22 February 2018
Aéroports de Paris SA

Solid performance driven by the dynamism of traffic

and group's international development

Groupe ADP 2017 full year results

  • Groupe ADP traffic: +7.4%[1], at 228.2 million passengers[2]
  • Paris Aéroport traffic: +4.5%, at 101.5 million passengers
  • Good performance of consolidated revenue (€3 617 million), driven by the growth in aviation activities in Paris and the full consolidation of TAV Airports. Excluding TAV Airports' full consolidation[3], revenue is up by 1.8%, at €3 001 million. Full year 2017 sales in airside shops per passenger[4] were stable (+0.4%) at €18.2
  • EBITDA at €1,567 million, up by €372 million thanks to the full consolidation of TAV Airports, dynamism of traffic and control over operating expenses. Excluding TAV Airports' full consolidation, EBITDA is growing by 7.7%, at €1,287 million
  • Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) up by €366 million, at €1,030 million, benefiting from TAV Airports' contribution and favorable extraordinary items as the capital gain from TAV Construction and the re-evaluation of the stake in TAV Airports, partially offset by provisions on international stake, accounted for during the 1st half of 2017
  • Net result attributable to the Group (NRAG) at €571 million, up by €136 million, supported by the capital gain from the sale of 80% of the stake in Hub Safe but impacted by the net increase in income tax amounted to €58 million

Groupe ADP 2018 forecasts

  • Traffic growth assumption for Paris Aéroport between 2.5% and 3.5% in 2018 compared to 2017
  • Traffic growth assumption for TAV Airports between 10% and 12% in 2018 compared to 2017
  • 2018 consolidated EBITDA[5]: increase of between 10% and 15% in 2018 compared to 2017, with the full-year effect of the full consolidation of TAV Airports and excluding the effects of any change in scope that may occur in 2018
  • 2018 consolidated EBITDA excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports: increase of between 2.5% and 3.5% in 2018 compared to 2017
  • Reminder of the TAV Airports EBITDA[6]'s guidance: increase of between 5% and 7% in 2018 compared to 2017
  • Maintained pay-out of 60% of NRAG 2018
(in millions of euros - unless otherwise stated) 2017(1) 2016 2017/2016(1)
Revenue 3,617  2,947  +22.7% +€670m
EBITDA 1,567  1,195  +31.1% +€372m
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) 1,030  664  +55.1% +€366m
Operating income (including operating activities of associates) 1,052  696  +51.1% +€356m
Associates from non-operating activities 59  N/A -€58m
Income taxes (260)  (202)  +28.9% +€58m
Net result attributable to the Group 571  435  +31.2% +€136m
Sales/PAX (€) 18.2 18.2 +0.4% -
(1) Excluding the sales per pax, 2017 data were taking into account TAV Airports full consolidation on 2nd half of 2017  

Augustin de Romanet, Chairman and CEO of Aéroports de Paris SA - Groupe ADP, stated:
"2017 was a year of transformation for Groupe ADP, in Paris as well as abroad.
 Traffic in Paris Aéroport reached 101.5 million passengers, crossing the symbolic threshold of 100 million passengers, driven by the growth in long haul traffic. In 2017, in Paris, occurred the materialisation of structuring projects for Groupe ADP's development with in particular the validation of major steps for CDG Express project and the signing of the agreement with FedEx. Besides, 2017 saw the rolling out of Groupe ADP's international strategy with the reinforcement in TAV Airports' capital leading to the full consolidation of TAV Airports in the group consolidated accounts for the 2nd half of 2017 and the signing of the agreement relative to the reinforcement of Groupe ADP's stake in Amman airport (Jordan), operation that will be completed very soon. These projects are opportunities for growth and value creation for the years to come.
In 2017, revenue increased by €670 million, to €3,617 million and EBITDA reached €1,567 million. Net result attributable to the Group is up by €136 million, at €571 million and allows to propose to the shareholder general meeting a dividend of €3.46 per share.

On the basis of a traffic growth assumption of between +2.5% and +3.5% for Paris Aéroport and of between +10% and +12% for TAV Airports in 2018, compared to 2017, growth in consolidated EBITDA5 is expected between +10% and +15%, excluding the effects of any change in scope that may occur in 2018. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, increase in Groupe ADP's EBITDA is expected between +2.5% and +3.5% in 2018. As a reminder, TAV Airports expects an increase of its EBITDA between 5% and 7% in 2018 compared to 2017.Groupe ADP will keep a payout of 60% of the net result attributable to the Group."

