GXG Markets: SSF: G4 ( www.gxgmarkets.co.uk )


Notice of General meeting

A General Meeting (EGM) of Ssafen PLC will be held at the Fullerton Hotel, 1
Fullerton Square, Singapore 049178 on 20 March 2015 at 11:00am for the purpose
of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following resolution 1 as an
ordinary resolution.

Ordinary Resolution

GXG Market

 1. To approve the cancellation and withdrawal of the Company's issued share
    capital from the GXG First Quote Market.

The decision to cancel has been based around opportunities from funders who do
not require a listing on the GXG. The Directors believe that the cancellation
will increase the opportunities of fundraising within the private equity
markets. The Company's strategy is to list its shares on the LSE in the future.

Proxy voting forms have been circulated to members.

The de-listing date is 31st March 2015, subject to the approval of the above
members' resolution.

Ssafen PLC is a natural resources company specialising in the development and
exploration of oil and gas in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Directors of the Company accept responsibility for this announcement.

Further Enquiries:

Ssafen Plc

Chris Eager
Executive Chairman


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