RNS Number : 6282H

EKF Diagnostics Holdings PLC

14 March 2018

EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc

("EKF", the "Company" or the "Group")

Final results

EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc (AIM: EKF), the AIM listed point-of-care business, announces its final results for the year ended 31 December 2017.

Financial highlights

   --     Revenue up 8% to GBP41.6m (2016: GBP38.6m) 
   --     Gross profit up 25% to GBP22.9m (2016: GBP18.3m) 
   --     Adjusted EBITDA* up 52% to GBP9.3m (2016: GBP6.1m) 
   --     Earnings per share of 0.59p (2016: nil) 
   --     Cash generated from operations of GBP10.1m (2016: GBP8.8m) 

-- Cash at 31 December 2017 of GBP8.2m (31 Dec 2016: GBP7.9m), net cash of GBP7.0m (31 Dec 2016: GBP2.2m)

   --     Capital restructure creates distributable reserves and allows share buy back programme 

* Excluding exceptional items and share based payments

Operational highlights

   --     Continued effect of improvements to operational efficiency 
   --     Closure of Polish operations brings  sites down from twelve to seven 
   --     Creation of Renalytix AI, Inc in January 2018 to exploit sTNFR technology 

Christopher Mills, Non-executive Chairman of EKF, said:

"Trading in 2017 has been positive and this has continued into the early part of 2018. We are currently trading in line with management's expectations."

EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc                                           Tel: 029 2071 0570 
Christopher Mills, Non-executive Chairman 
Julian Baines, CEO 
Richard Evans, FD & COO 
N + 1 Singer                                                           Tel: 020 7496 3000 
Alex Price / Shaun Dobson / Alex Laughton-Scott 
Walbrook PR Limited                              Tel: 020 7933 8780 or ekf@walbrookpr.com 
Paul McManus                                                           Mob: 07980 541 893 
Lianne Cawthorne                                                       Mob: 07584 391 303 


I am delighted to present results which show continued good progress with revenues, earnings, and net cash all significantly improved compared with the previous year.


The Group has continued to follow the path which led to the successful turnaround of the business in 2016, namely concentrating its activities on point-of-care diagnostics and the related central laboratory reagents business, while reducing costs and simplifying the business. In the first half, we closed our manufacturing site in Poland and transferred activities to our main European hub in Barleben, Germany. This led to a small number of redundancies, and we thank those affected and wish them well for the future. As a result, the number of sites used by the Group has reduced from a peak of twelve to seven, of which four are in Europe, two in the USA and one in China. While we are not currently planning further closures, our efforts to improve efficiency and therefore reduce costs continue.

After considerable deliberation and discussion with our professional advisors, we were unable to proceed with our plan to split out the central laboratory business in a tax efficient manner.

sTNFR venture

Subsequent to the year end, on 11 January 2018 the Group announced its intention to spin-out its sTNFR biomarker technology into a separate entity, Renalytix AI, Inc., which has been registered in the USA. sTNFR1/2 (Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptors 1 and 2) are novel biomarkers used in combination with artificial intelligence to identify which diabetes patients are at the highest risk of progressive Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) potentially leading to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Plans for the entity are at an early stage and discussions with partners are continuing.

Capital changes

The Directors have taken a number of actions during the year to create distributable reserves and to reduce the number of actual and potential shares in issue. In June 2017, 21.6m share options which had been granted to employees and others were cancelled at the election of the holders, in return for payments totalling GBP1.5m. In September 2017, court and shareholder approval were received for a capital reduction, allowing us to create distributable reserves through the write-off of the Company's share premium account, and to buy back up to 15% of the Company's ordinary shares. Subsequently, a total of 6.7m shares have been cancelled. As a result of these actions, the total number of potential shares has reduced by nearly 6%.

Results overview

The Chief Executive's and Finance Director's statements contain a review of the year and an overview of the financial performance of the Group.


All of the Board members have served throughout the year. Non-executive Directors have continued to waive their standard director's fees, however as each has performed considerable amounts of work for the Group in addition to their duties as directors, they have been paid an appropriate bonus.


Trading in 2017 has been positive and this has continued into the early part of 2018. Trading is in line with management expectations.

