RNS Number : 2342N

Arden Partners plc

28 January 2016

Arden Partners plc

("Arden" or the "Group")

Results for the year ended 31 October 2015

Arden Partners plc (AIM: ARDN), the institutional stockbroking company, today announces results for the year ended 31 October 2015.

Financial highlights

   --     Revenue GBP5.5 million (2014: GBP8.0 million) 
   --     (Loss)/profit before tax (GBP2.1) million (2014: GBP0.08 million) 
   --     Underlying (loss)/profit before tax* (GBP1.8) million (2014: GBP0.15million) 
   --     Basic (loss)/earnings per share (10.8p) (2014: 0.5p) 
   --     Capital adequacy ratio 392% (2014: 445%) 
   *     Profit before tax as adjusted for the effect of share based payments and reorganisation costs 

Operational highlights

   --     Luke Johnson appointed to the Board, as a Non-Executive Director, April 2015 
   --     Funds raised for clients GBP44m 
   --     Retained corporate clients 42 

Commenting on the results and Arden's outlook, Peter Moon, Chairman, said:

"Although Arden has struggled to capitalise on its strong institutional and corporate client base to increase market share in these challenging times, the book of mandated business since the year end has increased substantially and we are confident that work in progress will be converted to profitable business as the year progresses".

Arden Partners plc 020 7614 5900

James Reed-Daunter - Chief Executive Officer

Steve Wassell - Chief Operating Officer

Altium 020 7484 4040

Sam Fuller

Chairman's Statement

The trading environment continues to be extremely difficult.

Secular forces continue to reduce income from secondary trading and therefore place a greater emphasis on primary and corporate deals as drivers of profitability. We are continuing to position ourselves to take on this changing landscape.

Arden has struggled to capitalise on its strong institutional and corporate client base to increase market share in these challenging times. Additionally, industry reorganisation and restructuring has proceeded at a slower pace than we would have expected which has resulted in sub-standard returns across the sector.

Whilst this is not a time to be complacent, Arden's strong balance sheet puts us in a good position to continue making necessary changes to our model, thus allowing the firm to generate shareholder returns in the long term.

The board and management are determined to make the changes required to put Arden in a favourable position to take advantage of future opportunities.

Since the year end the book of mandated business has increased substantially and one high profile transaction has been completed. We are confident that work in progress will be converted to profitable business as the year progresses.

Given the calibre of the staff we have and their commitment to achieving results I am sure that Arden has a long and successful future ahead of it and thank everyone for their contributions in the past year.

I will be stepping down as a director and Chairman of Arden at the next AGM after five years on the board and Luke Johnson will take on the role. It has been an enjoyable, testing but stimulating period during which I have received strong support from the entire team at Arden, I thank them warmly for that and wish them and the company every good fortune in the future.

Peter Moon


Chief Executive's Statement

After a slower than expected first half, as referred to in my interim statement, the encouraging start to the second half failed to maintain momentum which in turn has led to a disappointing out-turn for the full year.

However, Arden continues to be managed tightly and we continue to make the changes necessary to adapt to evolving market conditions.

2015 has continued to see investment in personnel to further strengthen our product offering and client service. The team is focussed to maximise revenues in traditional areas, but also to add other growth sectors to our portfolio.

Financial Review

Revenue in the year ended 31 October 2015 was GBP5.5m compared to GBP8.0m in 2014. The underlying loss before taxation, which is stated before charging share-based payments and reorganisation costs, was GBP1.8m and compares to a profit before taxation in 2014, of GBP0.15m.

The basic loss per share was 10.8p compared to earnings per share of 0.5p in 2014.

The Board has continued its programme of buying back the Company's shares in order to enhance shareholder value, under the authority granted by the Shareholders. During the year ended 31 October 2015, the Company purchased 2,425,019 ordinary shares for a consideration of GBP1.1m. Of these purchases 2,330,130 shares were cancelled and the total share capital reduced accordingly.

At the financial year end the Company held 455,976 ordinary shares of 10 pence each in Treasury. The total cost of these shares was GBP0.3m.


Although market conditions continue to be challenging, with volatile global markets and commodity concerns in 2016, continuing the trends of the latter months of 2015, Arden has already booked a number of transactions in its new financial year and is working to complete further mandates from its healthy pipeline of corporate business.

