2 days ago
More unmitigated asinine dickran bullshit about erhe short squeeze even though no proof any erhe shares are shorted. And now that erhe can be bought in the U.S., it is even more clear that no one is believing any of the dickran baseless claims, false rumors and outright lies. Recent examples added to the thousands of other dickran lies: Christmas 2024 destruction of shorts, March dividend, March drilling results, red dots.
Ponder the latest dickran "speculation". erhc has made huge deals and has apparently rewarded ceo ntephe to the extent that he is now living out his dreams funded by his new found wealth, even taking the time to climb Mount Everest while no announcement of any erhc deals has been publicly confirmed or released and shareholders sit with worthless shares. Add to the carnage the fact that erhc management refuses to file required SEC financials, leaving shareholders in the dark as, according to dickran, proceeds from all these lucrative deals are distributed to insiders. No wonder dickran continues to try and manufacture some type of short squeeze complete with this latest hyping of speedtrader as a place where erhe shares can be purchased in the U.S. If only there were buyers who believed his/her crap. 400 million shares to dump and no takers, even for a penny.
Wannabe billionaire going to the moon while scamming inside info at $100 a shot and plane ticket reimbursement. Say it aint so. lmao. As always, dickran actions speak louder than lying words.
2 days ago
Why ERHC is the Superior Short Squeeze Stock Compared to DBMM
DBMM successfully defended itself against SEC revocation by arguing that it diverted funds needed for filings to fight a lawsuit—a move that ultimately protected shareholders. This was a valid defense and kept DBMM in the game.
ERHC, however, did something even more powerful. It not only used DBMM’s same legal argument but added an extra layer: the gag order defense.
This is why ERHC remains the superior short squeeze stock. It fought off revocation with two strong defenses instead of one and, importantly, remains in a highly strategic position.
The DBMM Lesson: Why There’s No Short Squeeze (Yet)
While DBMM managed to get off Caveat Emptor and even reported good news, there has been no short squeeze. Why?
Because DBMM didn’t have a backstop. Short sellers were able to keep printing shares and suppress the stock price despite the company’s progress.
If DBMM truly wants to escape the short sellers’ vice grip, they need a backstop—something like a dividend, buyout, or other forced event that makes it impossible for shorts to keep manipulating the price.
A Crucial Lesson for ERHC
I hope ERHC management is paying attention. Getting off Caveat Emptor and releasing positive news is not enough.
To fully break free from the shorts’ control, ERHC needs a backstop—whether it’s a dividend payout, a buyout, or another mechanism that forces shorts to settle.
Without a backstop, DBMM’s fate could be repeated. With one, ERHC could deliver one of the biggest short squeezes ever.
Americans can buy ERHE at SpeedTrader.
2 days ago
Krombacher’s Billionaire Plans: Move Over, Kilimanjaro—Everest Awaits!
So, we just found out that Peter Ntephe is out there scaling Mount Kilimanjaro. Now, I don’t know about you, but climbing Africa’s tallest mountain isn’t exactly the kind of activity one does when they’re stressed out about a failing company. No, no—this screams victory lap.
Think about it: Why would ERHC’s CEO suddenly decide to climb a 19,341-foot mountain? You don’t just wake up one morning and say, “You know what? I think I’ll battle altitude sickness for fun today.” No, my friends—this is the behavior of a man who just sealed a few massive deals, cashed in big, and now has the time (and money) to enjoy himself.
So what does that mean for me? Simple: Once ERHC finally announces all the deals Peter has been stacking up behind the scenes and my 400 million shares turn me into a billionaire, I won’t be settling for Kilimanjaro.
I’m going straight for Mount Everest.
That’s right, folks. While Peter is over there casually hiking at 19,000 feet, I’ll be up at 29,000 feet, oxygen mask on, sherpas in tow, planting an ERHC flag at the summit. Maybe I’ll even livestream it so SSC and badog can watch in real time as I celebrate the predetermined outcome.
And who knows? Once I’m done with Everest, I might just strap on a space suit and head to the moon—because at that point, why not?
In the meantime, let’s just sit back and wait for all the pieces to fall into place.
3 days ago
No, I was referring to the post where you lied about erhe dividends and drilling results, where you lied about not posting until April but began posting again just a day later, where you lied about "red dots". Everyone has seen your numerous posts about allowing the purchase of erhe shares and that erhe price remains near zero with very little volume anyway. Now it's drilling in July in a block where erhc's interest have apparently been taken over by Shell. Hopefully his/her gullible followers weren't scammed out of another $100 for access to that bit of baseless drivel. It just never ends.
