workers. Harmony is working together with its peers in the mining industry to consider options for the roll-out and if there are opportunities to extend this to the communities that they operate in.
Due to the high level of uncertainty and lack of official information, management is unable to reliably estimate when the roll-out would occur. Possible estimations of timelines for a government-led roll-out would be for the second tier to be vaccinated by December 2021, at best, with a possible worst-case by June 2022. This is without considering any potential negation of the effectiveness by the current and future variants.
Financial risk management
The effects of COVID-19 and other macro developments have increased financial risks such as exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price volatility, while also impacting on liquidity and credit risk. Management has put various measures in place to mitigate and/or manage the risks and continues monitoring the situation closely. Refer to note 14 for additional detail.
Market impact
Exchange rates
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rand has weakened significantly from the beginning of the 2020 calendar year. The Rand has since recovered from its weakest level at the beginning of April 2020 of R19.05/US$ to close at R14.69 on 31 December 2020. The Rand strengthened against the Australian dollar from R11.96/A$1 at 30 June 2020 to R11.31/A$1 at 31 December 2020. In addition, the Papua New Guinea Kina weakened against the Australian dollar from PGK2.38/A$1 at 30 June 2020 to PGK2.74/A$1 at 31 December 2020. These movements in the currencies expose the group's operations to foreign currency gains and losses on foreign-denominated receivables and liabilities, including derivatives, and also impact the group’s translation of its international operating results and net assets into its Rand presentation currency, which resulted in a foreign exchange translation loss of R1.1 billion in other comprehensive income. In addition, a net foreign exchange translation gain of R652 million was recognised in profit or loss for the six months ended 31 December 2020, primarily on the US$ borrowings. With the announcements made during November and December 2020 on the successful development of vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus, a marked strengthening of the Rand against the US$ has occurred. The R/US$ exchange rate at 30 June 2020 and 31 October 2020 was R17.32 and R16.24, respectively and subsequently the average R/US$ exchange rates for November and December 2020 were R15.51 and R14.85, respectively.
Commodity prices
Gold prices have rallied to an all-time high following the global economic fallout of COVID-19 and ongoing geopolitical uncertainty supporting its safe haven status with investors. The US dollar gold price received increased by 19% from $1 447 per ounce in December 2019 to $1 716 per ounce for the December 2020 period. The Rand gold price received increased by 31% from R683 158 per kilogram in December 2019 to R896 587 per kilogram for the December 2020 period. Following the announcements on the successful development of vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus in November and December 2020, spot gold prices experienced a pull-back, falling at one stage to $1 777 per ounce towards the end of November 2020. This drop in spot gold prices was subsequently reversed during December 2020 with prices rising as high as $1 894 per ounce as a result of the second wave of COVID-19 infections being experienced across the world.

3.    COVID-19 IMPACT continued
Market impact continued
Interest rates
The United States of America (US) as well as South African market interest rates remain stable at the recent low levels and are expected to remain low for some time to come, as economies all over the world are still impacted by the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since the US Federal Reserve dropped the Fed Funds rate to a maximum of 0.25% in March 2020, there have been no changes to the rate. Similarly in South Africa, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has kept the repo rate at a low of 3.50% since reducing it to that level on 23 July 2020. In the first half of 2020 the SARB lowered the repo rate by 2.75% from 6.50% to 3.75%. The expectation is for interest rates to remain low as inflation is well within the target band.
Impact on production
During the initial phase of the South African national lockdown, the underground operations were placed on care and maintenance and employees returned to their homes across the country and in other SADC countries. On 1 May 2020, the underground operations were granted concessions to start producing at a maximum capacity of 50% and as of 1 June 2020, operational restrictions were lifted further to allow the mining industry to operate at 100% of its labour capacity. By 1 September 2020, Harmony had completed the recall of all operational employees.
Management continuously monitors the crew availability and adapts the production models accordingly. The December break was shortened to allow for a catch-up on development which had been delayed during Level 4 & 5 of the national lockdown. It also allowed for extra production days.
Due to the protocols put in place to deal with an employee who has potentially been exposed to the virus, the disruption to production has been minimal. The reduction of the quarantine time from 14 to 10 days has also seen a quicker return after a potential exposure. The use of the rapid antigen test during the January 2021 return-to-work process significantly improved the process as employees could be cleared for work within an hour of testing. Those with a positive test were immediately isolated for further case management.
Critical estimates and judgements
There have been no significant changes to the critical estimates and judgements for the impact of COVID-19 as at 30 June 2020. With the fair value exercise that is required for the acquisition of AngloGold Ashanti's remaining South African assets, management made certain assumptions and estimates required in the process as at 1 October 2020. These assumptions were affected by the market volatility at the time. Refer to note 13 for further detail.
Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
30 June
Revenue from contracts with customers 23 240  15 794  30 642 
22 670  15 326  29 704 
510  409  839 
60  59  99 
Consideration from streaming contract3
119  —  — 
Hedging loss4
(1 771) (317) (1 397)
Total revenue5
21 588  15 477  29 245 
1    The increase is mainly due to the acquisition of the Mponeng operations and related assets and a higher gold price. The acquired operations contributed R2.8 billion in revenue during the period. In addition, the average gold price received increased by 31% to R896 587/kg from R683 158/kg in the December 2019 six months.
2    Silver is derived from the Hidden Valley mine in Papua New Guinea. Uranium is derived from the Moab Khotsong operation.
3    Relates to the recognition of non-cash consideration recognised as part of revenue for the streaming arrangement. Refer to note 12 for further information.
4    Relates to the realised effective portion of the hedge-accounted gold derivatives. Refer to note 10 for further information.
5    A geographical analysis of revenue is provided in the segment report.

The points of transfer of control are as follows:
Gold: South Africa (excluding streaming contract)
Gold is delivered and certificate of sale is issued.
Gold and silver: Hidden Valley
Metal is collected from Hidden Valley and a confirmation of collection is sent to and accepted by the customer.
Confirmation of transfer is issued.
Streaming contract
Gold is delivered and credited into the Franco-Nevada designated gold account.

Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
30 June
Production costs – excluding royalty1
14 399  11 233  21 721 
Royalty expense2
409  133  327 
Amortisation and depreciation3
1 816  1 926  3 508 
Rehabilitation expenditure 3  47  47 
Care and maintenance cost of restructured shafts 72  73  146 
Employment termination and restructuring costs4
151  26  40 
Share-based payments 64  64  130 
Other 8  (4) (11)
Total cost of sales 16 922  13 498  25 908 
1    Production costs increased during the December 2020 period mainly due to the Mponeng operations and related assets acquisition which amounted to R2.0 billion. The remaining increase is mainly attributable to annual and inflationary increases related to labour costs, consumables and services.
2    The royalty expense increased during the December 2020 period due to increased profitability as a result of the higher gold price.
3    The completion of Stage 5 at Hidden Valley during the December 2019 quarter is the primary contributor for the period on period decrease.
4     The increase is due to a new programme for voluntary and medical severance packages offered to employees.
The amount for the six months ended 31 December 2020 increased from 31 December 2019 mainly due to higher management incentive payments and R96 million for the integration cost related to the acquisition of the Mponeng operations and related assets.
(a)    Current taxation
The increase in gains on foreign exchange derivative contracts and foreign exchange gains as well as the increase in revenue increased taxable profits and consequently the current tax expense during the December 2020 period.
(b)    Deferred taxation
Deferred tax expense
The R350 million increase in the deferred tax expense during the December 2020 period is attributable to increased net taxable temporary differences due primarily to the utilisation of the assessed losses and unredeemed capital expenditure in certain companies as a result of higher taxable profits.
Deferred tax balance
The increase in the deferred tax liability is due in part to the deferred tax balances for the Mponeng operations and related assets, with the exception of Chemwes (see below). This increase amounted to R251 million at acquisition date. The deferred tax rates for Golden Core Trade and Invest (Pty) Ltd (Mponeng) and Chemwes (Pty) Ltd (Chemwes) are 10.1% and 18.0% respectively. The inclusion of the Vaal River Closure business into Moab increased its rate from 17.3% to 20.8% which also contributed to the increase in the liability balance. The increase in taxable temporary differences, as discussed above in the deferred tax expense, and changes in the net derivative asset/(liability) position from 30 June 2020 had an impact on the majority of the companies within the group.
As at 30 June 2020 a deferred tax asset was recognised in Harmony Company and Randfontein Estates. Subsequently, the net deferred tax asset balance has decreased due to the utilisation of assessed losses, unredeemed capital expenditures and a decrease in the net derivative liability. Harmony Company's deferred tax asset balance reduced to R223 million and Randfontein Estates' asset became a deferred tax liability.
The net deferred tax asset position of Harmony Company is as follows:
Figures in million 31 December
30 June
Deductible temporary differences 750 1 079
Assessed losses 574
Total 750 1 653
Deferred tax rate 29.8  % 29.8  %
Deferred tax asset 223 492

