Octopus AIM VCT plc 
   Final Results 
   27 May 2016 
   Octopus AIM VCT plc, managed by Octopus Investments Limited, today 
announces the final results for the year ended 29 February 2016. 
   These results were approved by the Board of Directors on 27 May 2016. 
   You may, in due course, view the Annual Report in full at 
www.octopusinvestments.com by navigating to Investors, and selecting 
Octopus AIM VCT plc from the drop down menu.  All other statutory 
information will also be found there. 
   Financial Summary 
                                                As at              As at 
                                           29 February 2016   28 February 2015 
Net assets (GBP'000)                                 77,224             72,612 
Net profit/(loss) after tax (GBP'000)                   742            (5,226) 
Net asset value (NAV) per share                      101.6p             110.2p 
Ordinary Dividends per share paid in                   5.3p               5.5p 
Special Dividend per share paid in year                4.0p                  - 
Proposed Final Dividend per share*                     2.5p               2.8p 
   * Subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting, the 
proposed final dividend will be paid on 22 July 2016 to shareholders on 
the register on 24 June 2016. 
   Chairman's Statement 
   The year to 29 February 2016 was characterised by an unsettled stock 
market which had the effect of dampening the enthusiasm for share prices 
even when companies demonstrated good business progress. The year opened 
with worries about an impending General Election which turned briefly to 
euphoria on the news of a single party majority in May before 
international political and economic concerns once again created the 
conditions for market volatility. This uncertainty has continued into 
2016, with attention now on the European Referendum in June.  Against 
this background performance was rather muted with the 9.3p of dividends 
paid out in the year only just exceeding the fall in the Net Asset Value 
(NAV) to give a small positive total return. Some of the mature holdings 
in the portfolio have seen their share prices advance on good news but 
it has been significantly harder for the earlier stage companies which 
have yet to make a profit. Their shares have tended to fare much worse 
in a risk averse market even when they have met expectations. 
   Royal Assent was also given to the second Finance Act of the year in 
November, bringing new VCT regulations which reconcile with EU State Aid 
rules.  Your Managers are not expecting to have to change their approach 
in any substantial way as a result of these new regulations. 
   During the year your company raised GBP12.4 million by the issue of new 
shares and a further GBP8.7million has been raised since the year end. 
Your Company continued to buy back from selling shareholders. 
   Adding back the 5.3p of ordinary and 4p special dividends paid out in 
the year, the Net Asset value rose marginally, by 0.6%.  This compares 
with a fall in the AIM index of 1.7%, a fall in the FTSE All Share Index 
of 7.3% and a rise in the Smallcap Index ex Investment Trusts of 1.6%, 
all on a total return basis. 
   As these figures suggest it has been smaller companies' shares which 
have performed relatively well, reflecting the fact that larger 
companies are perceived to be more exposed to international concerns 
about Chinese growth and the weak oil price as well as political worries 
around the Eurozone and the effects of the immigration crisis. However, 
within the portfolio, performance has tended to polarise with the better 
established and profitable companies seeing their share prices advance 
on good news, and those yet to make a profit struggling to get investor 
attention and seeing their share prices under pressure, particularly 
those thought to be in need of further funding. 
   There have been signs that the appetite for takeovers has started to 
revive. In the year under review, the cash offer for Advanced Computer 
software completed and Chime Communications, Synabor and Enables IT were 
all subject to takeover bids. Several other portfolio companies have 
accelerated their growth through acquisitions during the year. 
   2016 did not match the previous year for the amount raised by new issues 
on AIM although secondary fundraisings were even more in evidence.  In 
the year under review AIM has raised GBP5.4 billion in new capital, 
fulfilling its purpose of providing additional growth capital for its 
members. After a strong December and January for fundraisings, February 
was quieter although the pipeline of new companies looking to float on 
AIM seems to be steady. 
   In the interim accounts I reported that we had invested GBP4 million in 
qualifying holdings. In the second half of the year we invested a 
further GBP1.9 million in qualifying investments which included three 
new holdings in Scientific Digital Imaging, Tyratech and Haydale 
Graphene together with two further follow-on investments into Microsaic 
and Nektan. The last was in the format of a convertible loan note.  In 
addition we invested GBP5.2 million in non-qualifying holdings in the 
year, in order to put the funds raised to work in the market. We made 
disposals totalling GBP5.9 million at a net profit of GBP4.3 million. 
   Further details of performance are contained in the Investment Managers' 
   New VCT Regulations 
   VCTs have always been subject to UK regulations, not least as they 
confer tax benefits on investors.  In recent years these regulations 
have become subject themselves to European State Aid rules.  The 
Chancellor proposed new rules in his Summer Budget in July 2015 and, 
following discussions with European authorities in Brussels, these 
became law following the granting of Royal Assent in November 2015. 
These are in addition to existing rules which already limited investment 
to companies with gross assets of no more than GBP15 million, 250 
employees and where no more than GBP5 million of State Aided funds had 
been raised within the past 12 months. 
   The new rules now in force relate to the age of companies receiving a 
first investment, a lifetime limit on State Aided funds and rules 
designed to target any funds raised on a company's growth. They also 
recognise that there is a class of company which is 'knowledge 
intensive' and therefore hungrier for capital, and some of the limits 
are more generous for these types of companies. 
