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Washington D.C. 20549







PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16


For the month of August 2019

Commission File Number: 1-12158



Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



No. 48 Jinyi Road, Jinshan District, Shanghai, 200540

The People’s Republic of China

(Address of principal executive offices)



Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

Form 20-F  ☒            Form 40-F  ☐

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):  ☐

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Table of Contents





99.1    2019 Interim Results Announcement.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: August 20, 2019     By:  

/s/ Guo Xiaojun

    Name:   Guo Xiaojun
    Title:   Secretary to Board of Directors

Table of Contents

Exhibit 99.1



(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China)

(Stock Code: 00338)

2019 Interim Results Announcement

For the Six Months Ended 30 June 2019






This interim results summary of Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited (the “Company” or “Sinopec Shanghai”) for the six months ended 30 June 2019 (the “Reporting Period”) is extracted from the full text of the 2019 interim report. For detailed content, investors are advised to read the full text of the 2019 interim report which is published on the websites of the Shanghai Stock Exchange or other designated website of China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”), Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and the Company.



Corporate Information


A Shares   

Stock Exchange Listing

Stock Short Name

Stock Code


Shanghai Stock Exchange



H Shares:   

Stock Exchange Listing


Stock Short Name

Stock Code


The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Hong Kong Stock Exchange”)



American Depository Receipts (“ADR”):


Stock Exchange Listing

Stock Code


New York Stock Exchange



Secretary to the Board


Securities Affairs Representative

Name    Guo Xiaojun    Ding Yonghui
Correspondence Address   

48 Jinyi Road, Jinshan District, Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”)
Postal Code: 200540


48 Jinyi Road, Jinshan District, Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China
Postal Code: 200540

Telephone    8621-57943143    8621-57933728
Fax    8621-57940050    8621-57940050


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Major Financial Data

Prepared under the People’s Republic of China (“China”) Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (“CAS”)



Major Accounting Data

Unit: RMB’000


Major accounting data

   The Reporting Period
(January to June)
     Corresponding period
of the previous year
     Increase/decrease as compared
to the corresponding period

of the previous year (%)

Operating income

     51,992,583        52,187,640        -0.37  

Total profit

     1,359,243        4,515,157        -69.90  

Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the holding company

     1,137,241        3,524,131        -67.73  

Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the holding company excluding non-recurring items

     1,137,729        3,515,331        -67.64  

Net cash generated from operating activities

     245,974        4,227,404        -94.18  
     As at the end of the
Reporting Period
     As at the end of
the previous year
     Increase/decrease at the end
of the Reporting Period
as compared to the end
of the previous year (%)

Net assets attributable to equity shareholders of the Company

     28,803,061        30,370,126        -5.16  

Total assets

     43,987,092        44,539,960        -1.24  


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Major Financial Indicators


Major financial indicators

   The Reporting Period
(January to June)
     Corresponding period
of the previous year
     Increase/decrease as
compared to the
corresponding period

of the previous year (%)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)

     0.105        0.326        -67.79  

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)

     0.105        0.326        -67.79  

Basic earnings per share after non-recurring items (RMB/Share)

     0.106        0.325        -67.38  

Return on net assets (weighted average) (%)*

     3.676        11.618       

Decrease 7.94

percentage points



Return on net assets after non-recurring items (weighted average) (%)*

     3.698        11.589       

Decrease 7.89

percentage points





The above-mentioned net assets do not include minority shareholders’ interests.



Differences between Financial Statements Prepared under CAS and those Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”)

Unit: RMB’000


     Net profit attributable to equity
shareholders of the holding company
     Total equity attributable to
equity shareholders of the holding company
     The Reporting
period of the
previous year
     At the end of the
Reporting Period
     At the beginning of
the Reporting Period

Prepared under CAS

     1,137,241        3,524,131        28,803,061        30,370,126  

Prepared under IFRS

     1,143,560        3,551,259        28,780,003        30,346,063  

For a detailed description of the differences between financial statements prepared under CAS and those prepared under IFRS, please refer to the Supplementary Information to the Financial Statements prepared under CAS contained in the 2019 interim report.


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Non-recurring Profit and Loss Items (Prepared under CAS)

Unit: RMB’000


Non-recurring profit and loss items


Net loss from disposal of non-current assets


Employee reduction expenses


Government grants recorded in profit and loss (excluding government grants closely related to corporate business pursuant to the State’s unified standard on quota and amount entitlements)


Gains from structured deposits


Fair value gains on foreign exchange option and forward foreign exchange contracts


Net losses on settlement of foreign exchange option and forward foreign exchange contracts


Other non-operating income and expenses other than those mentioned above


Effect attributable to minority interests (after tax)


Income tax effect











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Shareholding of the Top Ten Shareholders as at the end of the Reporting Period


Number of shareholders of ordinary shares as at the end of the Reporting Period


Unit: Shares


Shareholding of the top ten shareholders


Name of shareholders

(Full name)

   Class of

of shareholding
during the

Period (shares)
     Number of
shares held at
the end of the

Period (shares)
     Percentage of

     Number of
shares held
with selling

     Pledged/frozen      Nature of
of shares
of shares

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

     A shares        0        5,460,000,000        50.44        0        None        0       
legal person

HKSCC (Nominees) Limited

     H shares        -1,294,074        3,456,846,747        31.94        0        Unknown        —         


legal person



China Securities Finance Corporation Limited

     A shares        0        324,111,018        2.99        0        None        0        Others  

HKSCC Limited

     A shares        +3,655,630        82,354,554        0.76        0        None        0        Others  

Central Huijin Investment Ltd.

     A shares        0        67,655,800        0.63        0        None        0        Others  

GF Fund – Agricultural Bank of China – GF CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

     A shares        0        45,222,300        0.42        0        None        0        Others  

Dacheng Fund – Agricultural Bank of China – Dacheng CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

     A shares        0        43,531,469        0.40        0        None        0        Others  

China Asset Fund – Agricultural Bank of China – China Asset CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

     A shares        0        43,083,750        0.40        0        None        0        Others  

Bosera Fund – Agricultural Bank of China – Bosera CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

     A shares        0        43,083,700        0.40        0        None        0        Others  

E Fund – Agricultural Bank of China – E Fund CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

     A shares        0        43,083,700        0.40        0        None        0        Others  

Note on connected relations or acting in concert of the above shareholders


Among the above-mentioned shareholders, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (“Sinopec
Corp.”), a State-owned legal person, does not have any connected relationship with the other
shareholders, and does not constitute an act-in-concert party under the Administrative Measures on
Acquisition of Listed Companies. Among the above-mentioned shareholders, HKSCC (Nominees)
Limited is a nominee. Apart from the above, the Company is not aware of any connected relationship
among the other shareholders, or whether any other shareholder constitutes an acting-in-concert party
under the Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies.


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Interests and short positions of the substantial shareholders of the Company in shares and underlying shares of the Company

As at 30 June 2019, so far as was known to the Directors or chief executive of the Company, the interests and short positions of the Company’s substantial shareholders (being those who are entitled to exercise or control the exercise of 5% or more of the voting power at any general meeting of the Company but excluding the Directors, chief executive and Supervisors) in the shares and underlying shares of the Company who are required to disclose their interests pursuant to Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”) or as recorded in the register of interests required to be kept under section 336 of the SFO were as set out below:

Interests in ordinary shares of the Company


Name of shareholder


Interests held or

deemed as held (shares)

   Note      Percentage of
total issued
shares of the
Company (%)
     Percentage of
total issued
shares of the
relevant class (%)


China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (“Sinopec Corp.”)


5,460,000,000 A shares (L)

Shares of legal person

     (1      50.44        74.50     

Beneficial owner

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation


478,472,013H shares (L)

389,190,800H shares (S)

77,258,643H shares (P)
















Interests of controlled corporation

BlackRock, Inc.


313,996,599H shares (L)

21,260,000H shares (S)















Interests of controlled corporation

Interests of controlled corporation

JPMorgan Chase & Co.


195,142,166H shares (L)

35,209,447H shares (S)

132,750,796H shares (P)



















Interests of controlled corporation, investment manager, secured equity holders and approved lending agents

Corn Capital Company Limited


211,008,000H shares (L)

200,020,000H shares (S)















Beneficial owner

Beneficial owner

Hung Hin Fai


211,008,000H shares (L)

200,020,000H shares (S)












Interests of controlled corporation

Interests of controlled corporation

Yardley Finance Limited

   200,020,000H shares (L)      (6      1.85        5.72     

Secured equity holders

Chan Kin Sun

   200,020,000H shares (L)      (6      1.85        5.72     

Interests of controlled corporation

Citigroup Inc.


228,207,123H shares (L)

3,048,300H shares (S)

169,895,619H shares (P)



















Secured equity holders, Interests of controlled corporation, and approved lending agents

(L): Long position; (S): Short position; (P): Lending Pool


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Note :



Based on the information obtained by the Directors from the website of The Hong Kong Stock Exchange and as far as the Directors are aware, China Petrochemical Corporation directly and indirectly owned 68.77% of the issued share capital of Sinopec Corp. as at 30 June 2019. By virtue of such relationship, Sinopec Group is deemed to have an interest in the 5,460,000,000 A shares of the Company directly owned by Sinopec Corp.



All the 389,190,800 H shares (short position) held by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation was held through physical settlement unlisted derivatives.



Of the H shares (long position) held by BlackRock, Inc., 1,694,000 H shares (long position) were held through cash settled unlisted derivatives.



Of the H shares (short position) held by BlackRock, Inc., 1,914,000 H shares (short position) were held through cash settled unlisted derivatives.



Of the H shares (long position) held by JPMorgan Chase & Co., 16,976,000 H shares (long position) were held through cash settled unlisted derivatives.



Of the H shares (short position) held by JPMorgan Chase & Co., 4,000 H shares (short position) were held through cash settled listed derivatives, 18,835,862 H shares (short position) were held through physical settlement unlisted derivatives, 10,926,165 H shares (short position) were held through cash settled unlisted derivatives, 20 H shares (short position) were held through convertible instruments listed derivatives.



These shares were held by Corn Capital Company Limited. Hung Hin Fai held 100% interests in Corn Capital Company Limited. Pursuant to the SFO, Hung Hin Fai was deemed to be interested in the shares held by Corn Capital Company Limited.



These shares were held by Yardley Finance Limited. Chan Kin Sun held 100% interests in Yardley Finance Limited. Pursuant to the SFO, Chan Kin Sun was deemed to be interested in the shares held by Yardley Finance Limited.



Of the H shares (long position) held by Citigroup Inc., 5,934,100 H shares (long position) were held through physical settlement listed derivatives, 436,000 H shares (long position) were held through cash settled unlisted derivatives.



Of the H shares (short position) held by Citigroup Inc., 107,300 H shares (short position) were held through physical settlement listed derivatives, 554,000 H shares (short position) were held through cash settled unlisted derivatives.

Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2019, the Directors have not been notified by any person (other than the Directors, chief executive and Supervisors) who had interests or short positions in the shares or underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company pursuant to Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO or as recorded in the register of interests required to be kept by the Company under Section 336 of the SFO.