7.    TAXATION continued
Furthermore, the newly acquired Chemwes company is in a net deferred tax asset position as disclosed below:
Figures in million 31 December
Deductible temporary differences 491
Total 491
Deferred tax rate 18.0  %
Deferred tax asset 88
Due to the higher short-term Rand gold price it is probable that sufficient future taxable profits will be available against which the remaining deductible temporary differences existing at the reporting date can be utilised. Consequently, a deferred tax asset continues to be recognised for Harmony Company and the Chemwes Company.
Six months ended Year ended
31 December
31 December
30 June
Weighted average number of shares (million) 599  535  535 
Weighted average number of diluted shares (million) 613  549  547 
Total earnings/(loss) per share (cents):
Basic earnings/(loss) 966  249  (164)
Diluted earnings/(loss) 943  240  (166)
Headline earnings/(loss) 775  249  (154)
Diluted headline earnings/(loss) 758  240  (157)
Reconciliation of headline earnings:
Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
30 June
Net profit/(loss) for the period attributable to owners of the parent 5 785  1 332  (878)
Adjusted for:
Gain on bargain purchase1
(1 153) —  — 
Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment (4) (1) (2)
Taxation effect on profit on sale of property, plant and equipment 1  —  — 
Loss on scrapping of property, plant and equipment 19  —  62 
Taxation effect on loss on scrapping of property, plant and equipment (4) —  (10)
Headline earnings/(loss) 4 644  1 331  (828)
1 There is no tax effect on this item.
The major movements in property, plant and equipment are related to the acquisition of AngloGold Ashanti Limited's remaining South African producing assets and related liabilities Refer to note 13 for further information on the acquisition.
At 31 December 2020, management performed an assessment for potential indicators of impairment of assets in terms of IAS 36, Impairment of Assets. The following operations were considered to have such indicators due to the specific circumstances experienced during the six months since the last impairment assessment:
Target 1 – Production was severely hampered by a collapse of infrastructure and spillover issues resulting from the collapse. A revised life-of-mine plan for the remaining portion of FY21 has been approved by the board of directors.
Bambanani – Grade was lower than planned due to the interception of a lower grade block sooner than expected. Seismicity is a risk due to the nature of the mining.
Joel – Grade and kilograms produced is the main reason for the loss for the six months, due to mining discipline.

These circumstances were considered to be impairment triggers and an impairment test was performed. All key assumptions disclosed remained the same as at 30 June 2020, with the exception of the discount rates for Bambanani and Target 1, which were adjusted for additional risk factors that are not included in the cash flows. The gold price was also increased to the following prices:
Short term
Year 1
Medium term
Year 2
Medium term
Year 3
Long term
Year 4
Gold price (R/kg) 938 000  895 000  805 000  700 000 
The recoverable amounts of these assets have been determined on a fair value less costs to sell basis. These are fair value measurements classified as level 3.
Based on the impairment tests performed, no impairments were recorded for the period under review. On assessing for a potential reversal of previously recognised impairment losses, management concluded, similarly to the position at 30 June 2020, that although on an overall basis the gold price had improved from the time that the impairment losses had been recognised, the specific circumstances that led to the original impairments had not reversed. Management also considered the level of uncertainty of the impact of COVID-19 on production and therefore on the cash flows. Due to the volatility embedded in the potential upside driven by the higher gold prices in the short to medium term, coupled with the fact that the factors resulting in the previously recognised impairment losses had not reversed, management resolved it to be appropriate for no reversal of previously recognised impairment losses to be recorded for the period under review.
One of the most significant assumptions that influences the life-of-mine plans and therefore the impairment assessment is the expected commodity prices. The sensitivity scenario of a 10% decrease in the commodity price used in the discounted cash flow models and the resource values used (with all other variables held constant) would have resulted in the following impairment being recorded as at 31 December 2020:
Joel – a 10% decrease in the gold price would have resulted in a R77 million impairment charge being recorded.
Figures in million Rand gold hedging contracts (a) US$ gold hedging contracts US$ silver contracts Foreign exchange contracts Rand gold derivative contracts Total
As at 31 December 2020 (Reviewed)
Derivative financial assets 811  10    510    1 331 
Non-current 508  8    97    613 
Current 303  2    413    718 
Derivative financial liabilities (1 203) (290) (180) (8) (61) (1 742)
Non-current (22) (45) (48)     (115)
Current (1 181) (245) (132) (8) (61) (1 627)
Net derivative financial instruments (392) (280) (180) 502  (61) (411)
Unamortised day one net loss included above 30  10        40 
Unrealised losses included in other reserves, net of tax 287  271        558 
Realised losses included in revenue (1 595) (176)       (1 771)
Unrealised gains/(losses) on gold contracts recognised in other comprehensive income 1 670  (164)       1 506 
Gains/(losses) on derivatives     (274) 1 105  101  932 
Day one loss amortisation (26) (4)       (30)
Total gains/(losses) on derivatives (26) (4) (274) 1 105  101  902 
Hedge effectiveness
Changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument used as the basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness 1 670  (164)       1 506 
Changes in the fair value of the hedged item used as the basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness (1 670) 164        (1 506)
(a)     Rand gold hedging contracts
All Rand gold forward contracts entered into after 1 October 2020 were apportioned to the Mponeng operation and will share in the gains and losses on those apportioned contracts.

Figures in million Rand gold hedging contracts (a) US$ gold hedging contracts US$ silver contracts Foreign exchange contracts Rand gold derivative contracts Total
As at 31 December 2019 (Reviewed)
Derivative financial assets 104  13  —  622  —  739 
Non-current 86  —  109  —  203 
Current 18  —  513  —  536 
Derivative financial liabilities (564) (109) (6) —  (14) (693)
Non-current (142) (19) (1) —  —  (162)
Current (422) (90) (5) —  (14) (531)
Net derivative financial instruments (460) (96) (6) 622  (14) 46 
Unamortised day one net loss included above 24  13  —  —  —  37 
Realised gains/(losses) included in other reserves (289) (28) —  —  —  (317)
Unrealised losses included in other comprehensive income1
464  80  —  —  —  544 
Gains included in gains on derivatives —  (8) 243  (56) 179 
Day one loss amortisation (20) (2) —  —  —  (22)
Total gains/(losses) on derivatives (20) (2) (8) 243  (56) 157 
Hedge effectiveness
Changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument used as the basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness (464) (80) —  —  —  (544)
Changes in the fair value of the hedged item used as the basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness 464  80  —  —  —  544 
1This line item has been restated (refer to note 2). No other line items have been restated.