   To summarise the changes, in order to qualify companies must: 
   -- have fewer than 250 full time equivalent employees; and 
   -- have less than GBP15 million of gross assets at the time of investment 
      and no more than GBP16 million immediately post investment; and 
   -- be less than seven years old (or 10 years if a knowledge intensive fund) 
      if raising State Aided funds for the first time; and 
   -- have raised no more than GBP5 million of State Aided funds in the 
      previous 12 months and less than the lifetime limit of GBP12 million (or 
      GBP20 million if a knowledge intensive fund); and 
   -- produce a business plan to show that its funds are being raised for 
   Follow-on investments are allowed to provide further capital for an 
existing investment up to the lifetime limit, and in certain 
circumstances a company may obtain clearance to raise money to develop a 
new business or market. Money raised from VCTs is not allowed to be used 
for acquisitions, or to buy out debt or existing equity. In addition, 
non-qualifying purchases of AIM shares are no longer allowed. 
   Draft clarification notes to go with the VCT legislation have just been 
published and so it is still too early to come to any conclusions about 
what effect these new rules will have on VCT qualifying deal flow for 
AIM companies.  Your VCT has made two investments since the rules became 
law and has seen a steady flow of qualifying opportunities.  At 88%, the 
VCT is well above the minimum 70% qualifying requirement and therefore 
under no immediate pressure to invest its cash. 
   An interim dividend of 2.5p was paid to shareholders in January 2016. It 
is your Board's intention to continue to pay a minimum of 2.5p each half 
year and to adjust annually, based on the year-end share price, the 
final dividend so that shareholders receive either 5p per annum or a 5% 
yield, whichever is the greater at the time. This will enable dividends 
to progress with a rising NAV, whilst maintaining the minimum historic 
level. With respect to the year to February 2016 your Board has so far 
declared and paid an interim dividend of 2.5p and now has pleasure in 
recommending a final dividend of 2.5p, which brings the total dividend 
for the year to 5p which is higher than an annualised yield of 5%, based 
on the share price of 95.875p on 29 February 2016. 
   Special dividends are by definition special and do not form part of the 
minimum payment. A 4p special dividend was paid in respect of the year 
to 28 February 2015 following the exceptional profit realised on the 
takeover of Advanced Computer Software. No special dividend is proposed 
for the year ended 29 February 2016. 
   Dividend Reinvestment scheme 
   In common with many other VCTs in the industry, your Company has started 
a Dividend Reinvestment Scheme (DRIS).  Some shareholders have already 
taken advantage of this opportunity. For investors who do not need 
income, but value the additional tax relief on their reinvested 
dividends, this is an attractive scheme and I hope more shareholders 
will find it useful. In the course of the year 468,005 new shares have 
been issued under this scheme. The dividend referred to above will be 
eligible for the DRIS. 
   Share Buy Backs 
   In the year ended 29 February 2016 we bought back 1,494,656 shares for 
cancellation.  The average month end discount to Net Asset Value at 
which your shares have traded through the year has been 5.1% compared to 
the closing monthly bid price in line with the Board's policy of 5%. 
   Share Issues 
   In the year to 29 February 2016 we have raised a total of GBP12.4 
million of new capital.  This figure is made up, first, of GBP8.5 
million raised under the combined offer with Octopus AIM VCT 2 plc ("AIM 
VCT 2") which launched on 29 August 2014. This offer closed, fully 
subscribed, on 1 July 2015. A further combined fundraise with AIM VCT 2 
was launched on 21 December 2015 to raise up to GBP20 million, with an 
overallotment facility of GBP10 million. By the year end GBP3.9 million 
had been raised under this offer.  At the date of this report a further 
GBP8.7 million had been raised in the period since 29 February 2016. The 
offer remains open and the Company can raise up to a further GBP5.4 
million before reaching the maximum of GBP18 million. 
   VCT Status 
   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provides your Board and Investment Manager 
with advice concerning continuing compliance with HMRC regulations for 
VCTs. Your Board has been advised that Octopus AIM VCT is in compliance 
with the conditions laid down by HMRC for maintaining approval as a VCT. 
A key requirement is to maintain at least a 70% qualifying investment 
level. As at 29 February 2016 some 88% of the portfolio as measured by 
HMRC rules was invested in qualifying investments. 
   Risks and uncertainties 
   In accordance with the Listing Rules under which your Company operates 
your Board has to comment on the potential risks and uncertainties which 
could have a material impact on the Company's performance. A risk arises 
from the requirement to maintain compliance with HMRC regulations 
requiring 70% of your Company's assets to be invested in qualifying 
holdings. Other risks include economic conditions which impact 
particularly on smaller companies in which your Company invests and this 
could have an adverse impact on share prices. 
   Annual General Meeting 
   The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 7 July 2016. I very 
much hope that you will be able to come. After the formal business our 
Investment Managers will make a presentation. At the Annual General 
Meeting, a resolution will be proposed to extend the life of the Company 
until 2022 in order to preserve the VCT status of the Company for the 
benefit of both existing shareholders and new investors participating in 
the present share offer. I have been Chairman since the formation of the 
Company and will be retiring at the Annual General Meeting. I am 
delighted to announce that Roger Smith will be succeeding me. We will 
seek to appoint a new non-executive director during the course of the 
   Markets have been generally more volatile in the last few months in the 
face of more pronounced fears about global economic growth.  While many 
of the widely reported international concerns are of less relevance to 
smaller UK companies such as those in the portfolio, the EU Referendum 
is now casting a shadow over the market which will continue until the 
result is known at the end of June. 