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Interests and Short Positions of the Directors, Chief Executive and Supervisors in Shares and Underlying Shares and Debentures of the Company or its Associate Corporation

As at 30 June 2019, the interests and short positions of the Directors, chief executive and Supervisors of the Company in the shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company or its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which were required to be notified to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests and short positions which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO); or to be recorded in the register of interests required to be kept under Section 352 of the SFO; or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant the “Model Code for Securities Transactions” set out in Appendix 10 to the “Hong Kong Listing Rules” were as follows:

Interests in the Shares and Underlying Shares of the Company






Number of

shares (shares)


Number of underlying shares held

in respect of A shares share options
under the Share Option Incentive

Scheme (shares)


of total

shares (%)



of total


A shares (%)



Jin Qiang


Executive Director and Vice President


301,000 A

shares (L)

   —      0.0028    0.0041   

Beneficial owner

Guo Xiaojun


Executive Director, Vice President, Secretary to the Board and Joint Company Secretary


301,000 A

shares (L)

   —      0.0028    0.0041   

Beneficial owner

Jin Wenmin


Executive Director and Vice President


175,000 A

shares (L)

   —      0.0016    0.0024   

Beneficial owner

(L) : Long position

Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2019, so far as was known to the Directors, chief executive and Supervisors of the Company, none of the Directors, chief executive or Supervisors of the Company had any interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company or its associated corporations which were required to be disclosed or recorded pursuant to the SFO and the Hong Kong Listing Rules as mentioned above.


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Management Discussion and Analysis of the Overall Operations during the Reporting Period

(The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the unaudited financial report of the Group and the notes in the 2019 interim report. Unless otherwise specified, certain financial data involved interim report hereinafter are extracted from the unaudited interim financial report of the Group prepared in accordance with IFRS.)

Review and Discussion of Operating Results

In the first half of 2019, the world economic situation remained complex and severe. The relationship between international trade frictions and geopolitical tensions intensified. World economic growth and international trade all slowed down. The US economic growth rate slowed down after the surge, and the Eurozone economy performed bleak. The Japanese economy was in a moderate expansion trend, and its growth exceeded expectations. China’s external instability and uncertainties have increased, and the downward pressure on the economy has increased. Under the impetus of adhering to high-quality development and supply-side structural reforms, economic operations continued to remain within a reasonable range. In the first half of the year, GDP increased by 6.3% year-on-year, continuing the overall stable, steady and progressive development trend. Under the influence of the complicated domestic and international situation in China’s petrochemical industry, the downward pressure on the economic operation of the industry has increased. Although the investment in the industry has grown rapidly, the concentrated production of new capacity in the short term and the resulting market expectations have caused significant fluctuation and decrease in product prices. The overall growth of the industry was stable, exports gradually slowed down, and the decline in corporate efficiency did not fundamentally improve.

In the first half of 2019, in the face of increasingly complex and severe domestic and international economic and industrial situations, the Group focused on safety, environmental protection, production and operation, operational optimization, reform and innovation, and the annual goals were promoted in an orderly manner. For the six months ended 30 June 2019, the Group’s turnover reached RMB51,955.2 million with a decrease of RMB206.3 million, representing a decrease of 0.40% as compared to the same period last year. The profit before tax was RMB1,365.6 million (profit before tax for the same period last year was RMB4,542.3 million), representing a decrease of RMB3,176.7 million from the same period last year. Profit after tax and non-controlling shareholder interests was RMB1,143.6 million (profit for the same period last year was RMB3,551.3 million), representing an decrease of RMB2,407.7 million from the same period last year.


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In the first half of 2019, the total production volume of the Group reached 6,877,900 tons, representing a year-on-year increase of 2.53%. From January to June, the Group processed 7,473,000 tons of crude oil (including 507,400 tons of crude oil processed on a sub-contract basis), representing a year-on-year increase of 1.76%. The production volume of refined oil products in total reached 4,464,400 tons, representing a year-on-year increase of 3.40%. Among these, the output of gasoline was 1,688,200 tons, representing a year-on-year increase of 3.51%; the diesel output was 1,851,200 tons, representing a year-on-year decrease of 4.94%; and the jet fuel output was 925,100 tons, representing a year-on-year increase of 25.10%. The Group produced 421,900 tons of ethylene, representing a year-on-year increase of 4.82% and produced 329,500 tons of paraxylene, representing a 0.12% decrease year-on-year. The Group also produced 506,900 tons of synthetic resins and plastic (excluding polyesters and polyvinyl alcohol), representing a year-on-year increase of 4.73%; 301,300 tons of synthetic fiber monomers, representing a year-on-year decrease of 9.79%; 191,700 tons of synthetic fiber polymers, representing a year-on-year decrease of 5.05%; and 94,200 tons of synthetic fibers, representing a year-on-year increase of 8.65%. For the first half of the year, the sales to output ratio and debt recovery ratio of the Group were 99.77% and 100%, respectively.

Adhering to the bottom line of safety and environmental protection to ensure smooth operation of the device. In the first half of the year, the Group further promoted the implementation of HSSE, further improved the safety management, carried out comprehensive investigation and hidden danger management on tank areas, restricted space operations, and hazardous chemicals management, and maintained an overall stable security situation. The programs such as “10,000 Employees Checking Odor” promoted the establishment of green enterprises. From January to June, the Company’s comprehensive compliance rate of discharged wastewater was 100%, and the total emissions of COD, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides decreased by 5.03%, 26.52% and 23.67%, respectively. The average concentration of VOCs at the boundary of the plant decreased by 11.55% year-on-year. In terms of production operation, 25 sets of equipment maintenance were completed in the first half of the year and a successful driving was achieved. No unplanned halt occurred, and the overall operation of the units remained stable. Among the 62 major technological and economic indicators monitored, 39 items were better than the annual level of last year, with a year-on-year progress rate of 62.90%. There were 20 items reaching advanced level of the industry, leading to the industry’s advanced rate of 32.26%. During the Reporting Period, the Company’s accumulated comprehensive energy consumption was 0.757 tons of standard coal per RMB10,000, representing a decrease of 0.39% compared with the annual total of 0.760 tons of standard coal per RMB10,000 last year.


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The Group continued to deepen the optimization of production and operation and strengthened market development and costs reduction. In the first half of the year, the Group strengthened the supply chain management of crude oil procurement, combined with the market characteristics of high and low sulfur, light and heavy crude oil price narrowing and some crude oil discount water, and moderately promoted the light weight structure of crude oil; optimized the structure of refined oil products, and increased the output of jet fuel 25.10%, the cumulative diesel to gasoline ratio is 1.10, which is 0.09 lower than the same period of last year. The proportion of high-grade gasoline is 0.29 percentage points higher than that in 2018. Making efforts to open up domestic and foreign markets and produced low-sulfur heavy and light marine fuel oil for the first time. Dicyclopentadiene successfully opened the EU market, HSF (high shrink film polyester) slice was first exported to Indonesia, and black pipe plastic products successfully entered domestic gas supply market. The Group strengthened policy research and did a good job in adjusting the VAT rate adjustment. In the first half of the year, the value-added tax and additional tax revenue were RMB40.0 million. The key cost management and control work will continue to be carried out, and the key expenses under the company’s monitoring will be controlled within the time schedule.

The Group continued to develop company and promoted technological innovation. In the first half of the year, the Group strived to do a good job in the top-level design of the company’s development, proposed the goal of building domestic leading and world-class” energy, chemical and new materials corporation by 2035, implemented refinery clean-up transformation and product structure optimization, as well as transformational development with the goal of developing new materials such as carbon fiber. The Group strengthened technical research in the field of new energy and strived to promote research on key technologies for low-sulfur marine fuel oil production and fuel cell-level hydrogen supply, promoted the development and popularization of high value-added polyester and synthetic resin, and made breakthroughs in the research and development of special materials for polypropylene caps, and the performance indicators have reached the level of imported similar products. In the first half of the year, the Group developed and produced new products of 98,100 tons; the production of synthetic resin new products and polyolefin special materials was 368,500 tons, the synthetic fiber differentiation rate was 88%. The Company has 11 patent applications and 9 pieces applications have been granted. The construction of smart factories was promoted, the detailed design of planning optimization and production scheduling were completed, and the project entered the full implementation stage.


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The Group further strengthened corporate management and advanced the reform. In the first half of the year, the Group completed the establishment of the Carbon Fiber Business Unit and basically entered the normal operation management, reduced the internal organization of some secondary units, and adjusted the functional departments of some filiale. Taking the national incremental power distribution business reform as an opportunity, the Group accelerated the pace of transformation and development, Shanghai Shidian Energy Co., Ltd. was established to effectively solve the historical problems left by the company’s temporary power supply area. The Group adhered to focus on tackle key core technologies, “Bottle Neck”, and participated in the establishment of Shanghai Carbon Fiber Composites Innovation Research Institute Co., Ltd. to provide support for the company’s carbon fiber industry development. The Group promoted the optimization of the team structure, increased the intensity of training and selection of outstanding young cadres, and continuously improved the cadre team structure. The Group increased the application of the intelligent training system, promoted the “one position with multiple functions” training and the “large-scale training and extensive competition” activities, and comprehensively improved the quality of the staff.

The following table sets forth the Group’s sales volume and net sales after business tax and surcharges for the Reporting Period:


     For the six months ended 30 June  
     2019      2018  
     Sales volume
(’000 tons)
     Net sales
(RMB million)
     %      Sales volume
(’000 tons)
     Net sales
(RMB million)

Synthetic fibers

     93.7        1,198.6        2.6        83.5        1,123.5        2.4  

Resins and plastics

     633.8        5,054.2        11.0        597.8        5,129.5        11.1  

Intermediate petrochemical products

     1,077.4        5,164.4        11.2        1,110.6        6,118.6        13.3  

Petroleum products

     5,086.0        21,006.9        45.5        4,966.7        20,643.8        44.8  

Trading of petrochemical products

     —          13,305.5        28.8        —          12,644.1        27.5  


     —          395.5        0.9        —          387.6        0.9  




















     6,890.9        46,125.1        100.0        6,758.6        46,047.1        100.0  




















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In the first half of 2019, net sales of the Group amounted to RMB46,125.1 million, representing an increase of 0.17% over the same period last year. Among which, net sales of synthetic fibers increased by 6.68%, resins and plastics decreased by 1.47%, intermediate petrochemical products decreased by 15.60%, petroleum products and trading of petrochemical products increased by 1.76% and 5.23%, respectively. The net sales of products generally fluctuated less than that of the previous year, and the net sales of intermediate petrochemical products declined, mainly due to the 13.22% decrease in the unit price of sales during the reporting period. The increase in the net sales from the trading of petrochemical products was mainly attributable to the increase in the business volume of Jinshan Trading Corporation, an indirectly owned subsidiary of the Group, during the Reporting Period. In the first half of the year, the Group’s net sales of “Others” increased by 2.04% compared to the same period last year, which was mainly attributable to the increase in the Group’s revenue from oil processed on a sub-contract basis, as compared to the same period last year.

Most of the Group’s products are sold in Eastern China.

In the first half of 2019, the Group’s cost of sales increased by 7.39% year-on-year to RMB45,225.4 million, representing 98.05% of total net sales.


