RNS Number : 1695S

Mirada PLC

29 September 2017

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 ("MAR"). With the publication of this announcement via a Regulatory Information Service, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

29 September 2017

Mirada plc

("Mirada", the "Company" or the "Group")

Final Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2017

Mirada plc (AIM: MIRA), the leading audio-visual content interaction specialist, announces its final results for the year ended 31 March 2017.

Financial Highlights

   --     Revenue increased 9.1% to GBP6.57 million (2016: GBP6.02 million) 
   --     Gross profit increased 5.0% to GBP6.09 million (2016: GBP5.80 million) 
   --     Adjusted EBITDA* decreased to GBP0.04 million (2016: GBP1.50 million) 
   --     Operating loss of GBP5.10 million (2016: profit of GBP0.36 million) 

*Adjusted EBITDA (see note 7) is defined as earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation, amortisation, share-based payment charges, goodwill impairment and irrecoverable sales tax.

Operational Highlights

-- Commercial roll-out of the Iris multiscreen solution across izzi Telecom (part of Televisa Group) networks

-- Increased pipeline, boosted by the reference provided by the successful izzi Telecom roll-out

-- Improved sales reach, with local representatives now in Latin America, India, South-East Asia and Eastern Europe

   --     New Software as a Service (SaaS) business model providing recurrent monthly revenues 

-- Increased operational capabilities to provide product improvements and successful deployments for new customers under the new business model

-- Significant SaaS based contract win post year-end with US-based ATNi for its Caribbean operations

Jose Luis Vazquez, CEO of Mirada, commented: "Mirada participated in a number of deals during the year and is seen as increasingly relevant within the market. As such, we are being invited to bid on a greater proportion of new contracts as they arise, and I am glad to say that we currently have our strongest pipeline ever in terms of the number of opportunities that we are participating in. This has resulted in the recently announced contract win with ATNi, and our increasing number of successful references is helping us in securing further opportunities. With this extensive and maturing pipeline, we are confident of announcing new relevant contract wins in the near future."

Annual Report and Accounts

The Company's Annual Report and Accounts will be available on the Company's website, www.mirada.tv, later today and posted to shareholders next week.


  Mirada plc                        +44 (0) 203 751 0320 
   José Luis Vázquez,      investors@mirada.tv 
   Chief Executive Officer 
  Newgate Communications            +44 (0) 207 653 9850 
   Bob Huxford                       mirada@newgatecomms.com 
   James Browne 
 Allenby Capital Limited 
  (Nominated Adviser and 
  Jeremy Porter / Alex Brearley 
  / Liz Kirchner                   +44 (0) 203 328 5656 

About Mirada

Mirada creates and manages products and services for digital TV operators and broadcasters. With over 15 years of experience, the Company focuses on the future of Digital TV - Multiscreen cross-platform navigation - anytime, anywhere. It offers a complete suite of end-to-end modular products for STBs, PC, smartphones and tablets, all with innovative state-of-the-art UI designs.

Mirada's products and solutions have been deployed by some of the biggest names in digital media and broadcasting including Televisa, Telefonica, Sky, Virgin Media, BBC, ITV and France Telecom. Headquartered in London, Mirada has commercial offices across Europe and Latin America and operates development centres in the UK and Spain. For more information, visit www.mirada.tv.

CEO Statement


I am pleased to present the Group's audited financial results for the year ended 31 March 2017. This was a year in which the Company focused on three areas: the successful deployment and support for the commercial roll-out of our largest customer, izzi Telecom (part of Televisa Group) in Mexico; the reinforcement of our Sales and Marketing activities to harvest opportunities from the key reference that this customer provides Mirada; and the scaling and training of our technical team in anticipation of new contract wins that we foresee from the significant improvement to our pipeline.

