RNS Number : 3770X

HSBC Holdings PLC

21 February 2017

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

We make investments in private equity primarily through managed funds that are subject to limits on the amount of investment. We risk-assess these commitments to ensure that industry and geographical concentrations remain within acceptable levels for the portfolio as a whole, and perform regular reviews to substantiate the valuation of the investments within the portfolio.

Exchange traded investments amounted to $0.9bn (2015: $0.8bn), with the remainder being unlisted. These investments are held at fair value in line with market prices and are mainly strategic in nature.

On a regulatory consolidation basis, the net gain from disposal of equity securities amounted to $1.1bn (2015: $1.8bn), while impairment of AFS equities amounted to $0.0bn (2015: $0.1bn). Unrealised gains on equities of $1.1bn at 31 December 2016 were fully recognised in CET1.

Details of our accounting policy for AFS equity investments and the valuation of financial instruments may be found on page 200 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2016. A detailed description of the valuation techniques applied to private equity may be found on page 220 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2016.

 Risk management of insurance operations 

We operate an integrated bancassurance model that provides insurance products principally for customers with whom we have a banking relationship.

The insurance contracts we sell relate to the underlying needs of our banking customers, which we can identify from our point-of-sale contacts and customer knowledge. The majority of sales are of savings and investment products and term and credit life contracts.

By focusing largely on personal and SME lines of business, we are able to optimise volumes and diversify individual insurance risks.

We choose to manufacture these insurance products in HSBC subsidiaries based on an assessment of operational scale and risk appetite. Manufacturing insurance allows us to retain the risks and rewards associated with writing insurance contracts by keeping part of the underwriting profit and investment income within the Group.

We have life insurance manufacturing subsidiaries in nine countries (Argentina, mainland China, France, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Singapore and the UK). We also have life insurance manufacturing associates in Saudi Arabia and India.

Where we do not have the risk appetite or operational scale to be an effective insurance manufacturer, we engage with a handful of leading external insurance companies in order to provide insurance products to our customers through our banking network and direct channels. These arrangements are generally structured with our exclusive strategic partners and earn the Group a combination of commissions, fees and a share of profits. We distribute insurance products in all of our geographical regions.

Insurance products are sold through all global businesses, but predominantly by RBWM and CMB through our branches and direct channels worldwide.

The risk profile of our insurance manufacturing businesses is measured using an economic capital approach. Assets and liabilities are measured on a market value basis, and a capital requirement is defined to ensure that there is a less than one in 200 chance of insolvency over a one-year time horizon, given the risks that the businesses are exposed to. The methodology for the economic capital calculation is largely aligned to the pan-European Solvency II insurance capital regulations, which were applicable from 2016.

Subsidiaries engaged in insurance activities are excluded from the regulatory consolidation by excluding assets, liabilities and post-acquisition reserves, leaving the investment of these insurance subsidiaries to be recorded at cost and deducted from CET1 subject to thresholds (amounts below the thresholds are risk-weighted).

Further details of the management of financial risks and insurance risk arising from the insurance operations are provided from page 82 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2016.

 Liquidity and funding risk 

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group does not have sufficient financial resources to meet its obligations as they fall due, or will have to do so at an excessive cost. The risk arises from mismatches in the timing of cash flows. Funding risk is the risk that funding considered to be sustainable, and therefore used to fund assets, is not sustainable over time. The risk arises when the funding needed for illiquid asset positions cannot be obtained at the expected terms and when required.

The objective of our liquidity framework is to allow us to withstand very severe stresses. It is designed to be adaptable to changing business models, markets and regulations.

We do not manage liquidity through the explicit allocation of capital as, in common with standard industry practice, this is not considered to be an appropriate or adequate mechanism for managing these risks. However, we recognise that a strong capital base can help to mitigate liquidity risk and we ensure that sufficient liquidity is held via the liquidity add-on process. Liquidity add-ons are required where an operating entity has identified a risk that is either not covered by the Group's internal liquidity and funding risk management framework as a result of the review of risk completeness or not covered sufficiently by the Group's internal liquidity and funding risk management framework ('LFRF') as a result of stress testing.

Our primary sources of funding are customer current accounts and customer savings deposits payable on demand or at short notice. We issue wholesale securities (secured and unsecured) to supplement our customer deposits and change the currency mix, maturity profile or location of our liabilities. In the normal course of business, we do not seek to utilise secured financing as a source of funding to finance customer assets, beyond the collateralised security financing activities within Global Markets.

Management of liquidity and funding risk

On 1 January 2016, the Group implemented a new liquidity and funding risk management framework. It uses the liquidity coverage ratio ('LCR') and net stable funding ratio ('NSFR') regulatory framework as a foundation, but adds extra metrics, limits and overlays to address firm-specific risks.

The LFRF is delivered using the following key aspects:

--  stand-alone management of liquidity and funding by operating entity; 
--  operating entity classification by inherent liquidity risk ('ILR') categorisation; 
--  minimum LCR requirement depending on ILR categorisation; 
--  minimum NSFR requirement depending on ILR categorisation; 
--  legal entity depositor concentration limit; 
--  three-month and 12-month cumulative rolling term contractual maturity limits covering deposits 
     from banks, deposits from non-bank financials and securities issued; 
--  annual individual liquidity adequacy assessment ('ILAA') by operating entity; 
--  minimum LCR requirement by currency; 
--  intra-day liquidity; and 
--  forward-looking funding assessments. 
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Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

The new internal LFRF and the risk tolerance limits were approved by the RMM and the Board on the basis of recommendations made by the GRC.

Our ILAA process aims to:

--  identify risks that are not reflected in the LFRF and, where appropriate, to assess additional 
     limits to be required locally; and 
--  validate the risk tolerance at the operating entity level by demonstrating that reverse stress 
     testing scenarios are acceptably remote and that vulnerabilities have been assessed through 
     the use of severe stress scenarios. 

Details of our Liquidity and Funding Risk parameters are provided from page 75 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2016.

 Reputational risk 

Reputational risk relates to stakeholders' perceptions, whether fact-based or otherwise. Stakeholders' expectations change constantly and so reputational risk is dynamic and varies between geographical regions, groups and individuals. We have an unwavering commitment to operating at the high standards we set for ourselves in every jurisdiction. Any lapse in standards of integrity, compliance, customer service or operating efficiency represents a potential reputational risk. We have taken, and are taking, measures to address the requirements of the US DPA and enhance our AML, sanctions and other regulatory compliance frameworks. These measures should also enhance our reputational risk management in the future.

For further details on reputational risk management, see page 83 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2016.

 Sustainability risk 

Sustainability risk arises from the provision of financial services to companies or projects which indirectly result in unacceptable impacts on people or on the environment.

Sustainability risk is:

--  measured by assessing the potential sustainability effect of a customer's activities and assigning 
     a Sustainability Risk Rating to all high-risk transactions; 
--  monitored quarterly by the RMM and monthly by the Group's Sustainability Risk function; and 
--  managed using sustainability risk policies covering project finance lending and sector-based 
     sustainability policies for sectors and themes with potentially large environmental or social 
 Business risk 

The PRA specifies that banks, as part of their ICAAP, should review their exposure to business risk.

Business risk is the potential negative effect on profits and capital from the Group not meeting our strategic objectives, as a result of unforeseen changes in the business and regulatory environment, exposure to economic cycles and technological changes.

We manage and mitigate business risk through our risk appetite, business planning and stress testing processes, so that our business model and planned activities are monitored, resourced and capitalised consistent with the commercial, economic and risk environment in which the Group operates, and that any potential vulnerabilities of our business plans are identified at an early stage so that mitigating actions can be taken.

 Dilution risk 

Dilution risk is the risk that an amount receivable is reduced through cash or non-cash credit to the obligor, and arises mainly from factoring and invoice discounting transactions.

Where there is recourse to the seller, we treat these transactions as loans secured by the collateral of the debts purchased and do not report dilution risk for them. For our non-recourse portfolio, we do not report any dilution risk, as we obtain an indemnity from the seller that indemnifies us against this risk. Moreover, factoring transactions involve lending at a discount to the face-value of the receivables which provides protection against dilution risk.

Details of our management of these risks may be found on the following pages of the Annual Report and Accounts 2016: liquidity and funding 75, reputational 83 and sustainability 84.


Details of the Group's remuneration policy, including details on the remuneration committee membership, activities, our remuneration strategy and tables showing the remuneration details of HSBC's Identified Staff and Material Risk Takers may be found under the Remuneration Policy on our website (www.hsbc.com/investor-relations/governance) and the Directors' Remuneration Report on page 153 of the Annual Report and Accounts 2016.

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 Appendix I 
 Additional CRD IV and BCBS tables 

Table 46 sets out IRB exposures by obligor grade for central governments and central banks, institutions and corporates, all of which are assessed using our 23-grade CRR master scale. We benchmark the master scale against the ratings of external rating agencies. Each CRR band is associated with an external rating grade by reference to long-run default rates for that grade, represented by the average of issuer-weighted historical default rates.

The correspondence between the agency long-run default rates and the PD ranges of our master scale is obtained by matching a smoothed curve based on those default rates with our master scale reference PDs. This association between internal and external ratings is indicative and may vary over time. In these tables, the ratings of S&P are cited for illustration purposes, although we also benchmark against other agencies' ratings in an equivalent manner.

 Table 46.a: Wholesale IRB exposure - by obligor grade - Central governments and central banks 
                                                  Average exposure                             Mapped external 
                      CRR          PD range               value(1)  Undrawn commitments                 rating 
                                          %                    $bn                  $bn 
Default risk 
Minimal               0.1    0.000 to 0.010                  159.4                  0.8                    AAA 
                      1.1    0.011 to 0.028                  106.4                  0.4              AA+ to AA 
                      1.2    0.029 to 0.053                   37.1                  0.5              AA- to A+ 
Low                   2.1    0.054 to 0.095                   12.2                  0.1                      A 
                      2.2    0.096 to 0.169                   10.3                  0.1                     A- 
Satisfactory          3.1    0.170 to 0.285                    3.9                    -                   BBB+ 
                      3.2    0.286 to 0.483                    2.4                    -                    BBB 
                      3.3    0.484 to 0.740                    6.2                    -                   BBB- 
Fair                  4.1    0.741 to 1.022                    0.2                    -                    BB+ 
                      4.2    1.023 to 1.407                    1.0                    -                     BB 
                      4.3    1.408 to 1.927                    1.2                  0.1                    BB- 
Moderate              5.1    1.928 to 2.620                    2.5                    -                    BB- 
                      5.2    2.621 to 3.579                    2.3                    -                     B+ 
                      5.3    3.580 to 4.914                    0.9                    -                      B 
Significant           6.1    4.915 to 6.718                    0.1                    -                      B 
                      6.2    6.719 to 8.860                    0.4                    -                     B- 
High                  7.1   8.861 to 11.402                    0.2                    -                   CCC+ 
                      7.2  11.403 to 15.000                      -                    -                   CCC+ 
Special Management    8.1  15.001 to 22.000                      -                    -                   CCC+ 
                      8.2  22.001 to 50.000                      -                    -                   CCC+ 
                      8.3  50.001 to 99.999                      -                    -               CCC to C 
Default              9/10           100.000                      -                    -                Default 
     At 31 Dec 2016                                          346.7                  2.0 
-------------------  ----  ----------------  ---------------------  -------------------  --------------------- 
Default risk 
Minimal               0.1    0.000 to 0.010                  131.3                  0.6                    AAA 
                      1.1    0.011 to 0.028                   86.6                  1.0              AA+ to AA 
                      1.2    0.029 to 0.053                   54.0                  0.4              AA- to A+ 
Low                   2.1    0.054 to 0.095                   25.9                    -                      A 
                      2.2    0.096 to 0.169                    6.7                    -                     A- 
Satisfactory          3.1    0.170 to 0.285                   10.6                    -                   BBB+ 
                      3.2    0.286 to 0.483                    4.6                    -                    BBB 
                      3.3    0.484 to 0.740                    2.0                    -                   BBB- 
Fair                  4.1    0.741 to 1.022                    1.0                    -                    BB+ 
                      4.2    1.023 to 1.407                    0.5                    -                     BB 
                      4.3    1.408 to 1.927                    0.5                    -                    BB- 
Moderate              5.1    1.928 to 2.620                    2.9                  0.3                    BB- 
                      5.2    2.621 to 3.579                    0.5                  0.2                     B+ 
                      5.3    3.580 to 4.914                    3.5                  0.1                      B 
Significant           6.1    4.915 to 6.718                    0.4                    -                      B 
                      6.2    6.719 to 8.860                    0.3                    -                     B- 
High                  7.1   8.861 to 11.402                    0.6                    -                   CCC+ 
                      7.2  11.403 to 15.000                      -                    -                   CCC+ 
Special Management    8.1  15.001 to 22.000                      -                    -                   CCC+ 
                      8.2  22.001 to 50.000                      -                    -                   CCC+ 
                      8.3  50.001 to 99.999                      -                    -               CCC to C 
Default              9/10           100.000                                                            Default 
     At 31 Dec 2015                                          331.9                  2.6 
-------------------  ----  ----------------  ---------------------  -------------------  --------------------- 

For footnote, see page 68.

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 Table 46.b: Wholesale IRB exposure - by obligor grade - Institutions 
                                                  Average exposure                             Mapped external 
                      CRR          PD range               value(1)  Undrawn commitments                 rating 
                                          %                    $bn                  $bn 
Default risk 
Minimal               0.1    0.000 to 0.010                    2.0                  0.1                    AAA 
                      1.1    0.011 to 0.028                   16.2                  2.0              AA+ to AA 
                      1.2    0.029 to 0.053                   28.2                  5.4                    AA- 
-------------------                                                                      --------------------- 
Low                   2.1    0.054 to 0.095                   15.1                  4.8                A+ to A 
                      2.2    0.096 to 0.169                   10.1                  4.0                     A- 
Satisfactory          3.1    0.170 to 0.285                    2.5                  2.0                   BBB+ 
                      3.2    0.286 to 0.483                    3.3                  0.6                    BBB 
                      3.3    0.484 to 0.740                    2.1                  0.2                   BBB- 
Fair                  4.1    0.741 to 1.022                    1.2                  0.8                    BB+ 
                      4.2    1.023 to 1.407                    0.4                  0.2                     BB 
                      4.3    1.408 to 1.927                    0.1                  0.1                    BB- 
Moderate              5.1    1.928 to 2.620                    0.1                    -                    BB- 
                      5.2    2.621 to 3.579                      -                    -                     B+ 
                      5.3    3.580 to 4.914                    0.1                    -                      B 
Significant           6.1    4.915 to 6.718                      -                    -                     B- 
                      6.2    6.719 to 8.860                      -                    -                     B- 
High                  7.1   8.861 to 11.402                      -                    -                   CCC+ 
                      7.2  11.403 to 15.000                      -                    -                   CCC+ 
Special Management    8.1  15.001 to 22.000                      -                  0.1                    CCC 
                      8.2  22.001 to 50.000                      -                  0.1             CCC- to CC 
                      8.3  50.001 to 99.999                      -                    -                      C 
-------------------                                                                      --------------------- 
Default              9/10           100.000                      -                    -                Default 
     At 31 Dec 2016                                           81.4                 20.4 
-------------------  ----  ----------------  ---------------------  -------------------  --------------------- 
Default risk 
Minimal               0.1    0.000 to 0.010                    2.2                  0.1                    AAA 
                      1.1    0.011 to 0.028                   15.0                  1.3              AA+ to AA 
                      1.2    0.029 to 0.053                   28.8                  3.8                    AA- 
-------------------                                                                      --------------------- 
Low                   2.1    0.054 to 0.095                   36.4                  5.0                A+ to A 
                      2.2    0.096 to 0.169                   11.9                  3.5                     A- 
Satisfactory          3.1    0.170 to 0.285                    7.8                  1.4                   BBB+ 
                      3.2    0.286 to 0.483                    4.9                  0.4                    BBB 
                      3.3    0.484 to 0.740                    3.3                  0.5                   BBB- 
Fair                  4.1    0.741 to 1.022                    0.9                  0.2                    BB+ 
                      4.2    1.023 to 1.407                    1.7                  0.2                     BB 
                      4.3    1.408 to 1.927                    0.4                    -                    BB- 
Moderate              5.1    1.928 to 2.620                    0.3                  0.1                    BB- 
                      5.2    2.621 to 3.579                    0.1                                          B+ 
                      5.3    3.580 to 4.914                    0.3                    -                      B 
Significant           6.1    4.915 to 6.718                    0.3                    -                     B- 
                      6.2    6.719 to 8.860                      -                    -                     B- 
High                  7.1   8.861 to 11.402                    0.2                    -                   CCC+ 
                      7.2  11.403 to 15.000                      -                    -                   CCC+ 
Special Management    8.1  15.001 to 22.000                      -                    -                    CCC 
                      8.2  22.001 to 50.000                      -                    -             CCC- to CC 
                      8.3  50.001 to 99.999                      -                    -                      C 
-------------------                                                                      --------------------- 
Default              9/10           100.000                                                            Default 
     At 31 Dec 2015                                          114.5                 16.5 
-------------------  ----  ----------------  ---------------------  -------------------  --------------------- 

For footnote, see page 68.