Figures in million Rand gold hedging contracts US$ gold hedging contracts US$ silver contracts Foreign exchange contracts Rand gold derivative contracts Total
As at 30 June 2020 (Audited)
Derivative financial assets 19  11  30  —  68 
Non-current 10  30  —  50 
Current —  —  18 
Derivative financial liabilities (3 626) (356) (4) (760) (257) (5 003)
Non-current (717) (96) (1) (65) —  (879)
Current (2 909) (260) (3) (695) (257) (4 124)
Net derivative financial instruments (3 607) (348) (730) (257) (4 935)
Unamortised day one net loss included above 18  —  —  —  26 
Unrealised losses included in other reserves, net of tax 3 053  342  —  —  —  3 395 
Realised losses included in revenue (1 263) (134) —  —  —  (1 397)
Unrealised losses on gold contracts recognised in other comprehensive income (4 820) (391) —  —  —  (5 211)
Gains/(losses) on derivatives —  —  (1 235) (174) (1 403)
Unrealised losses reclassified to profit or loss as a result of discontinuance of hedge accounting (235) —  —  —  —  (235)
Day one loss amortisation (34) (6) —  —  —  (40)
Total gains/(losses) on derivatives (269) (6) (1 235) (174) (1 678)
Hedge effectiveness
Changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument used as the basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness (4 820) (391) —  —  —  (5 211)
Changes in the fair value of the hedged item used as the basis for recognising hedge ineffectiveness 4 820  391  —  —  —  5 211 
Reconciliation of the hedge reserve:
Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
30 June
Opening balance (3 395) (214) (214)
Remeasurement of gold hedging contracts 2 852  (178) (3 197)
Unrealised gain/(loss) on gold contracts 1 506  (544) (5 211)
Unrealised losses reclassified to profit or loss as a result of discontinuance of hedge accounting   —  235 
Released to revenue 1 771  317  1 397 
Foreign exchange translation 53  —  (37)
Deferred taxation thereon (478) 49  419 
Attributable to non-controlling interest (15) —  16 
Closing balance (558) (392) (3 395)
1Refer to note 2.

The following table shows the open position at the reporting date:
FY 2021 FY2022 FY2023 TOTAL
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
Foreign exchange contracts
Zero cost collars
US$m 84  61  47  42  27  —  —  —  261 
Average Floor - R/US$ 15.44  15.91  16.32  16.93  17.99  —  —  —  16.17 
Average Cap - R/US$ 16.62  17.28  17.9  18.54  19.65  —  —  —  17.57 
Forward contracts
US$m 18  12  —  —  —  56 
Average Forward rate - R/US$ 16.90  16.93  18.18  18.41  18.71  —  —  —  17.76 
000 oz – restructured —  —  —  —  —  —  — 
'000 oz – cash flow hedge 92  86  79  70  58  48  29  463 
Average R'000/kg 742  790  863  932  1025  1076  1109  1081  892 
'000 oz – cash flow hedge 12  12  12  12  11  10  81 
Average US$/oz 1 489  1 521  1 561  1 606  1 723  1 802  1 911  1 883  1 654 
Total gold
000 oz 112  98  91  82  69  58  38  552 
000 oz 375  375  365  335  315  285  175  25  2 250 
Average Floor - US$/oz 18.29  18.42  18.61  19.52  20.05  20.43  23.13  24.24  19.51 
Average Cap - US$/oz 19.84  20.02  20.26  21.35  22.05  22.49  25.45  26.84  21.32 
Refer to note 14 for details on the fair value measurements.
The following events or transactions occurred during the six months ended 31 December 2020:
On 6 July 2020 Harmony and its subsidiaries cancelled the bridge loan of US$200 million.
The following repayments were made on the R2 billion facility:
On 6 July 2020 R300 million, and
On 6 October 2020 R600 million.
The following repayments were made on the US$400 million facility:
On 2 July 2020 US$20 million (R340 million),
On 8 July 2020 US$20 million (R339 million), and
On 8 October US$30 million (R497 million).
The following repayments were made on the Westpac fleet loan:
On 16 July 2020 US$2 million (R25 million), and
On 14 October 2020 US$2 million (R25 million).
The syndicate of lenders for the US$400 million facility agreed to the one year extension during July 2020, extending the maturity date to September 2023.
During June 2020, the company's lenders agreed to relax certain requirements for compliance with debt covenants until December 2020. The group complied with all debt covenants as at 31 December 2020.
Refer to note 20 for events subsequent to the reporting date.

11.    BORROWINGS continued
Figures in million US$ term loan
US dollar
US dollar
Rand term loan
SA rand
Rand RCF
SA rand
Westpac fleet loan US dollar
Borrowings summary at 31 December 2020
Original facility 200  200  600  1 400  N/A
Drawn down/ loan balance 200  80  600  —  11 
Undrawn borrowing facilities N/A 120  N/A 1 400  N/A
Maturity September September November November July
2023 2023 2022 2022 2022
Interest rate LIBOR +
Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
30 June 2020
Translation gain/(loss) on US$ facilities1
789  49  (967)
Rand/US$ exchange rate:
Closing/spot 14.69  13.99  17.32 
Average 16.25  14.69  15.66 
1    The remainder of foreign exchange translation gain or loss relates to the translation of cash from one currency to another.
Streaming arrangement with Franco-Nevada Barbados
Harmony's subsidiary, Chemwes, the owner of the Mine Waste Solutions operation (MWS) has a contract with Franco-Nevada Barbados (Franco-Nevada) where Franco-Nevada is entitled to receive 25% of all the gold produced through MWS. As part of the acquisition of MWS (refer to note 13), Harmony assumed the obligations enforced by the Franco-Nevada contract.
The contract is a streaming agreement that commenced on 17 December 2008 for which Franco-Nevada paid $125 million upfront for the right to purchase 25% of the gold production through MWS for a fixed amount of consideration until the balance of gold cap is delivered. As at 1 October 2020, the $125 million upfront payment has been settled. The gold cap is a provision included in the contract, which stipulates the maximum quantity of gold to be sold to Franco-Nevada over the term of the agreement. The consideration is determined as the lower of the quoted spot gold price as per the London Metals Exchange or $400 per ounce adjusted with the US annual inflation adjustment.
Harmony does not have an existing streaming arrangement and therefore a new accounting policy was developed for the classification and measurement of the transaction.
Accounting policy
The streaming contract was assessed and has been accounted for as an own-use customer contract. At acquisition, the Franco-Nevada contract was initially recognised at a fair value (refer to note 13) of R1.42 billion in accordance with IFRS 3. The fair value of the contract took into consideration the existing unfavourable gold price terms at acquisition, in relation to the comparative market gold price.
The obligation to deliver the contractually stipulated ounces over the remaining term of the agreement results in a significant financing component. The interest accrues on the contract liability over the remaining contractual term. As the performance obligation to deliver gold is met, the contract liability unwinds into revenue classified as "consideration from streaming contract" in note 4.
The current portion of the liability is determined with reference to the current production profile of MWS for the next 12 months.
Contract liability and gold delivered
As at 1 October 2020, the balance of gold ounces to be delivered to Franco-Nevada amounted to 100 686oz. Subsequent to 1 October 2020, 5 793oz had been delivered to Franco-Nevada bringing the balance of gold ounces to be delivered as at 31 December 2020 to 94 893oz.
The contract price receivable in $/oz for each ounce of gold delivered is as follows:
1 October 2020 – 16 December 2020: $433.13/oz
17 December 2020 – 31 December 2020: $437.47/oz

