RNS Number : 0592Q

Cape plc

27 August 2014

Embargoed: 0700hrs, 27 August 2014

Cape plc

("Cape" or "the Group")

Interim results for the period ended 29 June 2014

Cape plc, an international leader in the provision of critical industrial services to the energy and natural resources sectors,

announces its unaudited half-year results for the period ended 29 June 2014.

"Trading in line with expectation and the Board expects a stronger second half to 2014"

Financial summary

                                          H1 2014    Restated    Change 
                                                      H1 2013 
 Financial highlights: 
 Continuing operations: 
    Revenue                             GBP322.3m   GBP370.8m   (13.1%) 
    Adjusted operating profit            GBP23.4m    GBP26.5m   (11.7%) 
    Adjusted operating profit margin         7.3%        7.1%    +20bps 
    Adjusted profit before tax           GBP20.6m    GBP23.6m   (12.7%) 
    Adjusted diluted earnings per 
     share                                  12.9p       14.8p   (12.8%) 
 Interim dividend per share                  4.5p        4.5p 
 Adjusted net debt                      GBP132.0m    GBP73.9m   (78.6%) 
 Statutory results: 
 Operating profit                        GBP21.3m    GBP10.6m   +100.9% 
 Profit before tax                       GBP17.1m     GBP6.1m   +180.3% 
 Diluted earnings per share                 10.7p        4.4p   +143.2% 


   --      Overall trading performance in line with expectation: 

o UK, Europe & CIS region performed in line with expectation

o MENA region performed ahead of expectation, with strong results in all major countries

o Asia Pacific region had a slow start to year with subdued activity in the Asia countries

   --      Order intake during the first half increased by 33% to GBP317m (H1 2013: GBP239m) 
   --      Revenue decreased by 13% to GBP322.3m (H1 2013: GBP370.8m): 

o Adverse foreign exchange movements accounted for 6% of the decrease

o 3% benefit resulting from the Motherwell Bridge acquisition

o Underlying reduction of 10% driven by the completion of a number of significant construction projects during 2013

-- Adjusted operating profit decreased by 12% to GBP23.4m (H1 2013: GBP26.5m) with adjusted operating margin improving to 7.3%

-- Period-end adjusted net debt of GBP132.0m (H1 2013: GBP73.9m, 31 December 2013: GBP60.2m), impacted by the GBP37.6m acquisition of Motherwell Bridge and a significant working capital outflow, driven by the seasonality of the UK power market

   --      Adjusted diluted earnings per share from continuing operations was 12.9p (H1 2013: 14.8p) 
   --      The Group has declared an interim dividend of 4.5p (H1 2013: 4.5p) per share 

Commenting on the results, Joe Oatley, Chief Executive of Cape said:

"I am pleased to be able to report that Cape has delivered a first half result in line with expectation, demonstrating the progress we have made in stabilising the Group, enabling us to now move into the growth stage of our strategy. Market conditions remain mixed with strong demand in the MENA region, but construction activity remains subdued in many other parts of the world. We anticipate a stronger second half as activity ramps up on the Wheatstone LNG project in Australia, UK margins recover to normal levels and the Group continues to benefit from the recent acquisition of Motherwell Bridge.

Overall, the Board anticipates that the full year performance will be in line with expectation and remains confident in the future growth prospects of the Group."

Throughout this document, various management measures are used and referred to as adjusted. These are defined and reconciled within note 6 'Adjusted Measures'.

Analyst meeting

The Group will be presenting to a meeting of analysts at 9.30am today at the office of Buchanan, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN. The presentation will shortly be available on the company's website at: www.capeplc.com/investors/financial-results-and-presentations.aspx


Cape plc

Joe Oatley, Chief Executive +44 (0) 1895 459 979

   Michael Speakman, Chief Financial Officer                               +44 (0) 1895 459 979 
   Rachel Amey, Director of Investor Relations                              +44 (0) 1895 459 965 

Buchanan +44 (0) 207 466 5000

Bobby Morse, Ben Romney, Louise Mason

Forward looking statements

Any forward looking statements made in this document represent the Board's best judgement as to what may occur in the future. However, the Group's actual results for the current and future financial periods and corporate developments will depend on a number of economic, competitive and other factors, some of which will be outside the control of the Group. Such factors could cause the Group's actual results for future periods to differ materially from those expressed in any forward looking statements included in this announcement.

About Cape:

Cape plc (www.capeplc.com), which is premium listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange, provides a range of non-mechanical industrial services including access systems, insulation, coatings, refractory linings and a range of specialist services including environmental services, storage tank construction and maintenance to both industrial plant operators and major international engineering and construction companies.



Cape is pleased to report that the Group has delivered an overall trading performance for the first half of 2014 in line with the Board's expectation. The focus for the remainder of the year is to move the business forward by progressing with the growth stage of our strategy whilst continuing to drive operational excellence throughout the Group. The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 4.5p (H1 2013: 4.5p) per share.

Order intake during the first half increased by 33% to GBP317m (H1 2013: GBP239m) with the Motherwell Bridge acquisition and the maintenance contract awarded in Hong Kong being two of the key contributors to that growth. Order intake in the Middle East remained strong with a broad spread of contracts being awarded in the first half; order intake across the remainder of the Group was subdued due largely to the timing of both major maintenance contract renewals in the UK and the new construction projects in both Asia Pacific and the CIS.

The Group's order book for continuing operations was GBP643m at 29 June 2014 in comparison to GBP648m at 31 December 2013 and GBP593m at 30 June 2013. The Group's reported order book excludes order book value associated with joint ventures.

Group revenue from continuing operations decreased by 13% to GBP322.3m (H1 2013: GBP370.8m). Adverse foreign exchange movements of 6% were partially offset by the 3% benefit from the Motherwell Bridge acquisition, with the 10% underlying reduction resulting from the completion of material construction projects in all three regions.

Adjusted operating profit from continuing operations reduced to GBP23.4m (H1 2013: GBP26.5m) with adjusted operating margin improving to 7.3% (H1 2013: 7.1%).

The UK, Europe & CIS region performed in line with expectation, with revenue lower than 2013 due primarily to the completion of the Group's activities on the Kashagan project in Kazakhstan.

The MENA region performed well, with strong performances from all of the major countries within the region. The onerous contract in Qatar continues to perform in line with the operational plan and within the existing provision.

The Asia Pacific region has had relatively low volumes with subdued construction activity in the Asian countries and continued slow demand in Australia. The business completed a number of significant construction contracts in 2013 with this volume yet to be replaced with new construction projects. The Wheatstone project in Australia has had minimal impact on the first half of 2014 with mobilisation to site only starting to ramp up at the end of the period; the Group's activities on the project are expected to continue to increase throughout the second half of 2014 in line with the requirements from the client.

The Group achieved an adjusted operating cash outflow of GBP10.2m (H1 2013: GBP8.7m inflow, 31 December 2013: GBP49.7m inflow) leading to a period-end adjusted net debt of GBP132.0m (H1 2013: GBP73.9m, 31 December 2013: GBP60.2m), impacted by a cash outflow of GBP37.6m relating to the acquisition of Motherwell Bridge. Excluding the acquisition, net debt was GBP94.4m, driven by a GBP33.9m working capital outflow in the first half of the year. The majority of this movement relates to the seasonal working capital of the Group and is expected to largely reverse in the second half.

Progress on strategy

The focus during 2013 on operational excellence and improved controls has delivered a more stable business and as a result the Group was able to enter the growth phase of our strategy during the first half of 2014.

An important element of this growth strategy is to expand the range of critical services we offer. The acquisition, in March 2014, of Motherwell Bridge, a leading provider of construction and maintenance services for storage tanks, gasholders and heat exchangers to the energy and steel markets, represents an important first step in our goal of offering a broader range of more specialist services to our clients. The integration of the business is progressing well and it is performing in line with our expectation. We are now focusing on expanding the Motherwell Bridge capability around Cape's international footprint, in particular in the Middle East and developing an integrated maintenance support offering for targeted tank farm clients.

As part of this strategy to expand our service offering, we have now formed Cape Specialist Services which will encompass our growing range of specialist offerings, namely Motherwell Bridge, York Linings and Cape Environmental Services, based in the UK. Cape Specialist Services will sell across the Group's existing geographical network and has already started to produce revenue synergies through offering a full range of services to clients.

Financial overview

A summary income statement with explanatory discussion of each of the key items is provided below.

 GBPm unless otherwise stated                       Restated 
                                          H1 2014    H1 2013 
---------------------------------------  --------  --------- 
 Continuing operations: 
   Revenue                                  322.3      370.8 
   Adjusted operating profit                 23.4       26.5 
   Adjusted operating profit margin 
    (%)                                      7.3%       7.1% 
   Adjusted profit before tax                20.6       23.6 
   Adjusted diluted earnings per share      12.9p      14.8p 
---------------------------------------  --------  --------- 

As anticipated, revenue from continuing operations decreased by 13% to GBP322.3m (H1 2013: GBP370.8m) of which 6% relates to foreign exchange movements, partially offset by a 3% benefit from the Motherwell Bridge acquisition. The underlying reduction of 10% was driven by the completion of several large construction projects in 2013, in particular the Kashagan project in Kazakhstan, the Arzew GNL3-Z plant in Algeria, the SPT project in Singapore and the Kipper Tuna project in Australia. In addition, there were a number of significant construction projects in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) completed in 2013 which, as expected, have not been repeated in 2014.

Adjusted operating profit from continuing operations decreased to GBP23.4m (H1 2013: GBP26.5m) driven by:

   --      a flow through of the reduced revenue 
   --      a 4% adverse impact of foreign exchange 
   --      a 6% benefit of the Motherwell Bridge acquisition 

-- a reduction in the UK margin primarily driven by the mix of work with lower volume of emergent work on some onshore sites

   --      the benefit of the improved margin in the Asia Pacific region and 

-- an increase in central costs reflecting investment in the Operational Excellence programme and stronger commercial management.

Adjusted diluted earnings per share from continuing operations was 12.9p (H1 2013: 14.8p) arising from adjusted earnings attributable to equity shareholders of GBP15.9m (H1 2013: GBP18.0m).

Regional review

The Group reports its financial results from a geographic perspective under three reporting regions.

                                                     Adjusted operating                Adjusted operating 
                           Revenue                         profit                         profit margin 
                           (GBPm)                          (GBPm)                              (%) 
                               Restated                         Restated                          Restated 
 Half-year ended     H1 2014    H1 2013         H1 2014          H1 2013          H1 2014          H1 2013 
------------------  --------  ---------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 UK, Europe & CIS      181.3      184.8            16.2             18.2             8.9%             9.8% 
 MENA                   89.1      109.5            11.6             14.6            13.0%            13.3% 
 Asia Pacific           51.9       76.5             1.4            (1.2)             2.7%           (1.6%) 
 Central costs             -          -           (5.8)            (5.1)              n/a              n/a 
                       322.3      370.8            23.4             26.5             7.3%             7.1% 
------------------  --------  ---------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 

Throughout this document, various management measures are used and referred to as adjusted. These are defined and reconciled within note 6 'Adjusted Measures'.

