RNS Number:4505L
Solar Integrated Technologies Inc
25 April 2005

25th April 2005


                                YEAR-END RESULTS


Solar Integrated Technologies, Inc. ("SIT"), the specialized manufacturer and
provider of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) roofing systems, is pleased 
to announce its unaudited results for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2004.


   * Turnover of $7.8 million (2003: $8.3 million), representing 1.7 mW of 
     installed PV roofing systems (2003: 0.9 mW)

   * $7.1 million of contracts in progress, representing an additional 1.3 mW of
     PV roofing systems in progress at year-end

   * Positive gross margins of $0.9 million (2003: $3.3 million)

   * Pre-tax losses of $6.1 million (2003: pre-tax profit of $0.1 million)

   * Ended 2004 with an order backlog of $80.5 million, representing 8.9 mW
     of PV roofing systems

   * Completed 30% equity investment in German PV roofing specialist Dachland
     GmbH to establish dedicated installation and service capability

   * Formal cooperation agreement signed post year-end with Sarnafil for 
     sales and marketing of SIT branded roofing systems in Germany

   * Negotiated a major lease financing program resulting in today's
     announcement of our strategic relationship with GE Commercial Finance 
     Energy Financial Services (GE EFS), including an initial $17 million 
     project investment and GE EFS's option for $500 million in additional 
     project investments on a first right of refusal basis

Commenting on the announcement, Chairman David R. W. Potter said: "2004 marked
the first full year of operations for Solar Integrated, during which time we
made significant progress in preparing for rapid growth in the coming year, as
our order book suggests. With the announcement today of the strategic
relationship with GE, the Company's potential for accelerating growth on a
global scale will be greatly enhanced".

For further information, please contact:

Jon W. Slangerup             London             (020) 7153 3500
Chief Executive Officer      Los Angeles        +1 323 231 0411

Geza G. Molnar               London             (020) 7153 3500
Chief Financial Officer      Los Angeles        +1 323 231 0411

Ken Cronin, Deborah Walter   London             (020) 7554 1400
Gavin Anderson & Company

Notes for Editors:

Solar Integrated Technologies, Inc., based in Los Angeles, California,
manufactures, markets, installs and services building integrated photovoltaic 
(BIPV) roofing systems for industrial, municipal and government facilities, as 
well as portable structures. Major customers include Coca-Cola, Frito Lay, the 
San Diego Unified School District, the U.S. Military, and other blue chip 
clients. The Company's proprietary manufacturing process involves fusing 
flexible photovoltaic cells onto lightweight industrial roofing and tent fabric,
providing a turn-key BIPV roofing solution that generates renewable electrical 
power. By its unique building integrated qualities, Solar Integrated's products 
have distinct commercial advantages over conventional crystalline PV systems.

Chief Executive's Review

Review of Results

For the Company's first full year of operations, 2004 was one highlighted by
team efforts to create the foundation for rapid and sustainable growth for 2005
and beyond. The first half of the year resulted in a successful IPO on the
London AIM, followed by intensive efforts in the second half to develop and
negotiate a strategic financing program - the first of its kind in our industry.
These efforts set the stage for today's announcement of our strategic
relationship with GE Commercial Finance Energy Financial Services (GE EFS).

The agreement with GE EFS provides for an initial investment of approximately 
$17 million for our San Diego Schools project. More importantly, GE EFS has the 
right of first refusal on up to $500 million to fund existing and prospective 
solar roofing projects as they come from Solar Integrated. This critical 
relationship creates a unique platform from which to deliver our product 
portfolio to a wide range of well-established industrial companies, state and 
local governments, and a growing list of other customers.

In January 2005, we decided to adopt the strictest standards for financial
reporting, beginning with recognizing revenue only for completed projects versus
our previous method of recognizing revenue for projects on a percentage of
completion basis.

Based on the delay in closing the agreement with GE EFS,lower revenues were 
reported in 2004 than originally expected, with a corresponding increase in 
finished goods inventory, including a significant number of BIPV roof systems 
that were substantially completed and ready for sale to our strategic partner, 
GE EFS at December 31, 2004. This resulted in a reported pre-tax loss.

Turnover was $7.8 million compared to $8.3 million in 2003. However, we
installed 1.7 mW of new BIPV roofs, up from 0.9 mW in 2003, with a year-ending
backlog of 8.9 mW of new projects. This resulted in a commercial order book
entering 2005 of $80.5 million.

Significant investments were made in raw materials and finished goods
inventories needed to support rapid anticipated growth in 2005, as well as
substantially completed projects. In addition, more than $1 million in expenses
related to negotiating our strategic agreement with GE EFS. Cash on hand at 
year-end was $0.9 million, with approximately $5.9 million in accounts 
receivable. Contracts in progress at cost totaled approximately $7.1 million and 
inventories totaled approximately $9.0 million.

