Thomson Reuters Reports Third-Quarter 2014 Results

Third-quarter and nine-month results on track with Financial & Risk net sales
positive year-to-date and for all regions in the quarter, while Legal returned
to positive organic revenue growth

NEW YORK, Oct. 30, 2014 -- Thomson Reuters (TSX / NYSE: TRI) today
reported results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2014.

  * Revenues from ongoing businesses grew 1% before currency to $3.1 billion
  * Adjusted EBITDA and underlying operating profit were both down 3%
      + Adjusted EBITDA margin 26.5%, down 100 basis points; excluding charges
        was 27.0%
      + Underlying operating profit margin 17.1%, down 70 basis points;
        excluding charges was 17.6%
  * Adjusted earnings per share were $0.45 versus $0.48 in the prior-year
  * 28.4 million shares repurchased since October 2013 returning $1.0 billion
    to shareholders
  * 2014 Outlook affirmed

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"I am pleased to report yet another quarter of results in line with
expectations, building on our first-half momentum," said James C. Smith, chief
executive officer of Thomson Reuters. "It is particularly encouraging to see
sales trends continue to improve in both our financial and legal businesses
alongside consistent strong performance from our other units. We are delivering
on our overarching objective: building a platform for higher, more sustainable
and more profitable future growth."

Consolidated Financial Highlights - Third Quarter

                                        Three Months Ended September 30,
                             (Millions of U.S. dollars, except EPS and margins)

IFRS Financial Measures            2014           2013           Change

Revenues                         $3,107         $3,086               1%

Operating profit                   $466           $316              47%

Diluted earnings per share (EPS)  $0.28          $0.33             -15%

Cash flow from operations          $585           $676             -13%

The increase in operating profit was primarily due to favorable fair value
adjustments largely associated with foreign currency embedded derivatives in
certain customer contracts. The decline in diluted EPS resulted from higher
costs associated with foreign currency fluctuations and income tax expense,
which more than offset the increase in operating profit.

Non-IFRS Financial Measures(1)       2014      2013      Change

Revenues from ongoing businesses   $3,107    $3,073          1%

Adjusted EBITDA                      $822      $845         -3%

Adjusted EBITDA margin              26.5%     27.5%      -100bp

Underlying operating profit          $530      $548         -3%

Underlying operating profit margin  17.1%     17.8%       -70bp

Adjusted earnings per share (EPS)   $0.45     $0.48         -6%

Free cash flow                       $358      $475        -25%

(1) These and other non-IFRS financial measures are defined and reconciled to
    the most directly comparable IFRS measures in the tables appended to this
    news release. Additional information is provided in the explanatory
    footnotes to the appended tables.

  * Revenues from ongoing businesses were $3.1 billion, a 1% increase before
    currency, reflecting 4% combined growth from the company's Legal, Tax &
    Accounting and Intellectual Property & Science businesses, which was offset
    by a 2% decline in Financial & Risk.
  * Adjusted EBITDA decreased 3%, and the corresponding margin was 26.5% versus
    27.5% in the prior-year period, primarily due to higher operating costs and
      + Excluding charges from both periods, the margin was 27.0%, down 80
        basis points from the prior-year period.
      + Excluding charges from both periods and the negative impact of foreign
        currency the margin was 27.3%, down 10 basis points from the prior-year
  * Underlying operating profit decreased 3%, and the corresponding margin was
    17.1% versus 17.8% in the prior-year period. The decrease was primarily due
    to the same factors that impacted adjusted EBITDA.
      + Excluding charges from both periods, the margin was 17.6%, down 60
        basis points from the prior-year period.
      + Excluding charges for both periods and the negative impact of foreign
        currency, the margin was 18.0%, up 20 basis points from the prior-year
  * Adjusted EPS was $0.45 compared to $0.48 in the prior-year period, down

Third-Quarter Business Segment Highlights
Unless otherwise noted, all revenue growth comparisons in this news release are
before the impact of foreign currency as Thomson Reuters believes this provides
the best basis to measure the performance of its business.

