Northern Ireland Electricity Limited's Unaudited Interim Report and Accounts
for the six months ended 30 September 2012 (non statutory) have been submitted to 
the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: and are also available on Northern Ireland Electricity 
Limited's website at:

Contact for enquiries:
NIE Corporate Communications - telephone 0845 300 3556

The full unaudited interim report follows:-


The directors of Northern Ireland Electricity Limited (NIE) present their
unaudited interim report and accounts for the six months ended 30 September
2012. The interim accounts have been prepared in accordance with International
Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" and the Disclosure
and Transparency Rules of the Financial Services Authority. The interim
accounts consolidate the results of NIE and its subsidiary undertakings (the

Results and Dividends

The results for the six month period ended 30 September 2012 show a profit after tax of £34.4m (2011 - £33.4m). No dividends were paid during the period (2011 - dividends paid £nil). A financial review is set out below.

Background Information

The Group's principal activity is the transmission and distribution of
electricity in Northern Ireland. NIE holds a transmission licence covering its
roles as owner of the transmission and distribution assets and distribution
system operator in Northern Ireland. NIE is responsible for the planning,
development, construction and maintenance of the transmission and distribution
network and for the operation of the distribution network.

The transmission and distribution network comprises a number of interconnected
networks of overhead lines and underground cables which are used for the
transfer of electricity to c840,000 consumers via a number of substations.
There are 2,200km (circuit length) of the transmission system, 43,500km of the
distribution system and approximately 250 major substations. NIE's transmission
system is connected to that of the Republic of Ireland (RoI) through 275kV and
110kV interconnectors and to that in Scotland via the Moyle Interconnector.

The Group derives its revenue principally through charges for use of the
distribution system and Public Service Obligation (PSO) charges levied on
electricity suppliers and charges for transmission services (mainly for use of
the transmission system) levied on the electricity transmission system operator
in Northern Ireland (SONI).

NIE is regulated by the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation (the Utility Regulator) and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI). Each is given specific powers, duties and functions under relevant legislation. As a transmission licensee and electricity distributor, NIE is required to develop and maintain an efficient, co-ordinated and economical system of:

- electricity transmission - the bulk transfer of electricity across its high

voltage network of overhead lines, underground cables and associated equipment

mainly operating at 275kV and 110kV; and

- electricity distribution - the transfer of electricity from the high voltage

transmission system and its delivery to consumers across a network of overhead

lines and underground cables operating at 33kV, 11kV and lower voltages.

NIE is subject to a price control, defined in a formula set out in its licence,
which limits the revenue it may earn and the prices it may charge. The
principles of price regulation employed in the licence conditions reflect the
general duties of the Utility Regulator and DETI under relevant legislation.
These include having regard for the need to ensure that NIE is able to finance
its authorised activities.


The directors who held office during the period were as follows:

Stephen Kingon CBE (independent non-executive Chairman) Rotha Johnston CBE (independent non-executive director) Ronnie Mercer (independent non-executive director) Joe O'Mahony (Managing Director) Peter Ewing (Deputy Managing Director and Director of Regulation)

Business Overview

Key achievements during the period included:

- Successful implementation of new billing and market IT systems that have

facilitated full retail competition in the Northern Ireland electricity market

for consumers wishing to change electricity supplier and have allowed

harmonisation of market processes with the RoI, thereby creating the first

harmonised retail market scheme between two jurisdictions in Europe. The

project has been shortlisted for the Utility Industry Achievement Awards IT

initiative of the year;

- Successful management of a change in network connection charges, following a

decision by the Utility Regulator in April 2012 to remove subsidies which had

been in place since before privatisation, resulting in an updated statement of

charges for connection to the NIE distribution system approved by the Utility


- Continued investment in the Northern Ireland electricity infrastructure: to

replace worn assets; service increased customer demand; facilitate connection

of renewable generation and maintain safety and security of supply;

- Financial results in line with expectations under the framework of the RP4

price control extension;

- Significant effort made by NIE to support its fifth five year price control

(RP5) review; and

- Continued contribution of approximately £120m per annum into the Northern

Ireland economy through employment and contracts with local businesses.

Financial Review

Financial KPIs

The directors have determined that the Group's financial key performance indicators (KPIs) are Group pro-forma operating profit and pro-forma Funds From Operations (FFO) interest cover.