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The Group’s main raw material is crude oil. In the first four months of 2019, oil prices rebounded sharply at the end of last year, as OPEC continued to cut production, the United States imposed sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, the turmoil in Libya and Nigeria, and the decline in crude oil supply caused by Russian pipeline pollution. Subsequently, US crude oil inventories increased, the prospects for trade war between China and the United States deteriorated, and the threat of US taxation on Mexican imports further exacerbated global trade tensions, triggering concerns on the demand side of crude oil, which led to a fall in oil prices. In the first half of the year, Brent crude oil futures closed at a maximum of USD74.57/barrel, with a minimum of USD53.80/barrel. Half-year average price was approximately USD66.10/barrel, representing a year-on-year decrease of 7.06%. WTI crude oil futures closed at a maximum of USD66.30/barrel and minimum of USD45.50/barrel, with the half-year average price of approximately USD57.34/barrel, representing a year-on-year decrease of 12.32%. Dubai crude oil futures closed at a maximum of USD74.73/barrel and minimum of USD59.77/barrel, with the half-year average price of approximately USD65.62/barrel, a year-on-year decrease of 3.80%.

In the first half of 2019, the average unit cost of crude oil processed by the Group (for its own account) was RMB3,309.34/ton, representing an increase of RMB241.63/ton compared to the same period last year, or an increase of 7.88%. The main reasons were as follows:

First, influenced by the exchange rate and the year-on-year increase in crude oil discount and freight, the discount water and freight of crude oil increased year-on-year; second, in order to increase the production of gasoline and aviation coal and reduce the production of asphalt, the Company increased the proportion of light oil processing in the first half of the year. The Group processed a total of 6,965,600 tons of crude oil (excluding crude oil processed on a sub-contract basis), representing an increase of 8,600 tons compared to the same period last year. Taken together, the total costs of processed crude oil increased by RMB1,709.0 million. Processing costs increased by RMB26.0 million due to an increase in the volume of crude oil processed. The increase in unit cost of processed crude oil brought costs up by RMB1,683.0 million. From January to June 2019, the Group processed 507,400 tons of crude oil processed on a sub-contract basis, representing an increase of 120,500 tons compared to the same period last year. In the first half of 2019, the Group’s cost of crude oil accounted for 50.97% of the total cost of sales.


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In the first half of 2019, the Group’s cost for other ancillary materials amounted to RMB4,608.0 million, a decrease of 10.54% compared with the same period of last year. During the Reporting Period, the Group’s depreciation and maintenance expenses decreased by 5.86% year-on-year to RMB867.7 million and RMB697.3 million respectively, mainly due to the reorganization and transformation of some catalysts during the reporting period. The amortization was stopped in the current period, resulting in a decrease in the amortization amount. Maintenance expenses decrease by 9.02% year-on-year, mainly due to a decrease in maintenance work during the Reporting Period, which led to the decrease in maintenance costs. Fuel and power expenses decreased by 1.80% year-on-year to RMB1,148.0 million during the Reporting Period, mainly due to the decrease in the unit purchase price of coal.

In the first half of 2019, sales and administrative expenses of the Group amounted to RMB265.9 million, representing a decrease of 5.78% as compared to RMB282.2 million for the same period last year. This was mainly due to Jinshan Associated Trading Corporation’s storage fees decreased by RMB12 million during the Reporting Period.

In the first half of 2019, other operating income of the Group amounted to RMB45.8 million, representing a decrease of RMB21.0 million compared to the same period last year. This was mainly due to a decrease of RMB21.0 million in government subsidy during the Reporting Period.

In the first half of 2019, the Group’s net finance income amounted to RMB213.7 million, compared to the net finance income of RMB209.2 million for the same period last year. This was mainly due to a decrease of RMB8.9 million in interest income and a decrease of RMB13.2 million in interest expenditure during the Reporting Period.

In the first half of 2019, the Group’s profit after tax and non-controlling shareholder interests was RMB1,143.6 million, representing a decrease of RMB2,407.7 million as compared to the profit of RMB3,551.3 million for the same period last year.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

In the first half of 2019, the Group’s net cash inflow generated from operating activities amounted to RMB220.4 million and the net cash inflow for the same period last year was RMB4,213.5 million. This was primarily due to an increase of 1.657 billion in the taxes paid during the Reporting Period compared with the previous period and a decrease in revenue. The profit before tax was RMB1,365.6 million during the Reporting Period (profit before tax for the same period last year was RMB4,542.3 million).

In the first half of 2019, the Group’s net cash inflow generated from investing activities amounted to RMB411.2 million and the net cash inflow for the same period last year was RMB48.3 million. This was primarily attributable to the net cash flow generated by the withdrawal of fixed deposit and structural deposit during the reporting period, which increased by RMB 700.0 million; the cash used by the Group in purchasing fixed assets and other long-term assets increased by RMB 214.0 million compared with the previous period; the cash received by the Group in disposing of fixed assets and other long-term assets decreased by RMB197.0 million compared with the previous period; and the cash generated by the Group’s interest income increased by RMB94.0 million compared with the previous period.

In the first half of 2019, the Group’s net cash inflow generated from financing activities amounted to RMB561.1 million and the net cash inflow for the same period last year was RMB821.6 million. This was primarily attributable to the decrease of RMB224.2 million in cash received by the Group as loans during the Reporting Period.


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Borrowings and Debts

The Group’s long-term borrowings are mainly used in capital expansion projects. In general, the Group arranges long-term borrowings according to its capital expenditure plans. On the whole, there are no seasonal borrowings. Short-term borrowings are used to replenish the Group’s working capital requirements during the normal course of production. During the first half of 2019, the Group’s total borrowings increased by RMB555.4 million to RMB1,052.6 million as at the end of the Reporting Period as compared to the beginning of the Reporting Period, mainly due to the increase of short-term borrowings by RMB555.4 million. As at 30 June 2019, the total borrowings of the Group at fixed interest rates amounted to RMB1,000.0 million.

Capital Expenditures

In the first half of 2019, the Group’s capital expenditures amounted to RMB350.0 million, mainly attributable to the preparation and implementation of various projects, including oil cleaning project 400,000 tons/year clean gasoline components units, second phase of PAN (Polyacrylonitrile) based carbon fiber project with annual production of 1,500 tons, light oil storage tank and trestle oil vapor recovery project of the Storage and Transportation Department, safe and eco-friendly closed decoking, transportation and waste gas treatment of No. 2 delay coking facility and No. 2 olefin cracking furnace low nitrogen combustion project.

In the second half of 2019, the Group plans to start the oil cleaning project 400,000 tons/year clean gasoline components units and tries to deliver results by the middle of December; continues to promote the implementation of various projects, such as the second phase of PAN (Polyacrylonitrile) based carbon fiber project with annual production of 1,500 tons and Separation of waste and clear water project in tank area of Storage and Transportation Department. The Group also plans to start various projects, such as drying and reduction of oil sludge project of the Environmental Water Department, function reconstruction of emergency shut-off valve in the tank area of Storage and Transportation Department and factory facilities reconstruction of low-sulfur, heavy bunker fuel in the Storage and Transportation Department. The Group’s planned capital expenditures would be funded from the resources including cash generated from operations and from bank financing.

Gearing Ratio

As at 30 June 2019, the Group’s gearing ratio was 34.07% (as at 30 June 2018: 36.75%). The ratio was calculated using the following formula: total liabilities/total assets.


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The Group’s Employees

As at 30 June 2019, the total number of enrolled employees of the Group was 9,206, among which the number of production staff was 5,668, the number of sales, financial and other staff was 2,455 and the number of administrative staff was 1,083. 55.53% of the Group’s employees were college graduates or above.

The Group’s employees and Directors are remunerated with reference to their position, performance, experience and prevailing salary trends in the market. Other benefits include the Share Option Incentive Scheme and the state-managed retirement pension scheme. The Group also provides professional and vocational training to employees.

Income Tax

The Enterprise Income Tax Law of the PRC took effect from 1 January 2008, subsequent to which the income tax rate for enterprises was uniformly adjusted to 25%. The income tax rate applicable to the Group in 2019 is 25%.

Disclosure Required by the Hong Kong Listing Rules

Save as disclosed herein, pursuant to paragraph 40 of Appendix 16 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules, the Company confirms that there were no material differences between the existing information of the Company relating to the matters as set out in paragraph 32 of Appendix 16 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules and the relevant information disclosed in the Company’s 2018 annual report.

Market Outlook and Work Plans for the Second Half of the Year

Looking forward to the second half of 2019, the uncertainties of world economy is constantly increasing, and the global trade tensions will drag down the world economic growth. Recently, the global monetary policy has generally turned to relaxation, which will boost the economy to a certain extent. It is expected that the world economic growth will further slow down. Due to the impact of Sino-US trade frictions and lower market expectations, the downward pressure of China’s economy is further increased, but the resilience of China’s economic growth remains strong. It is estimated that the domestic economic growth will remain in a reasonable range in the second half of the year. The launch of a series of new environmental protection policies for China’s petrochemical industry will increase the costs incurred and pressures on the development of the entire industry. With changes in domestic petrochemical market pattern and the trend of saturation or excess of large petrochemical products, the growth rate of demand for petrochemical products will further slow down, and the market competition will become more intense.


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In the second half of 2019, the global economy will face a series of threats, including trade tensions, weak European economy and the possibility of a no-deal Brexit, which will lead to a decline of global economic growth and damage to the crude oil demand. OPEC will continue to implement the production reduction agreement; US-Iraq relations, Venezuela situation and the escalation of the geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, the possibility of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates and other factors will give some support to oil prices. After the bottleneck of the US crude oil pipeline transportation is lifted, the accelerated growth of crude oil production will bring a greater impact on the supply side, and the pressure on international crude oil prices is still expected to be greater in the second half of the year.

In the second half of the year, the Group will further focus on safety, environmental protection and improvement on quality and efficiency, and promote production and operation, reform and development so as to accomplish the full-year goals and tasks.



To put efforts in safety and environmental protection and create a favorable environment for development. Construction of the HSSE management system and equipment integrity management system is pushed forward, risk management and hidden danger is strengthened, and the establishment of green enterprises is actively promoted. The Group will promote the full coverage of LDAR and “10,000 Employees Checking Odor” programs to ensure that more than 1,000,000 points of testing will be completed during the year. In the second half of the year, the management of overhaul process is be strengthened to ensure safety and eco-friendliness of equipment, high-quality overhaul and successful establishment at one time.



To pay adequate attention to system optimization and improve operation and efficiency. The Group continues to adhere to the market-oriented and efficiency-centered dynamic optimization. The total volume of gasoline is expanded through moderately light crude, decline in residue yields and asphalt and low value-added products such as coke. The Group will optimize the olefin and aromatics product mix, intensify regional cooperation and development, and enhance product competitiveness and risk resistance while strengthening inventory control, daily tracking and optimization. The Group will also continue to manage costs in an all-dimensional way in an effort to build low-cost competitiveness of the Company.


