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Washington, D.C. 20549






Report of Foreign Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16

of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of August 2016

Commission File Number: 001-12568



BBVA French Bank S.A.

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



Reconquista 199, 1006

Buenos Aires, Argentina

(Address of principal executive offices)



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BBVA Banco Francés S.A.







BBVA Francés reports consolidated second quarter earnings for fiscal year 2016.

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Buenos Aires, August 11, 2016 - BBVA Frances (NYSE: BFR.N; BCBA: FRAN.BA;

LATIBEX: BFR.LA) reports consolidated second quarter earnings for fiscal year 2016.






    BBVA Francés reached a net income of AR$ 963.3 million as of June 30, 2016, 44.4% higher than the gain registered during the second quarter of 2015 and 17.3% lower compared to the previous quarter.


    Net financial income increased by 69.4% and 12.2% compared to the second quarter of 2015 and the previous quarter, respectively. Both increases were due to higher income coming from the public bonds portfolio as well as higher intermediation with the private sector.


    In terms of activity, the private sector loan portfolio, net of allowance for loan losses, totaled AR$ 65.8 billion, increasing by 40.1% compared with the second quarter of 2015 and by 11.3% during the quarter.


    BBVA Francés continues to maintain outstanding risk indicators in the Argentine financial system. The non-performing loan ratio (non-performing loans/total loans) reached 0.85% as of June 30, 2016, while the coverage ratio (provisions/non-performing loans) reached 247.83%.


    Total deposits reached AR$ 92.8 billion as of June 30, 2016, increasing by 54.7% in the last twelve months and by 15.9% during the quarter.


    BBVA Francés maintains adequate levels of liquidity and solvency. As of June 30, 2016 liquid assets (cash and due from banks plus Argentine Central Bank (BCRA) bills and notes) represented 46.8% of the Bank’s total deposits. The capital ratio reached 15.1% of weighted risk assets; with an excess of capital of AR$ 6.8 billon, which is 80.6% higher than the minimum regulatory requirements.


    On April 7, 2016, the BCRA through Communication “A” 5943 increased the amount of deposits covered by the Deposit Insurance Guarantee Fund (from AR$ 350,000 to AR$ 450,000), effective as of May 1, 2016. Furthermore, it also determined the monthly amount that financial entities must allocate to the Insurance Deposit Guarantee Fund, to the equivalent of 0.015% of the monthly average of the daily balances of the immediately preceding second month.


    In 2012, the BCRA established that certain financial institutions should allocate a minimum portion of total deposits to finance investment projects. Such requirement has been renewed every six months since then. BBVA Francés has successfully complied with each renewal quota. In May 2016, the BCRA extended this requirement for the second half of 2016, with some modifications, including increasing the percentage to 15.5% of deposits of May 2016, with a fixed annual interest rate of 22%. In addition, lending to individuals and companies located in emergency areas should have an average maturity of 36 months, with a total maturity not less than 48 months, and contemplate a minimum grace period of 12 months.


    On May 26, 2016 the BCRA through Communication “A” 5980 established an increase in the minimum cash requirement. Such increase is effective in two stages, first from 06/01/2016 to 06/30/2016 (of 2.5 p.p. on sight deposits and of 1.5 p.p. on term deposits) and second from 07/1/2016 (also by 2.5 p.p. on sight accounts and by 1.5 p.p. on term deposits).

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    The BCRA modified the regulation regarding distribution of profits, removing the 75% additional buffer over the capital requirement. It also modified the minimum terms for the request for authorization, establishing that financial entities should not have fines exceeding 25% of the net worth (RPC) during the month prior to the request for the dividend payment.


    In addition, on June 23, 2016 the BCRA, through Communication “A” 5997, increased the maximum limit for the positive position in foreign exchange to a total of 15% of the net worth (RPC), effective from 07/01/2016 and removed the limit for term position.



Other Events



    During July, 2016 the Bank paid cash dividends totaling ARS 900 million, equivalent to AR$ 1.673587 per share, corresponding to the 2015 period.


    On August 8, 2016, the Bank issued series 19 and 20 of its bonds (Obligaciones Negociables), which were fully subscribed and paid for a total amount of AR$ 207.5 million due in 18 months, with a variable interest rate equivalent to the Badlar rate plus 2.40%, and for AR$ 292.5 million due in 36 months, with a variable interest rate of 3.23%, respectively.



Economic Environment


The renewed Statistic National Agency (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Censos (INDEC)) published a revised GDP series for the period from the first quarter of 2004 to the first quarter of 2016, which showed a slower rate of growth to that previously published, especially from 2007 onwards. For the period 2005-2014 years, the average annual growth rate fell from 5.1% in previous estimates to 3.9% in the revised series. The new data shows that GDP grew 2.4% in 2015, and 0.5% annually in the first quarter of 2016, but fell 0.7% with respect to the fourth quarter of 2015 in seasonally adjusted terms.

In June 2016, the INDEC resumed the publication of the inflation index (CPI). The geographical coverage of the index includes the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and part of the metropolitan area. The INDEC published monthly inflation of 4.2% for May 2016 and 3.1% for June 2016. The report does not include the inflation rate of the historical series, only these monthly variations.

To compensate for the lack of CPI information until new figures are released by INDEC, we used as a reference the price index calculated by the Department of Statistics and Census, an agency under the Ministry of Finance of The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (IPCABA). Such index increased by 15.5% during the second quarter of 2016 and by 47.1% year over year mainly reflecting the increase in utility rates and public transportation.