As explained above, NIE is subject to a price control which limits the revenue
it may earn and the prices it may charge. If the amount of revenue recovered in
any one year exceeds or falls short of the amount allowed by the price control
formula a regulatory correction factor operates in the following year to give
back any surplus with interest, or to recover any deficit with interest, as
appropriate. A surplus is referred to as an over-recovery and a deficit as an

The results reported in the accounts for the six month period ended 30
September 2012 include an over-recovery correction factor of £15.0m, compared
to an over-recovery of £13.3m during the six month period ended 30 September
2011, which has resulted in an increase in revenue and operating profits of £
1.7m. The over-recoveries during the period ended 30 September 2012 and the
year ended 31 March 2012 largely reflect a correction of under-recoveries of £
29.6m during the year ended 31 March 2011.

The directors consider that pro-forma revenue and operating profits (based on
regulated entitlement as allowed by NIE's price control) as shown in note 2 to
the accounts, give a more meaningful measure of performance than revenue and
operating profits reported in the Group Income Statement.

The calculation of Group pro-forma operating profit is shown below:

                                               Six months ended           Year
                                                 30 September            ended
                                                                      31 March
                                                 2012        2011         2012
                                                   £m          £m           £m
Group operating profit                           63.5        59.1        107.0
Deduct regulatory correction factor            (15.0)      (13.3)       


                                                 ----        ----         


Group pro-forma operating profit                 48.5        45.8         


                                                 ----        ----         


The Group's pro-forma operating profit increased from £45.8m to £48.5m, primarily reflecting an increase in regulated income due to growth in NIE's regulatory asset base (RAB) offset by higher depreciation and amortisation charges.

Pro-forma FFO interest cover is calculated as pro-forma funds from operations
divided by net interest charged to the income statement. Pro-forma FFO interest
cover decreased from 4.0 times to 3.6 times primarily due to higher interest
payable on borrowings.

Financial Results
A summary of the financial results for the period reported in the accounts is
shown below. The results reported in the accounts include regulatory correction
factors as explained above.

                                                    30 September       31 March
                                                  2012        2011         2012
                                                    £m          £m           £m
Revenue                                          136.6       122.7        253.3
Operating profit                                  63.5        59.1        107.0
Profit after tax                                  34.4        33.4         58.8
Net debt                                         540.0       547.7        547.9
Net assets                                       191.5       177.3        192.5
Income Statement

- Revenue of £136.6m (2011 - £122.7m) largely comprises revenue in respect of

use of the transmission and distribution systems and PSO levies. The increase

in revenue reflects higher revenue in respect of PSO pass through costs and

growth in the RAB.

- Operating costs have increased from £63.6m to £73.1m largely reflecting

higher PSO pass through costs and higher depreciation and amortisation charges.

- Operating profit was £63.5m (2011 - £59.1m) largely reflecting an increase in

regulated income due to growth in the RAB offset by higher depreciation and

amortisation charges.

- Net finance costs have increased from £16.2m to £20.4m. Net finance costs in

the period primarily comprise £18.8m in respect of bond interest charges and

net pension scheme interest charge of £2.1m. The increase in finance charges

from 2011 reflects increased interest charges following a £400m bond issue in

June 2011.

- Tax charge for the period was £8.7m (2011 - £9.5m): the decrease primarily

reflects a reduction in the corporation tax rate.

- Profit after tax for the period was £34.4m (2011 - £33.4m) largely reflecting

increased operating profit and a reduced tax charge offset by higher net

finance costs.

Balance Sheet

- Non-current assets at 30 September 2012 were £1,626.7m (31 March 2012 -

£1,611.9m). The increase reflects capital expenditure during the period offset

by the movement in the mark-to-market value of RPI interest rate swap assets.

- Current assets at 30 September 2012 were £98.6m (31 March 2012 - £95.0m)

primarily reflecting increased trade and other receivables due to higher

revenue, offset by reduced cash balances.

- Current liabilities of £133.4m (31 March 2012 - £137.1m) mainly reflect lower

financial liabilities due to timing of interest payments offset by increased

trade and other payables and increased current tax payable.

- Non-current liabilities at 30 September 2012 were £1,400.4m (31 March 2012 -

£1,377.3m). The increase largely reflects a movement in the IAS 19 pension

liability to £146.7m (31 March 2012 - £105.8m) due to lower investment returns

and a reduction in the discount rate: an analysis of the pension liability is

shown in note 8 to the accounts. The movement in the mark-to-market value of

RPI interest rate swap liabilities included within non-current liabilities is

offset by the movement in RPI interest rate swap asset values included within

  non-current assets.

