Continued Strong Growth in Strategic Imperatives Led by IBM Cloud


  • Diluted EPS: GAAP of $2.61; Operating (non-GAAP) of $2.95
  • Revenue from continuing operations of $20.2 billion
  • Strategic imperatives revenue of $30.7 billion over the last 12 months represents 38 percent of IBM revenue- Strategic imperatives revenue of $8.3 billion in the quarter, up 12 percent year to year
  • Cloud revenue of $11.6 billion over the last 12 months- Cloud as-a-service annual run rate of $6.7 billion in the quarter, up 50 percent year to year

IBM (NYSE:IBM) today announced second-quarter 2016 earnings results.

"IBM continues to establish itself as the leading cognitive solutions and cloud platform company. In doing so, IBM is pioneering new business opportunities beyond the traditional IT marketplace," said Ginni Rometty, IBM chairman, president and chief executive officer. "In the second quarter we delivered double-digit revenue growth in our strategic imperatives, driven by innovations in areas such as analytics, security, cloud video services and Watson Health, all powered by the IBM Cloud and differentiated by industry. And we continue to invest for growth with recent breakthroughs in quantum computing, Internet of Things and Blockchain solutions for the IBM Cloud."

      SECOND-QUARTER 2016         Gross Profit Diluted EPS     Net Income     Margin   GAAP from Continuing Operations $2.61 $2.5B 47.9% Year/Year     -27%     -29%     -2.0Pts   Operating (Non-GAAP) $2.95 $2.8B 49.0% Year/Year     -23%     -25%     -1.9Pts   Strategic REVENUE     Total IBM     Imperatives     Cloud   As reported (US$) $20.2B $8.3B $3.4B Year/Year -3% 12% 30%  

“In the first half of 2016, we grew our R&D investment, closed 11 acquisitions for more than $5 billion and invested nearly $2 billion in capital expenditures, while returning more than $4 billion to shareholders through dividends and gross share repurchases,” said Martin Schroeter, IBM senior vice president and chief financial officer. “These investments are key in helping us build new markets and maintain our leadership in enterprise IT.”

Strategic Imperatives

Second-quarter revenues from the company’s strategic imperatives --- cloud, analytics and engagement --- increased 12 percent year to year. Cloud revenues (public, private and hybrid) for the quarter increased 30 percent. Cloud revenue over the trailing 12 months was $11.6 billion. The annual run rate for cloud as-a-service revenue --- a subset of total cloud revenue --- increased to $6.7 billion from $4.5 billion in the second quarter of 2015. Revenues from analytics increased 5 percent (up 4 percent adjusting for currency). Revenues from mobile increased 43 percent and from security increased 18 percent.

Full-Year 2016 Expectations

The company continues to expect operating (non-GAAP) diluted earnings per share of at least $13.50. This excludes $1.27 per share of charges for amortization of purchased intangible assets, other acquisition-related charges and retirement-related charges. As a result, GAAP diluted earnings per share are now expected to be at least $12.23.

There is no change to IBM's previously provided free cash flow guidance.

Cash Flow and Balance Sheet

The company generated net cash from operating activities of $3.4 billion; or $3.1 billion excluding Global Financing receivables. IBM’s free cash flow was $2.1 billion in the second quarter. IBM returned $1.3 billion in dividends and $0.8 billion of gross share repurchases to shareholders. At the end of June 2016, IBM had $3.9 billion remaining in the current share repurchase authorization.

IBM ended the second-quarter 2016 with $10.6 billion of cash on hand. Debt, including Global Financing debt of $26.5 billion, totaled $44.5 billion. Core (non-global financing) debt totaled $18.0 billion. The balance sheet remains strong and is well positioned to support the business over the long term.