   Despite this background there is no reason to be disheartened as far as 
smaller companies are concerned, and the performance of your portfolio 
depends as ever, more on the progress made by individual companies 
rather than any macro-economic or political factors.  There are several 
holdings in the healthcare and technology sector expected to move into 
profit over the next two or more years and among the more mature 
holdings a number have produced good results in the recent March results 
   Michael Reeve 
   27 May 2016 
   Investment Manager's Review 
   Smaller company share prices proved resilient during the year to 29 
February 2016 in contrast to the FTSE 100 which saw some steep declines 
in some of its members exposed to a weak oil price and international 
markets.  At the interim stage we reported that the wider stock market 
had once again become a more difficult place after an initial burst of 
enthusiasm following the General Election result in May had passed. This 
more cautious tone persisted for the remainder of the year, with the 
result that the NAV total return was slightly down in the second half 
although it remained just in positive territory for the year as a whole. 
   It was the share prices of earlier stage companies needing cash to 
fulfil growth plans that were most affected and we talk about some 
examples in the portfolio later on in this report.  More established and 
profitable companies saw their share prices advance despite market 
conditions and these contributed positively to performance in the year. 
Overall it seems quite likely, at this stage, that similar conditions 
will prevail through 2016, with companies only seeing their share prices 
advance as a result of positive results rather than on any general 
market trends. 
   While AIM itself has had some criticism in 2015, it has continued to 
support existing companies even though the number of new flotations was 
lower than in the previous twelve months. The benefit of increased 
market nervousness is that valuations have tended to be more realistic, 
which bodes well for investing the cash being raised under the current 
   The Alternative Investment Market 
   The year to 29 February 2016 started well with the AIM Index 
participating in a general rise in the stock market. However, its higher 
exposure to resource stocks meant that it could not sustain this rise as 
worries about a Chinese slowdown intensified and it ended 1.7% down by 
the end of the period, behind smaller companies generally although still 
well ahead of the FTSE 100. 
   Despite this volatility, and a lower level of new listings on AIM than 
in 2014, the market raised a very substantial sum, GBP5.4 billion, for 
existing AIM listed companies for the year as a whole. That is the 
highest level of secondary fundraising on AIM since 2010 and is proof 
that the market will support companies with good reasons for asking for 
additional growth capital. The ability of AIM to attract a range of new 
issues and to raise further funds for small growing companies is its 
most important characteristic as far as the VCT is concerned. 
   2015 finished with a large number of companies testing the temperature 
of the water, as they examined the possibility of floating in the first 
quarter of 2016. These are beginning to come through in the form of 
prospectus's landing on our desks although this has been slower than we 
expected at the end of 2015, probably as a result of more turbulent 
market conditions.  However, assuming that owners and managers set a 
higher priority on growth than some arbitrary valuation, we would expect 
to see a healthy flow of new companies coming to AIM in 2016.  We also 
expect to see many existing AIM companies continue to use their listing 
to raise finance for further growth. 
   Dividend payments in the year were higher than usual as a result of a 
special dividend paid out of the profit from the Advanced Computer 
Software holding which was taken over in March 2015. Adding these back 
to show the total return, the Net Asset Value decreased in the year by 
slightly less than the 9.8p of dividends paid out, giving a total return 
of 0.6%. This compares with a total return for the FTSE Smallcap Index 
of 1.6% and for AIM of -1.7%. The FTSE All Share Index was affected by a 
sell-off in larger companies perceived to be exposed to global growth 
and a weak oil price and it underperformed returning -7.3% in the twelve 
month period.   The portfolio benefited from its exposure to small 
growing companies many of which are operating in a domestic economy that 
has been enjoying better growth than many of its international 
   Within the portfolio it was the older, more established and already 
profitable companies that tended to perform best in these market 
conditions, with a number of the not yet profitable earlier stage 
companies seeing their share prices decline. Among the latter Mycelx, 
highlighted in the accounts a year ago, continued to suffer from a weak 
share price as a result of fears about the prolonged effect of a low oil 
price.  The management has cut costs and is preserving its cash. Several 
other earlier stage companies had a negative impact on the performance 
of the NAV in the year including Oxford Pharmascience and Proxama. 
Oxford Pharmascience has a technology that reduces the harmful effects 
of drugs on the stomach through slow release of the active ingredients. 
Although the share price has performed poorly, the company raised GBP20 
million in 2015 and so has cash to fund further trials if it should 
prove necessary. Proxama, a company with near field communications 
technology to allow people to transact by tapping their mobile phone, 
has seen its share price decline on fears that it will need more money 
in order to execute its strategy.  It has recently announced a series of 
contracts that indicate that it may now be managing to get some sales 
   EKF Diagnostics was the other holding that performed particularly badly 
in the year.  Difficulties with its US molecular diagnostics laboratory 
were compounded by some lumpy order patterns in its point of care 
diagnostics business, and the company ended up announcing a strategic 
review which resulted in a potential bid.  When any formal bid failed to 
materialise, the company announced that it would be cutting costs and 
concentrating its efforts on restoring shareholder value through 
focusing on the point of care business. 
   On a positive note some of the more established holdings in the 
portfolio enjoyed strong share price gains in the year and more than 
compensated for the poor share price performance of anything considered 
by the market to be small and early stage. Breedon, Staffline, Brooks 
Macdonald, Idox, Vertu Motors and GB Group all saw their share prices 
respond well to good figures showing strong progress in their respective 
businesses with the promise of further growth to come.  In particular, 
Breedon has made a takeover bid for Hope Group, a rival UK aggregates 
and cement business which will double its size, making it the largest 
independent UK based aggregates business and give it a much coveted 
entry into the London cement market.  It is awaiting the approval of the 
Competition and Markets Authority. They are all now well established, 
and by VCT standards, sizeable businesses. 
