4 hours ago
Many people on this board are under the delusion that they will get added recovery from extinguished common and preferred claims if they just wait without documentation from WMI/WMIH/coop/JPM/FDIC, and the new administration, etc., etc., etc...It is now over 17 years from the Receivership, and many Public documents have stated that the settlements from the GSA, POR 7, and chapter 11 closing have ended with all parties to these agreements.....here are some statements made concerning some of these filings: shares of equity were cancelled. (2).. The reorganized estate belongs to WMI/WMIH/Coop...(3) Title to all reorganized, and pre chapter 11 filings belong to WMI, JPM, FDIC, Wmil-T...(4) 7 trusts of WMMRC were liquidated , as well as the Trusts of WMIIC to value shares in the new company given to claims of old equity holders...(5) TPS were in the possession of JPM with the 1.89 Billion paid for WAMU Banks, and their assets... Rosen states WMI has no off sheet balance assets...(6) Sussman and Willingham both stated that recovery for equity holders was F/R at the conclusion of the Mediation hearings... (7) Bonderman lost 4 billion dollars when he bought the TPS, and NEVER SUED FOR RECOVERY....I could go on, but you get the picture, no assets will be recovered post chapter 11 settlement......Lodas
Royal Dude
6 hours ago
Quote from: nmruggles on Yesterday at 09:47:07 AM
This seems to be a very odd financial analysis to me. According to JPM's 10/30/24 10-Q, the "carrying value" of all issued preferred stock is $21,650,000,000. There are 17 series of preferred stock and "Each series of preferred stock has a liquidation value and redemption price per [depositary] share of $10,000, plus accrued but unpaid dividends." Book value per share is listed as $115.15, with 2,815,300,000 common shares outstanding, and the report says common stockholder's equity stands at $324,186,000,000. Total shareholder equity is the sum of preferred and common, or $345,836,000,000.
The book value of common far exceeds book value of preferred, so simply adding together book values per share for common and preferred seems to make no sense at all, even if the book value for preferred as suggested by Tako is correct. Dividing total shareholder equity by # of common shares gives $122.84/share, slightly more than common book value per share, but this number is not meaningful in stock valuation.
Market value is not connected to book value in a direct way, and many investors consider the market value to book value (price to bv) ratio a significant valuation signal. Currently JPM sells at about $268/share, or about 2.3 times common book value per share. This is a much higher ratio than other large banks like Citibank (0.81) and Bank of America (1.31), but without detailed comparison of assets and liabilities, these numbers mean little.
This all seems to make sense to you, Tako, but I'm struggling to understand how all of this relates to COOP's price.
Royal Dude
8 hours ago
TD Bank plans to sell its Schwab stake, buy back $5.6B of its shares
Feb. 10, 2025 7:35 AM ETThe Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) Stock, SCHW StockBy: Liz Kiesche, SA News Editor
TD Bank Group (NYSE:TD) plans to sell its entire 10.1% equity investment in Charles Schwab (NYSE:SCHW) through a public offering and use part of the proceeds to buy back C$8B (US$5.6B) of its own stock, the company said Monday, Schwab agreed to repurchase US$1.5B (C$2.2B) of its shares from TD, it added.
TD (NYSE:TD) stock rose 1.0% and Schwab (NYSE:SCHW) stock fell 3.2% in premarket trading.
TD currently holds 184.7M shares of Schwab (SCHW) common stock, which were valued at about US$10.7B at Friday's closing price of US$57.96. TD acquired the Schwab shares in 2020 through the sale of TD Ameritrade to Schwab.
"We are very pleased with the strong return we are generating on the Schwab shares we acquired in 2020," said Raymond Chun, group president and CEO of TD Bank Group.
After the normal course issuer bid (share buyback), TD will invest the rest of the proceeds from the Schwab share sale in its businesses "to further support our customers and clients, drive performance, and accelerate organic growth," Chun said.
While TD (TD) is shedding its stake in Schwab (SCHW), the Canada-based bank will continue its business relationship with Schwab through the Insured Deposit Account Agreement, it said.
TD will hold a conference call on Feb. 11 at 8:00 AM ET.
The Schwab stake sale was part of the result of TD Bank's (TD) strategic review started after the company agreed to pay more than $3B to settle U.S. investigations into failures of its anti-money laundering controls, which found that Chinese criminal groups laundered millions of dollars in illegal fentanyl sales through TD's U.S. branches.
More on Charles Schwab, TD Bank, etc.
Charles Schwab: We Are Encouraged By A Bounce In Net New Asset Growth
Charles Schwab: Set For New Highs
The Charles Schwab Corporation (SCHW) 2025 Winter Business Update Call Transcript
Key deals this week: Bank of America, Aspen Technology, Verily, Paysafe and more
TD Bank Group names new head of financial crime risk manag
Royal Dude
9 hours ago
Who bought JMP Securities?
(NYSE: CFG or “Citizens”) today announced that it has completed its acquisition of JMP Group LLC (“JMP”), a capital markets firm that provides investment banking services, including strategic advisory, equity research and sales and trading focused primarily on the healthcare, technology, financial services and real ...