Christopher Mills

Non-executive Chairman

14 March 2018

Chief Executive's Review

It is pleasing to be able to report a strong set of results for 2017. In particular, cash generation has once again been very strong, with net cash growing from GBP2.2m to GBP7.0m during the year, despite spending GBP1.4m on capital expenditure and GBP1.5m on the cancellation of share options.


We have succeeded in our aim for 2017 of driving the existing business and continuing to reduce cost. Gross margins have improved at a greater rate than the increase in sales. We have sold around 15,000 analysers and 70 million tests during the year and cemented our place as number one supplier of Beta Hydroxybutyrate (<BETA>-HB ) reagent in the USA, and number two worldwide in Hemoglobin point-of-care products.

During the year we completed the restructuring of our manufacturing operations by closing our manufacturing facility in Poland. Production volume was shifted to our factory in Barleben, Germany and customers successfully transitioned away from the older style cuvette previously made in Poland. In Barleben we have invested in modern production equipment including new automated equipment for the manufacture and packaging of the Quo-Test cartridge. At our Elkhart USA facility, where we manufacture a number of wet chemistry products, we have a medium term programme to update the facilities to improve quality and volumes.


EKF's point-of-care business model continues to be to sell analysers into the market and then benefit from the ongoing revenue stream generated by sales of the dedicated consumables. Over the last five years we have sold over 80,000 analysers for use worldwide, and each year we supply a growing number of tests for use on these.


Sales of Hematology products have increased by 10% to GBP12.9m (2016: GBP11.7m). Sales of Hemo Control (sold in the USA as Hemo Point H2) have built on the strong growth in 2016, rising a further 7%, while DiaSpect revenues have risen by a further 23%.


Diabetes revenues are up by 13% at GBP11.5m (2016: GBP10.2m). The Saudi tender won in 2015 was completed during the year, and this has lead to an increase in Quo Test and Quo Lab sales of 14%. There has been further success for Biosen sales which have risen by 10%.

Central Laboratory

Central laboratory sales have grown by 5% to GBP12.6m, from GBP12.1m last year, again driven sales of <BETA>-HB Liquicolor reagent which are higher by a further 17%, having risen by a very significant percentage in 2016. We have continued to promote our Altair 240 analyser through an increasing portfolio of specialist distributors. Sales of other Central Laboratory products have been stable. We have discontinued a number of the marginal former STI products.

New and updated products

We have concentrated in 2017 on widening the range of regulatory approvals for our existing product ranges. In particular we have conducted a number of clinical trials in the USA in anticipation of submitting applications for FDA approval in the USA for our DiaSpect Tm and Quo-Test products. Quo-Test is also in the lab testing phase of its China FDA registration and we have secured registration for it in Brazil alongside Hemo Control, DiaSpect Tm and Quo-Lab. POC Connect, our connectivity solution for our DiaSpect Tm handheld analyser was launched in November 2017. We will soon be showcasing our new and updated Lactate Scout 4.0 product. As noted above, we are working to secure commercial launch of our sTNFR biomarker (for early detection of end stage renal disease in diabetic patients), alongside a number of partners.


We are looking forward to finalising our two FDA applications in the first half of 2018, and to update on progress with our sTNFR project. At the same time, we anticipate receiving completed registrations for Beta Hydroxybutyrate (<BETA>-HB) in Mexico, Brazil and Colombia as well as the Indian registration of DiaSpect Tm all in the first half of 2018. We are continuing to work hard to increase efficiency and reduce costs by investing in automation and streamlining processes. We are confident that we will continue to see growth in the business on a steady and sustainable basis.

Julian Baines

Chief Executive Officer

14 March 2018



Revenue for the year was GBP41.6m (2016: GBP38.6m), an increase of 8%. 6.6% of the increase was the result of improvements in foreign currency exchange rates, largely because of a further fall in the average value of sterling against the US dollar and Euro especially in the first half of the year. The remainder of the increase comes from organic growth.