The national public sector fiscal balance recorded a primary deficit of AR$ 71.6 billion during the second

quarter of 2016, representing a 40.8% decrease compared with the deficit or AR$ 50.8 billion recorded during the same period of the previous year. These numbers do not include income from BCRA and ANSES (Argentine Institute of Social Security) revenues.

Primary public sector spending increased by 25.7% and public sector revenues showed an increase of 23.2% during the period.

Public debt interest payments increased by 86.5% during the period and considering income from rents of BCRA and ANSES, the total deficit reached AR$ 98.7 billion, representing a 56.8% increase compared with the same period of 2015.

In the second quarter of 2016 tax revenues increased by 26.6% year-over-year. Income tax increased by 6.6% and Value Added Tax increased by 41.4 % during the same period. Export duties fell by 7% during the second quarter of 2016 due to reduction of such tax rates beginning this year.

In the external sector, the accumulated trade surplus reached USD 870 million during the second quarter of 2016, 27.2% higher than the surplus recorded during the same period of 2015. During the quarter, the trade balance recorded total exports of USD 15.3 billion (representing a 6.4% decrease in comparison with the same period of 2015) and total imports by USD 14.5 billion (representing a 7.9% decrease in comparison to the same period of 2015).

In second quarter of 2016 the BCRA’s stock of international reserves increased by USD 936 million, reaching a total balance of USD 30.5 billion. During the quarter, the BCRA bought USD 2.3 billion in the foreign exchange market.



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As of June 30, 2016, the BCRA maintains the bilateral currency swap agreement entered into with the People’s Bank of China. Further, since February 2016, the BCRA has added USD 5.0 billion from a repo transaction with private banks.

The Badlar interest rate for private banks increased by 277 b.p. in the second quarter of 2016, averaging 30.2% compared to the 27.4% average rate in the first quarter of 2016.

The stock of private sector loans in pesos increased in the second quarter of 2016 by 3.9% compared with the balance of first quarter of 2016, while private sector loans in dollars increased by 59.0%.

Total deposits in the financial system increased by 7.5% in the second quarter of 2016. In the same period, private sector deposits denominated in pesos increased by 7.5% and those denominated in dollars increased by 1.2%.



The Bank


BBVA Francés continues to strengthen its efforts in line with the BBVA Group’s global proposal: “to bring the age of opportunity to everyone.”

Regarding the development of digital banking, BBVA Francés has been highlighted as the leader bank in social networks (Facebook and Twitter), for its number of fans and followers, as well as the number of interactions.

Moreover, based on concepts such as global, innovation, digital banking, customer satisfaction and experience, the Bank launched a new platform for companies, with a fresher, safe and reliable design, which is adapted to clients’ needs and providing intuitive solutions, speeding up tasks and making it easier to use.

In commercial terms, BBVA Francés, continued to offer a high level of benefits to its clients, by sponsoring important shows and events. Furthermore, maintaining its alliance with LATAM, the Bank continued to promote the benefits of exchanging LATAM Pass kilometers for domestic and international flights, as well as for a broad catalogue of products.

In line with its strategy to be recognized as the soccer Bank, BBVA Francés continued inviting its clients, through the #futbolnonstop campaign, to participate in the draw for tickets to the best soccer events, even the chance of attending the 2016 Olympic Games.

In the Agro segment, the Bank continues to offer the Agro LATAM Pass program, offering insurance, car loans and zero-interest-rate loans, in specific operations with the BBVA Francés Agro credit card.

Regarding the development of the Social Responsibility Program during the period, BBVA Francés launched the “My First Enterprise” program, in alliance with Proydesa Foundation. The purpose is to provide financial knowledge to students who are in the last two levels of secondary school, through a project where they design their own business.

Moreover, with the aim of stimulating job placement and future professionals training, BBVA Francés also launched the College Internship Program 2016, which is open to students aged from 20 to 25 years old, who are in the first three years of careers related to the banking business, such as Economics, Business Administration, Accounting or Marketing.

In addition, the Bank launched the “Training for your first job” program, whose main purpose is not only to provide tools and knowledge to young people, but also seeks to incorporate a training values, professional ethics and personal development that enhance job placement opportunities.

BBVA Francés has been recognized one more time as the most attractive company of the “Banking and Finance” industry to work. The bank was ranked in the top 20 most attractive companies in the new edition of the Randstad Awards. Over eighth thousand people (students and employees) participated in the survey this year, to determine which of the largest 175 employers in the country (with 1,000 employees or more) they would most like to work for.



Presentation of Financial Information



    Foreign currency balances as of June 30, 2016 have been translated into pesos at the reference exchange rate published by the BCRA at such date (AR$ 14.9200/ US$).


    This press release contains unaudited financial information that consolidates all of the banking activities of BBVA Francés and its subsidiaries on a line-by-line basis. The Bank’s interest in the Consolidar Group – BBVA Consolidar Seguros S. A. and Consolidar AFJP (in liquidation)-, is shown as “Investments in other companies” (recorded under the equity method) and the corresponding results are included in “Income from Equity Investments”.


    Information contained in this press release may differ from the information published by the BBVA Group for Argentina, which is prepared according to Spanish accounting standards for all BBVA Group affiliates.