Segment Results

  • Cognitive Solutions (includes solutions software and transaction processing software) -- revenues of $4.7 billion, up 3.5 percent (up 3.8 percent adjusting for currency). Cloud revenue within the segment grew 54 percent. Solutions software revenue grew, led by Analytics (including Watson) and Security.
  • Global Business Services (includes consulting, global process services, application management) -- revenues of $4.3 billion, down 2.0 percent (down 2.5 percent adjusting for currency). Strategic imperatives revenue within the segment was up 14 percent (up 13 percent adjusting for currency).
  • Technology Services & Cloud Platforms (includes infrastructure services, technical support services, integration software) -- revenues of $8.9 billion, down 0.5 percent (flat adjusting for currency). Growth of 35 percent in strategic imperatives revenue within the segment was driven by strong hybrid cloud infrastructure services performance.
  • Systems (includes systems hardware and operating systems software) -- revenues of $2.0 billion, down 23.2 percent (down 23.3 percent adjusting for currency). Revenue reflects z Systems product cycle dynamics; gross profit margin improved in both z Systems and Power.
  • Global Financing (includes financing and used equipment sales) -- revenues of $424 million, down 11.3 percent (down 10.0 percent adjusting for currency).

Year-To-Date 2016 Results

Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations were $4.69, down 22 percent compared to the 2015 period. Net income from continuing operations for the six months ended June 30, 2016 was $4.5 billion compared with $5.9 billion in the year-ago period, a decrease of 24 percent.

Consolidated net income was $4.5 billion compared to $5.8 billion in the year-ago period. Consolidated diluted earnings per share were $4.69 compared to $5.84, down 20 percent year to year. Revenues from continuing operations for the six-month period totaled $38.9 billion, a decrease of 4 percent (down 2 percent year to year, adjusting for currency) compared with $40.4 billion for the first six months of 2015.

Operating (non-GAAP) diluted earnings per share from continuing operations were $5.30 compared with $6.75 per diluted share for the 2015 period, a decrease of 21 percent. Operating (non-GAAP) net income from continuing operations for the six months ended June 30, 2016 was $5.1 billion compared with $6.7 billion in the year-ago period, a decrease of 24 percent.

Forward-Looking and Cautionary Statements

Except for the historical information and discussions contained herein, statements contained in this release may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are based on the company’s current assumptions regarding future business and financial performance. These statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, including the following: a downturn in economic environment and client spending budgets; the company’s failure to meet growth and productivity objectives, a failure of the company’s innovation initiatives; risks from investing in growth opportunities; failure of the company’s intellectual property portfolio to prevent competitive offerings and the failure of the company to obtain necessary licenses; cybersecurity and data privacy considerations; fluctuations in financial results, impact of local legal, economic, political and health conditions; adverse effects from environmental matters, tax matters and the company’s pension plans; ineffective internal controls; the company’s use of accounting estimates; the company’s ability to attract and retain key personnel and its reliance on critical skills; impacts of relationships with critical suppliers; product quality issues; impacts of business with government clients; currency fluctuations and customer financing risks; impact of changes in market liquidity conditions and customer credit risk on receivables; reliance on third party distribution channels and ecosystems; the company’s ability to successfully manage acquisitions, alliances and dispositions; risks from legal proceedings; risk factors related to IBM securities; and other risks, uncertainties and factors discussed in the company’s Form 10-Qs, Form 10-K and in the company’s other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or in materials incorporated therein by reference. Any forward-looking statement in this release speaks only as of the date on which it is made. The company assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements.

Presentation of Information in this Press Release

In an effort to provide investors with additional information regarding the company’s results as determined by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the company has also disclosed in this press release the following non-GAAP information which management believes provides useful information to investors:

IBM results --

  • presenting operating (non-GAAP) earnings per share amounts and related income statement items;
  • adjusting for free cash flow;
  • adjusting for currency (i.e., at constant currency).

Free cash flow guidance is derived using an estimate of profit, working capital and operational cash outflows. The company views Global Financing receivables as a profit-generating investment, which it seeks to maximize and therefore it is not considered when formulating guidance for free cash flow. As a result, the company does not estimate a GAAP Net Cash from Operations expectation metric.

The rationale for management’s use of these non-GAAP measures is included in Exhibit 99.2 in the Form 8-K that includes this press release and is being submitted today to the SEC.