   Encouragingly, several other portfolio companies saw their businesses 
develop significantly in the year and were rewarded with share price 
gains.  Tasty, a restaurant operator, has now built its estate to more 
than 50 outlets and has the funding to grow it by 15 units a year out of 
existing resources.  This fund first invested in 2007 and it took three 
years before the company reached profitability, since then it has 
accelerated its growth plans. Adept Telecom made a significant 
acquisition, increasing its ability to win business with larger 
customers and Animalcare demonstrated that it could successfully launch 
several new animal medicines into the market in a twelve month period. 
DP Poland, which owns the Dominos Pizza franchise in Poland, is still a 
long way from profitability but it has now demonstrated a financial 
model that works, and the shares have strengthened as a result. 
Learning Technologies also reaped the benefit of several acquisitions 
made since it reversed the business of Epic into Indeed On-line and is 
now bidding for and winning substantial government contracts. 
   Among the non-qualifying holdings Skyepharma was the best performer, and 
is now subject to a takeover bid from Vectura, another mid-sized 
pharmaceutical company specialising in the respiratory sector. The 
combined Group will be cash generative as well as having a portfolio of 
products in development providing potential for future growth. RWS, 
Restore and Gooch and Housego all performed well in the year. 
   Portfolio Activity 
   In addition to the GBP4 million invested in six qualifying investments 
in the first half of the year, we invested a further GBP1.9 million in 
five further qualifying investments in the second half. Two of these 
were follow on investment into Nektan and Microsaic, both of which have 
yet to generate any significant sales and are still proving their 
business models.  All of the new investments were in existing AIM 
companies.  Among them, only Scientific Digital Imaging is already 
profitable although Tyratech is already selling its head lice treatment 
based on natural plant extracts to WalMart in the US and Boots in the UK 
and will be using the funds raised to accelerate its sales towards 
profitability.  Haydale also has existing sales.  It has a technology to 
functionalise graphene to enable its properties of strength and 
conductivity to be used in conjunction with other substances. 
   We have also invested a proportion of our newly raised cash in 
non-qualifying holdings with a view to improving returns by putting 
liquid assets to work. We invested in a number of larger AIM companies, 
which we know well and which, as relatively developed profitable and 
dividend paying companies, represent a balance to the risk, which the 
younger qualifying companies necessarily inject into the portfolio. In 
total we invested GBP5.2 million into new non-qualifying holdings in the 
year. In aggregate therefore we have invested over GBP11.1 million in 
the year to February 2016, which compares with the GBP12.4 million 
raised by the company. 
   During the year we made disposals of GBP5.9 million realising an overall 
profit over book cost of GBP4.3 million.  The major sale in the year was 
the disposal of Advanced Computer Software Group, which we covered in 
the interim statement.  In the second half of the year Chime 
Communications and Synabor were taken over for cash.  Enables IT was 
also taken over, and as a result the fund now has a holding in 1 Spatial, 
a software Group which specialises in managing vast quantities of 
geospatial data. The holding in Staffline was trimmed, but the only 
other holding which was sold entirely in the second half was Goals 
Soccer Centres, which had always been a non-qualifying holding and 
produced a small profit. 
   Markets have had a very unsettled start to 2016, with worries about a 
further slowdown in China, continuing weakness in the oil price and 
worries about the possibility of rising interest rates exacerbated by a 
new uncertainty posed by the EU referendum in June.  Despite the US 
raising rates in December, the prospect of a rate rise in the UK still 
seems to be some way off, and forecasts remain for slow economic growth. 
As far as the domestic economy is concerned this is a similar outlook to 
this time last year and goes some way to explain why many smaller UK 
focused companies have continued to publish encouraging trading 
statements which have often been followed by upgrades to analysts' 
forecasts.  On a more cautious note, it has become apparent in the 
recent reporting season that the market is very nervous about companies 
disappointing with some share prices falling substantially on bad news. 
Inevitably it is the still unprofitable companies perceived to need 
further funding that are most vulnerable in this situation, with the 
specific risk increased where VCTs are no longer able to follow their 
money at a lower price under new regulations and therefore at risk of 
returns being diluted.  We believe that share price performance will 
continue to be driven by the progress of individual companies and take 
comfort from the fact that 85% by value of the equity portfolio is 
represented by profitable companies and 70% by dividend paying 
   A relatively positive UK economic outlook is also a reason to believe 
that capital raising and flotations will remain a significant feature of 
AIM this year. In those circumstances we would expect to invest the 
present cash balance profitably for shareholders in new qualifying 
   The AIM Team 
   Octopus Investments Limited 
   27 May 2016 
   Investment Portfolio 
                                                                                            % equity 
                                                              Fair                          held by 
                                      Cost as               Value at                          all 
                                       at 29    Cumulative     29                 % equity   funds 
                                     February   change in   February   Movement   held by   managed 
Quoted                                 2016     fair value    2016      in year   AIM VCT      by 
Investments      Sector              (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)   (GBP'000)  ('GBP000)    plc     Octopus 
 plc             Support Services          334       4,626      4,960      1,756      1.3%     11.0% 
 Aggregates      Construction & 
 Limited          Building                 859       3,971      4,830      1,413      0.6%      1.2% 
GB Group plc     Support Services          715       2,220      2,935      1,034      0.9%      9.0% 
 Group plc       Finance                   746       1,979      2,725        583      1.1%      8.3% 
Quixant plc       Hardware                 697       1,952      2,649        500      2.3%      6.4% 