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Table 46.c: Wholesale IRB exposure - by obligor grade - Corporates(2) 
                                                 Average exposure                            Mapped external 
                       CRR          PD range             value(1)  Undrawn commitments                rating 
                                           %                  $bn                  $bn 
 Default risk 
 Minimal               0.1    0.000 to 0.010                    -                  0.1 
                       1.1    0.011 to 0.028                 17.6                 12.8             AAA to AA 
                       1.2    0.029 to 0.053                 46.1                 36.7                   AA- 
 Low                   2.1    0.054 to 0.095                 63.9                 54.0               A+ to A 
                       2.2    0.096 to 0.169                 77.5                 67.3                    A- 
 Satisfactory          3.1    0.170 to 0.285                 75.0                 63.5                  BBB+ 
                       3.2    0.286 to 0.483                 73.3                 58.1                   BBB 
                       3.3    0.484 to 0.740                 66.6                 44.0                  BBB- 
 Fair                  4.1    0.741 to 1.022                 45.3                 30.8                   BB+ 
                       4.2    1.023 to 1.407                 34.0                 21.0                    BB 
                       4.3    1.408 to 1.927                 31.6                 18.6                   BB- 
 Moderate              5.1    1.928 to 2.620                 25.9                 14.2                   BB- 
                       5.2    2.621 to 3.579                 12.8                  8.8                    B+ 
                       5.3    3.580 to 4.914                 10.7                  7.2                     B 
 Significant           6.1    4.915 to 6.718                  7.0                  6.1                    B- 
                       6.2    6.719 to 8.860                  4.2                  2.6                    B- 
 High                  7.1   8.861 to 11.402                  2.6                  0.9                  CCC+ 
                       7.2  11.403 to 15.000                  0.9                  0.3                  CCC+ 
 Special Management    8.1  15.001 to 22.000                  1.7                  2.6                   CCC 
                       8.2  22.001 to 50.000                  0.7                  0.5            CCC- to CC 
                       8.3  50.001 to 99.999                  0.3                  0.2                     C 
 Default              9/10           100.000                  7.4                  0.9               Default 
      At 31 Dec 2016                                        605.1                451.2 
 -------------------  ----  ----------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Default risk 
 Minimal               0.1    0.000 to 0.010                    -                    - 
                       1.1    0.011 to 0.028                 11.8                 15.9             AAA to AA 
                       1.2    0.029 to 0.053                 48.1                 37.9                   AA- 
 Low                   2.1    0.054 to 0.095                 69.5                 57.8               A+ to A 
                       2.2    0.096 to 0.169                 89.4                 68.3                    A- 
 Satisfactory          3.1    0.170 to 0.285                 79.7                 59.5                  BBB+ 
                       3.2    0.286 to 0.483                 73.1                 54.4                   BBB 
                       3.3    0.484 to 0.740                 70.5                 44.8                  BBB- 
 Fair                  4.1    0.741 to 1.022                 45.9                 26.2                   BB+ 
                       4.2    1.023 to 1.407                 37.4                 23.7                    BB 
                       4.3    1.408 to 1.927                 31.6                 18.7                   BB- 
 Moderate              5.1    1.928 to 2.620                 24.0                 17.3                   BB- 
                       5.2    2.621 to 3.579                 12.5                  8.6                    B+ 
                       5.3    3.580 to 4.914                 11.9                  8.0                     B 
 Significant           6.1    4.915 to 6.718                  5.3                  4.4                    B- 
                       6.2    6.719 to 8.860                  3.0                  1.4                    B- 
 High                  7.1   8.861 to 11.402                  2.1                  1.2                  CCC+ 
                       7.2  11.403 to 15.000                  0.9                  0.5                  CCC+ 
 Special Management    8.1  15.001 to 22.000                  0.8                  0.5                   CCC 
                       8.2  22.001 to 50.000                  0.4                  0.2            CCC- to CC 
                       8.3  50.001 to 99.999                  0.3                  0.1                     C 
 -------------------                                                                    -------------------- 
 Default              9/10           100.000                  6.8                  1.0               Default 
 At 31 Dec 2015                                             625.0                450.4 
 -------------------  ----  ----------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
1  Average exposures are calculated by aggregating the exposure value of the last five quarters 
    and dividing by five. 
2  Corporates excludes specialised lending exposures subject to supervisory slotting approach. 
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Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country

The following tables set out the exposure-weighted average PD, exposure-weighted average LGD, RWAs and exposure by the

location of the principal operations of the lending subsidiary or branch.

Table 47.a: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - wholesale IRB advanced approach all asset 
                                                    Exposure-          Exposure- 
                                                     weighted           weighted              Exposure 
                                                   average PD        average LGD     RWAs        value 
 At 31 Dec 2016                                             %                  %      $bn          $bn 
 - UK                                                    2.18               35.4     79.6        170.9 
 - France                                                2.98               30.5     12.6         28.7 
 - Germany                                               0.24               42.1      0.3          1.1 
 - Switzerland                                           0.02               43.7      0.7         13.0 
 - Hong Kong                                             0.73               41.1     80.6        285.8 
 - Australia                                             0.81               43.1      7.6         20.7 
 - India                                                 1.15               55.0      8.4         17.8 
 - Indonesia                                             7.46               52.7      4.8          6.2 
 - Mainland China                                        0.87               48.1     25.2         67.4 
 - Malaysia                                              1.09               46.7      6.1         13.2 
 - Singapore                                             0.70               42.3      9.2         35.6 
 - Taiwan                                                0.19               48.0      3.0         15.2 
 Middle East and North Africa 
 - Egypt                                                 2.25               45.0      2.7          3.1 
 - Turkey                                                0.37               45.1      0.5          1.2 
 - UAE                                                   0.14               36.6      1.8         11.2 
 North America 
 - US                                                    1.51               35.7     50.8        144.1 
 - Canada                                                1.89               33.7     20.9         50.6 
 Latin America 
 - Argentina                                             2.25               45.3      1.6          1.5 
                                             ----------------  -----------------  -------  ----------- 
 - Brazil                                                   -                  -        -            - 
                                             ----------------  -----------------  -------  ----------- 
 - Mexico                                                0.90               44.5      2.6          7.0 
 ------------------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------  ----------- 
 At 31 Dec 2015 
 - UK                                                    2.31               30.5     87.5        209.4 
 - France                                                3.48               31.4     12.4         28.8 
 - Germany                                               0.41               41.9      0.3          1.3 
 - Switzerland                                           0.02               42.8      0.8         15.5 
 - Hong Kong                                             0.62               41.7     74.0        262.4 
 - Australia                                             1.05               42.7      7.1         19.2 
 - India                                                 1.03               54.0      9.3         17.0 
 - Indonesia                                             7.98               54.5      5.5          6.6 
 - Mainland China                                        0.92               46.5     28.7         69.6 
 - Malaysia                                              0.98               47.1      6.4         14.6 
 - Singapore                                             0.64               42.7      8.7         34.5 
 - Taiwan                                                0.24               47.9      3.8         16.6 
 Middle East and North Africa 
 - Egypt                                                 2.14               45.0      5.2          5.3 
 - Turkey                                                0.79               45.1      1.1          1.5 
 - UAE                                                   0.12               39.0      1.9         10.7 
 North America 
 - US                                                    0.78               39.2     52.6        139.6 
 - Canada                                                1.83               38.4     21.7         50.0 
 Latin America 
 - Argentina                                             7.11               45.5      2.8          1.7 
 - Brazil                                                0.48               45.0      6.0          9.5 
 - Mexico                                                1.44               44.5      2.8          7.5 
 ------------------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------  ----------- 
1  Excludes specialised lending exposures subject to supervisory slotting approach. 
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 Table 47.b: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - wholesale IRB advanced approach central 
  governments and central banks 
                                                  Exposure-          Exposure- 
                                                   weighted           weighted              Exposure 
                                                 average PD        average LGD     RWAs        value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                            %                  %      $bn          $bn 
- UK                                                   0.04               44.6      2.5        20.10 
- France                                               0.06               45.0      0.2         1.80 
- Germany                                              0.05               45.0      0.1         0.50 
- Switzerland                                          0.01               45.0      0.5        11.70 
- Hong Kong                                            0.01               44.5      5.5       111.90 
- Australia                                            0.01               45.0      0.3         5.90 
- India                                                0.07               45.0      1.4         6.10 
- Indonesia                                            0.17               45.0      0.5         1.80 
- Mainland China                                       0.02               45.0      1.9        26.10 
- Malaysia                                             0.04               45.0      0.7         5.20 
- Singapore                                            0.01               45.0      0.7        14.30 
- Taiwan                                               0.02               45.0      0.5         8.90 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                2.95               45.0      2.4         2.20 
- Turkey                                               0.44               45.0      0.4         0.80 
- UAE                                                  0.14               44.6      0.8         6.00 
North America 
- US                                                   0.01               37.6      3.9        53.60 
- Canada                                               0.02               31.4      2.1        16.60 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                            2.23               45.0      1.5         1.50 
- Brazil                                                  -                  -        -            - 
                                           ----------------  -----------------  -------  ----------- 
- Mexico                                               0.08               45.0      2.2         6.20 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------  ----------- 
At 31 Dec 2015 
- UK                                                   0.06               45.0      2.2         16.4 
- France                                               0.05               45.1      0.3          2.3 
- Germany                                              0.10               45.0      0.1          0.6 
- Switzerland                                          0.01               45.0      0.6         13.9 
- Hong Kong                                            0.02               45.0      6.4        105.8 
- Australia                                            0.01               45.0      0.3          5.7 
- India                                                0.13               45.0      2.2          6.3 
- Indonesia                                            0.31               45.0      0.6          1.4 
- Mainland China                                       0.04               45.0      2.7         21.4 
- Malaysia                                             0.05               45.0      0.8          5.4 
- Singapore                                            0.01               45.0      0.5         13.0 
- Taiwan                                               0.02               45.0      0.6          9.7 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                2.34               45.0      4.7          4.3 
- Turkey                                               0.68               45.0      0.9          1.3 
- UAE                                                  0.05               45.0      0.6          5.8 
North America 
- US                                                   0.01               45.1      5.5         45.6 
- Canada                                               0.02               45.1      2.7         15.9 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                            7.09               45.0      2.7          1.7 
- Brazil                                               0.37               45.0      4.3          7.8 
- Mexico                                               0.10               45.0      2.5          6.8 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  -------  ----------- 
70  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.c: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - wholesale IRB advanced approach institutions 
                                                     Exposure-           Exposure- 
                                                      weighted            weighted               Exposure 
                                                    average PD         average LGD     RWAs         value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                               %                   %      $bn           $bn 
- UK                                                      0.24                31.6      2.2          10.4 
- France                                                  0.17                41.3      0.6           1.6 
- Germany                                                 0.16                39.0      0.1           0.5 
- Switzerland                                             0.04                32.1      0.2           1.3 
- Hong Kong                                               0.06                42.2      4.9          30.9 
- Australia                                               0.05                41.0      0.5           2.8 
- India                                                   0.26                45.0      0.3           0.8 
- Indonesia                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Mainland China                                          0.12                45.2      1.8           8.1 
- Malaysia                                                0.38                48.5      0.4           0.9 
- Singapore                                               0.08                43.9      0.7           4.9 
- Taiwan                                                  0.10                45.0      0.1           0.3 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                   0.08                45.0      0.1           0.3 
- Turkey                                                  0.07                45.0      0.0           0.3 
- UAE                                                     0.08                45.4      0.2           0.9 
North America 
- US                                                      0.31                42.4      1.0           2.5 
- Canada                                                  0.04                21.6      0.3           2.6 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                               0.06                45.0        -             - 
- Brazil                                                     -                   -        -             - 
                                              ----------------  ------------------  -------  ------------ 
- Mexico                                                  0.50                45.0      0.3           0.4 
--------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------  ------------ 
At 31 Dec 2015 
- UK                                                      0.35                21.3      3.2          21.0 
- France                                                  0.25                41.9      0.7           1.6 
- Germany                                                 0.10                38.1      0.2           0.6 
- Switzerland                                             0.05                23.2      0.2           1.6 
- Hong Kong                                               0.06                42.7      4.3          29.6 
- Australia                                               0.06                34.1      0.5           2.7 
- India                                                   0.18                45.2      0.2           0.6 
- Indonesia                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Mainland China                                          0.12                45.6      1.9           8.6 
- Malaysia                                                0.27                47.5      0.4           1.2 
- Singapore                                               0.08                44.0      0.8           5.5 
- Taiwan                                                  0.08                45.0      0.1           0.5 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                   0.08                45.0      0.1           0.5 
- Turkey                                                  2.25                45.0      0.1           0.1 
- UAE                                                     0.09                46.5      0.1           0.3 
North America 
- US                                                      0.23                41.0      2.0           5.2 
- Canada                                                  0.06                28.2      0.3           2.3 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Brazil                                                  0.97                45.1      1.7           1.7 
- Mexico                                                  0.26                45.0      0.2           0.3 
--------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------  ------------ 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  71 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