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To grasp well in the project construction and product R&D to accelerate development pace. The Group will consider a transformation from a mid- and long-term view to speed up the Company’s strategic deployment. By accelerating the construction of oil cleaning project, second stage of carbon fiber project and other projects, the Group sticks to opening-up and cooperation, strengthens regional cooperation and accelerates the implementation of cooperative projects. The Group will also give priority to key scientific research projects and core technologies and do well in the industrial trial production of 48K large tow carbon fiber, the increase of polypropylene for medical products as well as the technological development and marketing of new materials such as antibacterial and antistatic fibers. In addition, the Group will strengthen the development and sales of new products, such as anti-pilling acrylic fibers, gel dyeing, dope dyeing, and transparent PVC and impact materials.



To promote reform and optimize the structure of the workforce and to promote scientific development. The Group will actively promote the adjustment and optimization of the organization structure, enhance the internal impetus of enterprises, and stimulate the vitality of employees. The Group will also dynamically improve the performance appraisal index system, promote the construction of market-oriented personnel and labor distribution mechanism, strengthen training and application, and improve the ability of the workforce.


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Analysis of the Company’s Principal Performance during the Reporting Period (Certain of the following financial data is extracted from the unaudited interim report prepared under CAS)



Analysis of Changes in the Company’s Related Financial Data

Unit: RMB’000


Item (with significant

changes, including

but not limited to)


As at

30 June 2019


As at

31 December 2018





Reason for change

Cash at bank and on hand      12,965,476        10,241,893        26.59     

During the period, the Group continued to make profits and its operating cash flow was relatively abundant, with an increase in currency capital.

Short-term borrowings      1,052,600        497,249        111.68     

As part of the currency capital were used to purchase financial products such as fixed deposits and structural deposits, In order to supplement short-term working capital in daily business activities, some low-interest short-term loans have been increased.

Notes payable and accounts payable

     8,434,356        7,394,383        14.06     

The increase in purchasing materials for affiliated United Petrochemical Company and the increase in purchasing of propane liquefied gas by subsidiary Jinmao International resulted in an increase in accounts payable.

Dividends payable      2,732,442        26,488        10,215.77     

The increase in dividend payable in the period was mainly due to the fact that the dividend payable for 2018 has not been paid as of 30 June 2019.


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Unit: RMB’000




For the six months

ended 30 June


Reason for change

   2019      2018  
Revenue      43,664,730        40,707,831        7.26      Sales of major products increased year-on-year in the reporting period, and crude oil processing costs rose year-on-year due to exchange rate effects and higher crude oil trading discount water and freight charges.

Finance expenses-net

     -198,402        -174,217        13.88      Increase in currency capital led to an increase in interest income.

Asset impairment losses

     24,786        10,155        144.08      Provision for impairment losses on inventories was increased.

Income tax expenses

     215,526        983,672        -78.09      Net profit for the period decreased sharply.

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company

     1,137,241        3,524,131        -67.73      During the period, operating income decreased by 0.37%, and operating costs increased significantly by 7.26%, resulting in a significant decline in net profit.

Net cash generated from operating activities

     245,974        4,227,404        -94.18      Mainly due to the significant decrease in profit before tax for the current period, it was down by nearly 70.0% compared with the same period of 2018.

Net cash generated from investment activities

     411,176        48,310        751.12      Mainly due to the withdrawal of fixed deposits and structured deposits.

Net cash generated from financing activities

     535,564        807,712        -33.69      Mainly due to the Company’s short-term borrowing scale decreased in the reporting period year on year.

Research and development costs

     21,379        13,427        59.22      Mainly due to the R&D increased in expenses in 2019.


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Analysis of Business Operations by Industry, Product or Geographical Location Segment



Principal Operations by Industry or Product

Unit: RMB’000


Business Segment/

Product Segment

   Revenue      Cost
of sales
decrease in
compared to
last year (%)
decrease in
cost of sales
compared to
last year (%)

Increase/decrease in
gross profit margin
compared to

last year

(percentage point)

Synthetic fibers

     1,219,618        1,314,445        -7.78        6.29        3.69      Increase 2.70 percentage points

Resins and plastics

     5,133,483        4,304,331        16.15        -1.79        1.59      Decrease 2.80 percentage points

Intermediate petrochemicals

     5,261,505        4,401,800        16.34        -15.80        -3.26      Decrease 10.85 percentage points

Petroleum products

     26,623,478        20,092,265        24.53        0.50        12.94      Decrease 8.31 percentage points

Trading of petrochemical products

     13,314,219        13,230,740        0.63        5.24        5.45      Decrease 0.20 percentage points


     212,597        173,291        18.49        -3.67        2.05      Decrease 4.57 percentage points



This gross profit margin is calculated according to the price of petroleum products which includes consumption tax. Gross profit margin of petroleum products after consumption tax was 5.18%.


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Revenue by Geographical Location

Unit: RMB’000



location segment

   Revenue      Increase/decrease
in revenue
as compared to
the same period
last year (%)

Eastern China

     35,012,192        -16.28  

Other regions in the PRC

     850,979        -55.61  


     15,901,729        92.81  



Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

Unit: RMB’000


Item (with significant
changes, including but
not limited to)

   As at 30 June
     As at 31 December
     Change of
amount on
30 June

31 December
2018 (%)

Major reason of

amount the change

   Amount      % of
     Amount      % of


     6,858,647        15.59        8,120,875        18.23        -15.54    

During the period, the contractual lease contract signed by Jinmao Company and Jinmao International was mainly a temporary lease contract, which reduces the whole tank lease and storage monthly rent, thus reducing the inventory.

Short-term borrowings

     1,052,600        2.39        497,249        1.12        111.68    

As part of the currency capital were used to purchase financial products such as fixed deposits and structural deposits, In order to supplement short-term working capital in daily business activities, some low-interest short-term loans have been increased.

Accounts payable

     8,358,450        19.00        7,394,383        16.60        13.04    

The increase in purchasing materials for affiliated United Petrochemical Company and the increase in purchasing of propane liquefied gas by subsidiary Jinmao International resulted in an increase in accounts payable.


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Analysis of Core Competitiveness

As one of the largest integrated petrochemical enterprises in China with an integrated refinery and petrochemical capacity, the Company possesses competitive business scale and strength, which have made it a major manufacturer of refined oil, intermediate petrochemical products, synthetic resins and synthetic fibers in China. The Company also has self-owned utilities and environmental protection systems, as well as sea transport, inland shipping, rail transport and road transport ancillary facilities.

The Company’s major competitive advantages include quality, geographical location and its vertically integrated production. The Company has over 40 years of petrochemical production and management experience, and has accumulated extensive resources in the petrochemical industry. The Company has won several quality product awards from the central and local governments. Located at the core region of Yangtze River Delta, the most economically active region in China with a strong demand for petrochemical products, the Company has built a comprehensive logistics system and supporting facilities with close geographic proximity with most of its clients which enables the Company to enjoy the convenience of coastal and inland shipping. This gave it a competitive edge in terms of transportation costs and timely delivery. The Company has leveraged its advantages in integrated refiner y and petrochemical capacity to actively strengthen product structure, while continuously improving products quality and variety. The Company has also improved production technology and boosted capacity of key upstream units to maximize the use and the efficiency in the utilization of its corporate resources, and is therefore able to achieve strong and sustainable development.



Analysis of Investments



Entrusted Wealth Managements and Entrusted loans



Entrusted Wealth Management

The Company did not engage in entrusted wealth management during the Reporting Period.



Entrusted Loans

The Company did not engage in entrusted loans during the Reporting Period.


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Projects funded by Non-fund Raising Capital

During the Reporting Period, the Company did not raise funds, nor has it used the funds raised from the previous reporting periods.



Analysis of the Companies in which the Company has Controlling Interests or Investment Interests

Due to reduced market demand for downstream products and decreasing sales of products, Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Company Limited, an associate company of the Group, recorded a net profit of RMB1,899.0 million during the Reporting Period, profit attributable to the Group was RMB380.0 million, representing 33.64% of net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company during the Reporting Period.



Projects funded by Non-fund Raising Capital

Unit: RMB’000


Major Project

   Estimated total
project investment
     Estimated total
project investment
in the Reporting Period
     Status as at
30 June 2019

Oil cleaning project 400,000 tons/year clean gasoline components units

     794,640        85,233        Preliminary design  

Second stage of PAN (Polyacrylonitrile) based carbon fiber project with annual production of 1500 tons

     847,794        43,764        Under construction  

No. 2 safe and eco-friendly closed decoking

     69,737        2,396        Under construction  

Light oil storage tank of Storage and Transportation Department and Zhanqiao oil and gas recovery project

     66,000        2,065        Under construction  

No. 2 olefin cracking burner of the Thermal Power Division

     120,929        1,420        Under construction  


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Plan for Profit Distribution or Capital Reserves Capitalization



Implementation of or Amendment to Profit Distribution Plan during the Reporting Period

The 2018 Profit Distribution Plan was considered and approved at the 2018 Annual General Meeting held on 20 June 2019 to distribute a dividend of RMB2.50 per 10 shares (including tax) totaling RMB2,705,953,375 based on the total issued share capital of RMB10.8238135 billion as at dividend payout date. The relevant announcement was published in Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Journal and Securities Times on 21 June 2019 and was uploaded to the websites of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange on 20 June 2019. The record date for H shares dividend payment was 1 July 2019 and the dividend payment date for H shares was 18 July 2019. On 10 July 2019, the Company published an announcement on the implementation of profit distribution for A shares for the year 2018. The record date for A shares dividend payment was 17 July 2019 and the ex-dividend date was 18 July 2019. The dividend payment date for A shares was 17 July 2019. The Profit Distribution Plan was implemented as scheduled.



Plan for Profit Distribution or Capital Reserves Capitalization during the Reporting Period



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Corporate Governance

The Company acted in strict compliance with regulatory legislations such as the PRC Company Law, the PRC Securities Law, the Corporate Governance Principles for Listed Companies and the Guidelines for Establishing the Independent Directors System for Listed Companies issued by the CSRC, as well as the relevant requirements of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange to push forward the innovation of the Company’s system and management, to improve the corporate governance structure, and to strengthen the establishment of the Company’s system in order to enhance the overall image of the Company.



Audit Committee

On 19 August 2019, the Audit Committee of the Ninth Session of the Board held its fifth meeting, primarily to review the interim financial report of the Group for the Reporting Period.



Purchase, Sale and Redemption of the Company’s Securities

During the Reporting Period, the Company did not purchase, sell or redeem any of the Company’s securities (for the definition of “securities”, please refer to paragraph 1 of Appendix 16 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules).



Compliance with Corporate Governance Code

During the Reporting Period, the Company applied and complied with all code provisions set out in the Corporate Governance Code contained in Appendix 14 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules.



Compliance with Model Code for Securities Transactions

The Company has adopted and implemented the Model Code for Securities Transactions to regulate the securities transactions of the Directors and supervisors of the Company. After making specific enquiries with all of the Directors and supervisors of the Company and having obtained written confirmations from each Director and supervisor, no incident of non-compliance with the Model Code for Securities Transactions by the Directors and supervisors of the Company during the Reporting Period were noted by the Company.