UK, Europe & CIS

Market conditions

The UK market continues to be steady, driven by the demand for maintenance to existing and ageing infrastructure with customers focused on plant availability and increasing operational efficiencies. Outage volumes across the UK during 2014 are anticipated to be slightly higher than 2013, offsetting a reduction in emergent works in the Onshore UK market. A number of clients are now committed to upgrade and life extension projects for existing assets which will continue to drive demand for the Group's services in the short and medium term. Demand is increasing in Azerbaijan with work starting on both the Sangachal and Shah Deniz 2 projects but construction activity levels remain low in Kazakhstan with the timing of the major new projects uncertain.


Order intake remained subdued at GBP154m, 29% higher than the prior year (H1 2013: GBP119m) with the increase primarily driven by the acquisition of Motherwell Bridge, which has been included in the order intake for the first time. Tendering activity is high in the UK with a number of significant maintenance contracts currently being bid. The business secured a number of important contracts in the first half, including an extension to the current Perenco contract as well as work on the Andrew Area Development project for BP.

Revenue decreased 2% to GBP181.3m (H1 2013: GBP184.8m) with a 2% negative impact of foreign exchange being mitigated by a 6% benefit from the Motherwell Bridge acquisition. The underlying reduction of 6% is predominantly due to the previously announced low levels of activity in Kazakhstan following the completion of the Group's activity on the Kashagan project during 2013.

The region continues to be predominantly maintenance based, with 86% (H1 2013: 83%) of revenues derived from the maintenance markets.

Adjusted operating profit margin decreased to 8.9% (H1 2013: 9.8%) due to the relative mix of work across the region, in particular the decreased activity in the higher margin CIS countries and a reduction in the UK margin primarily driven by a lower volume of emergent work on some onshore sites. As a result, adjusted operating profit reduced by 11% to GBP16.2m (H1 2013: GBP18.2m). Operating margins in the UK business are anticipated to recover in the second half of the year to historical normal levels.

We have made substantial progress with the joint venture with SOCAR in Azerbaijan and as such are investing to support the capital expenditure requirements for specific projects. The joint venture continued to expand its activities on the BP Fabric Maintenance contract that was secured in 2013 and has also started mobilising for a number of key construction contracts in the country.

During the first half of 2014, we were delighted that Cape UK was awarded two safety awards from SABIC for work on the Teeside plant. The European Environmental Health, Safety and Security (EHSS) 'Gold Award 2013' for safety performance was achieved through the accomplishments of Cape's site teams and the award for 'Best Overall European EHSS Awareness programme 2013' was specifically achieved for our programme of management interventions and visibility throughout 2013.

Middle East & North Africa (MENA)

Market conditions

The region continues to show strong demand for the Group's services; however, the market remains very competitive with continued pricing pressure, in particular on the major construction projects. The construction market remains buoyant in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) withmajor projects such as the Jizan refinery and terminal and Rabigh II petrochemical plant moving forward with awards having being made to the EPC companies for the majority of the main packages of work. Construction in both Qatar and the UAE is subdued with demand for maintenance work in both countries remaining robust. The construction markets in Oman and Kuwait are showing early signs of activity with new refinery and petrochemical projects moving forward.


Order intake was 5% ahead of the prior year at GBP98m (H1 2013: GBP93m) with a number of significant multi-year maintenance contracts secured in Qatar. The order intake in the region continues to be made up of a broad spread of relatively low value contracts, reducing the dependence of the business on any one contract.

Revenue was 19% lower than the very strong first half 2013 performance at GBP89.1m (H1 2013: GBP109.5m). 7% of this decrease is foreign exchange related with the 12% underlying reduction driven by the completion of construction projects in 2013 in particular the Arzew project in Algeria and a number of construction projects in the UAE. Revenues were ahead of expectation in all of the key geographies in the region.

Following the completion of a number of construction projects in 2013, the revenue derived from construction has returned to more normal volumes and represented 58% of total regional revenue (H1 2013: 68%). The Group continues to focus on extending the provision of maintenance support services with a small growth compared to the levels attained in 2013 with GBP36m of revenues derived from maintenance services (H1 2013: GBP35m).

Adjusted operating profit decreased 21% to GBP11.6m (H1 2013: GBP14.6m) largely as a result of the reduction in revenue with adjusted operating profit margin remaining strong at 13.0% (H1 2013: 13.3%).

The onerous contract in Qatar continues to perform in line with the operational plan and within the existing provision.

Cape has continued to be recognised for its safety record in the region with awards from a number of clients, across all countries in the region, including the Yanbu Aramco Sinopec Refining Company in the KSA for Cape's contribution to 15 million safe man hours without a Lost Time Incident (LTI) and on the Borouge 3 site, in the UAE, we received the Certificate of Appreciation from the Technimont and Samsung Engineering joint venture.

Asia Pacific

Market conditions

Market conditions within the Asia Pacific region remain mixed. Demand for new construction projects in Asia has continued to be low throughout the first half of 2014; however, there are early signs of a forthcoming increase in selected geographies with a number of refinery and petrochemical projects moving toward EPC awards. Within the Australian market, LNG project demand is increasing but demand from other sectors remains subdued.


Order intake was significantly higher than prior year at GBP65m (H1 2013: GBP27m), with the growth largely driven by the award of a three year maintenance contract in Hong Kong, as announced in April 2014.

As anticipated, revenue decreased by 32% to GBP51.9m (H1 2013: GBP76.5m). Of the decrease, 15% was a result of adverse impact of foreign exchange with the 17% organic decline driven by the completion of a number of significant projects in the region during 2013, including the SPT project in Singapore and Kipper Tuna in Australia, which have not yet been replaced by new activity. The Wheatstone project in Australia has had minimal impact on the first half of 2014 with mobilisation to site only starting to ramp up at the end of the period; the Group's activities on the project are expected to continue to increase throughout the second half of 2014 in line with the requirements from the client.

The region has moved from a loss making position in 2013 to profitability in 2014 with an adjusted operating profit margin of 2.7%, resulting in adjusted operating profit increasing to GBP1.4m (H1 2013: adjusted operating loss GBP1.2m). The margin improvement is in part due to the performance improvement measures in Australia that were taken in 2013 as well as a strong performance in Thailand in 2014 on both modules for the Ichthys project and shutdown work.

In concert with the improved financial performance in Australia, the business has also achieved a significant improvement in safety performance, recording 12 months' Lost Time Accident free in May 2014 and securing contractor of the month from Alcoa across both their Wagerup and Pinjarra sites. The business also secured the Innovative Safety Award from CLP in Hong Kong.


The near term order book remains strong and the Board anticipates that the full year performance will be in line with expectation. It is anticipated that the Group will deliver a stronger performance in the second half of 2014, driven by the ramp up of activity on the Wheatstone project, a full six months of Motherwell Bridge and a recovery in the UK margin, partly offset by a reduction in activity in the MENA region due to the phasing of workload in that region.

The demand for Cape's services is expected to increase over the medium term with a number of significant refining and petrochemical projects expected to move forward during 2015 and beyond in both the Group's existing geographical footprint and emerging markets that the Group is targeting for expansion of its global activities. With the combination of this increasing demand for the Group's services and opportunities for market share gain through both improved operational performance and the development of our global specialist services offerings, the Board remains confident in the medium and long term growth prospects of the Group.

Financial review


Revenue from continuing operations decreased by 13% to GBP322.3m (H1 2013: GBP370.8m). Movement in foreign exchange rates had a negative impact of 6% that was partially mitigated by the 3% contribution from the Motherwell Bridge acquisition. The underlying organic reduction of 10% was primarily driven by the conclusion of large construction projects in each of our three regions during 2013.

Revenue from continuing operations derived from maintenance contracts increased to GBP229m or 71% of the total (H1 2013: GBP216m or 58% of the total) and revenue derived from construction support projects reduced to GBP93m or 29% of the total (H1 2013: GBP155m or 42% of the total) reflecting the completion of the projects referred to above. Revenue invoiced to the largest client represented 16% of total revenue (H1 2013: 11%) relating to activities in all regions and the top 10 clients represented 46% of revenue (H1 2013: 40%).

Adjusted operating profit

Adjusted operating profit from continuing operations decreased by 12% to GBP23.4m (H1 2013: GBP26.5m). Adverse translational foreign exchange movements account for 4%, offset by a 6% benefit from the Motherwell Bridge acquisition. The underlying reduction of 14% is predominantly a flow through of the reduced revenue resulting from the completion of construction projects across all regions. Overall margins have improved slightly with the benefit of the improved margin in the Asia Pacific region offsetting the reduction in the UK margin.

Other items

Other items increased to GBP1.3m (H1 2013: GBP0.3m) comprising of GBP0.1m of IDC costs (H1 2013: GBP0.3m) and GBP1.2m (H1 2013: nil) of post-acquisition charges, related to Motherwell Bridge, including amortisation of acquired intangible assets.

Share of post-tax profit from joint ventures

The post-tax profit of GBP0.1m is attributable to the joint ventures in the CIS region.

Exceptional items

Exceptional items total GBP0.8m (H1 2013: GBP15.6m) and comprise transaction costs relating to the acquisition of Motherwell Bridge. Prior period exceptional items related to the rationalisation of the Australian business.

Operating profit

Operating profit for continuing operations was GBP21.3m (H1 2013: GBP10.6m) reflecting an adjusted operating profit of GBP23.4m (H1 2013: GBP26.5m) less Other items of GBP1.3m (H1 2013: GBP0.3m) and Exceptional items of GBP0.8m (H1 2013: GBP15.6m).

Finance costs

Net finance costs reduced to GBP4.2m (H1 2013: GBP4.5m) including a GBP1.7m (H1 2013: GBP2.0m) non-cash charge relating to the unwinding of the discount on the long-term IDC provision, interest income on the IDC scheme funds in the period of GBP0.3m (H1 2013: GBP0.4m) and interest income on the defined benefit pension of GBP0.4m (H1 2013: GBP0.4m).

Adjusted finance costs reduced to GBP3.2m (H1 2013: GBP3.3m) with interest cover (calculated by dividing adjusted operating profit by the adjusted finance costs) marginally decreasing to 7.3 times (H1 2013: 8.0 times).

Profit before tax

Profit before tax for continuing operations was GBP17.1m (H1 2013: GBP6.1m) reflecting an operating profit of GBP21.3m (H1 2013: GBP10.6m) less net finance costs of GBP4.2m (H1 2013: GBP4.5m).


