Findings suggest mankind is responsible for temperature rises on Earth but also the key to finding a solution to climate change

LONDON, Dec.1, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading up to COP 21, the 21st annual session of the Conference of the Parties to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that seeks to set global agreements on climate change reduction activities, a climate change and health symposium was held at XJTLU.

The overwhelming message of the symposium was that mankind is responsible for temperature rises on Earth but also the key to finding a solution to climate change.

Prominent scientists took part in the event, aiming to contribute to the global debate and discussion on climate change, ahead of COP 21.

Hosted by the departments of Public Health and Environmental Science at XJTLU, speakers addressed the issue of climate change from various perspectives, provoking a "vibrant" exchange of ideas.

Dr Don Prisno, from the Department of Public Health and one of the co-conveners of the symposium, said: "Apart from making immediate changes in our energy consumption, we have to prepare for the results of climate change, which will affect the livelihood and health of populations. Attention must now also focus on adaptation - climate change will impact society in many ways and we must be prepared for this."

XJTLU student Mia Oenoto, from Indonesia, delivered a Youth Climate Declaration to the International Conference of Youth, held in Paris ahead of COP 21.

Mia is also representing XJTLU at COP 21, where delegates from over 190 countries are discussing reducing greenhouse gas emissions that pollute the air and contribute to global warming.

She worked with fellow student James Guo, also attending COP 21, to draft the youth declaration through a series of workshops with XJTLU students.

Mia and James are environmental advocates and have been involved in numerous initiatives to raise awareness of climate change, and its impact, among young people.

Both are adamant that COP 21 must successfully put in place a robust agreement that shows governments around the world are serious about cutting carbon.

Mia said: "It has to work out this time. We're at the peak of discussions, and these talks could open new opportunities."

XJTLU contributes to addressing social issues through degree programme such as the BSc Environmental Science and BSc (Hons) Public Health.


Jacqueline Banki

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