RNS Number : 7518P

Asian Growth Properties Limited

21 August 2014

21 August 2014

Asian Growth Properties Limited

Immediate Release

Results for the period ended 30 June 2014

Asian Growth Properties Limited (the "Company") (AIM Stock Code: AGP), the Hong Kong based China property development and investment company, announces its unaudited condensed consolidated results for the period ended 30 June 2014 as follows:

Financial Highlights

n Profit attributable to the Company's shareholders of HK$297.5 million (GBP22.4 million) (2013: HK$277.3 million (GBP23.5 million))

n Profit attributable to the Company's shareholders (excluding revaluation surplus net of deferred tax) was HK$65.1 million (GBP4.9 million) (2013: HK$125.3 million (GBP10.6 million))

n Earnings per share for profit attributable to the Company's shareholders of HK33.6 cents (2.5 pence) (2013: HK31.3 cents (2.6 pence))

n Net asset value per share attributable to the Company's shareholders as at 30 June 2014 of HK$14.4 (108.4 pence) (31 December 2013: HK$14.1 (110.0 pence))

   n    Geographical location of the Group's property assets were as follow: 
                 30 June 2014          31 December 2013 
----------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
 Hong Kong   HK$9,838.6 million      HK$9,637.8 million 
              (GBP740.7 million)      (GBP751.9 million) 
 Mainland    HK$4,435.0 million      HK$4,355.5 million 
  China       (GBP333.9 million)      (GBP339.8 million) 
----------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
 Total       HK$14,273.6 million     HK$13,993.3 million 
              (GBP1,074.6 million)    (GBP1,091.7 million) 
==========  ======================  ====================== 
   n    Gearing ratio of 8.4% (31 December 2013: 8.9%) 

Operational Highlights

n Increased gross rental income generated from Dah Sing Financial Centre in Hong Kong and its occupancy rate remains high.

   n    The hotel operation results of Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Causeway Bay were satisfactory. 

n Major mixed use development projects in Chengdu and Kaifeng, Mainland China are progressing. Site formation works for Phase I of Chengdu project have been completed and superstructure works for Phase IA of Kaifeng project are in progress.


1. Figures in Pounds Sterling are translated from Hong Kong dollars based upon the exchange rates prevailing on the latest practicable business day of the respective accounting periods. The relevant exchange rates adopted are stated as follows:

 For 30 June       GBP1 = HK$13.2822; and 
 For 31 December   GBP1 = HK$12.8184; and 
 For 30 June       GBP1 = HK$11.8152 

2. For Shareholders' information, the exchange rate on 20 August 2014 was GBP1 = HK$12.8950


The results included in this announcement are extracted from the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2014, which have been approved by the Board of Directors on 21 August 2014.

The 2014 Interim Report is expected to be posted to shareholders and holders of depositary interests in late September 2014.

For further information, please contact:

 Lu Wing Chi               TEL: +852 2828 
 Executive Director 
 Asian Growth Properties 
 Richard Gray                  TEL: +44 207 886 
 Andrew Potts 
 Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited 
 (Nominated Advisor) 


   1.     Chairman's Review; 
   2.     Executive Directors' Review; 
   3.     Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss; 
   4.     Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income; 
   5.     Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position; 
   6.     Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity; 
   7.     Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows; and 
   8.     Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. 

This announcement can also be viewed on the Company's website at:



I am pleased to present the unaudited consolidated financial results of Asian Growth Properties Limited ("AGP" or the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") for the first six months of 2014 to the shareholders of the Company.


AGP reported a profit attributable to the Company's shareholders of HK$297.5 million (GBP22.4 million) for the six months ended 30 June 2014 (2013: HK$277.3 million (GBP23.5 million)). The reported profit included a revaluation surplus on investment properties net of deferred taxation of HK$232.4 million (GBP17.5 million) (2013: HK$152.0 million (GBP12.9 million)). By excluding the net effect of such surplus, the Group's net profit attributable to the Company's shareholders was HK$65.1 million (GBP4.9 million) (2013: HK$125.3 million (GBP10.6 million)).

As at 30 June 2014, the Group's equity attributable to the Company's shareholders amounted to HK$12,715.5 million (GBP957.3 million) (31 December 2013: HK$12,458.7 million (GBP971.9 million)). The net asset value per share as at 30 June 2014 was HK$14.4 (108.4 pence) as compared with HK$14.1 (110.0 pence) as at 31 December 2013.

Figures in Pounds Sterling are translated from Hong Kong dollars based upon the exchange rates prevailing on the latest practicable business day of the respective accounting periods.


During the period ended 30 June 2014, the Group has continued the development of various property projects in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

The rental income from investment properties situated in both Hong Kong and Mainland China continue to provide stable returns to the Group. Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Causeway Bay has also performed satisfactorily with improvements in room rate as compared to last year.

For details of the Group's operations, please refer to the Executive Directors' Review.


U.S. monetary policy will continue to affect the global economy which should contribute to the economic recovery in the near term. With the exception of the UK, many European economies are experiencing weakness in GDP growth and output and whilst the U.S. Government has started tapering quantitative easing and interest rates may begin to rise in the UK shortly, other major central banks continue to keep low or near zero interest rates which are a necessity to help to improve economic growth. Thus, interest rates are likely to stay at historically low levels for some time to come.

