28 January 2016 
                   Red Emperor Resources NL ("Red Emperor") 
                               Quarterly Reports 
            For The Period Ending 31 December 2015 and Appendix 5B 
The Board of Red Emperor Resources NL ("Red Emperor" or the "Company") provides 
the following commentary and Appendix 5B for the period ending 31 December 
Philippines (SC 55) 
Red Emperor advised during the December quarter that its Joint Venture partner 
and Operator, Otto Energy Limited (ASX: OEL) requested that a two-year 
moratorium be granted by the Philippines Department of Energy over SC 55. The 
JV fulfilled the work obligation under the current exploration Sub-Phase by 
drilling the Hawkeye-1 exploratory well in August 2015.  Although the well did 
not encounter gas in commercial quantities, it proved the presence of an active 
petroleum system in the contract area, which hosts the "Cinco Prospect" as well 
as several other leads. 
The consortium intends to undertake further technical studies during the 
moratorium period, including a Quantitative Interpretation (QI) Study. QI is a 
relatively recent geophysical technique that is designed to gain a better 
understanding of existing and potential petroleum reservoirs. The Joint Venture 
expects a response from the Department of Energy with respect to its moratorium 
request in Q1 2016. 
Subsequent to the end of the quarter, Red Emperor was advised by Otto Energy of 
its intention to exit the Joint Venture as part of its strategy to focus on its 
North American assets. As a result, Red Emperor would have the option to either 
maintain its 15% participating interest in SC 55 or be assigned a percentage of 
Otto Energy's interest on a pro-rata basis. In this instance, Red Emperor's 
participating interest could be increased by up to 22.5% to 37.5%. Red Emperor 
is considering its options and will advise the market accordingly. 
Red Emperor, a 20% shareholder of Strait Oil and Gas Limited (Strait), a 
Gibraltarian company with a valid Production Sharing Contract (PSC) across 
Block VIa in the Republic of Georgia, continues to be advised of ongoing 
negotiations with a potential purchaser of the PSC. Red Emperor understands 
that delays in reaching agreement with the potential purchaser have been due to 
volatility in the oil and gas price and political instability in the region. 
Strait is still hopeful of a conclusion to the negotiations before the end of 
Q1 2016. 
For further information please visit http://www.redemperorresources.com/ or 
Red Emperor Resources: 
Greg Bandy 
           +61 8 9212 
Grant Thornton UK LLP (Nominated Adviser): 
Philip Secrett, Jen Clarke, Jamie Barklem                                   020 
7383 5100 
   Appendix 5B Mining exploration entity and oil and gas exploration entity 
Introduced 01/07/96  Origin Appendix 8  Amended 01/07/97, 01/07/98, 30/09/01, 
17/12/10, 01/05/2013 
Name of entity 
ABN                                          Quarter ended ("current 
99 124 734 961                               31 December 2015 
Consolidated statement of cash flows 
                                         Current quarter   Year to date (6 
Cash flows related to operating          $A'000            months) 
activities                                                 $A'000 
1.1   Receipts from product sales and                    -                 - 
      related debtors 
1.2   Payments for  (a)  exploration &                   -           (5,100) 
      evaluation                                         -                 - 
                            (b)                          -                 - 
      development                                    (184)             (598) 
1.3   Dividends received                                 -                 - 
1.4   Interest and other items of a 
      similar nature received                           62               126 
1.5   Interest and other costs of                        -                 - 
      finance paid 
1.6   Income taxes paid                                  -                 - 
1.7   Other: Refund of Hawkeye-1 well                  398               426 
      Net Operating Cash Flows                         276           (5,146) 
      Cash flows related to investing 
1.8   Payment for purchases of:                          -                 - 
      (a)  prospects                                     -                 - 
                            (b)  equity                  -                 - 
      investment in associate 
1.9   Proceeds from sale of:   (a)                       -                 - 
      prospects                                          -                 - 
                            (b)  equity                  -                 - 
                            (c)  other 
      fixed assets 
1.10  Loans to other entities                            -                 - 
1.11  Loans repaid by other entities                     -                 - 
1.12  Other (provide details if                          -                 - 
      Net investing cash flows                           -                 - 
1.13  Total operating and investing cash 
      flows (carried forward)                          276           (5,146) 
1.13  Total operating and investing cash 
      flows (brought  forward)                         276           (5,146) 
      Cash flows related to financing 
1.14  Proceeds from issues of shares,                    -             5,600 
      options, etc. 
1.15  Proceeds from sale of forfeited                    -                 - 
1.16  Proceeds from borrowings                           -                 - 
1.17  Repayment of borrowings                            -                 - 
1.18  Dividends paid                                     -                 - 
1.19  Other - fundraising costs                          -             (388) 
      Net financing cash flows                           -             5,212 
      Net increase (decrease) in cash                  276                66 
1.20  Cash at beginning of quarter/year             12,118            12,494 
      to date 
1.21  Exchange rate adjustments to item              (143)             (309) 
1.22  Cash at end of quarter                        12,251            12,251 
Payments to directors of the entity, associates of the directors, related 
entities of the entity and associates of the related entities 
                                                          Current quarter 
1.23   Aggregate amount of payments to the parties        69 
       included in item 1.2 
1.24   Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included  Nil 
       in item 1.10 
1.25   Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions 
       Payment of Directors fees and Remuneration          $69k 
Non-cash financing and investing activities 
2.1   Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a 
      material effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not 
      involve cash flows 
2.2   Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase 
      their share in projects in which the reporting entity has an interest 
Financing facilities available 
Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position. 
                                         Amount available   Amount used 
                                         $A'000             $A'000 
3.1   Loan facilities                                     -                 - 
3.2   Credit standby arrangements                         -                 - 
Estimated cash outflows for next quarter 
4.1  Exploration and evaluation                                            - 
4.2  Development                                                           - 
4.3  Production                                                            - 
4.4  Administration                                                      200 
Reconciliation of cash 
Reconciliation of cash at the end of the Current quarter   Previous quarter 
quarter (as shown in the consolidated    $A'000            $A'000 
statement of cash flows) to the related 
items in the accounts is as follows. 
5.1  Cash on hand and at bank                       12,251             12,118 
5.2  Deposits at call                                    -                  - 
5.3  Bank overdraft                                      -                  - 
5.4  Other (provide details)                             -                  - 
     Total: cash at end of quarter (item            12,251             12,118 
Changes in interests in mining tenements and petroleum tenements 
                         Tenement       Nature of     Interest at Interest 
                         reference      interest      beginning   at end of 
                                        (note (2))    of quarter  quarter 
6    Interests in        See Appendix 1 -             -           - 
     mining tenements    below 
6.1  Interests in mining                -             -           - 
     tenements tenements - 
     reduced or lapsed 
6.2  Interests in mining 

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January 28, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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