Table 47.d: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - wholesale IRB advanced approach corporates(1) 
                                                      Exposure-          Exposure- 
                                                       weighted           weighted                Exposure 
                                                     average PD        average LGD     RWAs       value(1) 
 At 31 Dec 2016                                               %                  %      $bn            $bn 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  --------------- 
 - UK                                                      2.63               34.3     74.9          140.4 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - France                                                  3.36               28.8     11.8           25.3 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Germany                                                 2.71               45.4      0.1            0.1 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Switzerland                                                -                  -        -              - 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  --------------- 
 - Hong Kong                                               1.43               38.1     70.2          143.0 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Australia                                               1.38               42.7      6.8           12.0 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - India                                                   1.82               61.3      6.7           10.9 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Indonesia                                              10.48               55.8      4.3            4.4 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Mainland China                                          1.71               51.3     21.5           33.2 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Malaysia                                                1.94               47.7      5.0            7.1 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Singapore                                               1.49               39.5      7.8           16.4 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Taiwan                                                  0.45               52.7      2.4            6.0 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 Middle East and North Africa 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  --------------- 
 - Egypt                                                   0.64               44.9      0.2            0.6 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Turkey                                                  0.77               46.2      0.1            0.1 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - UAE                                                     0.16               23.9      0.8            4.3 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 North America 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  --------------- 
 - US                                                      2.45               34.4     45.9           88.0 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Canada                                                  3.02               35.9     18.5           31.4 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 Latin America 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  --------------- 
 - Argentina                                               3.10               59.2      0.1              - 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Brazil                                                     -                  -        -              - 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 - Mexico                                                 15.62               34.7      0.1            0.4 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
 At 31 Dec 2015 
 - UK                                                      2.77               30.2     82.1          172.0 
 - France                                                  4.00               29.4     11.4           24.9 
 - Germany                                                 0.77               47.7        -            0.1 
 - Switzerland                                                -                  -        -              - 
 - Hong Kong                                               1.25               38.7     63.3          127.0 
 - Australia                                               1.85               43.7      6.3           10.8 
 - India                                                   1.63               60.0      6.9           10.1 
 - Indonesia                                              10.04               57.0      4.9            5.2 
 - Mainland China                                          1.56               47.5     24.1           39.6 
 - Malaysia                                                1.72               48.4      5.2            8.0 
 - Singapore                                               1.34               40.3      7.4           16.0 
 - Taiwan                                                  0.57               52.4      3.1            6.4 
 Middle East and North Africa 
 - Egypt                                                   2.58               45.2      0.4            0.5 
 - Turkey                                                  0.73               45.7      0.1            0.1 
 - UAE                                                     0.20               30.8      1.2            4.6 
 North America 
 - US                                                      1.21               36.1     45.1           88.8 
 - Canada                                                  2.86               35.8     18.7           31.8 
 Latin America 
 - Argentina                                               8.84               80.8      0.1              - 
 - Brazil                                                     -                  -        -              - 
 - Mexico                                                 22.57               37.0      0.1            0.4 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------  ------------- 
1  Excludes specialised lending exposures subject to supervisory slotting approach. 
72  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.e: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - wholesale IRB foundation approach all asset 
                                                     Exposure-           Exposure- 
                                                      weighted            weighted              Exposure 
                                                    average PD         average LGD     RWAs        value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                               %                   %      $bn          $bn 
- UK                                                      1.94                41.3      4.4          8.2 
- France                                                  4.30                45.0      0.2          0.3 
- Germany                                                 0.90                44.8     10.1         15.6 
- Switzerland                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Hong Kong                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Australia                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- India                                                      -                   -        -            - 
- Indonesia                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Mainland China                                             -                   -        -            - 
- Malaysia                                                   -                   -        -            - 
- Singapore                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Taiwan                                                     -                   -        -            - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                      -                   -        -            - 
- Turkey                                                     -                   -        -            - 
- UAE                                                     3.72                44.2      7.8         12.8 
North America 
- US                                                         -                   -        -            - 
- Canada                                                     -                   -        -            - 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Brazil                                                     -                   -        -            - 
- Mexico                                                     -                   -        -            - 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -------  ----------- 
At 31 Dec 2015 
- UK                                                      2.22                41.4      5.2          8.9 
- France                                                  5.36                45.0      0.2          0.2 
- Germany                                                 1.04                44.7     10.5         16.2 
- Switzerland                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Hong Kong                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Australia                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- India                                                      -                   -        -            - 
- Indonesia                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Mainland China                                             -                   -        -            - 
- Malaysia                                                   -                   -        -            - 
- Singapore                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Taiwan                                                     -                   -        -            - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                      -                   -        -            - 
- Turkey                                                     -                   -        -            - 
- UAE                                                     2.44                44.2      8.1         12.4 
North America 
- US                                                         -                   -        -            - 
- Canada                                                     -                   -        -            - 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Brazil                                                     -                   -        -            - 
- Mexico                                                     -                   -        -            - 
-------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------  -------  ----------- 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  73 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.f: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - wholesale IRB foundation approach central 
  governments and central banks 
                                                   Exposure-           Exposure- 
                                                    weighted            weighted              Exposure 
                                                  average PD         average LGD     RWAs        value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                             %                   %      $bn          $bn 
- UK                                                       -                   -        -            - 
- France                                                   -                   -        -            - 
- Germany                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Switzerland                                              -                   -        -            - 
- Hong Kong                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Australia                                                -                   -        -            - 
- India                                                    -                   -        -            - 
- Indonesia                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Mainland China                                           -                   -        -            - 
- Malaysia                                                 -                   -        -            - 
- Singapore                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Taiwan                                                   -                   -        -            - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                    -                   -        -            - 
- Turkey                                                   -                   -        -            - 
- UAE                                                   0.04                45.0        -          0.1 
North America 
- US                                                       -                   -        -            - 
- Canada                                                   -                   -        -            - 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Brazil                                                   -                   -        -            - 
- Mexico                                                   -                   -        -            - 
------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------  ----------- 
At 31 Dec 2015 
- UK                                                       -                   -        -            - 
- France                                                   -                   -        -            - 
- Germany                                                  -                   -        -            - 
- Switzerland                                              -                   -        -            - 
Asia                                                                           - 
- Hong Kong                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Australia                                                -                   -        -            - 
- India                                                    -                   -        -            - 
- Indonesia                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Mainland China                                           -                   -        -            - 
- Malaysia                                                 -                   -        -            - 
- Singapore                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Taiwan                                                   -                   -        -            - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                    -                   -        -            - 
- Turkey                                                   -                   -        -            - 
- UAE                                                   0.04                45.0        -          0.1 
North America 
- US                                                       -                   -        -            - 
- Canada                                                   -                   -        -            - 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                -                   -        -            - 
- Brazil                                                   -                   -        -            - 
- Mexico                                                   -                   -        -            - 
------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------  ----------- 
74  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.g: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - wholesale IRB foundation approach institutions 
                                                      Exposure-            Exposure- 
                                                       weighted             weighted               Exposure 
                                                     average PD          average LGD     RWAs         value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                                %                    %      $bn           $bn 
- UK                                                          -                    -        -             - 
- France                                                      -                    -        -             - 
- Germany                                                     -                    -        -             - 
- Switzerland                                                 -                    -        -             - 
- Hong Kong                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- Australia                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- India                                                       -                    -        -             - 
- Indonesia                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- Mainland China                                              -                    -        -             - 
- Malaysia                                                    -                    -        -             - 
- Singapore                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- Taiwan                                                      -                    -        -             - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                       -                    -        -             - 
- Turkey                                                      -                    -        -             - 
- UAE                                                      0.28                 45.0      0.1           0.2 
North America 
- US                                                          -                    -        -             - 
- Canada                                                      -                    -        -             - 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- Brazil                                                      -                    -        -             - 
- Mexico                                                      -                    -        -             - 
--------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------  ------------ 
At 31 Dec 2015 
- UK                                                          -                    -        -             - 
- France                                                      -                    -        -             - 
- Germany                                                     -                    -        -             - 
- Switzerland                                                 -                    -        -             - 
- Hong Kong                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- Australia                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- India                                                       -                    -        -             - 
- Indonesia                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- Mainland China                                              -                    -        -             - 
- Malaysia                                                    -                    -        -             - 
- Singapore                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- Taiwan                                                      -                    -        -             - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                       -                    -        -             - 
- Turkey                                                      -                    -        -             - 
- UAE                                                      0.29                 45.0      0.1           0.3 
North America 
- US                                                          -                    -        -             - 
- Canada                                                      -                    -        -             - 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                   -                    -        -             - 
- Brazil                                                      -                    -        -             - 
- Mexico                                                      -                    -        -             - 
--------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------  ------------ 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  75 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.h: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - wholesale IRB foundation approach corporates 
                                                     Exposure-           Exposure- 
                                                      weighted            weighted               Exposure 
                                                    average PD         average LGD     RWAs         value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                               %                   %      $bn           $bn 
- UK                                                      1.94                41.3      4.4           8.2 
- France                                                  4.30                45.0      0.2           0.3 
- Germany                                                 0.91                44.8     10.1          15.6 
- Switzerland                                                -                   -        -             - 
- Hong Kong                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Australia                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- India                                                      -                   -        -             - 
- Indonesia                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Mainland China                                             -                   -        -             - 
- Malaysia                                                   -                   -        -             - 
- Singapore                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Taiwan                                                     -                   -        -             - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                      -                   -        -             - 
- Turkey                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- UAE                                                     3.81                44.2      7.7          12.5 
North America 
- US                                                         -                   -        -             - 
- Canada                                                     -                   -        -             - 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Brazil                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- Mexico                                                     -                   -        -             - 
--------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------  ------------ 
At 31 Dec 2015 
- UK                                                      2.22                41.4      5.2           8.9 
- France                                                  5.36                45.0      0.2           0.2 
- Germany                                                 1.04                44.7     10.5          16.2 
- Switzerland                                                -                   -        -             - 
- Hong Kong                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Australia                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- India                                                      -                   -        -             - 
- Indonesia                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Mainland China                                             -                   -        -             - 
- Malaysia                                                   -                   -        -             - 
- Singapore                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Taiwan                                                     -                   -        -             - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                      -                   -        -             - 
- Turkey                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- UAE                                                     2.50                44.2      8.0          12.0 
North America 
- US                                                         -                   -        -             - 
- Canada                                                     -                   -        -             - 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                  -                   -        -             - 
- Brazil                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- Mexico                                                     -                   -        -             - 
--------------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------  -------  ------------ 
76  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.i: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - retail IRB approach all asset classes 
                                                 Exposure-          Exposure- 
                                                  weighted           weighted             Exposure 
                                                average PD        average LGD    RWAs        value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                           %                  %     $bn          $bn 
- UK                                                  1.58               30.5    18.6        155.8 
- France                                              5.06               14.6     2.8         22.7 
- Germany                                                -                  -       -            - 
- Switzerland                                         0.73                2.2     0.2          8.1 
- Hong Kong                                           0.87               39.2    20.2        102.3 
- Australia                                           0.90               10.6     0.7         11.6 
- India                                                  -                  -       -            - 
- Indonesia                                              -                  -       -            - 
- Mainland China                                         -                  -       -            - 
- Malaysia                                            4.05               12.1     1.0          4.5 
- Singapore                                           0.75               22.3     1.1          6.7 
- Taiwan                                              1.20               11.5     0.5          4.1 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                  -                  -       -            - 
- Turkey                                                 -                  -       -            - 
- UAE                                                    -                  -       -            - 
North America 
- US                                                  9.67               67.3    18.5         29.8 
- Canada                                              0.96               19.2     2.4         18.7 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                              -                  -       -            - 
- Brazil                                                 -                  -       -            - 
- Mexico                                                 -                  -       -            - 
----------------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ------  ----------- 
At 31 Dec 2015 
----------------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ------  ------------- 
- UK                                                  1.58               30.8    21.8        182.7 
- France                                              5.61               15.1     3.1         23.7 
- Germany                                                -                  -       -            - 
- Switzerland                                         0.80                2.7     0.3         10.1 
- Hong Kong                                           0.94               39.0    18.2         97.5 
- Australia                                           0.84               10.9     0.6         10.7 
- India                                                  -                  -       -            - 
- Indonesia                                              -                  -       -            - 
- Mainland China                                         -                  -       -            - 
- Malaysia                                            3.57               12.3     1.0          4.7 
- Singapore                                           0.69               21.2     1.4          8.2 
- Taiwan                                              1.21               11.2     0.4          3.9 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                  -                  -       -            - 
- Turkey                                                 -                  -       -            - 
- UAE                                                    -                  -       -            - 
North America 
- US                                                 12.05               64.0    43.7         42.1 
- Canada                                              1.04               19.8     2.4         18.0 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                              -                  -       -            - 
- Brazil                                                 -                  -       -            - 
- Mexico                                                 -                  -       -            - 
----------------------------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ------  ----------- 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  77 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

