Washington, D.C. 20549





Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of May, 2024


Commission File Number 1-34129




(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Rua da Quitanda, 196 – 24th floor,
Centro, CEP 20091-005,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

Form 20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Yes _______ No___X____







1.   Operating Result 6
1.1.   Generation Segment 6
1.2.   Trading Segment 9
1.3.   Transmission Segment 11
2.   Consolidated result | IFRS and regulatory 12
2.1.   Operating Revenues 13
2.2.   Other Income 18
2.3.   Operating Costs and Expenses 19
2.4.   Equity Holdings 23
2.5.   EBITDA 24
2.6.   Financial Result 25
2.7.   Current and Deferred Taxes 26
3.   Debt and receivables 27
3.1.   Holding / Parent Company and Consolidated 27
4.   Loans and Financing (Receivables) 29
4.1.   Holding / Parent Company and Consolidated 29
4.2.   RBSE 29
5.   Investments 30
6.   ESG 32
7.   Cash Flow 33
8.   Appendices 34
8.1.   Appendix 1 – Financial Statements 34
8.2.   Appendix  2 – Compulsory Loan 41
8.3.   Appendix  3 – Reconciliation IFRS X Regulatory 42





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Table 1 - Operational Highlights

Highlights 1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Installed Generation Capacity (MW) 44,304 43,009 3.0 44,654 -0.8
Assured Capacity (aMW) (1) 22,033 21,354 3.2 22,294 -1.2
Net Generation (GWh) 44,521 44,346 0.4 31,806 40
Energy Sold ACR (GWh) (2) 9.9 8.8 12.5 10.8 -8.3
Energy Sold ACL (GWh) (3) 13.6 12.4 9.7 14.3 -4.9
Energy Sold Quotas (GWh) (4) 8.6 11.4 -24.6 11.6 -25.9
Average ACR Price (R$/MWh) 216.16 219.81 -1.7 220 -1.7
Average ACL Price (R$/MWh) 153.76 199.96 -23.1 194 -20.7
Transmission lines (km) 73,795 73,946 -0.2 73,789 0.0
RAP (R$mn) 17,702 13,778 28.5 17,663 0.2

Changes in the period: (1.1) Revision of the Assured Capacity values of the plants that had their concessions renewed due to the capitalization (plants under the Quota regime, Tucuruí, Itumbiara, Sobradinho, Mascarenhas de Moraes and Curuá-Una), as defined in Ordinance GM/MME 544/21, with a significant reduction in Assured Capacity, effective from 2023; (1.2) Ordinary Revision of the Assured Capacity of hydroelectric plants, effective from 2023, affecting several Eletrobras plants; (1.3) Increase in the assured Capacity of the Santa Cruz TPP due to the closure of the Combined Cycle; (1.4) Exit of Candiota III TPP; (1.5) Inclusion of the SPEs that are now consolidated: HPPs Teles Pires, Baguari and Retiro Baixo; (2) does not include quotas; (3) includes contracts under Law 13.182/2015; (4) figures shown are Assured Capacity of quotas in GWh.

Table 2 - Financial Highlights

    1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
  Financial Indicators (R$ mn)          
Gross Revenue 10,571 10,997 -4 11,858 -11
Adjusted Gross Revenue 10,571 11,053 -4 11,858 -11
Net Operating Revenue 8,718 9,210 -5 9,922 -12
Adjusted Net Operating Revenue 8,718 9,266 -6 9,922 -12
Regulatory Net Operating Revenue 9,700 8,900 9 10,275 -6
EBITDA 4,620 4,890 -6 1,055 338
Adjusted EBITDA 4,505 5,577 -19 3,840 17
Regulatory EBITDA 5,537 4,486 23 2,856 94
Adjusted Regulatory EBITDA 5,422 5,173 5 5,642 -4
EBITDA Margin 53% 53% - 0.1 11% 4.0
Adjusted EBITDA Margin 52% 60% - 8.5 39% 0.3
Return on Equity (ROE) LTM 3.8% 1.2% 2.7 3.9% - 0.0
Adjusted Gross Debt 60,947 58,038 5 61,438 -1
Adjusted Net Debt 42,966 36,717 17 41,763 3
Adjusted Net Debt/Adjusted LTM IFRS EBITDA 2.4 2.0 18 2.2 9
Net Income 331 406 -19 893 -63
Investments 1,202 1,121 7 4,632 -74


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1.Operating Result
1.1.Generation Segment
1.1.1.Generation Assets

In 1Q24, the Company’s generation operations consisted of 99 plants, of which 47 were hydroelectric, 43 wind, 8 thermal and 1 solar, encompassing corporate projects, shared ownership and holdings via SPEs.


Total installed capacity reached 44,304 MW in the quarter, which represents 22% of the total installed capacity in Brazil. Of the total installed capacity, approximately 97% is derived from clean sources, with low greenhouse gas emissions.


Table 3 - Generation Assets

Source Installed Capacity (MW) Assured Capacity
Ac. Generated Energy (GWh)  
Hydro (47 plants) 42,293.49 20,629.79 43,101.24  
Thermal (8 plants) 1,295.22 1,079.50 1,092.47  
Wind power (43 plants) 714.85 322.61 327.15  
Solar (1 plant) 0.93 - 0.31  
Total (99 plants) 44,304.48 22,031.89 44,521.17  


1.1.2.System Data

Brazil’s installed capacity was 200,583.77 MW in 1Q24.

Graph 1 - Installed capacity in Brazil - by source



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Graph 2 - Energy generated by SIN - National Interconnected System (GWh)


1.1.3.Energy Generation

Energy generated was stable in 1Q24 YoY, except for the wind source, which fell by 20% due to variations in the wind regime.


Graph 3 - Eletrobras Net Energy Generation (GWH)



1.1.4.System Data

Table 4 - PLD

    1Q24 1Q23 4Q23
Market GSF (%) 90.26 101.34 83.79
PLD SE (R$/MWh) 61.13 69.04 77.70
PLD S (R$/MWh) 61.13 69.04 77.70
PLD NE (R$/MWh) 61.13 69.04 77.70
PLD N (R$/MWh) 61.13 69.04 77.70


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Graph 4 - GSF (%)


Graph 5 - Historical Average of Affluent Natural Energy (ANE) - SIN (%)


ANE with a reversal of the recent history of records from Dec/2023 and Jan/24 with the lowest percentage (59%) in the 93-year history.



Graph 6 - Energy Stored in Reservoirs - SIN (%)




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1.1.5.New Projects

Two key projects currently under construction will add 330.45 MW to Eletrobras' installed capacity in 2024: the 302.4 MW Coxilha Negra wind farm, located in Rio Grande do Sul state, and the 27 MW Casa Nova B wind farm, in Bahia state.


The Coxilha Negra wind farm began its test operation in February 2024 and is 69% of the way through its physical progress schedule.


The Casa Nova B wind farm is with approximately 60% of the physical project completed. Transport of the wind turbine blades from the Port of Recife to the project site has been completed, as well as the recovery of 18 trafos. In addition, mobilization and work has begun on the 34.5kV medium-voltage network and line entry from the Casa Nova B wind farm to the Casa Nova II substation. The start of operations is scheduled for September 2024.


1.2.Trading Segment
1.2.1.Energy Sold in 1Q24

The Eletrobras companies sold 32.0 TWh of energy in 1Q24, in line with the 32.4 TWh traded in 1Q23. These volumes include the energy sold by plants under the quota regime, renewed by Law 12,783/2013, as well as by plants under the operating regime (Free Contracting Environment - ACL and Regulated Contracting Environment - ACR).



Graph 7 - Energy Sold - ACL & ACR (TWh)












Graph 8 - Energy Sold - quotas (TWh)



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1.2.2.Energy Balance

Table 5 - Energy Balance 1Q24 (aMW)

    2024 2025 2026 2027
Resources with no impact on the balance Sheet (1) 1,192 1,192 1,192 946
Resources (A) 14,213 15,356 16,529 17,621
Own resources (2) (3) (4) (5) 12,861 14,155 15,416 16,590
         Hydro 12,668 13,905 15,166 16,340
         Wind 193 250 250 250
Energy Purchase 1,352 1,201 1,112 1,031
Limit =>   Lower Higher Lower Higher Lower Higher
Sales (B)   11,658 7,994 9,994 6,594 8,094 5,749 6.749
ACR – Except quotas 3,707 3,094 3,094 2,999
ACL – Bilateral Contracts + Short Term Market implemented (range) 7,951 4,900 6,900 3,500 5,000 2,750 3,750
Average Prices Implemented Contracts        
Limit =>   Lower Higher Lower Higher Lower Higher
Average Price of Sales Contracts (ACR and ACL - R$/MWh) -
lagged by 1 quarter
189 165 175 175 195 180 210
 Balance (A - B)   2,555 7,362 5,362 9,935 8,435 11,872 10.872
 Balance considering estimated hedge (6) 1,242 4,831 2,831 7,174 5,674 8,898 7,898
Decontracted energy considering hedge estimate (8) 8% 29% 17% 40% 32% 48% 43%

Contracts signed until March 31,2024.

