VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Limited 
Interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2016 
VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Limited (the "Company" or "VOF"), an 
investment company focused on Vietnam, today announces its interim results for 
the six months ended 31 December 2016 ("the Period"). 
Jeremy Greenberg 
VinaCapital Investment Management Limited 
Investor Relations 
+84 8 3821 9930 
Joel Weiden 
VinaCapital Investment Management Limited 
+84 8 3821 9930 
Franczeska Hanford / Martin Bourgaize 
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited 
Company Secretary 
+44 (0)1481 745918 / +44 (0)1481 745819 
fk26@ntrs.com / meb16@ntrs.com 
David Benda / Hugh Jonathan 
Numis Securities Limited, Broker 
+44 (0)20 7260 1000 
Edward Gascoigne-Pees 
Camarco, Public Relations (London) 
+44 20 3757 4980 
 It has again been a busy six months for VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund 
("VOF" or "the Company"). 
The international news since I last wrote a Chairman's Statement has been 
dominated by politics. While the UK's Brexit vote earlier in the year was 
always likely to be finely balanced, few would have predicted the success of 
Donald Trump in securing the US presidency. President Trump made much of his 
desire to improve the lot of American workers while on the campaign trail and 
his early move to terminate the United States' involvement with the Trans 
Pacific Partnership is naturally of concern in Vietnam. At the time of writing, 
this has not had any apparent effect on the value of assets in Vietnam - and 
indeed indicators remain positive - but your Board and Investment Manager are 
nevertheless cognisant of increased uncertainty as the new Administration's 
policy objectives remain unclear. 
Previously I have stated that our strategy is:- 
-     To retain the largest part of the portfolio in listed assets 
-     To continue to add to OTC and private equity investments as and when 
opportunities arise 
-     To reduce holdings in direct real estate and hospitality assets 
-     To reduce the discount to net asset value at which VOF's shares trade 
and there have been no changes to these objectives. 
Portfolio Review 
I am pleased to report that during the first six months of the current 
Financial Year, which covers the period from 1 July 2016 to 31 December 2016, 
the NAV per share of VOF increased by 10.9% in US dollar terms, from US$3.77 to 
US$4.18. The return in pound sterling terms was an increase of 19.9% from GBP2.82 
to GBP3.38. 
Our Investment Manager continues to deliver well against our objectives and the 
first three elements of the strategy set out above. 
The combination of our listed and over-the-counter (OTC) holdings amounted to 
60.6% of assets at 
31 December, compared with 56.2% at 30 June 2016. As set out in the Investment 
Manager's Report this, the largest part of our portfolio, again performed very 
well in the six-month period under review and outperformed relevant equity 
benchmarks by a considerable margin. 
Our Private Equity portfolio also contributed well to returns and, as set out 
in more detail in the Investment Manager's Report, one investment, Cau Tre, was 
realised to produce an IRR of 17% and a return on investment of 2.8x. Your 
Board and Investment Manager continue to focus on this area as a source of 
potential returns. It is encouraging to be able to report a good pipeline of 
potential future deals and a cash balance available to complete those which 
pass our Investment Manager's tests. 
Our Investment Manager had considerable success in the six months under review 
in realising three direct real estate and hospitality projects, in aggregate at 
a substantial premium to our carrying value and for total proceeds of USD95 
Discount Management 
The share price discount to net asset value at the last year end was 25.2%; at 
31 December 2016 it was 19.1% and at the time of writing it is 21.3%. 
Since moving VOF's listing from AIM to the London Stock Exchange's Main Market 
and its domicile to Guernsey in March 2016, we have seen an increase in demand 
for VOF's shares and it is encouraging to welcome many new shareholders, which 
has resulted in a greater spread in the share register. With the Board's 
encouragement, our Investment Manager and our broker continue with both an 
active programme of communication with existing shareholders and to seek new 
We have sought to limit supply by means of share buy backs and, over time, VOF 
has bought back a substantial proportion of its shares. I mentioned in my 
Chairman's Statement at the last year end that we were precluded from buying 
back shares by the Market Abuse Directive. I could not reveal it at the time, 
but this was because of negotiations over an asset, the sale of which was 
subsequently announced on 15 November 2016. Since then, working with our broker 
we have again been active in buying back shares and plan to continue to do so. 
It is encouraging to note that the discount has reduced somewhat but your Board 
still believes that further improvement is both necessary and is warranted by 
the Investment Manager's investment performance. 
Annual General Meeting 
I am pleased to report that all resolutions presented at VOF's Annual General 
Meeting on 
21 December 2016 were duly passed with a substantial majority in favour of 
As indicated in the last Annual Report, Mike Gray retired at the conclusion of 
the Annual General Meeting and Huw Evans assumed Mike's previous role as Chair 
of the Audit Committee. Once again, I would like to record the Board's 
gratitude to Mike for his diligence and dedication to VOF over the last seven 
As set out in the opening paragraph of this statement, we live in "interesting" 
times, particularly on the geopolitical front, and a note of caution is clearly 
appropriate. Having said this, thus far the Vietnamese stock market has 
continued to perform well. As our Investment Manager intimates in its report, 
we operate with a heightened awareness of risk and we will be even more 
diligent in our reviews both of existing holdings and of potential new deals. 
Performance over the six months under review has been strong and your Board 
will continue to encourage our Investment Manager in its efforts. 
Steven Bates 
VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund 
24 March 2017 
In the six months to 31 December 2016, the NAV of VOF delivered a 11% return on 
a per share basis, while the share price increased by 20.1% in USD terms (or 
29.9% in GBP terms). This compares with an increase of only 3.0% in the 
benchmark Vietnam Index (VN Index) and -10.3% for the MSCI Vietnam Index. 
On a calendar year basis (January to December 2016), we ended the 12 months 
delivering a 26.3% return on NAV, with the share price increasing 41.7% in USD 
terms (or 69.3% in GBP terms). The VN Index increased 13.4% over the same 
period, in USD terms, while the MSCI Vietnam Index was in negative territory, 
returning -8.5%. 
The capital markets component of the portfolio, which accounts for 60.6%* of 
NAV as at 31 December 2016, and consists of assets that are listed on the HOSE 
(Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange) and HNX (Hanoi Stock Exchange, including stocks 
listed on the junior exchange known as UPCoM), contributed the most to VOF's 
return. In the six months to 31 December 2016, the capital markets portfolio 
increased by 11.3%* compared to the 3.0% increase for the VN Index, while for 
the 12 month calendar year, the portfolio increased 34.8%* compared to a 13.4% 
increase for the VN Index. 
*excludes investments in overseas equities which include Vinaland Limited (VNL) 
and Vietnam Infrastructure Limited (VNI). 
Several factors accounted for VOF's strong performance. Firstly, our high 
conviction, active stock selection distinguishes us from other passive, 
index-replicating strategies. Positions in listed companies including Airports 
Corporation of Vietnam (ACV), Hoa Phat Group (HPG), Novaland Group (NVL), and 
Vinamilk (VNM) were the top contributors to the listed portfolio's performance, 
with the quoted share prices increasing 194.0%, 29.3%, 20.2%, and 9.4% 
respectively over the six months to 31 December 2016. 
Second, our ability to invest into pre-IPO, private equity deals, or as part of 
the Vietnamese government's privatisation plan (or equitisation as it is known 
in Vietnam), allows us to seek opportunities outside traditional asset types. 
In fact, of the top contributors to performance this half-year, two of these 
listed stocks - ACV and NVL - were previously unlisted investment opportunities 
before recently commencing trading on the main bourses. 
ACV was an equitisation of a state-owned enterprise (SOE) that was traded 
over-the counter (OTC) pre-listing. NVL on the other hand was a private equity 
investment, in the form of a convertible preferred equity structure, which gave 
us the option to convert prior to listing. We participated in both 
opportunities pre-listing and have enjoyed significant upside subsequent to 
their public listings. 
When evaluating investment opportunities, we are focused on those that enable 
us to take large, meaningful positions, either with control or with minority 
downside protections. Targeted companies must demonstrate sound investment 
fundamentals, be able to deliver strong earnings growth in excess of the market 
average, and occupy dominant, market leading positions. The success of this 
approach is demonstrated by our position in two listed companies, HPG and VNM. 
HPG is the leading steel manufacturer in Vietnam, which delivered 123% profit 
growth in the second half of 2016 compared to the same period last year, while 
VNM is the leading consumer goods company in Vietnam, dominating the liquid 
dairy milk category, and was able to deliver 17% sales and 21% profit growth 
respectively compared to the same period last year. VNM and HPG are the largest 
and second largest holdings in the capital markets portfolio respectively, and 
have been long-term holdings of VOF. Like our investments in ACV and NVL, we 
invested into VNM as part of the equitisation process over a decade ago, while 
HPG was initially a private equity, pre-IPO investment. 
Real estate, construction materials, and consumer goods sectors benefit from 
strong macroeconomic and demand fundamentals 
The companies which contributed to VOF's performance over the past six months 
were from sectors which have benefited from the overall improvement in economic 
conditions. Vietnam remains an investment led economy, as strong levels of 
foreign direct investment (FDI) continue to drive manufacturing growth, 
productivity, and employment which in turn has helped create wealth, higher 
living standards and boost retail consumption. Furthermore, as 
industrialisation and urbanisation increases, the government has been spending 
significantly on construction and infrastructure, with companies in these 
sectors benefiting from expansionary fiscal policy. 
One of the sectors that outperformed the VN Index during the second half of 
2016 was real estate and property development. As a result, VOF was able to 
enjoy significant unrealized gains in property, construction and materials 
companies, including HPG (share price increased by 29.3% for six months to 
December, and 75.3% for the full calendar year) and KDH (share price increased 
by 17.1 for the six months to December, and 23.6% for the full calendar year). 
Furthermore, VOF divested three real estate development projects and operating 
assets in the six months to December 2016, generating approximately USD95 
million in proceeds partly paid in 2016 and with the balance due over the next 
two years. 
As of 31 December 2016, VOF had 21.7% (including Direct Real Estate exposure of 
7.0%) of its total NAV exposed to the property and property related sectors. We 
remain bullish on these sectors in the immediate future as homes are developed, 
completed and delivered to buyers. The visibility is quite strong over the next 
12 months on revenue recognition in the companies in our portfolio. 