The Model Code for Securities Transactions is also applicable to the senior management who may be in possession of unpublished inside information of the Company. No incident of non-compliance with the Model Code for Securities Transactions by the senior management of the Company was noted by the Company.


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Interim financial statements prepared under China Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise


AS AT 30 JUNE 2019

(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     30 June 2019
     31 December
     30 June 2019
     31 December
     Consolidated      Consolidated      Company      Company  



Current Assets


Cash at bank and on hand

     12,965,476        10,241,893        11,038,454        9,119,013  

Trading financial asset

     504,002        2,719,811        504,002        2,519,100  

Derivative Financial instruments

     217        7,468        —          6,953  

Note Receivable

     678,749        789,103        592,669        714,599  

Accounts Receivable

     3,379,026        3,181,142        1,892,682        2,053,409  

Advances to Suppliers

     98,764        72,968        95,241        68,934  

Other receivables

     97,213        108,986        82,722        96,182  


     6,858,647        8,120,875        6,454,460        7,500,683  

Assets held for sale

     24,331        24,331        —          —    

Other current asset

     58,749        32,299        38,724        —    













Total Current Assets

     24,665,174        25,298,876        20,698,954        22,078,873  













Non-Current Assets


Long-term equity investments

     5,127,544        4,657,133        6,222,156        5,762,327  

Investment properties

     374,346        376,739        405,450        408,366  

Fixed assets

     10,972,334        11,670,453        10,773,249        11,459,333  

Construction in progress

     1,867,827        1,559,401        1,867,393        1,559,401  

Right-of-use assets

     75,884        —          71,548        —    

Intangible assets

     346,726        355,594        313,557        319,877  

Long-term prepaid expenses

     436,594        502,689        427,769        493,242  

Deferred tax assets

     120,663        119,075        113,192        109,137  













Total Non-Current Assets

     19,321,918        19,241,084        20,194,314        20,111,683  













Total assets

     43,987,092        44,539,960        40,893,268        42,190,556  















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AS AT 30 JUNE 2019

(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     30 June 2019
     31 December
     30 June 2019
     31 December
     Consolidated      Consolidated      Company      Company  

Liability & Equity


Current Liability


Short-term loan

     1,052,600        497,249        1,000,000        431,649  

Derivative financial liability

     386        11,005        —          9,799  

Note payable

     75,906        —          75,000        —    

Accounts payable

     8,358,450        7,394,383        5,853,512        5,535,625  

Contract liabilities

     391,094        453,564        343,597        411,796  

Employee benefits payable

     381,094        128,861        371,310        123,157  

Taxes payable

     1,153,560        4,642,692        1,135,954        4,608,232  

Other payable

     3,443,244        785,260        3,349,657        718,847  

Current portion of non-current liabilities

     48,040        —          45,997        —    













Total Current Liability

     14,904,374        13,913,014        12,175,027        11,839,105  













Non-Current Liability


Lease liabilities

     21,361        —          19,292        —    

Deferred revenue

     135,442        140,442        135,442        140,442  













Total Non-Current liability

     156,803        140,442        154,734        140,442  

Total liability

     15,061,177        14,053,456        12,329,761        11,979,547  















Share capital

     10,823,814        10,823,814        10,823,814        10,823,814  

Capital surplus

     610,327        610,327        600,768        600,768  

Other comprehensive income

     6,722        10,389        6,722        10,389  

Specific reserve

     62,449        57,135        62,272        57,135  

Surplus reserve

     6,237,170        6,237,170        6,237,170        6,237,170  

Undistributed profits

     11,062,579        12,631,291        10,832,761        12,481,733  













Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company

     28,803,061        30,370,126        28,563,507        30,211,009  













Non-controlling interests

     122,854        116,378        —          —    













Total equity

     28,925,915        30,486,504        28,563,507        30,211,009  













Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

     43,987,092        44,539,960        40,893,268        42,190,556  















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(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     Six months ended 30 June     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019     2018     2019     2018  
     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)  
Items    Consolidated     Consolidated     Company     Company  


     51,992,583       52,187,640       38,462,207       38,975,531  

Less: Cost of sales

     43,664,730       40,707,831       30,315,825       27,641,665  

Taxes and surcharges

     5,830,148       6,114,438       5,818,515       6,102,600  

Selling and distribution expenses

     260,415       271,446       215,684       211,655  

General and administrative expenses

     1,516,182       1,394,462       1,460,716       1,334,626  

R&D expenses

     21,379       13,427       17,531       9,988  

Finance income - net

     (198,402     (174,217     (185,514     (178,669













Including: finance expenses

     20,648       33,823       19,416       19,211  

finance income

     (209,960     (218,822     (195,459     (201,953













Add: Other gains

     2,551       13,552       952       11,781  

Investment income

     519,967       635,958       502,015       619,922  













Including: Share of profits of associates and joint ventures

     492,230       642,402       463,496       609,823  













(Loss)/gains from changes in fair value

     (12,441     9,300       (12,252     —    

Credit impairment losses

     (2     (45     (7     (45

Asset impairment losses

     (24,786     (10,155     (24,786     (10,155

Asset disposal losses

     (18,724     (2,857     (23,772     (2,893













Operating profit

     1,364,696       4,506,006       1,261,600       4,472,276  













Add: Non-operating income

     10,886       32,144       5,136       6,000  

Less: Non-operating expenses

     16,339       22,993       16,337       11,786  

Total profit

     1,359,243       4,515,157       1,250,399       4,466,490  













Less: Income tax expenses

     215,526       983,672       193,418       974,553  

Net profit

     1,143,717       3,531,485       1,056,981       3,491,937  













Attributable to shareholders of the Company

     1,137,241       3,524,131       —         —    

Non-controlling interests

     6,476       7,354       —         —    













Profit from continuing operations

     1,143,717       3,531,485       1,056,981       3,491,937  

Profit from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         —    

Other comprehensive loss

     (3,667     (5,063     (3,667     (5,063













Total comprehensive income

     1,140,050       3,526,422       1,053,314       3,486,874  













Attributable to shareholders of the Company

     1,133,574       3,519,068       —         —    

Non-controlling interests

     6,476       7,354       —         —    













Earnings per share


Basic earnings per share(RMB Yuan)

     0.105       0.326       —         —    

Diluted earnings per share(RMB Yuan)

     0.105       0.326       —         —    














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(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     Six months ended 30 June     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019     2018     2019     2018  
     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)  
Items    Consolidated     Consolidated     Consolidated     Consolidated  

Cash flows generated/(used) from operating activities


Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services

     56,684,422       57,156,718       42,562,910       43,584,046  

Refund of taxes and surcharges

     1,498       38,775       —         9,886  

Cash received relating to other operating activities

     6,864       35,401       1,075       30,118  













Sub-total of cash inflows

     56,692,784       57,230,894       42,563,985       43,624,050  













Cash paid for goods and services

     (45,204,639     (43,295,733     (31,876,173     (30,027,710

Cash paid to and on behalf of employees

     (1,210,323     (1,227,531     (1,068,554     (1,060,636

Payments of taxes and surcharges

     (9,820,804     (8,163,659     (9,819,625     (8,129,629

Cash paid relating to other operating activities

     (211,044     (316,567     (140,738     (279,595













Sub-total of cash outflows

     (56,446,810     (53,003,490     (42,905,090     (39,497,570













Net cash flows generated/(used) from operating activities

     245,974       4,227,404       (341,105     4,126,480  













Cash flows generated/(used) from investing activities


Cash received from structured deposits

     2,757,306       —         2,555,306       —    

Cash received from entrusted landings

     —         12,000       —         —    

Cash received from returns on investments

     18,152       16,435       —         10,099  

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets

     12,098       209,471       3,834       2,593  

Cash received from disposal of subsidiary

     —         9,600       —         —    

Cash received relating to other investing activities

     1,718,568       2,181,408       1,704,127       2,164,169  













Sub-total of cash inflows

     4,506,124       2,428,914       4,263,267       2,176,861  













Cash paid to acquire fixed assets and other long-term assets

     (565,379     (351,234     (566,454     (351,189

Cash payment of structured deposits

     (500,000     —         (500,000     —    

Cash payment of disposal of subsidiary

     —         (21,304     —         —    

Cash paid relating to other investing activities

     (3,029,569     (2,008,066     (3,016,787     (2,000,000













Sub-total of cash outflows

     (4,094,948     (2,380,604     (4,083,241     (2,351,189













Net cash flows generated/(used) from investing activities

     411,176       48,310       180,026       (174,328














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(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     Six months ended 30 June     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019     2018     2019     2018  
     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)  
Items    Consolidated     Consolidated     Company     Company  

Cash flows from financing activities


Cash received relating to other financing activities

     —         37,102       —         37,102  

Cash received from borrowings

     2,405,100       1,208,100       2,380,000       1,080,000  













Sub-total of cash inflows

     2,405,100       1,245,202       2,380,000       1,117,102  













Cash repayments of borrowings

     (1,839,897     (418,657     (1,801,775     (348,000

Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and interest expenses

     (25,561     (18,833     (19,257     (12,653













Including: Cash payments for dividends or profit to non-controlling shareholders of subsidiaries

     —         (4,900     —         —    













Other paid cash related to financing activities

     (4,078     —         (2,873     —    













Sub-total of cash outflows

     (1,869,536     (437,490     (1,823,905     (360,653













Net cash flows generated from financing activities

     535,564       807,712       556,095       756,449  













Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     6,444       24,371       —         —    













Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

     1,199,158       5,107,797       395,016       4,708,601  

Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year

     8,741,893       7,504,266       7,619,013       6,268,493  













Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year

     9,941,051       12,612,063       8,014,029       10,977,094  














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(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


Items    Attributable to equity shareholders of the Company              

    Total equity  

Balance at 1 January 2018

     10,814,177        586,307       17,403       —         5,727,624        11,110,795       285,307       28,541,613  

























Movements for the six months ended 6 June 2018 (unaudited)


Total comprehensive income


Net profit for the year

     —          —         —         —         —          3,524,131       7,354       3,531,485  

Other comprehensive income

     —          —         (5,063     —         —          —         —         (5,063

Contributions of equity


Shareholder contribution

     9,637        44,527       —         —         —          —         —         54,164  

Share Payment Included in Shareholders’ Rights and Interests

     —          (15,072     —         —         —          —         —         (15,072

Appropriation of profits


Distributions to shareholders

     —          —         —         —         —          (3,247,144     (4,900     (3,252,044

Specific reserve



     —          —         —         58,218       —          —         —         58,218  


     —          —         —         (32,095     —          —         —         (32,095


     —          344       —         —         —          —         —         344  

























Balance at 30 June 2018 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        616,106       12,340       26,123       5,727,624        11,387,782       287,761       28,881,550  

























Balance at 1 January 2019

     10,823,814        610,327       10,389       57,135       6,237,170        12,631,291       116,378       30,486,504  

























Movements for the six months ended 30 June 2019 (unaudited)


Total comprehensive income


Net profit for the year

     —          —           —         —          1,137,241       6,476       1,143,717  

