United States

Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D. C. 20549




Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c) of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


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[  ] Preliminary Information Statement   
[  ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14c-5(d)(2))
[X] Definitive Information Statement   


JA Energy

(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)


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[X] No fee required.
[   ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11.


  1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
  2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
  3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
  4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
  5) Total fee paid:


[   ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[   ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.


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  2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
  3) Filing Party:
  4) Date Filed:

JA Energy

8250 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 110

Las Vegas, NV 89117

Phone: (702) 544-1902





To the Holders of Common Stock of JA Energy:


JA Energy (the “Company”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) is providing to you the following Information Statement to notify you that our Board of Directors and the holders of a majority of our outstanding shares of common stock have executed and delivered a written consent to effect the following corporate actions.


1. To change our corporate name to UBI Blockchain Internet, LTD from JA Energy.


2. To change the state of incorporation of the Company from the State of Nevada to the State of Delaware pursuant to a plan of conversion (the “ Reincorporation ”), in connection with which the Company will adopt a new certificate of incorporation under the laws of the State of Delaware; and


3. To increase the number of authorized shares to 200,000,000 from 75,000,000 shares, while retaining the current par value of $0.001.






Pursuant to Rule 14c-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the corporate actions will not be effective until at least 20-calendar days or November 22, 2016, after the mailing of this Information Statement to our stockholders. Therefore, this Information Statement is being sent to you for informational purposes only.


Stockholders of record at the close of business on November 21, 2016 (the “Record”) are entitled to notice of this stockholder action by written consent. Stockholders representing a majority of our issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock have consented in writing to the actions to be taken. Accordingly, your approval is not required and is not being sought. Moreover, you will not have dissenters' rights.


Attached hereto for your review is an Information Statement relating to the above described action.


By Order of the Board of Directors,


/s/ Barry Hall

Barry Hall

Chief Executive Officer


November 2, 2016







This Information Statement is being mailed to inform the stockholders of action taken without a meeting upon the written consent of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the common stock of the Company.







This Information Statement has been filed with the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission and is being furnished, pursuant to Section 14C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), to the holders (the “Stockholders”) of the common stock, par value $0.001 per share (the “Common Stock”), of JA Energy , a Nevada corporation (the “Company”), to notify such Stockholders of the following:


On or about October 11, 2016, the Company received written consents from seven shareholders in lieu of a meeting of Stockholders. These shareholders own 30,087,129 Class A Common Shares and 6,000,000 Class B Common Shares representing approximately 99.85% of the voting class (the “Majority Stockholder”) authorizing the Company’s Board of Directors, to change its corporate name to UBI Blockchain Internet, LTD from JA Energy and increasing the number of authorized share to 200,000,000 from 75,000,000, while retaining the current par value of $0.001 . Percentage of total voting power represents voting power with respect to all shares of our Class A Common Stock (30,217,046 issued and outstanding) and Class B Voting stock (6,000,000 shares issued and outstanding), as a single class. The holder of our Class B Voting Stock are entitled to ten votes per share, and holders of our Class A Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share. The 6,000,000 Class B shares have voting rights equal to 60,000,000 common shares. Percentage of Total Voting Power is calculated based on an aggregate of 90,217,046 (30,217,046 Class A Common + 60,000,000 Class B Voting Common) shares issued and outstanding.


On October 10, 2016, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the above-mentioned actions, subject to Stockholder approval. The Majority Stockholder approved the action by written consent in lieu of a meeting on October 11, 2016, in accordance with the Nevada Corporate law . Accordingly, your consent is not required and is not being solicited in connection with the approval of the action.


The elimination of the need for a special meeting of the shareholders to approve the corporate name change and increase of authorized shares is authorized by Section 78.320 of the Nevada Revised Statutes, (the "Nevada Law"). This Section provides that the written consent of the holders of outstanding shares of voting capital stock, having not less than the minimum number of votes which would be necessary to authorize or take the action at a meeting at which all shares entitled to vote on a matter were present and voted, may be substituted for the special meeting. According to Section 78.390 of the Nevada Law, a majority of the outstanding shares of voting capital stock entitled to vote on the matter is required in order to amend the Company's Articles of Incorporation. In order to eliminate the costs and management time involved in holding a special meeting and in order to effect the corporate name change and increase the number of authorized shares in order to accomplish the purposes of the Company, the Board of Directors of the Company voted to utilize the written consent of the majority shareholders of the Company.






Corporate Name Change to: UBI Blockchain Internet, LTD.


Our Board of Directors and majority shareholders approved a corporate name change from to “UBI Blockchain Internet, LTD” from “JA Energy.” Management believes that changing our name to UBI Blockchain Internet, LTD will give the Company an improved identity.


Once we complete the name change, we will need to apply for a new Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board trading symbol and CUSIP number. We will report our new symbol and CUSIP number in a Current Report on Form 8-K once it is established.


The Company's Articles of Incorporation shall be filed with the Delaware Secretary of State so that Article 1 of the Certificate of Incorporation shall be as follows:




1. The name of corporation is: UBI Blockchain Internet, LTD





The Board of Directors of the Company believes that the stockholders of the Company will benefit from the corporate name which will give the Company a new identity . No assurances the corporate name change will have any effect on the business.



Change our State of Incorporation

From Nevada to Delaware




On October 5, 2016, the Board unanimously approved and, by written consent, the Consenting Stockholders approved, the Plan of Conversion pursuant to which the Company will effect the Reincorporation, in compliance with the Delaware General Corporation law and the NRS.


Principal Reasons for the Reincorporation Under Delaware Law


Corporate Law


As we plan for the future, the Board and management believe that it is in the best interest of the Company to be able to draw upon well-established principles of corporate governance in making legal and business decisions. The prominence and predictability of Delaware corporate law provide a reliable foundation on which the Company's governance decisions can be based. The Board believes that the stockholders will benefit from the responsiveness of the Delaware corporate law. With the Reincorporation to Delaware, the By-laws of the Company will remain unchanged.




For many years, Delaware has followed a policy of encouraging incorporation in Delaware and, in furtherance of that policy, has been the leader in adopting, construing and implementing comprehensive, flexible corporate laws that are responsive to the legal and business needs of the corporations organized under Delaware law. Unlike most states, including Nevada, Delaware has established progressive principles of corporate governance that the Company could draw upon when making business and legal decisions.


To take advantage of Delaware’s flexible and responsive corporate laws, many corporations choose to incorporate initially in Delaware or choose to reincorporate into Delaware, as the Company proposes to do. In general, the Board believes that Delaware provides a more appropriate and flexible corporate and legal environment in which to operate than currently exists in the State of Nevada and that the Company and its stockholders would benefit from such an environment. The Board has considered the following benefits available to Delaware corporations in deciding to propose reincorporation in Delaware:


  the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, which is generally acknowledged to be the most advanced and flexible corporate statute in the country;


  the responsiveness and efficiency of the Division of Corporations of the Secretary of State of Delaware;


  the Delaware General Assembly, which each year considers and adopts statutory amendments that the Corporation Law Section of the Delaware State Bar Association proposes in an effort to ensure that the corporate statute continues to be responsive to the changing needs of businesses;


  the Delaware Court of Chancery, which handles complex corporate issues with a level of experience and a degree of sophistication and understanding unmatched by any other court in the country, and the Delaware Supreme Court, which is highly regarded; and


  the well-established body of case law construing Delaware law, which has developed over the last century and which provides businesses with a greater degree of predictability than most, if not all, other jurisdictions provide.


Additionally, management believes that, as a Delaware corporation, the Company would be better able to continue to attract and retain qualified directors and officers than it would be able to as an Nevada corporation, in part, because Delaware law provides more predictability with respect to the issue of liability of directors and officers than Nevada law does. The increasing frequency of claims against directors and officers that are litigated has greatly expanded the risks to directors and officers of exercising their respective duties. The amount of time and money required to respond to and litigate such claims can be substantial. Although Nevada law and Delaware law both permit a corporation to include a provision in the corporation’s articles or certificate, as the case may be, of incorporation that in certain circumstances reduces or limits the monetary liability of directors for breaches of their fiduciary duty of care, Delaware law, as stated above, provides to directors and officers more predictability than Nevada law does and, therefore, provides directors and officers of a Delaware corporation a greater degree of comfort as to their risk of liability than that afforded under Nevada law. As the Company plans for the future, the board of directors and management believe that it is essential to be able to draw upon well-established principles of corporate governance in making legal and business decisions. The prominence and predictability of Delaware corporate law provide a reliable foundation on which the Company's governance decisions can be based.




Capital Raising


Delaware is a recognized and understood jurisdiction throughout the international financial community. The Company would be better positioned to raise capital both within and outside of the United States by being incorporated in Delaware. The Board believes that the Company will be best suited to pursue all available financing options in the best interests of its stockholders if the Company is incorporated in Delaware versus Nevada. The Board believes that the Reincorporation will represent a better opportunity for the Company to increase stockholder value.


Any stockholders that votes against the Reincorporation may, under certain conditions, become entitled to be paid for his or her shares of the Corporation's capital stock in lieu of receiving shares of the Delaware Corp. Under Nevada Law Section 92A.380, you, the Company’s stockholder, have the right to dissent from the Reincorporation and demand payment of the fair value of your shares of the Company’s capital stock and are urged to read the full text of the Nevada dissenters' rights statute, which is reprinted in its entirety and attached as Appendix E to this Information Statement.


Disadvantages of Reincorporation in Delaware


While our Board believe that the foregoing benefits and advantages of the Reincorporation into Delaware are significant, you may find the Reincorporation disadvantageous. The Delaware General Corporation Law permits a corporation to adopt a number of measures, through amendment of the corporate certificate of incorporation or bylaws or otherwise, designed to reduce a corporation's vulnerability to unsolicited takeover attempts. There is substantial judicial precedent in the Delaware courts as to the legal principles applicable to such defensive measures with respect to the conduct of the board of directors under the business judgment rule, and the related enhanced scrutiny standard of judicial review, with respect to unsolicited takeover attempts. The substantial judicial precedent in the Delaware courts may potentially be disadvantageous to you to the extent it has the effect of providing greater certainty that the Delaware courts will sustain the measures the Company has in place or implements to protect stockholder interests in the event of unsolicited takeover attempts. Such measures may also tend to discourage a future attempt to acquire control of the Company that is not presented to and approved by the Company’s Board, but that a substantial number and perhaps even a majority of the stockholders might believe to be in their best interests or in which stockholders might receive a substantial premium for their shares over then current market prices.  As a result of such effects, stockholders who might desire to participate in such a transaction may not have an opportunity to do so.


We intend to effect the Reincorporation pursuant to the Plan of Conversion in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix A. The Plan of Conversion provides that the Company will convert from a Nevada corporation to a Delaware corporation (“ Delaware Corp ”) and thereafter be subject to the laws of the State of Delaware. The Reincorporation would be considered, in effect, a continuation of existence of the Company, with  the existence of Delaware Corp deemed to have commenced when the Company was first formed in Nevada.






General actions that will occur pursuant to the Plan of Conversion


Pursuant to the Plan of Conversion, Delaware General Corporate Law, as amended (the “ DGCL ”), and the NRS, upon conversion:


  The Company will cease to be governed by the NRS and will be deemed a Delaware corporation subject to the DGCL;


  Delaware Corp will be deemed to be the same entity as the Company for all purposes under the laws of Delaware, with the Company’s existence deemed to have commenced when the Company was first formed in Nevada;


  Delaware Corp will continue to have all of the assets of the Company;


  Delaware Corp will continue to have all the debts, liabilities and duties of the Company; and


  Each director and officer of the Company will continue to hold their respective offices with Delaware Corp.


Approval of the Filing of the Articles of Conversion and the Certificate of Conversion


Pursuant to the Plan of Conversion and in connection with the Reincorporation, the Board and the Consenting Stockholders approved the filing: (1) with the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada articles of conversion, in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix B (“ Articles of Conversion ”); (2) with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware a certificate of conversion in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix C (the “ Certificate of Conversion ”); and (3) the Certificate of Incorporation, substantially in the form attached hereto as Appendix D.


Adoption of Delaware Certificate of Incorporation


In connection with the Reincorporation, the Board and the Consenting Stockholders adopted the Certificate of Incorporation in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix D. At the time they become effective, the Certificate of Incorporation will supersede the Company’s current articles of incorporation. The Certificate of Incorporation were adopted in order to reflect the Reincorporation of the Company in the State of Delaware and to implement provisions deemed by the Board to be in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders.


Effect on the Company’s Securities


Common Stock


Following the reincorporation to Delaware, the authorized capital stock of the Company will consist of 200,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $0.001 per share. There will be three Classes of Common Shares consisting of: 130,000,000 authorized shares of Class A Common Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“Class A Common Stock”), 6,000,000 authorized shares of Class B Common Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“Class B Common Stock” and together with the Class A Common Stock, the “Common Stock”), 64,000,000 authorized shares of Class C Capital Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“Class C Capital Stock” and together with the Common Stock, the “Capital Stock”).




