RNS Number : 2305H

Menzies(John) PLC

16 August 2016

16 August 2016

John Menzies plc

Interim Results Announcement

Half Year Results for the six months ended 30 June 2016

Financial Summary

                                                          2016             2016          2015 
                                                      Reported         Constant 
 Turnover([1])                                     GBP1,002.2m        GBP995.3m   GBP1,001.4m 
   Underlying operating profit([2])                   GBP21.1m         GBP20.4m      GBP20.2m 
 Underlying profit before taxation([3])               GBP18.1m         GBP17.4m      GBP17.0m 
 Profit before tax                                     GBP3.0m          GBP2.3m       GBP5.8m 
  Operating cash flow([4])                            GBP31.0m              ---      GBP26.4m 
   Underlying earnings per share([5])                    20.4p              ---         18.8p 
 Reported earnings per share                            (2.4)p              ---          4.7p 
 Interim dividend proposed                                5.4p              ---          5.0p 


   --              Group has had a positive first half 
   --              Aviation turnover up 7% 

o Clear strategy delivering benefits

o Ground handling profitability improving, particularly in the UK

o Joint Venture with Oman Air secured

   --              Distribution delivered steady performance 

o Media declines offset by strong Euro 2016 stickers sales

o Diversification away from the core print media business continues

o Secured a three-year national distribution services contract for WHSmith

   --              Favourable foreign exchange rates producing increased earnings 
   --              Continuing strong cash generation - robust balance sheet 

-- Exceptional items charged in the period were GBP10.0m (2015: GBP6.2m) relating to a goodwill write-down (GBP7.2m) and net transactional costs of GBP2.8m

   --              Interim dividend up 8% to 5.4p 

Dr Dermot F Smurfit, Chairman of John Menzies plc said:

"I am pleased that the underlying financial performance in the first half was ahead of 2015, reflecting the positive impact of Aviation ground handling gains, the start-up of our acquisition in Bermuda and the return of stable operations at London Gatwick.

"Menzies Distribution performed to expectations, with print media declines largely mitigated by strong sticker sales associated with the European football championships and our expanding e-commerce business.

"The Group continues to make positive progress and the Board expects the full year outturn to be in line with our expectations even before allowing for the positive impact of foreign exchange rates.

"Nevertheless, as shareholders will be aware the Group has underperformed in the past and the Board is determined to address historic performance shortfalls including a review of the Group structure."

------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 1       Turnover is group revenue plus the group's share 
          of revenue from joint ventures and associates. 
------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 2       Underlying operating profit adjusts for non-recurring 
          exceptional items, impairment charges associated 
          with goodwill, joint venture assets and other 
          intangibles, contract amortisation, and the group's 
          share of interest and tax on joint ventures and 
          associates to provide an appreciation of the impact 
          of those items on operating profit. 
------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 3       Underlying operating profit before taxation is 
          underlying operating profit less net finance charges. 
------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 4       Operating cash flow is operating profit adjusted 
          for depreciation, amortisation, income and dividends 
          from joint ventures and associates, pension and 
          share based payments, and movements in working 
          capital and provisions. 
------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 5       Underlying earnings per share is profit after 
          taxation and non-controlling interest but before 
          intangible amortisation and impairment and exceptional 
          items, divided by the weighted average number 
          of ordinary shares in issue. 
------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 6       Performance at constant currency has been calculated 
          by translating non-Sterling earnings for the period 
          ended 30 June 2016 into Sterling at the exchange 
          rates used for the same period in 2015. 
------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 7       Additional analysis of non-GAAP measures are set 
          out in Note 2 of the financial statements. 
------  -------------------------------------------------------- 

For further information:

John Menzies plc

   Giles Wilson, Chief Financial Officer                                   0131 459 8018 
   John Geddes, Group Company Secretary                           0131 459 8018 

FTI Consulting

   Jonathon Brill/Alex Beagley                                                    0203 727 1000 

Notes to Editors

1. John Menzies plc is one of Scotland's largest companies. The group has two operating divisions, Menzies Aviation and Menzies Distribution. Both divisions operate in sectors where success depends on providing an efficient, high quality, time-critical service to their customers and partners. The company was established in 1833 and its head office is in Edinburgh. Today the company is an international business with operations worldwide.

2. Menzies Aviation is a leading global provider of passenger, ramp and cargo services. The Menzies Aviation business is highly successful, operating at 149 airports in 32 countries, supported by a team of over 20,000 highly-trained people. Menzies Aviation serves over 500 customers, handling over 1.2 million flights and 1.5 million tonnes of cargo per annum. Customers include Air France/KLM, Alaska Airlines, Cathay Pacific, easyJet, Etihad, Emirates, IAG, Lufthansa, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Thai Airways and United Airlines. Best in class safety and security is the division's number one priority each day and every day.

3. Menzies Distribution operates one of the largest overnight logistics networks in the UK, providing final mile delivery for around 110 million delivery units each year serving customers in the press, travel and third-party logistics sectors. From 43 sites across Britain and Ireland, a team of around 3,500 employees pick, pack and cross-dock clients' materials, driving some 150,000 miles each day to bring them to their ultimate destination.

In addition to its core role within the UK print media supply chain, delivering around six million magazines and newspapers every day, the division is expanding into both UK retail logistics and neutral consolidation within the fast-growing parcel delivery market.

Chairman's Statement

I am delighted to make my first statement since my appointment as Chairman on 25 July 2016. John Menzies is an exceptionally strong brand; I believe there is a great amount of potential to be unlocked within the Group and I will work hard with the Board and management team to assist the Group in achieving significant growth in the coming years.

We have delivered a good set of results with continued progress being made at Aviation, winning and renewing contracts and delivering against our strategy. At Distribution, we continue to trade well in the face of continuing volume declines and the impact of the National Living Wage.

Group structure

As Chairman, one of my tasks will be to review the structure of the Group in order that we can maximise shareholder value. This will include looking at whether our two operating businesses are best placed to prosper while they are part of one Group. The situation is complex, particularly with regard to our pension schemes. Management have already engaged with specialist advisers and our pension trustees, and work is underway to structure the pension scheme in such a way as to give the Board the maximum amount of flexibility in future. I expect this work to take up to 12 months and we will update shareholders when appropriate.

Board changes

During the period, there were a number of Board changes in addition to my own appointment. Paul Baines, Giles Wilson and Forsyth Black joined the Board, while Iain Napier, Jeremy Stafford and Paula Bell stepped down.

Following the Annual General Meeting on 20 May 2016, Iain Napier retired from his role as Chairman after eight years on the Board. He was replaced on an interim basis by Dermot Jenkinson, a longstanding non-executive Director. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Iain for his time as Chairman.

On the same date, Paula Bell stepped down from her role as Chief Financial Officer and left the business on 29 July 2016. To replace Paula, we appointed Giles Wilson on 1 June 2016. Giles has been with the Group for over five years in a variety of senior roles including Finance Director of Menzies Aviation. Most recently he had been based in Dubai as Senior Vice President of our Middle East, India and African region. Prior to joining John Menzies plc, Giles held a number of senior finance positions in both publically listed and privately owned companies.

Also on 1 June 2016, Paul Baines joined the Board as a non-executive Director, bringing with him a wealth of corporate finance experience having held a number of senior executive posts in the City.

On 13 January 2016 Jeremy Stafford resigned from his position as Chief Executive Officer. On that date Forsyth Black, previously Managing Director of Menzies Distribution, was appointed to the Board as Managing Director of Menzies Aviation. Forsyth has been with the Group for over 16 years in a number of senior aviation roles and brings with him a wealth of knowledge of our businesses.


The Board has proposed an interim dividend of 5.4p per share reflecting the Board's progressive dividend policy, which is payable on 18 November 2016 to all shareholders on the register at 7 October 2016.


The Group continues to make positive progress and the Board expects the full year outturn to be in line with our expectations even before allowing for the positive impact of foreign exchange rates.

Aviation is performing well and the pipeline of opportunities is strong. We continue to make progress in the formation of our joint venture in Oman and expect to start operations later this year. Our investment in infrastructure and systems is already well underway and we anticipate tangible benefits from 2017. Since the period end the division has been successful in securing a new contract to handle some 22,000 turnarounds per annum for Frontier Airlines at the Denver base, building on our existing presence in Denver with United Airlines.

Menzies Distribution has benefitted from an increased volume of football related sticker sales but continues to work hard to mitigate volume declines and increased costs relating to the National Living Wage. Away from the core business, our parcels and trucking operations are gaining traction and we see opportunities to further utilise our vehicle and property assets during daylight hours in what is a rapidly expanding market place.

We continue to execute against our strategy and remain confident in delivering long-term shareholder value. The Group will continue to seek opportunities to grow through acquisition where these are seen to be value adding to shareholders.

Group Performance Review

Group turnover for the period was GBP1,002.2m (H1 2015: GBP1,001.4m). Underlying profit before tax rose to GBP18.1m (H1 2015: GBP17.0m) as a result of the favourable foreign exchange rates and an improvement in profitability in the Aviation division. The increase in underlying profit before tax had a consequential impact on our underlying earnings per share which rose 8.5% to 20.4p (H1 2015: 18.8p). Profit before tax was GBP3.0m (H1 2015: GBP5.8m), with the reduction reflecting the impact of GBP10.0m of exceptional costs (H1 2015: GBP6.2m).