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Financial Information



                       D % quarter ended 06-30-16  
Condensed Income Statement (1)    Quarter ended     vs quarter ended  

(in thousands of pesos except income per share, ADS and percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Net Financial Income

     3,342,802        2,980,043        1,973,233        12.2     69.4

Provision for loan losses

     (336,129     (161,351     (181,178     108.3     85.5

Net income from services

     1,014,393        931,083        800,607        8.9     26.7

Administrative expenses

     (2,211,679     (2,095,807     (1,472,263     5.5     50.2

Operating income

     1,809,387        1,653,968        1,120,399        9.4     61.5

Income (Loss) from equity investments

     102,183        44,802        50,523        128.1     102.3

Income (Loss) from Minority interest

     (34,113     (39,994     (34,223     -14.7     -0.3

Other Income/Expenses

     (27,480     56,471        (16,557     -148.7     66.0

Income tax and Minimum Presumed Tax

     (886,719     (550,163     (452,932     61.2     95.8

Net income for the period

     963,258        1,165,084        667,210        -17.3     44.4

Net income per share (2)

     1.79        2.17        1.24        -17.3     44.4

Net income per ADS (3)

     5.38        6.51        3.73        -17.3     44.4


(1) Exchange rate: AR$ 14,9200 Ps = 1 USD
(2) Assumes 536,877,850 ordinary shares
(3) Each ADS represents three ordinary shares


BBVA Francés reached an accumulated net income of AR$ 2,128.3 million as of June 30, 2016. During the second quarter, the Bank registered a gain of AR$ 963.3 million, increasing by 44.4% compared with the same quarter of 2015, while decreasing by 17.3% compared to the previous quarter.

Net financial income grew by 69.4% compared with the second quarter of 2015, mainly due to higher gains derived from the public bonds portfolio as well as higher intermediation with the private sector. Net financial income increased 12.2% compared with the previous quarter, also based on higher income generated by the public bond portfolio and the private business.

Provisions for loan losses increased compared to the second quarter of 2015 due to the higher volume of lending and the deterioration of the loan portfolio.

During the second quarter of 2015, the Bank redefined the charges triggered by credit and debit card transactions, reclassifying them from administrative expenses to service charge expenses, in line with the standards applied in the industry.

Other/income expenses registered a loss of AR$ 27.5 million for the period ended June 30, 2016. During the prior quarter an administrative penalty applied to the Bank was revoked and, consequently, this charge was reversed.

Finally, the higher rate of income tax rate reflected in income tax is mainly due to the fiscal adjustment of provisions and the fiscal valuation of the Bogar 20, registered during the period under analysis.



                       D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs  
Main figures    Quarter ended     quarter ended  

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Return on Average Assets (1)

     3.1     4.1     3.2     -24.3     -1.3

Return on Average Shareholders’ Equity (1)

     25.8     32.6     23.4     -20.7     10.3

Net fee Income as a % of Operating Income

     23.3     23.8     28.9     -2.2     -19.3

Net fee Income as a % of Administrative Expenses

     45.9     44.4     54.4     3.2     -15.7

Adm. Expenses as a % of Recurrent Income (2)

     50.8     53.6     53.1     -5.3     -4.4


(1) Annualized.
(2) Adm. Expenses / (Net financial income + Net income from services)


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Net Financial Income


Net financial income arising from the intermediation with the private sector increased by 19.7% compared with the second quarter of 2015 and 7.1% compared with the previous quarter.

Income from securities and short-term investments included non-recurring income originated by variations in the valuation of public securities. Such results totaled a gain of AR$ 288.9 million during the quarter under analysis, whereas losses of AR$ 204.8

million and AR$ 158.8 million, respectively were registered for the same quarter of 2015 and for the previous quarter.

Both, the line items “CER Adjustment” and “Foreign exchange difference” reflected important gains compared with the same quarter of 2015, mainly due to the depreciation of the Argentine peso in December 2015.



Net financial income    Quarter ended      D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs
quarter ended

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16      03-31-16      06-30-15      03-31-16     06-30-15  

Net financial income

     3,342,802         2,980,043         1,973,233         12.2     69.4

Net income from financial intermediation

     1,316,599         1,229,373         1,100,345         7.1     19.7

CER adjustment

     148,629         161,393         52,274         -7.9     184.3

Income from securities and short term investments

     1,507,146         980,137         606,825         53.8     148.4

Interest on Government guaranteed loans

     9,820         9,072         3,965         8.2     147.7

Foreign exchange difference

     333,214         369,257         105,801         -9.8     214.9


     27,394         230,811         104,023         -88.1     -73.7



Income from Public and Private Securities


Public bond portfolio is valued at mark-to-market its total public bonds portfolio; consequently such income includes the unrealized losses/gains from variations in the valuations of the portfolio, or at amortized cost, accordingly.


The Central Bank bills and notes portfolio is also valued at mark-to-market or at amortized cost.

On the other hand, other fixed income securities are valued at cost plus the internal rate of returns (IRR).



Income from securities and short-term investments    Quarter ended     D % quarter ended 06-30-16
vs quarter ended

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16      03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Income from securities and short-term investments

     1,507,146         980,137        606,825        53.8     148.4

Holdings booked at fair value

     481,569         (21,714     (72,875     n/a        n/a   

Holdings booked at amortized cost

     198         —          —          —          —     

Bills and Notes from the Central Bank

     998,636         958,961        671,502        4.1     48.7

Other fixed income securities

     26,743         42,890        8,198        -37.6     226.2

CER adjustment

     148,734         161,520        52,289        -7.9     184.4



Net Income from Services


Net income from services, not taking into account the previously mentioned reclassification, increased by 16.4% compared with the same quarter of 2015.

In the year-to-year comparison, growth was due mainly due to higher consumption with credit cards, higher fees generated by an increase in the stock of deposit accounts and those associated with insurances, as well as due to the fees generated by PSA Finance. Such growth was partially offset by an

increase in service charge expenses related to promotions associated with the LATAM Pass kilometers program.

In the quarterly comparison, the increase was based on higher fees for consumption with credit cards and for capital markets advisory work, which were partially offset by lower fees resulting from deposit accounts and higher charges paid for the LATAM Pass kilometers program.