Cash flow

- Net cash flows from operating activities were £48.4m (2011 - £60.5m), the

decrease reflecting timing of interest payments on bonds offset by movements in

working capital.

- Cash flows in respect of investing activities decreased to £59.3m (2011 -

£65.2m) largely reflecting lower expenditure in relation to IT systems following

  implementation during the period of new billing and market IT systems.

- There were no financing activities during the period. The proceeds of a £400m

bond issued during the period to 30 September 2011 were primarily used to

replace short-term variable debt with longer term debt repayable in 2026.

Operational Review

Operational KPIs
The directors have determined that the following KPIs are the most effective
measures of progress towards achieving the Group's operational objectives:

- performance against the overall and guaranteed standards set by the Utility

Regulator, the majority of which apply to services provided by NIE (e.g. the

timely restoration of consumers' supplies following an interruption and

prescribed times for responding to consumers' voltage complaints);

- the number of complaints which the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

(Consumer Council) takes up on behalf of consumers (Stage 2 Complaints); and

- the average number of minutes lost per consumer per annum through

  distribution fault interruptions, excluding the effect of major storms (CML).

                                               Six months ended           Year
                                                 30 September            ended        
                                                                      31 March
                                                 2012        2011         2012
Overall standards - defaults                     None        None         None
Guaranteed standards - defaults                  None        None         


Stage 2 complaints to the Consumer Council          1           1          
CML                                                25          25           53

A key priority for NIE is to consistently provide the highest standards in customer service and network performance. During the six month period all the overall standards were achieved and there were no defaults against the guaranteed standards (2011 - none).

NIE's continued strong focus on service failure analysis limits the number of
instances when consumers are dissatisfied to the extent that they refer a
complaint to the Consumer Council. The number of Stage 2 Complaints in the six
month period was 1 (2011 - 1).

The number of CML was 25 minutes (2011 - 25). This performance is better than
the target range agreed with the Utility Regulator for the regulatory period
2007 - 2012 (RP4).

NIE continues to improve incrementally its emergency response capabilities during severe weather events in order to effectively restore supply to all consumers. The significant commitment of its frontline staff helps to ensure that NIE effectively manages this very important aspect of its business.

RP5 Price Control
RP5 was due to commence in April 2012. The Utility Regulator announced in
October 2011 that RP5 would be introduced from 1 October 2012 rather than 1
April 2012 and that an extension of the RP4 price control would be implemented
during the six month period from April to September 2012. In August 2012 the
Utility Regulator notified NIE that the RP4 price control was extended further
to 31 December 2012 with RP5 now due to commence on 1 January 2013.

In April 2012 the Utility Regulator published for consultation its draft
determination for RP5. NIE's response in July 2012 stated that: the proposed
price control would not serve customers' best interests; customers would be
left with an aged and unreliable network, which would need substantial
investment in future price control periods; NIE would be unable to finance such
investments efficiently; NIE would not have been able to take the measures
needed to replenish its skilled workforce by training apprentices and graduates
to be the skilled engineers of the future; and NIE would be unable to develop
its network to serve industry and commerce in Northern Ireland, to the
detriment of all Northern Ireland's population.

The Utility Regulator's final determination was published in October 2012 and
NIE responded on 20 November 2012, advising the Utility Regulator that
regrettably it is unable to accept the Utility Regulator's proposed terms for
the RP5 price control.

NIE has not taken this decision lightly. It has worked diligently throughout
the price review process, which has been ongoing for over two years, in order
to provide a robust business plan with extensive and detailed supporting
information to facilitate the Utility Regulator to determine a price control
that will enable NIE to provide an adequate service to its customers over RP5
and for the foreseeable future, and to finance its activities efficiently.

The allowances proposed by the Utility Regulator fall substantially short of
the amounts required to enable NIE to meet its statutory and licence
obligations and to carry out the necessary programme of work for RP5 to deliver
the level of service customers expect.

Moreover, the Utility Regulator's proposals rely on regulatory arrangements which depart from the well-established system of regulation for network utilities that applies in the rest of the UK, notably in respect of their emphasis on ex post assessments and retrospective adjustments.

Since both NIE and the Utility Regulator consider that the present price control requires modification, NIE now expects the Utility Regulator to refer the matter to the Competition Commission.

A copy of NIE's response is available on the NIE website.