Pursuant to the Plan of Conversion, each share of common stock of the Company, $0.001 par value per share, that is issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Reincorporation will automatically convert into one share of common stock, $0.001 par value per share of Delaware Corp.


Anti-Takeover Implications


Both Nevada and Delaware permit a corporation to include in its certificate of incorporation or bylaws or to otherwise adopt measures designed to reduce a corporation’s vulnerability to unsolicited takeover attempts. The Board, however, is not proposing the Reincorporation to prevent a change in control of the Company.


With respect to implementing defensive strategies, Delaware law is preferable to Nevada law because of the substantial judicial precedent on the legal principles applicable to defensive strategies. As a Nevada corporation or a Delaware corporation, the Company could implement some of the same defensive measures. As a Delaware corporation, however, the Company would benefit from the predictability of Delaware law on such matters.


For a discussion of differences between Nevada and Delaware law see “Changes to Stockholder Rights Before and After the Reincorporation–Changes from Nevada to Delaware Law–Business Combinations; – Control Share Acquisitions” below.


Changes to Stockholder Rights Before and After the Reincorporation


As previously noted, the Certificate of Incorporation and Delaware Bylaws will be the governing instruments of the Company following the Reincorporation, resulting in some changes from the Company’s current articles of incorporation, which are primarily procedural in nature, such as a change in the registered office and agent of the Company from an office and agent in Nevada to an office and agent in Delaware. There are also material differences between the DGCL and the NRS. Certain changes to the articles of incorporation of the Company, as well as the material differences between Delaware and Nevada law are discussed below. The following summary does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to Delaware and Nevada corporate laws, the Certificate of Incorporation and Delaware Bylaws, copies of which are attached hereto as Appendix D and Appendix E , respectively.













Changes From Nevada Law to Delaware Law


Set forth below is a table summarizing the material differences in the rights of the stockholders of the Company before and after the Reincorporation is effective, as a result of the differences between Nevada law and Delaware law. This chart does not address each difference between Delaware law and Nevada law, but focuses on some of those differences which the Company believes are most relevant to the existing stockholders. This chart is not intended as an exhaustive list of all differences, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to Delaware and Nevada law.


Provision Nevada Law   Delaware Law  

Filling Vacancies on
the Board of Directors


Nevada corporate law provides that all vacancies, including those caused by an increase in the number of directors, may be filled by a majority of the remaining directors, though less than a quorum, unless it is otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation.  Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, pursuant to a resignation by a director, the board may fill the vacancy or vacancies with each director so appointed to hold office during the remainder of the term of office of the resigning director or directors.   Delaware law provides that, unless otherwise provided in the certificate of incorporation or bylaws of a corporation, vacancies may be filled by a majority of the directors then in office, although less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director. Further, if, at the time of filling any vacancy, the directors then in office shall constitute less than a majority of the whole board, the Delaware Court of Chancery may, upon application of any stockholder or stockholders holding at least 10% of the total number of the shares at the time outstanding having the right to vote for such directors, summarily order an election to be held to fill any such vacancies or newly created directorships, or to replace the directors chosen by the directors then in office.  








  Provision Nevada Law   Delaware Law  
Special Meetings of
Under Nevada law, unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws, the entire board of directors, any two directors or the president may call annual and special meetings of the stockholders and directors.   Under Delaware law, a special meeting of stockholders may be called by the board of directors or by such  persons as may be authorized by the certificate of incorporation or by the bylaws.  

Failure to Hold an Annual

Meeting of Stockholders

Nevada law provides that if a corporation fails to elect directors within 18 months after the last election of directors, a Nevada  district court will have jurisdiction in equity and may order an election upon petition of one or more stockholders holding at least 15% of the voting power.   Delaware law provides that if an annual meeting for election of directors is not held on the date designated or an action by written consent to elect directors in lieu of an annual meeting has not been taken within 30 days after the date designated for the annual meeting, or if no date has been designated, for a period of 13 months after the latest to occur of the organization of the corporation, its last annual meeting or the last action by written consent to elect directors in lieu of an annual meeting, the Court of Chancery may summarily order a meeting to be held upon the application of any stockholder or director.  

Limitation on Director


Under Nevada law, unless the articles of incorporation or an amendment thereto (filed on or after October 1, 2003) provides for greater individual liability, a director or officer is not individually liable to the corporation or its stockholders or creditors for any damages as a result of any act or failure to act in his or her capacity as a director or officer unless it is proven that: (a) the director’s or officer’s act or    Under Delaware law, if a corporation’s certificate of incorporation so provides, the personal liability of a director for breach of fiduciary duty as a director may be eliminated or limited.  A corporation’s certificate of incorporation, however, may not limit or eliminate a director’s personal liability (a) for any breach of the director’s duty of loyalty to the corporation or its stockholders, (b) for acts or omissions not in good faith or involving intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (c) for the payment of unlawful dividends, stock repurchases or redemptions, or (d) for any transaction in which the director received an




  Provision Nevada Law   Delaware Law
  failure to act constituted a breach of his or her fiduciary duties as a director or officer; and (b) the breach of those duties involved intentional misconduct, fraud or a knowing violation of law.   improper personal benefit.
Indemnification Under Nevada law, a corporation may indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, except an action by or in the right of the corporation, by reason of the fact that the person is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses, including attorneys’ fees, judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by the person in connection with the action, suit or proceeding if the person: (a) is not liable pursuant to NRS 78.138; or (b) acted in good faith and in a manner which he or she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the corporation, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe the conduct was unlawful.  However, indemnification may not be made for any claim, issue or matter as to which such a person has been adjudged to be liable to the corporation or for amounts paid in settlement to the corporation, unless and only to the extent that the court in which the action or suit was brought  

Under Delaware law, a corporation may indemnify any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of the corporation) by reason of the fact that the person is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by the person in connection with such action, suit or proceeding if:  the person acted in good faith and in a manner the person reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the corporation, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe the person's conduct was unlawful. With respect to actions by or in the right of the corporation, no indemnification shall be made with respect to any claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall have been adjudged to be liable to the corporation unless and only to the extent that the Court of Chancery or the court in which such action or suit is brought shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability but in view of all the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for such expenses which such court shall deem proper.  A director or officer who is successful, on the merits or otherwise, in defense of any proceeding subject to the Delaware corporate statutes’ indemnification provisions shall be indemnified against expenses (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection therewith.





Provision Nevada Law   Delaware Law
  determines upon application that in view of all the circumstances of the case, the person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for such expenses as the court deems proper.  To the extent that such person has been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any  proceeding subject to the Nevada indemnification laws, the corporation shall indemnify him or her against expenses, including attorneys’ fees, actually and reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with the defense.    

Advancement of


Nevada law provides that the articles of incorporation, the bylaws or an agreement made by the corporation may provide that the expenses of officers and directors incurred in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding must be paid by the corporation as they are incurred and in advance of the final disposition of the action, suit or proceeding, upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the director or officer to repay the amount if it is ultimately determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that the director or officer is not entitled to be indemnified by the corporation.   Delaware law provides that expenses incurred by an officer or director of the corporation in defending any civil, criminal, administrative or investigative action, suit or proceeding may be paid by the corporation in advance of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of such director or officer to repay such amount if it is ultimately determined that such person is not entitled to be indemnified by the corporation as authorized under the indemnification laws of Delaware.  Such expenses  may be so paid upon such terms and conditions as the corporation deems appropriate.  Under Delaware law, unless otherwise provided in its certificate of incorporation or bylaws, a corporation has the discretion whether or not to advance expenses.




Provision Nevada Law   Delaware Law

Declaration and Payment

of Dividends

Under Nevada law, except as otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, a board of directors may authorize and the corporation may make distributions to its stockholders, including distributions on shares that are partially paid.  However, no distribution may be made if, after giving effect to such distribution: (a) the corporation would not be able to pay its debts as they become due in the usual course of business; or (b) except as otherwise specifically allowed by the articles of incorporation, the corporation’s total assets would be less than the sum of its total liabilities plus the amount that would be needed, if the corporation were to be dissolved at the time of distribution, to satisfy the preferential rights upon dissolution of stockholders whose preferential rights are superior to those receiving the distribution.   Under Delaware law, subject to any restriction contained in a corporation's certificate of incorporation, the board of directors may declare, and the corporation may pay, dividends or other distributions upon the shares of its capital stock either (a) out of "surplus" or (b) in the event that there is no surplus, out of the net profits for the fiscal year in which the dividend is declared and/or the preceding fiscal year, unless net assets (total assets in excess of total liabilities) are less than the capital of all outstanding preferred stock. "Surplus" is defined as the excess of the net assets of the corporation over the amount determined to be the capital of the corporation by the board of directors (which amount cannot be less than the aggregate par value of all issued shares of capital stock).










Provision Nevada Law   Delaware Law
Business Combinations Nevada law prohibits certain business combinations between a Nevada corporation and an interested stockholder for three years after such person becomes an interested stockholder.  Generally, an interested stockholder is a holder who is the beneficial owner of 10% or more of the voting power of a corporation’s outstanding stock and at any time within three years immediately before the date in question was the beneficial owner of 10% or more of the then outstanding stock of the corporation.  After the three year period, business combinations remain prohibited unless they are (a) approved by the board of directors prior to the date that the person first became an interested stockholder or a majority of the outstanding voting power not beneficially owned by the interested party, or (b) the interested stockholder satisfies certain fair-value requirements.  An interested stockholder is (i) a person that beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, 10% or more of the voting power of the outstanding voting shares of a corporation, or (ii) an affiliate or associate of the corporation who, at any time within the past three years, was an interested stockholder of the corporation.   Delaware law prohibits, in certain circumstances, a “business combination” between the corporation and an “interested stockholder” within three years of the stockholder becoming an “interested stockholder.”  Generally, an “interested stockholder” is a holder who, directly or indirectly, controls 15% or more of the outstanding voting stock or is an affiliate of the corporation and was the owner of 15% or more of the outstanding voting stock at any time within the three-year period prior to the date upon which the status of an “interested stockholder” is being determined.  A “business combination” includes a merger or consolidation, a sale or other disposition of assets having an aggregate market value equal to 10% or more of the consolidated assets of the corporation or the aggregate market value of the outstanding stock of the corporation and certain transactions that would increase the interested stockholder’s proportionate share ownership in the corporation.  This provision does not apply where, among other things, (i) the transaction which resulted in the individual becoming an interested stockholder is approved by the corporation’s board of directors prior to the date the interested stockholder acquired such 15% interest, (ii) upon consummation of the transaction which resulted in the stockholder becoming an interested stockholder, the interested stockholder owned at least 85% of the outstanding voting stock of the corporation at the time the transaction commenced, or (iii) at or after the date the person becomes an interested stockholder, the business combination is approved by a majority of the board of directors of the corporation and an affirmative vote of at least 66 2/3% of the outstanding voting stock at an annual or special meeting and not by written consent, excluding stock not owned by the interested stockholder.  This provision also does not apply if a stockholder acquires a 15% interest inadvertently and divests itself of such ownership and would not have been a 15% stockholder in the preceding three years but for the inadvertent acquisition of ownership.




Provision Nevada Law   Delaware Law

Control Share Acquisition


Under Nevada law, an acquiring person who acquires a controlling interest in an issuing corporation is prohibited from exercise voting rights on any control shares unless such voting rights are conferred by a majority vote of the disinterested stockholders of the issuing corporation at a special or annual meeting of stockholders.  Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or the bylaws, if the control shares are accorded full voting rights and the acquiring person acquires control shares with a majority or more of all the voting power, any stockholder, other than the acquiring person, who does not vote in favor of authorizing voting rights for the control shares is entitled to dissent and demand payment of the fair value of his or her shares.


A controlling interest means the ownership of outstanding voting shares of an issuing corporation sufficient  to enable the acquiring person, directly or indirectly and individually or in association with others, to exercise: (i) one-fifth or more but less than one-third; (ii) one-third or more but less than a majority; or (iii) a majority or more, of all the voting power of the corporation in the election of directors.  Control shares means those outstanding voting shares of an issuing corporation which an acquiring person: (a) acquires in an


Delaware’s control share acquisition statute generally provides that shares acquired in a “control share acquisition” will not possess any voting rights unless either the board of directors approves the acquisition or such voting rights are approved by a majority of the corporation’s voting shares, excluding interested shares. Interested shares are those held by a corporation’s officers and inside directors and by the acquiring party. A “control share acquisition” is an acquisition, directly or indirectly, by any person of ownership of, or the power to direct the exercise of voting power with respect to, issued and outstanding “control shares” of a publicly held Delaware corporation. “Control shares” are shares that, except for Delaware’s control share acquisition statute, would have voting power that, when added to all other shares that can be voted by the acquiring party, would entitle the acquiring party, immediately after the acquisition of such shares, directly or indirectly, to exercise voting power in the election of directors within any of the following ranges: (1) at least 20% but less than 33 1/3% of all voting power; (2) at least 33 1/3% but less than a majority of all voting power; or (3) a majority or more of all voting power.