Groupe ADP 2017 full year results
2017 consolidated accounts
(in millions of euros) 2017(1) 2016 2017/2016(1)
Revenue 3,617 2,947 +€670m
EBITDA 1,567 1,195 +€372m
EBITDA / Revenue 43.3% 40.6% +2.7pt
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) 1,030 664 +€366m
Operating income from ordinary activities / Revenue 28.5% 22.5% +6.0pt
Operating income (including operating activities of associates) 1,052 696 +€356m
Financial income (179) (115) -€64m
Net income attributable to the Group 571 435 +€136m
(1) Including the full consolidation of TAV Airports in the 2nd half of 2017
(in millions of euros) 2017 2016 2017/2016
Revenue(1) 3,617 2,947 +€670m
Aviation 1,813 1,743 +4.0%
Retail and services 953 941 +1.2%
Real estate 250 263 -4.8%
International and airport developments(1) 682 97 +€585m
of which TAV Airports 616 - +€616m
Other activities 217 223 -2.5%
Inter-sector eliminations (298) (321) -7.0%
(1) Including the full consolidation of TAV Airports in the 2nd half of 2017

Over 2017, Groupe ADP consolidated revenue stood at €3,617 million, up by €670 million, mainly thanks to:

  • The full consolidation of TAV Airports for the 2nd half of 2017, which contributed to revenue up to €616 million. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, Groupe ADP revenue grew by 1.8%, to €3,001 million;
  • The growth in airport fees in Paris Aéroport (+5.2%, at €1,055 million), driven by passenger traffic dynamics (+4.5%) combined with the increase in tariffs since 1 April 2017 (+0.97%);
  • The strong increase in revenue from ancillary fees in Paris Aéroport (+4.6%, at €230 million), in particular from the fee related to the provision of de-icing facilities (+29.1%, at €24 million) and PRM[7] fees (+9.5%, at €60 million).

These favorable items were partially offset by:

  • The decrease in revenue in international activities, excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports (-32.0%, at €66 million) linked to a slowdown in activity and a decrease in backlog in the Middle-East for ADP Ingénierie;
  • The change in consolidation method for Hub Safe during the 4th quarter[8], following the 80%-disposal of the stake in this entity. For the 4th quarter of 2017, Hub Safe's results has been accounted for as non-operating associates.

Over 2017, intersegment eliminations[9] amounted to €298 million.

(in millions of euros) 2017(1) 2016 2017/2016(1) 2017
(excl. FC of TAV A)
2017/2016 (excl. FC of TAV A)
Revenue 3,617 2,947 +€670m 3,001 +1.8%
Operating expenses (2,142) (1,807) +€335m (1,809) +0.1%
Consumables (165) (113) +€52m (120) +5.8%
External services (865) (707) +€158m (725) +2.7%
Employee benefit costs (814) (698) +€116m (689) -1.2%
Taxes other than income taxes (260) (262) -€2m (250) -4.5%
Other operating expenses (39) (27) +€12m (25) -9.4%
Other incomes and expenses 93 56 +€37m 96 +€40m
EBITDA 1,567 1,195 +€372m 1,287 +7.7%
EBITDA / Revenue 43.3% 40.6% +2.7pt 42.9% +2.3pt
(1) Including the full consolidation (FC) of TAV Airports in the 2nd half of 2017

Group operating expenses stood at €2,142 million over 2017. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, operating expenses were almost stable (+0.1%) due to the good control over expenses. The operating expenses of the parent company increased slightly by 0.3%, compared to 2016.

The distribution of operating expenses is as follows:

  • Consumables stood at €165 million. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, consumables were up by 5.8% due to the increase in furniture need for the de-icing activity and the increase in Hub One activities.
  • The costs related to external services stood at €865 million. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, the costs related to external services were up by 2.7% due to the increase of use of sub-contracting, linked to the change of accounting method for Hub Safe, and the increase in expense for maintenance and repairs.

Employee benefit costs stood at €814 million. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, employee benefit costs were down by 1.2%, notably due to the partial sale of Hub Safe over the last quarter of 2017. As of 31 December 2017, the average number of employees stood at 17,422[10]/[11]

(in millions of euros) 2017(1) 2016 2017/2016(1)
Employee benefit costs 814 698 +€116m
Aéroports de Paris 555 553 +0.4%
Subsidiaries 258 145 +€113m
Average staff numbers (Full-Time Equivalent)  17,422  8,947 +8,475
Aéroports de Paris  6,435  6,478 -0.7%
Subsidiaries 10,987  2,469 +8,518
(1) Including the full consolidation of TAV Airports in the 2nd half of 2017
  • Taxes other than income taxes stood at €260 million. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, taxes other than income taxes decreased by 4.5% due to the settlement of a litigation on previous years.
  • Other operating expenses stood at €39 million. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, other operating expenses were down by 9.4%, due to a decrease in management expenses.

Other income and expenses stood at €93 million, due to the accounting, under to the IAS 17 norm, of the capital gain linked to the long term lease of cargo hub buildings[12], for €63 million.

Over 2017, group consolidated EBITDA stood at €1,567 million. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, EBITDA stood at €1,287 million, up by 7.7% compared to 2016. The consolidated gross margin rate[13] for 2017 was up by 2.7 points, at 43.3%.