During the year, the Company focused on cultivating customer relations and
creating new sales opportunities in the expanding U.S. and European markets. We
delivered high-profile projects for Coca-Cola, Frito Lay, the San Diego School
District, the U.S. Air Force, and other key clients. Many of these customers
opted to install our Energy Management System technology, which optimizes the
energy efficiency of their solar-powered facilities. 

In Europe, we opened offices in England and Germany, and made a 30 percent 
equity investment in Dachland GmbH, a German-based premium quality "green" 
roofing company. Since the year-end, we also recently signed a formal 
cooperation with Swiss-based Sarnafil Inc. Under the terms of the agreement, 
Sarnafil's sales force will sell Solar Integrated's branded roofing systems to 
customers in Germany. Our investments in Europe signal our commitment to rapid 
expansion into the well-established market for BIPV roofing systems in Germany, 
Spain and elsewhere.

On the product development front, Solar Integrated leveraged its ability to fuse
PV cells onto roofing materials by extending this process to other fabrics,
thereby developing the first commercially viable portable and modular PV tent
structures. We believe that this diversification of our core competence will
drive significant growth in high margin sales. This is evidenced by solar tents 
delivered to the U.S. Military and movie studios seeking access to mobile 
renewable power structures to support field operations. We have also had 
significant interest in these new products from disaster relief agencies for 
temporary housing, emergency power and mobile medical stations.


The market for BIPV systems is rapidly expanding on a global scale. In many U.S. 
states, there are specific initiatives in place to promote and subsidize the use 
of solar power for both industrial and residential applications, led by 
California with long-range incentives and subsidies. Other states are following 
California's lead, such as New Jersey, Florida, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, 
Texas, Hawaii and others, who are moving apace toward solar and other renewable 
energy solutions.

In Europe, there is a well-established commitment to renewable energy, and the
application of solar power is rapidly expanding. Germany is the world's largest
market for PV products, leading the world in installed solar power capacity,
principally through the use of feed-in tariffs which deliver compelling ROI
opportunities for solar users. Spain and France are following suit, with other
European countries moving forward as well.

Japan, like Germany, has a high commitment to solar power, and leads the Asian
Region in PV applications. The massive and rapidly growing energy demands of
China, India and other Asian nations are beginning to drive growth in renewable
energy, and the opportunity for solar power in this region is significant.

Globally, the three key drivers for renewable energy - and solar power in
particular - are well established and universally accepted:

   * Energy security
   * Climate change
   * Air quality

As PV technology improves and demand continues to rise, significant increases in
PV production capacity will be funded, allowing for the continued expansion of 
the market. Over time, as technology and production improves, and the costs of 
fossil fuels continue to rise, the comparable cost of solar power will become 
increasingly attractive. As this occurs, the long-term need for subsidies will 
decline, creating an even greater wave of market opportunity.


Solar Integrated has a unique business model based on its proprietary
BIPV systems and the Company's roots in the commercial roofing industry. Our 
value proposition is powerful because we understand the roofing business and how
to deliver compelling ROI opportunities to our large base of blue chip 
industrial clients. Our strategic relationship with GE EFS further enhances this
value proposition. Because we have evolved from decades in roofing construction 
to becoming experts in transforming roof "liabilities" into cost-competitive 
renewable energy "assets", we are well positioned to continually expand our 
business model to reach existing and emerging markets for BIPV roofs.

For the foreseeable future, we will remain focused on our core market, which
comprises the billions of square feet of existing "big box" roofs around the
world. These include large manufacturing, distribution, retail, public and
military facilities that have large flat roofs. Up to ten percent of these roofs
are in the process of being replaced annually, and all of these replacement 
and/or new roofs represent Solar Integrated's opportunity to sell our unique 
building-integrated PV solutions. We believe that this niche is the largest 
potential segment of the overall BIPV market, and the one that can have the 
greatest impact on reaching critical mass for renewable solar power.


In 2005, Solar Integrated will focus on "monetizing" a large backlog of BIPV
roofing projects, realized in great part due to our relationship with GE EFS.
We believe that this will generate sufficient cash flow and profits to keep pace
with the rapid growth in our targeted markets. Our Company will also focus on 
expanding best practices within operations and staff functions, driving our 
commitment to quality and business process improvements.

