RNS Number : 8433Y

Anglo American PLC

17 May 2021

Anglo American plc ("the Company")

Registered office: 17 Charterhouse Street, London EC1N 6RA

Registered number: 3564138 (incorporated in England and Wales)

LEI: 549300S9XF92D1X8ME43




May 17, 2021



Anglo American Capital plc (the "Company") has today invited holders of its: (i) US$750,000,000 5.375 per cent. Senior Notes due April 2025 guaranteed by Anglo American plc[2] (ISIN: US034863AV24 (Rule 144A) / USG0446NAQ72 (Reg S)) ("April 2025 US Dollar Notes"); (ii) US$650,000,000 4.875 per cent. Senior Notes due May 2025 guaranteed by Anglo American plc (ISIN: US034863AP55 (Rule 144A) / USG0446NAJ30 (Reg S)) ("May 2025 US Dollar Notes" and, together with the April 2025 US Dollar Notes, the "US Dollar Notes"); and (iii) EUR600,000,000 1.625 per cent. Guaranteed Notes due September 2025 guaranteed by Anglo American plc (ISIN: XS1686846061) (the "Euro Notes" and, together with the April 2025 US Dollar Notes and May 2025 US Dollar Notes each being a "Series", and any notes within any such Series being the "Notes") to tender their Notes for purchase by the Company for cash (each such invitation an "Offer" and together, the "Offers"), on the terms of, and subject to the Offer Cap and the Acceptance Priority Levels (each as defined below) and the other conditions contained in, a tender offer memorandum dated May 17, 2021 (the "Tender Offer Memorandum"). Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this announcement have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Tender Offer Memorandum.

Holders are advised to read carefully the Tender Offer Memorandum for full details of, and information on the procedures for participating in, the Offers.

Notes    ISIN / CUSIP     Principal     Coupon  Maturity          Acceptance   Early    Fixed     Reference     Hypothetical   Bloomberg      Offer Cap 
                            amount                Date      Par    Priority    Tender   Spread     Security         Early 
                         outstanding                        Call     Level     Payment           or Reference   Consideration  Reference 
                                                            Date               (1)(2)    (1)     Interpolated      (2)(3)        Page 
April    Rule 144A:     US$750,000,000  5.375%  1 April    1      1           US$30     30          0.750%      US$1,156.20    FIT1       The total amount 
 2025    US034863AV24                           2025       March              per        bps     US Treasury     per US$1,000             paid in respect 
 US      / 034863 AV2                                      2025               US$1,000              due 30                                of Notes 
 Dollar  Reg S:                                                                                     April                                 purchased shall 
 Notes   USG0446NAQ72                                                                                2026                                 not, when 
         / G0446N AQ7                                                                           (US91282CBW01)                            converted, if 
                                                                                                                                          into US dollars 
                                                                                                                                          at the FX Rate, 
                                                                                                                                          all as further 
                                                                                                                                          described in the 
         -------------  --------------  ------  ---------  -----  ----------  --------  ------  --------------  -------------  ---------  ----------------- 
         Rule 144A: 
May       US034863AP55 
 2025     / 034863 AP5 
 US       Reg S:                                                              US$30 
 Dollar   USG0446NAJ30                          14 May                        per       35                      US$1,143.13 
 Notes    / G0446N AJ3  US$650,000,000  4.875%  2025       N/A    2           US$1,000   bps                     per US$1,000  FIT1 
         -------------  --------------  ------  ---------  -----  ----------  --------  ------  --------------  -------------  ---------  ----------------- 
                                                18                            EUR30             Interpolated 
Euro                                            September                     per       30       Euro Mid-Swap  EUR1,069.49 
 Notes   XS1686846061   EUR600,000,000  1.625%  2025       N/A    3           EUR1,000   bps     Rate            per EUR1,000  ICAE1 
         -------------  --------------  ------  ---------  -----  ----------  --------  ------  --------------  -------------  ---------  ----------------- 

(1) The Early Consideration (defined below) shall be calculated from the applicable Fixed Spread and includes the Early Tender Payment. The Late Consideration (defined below) in respect of Notes of each relevant Series will be calculated by deducting the Early Tender Payment from the Early Consideration (defined below).