Towards the end of 2015 and into 2016, we saw interest rates fall sharply 
following the decline of inflation (almost zero in 2015), which allowed real 
estate transactions to increase significantly. Both developers and buyers could 
borrow more easily and at lower costs. However, sales may start to slow in 2017 
should interest rates and inflation climb and thus, revenues could be affected 
in the longer term. Traditionally, there is a lag of about two-to-three years 
from the date of purchase commitment to delivery and revenue recognition. 
Other sectors which enjoyed substantial gains include consumer-oriented goods 
and services, including food and beverage (F&B). These sectors have benefited 
from solid economic growth coupled with a decent level of inflation of almost 
5% and lower than expected interest and deposit rates. They have also benefited 
from a strong level of confidence in the local currency given that it has 
devalued very little relative to other regional currencies. 
2016 saw retail growth of 10.2%, with F&B leading the way at 13%. Large F&B 
companies like VNM have benefited dramatically. VNM's strong top line and 
profit growth was due to both general retail demand growth, as well as from 
lower input prices in the form of powdered milk (which makes up over 75% of 
their milk input and 36% of total cost of goods sold) and the company was 
proactive in locking in these prices via forward contracts. 
One of VOF's newest investments is a private investment in a publicly listed 
company called Coteccons (CTD), one of the largest construction companies in 
Vietnam. CTD delivered an unrealised gain of 16.6% during the second half of 
2016. As at 31 December 2016, VOF holds USD74.9 million worth of HPG shares and 
USD24.1 million worth of CTD shares. 
The pace of equitisations and public listings quickens 
In December, VOF enjoyed uplifts in valuations from the listing of three key 
1.         Airport Corporation of Vietnam ("ACV") on to the UPCoM; 
2.         Quang Ngai Sugar ("QNS") on to the UPCoM; and 
3.         Novaland ("NVL") on the HOSE. 
As of 31 December 2016 VOF's mark-to-market values of QNS, ACV and NVL were 
USD40.5 million, USD44.2 million and USD31.4 million, respectively. 
ACV manages all 22 airports in Vietnam, occupying a monopoly position that is 
only set to grow as tourism and air passenger travel increases in Vietnam. ACV 
delivered gross revenue and net profit of USD705 million and USD144 million in 
2016, respectively, a 21.4% and 88% increase over 2015. ACV expects to grow 
these figures by 7% and 26% in 2017. As of 31 December 2016, ACV's share price 
has increased by 194% since its public listing on 21 November 2016. 
On QNS, VOF has enjoyed an increase in unrealised gains in excess of 50% since 
our private investment into this company in early 2015. QNS is the largest 
soyamilk producer in Vietnam and delivered revenue and profit of USD307 million 
and USD62.1 million in 2016, respectively. These figures are expected to 
increase in 2017 by 16% and 21%, respectively. During the second half of 2016, 
QNS's share price has increased by 18.2%. 
As for NVL, the second largest property developer on Vietnam's stock market, 
VOF enjoyed an uplift of almost 50% when it listed on the HOSE on 28 December 
2016. With a current market capitalisation of over USD1.5 billion, NVL 
currently has over 45 projects in the Ho Chi Minh City area. They have launched 
30 projects and have sold over 60% of the units, which they expect to deliver 
over the next two-to-three years. Revenue and profits can only be recognised 
when the units are handed over to the buyers and, as such, we expect revenue 
and profits to increase significantly over the next three years. 2017 revenue 
and profit are expected to be USD770 million and USD140 million, respectively, 
which reflects growth of 160% and 90% over 2016. 
The strong recent performances from several private investments that were 
listed again demonstrates the uniqueness of VOF's investment strategy, which 
allows VOF to take advantage of opportunities that are normally not available 
to single strategy and/or single asset class funds. 
Aside from a strong performance in the capital markets portfolio, VOF exited a 
top five private equity holding at a realisation well above its previous 
carrying value. 
Private equity continues to be a key source of investment opportunity and 
In December 2016, VOF completely divested its 37.3% stake in Cau Tre Food 
Processing JSC ("CT") to CJ CheiJedang Corporation of Korea ("CJ"). VOF 
received USD12.4 million to enjoy an IRR of 17.0% and a multiple return on 
invested equity of 2.8x. CT is a major food processing business with most of 
its revenue derived from the export of frozen dim-sum style food to Japan. CT 
also sells its products into the Vietnamese market under its own brand. VOF 
initially acquired 13% of CT in August 2006 through the company's equitisation. 
In 2013, VOF acquired additional shares in CT from other shareholders with the 
objective of consolidating VOF's holding so that we could eventually sell a 
larger and a more meaningful stake to a strategic investor willing to pay a 
significant premium to the prevailing market price. 
In 2016, CJ connected with CT and expressed its desire to acquire our stake. 
With cooperation from SATRA (the Government shareholder of CT), we negotiated a 
price equivalent to more than three times the prevailing OTC market price. The 
premium placed on our stake revolved around not only our strategic cooperation 
with SATRA but also our ability to transfer three board seats and one 
controller seat to the buyer. 
Given the recent increase in valuations in the HOSE stock market, where the 
current average PE ratio is about 15.9x, and the excitement about Vietnam (or 
perhaps less excitement elsewhere in Southeast Asia), it is natural that our 
investment activities become more prudent as we seek terms reflecting our 
investment objective for the medium and longer periods of time. With higher 
valuations, we need to spend more effort educating entrepreneurs and business 
leaders on the merits of our investment terms and, more importantly, our role 
in creating value for them in the long term. 
At the moment, the pipeline for private equity investment is strong,  with 
opportunities in excess of USD150 million in companies operating in various 
sectors including healthcare, media and entertainment, infrastructure 
materials, industrials and logistics, and transportation. 
Vietnam's ongoing macroeconomic strength 
Vietnam's economy and markets continued to grow in 2016, although not at the 
same pace as the year before. While GDP growth for 2016 came in at 6.2% (vs. 
6.7% in 2015), the country's economy continued to be one of the world's better 
performers and proved to be resilient despite a harsh drought in the first half 
of the year and global geopolitical upheaval. On the back of solid gains in 
2016, we believe that the pieces are in place for even stronger growth in 2017 
- albeit with some new challenges on the horizon, such as tightening monetary 
We enter 2017 with our usual level of guarded optimism. The economy continues 
to head in the right direction, but the challenges that could arise, whether 
external (natural disasters, geopolitics) and internal (inflation, currency), 
are likely to continue to test Vietnam's mettle. 
The government recently announced their annual economic targets for 2017, with 
annual GDP growth at around 6.7% while inflation is aimed for under 4% and the 
VND is expected to remain stable against the USD. 
The National Assembly in January 2016 elected a new government, one which to 
date has been aggressive in pushing economic and market reforms. 
Perhaps most notably, the Government jump-started the privatisation/ 
equitisation process. Until recently, there was limited progress on this front, 
at least in terms of deals that might be interesting to foreign investors. The 
listings of brewers Habeco (USD0.5 billion market capitalization) and Sabeco 
(USD3.0 billion), and the equitisation of other companies (with market 
capitalisations of over USD200 million) such as VEAM (USD750 million), one of 
the largest automobile assembly businesses in Vietnam, and Vissan (USD280 
million) the largest meat processing company in Vietnam were steps in the right 
direction. In addition, we saw the state divesting large holdings including 
Vinamilk (USD500 million for a 5.4% stake), Vietnam Electrical Equipment 
(USD100 million for a 78% stake), Vinh Son - Song Hinh Hydropower (USD36 
million for a 24% stake), and Sowatco (USD25 million for a 66% stake). 
Furthermore, new regulations requiring companies to list shortly after public 
offerings and the overall focus on making things happen in the market have been 
welcomed by investors, although more improvements are necessary, particularly 
in execution and process. 
The impetus for the renewed momentum is clear: capital raising is part of a 
wider effort to manage state finances as the target is for the current sizeable 
budget deficit to be smaller by the end of 2017. The government is on record as 
saying that some of the country's largest enterprises will privatise and list 
in 2017 - something that observers have heard before. But this government 
aggressively pushed things forward in 2016, and we have little reason to doubt 
its commitment to see things through in the year ahead. We are interested to 
see if the stakes sold in newly privatised state-owned enterprises are larger 
and at fairer valuations - two factors that have stymied the equitisation 
process to date. Should these issues be addressed, we believe that more foreign 
investors will be eager to participate. 
One area where President Trump's election has already affected Vietnam is the 
US withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Vietnam was widely 
regarded as the greatest beneficiary of the 12 nations involved in the pact, 
and some believe that TPP was the impetus behind a fair amount of the foreign 
direct investment flowing into the country over the past few years. 
To be sure, the expected demise of TPP is disappointing, and there will 
certainly be some ramifications. But all is far from lost. Vietnam is party to 
sixteen Free Trade Agreements (and in the process of negotiating several more), 
including those with Korea, the EU, Russia and Asean Economic Community. The 
government has already indicated that many of the reforms being implemented to 
comply with TPP will continue regardless. Vietnam is eager to further integrate 
into the global economy, and is well positioned to negotiate bilateral 
agreements with other nations. 
In addition, stable (and potentially rising) oil prices can lead to higher 
commodity prices, which can make it difficult for Vietnam to maintain inflation 
at or below 4% which is the government's official target. Deposit rates are at 
7-7.5% and can easily rise to 8.5% if inflation surpasses 5%. Coupled with a 
potential devaluation of the local currency, which has thus far held up well 
relative to other Asian currencies, the cost of VND funding could rise 
significantly, impacting property and property related businesses as well as 
consumer confidence. 
We remain vigilant regarding these changes and have developed our investment 
strategy to deliver a minimum projected base case internal rate of return of 
15% to overcome potential volatility in FX and interest rates. 
In summary, 2017 promises to be another exciting and possibly unpredictable 
year. We do see the average earnings growth for Vietnam listed equities to be 
around 10-15% per annum. As indicated earlier, this would not be interesting 
for VOF's investment strategy. Holding on to any of the listed equities means 
that we see potential for outperformance in EPS growth against the average as 
well as PE expansion. The average PE ratio for Vietnam listed equities 
continues to be at a discount to regional averages of around 15-20%. 