The Chinese President, Mr. Xi Jin Ping, has been consolidating his hold on power with a massive anti-corruption drive. With a slowdown of property pricing growth in many of the regions in Mainland China, economic growth has been slowing down this year. In the past month, there has been some easing of property ownership restrictions and the cost of borrowing money in the bond market has reduced which has relieved the largest and best run property companies from the tight liquidity in the capital markets. In the absence of any major upset within the ruling politburo with retirees, the Group believes that the market in Mainland China will remain relatively steady.

The Group continues to press on with its development projects but will be cautious about the phasing of the development. Our investment properties continue to perform well and are providing stable income to the Group.

Interim Dividend

The Board does not propose the payment of an interim dividend for the period ended 30 June 2014 (2013: Nil).

Change of Directors

On 19 March 2014, Messrs. Lincoln Lu and Sing Tai Lam were appointed as Executive and Non-Executive Directors of the Company and on 30 July 2014, Mr. John David Orchard Fulton was appointed as Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company. The Board would like to extend its warmest welcome to them to join the Board.

On 28 May 2014, Mr. Donald Ian Fletcher resigned as Non-Executive Director of the Company. The Board would like to express its gratitude for his valuable contribution to the Company since 2004.


The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank the executive and management team for the execution of the Board's strategy and their ongoing support.

Richard Prickett

Non-Executive Chairman

Hong Kong, 21 August 2014



Turnover for the six months ended 30 June 2014 amounted to HK$327.3 million (GBP24.6 million) (2013: HK$485.7 million (GBP41.1 million)). The turnover was principally attributable to the recognition of rental income from investment properties and revenue from hotel operation.

Profit attributable to the Company's shareholders for the period amounted to HK$297.5 million (GBP22.4 million) (2013: HK$277.3 million (GBP23.5 million)), equivalent to a basic earnings per share of HK33.6 cents (2.5 pence) (2013: HK31.3 cents (2.6 pence)). The reported profit included a revaluation surplus on investment properties net of deferred taxation of HK$232.4 million (GBP17.5 million) (2013: HK$152.0 million (GBP12.9 million)). By excluding the effect of such surplus, the Group's net profit attributable to the Company's shareholders was HK$65.1 million (GBP4.9 million) (2013: HK$125.3 million (GBP10.6 million)), equivalent to HK7.3 cents (0.5 pence) (2013: HK14.1 cents (1.2 pence)) per share.

As at 30 June 2014, the Group's equity attributable to the Company's shareholders amounted to HK$12,715.5 million (GBP957.3 million) (31 December 2013: HK$12,458.7 million (GBP971.9 million)). The net asset value per share attributable to the Company's shareholders as at 30 June 2014 was HK$14.4 (108.4 pence) as compared with HK$14.1 (110.0 pence) as at 31 December 2013.

For Shareholders' information, figures in Pounds Sterling are translated from Hong Kong dollars based upon the exchange rates prevailing on the latest practicable business day of the respective accounting years and the relevant exchange rates adopted are stated as follows:

   For 30 June 2014:                    GBP1 = HK$13.2822; and 
   For 31 December 2013:          GBP1 = HK$12.8184; and 
   For 30 June 2013:                   GBP1 = HK$11.8152 


Property Investment and Development

The Group continues to focus on its development and investment projects in Hong Kong and Mainland China. It is the Group's approach to review and optimise the project portfolios from time to time. The Group's core projects located in Hong Kong and Mainland China are listed below.

Hong Kong

The office leasing market was stable during the period. With several tenancies of Dah Sing Financial Centre, a 39-storey commercial building, being renewed at market rates, rental income received during the period increased. The occupancy rate of Dah Sing Financial Centre remains at a high level of approximately 90% as at 30 June 2014.

The negotiation of land premium with the Government for the development project at Fo Tan is in progress. This development project has a site area of approximately 20,000 square metres and envisages, among other facilities, residential units, car parks, educational facilities and a bus terminus. The foundation work of the project has been completed and advanced pile cap work is in progress.

Mainland China

Chengdu, Sichuan Province

During the period, the occupancy rate for the two 30-storey office towers of Plaza Central remained at a high level and its retail podium with a gross floor area of about 29,000 square metres is fully let principally to Chengdu New World Department Store on a long-term lease. As at 30 June 2014, the aggregate occupancy rate for the two office towers and the retail podium was approximately 93%. Leasing activities for the remaining areas of Plaza Central continue.

The shopping arcade of New Century Plaza with a gross floor area of about 16,300 square metres is fully let to a furniture retailer on a medium-term lease.

The master layout plan of the Longquan project (known as "Chengdu Nova City"), which has a site area of 506,000 square metres, was approved by the local government in January 2014. Preliminary site works and site formation works for Phase I of the project have been completed. Superstructure works for Phase I are scheduled to commence in the fourth quarter of 2014.

Kaifeng, Henan Province

The Kaifeng project, known as "Kaifeng Nova City", is situated in Zheng-Kai District, a new town in Kaifeng and envisages shopping mall, premium offices, exhibition hall, hotel, serviced apartments and residential towers. This project has a site area of 735,000 square metres and for providing better living environment, the gross floor area of the development will vary from 2,000,000 to 2,500,000 square metres only. The master layout plan has been approved by the local government and foundation work for Phase I of the residential has been completed. The superstructure works for Phase IA of the residential are in progress and scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2015. Pre-sale consent for Phase IA was issued and the sales program has commenced.

