RNS Number : 4290I

Alternative Networks plc

09 December 2015

Alternative Networks plc

Results for the year ended 30 September 2015

Alternative Networks plc, ('the Company' or 'the Group'), a leading provider of IT managed services and business-to-business communications, reports its Preliminary Results for the twelve months ended 30 September 2015.


Good growth in revenues and profits and strong cash generation alongside significant operational enhancements

   --      Reported revenue up 9% to GBP146.8m (2014: GBP134.4m(#) ) 

o Pro forma() revenue up 4%, excluding the effect of Mobile bonus reduction^

o Pro forma() revenue growth in Advanced Solutions of 10%

o 5% underlying^ revenue growth in Mobile(#) , driven by 9% growth in the subscriber base

o Pro forma() gross profits up 4%

   --      Reported adjusted EBITDA increased 13% to GBP22.1m (2014: 19.6m) 

o Pro forma() adjusted EBITDA +10%

   --      Continued strong cash generation 

o Operating cash conversion of 99% of adjusted EBITDA (2014: 83%)

o Net debt of GBP18.7m (2014: GBP29.3m), materially ahead of the Board's target of GBP20.0m

o Net debt leverage under 1.0 times adjusted EBITDA

   --      Proposed full year dividend increased 13% to 16.4p 

o Reiterate intention to progress dividend payments towards 15% annual growth in the medium term, anticipating growth of no less than 10% per annum

-- Integration of the 2014 acquisitions now complete with the businesses rebranded Alternative and all teams now located together in new facilities

o Increased breadth of products and services facilitating product penetration opportunities across the Group

o Company-wide systems and processes integrated in most business disciplines

   --      Strong order book at period-end and healthy pipeline for year ahead 


 Audited results for the                                           2015         2014   Change 
  year ended 30 September 
                                                                GBP'000      GBP'000        % 
 Revenue(#)                                                     146,816      134,413       9% 
 Adjusted operating profit*                                      19,194       17,593       9% 
 Adjusted EBITDA* **                                             22,053       19,592      13% 
 Adjusted profit before 
  taxation*                                                      17,900       16,416       9% 
 Adjusted earnings per 
  share*** - basic                                                28.4p        26.9p       6% 
                                             - diluted            27.8p        26.4p       5% 
 Dividend per share                                               16.4p        14.5p      13% 
 Operating profit                                                15,100       11,540      31% 
 Profit before tax                                               13,806       10,363      33% 
 Earnings per share - basic                                       23.8p        16.9p      41% 
                                                   - diluted      23.3p        16.6p      40% 

* Operating profit before intangible assets amortisation excluding software, exceptional items and share based payments

** Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation

*** Adjusted earnings per share is based on adjusted profit after tax as set out in note 7

^ Excludes revenue earned directly from network providers based on sales volumes, that has been terminated in 2014, following the amendment to commercial agreements with airtime partners

(#) 2014 revenue has been restated as discussed in note 1

() Pro forma (like for like) numbers include a full 2014 financial year's performance for the businesses acquired in January 2014

Mark Quartermaine, Chief Executive of Alternative Networks, commented:

"2015 has been a good year overall, delivering robust revenue and profit growth whilst completing several major integration and operational improvements projects. The business is in a strong position going forward. The two acquisitions in 2014 and the transformational projects in 2015 have resulted in Alternative Networks becoming an IT Services business with a unified operational structure, a fully invested sales force and a market leading product portfolio, able to deliver end-to-end solutions to a larger customer base.

"The improved profit performance in the second half of 2015, together with the high recurring revenue levels in the group, means that the Board approaches the coming year confident that the business can continue to generate good levels of growth in the future. The first weeks of the current financial year show signs that the momentum carried through the previous quarter is continuing and provides sound encouragement."


 Alternative Networks 
  Mark Quartermaine, Chief Executive 
  Gavin Griggs, Chief Financial 
  Officer                               0870 190 7444 
 Investec Bank PLC - Nominated 
  Adviser and Joint Broker Patrick 
  Robb / Carlton Nelson / Andrew 
  Pinder                                020 7597 5970 
 finnCap Limited - Joint Broker 
  Stuart Andrews                        020 7220 0565 
 Bell Pottinger 
  Elly Williamson / Anna Legge          020 3772 2500 



The 2015 financial year has seen Alternative Networks make good progress in its stated objective to grow the business further. We have continued to strengthen our offering, armed with an increasing array of market leading products and services that can meet customers' communications and data needs. The investment we have made, both through the acquisition of complementary businesses and the upgrading of our infrastructure, is delivering good results and leaves us well positioned for future growth.


Reported revenue for the year ended 30 September 2015 was GBP146.8m, up 9% on 2014. On a pro forma basis, i.e. including a full 2014 financial year's performance for the businesses acquired in January 2014, revenues were up 3% year on year and up 4% after the effects of the contract changes in Mobile are excluded. Gross margins remained steady and adjusted EBITDA at GBP22.1m was up by 13% on a reported basis and by 10% on a pro forma basis.

Cash generation has remained strong across the Group with 99% of adjusted EBITDA converted to cash. Group net debt at 30 September 2015 had reduced to GBP18.7m (30 September 2014: GBP29.3m), comfortably outperforming the GBP20.0m target we outlined in June and down from GBP41.3m at the time of the 2014 acquisitions.


The continued financial strength of the Group has enabled the Board to declare a final dividend of 10.9 pence per share, resulting in a total dividend for the year of 16.4 pence per share, an increase of 13%. This is in line with the Board's intention to grow the dividend by at least 10% each year. The objective remains to progress towards 15% growth in the medium term. The dividend will be paid on 29 January 2016 to shareholders on the register as of 4 January 2016.

Review of operations

The acquisitions made in 2014 have been integrated into the Advanced Solutions division, which now represents more than 50% of group revenue. Advanced Solutions performed well in the financial year, especially in the second half, following a slight lull in orders towards the end of the first half, and we closed the year with a strong GBP5.2 million order backlog. The division also enjoyed some excellent new client wins, and reinforced its particularly strong presence in the Higher Education sector, signing contracts with 14 universities and 33 schools during the year.

Mobile Network Services traded in line with expectations and continued to grow its market share, with an increased number of subscribers in a competitive market, representing a very creditable achievement. Fixed Voice was as expected slightly down on the previous year and in line with market trends, and the division now represents less than 20% of group revenues. Our market leading Synapse portal has continued to be a key differentiator, and we continue to drive further enhancements to its functionality, stability and reliability.

The move to our new offices in Blackfriars Road, London, has completed successfully. This, combined with an upgrade of our entire IT infrastructure and the full integration of the most recent acquisitions, means our employees are better equipped to deliver our high quality products and services to the market more effectively and under a single brand, and has enabled our customers to derive maximum benefit from them.

We announced on 3 June 2015 that Edward Spurrier would be stepping down as CEO and as a director of the company and that Mark Quartermaine would assume the role of CEO. After a four month handover, Ed's last day with Alternative Networks was 30 September 2015. We are enormously grateful to Ed for the contribution he has made to the growth of Alternative Networks from its very earliest days, through to a listing on AIM ten years ago and on to what it has become today.

Growth strategy

Led by the new executive management team, the Group is well positioned to continue the growth trajectory seen to date. The last year has been one of investment for that purpose, and we are well on our way to becoming one of the UK's leading providers of IT managed services to UK businesses. This investment has been made to enable the Group to take maximum advantage of the expanded portfolio of services it has steadily developed, both in-house and through acquisition.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

December 09, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

As we look to take advantage of the strong platform we have built, we will use our breadth of products and services to establish ourselves the long term supplier of choice for a larger customer target base and drive organic growth. We continue to remain open to acquisition opportunities should they be clearly enhancing to shareholder value and fit our product and capability set. In addition, we intend to invest further in product development so as to remain at the cutting edge of the market and maintain our competitive strengths. The growth of our pipeline, the increasing number of larger businesses taking more of our services and the conversion rate of orders suggest that our strategy is working and will continue to deliver value. We therefore remain positive about our future prospects.

