NUREMBERG, Germany, August 20, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --

Unemployment is main concern in most of the countries 

According to a global study on the challenges of the nations, conducted by GfK Verein, unemployment leads the list of concerns with 30 percent, followed by concerns about the health service and education policy. At the bottom of the top ten of challenges are corruption, poverty, and traffic policy. GfK Verein is a non-profit organization for the promotion of market research.    

In the first study on a global scale, unemployment is expressed as the key concern by a third of the people questioned. In 11 of 17 countries surveyed, it is at the top of the rankings. The concern is most prominent in Spain, mentioned by 74 percent of respondents, closely followed by France with 67 percent. In Italy, Poland and Nigeria, at least half of the population see the need to improve the labour market situation.

Concern about health service is in second place, with 17 percent. This concern ranks highest in Brazil, with around 55 percent of people being concerned, making it their number 1 challenge. Poland follows suit with 24 percent, followed by Nigeria (17 percent) and the Netherlands (16 percent). By contrast, in Turkey and South Africa (both 3 percent), other problems are currently more prominent.

Education policy is in third place with 13 percent, a concern that stands out in Nigeria (35 percent) and Brazil (32 percent). Yet 24 percent of Swedes would also like improvements regarding education policy. Still, altogether in more than half of the countries surveyed, less than 10 percent of citizens are concerned about education; levels of concern are lowest in Poland (3 percent), Italy, and the Netherlands (each at 4 percent).

In the "Challenges of the Nations" study, the average number of problems discussed by the citizens of each country varies. With an average of 3.6 answers per person, the most problems are expressed by the Nigerians. In Brazil, where citizens mention an average of 2.4 topics, 3 topics are even mentioned by more than 30 percent of respondents. In all the other countries, such a high level of recognition is reserved for a maximum of one topic. The most critical Europeans are the Germans and the French, who cite an average of 2.6 and 2.5 problems, respectively.

Those countries with below-average levels of concern are Switzerland (1.7 challenges) and South Africa (1.6), as well as Turkey and the USA, each with an average of 1.5 answers per person. Sweden, traditionally the European country with fewest concerns - and now by global standards as well - keeps an unchanged figure of just 1.2 topics.

About the study 

This year, the scope of the "Challenges of the Nations" study comprises 17 countries globally - including six new countries: As in previous studies, the participants in Europe are Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Poland, Great Britain, Belgium, Russia, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Turkey and Switzerland are included for the first time this year. Additionally, the African continent is represented for the first time by South Africa and Nigeria, while North and South America are represented by the USA and Brazil. A total of 19,767 people were surveyed as their country representatives. The answers represent the social, economic and political concerns of more than a billion people. In order to obtain a truly global viewpoint, the results from the individual countries have been compiled - in weighted form - according to the respective proportion of their population.

About GfK Verein

The GfK Verein was established in 1934 as a non-profit organization for the promotion of market research. Its membership consists of approximately 600 companies and individuals. The purpose of the Verein is to develop innovative research methods in close cooperation with academic institutions, to promote the training and further education of market researchers, to observe the structures and developments in society, the economy and politics that play a key role in private consumption, and to research their effects on consumers. Survey results are made available to the membership free of charge. The GfK Verein is a shareholder in GfK SE.

About GfK 

GfK is the trusted source of relevant market and consumer information that enables its clients to make smarter decisions. More than 13,000 market research experts combine their passion with GfK's long-standing data science experience. This allows GfK to deliver vital global insights matched with local market intelligence from more than 100 countries. By using innovative technologies and data sciences, GfK turns big data into smart data, enabling its clients to improve their competitive edge and enrich consumers' experiences and choices.

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