Contract liability and gold delivered continued
Reconciliation of contract liability:
Figures in million Streaming contract
Balance at 1 October 2020 – initial recognition 1 417 
Finance costs related to significant financing component 25 
Non-cash consideration for delivery of gold ounces (119)
Balance as at 31 December 2020 1 323 
– Current 390 
– Non-current 933 
On 12 February 2020, Harmony announced that it had reached an agreement with AngloGold Ashanti Limited (AGA) to purchase AGA's remaining South African producing assets and related liabilities. Harmony's primary goal with the acquisition is to improve the group's overall recovered grade and increase cash flow margins. The transaction includes the following assets and liabilities:
The Mponeng, Tau Tona and Savuka mines and associated rock-dump and tailings storage facility reclamation sites, mine rehabilitation and closure activities located in the West Wits region and their associated assets and liabilities;
Certain rock-dump reclamation, mine rehabilitation and closure activities located in the Vaal River region and their associated assets and liabilities (the VR Remaining assets);
100% of the share capital of First Uranium (Pty) Limited which owns Mine Waste Solutions (Pty) Limited and Chemwes (Pty) Limited as well as associated tailings assets and liabilities (the FUSA Group); and
100% of the share capital of Covalent Water Company (Pty) Limited (CWC), AngloGold Security Services (Pty) Limited and Masakhisane Investments (Pty) Limited.
The last condition precedent for the acquisition was fulfilled during September 2020, resulting in an acquisition date of 1 October 2020.
Cash generating units identified
Based on management's assessment the transaction meets the definition of a business combination as defined by IFRS 3. The following cash generating units (CGUs) were identified in the acquisition:
the Mponeng business, consisting of the Mponeng, Tau Tona and Savuka mines, forming a single complex, and their associated assets and liabilities, including CWC;
the West Wits closure business, consisting of the Savuka plant and associated rock-dump and tailings storage facility reclamation sites, mine rehabilitation and closure activities located in the West Wits region and the associated assets and liabilities;
Mine Waste Solutions;
the Vaal River closure business, consisting of certain rock-dump reclamation, mine rehabilitation and closure activities located in the Vaal River region and their associated assets and liabilities.

Consideration transferred
Consideration for the transaction amounted to a cash payment of R3.366 billion (US$200 million), paid on 30 September 2020, and contingent consideration subject to the following criteria:
US$260 per ounce payable on all underground production from the Mponeng, Savuka and Tau Tona mines in excess of 250 000 ounces per year for six years commencing 1 January 2021; and
US$20 per ounce payable on underground production from the Mponeng, Savuka and Tau Tona mines sourced from levels developed in the future below the current infrastructure.
As at 1 October 2020, the contingent consideration was valued at R229 million by using a probability weighted method, discounted at a rate of 10.57%. As at 31 December 2020, the contingent consideration was valued at R 237 million. No material changes to the assumptions underpinning the valuation were made. The remeasurement of the liability is included in Other operating expenses.
The amount disclosed in the cash flow statement for cash paid for the acquisition of the Mponeng operation and related assets is determined as follows:
Figures in million Total
Cash consideration paid 3 366 
Cash acquired (3)
Net cash paid 3 363 
Acquisition and integration costs
The total of R111 million for acquisition costs for the six months ended 31 December 2020 relates to various costs directly attributable to the acquisition process. These costs include attorney and advisory fees.
There have also been costs incurred for the integration of the acquired assets into Harmony's existing structures and systems. These costs include project management and consultancy fees and software licensing costs required to interface with the Harmony systems. These costs amounted to R96 million (2020: R4 million) for the period ended 31 December 2020 and have been included in Corporate, administration and other expenditure.
Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed
The fair value exercise was prepared on a provisional basis in accordance with IFRS 3. The values measured on a provisional basis included, inter alia, property, plant and equipment, the environmental rehabilitation provision and the deferred tax associated with these balances. Management is still in the process of gathering and assessing certain information on key estimations and the impact thereof on the provisional fair values. No measurement period adjustments have been recognised for the six-month period ended 31 December 2020.
Critical estimates and assumptions of business valuations performed
Key assumptions for the valuation of the respective CGUs are the gold prices, marketable discount rates, exchange rates and life-of-mine plans. Due to the volatility embedded in the potential upside driven by the higher gold prices in the short to medium term, management opted to adopt conservative gold price assumptions in order to accommodate for this. Management has considered the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the valuations performed and made adjustments to the production and cost estimates for the respective CGUs.
The fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired was determined on the expected discounted cash flows based on the life-of-mine plans of the Mponeng business (Mponeng), West Wits Closure business (WW), Mine Waste Solutions (MWS) and the Vaal River closure business (VR). The post-tax real discount rates used ranged from 8.47% to 11.61%, real exchange rates ranged between R14.41/US$1 and R16.75/US$1, real gold prices ranged between US$1 308/oz and US$1 784/oz. The valuation was performed as at 1 October 2020.
As part of determining the fair value of the provision for environmental rehabilitation the pre-tax risk-free rates used for discounting ranged between 5.1% and 11.5% while inflation of 5.0% was used for cost escalation.
The fair value of the unfavourable contract liability which forms part of the streaming arrangement with Franco-Nevada was measured at the difference between a market analyst consensus of gold prices and the fixed cash consideration to be received for gold delivered. A post-tax real rate of 11.58% was used to discount the liability over the expected period of delivery to settle the contract.
The deferred tax rates used to calculate deferred tax is based on the current estimate of future profitability when temporary differences will reverse based on tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted at acquisition date. Refer to note 7 for deferred tax rates used.

Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed continued
Fair value determination of acquired operations
The provisional fair values as at the acquisition date are as follows:
Figures in million Total
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 6 547 
Restricted Investments 1 268 
Deferred tax assets 103 
Current assets
Inventories 454 
Trade and other receivables 59 
Cash and cash equivalents
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities (251)
Provision for environmental rehabilitation (1 442)
Other non-current liabilities (41)
Streaming contract liability (938)
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (535)
Streaming contract liability (479)
Provisional fair value of net identifiable assets acquired at 1 October 2020 4 748 
At 31 December 2020, trade and other payables includes R482 million from the acquired operations as well as R294 million owing to AngloGold South Africa for services performed during the transition period of the acquisition.
Performance of acquired operations
For the three months ended 31 December 2020, the operations acquired contributed to revenue and profit as follows:
Figures in million Total
1 October 2020 – 31 December 2020
Revenue 2 836 
Non-cash consideration for streaming arrangements 119 
Total revenue 2 955 
Production costs (2 004)
Amortisation and depreciation (99)
Acquisition cost (17)
Investment income from restricted investments 33 
Finance costs (53)
Profit before taxation 815 
Taxation (8)
Profit after taxation 807 

Performance of acquired operations continued
Should the acquisition have occurred at the beginning of the period, the group’s pro forma unaudited consolidated revenue and unaudited consolidated profit would have increased as follows:
Figures in million Total
1 July 2020 – 31 December 2020
Revenue 5 677 
Non-cash consideration for streaming arrangements 238 
Total revenue 5 915 
Production costs (3 821)
Amortisation and depreciation (197)
Acquisition cost (111)
Investment income from restricted investments 51 
Finance costs (107)
Profit before taxation 1 730 
Taxation (8)
Profit after taxation 1 722 