James Murray

Executive Chairman

8 December 2015

Chief Executive Officer's Review


2015 has been a good year, delivering solid growth in all key metrics whilst completing major integration and operational improvement projects, and creating a strong platform to support future growth. Most integration related activities are now complete following the London office move and rationalisation, IT platform enhancements and back office process integration. This, in addition to significant investments, most notably across our office portfolio, but also in our sales force and in product development, has resulted in a Group that it is well placed to increase sales and deliver even greater customer satisfaction.

In January 2014 the Group completed two acquisitions, which contributed for part of the year in 2014 and for the full year in 2015, and as such we refer to pro forma (or like for like) results in this report where we have included a full year of 2014 results for the acquisitions as though we had bought them at the start of 2014 financial year.

The major highlights of the year were as follows:

   --   Continued gains in market share in key growth areas; 

o Mobile subscribers increased 9% to 99,413 (2014: 91,391)

o Advanced Solutions pro forma revenues and orders up 10% and 3% respectively

-- Major product development with the release of new propositions as well as enhanced versions of existing products;

-- GBP1.0m investment in increasing ongoing account management resource to drive product penetration across the existing customer base;

-- Completion of the integration of 2014 acquisitions with the businesses rebranded Alternative and all teams now located together in new facilities; and

-- Shift of all legacy on-premise IT infrastructure and hosted services into modern managed secure datacentres.

The new premises and IT infrastructure provide the Group with a sound platform for future growth. The Group is better positioned to expand both its managed service product portfolio and its selling capability to deliver the portfolio to new and existing customers more effectively.

Trading and performance overview

In 2015 the Group has continued to build on a successful 2014, with momentum seen in 2014 continuing into 2015, and has resulted in increases in reported revenues, gross profit and adjusted EBITDA compared with the prior period and on a pro forma basis. Group reported revenues at GBP146.8m were 9% ahead of 2014, with pro forma revenues up 3% (2014: GBP134.4m), and up 4% when the reduction in Mobile bonus revenue impact is excluded.

Cash generation was once again strong, with operating cash conversion of 99% of adjusted EBITDA. As a result, net debt has fallen to GBP18.7m, beating the Group's GBP20.0m year-end target and bringing it comfortably below one times adjusted EBITDA. This has allowed the Board to propose a final dividend of 10.9 pence per share which is 14% up on 2014.

The Advanced Solutions business was 10% ahead of the prior year on a pro forma basis. Total orders signed in the year were 3% higher than the prior year on a pro forma basis, resulting in a total backlog of GBP5.2m at the end of the year for delivery in the coming financial year. New orders have been generated across the portfolio, with some notable areas of success particularly in Higher Education, where the Group has signed contracts with 14 universities and 33 schools and colleges during the year.

Hosted Managed Services and On Demand Services, formerly parts of ControlCircle and Intercept IT, are reported in Advanced Solutions and are now fully integrated into the Group with all teams located in a new, single London office and the businesses rebranded as Alternative. Trading performance has been solid, with minimal client attrition. As previously reported at our interim results, performance in the year was moderately impacted by two major customers putting new orders on hold pending internal strategic reviews, resulting in lower non-recurring revenues. Of these, one customer has returned to its pre-review order profile. Now that the acquisitions are fully integrated we are encouraged to see improving order trends overall, which we expect to continue into the new financial year.

The Mobile business has once again delivered a strong performance in the period, gaining market share with a 9% increase in the subscriber base year on year, and a further 1,300 signed that will connect by the end of the first quarter of 2016. Underlying revenues (which exclude the effect of revised commercial arrangements with suppliers) grew 5% to GBP39.7m, representing 28% of the Group's overall revenue.

Fixed Voice revenues were 9% below the prior year, in line with expectations. Gross profit was more resilient at 6% behind the prior year due to the positive impact of new commercial agreements signed in the period. Whilst we continue to manage the product set for profitability, the key focus remains the migration of the fixed line base to SIP channels which have grown almost 50% year on year. Overall the Fixed Voice business now represents 19% of the Group's revenue, down from 23% in 2014.


The Group's strategy remains to become the leading IT managed services provider for UK businesses via both organic and acquisitive growth. The Group operates in the UK Telecoms and Information Technology (IT) market as an IT Managed Services company covering the full spectrum of services and products from device to the datacentre.

The financial performance of the Group, including revenues, profits, cash flows and net debt is set out in the Financial Review and a discussion of the KPIs of the Group are included in the Trading Review, both within the Chief Financial Officer's Review.

Platform for growth

2015 has been a significant year of organisational and operational change. Major changes revolve largely around the Group's office space portfolio, product development and IT infrastructure. The latter has focussed on migrating our infrastructure and applications to our datacentre facilities and therefore improving resilience.

These combined investments will not only improve our service offerings to customers, but will also increase productivity and collaboration amongst our people and allow easier integration of future acquisitions.

The Board is committed to building a broader and stronger platform for growth. We have set out our vision to be the leading IT managed services provider of choice to UK businesses. We have invested a total of GBP0.8m non-recurring capital expenditure on developing the new infrastructure required to provide the services which customers need to bridge private and public cloud services, in addition to routine recurring capital investments. The technical strategy is focussed on three elements:

-- On demand services - to be accessed through the portal and consumed per user per month (e.g. Email or Unified Communications ("UC")) or per unit of compute (e.g. storage);

   --   Infrastructure services - in mobile, WAN, voice and hosting; and 

-- Significantly enhanced Synapse customer portal to include IT services and extend to public cloud services.

The Group infrastructure and hosting services are critical to the delivery of this strategy and in the second half of 2015 we have launched our own UC cloud platform as well as a significantly enhanced "Desktop as a Service".

Strategically, we are positioning ourselves to continue to support our customers to consume business critical applications via a variety of communication methods, and this will support our growth aspirations going forward.

Organic growth

The Group continues to build successfully on the following four key areas of focus to deliver continued organic growth:

   --   Winning larger customers in our target markets; 

-- Using improved customer service and Synapse, combined with the acquired portals, to drive improved customer retention across the wider product set;

   --   Improved product penetration across our customer base; and 
   --   Product development and innovation to increase value to our customer base. 

In 2015 the average spend per client was up 12% on the prior year demonstrating the successful implementation of the strategy. At the period end, average monthly spend of our 'large customers' (i.e., those with a monthly spend in excess of GBP1,000) increased 10% year on year, reflecting a significant increase in the size of new customers to the Group.

The Group's ability to win large contracts with new customers has been proven once again in 2015 including sizeable deals with Homeserve and the London Internet Exchange to provide multiple services.

Product penetration statistics continue to show a broadening uptake of services from across our customer base, with increases in sales per customer showing that our customer service levels continue to improve.

Product penetration across the customer base remains strong, with 46% of customers taking more than one product (2014: 46%) and the proportion taking 4 or more products increasing to 17% (2014:16%). This is in line with the Group's stated strategy of growing the average size of the customers, via enterprise sales and driving product penetration in our existing base.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

December 09, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

Product development

We have always aligned our technical strategy with our customers' needs and have now successfully transitioned the Group into IT managed services. We continually look at new product offerings to further support customers and align their IT with the needs of the end user, and to deliver bespoke IT solutions for our customers from the device to the datacentre. As a result we are well positioned to take increasing amounts of market share with new services, most importantly PaaS (Platform as a Service) and DaaS (Desktop as a Service) in which our products are innovative and market leading and further similar offerings will be launched in 2016.