We hope that more global investors will recognize Vietnam's potential in 2017 
and thus increase demand for Vietnamese listed equities. We see Vietnam as 
being an attractive place to invest, compared with many other emerging markets. 
In addition, VinaCapital has continuously demonstrated its ability to move 
large blocks of listed equity shares to strategic investors at a significant 
premium to the prevailing market price. And in the past, VOF has enjoyed ample 
opportunities to divest stakes where valuations and effectively, the PE ratios, 
were significantly higher than the market prices; we certainly hope to see more 
of these types of transactions in 2017. 
Andy Ho 
Managing Director 
VinaCapital Investment Management Ltd 
24 March 2017 
The Board of Directors (the "Board") submits its report together with the 
condensed interim financial statements of VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund 
Limited (the "Company") for the six-month period from 1 July 2016 to 31 
December 2016 (the "six-month period"). 
VOF is registered in Guernsey as a non-cellular company with limited liability. 
The registered office of VOF is PO Box 255, Trafalgar Court, Les Banques, St 
Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3QL. 
Principal activity 
The Company's principal activity is to invest in assets either in Vietnam or in 
companies with a substantial majority of their assets, operations, revenues or 
income in, or derived from, Vietnam with a view to achieving medium to 
long-term returns. 
The Company's investments are managed by VinaCapital Investment Management 
Limited (the "Investment Manager"). 
Investment Policy 
All of the Company's investments will be in Vietnam or in companies with at 
least 75% of their assets, operations, revenues or income in, or derived from, 
Vietnam at the time of investment. 
No single investment may exceed 20% of the net asset value of the Company at 
the time of investment. 
The Company may from time to time invest in other funds focused on Vietnam. 
This includes investments in other funds managed by the Investment Manager. Any 
investment or divestment of funds managed by the Investment Manager will be 
subject to prior approval by the Board. No more than 10%, in aggregate, of the 
value of the Company's total assets may be invested in other listed 
closed-ended investment funds. The restriction on investment in other listed 
closed-ended investment funds does not apply to investments in closed-ended 
investment funds which themselves have published investment policies to invest 
no more than 15% of their total assets in other listed closed-ended investment 
The Company may from time to time make co-investments alongside other investors 
in private equity, real estate or similar assets. This includes, but is not 
restricted to, co-investments alongside other funds managed by the Investment 
The Company may gear its assets through borrowings which may vary substantially 
over time according to market conditions and any or all of the assets of the 
Company may be pledged as security for such borrowings. Borrowings are not to 
exceed 10% of the Company's total assets at the time that any debt is drawn 
From time to time the Company may hold cash or low risk instruments such as 
government bonds or cash funds denominated in either Vietnamese Dong or US 
Dollars, either in Vietnam or outside Vietnam. 
Principal Risks 
The process which the Company follows in order to identify and mitigate its key 
risks is set out on pages 41 to 46 of the Annual Report and Financial 
Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 (the "Annual Report"), a copy of 
which is available on the Company's web site www.vof-fund.com The Directors 
have reviewed the key risks and have confirmed that the list as set out in the 
Annual Report remains appropriate. 
In the Directors' opinion, there has been some increase in risk as a result of 
the actions taken by President Trump in withdrawing the United States of 
America from the Trans Pacific Partnership. This is discussed in the Chairman's 
Statement and the Investment Manager's Report but could have an effect in 
particular on two key risk areas. The Directors would like to draw 
shareholders' attention to the following statements in the Annual Report. While 
the statements and mitigating actions set out in the Annual Report remain 
unchanged, in the Directors' opinion the level of risk has increased:- 
Vietnamese Market Risk 
Opportunities for the Company to invest in Vietnam have come about through the 
liberalisation of the Vietnamese economy. Were the pace or direction of change 
to the economy to alter in the future, the interests of the Company could be 
damaged. The economy could also be affected by any escalation in geopolitical 
tensions in the region and elsewhere. 
Changing Investor Sentiment 
As a Company investing mainly in Vietnam, changes in investor sentiment towards 
Vietnam and/or frontier markets may lead to the Company becoming unattractive 
to investors leading to reduced demand for shares and a widening discount. 
The other key risks identified in the Annual Report are, in summary:- 
Investment Performance 
The performance of the Company's investment portfolio could be poor, either 
absolutely or in relation to the Company's peers. 
Fair Valuation 
The risks associated with the fair valuation of the portfolio could result in 
the Net Asset Value of the Company being misstated. 
Investment Management Agreement 
The Investment Management Agreement requires the Investment Manager to provide 
competent, attentive and efficient services to the Company. If the Investment 
Manager was not able to do this or if the Investment Management Agreement were 
terminated, there is no assurance that a suitable replacement could be found in 
Vietnam and, under those circumstances, the Company could suffer. 
The Company is dependent on third parties for the provision of all systems and 
services (in particular, those of the Investment Manager) and any control 
failures and gaps in these systems and services could result in a loss or 
damage to the Company. 
Legal and Regulatory 
Failure to comply with relevant regulation and legislation in Vietnam, Guernsey 
or the UK may have an impact on the Company. 
Life of the Company 
The Company does not have a fixed life but the Board has determined that it is 
desirable that Shareholders should have the opportunity to review the future of 
the Company at appropriate intervals. Accordingly, the Board intends that a 
special resolution will be proposed every fifth year that the Company ceases to 
continue. If the resolution is not passed, the Company will continue to operate 
as presently constituted. If the resolution is passed, the Directors will be 
required to formulate proposals to be put to Shareholders to reorganise, 
unitise or reconstruct the Company or for the Company to be wound up. In July 
2013, the Board tabled such a special resolution but it was not passed, 
allowing the Company to continue as currently constituted for a further five 
years. The next shareholder vote on the life of the Company will be held in 
Results and dividend 
The results of the Company for the six-month period and the state of its 
financial affairs as at that date are set out in the Condensed Interim 
Financial Statements. 
The Board of Directors does not recommend payment of a dividend for the 
six-month period (period ended 31 December 2015: Nil). 
The Chairman's Statement and the Investment Manager's Report give details of 
the Company's activities and performance during the six-month period. 
The key performance indicators ("KPIs") used to measure the progress of the 
Company during the six-month period include: 
* the movement in the Company's NAV; 
* the movement in the Company's share price; and 
* discount of the share price in relation to the NAV. 
A discussion of progress against the KPIs is included in the Chairman's 
Related Parties 
Details of the fees paid to the Investment Manager and to the Directors are set 
out in Note 18 of the Condensed Interim Financial Statements. 
Share repurchase programme 
Details of the Company's share repurchase programme are contained in Note 10 of 
the Condensed Interim Financial Statements. 
Annual General Meeting 
The Company held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 21 December 2016. All 
resolutions set out in the notice of the AGM were carried with a substantial 
Board of Directors 
The members of the Board during the six-month period and up to the date of this 
report were: 
Name          Position  Date of           Date of 
                        appointment       Retirement 
Steven Bates  Chairman  5 February 2013   - 
Michael Gray  Director  24 June 2009      21 December 2016 
Martin Adams  Director  5 February 2013   - 
Thuy Bich Dam Director  7 March 2014      - 
Huw Evans     Director  27 May 2016       - 
Michael Gray retired as a Director and Chair of the Audit Committee at the 
conclusion of the Company's Annual General Meeting on 21 December 2016. Huw 
Evans was appointed Chair of the Audit Committee on Michael Gray's retirement. 
Directors' interests in the Company 
As at 31 December 2016, none of the Directors had any interests in the ordinary 
shares, or any other securities of the Company or of its subsidiaries. 
Going Concern 
Under the UK Corporate Governance Code and applicable regulations, the 
Directors are required to satisfy themselves that it is reasonable to assume 
that the Company is a going concern. The Directors have undertaken a rigorous 
review of the Company's ability to continue as a going concern including 
reviewing the on-going cash flows and level of cash balances as of the 
reporting date as well as taking forecasts of future cash flows into 
consideration. After making enquiries of the Investment Manager and having 
reassessed the principal risks, the Directors consider it appropriate to adopt 
the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the Interim Report and 
Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements. 
On behalf of the Board 
Steven Bates 
VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund 
24 March 2017 
To the best of their knowledge, the Directors confirm that: 
- the Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements have been prepared in 
accordance with IAS 34, "Interim Financial Reporting"; and 
- the Interim Report, comprising the Chairman's Statement, the Investment 
Manager's Report and the Interim Report of the Board of Directors, meets the 
requirements of an interim management report and includes a fair review of 
information required by DTR 4.2.4 R: 
(i) DTR 4.2.7R of the UK Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication 
of important events which have occurred during the first six months and their 
impact on the Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements, and a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six 
months of the year; and 
(ii) DTR 4.2.8R of the UK Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related 
party transactions which have taken place in the first six months and which 
have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Company 
during that period, and any material changes in the related party transactions 
disclosed in the last Annual Report. 
Signed on behalf of the board by: 
Huw Evans 
24 March 2017 
Our conclusion 
We have reviewed the accompanying condensed interim financial statements of 
VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Limited as of 31 December 2016. Based on 
our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that 
the accompanying condensed interim financial statements are not prepared, in 
all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, 
'Interim Financial Reporting' and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency 
Rules sourcebook of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority. 
What we have reviewed 
The accompanying condensed interim financial statements comprise: 
·      the unaudited condensed statement of financial position as of 31 
December 2016; 
·      the unaudited condensed statement of comprehensive income for the 
six-month period then ended; 
·      the unaudited condensed statement of changes in equity for the six-month 
period then ended; 
·      the unaudited condensed statement of cash flows for the six-month period 
then ended; and 
·      the notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and 
other explanatory information. 
The condensed interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
with International Accounting Standard 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting' and 
the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook of the United 
Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority. 
Our responsibilities and those of the directors 
The Directors are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the 
condensed interim financial statements in accordance with the Disclosure 
Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook of the United Kingdom's Financial 
Conduct Authority. 
Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the condensed interim 
financial statements based on our review. This report, including the 
conclusion, has been prepared for and only for the Company for the purpose of 
complying with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook of the 
United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority and for no other purpose. We do 
not, in giving this conclusion, accept or assume responsibility for any other 
purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands 
it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing. 
Scope of review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements  2410, 'Review of interim financial information performed by the 
independent auditor of the entity' issued by the International Auditing and 
Assurance Standards Board. A review of interim financial information consists 
of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and 
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. 
A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance 
with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to 
obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that 
might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit 
We have read the other information contained in the Interim Report and 
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material 
inconsistencies with the information in the interim financial statements. 
PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP 
Chartered Accountants 
Guernsey, Channel Islands 
24 March 2017 
The maintenance and integrity of the Company's website is the responsibility of 
the Directors; the work carried out by the auditors does not involve 
consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no 
responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial 
statements since they were initially presented on the website. 
Legislation in Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination of 
financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
                                                     31 December 2016     30 June 2016 
                                             Notes            USD'000          USD'000 
                                                          (Unaudited)        (Audited) 
Cash and cash equivalents                      6               91,825            1,570 
Financial assets at fair value through         8              788,408          789,739 
profit or loss 
Receivables                                    9                  218            5,077 
Total assets                                                  880,451          796,386 
Accrued expenses and other payables            11              11,243            9,850 
Total liabilities                                              11,243            9,850 
Share capital                                  10             481,018          483,829 
Retained earnings                                             388,190          302,707 
Total Shareholders' equity                                    869,208          786,536 
Total liabilities and equity                                  880,451          796,386 
Net asset value, USD per share                 16                4.18             3.77 
Net asset value, GBP per share                                   3.38             2.82 
The Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements were approved and signed 
by the Board of Directors on 24 March 2017. 
Steven Bates 
Huw Evans 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed 
Interim Financial Statements. 
                                                      Share      Retained       Total 
                                                    capital      earnings      Equity 
                                            Note    USD'000       USD'000     USD'000 
Balance at 1 July 2015                              512,027       206,637     718,664 
Profit for the period                                     -         5,232       5,232 
Total comprehensive income                                -         5,232       5,232 
Transactions with owners 
Shares repurchased                                 (13,371)             -    (13,371) 
Balance at 31 December 2015                         498,656       211,869     710,525 
Balance at 1 July 2016                              483,829       302,707     786,536 
Profit for the period                                     -        85,483      85,483 
Total comprehensive income                                -        85,483      85,483 
Transactions with owners 
Shares repurchased                           10     (2,811)             -     (2,811) 
Balance at 31 December 2016                         481,018       388,190     869,208 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed 
Interim Financial Statements. 
                                                             Six months ended 
                                                    31 December 2016    31 December 2015 
                                            Notes            USD'000             USD'000 
Dividend income                              12               23,920              25,733 
Net gains/(losses) on financial assets at    13               76,896            (13,628) 
fair value through profit or loss 
General and administration expenses          14              (7,932)             (7,069) 
Accrued incentive fee                        18              (7,673)                   - 
Other income                                                     272                 196 
Operating profit                                              85,483               5,232 
Profit before tax                                             85,483               5,232 
Corporate income tax                         15                    -                   - 
Profit for the period                                         85,483               5,232 
Total comprehensive income for the period                     85,483               5,232 
Earnings per share 
- basic and diluted (USD per share)          16                 0.41                0.02 
- basic and diluted (GBP per share)                             0.32                0.01 
All items were derived from continuing activities. 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed 
Interim Financial Statements. 
                                                                   Six months ended 
                                                         31 December 2016     31 December 2015 
                                                 Notes            USD'000              USD'000 
Operating activities 
Income before tax                                                  85,483                5,232 
Adjustments for: 
Dividend income                                                  (23,920)             (25,733) 
Net (gain)/loss on financial assets 
at fair value through profit or loss               13            (76,896)               13,628 
                                                                 (15,333)              (6,873) 
Change in receivables                                               4,859              (6,198) 
Change in accrued expenses and other payables                       1,393                  152 
Dividend receipts                                                  23,920               12,362 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating                           14,839                (557) 
Investing activities 
Purchases of financial assets at fair value        20            (82,165)                    - 
through profit or loss 
Return of Capital from financial assets at fair    8              160,392                    - 
value through profit or loss 
Net cash generated from investing activities                       78,227                    - 
Financing activities 
Purchases of shares into treasury                10,12            (2,811)                    - 
Net cash used in financing activities                             (2,811)                    - 
Net change in cash and cash equivalents for the                    90,255                (557) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of      6                1,570                  906 
the period 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the        6               91,825                  349 
In the period ended 31 December 2015, the share repurchase programme was 
carried out through a subsidiary of the Company. The Unaudited Condensed 
Statement of Cash Flows for that period does not include payments made by that 
subsidiary in respect of share purchases, which are set out below. From 
29 April 2016, the share repurchase programme has been carried out by the 
Company itself. 
                                                        Six months ended 
                                              31 December 2016     31 December 2015 
                                      Notes            USD'000              USD'000 
Company share repurchases               12                   -               13,371 
                                                             -               13,371 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed 
Interim Financial Statements. 
VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Limited (the "Company") is a Guernsey 
domiciled closed-ended investment company. The Company was previously a limited 
liability company incorporated in the Cayman Islands. After an Extraordinary 
General Meeting on 27 October 2015, Shareholders approved proposals to change 
the Company's domicile to Guernsey. This change took place on 22 March 2016. 
The registered office of the Company is PO Box 255, Trafalgar Court, Les 
Banques, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3QL. The Company's objective is to 
achieve medium to long-term returns through investment either in Vietnam or in 
companies with a substantial majority of their assets, operations, revenues or 
income in, or derived from, Vietnam. The Company is quoted on the London Stock 
Exchange's Main Market under the ticker symbol VOF. 
The Company does not have a fixed life, but the Board considers it desirable 
that shareholders should have the opportunity to review the future of the 
Company at appropriate intervals. Accordingly, the Board intends that a special 
resolution will be proposed every fifth year that the Company ceases to 
continue. If the resolution is not passed, the Company will continue to operate 
as currently constituted. If the resolution is passed, the Directors will be 
required to formulate proposals to be put to shareholders to reorganise, 
unitise or reconstruct the Company or for the Company to be wound up. The Board 
tabled such special resolutions in 2008 and in 2013 and on both occasions the 
resolution was not passed allowing the Company to continue as presently 
constituted. The next shareholder vote on the continuation of the Company will 
be held in 2018. 
The Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements for the six-month period 
ended 31 December 2016 were approved for issue by the Board on 24 March 2017. 
2.1 Basis of preparation 
The Company has prepared these Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements 
on a going concern basis in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency 
Rules of the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority and IAS 34 "Interim 
Financial Reporting". These Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements do 
not comprise statutory Financial Statements within the meaning of The Companies 
(Guernsey) Law, 2008, and should be read in conjunction with the Financial 
Statements of the Company as at and for the year ended 30 June 2016, which were 
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The 
statutory Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016 were approved by 
the Board of Directors on 27 October 2016. The opinion of the Auditors on those 
Financial Statements was unqualified and did not contain an emphasis of matter. 
The accounting policies adopted in these Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial 
Statements are unchanged since 30 June 2016. These Unaudited Condensed Interim 
Financial Statements for the period ended 31 December 2016 have been reviewed 
by the Auditors but not audited. 
2.2 Changes in accounting policy and disclosures 
These Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements have been prepared in 
accordance with the accounting policies, methods of computation and 
presentation adopted in the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 
June 2016. 
2.3 Subsidiaries and associates 
The Company meets the definition of an Investment Entity within IFRS 10 and 
therefore does not consolidate its subsidiaries but measures them instead at 
fair value through profit or loss. 
Any gains or losses arising from a change in the fair value of investments in 
subsidiaries and associates are recognised in the condensed interim statement 
of comprehensive income. 
Refer to Note 3 on further disclosure on accounting for subsidiaries and 
When preparing the Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements, the 
Company relies on a number of judgements, estimates and assumptions about 
recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual 
results may differ from the judgements, estimates and assumptions. 
Information about significant judgements, estimates and assumptions which have 
the greatest effect on the recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities, 
income and expenses were the same as those that applied to the Annual Report 
and Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2016. 
3.1 Eligibility to qualify as an investment entity 
The Company has determined that that it is an investment entity under the 
definition of IFRS 10 as it meets the following criteria: 
a)  The Company has obtained funds from investors for the purpose of providing 
those investors with investment management services; 
b)  The Company's business purpose is to invest funds solely for returns from 
capital appreciation, investment income or both; and 
c)  The performance of investments made by the Company are substantially 
measured and evaluated on a fair value basis. 
The Company has the typical characteristics of an investment entity: 
·    it holds more than one investment; 
·    it has more than one investor; 
·    it has investors that are not its related parties; and 
·    it has ownership interests in the form of equity or similar interests. 
As a consequence, the Company does not consolidate its subsidiaries and 
accounts for them at fair value through profit or loss. 
3.2 Fair value of subsidiaries and associates and their underlying investments 
At the end of each half of the financial year, the fair values of investments 
in subsidiaries and associates are reviewed and the fair values of all material 
investments held by these subsidiaries and associates are assessed. The fair 
values of real estate and private equity investments are estimated on a rolling 
basis by a qualified independent professional services firm (the "independent 
valuer") with each investment being valued at least once each year. The 
valuations by the independent valuer are prepared using a number of approaches 
such as adjusted net asset valuations, discounted cash flows, income-related 
multiples and price-to-book ratio. In cases where the underlying investments of 
a subsidiary or associate are real estate projects or hotels, the independent 
valuer determines their fair value based on valuations provided by specialised 
independent professional appraisers ("specialised appraisers"). These 
valuations are used by the independent valuer as the primary basis for 
estimating each subsidiary's or associate's fair value. 
For the real estate and private equity investments where the independent valuer 
last determined the valuations of the relevant subsidiaries as at 30 June 2016, 
the Investment Manager has reviewed the more recent financial performance of 
the underlying investments and any other factors and has then estimated the 
values as at 31 December 2016 under the supervision of the Audit Committee. 
