Washington, D.C. 20549
Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Date of Report (date of earliest event reported): January 25, 2016
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation)
(Commission File Number)
(IRS Employer Identification Number)

259 North Radnor-Chester Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087-5283

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Item 5.02                          Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors;  Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangement of Certain  Officers.
On January 25, 2016, the Governance and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Airgas, Inc. (the "Company") approved amendments to the Airgas, Inc. Executive Bonus Plan (the "Executive Bonus Plan") and on January 26, 2016, the Board approved amendments to the Airgas, Inc. Management Bonus Plan For Corporate Management (the "Management Bonus Plan", and together with the Executive Bonus Plan, the "Bonus Plans").
The amendments to the Bonus Plans are being implemented in connection with a Company-wide transition from a fiscal year bonus year to a calendar year bonus year.  Because the Bonus Plans cover named executive officers of the Company, the specific amendments to such plans are described herein as required by applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules.  Such amendments are consistent with the amendments being made to all of the Company's annual management bonus plans in accordance with this bonus year transition.
The amendments to the Bonus Plans provide that, in lieu of the performance period commencing on April 1, 2015 and ending on March 31, 2016, the Bonus Plans will be in effect for a performance period commencing on April 1, 2015 and ending on December 31, 2015, and thereafter, for a performance period commencing on January 1, 2016 and ending on December 31, 2016.  Further, the amendments provide that, with respect to the performance period ending on December 31, 2015, (i) of the financial performance targets originally established for the four quarters covered by the period April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016, the targets relating to the three quarters covered by the period April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 will apply, and (ii) bonuses will be calculated based on the level of achievement of the applicable performance targets, and by applying each participant's target bonus opportunity percentage to the portion of such participant's base salary attributable to such performance period.
The description of the amendments to the Bonus Plans set forth above is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the amended Executive Bonus Plan and the amended Management Bonus Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit 10.1 and Exhibit 10.2, respectively.

Item 9.01.                          Financial Statements and Exhibits

(d)      Exhibits.

Exhibit No.
Description of Exhibit
Airgas, Inc. Executive Bonus Plan
Airgas, Inc. Management Bonus Plan For Corporate Management


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Date: January 26, 2016
/s/ Thomas M. Smyth
Thomas M. Smyth
Vice President & Controller
(Principal Accounting Officer)


Exhibit No.
Description of Exhibit
Airgas, Inc. Executive Bonus Plan
Airgas, Inc. Management Bonus Plan For Corporate Management

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Exhibit 10.1

Purpose of the Plan
Airgas, Inc. (the "Company") believes in providing incentives to attract, retain and reward Executive Officers who are responsible for providing leadership to the Company in attaining established business objectives.

The purpose of the Airgas, Inc. Executive Bonus Plan (the "Plan") is to align management's efforts with the strategic goals of the Company through competitive annual incentive opportunities. The Plan's performance period originally in effect for the period April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016 will instead cover the period April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 (the "Short Plan Year").  The Plan will thereafter be effective on a calendar year basis, beginning with the period from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 (the "Plan Year") and will automatically renew on each January 1 unless earlier terminated by the Governance and Compensation Committee of the Board of Airgas, Inc., or such other committee of the Board as may be responsible for executive compensation issues (the "Committee").  All references herein to Plan Year shall include the Short Plan Year unless otherwise specified.

The Executive Officers of the Company ("Participants") are eligible for payments of Awards under the Plan provided that such Participants are employed by the Company on the last day of  the Plan Year (unless previously terminated due to retirement, disability or death as more fully described herein). For purposes of the Plan, Executive Officers of the Company are defined as those employees who constitute "officers" of the Company for the purposes of Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and any other employee of the Company deemed to be a "covered employee" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, as such section may be amended.

Target Awards
Participants in the Plan in respect of each Plan Year will be eligible for a cash incentive award in respect of such Plan Year (the "Award") based on the achievement of predetermined goals as set forth in the Performance Measurement section of the Plan. Participants will have an assigned Award target equal to a specific percentage of salary earned during the Plan Year. For this purpose, salary is defined as the Participant's annual base pay on the last day of the Plan Year, except where proration is required as a result of partial year participation or when a significant change of duties causes a significant change in the Participant's annual base pay, as determined by the Committee. An Award target is determined based on the Participant's position in the organization. The maximum Award that may be paid in any single year to any Participant is $2,000,000.