Conference Call and Webcast

IBM’s regular quarterly earnings conference call is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. EDT, today. The Webcast may be accessed via a link at Presentation charts will be available shortly before the Webcast.

Financial Results Below (certain amounts may not add due to use of rounded numbers; percentages presented are calculated from the underlying whole-dollar amounts).

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL RESULTS (Unaudited; Dollars in millions except per share amounts)     Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended June 30, June 30,     2016   2015* 2016   2015*   REVENUE Cognitive Solutions $4,675 $4,516 $8,654 $8,564 Global Business Services 4,255 4,345 8,387 8,663 Technology Services & Cloud Platforms 8,857 8,898 17,280 17,452 Systems 1,950 2,541 3,626 4,683 Global Financing 424 478 834 939 Other 76   35 142   102 TOTAL REVENUE 20,238 20,813 38,923 40,403   GROSS PROFIT 9,702 10,390 18,388 19,842   GROSS PROFIT MARGIN Cognitive Solutions 82.2% 85.7% 82.1% 85.1% Global Business Services 26.3% 27.4% 26.1% 27.4% Technology Services & Cloud Platforms 41.6% 42.2% 41.3% 42.1% Systems 56.5% 56.5% 56.9% 55.7% Global Financing 38.7% 44.7% 40.5% 47.1%   TOTAL GROSS PROFIT MARGIN 47.9% 49.9% 47.2% 49.1%     EXPENSE AND OTHER INCOME S,G&A 5,349 5,179 11,361 10,541   R,D&E 1,465 1,300 2,923 2,598   Intellectual property and custom development income (365) (128) (582) (301)   Other (income) and expense 37 (301) 289 (444)   Interest expense 167 115 315 223             TOTAL EXPENSE AND OTHER INCOME 6,653 6,165 14,306 12,617   INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS BEFORE INCOME TAXES 3,049 4,224 4,082 7,225 Pre-tax margin 15.1% 20.3% 10.5% 17.9%   Provision for / (Benefit) from income taxes 544 698 (439) 1,283 Effective tax rate 17.8% 16.5% (10.8%) 17.8%   INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS $2,505 $3,526 $4,521 $5,942   DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Loss from discontinued operations, net of taxes 0   (77) (3)   (165)   NET INCOME $2,504   $3,449 $4,518   $5,777     EARNINGS PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK: Assuming Dilution Continuing Operations $2.61 $3.58 $4.69 $6.01 Discontinued Operations $0.00   ($0.08) $0.00   ($0.17) TOTAL $2.61   $3.50 $4.69   $5.84   Basic Continuing Operations $2.62 $3.59 $4.71 $6.03 Discontinued Operations $0.00   ($0.08) $0.00   ($0.17) TOTAL $2.62   $3.51 $4.71   $5.86   WEIGHTED-AVERAGE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING (M's): Assuming Dilution 960.5 986.7 962.4 989.5 Basic 957.4 982.3 959.5 985.2   *Recast to conform with 2016 segment presentation. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Unaudited)     At   At (Dollars in Millions) June 30, December 31, 2016 2015 ASSETS:     Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $10,017 $7,686 Marketable securities 600 508 Notes and accounts receivable - trade, net 8,782 8,333 Short-term financing receivables, net 16,635 19,020 Other accounts receivable, net 1,130 1,201 Inventory 1,685 1,551 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 4,676 4,205       Total Current Assets 43,524 42,504   Property, plant and equipment, net 11,092 10,727 Long-term financing receivables, net 9,267 10,013 Prepaid pension assets 2,957 1,734 Deferred taxes 4,387 4,822 Goodwill and intangibles, net 41,570 35,508 Investments and sundry assets 5,259 5,187       Total Assets   $118,056 $110,495     LIABILITIES:   Current Liabilities: Taxes $2,275 $2,847 Short-term debt 4,887 6,461 Accounts