Other comprehensive loss

     —          —         (3,667     —         —          —         —         (3,667

Contributions of equity


Shareholder contribution

     —          —           —         —          (2,705,953     —         (2,705,953

Specific reserve



     —          —           69,133       —          —         —         69,133  


     —          —           (63,819     —          —         —         (63,819

























Balance at 30 June 2019 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        610,327       6,722       62,449       6,237,170        11,062,579       122,854       28,925,915  


























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(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


Items    Share
    Total equity  

Balance at 1 January 2018

     10,814,177        586,307       17,403       —         5,727,624        11,142,965       28,288,476  






















Movements for the six months ended 6 June 2018 (unaudited)


Total comprehensive income


Net profit for the year

     —          —         —         —         —          3,491,937       3,491,937  

Other comprehensive loss

     —          —         (5,063     —         —          —         (5,063

Contributions of equity


Shareholder contribution

     9,637        44,527       —         —         —          —         54,164  

Share Payment Included in Shareholders’ Rights and Interests

     —          (15,072     —         —         —          —         (15,072

Appropriation of profits


Distributions to shareholders

     —          —         —         —         —          (3,247,144     (3,247,144

Specific reserve



     —          —         —         58,218       —          —         58,218  


     —          —         —         (32,095     —          —         (32,095


     —          344       —         —         —          —         344  






















Balance at 30 June 2018 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        616,106       12,340       26,123       5,727,624        11,387,758       28,593,765  






















Balance at 30 June 2018 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        600,768       10,389       57,135       6,237,170        12,481,733       30,211,009  






















Movements for the six months ended 30 June 2019 (unaudited)


Total comprehensive income


Net profit for the year

     —          —         —         —         —          1,056,981       1,056,981  

Other comprehensive loss

     —          —         (3,667     —         —          —         (3,667

Contributions of equity


Shareholder contribution

     —          —         —         —         —          (2,705,953     (2,705,953

Specific reserve



     —          —         —         66,000       —          —         66,000  


     —          —         —         (60,863     —          —         (60,863






















Balance at 30 June 2019 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        600,768       6,722       62,272       6,237,170        10,832,761       28,563,507  























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Table of Contents

Interim financial information prepared under International Financial Reporting Standard (Unaudited)

Interim condensed consolidated income statement


Six months period ended 30 June


     51,955,226       52,161,512  

Taxes and surcharges

     (5,830,148     (6,114,438







Net sales

     46,125,078       46,047,074  

Cost of sales

     (45,225,356     (42,112,030







Gross profit

     899,722       3,935,044  







Selling and administrative expenses

     (265,883     (282,235

Net impairment losses on financial assets

     (2     (45

Other operating income

     45,794       66,824  

Other operating expenses

     (11,741     (7,720

Other losses – net

     (13,302     (26,234







Operating profit

     654,588       3,685,634  







Finance income

     234,392       243,074  

Finance expenses

     (20,648     (33,825







Finance income – net

     213,744       209,249  

Share of net profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method

     497,230       647,402  







Profit before income tax

     1,365,562       4,542,285  

Income tax expense

     (215,526     (983,672







Profit for the period

     1,150,036       3,558,613  







Profit is attributable to:


– Owners of the Company

     1,143,560       3,551,259  

Non-controlling interests

     6,476       7,354  






     1,150,036       3,558,613  







Earnings per share attributable to owners of the Company for the period (expressed in RMB per share)


Basic earnings per share

   RMB 0.106     RMB 0.328  







Diluted earnings per share

   RMB 0.106     RMB 0.328  








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Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income


Six months period ended 30 June

Profit for the period

     1,150,036       3,558,613  

Other comprehensive loss


Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss


Share of other comprehensive loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method

     (3,667     (4,719







Other comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax

     (3,667     (4,719







Total comprehensive income for the period

     1,146,369       3,553,894  







Total comprehensive income for the period is attributable to:


– Owners of the Company

     1,139,893       3,546,540  

Non-controlling interests

     6,476       7,354  







Total comprehensive income for the period

     1,146,369       3,553,894  








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Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated balance sheet


30 June 2019
31 December 2018



Non-current assets


Lease prepayment and other non-current assets

     455,701        858,283  

Property, plant and equipment

     10,949,276        11,646,390  

Right-of-use assets

     403,503        —    

Investment properties

     374,346        376,739  

Construction in progress

     1,867,827        1,559,401  

Investments accounted for using the equity method

     5,002,544        4,527,133  

Deferred income tax assets

     120,663        119,075  






     19,173,860        19,087,021  







Current assets



     6,858,647        8,120,875  

Trade receivables

     67,593        81,990  

Other receivables

     66,453        105,803  


     63,858        38,025  

Amounts due from related parties

     2,497,626        2,286,249  

Cash and cash equivalents

     9,941,051        8,741,893  

Time deposits with banks

     3,024,425        1,500,000  

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

     1,616,971        1,672,431  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     504,219        2,727,279  

Assets classified as held for sale

     24,331        24,331  






     24,665,174        25,298,876  







Total assets

     43,839,034        44,385,897  







Equity and liabilities


Equity attributable to owners of the Company


Share capital

     10,823,814        10,823,814  


     17,956,189        19,522,249  






     28,780,003        30,346,063  







Non-controlling interests

     122,854        116,378  

Total equity

     28,902,857        30,462,441  








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Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated balance sheet (Continued)


30 June 2019
31 December 2018



Non-current liabilities


Lease liabilities

     21,361        —    

Deferred income

     10,442        10,442  






     31,803        10,442  







Current liabilities



     1,052,600        497,249  

Lease liabilities

     48,040        —    

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     386        11,005  

Trade payables

     3,468,021        2,922,998  

Contract liabilities

     378,471        446,702  

Bills payable

     75,906        —    

Other payables

     3,512,547        5,167,230  

Amounts due to related parties

     6,307,969        4,567,814  

Income tax payable

     60,434        300,016  






     14,904,374        13,913,014  







Total liabilities

     14,936,177        13,923,456  







Total equity and liabilities

     43,839,034        44,385,897  








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Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity


     Attributable to owners of the Company               

Balance at 31 December 2018

     10,823,814        4,361,940       15,160,309       30,346,063       116,378        30,462,441  

Change in accounting policy

     —          —         —         —         —          —    



















Restated total equity at 1 January 2019

     10,823,814        4,361,940       15,160,309       30,346,063       116,378        30,462,441  

Profit for the period

     —          —         1,143,560       1,143,560       6,476        1,150,036  

Other comprehensive loss

     —          (3,667     —         (3,667     —          (3,667



















Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period

     —          (3,667     1,143,560       1,139,893       6,476        1,146,369  



















Dividends proposed and approved

     —          —         (2,705,953     (2,705,953     —          (2,705,953

Appropriation of safety production fund

     —          5,314       (5,314     —         —          —    



















Balance at 30 June 2019

     10,823,814        4,363,587       13,592,602       28,780,003       122,854        28,902,857  




















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Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (Continued)


     Attributable to owners of the Company              

Balance at 1 January 2018

     10,814,177        4,287,799       13,128,257       28,230,233       285,307       28,515,540  



















Profit for the period

     —          —         3,551,259       3,551,259       7,354       3,558,613  

Other comprehensive loss

     —          (4,719     —         (4,719     —         (4,719



















Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period

     —          (4,719     3,551,259       3,546,540       7,354       3,553,894  



















Dividends proposed and approved

     —          —         (3,247,144     (3,247,144     —         (3,247,144

Employees share option scheme

     —          (15,072     —         (15,072     —         (15,072

Exercise of share option

     9,637        44,527       —         54,164       —         54,164  

Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests

     —          —         —         —         (4,900     (4,900

Appropriation of safety production fund

     —          26,123       (26,123     —         —         —    



















Balance at 30 June 2018

     10,823,814        4,338,658       13,406,249       28,568,721       287,761       28,856,482  




















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Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019     2018  
     RMB’000     RMB’000  

Cash flows from operating activities


Cash generated from operations

     702,670       5,373,139  

Interest paid

     (25,561     (13,933

Income tax paid

     (456,696     (1,145,735







Net cash generated from operating activities

     220,413       4,213,471  







Cash flows from investing activities


Dividends received from joint ventures and associates

     18,152       16,435  

Interest received from structured deposits

     57,306       —    

Interest received

     218,568       181,408  

Net proceeds from settlement of derivative financial instrument

     (15,350     (8,066

Net proceeds from disposal of property, plant

     12,098       209,471  

Proceeds from disposal of subsidiary

     —         9,600  

Cash received from entrusted lending

     —         12,000  

Cash received from six-month time deposits

     1,500,000       2,000,000  

Cash received from structured deposits

     2,700,000       —    

Cash payment of structured deposits

     (500,000     —    

Cash payment of six-month time deposits

     (3,000,000     (2,000,000

Payments for disposal of subsidiary

     —         (21,304

Payments for sale of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

     (14,219     —    

Purchases of property, plant and equipment and other long-term assets

     (565,379     (351,234







Net cash generated from investing activities

     411,176       48,310  







Cash flows from financing activities


Proceeds from borrowings

     2,405,100       1,208,100  

Proceeds from exercising share option incentive scheme

     —         37,102  

Principal elements of lease payments

     (4,078     —    

Repayments of borrowings

     (1,839,897     (418,657

Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests

     —         (4,900







Net cash generated from financing activities

     561,125       821,645  







Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

     1,192,714       5,083,426  

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period

     8,741,893       7,504,266  

Exchange gains on cash and cash equivalents

     6,444       24,371  







Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period

     9,941,051       12,612,063  








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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information



Basis of preparation

This condensed consolidated interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2019 has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 (“IAS 34”), ‘Interim financial reporting’. The condensed consolidated interim financial information should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”).

The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year and corresponding interim reporting period, except for the adoption of new and amended standards as set out below.



New and amended standards adopted by the Group

The Group has applied the following standards and amendments for the first time for their current reporting period commencing 1 January 2019:



IFRS 16‘Leases’



Annual Improvements to IFRS standards 2015-2017 Cycle



IFRIC 23‘Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments’



Amendments to IFRS 9‘Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation’



Amendments to IAS 28‘Long-team interests in Associates and Joint Ventures’, and



Amendments to IAS 19‘Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Settlement’.

The Group changed its accounting policies and made retrospective adjustments as a result of adopting IFRS 16, which are disclosed in Note 2. The other standards and amendments listed above did not have any significant impact on the Group’s accounting policies and did not require retrospective adjustments.



New standards and interpretations not yet adopted

The following new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations have been issued but are not effective for the financial year beginning on 1 January 2019 and have not been early adopted by the Group:



Amendments to IFRS 3‘Business Combinations’, effective for the accounting period beginning on or after 1 January 2020.



Amendments to conceptual Framework of IASB, effective for the accounting period beginning on or after 1 January 2020.



IFRS 17‘Insurance Contracts’, effective for the accounting period beginning on or after 1 January 2021.



Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28‘Sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint venture’.

The new standards and interpretations that are not yet effective are not expected to have a material impact on the Group in the current or future reporting periods and on foreseeable future transactions.


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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Changes in accounting policies

This note explains the impact of the adoption of IFRS 16‘Leases’ on the Group’s financial statements and discloses the new accounting policies that have been applied from 1 January 2019 in Note 2.2 below.

