FRANKFURT--The following is a summary of analysts' forecasts for Deutsche Boerse AG (DB1.XE) second-quarter results, based on a poll of 10 analysts conducted by Dow Jones Newswires (figures in million euros, EPS, dividend and target price in euro, according to IFRS). Earnings figures are scheduled to be released July 24.

                         Net interest 
                   Sales       income    Total       Net 
2nd Quarter      revenue      Banking  revenue   revenue 
AVERAGE              557          8.5      557       481 
Prev. Year           562           11      575       497 
+/- in %            -0.9          -24     -3.1      -3.1 
MEDIAN               555          8.0      568       486 
Maximum              564         11.0      573       489 
Minimum              551          7.0      509       439 
Amount                 5            5        5        10 
Barclays              --           --       --       483 
Citigroup            564          8.0      572       485 
Deutsche Bank         --           --       --       489 
Equinet               --           --       --       487 
Goldman Sachs        555          8.4      568       488 
Independent Research  --           --      509       439 
Kepler Cheuvreux      --          7.0       --       484 
Morgan Stanley       561           --      573       488 
RBC CM               552          8.0      564       486 
Warburg Research     551         11.0       --       485 
                Operating            Net attrib. 
2nd Quarter         costs     EBIT        income      EPS 
AVERAGE               251      232           156     0.85 
Prev. Year            244      256           171     0.93 
+/- in %             +3.1     -9.5          -8.5     -8.4 
MEDIAN                255      234           158     0.85 
Maximum               264      239           164     0.89 
Minimum               221      223           148     0.82 
Amount                  8        9             7        7 
Barclays              261      224           151     0.82 
Citigroup             253      223           148     0.85 
Deutsche Bank         257      233            --     0.85 
Equinet                --      234           158     0.84 
Goldman Sachs         221      239           164     0.89 
Independent Research   --      238            --       -- 
Kepler Cheuvreux      250      236           161     0.87 
Morgan Stanley        256       --            --     0.84 
RBC CM                250      238           163       -- 
Warburg Research      264      224           150       -- 
               Target price  Rating                 DPS 2014 
AVERAGE               57.34  positive 0    AVERAGE      2.20 
Prev. Quarter         55.34  neutral  6    Prev. Year   2.10 
+/- in %               +3.6  negative 2    +/- in %     +4.8 
MEDIAN                57.00                MEDIAN       2.15 
Maximum               60.70                Maximum      2.50 
Minimum               53.00                Minimum      2.10 
Amount                    8                Amount          8 
Barclays              53.00  Underweight                2.20 
Citigroup             57.00  Neutral                    2.10 
Deutsche Bank         56.00  Hold                       2.10 
Goldman Sachs         60.70  Neutral                    2.50 
Independent Research  60.00  Hold                       2.30 
Kepler Cheuvreux      55.00  Reduce                     2.10 
Morgan Stanley           --  Equalweight                  -- 
RBC CM                60.00  --                         2.10 
Warburg Research      57.00  Hold                       2.20 

Year-earlier figures are as reported by the company.


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