Revenue by disease state, which is presented for illustration purposes only, is as follows:

                        FY 2017    FY 2016   +/-% 
                        GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Hematology              12,911     11,704   +10% 
 Diabetes Care           11,547     10,203   +13% 
 Central Laboratory      12,597     12,051    +5% 
 Other                    4,529      4,631   (2)% 
--------------------  ---------  ---------  ----- 
 Total revenue           41,584     38,589    +8% 
--------------------  ---------  ---------  ----- 

Gross profit

Gross profit increased to GBP22.9m (2016: GBP18.3m). The gross margin percentage on sales was 55.0% (2016: 47.5%). The increase was attributable in part to cost reductions arising from the actions taken in previous years, partly through mix and volume effects, and partly as a result of the release of inventory provisions set in prior years.

Administration costs and research and development costs

Administration expenses have again fallen, to GBP18.2m (2016: GBP18.7m). R&D costs included in administration expenses were GBP2.2m, with a further GBP0.7m being capitalised as an intangible cost. Gross R&D expenses have therefore increased to GBP2.9m from GBP2.7m in 2016.

The charge for depreciation of fixed assets and amortisation of intangible assets is GBP4.6m (2016: GBP5.0m). The charge includes an impairment in the year related to the carrying value of our Polish operations which were closed during the year, as well as the reassessment of the carrying value of certain non-core development projects.

Exceptional items relate to provisions made and costs incurred in the closure of the Polish manufacturing site, the increase in the fair value of the warranty claim associated with the acquisition of EKF-Diagnostic GmbH, which is attributable to the increase in the Company's share price during the year, and to the benefit at fair value of the shares released to EKF from an escrow account associated with the acquisition of Selah Genomics, Inc.

Operating profit and adjusted earnings before interest tax and depreciation

The Group made an operating profit of GBP4.7m, having made a small loss of GBP0.3m in 2016. This reflects the considerable efforts made in the last two years to reduce costs and improve efficiency. We continue to consider that adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation, share-based payments and exceptional items (adjusted EBITDA) is a better measure of progress because the Board believes it gives clearer comparability of operating performance between periods. In 2017 we achieved adjusted EBITDA of GBP9.3m (2016: GBP6.1m). The calculation of this non-GAAP measure is shown on the face of the income statement. It excludes the effect of share-based payment charges of GBP1.5m (2016: GBP1.0m), which increased largely because of the acceleration of charges as a result of the programme of share option cancellations, and exceptional profits of GBP1.6m (2016: losses of GBP0.5m). Of the increase in adjusted EBITDA of GBP3.2m, GBP0.6m is attributable to the effect of more favourable exchange rates, with the remainder being attributable to improved underlying performance.

Finance costs

Finance costs have continued to fall, to GBP0.5m in 2017 (2016: GBP0.7m). This is largely as a result of lower interest costs associated with the reduction of debt during the year, offset by higher charges relating to the discounting of deferred consideration.


There is an income tax charge of GBP1.4m (2016: credit of GBP1.2m). This is because of a tax adjustment in the USA caused by timing differences on the carry back of losses in previous years, while in 2016 there was a large credit relating to 2015. In future years the Group anticipates a positive impact on its tax charge as a result of the tax policy changes recently made by the US Government.

Balance sheet

Property, plant and equipment

Additions to fixed assets were GBP1.4m (2016: GBP1.3m). This reflected investment in production equipment in both Germany and in the USA, including automated pouching equipment in Barleben and the replacement of obsolete plant in Elkhart.

Intangible assets

The value of intangible assets has fallen from GBP46.5m to GBP43.6m year-on-year. This is partially attributable to the annual amortisation charge, plus the offsetting effect of additions and impairments.

Deferred consideration

The remaining deferred consideration relates to the share-based payment to the former owner of EKF-Diagnostic GmbH. Finalisation of the contracts to conclude the position is now expected to take place in 2018.

Cash and working capital

Net cash has increased from GBP2.2m to GBP7.0m during the year. Gross cash has increased to GBP8.2m (2016: GBP7.9m), and borrowings have reduced from GBP5.7m to GBP1.2m. All borrowings in the UK and the USA have been paid off. The remaining borrowings are being reduced over the loan period to 2023 and were used to fund the new building in Barleben. GBP1.5m was used to buy employees out of share option agreements and GBP0.2m was used to acquire ordinary shares for cancellation.