   (2)         Subject to the Minimum Denomination of the relevant Series. 

(3) For illustrative purposes only, a hypothetical Early Consideration for each Series is set out in the table above, based upon a hypothetical Pricing Time as at 10.00 a.m. (New York time) on 14 May 2021, where the hypothetical US Dollar Notes Reference Yield was 0.805 per cent. for the April 2025 US Dollar Noes and the May 2025 US Dollar Notes and the hypothetical Interpolated Euro Mid-Swap Rate was -0.294 per cent., and assuming an Early Settlement Date of 3 June 2021. Holders should note that the actual Early Consideration for each Series determined in the manner described in the Tender Offer Memorandum could differ significantly from the hypothetical Early Consideration for each Series set out in the table above.

   (4)         Excluding for payment of Accrued Interest (each as defined below). 

Rationale for the Offers

The Offers are being made as part of the Company's ongoing pro-active balance sheet management and are aimed at managing the Company's cost of debt and reducing refinancing risk.

Notes purchased by the Company pursuant to the Offers will be cancelled.

Offer Cap

If the Company decides to accept any Notes for purchase pursuant to the relevant Offer(s), it proposes to accept for purchase pursuant to the relevant Offer(s) an aggregate principal amount of Notes such that the total amount payable in aggregate by the Company for all Notes accepted for purchase pursuant to the relevant Offer(s) (but excluding Accrued Interest payable in respect of such Notes) is no greater than the cash amount equal to US$1,000,000,000 (such amount, which may be increased or decreased, subject to applicable law, the "Offer Cap"). The Company will determine whether the Offer Cap has been reached as of the Early Tender Deadline or the Expiration Deadline, as applicable, by converting the principal amount of the Euro Notes validly tendered and accepted for purchase pursuant to the relevant Offer into US Dollars at the FX Rate, which will be determined at the Pricing Time.

Early Consideration and Late Consideration

The amount in cash to be paid by the Company for each US$1,000 or EUR1,000 (as applicable) in principal amount of each Series (subject in each case to the Minimum Denomination of the relevant Series) validly tendered pursuant to the relevant Offer prior to or at the Early Tender Deadline and accepted for purchase by the Company shall be an amount (rounded to the nearest cent, with US$0.005 and EUR0.005 (as applicable) being rounded upwards) that would reflect, as of the Early Settlement Date, a yield to the Par Call Date, in the case of the April 2025 US Dollar Notes or the Maturity Date, in the case of the May 2025 US Dollar Notes and the Euro Notes, equal to the sum of: (i) the Reference Yield for such Series, plus (ii) the Fixed Spread for such Series set out in the table above (in respect of each Series, the "Early Consideration"). The Reference Yield will be determined at the Pricing Time on the Pricing Date with reference to, as applicable, the Reference Security or Reference Interpolated Rate, as shown in the

table above.

Specifically, the Early Consideration for each Series will equal (i) the value of all remaining payments of principal and interest on the relevant Series up to and including the Par Call Date, in the case of the April 2025 US Dollar Notes, or the Maturity Date, in the case of the May 2025 US Dollar Notes and the Euro Notes, discounted to the Early Settlement Date at a discount rate equal to the sum of (x) the applicable Reference Yield plus (y) the applicable Fixed Spread, minus (ii) Accrued Interest. The Early Consideration for each Series, when calculated in the manner set out above, includes the applicable Early Tender Payment listed in the table above under the heading "Early Tender Payment".

The amount in cash to be paid by the Company for each US$1,000 or EUR1,000 (as applicable) in principal amount of each Series (subject in each case to the Minimum Denomination of the relevant Series) validly tendered pursuant to the relevant Offer after the Early Tender Deadline but prior to or at the Expiration Deadline and accepted for purchase by the Company shall be an amount (rounded to the nearest cent, with US$0.005 and EUR0.005 (as applicable) being rounded upwards) equal to the Early Consideration for the relevant Series minus an amount equal to the applicable Early Tender Payment listed in the table above under the heading "Early Tender Payment" (in respect of each Series, the "Late Consideration").

Notes must be tendered pursuant to the Offers prior to or at the Early Tender Deadline in order to be eligible to receive the applicable Early Consideration or, in the case of Notes tendered after the Early Tender Deadline, prior to or at the Expiration Deadline, in order to receive the Late Consideration.