With a strong balance sheet and a strong Board we continue to work hard to deliver shareholder value for the longer term.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff for their commitment through a challenging period.

James Reed-Daunter

Chief Executive Officer

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 31 October 2015

                                               2015       2014 
                                    Note    GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
  Revenue                            2        5,486      7,955 
  Administrative expenses                   (7,646)    (7,936) 
--------------------------------  ------ 
  (Loss)/profit from operations             (2,160)         19 
  Finance income                                 65         61 
  Finance expense                               (2)        (5) 
--------------------------------  ------ 
  (Loss)/profit before taxation             (2,097)         75 
  Income tax credit                               -         40 
--------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
  (Loss)/profit after taxation              (2,097)        115 
  Other comprehensive income 
   for the year: 
   Items that will or may be 
   reclassified subsequently 
   to profit or loss: 
   Decrease in fair value of 
   available for sale financial 
   assets                                       (7)       (12) 
   Deferred tax taken to equity                   6          - 
--------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
  Total comprehensive income 
   for the year attributable 
   to equity shareholders                   (2,098)        103 
================================  ======  =========  ========= 
   (Loss)/earnings per share 
  Basic                              3      (10.8p)       0.5p 
================================  ======  =========  ========= 
  Diluted                            3      (10.8p)       0.5p 
================================  ======  =========  ========= 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

At 31 October 2015

                                               2015       2015       2014       2014 
                                   Note     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
------------------------------  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Non-current assets 
  Property, plant and 
   equipment                                                25                    43 
  Deferred tax asset                                        84                    86 
  Total non-current 
   assets                                                  109                   129 
----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Current assets 
  Assets held at fair 
   value                                      1,703                 2,350 
  Available for sale 
   financial assets                             507                   467 
  Trade and other receivables                 2,138                 4,770 
  Stock borrowing collateral                    120                   102 
  Cash and cash equivalents                   5,372                 8,282 
  Corporation tax asset                          16                     8 
----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Total current assets                                   9,856                15,979 
----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Total assets                                           9,965                16,108 
----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Current liabilities 
  Financial liabilities 
   held at fair value                          (92)                  (75) 
  Trade and other payables                  (1,979)               (4,886) 
  Total current liabilities                            (2,071)               (4,961) 
----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Total liabilities                                    (2,071)               (4,961) 
----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Net assets                                             7,894                11,147 
========================================  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
  Shareholders' equity 
  Called up share capital        2,063     2,296 
  Capital redemption 
   reserve                         700       467 

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January 28, 2016 02:01 ET (07:01 GMT)

  Share premium account          2,933     2,933 
  Employee Benefit Trust 
   reserve                       (849)     (849) 
  Available for sale 
   reserve                         (6)      (33) 
  Retained earnings              3,348     6,597 
-----------------------------  -------  -------- 
  Total equity before 
   deduction of own shares       8,189    11,411 
  Own shares                     (295)     (264) 
-----------------------------  -------  -------- 
  Total equity                   7,894    11,147 
=============================  =======  ======== 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the year ended 31 October 2015

                                                2015        2014 
                                             GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------------------------   ---------  ---------- 
Operating activities before 
(Loss)/profit before tax                     (2,097)          75 
Adjustments for: 
Fair value adjustments of 
 derivative financial assets                     287         538 
  Depreciation of fixtures, 
   fittings and computer equipment                25          82 
  Net interest receivable                       (63)        (57) 
  Share based payments                           111          77 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Operating cash flow before 
   changes in working capital                (1,737)         715 
  Decrease in operating assets                 2,976      18,673 
  Decrease in operating liabilities          (2,892)    (14,111) 
  Purchase of available for                    (513)           - 
   sale investments 
  Proceeds from disposal of                      466           - 
   available for sale investments 
  Cash generated from operations             (1,700)       5,277 
  Income taxes paid                                -       (286) 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Net cash flows from operating 
   activities                                (1,700)       4,991 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Investing activities 
  Purchases of property, plant 
   and equipment                                 (7)        (33) 
  Net interest received                           63          57 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Net cash flows from investing 
   activities                                     56          24 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Financing activities 
  Proceeds from the sale of 
   own shares                                     10         222 
  Purchase of own shares                     (1,136)       (322) 
  Dividends paid to equity shareholders        (140)       (366) 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Net cash flows from financing 
   activities                                (1,266)       (466) 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------- 
  (Decrease)/increase in cash 
   and cash equivalents                      (2,910)       4,549 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at the beginning of the year                8,282       3,733 
-----------------------------------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at the end of the year                      5,372       8,282 
=========================================  =========  ========== 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 31 October 2015

