Alps Electric Co., Ltd. (TOKYO: 6770; President: Toshihiro Kuriyama; Head Office: Tokyo) today announces that on May 14, 2018 the company signed a share purchase agreement with Greina Technologies, Inc. (Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.; President/CTO: Daniel J. Lee) whereby Alps Electric will acquire Greina Technologies, making it a wholly owned subsidiary.

Alps Electric signed a share purchase agreement with Greina Technologies on May 14, 2018. Through the agreement, Alps Electric aims to add even greater value to its sensing solutions for the automotive market, as well as the consumer electronics and mobile market, by combining high-accuracy positioning technology based on original algorithms developed by Greina Technologies with Alps Electric’s compact, high-performance wireless communication module technology.

An engineering firm specializing in positioning systems, Greina Technologies was established in Salt Lake City, Utah, in September 2012. Engaging in such activities as design and development of wireless electronic systems and provision of consulting services, the company has grown rapidly on the back of its technological development, including in the area of high-accuracy positioning based on original algorithms.

The acquisition will make it easy to build close-range sensing systems, with positioning accuracy down to tens of centimeters and outstanding security performance, by combining Greina Technologies’ ranging technology with wireless communication technology that Alps Electric has built up over many years. Alps Electric will work to strengthen sensor business by deploying this advanced sensing technology in the automotive market as part of efforts to develop highly original products and create business within the rapidly expanding CASE domains – connected cars, autonomous driving, sharing and services, and electric vehicles.

The acquisition will have minimal impact on Alps Electric’s financial performance for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019.


Outline of Greina Technologies

Name:   Greina Technologies, Inc. (RF Ranging, Inc.)

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. Established: September 2012 Representative: Daniel J. Lee Main business: Wireless system development and design, consulting, manufacturing, etc.

Inquiries About This Press ReleaseAlps Electric Co., Ltd.Yasuhiro TakedaPublic & Investor Relations Group, Corporate Planning