Trading review

Our solution is being successfully rolled-out across five izzi Telecom networks in Mexico and, according to their customers' feedback, is the best TV proposition in the region in terms of content and product features. The strength of our solution, combined with a large marketing investment from the Televisa Group, resulted in the solution being deployed across more than 670,000 set-top boxes by the end of March 2017. With a customer base of over four million households in the cable market, and several set-top boxes per subscriber, we believe that we have only started scratching the surface of the potential value for this contract.

Despite this, the deployment was not exempt from issues, which were principally due to the need to ensure the proper stability of the global solution which involved many parties, and the negative effects of the US elections on the Mexican market at the end of 2016. However, the market is now recovering, with a stronger currency and a reinforced appetite for investment.

We are happy to say that our Iris product has exceeded our expectations in quality and stability, and the market reception has been very positive. We have a powerful and reliable multiscreen solution, which has proven to be impressively scalable over a short period of time, with consumers seamlessly purchasing and enjoying video across a plethora of different screens. In spite of being a small company, we have been able to beat much larger competitors and succeed in the delivery of such a complex solution that now successfully serves hundreds of thousands of households and over a million devices in Mexico alone.

Last year we also reached agreements to improve our sales presence in Eastern Europe, India and South-East Asia, establishing local representatives in Slovenia, Delhi and Singapore to cover these regions. These representatives have a success-fee component included in their remuneration and we are currently witnessing the positive results of their activities, with significant potential deals in our pipeline in each of the three key regions mentioned above. We are supporting our enhanced sales force with improved marketing activities that highlight our reference deployments and the key advantages of our superior product. We are also a regular presence at relevant trade shows around the globe, focussing mainly on the NAB Show for the American region, the IBC for Europe and Africa, and the Broadcast Asia Show for the Middle East and Asia. These activities, alongside the reference that izzi Telecom gives us, have substantially improved our pipeline, some of which has now matured into new contract wins, such as the recently announced contract with ATNi for the Caribbean region.

We have a strong technical team who have once again proved their quality and resilience. Furthermore, we have been able to deploy a world-class multiscreen TV product that compares well with our largest competitors in the market, and has been able to sustain the required growth in features and scalability. Our team is able to give continued support to the deployment of multi-million sized corporations, which rely on our capabilities and our future corporate success. This needs to be sustained, whilst we are also supporting our growing sales and pre-sales activities, as we need to be ready to deploy to new customers in an ever-changing world.

Customers of different sizes are now relying more and more on cloud-based services, and Mirada is working to be able to cover their needs. They look for flexible business models that align their growth and revenue flows with the investments and operational costs of their relevant suppliers. While this comes with the need to fund deployments, the guaranteed recurrent revenues more than justify us entering "Software as a Service" business models such as the project announced post year-end with ATNi. Set-up fees and other professional service related fees will continue to be a part of these new deals, but the most relevant change comes from sustained revenue flows over several years. This will give greater visibility of return on investment for new contracts of this kind.

We are also now able to provide more competitive global solutions to cost-sensitive customers as the result of agreements with key suppliers in the market. The integration of our solution with new chipset vendors such as ALi Corporation makes it possible for set-top box vendors to offer a very powerful solution with the benefits of reduced investment needs. While our software remains as powerful as ever, reducing the overall customer premises' investment requirement makes our solution even more attractive to the end-user customer.

Our sales cycles tend to last from six to eighteen months, from the start of negotiations to contract signature. Our recent deal with ATNi was one of the faster ones, while others in the pipeline are expected to take longer. Our pipeline started to reflect the impact of the Televisa roll-out at the end of calendar 2016, so we expect for some of the earliest prospects to make their decisions during the coming months.

Our mobile division, which is distinct from our Digital TV division, provides technology solutions to cashless parking providers and is organically growing its revenue at 5% per annum and generating profits of GBP0.12m (2016: GBP0.13m). The mobile division contributed 8% of total revenue in the current year (2016: 10%).