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Net income from services    Quarter ended     D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs
quarter ended

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Net income from services

     1,014,393        931,083        800,607        8.9     26.7

Service charge income

     1,838,242        1,703,989        1,399,042        7.9     31.4

Service charges on deposits accounts

     316,011        338,874        284,856        -6.7     10.9

Credit cards and operations

     863,112        771,390        579,108        11.9     49.0


     152,951        146,228        136,152        4.6     12.3

Capital markets and securities activities

     15,091        6,695        15,141        125.4     -0.3

Fees related to foreign trade

     59,085        58,033        39,967        1.8     47.8

Other fees

     431,991        382,769        343,818        12.9     25.6

Services Charge expense

     (823,849     (772,905     (598,435     6.6     37.7



Administrative Expenses


Homogenizing the scope of consolidation, which was redefined in 2015, annual variation of administrative expenses was 39.5%, while compared with the previous quarter the increase was 5.5%.

Personnel expenses increase in both, the annual and quarterly comparison, mainly reflecting salary increases and a higher number of employees.

General expenses, as adjusted, increased by 33.8% annually and by 3.5% during the quarter. The annual increase was mainly due to higher advertising and promotion charges related to commercial campaigns made by the Bank, as well as to higher electricity and communications charges due to tariff adjustment. In addition, other expenses grew in line with the general

increase in prices and the depreciation of the currency.

During the quarter, higher expenses in advertising and taxes were partially offset by lower maintenance expenses, registered in the “Others” line item.

As of June 30, 2016, the Bank had 5,985 employees, representing an increase of 6.4% compared with the second quarter of 2015. In addition. The branch office network totaled 301 offices, including 251 consumer branch offices and 34 branch offices specializing in SMEs and institutions. Corporate banking is divided by industries: consumption, heavy industries and oil and gas, providing personalized attention to large corporations. Complementing its distribution network, the Bank had 15 in-company branches, 1 point of sale outlet and 1 express point, 680 ATM’s and 794 self-service terminals (ATS).



Administrative expenses    Quarter ended     D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs
quarter ended

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Administrative expenses

     (2,211,679     (2,095,807     (1,472,263     5.5     50.2

Personnel expenses

     (1,304,321     (1,219,519     (862,022     7.0     51.3

Electricity and Communications

     (45,586     (38,972     (29,157     17.0     56.3

Advertising and Promotion

     (100,810     (67,952     (62,677     48.4     60.8

Fees and external administrative services

     (33,306     (33,323     (23,167     -0.1     43.8


     (211,650     (198,595     (167,210     6.6     26.6

Organization and development expenses

     (19,486     (18,926     (16,102     3.0     21.0


     (55,658     (54,142     (56,646     2.8     -1.7


     (440,862     (464,378     (255,282     -5.1     72.7


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Other Income / Expenses


Other income/expenses totaled a loss of AR$ 27.5 million during the second quarter of 2016. It is important to mention that during the previous quarter AR$ 39 million of provisions for other contingencies were reversed, as a consequence of the Resolution of the IV Chamber of the Court of Appeals which revoked the administrative penalty that had been imposed on the Bank.


Income from Equity Investments


Income from equity investments sets forth net income from related companies that are not consolidated. During the second quarter of 2016, a gain of AR$ 102.8 million was recorded, mainly due to the stake held by BBVA Francés in Rombo Compañía Financiera, jointly with the gains originated in the valuation of the stake held in Interbanking S.A. and Prisma S.A (strategic alliance between VISA Argentina and Banelco S.A )




Balance and activity




Total Public Sector Exposure


Exposure to the public sector’s National Government increased by 62.3% compared with the second quarter of 2015 and by 6.7% compared with the previous quarter, mainly due to the purchases of national government bonds.

The Bank’s portfolio of BCRA bills and notes both showed an increase, during the period under analysis and in the last twelve months, in accordance to the liquidity policy implemented by the Bank.

On the other hand, private debt grew mainly due to the subscription of negotiable obligations.

As of June 30, 2016, the public sector’s National Government assets represented 3.3% of the Bank’s total assets. Total exposure to the BCRA’s bills and notes net of holdings linked to reverse repo transactions, represented 8.8% of the Bank’s total assets.

Total exposure to the public sector includes public debt of the National Government through public securities (bonds and bills from the treasury) and guaranteed loans, as well as the BCRA’s bills and notes.



Public and Private Sector Exposure    Quarter ended     D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs
quarter ended

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Public Sector - National Government

     4,363,302        4,089,977        2,688,527        6.7     62.3

Public Sector Loans

     83,654        74,853        60,473        11.8     38.3
















Total bond portfolio

     4,279,865        4,015,342        2,584,094        6.6     65.6
















Holdings book at fair value

     4,241,363        4,015,178        2,583,930        5.6     64.1

Holdings book at amortized cost

     38,502        164        164        n/a        n/a   


     (217     (218     (201     -0.5     8.0

Reverse repo

     —          —          44,161        n/a        -100.0

Public Sector - National Government own portfolio

     4,363,302        4,089,977        2,644,366        6.7     65.0

Bills and Notes from Central Bank

     16,934,190        13,302,958        11,513,524        27.3     47.1

Own portfolio

     11,557,767        12,321,088        11,553,920        -6.2     0.0

Reverse repo w/Central Bank

     5,376,422        981,870        (40,396     447.6     n/a   

Private Debt

     268,938        343,740        77,943        -21.8     245.0


     268,938        343,740        77,943        -21.8     245.0
















Total exposure to the Public and Private Sector

     21,566,430        17,736,675        14,279,994        21.6     51.0
















Total exposure to the Public Sector without repos

     16,190,007        16,754,805        14,276,229        -3.4     13.4


















Loan Portfolio


The private sector loan portfolio, net of allowance for loan losses, totaled AR$ 65.8 billion as of June 30,

2016, representing an increase of 40.1% and 11.3% compared to the second quarter of 2015 and to the previous quarter, respectively.