It should be noted that the balance sheet takes into account the SPEs consolidated by Furnas: Santo Antônio HPP (as of 3Q22), Baguari and Retiro Baixo HPPs (as of 4Q23), whether in terms of resources, sales or average prices. The SPE consolidated by Eletronorte, Teles Pires HPP (from 4Q23) is being considered in the same way.

1. Independent Energy Producers (IEP) contracts resulting from the Amazonas Distribuidora de-verticalization process, the thermal plant availability contracts and the Assured Capacity Quotas are not included in the balance sheet, whether in resources, requirements (sales) or average prices. These resources are presented in order to make up the total resources considered.

2. Own Resources include the Decotization plants (new IEPs) and the New Grants (Sobradinho, Itumbiara, Tucuruí, Curuá-Una and Mascarenhas de Moraes). For the hydroelectric projects, an estimate of GFIS2 was considered, i.e. the Assured Capacity taking into account the Adjustment Factors due to Internal Losses, Losses in the Basic Grid and Availability as well as adjustments due to the particularities of the portfolio.

3. The revised Assured Capacity values as defined in Ministerial Order No. 709/GM/MME of November 30, 2022 are taken into account.

4. With the decotization process, the plants currently under the quota regime are granted a new concession under the Independent Energy Producer (IEP) regime, which will take place gradually over a 5-year period starting in 2023. The Assured Capacity values were defined in Ministerial Order GM/MME No. 544/21.

5. Considering the new concession grants from 2023 onwards for the Sobradinho, Itumbiara, Tucuruí, Curuá-Una and Mascarenhas de Moraes plants, whose Assured Capacity values were defined in Ministerial Order GM/MME No. 544/21.


Table 6 - Hydroelectric Power Plant Assured Capacity Quotas (aMW)

  2024 2025 2026 2027
Assured Capacity Quotas (6) (7) 3,939 2,626 1,313 -


6. This does not include the Assured Capacity of the Jaguari HPP, of 12.7 aMW, whose concession is under provisional administration by Furnas.


7. Decotization takes place gradually over a 5-year period starting in 2023. The Assured Capacity values considered from 2023 onwards were those defined in Ministerial Order GM/MME No. 544/21.


8. The figures show an estimate of decontracted energy. For 2023, the value used was 87.1%. For the other years, an average historical GSF value from 2018 to 2023 was used, of 81.8%. Source: CCEE, obtained from the CCEE website, at the following link: (in Portuguese), under the MRE option in the panel. It should be noted that this is only an estimate, based on facts that occurred in the past. The graph with the historical GSF values is shown on the page 7 of this report.







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1.3.Transmission Segment
1.3.1.Transmission Lines

The Company ended 1Q24 with 73.8 thousand km of transmission lines (TLs) and 435 substations, which consist of 282 renewed and 153 tendered projects.


Table 7 - Transmission Lines (Km)

Company Own In Partnership (1) Total
Chesf 22,043 1,831 23,873
Eletronorte 10,921 1,073 11,994
CGT Eletrosul 11,966 5 11,970
Furnas 21,612 4,345 25,957
Total 66,542 7,253 73,795

(1) Partnerships consider extensions proportional to the capital invested by Eletrobras Companies in the project.


1.3.2.New Projects

There are 240 large-scale transmission projects under implementation (reinforcements, improvements and auction projects) with an associated additional RAP of R$1.1 billion between 2024-2028, which will add around 89 km of TL and 3,841 MVA in substations. According to the ONS SGPMR system database, Eletrobras companies had a total of 11,025 small-scale events under implementation, of which 10,195 were small-scale improvements and 830 small-scale reinforcements.





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2.Consolidated result | IFRS and regulatory


Table 8 – Income Statement IFRS (R$ mn)

Income Statement (IFRS) 1Q24 1Q23 4Q23
R$ million IFRS Adjustment Adjusted Adjusted % Y/Y Adjusted % Q/Q
Generation 5,933 - 5,933 6,616 -10 7,221 -18
Transmission 4,559 - 4,559 4,336 5 4,558 0
Others 79 - 79 101 -21 79 1
Gross Revenue 10,571 - 10,571 11,053 -4 11,858 -11
(-) Deductions from Revenue -1,853 - -1,853 -1,787 4 -1,936 -4
Net Revenue 8,718 - 8,718 9,266 -6 9,922 -12
Energy resale, grid, fuel and construction -2,856 - -2,856 -2,289 25 -3,948 -28
Personnel, Material, Services and Others -1,627 33 -1,594 -1,770 -10 -1,815 -12
Operating Provisions -196 -43 -338 -139 - -582 -42
Other income and expenses 5 -5 - - - - -
EBITDA, before Shareholdings 4,044 -115 3,929 5,068 -22 3,577 10
Shareholdings 576 - 576 509 13 264 118
EBITDA 4,620 -115 4,505 5,577 -19 3,840 17
D&A -997 - -997 -903 10 -899 11
EBIT 3,623 -115 3,509 4,673 -25 2,941 19
Financial Results -2,988 209 -2,779 -2,446 14 -2,123 41
EBT 636 94 730 2,227 -67 819 -36
Income Tax and
Social Contribution
-305 - -305 -448 -32 358 -185
Net Income from
Continuing Operations
331 94 424 1,779 -76 1,176 -82
Net Income from
Discontinued Operations
- - - - - - -
Net Income 331 94 424 1,779 -76 1,176 -82



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Table 9 – Regulatory Income Statement (R$ mn)

Income Statement (Regulatory)

R$ million

1Q24 1Q23 4Q23
Regulatory Adjustment Adjusted Adjusted % Y/Y Adjusted % Q/Q
Generation(1) 6,365 - 6,365 6,616 -4 7,221 -12
Transmission 5,110 - 5,110 3,906 31 4,911 4
Others 78 - 78 221 -64 79 0
Gross Revenue 11,553 - 11,553 10,743 8 12,211 -5
(-) Deductions from Revenue -1,853 - -1,853 -1,787 4 -1,936 -4
Net Revenue 9,700 - 9,700 8,956 8 10,275 -6
Energy resale, grid, fuel and construction -2,390 - -2,390 -2,070 15 -2,763 -13
Personnel, Material, Services and Others -1,728 33 -1,695 -1,910 -11 -1,817 -7
Operating Provisions -497 -143 -639 -27 - -474 35
Other income and expenses 5 -5 - - - 173 -100
EBITDA, before Shareholdings 5,091 -115 4,976 4,950 1 5,393 -8
Shareholdings 446 - 446 223 100 249 79
EBITDA 5,537 -115 5,422 5,173 5 5,642 -4
D&A -1,478 - -1,478 -1,355 9 -1,581 -6
EBIT 4,058 -115 3,944 3,818 3 4,061 -3
Financial Results -2,917 209 -2,917 -2,304 18 -2,122 37
EBT 1,141 94 1,235 1,514 -18 1,939 -47
Income Tax and
Social Contribution
-370 - -370 -402 -8 205 -281
Net Income from
Continuing Operations
771 94 865 1,111 -22 2,144 -69
Net Income from
Discontinued Operations
- - - - - - -
Net Income 771 94 865 1,111 -22 2,144 -69
(1)In 1Q24, the difference between the regulatory and IFRS generation revenue consists of the different treatment of Amazonas Energia's customer billing of R$432 million, which does not cause a difference between IFRS and regulatory EBITDA.


2.1.Operating Revenues

Recurring IFRS generation revenue was R$5.933 billion in 1Q24, down R$683 million on 1Q23, due to the non-recognition of revenue related to Amazonas Energia of R$432 million and a decline of R$149 million due to the sale of Candiota TPP.

Recurring regulatory revenue was R$6.365 billion, R$432 million higher than recurring IFRS generation revenue, since the revenue related to Amazonas Energia is recognized and then fully provisioned.