Guangzhou, Guangdong Province

As at 30 June 2014, the occupancy rate of the 14-storey office tower of Westmin Plaza Phase II of about 16,100 square metres was approximately 91% with more than one-third of the total office space being leased to AIA. Leasing activities for the 3-storey shopping arcade of Westmin Plaza Phase II with a total gross floor area of about 26,400 square metres are in progress.

Huangshan, Anhui Province

The project in Huangshan has a site area of about 337,000 square metres comprising of development land of about 117,000 square metres and landscape land of 220,000 square metres. The master layout plan for the development of the project comprising a hotel, serviced apartments and resort villas in the integrated resort site has been approved by the local government and site formation work for phase I of the project is planned to commence in the fourth quarter of 2014.

Chi Shan, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

The Group has established two 51%-owned joint venture companies to participate in the tenant relocation arrangements and excavation and infrastructure works on certain pieces of land in Chi Shan. The Group intends to acquire such lands through land auctions by different stages.

Hotel Operation

Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Causeway Bay is a 29-storey five-star hotel comprising 263 guest rooms with ancillary facilities and is managed by the InterContinental Hotels Group. It has achieved satisfactory occupancy and room rates for the period under review.


The Company and South-East Asia Investment And Agency Company, Limited ("SEAI"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of S E A Holdings Limited (the holding company of the Company), had entered into a Management Agreement on 18th September 2006 (the "Management Agreement") for the appointment of SEAI as manager for the provision of corporate, project and property management services to the Group. The Management Agreement was terminated with effect from 1st January 2014.

Subsequent to the termination of the Management Agreement and the consideration of alternative structures to provide the necessary resources to the Group, the Company and various subsidiaries of the Company (together, the "AGP Service Recipients") entered into an agreement with SEAI on 29 July 2014 whereby in consideration of SEAI making available its personnel and facilities to the Group, the AGP Service Recipients agreed to pay their proportionate share of the costs incurred by SEAI (the "Net Costs") for the use of SEAI's personnel and facilities from 1 January 2014.

The Net Costs is the proportion of staff costs and indirect costs to be borne by the AGP Service Recipients and will be calculated by reference to the time spent by SEAI's personnel on the services to each of the AGP Service Recipients (with a mark-up of 5%), plus the reimbursable costs incurred by SEAI on behalf of the AGP Service Recipients (on a dollar-for-dollar basis). Each of the AGP Service Recipients should bear and pay its proportion of the Net Costs.


As at 30 June 2014, the Group's total cash balance was HK$2,273.0 million (GBP171.1 million) (31 December 2013: HK$1,766.4 million (GBP137.8 million)) and unutilised facilities were HK$1,452.5 million (GBP109.4 million) (31 December 2013: HK$855.0 million (GBP66.7 million)).

The gearing ratio as at 30 June 2014, calculated on the basis of net interest bearing debts minus cash and restricted and pledged deposits as a percentage of total property assets, was 8.4% (31 December 2013: 8.9%).

As at 30 June 2014, the maturity of the Group's outstanding borrowings was as follows:

                               30 June 2014  31 December 2013 
                               HK$' million      HK$' million 
----------------  -------------------------  ---------------- 
Within 1 year                         422.5           1,291.8 
1-2 years                           1,350.8             395.2 
3-5 years                           1,102.7           1,082.9 
Over 5 years                          608.4             256.6 
----------------  -------------------------  ---------------- 
                                    3,484.4           3,026.5 
Less: Front-end 
 fee                                 (18.6)            (13.7) 
----------------  -------------------------  ---------------- 
                                    3,465.8           3,012.8 
================  =========================  ================ 

Pledge of Assets

For the Company's subsidiaries operating in Hong Kong and Mainland China, the total bank loans drawn as at 30 June 2014 amounted to HK$3,465.8 million (31 December 2013: HK$3,012.8 million) which comprise secured bank loans of HK$3,315.8 million (31 December 2013: HK$2,894.8 million) and unsecured bank loans of HK$150.0 million (31 December 2013: HK$118.0 million). The secured bank loans were secured by properties valued at HK$11,715.3 million (31 December 2013: HK$11,343.7 million) and note receivables of HK$54.3 million (31 December 2013: HK$54.3 million).

Treasury Policies

The Group adheres to prudent treasury policies. As at 30 June 2014, all of the Group's borrowings were raised through its wholly-owned or substantially controlled subsidiaries on a non-recourse basis.

International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs")

The Group has adopted IFRSs and the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements accompanying this Review have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs.


Mainland China's economy is expected to maintain steady growth in this year. With the actual achieved GDP growth of 7.4% for the first half of year 2014, China is on track to achieve its target of doubling the GDP from year 2010 to year 2020. Amending certain policies such as relaxing the one-child policy and abolition of dual-household registration system will boost the domestic housing demand in the long run.

In Hong Kong, the property market has remained relatively stable with some diminution in land values but ever increasing development construction costs. Interest rates remain low and sales of newly built flats are attracting the best take up in the past six months. However, it remains to be seen what impact the "Occupy Central Movement" will have on Hong Kong's business confidence. The polarization of the democrat camp and that of the "Anti-occupy Central Movement" with their differing stance on the appointment of new Hong Kong Chief Executive could impact the property market adversely in the latter part of the year.