On a constant currency basis Group turnover was down 1% to GBP995.3m (H1 2015: GBP1,001.4m) with underlying operating profit GBP0.2m higher at GBP20.4m (H1 2015: GBP20.2m).

It is too early to know the implications of the decision to leave the European Union, but it is probable that the UK economy will face a period of uncertainty. We will continue to monitor the situation closely, however, with around 80% of our Aviation revenues generated outside of the UK, we would expect our sales and financial performance to benefit should sterling remain at current levels or depreciate further.

Financial Overview

Finance costs

The net underlying finance charge in the period was GBP3.0m (H1 2015: GBP3.2m). The level of cost reflects lower pension interest charges.

Exceptional and other items

Exceptional costs of GBP10.0m in the period substantially relate to two items. The largest of which was a non-cash cost of GBP7.2m relating to the goodwill impairment of assets in our Netherlands cargo business in June 2016. Additionally, net transaction related costs of GBP2.8m were incurred in the period.

Tax and Earnings per Share

As a multinational business, the Group is liable for taxation in multiple jurisdictions around the world. Our underlying tax charge for the period was GBP5.8m (H1 2015: GBP5.4m), representing a continuing effective underlying tax rate of 32% (H1 2015 and FY 2015: 32%).

Underlying earnings per share were 20.4p (H1 2015: 18.8p), benefitting from the improvement in profits. Earnings per share were (2.4)p (H1 2015: 4.7p), reflecting the impact of exceptional and other items.

Defined benefit pension scheme

As at 30 June 2016, the scheme showed a deficit of GBP52.7m (H1 2015: GBP40.1m), an increase of GBP12.6m driven by lower corporate bond yields which have resulted in the discount rate reducing from 4.0% at 30 June 2015 (4.0% at 31 December 2015) to 3.2%, partly offset by continued additional cash payments.

Cash flow and investment

Investments in the period included initial investment of GBP3.3m for the acquisitions of Renaissance Aviation in Bermuda and Thistle Couriers, as well as a GBP1.3m earn-out payment relating to the Fore Partnership. Operating cash flow was GBP31.0m (H1 2015: GBP26.4m). Working capital management has been strong again in the first half of 2016 and remains a key focus for the business. Free cash flow at GBP16.4m was GBP4.8m higher than H1 2015. Net capital expenditure totalled GBP6.9m (H1 2015: GBP8.7m).


The Group continues to operate on a strong financial footing. We benefit from a robust balance sheet built from strong operating cash flows across our divisions. At the end of the period net debt was GBP126.6m (H1 2015: GBP120.8m), reflecting a higher opening position and an adverse currency impact, improved by lower acquisition spend.

Our net debt to EBITDA ratio was 1.7 times and interest cover was 9.3 times at 30 June 2016, well within our covenanted levels. In addition, we have GBP55.5m of undrawn committed bank facilities.

Three existing bank facilities totalling GBP65.0m are due to expire in January 2017. The Board does not envisage any issue in refinancing these facilities.

The majority of Menzies Aviation's stations are located outside the UK and operate in currencies other than Sterling. The Group attempts to minimise the volatility of transactional foreign exchange as far as possible by using foreign exchange forward contracts. The translation of profits from overseas trading entities is not hedged and as a result the movement of exchange rates directly affects the Group's reported results. In the period, there were favourable movements on the majority of currencies, particularly the US dollar and Czech koruna.

The Group continues to invest in infrastructure to strengthen the existing business and build a platform for expansion. In particular, we have invested in systems to enhance scheduling, recruitment and training as well as the resilience of our IT platform and risk management processes.

Menzies Aviation


Aviation performed strongly in the first half. Growth was underpinned by higher ground handling volumes in Continental Europe and the return to profitable operations at London Gatwick. Underlying operating profit benefited from favourable foreign exchange rates and was up GBP1.0m to GBP10.4m on turnover of GBP396.6m, up GBP25.8m. On a constant currency basis, turnover was up 5% to GBP390.3m and underlying operating profit was GBP0.3m higher at GBP9.7m.

During the period we continued to pursue and make tangible progress against our five strategic goals: focusing on key customers; pursuing hubs and bases; accelerating our complementary services offering; re-focusing on geographical investment and expanding into emerging markets.

In the first six months of the year we handled over 600,000 flight movements, up 4% on a like-for-like basis, excluding contracts won and lost in both periods. The most significant growth driver was the annualisation of 2015 hub and base contract wins with Norwegian Air Shuttle in Oslo and Copenhagen and with United Airlines in Cincinnati, Wichita, Tucson and Lubbock. Our cargo business handled over 750,000 tonnes of cargo in the period, a like-for-like decline of 2%, affected by a challenging start to the year and the strong volumes experienced in North America in the first half of 2015 due to the West Coast seaport strikes.

We continue to review our geographical investment, and our new presence in the Middle East has paid dividends with the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Oman Air to form a joint venture to handle their ground handling services at nine airports in Oman, including their hub operation in Muscat. This is a very exciting opportunity that represents Menzies Aviation's first significant operational presence in the region, where we will handle some 50,000 flights per annum.

A number of significant contract gains were made during the period. Our focus on key customers helped to deliver the award of a five-year contract with British Airways and Iberia at Copenhagen. There were 43 ground handling contract gains in the period, adding over GBP24m of annualised revenue. The most significant was to provide de-icing services to Norwegian Air Shuttle at their hub in Oslo. This win further enhances our relationship with the airline in their home hub. Since the period end we have also been successful in winning a contract to provide some 22,000 annual turnarounds for Frontier Airlines at their key hub in Denver. This win builds on our existing business with United Airlines in Denver.

We were successful in securing another hub operation in North America with the award by Virgin America of a five-year contract to provide ground handling services at Los Angeles. Virgin America is a returning customer and this win is recognition of our focus on service delivery. Other hub locations continue to perform well, providing strong returns and generating excellent customer feedback.

Our review of under-performing stations continued and we chose to close sub scale ground handling operations in Southampton, UK and Hamilton Island, Australia in the first half and we also gave notice on six contracts with four airlines across the network that were unsustainable.

During the period we won 12 cargo contracts, the largest of which were with AirBridge Cargo at Malmo, and a four station deal with Air Canada in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Prague. In total the new contracts will add over GBP6.5m of annualised revenue to the business.

At the end of 2015 we secured preferred supplier status with Etihad Cargo. Also within cargo handling we renewed one of our key contracts in Australia with Thai Airways at five stations.

Overall, we were net winners of 33 contracts generating some GBP17.4m of net annualised revenue and we renewed 75 contracts securing GBP46m of annualised revenue.

As previously announced, we acquired Renaissance Aviation, the exclusive ground handling licence holder in Bermuda in February. The integration is progressing smoothly and the business is trading in line with management's expectations.

Our complementary services offering continued to grow with new lounge facilities in Copenhagen, Windhoek and Queenstown and we now have line maintenance operations in Bermuda, New Zealand and Macau.

Our focus on being the best handler was supported by a significant investment into systems, people and infrastructure. This support has increased our ongoing contribution to our operational excellence programme by GBP1.5m in the first half. This investment is to ensure our airport operations run at the optimum efficiency levels and to ensure we provide our customers with the service levels they demand.

As previously communicated, Martinair, a subsidiary of KLM/Air France, continue to reduce freighter volume through Amsterdam. Martinair is our anchor customer in Amsterdam and this reduction is impacting returns. Reductions in volume are forecast to increase in 2017 and we are working on solutions to mitigate the loss of earnings.

AMI, our global cargo consolidation and forwarding company, continues to perform in line with expectations, however, we still see room for improvement. The South Africa business results were boosted by new contracts and overall our margin continues to benefit from a move towards international e-commerce traffic from the more traditional airfreight wholesale model.

Menzies Distribution


Distribution performed in line with expectations in the period, with underlying operating profit of GBP12.0m (H1 2015: GBP12.2m). This trading performance benefitted from strong sticker sales, boosted by the European Championships, which largely offset core media declines and the impact of the extra week in the comparative period.

Sales of newspapers during the period were 3.7% down on a like-for-like basis, (adjusting for any new or lost business since 1 January 2015). We benefitted from cover price increases in the period and from one-off events such as the EU referendum and the home nations' performances in the European football championships.

Sales declines of 4.7% were seen across magazine categories on a like-for-like basis. Monthlies in particular benefitted from successful film launches in the period, helping to offset market wide declines.

In July we signed a five-year contract renewal with Northern & Shell which continues our long relationship where we will distribute their titles including Daily Express, Daily Star and OK magazine.

Our Parcels business, where we act largely as a neutral consolidator, continues to perform well. A year on from the acquisition of AJG Parcels, the core parcels business is trading as expected and is complemented by the integration of recent acquisitions. Menzies Parcels now delivers 3.1 million parcels per annum. We continue to establish a niche in the growing UK e-commerce fulfilment market and look to build our position going forward.

During the period we completed the acquisition of Thistle Couriers. Formed in 1998, Thistle Couriers provides a UK-wide same-day service and delivers around 1,000 overnight parcels in the Aberdeen area.

