Bankers Petroleum Announces 2015 First Quarter Financial and Operational 
Cash Margin of US$23.32/bbl and Q2 Average Production to Date 19,700 bopd 
CALGARY, May 7, 2015 /CNW/ - Bankers Petroleum Ltd. ("Bankers" or the 
"Company") (TSX: BNK, AIM: BNK) is pleased to provide its 2015 first quarter 
financial and operational results. 
During the quarter, Bankers achieved a cash margin for US$23.32 per barrel and 
netback of US$13.62 per barrel. All amounts listed in this news release are in 
US dollars unless otherwise stated. 
Results at a Glance             Three months ended March 31 
 (US$000s, except as noted)     2015          2014              % change 
  Oil revenue                   72,404        144,985           (50%) 
  Net operating income          24,868        92,491            (73%) 
  Net income                    879           24,992            (96%) 
   Basic (US$/share)            0.003         0.097             (97%) 
   Diluted (US$/share)          0.003         0.095             (97%) 
  Funds generated from          24,890        83,109            (70%) 
   Basic (US$/share)            0.095         0.323             (71%) 
  Capital expenditures          49,945        59,865            (17%) 
  Average production (bopd)     19,767        19,911            (1%) 
  Average sales (bopd)          20,283        18,435            10% 
  Average Brent oil price (US$  53.94         108.21            (50%) 
  Average realized price (US$/  39.66         87.39             (55%) 
  Netback (US$/barrel)          13.62         55.75             (76%) 
                                March 31,     December 31, 2014 March 31, 
                                2015                            2014 
Cash and restricted cash        57,842        73,036            56,172 
Working capital                 174,209       201,325           160,346 
Total assets                    1,264,256     1,284,846         1,077,580 
Long-term debt                  98,872        98,276            98,374 
Shareholders' equity            718,552       716,536           595,918 
Highlights for the quarter ended March 31, 2015 are: 
Operational Highlights: 
  * Average oil production for the three months ended March 31, 2015 was 19,767 
    barrels of oil per day (bopd) compared to 20,338 bopd in the previous 
    quarter and 19,911 bopd in the first quarter of 2014. 
  * Oil sales averaged 20,283 bopd for the first quarter of 2015 compared to 
    20,619 bopd for the previous quarter and 18,435 bopd for the first quarter 
    of 2014. Crude oil inventory at March 31, 2015 decreased to 270,000 barrels 
    compared to 315,500 barrels at December 31, 2014. 
  * During the first quarter of 2015, capital expenditures were $50 million. 
    The Company drilled 21 wells during the quarter, comprised of 20 horizontal 
    production wells and one lateral re-drill in the main area of the 
    Patos-Marinza oilfield. Capital expenditures were $72 million for the 
    previous quarter and $60 million for the first quarter of 2014. During the 
    first quarter of 2015, Bankers reduced its active rig count from three to 
    two in response to low commodity prices. 
Product Margin Highlights: 
  * For the three months ended March 31, 2015, operating costs and sales and 
    transportation (S&T) costs, originating from Albanian-based companies and 
    their employees, were $37 million ($20.48/bbl) compared to $42 million 
    ($21.92/bbl) for the previous quarter and $31 million ($18.41/bbl) for the 
    first quarter of 2014. Overall, operating and S&T costs improved by 5%, on 
    a per barrel basis, from the fourth quarter of 2014 to the first quarter of 
    2015, taking into account the $2.54/bbl impact of excise tax for the first 
    quarter of 2015 compared to $3.10/bbl for the previous quarter. 
  * Net operating income (netback) in the first quarter of 2015 was $25 million 
    ($13.62/bbl) compared to $51 million ($27.01/bbl) for the previous quarter 
    and $92 million ($55.75/bbl) for the first quarter of 2014. 
  * Cash margin for the first quarter of 2015 was $23.32/bbl compared to $31.30 
    /bbl in the previous quarter and $55.75/bbl in the first quarter of 2014. 
    Cash margin represents netback inclusive of the realized gain on commodity 
    contracts and recovery against an outstanding accounts receivable balance. 