The tax charge on profit before tax for the Business Performance was GBP4.1m (H1 2013: GBP5.0m).

Discontinued operations

Discontinued operations in the first half of 2014 relate to the termination of operations in India. Prior year results also include the impact of exiting Japan and the disposal of certain businesses following the restructure of Australian operations.

Earnings per share

For continuing operations adjusted diluted earnings per share were 12.9p (H1 2013: 14.8p) and adjusted basic earnings per share were 13.1p (H1 2013: 14.9p). For total operations the basic earnings per share were 10.4p (H1 2013: 2.1p). The diluted weighted number of shares increased to 122.6 million (H1 2013: 121.7 million).


Taking account of these financial results, current market conditions and the underlying prospects of the Group, an interim dividend of 4.5p per share, in line with the 2013 interim dividend (H1 2013: 4.5p), was approved by the Board on 26 August 2014. The dividend will be payable on 10 October 2014 to shareholders on the register as at 12 September 2014.

Adjusted operating and free cash flow(1)

  GBPm                                                                      Half-year ended 
                                                           Half-year ended          30 June     Year ended 
                                                                   29 June             2013    31 December 
                                                                      2014         Restated           2013 
                                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
  Adjusted operating profit                                           23.4             26.5           41.0 
  Depreciation                                                         7.0              8.9           17.8 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
  Adjusted EBITDA                                                     30.4             35.4           58.8 
  Non-cash items/disposal                                            (0.2)            (1.4)          (3.4) 
  (Increase)/decrease in working capital *                          (33.9)           (16.0)            9.8 
  Net capital expenditure                                            (6.5)            (9.3)         (15.5) 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
  Adjusted operating cash flow                                      (10.2)              8.7           49.7 
  Adjusted operating cash flow to adjusted EBITDA                    (34%)              25%            85% 
  Net interest paid                                                  (2.9)            (3.5)          (6.1) 
  Tax paid                                                           (3.7)            (3.0)          (9.4) 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
  Free cash flow                                                    (16.8)              2.2           34.2 
  Dividends paid (including non-controlling interests)              (11.5)           (11.5)         (17.7) 
  Acquisition (including payment of subsidiary                      (37.6)                -              - 
   loan of GBP3.5m) 
  Transfer to restricted cash                                            -                -          (6.0) 
  Cash generated/(used) in discontinued operations                     1.7              0.6          (5.6) 
  Other movements in adjusted net debt                               (7.6)                -            0.1 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
  Movement in adjusted net debt                                     (71.8)            (8.7)            5.0 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
  Opening adjusted net debt                                         (60.2)           (65.2)         (65.2) 
  Closing adjusted net debt                                        (132.0)           (73.9)         (60.2) 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
   *    At average rates 

(1) The Interim Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement is available within the Primary Statements of this document, and is supported by note 17 of these Interim results.

The GBP33.9m working capital outflow in the first half of 2014 is the key factor in the adjusted operating cash outflow of GBP10.2m (H1 2013: GBP8.7m inflow).

Working capital

Investment in trade and other receivables and inventories increased by GBP47.2m to GBP230.0m (31 December 2013: GBP182.8m) although slightly offset by an increase in trade and other payables of GBP11.6m to GBP120.7m (31 December2013: GBP109.1m) resulting in an overall increase in net working capital of GBP35.6m (at balance sheet rates) to GBP109.3m. Key drivers to the working capital increase are:

-- Seasonality of the UK power industry, has led to an increased working capital investment, this is expected to reverse in the second half

   --      investment in the Wheatstone project 
   --      acquired working capital from Motherwell Bridge 
   --      investment in the joint venture with SOCAR 

Capital expenditure

Gross capital expenditure was GBP7.1m (H1 2013: GBP9.3m) reflecting the continuation of the UK system scaffold investment programme as well as expenditure related to the Wheatstone project. The Asset Replacement Ratio (calculated by dividing gross capital expenditure spend by the depreciation charge) decreased to 101% (H1 2013: 105%).


As announced, in March 2014 the Group acquired Motherwell Bridge Limited, a leading provider of construction and maintenance services for storage tanks, gasholders and heat exchangers to the energy and steel markets. Purchase consideration of GBP37.6m, was made up of cash of GBP34.1m and debt of GBP3.5m. The provisional fair value of net assets acquired was GBP12.9m and goodwill of GBP19.9m has been recognised on acquisition, as detailed in note 14. The goodwill of GBP19.9m arising from the acquisition is attributable to the acquired business model and the expected synergies arising from combining the operations into the Group.


The Group's adjusted net debt increased by GBP58.1m to GBP132.0m compared to the same period in the prior year (H1 2013: GBP73.9m) including finance lease obligations of GBP2.1m (H1 2013: GBP0.4m). This includes the GBP37.6m acquisition of Motherwell Bridge as well as a GBP3.2m prepayment of banking fees relating to the banking facility entered into in February 2014 (H1 2013: nil). Balance sheet gearing, excluding ring-fenced IDC Scheme funds, increased to 101% (31 December 2013: 45%; 30 June 2013: 44%).

Provision for pensions

The defined benefit pension scheme had a net surplus of GBP16.9m as at 29 June 2014 (H1 2013: GBP15.7m) and continues to be restricted to nil in the accounts under IFRIC 14. The triennial valuation is now complete with the agreed monthly contribution rate maintained at GBP14,600.

Provision for estimated future asbestos related liabilities and IDC Scheme funds

The discounted provision decreased to GBP92.5m (31 December 2013: GBP94.3m) reflecting the unwinding of the discount of GBP1.7m in the half year (H1 2013: GBP2.0m) and the GBP3.5m (H1 2013: GBP2.3m) of settlements made in the period.

The ring-fenced IDC Scheme funds reduced by GBP1.9m (H1 2013: GBP0.9m reduction) comprising cash settlements and costs paid to scheme claimants of GBP2.0m (H1 2013: GBP1.6m) with cash interest received of GBP0.1m (H1 2013: GBP0.7m) of which GBP0.1m (H1 2013: GBP0.4m) relates to income interest in the period, shown as finance income other items in the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement.


Nearly all operating costs are matched with corresponding revenues of the same currency and as such there is little transactional currency risk in the Group. Currency translation had a 6% adverse impact on revenue for the half year, due to strengthening of the UK pound.

The following significant exchange rates applied during the half-year:

             H1 2014             H1 2013 
        Closing   Average   Closing   Average 
-----  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 AUD     1.81      1.84      1.66      1.54 
 USD     1.70      1.67      1.52      1.55 
-----  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

Principal risks

Cape operates globally in the energy and natural resources sectors and in varied geographic markets. Cape's performance and prospects may be affected by risks and uncertainties in relation to the industries and the environments in which it undertakes its operations around the world. Those risks range from external geopolitical, economic and market risks to operational risks including HSE, contracting, project execution and generic financial risks. In relation to geopolitical events, the Directors are monitoring European/Russian oil and gas sanctions developments, and currently consider that they will not have a significant impact.

The Group is alert to the challenges of managing risk and has systems and procedures in place across the Group to identify, assess and mitigate major business risks. As part of the long term, strategic Operational Excellence programme the Group continues to improve its detailed process of project risk identification and mitigation from contract tender through to project completion.

The Directors have reviewed risk and related controls at the half year, which included a review of the risk profile of the operations acquired through the Motherwell Bridge acquisition. The Directors consider that the nature of the principal risks and uncertainties which may have a material effect on the Group's performance in the second half of the year is unchanged from those detailed on pages 16 to 23 of the 2013 Annual Report.

Going concern

After making the appropriate enquiries, the Directors have reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The Group therefore continues to adopt the going concern basis in preparing its Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

   Joe Oatley                                                            Michael Speakman 
   Chief Executive                                                  Chief Financial Officer 
   26 August 2014                                                   26 August 2014 

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Interim Report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the Interim Report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTR") of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA"). The DTR require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the half-yearly figures must be consistent with those applied in the latest published annual accounts, except where the accounting policies and presentation are to be changed in the subsequent annual accounts, in which case the new accounting policies and presentation should be followed, and the changes and the reasons for the changes should be disclosed in the Interim report, unless the United Kingdom's FCA agrees otherwise.

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge the condensed set of financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted by the European Union give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss of the Group, as required by DTR 4.2.2 and in particular include a fair review of:

-- the important events that have occurred during the half of the financial year and their impact on the condensed consolidated set of financial statements as required by DTR 4.2.7R;

-- the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining half of the year as required by DTR 4.2.7R; and

-- related party transactions that have taken place in the first half of the current financial year and changes in the related party transactions described in the previous annual report that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the group during the first half of the current financial year as required by DTR 4.2.8R.

The Directors of Cape plc are as listed in the Cape plc Annual Report for 31 December 2013.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors.

   Joe Oatley                                                            Michael Speakman 
   Chief Executive                                                  Chief Financial Officer 
   26 August 2014                                                   26 August 2014 

Independent review report to Cape plc


We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the period ended 29 June 2014 which comprises the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement, Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement and related notes 1 to 21. We have read the other information contained in the half yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained in International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.

Directors' Responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the European Union.

Our Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Scope of Review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the period ended 29 June 2014 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