This promising stage in the life of our Company, now based on a solid base of products and customer references, can only flourish with the joint empowerment of our stakeholders: employees, customers, suppliers, partners and investors. I would like to thank all of them again for their continued efforts and support.

Financial overview

Revenue grew to GBP6.57 million (2016: GBP6.02 million), driven primarily by the significant product integration for the Televisa Group. In our mobile division, revenues continued to grow steadily to GBP0.56 million (2016: GBP0.54 million). Although gross profit grew to GBP6.09 million (2016: GBP5.80 million), there was a noted decrease of 3.6% in gross margin percentage, due to the additional costs associated with an increased number of sales representatives. Adjusted EBITDA for the year decreased to GBP0.04 million (2016: GBP1.50 million) resulting from the different revenue mix and investment in our digital TV and broadcast division. Amortisation charges increased to GBP2.09 million from GBP1.63 million, due to increased product investment.

The Group posted a net loss for the year of GBP5.51 million compared to a loss of GBP0.40 million in the prior year. One of the main reasons for this was a GBP2.0 million increase in amortisation and increased spending on sales, marketing and operational capabilities, which was required for the achievement and successful execution of new contract wins.

During the financial year, Mirada experienced two major events which have led to the goodwill impairment of GBP3.0 million (2016: GBP0.0 million). First, on the back of the Mexican Peso devaluation, post US elections, our major customer Televisa reduced their number of purchase orders in the financial year. This resulted in lower licence revenues and forecast cash inflows.

Second, although the ATNi project should result in material monthly ongoing revenues, the lower upfront receipts associated with the OPEX model (meaning lower set-up fees and subscriber-based licenses provided on a 'SaaS' - software as a service model) has led the Board to seek financing facilities to provide working capital for the Company's various projects over the medium-term, including ATNi and other prospective projects. Discussions regarding additional financing facilities are advanced and further announcements in this regard will be made in due course. Both factors have led to the emphasis of matter related to going concern, as noted in Note 3.

Furthermore, there has been a significant reduction in the market capitalisation of the group, and consequently the company has processed an impairment to its investment, in its Company Balance sheet, which has no impact on the consolidated results of the Group.

Net Debt rose to GBP4.21 million (2016: GBP3.48 million) as a result of increased product investment and delays in the full Televisa commercial roll-out. Long term interest-bearing loans and borrowings increased by 30% to GBP2.30 million (2016: GBP1.77 million) and short term borrowings decreased to GBP2.13 million (2016: GBP2.42 million). Trade receivables decreased from GBP1.44 million to GBP0.80 million as invoices related to the Monterrey deployment, which were raised in the 2016 financial year, were collected in the 2017 financial year.

Other intangible assets have increased from GBP3.89m to GBP4.75m, mainly due to the increased valuation of the Euro against the Sterling.

The deferred income increase of GBP1.19m largely relates to cash collections from Televisa received in the current financial period for services to be delivered in fiscal year 2018, due to the negotiation of more favourable payment terms.

Cash at bank decreased to GBP0.22 million from GBP0.71 million, with additional invoice discounting facilities of GBP2.40 million and unused short-term credit lines of GBP0.77 million available.

Current Trading and Outlook

Mirada participated in a number of projects during the year and is seen as increasingly relevant within the market. As such, we are being invited to bid on a greater proportion of new contracts as they arise, and I am glad to say we currently have our strongest pipeline ever in terms of the number of opportunities that we are participating in. This has resulted in the recently announced contract win with ATNi, and our increasing number of successful reference projects is helping us secure further opportunities. With this extensive and maturing pipeline, we are confident of announcing new relevant contract wins in the near future.