Provision Nevada Law   Delaware Law

acquisition or offer to acquire in an acquisition; and (b) acquires within 90 days immediately preceding the date when the acquiring person became an acquiring person.


The control share acquisition statute applies to any acquisition of a controlling interest in an issuing corporation unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the corporation in effect on the 10th day following the acquisition of a controlling interest by an acquiring person provide that the provisions of those sections do not apply.

Taxes and Fees Nevada charges corporations incorporated in Nevada nominal annual corporate fees based on the value of the corporation’s authorized stock with a maximum fee of $35,000, as well as a $200 business license fee, and does not impose any franchise taxes on corporations.   Delaware imposes annual franchise tax fees on all corporations incorporated in Delaware. The annual fee ranges from a nominal fee to a maximum of $180,000, based on an equation consisting of the number of shares authorized, the number of shares outstanding and the net assets of the corporation.












Changes to Articles of Incorporation


Set forth below is a table summarizing the material differences in the rights of the stockholders of the Company before and after the Reincorporation is effective, as a result of the differences between the Company’s Articles of Incorporation and the Certificate of Incorporation. This chart does not address each difference between the Articles of Incorporation and the Certificate of Incorporation, but focuses on some of those differences which the Company believes are most relevant to the existing stockholders.


Provision Articles of Incorporation Certificate of Incorporation Impact on Stockholders
Removal of Directors Not Addressed

The Certificate of Incorporation states that any director of the Company’s board of directors or the entire board of directors may be removed at any time, with or without cause, by the holders of at least sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the shares entitled to vote at an election of directors


Under Delaware law, the default provision for the removal of directors of a corporation is that directors may be removed with or without cause upon the affirmative vote of a majority of all of the votes of the class entitled to elect that director unless the charter or certificate of incorporation provides otherwise.


The Certificate of Incorporation increases the threshold for the removal of directors to sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) which will impact our stockholders by making it more difficult for them to change the Board’s composition.
















Provision Articles of Incorporation Certificate of Incorporation Impact on Stockholders
Indemnification and Advancement of Expenses Not Addressed in Articles of Incorporation The Certificate of Incorporation states that the Company shall indemnify, advance expenses, and hold harmless, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law as it presently exists or may hereafter be amended, any person (a “ Covered Person ”) who was or is made or is threatened to be made a party or is otherwise involved in any action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (a “ Proceeding ”), by reason of the fact that he or she, or a person for whom he or she is the legal representative, is or was a director or officer of the Company or, while a director or officer of the Company, is or was serving at the request of the Company as a director, officer, employee or agent of another Company or of a partnership, joint venture, trust, enterprise or nonprofit entity, including service with respect to employee benefit plans, against all liability and loss suffered and expenses (including attorneys' fees) reasonably incurred by such Covered Person.  Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, except for claims for indemnification (following the final disposition of such Proceeding) or advancement of expenses not paid in full, the Company shall be required to indemnify a Covered Person in connection with a Proceeding (or part thereof) commenced by such Covered Person only if the commencement of such Proceeding (or part thereof) by the Covered Person was authorized in the specific case by the Board of the Company.

Section 145(e) of the DGCL permits, but does not require Delaware corporations to pay, prior to final disposition, the expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by a corporate representative in defending a proceeding.  The provision in Delaware Bylaws and the Certificate of Incorporation permitting such advances of fees associated with indemnification is not the default provision under the DGCL.


Advancing expenses to Covered Persons prior to the final disposition of a proceeding could impact our stockholders to the extent that we would use Company assets, which could otherwise be used to grow our business and increase stockholder equity,  to cover the costs of litigation without the certainty that the Covered Person will be successful on the merits of the suit.




Provision Articles of Incorporation Certificate of Incorporation Impact on Stockholders
Choice of Forum Not Addressed The Certificate of Incorporation states that unless the Company consents in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware shall be the sole and exclusive forum for (i) any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of the Company, (ii) any action asserting a claim for breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any director, officer, employee or agent of the Company to the Company or the Company's stockholders, (iii) any action asserting a claim arising pursuant to any provision of the DGCL, the Certificate of Incorporation or the  Delaware Bylaws or (iv) any action asserting a claim governed by the internal affairs doctrine, in each case subject to said Court of Chancery having personal jurisdiction over the indispensable parties named as defendants therein.

The Delaware Chancery Court is widely regarded as the country’s preeminent business court, with experienced jurists who have deep understanding of Delaware corporate law and long standing precedent regarding corporations’ governance.  The inclusion of the provision in the Certificate of Incorporation designating the Delaware Chancery Court as the forum for actions against the Company,  may make it more difficult for small stockholders that reside in states other than Delaware to initiate suits against the Company or any director, officer or employee of the Company


The inclusion of a choice of forum provision in a corporation’s certificate of incorporation is not a default provision under the DGCL.















Articles of Incorporation Certificate of Incorporation Impact on Stockholders

of our stockholders without first amending the powers conferred to the Board to amend or repeal the Delaware Bylaws.


Conferring the power to amend or repeal the Delaware Bylaws to the Board is not the default under the DGCL.






The Board believes that the stockholders of the Company will benefit from the change of Reincorporation from Nevada to Delaware, as they believe the Company will be able to draw upon well-established principles of corporate governance in making legal and business decisions




























TO Increase the Number of Authorized Shares




The Company's Board of Directors recognizes that it is desirable to have additional authorized shares of Common Stock available for possible future financings, possible future acquisition transactions and other general corporate purposes. The Company's Board of Directors believes that having such additional authorized shares of Common Stock available for issuance in the future should give the Company greater flexibility and may allow such shares to be issued without the expense and delay of a special shareholders' meeting. Although such issuance of additional shares with respect to future financings and acquisitions would dilute existing shareholders, management believes that such transactions would increase the value of the Company to its shareholders. The increase in authorized common stock and preferred stock will not have any immediate effect on the rights of existing stockholders. However, the Board of Directors will have the authority to issue authorized common stock or preferred stock without requiring future stockholder approval of such issuances, except as may be required by the Articles of Incorporation or applicable law.


The proposed increase in the authorized number of shares of Common Stock could have a number of effects on the Company's stockholders depending upon the exact nature and circumstances of any actual issuances of authorized but unissued shares. The increase could have an anti-takeover effect, in that additional shares could be issued (within the limits imposed by applicable law) in one or more transactions that could make a change in control or takeover of the Company more difficult. For example, additional shares could be issued by the Company so as to dilute the stock ownership or voting rights of persons seeking to obtain control of the Company. Any such issuance of additional stock could have the effect of diluting the earnings per share and book value per share of outstanding shares of common stock or preferred stock and such additional shares could be used to dilute the stock ownership or voting rights of a person seeking to obtain control of the Company. Similarly, the issuance of additional shares to certain persons allied with the Company's management could have the effect of making it more difficult to remove the Company's current management by diluting the stock ownership or voting rights of persons seeking to cause such removal. The Board of Directors is not aware of any attempt, or contemplated attempt, to acquire control of the Company, and this action is not being undertaken with the intent that it be utilized as a type of anti-takeover device.


The board of directors of JA Energy may authorize, without further shareholder approval, the issuance of such shares of common stock or preferred stock to such persons, for such consideration, and upon such terms as the board of directors determines. Such issuance could result in a significant dilution of the voting rights and the stockholders' equity, of then existing shareholders.


Issuance of additional common stock may have the effect of deterring or thwarting persons seeking to take control of JA Energy through a tender offer, proxy fight or otherwise or to bring about removal of incumbent management or a corporate transaction such as merger. For example, the issuance of common stock or preferred stock could be used to deter or prevent such a change of control through dilution of stock ownership of persons seeking to take control or by rendering a transaction proposed by such persons more difficult.




The Company has an outstanding Subscription Agreement from UBI Blockchain Internet, LTD, a Hong Kong Company to purchase 40,000,000 Class C Common Shares. The Class C shares have been designated and have no voting rights. The Class C Common shares cannot be issued until the number of authorized shares are increased.


The Company's Certificate of Incorporation shall be filed with the Delaware Secretary of State so that Article 4 of the Certificate of Incorporation shall be as follows:




"The total number of shares of all classes of capital stock that the corporation has authority to issue is a total of 200,000,000 shares, consisting of: 130,000,000 authorized shares of Class A Common Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“ Class A Common Stock ”), 6,000,000 authorized shares of Class B Common Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“ Class B Common Stock ” and together with the Class A Common Stock, the “ Common Stock ”), 64,000,000 shares of Class C Capital Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“ Class C Capital Stock ” and together with the Common Stock, the “ Capital Stock ”). The number of authorized shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock or Class C Capital Stock may be increased or decreased by the affirmative vote of the holders of capital stock representing a majority of the voting power of all the then-outstanding shares of capital stock of the corporation entitled to vote thereon, irrespective of the provisions of Section 242(b)(2) of the General Corporation Law." (See Appendix D.)


The Company has designed three Classes of Common Stock. Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock which carries a voting weight equal to ten (10) Common Shares. The Class B shares can be converted into fully paid and nonassessable Common Shares, on a one-to-one basis, at the option of the holder at any time upon written notice to the Company and its authorized transfers agent. And, Class C Common Stock which has no voting rights.




The Board believes that the stockholders of the Company will benefit from an increase in the number of authorized shares, in order to accommodate future financing or other corporate purposes. No assurances can be given that future financing will be found.


Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management


The following table sets forth certain information with respect to the beneficial ownership of our common stock as of October 31, 2016, for: a) each stockholder known by us to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of our outstanding shares of Class A common stock or Class B common stock; b) each of our directors; c) each of our named executive officers; and d) all of our directors and executive officers as a group. We have determined beneficial ownership in accordance with the rules of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as indicated by the footnotes below, we believe, based on the information furnished to us, that the persons and entities named in the following table have sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares of Class A common stock or Class B common stock that they beneficially own. Applicable percentage ownership is based on 30,217,046 shares of Class A common stock and 6,000,000 shares of Class B common stock outstanding at October 31, 2016. With the exception of Class B shares, that can convert one a 1-for-1 basis for fully paid and nonassessable Class A Common Stock, at the option of the holder at any time upon written notice to the Company and its authorized transfers agent, we do not have any outstanding options, warrants or other securities exercisable for or convertible into shares of our common stock.


Shares Beneficially Owned   % of Total
Power (1)
    Class A Common   Class B Common      
Name of Beneficial Owner   Shares   %   Voting Shares   %                    
Named Executive Officers and Directors:                      
Barry Hall (2)   0          -%     0        -%             -%      
Frank Arnone (3)   0          -%     0        -%             -%      
 All executive officers and directors as a group (2 persons)  









        -%              -%      
Other 5% Stockholders                                

UBI Blockchain

Internet LTD (4)










100%        99.8%      


(1) Percentage of total voting power represents voting power with respect to all shares of our Class A Common Stock (30,217,046 issued and outstanding) and Class B Voting stock (6,000,000 shares issued and outstanding), as a single class. The holder of our Class B Voting Stock are entitled to ten votes per share, and holders of our Class A Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share. The 6,000,000 Class B shares have voting rights equal to 60,000,000 common shares. Percentage of Total Voting Power is calculated based on an aggregate of 90,217,046 (30,217,046 Class A Common + 60,000,000 Class B Voting Common) shares issued and outstanding.


2) Barry Hall, 8250 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 110. Las Vegas, NV 89117.


3) Frank Arnone, 8250 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 110. Las Vegas, NV 89117.


4) UBI Blockchain Internet, LTD, Smart-Space 3F, Level 9, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong, People's Republic of China. Tony Liu is the beneficial owner who exercises the sole voting and dispositive powers with respect to the shares owned and has the ultimate voting control over the shares held this entity. Not included in the above totals are 40,000,000 Class C Non-Voting Common Stock to be issued, once the number of authorized shares are increased from 70,000,000 to 200,000,000.


We are not aware of any arrangements that may result in "changes in control" as that term is defined by the provisions of Item 403(c) of Regulation S-B.


We believe that all persons named have full voting and investment power with respect to the shares indicated, unless otherwise noted in the table. Under the rules of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission, a person (or group of persons) is deemed to be a "beneficial owner" of a security if he or she, directly or indirectly, has or shares the power to vote or to direct the voting of such security, or the power to dispose of or to direct the disposition of such security. Accordingly, more than one person may be deemed to be a beneficial owner of the same security. A person is also deemed to be a beneficial owner of any security, which that person has the right to acquire within 60-days, such as options or warrants to purchase our common stock.



Nevada Anti-Takeover Provisions


The anti-takeover provisions of Sections 78.411 through 78.445 of the Nevada Corporation Law apply to JA Energy. Section 78.438 of the Nevada law prohibits the Company from merging with or selling more than 5% of our assets or stock to any shareholder who owns or owned more than 10% of any stock or any entity related to a 10% shareholder for three years after the date on which the shareholder acquired the JA Energy shares, unless the transaction is approved by JA Energy's Board of Directors. The provisions also prohibit JA Energy from completing any of the transactions described in the preceding sentence with a 10% shareholder who has held the shares more than three years and its related entities unless the transaction is approved by our Board of Directors or a majority of our shares, other than shares owned by that 10% shareholder or any related entity. These provisions could delay, defer or prevent a change in control of JA Energy.