Accrued Interest

The Company shall also pay Accrued Interest on all Notes validly tendered and accepted for purchase pursuant to the relevant Offer(s).

Acceptance Priority Level and Pro-Ration

Subject to the Offer Cap and the pro-ration arrangements described below and in the Tender Offer Memorandum, the aggregate principal amount of each Series that is purchased pursuant to the Offers will be determined in accordance with the Acceptance Priority Levels, with Acceptance Priority Level 1 being the highest and Acceptance Priority Level 3 being the lowest. The April 2025 US Dollar Notes validly tendered pursuant to the relevant Offer, having Acceptance Priority Level 1, will be accepted before any validly tendered May 2025 US Dollar Notes, having Acceptance Priority Level 2, followed by any validly tendered Euro Notes, having Acceptance Priority Level 3; however, if the Company purchases Notes on the Early Settlement Date, all Notes validly tendered prior to or at the Early Tender Deadline will have priority over Notes tendered after the Early Tender Deadline, regardless of the Acceptance Priority Levels of such later tendered Notes. Notes validly tendered and purchased on the same Settlement Date shall be purchased in accordance with the Acceptance Priority Levels.

If the total amount payable (but excluding, for this purpose, Accrued Interest) for validly tendered Notes with the same Acceptance Priority Level would (together with the total amount payable ( but excluding, for this purpose, Accrued Interest) for any validly tendered Notes with a higher Acceptance Priority Level, where applicable), if purchased, exceed the Offer Cap, such Notes will be purchased on a pro-rata basis such that total amount payable (but excluding, for this purpose, Accrued Interest) for all Notes validly tendered in the Offers and accepted for purchase does not exceed the Offer Cap, as detailed herein and in the Tender Offer Memorandum. If the purchase of all Notes validly tendered prior to or at the Early Tender Deadline would result in an aggregate amount payable (but excluding, for this purpose, Accrued Interest) that would equal or exceed the Offer Cap, then no Notes tendered after the Early Tender Deadline will be purchased pursuant to the Offers regardless of the Acceptance Priority Level of such Notes, unless the Company increases the Offer Cap (in its sole discretion).

A separate tender instruction must be submitted on behalf of each beneficial owner of the Notes, given the possible proration.

Offers Period and Results

The Offers commenced today, May 17, 2021 and will end at the Expiration Deadline, unless extended, re-opened, and/or terminated as provided in the Tender Offer Memorandum.

At the Early Participation Results Announcement Time, the Company will announce: (i) the principal amount of Notes of each Series that were validly tendered and not withdrawn prior to the Early Tender Deadline; and (ii) a non-binding indication of the aggregate principal amount of Notes in each Series that the Company intends to accept pursuant to the relevant Offer(s), and indicative details of any Pro-Rating Factor that will apply as a consequence.

The Company will announce at the Pricing and Early Acceptance Announcement Time its decision to accept valid Tenders for purchase on the Early Settlement Date and, if so accepted: (i) the Reference Yield, the Early Consideration and the Late Consideration for each Series; (ii) the FX Rate; (iii) the Final Acceptance Amount in respect of the Early Settlement Date, (iv) the allocation of the Final Acceptance Amount in respect of the Early Settlement Date between each Series (which will be determined using the Acceptance Priority Levels), (v) any Pro-Rating Factor in respect of the Notes settled on the Early Settlement Date (if applicable), (vi) the aggregate principal amount of Notes in each Series that will remain outstanding after the Early Settlement Date, and (vii) the aggregate amount of capacity (if any) pursuant to the Offer Cap remaining for any Tenders submitted after the Early Tender Deadline and at or prior to the Expiration Deadline.

Provided that the purchase of all Notes validly tendered prior to or at the Early Tender Deadline would not result in an aggregate amount payable (excluding, for this purpose, Accrued Interest) that would equal or exceed the Offer Cap, the Company will announce at the Final Results Announcement Date its decision to accept valid Tenders or further valid Tenders for purchase on the Final Settlement Date and, if so accepted, will announce: (i) the Final Acceptance Amount in respect of the Final Settlement Date, (ii) the allocation of the Final Acceptance Amount in respect of the Final Settlement Date between each Series (which will be determined using the Acceptance Priority Levels), (iii) any Pro-Rating Factor in respect of the Notes settled on the Final Settlement Date (if applicable), and (iv) the aggregate principal amount of Notes in each Series that will remain outstanding after the Final Settlement Date.