Menzies Response, our fulfilment and brochure distribution business, has been adversely impacted by operational challenges in the period. Measures have been put in place to remedy these issues and we expect that operations will return to normal early in the third quarter. A new management team is in place and we continue to be positive on the growth opportunities for the business.

Our trucking business expanded during the period winning a three-year national distribution services contract for WHSmith. This is a key contract win and represents our first national distribution contract. The growth in this business stream is down to our ability to utilise our vehicle and property assets during daylight hours. Added to the existing contracts with Card Factory, WnDirect and B2C, our trucking operation has a fleet of over 1,700 vehicles across the UK.

The new UK National Living Wage legislation commenced in April 2016 and as expected, has had a significant impact on our Distribution business. The additional cost in 2016 is now estimated to be GBP1.6m, and we are on track to mitigate this increase with a number of improvement initiatives. This cost increase headwind is likely to prevail thereafter and we will continue to seek new ways to improve productivity to help mitigate the costs.

Independent review report to John Menzies plc


We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2016 which comprises Group Income Statement, Group Statement of Comprehensive Income, Group Balance Sheet, Group Statement of Changes in Equity, Group Statement of Cash Flows and the related notes 1 to 17. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent mis-statements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained in the International Standard on Review Engagements 2410 (UK and Ireland) "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.

Directors' Responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union.

Our Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Scope of Review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2016 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

Ernst & Young LLP


15 August 2016

  for the half year to 30 June 2016 
                                               Before                    Half         Before                    Half 
                                          exceptional   Exceptional      year    exceptional   Exceptional      year 
                                                  and           and     to 30            and           and     to 30 
                                                other         other      June          other         other      June 
                                                items         items      2016          items         items      2015 
                                 Notes           GBPm          GBPm      GBPm           GBPm          GBPm      GBPm 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Revenue                           3            956.0             -     956.0          954.1             -     954.1 
 Net operating 
  costs                                       (939.2)        (13.9)   (953.1)        (938.4)         (9.9)   (948.3) 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Operating profit                                16.8        (13.9)       2.9           15.7         (9.9)       5.8 
 Share of post-tax 
  results of joint 
  ventures and 
  associates                                      4.3         (0.8)       3.5            4.5         (0.9)       3.6 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Operating profit 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                   3             21.1        (14.7)       6.4           20.2        (10.8)       9.4 
 Analysed as: 
 Underlying operating 
  profit*                          3             21.1             -      21.1           20.2             -      20.2 
 Exceptional transaction 
  related and rationalisation 
  items                            4                -         (2.8)     (2.8)              -         (1.5)     (1.5) 
 Exceptional impairment 
  charges                          4                -         (7.2)     (7.2)              -         (4.7)     (4.7) 
 Contract amortisation             4                -         (3.9)     (3.9)              -         (3.7)     (3.7) 
 Share of interest 
  on joint ventures 
  and associates                                    -           0.3       0.3              -           0.3       0.3 
 Share of tax 
  on joint ventures 
  and associates                                    -         (1.1)     (1.1)              -         (1.2)     (1.2) 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Operating profit 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                                 21.1        (14.7)       6.4           20.2        (10.8)       9.4 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Finance income                    5              0.3             -       0.3            0.5             -       0.5 
 Finance charges                   5            (2.4)         (0.4)     (2.8)          (2.7)         (0.4)     (3.1) 
 Other finance 
  charge - pensions               14            (0.9)             -     (0.9)          (1.0)             -     (1.0) 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Profit before 
  taxation                                       18.1        (15.1)       3.0           17.0        (11.2)       5.8 
 Taxation                          6            (5.8)           1.1     (4.7)          (5.4)           2.6     (2.8) 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
  for the period                                 12.3        (14.0)     (1.7)           11.6         (8.6)       3.0 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
  to equity shareholders                         12.5        (14.0)     (1.5)           11.5         (8.6)       2.9 
  to non-controlling 
  interests                                     (0.2)             -     (0.2)            0.1             -       0.1 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
                                                 12.3        (14.0)     (1.7)           11.6         (8.6)       3.0 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Earnings per 
  ordinary share                   8 
 Basic                                          20.4p       (22.8)p    (2.4)p          18.8p       (14.1)p      4.7p 
 Diluted                                        20.4p       (22.8)p    (2.4)p          18.8p       (14.1)p      4.7p 
------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  --------  -------------  ------------  -------- 

*Underlying operating profit adjusts for non-recurring exceptional items, impairment charges associated with goodwill, joint venture assets and other intangibles, contract amortisation and the Group's share of interest and tax on joint ventures and associates to provide an appreciation of the impact of those items on operating profit.

  For the full year to 31 December 2015 
                                                  Before   Exceptional    Full year 
                                             exceptional     and other        to 31 
                                               and other         items     December 
                                                   items                       2015 
                                    Notes           GBPm          GBPm         GBPm 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Revenue                              3          1,899.2             -      1,899.2 
  Net operating costs                          (1,862.8)        (17.6)    (1,880.4) 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Operating profit                                   36.4        (17.6)         18.8 
 Share of post-tax 
  results of joint 
  ventures and associates                            8.5         (1.5)          7.0 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Operating profit 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                      3             44.9        (19.1)         25.8 
 Analysed as: 
 Underlying operating 
  profit*                             3             44.9             -         44.9 
 Exceptional rationalisation 
  and acquisition related 
  items                               4                -         (5.8)        (5.8) 
 Exceptional impairment 
  charges                             4                -         (4.7)        (4.7) 
 Contract amortisation                4                -         (7.1)        (7.1) 
 Share of interest 
  on joint ventures 
  and associates                                       -           0.7          0.7 
 Share of tax on joint 
  ventures and associates                              -         (2.2)        (2.2) 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Operating profit 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                                    44.9        (19.1)         25.8 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Finance income                       5              0.8             -          0.8 
 Finance charges                      5            (5.6)         (0.9)        (6.5) 
 Other finance charge 
  - pensions                         14            (1.9)             -        (1.9) 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Profit before taxation                             38.2        (20.0)         18.2 
 Taxation                             6           (12.2)           3.9        (8.3) 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Profit for the year                                26.0        (16.1)          9.9 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Attributable to equity 
  shareholders                                      26.2        (16.1)         10.1 
 Attributable to non-controlling 
  interests                                        (0.2)             -        (0.2) 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
                                                    26.0        (16.1)          9.9 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Earnings per ordinary 
  share                               8 
 Basic                                             42.7p       (26.2)p        16.5p 
 Diluted                                           42.7p       (26.3)p        16.4p 
---------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------  ----------- 

*Underlying operating profit adjusts for non-recurring exceptional items, impairment charges associated with goodwill, joint venture assets and other intangibles, contract amortisation and the Group's share of interest and tax on joint ventures and associates to provide an appreciation of the impact of those items on operating profit.