Expenses of Solicitation


The Company will pay all costs associated with the distribution of this Information Statement, including the costs of printing and mailing. The Company has asked or will ask brokers and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward this Information Statement to the beneficial owners of the Common Stock held of record by such persons and will reimburse such persons for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in forwarding such material.





No director, officer, nominee for election as a director, associate of any director, officer of nominee or any other person has any substantial interest, direct or indirect, by security holdings or otherwise, resulting from the matters described herein which is not shared by all other shareholders pro rata in accordance with their respective interest.




This information statement may contain certain “forward-looking” statements (as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 or by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in its rules, regulations and releases) representing our expectations or beliefs regarding our company. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning our operations, economic performance, financial condition, and prospects and opportunities. For this purpose, any statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “could,” “estimate,” “might,” or “continue” or the negative or other variations thereof or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements, by their nature, involve substantial risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond our control, and actual results may differ materially depending on a variety of important factors, including factors discussed in this and other of our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.







The Company is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), and in accordance therewith files reports, proxy statements and other information including annual and quarterly reports on Form 10-K and 10-Q (the “1934 Act Filings”) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”). Reports and other information filed by the Company can be inspected and copied at the public reference facilities maintained at the Commission at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20549. Copies of such material can be obtained upon written request addressed to the Commission, Public Reference Section, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549, at prescribed rates. The Commission maintains a web site on the Internet (http://www.sec.gov) that contains reports, proxy and information statements and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with the Commission through the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System (“EDGAR”).


The following documents as filed with the Commission by the Company are incorporated herein by reference:


1.       Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended August 31, 2014 and August 31, 2015.


2.       Periodic Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended November 30, 2015, February 28, 2016, and May 31, 2016.




If hard copies of the materials are requested, we will send only one Information Statement and other corporate mailings to stockholders who share a single address unless we received contrary instructions from any stockholder at that address. This practice, known as “householding,” is designed to reduce our printing and postage costs. However, the Company will deliver promptly upon written or oral request a separate copy of the Information Statement to a stockholder at a shared address to which a single copy of the Information Statement was delivered. You may make such a written or oral request by (a) sending a written notification stating (i) your name, (ii) your shared address and (iii) the address to which the Company should direct the additional copy of the Information Statement, to the Company at Corporate Secretary, 8250 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 89117, Telephone: (702) 544-1902.


If multiple stockholders sharing an address have received one copy of this Information Statement or any other corporate mailing and would prefer the Company to mail each stockholder a separate copy of future mailings, you may send notification to or call the Company’s principal executive offices. Additionally, if current stockholders with a shared address received multiple copies of this Information Statement or other corporate mailings and would prefer the Company to mail one copy of future mailings to stockholders at the shared address, notification of such request may also be made by mail or telephone to the Company’s principal executive offices.




As a matter of regulatory compliance, we are sending you this Information Statement which describes the purpose and effect of the aforementioned corporate actions. Your consent to the corporate actions are not required and is not being solicited in connection with this action. This Information Statement is intended to provide our stockholders information required by the rules and regulations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.






By Order of the Board of Directors



/s/ Barry Hall

Barry Hall

Chief Executive Officer






































a Nevada corporation




UBI Blockchain Internet LTD.  

a Delaware corporation


This Plan of Conversion (together with all of the exhibits attached hereto, the “ Plan ”), dated ___________, 2016, is hereby adopted by JA Energy, a Nevada corporation (the “ Company ”), in order to set forth the terms, conditions and procedures governing the conversion of the Company from a Nevada corporation to a Delaware corporation pursuant to Section 265 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, as amended (the “ DGCL ”), and Sections 92A.105 and 92A.120 of the Nevada Revised Statutes, as amended (the “ NRS ”).




WHEREAS , the Company is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada;


WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the Company (the “ Board ”) has determined that it would be in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders for the Company to convert from a Nevada corporation to a Delaware corporation pursuant to Section 265 of the DGCL and Sections 92A.105 and 92A.120 of the NRS; and


WHEREAS , the form, terms and provisions of this Plan have been authorized, approved and adopted by the Board and a majority of the Company’s stockholders by written consent.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED , that the Company hereby adopts the Plan as follows:


1. Conversion .


a. Upon the Effective Date (as hereinafter defined), the Company shall be converted from a Nevada corporation to a Delaware corporation pursuant to Section 265 of the DGCL and Sections 92A.105 and 92A.120 of the NRS (the “ Conversion ”) and the Company, as converted to a Delaware corporation (the “ Resulting Company ”), shall thereafter be subject to all of the provisions of the DGCL, except that notwithstanding Section 106 of the DGCL, the existence of the Resulting Company shall be deemed to have commenced on the date the Company commenced its existence in the State of Nevada.





b. As promptly as practicable following the adoption of the Plan, the Company shall cause the Conversion to be effective by:


i. filing articles of conversion pursuant to Section 92A.205 of the NRS, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B (the “ Articles of Conversion ”) with the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada;


ii. filing a certificate of conversion, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C , pursuant to Sections 103 and 265 of the DGCL in (the “ Certificate of Conversion ”) with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware; and


iii. filing a Articles of Incorporation of the Resulting Company substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D (the “ Articles of Incorporation ”) with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.


2. Effect of Conversion


a. Upon the Effective Date, the name of the Resulting Company will be “UBI Blockchain Internet LTD..”


b. Upon the Effective Date, by virtue of the Conversion and without any further action on the part of the Company or its stockholders, the Resulting Company shall, for all purposes of the laws of the State of Delaware, be deemed to be the same entity as the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date. Upon the Effective Date, by virtue of the Conversion and without any further action on the part of the Company or its stockholders, for all purposes of the laws of the State of Delaware, all of the rights, privileges and powers of the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date, and all property, real, personal and mixed, and all debts due to the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date, as well as all other things and causes of action belonging to the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date, shall remain vested in the Resulting Company and shall be the property of the Resulting Company and the title to any real property vested by deed or otherwise in the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date shall not revert or be in any way impaired by reason of the Conversion; but all rights of creditors and all liens upon any property of the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date shall be preserved unimpaired, and all debts, liabilities and duties of the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date shall remain attached to the Resulting Company upon the Effective Date, and may be enforced against the Resulting Company to the same extent as if said debts, liabilities and duties had originally been incurred or contracted by the Resulting Company in its capacity as a corporation of the State of Delaware. The rights, privileges, powers and interests in property of the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date, as well as the debts, liabilities and duties of the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date, shall not be deemed, as a consequence of the Conversion, to have been transferred to the Resulting Company upon the Effective Date for any purpose of the laws of the State of Delaware.





c. The Conversion shall not be deemed to affect any obligations or liabilities of the Company incurred prior to the Conversion or the personal liability of any person incurred prior to the Conversion.


3. Taxes. The Company intends for the Conversion to constitute a tax-free reorganization qualifying under Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Accordingly, neither the Company nor any of its stockholders should recognize gain or loss for federal income tax purposes as a result of the Conversion.


4. Effective Date .  The Conversion shall become effective upon the filing of the Articles of Conversion, the Certificate of Conversion and the Delaware Certificate of Incorporation (the time of the effectiveness of the Conversion, the “ Effective Date ”).


5. Effect of Conversion on the Company’s Securities .  Upon the Effective Date, by virtue of the Conversion and without any further action on the part of the Company or its stockholders:


a. Each share of common stock of the Company, $0.001 par value per share (“ Company Common Stock ”) that is issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Date shall convert into one validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of common stock, $0.001 par value per share, of the Resulting Company (“ Resulting Company Common Stock ”).  Each share of preferred stock of the Company, $0.001 par value per share (“ Company Preferred Stock ”) that is issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Date shall convert into one validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable share of preferred stock of the Resulting Company, $0.001 par value per share (“ Resulting Company Preferred Stock ”).


b. All of the outstanding certificates representing shares of Company Common Stock immediately prior to the Effective Date shall be deemed for all purposes to continue to evidence ownership of and to represent the same number of shares of Resulting Company Common Stock.


6 . Effect of Conversion on Directors and Officers . Upon the Effective Date, by virtue of the Conversion and without any further action on the part of the Company or its stockholders, the members of the Board and the officers of the Company holding their respective offices in the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Time shall continue in their respective offices as members of the Board and officers of the Resulting Company.
















7. Further Assurances. If, at any time after the Effective Date, the Resulting Company shall determine or be advised that any deeds, bills of sale, assignments, agreements, documents or assurances or any other acts or things are necessary, desirable or proper, consistent with the terms of the Plan, (a) to vest, perfect or confirm, of record or otherwise, in the Resulting Company its right, title or interest in, to or under any of the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, purposes, franchises, properties or assets of the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date, or (b) to otherwise carry out the purposes of the Plan, the Resulting Company and its officers and directors are hereby authorized to solicit in the name of the Resulting Company any third-party consents or other documents required to be delivered by any third-party, to execute and deliver, in the name and on behalf of the Resulting Company all such deeds, bills of sale, assignments, agreements, documents and assurances and do, in the name and on behalf of the Resulting Company, all such other acts and things necessary, desirable or proper to vest, perfect or confirm its right, title or interest in, to or under any of the rights, privileges, immunities, powers, purposes, franchises, properties or assets of the Company existing immediately prior to the Effective Date and otherwise to carry out the purposes of the Plan.


8. Termination; Amendment. At any time prior to the Effective Date, the Plan may be terminated or amended by action of the Board if, in the opinion of the Board, such action would be in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders.


10. Third Party Beneficiaries . The Plan shall not confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than as expressly provided herein.


11. Severability.   Whenever possible, each provision of the Plan will be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of the Plan is held to be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision will be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of the Plan.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the Company has caused this Plan to be duly executed as of the date first above written.


By: /s/ Barry Hall

Barry Hall

Chief Executive Officer













Appendix B to this Information Statement


[Seal of Nevada]



Secretary of State

202 North Carson Street

Carson City, Nevada 89701-4201

(775) 684-5708

Website: www.nvsos.gov


Articles of Conversion

(Pursuant to NRS 92A 205)

Page 1




PLEASE NOTE: The charter document for the resulting entity must be submitted/filed simultaneously with the articles of conversion.


Articles of Conversion
(Pursuant to NRS 92A.205)


1. Name and jurisdiction of organization of constituent entity and resulting entity:


JA Energy

Name of constituent entity


Nevada Corporation

Jurisdiction Entity type *




UBI Blockchain Internet LTD.

Name of resulting entity


Delaware Corporation

Jurisdiction Entity type


2. A plan of conversion has been adopted by the constituent entity in compliance with the law of the jurisdiction governing the constituent entity.


3. Location of plan of conversion: (check one)


[ ] The entire plan of conversion is attached to these articles.


[X] The complete executed plan of conversion is on file at the registered office or

principal place of business of the resulting entity.


[ ] The complete executed plan of conversion for the resulting domestic limited partnership is on file at the records office required by NRS 88.330. * corporation,

limited partnership, limited-liability limited partnership, limited-liability company or

business trust .


This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees. Nevada Secretary of State 92A Conversion Page 1

Revised 1-5-15



[Seal of Nevada]



Secretary of State

202 North Carson Street

Carson City, Nevada 89701-4201

(775) 684-5708

Website: www.nvsos.gov


Articles of Conversion

(Pursuant to NRS 92A 205)

Page 2




4. Forwarding address where copies of process may be sent by the Secretary of State of Nevada

(if a foreign entity is the resulting entity in the conversion):


Attn: Chief Executive Officer

c/o: 8250 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 110

Las Vegas, NV 89117



5. Effective date and time of filing: (optional) (must not be later than 90 days after the certificate is filed)

Date: November 21, 2016 Time
11:59 pm EDT

6. Signatures - must be signed by:


1. If constituent entity is a Nevada entity: an officer of each Nevada corporation; all general partners of each Nevada limited partnership or limited-liability limited partnership; a manager of each Nevada limited-liability company with managers or one member if there are no managers; a trustee of each Nevada business trust; a managing partner of a Nevada limited-liability partnership (a.k.a. general partnership governed by NRS chapter 87).


2. If constituent entity is a foreign entity: must be signed by the constituent entity in the manner provided by the law governing it.


Name of constituent entity


___ Barry Hall _______________ Chief Executive Officer __ Nov. 2, 2016 _

Signature Title Date


* Pursuant to NRS 92A.205(4) if the conversion takes effect on a later date specified in the articles of conversion pursuant to NRS 92A.240, the constituent document filed with the Secretary of State pursuant to paragraph (b) subsection 1 must state the name and the jurisdiction of the constituent entity and that the existence of the resulting entity does not begin until the later date.


This statement must be included within the resulting entity's articles.


FILING FEE: $350.00


IMPORTANT: Failure to include any of the above information and submit with the proper fees may cause this filing to be rejected.