Inventory has reduced from GBP6.0m to GBP5.6m in 2017 as our programme to reduce inventory levels continued. While results so far have been encouraging, and we have seen inventory levels reduce by over 30% since December 2015, despite higher revenue, our ambition remains to reduce our holdings further, while ensuring production and sales run efficiently.

Trade receivables have reduced, partly because of the completion of payments relating to business in Saudi Arabia which required extended payment terms. The increase in payables, reflects increased activity during the year and the liability recognised in respect of cash settled share-based payments.

Richard Evans

Finance Director and Chief Operating Officer

14 March 2018

Consolidated Income Statement


                                                                2017      2016 
                                                             GBP'000   GBP'000 
=========================================================   ========  ======== 
Revenue                                                       41,584    38,589 
Cost of sales                                               (18,721)  (20,267) 
==========================================================  ========  ======== 
Gross profit                                                  22,863    18,322 
Administrative expenses                                     (18,186)  (18,734) 
Other income                                                      52        85 
==========================================================  ========  ======== 
Operating profit/(loss)                                        4,729     (327) 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Depreciation and amortisation                                (4,623)   (4,961) 
Share-based payments                                         (1,514)     (973) 
Exceptional items                                              1,562     (532) 
EBITDA before exceptional items and share-based payments       9,304     6,139 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Finance income                                                    53        37 
Finance costs                                                  (475)     (713) 
==========================================================  ========  ======== 
Profit/(loss) before income tax                                4,307   (1,003) 
Income tax (charge)/credit                                   (1,367)     1,172 
==========================================================  ========  ======== 
Profit for the year                                            2,940       169 
==========================================================  ========  ======== 
Profit/(loss) attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                                           2,715      (18) 
Non-controlling interest                                         225       187 
==========================================================  ========  ======== 
                                                               2,940       169 
 ---------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                                                      Pence   Pence 
===================================================   =====  ====== 
Earnings/(loss) per Ordinary Share attributable to 
 the owners of the parent during the year 
From continuing operations 
Basic                                                  0.59  (0.00) 
Diluted                                                0.58       - 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  ------ 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                             2017      2016 
                                                          GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------------   --------  -------- 
Profit for the year                                         2,940       169 
Other comprehensive income: 
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit 
 or loss 
Currency translation differences                            (622)     9,343 
=======================================================  ========  ======== 
Other comprehensive (loss)/gain for the year                (622)     9,343 
=======================================================  ========  ======== 
Total comprehensive gain for the year                       2,318     9,512 
=======================================================  ========  ======== 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                                        2,096     9,198 
Non-controlling interests                                     222       314 
=======================================================  ========  ======== 
Total comprehensive gain for the year                       2,318     9,512 
=======================================================  ========  ======== 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

AS AT 31 December 2017

                                                  Group     Group 
                                                   2017      2016 
                                                GBP'000   GBP'000 
============================================   ========  ======== 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                    12,121    12,124 
Intangible assets                                43,600    46,503 
Investments                                         152       152 
Deferred tax assets                                  34       371 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Total non-current assets                         55,907    59,150 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Current assets 
Inventories                                       5,638     6,025 
Trade and other receivables                       7,396     9,370 
Deferred tax assets                                  13        13 
Cash and cash equivalents                         8,203     7,874 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Total current assets                             21,250    23,282 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Total assets                                     77,157    82,432 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Equity attributable to owners of the parent 
Share capital                                     4,576     4,643 
Share premium account                                 -    95,393 
Other reserve                                       108        41 
Foreign currency reserves                         4,892     5,609 
Retained earnings                                50,394  (45,236) 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
                                                 59,970    60,450 
 ============================================  ========  ======== 
Non-controlling interest                            528       521 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Total equity                                     60,498    60,971 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                          872     1,130 
Deferred tax liabilities                          3,467     3,751 
Total non-current liabilities                     4,339     4,881 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                          9,429     9,401 
Deferred consideration                            1,062       693 
Current income tax liabilities                    1,473     1,160 
Deferred tax liabilities                             23       738 
Borrowings                                          333     4,588 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Total current liabilities                        12,320    16,580 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Total liabilities                                16,659    21,461 
=============================================  ========  ======== 
Total equity and liabilities                     77,157    82,432 
=============================================  ========  ======== 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows


                                                   Group     Group 
                                                    2017      2016 
                                                 GBP'000   GBP'000 
=============================================   ========  ======== 
Cash flow from operating activities 
Cash generated by operations                      10,118     8,816 
Interest paid                                      (106)     (496) 
Income tax (paid)/received                         (959)       623 
==============================================  ========  ======== 
Net cash generated by operating activities         9,053     8,943 
==============================================  ========  ======== 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Sale of investments                                    -       250 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment 
 (PPE)                                           (1,361)   (1,261) 
Purchase of intangibles                            (852)     (663) 
Proceeds from sale of PPE                            128       211 
Interest received                                     53        37 
==============================================  ========  ======== 
Net cash used in investing activities            (2,032)   (1,426) 
==============================================  ========  ======== 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Proceeds from issuance of Ordinary Shares              -     4,539 
Share based payments                             (1,505)         - 
Share buy back                                     (241)         - 
New loans                                              -     5,957 
Repayments on borrowings                         (4,458)  (12,555) 
Dividend payment to non-controlling interest       (215)      (54) 
Net cash used in financing activities            (6,419)   (2,113) 
==============================================  ========  ======== 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents            602     5,404 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of year                                           7,874     2,017 
Exchange (losses)/gains on cash and cash 
 equivalents                                       (273)       453 
==============================================  ========  ======== 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year           8,203     7,874 
==============================================  ========  ======== 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                            Share              Foreign 
                                  Share   premium     Other   currency   Retained            Non-controlling     Total 
                                capital   account   reserve    reserve   earnings     Total         interest    equity 
Consolidated                    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000          GBP'000   GBP'000 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
At 1 January 2016                 4,221    91,276        41    (3,607)   (45,438)    46,493              261    46,754 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Comprehensive income 
(Loss)/profit for the year            -         -         -          -       (18)      (18)              187       169 
Other comprehensive income 
Currency translation 
 differences                          -         -         -      9,216          -     9,216              127     9,343 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Total comprehensive 
 income/(expense)                     -         -         -      9,216       (18)     9,198              314     9,512 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Transactions with owners 
Proceeds from shares issued         422     4,117         -          -          -     4,539                -     4,539 
Dividends to non-controlling 
 interest                             -         -         -          -          -         -             (54)      (54) 
Share-based payments                  -         -         -          -        220       220                -       220 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Total contributions by and 
 distributions to owners            422     4,117         -          -        220     4,759             (54)     4,705 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
At 31 December 2016 and 1 
 2017                             4,643    95,393        41      5,609   (45,236)    60,450              521    60,971 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Comprehensive income 
Profit for the year                   -         -         -          -      2,715     2,715              225     2,940 
Other comprehensive income 
Currency translation 
 differences                          -         -         -      (717)         98     (619)              (3)     (622) 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Total comprehensive 
 (expense)/income                     -         -         -      (717)      2,813     2,096              222     2,318 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Transactions with owners 
Share cancellation                 (67)         -        67          -    (3,121)   (3,121)                -   (3,121) 
Capital reconstruction                -  (95,393)         -          -     95,393         -                -         - 
Dividends to non-controlling 
 interest                                                                                              (215)     (215) 
Share-based payments                                                          545       545                -       545 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
Total contributions by and 
 distributions to owners           (67)  (95,393)        67          -     92,817   (2,576)            (215)   (2,791) 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 
At 31 December 2017               4,576         -       108      4,892     50,394    59,970              528    60,498 
=============================  ========  ========  ========  =========  =========  ========  ===============  ======== 

Notes to the Financial Statements

for the year ended 31 December 2017

1. Basis of presentation

EKF Diagnostics Holdings Plc is a company incorporated in the United Kingdom. The Company is a public limited company, which is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

The audited preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the Group's accounting policies as disclosed in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 and International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") and International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations Committee (IFRS IC) interpretations as adopted by the European Union and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. This preliminary announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 14 March 2018. The preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for the year to 31 December 2016 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audit report for those accounts was unqualified and did not contain statements under 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006 and did not contain any emphasis of matter.

