MEADVILLE, Pa., May 27, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- "Manifesting Magically vs. Manifesting Purpose": a profound devotional that enlightens the hearts of the troubled and confused. "Manifesting Magically vs. Manifesting Purpose" is the creation of published author Keyjuana Jones, a divorced mother and a grandmother who found light and guidance in the Holy Spirit's power. She has gone through many shades of darkness and troubles, rejected by man and accepted by God when she decided to welcome Jesus into her heart.

Jones shares, "Everyone is manifesting all these things, good and evil. We have done our research and there are many how to publications and video content baiting us and we are hooked. We have a lot of knowledge, so what is it that is missing? I was a fish with a few hooks in my mouth. I was being pulled in, and I didn't want to be unsure about my final destination, so I asked God for wisdom. My heart was not amiss when I prayed and so God granted what I asked for. I wanted the truth even if that meant I had to repent.

The Holy Spirit resided with me and told me to write as the mysteries of diverse types of manifesting were being unveiled.

Knowledge without the increase of spiritual wisdom is lack of knowledge, a husband without a wife, and a form of godliness that denies the power of God, we need to manifest his good and perfect will in our lives. God's thoughts toward us are always good and not evil.

Word of wisdom has searched our hearts and inspired my own heart and hand to call aloud, raising her voice in the public square (Proverbs 1:20)."

"It is her agenda and the assignment of this publication to call all those who are hidden, scattered, and those who are perishing from a lack of knowledge and do not perceive our lack.

Many are called, but few are chosen. God chooses those who answer the call.

He who has ears, let them hear what the Spirit has to say about Manifesting Magically vs. Manifesting Purpose."

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Keyjuana Jones's new book is an illuminating spiritual walk that carries words from the Bible and important messages that will lead every reader to see the power of God and each individual's call for purpose.

View a synopsis of "Manifesting Magically vs. Manifesting Purpose" on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase "Manifesting Magically vs. Manifesting Purpose" at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about "Manifesting Magically vs. Manifesting Purpose," contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.


SOURCE Christian Faith Publishing

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