Negotiation of the land premium of our Fo Tan project is still in progress. This is a lengthy process with the Government and the Group is expecting a more realistic land premium to be offered. For the Kaifeng project, the pre-sales for Phase IA of the residential development has commenced and will continue during the year.

On behalf of the Executive Directors

Lu Wing Chi

Executive Director

Hong Kong, 21 August 2014



                                                   Six months ended 
                                                        30 June 
                                  NOTES               2014               2013 
                                                   HK$'000            HK$'000 
                                               (unaudited)        (unaudited) 
 Revenue                            4              327,274            485,698 
 Interest income                                     7,590              8,772 
 Other income                                        4,693              8,167 
 Property and related costs         5             (22,868)          (110,364) 
 Staff costs                                      (43,176)           (41,188) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                    (37,317)           (42,424) 
 Other expenses                     6            (109,246)          (134,127) 
                                                     - - -              - - - 
                                                     - - -              - - - 
                                                     - - -              - - - 
                                                         -                  - 
                                                 (212,607)          (328,103) 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
 Profit from operations 
  before fair value changes 
  on properties                                    126,950            174,534 
 Fair value changes on 
  investment properties                            240,840            162,700 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
 Profit from operations 
  after fair value changes 
  on properties                                    367,790            337,234 
 Gain on disposal of assets 
  classified as held 
  for sale                                               -             21,640 
 Finance costs                      7             (41,366)           (38,349) 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
 Profit before taxation             8              326,424            320,525 
 Income tax expense                 9             (31,469)           (44,365) 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
 Profit for the period                             294,955            276,160 
                                                 =========          ========= 
 Attributable to: 
 Company's shareholders                            297,514            277,309 
 Non-controlling interests                         (2,559)            (1,149) 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
                                                   294,955            276,160 
                                                 =========          ========= 
                                                  HK cents           HK cents 
 Earnings per share for 
  profit attributable to 
  the Company's shareholders       10 
   - Basic                                            33.6               31.3 
                                                 =========          ========= 
 Earnings per share excluding 
  fair value changes on 
  properties net of deferred 
   - Basic                         10                  7.3               14.1 
                                                 =========          ========= 



                                                   Six months ended 
                                                        30 June 
                                                      2014               2013 
                                                   HK$'000            HK$'000 
                                               (unaudited)        (unaudited) 
 Profit for the period                             294,955            276,160 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
 Other comprehensive (expense) 
 Items that may be subsequently 
  reclassified to profit or loss: 
 Exchange differences arising 
  on translation of foreign operations            (41,206)             70,915 
 Release of translation reserve 
  upon disposal of assets classified 
  as held for sale                                       -            (2,480) 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
                                                  (41,206)             68,435 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                                   253,749            344,595 
                                                 =========          ========= 
 Total comprehensive income 
  (expense) attributable to: 
 Company's shareholders                            256,794            344,866 
 Non-controlling interests                         (3,045)              (271) 
                                          ----------------   ---------------- 
                                                   253,749            344,595 
                                                 =========          ========= 


AT 30 JUNE 2014

                                     NOTES          30.6.2014         31.12.2013 
                                                      HK$'000            HK$'000 
                                                  (unaudited)          (audited) 
 Non-current assets 
 Investment properties                12            9,965,163         10,216,706 
 Property, plant and equipment        12            1,461,026          1,016,607 
 Properties for development           13            1,283,623          1,350,813 
 loans receivable                                       5,876              7,072 
 Note receivables                                      54,251             54,279 
 Other receivable                     14              381,143            384,794 
 Restricted bank deposits                               6,299              6,360 
                                             ----------------   ---------------- 
                                                   13,157,381         13,036,631 
                                             ----------------   ---------------- 
 Current assets 
 Properties held for sale 
 Completed properties                                 479,785            484,531 
 Properties under development                       1,122,128            966,684 
 Other inventories                                      1,026              1,119 
 loans receivable                                         417                463 
 Trade receivables, deposits 
  and prepayments                     15              120,323            124,536 
 Tax recoverable                                          921                940 
 Amounts due from non-controlling 
  interests                           16                  900                265 
 Bank balances and cash                             2,266,721          1,760,007 
                                             ----------------   ---------------- 
                                                    3,992,221          3,338,545 
                                             ----------------   ---------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Payables, deposits and 
  accrued charges                     17              314,719            290,079 
 Sales deposits                                        28,662                  - 
 Tax liabilities                                      137,280            133,024 
 Amounts due to non-controlling 
  interests                           16               98,893             96,985 
 Bank borrowings - due 
  within one year                     18              421,600          1,290,658 
                                             ----------------   ---------------- 
                                                    1,001,154          1,810,746 
                                             ----------------   ---------------- 
 Net current assets                                 2,991,067          1,527,799 
                                             ----------------   ---------------- 
 Total assets less current 
  liabilities                                      16,148,448         14,564,430 
                                                    =========          ========= 