Financial Highlights: 
  * For the first quarter of 2015, revenue was $72 million ($39.66/bbl) 
    compared to $109 million ($57.29/bbl) in the previous quarter and $145 
    million ($87.39/bbl) in the first quarter of 2014. Field price realization 
    represented 74% of the Brent oil benchmark price ($53.94/bbl) for the first 
    quarter of 2015 compared to 75% of the Brent oil benchmark price ($76.58/ 
    bbl) in the previous quarter and 81% of the Brent oil benchmark price 
    ($108.21/bbl) in the first quarter of 2014. The reduction as a percentage 
    of Brent compared to the first quarter of 2014 was mainly due to higher 
    domestic sales during the first quarter of 2015. 
  * Royalties to the Albanian Government and related entities during the first 
    quarter of 2015 were $10 million (14% of revenue) compared to $16 million 
    (15% of revenue) for the previous quarter and $22 million (15% of revenue) 
    for the first quarter of 2014. 
  * Funds generated from operations were $25 million ($0.095 per share) for the 
    first quarter of 2015 compared to $23 million ($0.088 per share) for the 
    previous quarter and $83 million ($0.323 per share) for the first quarter 
    of 2014. 
  * The Company continues to maintain a strong financial position at March 31, 
    2015, with cash of $58 million and working capital of $174 million. At 
    March 31, 2015, the Company had drawn $111 million of its $224 million 
    approved credit facilities. Working capital for December 31, 2014 and March 
    31, 2014 was $201 million and $160 million, respectively. 
  * Bankers recognized a $14 million ($7.74/bbl) realized gain on financial 
    commodity contracts during the first quarter of 2015. The financial 
    commodity contracts represent 6,000 bopd at a floor price of $80/bbl of 
    Dated Brent for 2015. At March 31, 2015, the fair value of these contracts 
    was $42 million 
The Company continues to execute on its three part strategy to deliver reliable 
and repeatable low cost horizontal wells through the primary drilling program, 
expanding its product margin through surface-level improvements and accelerate 
the enhanced oil recovery program. 
The second quarter 2015 quarter-to-date average production is 19,700 bopd from 
the Patos-Marinza and Kuçova oilfields in Albania, consistent with the first 
quarter average of 19,767 bopd. 
Bankers intends to drill eleven (11) horizontal wells in the second quarter; 
nine (9) horizontal production wells in the core of the Patos-Marinza field, 
one (1) horizontal production well in Kuçova and one (1) horizontal water 
disposal well. 
Infrastructure and facilities projects in the second quarter include the 
ongoing construction of the northern flow line system, scheduled to be 
completed in the third quarter, the installation of vapor recovery units and 
gas distribution systems to capture and utilize associated gas and the 
electrification of well sites.  Bankers expects to see further cost savings 
throughout 2015 with the maturing of these projects. 
The Company will continue to expand on the polymer and water flood program with 
four (4) planned conversions in the second quarter.  The pace of injector 
conversions will be higher in the second half of 2015, following the 
installation of associated facilities and pipelines, with up to 20 conversions 
in the third and fourth quarters. 
The Company intends to issue the second quarter 2015 operational update and 
host a conference call on Tuesday, July 14, 2015. 
Carbon Dioxide Release - Remediation and Prevention 
Following the carbon dioxide release that occurred on April 1, 2015 during the 
drilling of a horizontal well, Bankers is focused on two main objectives. 
First, coordinate with local community officials to recover the affected area 
and return residents to their normal lives through repair work and appropriate 
compensation for any damages. Secondly, Bankers has undergone a thorough 
technical evaluation of our drilling practices to ensure this does not happen 
again. Bankers operates with world-class operational and safety standards; our 
highest priority is the health and safety of our employees and the residents of 
the communities in which we operate. 
Supporting Documents 
The full Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Financial Statements and 
updated corporate presentation are available on www.bankerspetroleum.com. The 
MD&A and Financial Statements will also be available on www.sedar.com. 