  for the half year to 30 June 2016 
                                           Half year   Half year      Full year 
                                                  to          to             to 
                                             30 June     30 June    31 December 
                                                2016        2015           2015 
                                    Note        GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
---------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
   (Loss)/profit for 
   the period                                  (1.7)         3.0            9.9 
---------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or loss: 
 Actuarial (loss)/gain 
  on defined benefit 
  pensions                           14       (13.8)        14.3            5.6 
 Income tax effect                               2.6       (2.9)          (1.1) 
 Impact of rate change 
  on deferred tax                                  -           -          (0.9) 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently 
  to profit or loss: 
 Movement on cash 
  flow hedges                                    0.2       (0.4)          (0.1) 
 Income tax effect                                 -         0.1              - 
 Movement on net investment 
  hedges                                       (9.5)         3.9          (1.5) 
 Income tax effect                                 -       (0.8)            0.3 
 Exchange gain/(loss) 
  on translation of 
  foreign operations                            22.2      (10.0)          (3.9) 
 Income tax effect 
  of exchange loss 
  on foreign operations                            -           -            0.6 
---------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Other comprehensive income/(loss) 
  for the period                                 1.7         4.2          (1.0) 
----------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                                   -         7.2            8.9 
----------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Attributable to equity 
  shareholders                                   0.2         7.1            8.9 
 Attributable to non-controlling 
  interests                                    (0.2)         0.1              - 
---------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
                                                   -         7.2            8.9 
---------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
  as at 30 June 2016 
                                             30 June   30 June   31 December 
                                                2016      2015          2015 
                                     Notes      GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
  Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                     9       104.3     110.2         108.3 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                                    119.3     113.1         114.4 
 Investments accounted 
  using the equity 
  method                                        29.6      26.0          26.4 
 Deferred tax assets                            13.0       7.8          12.2 
                                               266.2     257.1         261.3 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                    14.1      13.0          14.7 
 Trade and other receivables                   225.7     206.2         201.9 
 Derivative financial 
  assets                              12           -       4.4           0.6 
 Cash and cash equivalents            10        46.2      37.2          34.1 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
                                               286.0     260.8         251.3 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
  Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                           10      (68.5)     (7.2)         (3.4) 
 Derivative financial 
  liabilities                         12       (9.8)     (1.1)         (2.3) 
 Trade and other payables                    (233.4)   (221.6)       (217.3) 
 Current income tax 
  liabilities                                  (8.8)     (7.1)        (10.0) 
 Provisions                                    (5.5)     (2.8)         (4.9) 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
                                             (326.0)   (239.8)       (237.9) 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 Net current (liabilities)/assets             (40.0)      21.0          13.4 
 Total assets less 
  current liabilities                          226.2     278.1         274.7 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                           10      (94.5)   (154.1)       (152.2) 
 Other payables                                (3.8)     (3.3)         (3.5) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                          -         -         (1.5) 
 Provisions                                    (3.1)     (2.7)         (2.9) 
 Retirement benefit 
  obligation                          14      (52.7)    (40.1)        (43.4) 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
                                             (154.1)   (200.2)       (203.5) 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 Net assets                                     72.1      77.9          71.2 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 Shareholders' equity 
 Ordinary shares                                15.4      15.4          15.4 
 Share premium account                          20.5      20.4          20.4 
 Treasury shares                               (1.7)     (1.7)         (1.8) 
 Other reserves                                (8.7)    (24.0)        (21.6) 
 Retained earnings                              23.6      44.4          35.6 
 Capital redemption 
  reserve                                       21.6      21.6          21.6 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
                                                70.7      76.1          69.6 
 Non-controlling interest 
  in equity                                      1.4       1.8           1.6 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 Total equity                                   72.1      77.9          71.2 
----------------------------------  ------  --------  --------  ------------ 
  as at 30 June 2016 
                               Share                 flow                               Capital           Total 
                  Ordinary   premium   Treasury     hedge   Translation   Retained   redemption   shareholders'   Non-controlling     Total 
                    shares   account     shares   reserve       reserve   earnings      reserve          equity            equity    equity 
                      GBPm      GBPm       GBPm      GBPm          GBPm       GBPm         GBPm            GBPm              GBPm      GBPm 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 At 31 December 
  2015                15.4      20.4      (1.8)     (0.9)        (20.7)       35.6         21.6            69.6               1.6      71.2 
 Loss for 
  the period             -         -          -         -             -      (1.5)            -           (1.5)             (0.2)     (1.7) 
  income/(loss)          -         -          -       0.2          12.7     (11.2)            -             1.7                 -       1.7 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
  income/(loss)          -         -          -       0.2          12.7     (12.7)            -             0.2             (0.2)         - 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 New share 
  issued                 -       0.1          -         -             -          -            -             0.1                 -       0.1 
  payments               -         -          -         -             -        0.8            -             0.8                 -       0.8 
  of own 
  shares                 -         -        0.1         -             -      (0.1)            -               -                 -         - 
 At 30 June 
  2016                15.4      20.5      (1.7)     (0.7)         (8.0)       23.6         21.6            70.7               1.4      72.1 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 At 31 December 
  2014                15.4      20.3      (2.0)     (0.8)        (16.0)       29.5         21.6            68.0               1.7      69.7 
  for the 
  period                 -         -          -         -             -        2.9            -             2.9               0.1       3.0 
  (loss)/income          -         -          -     (0.3)         (6.9)       11.4            -             4.2                 -       4.2 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
  (loss)/income          -         -          -     (0.3)         (6.9)       14.3            -             7.1               0.1       7.2 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 New share 
  issued                 -       0.1          -         -             -          -            -             0.1                 -       0.1 
  payments               -         -          -         -             -        0.7            -             0.7                 -       0.7 
  of own 
  shares                 -         -        0.3         -             -      (0.1)            -             0.2                 -       0.2 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 At 30 June 
  2015                15.4      20.4      (1.7)     (1.1)        (22.9)       44.4         21.6            76.1               1.8      77.9 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 At 31 December 
  2014                15.4      20.3      (2.0)     (0.8)        (16.0)       29.5         21.6            68.0               1.7      69.7 
  for the 
  year                   -         -          -         -             -       10.1            -            10.1             (0.2)       9.9 
  (loss)/income          -         -          -     (0.1)         (4.7)        3.6            -           (1.2)               0.2     (1.0) 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
  (loss)/income          -         -          -     (0.1)         (4.7)       13.7            -             8.9                 -       8.9 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 New share 
  issued                 -       0.1          -         -             -          -            -             0.1                 -       0.1 
  payments               -         -          -         -             -        0.5            -             0.5                 -       0.5 
  paid                   -         -          -         -             -      (8.0)            -           (8.0)             (0.1)     (8.1) 
  of own 
  shares                 -         -      (0.1)         -             -          -            -           (0.1)                 -     (0.1) 
  of own 
  shares                 -         -        0.3         -             -      (0.1)            -             0.2                 -       0.2 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 At 31 December 
  2015                15.4      20.4      (1.8)     (0.9)        (20.7)       35.6         21.6            69.6               1.6      71.2 
---------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ------------  ---------  -----------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
  for the half year to 30 June 2016 
                                      Half year   Half year      Full year 
                                             to          to             to 
                                        30 June     30 June    31 December 
                                           2016        2015           2015 
                              Notes        GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Cash generated from 
  operations                   11          20.4        13.5           35.9 
 Interest received                          0.3         0.2            0.8 
 Interest paid                            (2.7)       (2.4)          (5.9) 
 Tax paid                                 (5.3)       (3.9)          (7.7) 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Net cash flow from 
  operating activities                     12.7         7.4           23.1 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Acquisitions                             (4.6)      (14.4)         (15.1) 
 Cash acquired with 
  subsidiaries                 15           0.3         1.3            1.3 
 Investment in associate                  (0.3)           -              - 
 Purchase of property, 
  plant and equipment                     (7.9)       (9.2)         (22.2) 
 Intangible asset 
  additions                               (0.4)       (0.2)          (2.6) 
 Proceeds from sale 
  of property, plant 
  and equipment                             1.4         0.7            4.5 
 Proceeds on redemption 
  of joint venture 
  preference shares                           -         0.8            0.8 
 Dividends received 
  from equity accounted 
  investments                               1.8         2.0            6.5 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Net cash flow used 
  in investing activities                 (9.7)      (19.0)         (26.8) 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Proceeds from issue of 
  ordinary share capital                    0.1         0.1            0.1 
  of own shares                               -         0.2          (0.1) 
 Repayment of borrowings       10         (2.8)       (0.1)          (0.4) 
 Proceeds from borrowings      10           8.7        14.0           15.3 
 Dividends paid to 
  ordinary shareholders                       -           -          (8.0) 
 Net cash flow from 
  financing activities         10           6.0        14.2            6.9 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Increase in net cash 
  and cash equivalents         10           9.0         2.6            3.2 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Effects of exchange 
  rate movements               10           3.0       (1.7)          (1.5) 
 Opening net cash 
  and cash equivalents                     33.9        32.2           32.2 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Closing net cash 
  and cash equivalents*        10          45.9        33.1           33.9 
---------------------------  ------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
   *Net cash and cash equivalents include cash at bank 
   and in hand and bank overdrafts. 

Notes to the interim accounts


These interim condensed financial statements are prepared in a consolidated format. They relate to the half year to 30 June 2016 and are unaudited but have been formally reviewed by the Auditors and their report to the Company is set out on page 10. They were approved by the Board on 15 August 2016. These interim condensed financial results do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for the year to 31 December 2015, prepared in accordance with IFRS, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the Auditors included in that 2015 Annual Report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 498(2) or Section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.


These interim condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union, the Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority and the basis of the accounting policies set out in the 2015 Annual Report, except for the adoption of new standards and interpretations effective from 1 January 2016 as noted below.

These interim condensed financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis as the Directors, having considered the available relevant information, have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

Changes to accounting policies

There are no immediate changes to UK financial and corporate reporting requirements following the UK's decision to leave the European Union on 23 June 2016.

Several new accounting standards and amendments are applicable for the first time in 2016. However, they do not impact on the annual consolidated financial statements or the interim condensed financial statements of the Group. The European Markets and Securities Authority has issued 'Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures' which are effective from 3 July 2016 and which have been followed in explaining the Group's use of non-GAAP measures in this interim statement.

-- Amendments to IAS 27: Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements - effective date 1 January 2016

   --        Amendments to IAS 1: Disclosure Initiative - effective date 1 January 2016 

-- Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38: Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation - effective date 1 January 2016

-- Amendments to IFRS 11: Accounting for Acquisitions of Interests in Joint Operations - effective date 1 January 2016

   --        Annual Improvements to IFRSs - 2012 to 2014 cycle - effective date 1 January 2016 

Standards and amendments to standards that have been issued but are not effective for 2016 and have not been early adopted are:

   --        Amendments to IAS 7: Disclosure Initiative* - effective date 1 January 2017 

-- Amendment to IAS 12: Recognition of Deferred Tax Assets for Unrealised Losses* - effective date 1 January 2017

   --        IFRS 9 Financial Instruments* - effective date 1 January 2018 
   --        IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers* - effective date 1 January 2018 
   --        IFRS 16 Leases* - effective date 1 January 2019 

-- IFRS 2 Classification and Measurement of Share Based Payment Transactions* - effective date 1 January 2018

*Not yet adopted for use in the European Union.