AT 30 JUNE 2014

                                NOTES          30.6.2014         31.12.2013 
                                                 HK$'000            HK$'000 
                                             (unaudited)          (audited) 
 Capital and reserves 
 Share capital                   19              345,204            345,204 
 Reserves                                     12,370,275         12,113,481 
                                        ----------------   ---------------- 
 Equity attributable to 
  the Company's shareholders                  12,715,479         12,458,685 
 Non-controlling interests                        54,661             57,706 
                                        ----------------   ---------------- 
 Total equity                                 12,770,140         12,516,391 
                                        ----------------   ---------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Bank borrowings - due 
  after one year                 18            3,044,182          1,722,108 
 Deferred taxation               20              334,126            325,931 
                                        ----------------   ---------------- 
                                               3,378,308          2,048,039 
                                        ----------------   ---------------- 
                                              16,148,448         14,564,430 
                                               =========          ========= 



                                                             Attributable to the Company's 
                               Share               Share         Translation               Other           Retained                         controlling 
                             capital             premium             reserve            reserves            profits              Total        interests            Total 
                             HK$'000             HK$'000             HK$'000             HK$'000            HK$'000            HK$'000          HK$'000          HK$'000 
At 1 January 
 2013 (audited)              345,204           4,836,225             404,870             766,370          5,508,688         11,861,357           57,995       11,919,352 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
Profit for 
 the period                        -                   -                   -                   -            277,309            277,309          (1,149)          276,160 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
 arising on 
 of foreign 
 operations                        -                   -              70,037                   -                  -             70,037              878           70,915 
Release of 
 reserve upon 
 disposal of 
 as held for 
 sale                              -                   -             (2,480)                   -                  -            (2,480)                -          (2,480) 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
 income for 
 the period                        -                   -              67,557                   -                  -             67,557              878           68,435 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
 for the period                    -                   -              67,557                   -            277,309            344,866            (271)          344,595 
                     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
At 30 June 
 (unaudited)                 345,204           4,836,225             472,427             766,370          5,785,997         12,206,223           57,724       12,263,947 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
Profit for 
 the period                        -                   -                   -                   -            197,234            197,234            1,866          199,100 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
 arising on 
 of foreign 
 operations                        -                   -              55,228                   -                  -             55,228              682           55,910 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
 income for 
 the period                        -                   -              55,228                   -                  -             55,228              682           55,910 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
 income for 
 the period                        -                   -              55,228                   -            197,234            252,462            2,548          255,010 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
Dividends paid 
 interests                         -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -          (2,566)          (2,566) 
                     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
At 31 December 
 2013 (audited)              345,204           4,836,225             527,655             766,370          5,983,231         12,458,685           57,706       12,516,391 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
Profit for 
 the period                        -                   -                   -                   -            297,514            297,514          (2,559)          294,955 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
 arising on 
 of foreign 
 operations                        -                   -            (40,720)                   -                  -           (40,720)            (486)         (41,206) 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
 expense for 
 the period                        -                   -            (40,720)                   -                  -           (40,720)            (486)         (41,206) 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                 - -                 - -                 - -                 - -                - -                - -              - -              - - 
                                   -                   -                   -                   -                  -                  -                -                - 
 for the period                    -                   -            (40,720)                   -            297,514            256,794          (3,045)          253,749 
                     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------    ---------------    ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
At 30 June 
 (unaudited)                 345,204           4,836,225             486,935             766,370          6,280,745         12,715,479           54,661       12,770,140 
                           =========           =========           =========           =========          =========          =========        =========        ========= 

Other reserves comprise (i) a discount on acquisition/assumption of certain assets and liabilities from the intermediate holding company, S E A Holdings Limited ("SEA") and the excess of the consideration over the market closing price of the shares issued for the acquisition. The amounts attributable to those assets and liabilities derecognised in subsequent years will be recognised in profit or loss; and (ii) the excess of the consideration paid for acquisition of an additional interest in a subsidiary from a non-controlling shareholder over the carrying amount of the non-controlling interests acquired.



                                                  Six months ended 
                                                       30 June 
                                                     2014               2013 
                                                  HK$'000            HK$'000 
                                              (unaudited)        (unaudited) 
 Net cash from operating activities                68,536            118,714 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                                     (771)              (923) 
 Net proceeds received on disposal 
  of property, plant and equipment                     30                 64 
 Consideration received on disposal 
  of assets classified as held 
  for sale                                              -             21,250 
 Acquisition of and additional 
  costs on properties for development            (29,520)           (45,003) 
 Increase in bank deposits                      (214,166)          (327,607) 
 Pledged bank deposits refunded                         -             59,295 
 Bank deposits refunded                           455,340                  - 
 Increase in other receivable                     (2,826)            (7,213) 
 Decrease in loans receivable                       1,242              1,367 
 Interest received                                 15,697              9,605 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
 Net cash from (used in) investing 
  activities                                      225,026          (289,165) 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
 Financing activities 
 Draw down of bank loans                        1,631,697            467,265 
 Repayments of bank loans                     (1,165,881)          (100,955) 
 Payment of front-end fee                         (7,500)            (2,100) 
 Advances from non-controlling 
  interests                                         2,837                195 
 Advances to non-controlling 
  interests                                         (635)              (929) 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
 Net cash from financing activities               460,518            363,476 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                     754,080            193,025 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  beginning of period                           1,304,667          1,330,574 
 Effect of foreign exchange 
  rate changes                                    (6,192)              9,442 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of period                                 2,052,555          1,533,041 
                                                =========          ========= 
 Represented by: 
 Bank balance and cash                          2,266,721          1,854,423 
  Less: Fixed deposits with original 
   maturity date more than 3 months             (214,166)          (321,382) 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
                                                2,052,555          1,533,041 
                                                =========          ========= 



   1.         GENERAL 

The Company is a public company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability and its shares are admitted for trading on the AIM Market of London Stock Exchange plc.