payable 5,484 6,028 Deferred income 11,508 11,021 Other liabilities 9,430 7,913       Total Current Liabilities 33,585 34,269   Long-term debt 39,638 33,428 Retirement related obligations 16,723 16,504 Deferred income 3,837 3,771 Other liabilities 8,385 8,099       Total Liabilities 102,167 96,071     EQUITY:   IBM Stockholders' Equity: Common stock 53,565 53,262 Retained earnings 148,071 146,124 Treasury stock -- at cost (157,298) (155,518) Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss) (28,604) (29,607)       Total IBM stockholders' equity 15,733 14,262   Noncontrolling interests 156 162       Total Equity 15,889 14,424       Total Liabilities and Equity   $118,056 $110,495   INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION CASH FLOW ANALYSIS (Unaudited)     Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended (Dollars in Millions) June 30 June 30     2016 2015 2016 2015   Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities per GAAP: $3,443 $3,884 $9,088 $7,494   Less: change in Global Financing (GF) Receivables 334 (392) 2,713 1,214 Capital Expenditures, Net (979) (906) (1,949) (1,830)   Free Cash Flow 2,130 3,369 4,426 4,450   Acquisitions (2,815) (560) (5,405) (708) Divestitures (12) 61 35 81 Dividends (1,340) (1,278) (2,590) (2,366) Share Repurchase (836) (1,138) (1,775) (2,303) Non-GF Debt (810) 30 5,061 391 Other (includes GF Receivables, and GF Debt) (570) (528) 2,670 739   Change in Cash, Cash Equivalents and Short-term Marketable Securities ($4,253)   ($43) $2,421 $284   INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION CASH FLOW (Unaudited)     Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended (Dollars in Millions) June 30 June 30     2016 2015 2016 2015   Net Income from Operations $2,504 $3,449 $4,518 $5,777 Depreciation/Amortization of Intangibles 1,103 961 2,127 1,930 Stock-based Compensation 128 131 261 257 Working Capital / Other (626) (302) (531) (1,721) Global Financing A/R 334 (392) 2,713 1,214 Loss on Microelectronics Business Disposal 0 37 0 37 Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities $3,443 $3,884 $9,088 $7,494 Capital Expenditures, net of payments & proceeds (979) (906) (1,949) (1,830) Divestitures, net of cash transferred (12) 61 35 81 Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (2,815) (560) (5,405) (708) Marketable Securities / Other Investments, net (717) (526) 769 1,086 Net Cash Used in Investing Activities ($4,522) ($1,931) ($6,550) ($1,371) Debt, net of payments & proceeds (1,035) (212) 3,929 (1,522) Dividends (1,340) (1,278) (2,590) (2,366) Common Stock Repurchases (836) (1,138) (1,775) (2,303) Common Stock Transactions - Other 55 59 115 221 Net Cash Used in Financing Activities ($3,156) ($2,568) ($322) ($5,970) Effect of Exchange Rate changes on Cash (103) 213 114 (236) Net Change in Cash & Cash Equivalents ($4,338) ($402) $2,330 ($83)   INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION SEGMENT DATA (Unaudited)     SECOND - QUARTER 2016 Cognitive Solutions &       Industry Services   Technology Global Services & (Dollars in Millions) Cognitive Business Cloud Global Solutions   Services   Platforms   Systems   Financing Revenue External $4,675 $4,255 $8,857 $1,950 $424 Internal 594   103   156   206   502 Total Segment Revenue $5,269 $4,359 $9,013 $2,156 $926   Pre-tax Income / (Loss) from Continuing Operations 1,451 476 1,279 229 467   Pre-tax margin 27.5% 10.9% 14.2% 10.6% 50.5%     Change YTY Revenue - External 3.5% (2.0)% (0.5)% (23.2)% (11.3)% Change YTY Revenue - External @constant currency 3.8% (2.5)% 0.0% (23.3)% (10.0)%     SECOND - QUARTER 2015* Cognitive Solutions & Industry Services Technology Global Services & (Dollars in Millions) Cognitive Business Cloud Global Solutions   Services   Platforms   Systems   Financing Revenue External $4,516 $4,345 $8,898 $2,541 $478 Internal 532   130   173   189   704 Total Segment Revenue $5,049 $4,475 $9,071 $2,730 $1,182   Pre-tax Income / (Loss) from Continuing Operations 1,825 643 1,414 538 613   Pre-tax margin 36.1% 14.4% 15.6% 19.7% 51.9%   *Recast to conform with 2016 segment presentation.   INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION SEGMENT DATA (Unaudited)     SIX - MONTHS 2016 Cognitive Solutions &       Industry Services   Technology Global Services & (Dollars in Millions) Cognitive Business Cloud Global Solutions   Services   Platforms   Systems   Financing Revenue External $8,654 $8,387 $17,280 $3,626 $834 Internal 1,262   216   321   418   988 Total Segment Revenue $9,916 $8,603 $17,602 $4,044 $1,822   Pre-tax Income / (Loss) from Continuing Operations 2,465 665 1,537 218 853   Pre-tax margin 24.9% 7.7% 8.7% 5.4% 46.8%     Change YTY Revenue - External 1.1% (3.2)% (1.0)% (22.6)% (11.2)% Change YTY Revenue - External @constant currency 2.2% (2.4)% 0.9% (22.1)% (8.2)%     SIX - MONTHS 2015* Cognitive Solutions & Industry Services Technology Global Services & (Dollars in Millions) Cognitive Business Cloud Global Solutions   Services   Platforms   Systems   Financing Revenue External $8,564 $8,663 $17,452 $4,683 $939 Internal 1,167   261   339   362   1,290 Total Segment Revenue $9,731 $8,923 $17,791 $5,044 $2,229   Pre-tax Income / (Loss) from Continuing Operations 3,353 1,231 2,544 800 1,128   Pre-tax margin 34.5% 13.8% 14.3% 15.9% 50.6%   *Recast to conform with 2016 segment presentation.   INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION U.S. GAAP TO OPERATING (Non-GAAP) RESULTS RECONCILIATION (Unaudited; Dollars in millions except per share amounts)   SECOND - QUARTER 2016 CONTINUING OPERATIONS   Acquisition-   Retirement-   Related Related Operating GAAP   Adjustments*   Adjustments**   (Non-GAAP)   Gross Profit $9,702 $129 $81 $9,912   Gross Profit Margin 47.9% 0.6Pts 0.4Pts 49.0%   S,G&A 5,349 (159) (75) 5,114   R,D&E 1,465 - (7) 1,458   Other (Income) & Expense 37 - - 37   Total Expense & Other (Income) 6,653 (159) (83) 6,411   Pre-tax Income from Continuing Operations 3,049 289 163 3,501   Pre-tax Income Margin from Continuing Operations 15.1% 1.4Pts 0.8Pts 17.3%   Provision for Income Taxes*** 544 82 39 665   Effective Tax Rate 17.8% 0.9Pts 0.3Pts 19.0%   Income from Continuing Operations 2,505 207 124 2,835   Income Margin from Continuing Operations 12.4% 1.0Pts 0.6Pts 14.0%   Diluted Earnings Per Share: Continuing Operations $2.61 $0.21 $0.13 $2.95   SECOND - QUARTER 2015 CONTINUING OPERATIONS Acquisition- Retirement- Related Related Operating GAAP   Adjustments*   Adjustments**   (Non-GAAP)   Gross Profit $10,390 $88 $112 $10,590   Gross Profit Margin 49.9% 0.4Pts 0.5Pts 50.9%   S,G&A 5,179 (74) (63) 5,042   R,D&E 1,300 - (11) 1,289   Other (Income) & Expense (301) (5) - (306)   Total Expense & Other (Income) 6,165 (80) (74) 6,012   Pre-tax Income from Continuing Operations 4,224 168 186 4,578   Pre-tax Income Margin from Continuing Operations 20.3% 0.8Pts 0.9Pts 22.0%   Provision for Income Taxes*** 698 28 61 788   Effective Tax Rate 16.5% 0.0Pts 0.7Pts 17.2%   Income from Continuing Operations 3,526 140 124 3,790   Income Margin from Continuing Operations 16.9% 0.7Pts 0.6Pts 18.2%   Diluted Earnings Per Share: Continuing Operations $3.58 $0.14 $0.12 $3.84