José Luis Vázquez


28 September 2017

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                               Year ended   Year ended 
                                       31           31 
                                    March        March 
                                     2017         2016 
                                   GBP000       GBP000 
   Revenue                          6,571        6,019 
   Cost of sales                    (478)        (221) 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
   Gross profit                     6,093        5,798 
   Depreciation                      (35)         (19) 
   Amortisation                   (2,087)      (1,635) 
   Share-based payment 
    charge                           (54)         (54) 
   Staff costs                    (3,627)      (2,646) 
   Goodwill impairment            (3,000)            - 
   Other administrative 
    expenses                      (2,389)      (1,803) 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total administrative 
    expenses                     (11,192)      (6,157) 
   Operating loss                 (5,099)        (359) 
   Finance income                       3            5 
   Finance expense                  (329)        (475) 
   Loss before taxation           (5,425)        (829) 
   Taxation                          (87)          425 
   Loss for period                (5,512)        (404) 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
     Currency translation 
      differences                     191          303 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Total comprehensive 
     loss for the period          (5,321)        (101) 
---------------------------   -----------  ----------- 
   (Loss) per share        Year ended   Year ended 
                             31 March     31 March 
                                 2017         2016 
                                  GBP          GBP 
   (Loss) per share 
    for the year 
   - basic & diluted          (0.040)      (0.003) 

Consolidated statement of financial position

                                    Year ended   Year ended 
                                            31           31 
                                         March        March 
                                          2017         2016 
                                        GBP000       GBP000 
 Goodwill                                3,946        6,946 
 Other Intangible assets                 4,753        3,890 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                                113           94 
 Deferred Tax Assets                         -          395 
 Other Receivables                         508          191 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Non-current assets                      9,320       11,516 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Trade & other receivables               2,575        3,839 
 Cash and cash equivalents                 222          714 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Current assets                          2,797        4,553 
 Total assets                           12,117       16,069 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Loans and borrowings                  (2,127)      (2,419) 
 Trade and other payables              (1,113)      (1,570) 
 Deferred income                       (1,476)            - 
 Current liabilities                   (4,716)      (3,989) 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net current liabilities 
  / assets                             (1,919)          564 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Total assets less current 
  liabilities                            7,401       12,080 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Interest bearing loans 
  and borrowings                       (2,302)      (1,772) 
 Other non-current liabilities               -         (18) 
 Non-current liabilities               (2,302)      (1,790) 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Total liabilities                     (7,018)      (5,779) 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net assets                              5,099       10,290 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Issued shared capital 
  and reserves 
 attributable to equity 
  holders of the 
 Share capital                           1,391        1,391 
 Share premium                           9,859        9,859 
 Other reserves                          3,303        3,033 
 Accumulated losses                    (9,454)      (3,993) 
 Equity                                  5,099       10,290 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Consolidated statement of cash flows

                                              Year   Year ended 
                                          31 March     31 March 
                                              2017         2016 
                                            GBP000       GBP000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss after tax                            (5,512)        (404) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation of property, plant 
  and equipment                                 35           19 
 Amortisation of intangible assets           2,087        1,635 
 Goodwill impairment charge                  3,000            - 
 Share-based payment charge                     54           54 
 Profit on disposal of fixed 
  assets                                         -          (1) 
 Finance income                                (3)          (5) 
 Finance expense                               329          475 
 Taxation                                       87        (425) 
 Operating cash flows before 
  movements in working capital                  77        1,348 
 Decrease / (Increase) in trade 
  and other receivables                      1,209        (273) 
 Increase / (Decrease) in trade 
  and other payables                           806         (27) 
 Decrease in provisions                          -        (500) 
 Taxation paid / (received)                     23            - 
 Net cash generated from operating 
  activities                                 2,115          548 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Interest and similar income 
  received                                       3            5 
 Purchases of property, plant 
  and equipment                               (47)         (73) 
 Purchases of other intangible 
  assets                                   (2,441)      (2,343) 
---------------------------------------  ---------  ----------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities     (2,485)      (2,410) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Interest and similar expenses 
  paid                                       (329)        (475) 
 Issue of share capital                          -        1,500 
 Costs of share issue                            -        (139) 
 Loans received                              2,210        2,525 
 Repayment of loans                        (1,971)        (962) 
---------------------------------------  ---------  ----------- 
 Net cash (used in) / generated 
  from financing activities                   (90)        2,449 
 Net (decrease) / increase in 
  cash and cash equivalents                  (460)          587 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  the beginning of the period                  714          206 
 Exchange losses on cash and 
  cash equivalents                            (32)         (79) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  the end of the year                          222          714 
---------------------------------------  ---------  ----------- 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