                Year to September 2015               2016 plans 
-------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Advanced       The Group has continued              Moving into 2016 
  Solutions      to drive relationships               further 'as a 
                 and capabilities with core           Service' products 
                 UC vendors with a focus              will be launched, 
                 on the higher value application      and development 
                 services (primarily contact          of the cloud 
                 centre) within the supplier          platform will 
                 eco-system, whilst also              look toward public 
                 expanding our Skype for              cloud integration. 
                 business footprint within 
                 the Online Cloud platform.           The Group invested 
                                                      heavily in the 
                 In the latter part of the            Online cloud 
                 year we launched our own             platform in 2015 
                 UC cloud platform APaaS              to further enhance 
                 (Alternative Platform as             its capability, 
                 a Service) utilising the             scalability and 
                 capabilities of recent               security, providing 
                 acquisitions to deliver              a foundation 
                 an Enterprise grade, per             from which we 
                 user per month, voice platform       build the next 
                 to Group customers. The              generation of 
                 APaaS offering is built              services in 2016. 
                 on the principle of fast             The cloud platform 
                 deployment and easy to               enjoyed 30% growth 
                 consume services whilst              in 2015, and 
                 also providing customers             combined with 
                 with a migration path with           the 2015 enhancements, 
                 hybrid and full cloud options.       provides a robust 
                                                      foundation on 
                 Furthermore we have enhanced         which the group 
                 the technological capability         will develop 
                 through which customer               new services. 
                 services are managed. This 
                 is the first in a number 
                 of planned developments 
                 that allows the Group to 
                 provide a differentiated 
                 service offering through 
                 a web based platform that 
                 takes feeds from multiple 
                 monitoring sources and 
                 correlates the data to 
                 understand how an IT environment 
                 is performing. This allows 
                 Alternative to diagnose 
                 and resolve customer issues 
                 faster and understand the 
                 context and impact an IT 
                 service interruption or 
                 performance issue has on 
                 a customer business. 
-------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Mobile Voice   Development in the mobile            In 2016 the portfolio 
                 portfolio has remained               will expand to 
                 focused on cost control              provide these 
                 and device security expanding        services in a 
                 the portfolio to deliver             cloud delivery 
                 a standalone integrated              model and integrate 
                 set of products that allow           the management 
                 customers to control their           capability into 
                 mobile data costs and secure         Synapse. 
                 the company data held on 
                 a device. 
-------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Fixed Voice    With the 2025 date set               In 2016 the portfolio 
                 for the withdrawal of traditional    will expand to 
                 fixed voice services the             incorporate new 
                 group has diversified its            suppliers with 
                 SIP offering and focussed            unique market 
                 on the convergence of voice          capabilities 
                 services with wide area              addressing specific 
                 network services as ISDN             customer usage 
                 replacement services.                cases and increased 
                                                      development of 
                                                      in synapse. 
-------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------ 

Portal development

Central to this strategy is the use of Synapse, the Group's dynamic service interface, offering customers significant service and flexibility benefits. During 2015 the Group has continued developing Synapse as well as continuing the process of converging the other, wider Group portal systems into it, providing an enhanced interface, covering the Group's device to datacentre portfolio.

As part of the wider transformation of our office and infrastructure estate, the Group portal systems have been moved into a fully virtualised environment, alongside our other internal IT application suite, in order to ensure optimal performance for end users and greater service resilience.

Significant work has also been performed on key internal systems to provide the basis for this convergence, with unification of sales and CRM systems, and with ticketing to follow, this provides the foundations to significantly expand the Group's portal functionality.

Growth by acquisition

The Group's cash generative nature has facilitated the significant reduction in net debt since the 2014 acquisitions; this, combined with the strong balance sheet leaves us well placed to capitalise on further opportunities and as such the Group continues to monitor the market proactively for further "right-fit" acquisitions. Acquisitions are being targeted to complement the existing products and to further expand our capabilities and product set in the Advanced Solutions area, with a focus on managed and hosted services

The main focus remains on strategic acquisitions that complement the existing product set and can be seamlessly integrated, although the Group also considers bolt on acquisitions that would bring a customer base where the Group can capitalise on its proven cross sell capability. The Group will continue to be opportunistic with regards to acquisitions. We remain well placed to take advantage of any opportunities as they arise, applying strict selection criteria.

The Group's long standing and consistently strict criteria for acquisitions remains unchanged. Targets must:

   --   be successful, growing, highly cash generative, and profitable; 
   --   have customers that provide cross selling opportunities for the Group; and 
   --   be earnings enhancing in the first full year of ownership. 


The strategic acquisitions in 2014 and the transformational projects in 2015 have resulted in an IT Services business with a unified operational structure, a fully invested sales force and a market leading product portfolio, able to deliver end-to-end solutions to a larger and more receptive customer base.

In 2016 we plan to continue to expand, upgrade and improve our product set, with a full pipeline of new product development. We are also planning further investment in the technology we use to service customers, resulting in greater efficiency and improved service.

Product penetration statistics continue to show a broadening uptake of services from across our customer base, with increases in average sales per customer showing that our customer service levels continues to exceed expectations.

The improved profit performance in the second half of 2015, together with the high recurring revenue levels in the Group, mean that the Board approaches 2016 confident that the business can continue to generate encouraging levels of growth going forward. The first weeks of 2016 show signs that the momentum carried through from the fourth quarter is continuing and provides sound encouragement.

Mark Quartermaine

Chief Executive Officer

8 December 2015

Chief Financial Officer's Review

Results & trading overview

In 2015 the Group has experienced continued growth in the Advanced Solutions and Mobile Voice products and services, and continued excellent cash performance. The Advanced Solutions and Mobile Voice segments together now account for 81% of Group revenues (2014: 77%), with a reduction in the contribution from Fixed Voice services, which is in managed decline.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

December 09, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

Year ended 30 September 2015

                                 Solutions                                                                                                          Group - Pro 
                                - Pro forma                           Mobile Voice                           Fixed Voice                               forma 
                   ------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
                                                 Change                                Change                                 Change                                 Change 
                               GBPm                %                 GBPm                 %                 GBPm                 %                 GBPm                % 
 Revenue                                  77.9    10%                           40.4      -                            28.5     -9%                          146.8     3% 
  Recurring                               45.0     6%                40.4                 -                 28.5                -9%               113.9                - 
  Non-recurring                           32.9    15%                 -                   -                   -                  -                 32.9               15% 
  profit                                  29.3     8%                           19.0     6%                            12.4     -6%                           60.7     4% 
 Margin                       37.7%              -50bps             47.0%              +250bps             43.3%              +110bps             41.3%              +50bps 

In order to facilitate understanding of business performance, the Group splits out its operating KPIs, both financial and non-financial into three distinct revenue groups. These are Advanced Solutions, Mobile and Fixed Voice. These enable the Group's performance to be benchmarked against competitors and allow the Board to control more clearly the underlying drivers to the Group's business. All recent acquisitions are reported in Advanced Solutions and have no impact on Mobile or Fixed Voice. For avoidance of doubt, the business does not operate separate trading divisions but sells a converged product offering, with teams of sales and service organised according to customer size.

Total reported revenue increased 9% to GBP146.8m (2014: GBP134.4m), with pro forma revenue growth of 3%. The Advanced Solutions business was significantly up at 24% on a reported basis and 10% on a pro forma basis (GBP77.9m). Reported revenue in Mobile was flat year on year, but underlying revenue (revenue earned directly from network providers based on sales volumes, which ceased during the prior year following the redrafting of relevant commercials) grew at 5% (GBP2.0m). Revenue growth was partially offset by the managed decline in the Fixed Voice business, which was down 9% (GBP2.8m).

Reported gross profit increased by 10% (GBP5.4m) to GBP60.7m, and 4% (GBP2.4m) on a pro forma basis. Gross margins are level year on year, reflecting the effect of good margin growth in Fixed Voice and Mobile Voice netted off by some margin pressure across Advanced Solutions owing to pricing on some larger hardware and maintenance deals. Further analysis is detailed below by product.

Adjusted EBITDA at GBP22.1m was up GBP2.5m (13%) on a reported basis and GBP2.0m (10%) ahead on a pro forma basis. As reported in our interim results, during the period the Group has introduced a group-wide sales commission scheme encouraging higher margin and longer term growth, which has had a one off impact on adjusted EBITDA, increasing commission costs by GBP0.3m. Nevertheless, the adjusted EBITDA margin has increased to 15.0%, up from 14.5% in 2014, reflecting the continued drive on operational efficiency and the benefits of integrating the Group, and is set to improve further with annualisation of the improvements made in 2015.