Financial & Risk

  * Revenues were down 2% (down 3% organic) due to the impact of negative net
    sales over the prior 12 months and a 5% organic decline in
    transactions-related revenues.
  * Recurring subscription-related revenues decreased 3% due to the impact of
    negative aggregate net sales over the prior 12 months.
  * Transactions-related revenues increased 3% (down 5% organic) due to lower
    trading volumes in fixed income markets. Recoveries revenues increased 1%.
  * By geography, revenues in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) were down
    4%, and revenues in the Americas and Asia were flat.
  * Net sales were positive for the quarter and were positive for all regions -
    the Americas, Europe and Asia.
  * EBITDA decreased 6% due to $18 million in charges and the impact of foreign
    currency. The margin was 25.1% versus 26.4% in the prior-year period.
      + Excluding charges from both periods, the margin was 26.2%, down 50
        basis points from the prior-year period.
      + Excluding charges from both periods and the negative impact of foreign
        currency, the margin was 27.1%, up 100 basis points from the prior-year
  * Operating profit decreased 8% due to the same items that impacted EBITDA.
    The margin was 15.5% compared to 16.8% in the prior-year period.
      + Excluding charges from both periods, the margin was 16.6%, down 50
        basis points from the prior-year period.
      + Excluding charges from both periods and the negative impact of foreign
        currency the margin was 17.5%, up 100 basis points from the prior-year


  * Revenues increased 1%. Excluding US print, revenues grew 3% (all organic).
  * Solutions businesses (47% of Legal revenues) grew 7% (6% organic), driven
    by strong growth from Elite, Practical Law and Pangea3. Solutions
    businesses represent all of Legal's revenue excluding US print and US
    online legal information.
  * US online legal information (38% of Legal revenues) declined 1%.
  * US print (15% of Legal revenues) declined 8%.
  * EBITDA increased 1%. The margin was 37.9% compared to 38.0% in the
    prior-year period.
  * Operating profit increased 2% with a margin of 29.7% versus 29.4% in the
    prior-year period.

Tax & Accounting

  * Revenues increased 13% (9% organic) with good growth across each segment
    led by the Corporate business.
  * EBITDA increased 9% and the margin was 23.9% compared to 24.4% in the
    prior-year period. The EBITDA margin decline was primarily related to
    reinvestment in the business.
  * Operating profit increased 26% and the margin was 14.3% compared to 12.6%
    in the prior-year period due to lower depreciation and amortization
  * Small movements in the timing of revenues and expenses can impact margins
    in any given quarter for the Tax & Accounting business. Full-year margins
    are more reflective of the segment's underlying performance.

Intellectual Property & Science

  * Revenues increased 3% driven by recurring revenue growth of 5% (79% of
    revenues) partially offset by a 4% decline in transactions-related revenues
    (21% of revenues).
  * EBITDA decreased 5% with a corresponding margin of 30.6% compared to 33.3%
    in the prior-year period. The EBITDA margin decline was primarily due to
    the dilutive impact of prior-year acquisitions and reinvestments in the
  * Operating profit decreased 11% with a corresponding margin of 21.8%
    compared to 25.4% in the prior-year period. The operating profit margin
    decline was a result of the same items that impacted the EBITDA margin.
  * Small movements in the timing of revenues and expenses can impact margins
    in any given quarter for the Intellectual Property & Science business.
    Full-year margins are more reflective of the segment's underlying

Corporate & Other (Including Reuters News)

Reuters News revenues for the third quarter of 2014 were $79 million, down 3%
from the prior-year period. Corporate & Other costs for the third quarter of
2014 were $73 million, compared to $70 million in the prior-year period.

Consolidated Financial Highlights - Nine Months

                                     Nine Months Ended September 30,
                            (Millions of U.S. dollars, except EPS and margins)

IFRS Financial Measures            2014           2013           Change

Revenues                         $9,396         $9,424               0%

Operating profit                 $1,206         $1,303              -7%

Diluted earnings per share (EPS)  $0.93          $0.58              60%

Cash flow from operations        $1,574         $1,696              -7%

Results for the first nine months of 2013 were impacted by the following
significant items: operating profit benefited from a $136 million gain realized
on the sale of Financial & Risk's Corporate Services business; and the company
also recorded a $396 million tax charge associated with the consolidation of
its technology and content assets. No similar items impacted results in the
first nine months of 2014.