NIE's strategy is to continue to grow and maintain a secure and sustainable electricity network to meet the demands of the Northern Ireland electricity market, including the requirement to facilitate development of renewable generation connections and support the Northern Ireland Assembly in reaching its targets in respect of electricity consumption from renewable sources.

During the period NIE has continued to invest in its infrastructure to replace
worn network assets, to accommodate increasing load and new consumer
connections and to meet requirements in respect of the connection of renewable
generation. In addition, a new billing and market IT system to facilitate full
retail competition in the Northern Ireland electricity market was successfully
implemented in May 2012.

In its business plan submission to the Utility Regulator for RP5 NIE proposed
that the level of investment would need to increase significantly, with the
focus of investment driven by: the need to replace worn network assets
installed as part of significant network development during the 1950s and
1960s; an increasing need for large transmission related projects; and meeting
the requirements of new legislation. As outlined above, the allowances proposed
by the Utility Regulator fall substantially short of the amounts required to
enable NIE to meet its statutory and licence obligations and to carry out the
necessary programme of work for RP5 to deliver the level of service customers

NIE has been working jointly with EirGrid regarding the development of the
400kV Tyrone-Cavan interconnector to strengthen further the interconnection of
the electricity networks of Northern Ireland and the RoI. A public inquiry by
the Planning Appeals Commission in respect of NIE's planning application
commenced in March 2012. The public inquiry has been adjourned following a
request from the Planning Appeals Commission for the planning application to be
re-advertised and for relevant environmental statements to be modified. No date
has been set for re-commencement of the public inquiry.

EU Legislation
In January 2012 NIE submitted its application for certification of transmission
arrangements between NIE and SONI under Article 9(9) of Directive 2009/72/EC
(the IME3 Directive) to the Utility Regulator. The IME3 Directive includes
measures which aim to ensure the effective separation of networks from
generation and supply activities. The Utility Regulator has exercised its power
to extend the relevant date for certification set out in the legislation (3
March 2012) to 31 December 2012. The certification process requires the Single
Electricity Market (SEM) Committee to make a preliminary decision on behalf of
the Utility Regulator which must be referred to the European Commission for

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

NIE operates a structured and disciplined approach to the management of risk overseen by the NIE Board and Audit Committee.

NIE's risk management framework comprises: - appropriate structures in place to support risk management; - formal assignment of risk responsibilities to facilitate managing and

  reporting on individual risks and to ensure specific risks are understood;
- procedures and systems for risk identification, assessment and reporting; and
- ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of risk mitigation actions and


The internal audit function provides independent assurance on the adequacy of NIE's risk management arrangements.

NIE's Risk Management Committee, comprising a number of senior managers and chaired by the Finance Director, is responsible for co-ordinating the development of the overall risk management framework for NIE including the policies, standards and procedures, organisational arrangements and reporting requirements to NIE's Executive Committee, Audit Committee and Board.

The principal risks and uncertainties facing NIE for the remainder of the financial year, which are managed under NIE's risk management framework, are:

- an unsatisfactory outcome from the RP5 price control review given the Utility

Regulator's final determination for RP5;

- the failure of the NIE Health and Safety Management System with exposure of

employees, contractors and the general public to risk of injury and the

associated potential liability and/or loss of reputation for NIE;

- widespread and prolonged failure of the transmission or distribution network

and failing to respond adequately following damage to the network from adverse

weather conditions;

- inability to recruit and retain employees with the necessary knowledge and

skills; and

- other operational, financial and reputational risks arising from failing to

  meet consumer service standards or business continuity, IT Security and Data
  Protection issues.


                                            Six months ended        Year ended
                                               30 September              March
                                     Note  Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                                2012         2011         2012
                                                  £m           £m           £m
Continuing operations                                                      
Revenue                                2       136.6        122.7        253.3
Operating costs                               (73.1)       (63.6)      (146.3)
                                               -----        -----        -----
OPERATING PROFIT                       2        63.5         59.1        107.0
                                               -----        -----        -----

Finance revenue                                  0.2          0.2          0.3
Finance costs                                 (18.5)       (15.7)       (33.4)
Net pension scheme interest                    (2.1)        (0.7)        (1.3)
                                               -----        -----        -----
Net finance costs                      3      (20.4)       (16.2)       (34.4)
                                               -----        -----        -----
PROFIT BEFORE TAX                               43.1         42.9         72.6
Tax charge                             4       (8.7)        (9.5)       (13.8)
                                               -----        -----        -----
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD ATTRIBUTABLE              34.4         33.4         