Document - SEC.gov
Large Green
13 hours ago
mwd44 & Ron, here is the P&AA as filed in the early days of the WaMu criminal travesty made to look legal for historical purposes by a very corrupt Judge and a very corrupt legal system where it only took about a handful of high-ranking Perps to destroy a hundred plus-year-old bank.
WaMu Purchase Assumption Agreement
Maybe there should be further research by the ZERO MONIES RETURNING GROUP but first, they need to understand what the term, "INITIAL PAYMENT" means
The end of the WaMu saga will NOT OFFICIALLY end UNTIL the "R" or Receivership has finally been resolved/terminated and closed with FDIC being released.
***PDF Page 20***
$1,888,000,000.00 for The Assuming Ban has submitted to the Receiver a positive bid of
Assets purchased and Liabilities Assumed hereunder (the "Bid Amount"). On the Payment Date, the Assuming Ban will pay to the Corporation, or the Corporation will pay to the Assuming Ban, as the case may be, the Initial Payment, together with interest on such amount (if the Payment Date is not the day following the day of Ban Closing) from and including the day following Ban Closing to and including the day preceding the Payment Date at the Settlement Interest Rate.
13 hours ago
I totally agree! My point is the sale of WMB hasn't been completed yet. The debt hasn't been paid. Until the debt is paid, the debtors own WMB. That's the reason why JPMC made an initial payment of $1.89B. The FDIC can't sale something they don't own. Once Libor is settled, they hope that they will have the funds to pay the debt. Once the debt is paid, they can close the sale of WMB to JPMC. At that time, JPMC will have to meet the rquirements of the Purchase and Assumption Agreement, which states, "The assets will be sold at book value." I admit that I may be wrong. But, I don't think so.
Royal Dude
13 hours ago
Our Money value is moving
Our asset base is going to Schwab today from TD Bank and has been for all of 2025 December
"At the operational level, the big news this year was that Schwab finished transitioning TD Ameritrade accounts over to the Schwab platform. In total, Schwab converted over 17 million accounts, making this integration the biggest in the history of the industry.
Schwab had warned that these TD account conversions would drive an uptick in client churn, and indeed recent results suggest they did. For several quarters, Schwab’s net new asset growth was noticeably below its historical range of +5- 7%. Schwab says this weakness is directly and solely attributable to these TD account conversions. More specifically, the company claims that net new asset growth at the legacy Schwab platform is in line with long-term averages. We find the company’s explanation plausible and are encouraged by a bounce in net new asset growth during the month of December, but we will be tracking net new asset growth closely in the coming quarters."
13 hours ago
JPMorgan Chase is not expected to make any additional purchase payments when the FDIC finally closes the bankruptcy of Washington Mutual. The Purchase and Assumption Agreement between JPMorgan Chase and the FDIC already covered the transfer of assets and liabilities, and there were no additional costs to the Deposit Insurance Fund. JPMorgan Chase acquired the assets of Washington Mutual (WAMU) through a Purchase and Assumption Agreement on September 25, 2008. The FDIC facilitated the transfer, and JPMorgan Chase paid no cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund for the assets. Essentially, the FDIC assumed the liabilities, making it a cost-effective resolution for the FDIC.
$1.89 Billion is the TOTAL cost, and no further payments from JPM are required/expected.
Royal Dude
16 hours ago
Does Bonderman sound familiar???????????? IMO
"TPG declares $0.53 dividend
Feb. 11, 2025 8:39 AM ETTPG Inc. (TPG) StockBy: Deepa Sarvaiya, SA News Editor
TPG (NASDAQ:TPG) declares $0.53/share quarterly dividend.
Payable March 7; for shareholders of record Feb. 21; ex-div Feb. 21.
See TPG Dividend Scorecard, Yield Chart, & Dividend Growth.
More on TPG
Twelve more firms settle with SEC on recordkeeping failures over messaging apps
Key deals for the week: Accenture, Berkshire Hills Bancorp, NXP Semiconductors and more
Seeking Alpha’s Quant Rating on TPG
Historical earnings data for TPG
Dividend scorecard for TPG
16 hours ago
~ LOL', "still squirmin & still a lioar" & still trash' 38k ... the ol' cactus post' considerations were specifically regarding "HOW" ... HOW; 2015's WMIH / using 2018's Acquired COOP. could accomplish a combined future moving F&E utilization, and the ol' cactus' thoughts "posted", were regarding possibilities of the implementation and utilization of the COOP' implemented "Share Buy Back Program", which could be a way to level out the releasing 2012' WMI OG's with the 2018 NG's ~
LOL, duh' ... & LOL ... lots of big words there' LOL ... But ?, ol cactus owns a lot of ALL WaMu so, ... so what' ... LOL
ADDED; ... Bonds L@@k good, ... LBHI CT's as well ... Cusip Related Trusts Have NOT Been Moved' ...
still waitin' ?
18 hours ago
💥🚀LATEST $COOP price targets==>DEUTSCHE BANK:$132, UBS:$122, Piper Sandler:$120, JMP Securities:$115, Wedbush:$115, Barclays:$111, Compass Point:$110, KBW:$105