RNS Number : 2547R


26 June 2020



Report on Payments to Governments for the year 2019


June 2020

Underlying Principles

   1.1   Regulation and Scope of the Report 

This consolidated report on payments to governments (hereinafter, the "Report") was prepared by PJSC LUKOIL pursuant to Cl. 4.3 of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the UK Financial Conduct Authority in relation to the minerals exploration, development and production activities (hereinafter, the "extractive activities"). This Report includes the payments made during the financial year ended at 31 December 2019 in favor of the governments only on behalf of the LUKOIL Group companies (hereinafter, "the Group") (see Section 1.5 hereof) that conduct extractive activities, and does not include the payments made by the LUKOIL Group companies that do not conduct such activities.

The Report contains the following:

) information on all the respective payments the Group is responsible for made by the Group companies to the governments;

b) information on all the respective payments to the governments, if a Group company participates in the project as the operator.

Should the respective payments be made by the third party operator, such payments are not included in the Report.

The Report is based on the provision that the extractive activities will be ceased as the resource (for instance, oil) is transported from the extraction point to the immediate sales point (or the place where it can be marketed for the first time). Thus, export or transportation of oil, gas or other minerals is not covered by the Report requirements.

   1.2   Currency of the Report 

The presentation currency of the Report, as well as that of PJSC LUKOIL's consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (hereinafter, "IFRS") is the Russian ruble. The financial values presented in the Russian rubles were rounded to the nearest million.

The payments in foreign currencies were translated into the Russian rubles at the annual average exchange rate.

   1.3   Terms: Government 

For the purposes of the Report the term "government" means any national, federal and local authorities, ministries and agencies authorized to collect taxes, budgetary and other payments pursuant to the applicable laws in effect as of the time a contribution or payment becomes due. In the context of this Report the governments also include organizations, commercial enterprises and other legal entities authorized to collect taxes, charges and other payments in favor of the governments.

   1.4   Terms: Payment 

The Report includes all direct, indirect and non-monetary (in kind) forms of payments made to the governments.

For the purposes of this Report "payment" includes:

a) Taxes levied on income, production or profit of the company (mineral extraction tax; profit tax, including the profit tax paid by PJSC LUKOIL for its production subsidiaries as part of the consolidated taxpayers' group; property tax; water tax; land tax; transport tax; social security taxes and contributions to governmental non-budgetary funds; regular subsoil use payments), except for those stated in point ( h) below. Tax payments are reported net of refunds;

b) Royalties ;

c) License fees, rental fees, entry fees and other considerations for licenses or concessions;

d) Signature, discovery and production bonuses;

e) Production entitlements of the government or its representative (mainly, host government's share of production in the reporting period derived from production sharing agreements);

f) Dividends (other than those specified in paragraph (j) below);

g) Payments for infrastructure improvement (e.g. road, bridge etc.) which are not substantially dedicated for the use of extractive activities.

For the purposes of this Report the following payments are not considered payments to the governments:

h) Taxes on turnover (VAT, sales tax) or withholding taxes deducted from the source by an entity acting as a tax agent (personal income tax);

i) Fines and penalties on taxes paid to the budgets of different levels;

j) Dividends paid to the state shareholders (holders of shares) on the same terms as to the other shareholders;

k) Export duties or other payments related to minerals export and transportation;

l) Expenses on field infrastructure development as part of service contracts reimbursable by the government;

m) Payments made in return for services provided by the government;

n) Payments for infrastructure improvement which are of a social investment in nature (e.g. school or hospital).

No dividends (f) payments were made to the governments in 2019.

   1.5   Companies covered by the Report 

For the purposes hereof the Group companies are its directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries, as well as the shares under the production sharing agreements and the joint operations consolidated proportionally to the Group's share in the assets, liabilities, income and expenditures, where the party representing PJSC LUKOIL is an operator of such joint operations. Should such Group company not be the operator, but make payments to the governments on its behalf, it is included in the Report, and the respective payments are specified. The affiliates, joint ventures and joint operations consolidated using an equity method are not covered by the Report.

This Report is provided with a breakdown into:

a) Jurisdictions in which the Group conducts extractive activities;

b) Projects implemented as part of extractive activities.

