St. Joseph, MO    Mon, August 03, 2015    USDA Market News Service 
Morning National Slaughter Cattle Review for Friday, 7/31/15 
On Friday in the Texas Panhandle trade was light on moderate demand. Compared to last 
week's light test, live sales sold .50-2.00 higher from 147.00-147.50. In Kansas 
trade and demand were moderate with live sales, compared to last week 2.00 higher at 
147.00. In the Northern Plains and the Western Cornbelt trade was moderate on good 
demand. In Nebraska compared to last week, live sales sold 2.00-3.00 higher from 
147.00-149.00 with the bulk at 148.00. Dressed sales sold 2.00 higher at 234.00. In 
Colorado compared to last week, live sales sold 2.50 higher at 149.00. In the Western 
Cornbelt compared to last week, live sales sold 1.00-3.00 higher from 145.00-148.00 
with the bulk of sales from 147.00-148.00. Dressed sales sold steady to 1.00 higher 
from 232.00-234.00. 
Negotiated sales: 
Confirmed:    95,064    Week ago:           24,565    Year ago:           69,563 
Wk to Date:  100,221    Week ago to Date:   65,613    Year ago to Date:   83,100 
Negotiated, Formula and contract purchases delivered to packers today: 
Today:        69,700    Week Ago:           73,800    Year Ago:           86,400 
Wk to Date:  374,100    Week Ago to Date:  378,100    Year Ago to Date:  404,500 
Negotiated, Formula and contract commitments today: (generally for slaughter 
within 7 days) 
Today:       177,000    Week Ago:           90,600    Year Ago:          149,400 
Wk to Date:  403,700    Week Ago to Date:  379,100    Year Ago to Date:  404,200 
Negotiated: prices paid for Domestic Slaughter steers and heifers: 
(Information derived from the 5 area weighted average LM_CT100) 
Live basis                 Steers                     Heifers 
Over 80% Choice      144.00-149.00 avg 147.44   145.50-148.00 avg 147.49 
65 - 80% Choice      145.00-149.00 avg 147.53   147.00-149.00 avg 148.29 
35 - 65% Choice      146.00-149.00 avg 147.35   147.00-149.00 avg 147.52 
0 - 35% Choice             -       avg                -       avg 
Total all grades     144.00-149.00 avg 147.45   145.50-149.00 avg 147.77 
Dressed basis              Steers                     Heifers 
Over 80% Choice      231.00-234.00 avg 233.40   231.00-234.00 avg 233.05 
65 - 80% Choice      230.00-235.00 avg 233.71   230.00-235.00 avg 233.40 
35 - 65% Choice      233.50-234.00 avg 233.73   230.00-233.50 avg 232.89 
0 - 35% Choice             -       avg                -       avg 
Total all grades     230.00-235.00 avg 233.55   230.00-235.00 avg 233.11 
Formula purchases: prices established on previous reporting day for 
slaughtered cattle. 
Beef Type:                   Domestic: 
Head count priced today:        27,000 
Weighted avg weight:               874 
Weighted avg net price:         230.53 
Covers transactions reported at 2:00 pm today.  Comments and market conditions 
may include information gathered from voluntary sources, all prices, weights 
and head counts are only those gathered through the mandatory reporting system. 
Source:  USDA Market News Service, St Joseph, MO 
         (816)-676-7000 e-mail:  stjoe.lpgmn@ams.usda.gov 
1100c  staff 