Jon W. Slangerup
Chief Executive Officer

                            UNAUDITED BALANCE SHEET
                                 (U.S. Dollars)


                                                           December 31,
                                                             2004         2003
                                                      (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                                                $            $
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents (Note 3)                        438,400       29,800
Certificate of deposit - restricted (Note 8)                    -      500,000
Trade receivables (Notes 4 and 8)                       5,875,400    2,997,000
Amount due from related party (note 6)                  1,015,100            -
Inventories (Notes 5 and 8)                             9,053,900    2,213,800
Contracts in process (Note 17)                          7,137,900            -
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                 231,700       11,200

Total current assets                                   23,752,400    5,751,800

Noncurrent assets
Plant and equipment, less accumulated depreciation
of $1,105,400 in 2004 and $422,200 in 2003 (Note 7)     3,811,700    4,127,900
Loan fees, net of amortization                                  -       64,300
Deposits                                                  120,200       47,900
Total assets                                           27,684,300    9,991,900


Current liabilities                                           $              $
Borrowings under line of credit (Note 8)              6,000,000      1,362,500
Notes payable to bank - current portion (Note 8)        530,000        836,100
Trade and other payables (Note 9)                     6,387,400      2,713,500
Billings in excess of costs (Note 17)                         -         58,800
Amounts due to related party (Note 6)                         -      2,891,000

Total current liabilities                            12,917,400      7,861,900

Notes payable to bank - net of current portion
(Note 10)                                             2,035,800      1,877,500

Total liabilities                                    14,953,200      9,739,400

Shareholders' equity
Share capital (Note 11)                              20,643,400      2,000,000
Accumulated deficit - beginning of period            (1,747,500)    (1,876,200)
Current period net income (loss)                     (6,164,800)       128,700

Accumulated deficit - end of period                  (7,912,300)    (1,747,500)

Shareholders' equity                                 12,731,100        252,500
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity           27,684,300      9,991,900

                                 (U.S. Dollars)
                                                           Years ended
                                                           December 31,
                                                           2004          2003
                                                     (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                              $             $

Revenue (Note 17)                                      7,836,300     8,301,600

Cost of sales
Cost of products sold                                  6,908,300     3,800,000
Cost of services                                               -     1,220,700

Cost of sales                                          6,908,300     5,020,700

Gross profit                                             928,000     3,280,900

Operating expenses
Research, development and start-up costs                 620,700       412,400
General and administrative expenses                    6,059,900     2,647,500

Income (loss) from operating activities               (5,752,600)      221,000

Interest expense (Note 12)                               412,200        92,200

Income (loss) before income taxes                     (6,164,800)      128,800

Income tax expense                                             -             -

NET INCOME (LOSS)                                     (6,164,800)      128,800

Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share in             (0.29)          129
dollars                                             ============================
Weighted average number of shares outstanding
(basic and diluted) (Note 18)                         21,361,127         1,000

                                 (U.S. Dollars)

                     Years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003

                                         Common Stock         Accumulated
                                      Shares       Amount       deficit          Total
                                                        $              $             $

Balance at December 31, 2002          1,000             -     (1,876,200)   (1,876,200)

Capital contribution                      -     2,000,000             -      2,000,000

Net income for the year ended
December 31, 2003                                                128,700       128,700

Balance at December 31, 2003          1,000     2,000,000     (1,747,500)      252,500

Issuance of common stock         33,461,710    21,657,400              -    21,657,400

Expenses incurred in connection 
with the issuance of common
stock                                          (3,014,000)                  (3,014,000)

Net loss for the year
ended December 31, 2004                    -            -     (6,614,800)   (5,619,800)


Balance at December
31, 2004                        33,462,710     20,643,400     (7,912,300)   13,276,100

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                                 (U.S. Dollars)
                                                             Year ended
                                                            December 31,
                                                             2004         2003
                                                      (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                                                $            $
Cash flows from operating activities:
Income (loss) from operating activities                (5,752,600)     222,800
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
used in operating activities
Depreciation and amortization                             683,100      422,200
Increase in warranty provision                             13,300       36,700
Amortization of loan fees                                  64,300       11,900

Operating cash flows before movements 
in working capital                                     (4,991,900)     693,600

Changes in assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable                                    (2,878,400)  (2,997,000)
Amount due from related party                          (1,015,100)           -
Inventories                                            (6,840,200)  (1,891,900)
Contracts in process                                   (7,137,900)
Prepaid expenses and other assets                        (292,700)     (29,200)
Trade and other payables                                3,659,400    2,673,800
Billings in excess of costs                               (57,600)      58,700

Cash used by operations                               (19,554,400)  (1,492,000)

Interest paid                                            (412,200)     (92,200)

Net cash used in operating activities                 (19,966,600)  (1,584,200)

Cash flows from investing activities:
Purchase of certificate of deposit                                    (500,000)
Proceeds from certificate of deposit                      500,000
Acquisition of plant and equipment                       (366,800)  (1,896,600)

Net cash used in investing activities                     133,200   (2,396,600)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                                 (U.S. Dollars)