Non-GAAP measures

Our reported interim results are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006. In measuring our performance, the financial measures that we use include those which have been derived from our reported results in order to eliminate factors which distort period-on-period comparisons. These are considered non-GAAP financial measures. We believe this information, along with comparable GAAP measurements, is useful to investors in providing a basis for measuring our operational performance. Our management uses these financial measures, along with the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures, in evaluating our performance and value creation. Non-GAAP measures should not be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, financial information in compliance with GAAP. Non-GAAP financial measures as reported by the Group may not be comparable with similarly titled amounts reported by other companies.

Below we set out our definitions of non-GAAP measures and provide reconciliations to relevant GAAP measures.


Turnover includes revenue from subsidiaries and the Group's share of revenue from joint ventures and associates.

                                 Half year   Half year      Full year 
                                     to 30          to             to 
                                 June 2016     30 June    31 December 
                                                  2015           2015 
                                      GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
-----------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Revenue                             956.0       954.1        1,899.2 
 Share of joint ventures and 
  associates revenue                  46.2        47.3           94.1 
 Turnover                          1,002.2     1,001.4        1,993.3 
-----------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 

Underlying operating profit

Underlying operating profit adjusts for non-recurring exceptional items, impairment charges associated with goodwill, joint venture assets and other intangibles, contract amortisation and the Group's share of interest and tax on joint ventures and associates to provide an appreciation of the impact of those items on operating profit.

Underlying operating profit and the reconciliation to operating profit are set out on the face of the Income Statement.

Underlying profit before taxation

Underlying profit before taxation is defined as underlying operating profit less net finance charges.

Underlying profit before taxation and the reconciliation to profit before taxation are set out on the face of the Income Statement.

Underlying earnings per share

Underlying earnings per share is profit after taxation and non-controlling interest, but before intangible amortisation and impairment and exceptional items, divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue.

The calculation of underlying earnings per share is set out in Note 8.

Free cash flow

Free cash flow is defined as the cash generated after net capital expenditure, interest and taxation, before special pension contributions, acquisitions, disposals, cash raised, ordinary dividends and net spend on shares.

                                      Half year   Half year      Full year 
                                          to 30          to             to 
                                      June 2016     30 June    31 December 
                                                       2015           2015 
                                           GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Cash generated from operations            20.4        13.5           35.9 
 Adjusted for: 
  net interest paid                       (2.4)       (2.2)          (5.1) 
  tax paid                                (5.3)       (3.9)          (7.7) 
  dividends received from 
   equity accounted investments             1.8         2.0            6.5 
  purchase of property, plant 
   and equipment                          (7.9)       (9.2)         (22.2) 
  intangible asset additions              (0.4)       (0.2)          (2.6) 
  proceeds from sale of property, 
   plant and equipment                      1.4         0.7            4.5 
  special pension contribution              5.6         5.8           11.6 
  exceptional cash spend                    3.2         5.1           10.8 
 Free cash flow                            16.4        11.6           31.7 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 

Underlying operating cash flow

Underlying operating cash flow is free cash flow before net capital expenditure, net interest paid and taxation.

                                       Half year   Half year      Full year 
                                           to 30          to             to 
                                       June 2016     30 June    31 December 
                                                        2015           2015 
                                            GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
-----------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Free cash flow (as set out 
  above)                                    16.4        11.6           31.7 
 Adjusted for: 
  purchase of property, plant 
   and equipment                             7.9         9.2           22.2 
  intangible asset additions                 0.4         0.2            2.6 
  proceeds from sale of property, 
   plant and equipment                     (1.4)       (0.7)          (4.5) 
  net interest paid                          2.4         2.2            5.1 
  tax paid                                   5.3         3.9            7.7 
 Underlying operating cash 
  flow                                      31.0        26.4           64.8 
-----------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------- 


For management purposes the Group is organised into two operating divisions: Distribution and Aviation. The two divisions are organised and managed separately based upon their key markets. The Distribution segment provides newspaper and magazine distribution services along with marketing and logistics services across the UK and Ireland. The Aviation segment provides cargo and passenger ground handling services across the world.

The information presented to the Board for the purpose of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance is focused on the performance of each division as a whole but also contains performance information on a number of operating segments within the Aviation division. The Board assesses the performance of the operating segments based on a measure of adjusted segment result before exceptional items and intangible amortisation. Net finance income and expenditure are not allocated to segments as this activity is managed by the central treasury function.

Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's reportable segments together with additional geographic and Balance Sheet information. Transfer prices between segments are set on an arm's-length basis.

Business segment information

                                 Revenue                    Pre-exceptional operating 
                   -----------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
                        Half       Half      Full year     Half       Half      Full year 
                        year       year             to     year       year             to 
                          to         to    31 December    to 30         to    31 December 
                     30 June    30 June           2015     June    30 June           2015 
                        2016       2015                    2016       2015 
                        GBPm       GBPm           GBPm     GBPm       GBPm           GBPm 
-----------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -------  ---------  ------------- 
 Distribution          605.6      630.6        1,244.0     12.0       12.2           25.1 
  Handling             271.5      240.9          490.0      2.8        0.8            4.1 
  Handling              72.7       72.5          146.8      6.0        6.9           14.7 
  Forwarding            52.4       57.4          112.5      1.6        1.7            4.3 
                       396.6      370.8          749.3     10.4        9.4           23.1 
 Corporate                 -          -              -    (1.3)      (1.4)          (3.3) 
-----------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -------  ---------  ------------- 
                     1,002.2    1,001.4        1,993.3     21.1       20.2           44.9 
  and associates      (46.2)     (47.3)         (94.1)        -          -              - 
-----------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -------  ---------  ------------- 
                       956.0      954.1        1,899.2     21.1       20.2           44.9 
-----------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -------  ---------  ------------- 

A reconciliation of segment pre-exceptional operating profit/(loss) to profit before taxation is provided below.

                               Distribution   Aviation   Corporate   Group 
 Half year to 30 June                  GBPm       GBPm        GBPm    GBPm 
----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Operating profit/(loss)                9.9      (3.1)       (3.9)     2.9 
 Share of post-tax 
  results of joint ventures 
  and associates                        0.8        2.7           -     3.5 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                       10.7      (0.4)       (3.9)     6.4 
 Net finance expense                                                 (3.4) 
----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Profit before taxation                                                3.0 
----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Analysed as: 
 Pre-exceptional operating 
  profit/(loss)*                       12.0       10.4       (1.3)    21.1 
 Exceptional transaction 
  related items (Note 
  4)                                    0.3      (0.5)       (2.6)   (2.8) 
 Exceptional impairment 
  charges (Note 4)                        -      (7.2)           -   (7.2) 
 Contract amortisation 
  (Note 4)                            (1.4)      (2.5)           -   (3.9) 
 Share of interest 
  on joint ventures 
  and associates                          -        0.3           -     0.3 
 Share of tax on joint 
  ventures and associates             (0.2)      (0.9)           -   (1.1) 
----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                       10.7      (0.4)       (3.9)     6.4 
----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
                               Distribution   Aviation   Corporate   Group 
 Half year to 30 June 
  2015                                 GBPm       GBPm        GBPm    GBPm 
----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Operating profit/(loss)               10.1      (1.5)       (2.8)     5.8 
 Share of post-tax 
  results of joint ventures 
  and associates                        0.7        2.9           -     3.6 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                       10.8        1.4       (2.8)     9.4 
 Net finance expense                                                 (3.6) 
----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Profit before taxation                                                5.8 
----------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Analysed as: 
 Pre-exceptional operating 
  profit/(loss)*                 12.2     9.4   (1.4)    20.2 
 Exceptional rationalisation 
  and acquisition related 
  items (Note 4)                (0.1)       -   (1.4)   (1.5) 
 Exceptional impairment 
  charges (Note 4)                  -   (4.7)       -   (4.7) 
 Contract amortisation 
  (Note 4)                      (1.1)   (2.6)       -   (3.7) 
 Share of interest 
  on joint ventures 
  and associates                    -     0.3       -     0.3 
 Share of tax on joint 
  ventures and associates       (0.2)   (1.0)       -   (1.2) 
-----------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                 10.8     1.4   (2.8)     9.4 
-----------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
                                   Distribution   Aviation   Corporate   Group 
 Full year to 31 December                  GBPm       GBPm        GBPm    GBPm 
 Operating profit/(loss)                   16.8        7.0       (5.0)    18.8 
 Share of post-tax results 
  of joint ventures and 
  associates                                1.6        5.4           -     7.0 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                           18.4       12.4       (5.0)    25.8 
 Net finance expense                                                     (7.6) 
--------------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Profit before taxation                                                   18.2 
--------------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Analysed as: 
 Pre-exceptional operating 
  profit/(loss)*                           25.1       23.1       (3.3)    44.9 
 Exceptional rationalisation 
  and acquisition related 
  items (Note 4)                          (3.9)      (0.2)       (1.7)   (5.8) 
 Exceptional impairment 
  charges (Note 4)                            -      (4.7)           -   (4.7) 
 Contract amortisation 
  (Note 4)                                (2.5)      (4.6)           -   (7.1) 
 Share of interest on 
  joint ventures and associates               -        0.7           -     0.7 
 Share of tax on joint 
  ventures and associates                 (0.3)      (1.9)           -   (2.2) 
--------------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  after joint ventures 
  and associates                           18.4       12.4       (5.0)    25.8 
--------------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 

* Pre-exceptional operating profit/(loss) is defined as operating profit/(loss) excluding intangible amortisation and exceptional items (both set out in Note 4) but including the pre-tax share of results from joint ventures and associates.