The Company has investments in a number of subsidiaries and associates which 
were established to hold underlying investments. The shares of the subsidiaries 
and associates are not publicly traded; return of capital to the Company can 
only be made by divesting the subsidiaries and associates or the underlying 
investments held by the subsidiaries and associates. As a result, the carrying 
values of subsidiaries and associates may not be indicative of the value 
ultimately realised on divestment. 
The underlying investments include listed and unlisted securities, private 
equity and real estate assets. Where an active market exists (for example, for 
listed securities), the fair value of the subsidiary or associate reflects the 
asset value of the underlying holdings. Where no active market exists, 
valuation techniques are used. 
As at 31 December 2016 and 30 June 2016, the Company classified its investments 
in subsidiaries and associates as Level 3 within the fair value hierarchy, 
because they are not publicly traded, even when the underlying assets are 
readily realisable. 
The fair value of the investments in subsidiaries and associates is primarily 
based on their net asset values. The estimated fair values provided by the 
independent valuer and/or the Investment Manager are used by the Audit 
Committee as the primary basis for estimating the fair value of real estate and 
private equity investments for recommendation to the Board. Information about 
the significant judgements, estimates and assumptions that are used in the 
valuation of these investments is discussed on the subsequent section. 
(a) Valuation of assets that are traded in an active market 
The fair values of listed securities are based on quoted market prices at the 
close of trading on the reporting date. For unlisted securities which are 
traded in an active market, fair value is the average quoted price at the close 
of trading obtained from a minimum sample of three reputable securities 
companies at the reporting date. Other relevant measurement bases are used if 
broker quotes are not available or if better and more reliable information is 
(b) Valuation of assets that are not traded in an active market 
The fair values of assets that are not traded in an active market (for example, 
private equities and real estate where market prices are not readily available) 
are determined by using valuation techniques. The independent valuer and/or the 
Investment Manager uses its judgement to select a variety of methods and makes 
assumptions that are mainly based on market conditions existing at each 
reporting date. The valuations may vary from the actual prices that would be 
achieved in an arm's length transaction at the reporting date. 
(b.1) Valuation of investments in private equities 
The Company's underlying investments in private equities are fair valued using 
discounted cash flow and market comparison methods. The projected future cash 
flows are driven by management's business strategies and goals and its 
assumptions of growth in gross domestic product ("GDP"), market demand, 
inflation, etc. The independent valuer and/or the Investment Manager selects 
appropriate discount rates that reflect the uncertainty of the quantum and 
timing of the cash flows. 
(b.2) Valuation of real estate and hospitality investments 
A number of the Company's real estate investments are held in joint ventures 
with VinaLand Limited ("VinaLand"), another company managed by the Investment 
Manager. In all cases, VinaLand holds a controlling stake in the joint venture 
companies and therefore exercises control over the investments. As both 
companies are managed by the same Investment Manager, each company's investment 
objectives for each property have generally been the same. 
The fair values of underlying real estate properties are based on valuations by 
specialised appraisers. These valuations are based on certain assumptions which 
are subject to uncertainty and might result in valuations which differ 
materially from the actual results of a sale. The estimated fair values 
provided by the specialised appraisers are used by the independent valuer and/ 
or the Investment Manager as the primary basis for estimating fair value of the 
Company's subsidiaries and associates that hold these properties in accordance 
with accounting policies set out in section 2.3 above. 
In conjunction with making its judgement for the fair value of the Company's 
underlying real estate and hospitality investments, the independent valuer and/ 
or the Investment Manager considers information from a variety of sources 
a.  current prices in an active market for properties of similar nature, 
condition or location; 
b.  current prices in an active market for properties of different nature, 
condition or location (or subject to different lease or other contracts), 
adjusted to reflect those differences; 
c.  recent prices of similar properties in less active markets, with 
adjustments to reflect any changes in economic conditions since the date of the 
transactions that occurred at those prices; 
d.  recent developments and changes in laws and regulations that might affect 
zoning and/or the Company's ability to exercise its rights in respect to 
properties and therefore fully realise the estimated values of such properties; 
e.  discounted cash flow projections based on estimates of future cash flows, 
derived from the terms of external evidence such as current market rents, 
occupancy and room rates, and sales prices for similar properties in the same 
location and condition, and using discount rates that reflect current market 
assessments of the uncertainty in the amount and timing of the cash flows; and 
f.   recent compensation prices made public by the local authority in the 
province where the property is located. 
Uncertain taxes 
A number of subsidiaries and associates are established in Vietnam and 
Singapore and are subject to corporate income tax in those countries. The tax 
liabilities (which are in some cases uncertain) of these subsidiaries and 
associates are considered by the independent valuer and/or the Investment 
Manager based on the tax legislation of each jurisdiction and included in their 
fair values of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss on the 
Statement of Financial Position. 
There have been no changes from prior periods in the measurement methods used 
to determine reported segment profit or loss. 
Segment information can be analysed as follows: 
Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                         Capital       Real estate        Private          Total 
                                        markets*               and         equity 
                                         USD'000           USD'000        USD'000        USD'000 
Period ended 31 December 2016 
Dividend income                           23,920                 -              -         23,920 
Net gains on financial assets 
at fair value through profit or           41,596            34,464            836         76,896 
General and administration expenses 
(Note 14)                                (6,395)             (733)          (804)        (7,932) 
Accrued incentive fee                    (7,673)                 -              -        (7,673) 
Other income                                 272                 -              -            272 
Profit) before tax                        51,720            33,731             32         85,483 
Period ended 31 December 2015 
Dividend income                           25,733                 -              -         25,733 
Net (losses)/gains on financial 
at fair value through profit or         (17,518)             4,067          (177)       (13,628) 
General and administration expenses 
(Note 14)                                (4,974)           (1,658)          (437)        (7,069) 
Other income                                 196                 -              -            196 
Profit/(loss) before                       3,437             2,409          (614)          5,232 
* Capital markets include listed as well as unlisted over-the-counter 
Statement of Financial Position 
                           Capital      Real estate        Private      Other net          Total 
                          markets*              and         equity       assets** 
                           USD'000          USD'000        USD'000        USD'000        USD'000 
As at 31 December 2016 
Cash and cash                    -                -              -         91,825         91,825 
Receivables                      -                -              -            218            218 
Financial assets at        549,389           73,220         77,082         88,717        788,408 
fair value through 
profit or loss 
Total assets               549,389           73,220         77,082        180,760        880,451 
Accrued expenses and 
other payables                   -                -              -         11,243         11,243 
Total liabilities                -                -              -         11,243         11,243 
Net asset value            549,389           73,220         77,082        169,517        869,208 
                           Capital      Real estate        Private      Other net          Total 
                          markets*              and         equity       assets** 
                           USD'000          USD'000        USD'000        USD'000        USD'000 
As at 30 June 2016 
Cash and cash                    -                -              -          1,570          1,570 
Receivables                      -                -              -          5,077          5,077 
Financial assets at        482,746          137,268         72,952         96,773        789,739 
fair value through 
profit or loss 
Total assets               482,746          137,268         72,952        103,420        796,386 
Accrued expenses and 
other payables                   -                -              -          9,850          9,850 
Total liabilities                -                -              -          9,850          9,850 
Net asset value            482,746          137,268         72,952         93,570        786,536 
* Capital markets include listed as well as unlisted over-the-counter 
** Other net assets of USD88.7 million (30 June 2016: USD96.8 million) comprise 
cash and cash equivalents and other net assets of the direct subsidiaries at 
fair value. 
5.1 Directly-owned subsidiaries 
The Company had the following directly-owned subsidiaries as at 31 December 
2016 and 30 June 2016: 
                                                     As at 
                                              31 December     30 June 
                                                     2016        2016 
                                                     % of        % of 
                            Country of            Company     Company 
Subsidiary                  incorporation        interest    interest Nature of the business 
Vietnam Investment Property British                100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed, 
  Holding Limited           Islands                                     unlisted securities and 
                            ("BVI")                                   real estate 
Vietnam Investment Property BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed, 
                                                                        and unlisted securities 
Vietnam Ventures            BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed, 
                                                                        unlisted securities and 
                                                                      real estate 
Vietnam Investment          BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed, 
                                                                        unlisted securities and 
                                                                      real estate 
Asia Value Investment       BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed, 
                                                                        and unlisted securities 
Vietnam Master Holding 2    BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed 
Limited                                                               securities 
VOF Investment Limited      BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed, 
                                                                      unlisted securities, real 
                                                                      hospitality and private 
VOF PE Holding 5            BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed 
Limited                                                               securities 
Visaka Holdings             BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Portal Global Limited       BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed 
                                                                        and unlisted securities 
Windstar Resources          BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed 
Limited                                                               securities 
Allright Assets             BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for real 
Limited                                                               estate 
Vietnam Enterprise          BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed, 
                                                                        unlisted securities and 
                                                                      real estate 
Vina QSR Limited            BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
VOF PE Holding 3            BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Vinaland Heritage           BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Sharda Holdings             BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Hospira Holdings            BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Navia Holdings Limited      BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Orkay Holdings Limited      BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Halico Investment  Holding  BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Clear Interest Group        BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Foremost Worldwide          BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for unlisted 
Limited                                                               securities 
Rewas Holdings Limited      BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Allwealth Worldwide         BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for private 
Limited                                                               equity 
Nomino Holdings             BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Vina Sugar Holdings         BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Belfort Worldwide           BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Preston Pacific             BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Vietnam Opportunity Fund II BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Pte. Ltd.                                                             investments 
Liva Holdings Ltd           BVI                    100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Vietnam Master Holding 1    BVI                    100.00           - Holding company for 
Limited                                                               investments 
Allright Assets             Singapore              100.00      100.00 Holding company for real 
Limited                                                               estate 
Turnbull Holding Pte.       Singapore              100.00      100.00 Holding company for 
Ltd.                                                                  investments 
Fraser Investment Pte.      Singapore              100.00      100.00 Holding company for listed 
Limited                                                               securities 
SE Asia Master Holding 7    Singapore              100.00      100.00 Holding company for private 
Pte Limited                                                           equity 
VTC Espero Pte Limited      Singapore              100.00      100.00 Holding company for real 
Hawke Investments Pte       Singapore              100.00      100.00 Holding company for unlisted 
Limited                                                               securities 
There is no legal restriction to the transfer of funds from the BVI or 
Singapore subsidiaries to the Company. Cash held in directly-owned as well as 
indirectly-owned Vietnamese subsidiaries and associates is subject to 
restrictions imposed by co-investors and the Vietnamese government and 
therefore it cannot be transferred out of Vietnam unless such restrictions are 
The Company's underlying investments in real estate projects jointly invested 
with VinaLand have commitments under investment agreements to acquire and 
develop, or make additional investments in investment properties and leasehold 
land in Vietnam. 
