Polymetal International plc (POLY) Polymetal: Half-yearly report for the six months ended 30 June 2021 26-Aug-2021 / 09:00 MSK Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


Release time  IMMEDIATE                                                         LSE, MOEX, AIX: POLY / ADR: AUCOY 
Date          26 August 2021 

Polymetal International plc

Half-yearly report for the six months ended 30 June 2021

"We are pleased to report our strong financial performance on the back of favourable commodity prices and steady operational delivery during the first half of the year", said Vitaly Nesis, Group CEO of Polymetal, commenting on the results. "We expect stronger production, stable cash costs within the original guidance and significant free cash flow generation for the second half and remain focused on progressing our development projects on schedule".


-- Revenue in 1H 2021 increased by 12% to USUSD 1,274 million compared to 1H 2020 ("year-on-year") driven byhigher metal prices. Average realised gold and silver prices tracked market dynamics and increased by 8% and 59%,respectively. Gold equivalent ("GE") production was 714 Koz, a marginal decrease of 1% year-on-year. Gold salesremained stable year-on-year at 595 Koz but lagged production by 40 Koz mainly due to concentrate in transitbuild-up at Kyzyl. Silver sales were down 19% to 8.0 Moz, due to a lag between silver concentrate production andsales, which is expected to close in 2H 2021.

-- Group Total Cash Costs ("TCC")1 were USUSD 712/GE oz for 1H 2021, within the Company's guidance of USUSD700-750/GE oz, and up 12% year-on-year due to above-CPI inflation in the mining industry and full-period impact ofCOVID-related costs, as well as planned decline in grades processed at Kyzyl and Albazino.

-- All-in Sustaining Cash Costs ("AISC")1 amounted to USUSD 1,019/GE oz, up 16% year-on-year, reflectinginvestments at Omolon (power complex, filtration building and mining fleet renewals) and Kyzyl (mining fleet), aswell as accelerated stripping at Voro (Pescherny and Saum deposits) and Omolon (Burgali deposit). AISC are expectedto decline in the second half of the year on the back of seasonally higher production and sales to meet the fullyear guidance of USUSD 925-975/GE oz.

-- Adjusted EBITDA[1] was USUSD 660 million, an increase of 8% year-on-year, driven by higher commodity pricesagainst the backdrop of stable production. The Adjusted EBITDA margin decreased to 52% (1H 2020: 54%).

-- Net earnings[2] were USUSD 419 million (1H 2020: USUSD 376 million), with basic EPS of USUSD 0.89 per share (1H2020: USUSD 0.80 per share), reflecting the increase in operating profit. Underlying net earnings1 increased by 15%to USUSD 422 million (1H 2020: USUSD 368 million).

-- Capital expenditure was USUSD 375 million[3], up 55% compared to USUSD 242 million in 1H 2020, reflecting theconstruction at POX-2, Nezhda and Kutyn, combined with stripping at Veduga[4], Voro and Omolon. Capital expenditurelevels were also affected by inflationary pressures and COVID-related costs.

-- Given the continuing macroeconomic pressures, materials and wage inflation, as well as scope changesapproved by the Board, including costs of the feasibility study for POX-3 and acceleration of Veduga and Prognozprojects, Polymetal revises its FY 2021 capex guidance to USUSD 675-725 million (previously USUSD 560 million). Theguidance for 2022-2025 will be updated during the Company's capital markets day in November 2021.

-- An interim dividend of USUSD 0.45 per share (1H 2020: USUSD 0.40 per share) representing 50% of the Group'sunderlying net earnings for 1H 2021 has been approved by the Board in accordance with the dividend policy. A finaldividend for 2020 of USUSD 0.89 per share (total of USUSD 421 million) was paid in May 2021.

-- Net debt1 increased to USUSD 1,827 million during the period (31 December 2020: USUSD 1,351 million),representing 1.05x of the last twelve months Adjusted EBITDA, significantly and favourably below the Group's targetleverage ratio of 1.5x. The increase in net debt was mainly driven by accelerated capital expenditures combinedwith seasonal working capital build-up.

-- Operating cash flow increased by 22% year-on-year to USUSD 358 million, however free cash flow ("FCF")3represented a USUSD 27 million outflow, compared to a USUSD 54 million inflow a year earlier, driven by higher capitalexpenditure. As usual, FCF is expected to be stronger in the second half of the year due to seasonally higherproduction and working capital release.