                           Share      Share     Foreign      Merger   Accumulated     Total 
                         capital    premium    exchange    reserves        losses 
                                    account     reserve 
                          GBP000     GBP000      GBP000      GBP000        GBP000    GBP000 
 Balance at 1 April 
  2016                     1,391      9,859         561       2,472       (3,993)    10,290 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------- 
 Loss and total 
  income for the 
  year                         -          -           -           -       (5,512)   (5,512) 
 Movement in foreign 
  exchange                     -          -         270           -           (4)       266 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss for the year        1,391      9,859         831       2,472       (9,509)     5,044 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------- 
 Share based payment           -          -           -           -            54        54 
 Balance at 31 
  March 2017               1,391      9,859         831       2,472       (9,455)     5,098 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------- 
                           Share      Share     Foreign      Merger   Accumulated     Total 
                         capital    premium    exchange    reserves        losses 
                                    account     reserve 
                          GBP000     GBP000      GBP000      GBP000        GBP000    GBP000 
 Balance at 1 April 
  2015                     1,141      8,748         258       2,472       (3,643)     8,976 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------- 
 Loss and total 
  income for the 
  year                         -          -           -           -         (404)     (404) 
 Movement in foreign 
  exchange                     -          -         303           -             -       303 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss for the year        1,141      8,748         561       2,472       (4,047)     8,875 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------- 
 Share based payment           -          -           -           -            54        54 
 Issue of shares             250      1,250           -           -             -     1,500 
 Share issue costs             -      (139)           -           -             -     (139) 
 Balance at 31 
  March 2016               1,391      9,859         561       2,472       (3,993)    10,290 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -------- 


   1.    General information 

Mirada plc is a company incorporated in the United Kingdom. The address of the registered office is 68 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9LJ. The nature of the Group's operations and its principal activities are the provision and support of products and services in the Digital TV and Broadcast markets.

   2.    Basis of preparation 

The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2017 and the year ended 31 March 2016 contained in these preliminary results does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for those years.

The auditors' reports on the accounts for 31 March 2017 and the year ended 31 March 2016 were unqualified, and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. However, while the year ended 31 March 2016 did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, the audit report for the ended 31st March 2017 contained a statement in respect of uncertainly over going concern, further details are included in Note 3 below.

The financial information contained in these preliminary results has been prepared using the recognition and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the EU. The accounting policies adopted in these preliminary results have been consistently applied to all the years presented and are consistent with the policies used in the preparation of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016. New standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards, which have been adopted by the Group for the year ended 31 March 2017, have not been listed since they have no material impact on the financial information.

3. Liquidity and Going concern

These financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis. The Directors have reviewed the Company and Group's going concern position taking account of its current business activities, budgeted performance and the factors likely to affect its future development, which are set out in the Annual report, and include the Group's objectives, policies and processes for managing its capital, its financial risk management objectives and its exposure to credit and liquidity risks.

The directors have prepared cash flow forecasts covering a period of at least 12 months from the date of approval of the financial statements. If the forecast is achieved, the Group will be able to operate within its existing facilities. However, the time to close new customers and the value of each customer, which are deemed high volume and low value in nature are factors which constrain the ability to accurately predict revenue performance. Furthermore, investment in winning customers, via marketing expenditure, and servicing and delivering to new customers remains an important function of the forecasts too. As such, there is a risk that the group's working capital may prove insufficient to cover both operating activities and the repayment of its debt facilities. In such circumstances, the group would be obliged to seek additional funding though a placement of shares or source other funding. The directors have had a history of raising financing from similar transactions.