Performance Measurement
All Awards payable shall be based solely upon the achievement of specific performance targets based on one or more of the following criteria:

Earnings per share (EPS)

Return on capital (ROC)

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and special gains (charges) (Adjusted EBITDA)


Return on equity (ROE)

After tax cash flow (ATCF)

Free cash flow (FCF)

Operating expense as a percentage of sales

Gross profit

Days purchases outstanding (DPO)

Operating income (OI)

Days sales outstanding (DSO)

Working capital

Transactions accuracy

Final Award payments will vary based on the level of achievement measured against pre-determined performance targets. Depending upon a Participant's position and responsibilities, these various performance measures, assessed based on different weightings, will determine the Award.

The Committee will establish the specific performance targets for the Plan within each of the above criteria within 90 days after the beginning of the respective Plan Year.  Of the performance targets originally established in respect of the four quarters covered by the period April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016, the targets relating to the three quarters covered by the period April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 will apply in respect of the Short Plan Year.

The Plan will be self-funding, as profitability targets will be established net of target Award payments under the Plan. Therefore, achievement of profitability targets will ensure that the Plan has funded itself.

Executive Bonus Plan Payment
At the end of each Plan Year, after all financial results have been finalized, the actual Award payment will be determined and the Committee will certify in writing, that the performance goals associated with the Award have been satisfied prior to the payment of the Award. The Award will be paid in cash no later than 75 days following the end of the Plan Year.

Administration of the Plan
The Committee shall have full power to administer and interpret the Plan and, in its sole discretion, may establish or amend rules of general application for the administration of the plan and may amend or terminate the Plan at any time.

Partial Year Eligibility
Participants who are eligible for the Plan for a portion of the Plan Year will receive a prorated Award based on the base salary earned while they are eligible for the Plan or such other arrangement as agreed upon when hired.

New hires
Newly hired Participants will immediately be eligible for the Plan.
Base salary will be accumulated from the date of hire to the end of the Plan Year, unless eligibility ceases prior to that date.
For Participants who transfer from one job or employee status to another, eligibility will depend on their award eligibility before and after transferring.
If a Participant transfers from a position that is not Plan eligible to a position that is eligible for an Award under the Plan, the Award will be prorated based on the time in the Plan eligible position. All calculations are done using Plan Year-end financial data.
If a Participant transfers from a position that is eligible for an Award under the Plan to a position that is not Plan eligible, the Award will be prorated based on the length of time in the Plan eligible position. All calculations are done using Plan Year-end financial data.
If a Participant transfers from one position that is eligible for an Award under the Plan to another position that is eligible for an Award under the Plan, participation in the Plan will continue uninterrupted.  However, if the transfer involves a move that will change the weightings used to determine a Participant's Award, the Award calculation will be based on the pro-rated time spent in each position.  All calculations will be done using Plan Year-end data. Accountabilities must be separately established and assessed for each position.
If a Participant is promoted during the Plan Year, new accountabilities must be established to reflect the new position.
Employees who are not employed by the Company on the last day of the Plan Year are not deemed to be Participants and therefore are ineligible to receive any Award under the Plan, except for the following circumstances:
Participants who retire, become disabled or die during the Plan Year will be eligible for a prorated Award. The Award will be calculated from the date when they become eligible, normally the beginning of the Plan Year to the date of retirement, disability or death.
Leave of absence
If a Participant is on a leave of absence at the end of the Plan Year, he or she will be eligible for an Award provided that he or she returns to work as an active employee. Any Award paid will be prorated based upon the length of time the Participant was actively working during the Plan Year. The calculation will be made using Plan Year-end financial data. The Award payment will be made in the next regularly scheduled payroll cycle at the end of the Participant's first month of employment following his or her return from leave of absence.
If a Participant is on a leave of absence during the Plan Year and returns during the Plan Year, he or she will be eligible for an Award. Any Award paid will be prorated based upon the length of time a Participant was actively working during the Plan Year. The calculation will be made using Plan Year-end financial data.
Tax Considerations and Withholding
Participants will be required to report taxable income in the year an Award is received. The Company will withhold taxes in the appropriate amount on all payouts.

In the event that the Company declares bankruptcy, the Committee, at its discretion, may immediately discontinue the Plan. In the event that the Plan is discontinued, all participants will forfeit the right to any payments under the Plan.