 Capital expenditure 
                             Distribution   Aviation   Corporate   Group 
 Half year to 30 June                GBPm       GBPm        GBPm    GBPm 
--------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                           1.3        6.5         0.1     7.9 
 Intangible assets                    0.2        0.2           -     0.4 
 Half year to 30 June 
--------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                           1.2        6.6           -     7.8 
 Intangible assets                    0.1        0.1           -     0.2 
 Full year to 31 December 
--------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                           4.4       16.4           -    20.8 
 Intangible assets                    2.1        0.5           -     2.6 
--------------------------  -------------  ---------  ----------  ------ 
 Geographic information                     Revenue 
                             Half year to   Half year      Full year 
                             30 June 2016          to             to 
                                              30 June    31 December 
                                                 2015           2015 
                                     GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
------------------------   --------------  ----------  ------------- 
 UK                                 664.0       687.8        1,363.1 
  Europe                            100.3        85.9          171.2 
 USA                                 77.3        68.6          140.3 
 Rest of world                      114.4       111.8          224.6 
                                    956.0       954.1        1,899.2 
 ------------------------  --------------  ----------  ------------- 

Exceptional items are those material items which, by virtue of their size or incidence, are presented separately in the Income Statement to enable a full understanding of the Group's financial performance. These exclude certain elements of intangible asset impairment and amortisation, which are also presented separately in the Income Statement.

Transactions which may give rise to exceptional items include restructuring of business activities (in terms of rationalisation costs and onerous lease provisions), gains or losses on the disposal of businesses and transaction and other related costs including changes in deferred consideration.

Exceptional items included in operating profit

                                        Half year   Half year      Full year 
                                               to          to             to 
                                     30 June 2016     30 June    31 December 
                                                         2015           2015 
                           Notes             GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
------------------------  -------  --------------  ----------  ------------- 
 Acquisition related 
  earn-out adjustment       (i)               0.3         0.5          (0.2) 
 Transaction related 
  costs                     (ii)            (3.1)       (0.1)          (0.4) 
  costs                    (iii)                -       (0.5)          (3.5) 
 Management restructure 
  and strategic 
  review                    (iv)                -       (1.4)          (1.7) 
                                            (2.8)       (1.5)          (5.8) 
 --------------------------------  --------------  ----------  ------------- 
 (i)     Contingent consideration relating to the acquisition 
          of Fore Partnership was settled for GBP1.3m being 
          GBP0.3m lower than anticipated at 31 December 
          2015 in Distribution. The credit in the prior 
          half year related to the settlement of contingent 
          consideration for Orbital Marketing Services Group 
          for GBP9.9m which was GBP0.5m lower than anticipated 
          at 31 December 2014. 
 (ii)    Relating to the acquisition of Thistle Couriers 
          Ltd in February 2016 in Distribution and Renaissance 
          Aviation Ltd, Bermuda, in February 2016 in Aviation, 
          aborted disposal transactions either by the Group 
          or by the prospective parties of GBP0.9m, incomplete 
          transactions of GBP1.9m and other costs GBP0.2m. 
 (iii)   Costs of rationalising excess capacity in the 
          prior half year comprised redundancy, property 
          and other related restructuring costs in Distribution. 
 (iv)    Redundancy and advisory costs in the prior half 
          year related to the work performed to reshape 
          the senior management team and review the strategic 
          direction of the business in order to prioritise 
          the opportunities for growth. 

Exceptional items included in finance charges

                             Half year to       Half      Full year 
                             30 June 2016       year             to 
                                                  to    31 December 
                                             30 June           2015 
                    Note             GBPm       GBPm           GBPm 
-----------------  ------  --------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Unwind discount     (i)            (0.1)      (0.1)          (0.2) 
-----------------  ------  --------------  ---------  ------------- 
 (i)   Relating to deferred consideration and onerous 
        lease provisions. 

Intangible assets amortisation and impairment included in operating profit

                                    Half year to       Half      Full year 
                                    30 June 2016       year             to 
                                                         to    31 December 
                                                    30 June           2015 
                          Notes             GBPm       GBPm           GBPm 
-----------------------  -------  --------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Contract amortisation     (i)             (3.9)      (3.7)          (7.1) 
 Net impairment 
  loss                     (ii)            (7.2)      (4.7)          (4.7) 
-----------------------  -------  --------------  ---------  ------------- 
                                          (11.1)      (8.4)         (11.8) 
 -------------------------------  --------------  ---------  ------------- 
 (i)    Contracts capitalised as intangible assets on 
         the acquisition of businesses. 
 (ii)   An impairment of goodwill of GBP7.2m triggered 
         by an aborted disposal transaction and recognising 
         the loss of volumes with key customers at the 
         cargo operations in Amsterdam and the impact this 
         has on the overall business. In the prior half 
         year operations were restructured in Spain following 
         the loss of licences. An impairment charge of 
         GBP4.7m was recognised representing a write-off 
         of intangible assets of GBP4.1m and other associated 
         assets of GBP0.6m. 
   5.    FINANCE COSTS (pre-exceptional) 

Underlying interest income and charges, other than the pension charge, are:

                     Half year       Half      Full year 
                            to       year             to 
                       30 June         to    31 December 
                          2016    30 June           2015 
                          GBPm       GBPm           GBPm 
-----------------   ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Finance income 
 Bank deposits             0.3        0.5            0.8 
------------------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Finance charges 
 Bank loans 
  and overdrafts         (2.3)      (2.6)          (5.5) 
  dividends              (0.1)      (0.1)          (0.1) 
------------------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
                         (2.4)      (2.7)          (5.6) 
 -----------------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
 Net finance 
  costs                  (2.1)      (2.2)          (4.8) 
------------------  ----------  ---------  ------------- 
   6.    TAXATION 

The underlying effective tax rate for the full year 2016 is estimated at 32% (full year 2015: 32%). Therefore the underlying effective tax rate used for the half year 2016 was 32% (half year 2015: 32%). The share of results from the joint ventures and associates for the half year is after taxation of GBP1.1m (half year to 30 June 2015: GBP1.2m and full year to 31 December 2015: GBP2.2m).

The Finance Act (No 2) 2015, which was substantively enacted on 26 October 2015, includes legislation reducing the main rate of corporation tax in the UK from 20% to 18%. This decrease is to be phased in with a reduction to 19% effective from 1 April 2017 and a reduction to 18% effective from 1 April 2020. The Finance Bill 2016, which has not been substantively enacted at the half year 2016, will amend and reduce the rate to 17% with effect from 1 April 2020.

The taxation effect of the exceptional and other items is GBPNil (half year to 30 June 2015: GBP1.4m credit, full year to 31 December 2015: GBP1.7m credit).

   7.    DIVIDS 
                                           Half year      Half      Full year 
                                                  to      year             to 
                                             30 June     to 30    31 December 
                                                2016      June           2015 
 Dividends paid on equity shares                GBPm      GBPm           GBPm 
---------------------------------------  -----------  --------  ------------- 
               Interim paid in respect 
 Ordinary       of 2015, 5.0p per share             -        -            3.0 
   Final paid in respect 
    of 2014, 8.1p per share             -                    -            5.0 
                        -                                    -            8.0 
-----------   -----------  -----------------------------------  ------------- 

The 2015 final dividend of 11.8p per ordinary share, which absorbed GBP7.2m of shareholders' funds, was paid on 1 July 2016 to shareholders on the register of John Menzies plc at close of business on 27 May 2016.

The Directors are proposing an interim dividend in respect of the half year to 30 June 2016 of 5.4p per ordinary share. This will absorb an estimated GBP3.3m of shareholders' funds. Payment will be made on 18 November 2016 to shareholders on the register of John Menzies plc at the close of business on 7 October 2016.

                                                     Basic                        Underlying(i) 
                                        -------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                                           Half     Half           Full     Half     Half           Full 
                                           year     year           year     year     year           year 
                                          to 30    to 30             to    to 30    to 30             to 
                                           June     June    31 December     June     June    31 December 
                                           2016     2015           2015     2016     2015           2015 
                                           GBPm     GBPm           GBPm     GBPm     GBPm           GBPm 
--------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------  -------  -------  ------------- 
 Operating profit                           2.9      5.8           18.8      2.9      5.8           18.8 
 Share of post-tax 
  results of joint 
  ventures and associates                   3.5      3.6            7.0      3.5      3.6            7.0 
 add          exceptional 
  back:        items                          -        -              -      2.8      1.5            5.8 
   and impairment                             -        -              -     11.1      8.4           11.8 
                share of interest 
                 on joint ventures 
                 and associates               -        -              -    (0.3)    (0.3)          (0.7) 
  share of tax 
   on joint ventures 
   and associates                             -        -              -      1.1      1.2            2.2 
 Net finance costs                        (3.4)    (3.6)          (7.6)    (3.0)    (3.2)          (6.7) 
--------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------  -------  -------  ------------- 
 Profit before taxation                     3.0      5.8           18.2     18.1     17.0           38.2 
 Taxation                                 (4.7)    (2.8)          (8.3)    (4.7)    (2.8)          (8.3) 
 Tax on exceptional 
  items and share 
  of tax on joint 
  ventures and associates                     -        -              -    (1.1)    (2.6)          (3.9) 
  interests                                 0.2    (0.1)            0.2      0.2    (0.1)            0.2 
--------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------  -------  -------  ------------- 
 Earnings for the 
  period                                  (1.5)      2.9           10.1     12.5     11.5           26.2 
--------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------  -------  -------  ------------- 
 Earnings per ordinary 
  share (pence)                          (2.4)p     4.7p          16.5p 
 Diluted earnings 
  per ordinary share 
  (pence)                                (2.4)p     4.7p          16.4p 
 Earnings per ordinary 
  share (pence)                                                            20.4p    18.8p          42.7p 
 Diluted earnings 
  per ordinary share 
  (pence)                                                                  20.4p    18.8p          42.7p 
   Number of ordinary shares 
   in issue 
 Weighted average 
  (million)                                61.3     61.3           61.3 
 Diluted weighted 
  average (million)                        61.4     61.4           61.4 
--------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------------  -------  -------  ------------- 

(i) Underlying earnings are presented as an additional performance measure and is stated before exceptional items and intangible amortisation and impairment.