Tasty plc        Leisure & Hotels          622       1,834      2,456        402      2.8%      5.2% 
Idox plc         Software                  353       2,040      2,393        493      1.3%      3.6% 
Mattioli Woods 
 plc             Finance                   529       1,740      2,269        261      1.6%      2.4% 
 Group plc       Support Services        1,320         782      2,102        876      1.5%      2.4% 
Vertu Motors 
 plc             General Retailers       1,265         449      1,714        153      0.7%      5.0% 
TLA Worldwide 
 plc             Media                     807         888      1,695       (40)      2.8%      6.1% 
Netcall plc       Services                 438       1,236      1,674      (463)      2.6%      4.5% 
                 Pharmaceuticals & 
Ergomed plc       Biotech                1,440          31      1,471         15      3.1%     10.7% 
RWS Holdings 
 plc             Support Services          367         885      1,252        127      0.3%      6.7% 
                 Pharmaceuticals & 
Skyepharma plc    Biotech                  672         448      1,120        241      0.3%      0.6% 
Animalcare       Food Producers & 
 Group plc        Processors               306         806      1,112         66      2.6%      6.8% 
Restore Group 
 plc             Support Services          467         605      1,072         78      0.4%      9.6% 
Gooch & Housego  Electronic & 
 plc              Electrical               489         549      1,038        216      0.5%     11.9% 
Cello Group plc  Media                     895         122      1,017       (73)      1.4%      5.4% 
Craneware plc    Software                  183         831      1,014        303      0.5%      1.9% 
Nektan Limited   Software                  845       (340)        505      (714)      2.6%     16.2% 
                 Pharmaceuticals & 
Abcam Plc         Biotech                  895         109      1,004        109      0.1%      2.1% 
Clinigen Group   Pharmaceuticals & 
 plc              Biotech                  935          47        982         47      0.1%      3.3% 
DP Poland plc    Leisure & Hotels          546         401        947         64      2.8%      4.7% 
Adept Telecom    Telecommunication 
 plc              Services                 601         321        922        304      1.9%      3.8% 
Escher Group 
 Holdings plc    Software                1,003       (119)        884      (147)      3.2%      5.5% 
 plc             Software                  353         496        849         17      2.2%      3.3% 
Brady plc        Software                  947        (99)        848      (432)      1.8%      3.0% 
 Infrastructure  Telecommunication 
 Holdings Plc     Services               1,025       (201)        824      (201)      0.6%      1.6% 
 Medical         Pharmaceuticals & 
 Solutions        Biotech                  757          48        805         48      0.2%      7.7% 
Nasstar plc      Software                  481         312        793       (24)      2.5%      7.1% 
 Scientific      Electronic & 
 plc              Electrical               314         443        756      (101)      0.8%      1.4% 
Next Fifteen 
 plc             Media                     688          45        733         45      0.5%      7.0% 
SQS Software 
 plc             Software                  291         404        695       (57)      0.4%     13.1% 
 Pharmascience   Pharmaceuticals & 
 Group plc        Biotech                1,350       (709)        641      (709)      1.1%      3.5% 
Sinclair Pharma  Pharmaceuticals & 
 plc              Biotech                  765       (151)        614         48      0.3%      0.6% 
EKF Diagnostics 
 plc             Health                    931       (322)        609      (706)      1.3%      2.4% 
Tyratech         Chemicals                 600           -        600          -      5.5%     19.9% 
 Group plc       Health                    601        (43)        558       (17)      5.0%     17.8% 
Ideagen plc      Software                  419         139        558        102      0.7%      5.4% 
 plc             Health                    465          90        555         29      3.5%      6.2% 
 Holdings plc    Media                     557        (44)        513       (44)      2.0%      5.1% 
 Communications  Telecommunication 
 Plc              Services                 488          24        512         24      0.1%      7.3% 
 Graphene Plc    Chemicals                 598       (131)        467      (131)      2.5%      9.0% 
Mears Group plc  Support Services          139         320        459       (78)      0.1%      0.1% 
Iomart Group 
 plc             Software                  268         122        390         86      0.1%      8.1% 
Plastics         Engineering & 
 Capital plc      Machinery                400        (16)        384       (56)      1.1%      9.1% 
Midatech Pharma  Pharmaceuticals & 
 plc              Biotech                  600       (218)        382      (274)      0.7%      3.0% 
 plc             Software                  375        (19)        356        169      2.7%      5.3% 
                 Engineering & 
Microsaic plc     Machinery                625       (314)        311      (325)      2.3%      8.6% 
Proxama plc      Software                  763       (458)        305      (244)      3.0%     12.1% 
Vianet Group 
 plc             Support Services          359        (77)        282         42      1.1%      4.6% 
Scientific       Healthcare 
 Digital          equipment                179          89        268         89      3.5%     12.0% 
Futura Medical   Pharmaceuticals & 
 plc              Biotech                  613       (371)        242      (129)      1.1%      5.2% 
 plc             Software                  282        (44)        239      (451)      0.4%      1.3% 
Sphere Medical   Health                    600       (375)        225      (375)      2.6%      4.4% 
ReNeuron Group   Pharmaceuticals & 
 Plc              Biotech                  324       (146)        178      (146)      0.2%      1.2% 
 plc             Support Services          578       (419)        159       (14)      2.1%      4.7% 
WANdisco plc     Software                  241        (88)        153      (379)      0.4%      0.7% 
Altitude Group 
 plc             Media                     600       (450)        150      (117)      3.9%      4.5% 
                 Engineering & 
TP Group plc      Machinery                648       (502)        146       (66)      1.3%      6.3% 
Enteq Upstream 
 plc             Oil Services            1,032       (908)        124       (26)      1.7%      3.7% 
 plc             Oil Equipment           1,470     (1,369)        101      (912)      5.3%     11.5% 
Dods Group plc   Media                     203       (114)         89         34      0.2%      0.2% 