This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees. Nevada Secretary of State 92A Conversion Page 2

Revised 1-5-15





Appendix C to this Information Statement









1. The jurisdiction where the Non-Delaware Corporation first formed is Nevada.


2. The jurisdiction immediately prior to filing this Certificate of Conversion is Nevada.


3. The date the Non-Delaware Corporation first formed is: August 26, 2010.


4. The name of the Non-Delaware Corporation immediately prior to filing this Certificate of Conversion is JA Energy


5. The name of the Corporation as set forth in the Certificate of Incorporation is UBI Blockchain Internet LTD..


6. This Certificate of Conversion shall be effective at 11:59 pm EDT on November 21, 2016.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the undersigned being duly authorized to sign on behalf of the converting Non-Delaware Corporation have executed this Certificate of Conversion on the 2nd day of October, 2016.



By: /s/ Barry Hall        

Barry Hall

Chief Executive Officer






Appendix D to this Information Statement



UBI Blockchain Internet LTD.





The name of the corporation is: UBI Blockchain Internet LTD.




The address of the corporation’s registered office in the State of Delaware is: 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958 . The name of the registered agent of the corporation at that address is Harvard Business Services, Inc.




The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (“ General Corporation Law ”).




1. Total Authorized .


The total number of shares of all classes of capital stock that the corporation has authority to issue is a total of 200,000,000 shares, consisting of: 130,000,000 authorized shares of Class A Common Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“ Class A Common Stock ”), 6,000,000 authorized shares of Class B Common Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“ Class B Common Stock ” and together with the Class A Common Stock, the “ Common Stock ”), 64,000,000 authorized shares of Class C Capital Stock, $0.001 par value per share (“ Class C Capital Stock ” and together with the Common Stock, the “ Capital Stock ”). The number of authorized shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock or Class C Capital Stock may be increased or decreased (but not below (i) the number of shares thereof then outstanding or (ii) with the respect to the Class A Common Stock, the number of shares of Class A Common Stock reserved pursuant to Section 3.9 below) by the affirmative vote of the holders of capital stock representing a majority of the voting power of all the then-outstanding shares of capital stock of the corporation entitled to vote thereon, irrespective of the provisions of Section 242(b)(2) of the General Corporation Law.


2. Designation of Additional Shares .


2.1 The Board of Directors is authorized, subject to any limitations prescribed by the laws of the State of Delaware, by resolution or resolutions, to provide for the issuance of the shares of Preferred Stock in one or more series, and, by filing a certificate of designation pursuant to the applicable law of the State of Delaware (“ Certificate of Designation ”), to establish from time-to-time the number of shares to be included in each such series, to fix the designation, powers (including voting powers), preferences and relative, participating, optional or other rights, if any, of the shares of each such series and any qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, and to increase (but not above the total number of authorized shares of such class) or decrease (but not below the number of shares of such series then outstanding) the number of shares of any such series. The number of authorized shares of Preferred Stock may also be increased or decreased (but not below the number of shares thereof then outstanding) by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the voting power of all the then-outstanding shares of capital stock of the corporation entitled to vote thereon, without a separate vote of the holders of any series thereof, irrespective of the provisions of Section 242(b)(2) of the General Corporation Law, unless a vote of any such holders is required pursuant to the terms of any Certificate of Designation designating a series of Preferred Stock.


2.2 Except as otherwise expressly provided in any Certificate of Designation designating any series of Preferred Stock pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this ARTICLE IV, any new series of Preferred Stock may be designated, fixed and determined as provided herein by the Board of Directors without approval of the holders of Common Stock or the holders of Preferred Stock, or any series thereof, and any such new series may have powers, preferences and rights, including, without limitation, voting powers, dividend rights, liquidation rights, redemption rights and conversion rights, senior to, junior to or pari passu with the rights of the Common Stock, the Preferred Stock, or any future class or series of Preferred Stock or Common Stock.


3. Rights of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class Capital Stock .


3.1 Equal Status . Except as otherwise provided in this Certificate of Incorporation (“ Certificate of Incorporation ”) or required by applicable law, shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock shall have the same rights and powers, rank equally (including as to dividends and distributions, and upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the corporation), share ratably and be identical in all respects and as to all matters.


3.2 Voting Rights . Except as otherwise expressly provided by this Certificate of Incorporation or as provided by law, the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock shall (a) at all times vote together as a single class on all matters (including the election of directors) submitted to a vote or for the consent (if action by written consent of the stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation) of the stockholders of the corporation, (b) be entitled to notice of any stockholders’ meeting in accordance with the Bylaws of the corporation and (c) be entitled to vote upon such matters and in such manner as may be provided by applicable law. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein or required by applicable law, each holder of Class A Common Stock shall have the right to one (1) vote per share of Class A Common Stock held of record by such holder and each holder of Class B Common Stock shall have the right to ten (10) votes per share of Class B Common Stock held of record by such holder. Except with respect to the separate voting rights provided under the express circumstances described in this Section 3 or as provided by law, the holders of shares of Class C Capital Stock shall (1) have no voting rights or power, (2) be entitled to notice of any stockholders’ meeting in accordance with the Bylaws of the corporation and (3) not be entitled to vote on any matter that is submitted to a vote or for the consent (if action by written consent of the stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation) of the stockholders of the corporation. For the avoidance of doubt, the holders of shares of Class C Capital Stock shall have no power to increase or decrease the number of shares of Class C Capital Stock authorized.


3.3 Dividend and Distribution Rights . Shares of Class A Common Stock , Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock shall be treated equally, identically and ratably, on a per share basis, with respect to any dividends or distributions as may be declared and paid from time to time by the Board of Directors out of any assets of the corporation legally available therefor; provided , however , that in the event a dividend is paid in the form of shares of Class A Common Stock or , Class B Common Stock or Class C Capital Stock (or rights to acquire, or securities convertible into or exchangeable for, such shares), then holders of Class A Common Stock shall receive shares of Class A Common Stock (or rights to acquire, or securities convertible into or exchangeable for, such shares, as the case may be), holders of Class B Common Stock shall receive shares of Class B Common Stock (or rights to acquire, or securities convertible into or exchangeable for, such shares, as the case may be) and, subsequent to the Initial Class C Dividend, holders of Class C Capital Stock shall receive shares of Class C Capital Stock (or rights to acquire, or securities convertible into or exchangeable for, such shares, as the case may be), with holders of shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class Capital Stock receiving, on a per share basis, an identical number of shares of Class A Common Stock or , Class B Common Stock or Class C Capital Stock, as applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Directors may pay or make a disparate dividend or distribution per share of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock or Class Capital Stock (whether in the amount of such dividend or distribution payable per share, the form in which such dividend or distribution is payable, the timing of the payment, or otherwise) if such disparate dividend or distribution is approved in advance by the affirmative vote (or written consent if action by written consent of stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation) of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock, each voting separately as a class.


3.4 Subdivisions, Combinations or Reclassifications . Shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock or Class C Capital Stock may not be subdivided, combined or reclassified unless the shares of each of the other classes are concurrently therewith proportionately subdivided, combined or reclassified in a manner that maintains the same proportionate equity ownership between the holders of the outstanding Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock on the record date for such subdivision, combination or reclassification; provided , however , that shares of one such class may be subdivided, combined or reclassified in a different or disproportionate manner if such subdivision, combination or reclassification is approved in advance by the affirmative vote (or written consent if action by written consent of stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation) of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock, each voting separately as a class.


3.5 Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up . Subject to the preferential or other rights of any holders of Preferred Stock then outstanding, upon the dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, holders of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock will be entitled to receive ratably all assets of the corporation available for distribution to its stockholders unless disparate or different treatment of the shares of each such class with respect to distributions upon any such liquidation, dissolution or winding up is approved in advance by the affirmative vote (or written consent if action by written consent of stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation) of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, each voting separately as a class.


3.6 Transactions.


(a) Merger or Consolidation . In the case of any distribution or payment in respect of the shares of Class A Common Stock or , Class B Common Stock or Class C Capital Stock upon the consolidation or merger of the corporation with or into any other entity, or in the case of any other transaction having an effect on stockholders substantially similar to that resulting from a consolidation or merger, such as a sale of substantially all of the Corporation’s assets, such distribution or payment shall be made ratably on a per share basis among the holders of the Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock as a single class; provided, however, that shares of one or two of such classes may receive or have the right to elect to receive different or disproportionate consideration in connection with such consolidation, merger or other transaction if the only difference in the per share consideration to the holders of the Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock is that any securities distributed to the holder of a share of Class B Common Stock have ten (10) times the voting power of any securities distributed to the holder of a share of Class A Common Stock and that any securities distributed to the holder of a share of Class C Capital Stock have no voting rights or power.


(b) Third-Party Tender or Exchange Offers. The corporation may not enter into any agreement pursuant to which a third party may by tender or exchange offer acquire any shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock or Class C Capital Stock, nor may the corporation recommend that holders tender shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock or Class C Capital Stock into any third party tender or exchange offer, unless the holders of (i) the Class A Common Stock shall have the right to receive, or the right to elect to receive, the same form of consideration and the same amount of consideration on a per share basis as the holders of the Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock would receive, or have the right to elect to receive, as applicable, (ii) the Class B Common Stock shall have the right to receive, or the right to elect to receive, the same form of consideration and the same amount of consideration on a per share basis as the holders of the Class A Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock would receive, or have the right to elect to receive, as applicable, and (iii) the Class C Capital Stock shall have the right to receive, or the right to elect to receive, the same form of consideration and the same amount of consideration on a per share basis as the holders of the Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock would receive, or have the right to elect to receive, as applicable; provided , however , that shares of one such class may receive or have the right to elect to receive different or disproportionate consideration in connection with such tender or exchange offer if the only difference in the per share consideration to the holders of the Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock is that any securities distributed to the holder of a share of Class B Common Stock have ten (10) times the voting power of any securities distributed to the holder of a share of Class A Common Stock , and that any securities distributed to the holder of a share of Class C Capital Stock have no voting rights or power.


3.7 Change of Control Class B Vote . Until the first date on which the outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock represent less than thirty-five percent (35%) of the total voting power of the then outstanding shares of the corporation then entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, the corporation shall not consummate a Change in Control Transaction (as defined in Section 4 of this ARTICLE IV) without first obtaining the affirmative vote (or written consent if action by written consent of stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation) of the holders of a majority of the then outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock, voting as a separate class, in addition to any other vote required by applicable law, this Certificate of Incorporation or the Bylaws.

3.8 Conversion .


(a) Voluntary Conversion . Each share of Class B Common Stock shall be convertible into one (1) fully paid and nonassessable share of Class A Common Stock at the option of the holder thereof at any time upon written notice to the corporation. Before any holder of Class B Common Stock shall be entitled to voluntarily convert any shares of such Class B Common Stock, such holder shall surrender the certificate or certificates therefor (if any), duly endorsed, at the principal corporate office of the corporation or of any transfer agent for the Class B Common Stock, and shall give written notice to the corporation at its principal corporate office, of the election to convert the same and shall state therein the name or names (i) in which the certificate or certificates representing the shares of Class A Common Stock into which the shares of Class B Common Stock are so converted are to be issued if such shares are certificated or (ii) in which such shares are to be registered in book entry if such shares are uncertificated. The corporation shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, issue and deliver at such office to such holder of Class B Common Stock, or to the nominee or nominees of such holder, a certificate or certificates representing the number of shares of Class A Common Stock to which such holder shall be entitled as aforesaid (if such shares are certificated) or, if such shares are uncertificated, register such shares in book-entry form. Such conversion shall be deemed to have been made immediately prior to the close of business on the date of such surrender of the shares of Class B Common Stock to be converted following or contemporaneously with the written notice of such holder’s election to convert required by this Section 3.8(a), and the person or persons entitled to receive the shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon such conversion shall be treated for all purposes as the record holder or holders of such shares of Class A Common Stock as of such date. Each share of Class B Common Stock that is converted pursuant to this Section 3.8(a) shall be retired by the corporation and shall not be available for reissuance.


(b) Automatic Conversion of Class B Common Stock . (i) Each share of Class B Common Stock shall be automatically, without further action by the holder thereof, converted into one (1) fully paid and nonassessable share of Class A Common Stock, upon the occurrence of a Transfer (as defined in Section 4 of this ARTICLE IV), other than a Permitted Transfer (as defined in Section 4 of this ARTICLE IV), of such share of Class B Common Stock; (ii) all shares of Class B Common Stock shall be automatically, without further action by any holder thereof, converted into an identical number of fully paid and nonassessable shares of Class A Common Stock at such date and time, or the occurrence of an event, specified by the affirmative vote (or written consent if action by written consent of stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation) of the holders of a majority of the then outstanding shares Class B Common Stock, voting as a separate class.