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Power supply for distribution companies

Revenue from power supply for distribution companies is obtained from customers who are not end consumers, such as distributors, traders and generators. In 1Q24, revenue from power supply was R$3,683 million, down R$338 million YoY, mainly due to: (a) the sale of the Candiota plant with a reduction of 226 aMW and R$149 million at CGT Eletrosul, in line with Eletrobras' decarbonization strategy to be Net Zero by 2030; (b) write-off of Amazonas Energia S.A.'s revenues, amounting to
R$432 million, due to the fact that Eletronorte began not to recognize the effects of the invoiced electricity supply contract as the customer defaulted; and (c) reduction in the ACL price, with effects partially offset by the revenue increase of R$256 million related to the consolidation of Teles Pires, which took place in 4Q23.

Power supply for end consumers

Revenue from power supply for end consumers, in turn, is obtained directly from the end consumer, for example industries and retail. In 1Q24, supply revenues amounted to R$761 million, down R$313 million YoY. This reduction is mainly related to the lower volume of energy sold to industrial consumers covered by Law 13,182/15, particularly energy from the Itumbiara HPP in Furnas, and was caused by unilateral cancellations by customers of part of the contracted supply volumes. The reductions amounted to R$160 million, R$124 million and R$37 million at Furnas, Chesf and Eletronorte, respectively.

CCEE Revenue

Revenues from the CCEE (short term market) were R$701 million, up R$266 million YoY, due to the increase in energy settled (more decontracted energy available, due to the gradual decotization of the plants).

Operation and Maintenance Revenue - Plants Renewed by Law 12,783/2013

Operation and maintenance revenues were R$787 million, down R$242 million YoY, mainly reflecting the gradual decotization process of quota-holding plants (20% each year), mitigated by the effects of the annual adjustment of the Annual Generation Revenue - RAG, according to Homologatory Resolutions No. 3,068/2022 (2022-2023 cycle) and No. 3,225/2023 (2023-2024 cycle), impacting Eletronorte, Chesf and Furnas.

Table 10 - Gross Revenue 1Q24 (R$ mn)

Gross Revenue 1Q24
Holding Furnas Chesf Eletronorte CGT Eletrosul Total Eliminations Consolidated IFRS
Power supply for distribution companies - 1,872 116 1,505 191 3,684 -1 3,683
Power supply for end consumers - 310 77 365 9 761 - 761
CCEE revenue (short term market) - 188 228 284 2 701 - 701
Operation and maintenance revenue - 263 518 7 - 787 - 787
Generation Revenues - 2,633 938 2,161 202 5,934 -1 5,933
Non-recurring items - Adjustments - - - - - - - -
Adjusted Generation Revenue - 2,633 938 2,161 202 5,934 -1 5,933



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Table 11 - Gross Revenue 1Q23 (R$ mn)

Gross Revenue 1Q23
Holding Furnas Chesf Eletronorte CGT Eletrosul Total Eliminations Consolidated IFRS
Power supply for distribution companies - 1,803 133 1,770 378 4,084 -63 4,021
Power supply for end consumers - 471 201 403 - 1,074 - 1,074
CCEE revenue (short term market) - 29 97 308 1 435 - 435
Operation and maintenance revenue - 359 662 9 - 1,030 - 1,030
Generation Revenues - 2,662 1,093 2,490 379 6,624 -63 6,560
Non-recurring items - Adjustments                
(-) CCEE Reaccountings - Furnas - 56 - - - 56 - 56
Adjusted Generation Revenue - 2,718 1,093 2,490 379 6,680 -63 6,616

Generation Revenue by Contracting Environment

Below, we present Eletrobras’ trading results by contracting environment.

Table 12 - Generation Revenue by Contracting Environment (R$ mn)

Generation Revenue Volume (aMW) (a) Price (R$/MWh) (b) Regulatory Revenue (c) = (a) x (b)
R$ million 1Q24 % Y/Y %Q/Q 1Q24 % Y/Y %Q/Q 1Q24 % Y/Y %Q/Q
(+) Regulated market 4,157 12.4 -5.8 302.2 -7.8 -3.6 2,744 4.7 -10.2
(+) Free Market 6,302 3.5 -3.7 155.0 -19.7 -20.2 2,133 -15.9 -24.0
(+) O&M (Quotas) 3,943 -25.1 -25.0 91.4 0.9 2.1 787 -23.6 -24.3
(+) ST Market (CCEE) 4,856 86.9 206.8 66.1 -14.8 -40.3 701 61.1 81.2
(=) Ex Other 19,259 9.1 8.2 151.3 -12.9 -18.4 6,366 -3.9 -12.7
(+) Other (1) - - - - - - -1 -98.7 -98.8
(=) Total - - - - - - 6,365 -3.0 -11.9
   Recurring - - - - - - 6,365 -3.8 -11.9
   Non-recurring - - - - - - 0 -100.0 -


Generation Revenue Regulatory Revenue (c) Accounting Adjustment (d) ** Generation Revenue (R$ million) (e) = (c) + (d)
R$ million 1TQ4 1Q23 4Q23 1TQ4 1Q23 4Q23 1Q24 1Q23 % Y/Y 4Q23 %Q/Q
(+) Regulated market 2,744 2,620 3,056 -432 0 0 2,313 2,620 -11.8 3,056 -24.3
(+) Free Market 2,133 2,538 2,807 0 0 0 2,133 2,538 -15.9 2,807 -24.0
(+) O&M (Quotas) 787 1,030 1,040 0 0 0 787 1,030 -23.6 1,040 -24.3
(+) ST Market (CCEE) 701 435 387 0 0 0 701 435 61.1 387 81.2
(=) Ex Other 6,366 6,624 7,290 -432 0 0 5,934 6,624 -10.4 7,290 -18.6
(+) Other (1) -1 -63 -69 0 0 0 -1 -63 -98.7 -69 -98.8
(=) Total 6,365 6,560 7,221 -432 0 0 5,933 6,560 -9.6 7,221 -17.8
    Recurring 6,365 6,616 7,221 -432 0 0 5,933 6,616 -10.3 7,221 -17.8
    Non-recurring 0 -56 0 0 0 0 0 -56 -100.0 0 -


*Construction Revenues, Financial Effect of Itaipu and Elimination (accounting adjustments - internal sales).

** In 1Q24, Amazonas' revenue (R$432mn) is no longer recognized as revenue, but as a reducer of provisions.


Earnings Release 1Q24     15





Transmission revenue was R$4,559 million in 1Q24, up 8% YoY, with an increase of R$302 million in construction revenue and R$265 million in O&M, offset by a reduction of R$225 million in contractual transmission revenue.

O&M Revenue

O&M revenue increased by R$265 million YoY, mainly due to the publication of ANEEL;s Homologatory Resolution No. 3,216/2023, effective as of July/2023, which mainly includes the tariff readjustment for the 23/24 cycle, as well as the partial recognition of the Periodic Tariff Review of some tendered contracts. Eletronorte's O&M revenue from Contract 058/2001 increased by R$135 million. The increases at the other companies were as follows: Furnas R$83 million, CGT Eletrosul R$32 million and Chesf R$13 million.

Construction Revenue

Construction revenue for the periods is directly related to the investments made (appropriated and allocated) in transmission projects in progress. Construction revenue totaled R$586 million, up by R$302 million YoY, mainly reflecting works at (a) Furnas, with an invested amount of R$158 million in the renewed contract 062/2001; and (b) Eletronorte, in the amount of R$152 million in the 058/2001 contract.

Contractual Revenue

The contractual (financial) revenue is associated with the application of inflationary indices to the balances of the contract assets of each concession. The accumulated IPCA from Jan- Mar/2023 was 2.0%, and from Jan-Mar/2024 was 1.82 %. As for the IGP-M, the percentage changed from 0.60% to 0.29% in the same periods.

The impact on the Eletrobras companies was: (a) Furnas: -R$ 100 million, particularly contract 062 (RBNI R$13 million and RBSE -R$ 133million); (b) Chesf: -R$ 72 million; (c) Eletronorte: -R$ 42 million; and (d) CGT Eletrosul: -R$ 11 million. The negative variation observed in the RBSE values is due to the lower inflation in the period compared and the reduction of its average base due to the amortization of the existing balance.

It should be noted that the IPCA in 4Q23 was 0.78% compared to 1.82% in 1Q24, which had a positive impact of R$211 million at Furnas, R$155 million at Chesf, R$95 million at Eletronorte and R$52 million at CGT Eletrosul.

Such effect is due to the application of IFRS rules and differs from regulatory revenue, which was adjusted in July 2023, according to Homologatory Resolution No. 3.216/23.


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Table 13 – Transmission Operating Revenue (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Transmission Revenues 4,559 4,336 5 4,558 0
Operation and maintenance revenue 1,899 1,753 8 1,723 10
Construction Revenue 586 284 106 1,272 -54
Contractual Revenue - Transmission 2,074 2,299 -10 1,562 33
Non-recurring items - Adjustments - - - - -
Adjusted Transmission
Operating Revenue
4,559 4,336 8 4,558 0

To check revenue by company, check the financial statements on the IR website.