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In the last twelve months, consumer loans increased by 33.5%. Such increase was mainly due to the outstanding performance of credit cards, which registered an increase of 45.6% during the period, while car loans and personal loans also registered increases of around 20%.

Commercial loans increased by 47.6% in the same period, mainly due to a higher portfolio of advances and foreign trade operations.

During the quarter, consumer loans grew 4.6%, whereas the commercial loan portfolio increased by 19.4% mainly due to higher loans to large corporations.



Net loans    Quarter ended     D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs quarter

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Private & Financial sector loans

     65,846,319        59,134,567        47,013,712        11.3     40.1


     10,098,420        8,195,034        8,349,886        23.2     20.9

Discounted and purchased notes

     8,596,864        8,979,534        6,552,563        -4.3     31.2

Consumer Mortgages

     1,992,813        1,988,051        1,696,271        0.2     17.5

Car secured loans

     4,563,281        4,493,535        3,751,333        1.6     21.6

Personal loans

     7,582,330        7,428,791        6,353,804        2.1     19.3

Credit cards

     19,420,755        18,176,278        13,342,004        6.8     45.6

Loans to financial sector

     1,749,247        1,367,594        756,088        27.9     131.4

Other loans

     12,170,151        8,658,592        6,437,059        40.6     89.1

Unaccrued interest

     (207,715     (212,823     (134,380     -2.4     54.6

Adjustment and accrued interest & exchange differences receivable

     1,293,985        1,241,172        916,975        4.3     41.1

Less: Allowance for loan losses

     (1,413,812     (1,181,191     (1,007,891     19.7     40.3

Loans to public sector

     83,654        74,853        60,473        11.8     38.3

Loans to public sector

     8,772        8,734        8,912        0.4     -1.6

Adjustment and accrued interest & exchange differences receivable

     74,882        66,119        51,561        13.3     45.2
















Net total loans

     65,929,973        59,209,420        47,074,185        11.4     40.1


















Asset Quality


As of June 30, 2016, the asset quality ratio (non-performing loans/total loans) was 0.85%, while the coverage ratio (provisions/non-performing loans) reached 247.83%.

The NPL ratio decreased compared with the first quarter of 2015 although it increased compared with the previous quarter, mainly as a result of higher non-performing loans as well as an increase in the performing portfolio.



Asset quality ratios    Quarter ended     D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs quarter

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Non-performing loans (1)

     570,472        416,402        427,095        37.0     33.6

Allowance for loan losses

     (1,413,812     (1,181,191     (1,007,891     19.7     40.3

Non-performing loans/net total loans

     0.85     0.69     0.89     22.9     -4.6

Non-performing private loans/net private loans

     0.85     0.69     0.89     22.9     -4.6

Allowance for loan losses/non-performing loans

     247.83     283.67     235.99     -12.6     5.0

Allowance for loan losses/net total loans

     2.10     1.96     2.10     7.3     0.2


(1) Non-performing loans include: all loans to borrowers classified as “Problem”, “Deficient Servicing”, “High Insolvency Risk”, “Difficult Recovery”, “Irrecoverable” and “Irrecoverable for Technical Decision” according to the new Central Bank debtor classification system.


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Table of Contents

The following table shows the evolution of provisions for loan losses, including charges relating to

transactions recorded under “Other receivables” from financial intermediation.



Evolution of provisions   

Quarter ended


D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs

quarter ended


(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Balance at the beginning of the quarter

     1,188,758        1,119,687        956,608        6.2     24.3

Increase / decrease

     336,129        161,351        181,178        108.3     85.5

Provision increase / decrease - Exchange rate difference

     2,363        5,318        893        -55.6     -164.6

Aplications / Reversals

     (105,530     (97,598     (125,272     8.1     -15.8

Balance at the end of the quarter

     1,421,720        1,188,758        1,013,407        19.6     40.3





Total deposits reached AR$ 92.8 billion as of June 30, 2016, representing an increase of 54.7% in the last twelve months and of 15.9% during the quarter.

During the last year, both sight accounts and time deposits registered significant growth, increasing 56.5%, and 52.4%, respectively.

It is worth mentioning that total peso-denominated deposits increased by 37.6% in the last twelve months.

Compared with the previous quarter, total deposits increased by 15.9%, driven by a 19.6% increase in sight accounts, while time deposits increased by 11.3%.

Foreign currency denominated deposits increased significantly compared with both the same quarter of 2015 and with the previous quarter. Foreign currency denominated deposits totaled AR$ 19.1 billion (equivalent to US$ 1.3 billion) as of June 30, 2016, representing 20.6% of the Bank’s total deposits.