                                                           Years ended
                                                           December 31,
                                                            2004         2003
                                                     (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                                               $            $
Cash flows from financing activities:
Repayment of bank debt                                (3,147,900)    (286,300)
Proceeds from bank loans                               3,000,000      500,000
Borrowings from line of credit                         4,637,500    1,362,500
Borrowings from related party                                       1,565,300
Repayment of amount due to related party              (2,891,000)  (1,130,800)
Issuance of common stock, net of costs of
$3,014,000 in 2004                                    18,643,400
Capital contribution                                                2,000,000

Net cash provided by financing activities             20,242,000    4,010,700

NET INCREASE IN CASH                                     408,600       29,800

Cash at beginning of period                               29,800            -

Cash at end of period                                    438,400       29,800

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information
Cash paid during the period
Interest paid included in cash flows from 
operating activities                                     412,200       92,200

Interest paid capitalized in plant and equipment               -       61,600

                                                         412,200      153,800

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                                 (U.S. Dollars)

                           December 31, 2004 and 2003

Note 1: Establishment and operations of the Company. Solar Integrated
Technologies, Inc., (the "Company") was established and incorporated in the
State of Delaware in the United States of America on January 24, 2002.

The Company prepares its financial statements to December 31 of each year.

The Company fabricates a fully bi-functional integrated solar roof system that
both waterproofs the building envelope and generates solar electric power. The
address of the principal place of business of the Company is 1837 E. Martin
Luther King Jr. Blvd, Los Angeles, California, United States of America.

The directors authorized the financial statements for the years ended December
31, 2004 for issuance on April 25, 2005.

Note 2: Summary of significant accounting policies. The financials statements
are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) and under the historical cost convention. These financial statements are
presented in US Dollars since that is the currency in which the majority of the
Company's transactions are denominated.

The significant accounting policies adopted are as follows:

a.      Plant and equipment. Plant and equipment are carried at cost less
        accumulated depreciation. Plant and equipment are depreciated using the
        straight-line method over their respective estimated useful lives as 

        Machinery and equipment                                   7 Years
        Furniture, fixtures and office equipment                  5 Years

        Assets in the course of construction are carried at cost. Depreciation 
        is charged on these assets from the date on which they are placed in 

b.      Inventories. Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net
        realizable value. Cost is arrived at using the first-in, first-out 
        (FIFO)method. Cost comprises invoice value plus applicable landing 
        charges in the case of raw materials, packing materials, spares and 
        consumables. Finished goods comprise cost of materials plus attributable 
        labor and overhead charges that have been incurred in bringing the 
        inventories to their present location and condition. Net realizable 
        value is based on estimated selling price less estimated costs to 
        completion of sale. Provisions are made for obsolete and slow-moving 

c.      Revenue.

i)         Sales of goods

           Sales of goods, other than goods supplied as part of construction 
           contracts, are recognized when goods are delivered and title has 

ii)        Construction contracts

           For year ended December 31, 2003, where the outcome of a construction 
           contract could be estimated reliably, the Company recognized revenue 
           and costs using the percentage of completion method over the period 
           of installation, which is typically four to eight weeks, as measured 
           by the proportion that contract costs incurred for work performed and 
           product installed to date bear to the estimated total contract costs.
           Where the outcome of a construction contract could not be estimated 
           reliably, contract revenue was recognized to the extent of contract
           costs incurred that it was probable would be recoverable. To the 
           extent that billings to date on a project exceeded revenue to be 
           recognized on a percentage of completion basis, an adjustment was 
           made to "billings in excess of cost" on the balance sheet. 
           Conversely, if billings were less than revenue to be recognized, 
           an adjustment was reflected in "costs in excess of billings" on the
           balance sheet. When it is probable that total contract costs would 
           exceed total contract revenue, the expected loss was recognized as an 
           expense immediately.

           For the year ended December 31, 2004 the Company change its revenue 
           recognition policy for construction contracts. The Company recognized 
           revenue and costs using the completed contract method. Costs incurred 
           related to contracts in progress are included on the balance sheet at 

           Since all revenues for the year ended December 31, 2003 were related 
           to contracts that were completed no restatement of revenues was 

d.      Income taxes. 

           The Company filed an election to be taxed as an S Corporation for 
           Federal tax purposes effective for the year ended December 31, 2003. 
           The Company has not received final notification from the Internal 
           Revenue Service (IRS) approving the S Corporation election; however, 
           the Company believes that they have made a valid S Corporation 
           election and the IRS will approve the election for fiscal 2003. The 
           financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2003 have been 
           prepared assuming the Company has made a valid election. Accordingly,
           all Federal taxable earnings of the Company are taxed at the 
           individual stockholder level and the Company incurs no Federal income 
           tax liability. The Company, however, is subject to California S 
           Corporation tax at a rate of 1.5%.