Non-IFRS Financial Measures(1)         2014     2013    Change

Revenues from ongoing businesses     $9,394   $9,278        1%

Adjusted EBITDA                      $2,519   $2,460        2%

Adjusted EBITDA margin                26.8%    26.5%      30bp

Underlying operating profit          $1,639   $1,579        4%

Underlying operating profit margin    17.4%    17.0%      40bp

Adjusted earnings per share (EPS)     $1.41    $1.34        5%

Free cash flow                         $875     $976      -10%

  * Revenues from ongoing businesses were $9.4 billion, a 1% increase before
  * Adjusted EBITDA increased 2% and the corresponding margin was 26.8% versus
    26.5% in the prior-year period. The increase was primarily due to lower
    charges compared to the prior-year period. Charges for the nine-month
    period were $58 million versus $97 million in the prior-year period.
    Foreign exchange had a negligible impact on the margin for the year-to-date
      + Excluding charges from both periods, adjusted EBITDA increased 1% and
        the related margin was 27.4% versus 27.6% in the prior-year period.
  * Underlying operating profit increased 4% and the corresponding margin was
    17.4% versus 17.0% in the prior-year period. The increase was primarily due
    to the same factor that impacted adjusted EBITDA.
      + Excluding charges from both periods, underlying operating profit
        increased 1% and the related margin was 18.1%, unchanged from the
        prior-year period.
  * Adjusted EPS was $1.41 compared to $1.34 in the prior-year period.
  * Free cash flow was $875 million versus $976 million in the prior-year
    period. The decrease was primarily due to a $75 million reduction in free
    cash flow from disposals compared to the prior-year period and higher
    severance costs. For the full year, the company continues to expect to
    achieve free cash flow between $1.3 billion and $1.5 billion.

(1) These and other non-IFRS financial measures are defined and reconciled to
    the most directly comparable IFRS measures in the tables appended to this
    news release. Additional information is provided in the explanatory
    footnotes to the appended tables.

Business Outlook (Before Currency)

Thomson Reuters today reaffirmed its full-year business outlook for 2014 which
was previously communicated in February 2014. The company continues to expect:

  * revenues to be comparable to 2013;
  * adjusted EBITDA margin to range between 26% and 27%;
  * underlying operating profit margin to range between 17.0% and 18.0%; and
  * free cash flow to range between $1.3 billion and $1.5 billion in 2014.

The company's 2014 outlook includes the impact of $120 million of previously
announced charges expected to be incurred this year. The estimated aggregate
amount of these charges is $395 million, $275 million of which was incurred in
2013. The free cash flow outlook for 2014 reflects the estimated cash impact of
the charges incurred in 2013 and 2014 as well as the impact of the loss of free
cash flow from disposals (approximately $375 million in aggregate).

The information in this section is forward-looking and should be read in
conjunction with the section below entitled "Special Note Regarding
Forward-Looking Statements, Material Assumptions and Material Risks."

Dividend and Share Repurchases

As previously announced in February 2014, Thomson Reuters board of directors
approved a $0.02 per share annualized increase in the dividend to $1.32 per
share. A quarterly dividend of $0.33 per share is payable on December 15, 2014
to common shareholders of record as of November 20, 2014.

In the third quarter of 2014, the company returned approximately $109 million
to shareholders through the repurchase of approximately 2.9 million shares, of
which 1.8 million were repurchased under its new $1.0 billion share buyback
program announced in July 2014. The company has repurchased 28.4 million shares
at a cost of $1.03 billion since it announced its first $1.0 billion share
buyback program in October 2013.

Thomson Reuters
Thomson Reuters is the world's leading source of intelligent information for
businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative
technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the
financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and
science and media markets, powered by the world's most trusted news
organization. Thomson Reuters shares are listed on the Toronto and New York
Stock Exchanges (symbol: TRI). For more information, go to


Thomson Reuters prepares its financial statements in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

This news release includes certain non-IFRS financial measures. Thomson Reuters
uses these non-IFRS financial measures as supplemental indicators of its
operating performance and financial position. These measures do not have any
standardized meanings prescribed by IFRS and therefore are unlikely to be
comparable to the calculation of similar measures used by other companies, and
should not be viewed as alternatives to measures of financial performance
calculated in accordance with IFRS. Non-IFRS financial measures are defined and
reconciled to the most directly comparable IFRS measures in the appended