Tender Instructions must be submitted in respect of a minimum principal amount of Notes of the relevant Series of no less than the Minimum Denomination for such Series, and may be submitted in integral multiples of US$1,000 or EUR1,000, as applicable.

See the Tender Offer Memorandum for further details on submitting a Tender Instruction.

Unless stated otherwise, all announcements in connection with the Offers will be made in accordance with applicable law (i) by publication through RNS, (ii) by the delivery of notices to the Clearing Systems for communication to Direct Participants, (iii) on the relevant Reuters Insider Screen, (iv) the issue of a press release to a Notifying News Service, (v) on the Offer Website and/or (vi) obtainable from the Tender and Information Agent, the contact details for which are below.


The following table sets out the expected dates and times of the key events relating to the Tender Offer. This is an indicative timetable and is subject to change.

                 Date                           Calendar Date and Time                           Event 
 Launch Date                             17 May 2021                             Commencement of the Offers and 
                                                                                 availability of the Tender Offer 
                                                                                 Memorandum on the Offer Website 
                                                                                 and from the Tender and Information 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Early Tender Deadline                   5:00 p.m., New York time, on 28 May     Deadline for receipt of valid Tender 
                                         2021                                    Instructions by the Tender and 
                                                                                 Information Agent in order 
                                                                                 for Holders to be eligible to receive 
                                                                                 the relevant Early Consideration. 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Withdrawal Deadline                     5:00 p.m., New York time, on 28 May     Except in certain limited 
                                         2021                                    circumstances where the Company 
                                                                                 determines that additional withdrawal 
                                                                                 rights are required by law or 
                                                                                 otherwise in accordance with the 
                                                                                 Tender Offer Memorandum, the 
                                                                                 deadline for Holders to validly 
                                                                                 withdraw Tenders. 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Early Participation Results             Prior to the Pricing Time on the        The time at which the Company will 
 Announcement Time                       Pricing Date                            announce: (i) the amount of Notes of 
                                                                                 each Series validly 
                                                                                 tendered and not withdrawn prior to 
                                                                                 or at the Early Tender Deadline; and 
                                                                                 (ii) a non-binding 
                                                                                 indication of the aggregate principal 
                                                                                 amount of Notes in each Series that 
                                                                                 the Company intends 
                                                                                 to accept pursuant to the relevant 
                                                                                 Offer(s), and indicative details of 
                                                                                 any Pro-Rating Factor 
                                                                                 that will apply as a consequence. 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Pricing Date and Time                   At or around 10.00 a.m., New York       The time at which the Reference 
                                         time on 1 June 2021, the first New      Yield, Early Consideration and Late 
                                         York Business Day after                 Consideration for each 
                                         the Early Tender Deadline               Series and the FX Rate will be 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Pricing and Early Acceptance            As soon as practicable after the        The time at which the Company will 
 Announcement Time                       Pricing Time                            announce its decision to accept valid 
                                                                                 Tenders for purchase 
                                                                                 on the Early Settlement Date and, if 
                                                                                 so accepted: (i) the Reference Yield, 
                                                                                 the Early Consideration 
                                                                                 and the Late Consideration for each 
                                                                                 Series; (ii) the FX Rate; (iii) the 
                                                                                 Final Acceptance Amount 
                                                                                 in respect of the Early Settlement 
                                                                                 Date, (iv) the allocation of the 
                                                                                 Final Acceptance Amount 
                                                                                 in respect of the Early Settlement 
                                                                                 Date between each Series (which will 
                                                                                 be determined using 
                                                                                 the Acceptance Priority Levels), (v) 
                                                                                 any Pro-Rating Factor in respect of 
                                                                                 the Notes settled 
                                                                                 on the Early Settlement Date (if 
                                                                                 applicable), (vi) the aggregate 