Certain statements in this announcement constitute forward-looking statements. Any statement in this announcement that is not a statement of historical fact including, without limitation, those regarding the Company's future expectations, operations, financial performance, financial condition and business is a forward-looking statement. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, amongst other factors, changing economic, financial, business or other market conditions. These and other factors could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described in this announcement and the Company undertakes no obligation to update its view of such risks and uncertainties or to update the forward-looking statements contained herein. Nothing in this announcement should be construed as a profit forecast.

While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRSs. The Company will publish its full financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 by 16 April 2018, which will be available on the Company's website at www.ekfdiagnostics.com and at the Company's registered office at Avon House, 19 Stanwell Road Penarth CF64 2EZ. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 8 May 2017.

2. Geographic sales

Disclosure of Group revenues by geographic location of customer is as follows:

                                            2017      2016 
                                         GBP'000   GBP'000 
======================================  ========  ======== 
United States of America                  17,174    15,122 
Rest of Americas                           3,195     3,979 
Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) 
Germany                                    6,016     6,082 
United Kingdom                               300       276 
Rest of Europe                             3,423     2,761 
Russia                                     2,743     2,687 
Middle East                                2,912     2,870 
Africa                                     1,611       882 
Asia and Rest of World 
China                                        915       929 
Rest of Asia                               3,168     2,922 
New Zealand/Australia                        127        79 
======================================  ========  ======== 
Total revenue                             41,584    38,589 
======================================  ========  ======== 

No single external customer represented more than 10% of revenues in either 2017 or 2016.

3. Exceptional items

Included within administrative expenses are exceptional items as shown below:

                                                  2017      2016 
                                        Note   GBP'000   GBP'000 
=====================================  =====  ========  ======== 
  *    Warranty claim                      a       339       129 
  *    Business reorganisation costs       b     (183)     (661) 
  *    Cancellation of shares              c     1,406         - 
Exceptional items                                1,562     (532) 
============================================  ========  ======== 

(a) Estimated warranty claim in relation to the acquisition of EKF-diagnostic GmbH increased because of higher share price.

(b) Restructuring costs, mainly redundancy and notice costs, associated in 2017 with the closure of EKF's Polish facility and other restructuring activities.

(c) Fair value of shares released to EKF by former shareholders of Selah Genomics Inc. which had been issued as part of the consideration for the acquisition of Selah, but held in escrow. These shares have subsequently been cancelled.

4. Finance income and costs

                                                                   2017      2016 
                                                                GBP'000   GBP'000 
=============================================================  ========  ======== 
Finance costs: 
  *    Bank borrowings                                               83       338 
  *    Other interest                                                23       158 
  *    Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or 
       loss - losses/(gains)                                        369       208 
  *    Convertible debt                                               -         9 
=============================================================  ========  ======== 
Finance costs                                                       475       713 
=============================================================  ========  ======== 
Finance income 
  *    Interest income on cash and short-term deposits               14        37 
  *    Other interest                                                39         - 
=============================================================  ========  ======== 
Finance income                                                       53        37 
=============================================================  ========  ======== 
Net finance costs                                                   422       676 
=============================================================  ========  ======== 

5. Income tax

                                                        2017      2016 
Group                                                GBP'000   GBP'000 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
Current tax: 
Current tax on profit/(loss) for the year              2,045     1,602 
Adjustments for prior periods                          (100)   (2,219) 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
Total current tax                                      1,945     (617) 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
Deferred tax: 
Origination and reversal of temporary differences      (578)     (555) 
Total deferred tax                                     (578)     (555) 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
Income tax charge/(credit)                             1,367   (1,172) 
==================================================  ========  ======== 

The Finance Act 2015 which was substantively enacted in 2015 included legislation to reduce the main rate of UK corporation tax to 19% from 1 April 2017 and the Finance Act 2016 which was substantively enacted in 2016 included legislation to reduce the main rate of UK corporation tax to 17% from 1 April 2020.