Certain statements in this news release, including, but not limited to,
statements in the "Business Outlook (Before Currency)" section and Mr. Smith's
comments, are forward-looking. Forward-looking statements also include
expectations regarding the 2014 charges. As a result, forward-looking
statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause
actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations. There
is no assurance that the events described in any forward-looking statement will
materialize. A business outlook is provided for the purpose of presenting
information about current expectations for 2014. This information may not be
appropriate for other purposes. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance
on forward-looking statements which reflect expectations only as of the date of
this news release. Except as may be required by applicable law, Thomson Reuters
disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements.

The company's 2014 business outlook is based on various external and internal
assumptions. Economic and market assumptions include, but are not limited to,
GDP growth in the countries where Thomson Reuters operates. Internal financial
and operational assumptions include, but are not limited to, continuing
operational improvement in the Financial & Risk business and the successful
execution of new sales initiatives, ongoing product release programs,
globalization strategy and other growth and efficiency initiatives.

Some of the material risk factors that could cause actual results or events to
differ materially from those expressed in or implied by forward-looking
statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, changes in the
general economy; actions of competitors; failure to develop new products,
services, applications and functionalities to meet customers' needs, attract
new customers or expand into new geographic markets and identify areas of
higher growth; increased accessibility to free or relatively inexpensive
information sources; failures or disruptions of network systems or the
Internet; failure to maintain a high renewal rate for subscription-based
services; dependency on third parties for data, information and other services;
changes to law and regulations, including the impact of the Dodd-Frank
legislation and similar financial services laws around the world; failure to
adapt to recent organizational changes and effectively implement strategic
initiatives; failure to recruit, motivate and retain high quality management
and key employees; failure to meet the challenges involved in operating
globally; failure to derive fully the anticipated benefits from existing or
future acquisitions, joint ventures, investments or dispositions; failure to
protect the brands and reputation of Thomson Reuters; impairment of goodwill
and identifiable intangible assets; inadequate protection of intellectual
property rights; threat of legal actions and claims; risk of antitrust/
competition-related claims or investigations; downgrading of credit ratings and
adverse conditions in the credit markets; fluctuations in foreign currency
exchange and interest rates; the effect of factors outside of the control of
Thomson Reuters on funding obligations in respect of pension and
post-retirement benefit arrangements; and actions or potential actions that
could be taken by the company's principal shareholder, The Woodbridge Company
Limited. These and other factors are discussed in materials that Thomson
Reuters from time to time files with, or furnishes to, the Canadian securities
regulatory authorities and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Thomson
Reuters annual and quarterly reports are also available in the "Investor
Relations" section of

MEDIA                               INVESTORS
David Crundwell                     Frank J. Golden
Corporate Affairs                   Senior Vice President, Investor Relations
+1 646 223 5285                     +1 646 223 5288

Thomson Reuters will webcast a discussion of its third-quarter 2014 results
today beginning at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).  You can access the
webcast by visiting the "Investor Relations" section of
An archive of the webcast will be available following the presentation.

                                                       Thomson Reuters Corporation
                                                       Business Segment Information
                                                        (millions of U.S. dollars)

                                         Three Months Ended
                                            September 30,                  Change
                                          2014       2013        Total    Currency   Organic


Financial & Risk                        $1,628     $1,640         -1%       -2%        -3%

Legal                                      854        843          1%        1%         1%

Tax & Accounting                           301        270         12%       13%         9%

Intellectual Property & Science            248        240          3%        3%         3%

Corporate & Other (includes Reuters News)  79          82         -4%       -3%        -3%

Eliminations                               (3)        (2)

Revenues from ongoing businesses(1)      3,107      3,073          1%        1%         0%

Other Businesses (2)                       -           13

Revenues                                $3,107     $3,086          1%


Adjusted EBITDA (3)                                      Change   2014   2013   Change

Financial & Risk                           $408   $433     -6%    25.1%  26.4%  -130bp

Legal                                       324    320      1%    37.9%  38.0%  -10bp

Tax & Accounting                             72     66      9%    23.9%  24.4%  -50bp