                                                Capital                Employee      Available 
                                   Share     Redemption         Own     Benefit            for 
                       Share     Premium        Reserve      shares       Trust           sale     Retained 
                     capital     account                                Reserve        Reserve     earnings      Total 
                     GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------- 
   1 November 
   2013                2,296       2,933            467           -     (1,046)           (21)        6,804     11,433 
  Profit for 
   year                    -           -              -           -           -              -          115        115 
   of available 
   for sale 
   assets                  -           -              -           -           -           (12)            -       (12) 
                  ----------  ----------  -------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------- 
   income for 
   the year                -           -              -           -           -           (12)          115        103 
  by and 
  to owners 
   of own shares           -           -              -       (322)           -              -            -      (322) 
  Sale of 
   own shares              -           -              -          58           -              -            -         58 
  Share based 
   payments                -           -              -           -           -              -           77         77 
  Sale of 
   shares by 
   Trust to 
   share schemes           -           -              -           -         197              -         (33)        164 
   paid to 
   shareholders            -           -              -           -           -              -        (366)      (366) 
   31 October 
   2014                2,296       2,933            467       (264)       (849)           (33)        6,597     11,147 
  Profit for 
   year                    -           -              -           -           -              -      (2,097)    (2,097) 
   tax taken 
   to equity               -           -              -           -           -              -            6          6 
   of available 
   for sale 
   assets                  -           -              -           -           -            (7)            -        (7) 
   to retained 
   on disposal 
   of available 
   for sale 
   assets                  -           -              -           -           -             34         (34)          - 
   income for 
   the year                -           -              -           -           -             27      (2,125)    (2,098) 
  by and 
  to owners 
   of own shares           -           -              -     (1,136)           -              -            -    (1,136) 
  Sale of 
   own shares              -           -              -          10           -              -            -         10 
  Own shares 
   cancelled           (233)           -            233       1,095           -              -      (1,095)          - 
  Share based 
   payments                -           -              -           -           -              -          111        111 
   paid to 
   shareholders            -           -              -           -           -              -        (140)      (140) 
   31 October 
   2015                2,063       2,933            700       (295)       (849)            (6)        3,348      7,894 
================  ==========  ==========  =============  ==========  ==========  =============  ===========  ========= 


1. The capital redemption reserve represents the nominal value of shares that have been cancelled that were previously held as Own Shares.

   2.       Own Shares represents shares purchased to be held as treasury shares at historical cost. 

3. The Employee Benefit Trust reserve represents shares held in the parent Company by the Arden Partners Employee Benefit Trust which is consolidated in the Group's financial statements.

In the prior year 343,168 ordinary shares were issued from the employee benefit trust to satisfy employee share options.


   1)          Basis of preparation 

The financial information set out in this announcement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS as endorsed for use in the European Union.

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2015 or the year ended 31 October 2014 under the meaning of s434 Companies Act 2006, but is derived from those accounts.

Statutory accounts for the years ended 31 October 2015 and 31 October 2014 have been reported on by the Independent Auditors.

The Independent Auditors' Report on the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the years ended 31 October 2015 and 31 October 2014 was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2014 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2015, prepared under IFRS, will be delivered to the Registrar in due course.

   2)          Revenue 

Revenue is wholly attributable to the principal activity of the Group and arises solely within the United Kingdom.

                                          2015            2014 
                                       GBP'000         GBP'000 
-----------------------------   --------------  -------------- 
  Equities Division                      2,172           2,689 
  Corporate Finance Division             3,314           5,266 
Total revenue                            5,486           7,955 
==============================  ==============  ============== 

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January 28, 2016 02:01 ET (07:01 GMT)

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