By Gabriele Steinhauser 

BRUSSELS--European Union leaders said Thursday they would move to break down barriers in the bloc's energy market and endorsed stronger regulation of national gas-supply contracts, most notably with Russia.

The EU gets around one-third of its natural gas from Russia, with several countries relying almost exclusively on shipments from state-owned gas company OAO Gazprom. The standoff in Ukraine has renewed concerns over gas cutoffs, as happened most recently in 2009, and the diplomatic vulnerabilities created by such dependence. This winter, Russia reduced deliveries to Slovakia by more than half after the country began shipping gas to Ukraine.

At a summit Thursday, leaders said they would work on constructing a so-called energy union, which would allow electricity and gas to flow freely across the 28-country bloc. The European Commission, the EU's executive, has said some of Gazprom's current contracts in Europe are restricting the sale of unused gas to other countries and at times charge unfair prices.

Gazprom couldn't be immediately reached for comment.

"An effective energy union can fundamentally improve the situation in Europe by ensuring cheap, sustainable and secure energy for all states, companies and citizens," said European Council President Donald Tusk, who presided over Thursday's discussion.

To get a better picture of Gazprom's dealings in the bloc, EU leaders on Thursday asked the commission to strengthen transparency requirements for gas deals with suppliers outside the bloc--despite initial resistance from Germany, Hungary and others. Hungary just last month updated its agreement with Russia, a move that, according to Prime Minister Viktor Orban, gave it a better price and better supply terms.

More divisive in discussions ahead of the summit were rules that would also force private companies to share more information on their contracts with Gazprom and other gas suppliers. But Germany, the Netherlands and Finland dropped their objections after getting assurances that commercially sensitive information would remain confidential.

EU officials have said that instead of creating a strong role for the commission for overseeing such contracts--as had been foreseen initially--the bloc could strengthen the powers of national energy regulators and require them to share more information among each other. The commission plans to propose new legislation on the contracts next year; it would then still require signoff from national energy ministers and the European Parliament.

EU leaders also pledged to build new links to transport both gas and electricity across national borders--both to improve security of supply and even out bottlenecks in times of high consumption in one place and overproduction in another.

On Friday, the EU hopes to tackle a more acute supply threat, kicking off another round of talks between Russia and Ukraine on gas shipments beyond March. An EU-mediated deal on gas supplies over the winter expires at the end of the month, raising questions over how Ukraine will be able to fill up its large underground storage facilities over the spring and summer.

According to the commission, Ukraine needs at least 19 billion cubic meters of gas in storage by October, to make sure there is enough for its own consumption and ensure efficient transit to the EU. Ukraine is reluctant to buy gas from Russia, especially if Moscow doesn't further cut prices, and the commission fears that reverse flows from Slovakia, Hungary and Poland won't be enough to fill up the storage.

Ukraine's energy minister said Thursday that he doesn't expect a resolution Friday. "Russia doesn't want to sign any specific document," Volodymyr Demchyshyn said in an interview. He also said that Ukraine wants to almost double the price Gazprom currently pays to ship gas to the EU through the country's ample pipeline network--a demand that will likely rile both Brussels and Moscow.

Sean Carney contributed to this article.

Write to Gabriele Steinhauser at

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