5.2 Indirect interests in subsidiaries 
The Company had the following indirect interests in subsidiaries at 31 December 
2016 and 30 June 2016: 
                                                                                      As at 
                                                                               31 December    30 June 
                                                                                      2016       2016 
                                                                                      % of       % of 
                                                                                 Company's  Company's 
                          Country of                     Immediate                indirect   indirect 
Indirect subsidiary       incorporation Nature of the    Parent                   interest   interest 
Longwoods Worldwide       BVI           Holding company  Nomino Holdings            100.00     100.00 
Limited                                 for listed and   Limited 
Victory Holding           BVI           Holding company  Rewas Holdings             100.00     100.00 
Investment Limited                      for listed and   Limited 
DTL Education Holding     BVI           Holding company  Clear Interest             100.00     100.00 
Ltd                                     for investments  Group Limited 
Transwell Enterprises     BVI           Holding company  Orkay Holdings             100.00     100.00 
Limited                                 for unlisted     Limited 
Vietnam Hospitality       BVI           Holding company  VOF Investment             100.00     100.00 
Ltd                                     for real estate  Limited 
PA Investment Opportunity BVI           Holding company  Vietnam Enterprise         100.00     100.00 
II Limited                              for investments  Limited 
Pegasus Leisure Ltd.      BVI           Holding company  Vietnam                    100.00     100.00 
                                        for investments  Investments 
Howard Holding Pte.       Singapore     Holding company  Allwealth                   80.56      80.56 
Limited                                 for private      Worldwide Limited 
Abbott Holding Pte.       Singapore     Holding company  Hospira Holdings           100.00     100.00 
Limited                                 for private      Limited 
Whitlam Holding Pte.      Singapore     Holding company  Navia Holdings              61.26      61.26 
Limited                                 for private      Limited 
Indochina Building        Singapore     Holding company  VOF Investment             100.00     100.00 
Supplies Pte. Ltd                       for private      Limited 
Yen Viet Joint Stock      Vietnam       Food & Beverage  SE Asia Master              65.00      65.00 
Company                                 products         Holding 7 Limited 
Menzies Holding Pte.      Singapore     Holding company  Belfort Worldwide          100.00     100.00 
Ltd                                     for investments  Limited 
Bivi Cooporation          Vietnam       Real estate      VOF Investment             100.00     100.00 
                                        investment       Limited 
5.3 Direct interests in associates 
The Company had the following directly-owned associates as at 31 December 2016 
and 30 June 2016: 
                                                        As at 
                                                31 December  30 June 2016 
                                                       % of          % of 
                              Country of            Company       Company 
Associate                     incorporation        interest      interest     Nature of the business 
Allwealth Asia Ltd            BVI                     35.00         35.00     Holding company for 
                                                                              real estate 
Sunbird Group Ltd             BVI                     25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
                                                                              real estate 
Perimeter Investment          BVI                     25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
Limited                                                                       real estate 
Daybreak Overseas Limited     BVI                     25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
                                                                              real estate 
Central Lion International    BVI                     25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
                                                                              real estate 
Bantam Investments Limited    BVI                     25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
                                                                              real estate 
Vietnam Property Holdings     BVI                     25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
Limited                                                                       real estate 
Prosper Big Investment        BVI                         -         25.00     Holding company for 
Limited                                                                       real estate 
Avante Global Limited         BVI                     25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
                                                                              real estate 
Pacific Alliance Land         BVI                     25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
Limited                                                                       real estate 
VinaCapital Danang Resorts    BVI                         -         25.00     Holding company for 
Limited                                                                       real estate 
VinaCapital Commercial Center 
  Private Limited             Singapore               12.75         12.75     Holding company for 
                                                                              real estate 
VinaLand Eastern Limited      Singapore               25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
                                                                              real estate 
Mega Assets Pte. Limited      Singapore               25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
                                                                              real estate 
SIH Real Estate Pte.          Singapore               25.00         25.00     Holding company for 
Limited                                                                       real estate 
5.4 Indirect interests in associates 
The Company had the following indirect interests in associates at 31 December 
2016 and 30 June 2016: 
                                                                                        As at 
                                                                                 31 December   30 June 
                                                                                        2016      2016 
                                                                                        % of      % of 
                                                             Company's             Company's Company's 
                               Country of                    holding direct         indirect  indirect 
Indirect associate             incorporation Nature of the   in the associate       interest  interest 
Phong Phu Investment and       Vietnam       Real estate     Vietnam Ventures          30.00     30.00 
Development                                  investment      Limited 
Saigon Golf JSC                Vietnam       Real estate     Vietnam Ventures              -     20.00 
                                             investment      Limited 
Avila Co. Ltd.                 Vietnam       Real estate     Vietnam 
                                             investment      Investment 
                                                              Holdings Limited         16.18     16.18 
Vina Dai Phuoc                 Vietnam       Real estate     Allright Assets           18.00     18.00 
Corporation                                  investment      Limited 
Vinh Thai Urban Development    Vietnam       Real estate     VTC Espero                17.75     17.75 
Corporation                                  investment      Limited 
Thang Loi Textile              Vietnam       Real estate     VOF Investment            34.00     34.00 
                                             investment      Limited 
Hung Vuong Corporation         Vietnam       Real estate     VOF Investment            33.00     33.00 
                                             investment      Limited 
The Company's indirect interests of less than 20% in associates at period/ 
year-end are co-investments with VinaLand. The Company considers these 
interests as indirect associates because, as part of the co-investment 
strategy, the Company can exert significant influence on these entities. 
5.5 Financial risks 
The Company owns a number of subsidiaries and associates for the purpose of 
holding investments in listed and unlisted securities, debt instruments, 
private equity and real estate. The Company, via these underlying investments, 
is subject to financial risks which are further disclosed in Note 20. The 
Investment Manager makes investment decisions after performing extensive due 
diligence on the underlying investments, their strategies, financial structure 
and the overall quality of management. 
                                                       31 December 2016     30 June 2016 
                                                                USD'000          USD'000 
Cash at banks                                                                      1,570 
As at the Statement of Financial Position date, cash and cash equivalents were 
denominated in USD. 
The Company's overall cash position including cash held in directly held 
subsidiaries is USD118.7 million 
(30 June 2016: USD57.0 million). Please refer to Note 8 for details of the cash 
held by the Company's subsidiaries. 
                                              Loans and         Financial              Total 
                                            receivables    assets at fair 
                                                            value through 
                                                           profit or loss 
                                                USD'000           USD'000            USD'000 
As at 31 December 2016 
Cash and cash                                    91,825                 -             91,825 
Receivables                                         218                 -                218 
Financial assets at fair value through                -           788,408            788,408 
profit or loss 
Total                                            92,043           788,408            880,451 
Financial assets denominated 
-  USD                                           92,043           788,408            880,451 
As at 30 June 2016 
Cash and cash                                     1,570                 -              1,570 
Receivables                                       5,077                 -              5,077 
Financial assets at fair value through                -           789,739            789,739 
profit or loss 
Total                                             6,647           789,739            796,386 
Financial assets denominated 
-  USD                                            6,647           789,739            796,386 
All financial liabilities are short term in nature and their carrying values 
approximate their fair values. There are no financial liabilities that must be 
accounted for at fair value through profit or loss (30 June 2016: nil). 
8                                              . FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE 
Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss comprise the Company's 
investments in subsidiaries and associates. The underlying assets and 
liabilities of the direct subsidiaries and associates at fair value are 
disclosed in the following table. 
                                                      31 December 2016     30 June 2016 
                                                               USD'000          USD'000 
Cash and cash                                                   33,112           55,430 
Ordinary shares - listed                                       448,705          400,005 
Ordinary shares - unlisted and over-the-counter                100,684           82,741 
Private equity                                                  77,082           72,952 
Real estate projects and operating assets                       73,220          137,268 
Other assets, net of                                            55,605           41,343 
                                                               788,408          789,739 
The major underlying investments held by the direct subsidiaries of the Company 
were in the following industry sectors. 
                                                       31 December 2016     30 June 2016 
                                                                USD'000          USD'000 
Consumer goods                                                  241,874          235,142 
Construction                                                    136,597           97,961 
Financial services                                               27,473           38,054 
Agriculture                                                      20,833           24,681 
Energy, minerals and petroleum                                   31,881           41,531 
Pharmaceuticals                                                   9,081            9,023 
Real estate projects and operating assets                       176,273          219,862 
Infrastructure                                                   55,679           26,711 
As at 31 December 2016, an underlying holding, Vietnam Dairy Products Joint 
Stock Company, within financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 
amounted to 13.9% of the net asset value ("NAV") of the Company (30 June 2016: 
14.7%). There were no other holdings that had a value exceeding 10% of the NAV 
of the Company as at 31 December 2016 or 30 June 2016. 
During the period there has been return of capital from the underlying 
investments in the subsidiaries/associates arising from the realisation of 
these assets and the reallocation of available cash to the Company. 
When determining the fair values of financial assets at fair value through 
profit or loss the Company takes into account the potential for warranty or 
other claims arising on the sale of any investments based on the underlying 
likelihood of an event arising and the amount that may become payable. 
