RNS Number : 3222Q

Barclays PLC

27 June 2022

              FORM 8.3 
                                               1% OR 
                            Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 
 1.                                                            KEY INFORMATION 
           Full name of discloser:                                        Barclays PLC. 
           Owner or controller of interest and short 
           positions disclosed, if different from 
--------  -------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
           Name of offeror/offeree in relation to                         ULTRA ELECTRONICS 
  (c)       whose                                                          HOLDINGS PLC 
           relevant securities this form relates: 
--------  -------------------------------------------------------------  ------  -----  --------- 
           If an exempt fund manager connected with 
  (d)       an 
           offeror/offeree, state this and specify 
            identity of 
--------  ------------------------------------  ------------  ---------  ---------------------------- 
           Date position held/dealing undertaken:                         24 June 2022 
--------  -------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
           In addition to the company in 1(c) above,                      NO 
  (f)       is the discloser making 
           disclosures in respect of any other party 
            to the offer? 
--------  -------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  --------- 
 2.                                                            POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING 
                                                                THE DISCLOSURE 
           Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of 
  (a)       the offeror or offeree 
           to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if 
 Class of relevant security:                     5p ordinary 
                                                -----------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                       Interests              Short Positions 
                                                -----------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                   Number        (%)         Number        (%) 
----------------------------------------------  ------------  ---------  -------------  --------- 
           Relevant securities 
  (1)       owned 
  and/or controlled:                              2,221,482     3.09%        31,943       0.04% 
           Cash-settled derivatives: 
                                                    3,000       0.00%      2,156,118      3.00% 
           Stock-settled derivatives 
  (3)       (including options) 
  and agreements to 
   purchase/sell:                                     0         0.00%          0          0.00% 
  TOTAL:                                          2,224,482     3.10%      2,188,061      3.05% 
           Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors 
  (b)       and other executive 
 Class of relevant security in relation 
 which subscription right exists 
------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Details, including nature of the 
 concerned and relevant percentages: 
------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 3.                                DEALINGS (IF ANY) BY THE PERSON MAKING 
                                    THE DISCLOSURE 
 (a)           Purchases and 
------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------------- 
 Class of        Purchase/sale     Number                Price per unit 
  relevant                          of 
  security                         securities 
------------    --------------    -----------------  ---------------------- 
  5p ordinary       Purchase             248                      34.4900 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase             695                      34.5484 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,000                     34.5224 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,105                     34.5400 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,138                     34.5900 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,552                     34.5354 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,577                     34.5062 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,580                     34.5100 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,700                     34.5706 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,834                     34.5165 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,852                     34.5500 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            1,973                     34.5200 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            2,820                     34.5300 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            2,923                     34.5700 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            3,259                     34.5800 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            3,432                     34.5450 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            3,448                     34.5565 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            3,840                     34.5269 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            4,487                     34.5024 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            4,523                     34.5489 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            4,781                     34.5014 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            5,085                     34.4958 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            5,776                     34.4800 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            6,779                     34.5423 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            6,935                     34.5600 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            8,504                     34.5042 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            9,982                     34.5000 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            16,521                    34.5010 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            18,002                    34.5056 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            22,269                    34.5258 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            23,503                    34.5216 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary       Purchase            40,000                    34.5659 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               139                      34.5834 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               426                      34.5435 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               430                      34.5085 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               451                      34.5102 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               525                      34.5490 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               580                      34.5703 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               619                      34.5800 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               700                      34.4797 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               874                      34.5280 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               940                      34.5342 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale               975                      34.5400 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              1,038                     34.5061 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              1,138                     34.5900 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              1,240                     34.5600 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              1,307                     34.5140 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              1,467                     34.5500 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              1,841                     34.5100 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              1,873                     34.5392 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              1,973                     34.5200 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              2,777                     34.5539 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              2,820                     34.5300 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              2,923                     34.5700 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              2,926                     34.5314 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              2,976                     34.5358 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              3,232                     34.5343 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              3,690                     34.4800 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              4,019                     34.5366 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              4,578                     34.5463 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              5,691                     34.5028 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              7,463                     34.5015 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              8,181                     34.5469 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              9,379                     34.5489 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              10,801                    34.5397 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              10,919                    34.5454 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              13,407                    34.5000 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              20,577                    34.5320 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              20,836                    34.5468 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              35,644                    34.5390 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
  5p ordinary         Sale              50,000                    34.5296 GBP 
                ----------------  -----------------  ------------------------ 
 (b)           Cash-settled derivative transactions 
------------  -----------------------------------------------  ------------ 
 Class of           Product        Nature of      Number         Price per 
                                     dealing       of 
  relevant        description                     reference        unit 
 security                                         securities 
------------    --------------    -----------    ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP            Long           208       34.5277 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP            Long           700       34.4797 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP            Long         21,570      34.5405 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP            Long         28,206      34.5391 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP            Long         29,043      34.5478 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short           385       34.4903 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short           495       34.5172 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short           995       34.5035 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short          1,000      34.5224 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short          1,700      34.5706 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short          2,802      34.4800 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          CFD            Short         10,106      34.5798 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short         20,000      34.5028 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short         22,269      34.5258 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short         23,887      34.5146 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
  5p ordinary          SWAP           Short         40,000      34.5659 GBP 
                ----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------ 
 (c)         Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options) 
 (i)         Writing, selling, purchasing or varying 
   Class       Product        Writing,        Number        Exercise      Type     Expiry        Option 
    of       description     purchasing,        of            price                 date         money 
 relevant                     selling,      securities      per unit                             paid/ 
 security                      varying          to                                              received 
                                 etc           which 
                                              option                                            per unit 
            -------------  --------------  ------------  --------------  -----  ------------  ----------- 
 (ii)        Exercising 
 Class of relevant          Product description               Exercising/        Number        Exercise 
                                                            exercised against     of            price per 
 security                                                                        securities       unit 
----------  -------------  --------------  ------------                         ------------  ----------- 
 (d)         Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities) 
 Class of relevant             Nature                           Details             Price 
                             of Dealings                                           per unit 
 security                                                                        applicable) 
----------  -------------  --------------  ------------                         ------------  ----------- 
 4.                                                       OTHER INFORMATION 
 (a)         Indemnity and other dealings arrangements 
 Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement 
  or understanding, 
 formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be 
  an inducement to deal 
 or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure 
  and any party 
 to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the 
 (b)         Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options 
              or derivatives 
 Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or 
  informal, between 
 the person making the disclosure and any other person relating 
 (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under 
  any option; or 
 (ii) the voting rights of future acquisition or disposal of any relevant 
  securities to which 
 any derivative is referenced: 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------------  -----  ------------  ----------- 
 (c)         Attachments 
 Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open                                                 NO 
  Positions) attached? 
 Date of disclosure:                                      27 Jun 2022 
                                                         --------------  -----  ------------  ----------- 
 Contact name:                                            Large Holdings Regulatory Operations 
 Telephone number:                                        020 3134 7213 
                                                         ---------------------  ------------  ----------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 27, 2022 08:04 ET (12:04 GMT)

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