Net result attributable to the Group
(in millions of euros) 2017(1) 2016 2017/2016(1)
EBITDA 1,567 1,195 +€372m
Amortisation & Depreciation (615) (479) +€136m
Share in associates and joint ventures from operating activities after adjustments related to acquisition of holdings 77 (52) +€129m
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) 1,030 664 +€366m
Other operating expenses and incomes 22 32 -€10m
Operating income (including operating activities of associates) 1,052 696 +€356m
Financial income (179) (115) -€64m
Associates from non-operating activities 1 59 -€58m
Income before tax 874 640 +€234m
Income taxes (260) (202) +€58m
Net results from continuing activities 614 438 +€176m
Net income attributable to non-controlling interests (44) (3) -€41m
Net income attributable to the Group 571 435 +€136m
(1) Including the full consolidation of TAV Airports in the 2nd half of 2017

Over 2017, amortisation and depreciation stood at €615 million. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, amortisation and depreciation decreased by €7 million.

Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) stood at €1,030 million notably due to:

  • The scope effect of the full consolidation of TAV Airports for the 2nd half of 2017;
  • The re-evaluation of the 38%-stake in TAV Airports for €63 million;
  • The capital gain following the sale of TAV Construction for a net amount of €12 million;
  • The negative effect linked to provisions on international stake amounting to €46 million, accounted for during the 1st half-year of 2017.

Operating income stood at €1,052 million, due notably to the capital gain of the 80%-sale of the stake in Hub Safe, net of disposal fee, for an amount of €27 million.

The net financial result stood at -€179 million and was notably impacted by provisions on international stake for €9 million accounted for during the 1st half of 2017, in addition to the €46 million mentioned above.

As of 31 December 2017, Groupe ADP net debt stood at €3,797 million compared with €2,709 million as of 31 December 2016 due to the full consolidation of TAV Airports. Excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports, Groupe ADP's net debt would stand at €3,144 million.

The share of profit of non-operating associates was down by €58 million, to €1 million, due to the negative impact of the non-renewal of the capital gain linked to the sale, in October 2016, of Groupe ADP's stake in the Mexican airport operator OMA for an amount of €58 million.

The income tax expense stood at €260 million in 2017, up by €58 million. This net increase in income tax is, on one hand, due to the corporate income tax for €82 million, linked to the increase in income before tax and the 2017 surcharge on income tax, partially offset by the re-evaluation of deferred taxes from 2020. On the other hand, the reimbursement of tax on dividends, amounting for €24 million, reduced the impact of the increase in corporate income tax.

Taking into account all these items, the net result attributable to the Group increased by €136 million, to €571 million.

Analysis by segment Aviation
(in millions of euros) 2017 2016 2017/2016
Revenue 1,813 1,743 +4.0%
Airport fees 1,055 1,003 +5.2%
Passenger fees 653 619 +5.4%
Landing fees 243 233 +4.6%
Parking fees 159 151 +5.6%
Ancillary fees 230 220 +4.6%
Revenue from airport safety and security services 487 480 +1.6%
Other income 40 40 -1.6%
EBITDA 551 488 +12.8%
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) 272 186 +46.4%
EBITDA / Revenue 30.4% 28.0% +2.4pt
Operating income from ordinary activities / Revenue 15.0% 10.7% +4.4pt

Over 2017, Aviation segment, that only includes Parisian activities, revenue increased by 4.0%, to €1,813.

Revenue from airport fees (passenger fees, landing fees and aircraft parking fees) was up by 5.2%, at €1,055 million, in  2017, benefiting from the growth in passenger traffic (+4.5%) and the increase in tariffs as of 1 April 2017 (+0.97%). It should be noted that, as of 1 April 2017, tariffs (excluding PRM[14] fees) have increased by 1.51%, except the CREWS fee that decreased significantly. Overall, excluding PRM fees, the increase was equal to +0.97% on average.

Ancillary fees were up by 4.6%, to €230 million, mainly thanks to the increase in revenue from the fee related to the provision of de-icing facilities (+29.1%, at €24 million) and from the fee for PMR (+9.5%, at €60 million) linked to the growth in traffic.

Revenue from airport safety and security services was up by 1.6%, to €487 million. This revenue covered the expenses engaged by Groupe ADP, up due to the increase in traffic. This increase was partially offset by productivity gain made possible by the signing of markets in obligation of results in security.

Other income, which mostly consists in re-invoicing the French Air Navigation Services Division and leasing associated with the use of terminals, slightly decreased by 1.6%, to €40 million.

The combination of these elements with the good control over expenses resulted in an EBITDA of the aviation segment up by 12.8%, at €551 million. The gross margin rate increased by 2.4 points and stood at 30.4%.

Amortisation and depreciation were down (-7.9%), at €279 million due to the favourable base effect linked to the extraordinary amortisation and depreciation in 2016 and the full year effect of the review of the lifespan of some assets occurring at the end of 2016 that translated into a small lengthening of the mean duration of amortisation.

As a consequence, the operating income from ordinary activities was strongly up by €86 million, at €272 million in 2017.