The weighted average number of fully paid shares in issue during the period excludes those held by the employee share trusts. The diluted weighted average is calculated by adjusting for all outstanding share options that are potentially dilutive, that is where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the shares during the period.


Intangible assets comprise goodwill of GBP49.0m (June 2015: GBP50.9m, December 2015: GBP52.3m), contracts of GBP45.8m (June 2015: GBP48.1m, December 2015: GBP45.5m) and capitalised software costs of GBP9.5m (June 2015: GBP11.2m, December 2015: GBP10.5m). Currency movements contributed to a GBP5.3m increase to intangible assets in the period (June 2015: reduction of GBP2.9m, December 2015: reduction of GBP1.5m).

                          31 December     year   Subsidiaries      Currency   30 June 
                                 2015    flows       acquired   translation      2016 
                                 GBPm     GBPm           GBPm          GBPm      GBPm 
-----------------------  ------------  -------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Cash at bank and 
  in hand                        34.1      8.8            0.3           3.0      46.2 
 Bank overdrafts                (0.2)    (0.1)              -             -     (0.3) 
-----------------------  ------------  -------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Net cash and cash 
  equivalents                    33.9      8.7            0.3           3.0      45.9 
 Bank loans due 
  within one year               (2.7)   (65.1)              -             -    (67.8) 
 Preference shares              (1.4)        -              -             -     (1.4) 
 Finance leases                 (0.5)      0.3          (0.2)             -     (0.4) 
 Debt due after 
  one year                    (150.8)     57.7              -             -    (93.1) 
 Net derivative 
  (liabilities)/assets          (1.7)      1.2              -         (9.3)     (9.8) 
-----------------------  ------------  -------  -------------  ------------  -------- 
 Net debt                     (123.2)      2.8            0.1         (6.3)   (126.6) 
-----------------------  ------------  -------  -------------  ------------  -------- 

Current borrowings of GBP68.5m in the Balance Sheet include bank overdrafts of GBP0.3m, bank loans of GBP67.8m and finance leases of GBP0.4m. Non-current borrowings in the Balance Sheet of GBP94.5m include preference shares of GBP1.4m and bank debt of GBP93.1m. Net derivative liabilities of GBP9.8m shown above include derivative financial assets of GBPNil and derivative financial liabilities of GBP9.8m as shown on the Balance Sheet.

                                         Half     Half year      Full year 
                                         year    to 30 June             to 
                                        to 30          2015    31 December 
                                         June                         2015 
                                         GBPm          GBPm           GBPm 
------------------------------------  -------  ------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit                         2.9           5.8           18.8 
 Depreciation                            10.6          11.5           21.0 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                                  5.3           4.3           10.6 
 Share-based payments                     0.6           0.7            0.5 
 Onerous lease provision                    -             -            0.3 
 Cash spend on onerous leases           (0.7)         (0.9)          (2.8) 
 Gain on sale of property, 
  plant and equipment                   (0.1)             -          (0.6) 
 Pension charge                           1.6           1.6            3.3 
 Pension credit                             -         (0.1)          (1.1) 
 Pension contributions in cash          (7.0)         (7.1)         (14.1) 
 Rationalisation and transaction 
  related costs                           3.1           2.0            5.3 
 Cash spend on rationalisation 
  and other exceptional costs           (2.5)         (4.2)          (8.0) 
 Acquisition related earn out 
  adjustment                            (0.3)         (0.5)            0.2 
 Net impairment loss                      7.2           4.7            4.7 
 Decrease/(increase) in inventories       0.6             -          (1.8) 
 Increase in trade and other 
  receivables                          (23.7)        (20.4)         (16.2) 
 Increase in trade and other 
  payables and provisions                22.8          16.1           15.8 
                                         20.4          13.5           35.9 
------------------------------------  -------  ------------  ------------- 

Derivative financial instruments

The Group only enters into derivative financial instruments that are designated as hedging instruments.

The fair values of foreign currency instruments are calculated by reference to current market rates.

Fair value hierarchy

As at 30 June 2016, the Group had the following financial instruments held at fair value. The Group uses the following hierarchy for determining and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments by valuation technique:

 Level   quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets 
  1:      for identical assets and liabilities. 
 Level   other techniques for which all inputs which 
  2:      have a significant effect on the recorded fair 
          value are observable, either directly or indirectly. 
 Level   techniques which use inputs which have a significant 
  3:      effect on the recorded fair value that are not 
          based on observable market data. 

For financial instruments that are recognised at the fair value on a recurring basis, the Group determines whether transfers have occurred between levels in the hierarchy by re-assessing categorisation (based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement as a whole) at the end of each reporting period.

Derivative financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income.

                                                            30 June      30 June      31 December 
                                                               2016         2015             2015 
                                                              Level        Level            Level 
                                                             2 GBPm       2 GBPm           2 GBPm 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------------- 
 Financial assets: 
 Foreign exchange contracts - 
  hedged                                                          -          4.4              0.6 
 Financial liabilities: 
 Foreign exchange contracts - 
  hedged                                                        9.8          1.1              2.3 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------------- 
 During the half year to 30 June 2016 there were no 
  transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair value 
  measurements, and no transfers into and out of Level 
  3 fair value measurements. 
 All financial assets and liabilities, with the exception 
  of borrowings, have a carrying value that approximates 
  to fair value due to their short term nature. 
                       30 June 2016             30 June 2015               31 December 2015 
                        Book       Fair           Book 
                       Value      Value          Value   Fair Value   Book Value       Fair Value 
                        GBPm       GBPm           GBPm         GBPm         GBPm             GBPm 
-----------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  -----------  --------------- 
  borrowings            68.5       68.8            7.2          7.5          3.4              3.7 
  borrowings            94.5       95.4          154.1        155.3        152.2            153.1 
-----------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  -----------  --------------- 
 Contingent consideration 
 The acquisition of PlaneBiz 2015 Ltd in 2014 includes 
  options in relation to the 40% shareholding owned 
  by a third party. These options take the form of 
  a put option in favour of the third party shareholders 
  for up to 30% of the share capital, exercisable in 
  2018 and 2019. Following the expiry of this put option 
  the Group then has a call option, exercisable for 
  a 60 day period, for the remaining shares that have 
  not been exercised under the put option. The fair 
  value of the put option has been calculated based 
  on the expected discounted cash flows of the underlying 
  value, which is the expected average annual EBITDA 
  over the preceding three years multiplied by 5.5. 
  The call option is considered to have a negligible 
  fair value. 
 These liabilities for contingent consideration and 
  other acquisition related amounts are Level 3 derivative 
  financial instruments under IFRS 7. 
                                                  30 June   31 December 
                                   30 June 2016      2015          2015 
                                           GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
--------------------------------  -------------  --------  ------------ 
 Fair value of the contingent 
 Fore Partnership                             -       0.9           1.6 
 Fair value of other contingent 
  acquisition related amounts: 
 PlaneBiz 2015 Ltd                          3.1       2.5           2.7 
--------------------------------  -------------  --------  ------------ 

In the normal course of business, the Company has guaranteed certain trading obligations of its subsidiaries.


The professional advisor undertook a valuation of the Menzies Pension Fund (the "Fund") as at 30 June 2016 (30 June 2015 and 31 December 2015) under IAS 19.