Advanced Solutions

                         2015           2014             Change    Change 
 Revenue               Reported   Reported    Pro      Reported       Pro 
                                              forma                 forma 
                         GBPm       GBPm      GBPm 
 Managed services        17.6       12.4      18.4          42%       -4% 
 Online desktop          3.3        2.2       2.9           50%       12% 
 Maintenance             11.6       10.7      10.7           8%        8% 
 Connectivity            8.3        6.3       6.3           32%       32% 
 Billing                 4.2        4.0       4.0            4%        4% 
 Subtotal                45.0       35.6      42.3          26%        6% 
 Hardware / 
  software               26.3       21.1      22.5          24%       17% 
  Services               6.6        5.9       6.1           12%        8% 
 Subtotal                32.9       27.0      28.6          22%       15% 
 Total                   77.9       62.6      70.9          24%       10% 
 Gross Margins 
 Recurring               44%        45%       43%       -100bps   +100bps 
 Hardware / 
  software               21%        23%       23%       -200bps   -200bps 
  services               59%        59%       59%             -         - 
 Advanced Solutions      38%        39%       38%       -100bps         - 

Advanced Solutions revenues increased by 24% to GBP77.9m on a reported basis and 10% on a pro forma basis over the prior year. Growth in the second half of the year was slightly slower than the first half, owing to Q3 sales pressure arising from wider economic events and strategic reviews resulting in new business suspensions from two larger customers, as reported at the interim reporting stage.

Growth has returned to healthy levels in Q4, producing a total sales order backlog of GBP5.2m, and signed orders 3% higher than the prior year on a pro forma basis, giving high levels of confidence heading into 2016.

New orders have been generated across all industry verticals and notable contract wins with larger customers include a wide scale networking contract for the London Internet Exchange and wide scale WAN and hosted voice migration for Homeserve.

The margin in Advanced Solutions is broadly level with the prior year at 38% (2014: 39%) as a result of growth in higher margin services including professional services, netted against some pricing pressure for larger deals involving legacy hardware and maintenance solutions.

Managed services

Managed services encompass the Group's offerings in all hosting, cloud and utility services, including all outsourcing services. Growth in this area is a key focus with both existing and new customers. High margins in this area represent the added value nature of the services provided. The 4% decline in revenue on a pro forma basis reflects a decrease in the lower margin pure hosting and colocation revenue as the Group encourages clients to move towards higher margin, fully managed services.

Online desktop

Online desktop represents the Group's cloud based Desktop as a Service (DaaS) remote access offering, acquired as part of the 2014 acquisitions. 12% pro forma revenue growth in this product has been generated under the Group's ownership as we seek to take a key position in this growing market.


Maintenance revenues have grown by 8% year on year owing to some large wins at the end of the prior year and start of 2015. Margins are also consistent year on year as the group has been able to renew contracts at historical pricing levels due to the service quality available to clients, and proactively churn any that involve lower pricing.


Connectivity revenues increased 32% to GBP8.3m in 2015. This growth was generated from data connectivity sales to both existing and new customers. Sales growth has also arisen from a number of key wins, including the UK-wide contract with Menzies Distribution signed in 2014.

Hardware & software

Hardware and Software revenues comprise all individual non-recurring direct sales across the Group, and increased 24% to GBP26.3m (2014: GBP21.1m) on a reported basis and 17% on a pro forma basis. Gross margins have reduced across the Group due to a number of large deals where competitive pricing has been offered in order to secure further growth opportunities in higher margin products and services with recurring revenue.

Professional services

Professional services revenue, comprising a mix of IT solution design and installation of data hardware, increased 12% from GBP5.9m to GBP6.6m on a reported basis and 8% on a pro forma basis as a result of the high level of hardware orders and also a number of more complex projects with higher levels of associated installation requirements. Margins have stabilised during the year following the integration of the acquisitions and continue to reflect the efficiency with which the Group is able to apply the workforce to new and existing projects.

Billing services

Billing Services revenues were up 4% to GBP4.2m (2014: GBP4.0m). This is as a result of further growth in sales to third party customers and revenue from providing a hosted managed billing service. Gross margins were in line with the prior year at 53%, as the Group maintained its high client retention level and delivered more consultancy services to clients.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

December 09, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

Telephony Services - Mobile

                                 2015         2014   Change 
 Revenue (GBPm)(#)            GBP40.4      GBP40.4        - 
 Mobile bonus revenue             0.7          2.8 
 Underlying revenue 
  (GBPm)                         39.7         37.7       5% 
 Gross profit(#) (GBPm)          19.0         18.0       6% 
 Gross margin %                 47.0%        44.5%   250bps 
 Subscribers                   99,413       91,391       9% 
 Recurring revenue                93%          89% 
 Mobile KPIs 
 Monthly ARPU (GBP)                34           36      -6% 
 Monthly ADPU (Mb)                170           99      72% 
 Network churn                    16%          14% 
 Customer churn by 
  value                           14%          11% 
 % Subscribers in-contract        78%          73% 
 Monthly average contract 
  length                          26m          24m 

(#) 2014 revenue and gross profit has been restated following a reclassification of mobile customer credits and other costs, as discussed in note 1.

Headline mobile revenues were flat year on year at GBP40.4m, whilst underlying revenues grew 5% year on year in the period (excluding the effect of bonus reductions) as the Group continues to take significant market share. Margins have once again risen, from 45% in 2014 to 47% in 2015, primarily as a result of the 2014 signed commercial agreements.

There was continued high growth in the contract base with a 9% increase in subscribers to 99,413 at the end of 2015. Whilst this is the result of significant new connections, demonstrating a continued ability to win in a flat market, slightly higher churn has been seen in the second half of the year as market pressure has led to the loss of certain customers where the Group was not willing to support lower margins.

Mobile gross margins have increased to 47%, from 45%, mostly as a result of annualisation of the benefits of the new commercial arrangements signed in 2014, but also other positive factors such as the value added from the Synapse service platform.

Mobile KPIs

The Group uses three principal KPIs to measure the performance of Mobile Voice, being "ARPU", "ADPU" and churn.

-- "ARPU" represents the average spend in line rental, voice and data usage charges per live connection per month in the Group's contracted base of subscribers. ARPU has reduced by circa GBP2 (6%) to GBP34 in the year, similar to the 2014 decline (2014: GBP2). Underpinning this trend is the reduction in line rental charges associated with bundled packages and the general trend in reduction in voice usage, partially offset by increased data usage (see below). Declines in voice ARPU total approximately GBP2.50 (including rental charges) as a result of regulatory changes. Data usage ARPUs continue to rise, by 21% in 2015, which is lower than the 72% rise in ADPU due to a change in the mix between European and higher priced 'rest of world' roaming. Growth in data ARPU has been dampened somewhat both by general market pressures on pricing, where increased bundle allowances have been seen and also a slight decrease in wider global travel, where we have seen a 100bps drop in 'rest of world' roaming as a proportion of our total customer base.

-- "ADPU" represents the average data usage per live connection per month in the Group's contracted base of subscribers. The average ADPU for the period has increased by 72% to 170Mb demonstrating the rapid growth in data usage. The growth in data usage can be attributed to a number of factors including the rise of the smartphone (71% of the subscriber base; up from 69% in September 2014) and the ongoing move from 3G to 4G networks. The growth seen, combined with the Group's high margin customer base, gives a strong platform to grow further in 2016.

-- Churn by value, which illustrates the retention value of all contracted customers to the Group, has risen slightly in 2015 from 11% to 14%, mostly due to the loss of certain customers in the second half where retention would have led to decreased margins that the Group was not prepared to accept. Even at 14% the Group is setting a market leading benchmark, where the broader industry sees churn levels of 20% to 25% and demonstrates the value the Group provides to customers. Network churn was 16% which is again up slightly on 2014 (14%), an excellent performance in a very competitive marketplace where it is easy to switch between networks. The generally high retention is a result of the overall client experience covering the service offering and the benefits of Synapse, and as we respond to general market changes with sophisticated tariffs we expect this to improve in 2016.