The Company acts as an investment holding company. The principal subsidiaries of the Company are engaged in property investment, property development and the operation of a hotel.


The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (the "IASB").


The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except for investment properties, which are measured at fair values, as appropriate.

Except as described below, the accounting policies and methods of computation used in the condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2014 are the same as those followed in the preparation of the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013.

In the current interim period, the Group has applied, for the first time, the following interpretation and amendments to International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") issued by the IASB and the IFRS Interpretations Committee of IASB that are relevant for the preparation of the Group's condensed consolidated financial statements.

 Amendments to IFRS   Investment Entities 
  IFRS 12 and IAS 
 Amendments to IAS    Offsetting Financial Assets 
  32                   and Financial Liabilities 
 Amendments to IAS    Recoverable Amount Disclosures 
  36                   for Non-Financial Assets 
 Amendments to IAS    Novation of Derivatives and 
  39                   Continuation of Hedge Accounting 
 IFRIC - Int 21       Levies 

The application of the above interpretation and amendments to IFRSs in the current interim period has had no material effect on the amounts reported in these condensed consolidated financial statements and/or disclosures set out in these condensed consolidated financial statements.


Information reported to the executive directors of the Company, being the chief operating decision makers, for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance is mainly focused on the property development, property investment and hotel operation. No operating segments identified by the chief operating decision makers have been aggregated in arriving at the reportable segments of the Group.

Property investment and development activities are in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") whereas the hotel operation is in Hong Kong.

The following is an analysis of the Group's revenue and results by reportable segment:

Six months ended 30 June 2014

                          Property          Property             Hotel 
                       development        investment         operation      Eliminations      Consolidated 
                           HK$'000           HK$'000           HK$'000           HK$'000           HK$'000 
External sales                 520           195,311           131,443                 -           327,274 
Inter-segment                    -                 -                 -                 -                 - 
                  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total                          520           195,311           131,443                 -           327,274 
                         =========         =========         =========         =========         ========= 
Segment (loss) 
 profit                   (64,131)           388,848            38,593                             363,310 
                         =========         =========         ========= 
Interest income                                                                                      7,590 
 income less 
 expenses                                                                                          (3,110) 
Finance costs                                                                                     (41,366) 
Profit before 
 taxation                                                                                          326,424 

Six months ended 30 June 2013

                          Property          Property             Hotel 
                       development        investment         operation      Eliminations      Consolidated 
                           HK$'000           HK$'000           HK$'000           HK$'000           HK$'000 
External sales             177,000           185,984           122,714                 -           485,698 
 sales                           -               290                 -             (290)                 - 
                  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Total                      177,000           186,274           122,714             (290)           485,698 
                         =========         =========         =========         =========         ========= 
Segment profit              58,301           273,640            18,878                             350,819 
                         =========         =========         ========= 
Interest income                                                                                      8,772 
 income less 
 expenses                                                                                            (717) 
Finance costs                                                                                     (38,349) 
Profit before 
 taxation                                                                                          320,525 

Inter-segment sales are at mutually agreed terms.

   4.         SEGMENT INFORMATION - continued 

The Group does not allocate interest income, corporate income less expenses and finance costs to individual reportable segment profit or loss for the purposes of resource allocation and performance assessment by the chief operating decision makers.

The accounting policies adopted in preparing the reportable segment information are the same as the Group's accounting policies.

No segment assets and liabilities are presented as the information is not reportable to the chief operating decision makers in the resource allocation and assessment of performance.

                                             Six months ended 
                                                  30 June 
                                                2014               2013 
                                             HK$'000            HK$'000 
 Changes in completed properties 
  held for sale                                  613             83,078 
 Selling and marketing expenses                1,116              3,405 
 Direct operating expenses 
  on investment properties                    21,139             23,881 
                                    ----------------   ---------------- 
                                              22,868            110,364 
                                           =========          ========= 
   6.         OTHER EXPENSES 
                                         Six months ended 
                                              30 June 
                                            2014               2013 
                                         HK$'000            HK$'000 
 Included in other expenses 
 Fees/management fees paid 
  to a related company (note 
  22(a))                                  46,522             75,142 
 Less: Amount capitalised 
  to property development 
  project                                (7,349)            (1,898) 
                                ----------------   ---------------- 
                                          39,173             73,244 
 Hotel operating expenses                 32,491             29,589 
 Legal and professional fees               2,538              3,994 
                                       =========          ========= 
   7.         FINANCE COSTS 
                                              Six months ended 
                                                   30 June 
                                                 2014               2013 
                                              HK$'000            HK$'000 
 Interest on: 
 Bank borrowings wholly repayable 
  within 5 years                               19,095             18,401 
  Bank borrowings not wholly 
   repayable within 5 years                    22,430             19,350 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
                                               41,525             37,751 
 Less: Amount capitalised 
  to property development 
  project                                     (3,934)            (2,085) 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
                                               37,591             35,666 
 Front end fee                                  2,510              1,912 
 Other charges                                  1,265                771 
                                     ----------------   ---------------- 
                                               41,366             38,349 
                                            =========          ========= 
                                       Six months ended 
                                            30 June 
                                          2014        2013 
                                       HK$'000     HK$'000 
 Profit before taxation has 
  been arrived at after charging: 
 Net exchange loss                       4,398           - 
 and crediting: 
 Interest earned on bank 
  deposits                               7,424       8,105 
 Interest income from second 
  mortgage loans                           166         211 
 Other interest income                       -         456 
 Net exchange gain                           -       3,879 
                                     =========   ========= 
   9.         INCOME TAX EXPENSE 
                                       Six months ended 
                                            30 June 
                                          2014               2013 
                                       HK$'000            HK$'000 
 Current tax 
 Hong Kong Profits Tax                  14,906             29,995 
 PRC Enterprise Income Tax               5,631              4,253 
                              ----------------   ---------------- 
                                        20,537             34,248 
                              ----------------   ---------------- 
 Deferred tax                           10,932             10,117 
                              ----------------   ---------------- 
                                        31,469             44,365 
                                     =========          ========= 