           In May, 2004 the Company filed an election to be taxed as a C 
           corporation. Therefore, the Company is subject to federal and local 
           taxes on corporate income for periods after May 6, 2004.

e.          Borrowing costs. Borrowing costs are recognized as an expense in the
            period in which they are incurred except those that are directly 
            attributed to the acquisition and construction of an asset that 
            takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended 
            use. Such borrowing costs are capitalized as part of the related 
            asset until such time as the asset is substantially ready for use.

f.          Cash and cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents comprise 
            current bank accounts and other bank deposits free of encumbrances 
            and having maturity dates of three months or less from the 
            respective dates of deposit.

g.          Restricted certificate of deposit. Restricted certificate of deposit
            consists of amounts pledged as security for a bank loan (see Note 
            8). The certificate of deposit earns interest at .96% at December 
            31, 2003 and is reported at fair value.

h.          Financial instruments. Financial assets and financial liabilities 
            are recognized on the Company's balance sheet when the Company has 
            become a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

    Trade receivables are stated at nominal value, less appropriate allowances 
    for estimated irrecoverable amounts.


    Trade payables are stated at nominal value.

Due to related parties

    Amounts due to related party are stated at nominal value.


    Interest bearing bank loans and overdrafts are recorded at the proceeds
    received. Direct issue costs are capitalized and amortized over the related 
    loan period.

Share capital
    Shares issued by the Company are recorded at the proceeds received, net of
    direct issue costs.

i.       Provisions. Provisions for warranty costs are recognized at the date of
         sale of the relevant products, at the directors' best estimate of the
         expenditure required to settle the liability. The activity for the 
         years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 was as follows:

Balance at January 1, 2003                                                   -

Provision during the year ended December 31, 2003                       36,700

Balance at December 31, 2003                                            36,700

Provision during the year ended December 31, 2004                       13,300

Balance at December 31, 2004                                            50,000

j.     Research, development and start-up costs. Expenditures related to the
       development of new products and processes are expensed as incurred. Costs
       associated with start-up activities have been expensed as incurred.

Note 3: Cash and cash equivalents.

                                                       December 31,
                                                        2004             2003
                                                           $                $
Bank balances in current accounts                    438,400           29,800

Note 4: Trade receivables.

                                                       December 31,
                                                  2004                   2003
                                                           $                $
Trade receivables                                  5,875,400        2,997,000

At December 31, 2003, 100% of the trade receivable balance was due from one
customer. Based on the Company's knowledge of the financial condition of its
customers, an allowance for uncollectible balance was not established.

Trade receivables have been pledged as security for one of the Company's bank
loans (Note 8).

Note 5: Inventories.

                                                        December 31,
                                                 2004                     2003
                                                    $                        $
Raw materials                               2,857,300                1,001,600
Work in process                             1,176,000
Finished goods                              5,020,600                1,212,100

                                            9,053,900                2,213,700

Inventories have been pledged as security for one of the Company's bank loans
(Note 8).

Note 6: Related-party transactions. The Company has entered into transactions
with another entity, SCR Group, Inc. ("SCR") that falls within the definition of
a related party under International Accounting Standard No. 24. The two majority
shareholders of the Company are also 100% shareholders of SCR and both companies
are under common management control. At the balance sheet dates, amounts due to
SCR were as follows:

                                                         December 31,
                                                  2004                   2003
                                                     $                      $
Amounts due from SCR                         1,015,100
Amounts due to SCR                                                  2,891,000

The amounts due from SCR are the result of working capital advances to SCR to 
support the installation of the Company's projects. The amounts due to SCR are 
the result of working capital advances to the Company, expenditures made to SCR
on behalf of the Company and certain shared administrative functions, including
finance and information technology support. The balances owed to SCR are 
non-interest bearing and payable upon demand. Due to the Company's initial lack 
of credit history and direct borrowing ability with institutional lenders, SCR 
contracted with various vendors and creditors on behalf of the Company.

In 2002, SCR obtained a $2,500,000 equipment finance loan on behalf of the
Company to fund the development and purchase of equipment. Loan proceeds were
used to finance the purchase of machinery and equipment on behalf of the
Company. The loan is for a term of seven years and requires monthly payments of
$35,138 (see Note 10). SCR paid the monthly payments and charged the
inter-company account until June 2003 at which point the Company assumed the
monthly payments. The amount due under the equipment finance loan is classified
as notes payable to bank on the accompanying balance sheet as of December 31,
2003 rather than being classed as amounts due to SCR. As discussed in Note 10
the Company entered into a $3,000,000 term note payable on January 30, 2004, the
loan proceeds of which were partially used to pay down SCR's equipment term loan
on February 11, 2004.