Telephony Services - Fixed Voice

                                   2015         2014    Change 
                                   GBPm         GBPm 
 Revenue                        GBP28.5      GBP31.3       -9% 
 Gross profit(#)                GBP12.4      GBP13.2       -6% 
 Gross margin %                     43%          42%   +110bps 
 Outbound monthly ARPU (GBP)      1,385        1,421       -3% 
 Number of lines/channels 
  (inc. SIP)                     68,388       72,027       -5% 
 SIP lines                       10,924        7,424       47% 
 Average customer contract 
  length (months)                   30m          24m       +6m 

(#) 2014 gross profit has been restated following a reclassification of other costs, as discussed in note 1.

The market continues to operate on two-tiers with legacy fixed voice providers seeing network traffic in decline by mid-single digit rates and resellers and service providers migrating their customers to IP services at a faster rate resulting in annual revenue reductions in the order of low double digit (10-14%). On this basis we consider our performance this year to be good given the market context. The Group manages its Fixed Voice Services in the context of the declining market place whilst improving market share and profitability, and continues to retain its customer base via migration to SIP based telephony. In the year the number of SIP lines has increased by 47% from 7,424 to 10,924.

Fixed Voice revenues declined 9% in 2015 to GBP28.5m due to a combination of customer churn and reduction in call volume to mobiles, regulatory price reductions and the continuing move to email and mobile. However the Group has again succeeded in the proactive management of this base with further commercial gains and active retention, particularly in the Inbound services base where year on year gross profits have risen 21%.

The gross margin on this product set has continued to grow in 2015, from 42% to 43%, but with the revenue decline, total gross profit has reduced 6% year on year. The growth in gross margin is as a result of improved commercial arrangements from key suppliers.

Outbound services

-- Outbound revenues decreased by 11% to GBP21.3m. The underlying performance was in line with industry trends as the reduction in call spends to mobiles, due to regulatory price reductions, and a move to email, mobile and IP based telephony, continues to cannibalise traditional office based telephony revenues.

-- Outbound ARPU has reduced by 3% to GBP1,385 in 2015 as a result of a general reduction in spend resulting from the shift to mobile and data communications, tempered by an increase arising from the signing of new, larger, customers and churn of smaller customers. Average contract periods are now 6 months longer than the prior year increasing the viability of future revenues.

-- The number of lines in the estate declined by 5% to 68,388, with some of the churn being non or low billing analogue lines that we have helped customers identify using Synapse. The ongoing transition to SIP has again progressed well with a 47% rise in SIP lines.

Inbound services

-- Inbound services revenue, at GBP7.3m, was in line with 2014, as increases in NGN products compensated for the reduction in customer traffic revenues. As a consequence, gross profit was 21% up on 2014 at GBP3.7m.

-- Gross margins are up significantly year on year, to 51%, due to the new commercial terms agreed and increased sales of the higher margin NGN product.

Financial overview

Adjusted and statutory results

In these results we refer to adjusted and statutory results. Adjusted results are prepared to provide a more comparable indication of the group's underlying business performance. Adjusted results exclude adjusting items as set out below and in note 7.

Non-recurring items

As a result of the various restructuring activities the Group incurred non-recurring charges of GBP2.4m. This comprised GBP0.6m of redundancy charges, GBP0.9m of non-cash rent charges on unoccupied property during the fit-out phase and GBP0.9m on restructuring and other charges.

As reported at the interim stage, the Group has rationalised its property portfolio in 2015, reducing the number of properties around London from five to two, involving the sale of one property for a gross receipt of GBP3.8m giving rise to a profit on disposal of GBP2.4m, and the early exit of a leased property yielding a receipt of GBP0.9m, both of which have been recorded as adjusting items.

Finance costs

Finance costs were GBP1.3m (2014: GBP1.1m) driven by the Group's existing debt facilities in place for the whole year. At September 2015 the margin applied to this facility had fallen to 2.50% over LIBOR based on a leverage position of the balance sheet of less than 1.0. Throughout 2016 the margin over LIBOR is expected to be less than 2.50%.


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The effective tax rate for the year was 17.0% (2014: 22.0%). The effective tax rate in the current period is lower than the prior period due to a further reduction in the standard rate of corporation tax for the year (from 22.0% to 20.5%) and is lower than the UK statutory rate due to the recognition of prior year R&D credits that have been successfully received in the current year and profit arising on the sale of a property for which indexation allowances have been applied.

Earnings per share

Basic adjusted earnings per share have increased by 6% from 26.9p to 28.4p. Fully diluted adjusted earnings per share have increased by 5% to 27.8p (2014: 26.4p). Statutory (unadjusted) fully diluted earnings per share have increased 40% from 16.6p to 23.3p.

The weighted average number of shares in the year used for calculating the basic earnings per share has increased by 502,918, as outlined in note 4. The dilutive share number has increased by 52,057, due to the issuance of new long term retention share option plans netted off by a reduction in shares relating to the EBT.

Net debt & bank facilities

The Group continues to benefit from access to a GBP36.0m syndicated bank loan facility split equally between two lenders (a GBP43m facility reduced by GBP7.0m of term loan repayments), of which the average interest margin payable throughout the 2015 financial year was below 2.5%.

The year-end net debt balance was GBP18.7m, down from GBP29.3m at 30 September 2014. This is after GBP5.3m of total capital expenditure and paying dividends of GBP7.2m. The net debt level is down from a peak of GBP41.3m at the time of the acquisitions, and well ahead of the target of GBP20.0m as set by the Board.

Net debt performance is primarily driven by the strong operating cash conversion of the business (see below) which has been greatly facilitated by the completion of acquisition integration activities. The Group closed the 2015 financial year with an impressive financial position, a key part of the platform for growth initiative.

Cash flow

Working capital and cash management remains a key priority of the Group and once again cash flow has been very strong. Cash inflow from operations was GBP21.9m (2014: GBP16.2m), compared to adjusted EBITDA of GBP22.1m (2014: GBP19.6m), representing a cash conversion of 99% (2014: 83%). Alongside this the Group debtor days have remained below 30 days.

                                   Year ended   Year ended 
                                    30 Sept      30 Sept 
                                      2015         2014      Change 
                                      GBPm         GBPm       GBPm 
 Cash generated from operations       21.9         16.2       35% 
 Proceeds from sale of 
  property - non recurring            3.8           - 
 Taxation                            (1.3)        (1.4) 
 Capital expenditure - 
  underlying                         (2.1)        (2.1) 
 Capital expenditure - 
  customer assets                    (0.5)          - 
 Capital expenditure - 
  non recurring infrastructure       (2.7)          - 
 Finance cost (net)                  (1.3)        (1.1) 
 Free cash flow                       17.8         11.7 
 Free cash flow before 
  non-recurring items                 16.7         11.7       43% 
 Dividends                           (7.2)        (6.6) 
 Acquisitions (net of cash 
  acquired)                            -          (51.5) 
 Net cash flow                        10.6        (46.4) 
 Opening (net debt)/cash             (29.3)        17.2 
 Closing (net debt)                  (18.7)       (29.3) 

Capital expenditure

Capital expenditure in the period was GBP5.3m compared to GBP2.1m in 2014, largely due to additional non-recurring investments in the Group's infrastructure totalling GBP2.7m. This was primarily comprised of office fit-out and IT infrastructure, and was funded entirely by the sale of a property during the year for a total of GBP3.8m. There was a further GBP0.5m of spares and tooling equipment acquired as part of the signing of a large hardware and maintenance deal in a new customer vertical.

The remaining GBP2.1m of spend was in line with expectations and previous periods, and represented further expenditure in respect of IT development, including additional investment in a consolidated customer portal service, expanding on the existing Synapse functionality and investments in the existing CRM platform to improve our service to customers and reduce operating costs.

In 2016 we expect capital expenditure to reduce back to routine underlying levels, with some additional investment required across our product portfolio's, including software development to ensure our unique proposition is consistent across all service lines.

Dividend per share

The Board has proposed a final dividend of 10.9 pence per share (2014: 9.6 pence per share) making a total ordinary dividend of 16.4 pence per share for the full year (2014: 14.5 pence per share).

The dividend will be paid on 29 January 2016 to shareholders on the register as of 4 January 2016.