Greed and hubris will simply not allow guerguerian dickran, erhe's largest shareholder, to stop lying in a futile effort to pump up the erhe share price. This time he/she has provided a window of 4 months before another bullshit "speculation" is publicly debunked.
3 days ago
As expected, dickran lies about March 2025 dividend and block 4 drilling results are officially debunked. Also as expected, the next new baseless narrative is now on the table - drilling in July "based on various speculative parameters". Of course everyone has seen how dickran's "speculative parameters" consist of nothing but desperate, delusional, deceitful hype designed to allow him to unload as much of his/her 400 million share stockpile of erhe shares as possible. Everyone has also seen how the thousands of those baseless claims, false rumors and outright lies have been debunked and failed.
But greed and hubris will not allow dickran to stop. Recent embarrassing bullshit has included the supposed discovery of a U.S. broker that actually allows the purchase of erhe shares in spite of erhc management's dubious reputation and horrendous record of 7 years of silence, SEC delinquency and share price near zero. dickran's lack of credibility is again on full display as erhe continues near zero with near zero volume.
As if all that is not bad enough, dickran announced he/she would not post until after March as his/her dividend and drilling announcement claims played out, but the silence lasted just a little more than 1 day as the desperate stuck largest shareholder could not control the need to lie about erhc, marking his broken promise with an asinine "red dot" canard. So now it's July lmao, another pathetic, deceitful joke.
Peter J
3 days ago
no matter what desperate attempts they try in order to attract buyers there is something called common sense that most investors use to stay away from a disaster like ERHC.
Come on badog, get real please: talking solely about your and ssc's motives for posting here can hardly qualify as trying to attract buyers... You are stretching it a bit here, right?
the STUCK group flounder while trying to find any way to save themselves from the situation they have gotten themselves into.
You make that assumption because I post here... I assume.
But that is exactly my whole point with the now uncovered altruist gang:
badog: 3,344 posts
ssc: 7940 posts
That is a lot of posting trying to convey the truth that ERHC is not filing and on the Caveat Emptor Expert Market... 😁
By the way, badog, you didn't make sense, noticed?
there is something called common sense that most investors use to stay away from a disaster like ERHC.
If that is the case, and it sounds like common sense to me indeed... then why still the need to post a combined 11.000 plus posts... telling a few people essentially that ERHC is not filing... ? 😂
It's going to take positive material news.
Wow, what a good observation! I agree for sure!
Peter J
3 days ago
Badog, read the 6th post, how relevant, again!
I also don't post on boards where I have no holdings. Why on earth are you posting on the Tlw board if you have no interest Long or Short. Trying to make yourself feel good by denigrating other investors?
Nobody posts for no financial reason, that is the number 1 rule on investment chatboards, any board. Your claim about Krombacher is right, the claim regarding yourself is deadwrong. Charlie Munger would tell you that, before anything else.
You, or ssc, or nwtf with a combined 10.000 plus ERHC posts are no exception.
You are spreading the same amount of unbelievable, far fetched nonsense as Krombacher, only at the other end of the spectrum. It's that simple!
You ignored this little fact, for obvious reasons, when I reminded you about it.
This is not my first rodeo with guys like you.
I have already mentioned that Krombacher's pie in the sky narratives, are FAR FROM UNIQUE on investment chatboards... so every reader on every board has had 'rodeo's' with guys like Krombacher... and also rodeo's with guys who are shorting stocks: you can pick them right out of a conversation, as you know. So it doesn't explain away anything about your posting frenzy here, as a supposedly "non-stakeholder' ...
Thats exactly why I am here. Over the years I have watched those like you who have to rely on deception to try to alter your toilet bowl outcomes.
Again, you must read properly what I post, even nwtf mentioned that I have (brought) only ONE MESSAGE to this chatboard: The (now uncovered) motive for posting of the altruist gang's! So there is no ERHC deception on my part. But you know that very well (but it doesn't fit your beat around the bush scenario). Just ask Kingpin, he seems objective...
So, again: do you think the shareprice will go up if you stop posting here?
5 days ago
Known liar and erhe's largest stuck shareholder with close to 400 million shares, guerguerian dickran now seeing red dots that aren't there. True to form, dickran's pledge to refrain from posting bullish erhe bullshit until April lasted a little more than 1 day before becoming just another addition to the thousands of baseless claims, false rumors he/she has attempted to promote. Now he/she is already back with asinine bullish red dot nonsense. Greed and hubris simply won't allow dickran to stop lying.