Ernst & Young LLP

26 August 2014




                                               Period ended 29 June 2014                 Period ended 30 June 
                                                        Unaudited                               2013(1) 
                                                          Exceptional               Restated    Exceptional 
                                               Business     and other               Business      and other   Restated 
                                            performance         items   Total    performance          items      Total 
                                    Note           GBPm          GBPm    GBPm           GBPm           GBPm       GBPm 
   Revenue from continuing 
   operations                                     322.3             -   322.3          370.8              -      370.8 
 Operating profit before 
  other items                                      23.3             -    23.3           26.4              -       26.4 
 Other items                        7                 -         (1.3)   (1.3)              -          (0.3)      (0.3) 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  before exceptional items                         23.3         (1.3)    22.0           26.4          (0.3)       26.1 
 Share of post-tax result 
  of joint ventures                                 0.1             -     0.1            0.1              -        0.1 
 Exceptional items                  7                 -         (0.8)   (0.8)              -         (15.6)     (15.6) 
-------------------------------  -------  -------------  ------------  ------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Operating profit/(loss)                           23.4         (2.1)    21.3           26.5         (15.9)       10.6 
-------------------------------  -------  -------------  ------------  ------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Finance income                     9               0.4           0.3     0.7            0.4            0.4        0.8 
 Finance costs                      9             (3.2)         (1.7)   (4.9)          (3.3)          (2.0)      (5.3) 
-------------------------------  -------  -------------  ------------  ------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Net finance costs                                (2.8)         (1.4)   (4.2)          (2.9)          (1.6)      (4.5) 
-------------------------------  -------  -------------  ------------  ------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) before 
  tax                                              20.6         (3.5)    17.1           23.6         (17.5)        6.1 
 Income tax (expense)/credit       10             (4.1)           0.7   (3.4)          (5.0)            4.9      (0.1) 
 Profit/(loss) from continuing 
  operations                                       16.5         (2.8)    13.7           18.6         (12.6)        6.0 
 Loss from discontinued 
  operations                        8             (0.5)             -   (0.5)          (2.9)              -      (2.9) 
 Profit/(loss) for the 
  period                                           16.0         (2.8)    13.2           15.7         (12.6)        3.1 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of Cape plc                                                      12.6                                      2.5 
 Non-controlling interests                                                0.6                                      0.6 
-------------------------------  -------  -------------  ------------  ------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
                                                                         13.2                                      3.1 
-------------------------------  -------  -------------  ------------  ------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Earnings per share attributable to the owners of Cape plc 
                                                  Pence                               Pence 
                                                                                                    Pence     Pence 
-------------------------  -----  ---------------------  ----------------------------------  ------------  -------- 
 Continuing operations                             13.1                                10.8          14.9       4.5 
 Discontinued operations                          (0.4)                               (0.4)         (2.4)     (2.4) 
-------------------------  -----  ---------------------  ----------------------------------  ------------  -------- 
 Total operations             11                   12.7                                10.4          12.5       2.1 
-------------------------  -----  ---------------------  ----------------------------------  ------------  -------- 
 Continuing operations                             12.9                                10.7          14.8       4.4 
 Discontinued operations                          (0.4)                               (0.4)         (2.4)     (2.4) 
-------------------------  -----  ---------------------  ----------------------------------  ------------  -------- 
 Total operations             11                   12.5                                10.3          12.4       2.0 
-------------------------  -----  ---------------------  ----------------------------------  ------------  -------- 

(1) Restated for the adjustments detailed in note 21.



                                                                                     Period ended         Period ended 
                                                                                     29 June 2014      30 June 2013(1) 
                                                                                        Unaudited   Restated Unaudited 
                                                                                             GBPm                 GBPm 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Profit for the period                                                                       13.2                  3.1 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income: 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income to be reclassified to profit or loss in 
 subsequent periods: 
 Currency translation differences                                                           (4.4)                  5.8 
                                                                                            (4.4)                  5.8 
   Cash flow hedges - fair value (loss)                                                         -                (0.4) 
 Net other comprehensive (expense)/income to be reclassified to profit/(loss) in 
  periods                                                                                   (4.4)                  5.4 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in 
 Re-measurement of defined benefit pension plan                                               0.5                  1.8 
 Movement in restriction of retirement benefit asset in accordance with IFRIC 14            (0.9)                (2.2) 
 Net other comprehensive (expense) not to be reclassified to (loss) in subsequent 
  periods                                                                                   (0.4)                (0.4) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income                                                       (4.8)                  5.0 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 Total comprehensive income                                                                   8.4                  8.1 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
   Attributable to: 
 Owners of Cape plc                                                                           7.9                  7.2 
 Non-controlling interests                                                                    0.5                  0.9 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
                                                                                              8.4                  8.1 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 

(1) Restated for the adjustments detailed in note 21.



                                                                    29 June                                    30 June 
                                                                       2014   31 December 2013(1)              2013(1) 
                                                                  Unaudited      Restated Audited   Restated Unaudited 
                                                           Note        GBPm                  GBPm                 GBPm 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
  Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                                         80.5                  81.3                 84.7 
 Investment property                                                    2.0                   2.0                  2.0 
 Intangible assets                                                    156.4                 113.9                116.2 
 Investments accounted for using the equity method                      0.4                   0.7                  0.6 
 Restricted deposits                                                    9.0                   9.0                 16.5 
 Deferred tax asset                                                    25.4                  24.2                 27.2 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Total non-current assets                                             273.7                 231.1                247.2 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                                           17.7                  12.7                 16.8 
 Trade and other receivables                                          212.3                 170.1                227.5 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                             53.9                  73.6                 62.3 
 Restricted short term funds                                           20.4                  22.3                 10.0 
 Assets of disposal group classified as held for sale                   0.2                   3.7                  6.0 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Total current assets                                                 304.5                 282.4                322.6 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Total assets                                                         578.2                 513.5                569.8 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Share capital                                           16            30.3                  30.3                 30.3 
 Share premium account                                                  1.0                   1.0                  0.9 
 Special reserve                                                        1.0                   1.0                  1.0 
 Other reserves                                                         9.3                   9.3                 10.1 
 Translation reserve                                                   92.3                  96.6                113.3 
 Retained earnings                                                    (6.2)                 (7.6)                  7.0 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                  127.7                 130.6                162.6 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Non-controlling interests                                              3.1                   2.6                  4.7 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Total equity                                                         130.8                 133.2                167.3 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                                           180.5                 133.5                132.7 
 Retirement benefit obligations                                        10.1                   9.5                  9.4 
 Deferred tax liabilities                                               9.4                   4.7                  6.7 
 Provision for industrial disease claims                               86.7                  88.3                 75.5 
 Other provisions                                                       2.6                   0.7                  3.2 
 Total non-current liabilities                                        289.3                 236.7                227.5 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                                             2.2                   0.3                  1.9 
 Derivative financial instruments                                       0.4                   0.6                  0.8 
 Trade and other payables                                             120.7                 109.1                133.1 
 Current income tax liabilities                                         7.3                   7.1                 10.4 
 Provision for industrial disease claims                                5.8                   6.0                  4.0 
 Other provisions                                                      21.7                  20.5                 24.8 
 Total current liabilities                                            158.1                 143.6                175.0 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Total liabilities                                                    447.4                 380.3                402.5 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                                         578.2                 513.5                569.8 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------------  ------------------- 

(1) Restated for the adjustments detailed in note 21.



                                         Share                                                       Total 
                                Share  premium  Special     Other  Translation  Retained      attributable  Non-controlling   Total 
                              capital  account  reserve  reserves      reserve  earnings         to parent        interests  equity 
                                 GBPm     GBPm     GBPm      GBPm         GBPm      GBPm              GBPm             GBPm    GBPm 
 At 1 January 2014 audited       30.3      1.0      1.0       9.3         96.6     (7.6)             130.6              2.6   133.2 
----------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------------  ---------------  ------ 
 Comprehensive income: 
 Profit for the period              -        -        -         -            -      12.6              12.6              0.6    13.2 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Currency translation 
  differences                       -        -        -         -        (4.3)         -             (4.3)            (0.1)   (4.4) 
 Re-measurement of defined 
  benefit pension plan              -        -        -         -            -       0.5               0.5                -     0.5 
 Movement in restriction of 
  retirement benefit asset 
  accordance with IFRIC 14          -        -        -         -            -     (0.9)             (0.9)                -   (0.9) 
----------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------------  ---------------  ------ 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the period                    -        -        -         -        (4.3)      12.2               7.9              0.5     8.4 
 Transactions with owners 
 Dividends                          -        -        -         -            -    (11.5)            (11.5)                -  (11.5) 
 Share options 
 - proceeds from shares             -        -        -         -            -         -                 -                -       - 
 - value of employee 
  services                          -        -        -         -            -       0.7               0.7                -     0.7 
                                    -        -        -         -            -    (10.8)            (10.8)                -  (10.8) 
----------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------------  ---------------  ------ 
 At 29 June 2014 unaudited       30.3      1.0      1.0       9.3         92.3     (6.2)             127.7              3.1   130.8 
----------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------------  ---------------  ------ 



                               Share                                                       Total 
                      Share  premium  Special     Other  Translation  Retained      attributable  Non-controlling     Total 
                    capital  account  reserve  reserves      reserve  earnings         to parent        interests    equity 
                       GBPm     GBPm     GBPm      GBPm         GBPm      GBPm              GBPm             GBPm      GBPm 
 At 1 January 2013 
  (restated)(1)        30.3      0.9      1.0      10.0        107.8      16.5             166.5              3.8     170.3 
------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Profit for the 
  period                  -        -        -         -            -       2.5               2.5              0.6       3.1 
  differences             -        -        -         -          5.5         -               5.5              0.3       5.8 
 Cash flow hedges 
  - fair value 
  gain in period          -        -        -       0.1            -     (0.5)             (0.4)                -     (0.4) 
 Re-measurement of 
  benefit pension 
  plan                    -        -        -         -            -       1.8               1.8                -       1.8 
 Movement in 
  restriction of 
  benefit asset in 
  accordance with 
  IAS 19                  -        -        -         -            -     (2.2)             (2.2)                -     (2.2) 
------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------------  ---------------  -------- 
  for the period          -        -        -       0.1          5.5       1.6               7.2              0.9       8.1 
 Transactions with 
 Dividends                -        -        -         -            -    (11.5)            (11.5)                -    (11.5) 
 Share options                                                                                                  - 
 - proceeds from          -        -        -         -            -         -                 -                -         - 
 shares issued 
 - value of 
  services                -        -        -         -            -       0.4               0.4                -       0.4 
                          -        -        -         -            -    (11.1)            (11.1)                -    (11.1) 
------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------------  ---------------  -------- 
At 30 June 2013 
 (restated)(1)         30.3      0.9      1.0      10.1        113.3       7.0             162.6              4.7     167.3 
------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  --------  ----------------  ---------------  -------- 

(1) Restated for the adjustments detailed in note 21.



                                                                        Period ended 
                                                         Period ended        30 June     Year ended 
                                                              29 June        2013(1)    31 December 
                                                                 2014       Restated           2013 
                                                            Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                                  Note           GBPm           GBPm           GBPm 
 Operating activities 
 Cash (absorbed by) /generated from 
  operating activities - continuing operations    17            (3.7)           15.7           57.0 
 Interest received                                                  -              -            0.3 
 Interest paid                                                  (2.9)          (3.5)          (6.3) 
 Tax paid                                                       (3.7)          (3.0)          (9.4) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net cash flows from operating activities 
  - continuing operations                                      (10.3)            9.2           41.6 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net cash flows from operating activities 
  - discontinued operations                       17            (1.8)            0.6          (5.6) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net cash flows from operating activities                      (12.1)            9.8           36.0 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Investing activities 
 Continuing operations 
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant 
  and equipment                                   13              0.6              -            2.2 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment        13            (7.1)          (9.3)         (17.7) 
 Transfer of restricted funds                                       -              -          (6.0) 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries net of 
  cash acquired                                   14           (34.1)              -              - 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities 
  - continuing operations                                      (40.6)          (9.3)         (21.5) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Discontinued operations 
 Proceeds from sales of assets held 
  for disposal                                                    3.5              -            6.9 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net cash realised from investing activities 
  - discontinued operations                                       3.5              -            6.9 
 Financing activities 
 Continuing operations 
 Net proceeds from issue of ordinary 
  share capital                                                     -              -            0.1 
 Drawing on borrowings                                              -              -            2.3 
 Repayment of borrowings                                      (130.6)              -              - 
 Movements on loans                                             172.9          (1.6)          (2.0) 
 Finance lease principal payments                               (0.2)          (0.2)          (0.3) 
 Dividends paid to shareholders                   12           (11.5)         (11.5)         (16.9) 
 Dividend paid to non-controlling interests                         -              -          (0.8) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net cash flows (used in)/from financing 
  activities - continuing operations                             30.6         (13.3)         (17.6) 
 Net cash flows (used in)/from financing                            -              -              - 
  activities - discontinued operations 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net foreign exchange difference                                (1.1)            2.3          (3.0) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                             (19.7)         (10.5)            0.8 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                                      73.6           72.8           72.8 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  period                                                         53.9           62.3           73.6 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

(1) Restated for the adjustments detailed in note 21.