The directors have concluded that the circumstances set forth above represent a material uncertainty, which may cast significant doubt about the Company and Group's ability to continue as going concerns. However, they believe that taken, as a whole, the factors described above enable the Company and Group to continue as a going concern for the foreseeable future. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that would be required if the Company and the Group were unable to continue as a going concern.

   4.    Segmental reporting 

Reportable segments

The chief operating decision maker for the Group is ultimately the board of directors. For financial and operational management, the board considers the Group to be organised into two operating divisions based upon the varying products and services provided by the Group - Digital TV & Broadcast and Mobile. The products and services provided by each of these divisions are described in the Strategic Report. The segment headed other relates to corporate overheads, assets and liabilities.

Segmental results for the year ended 31 March 2017 are as follows:

                               Digital    Mobile     Other                Group 
                                  TV & 
                               GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000              GBP'000 
 Revenue - external              6,008       563         -                6,571 
 Segmental profit/(loss) 
  (Adjusted EBITDA, 
  see note 6)                      953       124   (1,034)                   42 
 Finance income                      -         -         3                    3 
 Finance expense                     -         -     (329)                (329) 
 Depreciation                     (33)       (2)         -                 (35) 
 Amortisation                  (2,085)       (2)         -              (2,087) 
 Goodwill amortisation 
  charge                       (3,000)         -         -              (3,000) 
 Share-based payment 
  charge                             -         -      (54)                 (54) 
  sales tax expense                 35         -         -                   35 
                           -----------  --------  --------  ------------------- 
 Profit / (Loss) 
  before taxation              (4,130)       120   (1,414)              (5,425) 

GBP1,034,000 (2016: GBP898,000) disclosed as "Other" comprises employment, legal, accounting and other central administrative costs from Mirada Plc.

The segmental results for the year ended 31 March 2016, presented on the revised basis, are as follows:

                               Digital    Mobile     Other     Group 
                                  TV & 
                               GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Revenue                         5,482       537         -     6,019 
 Segmental profit/(loss) 
  (Adjusted EBITDA, 
  see note 6)                    2,242       154     (898)     1,498 
 Finance income                      -         -         5         5 
 Finance expense                     -         -     (475)     (475) 
 Depreciation                     (19)         -         -      (19) 
 Amortisation                  (1,612)      (23)         -   (1,635) 
 Profit on sale                      1         -         -         1 
 Share-based payment 
  charge                             -         -      (54)      (54) 
  sales tax expense              (150)         -         -     (150) 
-------------------------  -----------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Profit / (Loss) 
  before taxation                  462       131   (1,422)     (829) 

There is no material inter-segment revenue.

The Group has a major customer in the Digital TV and Broadcast segment that generates revenues amounting to 10% or more of total revenue that account for GBP5.5 million (2016: GBP4.5 million) of the total Group revenues. The segment assets and liabilities at 31 March 2017 are as follows:

                          Digital    Mobile     Other     Group 
                          GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Additions to 
  non-current assets        2,488         -         -     2,488 
 Total assets               7,955       175     3,987    12,117 
 Total liabilities        (6,433)      (69)     (516)   (7,018) 

Capital expenditure comprises additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets.

The segment assets and liabilities at 31 March 2016, presented on a revised basis, are as follows:

                          Digital    Mobile     Other     Group 
                          GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Additions to 
  non-current assets        2,416         -         -     2,416 
 Total assets              11,108       139     4,822    16,069 
 Total liabilities        (5,016)      (79)     (684)   (5,779) 

Segment assets and liabilities are reconciled to the Group's assets and liabilities as follows:

                             Assets   Liabilities      Assets   Liabilities 
                           31 March      31 March    31 March      31 March 
                               2017          2017        2016          2016 
                            GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Digital TV - 
  Broadcast & Mobile          8,130         6,501      11,247         5,095 
 Intangible assets            3,946             -       3,890             - 
 Property, plant                  -             -           -             - 
  & equipment 
 Other financial 
  assets & liabilities           42           516         932           684 
 Total other                  3,987           516       4,822           684 
 Total Group assets 
  and liabilities            12,117         7,018      16,069         5,779 

Assets allocated to a segment consist primarily of operating assets such as property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, goodwill and receivables.