(c) Certificates. Each outstanding stock certificate (if shares are in certificated form) that, immediately prior to a Conversion Event, represented one or more shares of Class B Common Stock subject to such Conversion Event shall, upon such Conversion Event, be deemed to represent an equal number of shares of Class A Common Stock, without the need for surrender or exchange thereof. The corporation shall, upon the request of any holder whose shares of Class B Common Stock have been converted into shares of Class A Common Stock as a result of a Conversion Event and upon surrender by such holder to the corporation of the outstanding certificate(s) formerly representing such holder’s shares of Class B Common Stock (if any), issue and deliver to such holder certificate(s) representing the shares of Class A Common Stock into which such holder’s shares of Class B Common Stock Stock were converted as a result of such Conversion Event (if such shares are certificated) or, if such shares are uncertificated, register such shares in book-entry form. Each share of Class B Common Stock that is converted pursuant to Section 3 of ARTICLE IV shall thereupon be retired by the corporation and shall not be available for reissuance.


(d ) Policies and Procedures. The corporation may, from time to time, establish such policies and procedures, not in violation of applicable law or the other provisions of this Certificate of Incorporation , relating to the conversion of the Class B Common Stock into Class A Common Stock, as it may deem necessary or advisable in connection therewith. If the corporation has reason to believe that a Transfer giving rise to a conversion of shares of Class B Common Stock into Class A Common Stock has occurred but has not theretofore been reflected on the books of the corporation, the corporation may request that the holder of such shares furnish affidavits or other evidence to the corporation as the corporation deems necessary to determine whether a conversion of shares of Class B Common Stock to Class A Common Stock has occurred, and if such holder does not within ten (10) days after the date of such request furnish sufficient evidence to the corporation (in the manner provided in the request) to enable the corporation to determine that no such conversion has occurred, any such shares of Class B Common Stock, to the extent not previously converted, shall be automatically converted into shares of Class A Common Stock and the same shall thereupon be registered on the books and records of the corporation. In connection with any action of stockholders taken at a meeting or by written consent (if action by written consent of stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation), the stock ledger of the corporation shall be presumptive evidence as to who are the stockholders entitled to vote in person or by proxy at any meeting of stockholders or in connection with any such written consent and the class or classes or series of shares held by each such stockholder and the number of shares of each class or classes or series held by such stockholder.


3.9 Reservation of Stock . The corporation shall at all times reserve and keep available out of its authorized but unissued shares of Class A Common Stock, solely for the purpose of effecting the conversion of the shares of Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock , such number of shares of Class A Common Stock as shall from time to time be sufficient to effect the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock and Class C Capital Stock into shares of Class A Common Stock.


3.10 Protective Provision . The corporation shall not, whether by merger, consolidation or otherwise, amend, alter, repeal or waive Sections 3 or 4 of this Article IV (or adopt any provision inconsistent therewith), without first obtaining the affirmative vote (or written consent if action by written consent of stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation) of the holders of a majority of the then outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock, and Class C Capital Stock, each voting as a separate class, in addition to any other vote required by applicable law, this Certificate of Incorporation or the Bylaws; provided , however ; the date provided for in clause (iii) of Section 3.8(b) for an Automatic Conversion Event can be changed to an earlier date with the consent of a majority of the Directors.


4. Definitions . For purposes of this Certificate of Incorporation:


4.1 “Approved Executive Officer” means (i) the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation, (ii) the Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, (iii) any other position that would constitute an “executive officer” of the corporation under Rule 3b-7 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or (iv) with the approval of the majority of the Directors, any other position or role with the corporation designated as an “Approved Executive Officer.”


4.2 “Cause” shall mean the occurrence of any of the following: (i) an Officers’ willful and continued failure substantially to perform his duties and responsibilities to the corporation (other than a failure resulting from incapacity due to physical or mental illness) that is materially and demonstrably injurious to the corporation; (ii) an Officers’ deliberate violation of a policy of the corporation applicable to the Officer that is materially and demonstrably injurious to the corporation; (iii) the Officers' commission of any act of fraud, embezzlement, willful dishonesty or any other willful misconduct with respect to the Officers' duties as an Approved Executive Officer that has caused a material and demonstrable injury to the corporation; (iv) the Officers' deliberate unauthorized use or disclosure of any proprietary information or trade secrets of the corporation or any other party to whom the Officer owes an obligation of nondisclosure as a result of his duties as an Approved Executive Officer that is materially and demonstrably injurious to the corporation; or (v) the Officers' willful breach of any written agreement or covenant with the corporation that is materially and demonstrably injurious to the corporation; provided, that (A) in each case, for purposes of determining whether conduct constitutes willful or deliberate conduct, no act or failure to act on the Officers' part shall be considered “willful” or “deliberate” unless it is done by the Officer in bad faith and without reasonable belief that the Officers' action or inaction was in the best interests of the corporation; (B) any act, or failure to act, based on authority given pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the corporation’s Board of Directors or based on the written advice of counsel for the corporation will be conclusively presumed to be done, or omitted to be done, by the Officer in good faith and in the best interests of the corporation; and (C) the Officers' leave or resignation in accordance with Sections 4.18(a) or 4.18(b) hereof shall not be deemed an occurrence giving rise to Cause. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Officer shall not be deemed terminated for Cause as an Approved Executive Officer for purposes of Section 3.8(b) of this ARTICLE IV unless and until (x) a written notice of intent to terminate the Officer for “Cause,” specifying the particulars of the conduct of the Officer forming the basis for such, is given to the Officer based on the approval of at least 75% of the Directors within sixty (60) days of the initial awareness of such conduct by the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer or General Counsel of the corporation or by any member of the Board of Directors and (y) subsequently at least 75% of the Directors find at an in-person meeting, after reasonable notice to the Officer (which notice shall be delivered in writing at least sixty (60) days prior to such meeting and indicate that the corporation’s Board of Directors will consider a termination of the Officers' as an Approved Executive Officer at such meeting), and an opportunity for the Officer and his counsel to be heard in person by the Board of Directors, that (1) termination of the Officer for “Cause” is justified and (2) the Officer has not cured the conduct giving rise to such termination for “Cause” (for purposes of this Section 4.2, a meeting shall be deemed to have been held “in-person” if a majority of the members of the Board of Directors (including at least 75% of the Directors), other than the Officer, attend the meeting in person). The Officer shall have sixty (60) days (or such longer period specified in the notice of intent to terminate for “Cause”) from receipt of a notice of intent to terminate for “Cause” to cure the conditions set forth in such notice, if such conditions are subject to cure. Any purported termination as an Approved Executive Officer for “Cause” must meet the requirements of this Section 4.2. Any purported termination as an Approved Executive Officer that does not comply with the foregoing, including any termination prior to the expiration of the sixty (60) day cure period, shall be deemed to be a termination without “Cause”.


4.3 Change in Control Transaction ” means the occurrence of any of the following events:


(a) the sale, lease, exchange, encumbrance or other disposition (other than licenses that do not constitute an effective disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the corporation and its subsidiaries taken as a whole, and the grant of security interests in the ordinary course of business) by the corporation of all or substantially all of the corporation’s assets; or


(b) the merger or consolidation of the corporation with or into any other entity, other than a merger or consolidation that would result in the Class B Common Stock of the corporation outstanding immediately prior thereto continuing to represent (either by remaining outstanding or by being converted into voting securities of the surviving entity or its sole parent entity) more than fifty percent (50%) of the total voting power represented by the voting securities of the corporation or such surviving entity or its sole parent entity outstanding immediately after such merger or consolidation.


4.4 Permitted Transfer ” shall mean, and be restricted to, any Transfer of a share of Class B Common Stock:

(a) by a Qualified Stockholder (or the estate of a deceased Qualified Stockholder) to (i) one or more Family Members of such Qualified Stockholder, or (ii) any Permitted Entity of such Qualified Stockholder; or (iii) to such Qualified Stockholder’s revocable living trust, which revocable living trust is itself both a Permitted Trust and a Qualified Stockholder;


(b) by a Permitted Entity of a Qualified Stockholder to (i) such Qualified Stockholder or one or more Family Members of such Qualified Stockholder, or (ii) any other Permitted Entity of such Qualified Stockholder; or


4.5 Permitted Transferee ” shall mean a transferee of shares of Class B Common Stock received in a Transfer that constitutes a Permitted Transfer.


4.6 “Qualified Stockholder” shall mean (a) the registered holder of a share of Class B Common Stock as of the Covered Security Date; (b) the initial registered holder of any shares of Class B Common Stock that are originally issued by the corporation after the Covered Security Date pursuant to the exercise or conversion of options or warrants or settlement of restricted stock units (RSUs) that, in each case, are outstanding as of the Covered Security Date; (c) each natural person who Transferred shares of or equity awards for Class B Common Stock (including any option or warrant exercisable or convertible into or any RSU that can be settled in shares of Class B Common Stock) to a Permitted Entity that is or becomes a Qualified Stockholder.


4.7 “ Transfer ” of a share of Class B Common Stock shall mean, directly or indirectly, any sale, assignment, transfer, conveyance, hypothecation or other transfer or disposition of such share or any legal or beneficial interest in such share, whether or not for value and whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law (including by merger, consolidation or otherwise), including, without limitation, a transfer of a share of Class B Common Stock to a broker or other nominee (regardless of whether there is a corresponding change in beneficial ownership), or the transfer of, or entering into a binding agreement with respect to, Voting Control (as defined below) over such share by proxy or otherwise. A “Transfer” shall also be deemed to have occurred with respect to a share of Class B Common Stock beneficially held by (i) an entity that is a Permitted Entity, if there occurs any act or circumstance that causes such entity to no longer be a Permitted Entity or (ii) an entity that is a Qualified Stockholder, if there occurs a Transfer on a cumulative basis, from and after the Covered Security Date, of a majority of the voting power of the voting securities of such entity or any direct or indirect Parent of such entity, other than a Transfer to parties that are, as of the Covered Security Date, holders of voting securities of any such entity or Parent of such entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following shall not be considered a “Transfer” within the meaning of this ARTICLE IV:


(a) the granting of a revocable proxy to officers or directors of the corporation at the request of the Board of Directors in connection with actions to be taken at an annual or special meeting of stockholders or in connection with any action by written consent of the stockholders solicited by the Board of Directors (if action by written consent of stockholders is permitted at such time under this Certificate of Incorporation);


(b) entering into a voting trust, agreement or arrangement (with or without granting a proxy) solely with stockholders who are holders of Class B Common Stock, which voting trust, agreement or arrangement (i) is disclosed either in a Schedule 13D filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission or in writing to the Secretary of the corporation, (ii) either has a term not exceeding one (1) year or is terminable by the holder of the shares subject thereto at any time and (iii) does not involve any payment of cash, securities, property or other consideration to the holder of the shares subject thereto other than the mutual promise to vote shares in a designated manner;


(c) the pledge of shares of Class B Common Stock by a stockholder that creates a mere security interest in such shares pursuant to a bona fide loan or indebtedness transaction for so long as such stockholder continues to exercise Voting Control over such pledged shares; provided , however , that a foreclosure on such shares or other similar action by the pledgee shall constitute a “Transfer” unless such foreclosure or similar action qualifies as a “Permitted Transfer” at such time; or


4.8 Voting Threshold Date ” shall mean 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the first day falling on or after the date on which the outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock represent less than a majority of the total voting power of the then outstanding shares of the corporation then entitled to vote generally in the election of directors.




The Board of Directors of the corporation shall have the power to adopt, amend or repeal the Bylaws of the corporation. Any adoption, amendment or repeal of the Bylaws of the corporation by the Board of Directors shall require the approval of a majority of the Whole Board. For purposes of this Certificate of Incorporation, the term “ Whole Board ” shall mean the total number of authorized directors whether or not there exist any vacancies in previously authorized directorships. The stockholders shall also have power to adopt, amend or repeal the Bylaws of the corporation. Prior to the Voting Threshold Date, in addition to any vote of the holders of any class or series of stock of the corporation required by applicable law or by this Certificate of Incorporation (including any Preferred Stock issued pursuant to a Certificate of Designation), such adoption, amendment or repeal of the Bylaws of the corporation by the stockholders shall require the affirmative vote of a majority in voting power of all of the then outstanding shares of capital stock of the corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, voting together as a single class. From and after the Voting Threshold Date, in addition to any vote of the holders of any class or series of stock of the corporation required by applicable law or by this Certificate of Incorporation (including any Preferred Stock issued pursuant to a Certificate of Designation), such adoption, amendment or repeal of the Bylaws of the corporation by the stockholders shall require the affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds of the voting power of all of the then-outstanding shares of the capital stock of the corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, voting together as a single class.




1. Director Powers . The business and affairs of the corporation shall be managed by or under the direction of the Board of Directors. In addition to the powers and authority expressly conferred upon them by statute or by this Certificate of Incorporation or the Bylaws of the corporation, the directors are hereby empowered to exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the corporation.


2. Number of Directors . Subject to the rights of the holders of any series of Common Stock to elect additional directors under specified circumstances, the number of directors shall be fixed from time to time exclusively by resolution adopted by a majority of the Whole Board.