Retail and services
(in millions of euros) 2017 2016 2017/2016
Revenue 953 941 +1.2%
Retail activities 459 449 +2.2%
Airside shops 303 299 +1.6%
Landside shops 19 18 +5.4%
Bars and restaurants 42 39 +10.2%
Advertising 50 50 -0.8%
Others 45 44 +1.0%
Car parks and access roads 171 175 -2.1%
Industrial services revenue 134 133 +0.5%
Rental income 147 146 +0.5%
Other income 42 38 +11.4%
EBITDA 533 527 +1.0%
Share in associates and joint ventures from operating activities 3 1 +€2m
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) 404 409 -1.2%
EBITDA / Revenue 55.9% 56.0% -0.1pt
Operating income from ordinary activities / Revenue 42.4% 43.5% -1.1pt

Over 2017, revenue from Retail and services, that only includes Parisian activities, was up by 1.2%, at €953 million.

Revenue from retail (rents received from airside and landside shops, bars and restaurants, banking and foreign exchange activities, and car rental companies, as well as revenue from advertising) was up by 2.2% in 2017, at €459 million, the favorable impact of the return of the most contributive passengers being partly offset by the negative effect of exchange rate during the 2nd half of 2017.

  • Among this item, the rents from airside shops stood at €303 million, up by 1.6%, thanks to the good performance of the luxury activity, partly offset the negative effect of the roll-out of the plain packaging on tobacco sales. The sales per passenger[15] were stable (+0.4%), at €18.2;
  • Rents from landside shops increased by 5.4%, to €19 million;
  • Bars and restaurants posted a growth of 10.2%, at €42 million, linked partly to the full year effect of the roll-out of the EPIGO joint venture.

Media Aéroports de Paris[16] saw a decrease of 1.0% of its revenue, at €53 million, due to the negative base effect linked to the strong activity in 2016 related to the Euro football championship. Its EBITDA was down by 1.5%, at €8 million and its net result was up by 3.2%, at €2 million.

Revenue from car parks stood at €171 million, down by 2.1%.

Revenue from industrial services (the supply of electricity and water) was up slightly (+0.5%), at €134 million.

Rental revenue (leasing of space within terminals) increased slightly by 0.5%, to €147 million.

Other revenue saw an increase of 11.4%, to €42 million.

EBITDA of the segment was up by 1.0%, at €533 million, due to the growth in revenue and to the control over expenses. The gross margin rate was stable (-0.1 point), at 55.9%.

The share of profit from operating associates (Société de Distribution Aéroportuaire, RELAY@ADP and EPIGO) was up by €2 million, at €3 million.

Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) decreased by 1.2%, to €404 million.

Real Estate
(in millions of euros) 2017 2016 2017/2016
Revenue 250 263 -4.8%
External revenue1 208 211 -1.1%
Land 108 102 +5.5%
Buildings 68 82 -16.1%
Others 32 27 +19.2%
Internal revenue 42 52 -19.6%
Other income and expenses (incl. capital gain linked to the cargo hub buildings) 69 3 +€66m
EBITDA (excluding capital gain linked to cargo hub buildings) 146 149 -2.3%
EBITDA 209 149 +€60m
Share in associates and joint ventures from operating activities (2) (2) -€0.6m
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) 161 104 +€57m
EBITDA / Revenue 83.5% 56.7% +26.8pt
Operating income from ordinary activities / Revenue 64.1% 39.7% +24.4pt

Over 2017, Real estate revenue, that only includes Parisian activities, was down by 4.8%, at €250 million.

External revenue[17] (€208 million) was down (-1.1%) due to the loss of some contracts in Paris-Orly.

Internal revenue decreased (-19.6%), to €42 million, due to the revision of internal rents in order to correspond to market prices, in order to improve the internal management of the group, with no impact on the group consolidated revenue.

According to the IAS 17 norm, the capital gain linked to the long term lease of cargo hub buildings[18], was accounted for in "other incomes" and amounted to €63 million. This gain was accounted for during the 1st half of 2017.

As a consequence, EBITDA was up strongly, by €60 million, at €209 million.

Excluding the profit linked to the cargo hub buildings, the EBITDA was down 2.3% due, notably, due to the increase in local taxes.

Amortisation and depreciation increased by 7.6%, to €46 million, linked to the head offices amortisation (€2.5 million in 2017).

The share of profit from operating associates stood at -€2 million.

As a consequence, operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) increased strongly, to €161 million, compared with €104 million in 2016.

International and airports developments
(in millions of euros) 2017(1) 2016 2017/2016(1)
Revenue 682 97 +€585m
ADP Ingénierie 52 75 -30.9%
ADP International 15 23 -35.6%
TAV Airports 616 - +€616m
EBITDA 252 3 +€249m
Share in associates and joint ventures from operating activities after adjustments related to acquisition of holdings 77 (51) +€128m
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) 186 (49) +€235m
EBITDA / Revenue 36.9% 2.8% N/A
Operating income from ordinary activities / Revenue 27.2% -50.4% N/A
(1) Including the full consolidation of TAV Airports in the 2nd half of 2017

Over 2017, revenue from International and airport developments increased strongly by €585 million, to €682 million, due to the full consolidation of TAV Airports since July 2017, and the acquisition of an additional 8.12%-stake in the company, for a total stake of 46.12%. EBITDA stood at €252 million.