                                             Six months ended       Year ended
                                               30 September           31 March            
                                           Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                                2012         2011         2012
                                                  £m           £m           £m

Profit for the financial period                 34.4         33.4         


                                               -----        -----        


Other comprehensive income/(expense):                                                                 
Actuarial loss on pension scheme              (46.6)       (66.0)       


 assets and liabilities                                                     
Tax credit relating to actuarial                11.2         16.5         


 loss on pension scheme assets and                                          
 liabilities                                   -----        -----        


Net other comprehensive expense               (35.4)       (49.5)       


 for the period                                -----        -----        


Total net comprehensive income/(expense)                
 for the period                                (1.0)       (16.1)          0.4
                                               =====        =====        =====


                                             As at 30 September       As at 31
                                  Note     Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                                2012         2011         2012
                                                  £m           £m           £m
Non-current assets                                                         
Property, plant and equipment       5        1,212.9      1,148.1      1,186.4
Intangible assets                   5           47.4         49.4         47.8
Derivative financial assets                    366.4        350.9        377.7
                                              ------       ------       ------
                                             1,626.7      1,548.4      1,611.9
                                              ------       ------       ------
Current assets                                                             
Inventories                                      6.1          6.0          5.2
Trade and other receivables                     43.4         39.8         32.1
Derivative financial assets                      8.6          7.1          6.3
Other financial assets                             -          0.1            -
Cash and cash equivalents                       40.5         32.7         51.4
                                              ------       ------       ------
                                                98.6         85.7         95.0
                                              ------       ------       ------
TOTAL ASSETS                                 1,725.3      1,634.1      1,706.9
                                              ------       ------       ------
Current liabilities                                                        
Trade and other payables                        86.9         80.4         82.1
Current tax payable                             19.0          7.8         11.3
Deferred income                                  9.1          8.5          8.8
Financial liabilities:                                                     
   Derivative financial liabilities              8.6          7.1          


   Other financial liabilities                   8.8          8.8        
Provisions                                       1.0          1.5          1.0
                                              ------       ------       ------
                                               133.4        114.1        137.1
                                              ------       ------       ------
Non-current liabilities                                                    
Deferred tax liabilities                        57.7         72.3         68.4
Deferred income                                249.5        239.1        245.4
Financial liabilities:                                                     
   Derivative financial liabilities            366.4        350.9       


   Other financial liabilities                 571.7        571.6       
Provisions                                       8.4          8.1          8.3
Pension liability                      8       146.7        100.7        105.8
                                              ------       ------       ------
                                             1,400.4      1,342.7      1,377.3
                                              ------       ------       ------
TOTAL LIABILITIES                            1,533.8      1,456.8      1,514.4
                                              ------       ------       ------
NET ASSETS                                     191.5        177.3        192.5
                                              ======       ======       ======
Share capital                                   36.4         36.4         36.4
Share premium                                   24.4         24.4         24.4
Capital redemption reserve                       6.1          6.1          6.1
Accumulated profits                            124.6        110.4        125.6
                                              ------       ------       ------
TOTAL EQUITY                                   191.5        177.3        192.5
                                              ======       ======       ======

The accounts were approved by the Board of directors and signed on its behalf by:

Joe O'Mahony
Managing Director

Date: 27 November 2012


                              Share    Share   redemption  Accumulated   Total
                            capital  premium      reserve      profits  
                                 £m       £m           £m           £m      £m
At 1 April 2011                36.4      24.4         6.1        126.5   193.4
                               ----      ----        ----         ----    ----
Profit for the period             -         -           -         58.8    58.8
Net other comprehensive           -         -           -       (58.4)  (58.4)
expense for the period         ----      ----        ----         ----    ----
Total net comprehensive           -         -           -          0.4     0.4
income for the period                                                          
Deferred tax charges relating     -         -           -        (1.3)   (1.3)
to items charged in changes    
in equity                       ----     ----         ----        ----    ----
At 1 April 2012                 36.4     24.4          6.1       125.6   192.5
                                ----     ----         ----        ----    ----
Profit for the period              -        -            -        34.4    34.4
Net other comprehensive            -        -            -      (35.4)  (35.4)
expense for the period          ----     ----         ----        ----    ----
Total net comprehensive            -        -            -       (1.0)   (1.0)
income for the period           ----     ----         ----        ----    ----
At 30 September 2012            36.4     24.4          6.1       124.6   191.5
                                ====     ====         ====        ====    ====