(Unaudited, expressed in thousands of US dollars, except per share amounts) 
                                                        2015       2014 
Revenues                                              $ 72,404   $ 144,985 
Royalties                                               (10,144)   (21,948) 
                                                        62,260     123,037 
Realized gain on financial commodity contracts          14,130     - 
Unrealized loss on financial commodity contracts        (2,039)    (465) 
                                                        74,351     122,572 
Operating expenses                                      23,495     20,170 
Sales and transportation expenses                       13,897     10,376 
General and administrative expenses                     4,652      5,872 
Contract settlement expenses                            355        172 
Depletion and depreciation                              30,119     26,693 
Share-based compensation                                1,182      1,468 
                                                        73,700     64,751 
                                                        651        57,821 
Net finance expense                                     (8,888)    (3,813) 
Income (loss) before income tax                         (8,237)    54,008 
Deferred income tax recovery (expense)                  9,116      (29,016) 
Net income for the period                               879        24,992 
Other comprehensive loss 
Currency translation adjustment                         (1,420)    (234) 
Comprehensive income (loss) for the period            $ (541)    $ 24,758 
Basic earnings per share                              $ 0.003    $ 0.097 
Diluted earnings per share                            $ 0.003    $ 0.095 
(Unaudited, expressed in thousands of US dollars) 
                                                 March 31    December 31 
                                                 2015        2014 
Current assets 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    $  52,251    $ 68,036 
 Restricted cash                                 5,591       5,000 
 Accounts receivable                             61,415      81,612 
 Inventory                                       6,343       10,008 
 Deposits and prepaid expenses                   62,312      62,984 
 Financial commodity contracts                   42,131      44,170 
                                                 230,043     271,810 
Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                   1,025,558   1,004,508 
 Exploration and evaluation assets               8,655       8,528 
                                              $  1,264,256 $ 1,284,846 
Current liabilities 
 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities     $  46,872    $ 69,285 
 Current portion of long-term debt               8,962       1,200 
                                                 55,834      70,485 
Non-current liabilities 
 Long-term debt                                  98,872      98,276 
 Decommissioning obligation                      26,712      26,147 
 Deferred tax liabilities                        364,286     373,402 
                                                 545,704     568,310 
Share capital                                    364,073     363,670 
Contributed surplus                              88,563      86,409 
Currency translation reserve                     2,990       4,410 
Retained earnings                                262,926     262,047 
                                                 718,552     716,536 
                                               $ 1,264,256 $ 1,284,846 
(Unaudited, expressed in thousands of US dollars) 
                                                                 2015       2014 
Cash provided by (used in): 
Operating activities 
 Net income for the period                                     $ 879      $ 24,992 
 Depletion and depreciation                                      30,119     26,693 
 Accretion of long-term debt                                     250        451 
 Accretion of decommissioning obligation                         315        274 
 Unrealized foreign exchange gain                                (778)      (45) 
 Deferred income tax recovery (expense)                          (9,116)    29,016 
 Share-based compensation                                        1,182      1,468 
 Discount and revaluation of long-term receivable                -          (205) 
 Unrealized loss on financial commodity contracts                2,039      465 
                                                                 24,890     83,109 
 Change in non-cash working capital                              7,839      (2,759) 
                                                                 32,729     80,350 
Investing activities 
 Additions to property, plant and equipment                      (49,818)   (59,848) 
 Additions to exploration and evaluation assets                  (127)      (17) 
 Restricted cash                                                 (591)      2,109 
 Change in non-cash working capital                              (5,718)    804 
                                                                 (56,254)   (56,952) 
Financing activities 
 Issue of shares for cash                                        211        3,848 
 Financing costs                                                 -          (433) 
 Change in long-term debt                                        7,762      (296) 
                                                                 7,973      3,119 
Foreign exchange gain (loss) on cash and cash equivalents        (233)      58 
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                 (15,785)   26,575 
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                   68,036     24,597 
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                       $ 52,251   $ 51,172 
Interest paid                                                  $ 45       $ 73 
Interest received                                              $ 96       $ 222 
