Delta Drone - Drawdown of 1 tranche of ORNAN of €0.5M of nominal value

Drawdown of 1 tranche of ORNAN of €0.5M of nominal value

Dardilly, 28 February 2022 –7.30 pm

In accordance with the authority granted to the Board of Directors by the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ meeting of Delta Drone (the “Company”) dated 24 April 2020 pursuant to its sixth resolution, the Board of Directors dated 14th October 2020:

  • approved the principle of issuing 2 500 tranche warrants (the “Tranche Warrants”), giving access to 2 500 bonds redeemable in cash and/or new shares (the “ORNAN”) with share subscription warrants attached (the “Warrants”) upon exercise, to the investment fund YA II PN, LTD (the “Investor”), a fund managed by the US management company Yorkville Advisors, representing a financing of up to €25M of aggregate nominal value; and
  • empowered the Chairman and CEO to decide to launch this transaction, to approve its final terms and conditions, to issue the Tranche Warrants and to drawdown the tranches of ORNAN with Warrants attached.

Pursuant to the sub-delegation of authority granted to him by the Board of Directors on 28 April 2020, the CEO decided today to drawdown 1 tranche of ORNAN with Warrants attached.

The main characteristics of the Tranche Warrants, ORNAN and Warrants (the terms and conditions of which are available in detail on the Company’s website ( under the « Investors » tab) have been presented in a press release dated 14 October 2020.

In accordance with the financing agreement entered into on 14 October 2020 with the Investor, 1 tranche of ORNAN with Warrants attached of €0.5M of nominal value has been drawdown today, corresponding to the issuance of 50 ORNAN with 277 777 777 Warrants attached.

About Delta Drone: The Delta Drone Group is an international player in the field of civilian drones for professional use. It provides a range of professional solutions specifically designed for targeted sectors, as well as a complete selection of related services.Delta Drone is listed on Euronext Growth Paris – ISIN code: FR0011522168Also listed on Euronext Growth the warrants “BSA Y” – ISIN code: FR


Jérôme Gacoin Marie-Laure Laville
+33 1 75 77 54 65 +33 1 55 02 15 13 ml.laville@open2europe.comSarah Ousahla+33 1 55 02 15


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