In deriving the results the professional advisor used the projected unit method and the following financial assumptions:

                                  Half year   Half year      Full year 
                                         to          to             to 
                                    30 June     30 June    31 December 
                                       2016        2015           2015 
                                          %           %              % 
-------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Rate of increase in salaries           2.8         3.2            3.0 
 Rate of increase in pensions 
  prior to 1 May 2006                   3.5         3.6            3.5 
 Rate of increase in pensions 
  from 1 May 2006 to 1 June 
  2010                                  2.1         2.2            2.1 
 Rate of increase in pensions 
  after 1 June 2010                     1.0         1.0            1.0 
 Price inflation                        2.8         3.2            3.0 
 Discount rate                          3.2         4.0            4.0 
-------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Fair value of the Fund assets and 
                                       GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
-------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Total value of assets                347.0       319.4          312.4 
 Defined benefit obligation         (399.7)     (359.5)        (355.8) 
-------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Recognised in Balance 
  Sheet                              (52.7)      (40.1)         (43.4) 
 Related deferred 
  tax asset                             9.5         8.0            7.8 
-------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Net pension liabilities             (43.2)      (32.1)         (35.6) 
-------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Pension expense 
 The components of the pension 
  expense are: 
                                       Half year   Half year      Full year 
                                              to          to             to 
                                         30 June     30 June    31 December 
                                            2016        2015           2015 
                                            GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 The amounts charged/(credited) 
  to operating profit are: 
 Current service cost                        0.9         1.0            2.0 
 Administrative costs                        0.7         0.6            1.3 
 Effect of settlements and 
  curtailments                                 -       (0.1)          (1.1) 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
                                             1.6         1.5            2.2 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
   The amounts included in finance 
   costs are: 
 Interest cost on defined 
  benefit obligation                         7.0         6.8           13.4 
 Interest income on Fund assets            (6.1)       (5.8)         (11.5) 
 Net financial charge                        0.9         1.0            1.9 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Pension expense                             2.5         2.5            4.1 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 The amounts of changes in the Fund assets and liabilities 
  recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                            GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Returns on assets excluding 
 amounts included in net interest           30.4         0.8          (4.9) 
 Changes in financial assumptions         (44.2)        13.5           10.5 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Actuarial (loss)/gain                    (13.8)        14.3            5.6 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Changes in the Fund assets 
  and defined benefit obligation 
 The change in scheme assets 
  during the period is: 
                                            GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Fair value of assets at start 
  of period                                312.4       312.9          312.9 
 Interest income                             6.1         5.8           11.5 
 Company contributions                       7.0         7.1           14.1 
 Employee contributions                      0.3         0.6            0.7 
 Effect of settlements                         -       (0.2)          (2.2) 
 Benefits and expenses paid                (9.2)       (7.6)         (19.7) 
 Returns on assets excluding 
 amounts included in net interest           30.4         0.8          (4.9) 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Fair value of assets at end 
  of period                                347.0       319.4          312.4 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
   The actual return on scheme assets in the half year 
   to 30 June 2016 was a gain of GBP36.5m (half year 
   to 30 June 2015: GBP6.6m and full year to 31 December 
   2015: GBP6.6m). 
 The change in defined benefit 
  obligation during the period 
                                            GBPm        GBPm           GBPm 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Defined benefit obligation 
  at start of period                       355.8       371.9          317.9 
 Total service cost                          1.6         1.6            3.3 
 Interest cost                               7.0         6.8           13.4 
 Effect of settlements                         -       (0.3)          (3.3) 
 Employee contributions                      0.3         0.6            0.7 
 Benefits and expenses paid                (9.2)       (7.6)         (19.7) 
 Changes in financial assumptions           44.2      (13.5)         (10.5) 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Defined benefit obligation 
  at end of period                         399.7       359.5          355.8 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------- 
   15.    Acquisitions 

During the period the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of Renaissance Aviation Ltd and Thistle Couriers Ltd.

On 9 February 2016 the Group acquired Renaissance Aviation Ltd, a ground handling company based in Bermuda. The Group has acquired the company to develop our presence in the region. These interim financial statements include the impact of four months' trading results.

On 9 February 2016 the Group acquired Thistle Couriers Ltd, a logistics company based in Scotland. The Group has acquired the company to realise the potential of the existing UK logistics network. These interim financial statements include the impact of four months' trading results.

 Division                           Aviation   Distribution 
                                 Renaissance        Thistle 
   Name                             Aviation       Couriers                           Total 
                                         Ltd            Ltd           Total    acquisitions 
                                   Half year      Half year    acquisitions       Full year 
                                          to             to       Half year              to 
                                     30 June        30 June           to 30     31 December 
                                        2016           2016       June 2016            2015 
                                        GBPm           GBPm            GBPm            GBPm 
------------------------------  ------------  -------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Purchase consideration 
  Cash paid                              2.3            1.1             3.4             6.8 
  Deferred consideration                 0.2            0.3             0.5             0.7 
 Total purchase consideration            2.5            1.4             3.9             7.5 
 Less: fair value of 
  net assets acquired                    2.5            1.1             3.6             3.3 
 Goodwill                                  -            0.3             0.3             4.2 
------------------------------  ------------  -------------  --------------  -------------- 

Goodwill recognised with respect to Thistle Couriers Ltd is primarily attributable to the expertise in hard-to-reach logistic locations in the UK and synergies with the Group.

The fair values of assets and liabilities arising from the acquisitions are:

                                   Renaissance      Thistle 
                                      Aviation     Couriers           Total           Total 
                                           Ltd          Ltd    acquisitions    acquisitions 
                                     Half year    Half year       Half year       Full year 
                                            to           to              to              to 
                                       30 June      30 June         30 June     31 December 
                                          2016         2016            2016            2015 
                                          GBPm         GBPm            GBPm            GBPm 
--------------------------------  ------------  -----------  --------------  -------------- 
 Non-current assets 
  Intangible assets (contracts)            1.9          0.6             2.5             1.7 
  Property, plant and 
   equipment                               0.1          0.4             0.5             1.3 
 Current assets                            0.6          0.7             1.3             2.1 
 Cash                                      0.1          0.2             0.3             1.3 
 Current liabilities                     (0.2)        (0.6)           (0.8)           (2.4) 
 Finance leases                              -        (0.2)           (0.2)           (0.7) 
 Net assets acquired 
  at fair value                            2.5          1.1             3.6             3.3 
--------------------------------  ------------  -----------  --------------  -------------- 

Current assets acquired with Renaissance Aviation Ltd and Thistle Couriers Ltd included GBP0.5m and GBP0.6m of trade receivables at fair value respectively, the gross amount acquired. The fair values of the net assets of both companies acquired remain provisional pending the formal completion of the valuation process.

The acquired businesses contributed GBP0.2m profit before taxation and GBP2.5m revenue from acquisition date. If the businesses had been acquired on 1 January 2016, Group revenue and profit before taxation for continuing operations would have been GBP956.7m and GBP3.1m respectively. Transaction fees of GBP0.1m relating to these acquisitions were incurred and expensed during the period.

On 4 April 2016 the Group acquired 20% of the share capital of Hamilton Aero Maintenance Ltd for a consideration of GBP0.3m. The company provides line maintenance and engineering support services and is based in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Contingent and deferred consideration

As set out in Note 4, contingent consideration of GBP1.3m relating to the Fore Partnership was settled in March 2016. Deferred consideration of GBP0.3m relating to the acquisition of Menzies Parcels Ltd (formerly known as AJG Parcels Ltd) was cash settled in May 2016.

   16.    Related Party Transactions 

At 30 June 2016 the Group owed EM News Distribution (NI) Ltd, a joint venture company, GBP7.2m (at 30 June 2015: GBP5.0m, 31 December 2015: GBP5.0m). At 30 June 2016 the Group owed GBP3.3m to another joint venture company EM News Distribution (Ireland) Ltd (at 30 June 2015: GBP0.1m owed by joint venture, 31 December 2015: GBP1.1m owed by joint venture).


For the period to 30 June 2016, if Sterling had weakened/strengthened by 10% on currencies that have a material impact on the Group profit before tax and equity, with all other variables held constant the effect would have been:

                                     Half year to            Full year to 
                                     30 June 2016          31 December 2015 
                                ---------------------  ------------------------ 
                                     Effect                 Effect 
                                  on profit    Effect    on profit 
                                     before        on       before       Effect 
                                        tax    equity          tax    on equity 
                       in rate         GBPm      GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
-------------------  ---------  -----------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 US dollar              +10%            0.7       2.9          1.0          2.1 
 US dollar             - 10%          (0.6)     (2.4)        (0.8)        (1.7) 
 Australian dollar      +10%            0.3       1.7          0.9          1.6 
 Australian dollar     - 10%          (0.3)     (1.4)        (0.7)        (1.3) 
 Indian rupee           +10%            0.3       1.1          0.6          0.6 
 Indian rupee          - 10%          (0.2)      (0.9        (0.5)        (0.5) 
 Euro                   +10%            0.1       0.4          0.5          0.9 
 Euro                  - 10%          (0.1)     (0.3)        (0.4)        (0.7) 
 South African 
  rand                  +10%          (0.1)       0.7            -          0.6 
 South African 
  rand                 - 10%              -     (0.5)            -        (0.5) 
-------------------  ---------  -----------  --------  -----------  ----------- 

The impact of the Group's exposure to all other currencies is not considered to be material to the overall results of the Group.


The principal risks and uncertainties affecting the business activities of the Group remain those detailed in the 2015 Annual Report, a copy of which is available on the Group website at www.johnmenziesplc.com. The Board considers that these remain a current reflection of the risks and uncertainties facing the business for the remaining six months of the financial year.

Directors' Responsibility Statement in respect of the Condensed Interim Financial Statements

The Directors confirm that this condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union, and that the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by the Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, paragraphs DTR 4.2.7 R and DTR 4.2.8 R. The Directors of John Menzies plc are listed in the 2015 Annual Report. A list of current Directors is maintained on the Company website: www.johnmenziesplc.com.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 16, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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