For the purposes of this Report, the "project" means:

a) A legal entity engaged in extractive activities in the Russian Federation. This definition of the project as related to the activities in the Russian Federation is based on the existing taxation regime focused on a legal entity rather than on a separate field. Pursuant to the effective tax laws of the Russian Federation, only the mineral extraction tax may be determined for a separate field. All other taxes relate to a legal entity as a whole and cannot be broken down by separate fields.

b) Extractive activities as part of a particular project, contract, license, agreement or another legally binding agreement relating to the production outside the Russian Federation pursuant to which a Group company is obliged to make payments to foreign state authorities.

Thus, the payments information related to the Russian Group companies is given with a breakdown into legal entities, while that related to foreign companies - with a breakdown into projects and jurisdictions.

If a Russian Group company conducts different operations (including extractive activities), while a portion of the tax liabilities immediately related to the above operations cannot be singled out, then the whole aggregate tax payment is included in the Report.

   1.6   Materiality of the Amounts Included in the Report 

For the purposes of this Report the list of payments includes the payments which exceed, individually or in aggregate, 7.1 million of Russian rubles (around 86,000.00 GBP) within one financial year. If the total amount paid to a certain country does not exceed the above threshold, the payments made to such country are not included in the Report.

Table 1. Distribution of payments per jurisdiction and oil and gas project

                                                                                                                           Mln RUB 
                                     Taxes           Royalties   License    Government    Infrastructure   Bonuses          Total 
                                                                 payments   entitlement     improvement 
                                                                               to a          payments 
                                                                            portion of 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 OOO LUKOIL-Western 
  Siberia                                  429,945           -      1,224             -                -         -                431,169 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 OOO LUKOIL-PERM                           190,149           -        840             -                -         -                190,989 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 OOO LUKOIL-Komi                           180,308           -        628             -                -         -                180,936 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 OOO RITEK                                  64,174           -      8,555             -                -         -                 72,729 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft                   59,881           -          -             -                -         -                 59,881 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 OOO LUKOIL-AIK                             19,777           -          9             -                -         -                 19,786 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 OOO UralOil                                 7,191           -         24             -                -         -                  7,215 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 OOO LUKOIL-KMN                              6,289           -          -             -                -         -                  6,289 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 OOO TURSUNT                                   805           -          -             -                -         -                    805 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
  LUKOIL-Primoryeneftegaz                       49           -          -             -                -         -                     49 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 OOO Yuzhno-Sardakovskoye                       45           -          -             -                -         -                     45 
 Khauzak-Kandym project                      1,537       5,783          -     9,714 (1)                -         -                 17,034 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 Gissar project                                525      12,475          -     4,753 (2)                -         -                 17,753 
 Zhenis project                                  -           -          -             -                -       162                    162 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 Karachaganak project                        6,841           -          -             -                -         -                  6,841 
 WEEM project                              623 (3)           -          -     2,352 (6)                -         -                  2,975 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 WEEM Extension project                     17 (4)           -          -       147 (7)                -         -                    164 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 Meleiha project                           830 (5)           -          -             -                -         -                    830 
                            ======================  ==========  =========  ============                   ======== 
 Block 10 project                                -           -          -             -              937         -                    937 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 West Qurna-2 project                        2,775           -          -             -                -         -                  2,775 
 Block 12 project                               37           -         29             -                -         -                     66 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 LUKOIL Overseas North 
  Shelf AS (projects PL719 
  and PL858)                                 (366)           -          -             -                -         -                  (366) 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 PL 719 project                                  -           -         26             -                -         -                     26 
                                                    ==========  =========  ============                   ======== 
 The Republic of the Congo 
 Marine XII project                        338 (8)     503 (9)          -             -                -         -                    841 
 Gasha project                                   -           -      6,564             -                -         -                  6,564 
                                           971,770      18,761 
 TOTAL                                        (10)        (11)     17,899   16,966 (12)              937       162              1,026,495 
==========================  ======================  ==========  =========  ============  ===============  ========  ===================== 
 (1) Including the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the amount equal to 
  the market price of 5,626 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (2) Including the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the amount equal to 
  the market price of 3,366 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (3) Including payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 178 thousand barrels of oil 
 (4) Including payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 5 thousand barrels of oil 
 (5) Including payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 205 thousand barrels of oil 
 (6) Including the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the amount equal to 
  the market price of 673 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (7) Including the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the amount equal to 
  the market price of 41 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (8) Including payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 53 thousand barrels of oil 
 (9) Including payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 121 thousand barrels of oil 
 (10) The total amount includes payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 441 thousand 
  barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (11) The total amount includes payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 121 thousand 
  barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (12) The total amount includes the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the 
  amount equal to the market price of 9,706 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 