Future Employment
Payment of an Award under the Plan does not imply a contractual agreement to extend or continue employment of a Participant beyond receipt of the Award.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Exhibit 10.2
Airgas, Inc. Management Bonus Plan
For Corporate Management
Key Definitions:
Plan:  The Airgas Management bonus plan ("Plan") for Corporate Management as detailed in this document.
Purpose:  To incentivize Participants to focus on achieving the strategic Corporate goals of Airgas, Inc. ("Airgas").
Eligibility date:  The first day of the Plan Period for Airgas associates on active status.  Associates hired during the Plan Period shall become eligible upon date of hire/re-hire.  Associates who are on inactive status as of the first day of the Plan Period (whether on approved leaves of absence or otherwise), shall become eligible upon their return to active status.
Plan period:  The Plan will be effective for the period April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 and the period from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 (each such period, a "Plan Period")..
Plan participants:  This Plan applies to those Corporate associates who: 1) were approved to participate in the Plan;  and 2) were notified they were eligible to participate in the Plan and provided a percentage of their base salary that would be used to calculate their target bonus under the Plan in writing signed by an authorized Airgas representative (the "Participants").  Except as otherwise noted in this Plan, Participants must remain employed in an eligible position through the last day of the Plan Period in order to be eligible to receive a Bonus for such Plan Period.
How Bonuses are Earned:  Participants must meet all the conditions set forth in this Plan, as well as in Appendix A, to earn any bonus payment under this Plan (a "Bonus").  There shall be no right or entitlement to any Bonus under this Plan unless all the conditions necessary for earning and payout of the Bonus have been achieved.
Payout date:  Bonuses will be paid as soon as can be reasonably and accurately calculated, and in any event within 75 days following the close of the Plan Period.
Payout amount:  The Bonus amounts will be consistent with the business metrics as set forth in Appendix A to this Plan and the Plan Guidelines below.  The salary used to calculate the Bonus amount will be the Participant's salary on the last day of the Plan Period (prorated, in the case of the Plan Period ending December 31, 2015, for the period from April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015) unless a promotion occurred during the Plan Period and the Participant is otherwise notified in writing.  For the Plan Period ending December 31, 2015, of the Airgas financial performance targets originally established in respect of the four quarters covered by the period April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016, the targets relating to the three quarters covered by the period April 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 will apply.   For the Plan Period ending December 31, 2016, the applicable performance targets will relate to calendar year 2016.

Plan Guidelines:
The Plan does not alter the at-will status of a Participant's employment, nor does it create an employment contract for continued employment of any duration.
 All Bonuses will be subject to normal state, federal and/or local taxes.  Bonuses under this Plan may be paid by direct deposit where applicable.
All Bonuses will be calculated using financial data as of the end of the Plan Period and, except as expressly noted below, will be made on a single payout date for all Participants.
Except as expressly set forth below, a Participant who voluntarily or involuntarily terminates employment on or before the last day of the Plan Period will not earn any Bonus under this Plan for such Plan Period.
Retirement:  A Participant who retires during the Plan Period shall be eligible for a prorated Bonus.  Under this Plan, retirement is defined as the termination of a Participant's service by such Participant (and not related to any misconduct) where on the termination date, the Participant is at least age 65 or the sum of the Participant's age and years of employment with Airgas or an Airgas subsidiary measured from the Participant's service date is at least 75 years.  Any Bonus paid will be prorated based upon the length of time the retired Participant was actively working during the Plan Period.
Death:  The beneficiary of a Participant who dies during the Plan Period shall be eligible for a prorated Bonus.  Any Bonus paid will be prorated based upon the length of time the deceased Participant actively worked during the Plan Period.

Proration of the Bonus Amount:  Under the circumstances specified below, Participants who remain employed as of the last day of the Plan Period will be eligible to receive a prorated Bonus provided they have been employed in their position at least 30 days.  All prorations, including those addressed above for retired and deceased associates, are based upon whole months.  A Participant who moves into active status between the 1st and 15th of a month will be credited with a full month of service for that month, while one who moves into active status between the 16th and the final day of the month will not be credited with any service for that month.  A Participant who moves out of active status between the 1st and 15th of a month will not be credited with a full month of service for that month, while one who moves out of active status between the 16th and the final day of the month will  be credited with service for that month.