Notes to the Financial Statements

   1.     Corporate information 

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of Cape plc and its subsidiaries, collectively 'the Group' for the period ended 29 June 2014 were authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Directors on 26 August 2014.

Cape plc, 'the Company' or 'the Parent', is a limited company incorporated in Jersey and domiciled in Singapore and Jersey whose shares are publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange. The registered office is located at 47 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE1 0BD. The Group is principally engaged in the provision of critical industrial services focused on the energy and natural resource sectors.

   2.   Basis of preparation 

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the period ended 29 June 2014 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority. The interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 which are prepared in accordance with IFRS, as adopted by the European Union.

The accounting policies and methods of computation adopted in preparation of the Group's interim condensed consolidated financial statements are the same as those followed in the preparation of the Group's annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013, except for the adoption of new standards and interpretations effective as of 1 January 2014.

Adoption of new standards and interpretations

Several new standards and amendments apply for the first time in 2014, however they do not have a significant impact on the annual financial statements of the Group or the interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group. These new standards and amendments are listed below:

   -   Investment Entities (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27) 
   -   Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities - Amendments to IAS 32 
   -   Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting - Amendments to IAS 39 
   -   Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets - Amendments to IAS 36 
   -   IFRIC 21 'Levies' 

The Group has not yet early adopted any other standard, interpretation or amendment that has been issued but is not yet effective.

Restatement of prior year comparatives

In the Group's 2013 consolidated annual financial statements, a number of adjustments were made to the previously reported comparative amounts reported as at 31 December 2012. In this report, where necessary, these items have been restated in the appropriate period within the 2013 financial year resulting in changes to certain comparatives at 30 June 2013. Principally, these items relate to certain line item reclassifications, the de-recognition of tax losses and other items including the recognition of liabilities arising from legal disputes and a change to the profit and carrying values attributable to non-controlling interests. Additionally, comparative amounts at 30 June 2013 and 31 December 2013 reported as restricted fund cash amounts have been correctly reclassified to current and non-current restricted fund deposits.


The preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing these interim condensed consolidated financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were in line with those that applied to the Group's annual audited consolidated annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013.

Foreign exchange

The Group is exposed to foreign currency risk in two key currencies. The movements in exchange rates for these two currencies are detailed below:

                    Period              Period                Year 
                     ended               ended               ended 
                   29 June             30 June         31 December 
                      2014                2013                2013 
         Closing   Average   Closing   Average   Closing   Average 
-----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 AUD      1.81      1.84        1.66      1.54      1.85      1.63 
-----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 USD      1.70      1.67        1.52      1.55      1.66      1.57 
-----  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
   3.   Cape specific accounting measures 

To be able to provide readers with clear, meaningful and consistent presentation of financial performance, the Group reflects its underlying financial results in the 'business performance' column within the condensed consolidated income statement. Business performance excludes 'Other Items' and 'Exceptional Items', which are considered non-operational in their nature and which are reported separately in a different column within the consolidated income statement.

Other items

Other items are those items which the Directors believe are relevant to the understanding of the result for period and which are excluded from the adjusted measures. Other items include administration expenses, financial incomes and financial costs associated with industrial disease claims and certain post-acquisition charges, including amortisation of acquired intangibles arising from business combinations.

Exceptional items

Exceptional items are those items which are of a non-recurring nature and, in the judgement of the Directors, need to be disclosed separately by virtue of their nature, size or incidence. Items which may be considered exceptional in nature include significant write-downs of goodwill and other assets, significant changes in asset values as a result of changes in accounting estimates, transaction costs arising on business acquisitions and restructuring costs.

   4.   Critical accounting estimates and judgements 

Certain of the Group's accounting policies require critical accounting estimates that involve subjective judgements and the use of assumptions, some of which may relate to matters that are inherently uncertain and susceptible to change.


Areas of judgement that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the condensed consolidated financial statements are:

(i) Revenue recognition and assessment of long-term contract performance

The Group generally accounts for long-term construction contracts using the percentage of completion method as performance of the contract progresses. This method requires judgement to determine accurate estimates of the extent of progress towards contract completion and may involve estimates of the total contract costs, remaining costs to completion, total revenues, contract risks and other judgements.

(ii) Carrying value of property, plant and equipment

Assessing whether property, plant and equipment may be impaired requires a review for indicators of impairment and, where such indicators exist, an estimate of the asset's recoverable amount by reference to value in use. Management are required to exercise significant judgement in reviewing for and identifying asset indicators of impairment and subsequently calculating value in use.

(iii) Trade and other receivables

The Group provides for likely non-recovery of receivables to the extent that the carrying value is less than the present value of expected future cash flows. Assessing the value of the provision requires significant management judgement and review of individual receivables based upon individual customer creditworthiness, current economic trends and analysis of historical bad debts.

(iv) Deferred tax assets

The Group recognises deferred tax assets on all applicable temporary differences where it is probable that future taxable profits will be available for utilisation. This requires management to make judgements and assumptions regarding the amount of deferred tax that can be recognised based on the magnitude and likelihood of future taxable profits.

(v) Defined benefit pension plans

The cost and the obligation of the Group's defined benefit pension plans are based on a number of selection assumptions, these include, the discount rate, inflation rate, salary growth, longevity and expected return on the assets of the plans. Differences arising from actual experience or future changes in assumptions will be reflected in future periods.


The key assumptions affected by future uncertainty that have a significant risk of causing material adjustment to the carrying value of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are:

(i) Onerous contracts

Provision is made for future losses on long-term contracts where it is considered that the contract costs are likely to exceed revenues in future years. Estimating future losses involves assumptions of contract performance targets and likely levels of future cost escalation over time.

(ii) Impairment of goodwill

Goodwill is tested at least annually for impairment. This requires estimation of the value in use of the cash-generating units to which the goodwill is allocated. Calculation of value in use requires estimation of expected future cash flows from each of the cash-generating units and also to determine a suitable discount rate to calculate the present value of those cash flows.

(iii) Provision for industrial disease claims

To the extent that such costs can be reliably estimated, a provision has been made for the costs which the Group is expected to incur in respect of lodged and future industrial disease claims arising on alleged exposure to previously manufactured asbestos products. The provision has been determined based on advice from independent professional actuaries. The amount of the provision is based on

   4.   Critical accounting estimates and judgements (continued) 

historic patterns of claim numbers and monetary settlements as well as published tables of projected disease incidence. Key assumptions made in assessing the appropriate level of provision include the period over which future claims can be expected, the rate at which claims will be filed, the rate of successful resolution as well as future trends in both compensation payments and legal costs.

(iv) Income tax

Group entities can be subject to routine tax audits and also a process whereby tax computations are discussed and agreed with the appropriate authorities. Whilst the ultimate outcome of such tax audits and discussions cannot be determined with certainty, management estimates the level of required tax provisions on the basis of professional advice and the nature of current discussions with the tax authority concerned.

   5.   Segment information 

The following tables represent revenue and profit information for the Group's operating segments for the period ended 29 June 2014 and 30 June 2013, respectively:

Period ended 29 June 2014

                                      UK, Europe              Asia 
                                           & CIS    MENA   Pacific    Central    Group 
                                            GBPm    GBPm      GBPm       GBPm     GBPm 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                    181.3    89.1      51.9          -    322.3 
Adjusted operating profit/(loss) 
 before joint ventures                      16.1     9.2     (1.0)      (1.0)     23.3 
Share of post-tax profit from joint 
 ventures                                    0.1       -         -          -      0.1 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------  --------  ---------  ------- 
Adjusted operating profit/(loss)            16.2     9.2     (1.0)      (1.0)     23.4 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------  --------  ---------  ------- 
Other items                                                                      (1.3) 
Exceptional items                                                                (0.8) 
Net finance costs                                                                (4.2) 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------  --------  ---------  ------- 
Profit before tax                                                                 17.1 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------  --------  ---------  ------- 

Period ended 30 June 2013

                                      UK, Europe              Asia 
                                           & CIS    MENA   Pacific    Central    Group 
                                            GBPm    GBPm      GBPm       GBPm     GBPm 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                    184.8   109.5      76.5          -    370.8 
Adjusted operating profit/(loss) 
 before joint ventures                      19.1    12.4     (3.7)      (1.4)     26.4 
Share of post-tax profit from joint 
 ventures                                      -       -       0.1          -      0.1 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------  --------  ---------  ------- 
Adjusted operating profit/(loss)            19.1    12.4     (3.6)      (1.4)     26.5 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------  --------  ---------  ------- 
Other items                                                                      (0.3) 
Exceptional items                                                               (15.6) 
Net finance costs                                                                (4.5) 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------  --------  ---------  ------- 
Profit before tax                                                                  6.1 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------  --------  ---------  ------- 

Other segment items included in the interim condensed consolidated income statement for the period ended 29 June 2014 were:

                 UK, Europe                          Asia Pacific 
                      & CIS                   MENA           GBPm     Central     Group 
                       GBPm                   GBPm                       GBPm      GBPm 
--------------  -----------  ---------------------  -------------  ----------  -------- 
 Depreciation           2.4                    3.0            1.6           -       7.0 
 Amortisation           1.1                      -              -           -       1.1 
--------------  -----------  ---------------------  -------------  ----------  -------- 

Other segment items included in the interim condensed consolidated income statement for the period ended 30 June 2013 were:

                 UK, Europe                Asia 
                      & CIS     MENA    Pacific     Central     Group 
                       GBPm     GBPm       GBPm        GBPm      GBPm 
--------------  -----------  -------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 Depreciation           2.7      3.4        2.8           -       8.9 
 Amortisation             -        -          -           -         - 
--------------  -----------  -------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
   5.   Segment information (continued) 

The following table presents assets and liabilities from the Group's operating segments as at 29 June 2014 and 30 June 2013, respectively:

                               UK, Europe 
                                    & CIS       MENA    Asia Pacific                     Discontinued 
                                                                          Central          Operations      Unallocated       Group 
 29 June 2014                        GBPm       GBPm            GBPm         GBPm                GBPm             GBPm        GBPm 
-----------------------      ------------  ---------  --------------  -----------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Assets                             208.8      159.7            98.5          1.7                 0.8            108.7       578.2 
 Liabilities                       (70.3)     (51.8)          (19.1)      (108.3)               (0.6)          (197.3)     (447.4) 
---------------------------  ------------  ---------  --------------  -----------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
                               UK, Europe               Asia Pacific                     Discontinued 
                                    & CIS       MENA                      Central          Operations      Unallocated       Group 
 30 June 2013                        GBPm       GBPm            GBPm         GBPm                GBPm             GBPm        GBPm 
-----------------------      ------------  ---------  --------------  -----------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
 Assets                             128.5      184.6           113.9         17.8                 8.0            117.0       569.8 
 Liabilities                       (62.4)     (62.6)          (39.6)       (83.1)               (0.9)          (153.9)     (402.5) 
---------------------------  ------------  ---------  --------------  -----------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------- 
   6.   Adjusted measures 

The Group seeks to present a measure of underlying performance which is not impacted by exceptional items or other items, both considered non-operational in nature. These measures are described as 'adjusted' and are used by management to measure and monitor performance. Other items and exceptional items have been excluded from the adjusted measures:

                                                                                                            Year ended 
                                                               Period ended        Period ended       31 December 2013 
   Continuing operations:                                      29 June 2014        30 June 2013                   GBPm 
                                                                       GBPm                GBPm 
 Profit before tax                                                     17.1                 6.1                    0.2 
 Other items                                                            1.3                 0.3                   15.3 
 Exceptional items                                                      0.8                15.6                   15.5 
 Interest income on restricted funds                                  (0.3)               (0.4)                  (0.7) 
 Unwind of discount on provision for industrial disease 
  claims                                                                1.7                 2.0                    4.0 
 Write off of unamortised borrowing arrangement costs                     -                   -                    1.2 
 Adjusted profit before tax                                            20.6                23.6                   35.5 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
 Operating profit                                                      21.3                10.6                   10.2 
 Other items                                                            1.3                 0.3                   15.3 
 Exceptional items                                                      0.8                15.6                   15.5 
 Adjusted operating profit                                             23.4                26.5                   41.0 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
 Adjusted operating profit margin %                                    7.3%                7.1%                   5.9% 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
 Adjusted operating profit                                             23.4                26.5                   41.0 
 Depreciation - continuing operations                                   7.0                 8.9                   17.8 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                                       30.4                35.4                   58.8 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
 Net debt                                                            (99.4)              (45.8)                 (28.9) 
 Unamortised borrowing arrangement costs                              (3.2)               (1.6)                      - 
 Restricted funds (includes restricted cash)                         (29.4)              (26.5)                 (31.3) 
 Adjusted net debt                                                  (132.0)              (73.9)                 (60.2) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
   6. Adjusted measures (continued) 
   Finance costs                                                      (4.9)               (5.3)                 (11.5) 
 Unwind of discount on provision for industrial disease 
  claims                                                                1.7                 2.0                    4.0 
 Exceptional write off unamortised borrowing arrangement 
  costs                                                                   -                   -                    1.2 
 Adjusted finance costs                                               (3.2)               (3.3)                  (6.3) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------- 

Certain central operations and management are based in the Group's International Headquarters (IHQ) in Singapore with responsibility for management and development of non-UK intellectual property. Franchise agreements facilitate the charging of franchise fees from IHQ to the Group's non-UK trading businesses with such costs being reported through segment operating profit.

The adjusted operating profit before franchise fees both before and after inclusion of the share of profit / (loss) from joint ventures is as follows:

                                                         Period ended                            Period ended 
                                                         29 June 2014                            30 June 2013 
                                                                      Adjusted                              Adjusted 
                                                                     operating                             operating 
                                                                 profit/(loss)              Adjusted   profit/(loss) 
                                            Adjusted operating    before joint             operating    before joint 
                                                 profit/(loss)        ventures         profit/(loss)        ventures 
                                                          GBPm            GBPm                  GBPm            GBPm 
 UK, Europe & CIS                                         16.2            16.1                  18.2            18.2 
 MENA                                                     11.6            11.6                  14.6            14.6 
 Asia Pacific                                              1.4             1.4                 (1.2)           (1.3) 
 Central                                                 (5.8)           (5.8)                 (5.1)           (5.1) 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  --------------  ---  ---------------  -------------- 
 Adjusted operating profit                                23.4            23.3                  26.5            26.4 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  --------------  ---  ---------------  -------------- 
   7.   Other items and exceptional items 

Other items

                                                                             Period ended 29 June 2014    Period ended 
                                                                                                  GBPm    30 June 2013 
--------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  -------------- 
 Continuing operations 
 In operating profit 
   Amortisation of intangibles arising on business                                                 1.1               - 
   Post-acquisition deferred consideration charges                                                 0.1               - 
--------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  -------------- 
   Other industrial disease claims expenses                                                        0.1             0.3 
 Other items from continuing operations included within 
  operating profit                                                                                 1.3             0.3 
==============================================================  ======================================  ============== 

Exceptional items

                                                              Period ended   Period ended 
                                                              29 June 2014        30 June 
                                                                      GBPm           2013 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Continuing operations 
    Assessment of value of assets                                        -            7.9 
    Onerous leases                                                       -            2.5 
    Transaction costs on business acquisition                          0.8              - 
    Other                                                                -            5.2 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Exceptional items from continuing operations included 
  within operating profit                                              0.8           15.6 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------- 
   8.   Discontinued operations 

Analysis of the result of discontinued operations and the result recognised on the re-measurement of assets and liabilities of the disposal group are as follows:

                                                      Period ended    Period ended 
                                                      29 June 2014    30 June 2013 
                                                              GBPm            GBPm 
 Revenue                                                       0.4             7.5 
 Loss before tax of discontinued operations                  (0.6)           (3.8) 
 Income tax credit                                             0.1             0.9 
----------------------------------------------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Loss after tax on discontinued operations                   (0.5)           (2.9) 
----------------------------------------------------  ------------  -------------- 

Discontinued operations relate to the termination of operations in India and Japan and the disposal of certain businesses following the restructure of Australian operations.

   9.   Finance income and costs 
                                                                   Period ended    Period ended 
                                                                   29 June 2014    30 June 2013 
                                                                           GBPm            GBPm 
---------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Finance income 
 Interest on pension assets                                                 0.4             0.4 
---------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Reported in business performance                                           0.4             0.4 
 Interest on restricted funds                                               0.3             0.4 
---------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Finance income                                                             0.7             0.8 
---------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Finance costs 
 Bank borrowings                                                          (3.1)           (3.3) 
 Finance leases                                                           (0.1)               - 
 Reported in business performance                                         (3.2)           (3.3) 
 Unwind of discount on provision for industrial claims disease            (1.7)           (2.0) 
 Finance costs                                                            (4.9)           (5.3) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net finance costs                                                        (4.2)           (4.5) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 

10. Income tax

The Group's effective tax rate on its business performance of 20% (H1 2013: 21%) is calculated using the tax rate that would be applicable to the expected total annual earnings. The income tax expense for the period increased by GBP3.3m to GBP3.4m (H1 2013: GBP0.1m) due to an increase in profits.

Factors affecting current and future tax charges

Profits arising in the Company for the 2014 year of assessment will be subject to Jersey tax at the standard corporate income tax rate of 0%.

As a Group involved in worldwide operations, Cape is subject to several factors that may affect future tax charges, principally the levels and mix of profitability in different jurisdictions, tax rates imposed and tax regime reforms. Legislation has been enacted in the UK to reduce the standard rate of corporation tax to 21% with effect from 1 April 2014 and to 20% from 1 April 2015.

Consequently, the Group will only recognise the impact of the rate change which is substantively enacted at the date of the statement of financial position, this being 21%. The further reduction in tax rate will affect both the future current and deferred tax charge of the Group.

11. Earnings per ordinary share

The basic earnings per share calculation for the half-year ended 29 June 2014 is based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders of GBP12.6m (H1 2013: GBP2.5m) divided by the weighted average number of 25p ordinary shares of 121,007,720 (H1 2013: 120,777,029).

The diluted earnings per share calculation for the half-year ended 29 June 2014 is based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders of GBP12.6m (H1 2013: GBP2.5m) divided by the diluted weighted average number of 25p ordinary shares of 122,597,387 (H1 2013: diluted weighted average of 121,665,983). Share options and awards are considered potentially dilutive as the average share price during the period was above the average exercise prices.

                                                                    Period ended              Period ended 
                                                                    29 June 2014              30 June 2013 
                                                                       Unaudited                 Unaudited 
                                                                Number of shares          Number of shares 
 Basic weighted average number of shares                             121,007,720               120,777,029 
 Weighted average number of outstanding share options                  1,589,667                   888,954 
------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Diluted weighted average number of shares                           122,597,387               121,665,983 
------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                 Period ended           Period ended 
                                                  29 June 2014           30 June 2013 
                                               Earnings     EPS      Earnings      EPS 
                                                   GBPm   pence          GBPm    pence 
                                        ---------------  ------  ------------  ------- 
Basic earnings per share 
Continuing operations                              13.1    10.8           5.4      4.5 
 operations                                       (0.5)   (0.4)         (2.9)    (2.4) 
Basic earnings per share                           12.6    10.4           2.5      2.1 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ------  ------------  ------- 
Diluted earnings per share 
Continuing operations                              13.1    10.7           5.4      4.4 
 operations                                       (0.5)   (0.4)         (2.9)    (2.4) 
Diluted earnings per share                         12.6    10.3           2.5      2.0 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ------  ------------  ------- 
Adjusted basic earnings per share - continuing 
Earnings from continuing 
 operations                                        13.1    10.8           5.4      4.5 
Other items                                         1.3     1.1           0.3      0.2 
Exceptional items                                   0.8     0.7          15.6     12.9 
IDC finance income and 
 costs                                              1.4     1.1           1.6      1.3 
Tax effect of adjusting 
 items                                            (0.7)   (0.6)         (4.9)    (4.0) 
Adjusted basic earnings 
 per share                                         15.9    13.1          18.0     14.9 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ------  ------------  ------- 
Adjusted diluted earnings per share - continuing 
Earnings from continuing 
 operations                                        13.1    10.7           5.4      4.4 
Other items                                         1.3     1.1           0.3      0.2 
Exceptional items                                   0.8     0.7          15.6     12.9 
IDC finance income and 
 costs                                              1.4     1.0           1.6      1.3 
Tax effect of adjusting 
 items                                            (0.7)   (0.6)         (4.9)    (4.0) 
--------------------------------------                           ------------  ------- 
Adjusted diluted earnings 
 per share                                         15.9    12.9          18.0     14.8 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  ------  ------------  ------- 

The adjusted earnings per share calculations have been calculated after excluding the impact of other items and exceptional items (note 7), financial income and costs associated with industrial disease claims (note 9) and the tax impact of these items. Options are dilutive at the level of adjusted profit from continuing operations level and so, in accordance with IAS 33, have been treated as dilutive for the purpose of adjusted diluted earnings per share.

