BERLIN, BOSTON and BUDAPEST, Hungary, June 1, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

The research network ScienceOpen is partnering with the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), the leading Open Access publisher in Latin America, to fully integrate its content for a more global perspective on the scientific literature.

All SciELO content is universally accessible for free in an open access, full-text format. With the inclusion of SciELO, ScienceOpen now contains more than 2.2 million Open Access articles. ScienceOpen will also have more than 15 million article records upon full integration.

CEO of ScienceOpen Stephanie Dawson says, "This makes ScienceOpen one of the first platforms to recognize the importance of integrating research from across Latin America. By doing so, together we will help to create the strongest possible foundations for the future of research around the world."

Along with all other on the ScienceOpen platform, the new content from SciELO will show usage data provided by Altmetric to show how articles have been shared in online sources including mainstream news outlets, blogs, and a variety of social networks.

SciELO content will be featured in new research collections for each country involved in the SciELO partnership, as well as specialized collections for public health and social sciences. All articles will be available for public post-publication peer review, integration into new or existing collections, and commenting.

About ScienceOpen: ScienceOpen, the research + open access publishing network, was founded in 2013 in Berlin and Boston by Alexander Grossmann and Tibor Tscheke.

About SciELO: SciELO is a bibliographic database, digital library, and cooperative electronic publishing model of open access journals in Latin America, Spain, Portugal and South Africa.

Jon Tennant, Communications Director, @Science_Open
Tel. +49-(0)30-6098490277
Mobile: +4917680439667

SOURCE ScienceOpen GmbH

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