                                                                                 principal amount of Notes 
                                                                                 in each Series that will remain 
                                                                                 outstanding after the Early 
                                                                                 Settlement Date, and (vii) the 
                                                                                 aggregate amount of capacity (if any) 
                                                                                 pursuant to the Offer Cap remaining 
                                                                                 for any Tenders 
                                                                                 submitted after the Early Tender 
                                                                                 Deadline and at or prior to the 
                                                                                 Expiration Deadline. 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Early Settlement Date                   Expected to be 3 June 2021, the third   Date for payment of the relevant 
                                         New York Business Day or Euro Notes     Early Consideration plus Accrued 
                                         Business Day, as                        Interest with respect to 
                                         applicable, after the Early Tender      any Notes that were validly tendered 
                                         Deadline                                prior to or at the Early Tender 
                                                                                 Deadline and were announced 
                                                                                 at the Pricing and Early Acceptance 
                                                                                 Announcement Time as being accepted 
                                                                                 for purchase. 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Expiration Deadline                     11:59 p.m., New York time, on 14 June   Deadline for receipt of valid Tender 
                                         2021                                    Instructions by the Tender and 
                                                                                 Information Agent in order 
                                                                                 for Holders to be able to participate 
                                                                                 in the Offers and receive the Late 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Final Results Announcement Date         Expected to be 15 June 2021, the        The time at which the Company will 
                                         first New York Business Day after the   announce its decision as to whether 
                                         Expiration Deadline,                    it accepts valid Tenders 
                                         or as soon as reasonably practicable    or further valid Tenders for purchase 
                                         thereafter, provided that the           on the Final Settlement Date and, if 
                                         purchase of all Notes validly           so accepted, will 
                                         tendered prior to or at the Early       announce: (i) the Final Acceptance 
                                         Tender Deadline would not result in     Amount in respect of the Final 
                                         an aggregate amount                     Settlement Date, (ii) the 
                                         payable (excluding, for this purpose,   allocation of the Final Acceptance 
                                         Accrued Interest) that would equal or   Amount in respect of the Final 
                                         exceed the Offer                        Settlement Date between 
                                         Cap                                     each Series (which will be determined 
                                                                                 using the Acceptance Priority 
                                                                                 Levels), (iii) any Pro-Rating 
                                                                                 Factor in respect of the Notes 
                                                                                 settled on the Final Settlement Date 
                                                                                 (if applicable), and (iv) 
                                                                                 the aggregate principal amount of 
                                                                                 Notes in each Series that will remain 
                                                                                 outstanding after 
                                                                                 the Final Settlement Date. 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Final Settlement Date                   Expected to be 16 June 2021, the        The date for payment of the Late 
                                         second New York Business Day or Euro    Consideration plus Accrued Interest 
                                         Notes Business Day,                     with respect to any Notes 
                                         as applicable, after the Expiration     that were validly tendered after the 
                                         Deadline, or as soon as reasonably      Early Tender Deadline but prior to or 
                                         practicable thereafter                  at the Expiration 
                                                                                 Deadline and accepted for purchase, 
                                                                                 if applicable. 
                                        --------------------------------------  -------------------------------------- 

Subject to applicable securities laws and the terms set within the Tender Offer Memorandum, the Company reserves the right, with respect to any or all of the Notes, (i) to waive or modify in whole or in part any and all conditions to the Offers, (ii) to extend the Early Tender Deadline, the Expiration Deadline, Pricing Time, the Early Participation Results Announcement Time, the Pricing and Early Acceptance Announcement Time, the Final Results Announcement Date and/or any Settlement Date, (iii) to modify or terminate the Offers or (iv) to otherwise amend the Offers in any respect, including the Offer Cap, the Acceptance Priority, any Early Consideration and/or any Late Consideration.


D.F. King has been appointed by the Company as Tender and Information Agent for the purposes of the Offers.

BBVA Securities Inc., BNP Paribas, Citigroup Global Markets Limited and Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc have been appointed as Dealer Managers for the purposes of the Offers.

Holders of Notes may access the Tender Offer Memorandum at https://sites.dfkingltd.com/angloamerican.