At constant scope (excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports), revenue from International and airport developments decreased by 32.0% and EBITDA stood at -€28 million.

ADP Ingénierie[19]'s revenue was down by 30.9%, at €52 million, due to a slowdown in activity for all international branches and a decrease in backlog in the Middle East. EBITDA and operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) stood both at - €14 million (compared with a positive result of €5 million in 2016). At the end of 2017, ADP Ingénierie's backlog amounted to €61 million.

ADP International, excluding ADP Ingénierie, saw its revenue decreasing by €8 million, to €15 million. EBITDA stood at €12 million (compared to zero in 2016). Its operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) stood at -€39 million (compared with a result of €5 million in 2016) due to a provision on international stake amounting to €46 million, accounted for during the 1st half of 2017.

Over the 2nd half of 2017, TAV Airports' contribution in the financial accounts of the group, after adjustments related to acquisition of holdings, stood at €616 million in revenue, €280 million in EBITDA and €149 million in operating income from ordinary activities.

In 2017, TAV Airports achieved an increase in revenue of 2%, to €1,139 million, in EBITDA of 15%, to €481 million and in net result of 55%, to €185 million.

Share of profit from operating associates, including mainly TAV Airports for the 1st half of 2017 and Schiphol Group, after adjustments related to acquisition of holdings, stood at €77 million in 2017, compared to -€51 million in 2016, hence an increase of €128 million. This increase was mainly due to the following drivers:

  •  The capital gain of the re-evaluation of the 38%-stake in TAV Airports for an amount of €63 million;
  • The positive base effect linked to the impairment of TAV Construction in 2016, and, in 2017, a capital gain, net of disposal fee, for an amount of €12 million;
  • These elements are partially offset by provisions on international stake amounting to €46 million, accounted for during the 1st half of 2017.

Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) for International and airport developments stood consequently at €186 million, compared to a result of -€49 million in 2016.

Other activities
(in millions of euros) 2017 2016 2017/2016
Revenue 217 223 -2.5%
Hub One 154 144 +6.8%
Hub Safe(1) 63 78 -19.6%
EBITDA 25 29 -12.5%
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) 9 14 -35.1%
EBITDA / Revenue 11.6% 12.9% -1.3pt
Operating income from ordinary activities / Revenue 4.3% 6.4% -2.1pt
(1) Revenue for 9 months, following the sale of an 80%-stake in Hub Safe on 29 September 2017.

In 2017, revenue from Other activities segment was down by 2.5%, at €217 million. EBITDA decreased by 12.5%, to €25 million. As a reminder, since 29 September 2017, date of sale of 80%-stake in Hub Safe, Hub Safe has been accounted for as non-operational associates. From this date, the share in profit has been be accounted for as share in associates from non-operating activities.

In 2017, Hub One saw its revenue growing by 6.8%, at €154 million, driven by the increased activity of the Telecom division. EBITDA was down 7.7%, at €20 million. The operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) decreased by €3 million, to €5 million.

Hub Safe's revenue was down by 19.6%, at €63 million due to the change in accounting method of the company during the last quarter. EBITDA increased by €1 million, to €5 million. The operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) increased by 9.2%, to €4 million.

The operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) of the segment was down by 35.1%, at €9 million.

Highlights of the period occurred after the publication of the 2017
9-month revenue, on 26 October 2017
Change in passenger traffic
  • Group stake-weighted traffic[20]
Group traffic
(million passengers)
  Groupe ADP stake(1) Stake-weighted traffic (mpax) 2017 / 2016 change(2)
Groupe ADP Paris Aéroport (CDG+ORY) @ 100% 101.5 +4.5%
Zagreb @ 20,8% 0.6 +11.8%
Jeddah-Hajj @ 5% 0.4 +2.9%
Amman @ 9,5% 0.8 +6.8%
Mauritius @ 10% 0.4 +5.4%
Conakry @ 29% 0.1 +23.8%
Santiago de Chile @ 45% 9.6 +11.6%
Antananarivo et Nosy Be @ 35% 0.4 +6.2%
TAV Airports Group Istanbul Atatürk @ 46.1% 63.7 (@ 100 %) +5.5%
Ankara Esenboga @ 46.1% 15.8 (@ 100 %) +21.5%
Izmir @ 46.1% 12.8 (@ 100 %) +6.4%
Other airports(3) @ 46.1% 22.6 (@ 100 %) +17.5%
TOTAL GROUP(4)     228.2 +7.4%
  1. Direct or indirect. Groupe ADP total traffic stood at 259 million passengers, up by 7.4% compared to 2016.
  2. Excluding stake in Mexican airports, sold in October 2016 ; Calculation taking into account TAV Airports traffic at 100% in 2017.
  3. Turkey (Milas-Bodrum), Croatia (Zagreb), Saudi Arabia (Medinah), Tunisia (Monastir & Enfidha), Georgia (Tbilissi & Batumi), and Macedonia (Skopje & Ohrid).
  4. The computation was made according to the following method: traffic from airports that are fully consolidated are taken at 100%, traffic from other airports was taken according to the stake owned
  • Paris Aéroport traffic

Paris Aéroport handled a total of 101.5 million passengers in 2017, an increase of 4.5% compared to the previous year. Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport welcomed 69.5 million passengers (+5.4%) and Paris-Orly Airport 32.0 million (+2.6%). Traffic increased by 5.0% over the first half of the year and by 4.0% over the second half.