3. Term and Removal . Each director shall hold office until such director’s successor is elected and qualified, or until such director’s earlier death, resignation or removal. Any director may resign at any time upon notice to the corporation given in writing or by any electronic transmission permitted in the corporation’s Bylaws or in accordance with applicable law. Subject to the rights of the holders of any series of Preferred Stock with respect to directors elected thereby, from and after the effectiveness of the Classified Board, no director may be removed except for cause and only by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the voting power of the then-outstanding shares of capital stock of the corporation then entitled to vote at an election of directors voting together as a single class. No decrease in the number of directors constituting the Whole Board shall shorten the term of any incumbent director.


4. Board Vacancies . All vacancies in the Board of Directors, whether caused by resignation, death of otherwise, may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining director or directors, even though they constitute less than a quorum, or by a majority vote of the stockholders. This may be accomplished at any special or regular meeting of the Board of Directors or by the stockholders at any regular or special meeting. A director thus elected to fill any vacancies shall hold office for the unexpired term of their predecessor and until their successor is elected and qualified.


5. Vote by Ballot . Election of directors need not be by written ballot.


6. Actions by Directors . Unless the Board otherwise provides, when the Directors are required to consent, approve, make findings or determinations or take any of the other actions specified in Sections 3 and 4 of ARTICLE IV (“ Director Actions ”), such Director Actions shall be conducted in the same manner as the Board conducts its business pursuant to the Bylaws of the Corporation.







1. Limitation of Liability . To the fullest extent permitted by law, no director of the corporation shall be personally liable to the corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director. Without limiting the effect of the preceding sentence, if the General Corporation Law is hereafter amended to authorize the further elimination or limitation of the liability of a director, then the liability of a director of the corporation shall be eliminated or limited to the fullest extent permitted by the General Corporation Law, as so amended.


2. Indemnification . The corporation shall indemnify to the fullest extent permitted by law any person made or threatened to be made a party to an action or proceeding, whether criminal, civil, administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that he, his testator or intestate is or was a director or officer of the corporation or any predecessor of the corporation , or serves or served at any other enterprise as a director or officer at the request of the corporation or any predecessor to the corporation.


3. Change in Rights . Neither any amendment nor repeal of this ARTICLE VII, nor the adoption of any provision of this Certificate of Incorporation inconsistent with this ARTICLE VII, shall eliminate or reduce the effect of this ARTICLE VII in respect of any matter occurring, or any action or proceeding accruing or arising or that, but for this ARTICLE VII, would accrue or arise, prior to such amendment, repeal or adoption of an inconsistent provision.




1. Informal Action By Stockholders . Unless otherwise provided in the Delaware Corporate Law, any action that may be taken at any annual or special meeting of shareholders may be taken without a meeting and without prior notice if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, is signed by the holders of outstanding shares having not less than two-thirds (66.6%) percent of votes that would be necessary to authorize or take such action at a meeting at which all shares entitled to vote on such action were present and voted. Unless the consents of all shareholders entitled to vote have been solicited in writing, and unless the majority written consent of all shareholders has been received, the Secretary shall give prompt notice of the corporate action approved by the shareholders without a meeting.


2. Special Meeting of Stockholders . Subject to the rights of the Shareholders of with respect to actions by the Shareholders, special meetings of the stockholders of the corporation may be called only by the Board of Directors acting pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the Whole Board, the Chief Executive Officer, or the President or the Chairperson of the Board, and may not be called by any other person or persons. Business transacted at special meetings of stockholders shall be confined to the purpose or purposes stated in the notice of meeting.


3. Advance Notice of Stockholder Nominations . Advance notice of stockholder nominations for the election of directors of the corporation and of business to be brought by stockholders before any meeting of stockholders of the corporation shall be given in the manner provided in the Bylaws of the corporation.


4. Business Combinations . The corporation elects not to be governed by Section 203 of the General Corporation Law.




Unless the corporation consents in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, be the sole and exclusive forum for (1) any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of the corporation, (2) any action asserting a claim of breach of a fiduciary duty owed by, or other wrongdoing by, any director, officer, employee , agent or stockholder of the corporation to the corporation or the corporation’s stockholders, (3) any action asserting a claim arising pursuant to any provision of the General Corporation Law or the corporation’s Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws, (4) any action to interpret, apply, enforce or determine the validity of the corporation’s Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws or (5) any action asserting a claim governed by the internal affairs doctrine, in each such case subject to said Court of Chancery having personal jurisdiction over the indispensable parties named as defendants therein. Any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring any interest in shares of capital stock of the corporation shall be deemed to have notice of and consented to the provisions of this ARTICLE IX.




The corporation reserves the right to amend or repeal any provision contained in this Certificate of Incorporation in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Delaware and all rights conferred upon stockholders are granted subject to this reservation; provided, however , that, notwithstanding any other provision of this Certificate of Incorporation or any provision of applicable law that might otherwise permit a lesser vote or no vote, but in addition to any vote of the holders of any class or series of the capital stock of this corporation required by applicable law or by this Certificate of Incorporation, from and after the Voting Threshold Date, any amendment to or repeal of this ARTICLE X or ARTICLE V, ARTICLE VI, ARTICLE VII, ARTICLE VIII or ARTICLE IX of this Certificate of Incorporation (or the adoption of any provision inconsistent therewith) shall require the affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds of the voting power of the then outstanding shares of capital stock of the corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, voting together as a single class.

* * * * * * * * * * *






Appendix E to this Information Statement



SECTIONS 92A.300-92A.500




NRS 92A.300  Definitions.   As used in NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 92A.305 to 92A.335, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

                (Added to NRS by 1995, 2086)


NRS 92A.305  “Beneficial stockholder” defined.   “Beneficial stockholder” means a person who is a beneficial owner of shares held in a voting trust or by a nominee as the stockholder of record.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2087)


NRS 92A.310  “Corporate action” defined.   “Corporate action” means the action of a domestic corporation.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2087)


NRS 92A.315  “Dissenter” defined.   “Dissenter” means a stockholder who is entitled to dissent from a domestic corporation’s action under NRS 92A.380 and who exercises that right when and in the manner required by NRS 92A.400 to 92A.480, inclusive.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2087; A 1999, 1631)


NRS 92A.320  “Fair value” defined.   “Fair value,” with respect to a dissenter’s shares, means the value of the shares determined:

1.  Immediately before the effectuation of the corporate action to which the dissenter objects, excluding any appreciation or depreciation in anticipation of the corporate action unless exclusion would be inequitable;

2.  Using customary and current valuation concepts and techniques generally employed for similar businesses in the context of the transaction requiring appraisal; and

3.  Without discounting for lack of marketability or minority status.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2087; A 2009, 1720)


NRS 92A.325  “Stockholder” defined.   “Stockholder” means a stockholder of record or a beneficial stockholder of a domestic corporation.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2087)


NRS 92A.330  “Stockholder of record” defined.   “Stockholder of record” means the person in whose name shares are registered in the records of a domestic corporation or the beneficial owner of shares to the extent of the rights granted by a nominee’s certificate on file with the domestic corporation.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2087)


NRS 92A.335  “Subject corporation” defined.   “Subject corporation” means the domestic corporation which is the issuer of the shares held by a dissenter before the corporate action creating the dissenter’s rights becomes effective or the surviving or acquiring entity of that issuer after the corporate action becomes effective.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2087)


             NRS 92A.340  Computation of interest.   Interest payable pursuant to NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive, must be computed from the effective date of the action until the date of payment, at the rate of interest most recently established pursuant to NRS 99.040.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2087; A 2009, 1721)


NRS 92A.350  Rights of dissenting partner of domestic limited partnership. A partnership agreement of a domestic limited partnership or, unless otherwise provided in the partnership agreement, an agreement of merger or exchange, may provide that contractual rights with respect to the partnership interest of a dissenting general or limited partner of a domestic limited partnership are available for any class or group of partnership interests in connection with any merger or exchange in which the domestic limited partnership is a constituent entity.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2088)


NRS 92A.360  Rights of dissenting member of domestic limited-liability company.   The articles of organization or operating agreement of a domestic limited-liability company or, unless otherwise provided in the articles of organization or operating agreement, an agreement of merger or exchange, may provide that contractual rights with respect to the interest of a dissenting member are available in connection with any merger or exchange in which the domestic limited-liability company is a constituent entity.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2088)


NRS 92A.370  Rights of dissenting member of domestic nonprofit corporation.

1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, and unless otherwise provided in the articles or bylaws, any member of any constituent domestic nonprofit corporation who voted against the merger may, without prior notice, but within 30 days after the effective date of the merger, resign from membership and is thereby excused from all contractual obligations to the constituent or surviving corporations which did not occur before the member’s resignation and is thereby entitled to those rights, if any, which would have existed if there had been no merger and the membership had been terminated or the member had been expelled.

2.  Unless otherwise provided in its articles of incorporation or bylaws, no member of a domestic nonprofit corporation, including, but not limited to, a cooperative corporation, which supplies services described in chapter 704 of NRS to its members only, and no person who is a member of a domestic nonprofit corporation as a condition of or by reason of the ownership of an interest in real property, may resign and dissent pursuant to subsection 1.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2088)


NRS 92A.380  Right of stockholder to dissent from certain corporate actions and to obtain payment for shares.

1.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 92A.370 and 92A.390, any stockholder is entitled to dissent from, and obtain payment of the fair value of the stockholder’s shares in the event of any of the following corporate actions:

(a) Consummation of a plan of merger to which the domestic corporation is a constituent entity:

(1) If approval by the stockholders is required for the merger by NRS 92A.120 to 92A.160, inclusive, or the articles of incorporation, regardless of whether the stockholder is entitled to vote on the plan of merger; or

(2) If the domestic corporation is a subsidiary and is merged with its parent pursuant to NRS 92A.180.

(b) Consummation of a plan of conversion to which the domestic corporation is a constituent entity as the corporation whose subject owner’s interests will be converted.

(c) Consummation of a plan of exchange to which the domestic corporation is a constituent entity as the corporation whose subject owner’s interests will be acquired, if the stockholder’s shares are to be acquired in the plan of exchange.

(d) Any corporate action taken pursuant to a vote of the stockholders to the extent that the articles of incorporation, bylaws or a resolution of the board of directors provides that voting or nonvoting stockholders are entitled to dissent and obtain payment for their shares.

(e) Accordance of full voting rights to control shares, as defined in NRS 78.3784, only to the extent provided for pursuant to NRS 78.3793.


(f) Any corporate action not described in this subsection that will result in the stockholder receiving money or scrip instead of fractional shares except where the stockholder would not be entitled to receive such payment pursuant to NRS 78.205, 78.2055 or 78.207.


2.  A stockholder who is entitled to dissent and obtain payment pursuant to NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive, may not challenge the corporate action creating the entitlement unless the action is unlawful or fraudulent with respect to the stockholder or the domestic corporation.

3.  From and after the effective date of any corporate action described in subsection 1, no stockholder who has exercised the right to dissent pursuant to NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive, is entitled to vote his or her shares for any purpose or to receive payment of dividends or any other distributions on shares. This subsection does not apply to dividends or other distributions payable to stockholders on a date before the effective date of any corporate action from which the stockholder has dissented.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2087; A 2001, 1414, 3199; 2003, 3189; 2005, 2204; 2007, 2438; 2009, 1721)


NRS 92A.390  Limitations on right of dissent: Stockholders of certain classes or series; action of stockholders not required for plan of merger.

1.  There is no right of dissent with respect to a plan of merger, conversion or exchange in favor of stockholders of any class or series which is:

(a) A covered security under section 18(b)(1)(A) or (B) of the Securities Act of 1933, 15 U.S.C. § 77r(b)(1)(A) or (B), as amended;

(b) Traded in an organized market and has at least 2,000 stockholders and a market value of at least $20,000,000, exclusive of the value of such shares held by the corporation’s subsidiaries, senior executives, directors and beneficial stockholders owning more than 10 percent of such shares; or

(c) Issued by an open end management investment company registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and which may be redeemed at the option of the holder at net asset value, unless the articles of incorporation of the corporation issuing the class or series provide otherwise.

2.  The applicability of subsection 1 must be determined as of:

(a) The record date fixed to determine the stockholders entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the meeting of stockholders to act upon the corporate action requiring dissenter’s rights; or

(b) The day before the effective date of such corporate action if there is no meeting of stockholders.

3.  Subsection 1 is not applicable and dissenter’s rights are available pursuant to NRS 92A.380 for the holders of any class or series of shares who are required by the terms of the corporate action requiring dissenter’s rights to accept for such shares anything other than cash or shares of any class or any series of shares of any corporation, or any other proprietary interest of any other entity, that satisfies the standards set forth in subsection 1 at the time the corporate action becomes effective.

4.  There is no right of dissent for any holders of stock of the surviving domestic corporation if the plan of merger does not require action of the stockholders of the surviving domestic corporation under NRS 92A.130.

5.  There is no right of dissent for any holders of stock of the parent domestic corporation if the plan of merger does not require action of the stockholders of the parent domestic corporation under NRS 92A.180.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2088; A 2009, 1722)


NRS 92A.400  Limitations on right of dissent: Assertion as to portions only to shares registered to stockholder; assertion by beneficial stockholder.