Regulatory Revenue

The YoY variation in the regulatory transmission revenue was due to: (i) the RBSE re-profiling of approximately R$915 million, due to the entry of the new 23-24 cycle; (ii) the monetary restatement by the IPCA (most contracts) or IGP-M, of around R$120 million; and (iii) the new investments, tariff revisions, adjustment portions and others, of around R$191 million. It should be noted that ANEEL has extended the approval of the full RAP resulting from the Period Tariff Review for concession contracts 057/2001, 058/2001, 061/2001 and 062/2001 to 2024.

It should also be noted that the main difference between regulatory and IFRS revenues in 1Q24 is related to the increase in RBSE's RAP as a result of the re-profiling reported above. Under IFRS, the increase in RAP due to the re-profiling did not result in revenue recognition, since the balance of the contractual asset already provides for the increases in RAP, while under the regulatory method revenue is only recognized when the RAP is invoiced.

Table 14 – IFRS x Regulatory Revenue (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 Regulatory Variation
IFRS Adjustments Regulatory IFRS Adjustments Regulatory
Furnas 1,663 419 2,081 1,597 -315 1,282 62.4
Chesf 1,358 202 1,560 1,449 -160 1,289 21.0
CGT Eletrosul 560 -33 527 514 -77 437 20.7
Eletronorte 1,059 -37 1,022 923 -62 861 20.7
Eliminations -80 -8 -88 -146 640 493 -
TOTAL 4,559 543 5,102 4,336 25 4,361 17.0


Approved RAP x Regulatory Revenue 1Q24

The graph below shows the reconciliation between Approved RAP and regulatory revenue in 1Q24. Approved RAP corresponds to the RAP defined by Aneel for the availability of the facilities under Eletrobras' responsibility for the 2023/2024 cycle, as well as the Approved Adjustment Portion (AP) established by Aneel through Homologatory Resolution 3,216/2023, both proportioned for the quarter.


Earnings Release 1Q24     17




The discount on the variable portion is associated with the unavailability of transmission facilities, as regulated by Module 4 of the transmission rules. The Anticipation Apportionment is related to the difference arising from the collection deficit or surplus that occurs in the calculation carried out by the ONS, considered in the Credit Notice issued by the ONS, being offset through the Adjustment Portion, and should be treated as a pass through.

The CDE/Proinfa amounts refer to the energy development account and the incentive program for alternative sources of electricity, considered in the Credit Notices issued by the ONS. The CDE Fund with PIS/Cofins taxes refers to the amounts not collected as a result of the discounts on tariffs, which are compensated through the Adjustment Portion. It should be noted that these revenues should be treated as pass throughs, given that the transmission companies have the role of collecting these sector charges.

Graph 9 - Conciliation of RAP and Transmission Revenue 1Q24 (R$ mn)


2.2.Other Income

Table 15 – Other operating income (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Other income 79 101 -21 79 -



Earnings Release 1Q24     18





2.3.Operating Costs and Expenses

Table 16 – Operating Costs and Expenses (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Energy purchased for resale 737 639 15 942 -22
Charges on use of the electricity grid 972 810 20 984 -1
Fuel for electricity production 506 442 14 602 -16
Construction 642 398 61 1,371 -53
Personnel, Material, Services and Others 1,627 1,812 -10 2,156 -25
Depreciation and Amortization 997 903 10 899 11
Operating provisions 196 716 -73 3,359 -94
Costs and expenses 5,676 5,720 -1 10,313 -45
Non-recurring events          
(-) Non-recurring PMSO events -331 -43 -23 -341 -90
(-) Non-recurring provisions 1432 -576 -125 -2,776 -105
(-) GSF cost allocated to Others in
PMSO - Furnas
- - - 49 -
Recurring Costs and Expenses 5,786 5,101 13 7,245 -20

1 Effect of voluntary dismissal plans (PDVs) totaling R$33 million in the period; 2 The amounts of non-recurring provisions include: (a) reversal of ECE of R$355 million; (b) provision for onerous contracts of R$39 million; (c) reversal of estimated losses on investments of R$15 million; and (d) other provisions of R$474 million.

2.3.1.Energy Purchased for Resale

Energy purchased for resale totaled R$737 million in 1Q24, up by R$ 98 million YoY, mainly due to: (a) an update by the IPCA in the contract prices by subsidiaries in the amount of around R$26 million; (b) Eletronorte, up R$28 million, of which R$20 million refers to the consolidation of Teles Pires, with no counterpart in 1Q23; and (c) Chesf, up R$17 million, as a result of additional 18 aMW in electricity purchased for resale compared to the previous period.

2.3.2.Charges on Use of Electricity Grid

Charges on use of electricity grid totaled R$972 million in 1Q24, up R$162 million YoY. The variation in the Transmission System Usage Charge is justified by ANEEL Homologatory Resolutions No. 3066/2022 (2022-2023 cycle) and No. 3217/2023 (2023-2024 cycle). The impacts were: Eletronorte, +R$115 million, of which R$96 million refers to the consolidation of the Teles Pires plant, Chesf +R$33 million, Furnas +R$30 million and CGT Eletrosul -R$7 million reflecting the sale of Candiota.

2.3.3.Fuel for electricity production

Costs associated with the use of fuel to produce electricity totaled R$506 million in 1Q24, up R$64 million YoY, with the key drivers being : (a) Eletronorte with R$136 million net of recovery of expenses, referring to the increase in cost and volume of natural gas of R$105 million due to dispatches Outside the Order of Merit and Price (FOMP) requested by the National System Operator (ONS), an increase of R$23 million in ICMS tax reversal on sales of Mauá 3 TPP due to ICMS exemption outside the state of Amazonas, and a reduction of R$63 million due to a 36.45% decrease in the collection of ancillary natural gas expenses (ship or pay of transportation and margin) with a consequent reduction of R$70 million in the recovery of CCC expenses; (b) CGT Eletrosul saw a reduction of R$33 million reflecting the sale of the Candiota TPP and (c) Furnas saw a reduction of R$40 million due to the lower dispatch of the Santa Cruz TPP in 1Q24.


Earnings Release 1Q24     19





Costs related to construction totaled R$642 million in 1Q24, up R$244 million YoY, with the following standing out: (a) Furnas, up R$157 million due to contract 062-2001-RBNIs; (b) Eletronorte, up R$152 million, primarily due to the renewed contract 058/2001; (c) CGT Eletrosul, R$25 million more investments in transmission, specifically in reinforcements and improvements to meet ANEEL's regulatory demands. This was partially offset by (d) Chesf, with a R$ 90 million reduction.

2.3.5.PMSO – Personnel, Material, Services and Other


Recurring personnel costs totaled R$945 million in 1Q24, down 7% on the R$1,020 million of 1Q23, mainly reflecting the savings generated by the Voluntary Dismissal Plans (VDPs) totaling R$284 million partially offset by the effects of the 2023-24 Collective Bargaining Agreement of 4.18% (R$35 million), new hires (R$44 million), R$82 million pro rata profit sharing, which in 2023 was not recognized in 1Q23, and miscellaneous increases (R$37 million). It should be noted that the Personnel figure includes R$16 million related to compensatory bonuses for salary readjustment to align the Company's practices with market standards.

Non-recurring effects: Voluntary Dismissal Plans (VDPs) totaling R$ 33 million in the period.


Material costs totaled R$46 million, up by R$1 million YoY, with no significant variations and no non-recurring effects in the quarter.


Recurring service costs totaled R$439 million, down R$28 million YoY, mainly reflecting: (a) R$58 million cost reduction at Furnas due to the reclassification of some benefits to the Personnel account and a reduction in consultancy services; (b) R$12 million decrease at CGT reflecting the sale of Candiota; (c) R$8 million decrease at Chesf; (d) R$11 million reduction at Eletronorte. This decline was partially offset by a R$32 million increase at the holding company, with the emphasis on expenses of R$20 million for legal services, as well as R$13 million for auditing, consulting and IT services. The services account had no non-recurring effects in the quarter.


Other recurring costs and expenses totaled R$165 million in 1Q24, down R$158 million YoY, mainly reflecting: (a) a 94% reduction in retiree benefits, especially at Chesf, which were reclassified as of 3Q23; (b) a 70% reduction in indemnities, losses and fines due to events that occurred in 1Q23 and did not occur in 1Q24, such as a R$13 million loss on the write-off of receivables at the Holding Company, R$24 million in losses on the deactivation of non-reversible assets at Furnas and miscellaneous convictions of R$10 million; (c) in insurance there was a 24% reduction related to the optimization of the corporate insurance structure with unified contracts for transportation insurance, D&O, operational risk, among others, for the total amount of R$9 million.