Adjustments made to pro forma information
For the three months of October to December 2020 (Q2), the revenue and production cost figures as per the segmental operating results were used, with adjustments made to determine the profit/(loss) after tax of the acquired operations. These adjustments were:
Non-cash consideration recognised from the streaming arrangement,
Depreciation expensed;
Costs incurred directly attributable to the acquisition;
Investment income recognised from restricted investments;
Finance costs recognised for provisions for environmental rehabilitation; and
Finance costs recognised for significant financing components of the streaming arrangement.
For the three months of July to September 2020 (Q1), the segment operational results of AGA was used. Adjustments made to pro forma information to determine profit/(loss) were as follows:
Depreciation expensed for Q1 was estimated to be the same as Q2, based on the fair values determined as at 1 October 2020. AGA did not recognise depreciation for Q1 in line with IFRS 5, Non-Current Assets Held For Sale.
Non-cash consideration from the streaming arrangement, finance costs for provisions for environmental rehabilitation and the streaming arrangement for Q1 were based on the fair values determined as at 1 October 2020, using Harmony's accounting policies.
Gain on bargain purchase
Gain on bargain purchase has been recognised as follows:
Figures in million Total
Consideration paid
– Cash consideration 3 366 
– Contingent consideration 229 
Fair value of net identifiable assets acquired (4 748)
Gain on bargain purchase (1 153)
The gain on bargain purchase realised can be attributed to the higher gold prices and R/$ exchange rate assumptions that were used in the business valuations performed as at 1 October 2020 when compared to the assumptions used when the transaction was negotiated. The gold price and exchange rate assumptions were impacted by the market uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a significant impact on the short- and medium-term assumptions that were included in the valuations.
Gain on bargain purchase has been included as a separate line item in the income statement.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact on various aspects of Harmony's operating environment. Where relevant, reference is made to certain impacts in the discussions below, however a detailed discussion thereof is included in note 3.
Foreign exchange risk
Harmony's revenues are sensitive to the R/US$ exchange rate as all revenues are generated by gold sales denominated in US$. A weakening of the Rand will increase the reported revenue total; conversely a strengthening will decrease it.
Harmony maintains a foreign currency derivative programme to manage foreign exchange risk. The limit currently set by the Board is 25% of the group's foreign exchange risk exposure for a period of 24 months. The audit and risk committee reviews the details of the programme quarterly. Refer to note 10 and the fair value determination section below for further detail on these contracts.
The Rand strengthened during the six months ended 31 December 2020, from R17.32/U$1 on 30 June 2020 to close at R14.68/US$1 on 31 December 2020 (31 December 2019: R13.99/US$1). This positively impacted on the derivative valuations. The Rand's levels also impacted positively on the translation of the US$ debt facilities at 31 December 2020. Refer to note 11 for detail.
Commodity price sensitivity
The profitability of the group’s operations, and the cash flows generated by those operations, are mainly affected by changes in the market price of gold, and in the case of Hidden Valley, silver as well. Harmony enters into derivative contracts to manage the variability in cash flows from the group’s production, in order to create cash certainty and protect the group against lower commodity prices. The general limit for gold hedging currently set by the Board is 20% for a 24-month period. The limit set by the Board is 50% of silver exposure over a 24-month period. The audit and risk committee reviews the details of the programme quarterly. Refer to note 10 and the fair value determination section below for further detail on these contracts.
A decrease in the price of gold in US$ terms, together with the strengthening of the Rand during December 2020 period, had a positive impact on the contracts that matured during the period as well as those that were outstanding at 31 December 2020.
Interest rate risk
Low interest rates are still being maintained by both the US Federal Reserve and the South African Reserve Bank, resulting in a favourable impact on the cost of debt. This has been supported by a strengthened Rand on the interest cost incurred on the US$ loan facilities.
Credit risk
Financial instruments which are subject to credit risk are restricted cash, restricted investments, derivative financial instruments and cash and cash equivalents, all of which are invested with financial institutions that meet the group's policy requirements for credit quality, as well as trade and other receivables (excluding non-financial instruments). In assessing the creditworthiness of local institutions, management uses the national scale long-term ratings.
During the June 2020 financial year, Fitch downgraded the major South African (SA) banks by one notch to AA- from AA following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This rating drop did not have a significantly adverse impact on the credit worthiness of the group's counterparts (SA financial Institutions). Fitch increased the credit rating of the major banks to AA+ on 22 December 2020, citing the financial institutions risk appetite and corporate conduct as key factors of the upgrade.
Taking the above events into consideration, the national scale investment grade rating of these banks remains high, between AA- and AA+, and in line with the group's credit risk policy. An assessment of the expected credit losses (ECLs) for the financial assets measured at amortised costs at 31 December 2020 resulted in an immaterial amount for each instrument. The credit rating of the group's Australian counterparts has remained at AA-, yielding an immaterial ECL as well.
Management will continue to review the underlying strength of the South African economy as well as the creditworthiness of the financial institutions and make any changes deemed necessary to safeguard the assets and reduce the credit risk.
Capital risk management
An increased gold price and the positive contributions from the acquisition decreased the net debt balance during the period. It remains the group's objective to adhere to a conservative approach to debt and maintain low levels of gearing.
Net debt is as follows:
At At At
Figures in million 31 December
30 June
31 December
Cash and cash equivalents 4 217  6 357  1 250 
Borrowings (4 797) (7 718) (5 540)
Net debt (580) (1 361) (4 290)

Fair value determination
The fair value levels of hierarchy are as follows:
Level 1:
Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets;
Level 2:
Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset, either directly or indirectly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is derived from prices);
Level 3:
Inputs for the asset that are not based on observable market data (that is unobservable inputs).
Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million Fair value hierarchy level 31 December
31 December
30 June
Fair value through other comprehensive income financial instruments
Other non-current assets (a) Level 3 69  72  77 
Restricted investments (b) Level 1 232  —  — 
Fair value through profit or loss financial instruments
Restricted investments (b) Level 2 42  —  — 
Restricted investments (b) Level 2 1 261  1 259  837 
Derivative financial assets (c) Level 2 1 331  739  68 
Derivative financial liabilities (c) Level 2 (1 742) (693) (5 003)
Loan to ARM BBEE Trust (d) Level 3 302  285  306 
Contingent consideration liability (e) Level 3 (237) —  — 
(a)    The majority of the balance relates to the equity investment in Rand Mutual Assurance. The fair value of the investment was estimated with reference to an independent valuation. A combination of the "Embedded Valuation" and "Net Asset Value" techniques were applied to revalue the investment as at 30 June 2020. In evaluating the group's share of the business, common practice marketability and minority discounts as well as additional specific risk discounts were applied.
(b)    The majority of the level 2 valued assets are directly derived from the Top 40 index on the JSE, and is discounted at market interest rates. This relates to equity-linked deposits in the group's environmental rehabilitation trust funds. This includes investments in unit trust of R42 million.
The level 1 valued assets were acquired as part of the Mponeng operations and related assets (refer to note 13) and comprises of the following:
Listed equity securities of R232 million designated as fair value through other comprehensive income instruments.
The remaining balance of the environmental trust funds is carried at amortised cost and therefore not disclosed here.
(c)    The mark-to market remeasurement of the derivative contracts was determined as follows:
Foreign exchange contracts comprise of zero cost collars and FECs: The zero cost collars were valued using a Black-Scholes valuation technique derived from spot Rand/US$ exchange rate inputs, implied volatilities on the Rand/US$ exchange rate,Rand/US$ inter-bank interest rates and discounted at a market interest rate (zero-coupon interest rate curve).The value of the FECs is derived from the forward Rand/US$ exchange rate and discounted at a market interest rate (zero coupon interest rate curve).
Rand gold contracts (forward sale contracts): spot Rand/US$ exchange rate, Rand and dollar interest rates (forward points), spot US$ gold price, differential between the US interest rate and gold lease interest rate which is discounted at a market interest rate.
US$ gold contracts (forward sale contracts): spot US$ gold price, differential between the US interest rate and gold lease interest rate and discounted at a market interest rate.
Silver contracts (zero cost collars): a Black-Scholes valuation technique, derived from spot US$ silver price, strike price, implied volatilities, time to maturity and interest rates and discounted at a market interest rate investments.
(d)    The fair value was calculated using a discounted cash flow model, taking into account projected interest payments and the projected share price for African Rainbow Minerals Limited (ARM) on the expected repayment date. A 10% change in the discount rate of 9.8% would not cause a material change to the fair value of the loan. The fair value of the loan balance is limited to the sum of the capital amounts plus cumulative interest not paid, being R302 million.
(e)    The Mponeng consideration (refer to note 13) includes a contingent consideration determined through a probability weighted method -with various expected gold production profile scenarios- at a post-tax real rate of 10.57%.
The carrying values (less any impairment allowance) of short-term financial instruments are assumed to approximate their fair values. This includes restricted investments carried at amortised cost. The fair values of borrowings are not materially different to their carrying amounts since the interest payable on those borrowings is at floating interest rates. The fair value of borrowings is based on discounted cash flows using a current borrowing rate. The determination of the fair values are level 3 in the fair value hierarchy due to the use of unobservable inputs, including own credit risk.