Total deposits   

Quarter ended


D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs

quarter ended


(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16      03-31-16      06-30-15      03-31-16     06-30-15  

Total deposits

     92,825,043         80,099,181         60,014,088         15.9     54.7
















Current accounts

     24,331,416         19,361,280         16,875,105         25.7     44.2

Peso denominated

     22,753,131         18,674,131         16,399,877         21.8     38.7

Foreign currency

     1,578,285         687,149         475,228         129.7     232.1

Saving accounts

     29,599,588         25,737,565         17,579,340         15.0     68.4

Peso denominated

     17,453,110         15,359,809         13,799,708         13.6     26.5

Foreign currency

     12,146,478         10,377,756         3,779,632         17.0     221.4

Time deposits

     36,906,986         33,155,157         24,216,247         11.3     52.4

Peso denominated

     31,943,528         27,911,716         22,224,480         14.4     43.7

CER adjusted time deposits

     1,208         1,126         464         7.3     160.3

Foreign currency

     4,962,250         5,242,315         1,991,303         -5.3     149.2

Investment Accounts

     85,591         5,586         14,959         n/a        472.2

Peso denominated

     85,591         5,586         14,959         n/a        472.2


     1,901,462         1,839,593         1,328,437         3.4     43.1

Peso denominated

     1,502,157         1,441,097         1,149,272         4.2     30.7

Foreign currency

     399,305         398,496         179,165         0.2     122.9

Rescheduled deposits + CEDROS

     2,224         2,234         2,234         -0.4     -0.4

Peso denominated

     2,224         2,234         2,234         -0.4     -0.4
















Total deposits + Rescheduled deposits & CEDROS

     92,827,267         80,101,415         60,016,322         15.9     54.7


















Other Funding Sources


Other funding sources totaled AR$ 2.6 billion as of June 30, 2016, registering an increase of 2.8% in the last twelve months, and a decrease of 14% compared to the previous quarter in 2016.

In the last twelve months, negotiable obligations were issued by the Bank and by PSA Finance and certain series of bonds matured during the period.

Additionally, dollar funding increased during the period, mainly through funding lines aimed at financing exports.

Of the total senior bonds outstanding, AR$ 1.4 million corresponded to those issued by BBVA Francés and AR$ 157.7 million to PSA Finance.



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Table of Contents
Other funding sources   

Quarter ended

     D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs
quarter ended

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16      03-31-16      06-30-15      03-31-16     06-30-15  

Lines from other banks

     1,076,653         1,485,135         770,041         -27.5     39.8

Senior Bonds

     1,583,253         1,608,592         1,817,224         -1.6     -12.9
















Total other funding sources

     2,659,906         3,093,727         2,587,265         -14.0     2.8




















As of June 30, 2016, the Bank’s total shareholders’ equity totaled AR$ 14.9 billion, while the excess over the BCRA minimum capital requirements was AR$ 6.8

billion or 80.6%. On the same date, the capital ratio reached 15.1% of assets adjusted to risk.




Quarter ended

     D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs
quarter ended

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16      03-31-16      06-30-15      03-31-16     06-30-15  

Capital Stock

     536,878         536,878         536,878         0.0     0.0

Issuance premiums

     182,511         182,511         182,511         0.0     0.0

Adjustments to stockholders equity

     312,979         312,979         312,979         0.0     0.0

















     1,032,368         1,032,368         1,032,368         0.0     0.0
















Reserves on Profits

     11,783,995         8,899,508         8,899,508         32.4     32.4

Unappropriated retained earnings

     2,128,342         4,949,571         1,598,156         -57.0     33.2
















Total stockholders’ equity

     14,944,705         14,881,447         11,530,032         0.4     29.6

















Central Bank Requirements   

Quarter ended

    D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs
quarter ended

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Central Bank Minimum Capital Requirements

     8,408,006        7,813,073        5,823,118        7.6     44.4

Central Bank Minimum Capital Requirements (a, b)

     8,231,916        7,682,943        5,643,361        7.1     45.9

Increase in capital requirements related to custody

     176,090        130,130        179,757        35.3     -2.0

a) Central Bank Minimum Capital Requirements

     8,231,916        7,682,943        5,643,361        7.1     45.9

Allocated to Asset at Risk

     6,066,448        5,769,780        4,098,927        5.1     48.0

DCR (derivative conterparter risk)

     —          —          6,584          -100.0

Market Risk

     297,602        162,912        123,021        82.7     141.9

Operational Risk

     1,867,866        1,750,251        1,414,829        6.7     32.0

b) Minimum capital required for the Guarantee Fund for the Sustainability of the Pas-as-you-go System managed by the Argentine Republic and registrar of mortgage notes

     704,360        520,520        719,030        35.3     -2.0

5% of the securities in custody and book-entry notes

     704,360        520,520        719,030        35.3     -2.0

Bank Capital Calculated under Central Bank Rules

     15,187,372        14,934,191        11,712,156        1.7     29.7

Ordinary Capital Level 1

     14,605,177        14,401,947        11,275,283        1.4     29.5

Deductions Ordinary Capital Level 1

     (337,279     (311,162     (184,930     8.4     82.4

Capital Level 2

     919,474        843,406        621,803        9.0     47.9

Excess over Required Capital

     6,779,366        7,121,118        5,889,038        -4.8     15.1

Capital Ratio (Central Bank rules)

     15.1     15.9     17.8     -5.1     -15.3

Excess over Required Capital as a % of Shareholders’ Equity

     45.4     47.9     51.1     -5.2     -11.2


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Table of Contents


Additional Information





Quarter ended

    D % quarter ended 06-30-16 vs
quarter ended

(in thousands of pesos except percentages)