                                                               31 December 2016     30 June 2016 
                                                                        USD'000          USD'000 
Receivables from the Investment Manager on management fees                  212              380 
Cash held in escrow                                                           -            4,697 
Loan                                                                          6                - 
                                                                            218            5,077 
Cash held in the escrow account represented a deposit in United Overseas Bank 
Ltd that was retained from the sale of the Company's underlying investment, 
Prime Group Joint Stock Company, held through a previously owned Singaporean 
subsidiary, in 2012. The retention balance served as partial security for the 
Company's liability arising from the Company's potential Tax Assessment 
obligations. The escrow account was released to the Company on 31 December 
The Company may issue an unlimited number of Shares, including shares of no par 
value or shares with a par value. Shares may be issued as (a) Shares in such 
currencies as the Directors may determine; and/or (b) such other classes of 
shares in such currencies as the Directors may determine in accordance with the 
Articles and the Companies Law and the price per Share at which shares of each 
class shall first be offered to subscribers shall be fixed by the Board. The 
minimum price which may be paid for a share is USD0.01. The Directors will act 
in the best interest of the Company and the Shareholders when authorising the 
issue of any shares. 
Issued capital 
                                           31 December 2016               30 June 2016 
                                         Number of      USD'000        Number of      USD'000 
                                            shares                        shares 
Issued and fully paid at 1 July        211,346,258      491,301      324,610,259      725,310 
Cancellation of treasury shares                  -            -    (113,264,001)    (234,009) 
Issued and fully paid at period/       211,346,258      491,301      211,346,258      491,301 
year end 
Shares held in                         (3,585,000)     (10,283)      (2,700,000)      (7,472) 
Outstanding shares at period/year      207,761,258      481,018      208,646,258      483,829 
Treasury shares 
                                          31 December 2016               30 June 2016 
                                        Number of      USD'000        Number of      USD'000 
                                           shares                        shares 
Opening balance at 1 July               2,700,000        7,472      104,652,647      213,283 
Shares repurchased during the period/     885,000        2,811       11,311,354       28,198 
(Note 12) 
Shares cancelled during the period              -            -    (113,264,001)    (234,009) 
Closing balance at period/year end      3,585,000       10,283        2,700,000        7,472 
In October 2011, the Board sought and obtained shareholder approval to 
implement a share buyback programme. 
During the period, no treasury shares (30 June 2016: 113,264,001) were 
cancelled. The cancellation of treasury shares in the prior year did not result 
in a change in the Company's NAV per share. 
                                                         31 December 2016     30 June 2016 
                                                                  USD'000          USD'000 
Management fees payable to the Investment Manager                   1,111              993 
(Note 18) 
Incentive fees payable to the Investment  Manager                                    8,241 
(Note 18)                                                           7,673 
Payables to other related                                                              304 
parties                                                             2,164 
Other payables                                                        295              312 
                                                                   11,243            9,850 
All accrued expenses and other payables are short-term in nature. Therefore, 
their carrying values are considered a reasonable approximation of their fair 
                                                                 Six months ended 
                                                        31 December 2016    31 December 2015 
                                                                 USD'000             USD'000 
Dividend income from a subsidiary used to 
pay for the 
 Company's share repurchases                                                          13,371 
Dividend                                                          23,920              12,362 
                                                                  23,920              25,733 
Until 29 April 2016, all share buy backs were carried out under the name of 
Visaka Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary. Since 29 April 2016, all 
share buy backs have been carried out under the name of the Company. The 
payments for the share buy backs were made by VOF Investment Limited ("VOFIL"), 
a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company until 27 May 2016. All purchases had 
been fully settled by the Statement of Financial Position dates. 
                                                                Six months ended 
                                                      31 December 2016    31 December 2015 
                                                               USD'000             USD'000 
Financial assets at fair value through 
profit or loss: 
- Gains from the realisation of financial                           74                   - 
assets, net 
- Unrealised gains/(losses),                                    76,822            (13,628) 
Total                                                           76,896            (13,628) 
                                                                Six months ended 
                                                      31 December 2016    31 December 2015 
                                                               USD'000             USD'000 
Management fees (Note 18(a))                                     6,440               5,233 
Directors'                                                         211                 173 
Custodian, secretarial and other                                   918                 721 
professional fees 
Others                                                             363                 942 
                                                                 7,932               7,069 
The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands until 22 March 2016 when it 
changed its domicile to Guernsey. Under the laws of the Cayman Islands, there 
are no income, state, corporation, capital gains or other taxes payable by the 
The Company has been granted Guernsey tax exempt status in accordance with The 
Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989 (as amended). 
A number of subsidiaries are established in Vietnam and Singapore and are 
subject to corporate income tax in those countries. The income tax payable by 
these subsidiaries is taken into account in determining their fair values in 
the Statement of Financial Position. 
(a) Basic 
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit/(loss) from 
operations of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in 
issue during the year excluding ordinary shares purchased by the Company and 
held as treasury shares (Note 10). 
                                                                Six months ended 
                                                       31 December 2016    31 December 2015 
Profit for the period                                            85,483               5,232 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares                  208,475,850         217,387,194 
in issue 
Basic earnings per share (USD per share)                           0.41                0.02 
(b) Diluted 
Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive 
potential ordinary shares. The Company has no category of potentially dilutive 
ordinary shares. Therefore, diluted earnings/(loss) per share is equal to basic 
earnings/(loss) per share. 
(c) Net asset value per share 
NAV per share is calculated by dividing the net asset value of the Company by 
the number of outstanding ordinary shares in issue as at the reporting date 
excluding ordinary shares purchased by the Company and held as treasury shares 
(Note 10). NAV is determined as total assets less total liabilities. 
                                                       31 December 2016        30 June 2016 
Net asset value                                                 869,208             786,536 
Number of outstanding ordinary shares in                    207,761,258         208,646,258 
Net asset value per share (USD per share)                          4.18                3.77 
The Board believes that the impact of seasonality on the condensed interim 
financial information is not material. 
Investment Manager's Fees 
(a) Management fees 
Under the Second Amended IMA dated 15 October 2014, the Investment Manager 
receives a fee at an annual rate of 1.5% of the NAV, payable monthly in arrear. 
Total management fees for the period amounted to USD6.4 million (31 December 
2015: USD5.2 million), of which USD1.1 million (30 June 2016: USD1.0 million) 
was due to the Investment Manager at the reporting date. 
(b)        Incentive fees 
Under the Second Amended IMA, from 1 July 2013, the incentive fee was changed 
to be 15% of the increase in NAV per share over a hurdle rate of 8% per annum. 
A catch up is no longer applied. Furthermore, for the purposes of calculating 
incentive fees, the Company's net assets are segregated into a Direct Real 
Estate Portfolio and a Capital Markets Portfolio. A separate incentive fee is 
calculated for each portfolio so that for any statement of financial position 
date it will be possible for an incentive fee to become payable in relation to 
one, both, or neither, portfolio depending upon the performance of each 
portfolio. However, the maximum incentive fee that can be paid in any given 
year in respect to a portfolio is 1.5% of the time weighted average NAV of that 
portfolio over the period to which the fee relates. Any incentive fees earned 
in excess of the cap may be paid out in subsequent years providing that certain 
performance targets are met. 
On 27 October 2016, the IMA was amended in order to clarify the calculation of 
incentive fees. The clarification did not result in adjustments of the 
incentive fees expensed as of and for the period ended 
31 December 2016. 
Total incentive fees accrued for the period amounted to USD7.7million (31 
December 2015: USD Nil). Total incentive fees paid in respect of the fiscal 
year ending 30 June 2016 amounted to USD 8.2 million. 
Directors' Remuneration 
The Directors who served during the period received the following emoluments in 
the form of fees: 
                                                         Six months ended 
                                Annual fee     31 December 2016    31 December 2015 
                                        USD                 USD                 USD 
Steven Bates                         95,000              47,500              47,500 
Martin Adams                         80,000              40,000              40,000 
Michael Gray*                        90,000              43,151              45,000 
Thuy Bich Dam                        80,000              40,000              40,000 
Huw Evans**                          80,000              40,000                   - 
                                                        210,651             172,500 
* Retired 21 December 2016. 
** Appointed 27 May 2016. 
No Directors' fees were outstanding at the period end (30 June 2016: Nil). 
(c)                                Other balances with related parties 
                                                                31 December 2016     30 June 2016 
                                                                         USD'000          USD'000 
Receivables from the Investment Manager on management fees                   212              380 
Payables to the Investment Manager on 
expenses paid 
on behalf of the Company                                                      30              205 
Certain underlying investments jointly managed by the 
Investment Manager 
- Vietnam Infrastructure                                                   2,651            2,290 
- VinaLand Limited                                                        19,708           21,005 
                                                                          22,359           23,295 
(d)                                Cost of treasury shares paid for by 
subsidiaries on behalf of the Company 
As disclosed in Note 12, the cost of treasury shares purchased was paid by the 
Company's subsidiary up to 27 May 2016. 
The Company's indirect real estate associates have a broad range of commitments 
under investment licences which they have received for real estate projects 
jointly invested with VinaLand and other agreements they have entered into, to 
acquire and develop, or make additional investments in investment properties 
and leasehold land in Vietnam. Further investments in many of these 
arrangements are at the Company's discretion. 
 a. Financial risk factors 
The Company's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk 
(including currency risk, fair value interest rate risk, cash flow interest 
rate risk and price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. 
The condensed interim financial statements do not include all financial risk 
management information and disclosures required in the annual financial 
statements; they should be read in conjunction with the Company's Audited 
Financial Statements as at 30 June 2016. 
There have been no significant changes in the management of risk or in any risk 
management policies since the last balance sheet date. 
(b) Capital management 
The Company's capital management objectives are: 
·       To ensure the Company's ability to continue as a going concern; 
·       To provide investors with an attractive level of investment income; and 
·       To provide investors with an attractive level of capital growth. 
The Company is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. The 
Company has engaged the Investment Manager to allocate the net assets in such a 
way so as to generate a reasonable investment return for its Shareholders and 
to ensure that there is sufficient funding available for the Company to 
continue as a going concern. 
Capital as at the period/year-end is summarised as follows: 
                                                       31 December 2016     30 June 2016 
                                                                USD'000          USD'000 
Net assets attributable to equity                               869,208          786,536 
(c) Fair value estimation 
The table below analyses financial instruments carried at fair value, by 
valuation method. The different levels have been defined as follows: 
·    Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets 
or liabilities; 
·    Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are 
observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or 
indirectly (that is, derived from prices); and 
·    Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on 
observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs). 
There are no financial liabilities of the Company which were carried at fair 
value through profit or loss as at 31 December 2016 and 30 June 2016. 