Table 47.j: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - retail IRB approach - retail secured by 
 mortgages on immovable property 
                                                   Exposure-         Exposure- 
                                                    weighted          weighted              Exposure 
                                                  average PD       average LGD     RWAs        value 
 At 31 Dec 2016                                            %                 %      $bn          $bn 
 - UK                                                   1.33              12.2      5.4        114.9 
 - France                                               6.82              14.0      0.6          3.5 
 - Germany                                                 -                 -        -            - 
 - Switzerland                                             -                 -        -            - 
 - Hong Kong                                            0.69              10.0     10.7         62.5 
 - Australia                                            0.90              10.6      0.7         11.6 
 - India                                                   -                 -        -            - 
 - Indonesia                                               -                 -        -            - 
 - Mainland China                                          -                 -        -            - 
 - Malaysia                                             4.05              12.1      1.0          4.5 
 - Singapore                                            0.75              22.3      1.1          6.7 
 - Taiwan                                               1.20              11.5      0.5          4.1 
 Middle East and North Africa 
 - Egypt                                                   -                 -        -            - 
 - Turkey                                                  -                 -        -            - 
 - UAE                                                     -                 -        -            - 
 North America 
 - US                                                  11.01              59.5     14.6         23.3 
 - Canada                                               0.85              17.2      1.9         16.7 
 Latin America 
 - Argentina                                               -                 -        -            - 
 - Brazil                                                  -                 -        -            - 
 - Mexico                                                  -                 -        -            - 
 -----------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  -------  ----------- 
 At 31 Dec 2015 
 - UK                                                   1.32              12.5      7.1        134.2 
 - France                                               7.21              13.5      0.4          2.5 
 - Germany                                                 -                 -        -            - 
 - Switzerland                                             -                 -        -            - 
 - Hong Kong                                            0.76              10.0      8.9         59.7 
 - Australia                                            0.84              10.9      0.6         10.7 
 - India                                                   -                 -        -            - 
 - Indonesia                                               -                 -        -            - 
 - Mainland China                                          -                 -        -            - 
 - Malaysia                                             3.57              12.3      1.0          4.7 
 - Singapore                                            0.69              21.2      1.4          8.2 
 - Taiwan                                               1.21              11.2      0.4          3.9 
 Middle East and North Africa 
 - Egypt                                                   -                 -        -            - 
 - Turkey                                                  -                 -        -            - 
 - UAE                                                     -                 -        -            - 
 North America 
 - US                                                  13.68              58.1     38.2         34.3 
 - Canada                                               0.93              17.5      1.8         15.8 
 Latin America 
 - Argentina                                               -                 -        -            - 
 - Brazil                                                  -                 -        -            - 
 - Mexico                                                  -                 -        -            - 
 -----------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  -------  ----------- 
78  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.k: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - retail IRB approach retail secured by mortgages 
  on immovable property SME 
                                                        Exposure-           Exposure- 
                                                         weighted            weighted               Exposure 
                                                       average PD         average LGD     RWAs         value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                                  %                   %      $bn           $bn 
- UK                                                            -                   -        -             - 
- France                                                     7.70                25.8      0.2           0.6 
- Germany                                                       -                   -        -             - 
- Switzerland                                                   -                   -        -             - 
- Hong Kong                                                  0.89                11.7        -           0.6 
- Australia                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- India                                                         -                   -        -             - 
- Indonesia                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- Mainland China                                                -                   -        -             - 
- Malaysia                                                      -                   -        -             - 
- Singapore                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- Taiwan                                                        -                   -        -             - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                         -                   -        -             - 
- Turkey                                                        -                   -        -             - 
- UAE                                                           -                   -        -             - 
North America 
- US                                                            -                   -        -             - 
- Canada                                                     2.10                29.6      0.1           0.3 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- Brazil                                                        -                   -        -             - 
- Mexico                                                        -                   -        -             - 
---------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  -------  ------------ 
At 31 Dec 2015 
- UK                                                            -                   -        -             - 
- France                                                     8.01                18.8      0.5           2.0 
- Germany                                                       -                   -        -             - 
- Switzerland                                                   -                   -        -             - 
- Hong Kong                                                  0.99                11.1        -           0.6 
- Australia                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- India                                                         -                   -        -             - 
- Indonesia                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- Mainland China                                                -                   -        -             - 
- Malaysia                                                      -                   -        -             - 
- Singapore                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- Taiwan                                                        -                   -        -             - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                         -                   -        -             - 
- Turkey                                                        -                   -        -             - 
- UAE                                                           -                   -        -             - 
North America 
- US                                                            -                   -        -             - 
- Canada                                                     2.21                30.7      0.1           0.3 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                                     -                   -        -             - 
- Brazil                                                        -                   -        -             - 
- Mexico                                                        -                   -        -             - 
---------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  -------  ------------ 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  79 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.l: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - retail IRB approach retail QRRE 
                                              Exposure-        Exposure- 
                                               weighted         weighted            Exposure 
                                             average PD      average LGD    RWAs       value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                        %                %     $bn         $bn 
- UK                                               1.14             85.5     5.4        28.0 
- France                                              -                -       -           - 
- Germany                                             -                -       -           - 
- Switzerland                                         -                -       -           - 
- Hong Kong                                        1.10            100.0     8.1        32.2 
- Australia                                           -                -       -           - 
- India                                               -                -       -           - 
- Indonesia                                           -                -       -           - 
- Mainland China                                      -                -       -           - 
- Malaysia                                            -                -       -           - 
- Singapore                                           -                -       -           - 
- Taiwan                                              -                -       -           - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                               -                -       -           - 
- Turkey                                              -                -       -           - 
- UAE                                                 -                -       -           - 
North America 
- US                                               1.49             93.6     1.0         3.4 
- Canada                                           2.72             60.7     0.1         0.3 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                           -                -       -           - 
- Brazil                                              -                -       -           - 
- Mexico                                              -                -       -           - 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------  ---------- 
At 31 Dec 2015 
- UK                                               1.17             85.2     6.1        33.2 
- France                                              -                -       -           - 
- Germany                                             -                -       -           - 
- Switzerland                                         -                -       -           - 
- Hong Kong                                        1.11            100.1     8.0        30.6 
- Australia                                           -                -       -           - 
- India                                               -                -       -           - 
- Indonesia                                           -                -       -           - 
- Mainland China                                      -                -       -           - 
- Malaysia                                            -                -       -           - 
- Singapore                                           -                -       -           - 
- Taiwan                                              -                -       -           - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                               -                -       -           - 
- Turkey                                              -                -       -           - 
- UAE                                                 -                -       -           - 
North America 
- US                                               1.49             93.7     1.0         3.6 
- Canada                                           2.91             61.2     0.1         0.4 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                           -                -       -           - 
- Brazil                                              -                -       -           - 
- Mexico                                              -                -       -           - 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------  ---------- 
80  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.m: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - retail IRB approach other SME 
                                            Exposure-        Exposure- 
                                             weighted         weighted            Exposure 
                                           average PD      average LGD    RWAs       value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                      %                %     $bn         $bn 
- UK                                             7.71             66.6     3.8         6.1 
- France                                        20.34             30.6     0.7         2.3 
- Germany                                           -                -       -           - 
- Switzerland                                       -                -       -           - 
- Hong Kong                                      0.10             11.3       -         0.1 
- Australia                                         -                -       -           - 
- India                                             -                -       -           - 
- Indonesia                                         -                -       -           - 
- Mainland China                                    -                -       -           - 
- Malaysia                                          -                -       -           - 
- Singapore                                         -                -       -           - 
- Taiwan                                            -                -       -           - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                             -                -       -           - 
- Turkey                                            -                -       -           - 
- UAE                                               -                -       -           - 
North America 
- US                                                -                -       -           - 
                                       --------------  ---------------  ------  ---------- 
- Canada                                         4.33             48.4     0.1         0.2 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                         -                -       -           - 
- Brazil                                            -                -       -           - 
- Mexico                                            -                -       -           - 
-------------------------------------  --------------  ---------------  ------  ---------- 
At 31 Dec 2015 
-------------------------------------  --------------  ---------------  ------  ------------ 
- UK                                             7.07             66.0     4.7         8.1 
- France                                        16.46             26.5     0.9         3.5 
- Germany                                           -                -       -           - 
- Switzerland                                       -                -       -           - 
- Hong Kong                                      0.13             10.8       -         0.1 
- Australia                                         -                -       -           - 
- India                                             -                -       -           - 
- Indonesia                                         -                -       -           - 
- Mainland China                                    -                -       -           - 
- Malaysia                                          -                -       -           - 
- Singapore                                         -                -       -           - 
- Taiwan                                            -                -       -           - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                             -                -       -           - 
- Turkey                                            -                -       -           - 
- UAE                                               -                -       -           - 
North America 
- US                                             1.82             95.7     0.1         0.1 
- Canada                                         4.31             47.3     0.1         0.2 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                         -                -       -           - 
- Brazil                                            -                -       -           - 
- Mexico                                            -                -       -           - 
-------------------------------------  --------------  ---------------  ------  ---------- 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  81 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 47.n: PD, LGD, RWA and exposure by country - retail IRB approach other non-SME 
                                               Exposure-         Exposure- 
                                                weighted          weighted            Exposure 
                                              average PD       average LGD    RWAs       value 
At 31 Dec 2016                                         %                 %     $bn         $bn 
- UK                                                2.05              81.8     4.0         6.8 
- France                                            2.46              12.1     1.3        16.3 
- Germany                                              -                 -       -           - 
- Jersey                                            0.52               2.6     1.1         0.0 
- Switzerland                                       0.73               2.2     0.2         8.1 
---------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------  ---------- 
- Hong Kong                                         1.37              21.2     1.4         6.9 
- Australia                                            -                 -       -           - 
- India                                                -                 -       -           - 
- Indonesia                                            -                 -       -           - 
- Mainland China                                       -                 -       -           - 
- Malaysia                                             -                 -       -           - 
- Singapore                                            -                 -       -           - 
- Taiwan                                               -                 -       -           - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                -                 -       -           - 
- Turkey                                               -                 -       -           - 
- UAE                                                  -                 -       -           - 
North America 
- US                                                8.66              96.5     2.9         3.1 
- Canada                                            1.03              28.3     0.2         1.2 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                            -                 -       -           - 
- Brazil                                               -                 -       -           - 
- Mexico                                               -                 -       -           - 
---------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------  ---------- 
At 31 Dec 2015 
- UK                                                2.18              83.2     3.9         7.1 
- France                                            2.63              12.4     1.3        15.7 
- Germany                                              -                 -       -           - 
- Switzerland                                       0.80               2.7     0.3        10.1 
- Hong Kong                                         1.85              21.1     1.3         6.5 
- Australia                                            -                 -       -           - 
- India                                                -                 -       -           - 
- Indonesia                                            -                 -       -           - 
- Mainland China                                       -                 -       -           - 
- Malaysia                                             -                 -       -           - 
- Singapore                                            -                 -       -           - 
- Taiwan                                               -                 -       -           - 
Middle East and North Africa 
- Egypt                                                -                 -       -           - 
- Turkey                                               -                 -       -           - 
- UAE                                                  -                 -       -           - 
North America 
- US                                                8.11              85.7     4.4         4.1 
- Canada                                            0.99              28.1     0.3         1.3 
Latin America 
- Argentina                                            -                 -       -           - 
- Brazil                                               -                 -       -           - 
- Mexico                                               -                 -       -           - 
---------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ------  ---------- 
1  Excludes specialised lending exposures subject to supervisory slotting approach. 
82  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 48: Retail IRB exposure - by internal PD band 
                                                       PD range  Average exposure value(1)  Undrawn commitments 
                                                              %                        $bn                  $bn 
                             At 31 Dec 2016 
Secured by mortgages on immovable property 
SME                                                                                    2.4                  0.1 
                                                                 -------------------------  ------------------- 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483                        0.5                    - 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022                        0.4                  0.1 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914                        1.0                    - 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860                        0.2                    - 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000                        0.1                    - 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000                        0.1                    - 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000                        0.1                    - 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------------  ------------------- 
Secured by mortgages on immovable property 
Non-SME                                                                              263.9                 16.7 
                                                                 -------------------------  ------------------- 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483                      207.4                 14.9 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022                       22.5                  1.0 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914                       21.1                  0.7 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860                        4.7                    - 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000                        1.0                    - 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000                        2.0                  0.1 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000                        5.2                    - 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------------  ------------------- 
Qualifying revolving retail exposures                                                 65.7                 95.8 
                                                                 -------------------------  ------------------- 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483                       47.8                 83.3 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022                        6.9                  6.5 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914                        8.7                  5.3 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860                        1.2                  0.4 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000                        0.4                  0.1 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000                        0.5                  0.1 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000                        0.2                  0.1 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------------  ------------------- 
Other SME                                                                             10.5                  3.5 
                                                                 -------------------------  ------------------- 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483                        1.3                  0.7 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022                        1.8                  0.9 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914                        4.9                  1.4 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860                        1.1                  0.3 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000                        0.4                  0.1 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000                        0.3                    - 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000                        0.7                  0.1 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------------  ------------------- 
Other non-SME                                                                         45.5                 14.5 
                                                                 -------------------------  ------------------- 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483                       26.4                 11.6 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022                        6.9                  1.4 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914                        9.8                  1.4 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860                        0.9                  0.1 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000                        0.5                    - 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000                        0.4                    - 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000                        0.6                    - 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------------  ------------------- 
Total retail                                                                         388.0                130.6 
                                                                 -------------------------  ------------------- 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483                      283.6                110.4 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022                       38.4                  9.9 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914                       45.5                  8.7 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860                        8.2                  0.8 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000                        2.4                  0.3 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000                        3.1                  0.3 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000                        6.8                  0.2 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------------  ------------------- 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  83 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 48: Retail IRB exposure - by internal PD band (continued) 
                                                                 Average exposure       Undrawn 
                                                       PD range          value(1)   commitments 
                                                              %               $bn           $bn 
At 31 Dec 2015 
Secured by mortgages on immovable property 
SME                                                                           3.0             - 
                                                                 ----------------  ------------ 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483               0.6             - 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022               0.5             - 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914               1.4             - 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860               0.2             - 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000               0.1             - 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000               0.1             - 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000               0.1             - 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------  ------------ 
Secured by mortgages on immovable property 
Non-SME                                                                     283.0          17.4 
                                                                 ----------------  ------------ 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483             218.9          16.2 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022              24.1           0.8 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914              23.1           0.3 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860               6.1             - 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000               1.5           0.1 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000               2.9             - 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000               6.4             - 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------  ------------ 
Qualifying revolving retail exposures                                        67.0          98.4 
                                                                 ----------------  ------------ 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483              48.7          85.2 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022               6.8           6.7 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914               9.0           5.7 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860               1.3           0.5 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000               0.4           0.1 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000               0.5           0.1 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000               0.3           0.1 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------  ------------ 
Other SME                                                                    12.9           4.2 
                                                                 ----------------  ------------ 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483               1.7           1.1 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022               2.2           1.0 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914               6.0           1.5 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860               1.4           0.2 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000               0.5           0.2 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000               0.3           0.1 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000               0.8           0.1 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------  ------------ 
Other non-SME                                                                46.5          14.2 
                                                                 ----------------  ------------ 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483              26.4          11.5 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022               6.7           1.3 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914              10.7           1.4 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860               0.9             - 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000               0.6             - 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000               0.5             - 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000               0.7             - 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------  ------------ 
Total retail                                                                412.4         134.2 
                                                                 ----------------  ------------ 
Band 1                                           0.000 to 0.483             296.3         114.0 
Band 2                                           0.484 to 1.022              40.3           9.8 
Band 3                                           1.023 to 4.914              50.2           8.9 
Band 4                                           4.915 to 8.860               9.9           0.7 
Band 5                                          8.861 to 15.000               3.1           0.4 
Band 6                                         15.001 to 50.000               4.3           0.2 
Band 7                                        50.001 to 100.000               8.3           0.2 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------  ------------ 
1  Average exposures are calculated by aggregating the exposure value of the last five quarters 
    and dividing by five. 
84  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 49: IRB expected loss and CRAs - by exposure class 
                                                       Expected loss(1)  Balances   for the year 
                                                                    $bn       $bn            $bn 
IRB exposure classes 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ---------------- 
- central governments and central banks                             0.1         -              - 
- institutions                                                        -         -              - 
- corporates                                                        5.7       4.3            1.1 
- total retail                                                      3.6       1.2            0.5 
- of which: 
  secured by mortgages on immovable property SME                      -         -              - 
  secured by mortgages on immovable property non-SME                1.9       0.4            0.1 
  qualifying revolving retail                                       0.6       0.2            0.2 
  other SME                                                         0.6       0.3              - 
  other non-SME                                                     0.5       0.3            0.2 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
                                       At 31 Dec 2016               9.4       5.5            1.6 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
IRB exposure classes 
- central governments and central banks                             0.2         -              - 
- institutions                                                      0.1         -              - 
- corporates                                                        5.5       4.5            1.0 
- total retail                                                      5.5       2.1            0.4 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
- of which: 
  secured by mortgages on immovable property SME                      -         -              - 
  secured by mortgages on immovable property non-SME                3.5       1.2              - 
  qualifying revolving retail                                       0.7       0.2            0.2 
  other SME                                                         0.7       0.3              - 
  other non-SME                                                     0.6       0.4            0.2 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
At 31 Dec 2015                                                     11.3       6.6            1.4 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
IRB exposure classes 
- central governments and central banks                             0.3         -              - 
- institutions                                                      0.3         -              - 
- corporates                                                        5.2       4.2            1.1 
- total retail                                                      7.2       3.1            0.2 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
- of which: 
  secured by mortgages on immovable property SME                      -         -              - 
  secured by mortgages on immovable property non-SME                5.1       1.9           (0.1) 
  qualifying revolving retail                                       0.7       0.3            0.1 
  other SME                                                         0.7       0.4              - 
                                                       ----------------  --------  ------------- 
  other non-SME                                                     0.7       0.5            0.2 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
At 31 Dec 2014                                                     13.0       7.3            1.3 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
1  Excludes securitisation exposures because EL is not calculated for this exposure class. 
 Table 50: IRB expected loss and CRAs - by region 
                               Expected loss(1)  Balances   for the year 
                                            $bn       $bn            $bn 
Europe                                      3.5       2.2            0.4 
Asia                                        2.4       1.4            0.5 
Middle East and North Africa                0.3       0.3              - 
North America                               3.1       1.5            0.7 
Latin America                               0.1       0.1              - 
               At 31 Dec 2016               9.4       5.5            1.6 
-----------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
Europe                                      4.3       2.9            0.4 
Asia                                        2.3       1.3            0.5 
Middle East and North Africa                0.2       0.3            0.1 
North America                               4.4       2.0            0.4 
Latin America                               0.1       0.1              - 
At 31 Dec 2015                             11.3       6.6            1.4 
-----------------------------  ----------------  --------  ------------- 
1  Excludes securitisation exposures because EL is not calculated for this exposure class. 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  85 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 51: IRB exposure - credit risk mitigation 
                                                         At 31 Dec 2016                  At 31 Dec 2015 
                                                  -----------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                                                      Exposure value                 Exposure value 
                                                   covered by credit      Total   covered by credit      Total 
                                                         derivatives   exposure         derivatives   exposure 
                                                    or guarantees(1)      value    or guarantees(1)      value 
                                        Footnote                 $bn        $bn                 $bn        $bn 
Exposures under the IRB advanced 
--------------------------------------  --------  ------------------  ---------  ------------------  ----------- 
Central governments and central banks                            0.1      339.4                 0.5      327.4 
Institutions                                                     0.4       75.7                 0.4       90.5 
Corporates                                                      83.4      583.1                86.4      597.3 
Retail                                                          20.2      366.8                20.3      404.5 
Securitisation positions                                           -       33.8                   -       40.9 
Non-credit obligation assets                                       -       51.9                   -       50.2 
Total                                                                   1,450.7                        1,510.8 
--------------------------------------  --------  ------------------  ---------  ------------------  --------- 
Exposures under the IRB foundation 
--------------------------------------  --------  ------------------  ---------  ------------------  ----------- 
Central governments and central banks                              -        0.1                   -        0.1 
Institutions                                                       -        0.3                   -        0.3 
Corporates                                     2                 0.9       42.4                 0.5       43.3 
--------------------------------------  --------  ------------------  ---------  ------------------  --------- 
1  Figures presented on an 'obligor basis'. 
2  The value of exposures under the IRB foundation approach covered by eligible financial and 
    other collateral was $4.6bn (2015: $7.9bn). 
 Table 52: Standardised exposure - credit risk mitigation 
                                           2016                                      2015 
                          --------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------- 
                               Exposure       Exposure 
                                  value          value                 Exposure          Exposure 
                                covered     covered by            value covered     value covered 
                            by eligible         credit              by eligible         by credit 
                              financial    derivatives     Total      financial       derivatives     Total 
                              and other             or  exposure      and other                or  exposure 
                          collateral(1)  guarantees(1)     value  collateral(1)     guarantees(1)     value 
                Footnote            $bn            $bn       $bn            $bn               $bn       $bn 
under the 
 and central 
 banks                              0.1            5.0     167.3              -               0.2     199.9 
Institutions                          -            0.3       2.1              -               4.3      38.9 
Corporates                         13.4            6.1      78.4           14.5               5.0     226.4 
Retail                              2.3              -      22.0            0.7               0.1      44.2 
Secured by 
 mortgages on 
 property                           5.0              -      25.7              -                 -      40.3 
Exposures in 
 default                            0.5              -       3.3              -                 -       4.9 
 or local 
 authorities                          -              -       2.9              -                 -       2.8 
Equity                                -              -      15.2              -                 -       7.0 
Other                  2              -              -      17.2              -                 -      27.6 
At 31 Dec                                                  334.1                                      592.0 
--------------  --------  -------------  -------------  --------  -------------  ----------------  -------- 
1  Figures presented on an 'obligor basis'. 
2  This includes the exposure class 'other items' with an exposure value of $9.5bn as well as 
    other less material standardised exposure classes not individually shown above. 
86  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 53: Standardised exposure - by credit quality step 
                                         At 31 Dec 2016                          At 31 Dec 2015 
                              -------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
                                     Original     Exposure                  Original     Exposure 
                                  exposure(1)        value     RWAs      exposure(1)        value     RWAs 
                                          $bn          $bn      $bn              $bn          $bn      $bn 
Central governments and 
central banks 
Credit quality step 1                   154.8        158.3                     138.1        145.5 
Credit quality step 2                     1.3          1.6                       1.4          1.9 
Credit quality step 3                     1.0          1.3                       2.5          2.8 
Credit quality step 4                     0.3          0.1                       0.4          0.1 
Credit quality step 5                     0.3          0.3                         -            - 
----------------------------  ---------------  -----------  -------  ---------------  -----------  --------- 
Credit quality step unrated               5.7          5.7                      49.6         49.6 
                                        163.4        167.3     14.6            192.0        199.9     20.0 
----------------------------  ---------------  -----------  -------  ---------------  -----------  ------- 
Credit quality step 1                     0.8          0.8                       1.6          0.7 
Credit quality step 2                     0.6          0.3                       4.7          1.4 
Credit quality step 4                     0.5          0.5                         -            - 
----------------------------  ---------------  -----------  -------  ---------------  -----------  --------- 
Credit quality step 5                     0.1          0.1                       0.1          0.1 
Credit quality step unrated               0.3          0.3                      36.8         36.7 
                                          2.3          2.0      0.9             43.2         38.9     14.7 
----------------------------  ---------------  -----------  -------  ---------------  -----------  ------- 
Credit quality step 1                     2.0          2.2                       1.6          0.8 
Credit quality step 2                     4.6          2.9                       6.2          4.2 
Credit quality step 3                     2.6          1.7                       2.7          1.4 
Credit quality step 4                     4.5          3.0                       2.1          1.6 
Credit quality step 5                     1.0          0.5                       1.3          0.8 
Credit quality step 6                     0.4          0.1                       2.8          2.0 
Credit quality step unrated             145.3         67.9                     330.6        215.6 
                                        160.4         78.3     75.0            347.3        226.4    210.6 
----------------------------  ---------------  -----------  -------  ---------------  -----------  ------- 
1  Figures presented on an 'obligor basis'. 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  87 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Additional BCBS tables 
 Table 54: Changes in stock of defaulted loans and debt securities 
                                                                                    Footnote   $bn 
1    Defaulted loans and debt securities at end of the previous reporting period              22.7 
2    Loans and debt securities that have defaulted since the last reporting period             8.6 
3    Returned to non-defaulted status                                                         (1.5) 
4    Amounts written off                                                                      (2.8) 
5    Other changes                                                                     1      (5.1) 
7    Repayments                                                                               (4.0) 
     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------            ---- 
6    Defaulted loans and debt securities at end of the reporting period                       17.9 
     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---- 
1  Other changes include foreign exchange and assets held for sale in default. 
 Table 55: IRB - Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range 
                 a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h       i       j      k        l             m 
             ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
AIRB -         Original 
Central      on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
government        sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
and central       gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average            RWA        Individual   Collective 
banks          exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity   RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale            $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs   $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
-----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15            326.6          1.9     60.5     327.7     0.02       417     42.9      2.05  26.0        8    - 
0.15 to 
 <0.25              2.2            -     27.5       2.3     0.22        19     43.9      1.48   0.8       37    - 
0.25 to 
 <0.50              2.0            -     42.3       2.0     0.37        33     43.5      1.36   0.9       49    - 
0.50 to 
 <0.75              0.5            -     50.1       0.5     0.63        15     45.0      1.49   0.4       69    - 
0.75 to 
 <2.50              3.7          0.1     26.7       3.7     1.35        35     45.0      1.27   3.4       91    - 
2.50 to 
 <10.00             3.2            -     76.5       3.2     3.49        20     45.0      1.07   3.9      123  0.1 
10.00 to 
 <100.00              -            -     50.2         -    10.00         4     47.0      0.55     -      189    - 
 (Default)            -            -        -         -   100.00        11     88.0      5.00     -        -    - 
-----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total         338.2          2.0     59.1     339.4     0.07       554     43.0      2.02  35.4       10  0.1            -            - 
-----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                   a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h       i       j      k        l             m 
               on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
                    sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
AIRB -              gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average            RWA        Individual   Collective 
Institutions     exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity   RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale              $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs   $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
-------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to <0.15        62.5         16.3     30.5      67.7     0.05     2,772     40.2      1.34  10.2       15    - 
0.15 to <0.25         2.0          2.0     26.4       2.5     0.22       384     44.7      0.72   0.9       37    - 
0.25 to <0.50         2.5          0.6     30.9       2.7     0.37       278     44.9      0.69   1.5       54    - 
0.50 to <0.75         0.8          0.2     53.1       0.9     0.63       175     44.7      1.15   0.7       73    - 
0.75 to <2.50         1.8          1.1     28.8       1.9     1.11       270     42.2      0.98   1.6       83    - 
2.50 to 
 <10.00                 -            -     21.7         -     4.37        57     41.7      0.37     -      161    - 
10.00 to 
 <100.00                -          0.2     17.4         -    26.64        44     53.2      1.53   0.1      307    - 
 (Default)              -            -        -         -   100.00         5     45.0      2.54     -      295    - 
-------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total            69.6         20.4     30.1      75.7     0.12     3,985     40.6      1.29  15.0       20    -            -            - 
-------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                  a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h       i      j      k        l             m 
              ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Corporate -     Original 
Specialised   on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
Lending -          sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
excluding          gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average           RWA        Individual   Collective 
Slotting        exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity  RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale             $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs  $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15               0.9          0.4     62.7       1.2     0.13       614     26.5      3.43  0.3       27    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to 
 <0.25               0.9          0.3     45.5       1.0     0.22       659     25.4      3.85  0.4       36    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to 
 <0.50               0.4          0.1     58.4       0.4     0.37       296     30.7      3.73  0.2       52    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to 
 <0.75               0.4          0.1     31.0       0.4     0.63       250     26.0      4.29  0.2       58    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to 
 <2.50               0.7          0.5     34.5       0.9     1.25       523     40.2      3.63  0.9      105    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
 <10.00              0.1            -     56.5       0.1     3.57        91     26.2      4.99  0.1      102    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
 <100.00             0.1            -     62.0       0.1    18.58       114     27.2      1.56  0.2      134    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
 (Default)           0.1            -     94.7       0.1   100.00       159     53.3      3.22    -       11  0.1 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total            3.6          1.4     47.7       4.2     4.36     2,706     30.3      3.66  2.3       56  0.1          0.1            - 
------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
88  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