End of March was a joke anyway because everyone knows there won't be an erhe dividend and there won't be drilling results in March 2025 as dickran so foolishly predicted no matter how many red dots or pink elephants dickran conjures up. I hope none of those stuck 70 dickran followers paid $100 for this latest tidbit. Dr. Gus would even be embarrassed (if he existed lmao).
And how about all the new erhe volume since dickran announced speedtrader? What despicable, delusional, deceitful, desperate bullshit.
Peter J
6 days ago
This was when this was being pumped and there was real potential. Not anymore. "Not anymore"... are you sure, your posting frenzy here suggests otherwise. 😁
Wow that you toke the time to find this. Shows how desperate you are.Somebody showed me that post.... I did not find it. Over the last 3 months I lost more on Tullow oil, than all of ERHC holding... not that desperate. 😉(oh, shoot, ssc, I lied... produce another 10 posts please...)
But more important: your Chief altruist is for the birds... hahaha.
A total con-artist, now proven! 🤣
And before y'all crucify me, just do the math on SEO's shares at $1 buyout price and think about how happy anyone would be with that much money.
The whole altruist posse, UNCOVERED.
Guys, listen: every long will sit this one out, pie in the sky narrative or not.
You will not get substantial amounts of shares, not now, not 4 years ago, not ever! Save yourself the time..
6 days ago
Unlike dickran I have no minions. No alternate personas either. So I can only speak for myself when I say I only post in response to the baseless claims, false rumors and outright lies you create and attempt to promote. If you refrain from that despicable, deceitful, greed and hubris driven practice, there will be no posts from me until after March when I will absolutely be pointing out that either I was wrong or that there was no erhe dividend, no drilling results, and that guerguerian dickran has been proven to be a liar yet again.
So starting now let's make this the no dickran bullshit erhc board. Let's see how long you and your minions can stand it.
7 days ago
I mock the March 2025 claims and I mock proven liar guerguerian dickran. There is no "if" involved. There is no dividend, and for sure you can't have drilling results when there is no drilling. dickran's March 2025 claims are as asinine as his/her Christmas 2024 destruction of shorts, as the spv, as the unable to be found billions of shorted shares, as, well, any of the thousands of baseless claims, false rumors and outright lies dickran has posted. dickran mocks him/herself with every post.
These are the facts and they are indisputable.
7 days ago
SSC, You Keep Asking the Wrong Questions
You claim to be all about "fact-checking," but you consistently ignore the most basic strategic realities of how business works.
1️⃣ Why Would ERHC Announce Anything Before It’s Necessary?
ERHC is a caveat emptor stock. They are under no obligation to make announcements until it serves their best interests.
If there was material information that needed to be announced, it would be made public when it maximizes value—not when SSC demands it.
You keep asking why ERHC is silent, but the real question is: Why would they not be?
2️⃣ Silence Doesn't Mean Nothing Happened
Your assumption is that if ERHC had received anything for Block 4, they would have announced it.
This assumption is completely false. Just because something hasn't been publicly disclosed does not mean it didn’t happen.
Your whole argument rests on the idea that “if I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist.” That’s not how business works.
3️⃣ The Shell-Block 4 Situation is More Complex Than You Pretend
Instead of asking why ERHC got "nothing" (which is just your assumption), why don’t you ask why Shell took the block at all?
Shell doesn’t take over assets unless they believe they are worth something.
If Shell saw value in Block 4, why wouldn't ERHC also extract some value from it?
4️⃣ The Short Seller’s Dilemma: You Have No Idea What ERHC Has Done
You desperately want "proof" of transactions, but fail to grasp that you’ll only get that proof after it’s too late to act on it.
That’s exactly why you are terrified of March 2025.
If you were truly confident nothing was happening, you wouldn’t be posting here every day.
5️⃣ What’s Your Endgame?
If ERHC really had “nothing,” then you should be celebrating, not obsessively posting every day.
If silence proves that ERHC is worthless, why do you need to convince anyone? Shouldn’t the market reflect that naturally?
The truth is, you need ERHC investors to believe your narrative—because deep down, you know there’s risk for shorts.
So go ahead, mock March 2025 again. If nothing happens, you’ll be right. But if something does happen, you’ll be out of options.
And that’s why you’re really here.