12. Dividend

An interim dividend of 4.5p (H1 2013: 4.5p) per share, in line with the 2013 interim dividend, was approved by the Board on 26 August 2014. The dividend will be payable on 10 October 2014 to shareholders on the register as at 12 September 2014.

13. Property, plant and equipment

During the period ended 29 June 2014, the Group acquired assets with a cost of GBP7.1m (H1 2013: GBP9.3m) and received proceeds from asset sales of GBP0.6m (H1 2013: GBPnil) arising from assets with a carrying amount of GBP0.6m (H1 2013: GBP2.0m). Net capital expenditure of GBP6.5m (H1 2013: GBP9.3m) shown in the cash flow statement represents the actual cash outflow and therefore excludes purchases funded through finance leases.

Capital expenditure contracted for at the balance sheet date but not yet incurred:

                                  Period ended    Period ended          Year ended 
                                  29 June 2014    30 June 2013    31 December 2013 
                                          GBPm            GBPm                GBPm 
Property, plant and equipment              2.6             4.0                 1.1 
------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------------ 

14. Acquisitions

On 10 March 2014 the Group acquired 100% of the voting shares of Motherwell Bridge Limited, a UK incorporated and headquartered leading provider of construction and maintenance for storage tanks, gasholders and heat exchangers to the energy and steel markets. The Group acquired the Motherwell Bridge business to broaden both its product portfolio and customer base. The acquisition has been accounted for using the acquisition method.

The provisional fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of Motherwell Bridge as at the date of acquisition were:

                                                                               Fair value recognised on acquisition(1) 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 Property, plant and equipment                                                                                     2.3 
 Cash                                                                                                              2.6 
 Trade receivables                                                                                                 9.7 
 Inventories                                                                                                       1.3 
 Deferred tax asset                                                                                                0.9 
 Intangible assets                                                                                                23.2 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 Trade payables                                                                                                 (10.9) 
 Current income tax                                                                                              (0.4) 
 Borrowings                                                                                                      (5.7) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                                                                                        (4.6) 
 Provision for liabilities                                                                                       (5.5) 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 Total identifiable net assets at fair value                                                                      12.9 
 Goodwill arising on acquisition                                                                                  19.9 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 Purchase consideration transferred                                                                               32.8 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
 Analysis of cash flows on acquisition: 
 Cash paid                                                                                                        32.8 
 Cash paid into escrow for deferred consideration                                                                  3.1 
 Transaction costs on acquisition                                                                                  0.8 
 Net cash acquired with the subsidiary (included in cash flows from 
  investing activities)                                                                                          (2.6) 
 Net cash outflows                                                                                                34.1 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 

(1) This fair value balance sheet is provisional given the limited time since acquisition.

Deferred consideration contingent upon future contract and profit performance was determined to have nil fair value at the date of acquisition.

14. Acquisitions (continued)

The provisional acquired intangible assets comprise trademarks of GBP6.8m, supply agreements of GBP2.6m and other customer related intangibles of GBP13.8m. At the date of acquisition the gross contractual value of receivables was GBP10.0m, with a fair value of GBP9.7m, reflecting the risk of non-settlement.

The interim consolidated financial statements include the results of Motherwell Bridge from the date of acquisition, contributing GBP11.3m of revenue and GBP1.7m to the Group's net profit before tax. Had the acquisition taken place on 1 January 2014, revenue from continuing operations would have been GBP329.5m and operating profit from continuing operations for the period would have been GBP22.0m.

The goodwill recognised on the acquisition is primarily attributable to the expected synergies and other benefits arising from combining the Motherwell Bridge operations into the Group. The goodwill is not deductible for income tax purposes.

Transaction costs of GBP0.8m have been charged to exceptional items through continuing operations. Amortisation of intangible assets acquired as part of the transaction of GBP1.1m has been charged to other items through continuing operations.

15. Financial instruments

Details of financial instruments, other than cash and short term deposits, held by the Group as at 29 June 2014 are set out below.

                                                                                             Other financial 
                                           Loans and                                          liabilities at 
                                         receivables   Fair value through income statement    amortised cost     Total 
  29 June 2014                                  GBPm                                  GBPm              GBPm      GBPm 
-------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------------------  ----------------  -------- 
 Assets per the consolidated statement of financial 
 Trade and other receivables 
  (excluding prepayments)                      201.7                                     -                 -     201.7 
                                               201.7                                     -                 -     201.7 
-------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------------------  ----------------  -------- 
 Liabilities per the consolidated statement of 
 financial position 
 Borrowings (excluding finance lease 
  liabilities)                                     -                                     -           (180.5)   (180.5) 
 Finance lease liabilities                         -                                     -             (2.2)     (2.2) 
 Derivative financial instruments                  -                                 (0.4)                 -     (0.4) 
 Trade and other payables (excluding 
  statutory liabilities)                           -                                     -           (103.6)   (103.6) 
-------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------------------  ----------------  -------- 
                                                   -                                 (0.4)           (286.3)   (286.7) 
-------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------------------  ----------------  -------- 

Details of financial instruments, other than cash and short term deposits, held by the Group as at 31 December 2013 are set out below.

                                                                                         Other financial 
                                                       Loans and    Fair value through    liabilities at 
                                                     receivables      income statement    amortised cost     Total 
 31 December 2013                                           GBPm                  GBPm              GBPm      GBPm 
-----------------------------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  ----------------  -------- 
 Assets per the consolidated statement of financial position 
 Trade and other receivables 
  (excluding prepayments)                                  163.0                     -                 -     163.0 
                                                           163.0                     -                 -     163.0 
----------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  -------- 
 Liabilities per the consolidated statement of financial 
 Borrowings (excluding finance 
  lease liabilities)                                           -                     -           (133.6)   (133.6) 
 Finance lease liabilities                                     -                     -             (0.2)     (0.2) 
 Derivative financial instruments                              -                 (0.6)                 -     (0.6) 
 Trade and other payables 
  (excluding statutory 
  liabilities)                                                 -                     -            (93.2)    (93.2) 
----------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  -------- 
                                                               -                 (0.6)           (227.0)   (227.6) 
----------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  -------- 

The fair values of short-term deposits, loans and other borrowings with a maturity of less than one year are assumed to approximate to their book values. In the case of the bank loans and other borrowings due in more than one year, the fair value of financial liabilities for disclosure purposes is estimated by discounting the future contractual cash flows at the current market interest rate available to the Group for similar financial instruments. The fair value of the interest rate swaps (cash flow hedges) are calculated using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities.

15. Financial instruments(continued)

The following table provides the fair value measurement hierarchy of the Group's assets and liabilities.

Recurring fair value measurements:

                                    Quoted prices in active            Significant other      Significant unobservable 
                                                    markets            observable inputs                        inputs 
                                                  (Level 1)                    (Level 2)                     (Level 3) 
 At 29 June 2014                                       GBPm                         GBPm                          GBPm 
----------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Assets and liabilities 
 measured at fair value 
 Discontinued operation 
  (note 8)                                                -                            -                           0.2 
 Derivative financial                                     -                        (0.4)                             - 
                                                          -                        (0.4)                           0.2 
 ----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 Assets and liabilities for                               - 
 which fair values are 
 Investment property                                      -                            -                           2.8 
 Bank loans                                               -                      (163.7)                             - 
----------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                                                          -                      (163.7)                           2.8 
 ----------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                                      Quoted prices in active        Significant other               Significant 
                                                      markets        observable inputs       unobservable inputs 
                                                    (Level 1)                (Level 2)                 (Level 3) 
 At 31 December 2013                                     GBPm                     GBPm                      GBPm 
----------------------------------  -------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Assets and liabilities measured at 
 fair value 
 Discontinued operation (note 8)                            -                        -                       3.7 
 Derivative financial liabilities                           -                    (0.6)                         - 
                                                            -                    (0.6)                       3.7 
-----------------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Assets and liabilities for which 
 fair values are disclosed 
 Investment property                                        -                        -                       2.8 
 Bank loans                                                 -                  (133.4)                         - 
-----------------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                            -                  (133.4)                       2.8 
-----------------------------------  ------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 

There have been no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 during the period.

The fair value of the investment property is based upon a valuation as at 31 December 2013 performed by an accredited independent valuer, who is a specialist in valuing investment properties. Fair values of the Group's interest-bearing borrowings and loans are determined by using a DCF method with a discount rate that reflects the issuer's borrowing rate as at the end of the reporting period.

16. Share capital

                                   29 June 2014         30 June 2013       31 December 2013 
 Issued and fully paid               Number   GBPm        Number   GBPm        Number   GBPm 
-----------------------------  ------------  -----  ------------  -----  ------------  ----- 
 Ordinary shares of 25p each 
 At 1 January                   121,103,937   30.3   121,068,690   30.3   121,068,690   30.3 
 Issue of shares                          -      -         7,437      -         7,437      - 
 Exercise of share options                -      -        27,810      -        27,810      - 
-----------------------------  ------------  -----  ------------  -----  ------------  ----- 
 At period end                  121,103,937   30.3   121,103,937   30.3   121,103,937   30.3 
-----------------------------  ------------  -----  ------------  -----  ------------  ----- 
 plc Scheme Share 
 At period end                            1      -             1      -             1      - 
-----------------------------  ------------  -----  ------------  -----  ------------  ----- 

As at 29 June 2014, 44,342 (30 June 2013: 251,793) shares were held in an employee benefit trust.

plc Scheme Share

The plc Scheme Share is held by the Law Debenture Trust Corporation plc on behalf of the Scheme creditors.

The rights attaching to the share are designed to ensure that Scheme assets are only used to settle Scheme claims and ancillary costs and do not confer any right to receive a distribution or return of surplus capital save that the holder will have the right to require the Company to redeem the share at par value on or at any time after the termination of the Scheme.

The share carries two votes for every vote which the holders of the other classes of shares in issue are entitled to exercise on any resolution proposed during the life of the Scheme to engage in certain activities specified in the Company's Articles of Association.

The Company will not be permitted to engage in certain activities specified in the Company's Articles of Association without the prior consent

of the holder of the share.