In July 2002, SCR entered into an operating lease agreement for the
manufacturing facility currently occupied by the Company. The lease term is for
three years and seven months and ends on January 31, 2006. Monthly rent is
$14,958 plus common area expenses until April 2004 and escalates to $16,400
thereafter. Deferred rent expense resulting from the normalization of the rent
escalations was not significant at December 31, 2004 and 2003. The agreement
includes the option to extend the term of the lease for an additional three
years. The rents payable under this lease were recharged by SCR to the Company.
Rent expense under the facility lease was $207,500 and $179,800 for the years
ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Future minimum noncancellable
operating lease payments under this lease are as follows:

Year ended December 31,                             
2005                     196,900
2006                      16,400

In 2003, SCR has also leased certain equipment used by the Company or jointly
used by the Company and SCR (primarily office equipment and warehouse equipment)
under hire purchase leases. SCR recharged a portion of the payments required
under these lease agreements to the Company through an inter-company charge to
reflect the Company's use of the assets. Rent expense for these leases totaled
$557,200 and for the year ended December 31, 2004.

In connection with the Company's line of credit facility (discussed in Note 8),
SCR provided a guarantee to the financial institution. The maximum borrowings
available under the credit facility total $6,000,000 which extends through May
31, 2005. The balance, subject to the guarantee, totaled $6,000,000 at December
31, 2004.

The Company has provided a cross guarantee to a financial institution for
certain bank debt of SCR. The bank debt subject to the guarantee consists of a
$2,000,000 term loan that expires on June 30, 2005. A majority of the proceeds
from this term loan were used to provide working capital advances to the Company
from SCR. The advances from SCR are included in the amounts due to related party
on the accompanying balance sheet as of December 31, 2004 and 2003. Borrowings
under the commercial loan bear interest at the published Wall Street Journal
Prime Rate, but not less than 5.50% (5.50% at December 31, 2004). In connection
with this loan, the financial institution also obtained personal guarantees of
the two common shareholders of SCR and the Company. Under the terms of the loan
agreement, SCR is required to comply with certain covenants. As of December 31,
2004, SCR was in compliance with such covenants. It is not practicable to
estimate the fair value of the guarantee; however, the Company does not
anticipate that it will incur losses as a result of this guarantee. The Company
has not recorded a separate liability for this guarantee. If SCR were to default
on the outstanding loan balance, the Company may be required to repay the
remaining principal balance. The Company believes that in the event of default
by SCR, the Company would have recourse by reducing the amounts owed to SCR that
are currently included in the amount due to related party in the accompanying
balance sheet as of December 31, 2004 and 2003. The maximum potential amount the
Company would be required to pay is equal to the outstanding principal and
interest balance of the loan to SCR. At December 31, 2004, the outstanding loan
balance subject to the guarantee is $2,000,000.

The Company commenced trading in fiscal 2003 and earned revenue under four
contracts. The first three contracts were carried out under an arrangement where
the Company sold product and materials to SCR, which then contracted with the
end customer to install the roof system. Total revenue recognized under these
first three contracts approximated $5,300,000 for the year ended December 31,
2003. One of these contracts related to the sale of bought-in materials for a
glass-solar roof - a one-off sale that falls outside the Company business model
and is not expected to repeat. Revenue from the glass-solar roof installation
totaled $3,661,000 in 2003 (44% of total revenue in 2003.) The other two
contracts with SCR related to one end-customer and totaled $1,600,000 (19% of
total revenue in 2003.) The fourth contract was made under a different
arrangement, whereby the Company contracted directly with the end customer and
SCR was subcontracted by the Company to provide installation labor.

The remuneration paid by SIT to the common shareholders of SCR and SIT was
$51,600 in 2003. In 2003, only one of the shareholder's salary was paid by the
Company. The other shareholder remained an employee of SCR during fiscal 2003.

Note 7: Plant and equipment.

                            Machinery        Fixtures     Capital          
                            and            and office     work in
                            equipment       equipment    progress        Total
                                    $               $           $            $
As at January 1, 2003               -               -    2,653,500   2,653,500
Additions                           -          11,700    1,885,000   1,896,700
Transfers                   4,538,500                   (4,538,500)
As at December 31, 2003     4,538,500          11,700            -   4,550,200
Additions                     252,200         114,600                  366,800
Transfers                           -                            -           -
As at December 31, 2004     4,790,700         126,300            -   4,917,000

Accumulated depreciation
As at January 1, 2003               -               -            -           -
Depreciation for the period   421,100           1,200            -     422,300
As at December 31, 2003       421,100           1,200            -     422,300

Depreciation for the period   667,200          15,900            -     683,100

As at December 31, 2004     1,088,300          17,100            -   1,105,400

Net book value
As at December 31, 2004     4,789,600         109,200                3,811,600

As at December 31, 2003     4,117,400          10,500                4,127,900

Plant and equipment includes interest capitalized during the period of $61,604
in 2003. The capitalization rate used was the average actual borrowing cost.