  • International traffic (excluding Europe) was up (+6.2%) due to growth in all destinations: the Middle East (+8.9%), Africa (+7.8%), North America (+6.9%), the French Overseas Territories (+4.8%), Asia-Pacific (+4.1%) and Latin America (+0.7%);
  • European traffic (excluding France) was up by 4.2%;
  • Traffic within France was up by 1.0%.
Geographic split
Paris Aéroport
2017 / 2016 change Share of total traffic
France +1.0% 16.3%
Europe +4.2% 43.8%
Other International +6.2% 40.0%
Of which    
  Africa +7.8% 11.3%
  North America +6.9% 10.0%
  Latin America +0.7% 3.1%
  Middle East +8.9% 5.1%
  Asia-Pacific +4.1% 6.4%
  French Overseas Territories +4.8% 4.1%
Total Paris Aéroport +4.5% 100.0%

The number of connecting passengers rose by 1.2%. The connecting rate stood at 23.1%, down by 0.8 points.

The load factor was up by 3.5 points, at 85.0%. The number of air traffic movements (704,681) was up by 0.4%.

Freight and postal activity increased by 2.3%, with 2,295,417 tonnes transported.

Groupe ADP signed a contract to take exclusive control on AIG, concessionaire of Amman Airport, Jordan

Groupe ADP signed on 22 December a contract to take exclusive control on Airport International Group ("AIG"), concessionaire of Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, Jordan.  The co-shareholders will be Meridiam, ASMA Capital Partners B.S.C. (c) and Edgo.

With this take over, Groupe ADP, which has been a 9.5%-shareholder of AIG, through ADP International, since 2007, will be able to fully consolidate the financial statements of the concessionaire company.

This transaction results in an investment of USD267million for Groupe ADP.

The completion of the transaction is subject suspensive conditions including the Government of Jordan and AIG's Lenders consents.

Queen Alia airport welcomed 7.4 million passengers in 2016 and was named the best airport of its size (5-15 million passengers) in the Middle East by the Airport Council International (ACI) based on the results of the 2016 Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Survey, the world's leading airport passenger satisfaction benchmark program.

€500 million new bond issue

On 6 December 2017, Aéroports de Paris launched a bond issue for a total amount of €500 million with the following characteristics:

  • Format: Fixed rate 
  • Redemption: in fine 
  • Annual rate: 1.0%
  • Re-offer spread: 25 bp over mid swap
  • Re-offer yield: 1.036%
  • Payment date: 13 December 2017
  • Maturity date: 13 December 2027

Aéroports de Paris is rated A+ (stable outlook) by Standard and Poor's.

This bond was issued on 13 December 2017 and will have to be reimbursed on 13 December 2017.

Events having occurred since 31 December 2017
January 2018 traffic figures

In January 2018, Paris Aéroport welcomed 7.6 million passengers, an increase of 4.5% compared to January 2017. 5.2 million passengers travelled through Paris-Charles de Gaulle (+4.9%) and 2.4 million through Paris-Orly (+3.8%).


2018 Forecasts

2018 Forecasts
Traffic growth assumption Traffic growth assumption for Paris Aéroport between 2.5% and 3.5% in 2018 compared to 2017

Traffic growth assumption for TAV Airports between +10% and +12% in 2018 compared to 2017
Consolidated EBITDA(1) Increase of between 10% and 15% in 2018 compared to 2017, with the full-year effect of the full consolidation of TAV Airports and excluding the effects of any change in scope that may occur in 2018

2018 consolidated EBITDA excluding the full consolidation of TAV Airports: increase of between 2.5% and 3.5% in 2018 compared to 2017

Reminder of the TAV Airports EBITDA (2)'s guidance: increase of between 5% and 7% in 2018 compared to 2017
Dividend for 2018 Maintained pay-out of 60% of NRAG 2018
(1) TAV Airports' EBITDA guidance, underlying Group's EBITDA guidance, is built on the following exchange rate assumption: EUR/TRY = 4.86 and EUR/USD = 1.22

(2) EBITDA reported by TAV Airports includes the Ankara guaranteed pax revenue and the equity pick-up

The achievement of these forecasts are subject to the assumption of traffic growth in Paris Aéroport and the good run of TAV Airports' strategy.

2016-2020 Period guidances

Groupe ADP 2016-2020 targets, as announced on 13 October 2015 remain unchanged and have to be understood independently from the effect of the full consolidation of TAV Airport. Groupe ADP will continue to present a consolidated EBITDA excluding the effect of the full consolidation of TAV Airport in order to follow the 2020 EBITDA target.