A Participant who takes an approved leave of absence during the Plan Period and returns to active status on or before the last day of the Plan Period, shall be eligible to receive a prorated Bonus based upon the number of months the associate actively worked during the Plan Period.
A Participant who is on an approved leave of absence as of the last day of the Plan Period shall be eligible to receive a prorated Bonus based upon the number of months the Participant actively worked during the Plan Period.
A Participant who spends a portion of the Plan Period actively working in a position that is eligible for participation in this Plan and a portion working in a position that is not, will be eligible to receive a prorated Bonus based upon the number of months actively worked in the position(s) eligible for this Plan.
A Participant who works during the Plan Period in multiple positions that are eligible for participation in a Management Bonus Plan, but which have different business metrics used to calculate the Bonus amounts, shall be eligible to receive a bonus under each such plan that is prorated for the number of months actively worked in each such position.

Plan Review:  Review of the Plan will occur periodically to determine effectiveness of the Plan, whether the Plan will be renewed for any successive period, and if renewed, the business metrics used to determine the Bonus amounts for the next Plan Period will be established at that time.

Disputes:  Any dispute or disagreement concerning the terms of this Plan, the eligibility for any payments hereunder, or the amount of such payments shall be referred to the Senior Vice President for Human Resources for resolution, whose decision shall be final and binding and reviewable only for an abuse of discretion.

Acknowledgement and Agreement
I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the Airgas, Inc. Management Bonus Plan for Corporate Management (the "Plan") together with Appendix A, and agree to the terms and conditions of the Plan.  I also understand and agree that the terms and conditions of the Plan supersede and replace any and all prior plans, agreements and understandings concerning the Company's bonus plans, bonus policies or schedules, and exclusively determine my ability to earn bonuses as an associate of the Company.  I acknowledge that the Company may terminate or make changes to this Plan, its bonus policies or schedules at any time, but such changes must be in writing to be effective.  Finally, I understand and agree that nothing in this Plan is intended to or shall modify my status as an at-will associate of the Company. I understand that my employment may be terminated by me or the Company at any time, with or without cause and with or without advance notice.

Associate name:  ________________________                                                                                                                                              Eligibility date: ___________________

Associate signature:  ____________________________                                                                                                                     Signature date: __________________

Airgas, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dated:


Airgas, Inc. Management Bonus Plan
For Corporate Management
Appendix A
Pay for Performance Relationship
The basis of pay for performance starts with the target awards, and the assumption that if the target is met for any given measure, payment will be made at 100% of the target. The next step is to take into consideration that the targets have some stretch built into them and an achievement that falls below 100% still represents good performance. How much below the 100% level achievement can fall and still be rewarded is dependent on the measure. Similarly, how large a payment is above the 100% level is also dependent on the measure.
The measures used to determine bonus amount for participants in the Plan are: Airgas Consolidated Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA), Return on Capital (ROC) and individual performance.
EBITDA is defined as revenue minus expenses excluding interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization. EBITDA is the key profit measurement at Airgas and thus serves as the most comprehensive metric for our performance.  Seventy Percent (70%) of the Bonus potential will be based on EBITDA.
ROC measures operating income as a percentage of Average Capital Employed. Fifteen Percent (15%) of the Bonus potential will be based on ROC.
Capital Employed is defined as total Assets less non-interest bearing Current Liabilities.
Average Capital Employed is the average of the Capital Employed at the beginning of the fiscal year and the end of each month during the fiscal year.
Individual Performance is a measure of how well you met the objectives agreed between you and your manager at the start of the fiscal year. In aggregate, individual performance accounts for 15% of the Plan Period Bonus potential.
Each objective is weighted so that the maximum achievement percentage for all accountabilities equals 100%. For Participants who also participate in the Airgas, Inc. Executive Bonus Plan (the "Executive Plan"), the 15% of their bonus potential in respect of a Plan Period that is based on individual performance will be determined and paid under the Plan, and the remaining 85% of their bonus potential in respect of a Plan Period will be determined and paid under the Executive Plan.

For each Plan Period, the following charts outline the relationships that apply between the achievement of a particular financial goal and the payout associated with the achievement of that goal.
 EBITDA: No payment until reaching at least 90% achievement of target, maximum payment 140%.
 ROC: No payment until reaching at least 90% achievement of target, maximum payment 150%

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