The Group has adopted IFRS 16 retrospectively from 1 January 2019, but has not restated comparatives for the 2018 reporting period, as permitted under the specific transitional provisions in the standard. The reclassifications and the adjustments arising from the new leasing rules are therefore recognized in the opening balance sheet on 1 January 2019.



Impact on adoption of IFRS 16

On adoption of IFRS 16, the Group recognized lease liabilities in relation to leases which had previously been classified as ‘operating leases’ under the principles of IAS 17‘Leases’. These liabilities were measured at the present value of the remaining lease payments, discounted using the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate as of 1 January 2019. The lessee’s incremental borrowing rate applied to the lease liabilities on 1 January 2019 was from 4.35% to 4.90%.



Operating lease commitments disclosed as at 31 December 2018


Discounted using the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate of at the date of initial application


(Less): short-term leases recognized on a straight-line basis as expense





Lease liability recognized as at 1 January 2019





Of which are:


Current lease liabilities


Non-current lease liabilities





Right-of use assets were measured at the amount equal to the lease liability, adjusted by the amount of any prepaid or accrued lease payments relating to that lease recognized in the balance sheet as at 31 December 2018. There were no onerous lease contracts that would have required an adjustment to the right-of-use assets at the date of initial application.


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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Changes in accounting policies (continued)



Impact on adoption of IFRS 16 (continued)


The recognized right-of-use assets relate to the following types of assets:



As at 30

June 2019


As at 1



Land use rights

     327,619        335,026  


     24,026        12,233  

Plant and machinery

     50,845        63,471  

Vehicles and other equipment

     1,013        1,148  







Total right-of-use assets

     403,503        411,878  







The change in accounting policy affected the following items in the balance sheet on 1 January 2019:



right-of-use assets – increase by RMB 411,878 thousands



lease prepayments and other non-current assets – decrease by RMB 335,026 thousands



prepayments – decrease by RMB 121 thousands



lease liabilities – increase by RMB 76,731 thousands



Impact on segment disclosures

As at 30 June 2019, allocated assets and allocated liabilities increased as a result of the change in accounting policy. Lease liabilities are now included in segment liabilities. The following segments were affected by the change in policy:



Synthetic fibers

     10,644        653  

Resins and plastics

     54,768        6,407  

Intermediate petrochemicals

     49,146        3,211  

Petroleum products

     282,944        57,100  

Trading of petrochemical products

     32        —    


     5,969        2,030  






     403,503        69,401  








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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Changes in accounting policies (continued)



Impact on adoption of IFRS 16 (continued)



Practical expedients applied

In applying IFRS 16 for the first time, the Group has used the following practical expedients permitted by the standard:



the use of a single discount rate to a portfolio of leases with reasonably similar characteristics, and,



the accounting for operating leases with a remaining lease term of less than 12 months as at 1 January 2019 as short-term leases,

The Group has also elected not to reassess whether a contract is, or contains a lease at the date of initial application. Instead, for contracts entered into before the transition date the Group relied on its assessment made applying IAS 17 and IFRIC 4‘Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease’.



The Group’s leasing activities and how these are accounted for

The Group leases various buildings, plant and machinery, vehicles and other equipment. Rental contracts are made for fixed periods of 1 to 30 years. Lease terms are negotiated on an individual basis and contain a wide range of different terms and conditions. The lease agreements do not impose any covenants, but leased assets may not be used as security for borrowing purposes.

As of 1 January 2019, Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) were charged to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.

From 1 January 2019, leases are recognized as a right-of-use asset and a corresponding liability at the date at which the leased asset is available for use by the Group. Each lease payment is allocated between the liability and finance cost. The finance cost is charged to profit or loss over the lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each period. The right-of-use asset is depreciated over the shorter of the asset’s useful life and the lease term on a straight-line basis.


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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Changes in accounting policies (continued)



The Group’s leasing activities and how these are accounted for (continued)



Assets and liabilities arising from a lease are initially measured on a present value basis. Lease liabilities include the net present value of the following lease payments:



fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), less any lease incentives receivable



variable lease payment that are based on an index or a rate



amounts expected to be payable by the lessee under residual value guarantees



the exercise price of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option, and



payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee exercising that option.

The lease payments are discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease. If that rate cannot be determined, the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate is used, being the rate that the lessee would have to pay to borrow the funds necessary to obtain an asset of similar value in a similar economic environment with similar terms and conditions.

Right-of-use assets are measured at cost comprising the following:



the amount of the initial measurement of lease liability



any lease payments made at or before the commencement date less any lease incentives received



any initial direct costs, and



restoration costs.

Payments associated with short-term leases are recognized on a straight-line basis as an expense in profit or loss. Short-term leases are leases with a lease term of 12 months or less.


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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Segment information

The basis of segmentation and the basis of measurement of segment profits or losses, and assets and liabilities are consistent with those of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018.


Six months ended

30 June 2019

    Resins and
RMB ’000
RMB ’000
RMB ’000
    Trading of
RMB ’000
RMB ’000

Total segment revenue

     1,219,618       5,372,785       12,138,660       32,291,902       13,434,925       755,551       65,213,441  

Inter segment revenue

     —         (239,302     (6,877,155     (5,668,424     (120,706     (352,628     (13,258,215






















Revenue from external customers

     1,219,618       5,133,483       5,261,505       26,623,478       13,314,219       402,923       51,955,226  






















Timing of revenue recognition


At a point in time

     1,219,618       5,133,483       5,261,505       26,623,478       13,308,687       402,923       51,949,694  

Over time

     —         —         —         —         5,532       —         5,532  





















     1,219,618       5,133,483       5,261,505       26,623,478       13,314,219       402,923       51,955,226  






















Total gross (loss)/profit

     (201,185     423,781       426,682       134,331       73,757       42,356       899,722  






















Six months ended

30 June 2018

    Resins and
RMB ’000
RMB ’000
RMB ’000
    Trading of
RMB ’000
RMB ’000

Total segment revenue

     1,147,441       5,294,452       12,786,100       31,488,067       13,216,083       745,971       64,678,114  

Inter segment revenue

     —         (67,147     (6,536,952     (4,998,156     (564,365     (349,982     (12,516,602






















Revenue from external customers

     1,147,441       5,227,305       6,249,148       26,489,911       12,651,718       395,989       52,161,512  






















Timing of revenue recognition


At a point in time

     1,147,441       5,227,305       6,249,148       26,489,911       12,649,369       395,989       52,159,163  

Over time

     —         —         —         —         2,349       —         2,349  





















     1,147,441       5,227,305       6,249,148       26,489,911       12,651,718       395,989       52,161,512  






















Total gross (loss)/profit

     (221,821     737,690       1,127,054       2,242,694       97,391       (47,964     3,935,044  























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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Segment information(continued)


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019     2018  
     RMB’000     RMB’000  

Segment result – Profit/(loss) from operations


Synthetic fibres

     (222,079     (244,898

Resins and plastics

     332,716       628,956  

Intermediate petrochemicals

     336,548       1,001,369  

Petroleum products

     111,120       2,229,596  

Trading of petrochemical products

     40,762       106,692  


     55,521       (36,081







Profit from operations

     654,588       3,685,634  







Finance income – net

     213,744       209,249  

Share of net profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method

     497,230       647,402  







Profit before income tax

     1,365,562       4,542,285  








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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Segment information (continued)


     As at      As at  
     30 June 2019      31 December 2018  
     Total assets      Total assets  
     RMB’000      RMB’000  

Allocated assets


Synthetic fibres

     1,008,629        1,114,911  

Resins and plastics

     1,907,620        1,924,863  

Intermediate petrochemicals

     3,945,336        4,176,850  

Petroleum products

     14,346,146        15,567,239  

Trading of petrochemical products

     1,770,557        1,807,433  


     2,162,906        2,067,698  







Allocated assets

     25,141,194        26,658,994  







Unallocated assets


Investments accounted for using the equity method

     5,002,544        4,527,133  

Cash and cash equivalents

     9,941,051        8,741,893  

Time deposits with banks

     3,024,425        1,500,000  

Deferred income tax assets

     120,663        119,075  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     504,219        2,727,279  


     104,938        111,523  







Unallocated assets

     18,697,840        17,726,903  







Total assets

     43,839,034        44,385,897  








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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Segment information (continued)


     As at      As at  
     30 June 2019      31 December 2018  
     Total liabilities      Total liabilities  
     RMB’000      RMB’000  

Allocated liabilities


Synthetic fibres

     461,861        427,005  

Resins and plastics

     1,359,538        1,404,499  

Intermediate petrochemicals

     1,654,202        1,767,232  

Petroleum products

     7,915,114        7,813,381  

Trading of petrochemical products

     2,409,240        1,923,373  


     83,236        79,712  







Allocated liabilities

     13,883,191        13,415,202  







Unallocated liabilities



     1,052,600        497,249  

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     386        11,005  







Unallocated liabilities

     1,052,986        508,254  







Total liabilities

     14,936,177        13,923,456  








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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Profit before income tax



Finance income and expenses


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019     2018  
     RMB’000     RMB’000  

Interest income

     209,960       218,822  

Net foreign exchange gains

     24,432       24,252  







Finance income

     234,392       243,074  







Interest on bank and other borrowings

     (21,905     (33,825

Less: amounts capitalized on qualifying assets

     1,257       —    







Finance expenses

     (20,648     (33,825







Finance income – net

     213,744       209,249  









Other losses – net


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019     2018  
     RMB’000     RMB’000  

Gains from structured deposits

     41,497       —    

Fair value gains on foreign exchange option and forward exchange contracts

     3,368       9,300  

Net foreign exchange losses

     (9,874     (26,233

Net losses on settlement of foreign exchange option and forward exchange contracts

     (15,350     (7,456

Net losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     (18,724     (2,857

Gains from disposal of subsidiary

     —         1,622  


     (14,219     (610






     (13,302     (26,234








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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Profit before income tax (continued)



Operating items


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019     2018  
     RMB’000     RMB’000  


     (810,197     (789,245

Research and development costs

     (21,379     (13,427

Net losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     (18,724     (2,857

Reversal of inventory write-down

     26,743       6,633  

Impairment of construction in progress

     (486     —    









Income tax expense


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019     2018  
     RMB’000     RMB’000  

Provision for PRC income tax for the period

     (217,114     (968,281

Deferred taxation

     1,588       (15,391






     (215,526     (983,672







The provision for PRC income tax is calculated at the rate of 25% (six months ended 30 June 2018: 25%) on the estimated taxable income of the six months ended 30 June 2019 determined in accordance with relevant income tax rules and regulations.


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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Earnings per share




The calculation of basic profit per share is based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2019 of RMB 1,143,560 thousands (six months ended 30 June 2018: RMB 3,551,259 thousands) and 10,823,813,500 shares (six months ended 30 June 2018: 10,823,225,000 shares) in issue during the interim period.




Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.

