WBI Investments today announced that it has been recognized with Top Guns status by Informa Investment Solutions' PSN manager database.

WBI TACTICAL DIVIDEND GROWTH SMAQ4 2016 TOP GUN statusRecent Quarter Performance, Global Equity Universe8.4% WBI (8.1% net) vs. 2.0% MSCI World

“WBI’s core mission is all about managing risk to capital, and finding stocks with the strongest quality fundamentals and value characteristics. Nearing a decade of performance, the Tactical Dividend Growth SMA targets long-term benefits for those investors seeking growth of capital and risk protection,” says Matt Schreiber, President of WBI.

As of 12/31/16, the WBI Tactical Dividend Growth SMA produced 7.71% return (net) since inception (6/30/2008) compared to 5.42% for MSCI World.

The strategy’s max drawdown of -20.96 vs. MSCI World -41.35 demonstrated capital protection from its inception in 2008. In that same period, WBI Tactical Dividend Growth achieved an alpha of 3.30 with a beta of 0.78.

Using a proprietary blend of Informa Investment Solutions’ top priority performance screens, PSN Top Guns ranks products in six proprietary star categories in more than 50 universes. This is a highly anticipated quarterly ranking and is widely used by institutional asset managers and investors.

Top Guns receive a star rating in the range from 1 – 6. The stars indicate the continued performance over length of time. WBI was named a Top Gun with a star rating of 1 meaning…

1-Star Category: Products with this rating were top-10 performers within their respective universes, based on quarterly returns.

"We congratulate WBI on their distinction as a PSN Top Gun. This highly anticipated quarterly ranking recognizes elite performers on the leading investment manager database in North America and is widely used by institutional asset managers and investors across our platform,” said Leno Toich, Managing Director of Informa Investment Solutions. “PSN Top Guns ranks products in six proprietary star categories in over 50 universes.”

WBI’s unconstrained process can invest globally to take advantage of opportunity and raise cash in an effort to protect capital. For information on all WBI products and services, click here.

Stay Connected: Follow WBI on Twitter and LinkedIn.

WBI Tactical Dividend Growth 1-Year performance: Max Drawdown -5.50% (MSCI World -0.19%), Alpha -1.25, Beta 0.57.

WBI Tactical Dividend Growth 5-Year performance: Max Drawdown -15.22% (MSCI World -8.33%), Alpha -4.65, Beta 1.05.

For the complete list of PSN Top Guns and an overview of the methodology, visit: http://www.informais.com/resources/psn-top-guns.

For more details on the methodology behind the PSN Top Guns Rankings or to purchase PSN Top Guns Reports, contact Ruth Calderon at ruth.calderon@informais.com.

About Informa Investment Solutions

A market leader in intelligence and software solutions for investment professionals and financial institutions of all sizes, Informa Investment Solutions offers a robust set of analytics and tools to help you grow and retain your business. With a nearly 40-year history, Informa Investment Solutions is part of Informa PLC, a leading business-to-business knowledge provider serving International markets. Informa Investment Solutions has set the standard for providing turnkey and customizable applications for performing manager searches, building wealth plans, and producing client reports and investment marketing materials for companies worldwide. For more information, please visit http://www.informais.com/ and follow https://twitter.com/InformaInvest.


Past performance does not guarantee future results. Performance is that of the Tactical Dividend Growth Composite, comprised of three Tactical Dividend Growth model strategies. Prior to 8/25/2014, the Composite includes only accounts invested in individual securities. On 8/25/2014, the Composite added accounts comprised of 10 Affiliated ETFs (the “Initial ETFs”) but is otherwise substantially similar. On 7/25/2016, the Composite added accounts invested in an 11th Affiliated ETF, remaining substantially similar. The Affiliated ETFs do not have performance history of comparable duration; therefore, performance of the two models implemented through Affiliated ETFs could have been better or worse over the same period and is not indicative of future performance.

This is not an offer to buy or sell any security. No security or strategy, including those referred to directly or indirectly in this document, is suitable for all accounts or profitable all of the time and there is always the possibility of loss. WBI Enhanced SMA® Program accounts are subject to investment risk, including the possible loss of principal amount invested. The ETFs used in WBI Enhanced SMA Program accounts may invest in other ETFs, mutual funds, and Exchange-Traded Notes (ETNs) which will subject the account to related additional expenses of each, and the risk of owning the underlying securities held by each. Investment risks may include but are not limited to: market, economic, political, interest rate, currency exchange, leverage, liquidity, credit quality, model, portfolio turnover, trading, REIT, nondiversification, concentration, commodities, options, new fund, and client specific restrictions. You should not assume that any discussion or information provided here serves as a substitute for personalized investment advice from WBI or from any other investment professional. If you have any questions regarding the applicability of specific issues discussed to your individual situation, please consult with WBI or your chosen professional advisor. This information is compiled from sources believed to be reliable, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Information pertaining to WBI’s advisory operations, services, and fees is set forth in WBI’s Form ADV Brochure, a copy of which is available upon request.

Net of Fee Performance (NOFP) reflects actual performance after deducting investment management fees, brokerage commissions, and other expenses and includes reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. NOFP was restated effective December 31, 2014 to deduct only the highest investment management fee of 1.00% charged by WBI. NOFP no longer reflects the deduction of the additional asset-based service fees or other fees (of up to 1.50%) charged by solicitors or introducing advisors; when compounded over a period of years, these would decrease returns. Information about these additional asset-based fees is available through the client’s solicitor or introducing advisor. Gross of Fee Performance is presented for comparison of manager performance, and excludes the effects of the investment management fees charged by WBI.

MSCI World TR Gross Index: captures large and mid-cap representation of 23 developed markets with 1,653 constituents, covering approximately 85% of free-float capitalization of each country. MSCI makes no express or implied warranties or representations and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any MSCI data contained herein. The MSCI data may not be further redistributed or used as a basis for other indexes or any securities or financial products.

This report is not approved, endorsed, reviewed, or produced by MSCI. None of the MSCI data is intended to constitute investment advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any kind of investment decision and may not be relied on as such.

Alpha: measure of risk-adjusted non-excess return; positive Alpha indicates performance better than the given Beta (volatility) of the investment. Beta: measure of volatility relative to a given index; Beta above 1 is more volatile than the index; Beta less than 1 is less volatile. Maximum Drawdown: measures the peak‐to‐trough loss of an investment, indicating capital preservation.

WBI’s Tactical Dividend Growth Strategy is one of six separately managed account strategies currently offered by WBI. Other strategies may have different results.

Media:Water & Wall GroupGina Feghali, 212-625-2365gina@w.group