Table 2. Distribution of payments in jurisdictions per government

                                                                                                                                       Mln RUB 
                                         Taxes            Royalties    License      Government      Infrastructure    Bonuses           Total 
                                                                       payments     entitlement       improvement 
                                                                                    to a portion       payments 
                                                                                    of minerals 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Federal Tax Service of the 
  Russian Federation                            958,116           -            -               -                  -         -                 958,116 
 Rosnedra (Federal Agency for 
  Subsoil Management)                                 -           -        9,349               -                  -         -                   9,349 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Municipalities                                       -           -          742               -                  -         -                     742 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Local land and property 
  authorities                                         -           -          554               -                  -         -                     554 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Ministry of Natural Resource 
  and Environmental 
  of Komi Republic                                    -           -          569               -                  -         -                     569 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Pension Fund of the Russian 
  Federation                                        326           -            -               -                  -         -                     326 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Social Insurance Fund of the 
  Russian Federation                                171           -            -               -                  -         -                     171 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Ministry of Natural Resource 
  and Environmental 
  of Perm Territory                                   -           -           66               -                  -         -                      66 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Government of the Republic 
  of Uzbekistan                                       -           -            -      13,046 (1)                  -         -                  13,046 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 State Tax Committee of the 
  Republic of Uzbekistan                          2,062      18,258            -               -                  -         -                  20,320 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 NHC Uzbekneftegaz                                    -           -            -       1,421 (2)                  -         -                   1,421 
 State budget of the Republic 
  of Kazakhstan                                   6,841           -            -               -                  -       162                   7,003 
 To the government through 
  The Egyptian General 
  Petroleum                                       1,453 
  Corporation (EGPC)                                (3)           -            -       2,352 (5)                  -         -                   3,805 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 To the government through 
  Ganoub El Wadi Holding 
  Co (GANOPE)                                    17 (4)           -            -         147 (6)                  -         -                     164 
                               ------------------------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -----------------  -------- 
 Thiqar Oil Company                                   -           -            -               -                937         -                     937 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 General Commission of Tax                        2,775           -            -               -                  -         -                   2,775 
 Fondo Mexicano del 
  para la Estabilización 
  y el Desarrollo                                     -           -           29               -                  -         -                      29 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Servicio de 
  Tributaria                                         37           -            -               -                  -         -                      37 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Norwegian Tax Administration                     (366)           -            -               -                  -         -                   (366) 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 Norwegian Petroleum 
  Directorate                                         -           -           26               -                  -         -                      26 
 The Republic of the Congo 
 Tresor Public                                  338 (7)     503 (8)            -               -                  -         -                     841 
 Supreme Petroleum Council                            -           -        6,564               -                  -         -                   6,564 
                                                971,770      18,761                       16,966 
 TOTAL                                              (9)        (10)       17,899            (11)                937       162               1,026,495 
=============================  ========================  ==========  ===========  ==============  =================  ========  ====================== 
 (1) Including the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the amount equal to 
  the market price of 8,116 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (2) Including the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the amount equal to 
  the market price of 876 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (3) Including payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 383 thousand barrels of oil 
 (4) Including payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 5 thousand barrels of oil 
 (5) Including the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the amount equal to 
  the market price of 673 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (6) Including the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the amount equal to 
  the market price of 41 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (7) Including payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 53 thousand barrels of oil 
 (8) Including payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 121 thousand barrels of oil 
 (9) The total amount includes payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 441 thousand 
  barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (10) The total amount includes payment in kind in the amount equal to the market price of 121 thousand 
  barrels of oil equivalent. 
 (11) The total amount includes the government's entitlement to a portion of minerals extracted in the 
  amount equal to the market price of 9,706 thousand barrels of oil equivalent. 

PJSC LUKOIL Report on Payments to Governments for the year 2019 has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and is available for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism .

This Report can be also viewed at the Company's website at www.lukoil.com .

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 26, 2020 07:50 ET (11:50 GMT)

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