The Company has dilutive potential ordinary shares from share options for the six months ended 30 June 2018. The number of shares that would have been issued assuming the exercise of the share options less the number of shares that could have been issued at fair value (determined as the average market price per the Company’s A share for the six months ended 30 June 2018) for the same total proceeds is the number of shares issued for no consideration. The resulting number of shares issued for no consideration is included in the weighted average number of ordinary shares as the denominator for calculating diluted earnings per share. As at 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018, there was no potential dilutive ordinary share from share options.

The calculation of the diluted earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2019 and the six months ended 30 June 2018 was shown as:


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019      2018  
     RMB’000      RMB’000  



Profit attributable to owners of the Company

     1,143,560        3,551,259  







Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (thousands of shares)

     10,823,814        10,823,225  

Adjustments for share options granted (thousands of shares)

     —          2,525  







Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted earnings per share (thousands of shares)

     10,823,814        10,825,750  







Diluted earnings per share (RMB per share)

     RMB0.106        RMB0.328  








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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)




Pursuant to a resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting held on 20 June 2019, a total dividend of RMB 2,705,953 thousands was declared for the year ended 31 December 2018 and subsequently paid in July 2019. The Board of Directors did not propose any dividend in respect of the six months ended 30 June 2019.

Pursuant to a resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting held on 13 June 2018, a total dividend of RMB 3,247,144 thousands was declared for the year ended 31 December 2017 and subsequently paid in July 2018. The Board of Directors did not propose any dividend in respect of the six months ended 30 June 2018.



Trade and other receivables


     As at      As at  
     30 June 2019      31 December 2018  
     RMB’000      RMB’000  

Trade receivables

     67,653        82,044  

Less: impairment provision

     (60      (54






     67,593        81,990  







Amounts due from related parties

     2,497,626        2,286,249  






     2,565,219        2,368,239  








     63,858        38,025  

Other receivables

     66,453        105,803  






     2,695,530        2,512,067  








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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Trade and other receivables (continued)

The interest receivable amounted of RMB 46,191 thousands was recorded in the balance of other receivables (31 December 2018: RMB 79,224 thousands).

Amounts due from related parties mainly represent trade-related balances, unsecured in nature and bear no interest.

The aging analysis based on invoice date of trade receivables and amounts due from related parties excluded prepayments (net of allowance for doubtful debts) is as follows:


     As at      As at  
     30 June 2019
     31 December 2018

Within one year

     2,565,175        2,300,957  

1-2 year

     32        29  

2-3 year

     12        11  






     2,565,219        2,300,997  







Movements of the Group’s impairment provision for trade and other receivables are as follows:


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2019      2019  
     RMB’000      RMB’000  

As at 1 January

     198        1,053  

Provision for receivables impairment

     2        45  

Receivables written off during the period as uncollectible

     —          (612







As at 30 June

     200        486  







As at 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018, no trade receivable was pledged as collateral.

Sale to third parties is generally on cash basis or on letter of credit. Subject to negotiation, credit is generally only available for major customers with well-established trading records.


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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)







As at

30 June 2019


As at

31 December 2018

     RMB’000      RMB’000  

Credit loan due within one year


-Short term bank loans

     1,052,600        497,249  







The weighted average interest rate for the Group’s borrowings was 3.37% as at 30 June 2019 (31 December 2018: 3.63%).

As at 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018, no borrowings were secured by property, plant and equipment.

The Group has the following undrawn facilities:



As at

30 June 2019


As at

31 December 2018

     RMB’000      RMB’000  

Expiring within one year

     13,225,879        13,251,535  

Expiring beyond one year

     687,470        3,710,000  






     13,913,349        16,961,535  







These facilities have been arranged to finance the working capitals as well as ongoing investments on long-term assets.

The Company does not have any exposure to collateralized debt obligations. The Company has sufficient headroom to enable it to conform to covenants on its existing borrowings. The Company has sufficient undrawn financing facilities to service its operating activities and ongoing investments.


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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Trade and other payables



As at

30 June 2019


As at

31 December 2018

     RMB’000      RMB’000  

Trade payables

     3,468,021        2,922,998  

Bills payable

     75,906        —    

Amounts due to related parties

     6,307,969        4,567,814  






     9,851,896        7,490,812  







Staff salaries and welfares payable

     381,094        128,861  

Taxes payable (exclude income tax payable)

     1,093,126        4,342,676  

Interest payable

     1,195        5,952  

Dividends payable

     1,367,442        26,488  

Construction payable

     184,473        334,249  

Other liabilities

     485,217        329,004  






     3,512,547        5,167,230  






     13,364,443        12,658,042  







As at 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018, all trade and other payables of the Group were non-interest bearing, and their fair value, approximated their carrying amounts due to their short maturities.

As at 30 June 2019, the amounts due to related parties included the dividend payable due to Sinopec Corp. of RMB 1,365,000 thousands (31 December 2018: Nil).

As at 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018, the ageing analysis of the trade payables (including amounts due to related parties of trading in nature) and bills payable based on invoice date were as follows:



As at

30 June 2019


As at

31 December 2018

     RMB’000      RMB’000  

Within one year

     8,451,058        7,451,168  

Between one and two years

     21,436        25,231  

Over two years

     14,402        14,413  






     8,486,896        7,490,812  








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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)






Balance at 1 January 2018

     4,072,476        4,180        101,355        47,469       62,319        —          13,128,257       17,416,056  

























Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company

     —          —          —          —         —          —          3,551,259       3,551,259  

Dividends proposed and approved

     —          —          —          —         —          —          (3,247,144     (3,247,144

Appropriation of safety production fund

     —          —          —          —         —          26,123        (26,123     —    

Share option scheme (a)

     —          —          —          (15,072     —          —          —         (15,072

Exercise of share option (a)

     —          —          —          —         44,527        —          —         44,527  

Share of other comprehensive loss of investments accounted for using the equity method

     —          —          —          (4,719     —          —          —         (4,719

























Balance at 30 June 2018

     4,072,476        4,180        101,355        27,678       106,846        26,123        13,406,249       17,744,907  

























Balance at 1 January 2019

     4,072,476        13,739        101,355        10,389       106,846        57,135        15,160,309       19,522,249  

























Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company

     —          —          —          —         —          —          1,143,560       1,143,560  

Dividends proposed and approved

     —          —          —          —         —          —          (2,705,953     (2,705,953

Appropriation of safety production fund

     —          —          —          —         —          5,314        (5,314     —    

Share of other comprehensive loss of investments accounted for using the equity method

     —          —          —          (3,667     —          —          —         (3,667

























Balance at 30 June 2019

     4,072,476        13,739        101,355        6,722       106,846        62,449        13,592,602       17,956,189  


























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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Reserves (continued)



Share-based payments

Pursuant to the resolution of the fifth meeting of the eighth session of the Board of Directors of the Company on 6 January 2015, the proposal regarding the list of participants and the number of share options under the share option incentive scheme was approved.

According to the Company’s share option incentive scheme, the grant date of share options was 6 January 2015, and there were a total of 38,760 thousand share options granted to 214 participants (0.359% of the total ordinary share capital issued). Each share option has a right to purchase an ordinary A share listed in PRC on vesting date at the exercise price under vesting conditions. The options were divided by three tranches of 40%, 30% and 30% of the total share options granted, respectively. Each tranche had independent vesting conditions relevant to year 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively, which were listed as following:



weighted average rate of return on equity of the Group should be no less than 9% for 2015, 9.5% for 2016 and 10% for 2017 in respect to the three tranche;



for each year of 2015, 2016 and 2017, the compound annual growth rate in net profit based on the net profit of 2013 should achieve 5%;



for each year of 2015, 2016 and 2017, proportion of the main business revenue in the total revenue should be no less than 99%;



for each year of 2015, 2016 and 2017, each of the above three conditions should be no lower than the 75% level of peer companies; and



achieving the target budget set by the Sinopec Corp. in 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively.

The participant should serve the Group at the required position from the grant date. Exercisable amount of each tranche depended on the time for which the participant served the Group during each year of 2015, 2016 and 2017. Upon the fulfilment of relevant vesting conditions, the share options of each tranche shall become exercisable at its exercisable date.

The fair value of the employee services received in exchange for the grant of this equity-settled, share-based compensation plan is recognized as an expense on a straight-line basis over the vesting period of each tranche. The total amount to be expensed is determined by reference to the fair value of the options granted excluding the impact of any service and non-market performance vesting conditions. When the options are exercised, the Company issues new shares. The proceeds received net of any directly attributable transaction costs are credited to share capital and share premium.

The options of first tranche and second tranche were exercised at RMB 3.85 in August 2017 and January 2018. According to the Group’s board resolution on 28 December 2018, the third tranche was not exercised due to the failure on satisfying the non-market exercise conditions.


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Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Reserves (continued)



Share-based payments (continued)


Set out below are summaries of options granted under the plan for the six months ended 30 June 2018:


     Number of share


As at 1 January 2018


Exercised during the period





As at 30 June 2018





The first tranche of the Share Option Incentive Scheme was exercised at RMB 3.85 per share option on 29 August 2017, and the Company received cash payment of RMB 54,580 thousands from 199 grantees, out of which, RMB 14,177 thousands were in share capital and RMB 40,403 thousands were in reserve as share premium.

The second tranche of the Share Option Incentive Scheme was exercised at RMB 3.85 per share option on 12 January 2018, and the Company received cash payment of RMB 37,102 thousands from 185 grantees, out of which, RMB 9,637 thousands were in share capital and RMB 27,465 thousands were in reserve as share premium.



For the six months ended 30 June 2019 and six months ended 30 June 2018, no transfers were made to the statutory surplus reserve or the discretionary surplus reserve.


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Table of Contents

Reconciliation between financial statements prepared under CAS and IFRS

The Company is listed on the Stoke Exchange of Hong Kong. The Group prepared financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) which is audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers. There are reconciliation items in the consolidated financial report prepared under CAS and IFRS, the reconciliation items and the amount are listed as follows:


     Net profit      Net assets  
     Six months ended 30 June      30 June      31 December

Under CAS

     1,143,717        3,531,485        28,925,915        30,486,504  

Adjustments under IFRS-


Government grants (a)

     1,005        1,005        (23,058      (24,063

Safety production costs (b)

     5,314        26,123        —          —    













Under IFRS

     1,150,036        3,558,613        28,902,857        30,462,441  














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Table of Contents




Government grants

Under CAS, government subsidies defined as capital contributions according to the relevant government requirements are not considered a government grant, but instead should be recorded as an increase in capital reserves.

Under IFRS, such grants are offset against the cost of asset to which the grants are related. Upon transfer to property, plant and equipment, the grant is recognized as income over the useful life of the property, plant and equipment by way of a reduced depreciation charge.



Safety production costs

Under CAS, safety production costs should be recognized in profit or loss with a corresponding increase in reserve according to PRC regulations. Such reserve is reduced for expenses incurred for safety production purposes or, when safety production related fixed assets are purchased, is reduced by the purchased cost with a corresponding increase in the accumulated depreciation. Such fixed assets are not depreciated thereafter. Under IFRS, expenses are recognized in profit or loss when incurred, and property, plant and equipment are depreciated with applicable methods.


By Order of the Board
Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited
Guo Xiaojun
Joint Company Secretary

Shanghai, the PRC, 20 August 2019


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