Earnings Release 1Q24     20



Table 17 – PMSO 1Q24 (R$ mn)

(R$ million)
Eletrobras Furnas Chesf Eletronorte CGT Eletrosul Eletropar Total Eliminations Consolidated
Personnel 138 275 214 214 104 0,5 945 - 945
Voluntary Dismissal Plan (VDP) – Provision - - 25 8 - - 33 - 33
Material 4 12 13 13 4 - 46 - 46
Services 115 115 75 96 37 0,7 439 - 439
Other 27 39 41 48 9 0,2 165 - 165
PMSO 283 440 368 379 154 1 1,627 - 1,627

Personnel: Incentive Plans


- - -25 -8 - - -33 - -33
Recurring PMSO 283 440 343 372 154 1 1,594 - 1,594


Table 18 – PMSO 1Q23 (R$ mn)

(R$ million)
Eletrobras Furnas Chesf Eletronorte CGT Eletrosul Eletropar Total Eliminations Consolidated
Personnel 95 274 193 288 130 0,4 981 - 981
Voluntary Dismissal Plan (VDP) – Provision 4 - 3 -17 - - -10 - -10
Material - 17 9 14 5 - 45 - 45
Services 83 172 84 107 49 0,7 495 - 495
Other 58 96 43 93 17 - 307 5 302
PMSO 240 559 332 484 202 1 1,812 5 1,812
Personnel: Incentive Plans (PAE, VDP); and Labor Claims (Furnas) -4 39 -3 17 - - 49 - 49
Services: Consultancy costs associated with transformation -28 - - - - - -28 - -28
Other: Indemnities, losses and damages (Furnas); and Legal costs (except labor costs) / CDE Inspection (Eletronorte) - -24 - -39 - - -63 - -63
Recurring PMSO 208 574 329 462 202 1 1,775 5 1,770



Earnings Release 1Q24     21



Table 19 – PMSO IFRS (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 4Q23
Non-recurring (b) Recurring
(c) = (a) - (b)
Recurring   % Chg. Recurring   % Chg.
Personnel 978 33 945 1,020 -7 1,005 -6
Material 46 -    46 45 3 99 -54
Services 439 -    439 467 -6 576 -24
Others 165 -    165 239 -31 135 22
Total 1,627 33 1,594 1,770 -10 1,815 -12

For comparative purposes, the PMSO value at 1Q23 was adjusted at "Personnel" reflecting the accounting standardization with reclassification of accounts at Furnas in the amount of R$39 million.

Table 20 – Other Costs and Expenses (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Indemnization, losses and fines 30 99 -70 123 -76
Insurance 25 33 -24 31 -19
Donations and contributions 53 47 13 34 56
Invested 16 3 433 31 -48
Rent 8 94 -91 22 -64
Taxes -28 5 -660 20 -240
Recovery of expenses -40 -15 167 -121 -67
Others 101 120 -16 44 130
Total 165 386 -57 184 -10

Operating Provisions

Table 21 – Operating Provisions (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Provision/Reversal for Litigation 139 -550 -125 -380 -137
Estimated losses on investments -15 - - 254 -106
Provision for Implementation of Actions -
Compulsory Loan
-9 -22 -57 22 -142
ADA – Loans and Financing -4 -4 - -9 -51
ADA - Consumers and resellers -132 -57 130 -383 -66
Onerous contracts 39 - - -862 -104
Results of actuarial reports -128 -140 - - -
Other -84 58 -246 -2,002 -96
Operating Provisions / Reversals -196 -716 -66 -3,359 -94
Non-recurring items / Adjustments -143 576 -130 2,776 -106
Provision/Reversal for Litigation -139 550 -125 380 -137
Estimated losses on investments 15 - - (254) -106
Provision for Implementation of Actions - Compulsory Loan 9 22 -59 (22) -141
ADA – Loans and Financing 4 4 - 9 -56
Onerous contracts -39 - - 862 -105
Provision for demobilization - - - 35 -
RGR refund - - - 69 -
Fair value measurement of assets available for sale - - - 742 -
Impairment 6 - - 956 -99
Adjusted Provisions/Reversals -367 -139 - -582 -42

Positive values in the table above mean a reversal of the provision.


Earnings Release 1Q24     22




§Provision for Litigation: went from a provision of R$550 million in 1Q23 to a reversal of R$139 million in 1Q24, with the main factors being: (a) reversal at the Parent Company of R$338 million in compulsory loan contingencies, due to an economically favorable result in the agreements, in the amount of R$357 million; (b) reversal at Chesf of two civil lawsuits for R$131 million in dispute over land expropriated for the formation of the Sobradinho HPP lake; and (c) a variation of R$141 million at Furnas, with emphasis on labor constitutions of R$23 million, civil constitutions of R$35 million, regulatory constitutions of R$15 million and land constitutions of R$10 million.
§Onerous contracts: R$39 million due to the reversal of onerousness in the Jirau Energia contract by
R$ 13 million and the revision of the calculations of onerous contracts at CGT Eletrosul by R$ 24 million.
§Estimated allowance for doubtful accounts (ADA) - consumers and resellers: rose from a provision of R$57 million in 1Q23 to R$132 million in 1Q24, particularly Chesf's provision of R$66 million on consumers and concessionaires in transmission and Eletronorte's provision of R$78 million related to the warranties from Amazonas Energia to Breitner Energética. This amount includes guarantees for the months of Sep-Dec/23 and Jan-Mar/24 of around R$11 million per month.
§Result of actuarial reports: provision of R$128 million relating to the cost of interest and the cost of current services defined in the reports for the 2024 financial year, which are now recorded on an accrual basis when compared to the entries made previously at the end of the year.


2.4.Equity Holdings

Table 22 – Equity Holdings (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %  
Highlights Affiliates            
Eletronuclear 103 -31 -437 -386 -127  
CEB Lajeado - - - 12 -100  
Cemar 52 54 -4 81 -36  
CTEEP 230 268 -14 358 -36  
Emae 8 - - 21 -63  
Lajeado - 28 -100 35 -100  
Highlights SPEs            
IE Madeira 65 60 9 42 56  
BMTE 55 44 24 51 8  
Chapecoense 50 44 14 39 28  
ESBR Jirau 36 12 206 13 178  
IE Garanhuns 20 17 18 13 47  
Norte Energia -174 -61 185 -133 31  
Other Equivalents 132 74 78 118 12  
TOTAL Equity Holdings 576 509 13 264 118  


The result was positively influenced by CTEEP results of R$ 230 million and Eletronuclear results of R$ 103 million, offset by affiliated company Norte Energia, reflecting higher operating costs and expenses, lower financial results and lower revenues.


Earnings Release 1Q24     23



2.5.1.Adjusted IFRS EBITDA

Adjusted IFRS EBITDA reached R$4,505 million, down 19% YoY. The drop in generation revenues, added to the increase in operating costs, was partially offset by the positive effects of the increase in transmission revenues and PMSO reduction.

Table 23 – Consolidated EBITDA (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %  
Result for the Period 331 406 -18 893 -63  
+ Provision for Income Tax and Social Contribution 305 448 -32 -3,265 -109  
+ Financial Result 2,988 3,133 -5 2,527 18  
+ Amortization and Depreciation 997 903 10 899 11  
EBITDA 4,620 4,890 -6 1,055 338  
Revenue Adjustments - 56 - - -  
Cost and Expense Adjustments 33 43 -23 292 -89  
Provision Adjustments -143 576 -125 2,776 -105  
Other Income and Expenses Adjustments -5 11 -145 -283 -98  
Adjusted EBITDA 4,505 5,577 -19 3,840 17  


2.5.2.Adjusted Regulatory EBITDA

In addition, for a more thorough analysis of the Company's cash dynamics, it is recommended to evaluate the performance of the Adjusted Regulatory EBITDA.

In this case, the 3% increase in net revenue was leveraged by a reduction in costs and expenses and an improvement in the result from equity holdings, which led to a 5% increase in EBITDA when comparing 1Q23 with 1Q24.


Table 24 – Regulatory EBITDA (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Net Revenue (1) 9,268 8,956 3 10,275 -10
- Energy resale, grid, fuel and construction -2,390 -2,070 15 -2,763 -13
- Personnel, Material, Services and Others -1,695 -1,910 -11 -1,817 -7
-  Operating Provisions (1) -208 -27 679 -474 -56
- Other income and expenses - - - 173 -
+ Equity Holdings 446 223 100 249 79
Adjusted Regulatory EBITDA 5,422 5,173 5 5,642 -4

(1) Excluding the effect of Amazonas Energia in the amount of R$432 million on revenue and operating provisions.