                a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h        i       j      k        l             m 
            ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
            on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
AIRB -           sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
Corporate        gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average             RWA        Individual   Collective 
- Other       exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity    RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale           $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs    $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15           105.5        144.3     37.9     186.0     0.08    10,931     38.1      2.26   41.4       22  0.1 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to 
 <0.25            39.2         55.0     38.8      67.0     0.22     9,588     39.3      2.04   26.6       40  0.1 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to 
 <0.50            45.3         48.8     36.4      69.6     0.37    10,306     39.2      2.08   34.9       50  0.1 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to 
 <0.75            43.1         38.7     33.4      55.0     0.63     9,322     37.5      1.95   33.5       61  0.1 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to 
 <2.50           120.2         89.8     31.9     123.5     1.37    42,812     37.2      2.00   99.7       81  0.6 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
 <10.00           32.7         27.3     34.4      31.9     4.59    11,786     36.5      1.99   36.3      114  0.5 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
 <100.00           5.6          4.8     39.8       6.4    19.65     2,459     36.5      2.05   11.1      174  0.5 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
 (Default)         6.0          0.8     51.5       6.4   100.00     2,583     41.9      2.24    6.0       93  2.5 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total        397.6        409.5     36.2     545.8     2.15    99,787     38.1      2.10  289.5       53  4.5          2.3          1.1 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                       a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h        i       j      k        l             m 
                   ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
                   on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
                        sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
Wholesale AIRB -        gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average             RWA        Individual   Collective 
Total                exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity    RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale                  $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs    $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
-----------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
Total (all 
 portfolios)            809.0        433.3     36.0   1,017.0     1.27   107,032     40.0       2.0  354.3       36  4.7          2.4          1.1 
-----------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 

The Wholesale AIRB Total includes Non-credit obligation assets EAD post-CRM and post-CCF of $51.9bn and RWAs of $12.1bn.

                a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h       i      j      k        l             m 
            ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Secured by 
mortgages     Original 
on          on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
immovable        sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
property         gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average           RWA        Individual   Collective 
SME           exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity  RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale           $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs  $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15             0.3            -    100.0       0.4     0.07     1,249     10.5         -    -        2    - 
                                                                                                                 -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to 
 <0.25             0.1            -    100.0       0.1     0.17       200     17.9         -    -        7    - 
                                                                                                                 -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to 
 <0.50             0.2            -     37.7       0.1     0.32     1,012     16.4         -    -       10    - 
                                                                                                                 -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to 
 <0.75             0.1          0.1    100.0       0.1     0.63       585     26.0         -    -       19    - 
                                                                                                                 -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to 
 <2.50             0.3            -     95.0       0.3     1.63     1,792     28.9         -  0.1       29    - 
                                                                                                                 -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
 <10.00            0.4            -    102.3       0.4     5.26     1,928     24.4         -  0.2       32    - 
                                                                                                                 -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
 <100.00           0.1            -     86.0       0.1    17.47       414     26.5         -    -       50    - 
                                                                                                                 -----------  ------------- 
 (Default)           -            -     97.8         -   100.00       138     26.2         -    -       48    - 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total          1.5          0.1     97.7       1.5     4.01     7,318     21.1         -  0.3       21    -            -            - 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                a            b          c        d         e         f         g        h       i       j      k        l             m 
            ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Secured by 
mortgages     Original 
on          on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
immovable        sheet        sheet           post-CRM 
property         gross    exposures  Average       and  Average  Number of  Average   Average            RWA        Individual   Collective 
non-SME       exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD   obligors      LGD  maturity   RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale           $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                   %       yrs   $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15           137.7         11.5     92.3     151.4     0.06    900,158     14.1         -   8.0        5    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to 
 <0.25            24.4          1.1     81.0      25.5     0.21    106,945     16.5         -   2.7       11    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to 
 <0.50            22.0          2.3     43.8      23.1     0.37    120,044     22.0         -   4.6       20    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to 
 <0.75            12.0          0.4     96.0      12.4     0.61     56,427     15.9         -   2.2       18    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to 
 <2.50            23.1          1.1     61.8      23.9     1.33    129,916     22.0         -   8.8       37  0.1 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
 <10.00            6.4          0.2     93.6       6.6     4.76     36,051     20.0         -   4.7       71  0.1 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
 <100.00           2.2          0.1     98.3       2.3    27.26     24,716     27.4         -   3.9      171  0.2 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
 (Default)         3.8            -     78.5       3.8   100.00     35,131     39.7         -   1.6       42  1.5 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total        231.6         16.7     82.9     249.0     2.14  1,409,388     16.6         -  36.5       15  1.9          0.2          0.3 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  89 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