Intellectual Property & Science              76     80     -5%    30.6%  33.3%  -270bp

Corporate & Other (includes Reuters News)  (58)   (54)

Adjusted EBITDA                            $822   $845     -3%    26.5%  27.5%  -100bp

Underlying Operating Profit (4)

Financial & Risk                           $252   $275     -8%    15.5%  16.8%  -130bp

Legal                                       254    248      2%    29.7%  29.4%    30bp

Tax & Accounting                             43     34     26%    14.3%  12.6%   170bp

Intellectual Property & Science              54     61    -11%    21.8%  25.4%  -360bp

Corporate & Other (includes Reuters News)  (73)   (70)

Underlying operating profit                $530   $548     -3%    17.1%  17.8%   -70bp

                                                        Thomson Reuters Corporation
                                                       Business Segment Information
                                                        (millions of U.S. dollars)

                                           Nine Months Ended
                                             September 30,                 Change
                                             2014      2013        Total  Currency   Organic


Financial & Risk                           $4,941     $4,975        -1%     -2%        -3%

Legal                                       2,507      2,483         1%      1%         0%

Tax & Accounting                              973        875        11%     13%         9%

Intellectual Property & Science               742        707         5%      5%         4%

Corporate & Other (includes Reuters News)     240        245        -2%     -2%        -2%

Eliminations                                  (9)        (7)

Revenues from ongoing businesses(1)        9,394       9,278         1%      1%         0%

Other Businesses (2)                           2         146

Revenues                                  $9,396      $9,424         0%


Adjusted EBITDA (3)                                       Change     2014   2013   Change

Financial & Risk                           $1,233  $1,213     2%    25.0%   24.4%    60bp

Legal                                         939     922     2%    37.5%   37.1%    40bp

Tax & Accounting                              285     251    14%    29.3%   28.7%    60bp

Intellectual Property & Science               233     229     2%    31.4%   32.4%  -100bp

Corporate & Other (includes Reuters News)   (171)   (155)

Adjusted EBITDA                            $2,519  $2,460     2%    26.8%   26.5%    30bp

Underlying Operating Profit (4)

Financial & Risk                             $758    $735     3%    15.3%   14.8%    50bp

Legal                                         730     704     4%    29.1%   28.4%    70bp

Tax & Accounting                              192     160    20%    19.7%   18.3%   140bp

Intellectual Property & Science               167     171    -2%    22.5%   24.2%  -170bp

Corporate & Other (includes Reuters News)   (208)   (191)

Underlying operating profit                $1,639  $1,579     4%    17.4%   17.0%    40bp

                               Thomson Reuters Corporation
                   Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Adjusted EBITDA(3)
                               (millions of U.S. dollars)

                                                          Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended
                                                            September 30,       September 30,
                                                          2014  2013  Change   2014     2013   Change

Operating profit                                          $466  $316    47%   $1,206  $1,303     -7%

Adjustments to remove:

     Amortization of other identifiable intangible assets  160   165             488     482

     Fair value adjustments                               (88)    70            (53)    (21)

     Other operating (gains) losses, net                   (9)     6             (4)   (124)

     Operating loss (profit) from Other Businesses (2)       1   (9)               2    (61)

Underlying operating profit                               $530  $548    -3%   $1,639  $1,579      4%

Remove: depreciation and amortization of computer
                                                           292   297             880     881
   software (excluding Other Businesses (2))

Adjusted EBITDA                                           $822  $845    -3%   $2,519  $2,460      2%

Underlying operating profit margin (4)                   17.1%  17.8%   -70bp   17.4%   17.0%    40bp

Adjusted EBITDA margin (3)                               26.5%  27.5%  -100bp   26.8%   26.5%    30bp

                                 Thomson Reuters Corporation
          Reconciliation of Earnings from Continuing Operations to Adjusted EBITDA (3)
                                  (millions of U.S. dollars)

                                                    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                                       September 30,        September 30,

                                                    2014  2013  Change  2014   2013   Change

Earnings from continuing operations                 $250   $283  -12%   $802   $522    54%

Adjustments to remove:

Tax expense (benefit)                                 26   (33)           53    423

Other finance costs (income)                          82   (38)           25     34

Net interest expense                                 110    109          329    348