Principal risks and uncertainties

Managing the financial, operational and reputational risks across our business and operations is critical to our success. Below we highlight the identified key areas of risk that are monitored on an ongoing basis. The Group's Risk Management Framework requires a regular review of the key risks facing the Group.

Contracts with suppliers

The Group resells the products of its suppliers and whilst many of the Group's products are supplier agnostic and there exists a freedom to substitute various suppliers' products, the Group acknowledges that it has reliance in particular on the contracts with the mobile networks, O2 and Vodafone. Both managed service agreements run until March 2018.

The Group mitigates this risk by maintaining strong relationships with its suppliers at various levels of the business, as well as paying close attention to ensuring the expectations of suppliers are met, and where possible exceeded.

Acquisition integration

The Group has set out that its strategy includes the acquisition of businesses where they are earnings enhancing. The Board acknowledges that there is a risk of operational disturbance in the course of integrating acquired businesses with existing operations. The Group mitigates this risk by careful planning, rigorous due diligence and segregation of the target operations where possible. Where there is full integration of acquired businesses, the Group receives a report on the effectiveness of the integration and variances from business plan. All acquisitions to date have been fully integrated, with the exception of Aurora (AKJ Limited) where an independent IT infrastructure is essential to its client offering.

Technological change

The Group operates in a market of rapid and dynamic technology changes, and there is a risk that the Group fails to secure the necessary contracts to supply its customers with a new technology (disruptive) which substitutes existing technology. The Group mitigates this risk by maintaining close relationships with its suppliers, and by employing a Product development team whose duties include research, review and procurement of appropriate new technology products for testing prior to release to our customers.

Ability to continue to attract and retain key sales and customer management executives

Ability to continue to attract and retain key sales and client management executives - the Group is a direct sales and marketing business and whilst the revenues of the Group are largely recurring on a monthly basis, the Group depends on being able to recruit and retain staff of the right calibre in order to win and service key contracts. The Group has sought to mitigate this risk by investing in a succession and training plan for career development, and improving the employee benefits and remuneration over the last 3 years, including commissions, and specifically share options and pension contributions. The Board monitors the results of exit interviews, recruitment statistics and staff attrition by department on a regular basis.

Regulatory risk

The Group acknowledges that the pricing of products and services can be affected by regulatory bodies in the UK and the EU. In recent years, usage pricing from fixed to mobile destinations and EU Roaming mobile voice and data retail prices have been substantially altered. The Board believes that where the pricing regulations are directed at wholesale prices, the Group is more able to mitigate the risk through its own buying and pricing policies. Where the regulator imposes price caps at the retail level, the Group is more exposed to a reduction in margin where the operators do not substantially reduce their wholesale prices. The Group mitigates the risks by careful and detailed research on the future regulations, and has been involved in lobbying where applicable. The Group will assess each risk and build it into its forecasts of income as soon as possible and will amend its pricing policies accordingly.

IT environment and control risk

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The Group is increasingly dependent on IT systems for delivering its products and services and for retaining customers, as well as for running the operations of the Group. To date, the Group has used its own internal expertise together with external consultants, where necessary, to build its own IT infrastructure and software products, and is continuing to invest each year in improving its systems and adding more resilience. The Board believes the Group mitigates the IT control risks in a number of ways. Firstly, it employs a broad range of highly skilled IT personnel and ensures that there is a succession and retention plan associated with these highly talented individuals. Secondly, the Board directs its external auditors to focus on the IT environment in its control testing at the annual audit, and also instructs additional internal audit where required. Recommendations from both sets of audits are tracked through by the Board. Thirdly, the Group operates best practise in its adherence with standards issued by the International Organisation for Standardisation and the British Standards Institute. Currently, the Group has accreditation for: - ISO 27001: Information Security Management; ISO9001: Quality Management; ISO 14001: Environmental Management; ISO20000 Service Management and ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management in the majority of its operating divisions. In order to retain these accreditations, the IT control environment is regularly reviewed by the British Standards Institute.

The Board is confident that there is a satisfactory framework for monitoring, assessing and reporting on these risks. There is also a robust regular framework for reporting on predictive KPIs in the business.

Gavin Griggs

Chief Financial Officer

8 December 2015


For the year ended 30 September 2015

                                                   Year            Year 
                                                  ended           ended 
                                                     30    30 September 
                                              September            2014 
                                                   2015      (Restated) 
                                      Note      GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Revenue                                        146,816         134,413 
 Cost of sales                                 (86,113)        (79,101) 
-----------------------------------  -----  -----------  -------------- 
 Gross profit                                    60,703          55,312 
 Operating costs                               (45,603)        (43,772) 
-----------------------------------  -----  -----------  -------------- 
 Operating profit                                15,100          11,540 
 Operating profit - analysed:          7 
 Adjusted operating profit                       19,194          17,593 
 Share based payments                           (1,309)           (510) 
 Amortisation of intangible assets 
  (excluding computer software)                 (3,698)         (3,496) 
 Income from property exit                        3,299               - 
 Restructuring, acquisition and 
  associated costs                              (2,386)         (2,047) 
-----------------------------------  -----  -----------  -------------- 
 Operating profit                                15,100          11,540 
 Finance income                                       3              25 
 Finance costs                                  (1,297)         (1,202) 
-----------------------------------  -----  -----------  -------------- 
 Profit before taxation                          13,806          10,363 
 Taxation                                       (2,339)         (2,285) 
 Profit and total comprehensive 
  income for the year                            11,467           8,078 
-----------------------------------  -----  -----------  -------------- 
 Earnings per ordinary share: 
 Basic                                 4          23.8p           16.9p 
-----------------------------------  -----  -----------  -------------- 
 Diluted                                          23.3p           16.6p 
-----------------------------------  -----  -----------  -------------- 


As at 30 September 2015

                                         30 September    30 September 
                                                 2015            2014 
                                Notes         GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                5            73,166          76,745 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                                     4,917           2,319 
 Investments                                        -               - 
 Deferred tax asset                               559           1,446 
 Property deposits                                280             154 
                                               78,922          80,664 
-----------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Current assets 
 Asset held for sale                                -           1,401 
 Inventories                                    1,293             327 
 Trade and other receivables                   28,288          26,788 
 Cash and cash equivalents                      2,362           3,793 
                                               31,943          32,309 
-----------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total assets                                 110,865         112,973 
-----------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Called up share capital                           62              62 
 Share premium                                  6,600           6,563 
 Capital redemption 
  reserve                                           8               8 
 Merger reserve                                 2,749           2,749 
 Retained earnings                             33,249          27,728 
 Total equity                                  42,668          37,110 
-----------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                     6,598           5,111 
 Current tax liabilities                        2,211           1,146 
 Trade and other payables                      41,201          37,079 
                                               50,010          43,336 
-----------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                    14,500          27,970 
 Deferred tax liabilities                       3,687           4,557 
                                               18,187          32,527 
-----------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total liabilities                             68,197          75,863 
-----------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total equity and 
  liabilities                                 110,865         112,973 
-----------------------------  ------  --------------  -------------- 


                                     up                                         Capital 
                                  share                   Share              redemption                  Merger                Retained     Total 
                                capital                 premium                 reserve                 reserve                earnings    equity 
                                     a)                      b)                      c)                      d) 
                                GBP'000                 GBP'000                 GBP'000                 GBP'000                 GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Balance at 30 
  2013                               62                   6,534                       8                   2,749                  25,783    35,136 
 Shares issued                        -                      29                       -                       -                       -        29 
 IFRS2 share 
  payments                            -                       -                       -                       -                     419       419 
 Deferred tax 
  share options                       -                       -                       -                       -                      12        12 
 Profit for the 
  year and 
  income                              -                       -                       -                       -                   8,078     8,078 
 Dividends paid                       -                       -                       -                       -                 (6,564)   (6,564) 
---------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 
  2014                               62                   6,563                       8                   2,749                  27,728    37,110 
 Shares issued                                               37                                                                                37 
 Reissue of 
  by the trust                                                                                                                      277       277 
 IFRS2 share 
  payments                                                                                                                        1,078     1,078 
 Deferred tax 
  share options                                                                                                                       4         4 
 Profit for the 
  year and 

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  income                                                                                                                         11,467    11,467 
 Dividends paid                                                                                                                 (7,305)   (7,305) 
---------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 
  2015                               62                   6,600                       8                   2,749                  33,249    42,668 
---------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  -------- 

a) the balance classified as share capital includes the proceeds arising on issue of the Company's equity share capital, comprising 0.125p ordinary shares and the cancellation of shares purchased during the year.

b) Share premium represents the difference between the fair value consideration received and nominal value of shares issued.

   c)         Capital redemption reserve arose from the purchase of own share capital. 

d) The merger reserve results from the previous acquisitions of Integrated Communications for Business (UK) Limited, Aurora Kendrick James Limited, Scalable Communications plc and The Telecom Centre Limited. This represents the difference between the value of the shares acquired (nominal value plus related share premium) and the nominal value of the shares issued.