Additions to property, plant and equipment
Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
30 June
Capital expenditure – operations 1 856  1 695  2 881 
Capital and capitalised exploration and evaluation expenditure for Wafi-Golpu 23  40  54 
Additions resulting from stripping activities 487  535  675 
Total additions to property, plant and equipment 2 366  2 270  3 610 
At At At
Figures in million 31 December
30 June
31 December
Capital expenditure commitments:
Contracts for capital expenditure 440  368  463 
Authorised by the directors but not contracted for 2 751  1 314  1 373 
Total capital commitments 3 191  1 682  1 836 
The acquisition of the Mponeng operations and related assets contributed a R521 million increase to the capital commitments.
This expenditure will be financed from existing resources and, where appropriate, borrowings.
Contingent liabilities
There were no significant changes during the six month period ended 31 December 2020. For detailed disclosure on contingent liabilities refer to Harmony's annual financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2020.
Name of director/prescribed officer Shares purchased in open market Shares sold in open market Performance and deferred shares vested and retained
P Steenkamp (Executive director) —  —  450 397 
B Lekubo (Executive director) —  —  3 581 
HE Mashego (Executive director) —  —  3 319 
B Nel (Prescribed officer) —  —  173 689 
V Tobias (Prescribed officer) —  1 500  177 597 
M van der Walt (Prescribed officer) —  —  139 356 
J van Heerden (Prescribed officer) —  —  6 156 

On 14 August 2020, Ms Shela Mohatla was appointed as Group Company Secretary by the board of directors. At the same time Mrs Marian van der Walt was appointed as Senior Group Executive: Enterprise Risk and Investor Relations and will be regarded as a prescribed officer going forward.
On 30 September 2020, Harmony announced the resignation of Mr Ken Dicks and Mr Max Sisulu as independent non-executive directors as well as the retirement of Mr Frank Abbott as executive director with effect from 30 September 2020.
On 18 December 2020, Harmony announced the resignation of Ms Grathel Motau as independent non-executive director with effect from 18 December 2020.
For detailed disclosure on related parties refer to Harmony's annual financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2020.

Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision-maker (CODM).
With the purchase of AGA's remaining South African producing assets and related liabilities, the following CGUs were identified in the acquisition of the Mponeng operations and related assets:
the Mponeng business;
the West Wits closure business;
Mine Waste Solutions; and
the Vaal River Closure business.
The Mponeng business is disclosed separately in the segment report under the underground section while Mine Waste Solutions, the West Wits and the Vaal River closure businesses are disclosed as part of the other surface operations.
The segment report follows on page 35.
Six months ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
Reconciliation of production profit to gross profit/(loss)
Revenue 21 588  15 477 
– Per segment report 21 018  15 009 
– Other metal sales treated as by-product credits in the segment report 570  468 
Production costs (14 808) (11 366)
– Per segment report (14 238) (10 898)
– Other metal sales treated as by-product credits in the segment report (570) (468)
Production profit per segment report 6 780  4 111 
Amortisation and depreciation (1 816) (1 926)
Other cost of sales items (298) (206)
Gross profit as per income statement1
4 666  1 979 
1    The reconciliation was done up to the first recognisable line item on the income statement. The reconciliation will follow the income statement after that.
At At
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
Reconciliation of total segment mining assets to consolidated property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment not allocated to a segment
Mining assets 343  364 
Undeveloped property 3 681  3 681 
Other non-mining assets 102  126 
Wafi-Golpu assets 2 502  2 450 
6 628  6 621 
On 4 January 2021 Harmony repaid US$50 million (R736 million) on the US$400 million facility.
On 8 February 2021 Harmony repaid R75 million on the R2 billion facility.
On 19 February 2021, the board declared a dividend of 110 SA cents (7.5 US cents) per share for the half year ended 31 December 2020, payable on 19 April 2021.
On 19 February 2021, Peter Turner was appointed as a director and a member of Harmony's technical committee.

Revenue Production cost Production
Mining assets
Capital expenditure#
Kilograms produced* Tonnes milled*
31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
R million R million R million R million R million kg t'000
South Africa
Tshepong Operations 3 099  3 141  2 495  2 310  604  831  6 957  6 591  464  572  3 453  4 479  733  889 
Moab Khotsong 3 403  2 854  2 028  1 795  1 375  1 059  4 318  3 783  294  298  3 725  3 987  440  456 
Mponeng 1 746  —  1 150  —  596  —  4 689  —  218  —  1 874  —  228  — 
Bambanani 946  910  594  565  352  345  387  488  33  31  1 050  1 297  117  123 
Joel 617  599  572  546  45  53  1 129  1 047  88  91  685  855  169  233 
Doornkop 1 756  1 166  1 098  923  658  243  2 938  2 828  225  167  1 940  1 632  445  381 
Target 1 945  742  850  761  95  (19) 1 350  1 199  183  192  1 021  1 136  280  305 
Kusasalethu 2 105  1 189  1 601  1 391  504  (204) 1 163  1 274  91  118  2 305  1 648  375  349 
Masimong 838  818  715  684  123  134  32  65  11  17  994  1 208  258  311 
224  397  182  320  42  77    29    247  586  57  136 
All other surface operations 3 340  1 373  2 083  999  1 257  374  2 498  716  150  33  3 741  2 009  15 972  7 862 
Total South Africa 19 019  13 189  13 368  10 296  5 651  2 893  25 461  18 020  1 757  1 524  21 035  18 837  19 074  11 045 
Hidden Valley 1 999  1 820  870  602  1 129  1 218  3 091  3 568  585  706  2 148  2 574  1 789  2 039 
Total international 1 999  1 820  870  602  1 129  1 218  3 091  3 568  585  706  2 148  2 574  1 789  2 039 
Total operations 21 018  15 009  14 238  10 898  6 780  4 111  28 552  21 588  2 342  2 230  23 183  21 411  20 863  13 084 
Reconciliation of the segment information to the consolidated income statement and balance sheet (refer to note 19)
570  468  570  468    —  6 628  6 621 
21 588  15 477  14 808  11 366  6 780  4 111  35 180  28 209  2 342  2 230  23 183  21 411  20 863  13 084 
#    Capital expenditure for international operations excludes expenditure spent on Wafi-Golpu of R23 million (2019: R40 million).
*    Production statistics are unaudited and not reviewed.
1 The Unisel operation closed in October 2020.

Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
30 June
Revenue 1 329  1 054  1 867 
Cost of sales (1 041) (919) (1 655)
Production costs (911) (774) (1 409)
Amortisation and depreciation (112) (131) (224)
Other items (18) (14) (22)
Gross profit 288  135  212 
Corporate, administration and other expenditure (33) (23) (39)
Exploration expenditure (5) (9) (13)
Gains/(losses) on derivatives 56  11  (107)
Foreign exchange translation gain/(loss) 40  (57)
Other operating expenses (3) (4) (20)
Operating profit/(loss) 343  112  (24)
Share of profits from associates 4 
Gain on bargain purchase 69  —  — 
Acquisition costs (7) —  (3)
Investment income 15  10  24 
Finance costs (20) (23) (42)
Profit/(loss) before taxation 404  102  (39)
Taxation (48) (11) (17)
Current taxation (20) (4) (4)
Deferred taxation (28) (7) (13)
Net profit/(loss) for the period 356  91  (56)
Attributable to:
Non-controlling interest 2  — 
Owners of the parent 354  91  (58)
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share (cents)
Basic earnings/(loss) 59  17  (10)
Diluted earnings/(loss) 57  16  (11)
The currency conversion average rates for the six months ended 31 December 2020: US$1 = R16.25 (31 December 2019: US$1 = R14.69) (30 June 2020 US$1 = R15.66)

Note on convenience translations
The requirements of IAS 21 The Effects of the Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates have not necessarily been applied in the translation of the US Dollar financial statements presented on page 36 to 40.

Six months period Year ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
30 June
Net loss for the year 356  91  (56)
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of income tax 108  (18) (124)
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: 107  (19) (127)
Foreign exchange translation gain/(loss) (69) (29) 77 
Remeasurement of gold hedging contracts 176  10  (204)
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss: 1 
Gain on assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 1 
Actuarial gain recognised during the year   — 
Total comprehensive income for the year 464  73  (180)
Attributable to:
Non-controlling interest 2  —  — 
Owners of the parent 462  73  (180)
The currency conversion average rates for the six months ended 31 December 2020: US$1 = R16.25 (31 December 2019: US$1 = R14.69) (30 June 2020: US$1 = R15.66)
*Refer to note 2 for detail. The restated amounts are unaudited.

Figures in million Share
Accumulated loss Other
Non-controlling interest Total
Balance – 1 July 2020 2 242  (819) 206    1 629 
Share-based payments     6    6 
Net profit for the period   356    2  358 
Other comprehensive income for the period     117  1  118 
Balance – 31 December 2020 2 242  (463) 329  3  2 111 
Balance – 1 July 2019 2 112  (836) 342  —  1 618 
Share-based payments —  —  — 
Net profit for the period —  95  —  —  95 
Other comprehensive income for the period —  —  (18) —  (18)
Balance – 31 December 2019 2 112  (741) 330  —  1 701 
The currency conversion closing rates for the six months ended 31 December 2020: US$1 = R14.69 (31 December 2019: US$1 = R13.99).

At At At
Figures in million 31 December
30 June
31 December
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 2 395  1 685  2 016 
Intangible assets 37  31  38 
Restricted cash 9 
Restricted investments 336  204  242 
Investments in associates 10 
Inventories 3 
Deferred tax assets 21  31  — 
Other non-current assets 26  22  26 
Derivative financial assets 42  15 
Total non-current assets 2 879  1 992  2 354 
Current assets
Inventories 150  140  140 
Restricted cash 5 
Trade and other receivables 101  75  94 
Derivative financial assets 49  38 
Cash and cash equivalents 287  367  89 
Total current assets 592  587  365 
Total assets 3 471  2 579  2 719 
Share capital and reserves
Attributable to equity holders of the parent company 2 108  1 350  1 701 
Share capital 2 242  1 902  2 112 
Other reserves 329  174  330 
Accumulated loss (463) (726) (741)
Non-controlling interest 3  —  — 
Total equity 2 111  1 350  1 701 
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities 123  58  54 
Provision for environmental rehabilitation 324  197  225 
Provision for silicosis settlement 45  41  53 
Retirement benefit obligation 15  11  15 
Borrowings 300  431  390 
Contingent consideration liability 16  —  — 
Other non-current liabilities 9 
Derivative financial liabilities 8  51  12 
Streaming contract financial liability 64  —  — 
Total non-current liabilities 904  795  755 
Current liabilities
Provision for silicosis settlement 12  10  13 
Borrowings 27  15 
Trade and other payables 279  171  206 
Derivative financial liabilities 111  238  38 
Streaming contract financial liability 27  —  — 
Total current liabilities 456  434  263 
Total equity and liabilities 3 471  2 579  2 719 
The balance sheet for 31 December 2020 converted at a conversion rate of US$1 = R14.69 (30 June 2020: US$1 = R17.32) (31 December 2019: US$1 = R13.99)

Six months ended Year ended
Figures in million 31 December
31 December
30 June
Cash generated by operations 374  199  321 
Interest received 2 
Interest paid (11) (11) (24)
Dividends received 3  —  — 
Income and mining taxes paid (12) (5) (2)
Cash generated from operating activities 356  186  300 
Increase in restricted cash (1) (1) (1)
Decrease in amounts invested in restricted investments 2  —  — 
Redemption of preference shares from associates 2 
Acquisition of the Mponeng operations and related assets (200) —  — 
Additions to property, plant and equipment (146) (155) (230)
Cash utilised by investing activities (343) (152) (227)
Borrowings raised   323  418 
Borrowings repaid (131) (341) (361)
Proceeds from the issue of shares   —  200 
Lease payments (2) (1) (2)
Cash generated from financing activities (133) (19) 255 
Foreign currency translation adjustments 40  (31)
Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents (80) 19  297 
Cash and cash equivalents – beginning of period 367  70  70 
Cash and cash equivalents – end of period 287  89  367 
The currency conversion average rates for the six months ended 31 December 2020: US$1 = R16.25 (31 December 2019: US$1 = R14.69) (30 June 2020: US$1 = R15.66). The closing balance translated at closing rate of 31 December 2020: US$1 = R14.69 (30 June 2020: US$1 = R17.32) (31 December 2019: US$1: = R13.99).


Revenue Production cost Production profit/(loss) Mining assets Capital expenditure# Ounces produced Tons milled
31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
US$ million US$ million US$ million US$ million US$ million oz t'000
South Africa
Tshepong Operations 191  214  154  157  37  57  474  471  29  39  111 016  144 003  808  980 
Moab Khotsong 209  194  124  122  85  72  294  270  18  20  119 761  128 185  485  503 
Mponeng 107  —  66  —  41  —  319  —  13  —  60 250  —  251  — 
Bambanani 58  62  37  38  21  24  26  35  2  33 758  41 699  129  136 
Joel 38  41  35  37  3  77  75  5  22 023  27 489  187  257 
Doornkop 108  79  68  63  40  16  200  202  14  11  62 372  52 470  491  420 
Target 1 58  51  52  52  6  (1) 92  86  11  13  32 825  36 523  308  336 
Kusasalethu 130  81  99  95  31  (14) 79  91  6  74 107  52 984  413  385 
Masimong 52  56  44  47  8  2  1  31 958  38 838  285  343 
14  27  11  22  3      —  7 941  18 841  63  150 
All other surface operations 206  93  132  68  74  25  170  51  9  120 276  64 591  17 614  8 670 
Total South Africa 1 171  898  822  701  349  197  1 733  1 288  108  104  676 287  605 623  21 034  12 180 
Hidden Valley 123  124  54  41  69  83  210  255  36  48  69 060  82 756  1 973  2 248 
Total international 123  124  54  41  69  83  210  255  36  48  69 060  82 756  1 973  2 248 
Total operations 1 294  1 022  876  742  418  280  1 943  1 543  144  152  745 347  688 379  23 007  14 428 
# Capital expenditure for international operations excludes expenditure spent on Wafi-Golpu of US$1 million (2019: US$3 million).
1 The Unisel operation closed in October 2020.