(Unaudited, expressed in thousands of US dollars, except number of common 
                                 Number of                           Currency 
                                 common                 Contributed  translation  Retained 
                                 shares       Share     surplus      reserve      earnings   Total 
Balance at December 31, 2013     255,681,911 $ 340,305 $    84,811  $  6,345     $ 133,214 $ 564,675 
Share-based compensation         -             -            2,637      -           -         2,637 
Options exercised                1,649,694     5,634        (2,344)    -           -         3,290 
Warrants exercised               200,000       777          (219)      -           -         558 
Net income for the period        -             -            -          -           24,992    24,992 
Currency translation adjustment  -             -            -          (234)       -         (234) 
Balance at March 31, 2014        257,531,605 $ 346,716 $    84,885  $  6,111     $ 158,206 $ 595,918 
Share-based compensation         -             -            8,403      -           -         8,403 
Options exercised                3,352,788     16,170       (6,660)    -           -         9,510 
Warrants exercised               200,000       784          (219)      -           -         565 
Net income for the period        -             -            -          -           103,841   103,841 
Currency translation adjustment  -             -            -          (1,701)     -         (1,701) 
Balance at December 31, 2014     261,084,393 $ 363,670 $    86,409  $  4,410     $ 262,047 $ 716,536 
Share-based compensation         -             -            2,346      -           -         2,346 
Options exercised                100,000       403          (192)      -           -         211 
Net income for the period        -             -            -          -           879       879 
Currency translation adjustment  -             -            -          (1,420)     -         (1,420) 
Balance at March 31, 2015        261,184,393 $ 364,073 $    88,563  $  2,990     $ 262,926 $ 718,552 
Caution Regarding Forward-looking Information 
Information in this news release respecting matters such as the expected future 
production levels from wells, future prices and netback, work plans, 
anticipated total oil recovery of the Patos-Marinza and Kuçova oilfields 
constitute forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking 
information express, as at the date of this news release, the Company's plans, 
estimates, forecasts, projections, expectations, or beliefs as to future events 
or results and are believed to be reasonable based on information currently 
available to the Company. 
Exploration for oil is a speculative business that involves a high degree of 
risk. The Company's expectations for its Albanian operations and plans are 
subject to a number of risks in addition to those inherent in oil production 
operations, including: that Brent oil prices could fall resulting in reduced 
returns and a change in the economics of the project; availability of 
financing; delays associated with equipment procurement, equipment failure and 
the lack of suitably qualified personnel; the inherent uncertainty in the 
estimation of reserves; exports from Albania being disrupted due to unplanned 
disruptions; and changes in the political or economic environment. 
Production and netback forecasts are based on a number of assumptions including 
that the rate and cost of well takeovers, well reactivations and well 
recompletions of the past will continue and success rates will be similar to 
those rates experienced for previous well recompletions/reactivations/ 
development; that further wells taken over and recompleted will produce at 
rates similar to the average rate of production achieved from wells 
recompletions/reactivations/development in the past; continued availability of 
the necessary equipment, personnel and financial resources to sustain the 
Company's planned work program; continued political and economic stability in 
Albania; the existence of reserves as expected; the continued release by 
Albpetrol of areas and wells pursuant to the Plan of Development and Addendum; 
the absence of unplanned disruptions; the ability of the Company to 
successfully drill new wells and bring production to market; and general risks 
inherent in oil and gas operations. 
Forward-looking statements and information are based on assumptions that 
financing, equipment and personnel will be available when required and on 
reasonable terms, none of which are assured and are subject to a number of 
other risks and uncertainties described under "Risk Factors" in the Company's 
Annual Information Form and Management's Discussion and Analysis, which are 
available on SEDAR under the Company's profile at www.sedar.com. 
There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be 
accurate. Actual results and future events could differ materially from those 
anticipated in such statements. Readers should not place undue reliance on 
forward-looking information and forward looking statements. 
About Bankers Petroleum Ltd. 
Bankers Petroleum Ltd. is a Canadian-based oil and gas exploration and 
production company focused on developing large oil and gas reserves. In 
Albania, Bankers operates and has the full rights to develop the Patos-Marinza 
heavy oilfield, has a 100% interest in the Kuçova oilfield, and a 100% interest 
in Exploration Block "F". Bankers' shares are traded on the Toronto Stock 
Exchange and the AIM Market in London, England under the stock symbol BNK. 
David French, President and Chief Executive Officer, 403-513-6930; Doug Urch, 
Executive VP, Finance and Chief Financial Officer, 403-513-2691; Laura Bechtel, 
Investor Relations Analyst, 403-513-3428, Email: 
investorrelations@bankerspetroleum.com, Website: www.bankerspetroleum.com; AIM 
NOMAD: Canaccord Genuity Limited, Henry Fitzgerald-O'Connor, +44 0 207 523 
8000; AIM BROKER: FirstEnergy Capital LLP, Hugh Sanderson / David van Erp, +44 
0 207 448 0200 

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