1.  A stockholder of record may assert dissenter’s rights as to fewer than all of the shares registered in his or her name only if the stockholder of record dissents with respect to all shares of the class or series beneficially owned by any one person and notifies the subject corporation in writing of the name and address of each person on whose behalf the stockholder of record asserts dissenter’s rights. The rights of a partial dissenter under this subsection are determined as if the shares as to which the partial dissenter dissents and his or her other shares were registered in the names of different stockholders.

2.  A beneficial stockholder may assert dissenter’s rights as to shares held on his or her behalf only if the beneficial stockholder:


(a) Submits to the subject corporation the written consent of the stockholder of record to the dissent not later than the time the beneficial stockholder asserts dissenter’s rights; and

(b) Does so with respect to all shares of which he or she is the beneficial stockholder or over which he or she has power to direct the vote.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2089; A 2009, 1723)


NRS 92A.410  Notification of stockholders regarding right of dissent.

1.  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters’ rights is submitted to a vote at a stockholders’ meeting, the notice of the meeting must state that stockholders are, are not or may be entitled to assert dissenters’ rights under NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive. If the domestic corporation concludes that dissenter’s rights are or may be available, a copy of NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive, must accompany the meeting notice sent to those record stockholders entitled to exercise dissenter’s rights. 

2.  If the corporate action creating dissenters’ rights is taken by written consent of the stockholders or without a vote of the stockholders, the domestic corporation shall notify in writing all stockholders entitled to assert dissenters’ rights that the action was taken and send them the dissenter’s notice described in NRS 92A.430.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2089; A 1997, 730; 2009, 1723)


NRS 92A.420  Prerequisites to demand for payment for shares.

1.  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters’ rights is submitted to a vote at a stockholders’ meeting, a stockholder who wishes to assert dissenter’s rights with respect to any class or series of shares:

(a) Must deliver to the subject corporation, before the vote is taken, written notice of the stockholder’s intent to demand payment for his or her shares if the proposed action is effectuated; and

(b) Must not vote, or cause or permit to be voted, any of his or her shares of such class or series in favor of the proposed action.

2.  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters’ rights is taken by written consent of the stockholders, a stockholder who wishes to assert dissenters’ rights with respect to any class or series of shares must not consent to or approve the proposed corporate action with respect to such class or series.

3.  A stockholder who does not satisfy the requirements of subsection 1 or 2 and NRS 92A.400 is not entitled to payment for his or her shares under this chapter.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2089; A 1999, 1631; 2005, 2204; 2009, 1723)


NRS 92A.430  Dissenter’s notice: Delivery to stockholders entitled to assert rights; contents.

1.  The subject corporation shall deliver a written dissenter’s notice to all stockholders entitled to assert dissenters’ rights.

2.  The dissenter’s notice must be sent no later than 10 days after the effective date of the corporate action specified in NRS 92A.380, and must:

(a) State where the demand for payment must be sent and where and when certificates, if any, for shares must be deposited;

(b) Inform the holders of shares not represented by certificates to what extent the transfer of the shares will be restricted after the demand for payment is received;

(c) Supply a form for demanding payment that includes the date of the first announcement to the news media or to the stockholders of the terms of the proposed action and requires that the person asserting dissenter’s rights certify whether or not the person acquired beneficial ownership of the shares before that date;

(d) Set a date by which the subject corporation must receive the demand for payment, which may not be less than 30 nor more than 60 days after the date the notice is delivered and state that the stockholder shall be deemed to have waived the right to demand payment with respect to the shares unless the form is received by the subject corporation by such specified date; and 

(e) Be accompanied by a copy of NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2089; A 2005, 2205; 2009, 1724)


NRS 92A.440  Demand for payment and deposit of certificates; loss of rights of stockholder; withdrawal from appraisal process.

1.  A stockholder who receives a dissenter’s notice pursuant to NRS 92A.430 and who wishes to exercise dissenter’s rights must:

(a) Demand payment;

(b) Certify whether the stockholder or the beneficial owner on whose behalf he or she is dissenting, as the case may be, acquired beneficial ownership of the shares before the date required to be set forth in the dissenter’s notice for this certification; and

(c) Deposit the stockholder’s certificates, if any, in accordance with the terms of the notice.

2.  If a stockholder fails to make the certification required by paragraph (b) of subsection 1, the subject corporation may elect to treat the stockholder’s shares as after-acquired shares under NRS 92A.470.

3.  Once a stockholder deposits that stockholder’s certificates or, in the case of uncertified shares makes demand for payment, that stockholder loses all rights as a stockholder, unless the stockholder withdraws pursuant to subsection 4.

4.  A stockholder who has complied with subsection 1 may nevertheless decline to exercise dissenter’s rights and withdraw from the appraisal process by so notifying the subject corporation in writing by the date set forth in the dissenter’s notice pursuant to NRS 92A.430. A stockholder who fails to so withdraw from the appraisal process may not thereafter withdraw without the subject corporation’s written consent.

5.  The stockholder who does not demand payment or deposit his or her certificates where required, each by the date set forth in the dissenter’s notice, is not entitled to payment for his or her shares under this chapter.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2090; A 1997, 730; 2003, 3189; 2009, 1724)


NRS 92A.450  Uncertificated shares: Authority to restrict transfer after demand for payment.   The subject corporation may restrict the transfer of shares not represented by a certificate from the date the demand for their payment is received.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2090; A 2009, 1725)

NRS 92A.460  Payment for shares: General requirements.

1.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 92A.470, within 30 days after receipt of a demand for payment, the subject corporation shall pay in cash to each dissenter who complied with NRS 92A.440 the amount the subject corporation estimates to be the fair value of the dissenter’s shares, plus accrued interest. The obligation of the subject corporation under this subsection may be enforced by the district court:

(a) Of the county where the subject corporation’s principal office is located;

(b) If the subject corporation’s principal office is not located in this State, in the county in which the corporation’s registered office is located; or

(c) At the election of any dissenter residing or having its principal or registered office in this State, of the county where the dissenter resides or has its principal or registered office.

1. The court shall dispose of the complaint promptly.

2.  The payment must be accompanied by:

(a) The subject corporation’s balance sheet as of the end of a fiscal year ending not more than 16 months before the date of payment, a statement of income for that year, a statement of changes in the stockholders’ equity for that year or, where such financial statements are not reasonably available, then such reasonably equivalent financial information and the latest available quarterly financial statements, if any;

(b) A statement of the subject corporation’s estimate of the fair value of the shares; and

(c) A statement of the dissenter’s rights to demand payment under NRS 92A.480 and that if any such stockholder does not do so within the period specified, such stockholder shall be deemed to have accepted such payment in full satisfaction of the corporation’s obligations under this chapter.


(Added to NRS by 1995, 2090; A 2007, 2704; 2009, 1725)


NRS 92A.470  Withholding payment for shares acquired on or after date of dissenter’s notice: General requirements.

1.  A subject corporation may elect to withhold payment from a dissenter unless the dissenter was the beneficial owner of the shares before the date set forth in the dissenter’s notice as the first date of any announcement to the news media or to the stockholders of the terms of the proposed action.

2.  To the extent the subject corporation elects to withhold payment, within 30 days after receipt of a demand for payment, the subject corporation shall notify the dissenters described in subsection 1:

(a) Of the information required by paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NRS 92A.460;

(b) Of the subject corporation’s estimate of fair value pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NRS 92A.460;

(c) That they may accept the subject corporation’s estimate of fair value, plus interest, in full satisfaction of their demands or demand appraisal under NRS 92A.480;

(d) That those stockholders who wish to accept such an offer must so notify the subject corporation of their acceptance of the offer within 30 days after receipt of such offer; and

(e) That those stockholders who do not satisfy the requirements for demanding appraisal under NRS 92A.480 shall be deemed to have accepted the subject corporation’s offer.

3.  Within 10 days after receiving the stockholder’s acceptance pursuant to subsection 2, the subject corporation shall pay in cash the amount offered under paragraph (b) of subsection 2 to each stockholder who agreed to accept the subject corporation’s offer in full satisfaction of the stockholder’s demand.

4.  Within 40 days after sending the notice described in subsection 2, the subject corporation shall pay in cash the amount offered under paragraph (b) of subsection 2 to each stockholder described in paragraph (e) of subsection 2.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2091; A 2009, 1725) 


NRS 92A.480  Dissenter’s estimate of fair value: Notification of subject corporation; demand for payment of estimate.

1.  A dissenter paid pursuant to NRS 92A.460 who is dissatisfied with the amount of the payment may notify the subject corporation in writing of the dissenter’s own estimate of the fair value of his or her shares and the amount of interest due, and demand payment of such estimate, less any payment pursuant to NRS 92A.460. A dissenter offered payment pursuant to NRS 92A.470 who is dissatisfied with the offer may reject the offer pursuant to NRS 92A.470 and demand payment of the fair value of his or her shares and interest due.

2.  A dissenter waives the right to demand payment pursuant to this section unless the dissenter notifies the subject corporation of his or her demand to be paid the dissenter’s stated estimate of fair value plus interest under subsection 1 in writing within 30 days after receiving the subject corporation’s payment or offer of payment under NRS 92A.460 or 92A.470 and is entitled only to the payment made or offered.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2091; A 2009, 1726)


NRS 92A.490  Legal proceeding to determine fair value: Duties of subject corporation; powers of court; rights of dissenter.

1.  If a demand for payment remains unsettled, the subject corporation shall commence a proceeding within 60 days after receiving the demand and petition the court to determine the fair value of the shares and accrued interest. If the subject corporation does not commence the proceeding within the 60-day period, it shall pay each dissenter whose demand remains unsettled the amount demanded by each dissenter pursuant to NRS 92A.480 plus interest.

2.  A subject corporation shall commence the proceeding in the district court of the county where its principal office is located in this State. If the principal office of the subject corporation is not located in the State, it shall commence the proceeding in the county where the principal office of the domestic corporation merged with or whose shares were acquired by the foreign entity was located. If the principal office of the subject corporation and the domestic corporation merged with or whose shares were acquired is not located in this State, the subject corporation shall commence the proceeding in the district court in the county in which the corporation’s registered office is located.

3.  The subject corporation shall make all dissenters, whether or not residents of Nevada, whose demands remain unsettled, parties to the proceeding as in an action against their shares. All parties must be served with a copy of the petition. Nonresidents may be served by registered or certified mail or by publication as provided by law.

4.  The jurisdiction of the court in which the proceeding is commenced under subsection 2 is plenary and exclusive. The court may appoint one or more persons as appraisers to receive evidence and recommend a decision on the question of fair value. The appraisers have the powers described in the order appointing them, or any amendment thereto. The dissenters are entitled to the same discovery rights as parties in other civil proceedings.

5.  Each dissenter who is made a party to the proceeding is entitled to a judgment:

(a) For the amount, if any, by which the court finds the fair value of the dissenter’s shares, plus interest, exceeds the amount paid by the subject corporation; or

(b) For the fair value, plus accrued interest, of the dissenter’s after-acquired shares for which the subject corporation elected to withhold payment pursuant to NRS 92A.470.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2091; A 2007, 2705; 2009, 1727) 


NRS 92A.500  Assessment of costs and fees in certain legal proceedings.

1.  The court in a proceeding to determine fair value shall determine all of the costs of the proceeding, including the reasonable compensation and expenses of any appraisers appointed by the court. The court shall assess the costs against the subject corporation, except that the court may assess costs against all or some of the dissenters, in amounts the court finds equitable, to the extent the court finds the dissenters acted arbitrarily, vexatiously or not in good faith in demanding payment.

2.  The court may also assess the fees and expenses of the counsel and experts for the respective parties, in amounts the court finds equitable:

(a) Against the subject corporation and in favor of all dissenters if the court finds the subject corporation did not substantially comply with the requirements of NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive; or

(b) Against either the subject corporation or a dissenter in favor of any other party, if the court finds that the party against whom the fees and expenses are assessed acted arbitrarily, vexatiously or not in good faith with respect to the rights provided by NRS 92A.300 to 92A.500, inclusive.

3.  If the court finds that the services of counsel for any dissenter were of substantial benefit to other dissenters similarly situated, and that the fees for those services should not be assessed against the subject corporation, the court may award to those counsel reasonable fees to be paid out of the amounts awarded to the dissenters who were benefited.

4.  In a proceeding commenced pursuant to NRS 92A.460, the court may assess the costs against the subject corporation, except that the court may assess costs against all or some of the dissenters who are parties to the proceeding, in amounts the court finds equitable, to the extent the court finds that such parties did not act in good faith in instituting the proceeding.

5.  To the extent the subject corporation fails to make a required payment pursuant to NRS 92A.460, 92A.470 or 92A.480, the dissenter may bring a cause of action directly for the amount owed and, to the extent the dissenter prevails, is entitled to recover all expenses of the suit.

6.  This section does not preclude any party in a proceeding commenced pursuant to NRS 92A.460 or 92A.490 from applying the provisions of N.R.C.P. 68 or NRS 17.115.

(Added to NRS by 1995, 2092; A 2009, 1727)




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