Earnings Release 1Q24     24



2.6.Financial Result

Table 25 – Financial Results (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Financial Income 675 1,071 -37 844 -20
Income from interest, fines, commissions and fees 32 145 -78 -15 -312
Income from financial investments 574 786 -27 755 -24
Late payment surcharge on electricity 47 57 -18 51 -9
Other financial income 74 150 -51 111 -34
(-) Taxes on financial income -51 -67 -23 -58 -12
Financial Expenses -2,470 -3,010 -18 -2,449 1
Debt charges -1,619 -1,852 -13 -1,269 28
CDE obligation charges -610 -553 10 -593 3
River basin revitalization charges -85 -88 -4 -91 -6
Financial discount for anticipation - ENBpar - -335 - - -
Other financial expenses -15 -181 -14 -496 -69
Net Financial Items -1,192 -1,195 0 -922 29
Monetary changes -347 -394 -12 -313 11
Exchange rate variations -2 163 -101 -25 -90
Change in fair value of hedged debt net of derivative -191 - - -278 -31
Monetary updates - CDE -493 -604 -18 -217 127
Monetary updates - river basins -87 -127 -32 -89 -2
Change in derivative financial instrument not linked to debt protection -72 -233 -69 - -
Financial Results -2,988 -3,133 -5 -2,527 18
Adjustments - 687 - 404 -
(-) Income from Distribution Companies + AIC - -35 - 20 -
(-) Monetary restatement of compulsory loans 209 378 - 238 -
(-) Interest and exchange variation on ITAIPU sale to ENBPar - 335 - - -
(-) Reversal of penalties for unavailability - CGT Eletrosul - 8 - - -
(-) PIS/Cofins (IOE) - - - 146 -
Adjusted Financial Result -2,779 -2,446 22 -2,123 41

In 1Q24, the adjusted financial result was negative R$2,988 million, compared to negative R$2,466 million in 1Q23. The main YoY variations were:

§Lower debt charges, which went down from R$1,852 million in 1Q23 to R$ 1,619 million in 1Q24 due to the IPCA variation of 2.1% 1Q24 x 1.4% 1Q23 coupled with CDI reduction.
§Monetary restatement (Selic) on the contingency provision for compulsory loans declined from R$377 million in 1Q23 to R$ 207 million in 1Q24, due to the reduction in the provision inventory and the variation of the Selic rate.
§CDE obligation charges and CDE monetary updates (IPCA financial expenses + charges on the outstanding balance of CDE obligations, the charge being 7.6% per year) amounted to R$ 1.1 billion in 1Q24. These obligations were established by Law 14,182/21 (Privatization of Eletrobras), as one of the conditions for obtaining the new concession grants for power generation for another 30 years. The charges were calculated based on the data published in CNPE Resolution 015/2021: (a) the present value of the obligation; (b) the future flow of payments; and (c) the payment term.


Earnings Release 1Q24     25



§Hydrographic basin revitalization charges (5.67% charge), of R$85 million in 1Q24, and Monetary updates - river basins of R$87 million. These obligations were established by Law 14,182/21 (Privatization of Eletrobras), as one of the conditions for obtaining the new concession grants for power generation, for another 30 years. The charges were calculated based on the data published in CNPE Resolution 015/2021: (a) the present value of the obligation; (b) the future flow of payments; and (c) the payment term.
§Variations in derivatives: positive variation in derivatives in the amount of R$ 161 million mainly due to gains of R$ 72 million with derivatives at Eletronorte in 1Q24, influenced by the variation in the quantity of energy, macroeconomic indices (dollar and Selic) and the aluminum price projection on the London Metal Exchange - LME, which is used as a benchmark for payment of the premium provided for in the contract with Albras.
§Other financial expenses: effect of R$ 27 million, mainly due to the increase in the items at Furnas for interest on arrears without the payment of COFINS in the amount of approximately R$ 18 million and bank guarantees in the amount of approximately R$ 5 million.
§Variation in the fair value of protected debt (hedge) net of derivative: In 2Q23, Eletrobras entered into a derivative transaction called Cross Currency Swap, aiming at hedging the issued bonds against exchange rate fluctuations, assuming a liability position in Reais and the change in value of the liability linked to the variable interest curve in Reais (CDI). In 1Q24, there was a negative effect of R$191 million as a result of the variation in the nominal value of the asset during the period, as well as a depreciation of the notional dollar against the real, which did not occur in 1Q23.

Table 26 – CDE Charges and Projects - Law 14,182/2021 (R$ mn)

Furnas Chesf Eletronorte Total
Debt charges - CDE obligations -175 -255 -179 -610
Debt charges - Revitalization of river basins -22 -34 -29 -85
Passive monetary restatement - CDE obligations -142 -206 -145 -493
Passive monetary restatement - Revitalization of river basins -23 -35 -29 -87
Total CDE charges and Projects - Law 14,182/2021 -362 -530 -383 -1,275
2.7.Current and Deferred Taxes

Table 27 – Income Tax and Social Contribution (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Current income tax and social contribution -22 -398 -95% -45 -52%
Deferred income tax and social contribution -283 -50 471% 3.31 -109%
Income tax and social contribution Total -305 -448 -32% 3.265 -109%
Adjustments - - - -2.907 -
IOC / Tax Savings - Furnas and Eletronorte ¹ - - - -453 -
Constitution of negative tax base - SAESA - - - -2.454 -
Adjusted income tax and social contribution -305 -448 -32% 358 -185%

¹ The PIS/Cofins related to the IOC issued by Furnas and Eletronorte is included in the Financial Result.


Earnings Release 1Q24     26




3.Debt and receivables


Gross debt reached R$60.8 billion in 1Q24, in line with 4Q23 and an increase of R$2.7 billion vs 1Q23. In 1Q24 we raised R$493 million in bank debt.

In 1Q24, considering the new funding/amortizations and the 100 bps reduction in the basic interest rate (SELIC), the average term of the debt was reduced by 1.5 months and cost decreased 58 bps, resulting in an average cost of CDI + 0.9288% p.a. at the end of the period.

The net debt/adjusted regulatory EBITDA ratio reached 2.0x in 1Q24. For covenant purposes the net debt/ EBITDA ratio is 2.06x in 1Q24 and 1.95x in 1Q23.

In April, we carried out Eletrobras’ first joint and coordinated issuance with standardized instruments, which resulted in lower costs. We issued R$5.5 billion in debentures: R$3 billion in Eletrobras, R$1 billion in Chesf, R$1 billion in Eletronorte and R$500 million in CGT Eletrosul with rates of CDI +0.85% for 5 years, CDI + 1% for 7 years and IPCA +6.3423% for 7 years for CGT and Eletronorte. Of the total R$5.5 billion raised in Apr/24, around R$3.4 billion was used to repay debts in 2024.


3.1.Holding / Parent Company and Consolidated

Graph 10 - Loans and Financing Payable (R$ billion)

3.1.1.Net Debt

Table 28 – Net Debt (R$ mn)

  03/31/2024 12/31/2023
(+) Gross Debt 60,751 60,780
(+) Derivatives (currency hedge) Net 196 658
(-) (Cash and Cash Equivalents + Current Securities) 17,327 18,967
(-) Financing receivable 654 628
(-) Net balance of Itaipu Financial Assets - 80
Net Debt 42,966 41,763





Earnings Release 1Q24     27




Table 29 – Net Debt Breakdown

Creditor Index Average cost (per year)

Total Balance

(R$ thousand)

Share of Total (%)
Debentures and other securities CDI CDI + 1.00% to 2.17%,
117.6% CDI
12,952,641 21.32
Debentures and other securities IPCA IPCA + 3.75% to 7.49% 14,630,230 24.08
Fixed rate
IPCA + 5.38% to 6.41%; TJLP to TJLP + 3% 8,201,269 13.50
Banco do Brasil CDI, IPCA,
TJLP + 2%, CDI + 1.65% to 2.25%, IPCA + 6.56% 4,468,641 7.36
Petrobras / Vibra Energia Selic Selic 2,164,176 3.56
Caixa Econômica Federal IPCA IPCA + 6.56% 1,463,284 2.41
Bradesco CDI, IPCA IPCA + 6.56%; CDI + 2% to 2.09% 1,463,284 2.41
Itaú IPCA, CDI IPCA + 6.56%; CDI + 1.60% to 2.28% 1,291,430 2.13
Banco do Nordeste do Brasil CDI, IPCA IPCA + 2.74% to 6.56%, 3% to 10%, TFC + 2% to 3% 956,653 1.57
Other creditors CDI, IPCA, TJLP, Fixed rate IPCA + 6.56%, CDI + 2% to 2.17%, 122.84% CDI, TJLP + 5%;
pre-fixed rate up to 10%
6,264,594 10.31
Foreign Currency - Bonds and other debts USD - 6,687,432 11.01
Foreign currency - other debts EUR 2,00% to 4,50% 207,691 0.34
TOTAL     60,751,325 100

*It should be noted that the Company has carried out currency hedge operations for some of its foreign currency debts, which with their respective equivalent rates (post hedge) linked to the CDI are shown below:

2025 Bonds - 97.41% of CDI

2030 Bonds - CDI + 1.70% p.a.

Citibank - CDI + 1.70% p.a.