Amortization of other identifiable intangible assets 160    165          488    482

Amortization of computer software                    195    195          586    571

Depreciation                                          97    102          294    310

EBITDA                                              $920   $783       $2,577 $2,690

Adjustments to remove:

Share of post-tax earnings in equity method
                                                     (2)    (5)          (3)    (24)

Other operating (gains) losses, net                  (9)      6          (4)   (124)

Fair value adjustments                              (88)     70         (53)    (21)

EBITDA from Other Businesses (2)                       1    (9)            2    (61)

Adjusted EBITDA                                     $822   $845   -3% $2,519   $2,460     2%

                                  Thomson Reuters Corporation
   Reconciliation of Underlying Operating Profit (4) to Adjusted EBITDA(3) by Business Segment
                                   (millions of U.S. dollars)

                                          Three Months Ended                 Three Months Ended
                                          September 30, 2014                 September 30, 2013

                                                      Add:                                    Add:
                                              Depreciation                            Depreciation
                                                       and                                     and
                                   Underlying Amortization              Underlying    Amortization
                                    Operating  of Computer     Adjusted  Operating     of Computer Adjusted
                                       Profit  Software **       EBITDA     Profit     Software **   EBITDA

Financial & Risk                          $252       $156          $408      $275       $158         $433

Legal                                     254        70            324       248        72           320

Tax & Accounting                          43         29            72        34         32           66

Intellectual Property & Science           54         22            76        61         19           80

Corporate & Other (includes Reuters News) (73)       15            (58)      (70)       16           (54)

                                          $530       $292          $822      $548       $297         $845

                                          Nine Months Ended                  Nine Months Ended
                                          September 30, 2014                 September 30, 2013

                                                      Add:                                    Add:
                                              Depreciation                            Depreciation
                                                       and                                     and
                                   Underlying Amortization              Underlying    Amortization
                                    Operating  of Computer     Adjusted  Operating     of Computer Adjusted
                                       Profit  Software **       EBITDA     Profit     Software **   EBITDA

Financial & Risk                          $758       $475          $1,233    $735       $478         $1,213

Legal                                     730        209           939       704        218          922

Tax & Accounting                          192        93            285       160        91           251

Intellectual Property & Science           167        66            233       171        58           229

Corporate & Other (includes Reuters News) (208)      37            (171)     (191)      36           (155)

                                          $1,639     $880          $2,519    $1,579     $881         $2,460

** Excludes Other Businesses (2)

                         Thomson Reuters Corporation
       Reconciliation of Earnings Attributable to Common Shareholders
                           to Adjusted Earnings (5)
(millions of U.S. dollars, except as otherwise indicated and except for per share data)

                                                 Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                                       September 30,  September 30,
                                                         2014  2013   2014   2013

Earnings attributable to common shareholders             $231  $271   $762   $488

Adjustments to remove:

Operating loss (profit) from Other Businesses (2)        1     (9)    2      (61)

Fair value adjustments                                   (88)  70     (53)   (21)

Other operating (gains) losses, net                      (9)   6      (4)    (124)

Other finance costs (income)                             82    (38)   25     34

Share of post-tax earnings in equity method  investments (2)   (5)    (3)    (24)

Tax on above items                                       14    (18)   10     40

 Discrete tax items                                      (10)  (20)   (10)   352

 Amortization of other identifiable intangible assets    160   165    488    482

 Discontinued operations                                 -     -      -      (6)

Interim period effective tax rate normalization (6)      5     (9)    -      3

Tax charge amortization (7)                              (22)  (16)   (65)   (48)

Dividends declared on preference shares                  (1)   -      (2)    (2)

Adjusted earnings                                        $361  $397   $1,150 $1,113

Adjusted earnings per share                              $0.45 $0.48  $1.41  $1.34

Diluted weighted-average common shares (millions)        807.6 832.1  814.0  831.7

                      Thomson Reuters Corporation
     Reconciliation of Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities
              to Free Cash Flow from Ongoing Businesses(8)
                       (millions of U.S. dollars)

                                            Three Months      Nine Months
                                               Ended             Ended
                                            September 30,     September 30,
                                            2014     2013     2014     2013

Net cash provided by operating activities   $585     $676     $1,574   $1,696

Capital expenditures, less proceeds from    (231)    (213)    (704)    (751)

Other investing activities                  5        12       7        33

Dividends paid on preference shares         (1)      -        (2)      (2)

Free cash flow                              358      475      875      976

Remove: Other Businesses (2)                (2)      (24)     (1)      (76)

Free cash flow from ongoing businesses      $356     $451     $874     $900


(1) Revenues from ongoing businesses are revenues from reportable segments and
    Corporate & Other (which includes Reuters News) less eliminations. Other
    Businesses (see note (2) below) are excluded.