For the year ended 30 September 2015

                                                                  Year                  Year 
                                                                 ended                 ended 
                                                          30 September          30 September 
                                                                  2015                  2014 
                                          Notes                GBP'000               GBP'000 
---------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Cash generated from operations             6                   21,879                16,167 
 Income tax paid                                               (1,247)               (1,376) 
 Net cash generated from operating 
  activities                                                    20,632                14,791 
---------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                                                (4,020)                 (846) 
 Purchase of intangible assets                                 (1,295)               (1,230) 
 Proceeds from sale of property, 
  plant and equipment                                            3,800                     - 
 Interest received                                                   3                    25 
 Purchase of subsidiary undertakings 
  (net of cash acquired)                                             -              (50,880) 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                                   (1,512)              (52,931) 
---------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Interest paid                                                 (1,298)               (1,070) 
 Dividends paid                             3                  (7,305)               (6,564) 
 Proceeds from issue of share 
  capital                                                           37                    29 
 Transaction costs in relation 
  to loan facility                                                   -                 (724) 
 Proceeds from borrowings                                            -                35,000 
 Repayments of borrowings                                     (11,985)               (2,668) 
 Net cash (used in)/received 
  from financing activities                                   (20,551)                24,003 
---------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -------------------- 
 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                         (1,431)              (14,137) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  start of year                                                  3,793                17,930 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of year                                                    2,362                 3,793 
---------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  -------------------- 


   1   Basis of preparation 

Alternative Networks plc is a company incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom under the Companies Act 2006. The address of the registered office is 5th Floor, 240 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NW. The shares of the Company are listed on the Alternative Investment Market.

This financial information is abridged and has been extracted from the Group's full financial statements for the years ended 30 September 2015 and 2014.

The Group's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU and IFRIC interpretations and the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

Full financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2014 (which received an unqualified audit report) have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. Financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2015 were approved by the Board of Directors on 8 December 2015 and will be presented to the Members at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

The Group offers discounts to Mobile customers which have previously been treated as adjustments to cost of sales due to the nature of the incentive written into contractual agreements. In light of changes in the contractual agreements these amounts are now treated as adjustments to revenue. This change has resulted in a reduction in revenue and a corresponding reduction in cost of sales in the current year of GBP4.3m. Separately, in order to bring the basis of reported margins in the Telephony Services segment in line with the Advanced Solutions segment, certain costs have been reclassified from operating costs to cost of sales, resulting in an increase in cost of sales in the current year of GBP1.4m.

In order to aid the comparability of amounts included in these financial statements, adjustments to revenue and cost of sales of GBP3.4m and GBP1.5m have been applied to the comparative year for discounts to customers and cost reclassification respectively. Accordingly, operating costs have been reduced by GBP1.5m. There are no earnings per share or equity impacts arising from these adjustments in any period presented in these financial statements.

   2   Segmental information 

IFRS 8, "Operating Segments" requires identification of the Group's segments on the basis of the internal reporting about components of the Group that is regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker to allocate resources and to assess performance.

The chief operating decision maker has been identified as the Board. The Board reviews the Group's internal reporting in order to assess performance and allocate resources. The Board assesses the performance of the operating segments based on revenue and gross profit. The reportable segments of the Group are Telephony Services and Advanced Solutions.

Telephony Services consists of the Group's Fixed Voice and Mobile Voice services. Advanced Solutions includes the installation and maintenance of telephone systems, the integration of computer networks, the provision of managed hosting solutions and the provision of billing facilities.

 For the year ended 30 
  September 2015 
                                    Telephony     Advanced 
                                     Services    Solutions      Total 
                                      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Total segment revenue                 68,941       78,189    147,130 
 Inter segment revenue                      -        (314)      (314) 
 Revenue from external 
  customers                            68,941       77,876    146,816 
------------------------  -------------------  -----------  --------- 
 Gross Profit                          31,368       29,335     60,703 
 Operating costs                                             (45,603) 
 Finance income                                                     3 
 Finance costs                                                (1,297) 
 Profit before taxation                                        13,806 
------------------------  -------------------  -----------  --------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                               22,051 
------------------------  -------------------  -----------  --------- 
 For the year ended 30 September 
  2014 (restated) 
                                            Telephony     Advanced 
                                             Services    Solutions      Total 
                                              GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Total segment revenue                         71,760       63,215    134,975 
 Inter segment revenue                              -        (562)      (562) 
 Revenue from external customers               71,760       62,653    134,413 
---------------------------------  ------------------  -----------  --------- 
 Gross Profit                                  31,099       24,213     55,312 
 Operating costs                                                     (43,772) 
 Finance income                                                            25 
 Finance costs                                                        (1,202) 

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 Profit before taxation                                                10,363 
---------------------------------  ------------------  -----------  --------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                                       19,591 
---------------------------------  ------------------  -----------  --------- 

Assets and liabilities, operating profit, finance income, finance costs and taxation are not disclosed by segment as they are not reported to the chief operating decision maker.

Transactions with the largest customer of the Company are less than 10% of Group revenue.

All sales have taken place within the United Kingdom and those between segments are all carried out on arm's length basis.

All non-current assets are located within the United Kingdom.

   3   Dividends 
                                      30 September   30 September 
                                              2015           2014 
                                           GBP'000        GBP'000 
 2014 Final Paid - 9.60p (2013: 
  8.60p) per 0.125p ordinary 
  share                                      4,643          4,194 
 2015 First Interim Paid - 5.50p 
  (2014:4.90p) per 0.125p ordinary 
  share                                      2,662          2,370 
                                             7,305          6,564 
-----------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

The 2014 proposed final dividend of 9.60 pence per 0.125p ordinary share (2013: 8.60 pence) was paid on 30 January 2015. The amount of dividend paid was GBP4,643,000 (2014: GBP4,194,000).

The Company paid a 2015 interim dividend of 5.50 pence per 0.125p ordinary share (2014: 4.90 pence), with a total payment value of GBP2,662,000 (2014: GBP2,370,000). This was paid on 15 July 2015 to shareholders on the register on 19 June 2015.

The Directors are proposing a final dividend in respect of the financial year ended 30 September 2015 of 10.9 pence per 0.125p ordinary share (2014: 9.60 pence) which will require an estimated GBP5,280,000 of shareholders' funds (2014: GBP4,644,000). Assuming it is approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 27 January 2016, it will be paid on 29 January 2016 to shareholders who are on the register of members at 4 January 2016 with an "ex-dividend" date of 31 December 2015.

   4   Earnings per share 

The calculation of basic and fully diluted earnings per ordinary share is based on the profit attributable to owners of the Company divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The Group has one category of potential ordinary shares: those share options granted to employees where the exercise price is less than the average price of the Company's ordinary share during the year.

The profit and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

 Basic and 
 fully diluted      Profit attributable to owners of the              Weighted average of 
 earnings per                                    company       GBP0.00125 ordinary shares             Per share amount 
 share                                           GBP'000                           Number                        Pence 
---------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2015 Earnings 
  per share - 
  basic                                           11,467                       48,212,619                         23.8 
  shares                                               -                          940,364                        (0.5) 
 2015 Earnings 
  per share - 
  diluted                                         11,467                       49,152,983                         23.3 
---------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2014 Earnings 
  per share - 
  basic                                            8,078                       47,709,701                         16.9 
  shares                                               -                          888,307                        (0.3) 
 2014 Earnings 
  per share - 
  diluted                                          8,078                       48,598,008                         16.6 
---------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------  --------------------------- 

The adjusted EPS is based on the adjusted profit after tax as set out in note 7, and the weighted average number of shares as described above.