On the basis of a traffic growth assumption of 2.5% in average per year between 2016 and 2020:
ROCE of the regulated scope 5.4% in 2020e
2020 consolidated EBITDA +30 to +40% growth in consolidated EBITDA between 2014 and 2020e
Quality of service Overall ACI/ASQ rating of 4 in 2020e
Retail Sales per passenger of €23 on a full-year basis after delivery of the 2016-2020e projects
Parent company operating expenses Limit the growth in parent-company operating expenses to a level below or equal to 2.2% in average per annum between 2015 and 2020
Real estate Growth in external rents (excluding reinvoicing and indexation) ranging from 10% to 15% between 2014 and 2020e

  • Friday 23 February 2018: analysts meeting at 11:00 am Paris time, webcasted in live on our website at the following address: webcast. The presentation is available at the following address:
  • Next traffic figures publications:
    • Wednesday 14 March 2018: February 2018 traffic figures
  • Next financial results publication:
    • Tuesday 3 May 2018 : Q1 2018 revenue
Investor Relations

Audrey Arnoux : + 33 1 74 25 70 64 -


Lola Bourget : + 33 1 74 25 23 23


Investor Relations: Audrey Arnoux, Head of Investor Relations +33 1 74 25 70 64 -
Press contact: Lola Bourget, Head of Medias and Reputation Department +33 1 74 25 23 23
Groupe ADP develops and manages airports, including Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Paris-Orly and Paris-Le Bourget. In 2017, the group handled through its brand Paris Aéroport more than 101 million passengers and 2.3 million metric tonnes of freight and mail at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly, and more than 127 million passengers in airports abroad through its subsidiary ADP International. Boasting an exceptional geographic location and a major catchment area, the Group is pursuing its strategy of adapting and modernizing its terminal facilities and upgrading quality of services; the group also intends to develop its retail and real estate businesses. In 2017, group revenue stood at €3,617 million and net income at €571 million.

Registered office: 1, rue de France, 93 290 Tremblay-en-France. Aéroports de Paris is a public limited company (Société Anonyme) with share capital of €296,881,806. Registered in the Bobigny Trade and Company Register under no. 552 016 628.

  • Groupe ADP's proforma financial statements for 2017
  Groupe ADP
(incl. full consolidation of TAV Airports since 01/01/2017)
TAV Airports' contribution since 01/01/2017 after PPA Groupe ADP
(excl. full consolidation of TAV Airports in 2017)
Revenue  4,137   1,136   3,001 
Operating expenses (2,464) (654) (1,809)
Consumables (215) (95) (120)
External services (985) (260) (725)
Employee benefit costs (933) (244) (689)
Taxes other than income taxes (269) (19) (250)
Other operating expenses (62) (37) (25)
Other incomes and expenses  93 (3)  96
EBITDA  1,766   479   1,287 
Amortisation & Depreciation (752) (279) (472)
Share in associates and joint ventures from operating activities after adjustments related to acquisition of holdings  79  12  67
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates)  1,093   211   881 
Other operating expenses and incomes  22   -   22
Operating income (including operating activities of associates)  1,115   211   904 
Financial income (205)  (109)  (95) 
Associates from non-operating activities  1   -   1
Income taxes (274) (34) (240)
Income of the period  638   68   569 
Income outside of the Group  53  56 (3)
Net income attributable to the Group  691   124   567 

  • TAV Airports contribution in Groupe ADP's financial statements over the 2nd half of 2017
(in millions of euros) 2017
Revenue 616
Amortisation & Depreciation (143)
Share in associates and joint ventures from operating activities after adjustments related to acquisition of holdings 11
Operating income from ordinary activities (including operating activities of associates) 149
Operating income (including operating activities of associates) 149
Financial income (60)
Income before tax 88
Income taxes (19)
Net income 70
Net result attributable to the Group 29


  • 2017 Consolidated financial statement
(in millions of euros) 2017 2016
Revenue 3,617 2,947
Other operating income 92 29
Consumables (165) (113)
Employee benefit costs (814) (698)
Other operating expenses (1,164) (996)
Net allowances to provisions and Impairment of receivables 1 26
EBITDA 1,567 1,195
EBITDA/Revenue 43.3% 40.6%
Amortisation and impairment of tangible and intangible assets (615) (479)
Share of profit or loss in associates and joint ventures from operating activities 77 (52)
Operating income from ordinary activities 1,030 664
Other operating income and expenses 22 32
Operating income 1,052 696
Financial income 47 26
Financial expenses (226) (141)
Financial income (179) (115)
Share of profit or loss in associates and joint ventures from non-operating activities 1 59
Income before tax 874 640
Income tax expense (260) (202)
Net results from continuing activities 614 438
Net income 614 438
Net income attributable to the Group 571 435
Net income attributable to non-controlling interests 43 3
Basic earnings per share (in €) 5.77 4.40
Diluted earnings per share (in €) 5.77 4.40
Earnings per share from continuing activities attributable to the Group    
Basic earnings per share (in €) 5.77 4.40
Diluted earnings per share (in €) 5.77 4.40