                               Share    Share   redemption Accumulated   Total
                             capital  premium      reserve     profits       
                                  £m       £m           £m          £m      £m
At 1 April 2011                 36.4     24.4          6.1       126.5   193.4
                                ----     ----         ----        ----    ----
Profit for the period              -        -            -        33.4    33.4
Net other comprehensive            -        -            -      (49.5)  (49.5)
expense for the period          ----     ----         ----        ----    ----
Total net comprehensive            -        -            -      (16.1)  (16.1)
expense for the period          ----     ----         ----        ----    ----
At 30 September 2011            36.4     24.4          6.1       110.4   177.3
                                ====     ====         ====        ====    ====


                                              Six months ended      Year ended
                                                30 September          31 March
                                            Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited
                                                 2012        2011         2012
                                                   £m          £m           £m
Cash flows from operating activities                                       
Profit for the period                            34.4        33.4         58.8
Adjustments for:                                                    
  Tax charge - continuing operations              8.7         9.5        


Net finance costs - continuing operations 20.4 16.2 34.4

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 23.7 22.4 45.2

  Release of customers' contributions           (4.5)       (4.3)       


   and grants                                    
  Amortisation of intangible assets               8.1         5.6        


  Contributions in respect of property,           8.7        12.6        


   plant and equipment                             
  Defined benefit pension charge less           (7.8)       (6.6)       


    contributions paid                            
  Net gain on transfer of pension assets and        -           -       


liabilities relating to former employees

  Net movement in provisions                      0.1         0.1       


                                                 ----        ----         


Operating cash flows before movement in

   working capital                               91.8        88.9        166.5
Increase in working capital                     (5.4)      (14.9)        (6.1)
                                                 ----        ----         ----
Cash generated from operations                   86.4        74.0        160.4
Interest received                                 0.2           -          0.3
Interest paid                                  (37.6)      (13.5)       (13.6)
Current taxes paid                              (0.6)           -        (2.9)
                                                 ----        ----         ----

Net cash flows from operating activities 48.4 60.5 144.2

                                                 ----        ----         


Cash flows from investing activities                                                          
Purchase of property, plant and equipment      (50.3)      (56.7)      (110.7)
Purchase of intangible assets                   (9.0)       (8.5)       (19.4)
                                                 ----        ----         ----

Net cash flows used in investing activities (59.3) (65.2) (130.1)

                                                 ----        ----         


Cash flows from financing activities                                       
Proceeds from borrowings                            -       400.0        399.6
£400m bond issue costs                              -       (2.1)        (1.7)
Repayment of borrowings                             -     (361.1)      (361.2)
                                                 ----        ----         ----
Net cash flows from financing activities            -        36.8         


                                                 ----        ----         


Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash (10.9) 32.1 50.8


Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 51.4 0.6 0.6

 period                                          ----        ----        


Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 40.5 32.7 51.4

                                                 ====        ====         


For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and in hand, short-term bank deposits and bank overdrafts.


1. Basis of Preparation

The interim accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2012 have been
prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 "Interim
Financial Reporting" and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial
Services Authority.

The interim accounts consolidate the results of Northern Ireland Electricity Limited and its subsidiary undertakings (the Group).

The interim accounts have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012. The following amendments to existing standards and interpretations were effective for the current period but did not have a material impact on the accounts:

IAS 12 Income Taxes: Limited scope amendment (recovery of underlying assets)

(effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2012)

IFRS 7 (revised) Disclosures - Transfers of financial assets; Offsetting of

financial assets and financial liabilities; and Initial application of

IFRS 9 (effective at various dates beginning on or after 1 July 2011)

The interim accounts have been prepared on the going concern basis as the directors, having considered available relevant information, have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate financial resources to continue in operational existence for the next 12 months.

The interim accounts have not been audited or reviewed by auditors pursuant to the Auditing Practices Board guidance on "Review of Interim Financial Information performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity".