                 a            b          c        d         e         f          g        h       i       j      k        l             m 
             ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
AIRB -         Original 
Qualifying   on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
revolving         sheet        sheet           post-CRM 
retail            gross    exposures  Average       and  Average   Number of  Average   Average            RWA        Individual   Collective 
exposures      exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD    obligors      LGD  maturity   RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale            $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                    %       yrs   $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
-----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15              4.9         62.5     47.4      34.4     0.07  11,894,411     93.7         -   1.5        4    - 
                                                                                                                     -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to 
 <0.25              1.3         12.0     44.0       6.5     0.21   1,824,704     95.0         -   0.8       11    - 
                                                                                                                     -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to 
 <0.50              2.1          9.0     42.9       5.9     0.37   1,732,829     93.3         -   1.0       17    - 
                                                                                                                     -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to 
 <0.75              2.0          4.0     50.2       3.9     0.60   1,069,619     93.4         -   1.0       26    - 
                                                                                                                     -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to 
 <2.50              5.5          6.6     47.3       8.6     1.39   1,991,102     91.4         -   4.0       48  0.1 
                                                                                                                     -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
 <10.00             2.9          1.4     57.8       3.7     4.78     679,874     89.9         -   4.2      112  0.2 
                                                                                                                     -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
 <100.00            0.8          0.3     55.7       0.9    28.87     268,254     91.7         -   2.1      219  0.3 
                                                                                                                     -----------  ------------- 
 (Default)          0.1            -      6.3       0.1   100.00      26,142     36.0         -   0.1      148    - 
-----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total          19.6         95.8     46.8      64.0     1.14  19,486,935     93.1         -  14.7       23  0.6            -          0.2 
-----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                a            b          c        d         e         f         g        h       i      j      k        l             m 
            ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
            on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
                 sheet        sheet           post-CRM 
AIRB -           gross    exposures  Average       and  Average  Number of  Average   Average           RWA        Individual   Collective 
Other SME     exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD   obligors      LGD  maturity  RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale           $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                   %       yrs  $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15             0.1          0.1     67.4       0.2     0.10     82,891     39.9         -    -        9    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to 
 <0.25             0.2          0.2     53.4       0.3     0.22     91,588     61.2         -  0.1       22    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to 
 <0.50             0.3          0.4     51.2       0.6     0.38    141,288     63.1         -  0.2       32    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to 
 <0.75             0.4          0.5     66.5       0.8     0.63    157,268     58.0         -  0.3       38    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to 
 <2.50             2.0          1.3     60.8       2.8     1.58    427,912     58.8         -  1.5       55    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
 <10.00            2.3          0.8     69.9       2.8     4.90    201,537     53.6         -  1.8       64  0.1 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
 <100.00           0.5          0.1     70.1       0.6    17.66     69,516     66.6         -  0.6      106  0.1 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
 (Default)         0.6          0.1     94.5       0.6   100.00     21,873     39.5         -    -        3  0.3 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total          6.4          3.5     63.4       8.7    10.84  1,193,873     56.1         -  4.5       52  0.5          0.3            - 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                a            b          c        d         e         f         g        h       i       j      k        l             m 
            ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
            on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
AIRB -           sheet        sheet           post-CRM 
Other            gross    exposures  Average       and  Average  Number of  Average   Average            RWA        Individual   Collective 
non-SME       exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD   obligors      LGD  maturity   RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale           $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                   %       yrs   $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15             9.5          6.1     34.4      11.9     0.07    442,581     20.0         -   0.5        5    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to 
 <0.25             6.0          2.7     35.8       7.3     0.20    393,748     31.2         -   1.0       14    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to 
 <0.50             5.4          2.9     29.6       6.3     0.36    276,509     29.9         -   1.2       19    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to 
 <0.75             4.0          1.2     29.1       4.5     0.60    176,642     29.3         -   1.1       24    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to 
 <2.50             8.7          0.6     31.7       9.1     1.37    345,838     28.9         -   3.2       35    - 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
 <10.00            2.8          1.0     26.8       3.2     4.31    188,614     39.5         -   1.9       61  0.1 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
 <100.00           0.7            -     17.1       0.8    25.11     79,970     65.7         -   1.1      138  0.1 
                                                                                                                   -----------  ------------- 
 (Default)         0.4            -     52.1       0.5   100.00     58,697     55.4         -   0.1       13  0.3 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total         37.5         14.5     32.6      43.6     2.26  1,962,599     28.7         -  10.1       23  0.5          0.1          0.2 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ---------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                       a            b          c        d         e         f          g        h       i       j      k        l             m 
                   ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
                   on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
                        sheet        sheet           post-CRM 
                        gross    exposures  Average       and  Average   Number of  Average   Average            RWA        Individual   Collective 
Retail AIRB Total    exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD    obligors      LGD  maturity   RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale                  $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                    %       yrs   $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
-----------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
Total (all 
 portfolios)            296.6        130.6     50.3     366.8     2.19  24,060,113     32.3         -  66.1       18  3.5          0.6          0.7 
-----------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  ----------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
90  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

                 a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h       i      j      k        l             m 
FIRB -         Original 
Central      on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
government        sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
and central       gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average           RWA        Individual   Collective 
banks          exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity  RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale            $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs  $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
-----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15                -            -     75.0       0.1     0.04         1     45.0      5.00    -       32    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to 
<0.25                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to 
<0.50                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to 
<0.75                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to 
<2.50                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
<10.00                -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
<100.00               -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
(Default)             -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
-----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total             -            -     75.0       0.1     0.04         1     45.0      5.00    -       32    -            -            - 
-----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                   a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h       i      j      k        l             m 
               ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
               on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
                    sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
FIRB -              gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average           RWA        Individual   Collective 
Institutions     exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity  RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale              $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs  $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
-------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to <0.15         0.1            -     45.2       0.1     0.06         2     45.0      2.75    -       23    - 
                                                                                                                    -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to <0.25           -            -     20.7         -     0.22         -     45.0      3.82    -       62    - 
                                                                                                                    -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to <0.50         0.1            -     75.0       0.2     0.37         1     45.0      1.71  0.1       55    - 
                                                                                                                    -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to <0.75           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                    -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to <2.50           -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                    -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
<10.00                  -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                    -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
<100.00                 -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
                                                                                                                    -----------  ------------- 
(Default)               -            -        -         -        -         -        -         -    -        -    - 
-------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total             0.2            -     46.6       0.3     0.26         3     45.0      2.09  0.1       43    -            -            - 
-------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h       i       j      k        l             m 
            ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
            on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
FIRB -           sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
Corporate        gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average            RWA        Individual   Collective 
- Other       exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity   RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
PD scale           $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs   $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
0.00 to 
 <0.15             8.6         12.2     40.5      13.5     0.09     1,316     44.6      2.45   3.8       28    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.15 to 
 <0.25             3.1          5.7     39.2       5.3     0.22     1,303     44.9      2.22   2.4       46    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.25 to 
 <0.50             4.5          5.2     32.2       6.1     0.37     1,549     42.8      1.96   3.5       57    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.50 to 
 <0.75             3.3          5.2     30.9       4.9     0.63     1,140     43.4      1.98   3.6       72    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
0.75 to 
 <2.50             6.7          9.7     26.5       9.0     1.35     2,817     43.1      1.67   8.3       91  0.1 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
2.50 to 
 <10.00            2.3          2.2     28.2       2.8     4.65     1,312     42.9      1.90   3.8      138  0.1 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
10.00 to 
 <100.00           0.2          0.2     15.2       0.3    15.99       180     41.4      0.90   0.4      175    - 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
 (Default)         0.4          0.1     45.8       0.5   100.00       414     44.9      1.43     -        -  0.2 
                                                                                                                  -----------  ------------- 
Sub-total         29.1         40.5     33.9      42.4     1.95    10,031     43.8      2.07  25.8       61  0.4          0.3          0.1 
----------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
                       a            b          c        d         e        f         g        h       i       j      k        l             m 
                   ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ------------- 
                   on-balance  Off-balance                EAD 
                        sheet        sheet           post-CRM             Number 
                        gross    exposures  Average       and  Average        of  Average   Average            RWA        Individual   Collective 
FIRB - Total         exposure      pre-CCF      CCF  post-CCF       PD  obligors      LGD  maturity   RWA  density   EL  impairments  impairments 
                          $bn          $bn        %       $bn        %                  %       yrs   $bn        %  $bn          $bn          $bn 
                   ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
Total (all 
 portfolios)             29.3         40.5     34.0      42.8     1.94    10,035     43.8       2.1  25.9       61  0.4          0.3          0.1 
-----------------  ----------  -----------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ----  -------  ---  -----------  ----------- 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  91 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 56a: Specialised lending - other than HVCRE - Slotting only 
                                                              Exposure amount 
                           On-balance  Off-balance 
Regulatory     Remaining        sheet        sheet                                         Expected 
categories     maturity        amount       amount   RW   PF   OF   CF  IPRE  Total   RWA    losses 
                                  $bn          $bn    %  $bn  $bn  $bn   $bn    $bn   $bn       $bn 
                           ----------  -----------  ---  ---  ---  ---  ----  -----  ----  -------- 
               Less than 
Strong          2.5 years         9.1          1.5   50  0.3    -    -   9.6    9.9   5.0         - 
 Equal to or more than 
  2.5 years                      12.6          1.5   70  0.1  0.6    -  13.0   13.7   9.5       0.1 
               Less than 
Good            2.5 years         2.9          0.4   70    -  0.3    -   2.8    3.1   2.1         - 
 Equal to or more than 
  2.5 years                       2.8          0.1   90    -  0.3    -   2.5    2.8   2.5         - 
               Less than 
Satisfactory    2.5 years         0.5            -  115    -  0.1    -   0.4    0.5   0.6         - 
 Equal to or more than 
  2.5 years                       0.9            -  115  0.2  0.4    -   0.3    0.9   1.0         - 
               Less than 
Weak            2.5 years         0.3            -  250  0.1    -    -   0.2    0.3   0.8         - 
 Equal to or more than 
  2.5 years                       0.1            -  250    -    -    -   0.1    0.1   0.3         - 
               Less than 
Default         2.5 years         0.5            -    -    -  0.1    -   0.7    0.8     -       0.5 
 Equal to or more than 
  2.5 years                       0.3            -    -    -  0.3    -   0.1    0.4     -       0.2 
 ------------------------  ----------  -----------  ---  ---  ---  ---  ----  -----  ----  -------- 
Total                            30.0          3.5       0.7  2.1    -  29.7   32.5  21.8       0.8 
-------------------------  ----------  -----------  ---  ---  ---  ---  ----  -----  ----  -------- 
Table 56b: Specialised lending - HVCRE - Slotting only 
Regulatory       Remaining            On-balance     Off-balance 
categories       maturity           sheet amount    sheet amount   RW  Exposure amount  RWA  Expected losses 
                                             $bn             $bn    %              $bn  $bn              $bn 
                                  --------------  --------------  ---  ---------------  ---  --------------- 
                 Less than 2.5 
Strong            years                      0.2             0.1   70              0.3  0.2                - 
 Equal to or more than 2.5 years               -               -   95                -    -                - 
                 Less than 2.5 
Good              years                      0.3               -   95              0.3  0.2                - 
 Equal to or more than 2.5 years               -               -  120                -    -                - 
                 Less than 2.5 
Satisfactory      years                        -               -  115                -    -                - 
 Equal to or more than 2.5 years               -               -  115                -    -                - 
                 Less than 2.5 
Weak              years                        -               -  250                -    -                - 
 Equal to or more than 2.5 years               -               -  250                -    -                - 
                 Less than 2.5 
Default          years                         -               -    -                -    -                - 
                 Equal to or 
                 more than 2.5 
                 years                         -               -    -                -    -                - 
---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------  ---  ---------------  ---  --------------- 
Total                                        0.5             0.1                   0.6  0.4                - 
--------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---  ---------------  ---  --------------- 
 Table 57: Analysis of counterparty credit risk (CCR) exposure by approach (excluding centrally 
  cleared exposures) 
                                        a                  b            c            d                e           f 
                                -----------------  -----------------  ------  ----------------  --------------  ------ 
                                                                              Alpha used for 
                                    Replacement          Potential                 computing 
                      Footnote             cost    future exposure    EEPE    regulatory EAD    EAD post-CRM     RWA 
                                            $bn                $bn     $bn               $bn             $bn     $bn 
                                                   ---------------    ----    --------------    ------------    ---- 
   SA-CCR (for 
1  derivatives)          1                 27.5               43.5                                      71.0    28.0 
   Internal Model 
   Method (for 
   derivatives and 
2  SFTs)                                                              19.9               1.4            27.9    10.9 
3  Simple Approach 
   for credit risk 
   mitigation (for 
   SFTs)                                                                                                   -       - 
4  Comprehensive 
   Approach for 
   credit risk 
   mitigation (for 
   SFTs)                                                                                                38.3     7.3 
5  VaR for SFTs                                                                                            -       - 
   -----------------  --------  ---------------    ---------------    ----    --------------    ------------    ---- 
6  Total                                   27.5               43.6    19.9               1.4           137.2    46.2 
   -----------------  --------  ---------------    ---------------    ----    --------------    ------------    ---- 
1  Prior to the implementation of SA-CCR, Exposures reported here will be those under the mark-to-market 
 Table 58: Credit valuation adjustment (CVA) capital charge 
                                                                        a           b 
                                                                  --------------  ------ 
                                                                  EAD post-CRM     RWA 
                                                                           $bn     $bn 
1  Total portfolios subject to the Advanced CVA capital charge            12.8     3.5 
   -------------------------------------------------------------  ------------    ---- 
2  - VaR component (including the 3×multiplier)                               0.8 
3  - stressed VaR component (including the 3×multiplier)                      2.7 
4  All portfolios subject to the Standardised CVA capital charge          41.6    10.9 
   -------------------------------------------------------------  ------------    ---- 
5  Total subject to the CVA capital charge                                54.4    14.4 
   -------------------------------------------------------------  ------------    ---- 
92  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 59: Standardised approach - CCR exposures by regulatory portfolio and risk weights 
                                   a    b    c    d    e    f     g      h                i 
                                  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ----  ----  ------  ----------------------- 
Risk weight                        0%  10%  20%  50%  75%  100%  150%  Others  Total credit exposure 
Asset Classes 
Central governments and central 
 banks                            7.3    -    -    -    -     -     -       -                    7.3 
Institutions                        -    -    -  0.2    -     -     -       -                    0.2 
Corporates                          -    -    -  0.1    -   2.5     -       -                    2.6 
--------------------------------  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ----  ----  ------  --------------------- 
Total                             7.3    -    -  0.3    -   2.5     -       -                   10.1 
--------------------------------  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ----  ----  ------  --------------------- 
 Table 60: IRB - CCR exposures by portfolio and PD scale 
                          a            b             c             d             e           f          g 
                     ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
                                                   Number of                      Average 
PD scale             EAD post-CRM  Average PD       obligors  Average LGD        maturity     RWA  RWA density 
                     ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
IRB advanced: 
Central Government 
and Central Banks             $bn           %                           %             yrs     $bn            % 
0.00 to <0.15                11.7        0.04            104         45.3            1.00     1.1            8 
0.15 to <0.25                 0.2        0.22              4         45.0            1.00     0.1           32 
0.25 to <0.50                   -        0.37              5         45.0            0.20       -           38 
0.50 to <0.75                   -        0.63              5         45.0            0.20       -           55 
0.75 to <2.50                   -        1.34             12         41.2            2.80       -          111 
2.50 to <10.00                0.4        4.20              3         45.0            0.90     0.5            - 
10.00 to <100.00                -           -              -            -               -       -            - 
100.00 (Default)                -           -              -            -               -       -            - 
Sub-total                    12.3        0.19            133         45.3            1.00     1.7           13 
-------------------  ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
IRB advanced: 
0.00 to <0.15                48.5        0.06          3,473         45.2            1.30    10.8           22 
0.15 to <0.25                 5.9        0.22            295         46.9            1.60     3.0           51 
0.25 to <0.50                 1.6        0.37            133         45.0            1.40     0.9           61 
0.50 to <0.75                 0.7        0.63             69         45.0            0.60     0.5           70 
0.75 to <2.50                 0.6        1.07            144         45.1            1.50     0.6          104 
2.50 to <10.00                0.1        4.64             31         45.0            2.30     0.1          186 
10.00 to <100.00              0.1       28.13             17         53.4            2.10     0.2          329 
100.00 (Default)                -           -              -            -               -       -            - 
Sub-total                    57.5        0.14          4,162         45.3            1.40    16.1           28 
-------------------  ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
IRB advanced: 
0.00 to <0.15                30.9        0.07          5,839         41.6            1.90     7.5           24 
0.15 to <0.25                 7.3        0.22          1,870         46.3            1.90     3.7           51 
0.25 to <0.50                 3.4        0.37          1,131         47.1            1.70     2.1           62 
0.50 to <0.75                 3.3        0.63            968         43.3            1.40     2.6           79 
0.75 to <2.50                 5.7        1.35          3,112         46.3            1.40     6.1          107 
2.50 to <10.00                0.7        4.24            693         47.6            1.70     1.2          171 
10.00 to <100.00              0.1       24.67            121         49.9            2.00     0.3          300 
100.00 (Default)              0.1      100.00             46         45.4            4.20       -            - 
Sub-total                    51.5        0.66         13,780         43.8            1.80    23.5           46 
-------------------  ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
Total (sum of all 
 IRB Advanced)              121.3        0.34         18,075         44.5            1.50    41.3           34 
-------------------  ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
                          a            b             c             d             e           f          g 
                     ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
                                                   Number of                      Average 
PD scale             EAD post-CRM  Average PD       obligors  Average LGD        maturity     RWA  RWA density 
                     ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
IRB foundation: 
Corporates                    $bn           %                           %             yrs     $bn            % 
0.00 to <0.15                 4.2        0.06            553         45.0            1.90     0.9           23 
0.15 to <0.25                 0.3        0.22            137         45.0            2.20     0.1           48 
0.25 to <0.50                 0.3        0.37            160         45.0            1.70     0.2           58 
0.50 to <0.75                 0.4        0.63             96         45.0            1.70     0.3           73 
0.75 to <2.50                 0.3        1.35            496         45.0            2.20     0.3          108 
2.50 to <10.00                  -        4.61             79         45.0            2.00     0.1          151 
10.00 to <100.00                -       13.52             10         45.0            1.00       -          218 
100.00 (Default)                -      100.00              7         45.0            1.20       -            - 
-------------------  ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
Total (sum of all 
 IRB Foundation)              5.5        0.20          1,538         45.0            1.91     1.9           35 
-------------------  ------------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------  ----------- 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  93 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 61: Composition of collateral for CCR exposure 
                          a                b                c                d               e                f 
                   ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------- 
                               Collateral used in derivative transactions                  Collateral used in SFTs 
                   ------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
                       Fair value of collateral 
                               received              Fair value of posted collateral 
                   --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
                                                                                         Fair value 
                                                                                                 of    Fair value of 
                                                                                         collateral           posted 
                      Segregated     Unsegregated       Segregated     Unsegregated        received       collateral 
                             $bn              $bn              $bn              $bn             $bn              $bn 
                                    -------------    -------------    -------------    ------------    ------------- 
   Cash - 
1  currency                    -              5.2              2.0              3.0            42.9             73.1 
   Cash - other 
2  currencies                  -             38.9              4.7             32.4           148.7            227.5 
3  sovereign debt              -              4.2                -              7.1            64.5             49.1 
4  sovereign debt              -              8.9                -              9.4           186.7            131.9 
5  agency debt                 -              0.3                -              0.2             7.8              2.3 
6  bonds                       -              0.4                -                -            23.7             11.1 
7  securities                  -                -                -                -            39.5             34.4 
8  collateral                  -              0.1                -              0.2             2.0              7.6 
   --------------  -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------    ------------    ------------- 
9  Total                       -             58.0              6.7             52.3           515.8            537.0 
   --------------  -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------    ------------    ------------- 
 Table 62: Exposures to central counterparties 
                                                                                                       a           b 
                                                                                                 --------------  ----- 
                                                                                                 EAD post-CRM    RWA 
                                                                                                          $bn    $bn 
 1  Exposures to QCCPs (total)                                                                           34.0    1.2 
 2  Exposures for trades at QCCPs (excluding initial margin and default fund contributions)              20.7    0.4 
    - of which: 
 3    OTC derivatives                                                                                    10.4    0.2 
 4    Exchange-traded derivatives                                                                         7.2    0.1 
 5    Securities financing transactions                                                                   3.1    0.1 
 6    Netting sets where cross-product netting has been approved                                            -      - 
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------    --- 
 7  Segregated initial margin                                                                             6.7      - 
 8  Non-segregated initial margin                                                                         6.6    0.1 
 9  Pre-funded default fund contributions                                                                   -    0.7 
10  Unfunded default fund contributions                                                                     -      - 
11  Exposures to non-QCCPs (total)                                                                        0.3    0.4 
12  Exposures for trades at non-QCCPs (excluding initial margin and default fund contributions)           0.3    0.4 
    - of which: 
13    OTC derivatives                                                                                     0.3    0.4 
14    Exchange-traded derivatives                                                                           -      - 
15    Securities financing transactions                                                                     -      - 
16    Netting sets where cross-product netting has been approved                                            -      - 
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------    --- 
17  Segregated initial margin                                                                               -      - 
18  Non-segregated initial margin                                                                           -      - 
19  Pre-funded default fund contributions                                                                   -      - 
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------    --- 
20  Unfunded default fund contributions                                                                     -      - 
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------    --- 
 Table 63: Securitisation exposures in the non-trading book 
                                a             b            c             e             f            g             i             j            k 
                          -------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                  Bank acts as originator                   Bank acts as sponsor                     Bank acts as investor 
                          ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
                          Traditional    Synthetic    Sub-Total    Traditional    Synthetic    Sub-Total    Traditional    Synthetic    Sub-Total 
                                  $bn          $bn          $bn            $bn          $bn          $bn            $bn          $bn          $bn 
---  -------------------  -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
  1  Retail (total)               0.1            -          0.1           17.3            -         17.3            2.7            -          2.7 
---  -------------------  -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
     - of which: 
  2    mortgage                     -            -            -            0.1            -          0.1            2.3            -          2.3 
  3    credit card                  -            -            -              -            -            -              -            -            - 
       other retail 
  4    exposures                    -            -            -           17.2            -         17.2            0.4            -          0.4 
  5    re-securitisation          0.1            -          0.1              -            -            -              -            -            - 
                          -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
  6  Wholesale (total)            1.2          4.7          5.9            5.4            -          5.4            3.8            -          3.8 
---  -------------------  -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
     - of which: 
       loans to 
  7    corporates                   -          4.7          4.7              -            -            -              -            -            - 
  8    mortgage                     -            -            -              -            -            -            2.9            -          2.9 
       lease and 
  9    receivables                  -            -            -              -            -            -              -            -            - 
 10    other wholesale              -            -            -              -            -            -            0.8            -          0.8 
 11    re-securitisation          1.2            -          1.2            5.4            -          5.4            0.1            -          0.1 
---  -------------------  -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
94  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Table 64: Securitisation exposures in the trading book 
                                 a             b            c             e             f            g             i             j            k 
                           -------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                   Bank acts as originator                   Bank acts as sponsor                     Bank acts as investor 
                           ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
                            Traditional    Synthetic    Sub-Total    Traditional    Synthetic    Sub-Total    Traditional    Synthetic    Sub-Total 
                                   $bn          $bn          $bn            $bn          $bn          $bn            $bn          $bn          $bn 
                           -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
   1  Retail (total)                 -            -            -              -            -            -            1.5            -          1.5 
                           -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
      - of which: 
   2    mortgage                     -            -            -              -            -            -            0.6            -          0.6 
   3    credit card                  -            -            -              -            -            -              -            -            - 
        other retail 
   4    exposures                    -            -            -              -            -            -            0.9            -          0.9 
   5    re-securitisation            -            -            -              -            -            -              -            -            - 
                           -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
   6  Wholesale (total)              -            -            -              -            -            -            1.0            -          1.0 
                           -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
      - of which: 
        loans to 
   7    corporates                   -            -            -              -            -            -            0.1            -          0.1 
   8    mortgage                     -            -            -              -            -            -            0.7            -          0.7 
        lease and 
   9    receivables                  -            -            -              -            -            -              -            -            - 
  10    other wholesale              -            -            -              -            -            -            0.1            -          0.1 
  11    re-securitisation            -            -            -              -            -            -            0.1            -          0.1 
----  -------------------  -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    ---------    -----------    ---------    --------- 
Table 65: Securitisation exposures in the non-trading book and associated regulatory capital 
 requirements - bank acting as originator or as sponsor 
                              a         b        c        d         e             f          g    h      i 
                           --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  -------- 
                                                                             Exposure values (by regulatory 
                                   Exposure values (by RW bands)                        approach) 
                           ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
                                     >20% to  >50% to  >100% to                    IRB RBA  IRB 
                           <=20% RW   50% RW  100% RW  1250% RW  1250% RW  (including IAA)  SFA   SA  1250% 
                                $bn      $bn      $bn       $bn       $bn              $bn  $bn  $bn   $bn 
                           --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
     2     securitisation      16.7      2.0      0.2       0.2       4.9             18.9    -  0.2   4.9 
     3   - securitisation      16.7      0.4      0.1       0.1         -             17.2    -  0.2     - 
        -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
              - of which: 
     4         underlying      16.7      0.4      0.1       0.1         -             17.2    -  0.2     - 
     5          wholesale         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
        -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
     6  re-securitisation         -      1.6      0.1       0.1       4.9              1.7    -    -   4.9 
        -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
              - of which: 
     7             senior         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
     8         non-senior         -      1.6      0.1       0.1       4.9              1.7    -    -   4.9 
        -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
     9     securitisation       4.3        -      0.4         -         -              4.7    -    -     - 
    10   - securitisation       4.3        -      0.4         -         -              4.7    -    -     - 
        -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
              - of which: 
    11         underlying         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
    12          wholesale       4.3        -      0.4         -         -              4.7    -    -     - 
        -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
    13  re-securitisation         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
        -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
              - of which: 
    14             senior         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
    15         non-senior         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
        -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
     1    Total exposures      21.0      2.0      0.6       0.2       4.9             23.6    -  0.2   4.9 
        -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  95 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