(2) Other Businesses are businesses that have been or are expected to be exited
    through sale or closure that did not qualify for discontinued operations

(millions of U.S. dollars)                         Three Months   Nine Months
                                                      Ended          Ended
                                                   September 30,  September 30,

Other Businesses                                   2014   2013    2014    2013

Revenues                                           -      $13     $2      $146

Operating (loss) profit                            ($1)   $9      ($2)    $61

Depreciation and amortization of computer software -      -       -       -

EBITDA                                             ($1)   $9      ($2)    $61

(3) Thomson Reuters defines adjusted EBITDA as underlying operating profit
    excluding the related depreciation and amortization of computer software.
    Adjusted EBITDA margin is adjusted EBITDA expressed as a percentage of
    revenues from ongoing businesses.

(4) Underlying operating profit is operating profit from reportable segments
    and Corporate & Other (includes Reuters News). Underlying operating profit
    margin is the underlying operating profit expressed as a percentage of
    revenues from ongoing businesses.

(5) Adjusted earnings and adjusted earnings per share include dividends
    declared on preference shares and amortization of the 2013 tax charges
    associated with the consolidation of technology and content assets but
    exclude the pre-tax impacts of amortization of other identifiable
    intangible assets as well as the post-tax impacts of fair value
    adjustments, other operating (gains) and losses, certain impairment
    charges, the results of Other Businesses (see note (2) above), other
    finance (income) costs, Thomson Reuters share of post-tax (earnings) losses
    in equity method investments, discontinued operations and other items
    affecting comparability. Adjusted earnings per share is calculated using
    diluted weighted-average shares and does not represent actual earnings or
    loss per share attributable to shareholders.

(6) Adjustment to reflect income taxes based on estimated full-year effective
    tax rate. Reported earnings or loss for interim periods reflect income
    taxes based on the estimated effective tax rates of each of the
    jurisdictions in which Thomson Reuters operates. The adjustment reallocates
    estimated full-year income taxes between interim periods, but has no effect
    on full-year income taxes.

(7) Reflects amortization of the 2013 tax charges associated with the
    consolidation of the ownership and management of technology and content
    assets. For the non-IFRS measure, the majority of the charges are amortized
    over seven years, the period over which the tax is expected to be paid.

(8) Free cash flow is net cash provided by operating activities less capital
    expenditures, other investing activities and dividends paid on the
    company's preference shares. Other Businesses (see note (2) above) are also
    removed to arrive at free cash flow from ongoing businesses.

                           Thomson Reuters Corporation
                          Consolidated Income Statement
                 (millions of U.S. dollars, except per share data)

                                                        Three Months Ended       Nine Months Ended
                                                        September 30,            September 30,
                                                        2014        2013         2014        2013

Revenues                                                $3,107      $3,086       $9,396      $9,424

Operating expenses                                      (2,198)     (2,302)      (6,826)     (6,882)

Depreciation                                            (97)        (102)        (294)       (310)

Amortization of computer software                       (195)       (195)        (586)       (571)

Amortization of other identifiable intangible assets    (160)       (165)        (488)       (482)

Other operating gains (losses), net                     9           (6)          4           124

Operating profit                                        466         316          1,206       1,303

Finance costs, net:

     Net interest expense                               (110)       (109)        (329)       (348)

     Other finance (costs) income                       (82)        38           (25)        (34)

Income before tax and equity method investments         274         245          852         921

Share of post-tax earnings in equity method investments 2           5            3           24

Tax (expense) benefit                                   (26)        33           (53)        (423)

Earnings from continuing operations                     250         283          802         522

Earnings from discontinued operations, net of tax       -           -            -           6

