1 week ago
Business Search
The California Business Search provides access to available information for corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships of record with the California Secretary of State, with free PDF copies of over 17 million imaged business entity documents, including the most recent imaged Statements of Information filed for Corporations and Limited Liability Companies.
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A Basic search can be performed using an entity name or entity number. When conducting a search by an entity number, where applicable, remove "C" from the entity number. Note, a basic search will search only ACTIVE entities (Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships, Cooperatives, Name Reservations, Foreign Name Reservations, Unincorporated Common Interest Developments, and Out of State Associations). The basic search performs a contains ?keyword? search. The Advanced search allows for a ?starts with? filter. To search entities that have a status other than active or to refine search criteria, use the Advanced search feature.
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Disclaimer: Search results are limited to the 500 entities closest matching the entered search criteria. If your desired search result is not found within the 500 entities provided, please refine the search criteria using the Advanced search function for additional results/entities. The California Business Search is updated as documents are approved. The data provided is not a complete or certified record.
Although every attempt has been made to ensure that the information contained in the database is accurate, the Secretary of State's office is not responsible for any loss, consequence, or damage resulting directly or indirectly from reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the information that is provided. All such information is provided "as is." To order certified copies or certificates of status, (1) locate an entity using the search; (2)select Request Certificate in the right-hand detail drawer; and (3) complete your request online.
Livewire ergogen
Results: 1
Entity Information
Initial Filing Date
Entity Type
Formed In
LiveWire Ergogenics, Inc (5501958)
02/09/2023 Active Nonprofit Corporation - CA - Mutual Benefit CALIFORNIA elaine selan
LiveWire Ergogenics, Inc (5501958)
Request Certificate
Initial Filing Date 02/09/2023
Status Active
Standing - SOS Good
Standing - FTB Good
Standing - Agent Good
Standing - VCFCF Good
Entity Type Nonprofit Corporation - CA - Mutual Benefit
Principal Address 30 N GOULD
Mailing Address 416 W SAN YSIDRO BLVD
Statement of Info Due Date 05/10/2023
Agent Individual
elaine selan
Bet Max
2 weeks ago
Billy says "We are not mindlessly rushing into this revised business model; we have seen the signs for a long time and have been preparing for this change over the past two years"
How about the mindless business model that siphons money off to other "companies" with no knowledge of who they are, why they are getting our money, no interest payments. Before you ahem, "loan money" you pay your property taxes and mortgage
Of course a business model does not work for the stock holders, but it works for Billy.
BTW The ranch WAS foreclosed on.
Like the Supertramp song.....Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer
Bet Max
2 weeks ago
I did not mention you, it was a point after reading the pro, go LVVV posts. It was a generic question. If you see yourself in that post its on you. I was not telling someone how or where to spend her money.
I simply made a statement of wonderment.....“LMAO At what point will those still buying come to the realization that something is off, way off.”
I have to wonder why you have avoided my questions in your responses.
Do you have any concern that there have been no financials since 2024 qtr 2?
Do you have any concern that there are endless loans of millions of dollars that apparently go to, who knows who, with no interest payments or payments coming back?
Do you wonder who that black hole is that's sucking away all that money?
Does any of this concern you?
Yes those are questions you seem to avoid answering but you are stuck on a statement I made. If you truly had money on the table and are not billy boy, wouldn't those questions be bouncing around like a pinball is your head before being so positive?
I know you will not answer as there are no legitimate answers
2 weeks ago
Go back to your post 75160.
You literally said, and I quote, “LMAO At what point will those still buying come to the realization that something is off, way off.” English may not be my first language but that certainly implies that those that are still buying this stock needs to stop due to said reasons you stated in that post. In my humble opinion, this means that you are worried about what other folks are buying. I have so many other stocks, $lvvv just so happens to be one of my lotto picks and I am keeping my money here until whatever happens, happens.
Bet Max
3 weeks ago
For my edification can you tell me where I said how anyone should spend their money. I hear an undertone of despair. Have no fear, I could care less what you do with your money. I was simply espousing wonderment in what people are thinking when they believe the earth is flat. If you see yourself in that, its purely by coincidence. So please find someone else that you can claim is worried about your money.
PS I can sell you some if you want. I will take .01 a share. I am sure that's a buy since you feel so strongly about the stock
PPS My ability to put more than a few sentences together does not make me an author, but if you think I am, maybe you could invest in my first book. The working title is "Pigeons, the art of the stock scam"
Bet Max
3 weeks ago
I understand you now. When someone sees little more than a small paragraph as a book it tells me so much. Human nature is funny, some believe the earth is flat, some believe Elvis faked his death, some believe we never landed on the moon and some believe LVVV is not a scam.
Some see nothing wrong with no quarterly filings, some see no wrong with endless "loans" and some like me, see folks throwing caution to the wind, knowing all of this and still ignore the red flags.