1Spatial plc     Software                  300       (253)         47       (28)      0.1%      0.2% 
Tanfield Group   Engineering & 
 plc              Machinery                226       (182)         44       (17)      0.6%      0.6% 
Lombard Medical 
 plc             Health                    408       (368)         40      (166)      0.3%      0.7% 
Work Group plc   Support Services          943       (911)         32       (15)      4.1%      6.2% 
Clean Air Power 
 Limited         Industrial                485       (485)          -      (161)      2.0%      8.8% 
 Total Quoted Investments               42,619      21,157     63,777      1,936 
                                                                                            % equity 
                                                                 Fair                        held by 
                                       Cost as               Value at                            all 
                                         at 29  Cumulative         29             % equity     funds 
                                      February   change in   February   Movement   held by   managed 
Unquoted                                  2016  fair value       2015    in year   AIM VCT        by 
Investments      Sector              (GBP'000)   (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)  ('GBP000)       plc   Octopus 
Hasgrove plc     Media                      88          62        150         70      2.2%     13.0% 
Rated People 
 Limited         Software                  354       (322)         32      (322)      0.5%      1.5% 
 Total Unquoted Investments                442       (260)        182      (252) 
                                                                                            % equity 
                                                                 Fair                        held by 
                                       Cost as               Value at                            all 
                                         at 29  Cumulative         29             % equity     funds 
                                      February   change in   February   Movement   held by   managed 
Loan Note                                 2016  fair value       2015    in year   AIM VCT        by 
Investments      Sector              (GBP'000)   (GBP'000)  (GBP'000)  ('GBP000)       plc   Octopus 
Nektan Limited   Software                  500           -        500          -       N/A     16.2% 
 plc             Software                  120           -        120          -       N/A      5.3% 
 Total Loan Note Investments               620           -        620          - 
Total Investments                       43,681      20,897     64,578      1,684 
Money Market Funds                                              5,269 
Total fixed asset investments and 
 money market funds                                            69,847 
Cash at bank                                                    9,751 
Debtors less creditors                                        (2,374) 
Total net assets                                               77,224 
   Top ten holdings 
   Listed below are the ten largest investments, valued at bid price, as at 
29 February 2016: 
   Staffline Recruitment Plc 
   Staffline is a provider of labour to employers. 
   Initial investment date:          December 2004 
   Cost:                                     GBP334,000 
   Valuation:                              GBP4,960,000 
   Equity held:                           1.3% 
   Last audited accounts:           31 December 2015 
   Revenue:                               GBP702.2 million 
   Profit before tax:                    GBP5.5 million 
   Net assets:                             GBP73.2 million 
   Breedon Aggregates Limited 
   Breedon Aggregates supplies a diverse range of products to the 
construction and building sectors from a number of quarries and other 
sites in the Midlands and Scotland. 
   Initial investment date:          August 2010 
   Cost:                                     GBP859,000 
   Valuation:                              GBP4,830,000 
   Equity held:                           0.6% 
   Last audited accounts:          31 December 2015 
   Revenue:                               GBP318 million 
   Profit before tax:                    GBP31.3 million 
   Net assets:                             GBP233 million 
   GB Group Plc 
   GB Group specialises in ID verification to help customers avoid ID theft 
and fraud and to verify the age and circumstances of both customers and 
employees for regulatory and commercial reasons. 
   Initial investment date:          November 2011 
   Cost:                                     GBP715,000 
   Valuation:                              GBP2,935,000 
   Equity held:                           1.0% 
   Last audited accounts:           31 March 2015 
   Revenue:                                GBP57.3 million 
   Profit before tax:                     GBP5.9 million 
   Net assets:                              GBP46.1 million 
   Brooks MacDonald Group Plc 
   Brooks MacDonald is a provider of asset management and financial 
consulting services with a particular emphasis on the pensions market. 
   Initial investment date:          March 2005 
   Cost:                                     GBP746,000 
   Valuation:                              GBP2,725,000 
   Equity held:                           1.1% 
   Last audited accounts:          30 June 2015 
   Revenue:                               GBP77.7 million 
   Profit before tax:                    GBP11.4 million 
   Net assets:                            GBP74.2 million 
   Quixant Plc 
   Quixant designs and manufactures advanced PC based computer systems for 
the gaming industry. 
   Initial investment date:          September 2013 
   Cost:                                     GBP697,000 
   Valuation:                              GBP2,649,000 
   Equity held:                           2.3% 
   Last audited accounts:          31 December 2015 
   Revenue:                               $41.8 million 
   Profit before tax:                    $9.2 million 
   Net assets:                             $25.7 million 
   Tasty Plc 
   Tasty is the operator of Wildwood and Dim T restaurants in the 'casual 
dining' sector. 
   Initial investment date:             May 2007 
   Cost:                                        GBP622,000 
   Valuation:                                 GBP2,456,000 
   Equity held:                              2.8% 
   Last audited accounts:             27 December 2015 
   Revenue:                                 GBP35.8 million 
   Profit before tax:                     GBP3.1 million 
   Net assets:                              GBP19.2 million 
   Idox Plc 
   Idox is a leading software and information management solutions provider, 
mainly to the public and engineering sectors. 