Net earnings                                            $250        $283         $802        $528

Earnings attributable to:

Common shareholders                                     231         271          762         488

Non-controlling interests                               19          12           40          40

Basic earnings per share                                $0.29       $0.33        $0.94       $0.59

Diluted earnings per share                              $0.28       $0.33        $0.93       $0.58

Basic weighted-average common shares                    804,034,944 829,429,587  810,582,179 829,235,273

Diluted weighted-average common shares                  807,567,416 832,067,013  813,987,831 831,670,061

                     Thomson Reuters Corporation
             Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
                      (millions of U.S. dollars)

                                             September 30,  December 31,
                                                 2014           2013


Cash and cash equivalents                    $1,686         $1,316

Trade and other receivables                  1,694          1,751

Other financial assets                       151            183

Prepaid expenses and other current assets    584            650

Current assets                               4,115          3,900

Computer hardware and other property, net    1,161          1,291

Computer software, net                       1,516          1,622

Other identifiable intangible assets, net    7,367          7,890

Goodwill                                     16,653         16,871

Other financial assets                       177            192

Other non-current assets                     602            583

Deferred tax                                 69             90

Total assets                                 $31,660        $32,439

Liabilities and equity


Current indebtedness                         $1,117         $596

Payables, accruals and provisions            2,109          2,624

Deferred revenue                             1,255          1,348

Other financial liabilities                  273            193

Current liabilities                          4,754          4,761

Long-term indebtedness                       7,810          7,470

Provisions and other non-current liabilities 1,838          1,759

Other financial liabilities                  113            102

Deferred tax                                 1,646          1,917

Total liabilities                            16,161         16,009


Capital                                      10,187         10,347

Retained earnings                            6,727          7,303

Accumulated other comprehensive loss         (1,897)        (1,614)

Total shareholders' equity                   15,017         16,036

Non-controlling interests                    482            394

Total equity                                 15,499         16,430

Total liabilities and equity                 $31,660        $32,439

                          Thomson Reuters Corporation
                       Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow
                           (millions of U.S. dollars)

                                              Three Months      Nine Months
                                                 Ended             Ended
                                              September 30,     September 30,
                                              2014    2013      2014   2013

Cash provided by (used in):

Operating activities

Net earnings                                  $250    $283      $802   $528

Adjustments for:

Depreciation                                  97      102       294    310

Amortization of computer software             195     195       586    571

Amortization of other identifiable intangible 160     165       488    482

Net gains on disposals of businesses and      (2)     (1)       (1)    (157)

Deferred tax                                  (112)   54        (187)  296

Other                                         37      87        148    212

Changes in working capital and other items    (40)    (209)     (556)  (546)

Net cash provided by operating activities     585     676       1,574  1,696

Investing activities

Acquisitions, net of cash acquired            (28)    (139)     (165)  (987)

Proceeds from disposals of businesses and
investments,                                  2       3         14     355

   net of taxes paid

Capital expenditures, less proceeds from      (231)   (213)     (704)  (751)

Other investing activities                    5       12        7      33

Investing cash flows from continuing          (252)   (337)     (848)  (1,350)

Investing cash flows from discontinued        -       10        -      10

Net cash used in investing activities         (252)   (327)     (848)  (1,340)

Financing activities

Proceeds from debt                            997     -         997    1,294

Repayments of debt                            -       (1,000)   -      (1,440)

Repurchases of common shares                  (109)   (100)     (726)  (100)

Dividends paid on preference shares           (1)     -         (2)    (2)

Dividends paid on common shares               (258)   (259)     (778)  (778)

Other financing activities                    19      (3)       148    4

Net cash provided by (used in) financing      648     (1,362)   (361)  (1,022)

Increase (decrease) in cash and bank          981     (1,013)   365    (666)

Translation adjustments                       (17)    5         (14)   (12)

Cash and bank overdrafts at beginning of      699     1,606     1,312  1,276

Cash and bank overdrafts at end of period     $1,663  $598      $1,663 $598

Cash and bank overdrafts at end of period
comprised of:

Cash and cash equivalents                     $1,686  $607      $1,686 $607

Bank overdrafts                               (23)    (9)       (23)   (9)

                                              $1,663  $598      $1,663 $598

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