As discussed in Note 6, the Company's machinery and equipment was purchased by
SCR on behalf of the Company using borrowings from an equipment term loan to
finance a portion of the cost. The machinery and equipment of $3,811,600 are
pledged as security for the equipment term loan.

Note 8: Due to banks.

                                                             December 31,
                                                           2004           2003
                                                              $              $
Current portion of long-term loan (note 10)             530,000        336,100
Short-term bank loan                                                   500,000
Borrowings under line of credit                       6,000,000      1,362,500

                                                      6,530,000      2,198,600

In December 2003, the Company entered into a business loan agreement that was to
expire on December 31, 2004. Such loan agreement was amended on May 26, 2004 and
the expiration date was extended to May 31, 2005. The loan agreement provides
the Company with a line of credit. Maximum borrowings under the line of credit
are based on eligible trade receivables and inventory and may not exceed
$6,000,000 at December 31, 2004. Borrowings under the line of credit bear
interest at the bank's prime lending rate plus 1.5% (6.5% at December 31, 2004)
and are collateralized by the inventories and trade receivables of the Company.
In connection with the line of credit, the financial institution obtained
personal guarantees of the two majority shareholders and a corporate guarantee
of the related party (see Note 6). Under the line of credit agreement, the
Company is required to comply with certain covenants. As of December 31, 2004
the Company was in compliance with such covenants.

The Company had a short-term bank loan to a separate financial institution
totaling $500,000. The loan bears interest at 6%. The Company was required to
deposit the proceeds from this bank loan into a restricted certificate of
deposit as collateral for the loan. The loan was repaid in March 2004.

Note 9: Trade and other payables.
                                                       December 31,
                                                2004                      2003
                                                   $                         $
Trade payables                             5,959,200                 1,728,700
Accruals                                     428,200                   984,800

                                           6,387,400                 2,713,500
                                           ==========                ==========

Note 10: Interest bearing liabilities-long term portion.
                                                           December 31,
                                                        2004              2003
                                                             $               $
Long-term equipment finance loan                     2,565,800       2,213,600
Less: Current Portion (note 8)                        (530,000)       (336,100)

                                                     2,035,800       1,877,500

                                                           December 31,
                                                         2004            2003
                                                             $              $
The borrowings are repayable as follows:
In the second year                                     521,800        331,700
In the third to sixth years (inclusive)              1,514,000      2,047,100

Amount due for settlement after 12 months            2,035,800      2,378,800

The equipment finance loan bears interest at LIBOR plus 3% (4.46% at December
31, 2003). The equipment loan is collateralized by substantially all of the
plant and equipment. The equipment finance loan had an original term of seven
years and required monthly payments of $35,138. On February 11, 2004, the
equipment finance loan was repaid using proceeds from a new term loan.

On January 30, 2004, the Company entered into a $3,000,000 term note payable
collateralized by equipment of the Company. The note bears interest at the
bank's prime lending rate, but not less than 5.50% and requires 59 monthly
payments of $57,530 and one final payment of all outstanding principal and
accrued interest on February 20, 2009. The loan proceeds were used to pay down
the existing equipment finance loan.

On March 11, 2004, the Company repaid its $500,000 short-term loan using the
proceeds from the maturity of the restricted certificate of deposit.

Note 11: Share Capital.

                                                           December 31,
                                                            2004          2003
                                                               $             $
Number of authorized shares at $0.001 par value       50,000,000
Number of issued shares and fully paid at $0.0001
par value                                             33,462,710                                              
Number of authorized shares at no par value                              1,500
Number of issued shares at no par value                                  1,000
Number of issued and fully paid shares at no par
value                                                                    1,000

Issued and fully paid share capital - amount          20,643,400     2,000,000

The Company has one class of common shares, which carry no right to fixed
income. The Company issued 1,000 common shares on the date of incorporation.
These shares were issued at $2,000 per share, which was fully paid in fiscal

On May 4, 2004 the shareholders passed a resolution to amend the Certificate of
Incorporation so as to affect a 24,933 forward stock split, pursuant to which
each of the 1,000 common shares fully paid were divided into 24,933 fully paid
shares of common stock with no par value. Following the stock split there were
24,933,000 shares of common stock outstanding. Additionally, the par value per
common share was amended from $0.00 to $0.0001 as well as the authorized share
capital of the Company was increased from 1,500 common shares to 50,000,000
common shares. On May 12, 2004 following admission to AIM the Company placed
7,217,447 common shares at $3.15.

Note 12: Finance costs.