 Basic and 
 fully diluted                                                        Weighted average of 
 earnings per                                                  GBP0.00125 ordinary shares             Per share amount 
 share                    Adjusted profit after taxation                           Number                        Pence 
---------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2015 Earnings 
  per share - 
  basic                                           13,681                       48,212,619                         28.4 
  shares                                               -                          940,364                        (0.6) 
 2015 Earnings 
  per share - 
  diluted                                         13,681                       49,152,983                         27.8 
---------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 2014 Earnings 
  per share - 
  basic                                           12,852                       47,709,701                         26.9 
  shares                                               -                          888,307                        (0.5) 
 2014 Earnings 
  per share - 
  diluted                                         12,852                       48,598,008                         26.4 
---------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------  --------------------------- 

Share option costs included within adjusted profit attributable to owners of the company are reducing the earnings per share in 2015 by 2.7p (2014: 1.1p).

There were 49,729,817 shares in issue at 30 September 2015 (2014: 49,688,544). The weighted average number of shares during the year was 48,212,619 (2014: 47,709,701).

   5   Intangible assets 
                                   Purchased               Computer                       Customer              Trade             Technology        Goodwill         Total 
                                    customer               software                      contracts              names 
                                   contracts                                     and relationships 
                                     GBP'000                GBP'000                        GBP'000            GBP'000                GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
--------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------  ---------------------  --------------  ------------ 
 At 1 October 
  2013                                 1,662                  3,363                         11,231                757                  1,007          19,560        37,580 
 Additions                                 -                  1,230                              -                  -                      -               -         1,230 
 Acquisitions                              -                    461                         21,203                  -                    890          32,347        54,901 
--------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------  ---------------------  --------------  ------------ 
 At 30 
  2014                                 1,662                  5,054                         32,434                757                  1,897          51,907        93,711 
 Additions                                 -                  1,295                              -                  -                      -               -         1,295 
 Acquisitions                              -                      -                              -                  -                      -               -             - 
 At 30 
  2015                                 1,662                  6,349                         32,434                757                  1,897          51,907        95,006 
--------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------  ---------------------  --------------  ------------ 
 At 1 October 
  2013                                 1,662                  2,208                          7,089                736                    985               -        12,680 
  for the 
  year                                     -                    790                          3,286                 21                    189               -         4,286 
--------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------  ---------------------  --------------  ------------ 
 At 30 
  2014                                 1,662                  2,998                         10,375                757                  1,174               -        16,966 
  for the 
  year                                     -                  1,176                          3,476                  -                    223               -         4,874 
 At 30 

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  2015                                 1,662                  4,174                         13,851                757                  1,397               -        21,840 
--------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------  ---------------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Net book 
 At 30 
  2015                                     -                  2,175                         18,583                  -                    500          51,907        73,166 
--------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------  ---------------------  --------------  ------------ 
 At 30 
  2014                                     -                  2,056                         22,059                  -                    723          51,907        76,745 
--------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------  ---------------------  --------------  ------------ 
 At 30 
  2013                                     -                  1,155                          4,142                 21                     22          19,560        24,900 
--------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------  ---------------------  --------------  ------------ 

Amortisation has been charged through the income statement within operating costs.

The carrying amounts of goodwill by reportable segment are as follows;

                             30 September 2015         30 September 2014 
                                       GBP'000                   GBP'000 
--------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Telephony Services                      5,685                     5,685 
 Advanced Solutions                     46,222                    46,222 
                                        51,907                    51,907 
--------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 

Each operating segment is deemed to be a Cash Generating Unit (CGU), being the lowest level for which cash flows are separately identifiable. Goodwill is attributed to each CGU and reviewed for the purposes of the annual impairment review as this is the level that management monitors goodwill. The Group's operating segments to which goodwill has been allocated are Mobile Voice and Advanced Solutions.

During the year goodwill in respect of each cash generating unit was tested for impairment in accordance with IAS 36. All CGUs were assessed to have a value in use in excess of their respective carrying values, and hence no impairments to goodwill were considered necessary.

The key assumptions in the value in use calculations were:

The forecasts were based on pre-tax cash flows derived from approved budgets for the 2016-2018 financial years. Management believes the forecasts are reasonably achievable based on market performance and its expectations of market developments. The directors consider that the key metric in the forecasts is earnings before interest, tax and amortisation. Subsequent cash flows were extrapolated using a 1.0% (2014: 1.0%) growth rate reflecting an approximate forecasted long term growth rate for the UK economy, the Group's principal market.

The pre-tax discount rate used to assess the carrying value of goodwill is 9.7% (2014: 10.0%) which approximates the Group's weighted average cost of capital. This discount rate has been calculated on a consistent basis.

The review performed at the year-end did not result in the impairment of goodwill for any cash generating unit as the estimated recoverable amount exceeded the carrying amount in all cases. The Group undertakes sensitivity analysis based on reasonably possible changes in assumptions by increasing the weighted average cost of capital and reducing future growth expectations in the model. The results of this analysis show no indication of impairment.

   6   Cash generated from operations 
                                         Year ended      Year ended 
                                       30 September    30 September 
                                               2015            2014 
                                            GBP'000         GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Operating Profit                            15,100          11,540 
 Adjustments for 
 Depreciation of property, plant 
  and equipment                               1,681           1,208 
 Amortisation of intangible assets            4,874           4,286 
 Employee share scheme charges                1,309             419 
 (Profit)/loss on sale of tangible 
  assets                                    (2,399)               2 
 Movements in working capital 
 Inventories                                  (966)           (144) 
 Trade and other receivables                (1,594)              95 
 Trade and other payables                     3,874         (1,239) 
 Cash generated from operations              21,879          16,167 
-----------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                        30 September   30 September 
 Consolidated movement of net                                   2015           2014 
  debt:                                                      GBP'000        GBP'000 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                (1,431)       (14,137) 
 Capitalisation of loan fees                                       -            724 
 Net decrease/(increase) in borrowings                        12,183       (32,955) 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------- 
 Total cash flows in net debt                                 10,752       (46,368) 
 Amortisation of loan fees                                     (197)          (132) 
 Net debt at beginning of year                              (29,289)         17,211 
 Net debt at end of year                                    (18,735)       (29,289) 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------- 
   7   Reconciliation to adjusted performance 
                                                                 30 September 2015                   30 September 2014 
  (a) Reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA                                    GBP'000                             GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 Profit before tax                                                          13,806                              10,363 
 Amortisation of purchased customer contracts and other 
  intangibles (excluding computer software)                                  3,698                               3,496 
 Share based payments and associated social security expense                 1,309                                 510 
 Income from property exit                                                 (3,299)                                   - 
 Restructuring, acquisition and associated costs ( c )                       2,386                               2,047 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 Adjusted profit before tax                                                 17,900                              16,416 
 Finance income                                                                (3)                                (25) 
 Finance costs                                                               1,297                               1,202 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 Adjusted operating profit                                                  19,194                              17,593 
 Add: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                          1,681                               1,208 
 Add: Amortisation of computer software                                      1,176                                 790 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                                            22,051                              19,591 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------------------- 
                                                                                30 September 2015    30 September 2014 
 (b) Reconciliation of adjusted profits for earnings per share                            GBP'000              GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
 Adjusted profit before tax (see above)                                                    17,900               16,416 
 Less: Share based payments                                                               (1,309)                (510) 
 Less: Taxation per consolidated statement of comprehensive income                        (2,339)              (2,285) 
 Less: Taxation on amortisation of purchased customer contracts and other 
  intangibles (excluding 
  computer software) and exceptionals                                                       (571)                (769) 
 Adjusted profit after tax                                                                 13,681               12,852 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 

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