** Exposure to BNDES only considers contracts of the BNDES direct line.


Earnings Release 1Q24     28




4.Loans and Financing (Receivables)
4.1.Holding / Parent Company and Consolidated

Graph 11 – Receivables (R$ billion)

Does not include ADA of R$3,989 million and current charge.


The RBSE RAP estimate of the Economic Component for the 2023-2028 tariff cycle presented in the 4Q23 earnings release was defined based on the information published by ANEEL in the 2018 Periodic RAP Review. It should be noted that this portion of the revenue is under Public Consultation in CP ANEEL 12/2024, which aims to obtain subsidies regarding the RAP Review of the Extended Transmission Concession Contracts under the terms of Law No. 12,783/2013, with a review date of July 1, 2023.

Based on the preliminary data published in CP 12/2024, the preliminary net remuneration base (BRL) forecast for July/2027 is around R$ 6.8 billion, which may change after the conclusion of the Public Consultation.

Once the result of the 2023 Periodic RAP Review is approved, we will present a new table with updated values.

It is worth noting that, in accordance with MME Ordinance No. 120/2016, the undepreciated values of the assets that make up the RBSE economic component must constitute the companies' remuneration base, so the revenue from this portion does not have a pre-defined closing date. Revenue will be recognized as long as there is an undepreciated asset base. It is worth noting that land and easements do not depreciate.

RBSE Financial Component

In April 2023, ANEEL issued Technical Note 085/2023, which addresses the comments on the calculations presented as part of the payment of RBSE's financial component in Technical Note 085/2022-SGT/ANEEL of June 2022, which in turn revisited the requests for reconsideration filed as part of payment of RBSE's financial component and re-profiling. The document does not constitute a decision by ANEEL, and therefore has no practical effect as of the date of publication of this document, since it depends on a decision by the ANEEL board, and therefore had no impact on Homologatory Resolution 3,216/23, which established the RAPs for the 2023-2024 cycle. The Company continues to monitor and act on the issue so that the assumptions, methodologies and calculations considered so far remain in force.


Earnings Release 1Q24     29






Table 30 – Investments (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 % 4Q23 %
Generation Corporate 483 476 1 1,238 -61
Implementation / Expansion 281 274 3 492 -43
Maintenance 202 202 - 746 -73
Transmission Corporate 627 477 31 1,372 -54
Expansion 4 32 -88 80 -95
Reinforcements and Improvements 585 182 221 1,053 -44
Maintenance 38 263 -86 239 -84
Infrastructure and Others 87 67 30 295 -71
SPEs1 5 101 -95 1,728 -100
Generation - Contributions - 29 - 53 -
Generation - Acquisition - 64 - 1,098 -
Transmission - Contributions 5 8 -38 - -
Transmission - Acquisition - - - 577 -
Total 1,202 1,121 7 4,632 -74

1 Capital contribution



Earnings Release 1Q24     30




Investments in generation totaled R$483 million in 1Q24, with the main projects being:

§Implementation and Expansion: Around R$ 279 million of CGT Eletrosul's investment in the deployment of materials for the Coxilha Negra wind farm; R$ 2 million from Chesf for the Casa Nova B wind farm;
§Maintenance: Chesf with R$ 98 million, highlighting equipment replacement at Paulo Afonso IV and Sobradinho totaling R$ 42 million; Eletronorte with R$ 46 million, highlighting the Tucuruí and Mauá 3 TPP plants; and Furnas with R$ 18 million in maintenance and modernizations.



Investments in transmission totaled R$ 627 million in 1Q24, with the following standing out:

§Chesf - R$188 million in reinforcements, improvements and maintenance/other, with R$120 million in large-scale reinforcement and improvement projects;
§Furnas - R$ 149 million in reinforcements, improvements and maintenance/others, with R$ 52 million in small reinforcements and improvements and R$ 92 million in large reinforcements and improvements;
§Eletronorte - R$ 210 million in reinforcements, improvements and maintenance, of which
R$ 115 million in reinforcements and major improvements in more than 40 projects
§CGT Eletrosul - R$77 million in various transmission projects, of which R$24 million in reinforcements and small-scale improvements.


Earnings Release 1Q24     31







Table 32 – ESG Metrics 1Q24

Pilar Metric 1Q24 1Q23 Variation Results Analysis
Prosperity Investment in Technology and Innovation R$ 120.6 million R$ 123.6 million -2.4% Slight variation, considering these are preliminary figures.
People Accident Frequency Rate - own employees (with time off) 0.96 2.87 -66.6%

The result reflects the new culture project started in 2023, which has unfolded into several initiatives, including:

ü   Commitments for Life, where more than 90% of employees in the operations and engineering areas have already been trained.

ü   The reporting and handling of incidents are more mature and have resulted in action plans for the whole Company, which are monitored periodically.


Women in the workforce (%) 18.6% 18.3% 0.3p.p. A Diversity & Inclusion plan is currently being
drawn up.
Management positions held by women (%) 25.8% 24.2% 1.6p.p.

Investigation of complaints dealt within the

term (%)

99% 98% 1.0p.p. Slight variation, with an improvement of 0.4%, reaching 99% of complaints investigated. The consistency of the data shows the maturity of the process. It should be considered that the response time was reduced from 180 to 120 days between 2023 and 2024.

Note: The figures presented are partial, preliminary and didn’t go through assurance, and may be adjusted in accordance to the processes of calculating, verifying and updating the data.




Earnings Release 1Q24     32



7.Cash Flow


Cash generated by operating activities reached R$3,467 million in 1Q24, a 61% increase on the R$2,147 million recorded in 1Q23. Positive free cash flow totaled R$1,659 million in the quarter.


Cash generation in 1Q24 was used to: (a) service debt (R$3,017 million), (b) make investments (R$1,809 million) and (c) pay litigation (R$953 million).


Table 32 – Cash Flow (R$ mn)

  1Q24 1Q23 %
Adjusted Regulatory EBITDA 5,398 5,140 5
Income Tax and Social Contribution -323 -602 -46
Working Capital -829 -1,550 -47
Privatization Charges -924 -850 9
Dividends Received 145 9 1530
Operating Cash Flow 3,467 2,147 61
Investments -1,809 -1,456 24
Free Cash Flow 1,659 691 140
Debt Service -3,017 -2,797 8
Capital Investments - -148 -
Litigation -953 -504 89
Net funds raised 525 15 3496
Receipt of loans and financial charges 147 183 -20
Dividends - -229 -
Net Cash -1,640 -2,788 -41




Earnings Release 1Q24     33





Results by company in Excel will be available soon at Eletrobras IR website.