                                                         Year ended
                                                         December 31,
                                                     2004                 2003
                                                        $                   $
On long-term bank loans                           226,200
On other loans                                    186,000               61,000

                                                  412,200               61,000

Note 13: Number of employees. The number of employees of the Company as at
December 31, 2004 and 2003 was 36 and 21, respectively.

Note 14: Financial instruments: credit, interest rate and exchange rate risk

a.     Credit risk. The Company's credit risk is primarily attributable to trade
       receivables. At December 31, 2004 and 2003, the Company's maximum 
       exposure to credit risk from one customer amounted to $2,281,300 and 
       $2,997,000 respectively.

       The credit risk on cash and cash equivalents and the certificate of 
       deposit is limited as the counterparties are banks with high credit 
       ratings. The certificate of deposit at December 31, 2003 of $500,000 was 
       held with one financial institution.

b.     Interest rate risk. Term loans and other bank borrowings are at floating
       rates of interest generally obtained within the United States of America, 
       which are negotiated with the banks at various indexes plus negotiated 
       margins. Amounts due to related parties currently carry no interest 

c.     Exchange rate risk. The Company has no significant exchange rate risk as
       substantially all financial assets and financial liabilities are 
       denominated in US dollars.

Note 15: Financial instruments: fair values. The fair value of a financial
instrument is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability
settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction.
At the balance sheet date, the fair values of the Company's financial assets and
financial liabilities approximate to their carrying values.

Note 16: Operating profit (loss)

Operating profit (loss) has been arrived at after charging:

                                                           Year ended
                                                          December 31,
                                                           2004          2003
                                                              $             $
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment           683,100       422,200
Staff costs (excluding direct labor)                  1,169,300       573,100
Insurance                                               327,400        73,000
Professional & consulting fees                        1,846,100       151,600
Sales & marketing expenses                              779,400       221,000
Rent & utilities                                        292,700       192,600
Information technology & communication expense          348,700        70,300
Travel                                                  191,000       175,500
Directors fees & expenses                               171,400             -

Note 17: Revenue

An analysis of the Company's revenue is as follows:

                                                             Year ended
                                                             December 31,
                                                           2004          2003
                                                              $             $
Sales of product and materials to related party                     5,263,300
Revenue from construction contracts                   7,836,300     2,938,300
Other revenue                                                         100,000

                                                      7,836,300     8,301,600

Contracts in progress at the balance sheet dates are as follows:

                                                           December 31,
                                                            2004          2003
                                                               $             $
Contracts in progress recorded at cost                 7,137,900
Amount due from contract customer                                    2,997,000
(included in trade receivables)
Contract costs incurred plus recognized profits in
excess of billings                                                   2,938,200

Costs and profit in excess of billings included in
balance sheets                                         7,137,900       (58,800)

Note 18: Earnings per share. The calculation of basic earnings per share is
based on the following data for the six months ended June 30:

                                                              2004        2003
                                                                 $           $
Earnings (loss) for the purposes of basic and diluted
earnings per share                                      (6,164,800)    128,800
Weighted average number of common shares for the
purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share        21,361,489       1,000
Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share (in
dollars)                                                     (0.29)        129

Note 19: Segmental reporting. The Company has only one reporting segment. It is
engaged in one activity, being the manufacture and sale of solar roof systems
and its business operations and sales to date have been conducted in one
geographical location.

Note 20: Contingent liabilities. During 2003, the Company provided a guarantee
of $2,000,000 of certain bank debt of SCR, a related party (see Note 6).

Note 21: Subsequent events. In January 2005, the Company acquired a 30% interest
in a German company that specializes in installing single ply, green and
photovoltaic roofing systems for $1,949,250 (Euro1.5 million) in cash. The Company
financed the acquisition from borrowings from its bank line of credit, which
increased from $6,000,000 to $15,000,000 in January 2005. The Company has the
option to acquire the remaining 70% of its outstanding share capital by April
2006, for a total consideration of approximately $4,550,000 (Euro3.5 million)
payable in cash and shares (which are limited to a maximum of 25% of the
purchase price). Should the Company decide not to exercise the option to
purchase during this period, the shareholders of the German company will be able
to repurchase the 30% interest at a price potentially lower than the acquisition
price, subject to it meeting certain performance criteria. In addition to the
cash consideration, the Company has provided an indemnity to the Germany
Company's shareholders and related parties to cover their personal guarantees
and land-charges securing outstanding bank loans and facilities up to a maximum
of $4,095,000 (Euro3.15 million). The indemnification will terminate when the
Company is no longer a shareholder in the German company. The Company is
obligated to substitute these personal guarantees with the guarantee of an
international bank by December 31, 2005 or when it owns more than 50% of the
shares of the German company, in which case the indemnification to the majority
shareholders will also terminate. As of the date of the issuance of these
financial statements no claims were asserted by any of the banks covered by this

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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