Liabilities allocated to a segment comprise primarily trade payables and other operating liabilities.

Geographical disclosures:

                        External revenue            Total assets by 
                          by location of 
                                                   location of assets 
                         31 March   31 March          31 March   31 March 
                             2017       2016              2017       2016 
                           GBP000     GBP000            GBP000     GBP000 
 UK                           620        609             4,342      5,230 
 Spain                        803        540             7,761     10,839 
 Latin America              5,148      4,870                14          - 
                            6,571      6,019            12,117     16,069 
 Revenues by 
                         31 March   31 March          31 March   31 March 
                             2017       2017              2016       2016 
                          Digital     Mobile           Digital     Mobile 
                             TV &               TV & Broadcast 
                           GBP000     GBP000            GBP000     GBP000 
 Development                4,292          -             3,639          - 
 Transactions                   -        563                 -        537 
 Licenses                     868          -             1,260          - 
 Managed Services             848          -               583          - 
                            6,008        563             5,482        537 
   5.    Taxation 

The tax assessed on the loss on ordinary activities for the period differs from the standard rate of tax of 20% (2016-20%). The differences are reconciled below:

                                   2017     2016 
                                 GBP000   GBP000 
 Loss before taxation           (5,425)    (829) 
 Loss on ordinary activities 
  multiplied by 20% (2016: 
  20%)                          (1,085)    (166) 
 Effect of expenses 
  not deductible for 
  tax purposes                        -       13 
 Losses carried forward           1,085      153 
 Witholding Taxes                   110        - 
 Total current tax                  110        - 
 Origination and reversal             -        - 
  of temporary differences 
 Decrease of deferred 
  tax assets                        397      191 
 Total deferred tax                 397      191 
 Subtotal                           507      191 
 R&D                              (456)    (616) 
 Foreign exchange                    36        - 
                               --------  ------- 
 Total tax expense/(credit)          87    (425) 
                               ========  ======= 

Deferred Taxation

Deferred tax assets were recognised in prior years in respect of tax losses for Mirada Connect Limited, tax losses for Mirada Iberia S.A. and research and development investment for Mirada Iberia S.A and other temporary differences giving rise to deferred tax assets. Deferred tax assets related to tax losses have been reduced by GBP397,000 during FY17 in Mirada Iberia S.A.

Foreign exchange differences of GBP2,000 arising on consolidation of the deferred tax asset are recognised in other comprehensive income.

Reconciliation of deferred tax asset and liabilities:

                                       2017     2016 
                                      Asset    Asset 
                                     GBP000   GBP000 
       Balance at 1 April               395      543 
       Other tax credit                   -        - 
       Reversal of Deferred tax 
        asset                         (397)    (191) 
       Other Temporary Deductible         -        - 
       Forex                              2       43 
       Balance at the end of 
        year                              -      395 

Deferred taxation amounts not recognised are as follows:

 Group                      Group    Group   Company   Company 
                             2017     2016      2017      2016 
                           GBP000   GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
 Losses                    10,753    9,668     8,034     7,297 
 Research & Development 
  Tax credits, useable 
  against future 
  profits                   2,199    2,199         -         - 
 Balance at the 
  end of the year          12,952   11,867     8,034     7,297 

The gross value of tax losses carried forward at 31 March 2017 equals GBP58.5 million (2016: GBP56.0 million).