Hong Kong Profits Tax is calculated at 16.5% of the estimated assessable profits for each of the periods.

PRC Enterprise Income Tax is calculated at 25% of the estimated assessable profits for each of the periods.

   10.       EARNINGS PER SHARE 

The calculation of the basic earnings per share attributable to the Company's shareholders is based on the following data:

                                          Six months ended 
                                               30 June 
                                             2014        2013 
                                          HK$'000     HK$'000 
 Earnings for the purpose 
  of basic earnings per share 
  Profit for the period attributable 
   to the Company's shareholders          297,514     277,309 
                                        =========   ========= 
                                      2014          2013 
  Number of ordinary shares 
   for the purpose of basic 
   earnings per share          886,347,812   886,347,812 
                                 =========     ========= 

No diluted earnings per share is presented as the Company did not have any potential ordinary shares in issue during both periods or at the end of each reporting period.

   10.       EARNINGS PER SHARE - continued 

For the purpose of assessing the performance of the Group, the directors are of the view that the profit for the period should be adjusted for the fair value changes on properties recognised in profit or loss and the related deferred taxation in arriving at the "adjusted profit attributable to the Company's shareholders". A reconciliation of the adjusted earnings is as follows:

                                                Six months ended 
                                                     30 June 
                                                   2014               2013 
                                                HK$'000            HK$'000 
 Profit for the period attributable 
  to the Company's shareholders 
  as shown in the condensed 
  consolidated statement of 
  profit or loss                                297,514            277,309 
 fair value changes on investment 
  properties                                  (240,840)          (162,700) 
 Deferred tax thereon                             8,460             10,675 
                                       ----------------   ---------------- 
 Adjusted profit attributable 
  to the Company's shareholders                  65,134            125,284 
                                              =========          ========= 
 Basic earnings per share 
  excluding fair value changes 
  on investment properties                        HK7.3             HK14.1 
  net of deferred tax                             cents              cents 
                                              =========          ========= 

The denominators used in the calculation of adjusted earnings per share are the same as those detailed above.

   11.       DIVIDENDS 

No dividends were paid, declared or proposed during the reported period. The directors do not recommend the payment of any interim dividend.


In estimating the fair value of investment properties, the Group uses market-observable data to the extent it is available. The Group engages third party qualified valuers to perform the valuation of the Group's investment properties. At the end of each reporting period, the Group works closely with the qualified external valuers to establish and determine the appropriate valuation techniques and inputs to the model.

The fair values of investment properties as at 30 June 2014 and 31 December 2013 were arrived at on the basis of valuations carried out at those dates by Savills Valuation and Professional Services Limited ("Savills"), a firm of Chartered Surveyors not connected to the Group, recognised by The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, that has appropriate qualifications and recent experience in the valuation of properties in the relevant locations.


The valuation, which conforms to the appropriate sections of both the current Practice Statements, and United Kingdom Practices Statements contained in the RICS Valuation Standards published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in the United Kingdom (the "Red Book"), was arrived at by reference to market evidence of transaction prices or by capitalisation of future rental which is estimated by reference to comparable rental as available in the relevant markets. In the valuation, the market rentals of all lettable units as well as those of similar properties are made by reference to the rentals achieved by the Group in the lettable units as well as those of similar properties in the neighbourhood. The capitalisation rate adopted is by reference to the yield rates observed by the valuer for similar properties in the locality and adjusted for the valuer's knowledge of factors specific to the respective properties.

The resulting increase in the fair value of investment properties of HK$240,840,000 (1.1.2013 - 30.6.2013: HK$162,700,000) has been recognised directly in the condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss.

During the current interim period, the Group changed the usage of certain properties from investment properties to owner occupation. Accordingly, the relevant portion of the properties was transferred from investment properties to property, plant and equipment at their fair values on the date of transfer of HK$469,587,000 which were determined by the directors of the Company with reference to the valuation carried out on 31 December 2013 by Savills.


The carrying amount represents the Group's interest in certain pieces of land located in the PRC to be held for future development.

The carrying amount is amortised on a straight-line basis over the lease terms ranging from 40 to 70 years.