   Initial investment date:          May 2008 
   Cost:                                     GBP353,000 
   Valuation:                              GBP2,393,000 
   Equity held:                           1.3% 
   Last audited accounts:          31 October 2015 
   Revenue:                              GBP62.6 million 
   Profit before tax:                   GBP9.8 million 
   Net assets:                            GBP53.6 million 
   Mattioli Woods Plc 
   Mattioli Woods is a financial advisor and investment manager and 
administrator, particularly of pension funds. 
   Initial investment date:          November 2005 
   Cost:                                     GBP529,000 
   Valuation:                              GBP2,269,000 
   Equity held:                           1.6% 
   Last audited accounts:          31 May 2015 
   Revenue:                               GBP34.6 million 
   Profit before tax:                    GBP5.3 million 
   Net assets:                             GBP39.5 million 
   Learning Technologies Group plc 
   Learning Technologies is a learning technologies agency which provides a 
comprehensive and integrated range of e-learning services and 
technologies to corporate and government clients. 
   Initial investment date:           June 2011 
   Cost:                                       GBP1,320,000 
   Valuation:                                GBP2,102,000 
   Equity held:                             1.5% 
   Last audited accounts:            31 December 2015 
   Revenue:                                 GBP19.9 million 
   Profit before tax:                      GBP1.5 million 
   Net assets:                               GBP25.5 million 
   Vertu Motors plc 
   The Vertu Motors group operates a nationwide chain of 120 franchised 
motor dealerships offering sale, servicing, parts and bodyshop 
facilities for new and used car and commercial vehicles. 
   Initial investment date:           December 2006 
   Cost:                                       GBP1,265,000 
   Valuation:                               GBP1,714,000 
   Equity held:                            0.8% 
   Last audited accounts:            29 February 2016 
   Revenue:                                GBP2.4 billion 
   Profit before tax:                     GBP26 million 
   Net assets:                              GBP197.9 million 
   Directors' Responsibilities Statement 
   The Directors are responsible for preparing the Strategic Report, 
Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. They are 
also responsible for ensuring that the annual report includes 
information required by the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct 
   Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for 
each financial year. Under that law the Directors have elected to 
prepare the financial statements in accordance with UK Generally 
Accepted Accounting Practice ("GAAP"), including Financial Reporting 
Standard 102 - 'The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the 
United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland' ("FRS 102"), (United Kingdom 
accounting standards and applicable law). Under company law the 
Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are 
satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of 
the Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that period. 
   In preparing these financial statements the Directors are required to: 
   -- select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   -- make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
   -- state whether applicable UK accounting standards have been followed, 
      subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the 
      financial statements; 
   -- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
      inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business; and 
   -- prepare a Strategic Report, Directors' Report and Directors' Remuneration 
      Report which comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. 
   The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records 
that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions, to 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of 
the Company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements 
comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for 
safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable 
steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other 
   The directors confirm that: 
   -- so far as each Director is aware, there is no relevant audit information 
      of which the Company's auditor is unaware; and 
   -- the Directors have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as 
      directors in order to make themselves aware of any relevant audit 
      information and to establish that the auditors are aware of that 
   The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report in 
accordance with applicable law and regulations. The Directors consider 
the annual report and the financial statements, taken as a whole, 
provides the information necessary to assess the Company's performance, 
business model and strategy and is fair, balanced and understandable. 
   The Directors are responsible for ensuring the annual report and the 
financial statements are made available on the Company's website. 
Financial statements are published on the website in accordance with 
legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and 
dissemination of financial statements, which may vary from legislation 
in other jurisdictions. The Directors' responsibility also extends to 
the ongoing integrity of the financial statements contained therein. 
   The Directors confirm, to the best of their knowledge: 
   -- that the financial statements, prepared in accordance with UK GAAP, 
      including FRS 102, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
      financial position and profit or loss of the Company taken as a whole; 
   -- the annual report, including the strategic report, includes a fair review 
      of the development and performance of the business and the financial 
      position of the Company taken as a whole, together with a description of 
      the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. 
   On Behalf of the Board 
   Michael Reeve 
   27 May 2016 
   Income Statement 
                      Year to 29 February 2016      Year to 28 February 2015 
                    Revenue   Capital    Total    Revenue   Capital    Total 
                    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Gain/(Loss) on 
 disposal of fixed 
 investments               -        59        59         -     (298)     (298) 
Gain/(Loss) on 
 valuation of 
 fixed asset 
 investments               -     1,684     1,684         -   (4,005)   (4,005) 
Investment Income        816         -       816       703         -       703 
 management fees       (340)   (1,021)   (1,361)     (302)     (906)   (1,208) 
Other expenses         (456)         -     (456)     (418)         -     (418) 
Net return on 
 activities before 
 taxation                 20       722       742      (17)   (5,209)   (5,226) 
Taxation                   -         -         -         -         -         - 
Net return on 
 activities after 
 taxation                 20       722       742      (17)   (5,209)   (5,226) 
Earnings per share 
 - basic and 
 diluted                0.0p      1.0p      1.0p      0.0p    (8.8p)    (8.8p) 
   -- the 'Total' column of this statement represents the statutory Income 
      Statement of the Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital 
      return columns have been prepared in accordance with the AIC Statement of 
      Recommended Practice 
   -- all revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
      continuing operations 
   -- the Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
      investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market 
   The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for 
the period as set out above. Accordingly a Statement of Comprehensive 
Income is not required. 