The level into which financial assets are classified is determined based on the 
lowest level of significant input to the fair value measurement. 
Financial assets measured at fair value in the Statement of Financial Position 
are grouped into the following fair value hierarchy: 
                                                                    Level 3          Total 
                                                                    USD'000        USD'000 
As at 31 December 2016 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or                    788,408        788,408 
As at 30 June 2016 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or                    789,739        789,739 
The Company classifies its investments in subsidiaries and associates as Level 
3 because they are not publicly traded, even when the underlying assets may be 
readily realisable. 
If these investments were held at the Company level, they would be presented as 
                                       Level 1     Level 2               Level 3           Total 
                                       USD'000     USD'000               USD'000         USD'000 
As at 31 December 2016 
Cash and cash equivalents               33,112           -                     -          33,112 
Ordinary shares - listed               448,705           -                     -         448,705 
                        - unlisted      84,768      15,916                               100,684 
and OTC                                                                      - 
Private equity                               -           -                77,082          77,082 
Real estate projects and operating           -           -                73,220          73,220 
Other assets, net of                         -           -                55,605          55,605 
                                       566,585      15,916               205,907         788,408 
As at 30 June 2016 
Cash and cash equivalents               55,430           -                     -          55,430 
Ordinary shares - listed               400,005           -                     -         400,005 
                        - unlisted           -      65,704                17,037          82,741 
and OTC 
Private equity                               -           -                72,952          72,952 
Real estate projects and operating           -           -               137,268         137,268 
Other assets, net of                         -           -                41,343          41,343 
                                       455,435      65,704               268,600         789,739 
Investments whose values are based on quoted market prices in active markets, 
and are therefore classified within Level 1, include actively traded equities 
and Government bonds, which have committed prices at the Statement of Financial 
Position date. The Company does not adjust the quoted price for these 
Financial instruments which trade in markets that are not considered to be 
active but are valued based on quoted market prices and dealer quotations are 
classified within Level 2. These include investments in unlisted equities and 
over-the-counter ("OTC") equities. As Level 2 investments include positions 
that are not traded in active markets, valuations may be adjusted to reflect 
illiquidity and/or non-transferability, which are generally based on available 
market information. There are no significant adjustments that may result in a 
fair value measurement categorised within Level 3. 
Private equities, real estate and hospitality investments, and other assets 
that do not have an active market are classified within Level 3. The Company 
uses valuation techniques to estimate the fair value of these assets based on 
significant unobservable inputs such as discount rates, occupancy and room 
rates, etc., as 
described in Note 3.2. 
Following Novaland's listing on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange in December 
2016, the Company's unlisted investment of USD17.0 million in level 3 at 30 
June 2016 has been recategorised as a listed investment in Level 1 in the above 
hierarchy table at a valuation of USD31.4 million 
Quantitative information of significant unobservable inputs and sensitivity 
analysis to significant change in unobservable inputs within Level 3 hierarchy 
The significant unobservable inputs used in fair value measurement categorised 
within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy together with a quantitative 
sensitivity as at 31 December 2016 and 30 June 2016 are shown below: 
As at 31 December 2016 
                     Level 3 - Range of unobservable inputs 
                         (probability-weighted average) 
Segment  Valuation  Valuation Discount  Cap  Terminal Selling   Sensitivities in   Sensitivities in discount rates  Sensitivities 
         technique  (USD'000)   rate   rate   growth   price   selling price per    and cap rates/ dividend yield   in room rate 
                                               rate     per      unit (USD'000)               (USD'000)             and occupancy 
                                                       unit                                                         rate(USD'000) 
Real       Direct      31,433   N/A     N/A    N/A     30 -     Change in sales 
estate   comparison                                    8,243    price per square 
projects                                                             metre 
                                                                -10%     0%    10%               N/A                     N/A 
                                                              28,069 31,433 34,797 
Real     Discounted    41,787 15% -21% 8.5%    N/A      N/A           N/A                      Change in discount 
estate   cash flows                      -                                                            rate 
projects                               14.5% 
                                                                                                 -1%     0%     1%       N/A 
                                                                                   Change -1% 44,653 42,104 39,739 
                                                                                   rate    0% 44,305 41,787 39,452 
                                                                                           1% 44,006 41,506 39,200 
Private  Discounted    77,082  15% -    N/A  3% - 5%    N/A           N/A                      Change in discount 
equity   cash flows             21%                                                                   rate 
                                                                                                 -1%     0%   1%          N/ 
                                                                                   Change -1% 81,103 74,525 68,836 
                                                                                   rate    0% 85,448 77,082 64,674 
                                                                                           1% 90,621 82,260 75,228 
As at 30 June 2016 
                         Level 3 - Range of unobservable inputs 
                             (probability-weighted average) 
Segment     Valuation  Valuation Discount  Cap   Terminal Selling   Sensitivities in   Sensitivities in discount rates   Sensitivities in room rate and 
            technique  (USD'000)   rate    rate   growth   price   selling price per    and cap rates/ dividend yield       occupancy rate(USD'000) 
                                                   rate     per      unit (USD'000)               (USD'000) 
Real estate   Direct      35,578   N/A     N/A     N/A     30 -     Change in sales 
projects    comparison                                     8,243    price per square 
                                                                    -10%     0%    10%               N/A                              N/A 
                                                                  32,397 35,578 38,671 
Real estate Discounted    41,333 15% -19%  3% -    N/A      N/A           N/A                      Change in discount 
projects    cash flows                    14.5%                                                           rate 
                                                                                                     -1%     0%     1%                    N/A 
                                                                                       Change -1% 45,620 42,910 40,408 
                                                                                       in cap 
                                                                                       rate    0% 43,888 41,333 38,948 
                                                                                               1% 42,500 40,048 37,778 
Hospitality Discounted    60,357  16.00%  11.00%   N/A      N/A           N/A                      Change in discount                Change in room rate 
            cash flows                                                                                    rate 
                                                                                                     -1%     0%     1%                  -1%     0%     1% 
                                                                                       Change -1% 63,906 60,896 58,110 Change in -5% 59,827 59,886 59,944 
                                                                                       in cap                          occupancy 
                                                                                       rate                              rate 
                                                                                               0% 63,318 60,357 57,615            0% 60,294 60,357 60,420 
                                                                                               1% 62,764 59,849 57,149            5% 60,760 60,828 60,896 
Private     Discounted   46,151*  17% -    N/A   3% - 5%    N/A           N/A                      Change in discount 
equity      cash flows             21%                                                                    rate 
                                                                                                     -1%     0%     1%                    N/A 
                                                                                       Change -1% 48,026 44,469 41,330 
                                                                                       in cap 
                                                                                       rate    0% 50,001 46,151 42,741 
                                                                                               1% 52,266 48,022 44,349 
*The Company acquired certain investments towards the end of the year. The 
carrying values of those investments were equivalent to their fair values and 
therefore excluded from independent valuations and sensitivity analysis. 
Specific valuation techniques used to value the Company's underlying 
investments include: 
·    Quoted market prices or dealer quotes; 
·    Use of discounted cash flow technique to present value the estimated 
future cash flows; 
·    Other techniques, such as the latest market transaction price. 
Changes in Level 3 financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 
The fair value of the Company's investments in subsidiaries and associates are 
estimated using approaches as described in Note 3.2. As observable prices are 
not available for these investments, the Company classifies them as Level 3 
fair values. 
                                                    31 December 2016        30 June 2016 
                                                             USD'000             USD'000 
Opening balance                                              789,739             717,759 
Purchases                                                                          4,382 
Return of Capital (Note                                    (160,392)                   - 
Net gains for the period/year, net (Note 13)                  76,896              67,598 
                                                             788,408             789,739 
                                                             Six months ended 
                                                    31 December 2016    31 December 2015 
Total unrealised gains/(losses) for the period 
included in: 
Profit/(loss)                                                 76,822            (13,628) 
Total unrealised profit/(loss) for the                        76,822            (13,628) 
This Interim Report and Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements were 
approved for issuance by the Board on 24 March 2017. Events subsequent to 31 
December have been evaluated and there are no such events requiring disclosure. 
Directors                              Registrar 
Steven Bates                           Computershare Investor Services (Guernsey) 
Michael Gray (retired 21 December      1st Floor, Tudor House 
Martin Adams                           Le Bordage, St Peter Port 
Thuy Bich Dam                          Guernsey, GY1 1DB 
Huw Evans (appointed 27 May 2016)      Channel Islands 
Registered Office                      Independent Auditors 
PO Box 255                             PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP 
Trafalgar Court                        PO Box 321 
Les Banques                            Royal Bank Place 
St Peter Port                          1 Glategny Esplanade 
Guernsey GY1 3QL                       St Peter Port 
Channel Islands                        Guernsey GY1 4ND 
                                       Channel Islands 
Investment Manager 
VinaCapital Investment Management 
PO Box 309 
Ugland House 
Grand Cayman KY1-1104 
Cayman Islands 
Administrator and Corporate 
Northern Trust International Fund 
Administration Services (Guernsey) 
PO Box 255 
Trafalgar Court 
Les Banques 
St Peter Port 
Guernsey GY1 3QL 
Channel Islands 
Corporate Broker 
Numis Securities Limited 
The London Stock Exchange Building 
10 Paternoster Square 
London EC4M 7LT 
United Kingdom 
Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) 
Unit 1810-1815, Keangnam Hanoi 
Landmark Tower 
Pham Hung Road 
Me Tri Ward 
Nam Tu Liem District 
Hanoi, 1000 
Tel: +848 3911 0000 
Ho Chi Minh City 
17th Floor, Sun Wah Tower, 
115 Nguyen Hue Blvd., District 1, 
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 
Phone: +84-8 3821 9930 
Fax: +84-8 3821 9921 
5th Floor, Sun City Building, 
13 Hai Ba Trung Street, 
Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam. 
Phone: +84-4 3936 4630 
Fax: +84-4 3936 4629 
6 Temasek Boulevard, 
42-01 Suntec Tower 4, 
Singapore 038986. 
Phone: +65 6332 9081 
Fax: +65 6333 9081 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 24, 2017 10:18 ET (14:18 GMT)

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