Requests for information in relation to the Offers should be directed to:


          BBVA Securities Inc.                                        BNP Paribas 
        1345 Avenue of the Americas, 44th Floor             16, boulevard des Italiens 
            New York, NY 10105                                         75009 Paris 
             United States of America                                      France 
     Attention: Liability Management               Attention: Liability Management Group 
    Email: liabilitymanagement@bbva.com         Email: liability.management@bnpparibas.com 
            In Europe:                                                  In Europe: 
        Telephone: +44 20 7397 6061                        Telephone: +33 1 55 77 78 9 
          In the United States:                                   In United States: 
      Toll Free: +1 800 422 8692                       Toll-Free No.: +1 (888) 210-4358 
      Collect: +1 212 728 2446                       Confirmation No.: +1 (212) 841-3059 
     Citigroup Global Markets Limited             Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc 
                Citigroup Centre                             25 Cabot Square 
                  Canada Square                                Canary Wharf 
                 Canary Wharf                                 London E14 4QA 
                 London E14 5LB                               United Kingdom 
                        United Kingdom 
     Attention: Liability Management Group        Attention: Liability Management Team, 
             E-mail:                                      Global Capital Markets 
                     liabilitymanagement.europe@citi.com          Email: 
   In Europe:                                   liabilitymanagementeurope@morganstanley.co 
                       Telephone: +44 20 7986 8969                  m 
                   In the United States:                        In Europe: 
          Toll Free: +1 800 558 3745                   Telephone: +44 20 7677 5040 
              Collect: +1 212 723 6106                     In the United States 
                                                    Toll Free Number: +1-866-718-1649 
 Requests for information in relation to the procedures for tendering 
     Notes in the Offers and the submission of Tender Instructions 
  or for copies of the Tender Offer Memorandum, or related documents 
                        should be directed to: 
                          D.F. King 
  Offer Website: https://sites.dfkingltd.com/angloamerican 
              Email: angloamerican@dfkingltd.com 
            In New York                     In London 
    48 Wall Street, 22(nd) Floor         65 Gresham Street 
      New York, New York 10005            London EC2V 7NQ 
      United States of America            United Kingdom 
  Tel: +1 212 269 5550 / Toll Free:    Tel: +44 20 7920 9700 
           (866) 356-7813 
   By Facsimile: +1 (212) 709 3328 
     Attention: Michael Horthman 
   Confirmation: +1 (212) 232-3233 

This announcement is released by Anglo American Capital plc and contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014, as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (UK MAR), encompassing information relating to the Offers described above. For the purposes of UK MAR and the Implementing Technical Standards , this announcement is made by Clare Davage (Company Secretary ) at Anglo American Capital plc.


Nothing in this announcement or the Tender Offer Memorandum constitutes an offer of securities in the United States of America. The securities referred to above have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act") or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States and may not be offered or sold within the United States except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act.

Subject to applicable law, the Company or any of its affiliates may at any time and from time to time following completion or cancellation of the Offers purchase or exchange or offer to purchase or exchange remaining outstanding Notes or issue an invitation to submit offers to sell Notes (including, without limitation, those tendered pursuant to the Offers but not accepted for purchase) through open market purchases, privately negotiated transactions, tender offers, exchange offers or otherwise, in each case on terms that may be more or less favorable than those contemplated by the Offers.

This announcement must be read in conjunction with the Tender Offer Memorandum. This announcement and the Tender Offer Memorandum contain important information which must be read carefully before any decision is made with respect to the Offers. If any holder of Notes is in any doubt as to the action it should take, it is recommended to seek its own legal, accounting and financial advice, including as to any tax consequences, immediately from its stockbroker, bank manager, attorney, accountant or other independent financial adviser. Any individual or company whose Notes are held on its behalf by a broker, dealer, bank, custodian, trust company or other nominee or intermediary must contact such entity if it wishes to participate in the Offers. None of the Company, Anglo American plc the Dealer Managers, the Tender and Information Agent and any person who controls, or is a director, officer, employee or agent of such persons, or any affiliate of such persons, makes any recommendation as to whether holders of Notes should participate in the Offers.


This announcement and the Tender Offer Memorandum do not constitute an invitation to participate in the Offers in any jurisdiction in which, or to or from any person to or from whom, it is unlawful to make such offer or invitation or for there to be such participation under applicable securities laws. The distribution of this announcement and the Tender Offer Memorandum in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this announcement or the Tender Offer Memorandum comes are required by each of the Company, Anglo American plc, the Dealer Managers and the Tender and Information Agent to inform themselves about and to observe any such restrictions.