-- Polymetal is on track to meet its 2021 production guidance of 1.5 Moz of gold equivalent. The companymaintains its 2021 guidance range of USUSD 700-750/GE oz and USUSD 925-975/GE oz for TCC and AISC, respectively. Thisguidance remains contingent on the RUB/USD and KZT/USD exchange rates which have a significant effect on theGroup's local currency denominated operating costs.

Financial highlights[5]                           1H 2021  1H 2020[6] Change, % 
Revenue, USUSDm                                     1,274    1,135      +12% 
Total cash cost[7], USUSD/GE oz                     712      638        +12% 
All-in sustaining cash cost3, USUSD/GE oz           1,019    880        +16% 
Adjusted EBITDA3, USUSDm                            660      610        +8% 
Average realised gold price[8], USUSD/oz            1,793    1,661      +8% 
Average realised silver price4, USUSD/oz            26.5     16.7       +59% 
Net earnings, USUSDm                                419      376        +11% 
Underlying net earnings3, USUSDm                    422      368        +15% 
Return on Assets3, %                               24%      23%       +1% 
Return on Equity (underlying)3,%                   24%      23%       +1% 
Basic EPS, USUSD/share                              0.89     0.80       +11% 
Underlying EPS, USUSD/share                         0.89     0.78       +14% 
Dividend declared during the period[9], USUSD/share 0.89     0.62       +44% 
Dividend proposed for the period[10], USUSD/share   0.45     0.40       +13% 
Net debt3, USUSDm                                   1,827    1,351      +35% 
Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA                          1.05[11] 0.80       +32% 
Net operating cash flow, USUSDm                     358      294        +22% 
Capital expenditure, USUSDm                         375      242        +55% 
Free cash flow3, USUSDm                             (27)     54          NM[12] 
Free cash flow post-M&A3, USUSDm                    (29)     55         NM 


-- As of the date of this press release, there are 64 active cases of COVID-19 among Polymetal's workforce.

-- In July 2021, the Kubaka processing plant site (Omolon hub) suffered a significant COVID-19 outbreak.Management responded quickly to isolate the infected individuals and evacuated those who had symptoms or exhibitedpotentially risky pre-conditions with no impact on production. As of the date of this press release, there are 41active cases of COVID-19, mostly among construction and drilling contractors.

-- Other operations and projects continue undisrupted. All precautionary measures, including extensivetesting and observatory periods, are maintained at all sites.

-- Voluntary vaccinations continue at the Group's sites and offices, with 30% of employees having receivedat least one vaccination across different mine sites.


-- There were no fatal accidents during the first half of the year (consistent with H1 2020) amongPolymetal's workforce and the Company's contractors. Unfortunately, on 18 July 2021 a drilling contractor lost hislife at the Saum open-pit mine, part of Voro operations.

-- LTIFR in 1H 2021 stood at 0.17 with ten lost-time injuries, in comparison with 0.07 and four cases a yearearlier.

-- GE production in 1H 2021 was 714 Koz, down 1% year-on-year, mostly due to the planned grade declines atKyzyl and Albazino. Stronger production forecast in the 2H 2021 will be driven by seasonal concentratede-stockpiling, notably at Mayskoye and Dukat. The Group remains on track to meet its FY2021 production guidance of1.5 Moz of gold equivalent.

-- Construction and development activities at Nezhda and POX-2 projects have progressed on schedule amidcontinued tightness in the construction contractor market and COVID-related cross-border travel restrictions.

-- In June 2021, Vigeo Eiris (part of Moody's ESG solutions), a global leader in ESG assessments, data,research and analytics, raised Polymetal's overall ESG score from 48 to 69 (out of 100) which corresponds with theAdvanced level, the highest on the company's ranking scale. The new score places Polymetal in second place out of43 in the Mining & Metals sector and 22nd place in the global ranking universe (4,939 companies).

-- In August 2021, Polymetal's MSCI ESG Rating has been upgraded to AA from A. This places Polymetal amongthe companies with the highest ESG Rating in the Precious Metals sector. MSCI has highlighted Polymetal's safetyinitiatives and improvements, robust governance structure and business ethics practices, active engagement withlocal communities and robust approach to mitigating the risk of dam-related incidents.

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August 26, 2021 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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