The information shown for the year ended 31 March 2012 does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006
and has been extracted from the Group's annual report for the year ended 31
March 2012, which has been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of
the auditors on the accounts contained within the Group's annual report for the
year ended 31 March 2012 was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
either Section 498(2) or Section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006 regarding
inadequate accounting records or a failure to obtain necessary information and

2. Revenue and Operating Profit

                                                  Six months ended   Year ended
                                                    30 September       31 March
                                                    2012      2011         2012
                                                      £m        £m           £m
Based on regulated entitlement                     121.6     109.4        


Adjustment for regulatory correction factor         15.0      13.3         14.4
                                                   -----     -----        -----
                                                   136.6     122.7        253.3
Interest receivable                                  0.2       0.2          0.3
                                                   -----     -----        -----
                                                   136.8     122.9        253.6
                                                   =====     =====        =====
Operating Profit:                                                   
Based on regulated entitlement                      48.5      45.8        
Adjustment for over-recovery                        15.0      13.3         14.4
                                                    ----      ----         ----
                                                    63.5      59.1        107.0
                                                    ====      ====         ====
The regulatory correction factor represents the amount by which the amount of
revenue recovered in the period exceeds or falls short of the amount allowed by
the Group's price control formula.

The Group's operating activities, which are described in the interim management report, comprise one operating segment.

3. Net Finance Costs
                                                  Six months ended   Year ended
                                                     30 September      31 March
                                                    2012      2011         2012
                                                      £m        £m           £m
Interest receivable:                                                
Interest receivable                                  0.2       0.2          0.3
                                                    ----      ----         ----
Interest payable:                                                   
£175m bond                                         (6.0)     (6.0)       (12.0)
£400m bond                                        (12.8)     (8.4)       (21.2)
Amounts owed to ESB group undertakings                 -     (1.7)        (1.6)
Interest rate swaps                                    -         -            -
                                                    ----      ----         ----
                                                  (18.8)    (16.1)       (34.8)
Less: capitalised interest                           0.4       0.5          1.6
                                                    ----      ----         ----

Total interest charged to the income statement (18.4) (15.6) (33.2)

                                                    ----      ----         


Other finance costs:                                                
Amortisation of financing charges                  (0.1)     (0.1)        (0.2)
                                                    ----      ----         ----
Total finance costs                               (18.5)    (15.7)       (33.4)
                                                    ----      ----         ----
Net pension scheme interest:                                        
Expected return on pension scheme assets            17.2      19.8        


Interest on pension scheme liabilities            (19.3)    (20.5)       (41.0)
                                                    ----      ----         ----
                                                   (2.1)     (0.7)        (1.3)
                                                    ----      ----         ----
Net finance costs                                 (20.4)    (16.2)       (34.4)
                                                    ====      ====         ====

4. Tax Charge
                                                   Six months ended  Year ended
                                                      30 September     31 March
                                                     2012      2011        2012
                                                       £m        £m          £m
Current tax charge                                                  
UK corporation tax at 24% (2011 - 26%)                8.3       6.5       


Corporation tax under provided in previous periods      -         -         1.1
                                                     ----      ----        ----
Total current tax                                     8.3       6.5        12.9
                                                     ----      ----        ----
Deferred tax charge                                                 

Origination and reversal of temporary differences 0.4 3.0 7.1

 in current period                                                              
Origination and reversal of temporary differences       -         -       (6.2)
 relating to prior periods                           ----      ----        ----
Total deferred tax charge                             0.4       3.0         0.9
                                                     ----      ----        ----
Total tax charge                                      8.7       9.5        13.8
                                                     ====      ====        ====

5. Capital Expenditure
                                                   Six months ended  Year ended
                                                      30 September     31 March
                                                     2012      2011        2012
                                                       £m        £m          £m

Property, plant and equipment                        50.1      53.1       111.1
Intangible assets - computer software                 7.8       9.6       
                                                     ----      ----        ----
                                                     57.9      62.7       130.3
                                                     ====      ====        ====

No assets were disposed of by the Group during the period (2011 - £nil).

6.Capital Commitments

At 30 September 2012 the Group had contracted future capital expenditure in respect of property, plant and equipment of £5.8m (2011 - £9.8m) and computer software assets of £1.0m (2011 - £7.7m).