   14.       OTHER RECEIVABLE 

At 30 June 2014, the Group had incurred a total amount of RMB321,060,000 (31.12.2013: RMB321,052,000) equivalent to HK$404,472,000 (31.12.2013: HK$408,346,000) for the tenant relocation arrangements, excavation and infrastructure work on certain pieces of land in Nanjing, the PRC. The amount, together with further costs to complete the work, are wholly refundable from the relevant PRC local government either by deduction against the consideration payable if the Group is successful in bidding for the land or out of the proceeds received by the relevant PRC local government from another successful tenderer. The directors estimated that, based on the Group's development plan, the time schedule for auction of the relevant land will be initiated before the end of 2016 and by then the full amount will be recovered.

The balance of HK$381,143,000 (31.12.2013: HK$384,794,000) represents the Hong Kong dollar equivalent of the present value of the original amount of RMB321,060,000 (31.12.2013: RMB321,052,000) expected to be recovered in 2016 discounted at the rate of 2% per annum.

                                    30.6.2014         31.12.2013 
                                      HK$'000            HK$'000 
 Trade receivables                      8,008              9,114 
 Accrued income                        97,486             92,234 
 Deposits and prepayments              14,829             23,188 
                             ----------------   ---------------- 
                                      120,323            124,536 
                                    =========          ========= 

Trade receivables mainly represent rental receivable from tenants for the use of the Group's properties and receivables from corporate customers and travel agents for the use of hotel facilities. No credit is allowed to tenants. Rentals are payable upon presentation of demand notes. An average credit period of 30 days is allowed to corporate customers and travel agents.


The balances are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand.

                                          30.6.2014         31.12.2013 
                                            HK$'000            HK$'000 
 Trade payables                               1,726              2,609 
 Rental deposits                            112,162            113,185 
 Rental received in advance                  13,476             12,052 
 Other payables, other deposits 
  and accrued charges                       187,355            162,233 
                                   ----------------   ---------------- 
                                            314,719            290,079 
                                          =========          ========= 

Included in other payables is an aggregate amount of HK$87,707,000 (31.12.2013: HK$87,876,000) payable to contractors for the cost in relation to the tenant relocation arrangements, excavation and infrastructure work on certain pieces of land as detailed in note 14.

Included in rental deposits are deposits to be settled after twelve months from the end of the reporting period based on the respective lease terms which amounted to HK$96,356,000 at 30 June 2014 (31.12.2013: HK$87,302,000).

   18.       BANK BORROWINGS 

During the current interim period, the Group repaid bank loans amounting to HK$1,165,881,000 (1.1.2013 - 30.6.2013: HK$100,955,000) and drew bank loans which carry interest at variable rates amounting to HK$1,631,697,000 (1.1.2013 - 30.6.2013: HK$467,265,000).

   19.       SHARE CAPITAL 
                                         30.6.2014   31.12.2013 
                                           US$'000      US$'000 
 1,300,000,000 ordinary shares 
  of US$0.05 each                           65,000       65,000 
                                         =========    ========= 
                                           US$'000      US$'000 
 Issued and fully paid: 
 886,347,812 ordinary shares 
  of US$0.05 each                           44,317       44,317 
                                         =========    ========= 
                                           HK$'000      HK$'000 
  Shown in the condensed consolidated 
   financial statements as                 345,204      345,204 
                                         =========    ========= 
   20.       deferred TAXATION 

The balance at the end of reporting period mainly represents deferred tax liabilities recognised on the fair value changes of the investment properties amounting to HK$298,808,000 (31.12.2013: HK$292,909,000).

   21.       PLEDGE OF ASSETS 

At the end of the reporting period, the Group had pledged the following assets to secure banking facilities granted to the Group:

(a) Fixed charges on investment properties and property, plant and equipment with an aggregate carrying value of HK$9,691,544,000 (31.12.2013: HK$9,486,635,000) together with a floating charge over all the assets of the properties owning subsidiaries and benefits accrued to the relevant properties.

(b) Fixed charges on hotel properties with an aggregate carrying value of HK$960,814,000 (31.12.2013: HK$974,569,000) together with a floating charge over all the assets of the property owning subsidiaries and benefits accrued to the relevant properties.

(c) Fixed charges on properties under development held for sale with an aggregate carrying value of HK$943,054,000 (31.12.2013: HK$882,479,000).

(d) Fixed charges on properties for development with an aggregate carrying value of HK$119,856,000 (31.12.2013: Nil).

   (e)        Note receivable of HK$54,251,000 (31.12.2013: HK$54,279,000). 

(a) For the six months ended 30 June 2013, the Group paid management fees of HK$75,142,000 to South-East Asia Investment And Agency Company, Limited ("SEAI"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of S E A Holdings Limited (an intermediate holding company of the Company), pursuant to a management agreement dated 18 September 2006 entered into between the Company and SEAI for rendering management services for the Group's property portfolio. This management agreement was terminated with effect from 1 January 2014.

For the six months ended 30 June 2014, the Group paid fees of HK$46,522,000 to SEAI pursuant to a new agreement entered into between the Company, certain subsidiaries of the Company and SEAI for using the SEA's personnel and facilities on a cost-sharing basis to carry out the Group's business activities from 1 January 2014.

(b) The remuneration of directors who are the Group's key management personnel during the period amounted to HK$1,884,000 (1.1.2013 - 30.6.2013: HK$1,460,000).

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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