          Table 65: Securitisation exposures in the non-trading book and associated regulatory capital 
                                    requirements - bank acting as originator or as sponsor (continued) 
                                  j           k      l      m             n            o      p      q 
                           ---------------  ------  ---  --------  ---------------  -------  ---  -------- 
                                RWA (by regulatory approach)              Capital charge after cap 
                           --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
                                   IRB RBA     IRB                         IRB RBA 
                           (including IAA)     SFA   SA  1250%     (including IAA)  IRB SFA   SA  1250% 
                                       $bn     $bn  $bn   $bn                  $bn      $bn  $bn   $bn 
                           ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
     2     securitisation              2.6       -  0.2  58.8                  0.2        -    -   1.2 
     3   - securitisation              1.6       -  0.2     -                  0.1        -    -     - 
        -----------------  ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
              - of which: 
     4         underlying              1.6       -  0.2     -                  0.1        -    -     - 
     5          wholesale                -       -    -     -                    -        -    -     - 
        -----------------  ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
     6  re-securitisation              1.0       -    -  58.8                  0.1        -    -   1.2 
        -----------------  ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
              - of which: 
     7             senior                -       -    -     -                    -        -    -     - 
     8         non-senior              1.0       -    -  58.8                  0.1        -    -   1.2 
        -----------------  ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
     9     securitisation              0.9       -    -   0.4                  0.1        -    -     - 
    10   - securitisation              0.9       -    -   0.4                  0.1        -    -     - 
        -----------------  ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
              - of which: 
    11         underlying                -       -    -     -                    -        -    -     - 
    12          wholesale              0.9       -    -   0.4                  0.1        -    -     - 
        -----------------  ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
    13  re-securitisation                -       -    -     -                    -        -    -     - 
        -----------------  ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
              - of which: 
    14             senior                -       -    -     -                    -        -    -     - 
    15         non-senior                -       -    -     -                    -        -    -     - 
        -----------------  ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
     1    Total exposures              3.5       -  0.2  59.2                  0.3        -    -   1.2 
        -----------------  ---------------  ------  ---  ----      ---------------  -------  ---  ---- 
  Table 66: Securitisation exposures in the non-trading book and associated capital requirements 
   - bank acting as investor 
                           a         b        c        d         e             f          g    h      i 
                                                                          Exposure values (by regulatory 
                                Exposure values (by RW bands)                        approach) 
                        ----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
                                  >20% to  >50% to  >100% to                    IRB RBA  IRB 
                        <=20% RW   50% RW  100% RW  1250% RW  1250% RW  (including IAA)  SFA   SA  1250% 
                             $bn      $bn      $bn       $bn       $bn              $bn  $bn  $bn   $bn 
                        --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
  2     securitisation       4.9      0.3      1.2         -       0.1              5.6    -  0.8   0.1 
     -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
  3   - securitisation       4.9      0.2      1.1         -       0.1              5.4    -  0.8   0.1 
     -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
           - of which: 
  4         underlying       2.5      0.1        -         -       0.1              2.4    -  0.1   0.1 
  5          wholesale       2.4      0.1      1.1         -         -              3.0    -  0.7     - 
  6  re-securitisation         -      0.1      0.1         -         -              0.2    -    -     - 
     -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
           - of which: 
  7             senior         -        -      0.1         -         -              0.1    -    -     - 
  8         non-senior         -      0.1        -         -         -              0.1    -    -     - 
  9     securitisation         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
 10   - securitisation         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
           - of which: 
 11         underlying         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
 12          wholesale         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
 13  re-securitisation         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
           - of which: 
 14             senior         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
 15         non-senior         -        -        -         -         -                -    -    -     - 
     -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
  1    Total exposures       4.9      0.3      1.2         -       0.1              5.6    -  0.8   0.1 
     -----------------  --------  -------  -------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---  ---  ---- 
96  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

                    Table 66: Securitisation exposures in the non-trading book and associated capital requirements 
                                                                             - bank acting as investor (continued) 
                                j               k        l       m              n               o        p       q 
                                 RWA (by regulatory approach)                      Capital charge after cap 
                        ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                                 IRB RBA                                         IRB RBA 
                         (including IAA)    IRB SFA     SA    1250%      (including IAA)    IRB SFA     SA    1250% 
                                     $bn        $bn    $bn     $bn                   $bn        $bn    $bn     $bn 
                        ----------------    -------    ---    ----      ----------------    -------    ---    ---- 
  2  securitisation                  1.2          -    0.7     1.3                   0.1          -    0.1     0.1 
---  -----------------  ----------------    -------    ---    ----      ----------------    -------    ---    ---- 
  3  - securitisation                1.1          -    0.7     1.1                   0.1          -    0.1     0.1 
     -----------------  ----------------    -------    ---    ----      ----------------    -------    ---    ---- 
     - of which: 
  4    underlying                    0.3          -      -     1.0                     -          -      -     0.1 
  5    wholesale                     0.8          -    0.7     0.1                   0.1          -    0.1       - 
  6  re-securitisation               0.1          -      -     0.2                     -          -      -       - 
---  -----------------  ----------------    -------    ---    ----      ----------------    -------    ---    ---- 
     - of which: 
  7    senior                          -          -      -       -                     -          -      -       - 
  8    non-senior                    0.1          -      -     0.2                     -          -      -       - 
  9  securitisation                    -          -      -       -                     -          -      -       - 
 10  - securitisation                  -          -      -       -                     -          -      -       - 
     - of which: 
 11    underlying                      -          -      -       -                     -          -      -       - 
 12    wholesale                       -          -      -       -                     -          -      -       - 
 13  re-securitisation                 -          -      -       -                     -          -      -       - 
     - of which: 
 14    senior                          -          -      -       -                     -          -      -       - 
 15    non-senior                      -          -      -       -                     -          -      -       - 
---  -----------------  ----------------    -------    ---    ----      ----------------    -------    ---    ---- 
  1  Total exposures                 1.2          -    0.7     1.3                   0.1          -    0.1     0.1 
---  -----------------  ----------------    -------    ---    ----      ----------------    -------    ---    ---- 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  97 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Appendix II 

Simplified organisation chart for regulatory purposes(1)