  •  Consolidated balance sheet as of 31 December 2017
(in millions of euros) As of 31/12/2017 As of 31/12/2016
Intangible assets  2,808   110 
Property, plant and equipment  6,793   6,271 
Investment property  476   499 
Investments in associates  686   1,101 
Other non-current financial assets  376   125 
Deferred tax assets  1   0 
Non-current assets  11,139   8,106 
Inventories  33   26 
Trade receivables  641   548 
Other receivables and prepaid expenses  243   116 
Other current financial assets  248   129 
Current tax assets  59    - 
Cash and cash equivalents  1,912   1,657 
Current assets  3,137   2,476 
Assets held for sales   -   10 
Total assets  14,276   10,592 
(in millions of euros) As of 31/12/2017 As of 31/12/2016
Share capital  297   297 
Share premium  543   543 
Treasury shares   -  (12) 
Retained earnings  3,834   3,541 
Other equity items (97)  (85) 
Shareholders' equity - Group share  4,577   4,284 
Non-controlling interests  857   7 
Shareholders' equity  5,434   4,291 
Non-current debt  5,320   4,239 
Provisions for employee benefit obligations (more than one year)  458   452 
Other non-current provisions  56   46 
Deferred tax liabilities  369   198 
Other non-current liabilities  780   125 
Non-current liabilities  6,983   5,060 
Trade payables  422   472 
Other debts and deferred income  724   456 
Current debt  645   265 
Provisions for employee benefit obligations (less than one year)  10   17 
Other current provisions  33   23 
Current tax liabilities  25   8 
Current liabilities  1,859   1,241 
Total equity and liabilities  14,276  10,592 
  •  Consolidated statement of cash flows as of 31 December 2017
(in millions of euros) 2017 2016
Operating income  1,052   696 
Income and expense with no impact on net cash  460   484 
Net financial income other than cost of debt (42)  (2) 
Operating cash flow before change in working capital and tax  1,470   1,178 
Change in working capital  113  (77) 
Tax expenses (313)  (226) 
Cash flows from operating activities  1,270   875 
Purchase of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets (879)  (792) 
Change in debt and advances on asset acquisitions (52)   31 
Acquisitions of subsidiaries and investments (net of cash acquired)  20  (20) 
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries (net of cash sold) and investments  21   71 
Change in other financial assets (46)  (11) 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment  6   27 
Dividends received  42   70 
Cash flows from investing activities (888)  (624) 
Capital grants received in the period  6   15 
Net purchase/disposal of treasury shares  0   12 
Dividends paid to shareholders of the parent company (261)  (258) 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests in the subsidiaries (10)  (2) 
Proceeds from long-term debt  561   7 
Repayment of long-term debt (253)  (4) 
Change in other financial liabilities (38)    - 
Interest paid (139)  (115) 
Interest received  20   18 
Cash flows from financing activities (114)  (327) 
Impact of currency fluctuations (14)  
Change in cash and cash equivalents  254  (76) 
Net cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period  1,656   1,732 
Net cash and cash equivalents at end of the period  1,910   1,656 
of which Cash and cash equivalents  1,912   1,657 
of which Bank overdrafts (2)  (1) 

[1] Unless otherwise stated, percentages are comparing 2017 data to 2016 comparable data

[2] Excluding stake in Mexican airports, sold in October 2016 ; Calculation taking into account TAV Airports traffic at 100% in 2017

[3] Please refer to press release published on 7 July 2017, available on

[4] Sales in airside shops divided by the number of departing passengers (Sales/Pax)

[5] TAV Airports' EBITDA guidance, underlying Group's EBITDA guidance, is built on the following exchange rate assumption: EUR/TRY = 4.86 and EUR/USD = 1.22

[6] EBITDA reported by TAV Airports includes the Ankara guaranteed pax revenue and the equity pick-up

[7] Persons with reduced mobility

[8] Please refer to the press release published on 29 September 2017, available on

[9] Internal revenue realised between segments

[10] Full time equivalent, of which average number of employees of Hub Safe over 9 months, following the sale of a 80%-stake in the entity at the end of september 2017 and of which average number of employees of TAV Airports since the full consolidation, made in July 2017.

[11] The average number of employees of the parent company decreased by 0.7% in 2017.

[12] Please refer to the press release of the first half year of 2017 results, available on

[13] EBITDA/ Revenue

[14] Persons with reduced mobility

[15] Sales of airside shops divided by the number of departing passengers

[16] Media Aéroports de Paris is now fully consolidated and no longer accounted for in associates. 2016 restated accounts were released in 2016 full year results press release, available on

[17] Generated with third parties (outside the group)

[18] Please refer to press release published for the 1st half year results, available on

[19] Subsidiary of ADP International from 1 July 2017

[20] Direct or indirect

Aéroports de Paris SA: FY 2017 results

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Aéroports de Paris via Globenewswire

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