The deferred tax asset for the company has not been recognised on the grounds that there is insufficient evidence at the balance sheet date that it will be recoverable. The asset would start to become potentially recoverable if, and to the extent that, the company were to generate taxable income in the future.

   6.    Operating loss 

This has been arrived at after charging:

                                       2017     2016 
                                     GBP000   GBP000 
     Depreciation of owned assets        35       19 
     Amortisation of intangible 
      assets                          2,087    1,635 
     Goodwill impairment charge       3,000        - 
     Operating lease charges            315      265 

Analysis of auditors' remuneration is as follows:

                                                   2017      2016 
                                                 GBP000    GBP000 
       Remuneration receivable by the 
        company's auditor or an associate 
        of the company's auditor for 
        the auditing of these accounts               58        43 
       Audit of the accounts of subsidiaries         10        10 

Reconciliation of operating profit for continuing operations to adjusted earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation:

                                    2017     2016 
                                  GBP000   GBP000 
 Operating (loss)                (5,099)    (359) 
 Depreciation                         35       19 
 Amortisation                      2,087    1,635 
 Goodwill impairment charge        3,000        - 
 Profit on disposal                    -      (1) 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  before interest, taxation, 
  depreciation, amortisation, 
  impairment (EBITDA)                 23    1,294 
 Share-based payment charge           54       54 
 Irrecoverable sales tax 
  (income)/expense                  (35)      150 
 Adjusted EBITDA                      42    1,498 
   7.    Earnings per Share 
                                 Year           Year 
                                ended          ended 
                             31 March       31 March 
                                 2017           2016 
                                Total          Total 
 Loss for year         GBP(5,511,054)   GBP(404,647) 
 Weighted average 
  number of shares        139,057,695    122,345,366 
 Basic loss per             GBP(0.04)     GBP(0.003) 
 Diluted loss per           GBP(0.04)     GBP(0.003) 

Adjusted EBITDA per share

                              Year           Year 
                             ended          ended 
                          31 March       31 March 
                              2017           2016 
                             Total          Total 
 Adjusted EBITDA         GBP42,330   GBP1,497,955 
 Weighted average 
  number of shares     139,057,695    122,345,366 
 Basic adjusted                  -       GBP0.012 
  EBITDA per share 
 Diluted adjusted                -       GBP0.012 
  EBITDA per share 

The Company has 4,697,166 (2016: 4,697,166) potentially dilutive ordinary shares arising from share options issued to staff. However, in 2017 and 2016 the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per ordinary share are identical to those used for basic earnings per ordinary share. This is because the exercise of share options would have the effect of reducing the loss per ordinary share and is therefore anti-dilutive.

   8.    Share capital 

A breakdown of the authorised and issued share capital in place as at 31 March 2017 is as follows:

                              2017     2017          2016     2016 
                            Number   GBP000        Number   GBP000 
 Allotted, called 
  up and fully paid 
 Ordinary shares 
  of GBP0.01 each      139,057,695    1,391   139,057,695    1,391 
   9.    Events after the reporting date 

On 29 August 2017 the Company announced a contract win with ATN International, Inc. ("ATNi"), a NASDAQ-listed company, which operates in several US and Caribbean locations under various trade names. Under the contract, Mirada will provide products and services to four different Caribbean operators owned by ATNi located in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands and French Guyana. Mirada will deploy its complete suite of Iris multiscreen products, including its over-the-top ("OTT") solution and back-end platform, Iris SDP, across these networks. The commercial launch and subsequent commercial deployment is expected to occur towards the end of Mirada's current financial year.

10. Cautionary Statement

Mirada plc has made forward-looking statements in this press release, including statements about the market for and benefits of its products and services; financial results; product development plans; the potential benefits of business relationships with third parties and business strategies. These statements about future events are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause Mirada plc's actual results to differ materially from those that might be inferred from the forward-looking statements, Mirada plc can make no assurance that any forward-looking statements will prove correct.


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2017 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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