The tax on the Group's profit/(loss) before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the standard tax rate applicable to the profits of the consolidated entities as follows:

                                                                     2017      2016 
                                                                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
===============================================================  ========  ======== 
Profit/(loss) before tax                                            4,307   (1,003) 
===============================================================  ========  ======== 
Tax calculated at domestic tax rates applicable to UK standard 
 rate of tax of 19.25% (2016: 20%)                                    829     (201) 
Tax effects of: 
  *    Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                        31       390 
  *    Remeasurement of deferred tax - change in future tax 
       rate                                                         (360)         - 
  *    Income not subject to tax                                      267         - 
  *    Utilisation of losses carried forward/ group relief          (178)      (63) 
  *    Adjustment in respect of prior years                         (100)   (2,219) 
  *    Impact of different tax rates in other jurisdictions           634       428 
  *    Other movements                                                244       493 
===============================================================  ========  ======== 
Tax charge/(credit)                                                 1,367   (1,172) 
===============================================================  ========  ======== 

There are no tax effects on the items in the statement of other comprehensive income.

6. Earnings per share

(a) Basic

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to owners of the parent by the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year.

                                                             2017          2016 
                                                          GBP'000       GBP'000 
====================================================  ===========  ============ 
Profit/(loss) attributable to owners of the parent          2,715          (18) 
====================================================  ===========  ============ 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue   463,098,526   446,042,831 
====================================================  ===========  ============ 
Basic profit/(loss) per share                          0.59 pence  (0.00) pence 
----------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------ 

(b) Diluted

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares outstanding assuming conversion of all dilutive potential Ordinary Shares. The Company has two categories of dilutive potential ordinary shares: equity-based long-term incentive plans and share options. The potential shares were not dilutive in 2016 as the Group made a loss per share.

                                                            2017          2016 
                                                         GBP'000       GBP'000 
===================================================  ===========  ============ 
Profit/(loss) attributable to owners of the parent         2,715          (18) 
Weighted average diluted number of Ordinary Shares   469,343,547   446,042,831 
===================================================  ===========  ============ 
Diluted profit/(loss) per share                       0.58 pence  (0.00) pence 
---------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------ 
                                                                 2017         2016 
========================================================  ===========  =========== 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue       463,098,526  446,042,831 
Adjustment for: 
  *    Assumed conversion of share awards                   2,201,081            - 
  *    Assumed payment of equity deferred consideration     4,043,940    4,043,940 
========================================================  ===========  =========== 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares including 
 potentially dilutive shares                              469,343,547  450,086,771 
========================================================  ===========  =========== 

7. Dividends

There were no dividends paid or proposed by the Company in either year. The Board's policy is to enhance shareholder value mainly through the growth of the Group, and through a programme of share buy backs. The Board will however consider the payment of dividends if and when appropriate.

8 Cash used in operations

                                              2017      2016 
                                           GBP'000   GBP'000 
Profit/(loss) before tax                     4,307   (1,003) 
Adjustments for: 
  *    Depreciation                          1,160     1,209 
  *    Amortisation                          3,463     3,752 
  *    Warranty claim                        (339)     (129) 
  *    Loss on disposal of fixed assets       (33)        30 
  *    Restructure of operations                 -     (360) 
  *    Share-based payments                  1,510       220 
  *    Escrow cancellation                 (1,371)         - 
  *    Fair value adjustment                   369       208 
- Foreign exchange                             233       481 
  *    Bad debt written down                     -         - 
  *    Net finance costs                        53       468 
Changes in working capital 
  *    Inventories                             306     2,767 
  *    Trade and other receivables           1,535   (1,127) 
  *    Trade and other payables            (1,075)     2,300 
========================================  ========  ======== 
Net cash generated by operations            10,118     8,816 
----------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

In the statement of cash flows, proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment comprise:

                                                              2017      2016 
Group                                                      GBP'000   GBP'000 
========================================================  ========  ======== 
Net book value                                                  95       241 
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment               33      (30) 
========================================================  ========  ======== 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment        128       211 
========================================================  ========  ======== 

Non-cash transactions

The principal non-cash transactions are; movements on deferred consideration provisions; the fair value adjustment relating to the deferred equity consideration in respect of EKF Germany, the warranty claim, and release of accruals no longer required.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 14, 2018 03:01 ET (07:01 GMT)

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