7. Net Debt
                                                         As at            As at
                                                      30 September     31 March
                                                     2012      2011        2012
                                                       £m        £m          £m
Cash at bank and in hand                             40.5      32.7        51.4
                                                     ----      ----        ----
Debt due before 1 year:                                             
Interest payable on £175m bond                      (0.4)     (0.4)      


Interest payable on £400m bond                      (8.4)     (8.4)      (21.2)
                                                     ----      ----        ----
                                                    (8.8)     (8.8)      (27.6)
Debt due after 1 year:                                              
Amounts owed to ESB group undertakings                            -        
£175m bond                                        (173.8)   (173.7)     (173.8)
£400m bond                                        (397.9)   (397.9)     (397.9)
                                                    -----     -----       -----
                                                  (571.7)   (571.6)     (571.7)
Total net debt                                      -----     -----       -----
                                                  (540.0)   (547.7)     (547.9)
                                                    =====     =====       =====

8. Pension Commitments
                                                         As at            As at
                                                     30 September      31 March
                                                    2012      2011         2012
                                                      £m        £m           £m
Market value of assets                             699.9     687.4        720.5
Actuarial value of liabilities                   (846.6)   (788.1)      (826.3)
                                                   -----     -----        -----
Net pension liability                            (146.7)   (100.7)      (105.8)
                                                   =====     =====        =====

Changes in the market value of assets

                                                        As at             As at
                                                    30 September       31 March
                                                    2012      2011         2012
                                                      £m        £m           £m
Market value of assets at 1 April                  720.5     705.5        705.5
Expected return                                     17.2      19.8         39.7
Contributions from employer                          9.0       7.5         15.6
Contributions from scheme members                    0.1       0.1         
Benefits paid                                     (22.5)    (22.2)       (44.6)
Actuarial (loss)/gain                             (24.4)    (23.3)          3.4
Net transfer of assets in respect of                   -         -         


  former employees                                 -----     -----       


Market value of assets at period end               699.9     687.4        


                                                   =====     =====        


Changes in the actuarial value of liabilities           As at             As at
                                                    30 September       31 March
                                                    2012      2011         2012
                                                      £m        £m           £m
Actuarial value of liabilities at 1 April          826.3     746.1        746.1
Interest cost                                       19.3      20.5         41.0
Current service cost                                 1.2       0.9          2.0
Curtailment loss                                       -         -          0.2
Contributions from scheme members                    0.1       0.1         
Benefits paid                                     (22.5)    (22.2)       (44.6)
Actuarial loss                                      22.2      42.7         81.4
                                                   -----     -----        -----

Actuarial value of liabilities at period end 846.6 788.1 826.3

                                                   =====     =====        


9. Related Party Transactions

During the six months ended 30 September 2012, the Group contributed £9.3m (2011 - £7.5m) to the Northern Ireland Electricity Pension Scheme.

The immediate parent undertaking of the Group and the ultimate parent company
in the UK is ESBNI Limited (ESBNI). The ultimate parent undertaking and
controlling party of the Group and the parent of the smallest and largest group
of which NIE is a member and for which group accounts are prepared is
Electricity Supply Board (ESB), a statutory corporation established under the
Electricity (Supply) Act 1927 domiciled in the Republic of Ireland. A copy of
ESB's accounts is available from 27 Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2.

Principal subsidiaries of ESB are related parties of the Group. Transactions between the Group and related parties are disclosed below:

                          Interest                    Other    Amounts    Amounts
                           Payable Revenue Charges   trans-    owed by    owed to
                                to    from    from  actions    related    related
                           related related related     with parties at parties at
                           parties parties parties  related     period     period
                                                    parties        end        end
                                £m      £m      £m       £m         £m         £m
6 months to 30 September 2012                                                          
ESBNI                            -       -       -      0.8          -          -
Other ESB subsidiaries           -    10.1  (30.1)        -        2.2        8.0
                               ---    ----    ----      ---        ---        ---
                                 -    10.1  (30.1)      0.8        2.2        8.0
                               ===    ====    ====      ===        ===        ===
6 months to 30 September 2011                                                          
ESBNI                        (1.7)       -       -    358.0          -          -
Other ESB subsidiarieis          -     8.8  (28.1)        -        1.5        5.6
                               ---     ---    ----     ----        ---        ---
                             (1.7)     8.8  (28.1)    358.0        1.5        5.6
                               ===     ===    ====     ====        ===        ===
Year to 31 March 2012                                                                    
ESBNI                        (1.6)       -       -  (359.7)          -          -
Other ESB subsidiaries           -    23.5  (59.3)        -        1.6        7.3
                               ---    ----    ----     ----        ---        ---
                             (1.6)    23.5  (59.3)  (359.7)        1.6        7.3
                               ===    ====    ====     ====        ===        ===

The directors confirm, that to the best of their knowledge:

(i) the interim accounts have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 as

adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the

Financial Services Authority; and

(ii) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information

required by DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules.

By order of the Board

Joe O'Mahony
Managing Director

27 November 2012

Copyright r 27 PR Newswire

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