8.1.       Appendix 1 – Financial Statements

Table 33 – Balance Sheet (R$ thousand)

  P A R E N TC O M P A N Y   C O N S O L I D A T E D
 ACTIVE 03/31/2024   12/31/2023   03/31/2024   12/31/2023
Cash and cash equivalents  5,548,216    5,698,457  11,492,219  13,046,371
Restricted cash  50,892    250,060    672,096    572,869
Securities  1,391,570    2,477,747    5,834,741  5,920,171
Clients 111   -    4,979,270    5,210,482
Transmission contract assets -   -    10,587,229  11,159,426
Financing, loans and debentures  1,174,347   1,099,798   477,296  367,741
Remuneration for equity holdings  1,666,615    2,358,819    831,182    871,558
Taxes and Contributions  463,728   893,865  1,066,325    1,274,969
Income tax and social contribution  348,745   554,421    2,821,984    2,932,258
Right to compensation  777,508   940,268  804,649  980,206
Warehouse  207    204    449,006    426,690
Derivative financial instruments  -    -    301,778    373,606
Others  428,026    414,679    1,755,696    1,698,824
   11,849,965    14,688,318    42,073,471    44,835,171
Assets held for sale  221,972    221,972    3,156,164    3,187,141
   12,071,937    14,910,290    45,229,635    48,022,312
LONG-TERM ASSETS              
Restricted cash  -    -  2,588,233  2,200,078
Right to compensation  1,184,203    1,332,167    1,231,700    1,385,479
Financing, loans and debentures  6,667,001    6,852,841  176,887  260,409
Clients  -    -    635,002    649,446
Securities  431,900    432,355    432,258    432,724
Taxes and Contributions  1,322,023    804,582  1,676,731  1,153,616
Deferred income tax and social contribution  -    -    6,211,483    6,725,087
Bonds and linked deposits  3,514,706    3,337,816  6,193,608  6,246,082
Transmission contractual assets  -    -    50,082,574    50,052,912
  Others  1,432,315    1,495,993    1,140,904    1,053,164
   14,552,148    14,255,754    70,369,380    70,158,997
Equity accounted  142,927,008    141,814,345    32,524,208    32,100,302
Held at fair value  1,014,238    1,046,762    1,070,477    1,104,381
   143,941,246    142,861,107    33,594,685    33,204,683
FIXED ASSETS  197,571    201,942    35,762,038    35,805,421
INTANGIBLE  137,454    129,890    79,425,463    79,866,241
   158,828,419    157,448,693    219,151,566    219,035,342
TOTAL ASSETS  170,900,356    172,358,983    264,381,201    267,057,654



Earnings Release 1Q24     34




  P A R E N T   C O M P A N Y   C O N S O L I D A T E D
03/31/2024   31/12/2023   03/31/2024   31/12/2023
Loans, financing and debentures 10,195,981   7,782,422   14,474,244   11,330,847
Compulsory loans - Agreements 1,545,937   896,746   1,545,937   896,746
Compulsory loans 1,291,258   1,257,291   1,291,258   1,257,291
Suppliers 104,543   155,989   1,852,650   2,963,867
Taxes and Contributions 55,502   241,541   654,686   992,887
Income tax and social contribution -   -   56,673   29,675
Onerous contracts -   -   191,170   120,660
Shareholder remuneration 1,101,700   1,110,416   1,111,080   1,154,836
Personnel obligations 210,298   213,767   1,437,354   1,634,933
Post-employment benefits -   -   283,467   292,990
Provisions for disputes 1,869,249   1,993,061   2,118,619   2,290,873
Sector charges -   -   854,834   765,619
Obligations under Law 14,182/2021 -   -   2,178,746   2,161,176
Leasing 10,889   10,959   37,927   44,020
Others 38,453   89,312   475,986   948,907
  16,423,810   13,751,504   28,564,631   26,885,327
Liabilities associated with assets held for sale -   -   228,933   274,464
  16,423,810   13,751,504   28,793,564   27,159,791
Loans, financing and debentures 25,417,012   28,354,875   46,277,080   49,449,443
Provisions for disputes 14,605,796   15,598,552   23,367,962   24,250,819
Post-employment benefits 875,996   859,753   5,379,939   5,293,808
Obligations under Law 14,182/2021 -   -   37,691,392   37,358,230
Onerous contracts -   -   841,340   950,468
Leasing 22,285   24,972   167,723   172,727
Concessions payable - Use of public assets -   -   569,139   566,172
Advances for future capital increases 100,828   98,252   100,828   98,252
Derivative financial instruments 193,302   645,302   195,602   657,514
Sector charges -   -   412,801   432,341
Taxes and Contributions -   -   531,889   574,781
Deferred income tax and social contribution 429,775   440,834   5,474,108   5,721,830
Others 249,280   251,567   1,862,656   1,906,834
  41,894,274   46,274,107   122,872,459   127,433,219
Share capital 70,099,826   70,099,826   70,099,826   70,099,826
Share issue costs -108,186   -108,186   -108,186   -108,186
Capital Reserves and Granted Equity Instruments 13,896,728   13,889,339   13,896,728   13,889,339
Treasury shares -2,114,256   -2,114,256   -2,114,256   -2,114,256


Earnings Release 1Q24     35




Profit reserves 37,536,595   37,536,595   37,536,595   37,536,595
Proposed additional dividend 216,114   216,114   216,114   216,114
Accumulated profit 336,132   -   336,132   -
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) -7,280,681   -7,186,060   -7,280,681   -7,186,060
Controlling shareholders 112,582,272   112,333,372   112,582,272   112,333,372
Non-controlling shareholders -   -   132,906   131,272
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 112,582,272   112,333,372   112,715,178   112,464,644
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 170,900,356   172,358,983   264,381,201   267,057,654



Earnings Release 1Q24     36




Table 34 - Income Statement (R$ Thousand)

  P A R E N T   C O M P A N Y   C O N S O L I D A T E D
  03/31/2024   31/12/2023 03/31/2024 03/31/2024
Net operating revenue  14,662    13,294    8,718,271    9,209,833
Operating costs -32    -25    -4,499,682    -4,014,975
GROSS PROFIT  14,630    13,269    4,218,589    5,194,858
Operating expenses  -107,137    -277,469    -1,175,912    -1,705,350
OPERATING RESULT BEFORE FINANCIAL RESULT -92,507    -264,200    3,042,677    3,489,508
FINANCIAL RESULT              
      Income from interest, fines, commissions and fees 247,318   260,951   32,234   145,499
      Income from financial investments 212,567   291,690   573,675   785,665
      Late payment surcharge on electricity -   -   48,816   57,028
      Other financial income 67,282   125,571   73,628   149,812
      (-) Taxes on financial income -28,173   -38,584   -51,447   -66,637
   Financial income 498,994   639,628   674,906   1,071,367
      Debt charges -754,978   -634,071   -1,619,496   -1,851,848
      CDE obligation charges -   -   -609,710   -553,101
      River basin revitalization charges -   -   -85,047   -88,245
      Early financing discount -ENBpar -   -335,377   -   -335,377
      Other financial expenses -54,746   -67,019   -156,034   -180,945
   Financial expenses -809,724   -1,036,467   -2,470,287   -3,009,516
      Monetary updates – CDE -   -   -493,374   -603,745
      Monetary updates - river basins -   -   -86,773   -127,405
      Monetary updates -330,108   -343,182   -346,776   -393,556
      Exchange rate variations 896   150,742   -2,444   162,950
      Change in fair value of hedged debt net of derivative -174,969   -   -191,053   -
      Change in derivative financial instrument not linked to debt protection -   -   -71,976   -232,916
   Financial items, net -504,181   -192,440   -1,192,396   -1,194,672
   -814,911    -589,279    -2,987,777    -3,132,821
PROFIT BEFORE EQUITY HOLDINGS  -907,418    -853,479    54,900    356,687
Equity income  1,235,115    1,354,188    575,962    508,826


Earnings Release 1Q24     37




Other income and expenses  354    -12,699    4,767    -11,457
OPERATING PROFIT BEFORE TAX  328,051    488,010    635,629    854,056
Current income tax and social contribution  -       608    -21,602    -398,413
Deferred income tax and social contribution  -       -       -283,493    -49,680
NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR  328,051    488,618    330,534    405,963
Portion Attributed to Controlling Shareholders  328,051    488,618    328,051    488,618
Portion attributable to non-controlling shareholders  -       -       2,483    -82,655
EARNINGS PER SHARE              
Earnings per share - basic (ON) R$0.14   R$0.21   R$0.14   R$0.21
Earnings per share - basic (PN) R$0.15   R$0.23   R$0.15   R$0.23
Earnings per share - diluted (ON) R$0.14   R$0.21   R$0.14   R$0.21
Earnings per share - diluted (PN) R$0.15   R$0.23   R$0.15   R$0.23




Earnings Release 1Q24     38




Table 35 - Cash Flow Statement (R$ Thousand)

  P A R E N T   C O M P A N Y   C O N S O L I D A T E D
  03/31/2024   31/03/2023   03/31/2024   31/03/2023
Profit for the year before income tax and social contribution  328,051    488,010    635,629    854,056
Adjustments to reconcile profit with cash generated by operations:              
Depreciation and amortization  4,377    3,217    996,711    903,383
Net exchange and monetary variations  329,212    192,440    929,367    961,756
Financial charges  295,093    416,806    1,713,710    1,897,406
Equity income -1,235,115    -1,354,188    -575,962    -508,826
Other income and expenses -354    12,699    -4,767    11,457
Transmission revenues  -    -    -4,558,572    -4,335,936
Construction cost - transmission  -    -    641,806    398,199
Operating provisions (reversals)  -180,627    53,934    195,661    715,734
Result of hedged debt and derivatives  174,969    -    263,029    232,916
Other 2,269    23,421   117,444    333,348
   -610,176    -651,671    -281,573    589,437