Reef Sampled Width Value Gold
Meters Meters (Cm's) (g/t) (Cmg/t)
Basal 506 476 8.79 117.01 1 029
B Reef 177 172 174.27 5.85 1 020
All Reefs 683 648 52.71 19.47 1 026
Basal 775 784 42.36 32.53 1 378
All Reefs 775 784 42.36 32.53 1 378
South Reef 848 684 68.71 15.43 1 060
All Reefs 848 684 68.71 15.43 1 060
VCR Reef 202 220 52.54 18.31 962
All Reefs 202 220 52.54 18.31 962
Target 1
Elsburg 157 72 253.33 7.50 1 900
All Reefs 157 72 253.33 7.50 1 900
Masimong 5
Basal 537 426 80.16 16.23 1 301
B Reef 419 390 82.64 22.32 1 845
All Reefs 956 816 81.35 19.19 1 561
Beatrix 874 852 147.00 6.72 988
All Reefs 874 852 147.00 6.72 988
Moab Khotsong
Vaal Reef 547 356 100.97 41.91 4 231
All Reefs 547 356 100.97 41.91 4 231
VCR 192 146 85.00 34.00 2 907
Carbon Leader 48 24 41.00 47.00 1 907
All Reefs 240 170 78.92 35.05 2 766
Total Harmony
Basal 1 818 1 686 42.44 29.69 1 260
Beatrix 874 852 147.00 6.72 988
B Reef 596 562 110.68 14.39 1 592
Elsburg 157 72 253.33 7.50 1 900
VRF 547 356 100.97 41.91 4 231
South Reef 848 684 68.71 15.43 1 060
VCR 394 366 65.58 26.50 1 738
Carbon Leader 48 24 40.53 47.05 1 907
All Reefs 5 282 4 602 83.69 17.94 1 502
VCR: Ventersdorp Contract Reef

Reef Sampled Width Value Gold
Feet Feet (Inch) (oz/t) (In.oz/t)
Basal 1 659 1 562 3.00 3.94 12
B Reef 581 564 69.00 0.17 12
All Reefs 2 240 2 126 21.00 0.56 12
Basal 2 544 2 572 17.00 0.93 16
All Reefs 2 544 2 572 17.00 0.93 16
South Reef 2 783 2 244 27.00 0.45 12
All Reefs 2 783 2 244 27.00 0.45 12
VCR Reef 663 722 21.00 0.53 11
All Reefs 663 722 21.00 0.53 11
Target 1
Elsburg 515 236 100.00 0.22 22
All Reefs 515 236 100.00 0.22 22
Masimong 5
Basal 1 761 1 398 32.00 0.47 15
B Reef 1 375 1 280 33.00 0.64 21
All Reefs 3 136 2 678 32.00 0.56 18
Beatrix 2 866 2 795 58.00 0.20 11
All Reefs 2 866 2 795 58.00 0.20 11
Moab Khotsong
Vaal Reef 1 794 1 168 40.00 1.21 49
All Reefs 1 794 1 168 40.00 1.21 49
VCR 629 479 34.00 0.98 33
Carbon Leader 156 79 16.00 1.37 22
All Reefs 785 558 31.00 1.02 32
Total Harmony
Basal 5 964 5 532 17.00 0.85 14
Beatrix 2 866 2 795 58.00 0.20 11
B Reef 1 956 1 844 44.00 0.42 18
Elsburg 515 236 100.00 0.22 22
VRF 1 794 1 168 40.00 1.21 49
South Reef 2 783 2 244 27.00 0.45 12
VCR 1 292 1 201 26.00 0.77 20
Carbon Leader 156 79 16.00 1.37 22
All Reefs 17 326 15 099 33.00 0.52 17


Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited’s statement of mineral resources and mineral reserves as at 30 June 2020 is produced in accordance with the South African Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves ("SAMREC"). It should be noted that the mineral resources are reported inclusive of the mineral reserves.
In South Africa, Harmony employs an ore reserve manager at each of its operations who takes responsibility as competent person for the compilation and reporting of mineral resources and mineral reserves at their operations. In Papua New Guinea, competent persons are appointed for the mineral resources and mineral reserves for specific projects and operations.
The mineral resources and mineral reserves in this report are based on information compiled by the following competent persons:
Mineral resources and mineral reserves of South Africa:
Jaco Boshoff, BSc (Hons), MSc, MBA, Pr.Sci.Nat, MSAIMM, MGSSA, who has 25 years’ relevant experience and is registered with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions ("SACNASP"), a member of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy ("SAIMM") and a member of the Geological Society of South Africa ("GSSA").
Mr Boshoff is Harmony's Lead Competent Person.
Jaco Boshoff
Physical address: Postal address:
Randfontein Office Park
Corner of Main Reef Road and Ward Avenue
South Africa
PO Box 2
South Africa
Mineral resources and mineral reserves of Papua New Guinea:
Gregory Job, BSc, MSc, who has 31 years’ relevant experience and is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).
Greg Job
Physical address: Postal address:
Level 2, 189 Coronation Drive
Milton, Queensland
PO Box 1562
Milton, Queensland
Both these competent persons, who are full-time employees of Harmony, consent to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on the information in the form and context in which it appears.

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited was incorporated and registered as a public company in South Africa on 25 August 1950
Registration number: 1950/038232/06
Randfontein Office Park
PO Box 2, Randfontein, 1760, South Africa
Corner Main Reef Road and Ward Avenue
Randfontein, 1759, South Africa
Telephone: +27 11 411 2000
Website: www.harmony.co.za
Dr PT Motsepe* (chairman), JM Motloba* (deputy chairman), M Msimang*^ (lead independent director), PW Steenkamp (chief executive officer), BP Lekubo (financial director), HE Mashego (executive director)
JA Chissano*^#, FFT De Buck*^, Dr DSS Lushaba*^, KT Nondumo*^, VP Pillay*^, GR Sibiya*^, JL Wetton*^, AJ Wilkens*, P Turner*^
* Non-executive
^ Independent
# Mozambican
E-mail: HarmonyIR@harmony.co.za
Telephone: +27 11 411 2314 or +27 82 759 1775
Website: www.harmony.co.za
Telephone: +27 11 411 2359
E-mail: companysecretariat@harmony.co.za
JSE Investor Services (Proprietary) Limited
(Registration number 2000/007239/07)
19 Ameshoff Street, 13th Floor, Hollard House, Braamfontein
PO Box 4844, Johannesburg, 2000, South Africa
Telephone: +27 861 546 572
E-mail: info@jseinvestorservices.co.za
Fax: +27 86 674 4381
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
c/o American Stock Transfer and Trust Company
Operations Centre, 6201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219, United States
E-mail queries: db@astfinancial.com
Toll free (within the US): +1-886-249-2593
Int: +1 718 921 8137
Fax: +1 718 921 8334
*ADR: American Depositary Receipts
JP Morgan Equities South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
1 Fricker Road, corner Hurlingham Road, Illovo, Johannesburg, 2196
Private Bag X9936, Sandton, 2146
Telephone: +27 11 507 0300
Fax: +27 11 507 0503
ISIN: ZAE 000015228

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited
Date: February 23, 2021
By: /s/ Boipelo Lekubo
Name: Boipelo Lekubo
Title: Financial Director

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