   06-30-16     03-31-16     06-30-15     03-31-16     06-30-15  

Exchange rate

     14.92        14.58        9.09        2.3     64.2

Quarterly CER adjustment

     9.5     10.5     3.5     -9.0     171.6

This press release contains or may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, among other things, concerning the prospects of the Argentine economy, BBVA Francés’ earnings, business plans, cost-reduction plans, and capitalization plan, and trends affecting BBVA Francés’ financial condition or results of operations. Any forward-looking statements included in this press release are based on current expectations and estimates, but actual results and events may differ materially from anticipated future results and events. Certain factors which could cause the actual results and events to differ materially from the expected results or events include: (1) changes in domestic or international stock market prices, exchange rates or interest rates; (2) macroeconomic, regulatory, political or governmental changes; (3) changes in the markets for BBVA Francés’ products and services; (4) increased competition; (5) changes in technology; or (6) changes in the financial condition, creditworthiness or solvency of the customers, debtors or counterparties of BBVA Francés. Additional factors that could cause the actual results or events to differ materially from the expected results or events are described in the reports filed by BBVA Francés with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including, but not limited to, BBVA Francés’ annual report on Form 20-F and exhibits thereto. BBVA Francés does not undertake to revise or update any of the information contained herein under any circumstances, including if at any moment following dissemination of such information it is no longer accurate or complete.



Conference Call


A conference call to discuss first quarter earnings will be held on Friday, August 12, 2016, at 11:00 am New York time – 12:00 pm Buenos Aires time. If you are interested in participating, please dial (888) 515 2235 within the U.S. or +1 (719) 325 2370 outside the U.S. at least 5 minutes prior to our scheduled conference time. Confirmation code: 6080290 . This conference will be recorded. To ask for a digital replay, please dial (888) 203 1112 within U.S or +1 (719) 457 0820, using the same confirmation code. The replay will be available until September 12, 2016.




This press release is also available at BBVA Francés web site:





Cecilia Acuña

Investor Relations

(5411) 4341-5036



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Table of Contents

BBVA Banco Francés S.A. and subsidiaries (Grupo Consolidar: by the equity method)

BALANCE SHEET (in thousands of pesos)


     06-30-16     03-31-16     12-31-15     06-30-15  

Cash and due from banks

     26,524,315        23,414,132        27,970,169        13,646,494   

Government and Private Securities

     21,279,564        17,448,966        14,416,484        14,206,708   

Holdings booked at fair value

     4,241,363        4,015,178        3,220,093        2,583,930   

Holdings booked at amortized cost

     —          —          —          44,161   

Reverse repo

     38,502        164        164        164   

Listed Private Securities

     65,726        130,884        109,859        65,130   

Bills and Notes from the Central Bank

     16,934,190        13,302,958        11,086,580        11,513,524   

Less: Allowances

     (217     (218     (212     (201


     65,929,973        59,209,420        56,563,321        47,074,185   

Loans to the private & financial sector

     65,846,319        59,134,567        56,496,522        47,013,712   


     10,098,420        8,195,034        6,739,426        8,349,886   

Discounted and purchased notes

     8,596,864        8,979,534        9,559,666        6,552,563   

Secured with mortgages

     1,992,813        1,988,051        2,122,955        1,696,271   

Car secured loans

     4,563,281        4,493,535        4,567,505        3,751,333   

Personal loans

     7,582,330        7,428,791        7,343,933        6,353,804   

Credit cards

     19,420,755        18,176,278        18,322,958        13,342,004   

Loans to financial sector

     1,749,247        1,367,594        1,530,454        756,088   

Other loans

     12,170,151        8,658,592        6,510,536        6,437,059   

Less: Unaccrued interest

     (207,715     (212,823     (216,365     (134,380

Plus: Interest & FX differences receivable

     1,293,985        1,241,172        1,127,744        916,975   

Less: Allowance for loan losses

     (1,413,812     (1,181,191     (1,112,290     (1,007,891

Public Sector loans

     83,654        74,853        66,799        60,473   


     8,772        8,734        8,823        8,912   

Plus: Interest & FX differences receivable

     74,882        66,119        57,976        51,561   

Other banking receivables

     9,659,883        6,753,374        3,728,874        6,005,634   

Repurchase agreements

     5,084,968        982,677        —          1,200,094   

Unlisted private securities

     203,212        212,856        200,894        12,813   

Other banking receivables

     4,379,611        5,565,408        3,535,377        4,798,243   

Less: provisions

     (7,908     (7,567     (7,397     (5,516

Investments in other companies

     473,517        426,278        363,861        297,827   

Intangible assets

     272,423        259,976        236,861        176,176   

Organization and development charges

     272,423        259,976        236,861        176,176   

Other assets

     7,405,309        7,762,404        7,412,813        6,119,425   













Total Assets

     131,544,984        115,274,550        110,692,383        87,526,449   














     92,827,267        80,101,415        76,865,670        60,016,322   

Current accounts

     24,331,416        19,361,280        21,201,742        16,875,105   

Saving accounts

     29,599,588        25,737,565        22,452,261        17,579,340   

Time deposits

     36,906,986        33,155,157        31,895,955        24,216,247   

Investment Accounts

     85,591        5,586        34,807        14,959   

Rescheduled deposits CEDROS

     2,224        2,234        2,234        2,234   

Other deposits

     1,901,462        1,839,593        1,278,671        1,328,437   

Other banking Liabilities

     17,439,924        15,015,019        15,031,971        11,672,802   

Other provisions

     1,113,625        1,021,902        999,929        911,591   

Other contingencies

     1,112,968        1,021,206        999,319        910,997   


     657        696        610        594   

Other liabilities

     4,908,410        3,888,356        3,749,284        3,131,567   

Minority interest

     311,053        366,411        329,166        264,135   













Total Liabilities

     116,600,279        100,393,103        96,976,020        75,996,417   













Total Stockholders’ equity

     14,944,705        14,881,447        13,716,363        11,530,032   













Total liabilities + stockholders’ equity

     131,544,984        115,274,550        110,692,383        87,526,449   














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Table of Contents

BBVA Banco Francés S.A. and subsidiaries (Grupo Consolidar: by the equity method)