17. Cash generated from operations

                                                            Period ended      Period ended 
                                                            29 June 2014      30 June 2013 
                                                                    GBPm              GBPm 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Continuing operations 
Profit before tax                                                   17.1               6.1 
Finance costs - net                                                  4.2               4.5 
Share of post-tax (profit) from joint ventures                     (0.1)             (0.1) 
Other non-cash movements                                           (0.9)                 - 
Exceptional items                                                    0.8              15.6 
Share option charge                                                  0.7               0.4 
Depreciation and amortisation                                        8.1               8.9 
Difference between pension charge and cash contributions             0.9                 - 
(Increase)/decrease in inventories                                 (4.3)               4.1 
(Increase) in trade and other receivables                         (33.2)             (1.7) 
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables                      3.6            (18.4) 
(Decrease) in provisions                                           (0.6)             (3.7) 
Cash (used in)/generated from continuing operations                (3.7)              15.7 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------------- 
Discontinued operations 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------------- 
Loss before tax                                                    (0.6)             (3.8) 
Cash generated from assets held for sale                               -               4.4 
Movement in provisions                                             (1.2)                 - 
Cash (used in)/generated from discontinued operations              (1.8)               0.6 
---------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ---------------- 

18. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in adjusted net debt

                                                        Period ended   Period ended 
                                                        29 June 2014   30 June 2013 
Total operations                                                GBPm           GBPm 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                   (19.7)         (10.5) 
Net (increase)/decrease on revolving facility                 (47.0)            1.2 
Net (increase)/decrease in unamortised borrowing 
 arrangement costs                                             (3.2)            0.4 
Net (increase)/decrease in obligations under finance 
 leases                                                        (1.9)            0.2 
Movement in adjusted net debt during the period               (71.8)          (8.7) 
Adjusted net debt(1) - opening                                (60.2)         (65.2) 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Adjusted net debt(1) - closing                               (132.0)         (73.9) 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

(1) Adjusted net debt excludes restricted funds used to settle industrial disease claims.

19. Contingent liabilities

The Group has contingent liabilities in respect of guarantees and bonds entered into in the normal course of business, in respect of which no loss is expected. The Group is required to issue trade finance instruments to certain customers; these include tender bonds, performance bonds, retention bonds, advance payment bonds and standby letters of credit. As at 29 June 2014, the Group's bank facilities relating to the issue of bonds, guarantees and letters of credit amounted to GBP59.9m (H1 2013: GBP41.6m).

The provision for industrial disease claims has been determined based on advice from independent actuaries as at 31 December 2013. There is uncertainty associated with the future level of asbestos related industrial disease claims and of the costs arising from such claims. As such, the provision may be subject to potentially material revisions from time to time if new information becomes available as a result of future events.

Further to an incident that occurred on a client's site during 2012 that tragically resulted in the fatality of a Cape employee, the Health and Safety Executive notified Cape Industrial Services Limited, the employing company, in early 2014 of their decision that legal proceedings should commence. At the date of the statement of financial position no amounts have been provided in respect of this matter.

20. Related parties

As at 29 June 2014, there was a balance of GBP5.4m (H1 2013: GBP3.3m; 31 December 2013: GBP3.4m) owed by joint ventures. Revenue generated from joint ventures in the first half of 2014 was GBP10.1m (H1 2013: GBP8.9m; 31 December 2013: GBP17.8m).

21. Prior period restatements

The consolidated statement of financial position reported in the Group financial statements at 31 December 2013 has been restated to reflect the correct classification of current asset restricted funds of GBP22.3m and deposits held for more than 12 months of GBP9.0m as restricted fund non-current deposits.

In the Group's 2013 consolidated annual financial statements a number of adjustments were made to the previously reported comparative amounts reported as at 31 December 2012 in the following areas:

De-recognition of tax losses

Tax assets largely representing UK losses arising from non-trading activities were derecognised on the basis that they had no economic benefit to the Group as it is unlikely that they can be offset against trading profits. As there would have been no future economic benefit associated with the losses in previous years, a prior period restatement was made.


Reclassifications between financial statement line items reported in the prior period were made to reflect correct presentation. The most significant items were in respect of the presentation of the provision for industrial disease claims, including an offset of associated insurance receivables and recognition of the current portion of the liability as well as separate disclosure of work in progress within inventories.

During the second half of 2013 the Directors decided to discontinue activities in Japan. The results from these operations have been classified within discontinued operations in the condensed consolidated income statement both in the current period and, by way of prior period restatement, in the prior period.

Employee benefits

Liabilities were established in the statement of financial position with charges made to prior period results to reflect contractual and legal obligations owing to employees in the Asia Pacific region.

21. Prior period restatements (continued)

Other items

Other items include recognition of liabilities on legal dispute and trading expenses that were not recognised at the time of the prior period statement of financial position as well as a change in the profit and carrying values attributable to non-controlled interests.

Where necessary, these items have been restated in the appropriate period within the 2013 financial year resulting in changes to certain comparatives at 30 June 2013, as set out in the following table. Included within 'reclassifications' category below is the correct classification of restricted funds of GBP10.0m and restricted fund non-current deposits of GBP16.5m.

                                H1 2013 
                              Financial                                      Employee    Other adjustments     H1 2013 
                             Statements    Tax losses    Reclassification    benefits                 GBPm    Restated 
                                   GBPm          GBPm                GBPm        GBPm                             GBPm 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of 
 Financial position 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and 
 equipment                         85.3             -                   -           -                (0.6)        84.7 
Investment property                 2.0             -                   -           -                    -         2.0 
Intangible assets                 116.2             -                   -           -                    -       116.2 
Investments accounted for 
 the equity method                  0.6             -                   -           -                    -         0.6 
Restricted deposits                   -             -                16.5           -                    -        16.5 
Deferred tax asset                 26.6         (0.2)                   -           -                  0.8        27.2 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Total non-current assets          230.7         (0.2)                16.5           -                  0.2       247.2 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Current assets                                                                      - 
Inventories                         9.6             -                 7.2           -                    -        16.8 
Trade and other 
 receivables                      236.7             -               (9.2)           -                    -       227.5 
Cash and cash equivalents          62.3             -                   -           -                    -        62.3 
Restricted funds                   26.5             -              (16.5)           -                    -        10.0 
Assets of disposal group 
 as held for sale                   6.0             -                   -           -                    -         6.0 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Total current assets              341.1             -              (18.5)           -                    -       322.6 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Total assets                      571.8         (0.2)               (2.0)           -                  0.2       569.8 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Share capital                      30.3             -                   -           -                    -        30.3 
Share premium account               0.9             -                   -           -                    -         0.9 
Share capital                       1.0             -                   -           -                    -         1.0 
Other reserves                      9.4             -                 0.9           -                (0.2)        10.1 
Translation reserve               113.3             -                   -           -                    -       113.3 
Retained earnings                  12.6         (2.9)               (0.9)       (0.1)                (1.7)         7.0 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Equity attributable to 
 holders of the parent            167.5         (2.9)                   -       (0.1)                (1.9)       162.6 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Non-controlling interests           4.3             -                   -           -                  0.4         4.7 
Total Equity                      171.8         (2.9)                   -       (0.1)                (1.5)       167.3 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                        134.3             -               (1.6)           -                    -       132.7 
Retirement benefit 
 obligations                        9.4             -                   -           -                    -         9.4 
Deferred tax liabilities            6.9             -                   -           -                (0.2)         6.7 
IDC provision                      82.5             -               (7.0)           -                    -        75.5 
Other provisions                    1.2             -                   -           -                  2.0         3.2 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Total non-current 
 liabilities                      234.3             -               (8.6)           -                  1.8       227.5 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Borrowings                          1.9             -                   -           -                    -         1.9 
Derivative financial 
 instruments                        1.0             -               (0.2)           -                    -         0.8 
Trade and other payables          130.2             -                 3.3         0.1                (0.5)       133.1 
Current income tax 
 liabilities                        7.3           2.7                   -           -                  0.4        10.4 
IDC provision                         -             -                 4.0           -                    -         4.0 
Other provisions                   25.3             -               (0.5)           -                    -        24.8 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Total current liabilities         165.7           2.7                 6.6         0.1                (0.1)       175.0 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Total liabilities                 400.0           2.7               (2.0)         0.1                  1.7       402.5 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
Total equity and 
 liabilities                      571.8         (0.2)               (2.0)           -                  0.2       569.8 
--------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  -------------------  ---------- 
 21. Prior period 
                               H1 2013 
                             Financial                                      Employee     Other adjustments     H1 2013 
                            Statements    Tax losses    Reclassification    benefits                  GBPm    Restated 
                                  GBPm          GBPm                GBPm        GBPm                              GBPm 
Condensed Consolidated 
Revenue                          371.1             -                   -           -                 (0.3)       370.8 
Operating profit before 
 items                            24.7             -                 0.4           -                   1.3        26.4 
Other items                      (0.3)             -                   -           -                     -       (0.3) 
Operating profit before 
 items                            24.4             -                 0.4           -                   1.3        26.1 
Share of post-tax result 
 joint ventures                    0.1             -                   -           -                     -         0.1 
Exceptional items               (15.6)             -                   -           -                     -      (15.6) 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Operating profit                   8.9             -                 0.4           -                   1.3        10.6 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Finance income                     0.8             -                   -           -                     -         0.8 
Finance costs                    (5.5)             -                   -           -                   0.2       (5.3) 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Net Finance costs                (4.7)             -                   -           -                   0.2       (4.5) 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Profit before tax                  4.2             -                 0.4           -                   1.5         6.1 
Income tax credit / 
 (expense)                         0.3             -                   -           -                 (0.4)       (0.1) 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Profit from continuing 
 operations                        4.5             -                 0.4           -                   1.1         6.0 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Loss from discontinued 
 operations                      (2.5)             -               (0.4)           -                     -       (2.9) 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Profit for the period              2.0             -                   -           -                   1.1         3.1 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Earnings per share               Pence         Pence               Pence       Pence                 Pence       Pence 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations             3.3             -                 0.3           -                   0.9         4.5 
 Discontinued operations         (2.1)             -               (0.3)           -                     -       (2.4) 
Total operations                   1.2             -                   -           -                   0.9         2.1 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Diluted                                            -                               - 
 Continuing operations             3.2             -                 0.3           -                   0.9         4.4 
 Discontinued operations         (2.0)             -               (0.3)           -                 (0.1)       (2.4) 
Total operation                    1.2             -                   -           -                   0.8         2.0 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Adjusted earnings per            Pence         Pence               Pence       Pence                 Pence       Pence 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations            13.7             -                 0.3           -                   0.9        14.9 
 Discontinued operations         (2.1)             -               (0.3)           -                     -       (2.4) 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Total operations                  11.6             -                   -           -                   0.9        12.5 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
                                                   -                               - 
Diluted                                            -                               - 
 Continuing operations            13.6             -                 0.3           -                   0.9        14.8 
 Discontinued operations         (2.0)             -               (0.3)           -                 (0.1)       (2.4) 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 
Total operations                  11.6             -                   -           -                   0.8        12.4 
------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------  --------------------  ---------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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