                                                                     HSBC Holdings 
           HSBC          HSBC         HSBC             HSBC         The Hongkong and          HSBC                HSBC        HSBC          HSBC 
          Mexico        North          Bank         Bank (China)    Shanghai Banking          Bank                 Bank        Bank        Private 
           S.A.        America        Canada          Company         Corporation           Australia             Egypt        plc         Banking 
                       Holdings                       Limited           Limited              Limited              S.A.E.                  Holdings 
                         Inc.                                                                            94%                             (Suisse) SA 
      ==============  ==========  =============  =================  ================      =============       =============  =======  ================ 
                                                                                  HK                                          UK 
                                                      Bank of                                                                              Private 
                                      HSBC        Commun-ications                           HSBC Bank                                       Bank 
                                     Finance        Co. Limited                             Malaysia            The Saudi                 (Suisse) 
                                   Corporation     ('BoCom')(3)     19%                      Berhad      40%  British Bank                   SA 
                            ----  =============  =================                        =============  ---  =============           ================ 
                                            USA                PRC 
                                      HSBC             Hang                                                     HSBC Bank                   HSBC 
                                    Securities          Seng                                HSBC Bank             Middle                 Trinkaus & 
                                      (USA)             Bank                                (Taiwan)               East                   Burkhardt 
                                       Inc.           Limited       62%                      Limited             Limited      80%            AG 
                            ----  =============  =================                        =============  ---  =============           ================ 
                                                                HK                                                      UAE                Germany 
                                      HSBC             Hang                                    PT 
                         HSBC          Bank            Seng                                    Bank 
                          USA          USA,        Bank (China)                                HSBC                                         HSBC 
                         Inc.          N.A.           Limited                     99%       Indonesia                         99%          France 
                      ==========  =============  =================                        =============                               ================ 
                                                                           -------------  ============= 
                                                                                          =====  ====== 
           HSBC                                        Hang               HSBC                HSBC                HSBC                      HSBC 
          Seguros                                       Seng            Insurance           Insurance              Life                  Assurances 
           S.A.                                      Insurance       (Asia-Pacific)        (Singapore)             (UK)                      Vie 
                                                      Company           Holdings               Pte               Limited                  (France) 
                                                      Limited            Limited             Limited 
      ==============                             =================  ================      =============       =============           ================ 
            Mexico                                              HK                HK 
                                                       HSBC                                   Amanah 
                                                        Life                                 Takaful 
                                                     Insurance                              (Malaysia)           Regency                  Mazarin 
                                                      Company                               Sendirian             Assets                   Funding 
                                                      Limited        50%          49%         Berhad             Limited                   Limited 
                                                 =================                        =============       =============           ================ 
   Latin America 
                                                 ======  =========                        =====  ======       =====  ======           ======  ==== 
                                                                          HSBC                                  Turquoise                  Barion 
                                                                          Life                                 Receivables                 Funding 
                                                                         (Inter-                                 Trustee                   Limited 
                                                                        national)                                Limited 
                                                                    ================                          =============   ------  ================ 
                                                                                                                Malachite                  Metrix 
                                                                                                                 Funding                  Portfolio 
                                                                                                                 Limited                Distribution 
                                                                                                              =============           ================ 
                                                      Entities deconsolidated for regulatory purposes 
   =======  ========  ====  ====  ====  ===========================================================================  ======   ======  ======  ======== 
             North America and LatAm                                      Asia                                            Europe and MENA 
   Holding company     Intermediate         Operating company     Associate     Insurance company     Special purpose 
                       holding company                                                                entities(2) 
1  At 31 December 2016, showing entities in Priority markets, wholly owned unless shown otherwise 
    (part ownership rounded down to nearest per cent), except 2, below. 
2  Control of Special Purpose Entities is not based on ownership. 
3  Treated under a capital deduction method for regulatory purposes. 
98  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Appendix III 
 Asset encumbrance 

The following is the disclosure of on-balance sheet encumbered and unencumbered assets and off-balance sheet collateral (represented by median values of monthly data points in 2016) based on the requirement in Part Eight of CRD IV. The related Guideline, issued by the EBA on 27 June 2014, was implemented by the PRA through Supervisory Statement SS11/14.

 Table 67: A - Assets 
                           Carrying amount of           Fair value of     Carrying amount of           Fair value of 
                            encumbered assets       encumbered assets    unencumbered assets     unencumbered assets 
                          -------------------    --------------------    -------------------    -------------------- 
                                           $m                      $m                     $m                      $m 
     Assets of the 
010  institution                      137,377                       -              2,480,100                       - 
030  Equity instruments                 5,283                   5,283                 55,216                  55,116 
040  Debt securities                   66,493                  66,486                482,518                 480,801 
---  -------------------  -------------------    --------------------    -------------------    -------------------- 
120  Other assets                       2,600                       -                488,695                       - 
---  -------------------  -------------------    --------------------    -------------------    -------------------- 
 Table 67: B - Collateral received 
                                                     Fair value of encumbered      Fair value of collateral received 
                                              collateral received or own debt          or own debt securities issued 
                                                            securities issued              available for encumbrance 
                                          -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------- 
                                                                           $m                                     $m 
130  Assets of the reporting institution                              127,760                                148,592 
150  Equity instruments                                                 6,661                                 18,561 
160  Debt securities                                                  121,102                                126,002 
230  Other collateral received                                             35                                    772 
---  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------- 
240  Own debt securities issued other 
     than own covered bonds or ABSs                                         -                                      - 
---  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------    ----------------------------------- 
 Table 67: C - Encumbered assets/collateral received and associated liabilities 
                                                                                   Assets, collateral received and own 
                                                                                     debt securities issued other than 
                                                 Matching liabilities, contingent               covered bonds and ABSs 
                                                   liabilities or securities lent                           encumbered 
                                             ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
                                                                               $m                                   $m 
      Carrying amount of selected financial 
 010   liabilities                                                        199,108                              257,264 
----  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 

Information on importance of encumbrance

We are a deposit-led bank and hence the majority of our funding is from customer current accounts and customer savings deposits payable on demand or at short notice. This is part of our Group framework, where we have defined the limit for the ratio of advances to deposits to be below 90% (2016: 68%). Given this structural unsecured funding position we have little requirement to fund ourselves in secured markets, and therefore our overall low level of encumbrance reflects this position. However, we do provide collateralised financing services to clients as part of our GB&M business model,

providing cash financing or specific securities, and these result in off-balance sheet encumbrance. The other sources which contribute to encumbrance are securities pledged in derivative transactions, mostly for hedging purposes, issuance of asset-backed securities, and covered bond programmes in the UK, France and Australia. HSBC Holdings ALCO reviews the asset encumbrance of the institution as a whole quarterly and any events changing the asset encumbrance level are examined.

For details on balance sheet encumbered and unencumbered assets, please refer to the Annual Report and Accounts 2016, page 110.

       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  99 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Appendix IV 
 Summary of disclosures withheld 
CRD IV reference  Description                                        Rationale 
442(c)            CRAs - In relation to exposure to credit risk and  Materiality 
                  dilution risk, the total amount of exposures       The disclosure has been made after taking into 
                  after accounting offsets and without taking into   account the effects of credit risk mitigation; 
                  account the effects of credit risk mitigation.     there are no significant differences between 
                                                                     exposures pre- and post-credit risk mitigation 
                                                                     at exposure class level. 
448(a)            Key assumptions (including assumptions regarding   Proprietary 
                  loan prepayments and behaviour of non-maturity     Assumptions regarding fixed term loan repayments 
                  deposits) on their exposure to interest rate risk  and term behaviouralisation of non-maturity 
                  on positions not included in the trading           deposits and capital drive HSBC's structural 
                  book.                                              interest rates positioning and market hedging 
                                                                     Disclosure could give key business strategy 
                                                                     information to our competitors. 
----------------  -------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
100  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Other Information 

The following abbreviated terms are used throughout this document.

-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
$            United States dollar 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
ABCP         Asset-backed commercial paper 
ABS(1)       Asset-backed security 
AFS(1)       Available-for-sale 
ALCM         Asset, Liability and Capital Management 
ALCO         Asset and Liability Management Committee 
AT1 capital  Additional tier 1 capital 
AVA          Additional value adjustment 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
BCBS         Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 
BoCom        Bank of Communications Co., Limited 
BSM          Balance Sheet Management 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
CCB(1)       Capital conservation buffer 
CCF(1)       Credit conversion factor 
CCP          Central counterparty 
CCR(1)       Counterparty credit risk 
CCyB(1)      Countercyclical capital buffer 
CDS(1)       Credit default swap 
CET1(1)      Common equity tier 1 
CIU          Collective investment undertakings 
CML(1)       Consumer and Mortgage Lending (US) 
CRA(1)       Credit risk adjustment 
CRD IV(1)    Capital Requirements Regulation and Directive 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
CRE(1)       Commercial real estate 
CRM          Credit risk mitigation/mitigant 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
CRR(1)       Customer risk rating 
CSA(1)       Credit Support Annex 
CVA          Credit valuation adjustment 
CVC          Conduct and Values Committee 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
EAD(1)       Exposure at default 
EBA          European Banking Authority 
EC           European Commission 
ECA          Export Credit Agency 
ECAI(1)      External Credit Assessment Institution 
EEA          European Economic Area 
EL(1)        Expected loss 
EU           European Union 
EVE(1)       Economic value of equity 
FFVA         Funding Fair Value Adjustment 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
Fitch        Fitch Ratings 
FPC(1)       Financial Policy Committee (UK) 
FSB          Financial Stability Board 
FSVC         Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
-----------  ------------------------------------------------------- 
GAC          Group Audit Committee 
GB&M         Global Banking and Markets, a global business 
GMB          Group Management Board 
GPB          Global Private Banking, a global business 
GRC          Group Risk Committee 
Group        HSBC Holdings together with its subsidiary undertakings 
G-SIB(1)     Global systemically important bank 
G-SII        Global systemically important institution 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
HKMA           Hong Kong Monetary Authority 
Hong Kong      The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
HSBC           HSBC Holdings together with its subsidiary undertakings 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
IAA(1)         Internal Assessment Approach 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
ICAAP(1)       Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process 
ICG            Individual capital guidance 
IFRSs          International Financial Reporting Standards 
ILAA           Individual Liquidity Adequacy Assessment 
ILR            Inherent Liquidity Risk 
IMA            Internal Models Approach 
IMM(1)         Internal Model Method 
IRB(1) /RBA    Internal ratings based approach 
IRC(1)         Incremental risk charge 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
LCR            Liquidity Coverage Ratio 
LFRF           Liquidity and Funding Risk Framework 
LGD(1)         Loss given default 
Libor          London interbank offered rate 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
MDB(1)         Multilateral Development Bank 
MENA           Middle East and North Africa 
MOC            Model Oversight Committee 
Moody's        Moody's Investor Service 
MREL           Minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
NCOA           Non-credit obligation asset 
NSFR           Net Stable Funding Ratio 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
ORMF           Operational risk management framework 
OTC(1)         Over-the-counter 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
PD(1)          Probability of default 
PFE(1)         Potential future exposure 
PIT(1)         Point-in-time 
PRA(1)         Prudential Regulation Authority (UK) 
PVA(1)         Prudent valuation adjustment 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
QCCP           Qualifying Central Counterparty 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
RAS            Risk appetite statement 
RBM(1)         Ratings Based Method 
RBWM           Retail Bank and Wealth Management, a global business 
-------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Retail IRB(1)  Retail internal ratings based approach 
RMM            Risk Management Meeting of the GMB 
RNIV           Risks not in VaR 
RWA(1)         Risk-weighted asset 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  101 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

----------  -------------------------------------------------- 
SA/STD(1)   Standardised approach 
----------  -------------------------------------------------- 
SA-CCR      Standardised approach for counterparty credit risk 
S&P         Standard and Poor's rating agency 
SFM(1)      Supervisory Formula Method 
SFT(1)      Securities Financing Transactions 
SIC         Securities Investment Conduit 
SME         Small and medium-sized enterprise 
SPE(1)      Special Purpose Entity 
SRB(1)      Systemic Risk Buffer 
SSFA/SFA    Simplified supervisory formula approach 
----------  -------------------------------------------------- 
----------  -------------------------------------------------- 
TLAC(1)     Total Loss Absorbing Capacity 
TTC(1)      Through-the-cycle 
T1 capital  Tier 1 capital 
T2 capital  Tier 2 capital 
----------  -------------------------------------------------- 
UK          United Kingdom 
VaR(1)      Value at risk 
----------  -------------------------------------------------- 
1  Full definition included in the Glossary published on HSBC website www.hsbc.com 
102  HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016 

Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures at 31 December 2016

 Cautionary statement regarding forward 
  looking statements 

The Capital and Risk Management Pillar 3 Disclosures 2016 contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to HSBC's financial condition, results of operations, capital position and business.

Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about HSBC's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Words such as 'expects', 'anticipates', 'intends', 'plans', 'believes', 'seeks', 'estimates', 'potential' and 'reasonably possible', variations of these words and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current plans, estimates and projections, and therefore undue reliance should not be placed on them. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. HSBC makes no commitment to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring or existing after the date of any forward-looking statements.

Written and/or oral forward-looking statements may also be made in the periodic reports to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, summary financial statements to shareholders, proxy statements, offering circulars and prospectuses, press releases and other written materials, and in oral statements made by HSBC's Directors, officers or employees to third parties, including financial analysts.

Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Readers are cautioned that a number of factors could cause actual results to differ, in some instances materially, from those anticipated or implied in any forward-looking statement. These include, but are not limited to:

--  changes in general economic conditions in the markets in which we operate, such as continuing 
     or deepening recessions and fluctuations in employment beyond those factored into consensus 
     forecasts; changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates; volatility in equity markets; 
     lack of liquidity in wholesale funding markets; illiquidity and downward price pressure in 
     national real estate markets; adverse changes in central banks' policies with respect to the 
     provision of liquidity support to financial markets; heightened market concerns over sovereign 
     creditworthiness in over-indebted countries; adverse 

changes in the funding status of public or private defined benefit pensions; and consumer perception as to the continuing availability of credit and price competition in the market segments we serve;

--  changes in government policy and regulation, including the monetary, interest rate and other 
     policies of central banks and other regulatory authorities; initiatives to change the size, 
     scope of activities and interconnectedness of financial institutions in connection with the 
     implementation of stricter regulation of financial institutions in key markets worldwide; 
     revised capital and liquidity benchmarks which could serve to deleverage bank balance sheets 
     and lower returns available from the current business model and portfolio mix; imposition 
     of levies or taxes designed to change business mix and risk appetite; the practices, pricing 
     or responsibilities of financial institutions serving their consumer markets; expropriation, 
     nationalisation, confiscation of assets and changes in legislation relating to foreign ownership; 
     changes in bankruptcy legislation in the principal markets in which we operate and the consequences 
     thereof; general changes in government policy that may significantly influence investor decisions; 
     extraordinary government actions as a result of current market turmoil; other unfavourable 
     political or diplomatic developments producing social instability or legal uncertainty which 
     in turn may affect demand for our products and services; the costs, effects and outcomes of 
     product regulatory reviews, actions or litigation, including any additional compliance requirements; 
     and the effects of competition in the markets where we operate including increased competition 
     from non-bank financial services companies, including securities firms; and 
--        factors specific to HSBC, including discretionary RWA growth and our success in adequately 
           identifying the risks we face, such as the incidence of loan losses or delinquency, and managing 
           those risks (through account management, hedging and other techniques). Effective risk management 
           depends on, among other things, our ability through stress testing and other techniques to 
           prepare for events that cannot be captured by the statistical models it uses; and our success 
           in addressing operational, legal and regulatory, and litigation challenges, notably compliance 
           with the DPA. 

Enquiries relating to HSBC's strategy or operations may be directed to:

 Senior Manager Investor Relations  Head of Investor Relations, Asia-Pacific 
  HSBC Holdings plc                  The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 
  8 Canada Square                    1 Queen's Road Central 
  London E14 5HQ                     Hong Kong 
  United Kingdom 
 Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7991 3643    Telephone: +852 2822 4908 
 Email: investorrelations@hsbc.com  Email: investorrelations@hsbc.com.hk 
       HSBC Holdings plc Pillar 3 2016  103 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

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