   Statement of Financial Position 
                             As at 29 February 2016     As at 28 February 2015 
                              GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Fixed asset investments*                      64,578                    57,711 
Current assets: 
Investments*                      5,269                       454 
Debtors                              48                       203 
Cash at bank                      9,751                    14,992 
                                 15,068                    15,649 
Creditors: amounts falling 
 due within one year            (2,422)                     (748) 
Net current assets                            12,646                    14,901 
Net assets                                    77,224                    72,612 
Called up equity share 
 capital                                         760                       656 
Shares to be issued                                -                       319 
Share premium                                 21,643                    13,951 
Capital redemption reserve                        24                         9 
Special distributable 
 reserve                                      60,062                    63,684 
Capital reserve realised                    (26,518)                  (29,810) 
Capital reserve unrealised                    20,898                    23,468 
Revenue reserve                                  355                       335 
Total equity shareholders' 
 funds                                        77,224                    72,612 
Net asset value per share                     101.6p                    110.2p 
 - basic and diluted 
   * held at fair value through profit & loss (FVTPL) 
   The statements were approved by the Directors and authorised for issue 
on 27 May 2016 and are signed on their behalf by: 
   Michael Reeve 
   Company number: 03477519 
   Statement of Changes in Equity 
                                   Shares    Capital       Special     Capital    Capital 
                  Share    Share    to be   redemption  distributable  reserve    reserve    Revenue 
                 Capital  Premium  issued    reserve      reserves     realised  unrealised  reserve   Total 
                 GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
 As at 1 March 
  2014               547      873    1,327           2         64,455  (27,338)      29,512      352   69,730 
 Management fee 
  allocated as 
  expenditure          -        -        -           -              -     (906)           -        -    (906) 
 Current year 
  (loss) on 
  disposal                                                                (298)           -        -    (298) 
 Current period 
  loss on fair 
  value of 
  investments          -        -        -           -              -         -     (4,005)        -  (4,005) 
 Prior years' 
  now realised         -        -        -           -              -     2,039     (2,039)        -        - 
 Loss on 
  after tax            -        -        -           -              -         -           -     (17)     (17) 
 Total other 
 income for the 
 year                  -        -        -           -              -         -           -        -        - 
 by and 
 to owners: 
 Repurchase and 
  of own 
  shares             (7)        -        -           7          (771)         -           -        -    (771) 
 Issue of 
  shares             116   13,717  (1,327)           -              -         -           -        -   12,506 
 Share issue 
  costs                -    (639)        -           -              -         -           -        -    (639) 
 Cash received 
  for shares to 
  be issued            -        -      319           -              -         -           -        -      319 
 Dividends paid        -        -        -           -              -   (3,307)           -        -  (3,307) 
 Balance as at 
  28 February 
  2015               656   13,951      319           9         63,684  (29,810)      23,468      335   72,612 
As at 1 March 
 2015                656   13,951      319           9         63,684  (29,810)      23,468      335   72,612 
Management fee 
 allocated as 
 expenditure           -        -        -           -              -   (1,021)           -        -  (1,021) 
Current year 
 gains on 
 disposal              -        -        -           -              -        59           -        -       59 
Current period 
 gain on fair 
 value of 
 investments           -        -        -           -              -         -       1,684        -    1,684 
Prior years' 
 now realised          -        -        -           -              -     4,254     (4,254)        -        - 
Gain on 
 after tax             -        -        -           -              -         -           -       20       20 
Total other 
income for the 
year                   -        -        -           -              -         -           -        -        - 
Cancellation of 
 Share Premium         -  (4,658)        -           -          4,658         -           -        -        - 
by and 
to owners: 
Repurchase and 
 of own shares      (15)        -        -          15        (1,499)         -           -        -  (1,499) 
Issue of shares      119   12,989    (319)           -              -         -           -        -   12,789 
Share issue 
 costs                 -    (639)        -           -              -         -           -        -    (639) 
Dividends paid         -        -        -           -        (6,781)         -           -        -  (6,781) 
Balance as at 
 29 February 
 2016                760   21,643        -          24         60,062  (26,518)      20,898      355   77,224 
   Statement of Cash Flows 
                              For the year to 29        For the year to 28 
                                February 2016              February 2015 
                                   GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating 
Return on ordinary 
 activities before tax                          742                    (5,226) 
Adjustments for: 
Decrease in debtors                             155                         51 
Increase in creditors                         1,674                        574 
(Gain)/loss on disposal 
 of fixed assets                               (59)                        298 
(Gain)/loss on valuation 
 of fixed asset 
 investments                                (1,684)                      4,005 
Cash from operations                            828                      (298) 
Income taxes paid                                 -                          - 
Net cash generated from 
 operating activities                           828                      (298) 
Cash flows from investing 
Purchase of fixed asset 
 investments                               (11,043)                    (5,291) 
Sale of fixed asset 
 investments                                  5,919                      3,845 
Net cash flows from 
 investing activities                       (5,124)                    (1,446) 
Cash flows from financing 
Purchase of own shares                      (1,499)                      (771) 
Share issues*                                12,469                     13,194 
Decrease in shares to be 
 issued                                       (319)                    (1,008) 
Dividends Paid*                             (6,781)                    (3,307) 
Net cash flows from 
 financing activities                         3,870                      8,108 
(Decrease)/Increase in 
 cash and cash 
 equivalents                                  (426)                      6,364 
Opening cash and cash 
 equivalents                                 15,446                      9,082 
Closing cash and cash 
 equivalents                                 15,020                     15,446 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash at Bank                                  9,751                     14,992 
Money Market Funds                            5,269                        454 
                                             15,020                     15,446 
   *Includes GBP491,000 of dividends where shares were issued under the 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Octopus AIM VCT PLC via Globenewswire 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 27, 2016 11:45 ET (15:45 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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