United Kingdom

The communication of this announcement, the Tender Offer Memorandum and any other documents or materials relating to the Offers is not being made by, and such documents and/or materials have not been approved by, an authorised person for the purposes of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended). Accordingly, such documents and/or materials are not being distributed to, and must not be passed on to, the general public in the United Kingdom, and are only for circulation to persons to whom they can lawfully be circulated outside the United Kingdom or to persons within the United Kingdom falling within the definition of investment professionals (as defined in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the "Order")), or within Article 43(2) of the Order, or within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order, or to other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated in accordance with the Order (such persons together being the "Relevant Persons"). This announcement and the Tender Offer Memorandum are only available to

Relevant Persons and the transaction contemplated therein will be available only to, or engaged in only with, Relevant Persons, and this financial promotion must not be relied or acted upon by persons other than Relevant Persons .


None of the Offers, this announcement, the Tender Offer Memorandum or any other documents or materials relating to the Offers have been or will be submitted to the clearance procedures of the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa ("CONSOB") pursuant to Italian laws and regulations. The Offers are being carried out in the Republic of Italy ("Italy") as an exempted offer pursuant to article 101-bis, paragraph 3-bis of the Legislative Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998, as amended (the "Financial Services Act") and article 35-bis, paragraph 4 of CONSOB Regulation No. 11971 of May 14, 1999, as amended.

Holders of each Series of Notes that are resident and/or located in Italy may tender their Notes through authorised persons (such as investment firms, banks or financial intermediaries permitted to conduct such activities in the Republic of Italy in accordance with the Financial Services Act, CONSOB Regulation No. 20307 of February 15, 2018, as amended from time to time, and Legislative Decree No. 385 of September 1, 1993, as amended) and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations or with requirements imposed by CONSOB or any other Italian authority. Each intermediary must comply with the applicable laws and regulations concerning information duties vis-à-vis its clients in connection with the Notes or the Offers.


The Offers are not being made, directly or indirectly, to the public in the Republic of France. Neither this announcement, the Tender Offer Memorandum nor any other document or material relating to the Offers have only been and shall only be distributed in France to qualified investors as defined in Article 2(e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129. Neither this announcement nor the Tender Offer Memorandum has been or will be submitted for clearance to nor approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.


Neither this announcement, the Tender Offer Memorandum nor any other materials relating to the Offers constitutes an offer to buy or the solicitation of an offer to sell Notes (and Tenders will not be accepted from Holders) in any circumstances in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful. In those jurisdictions where the securities or other laws require the Offers to be made by a licensed broker or dealer or similar and any of the Dealer Managers or any of the Dealer Managers' respective affiliates is such a licensed broker or dealer in any such jurisdiction, the Offers shall be deemed to be made by such Dealer Manager or such affiliate, as the case may be, on behalf of the Company in such jurisdiction.

Each Holder wishing to submit a Tender will be deemed to give certain agreements, acknowledgments, representations, warranties and undertakings in respect of the jurisdictions referred to above and generally as set out in the Tender Offer Memorandum. Any Tenders from a Holder that is unable to make these agreements, acknowledgements, representations, warranties and undertakings may be rejected. Each of the Company, Anglo American plc, the Dealer Managers and the Tender and Information Agent reserves the right, in its absolute discretion (and without prejudice to the relevant Holder's responsibility for the representations made by it), to investigate, in relation to any Tender, whether any such agreement, acknowledgement, representation, warranty or undertaking given by a Holder is correct and, if such investigation is undertaken and as a result the Company determines (for any reason) that such representation is not correct, such Tender shall not be accepted. None of the Company, Anglo American plc, the Dealer Managers and the Tender and Information Agent is under any obligation to make such an investigation.

   [1]                (LEI TINT358G1SSHR3L3PW36) 
   [2]             (LEI 549300S9XF92D1X8ME43) 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 17, 2021 06:00 ET (10:00 GMT)

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Anglo American (LSE:AAL)
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From Sep 2023 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Anglo American Charts.