Includes amortization of purchased intangible assets, in process R&D, severance cost for acquired employees, vacant space for acquired companies, deal costs and acquisition integration tax charges.


Includes retirement-related interest cost, expected return on plan assets, recognized actuarial losses or gains, amortization of transition assets, other settlements, curtailments, multi-employer plans and insolvency insurance.


Tax impact on operating (non-GAAP) pre-tax income from continuing operations is calculated under the same accounting principles applied to the As Reported pre-tax income under ASC 740, which employs an annual effective tax rate method to the results.

  INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION U.S. GAAP TO OPERATING (Non-GAAP) RESULTS RECONCILIATION (Unaudited; Dollars in millions except per share amounts)   SIX - MONTHS 2016   CONTINUING OPERATIONS   Acquisition-   Retirement-   Related Related Operating GAAP   Adjustments*   Adjustments**   (Non-GAAP)   Gross Profit $18,388 $241 $160 $18,789   Gross Profit Margin 47.2% 0.6Pts 0.4Pts 48.3%   S,G&A 11,361 (227) (130) 11,004   R,D&E 2,923 - (16) 2,907   Other (Income) & Expense 289 (6) - 284   Total Expense & Other (Income) 14,306 (232) (146) 13,928   Pre-tax Income from Continuing Operations 4,082 473 306 4,861   Pre-tax Income Margin from Continuing Operations 10.5% 1.2Pts 0.8Pts 12.5%   Provision for / (Benefit) from Income Taxes*** (439) 129 66 (244)   Effective Tax Rate (10.8)% 3.9Pts 2.3Pts (5.0)%   Income from Continuing Operations 4,521 345 239 5,105   Income Margin from Continuing Operations 11.6% 0.9Pts 0.6Pts 13.1%   Diluted Earnings Per Share: Continuing Operations $4.69 $0.36 $0.25 $5.30     SIX - MONTHS 2015 CONTINUING OPERATIONS Acquisition- Retirement- Related Related Operating GAAP   Adjustments*   Adjustments**   (Non-GAAP)   Gross Profit $19,842 $179 $233 $20,253   Gross Profit Margin 49.1% 0.4Pts 0.6Pts 50.1%   S,G&A 10,541 (154) (371) 10,017   R,D&E 2,598 - (24) 2,574   Other (Income) & Expense (444) (5) - (450)   Total Expense & Other (Income) 12,617 (159) (395) 12,063   Pre-Tax Income from Continuing Operations 7,225 338 627 8,190   Pre-tax Income Margin from Continuing Operations 17.9% 0.8Pts 1.6Pts 20.3%   Provision for Income Taxes*** 1,283 56 170 1,510   Effective Tax Rate 17.8% 0.0Pts 0.7Pts 18.4%   Income from Continuing Operations 5,942 281 457 6,680   Income Margin from Continuing Operations 14.7% 0.7Pts 1.1Pts 16.5%   Diluted Earnings Per Share: Continuing Operations $6.01 $0.28 $0.46 $6.75



Includes amortization of purchased intangible assets, in process R&D, severance cost for acquired employees, vacant space for acquired companies, deal costs and acquisition integration tax charges.


Includes retirement-related interest cost, expected return on plan assets, recognized actuarial losses or gains, amortization of transition assets, other settlements, curtailments, multi-employer plans and insolvency insurance.


Tax impact on operating (non-GAAP) pre-tax income from continuing operations is calculated under the same accounting principles applied to the As Reported pre-tax income under ASC 740, which employs an annual effective tax rate method to the results.


EPS Guidance


  IBM GAAP EPS at least $12.23   IBM Operating EPS (non-GAAP) at least $13.50       Adjustments   Acquisition related charges * $0.84   Non-Operating Retirement-Related Items $0.43   * Includes acquisitions through June 30, 2016

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