INCOME STATEMENT (in thousands of pesos)


     06-30-16     03-31-16     12-31-15     06-30-15  

Financial income

     6,159,658        5,495,068        4,998,740        3,632,643   

Interest on Cash and Due from Banks

     —          —          —          —     

Interest on Loans Granted to the Financial Sector

     136,181        112,598        109,505        66,512   

Interest on Overdraft

     927,369        691,193        600,669        491,501   

Interest on Discounted and purchased notes

     519,982        522,801        463,881        319,403   

Interest on Mortgages

     100,306        101,694        98,158        73,236   

Interest on Car Secured Loans

     276,984        270,463        264,203        226,019   

Interest on Credit Card Loans

     1,005,398        984,737        811,113        689,400   

Interest on Financial Leases

     114,964        116,114        113,406        98,059   

Interest on Other Loans

     1,005,356        919,114        900,677        793,305   

From Other Banking receivables

     95        152        30        58   

Interest on Government Guaranteed Loans Decree 1387/01

     9,820        9,072        4,089        3,965   

Income from Securities and Short Term Investments

     1,507,146        980,137        1,133,458        606,825   


     148,734        161,520        41,264        52,289   

Foreign exchange difference

     333,214        369,257        31,654        105,801   


     74,109        256,216        426,633        106,270   

Financial expenses

     (2,816,856     (2,515,025     (2,143,818     (1,659,410

Interest on Current Account Deposits

     —          —          —          —     

Interest on Saving Account Deposits

     (9,019     (7,957     (7,003     (5,072

Interest on Time Deposits

     (2,195,456     (1,842,388     (1,576,170     (1,211,105

Interest on Other Banking Liabilities

     (191,555     (181,920     (161,272     (130,908

Other interests (includes Central Bank)

     (1,128     (1,234     (1,470     (1,566


     (105     (127     (15     (15

Bank Deposit Guarantee Insurance system mandatory contributions

     (34,600     (128,161     (107,580     (94,406

Mandatory contributions and taxes on interest income

     (338,278     (327,833     (271,370     (214,091


     (46,715     (25,405     (18,938     (2,247

Net financial income

     3,342,802        2,980,043        2,854,922        1,973,233   

Provision for loan losses

     (336,129     (161,351     (197,541     (181,178

Income from services, net of other operating expenses

     1,014,393        931,083        960,726        800,607   

Administrative expenses

     (2,211,679     (2,095,807     (1,889,227     (1,472,263

Income (loss) from equity investments

     102,183        44,802        46,960        50,523   

Net Other income

     (27,480     56,471        1,780        (16,557

Income (loss) from minority interest

     (34,113     (39,994     (34,593     (34,223

Income before tax

     1,849,977        1,715,247        1,743,027        1,120,142   

Income tax

     (886,719     (550,163     (554,766     (452,932

Net income

     963,258        1,165,084        1,188,261        667,210   


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Table of Contents

BBVA Banco Francés S.A. and subsidiaries (Grupo Consolidar consolidated on a line by line basis)


     06-30-16      03-31-16      12-31-15      06-30-15  

Cash and due from banks

     26,524,319         23,414,261         27,970,286         13,646,577   

Government Securities

     21,319,864         17,489,778         14,422,191         14,210,171   


     65,929,973         59,209,420         56,563,321         47,074,185   

Other Banking Receivables

     9,660,033         6,753,374         3,728,874         6,005,634   

Assets Subject to Financial Leasing

     2,247,058         2,346,370         2,407,451         2,156,065   

Investments in other companies

     465,736         416,473         353,377         293,008   

Other assets

     5,442,251         5,689,131         5,290,698         4,185,460   













Total Assets

     131,589,234         115,318,807         110,736,198         87,571,100   














     92,827,261         80,101,011         76,864,493         60,015,603   

Other banking liabilities

     17,440,527         15,015,019         15,032,048         11,672,814   

Minority interest

     317,712         374,801         338,136         268,259   

Other liabilities

     6,059,029         4,946,529         4,785,158         4,084,392   













Total Liabilities

     116,644,529         100,437,360         97,019,835         76,041,068   













Total Stockholders’ Equity

     14,944,705         14,881,447         13,716,363         11,530,032   













Stockholders’ Equity + Liabilities

     131,589,234         115,318,807         110,736,198         87,571,100   

Net Income


     06-30-16     03-31-16     12-31-15     06-30-15  

Net Financial Income

     3,347,768        2,983,692        2,856,420        1,973,531   

Provision for loan losses

     (336,129     (161,351     (197,541     (181,178

Net Income from Services

     1,014,393        931,083        960,726        800,607   

Administrative expenses

     (2,220,410     (2,101,298     (1,891,536     (1,473,149

Net Other Income

     77,506        101,996        54,482        34,627   

Income Before Tax

     1,883,128        1,754,122        1,782,551        1,154,438   

Income Tax

     (886,809     (550,303     (554,953     (453,081

Net income

     996,319        1,203,819        1,227,598        701,357   

Minoritary Interest

     (33,061     (38,735     (39,337     (34,147

Net income for Quarter

     963,258        1,165,084        1,188,261        667,210   


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Table of Contents


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


    BBVA Banco Francés S.A.
Date: August 11, 2016     By:  

/s/ Ignacio Sanz y Arcelus

      Name:   Ignacio Sanz y Arcelus
      Title:   Chief Financial Officer
Bbva Banco Frances (NYSE:BFR)
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Bbva Banco Frances (NYSE:BFR)
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